1 00:00:04,250 --> 00:00:05,500 The next one is coming! 2 00:00:05,708 --> 00:00:07,750 Wind Blast! 3 00:00:15,750 --> 00:00:16,708 Parry! 4 00:00:23,500 --> 00:00:25,416 The more time that I manage to buy, 5 00:00:25,416 --> 00:00:27,791 the better chance Lynne and 6 00:00:25,417 --> 00:00:27,791 the others have to escape! 7 00:00:27,791 --> 00:00:31,291 I'm just gonna run around and 8 00:00:27,792 --> 00:00:31,291 parry everything in front of me! 9 00:00:38,083 --> 00:00:40,375 I finally stopped myself... 10 00:00:45,541 --> 00:00:46,791 What? 11 00:00:46,791 --> 00:00:48,750 Who's this old guy? 12 00:02:22,750 --> 00:02:25,333 Sparkly gold armor and sword. 13 00:02:25,333 --> 00:02:27,708 Even the horse has 14 00:02:25,334 --> 00:02:27,708 sparkly gold riding gear. 15 00:02:28,333 --> 00:02:31,791 Why is he standing around here 16 00:02:28,334 --> 00:02:31,791 in such a noticeable outfit? 17 00:02:31,791 --> 00:02:34,791 He just looks like 18 00:02:31,792 --> 00:02:34,791 an old-timer to me... 19 00:02:38,125 --> 00:02:39,291 Whatever. 20 00:02:39,625 --> 00:02:42,833 Now's not the time 21 00:02:39,626 --> 00:02:42,833 to think about these random things! 22 00:02:46,666 --> 00:02:50,541 I won't stand a chance if these soldiers 23 00:02:46,667 --> 00:02:50,541 gather their weapons 24 00:02:50,541 --> 00:02:52,291 and attack all at once! 25 00:02:54,291 --> 00:02:55,750 All their swords and shields... 26 00:02:55,750 --> 00:02:57,958 I have to do my best 27 00:02:55,751 --> 00:02:57,958 to keep parrying them! 28 00:02:59,166 --> 00:03:01,541 Not sure what that is, 29 00:02:59,167 --> 00:03:01,541 but I gotta get it too! 30 00:03:15,458 --> 00:03:18,625 I really wonder what this old guy 31 00:03:15,459 --> 00:03:18,625 is doing out here. 32 00:03:18,625 --> 00:03:20,166 That bastard again! 33 00:03:20,166 --> 00:03:21,208 Oh, right! 34 00:03:21,208 --> 00:03:24,166 I can't stand here and give the soldiers 35 00:03:21,209 --> 00:03:24,166 time to pick up their weapons! 36 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:38,833 I gotta remember to breathe 37 00:03:35,001 --> 00:03:38,833 every once in a while or I'll pass out! 38 00:03:38,833 --> 00:03:41,041 Hold on, haven't I seen you before? 39 00:03:42,583 --> 00:03:44,708 H-he's gonna kill me! 40 00:03:44,958 --> 00:03:47,958 This sparkly gold old man... 41 00:03:44,959 --> 00:03:47,958 Does he know me? 42 00:03:48,375 --> 00:03:51,000 Nah, I don't think we've met before. 43 00:03:51,333 --> 00:03:54,833 But jeez, it's crazy he's out 44 00:03:51,334 --> 00:03:54,833 on this battlefield. 45 00:03:56,333 --> 00:03:59,375 I don't really see any need 46 00:03:56,334 --> 00:03:59,375 to parry his sword. 47 00:04:00,958 --> 00:04:02,291 No time to think. 48 00:04:02,291 --> 00:04:04,500 I just need to keep doing my part! 49 00:04:30,541 --> 00:04:34,875 Pretty sure that sparkly gold old man 50 00:04:30,542 --> 00:04:34,875 is going to get hurt if he stays there. 51 00:04:36,541 --> 00:04:39,250 Wh-who the hell are you?! 52 00:04:39,250 --> 00:04:41,333 Why haven't you just killed me yet?! 53 00:04:42,125 --> 00:04:43,500 Oh. 54 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:46,833 Does he think I came here 55 00:04:43,501 --> 00:04:46,833 to take his life? 56 00:04:47,416 --> 00:04:49,833 Well, I can't blame him. 57 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:53,333 Th-that weapon... 58 00:04:53,333 --> 00:04:55,583 Don- don't be... 59 00:04:55,958 --> 00:04:58,083 Don't be afraid, old man. 60 00:04:58,500 --> 00:05:02,458 I need something to reassure him. 61 00:04:58,501 --> 00:05:02,458 To let him know I'm not hostile. 62 00:05:05,166 --> 00:05:07,166 Is this working...? 63 00:05:13,583 --> 00:05:14,875 Well, shoot. 64 00:05:14,875 --> 00:05:16,958 I'm not sure he got the message. 65 00:05:24,541 --> 00:05:26,375 Am I at my limit? 66 00:05:26,916 --> 00:05:30,083 Thinking about it, 67 00:05:26,917 --> 00:05:30,083 I was a bit too reckless. 68 00:05:30,416 --> 00:05:34,500 And Low Heal can't do anything 69 00:05:30,417 --> 00:05:34,500 to relieve exhaustion this bad... 70 00:05:39,041 --> 00:05:40,166 Lynne... 71 00:05:40,833 --> 00:05:42,041 Ines... 72 00:05:42,583 --> 00:05:43,791 Rolo... 73 00:05:44,291 --> 00:05:46,500 please escape safely... 74 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:49,916 Shooting Star! 75 00:05:58,083 --> 00:06:00,125 That skill... 76 00:06:07,041 --> 00:06:08,583 Dragrave! 77 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:22,166 Did you come for me, 78 00:06:15,001 --> 00:06:22,166 Gilbird... Alma... 79 00:06:24,291 --> 00:06:25,541 Grillbeer. 80 00:06:25,541 --> 00:06:26,750 It's Gilbert. 81 00:06:30,541 --> 00:06:32,541 You did all this? 82 00:06:34,583 --> 00:06:37,791 Nice of you to 83 00:06:34,584 --> 00:06:37,791 finally join us, Master. 84 00:06:38,041 --> 00:06:39,125 Apologies. 85 00:06:40,333 --> 00:06:41,291 You're... 86 00:06:45,166 --> 00:06:48,125 I don't know who you are, 87 00:06:45,167 --> 00:06:48,125 but thank you. 88 00:06:49,041 --> 00:06:50,791 We'll take care of the rest. 89 00:06:54,041 --> 00:06:56,500 We at least have to handle the cleanup, 90 00:06:56,500 --> 00:06:59,791 or it would stain the honor of the 91 00:06:56,501 --> 00:06:59,791 Sixth Troop of the Royal Capital. 92 00:07:05,291 --> 00:07:07,041 Thousand Blades! 93 00:07:11,208 --> 00:07:13,458 I remember. That's... 94 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:19,875 That's the power of the swordsman 95 00:07:14,751 --> 00:07:19,875 who I've always dreamed of being! 96 00:07:21,666 --> 00:07:22,916 Oh dear. 97 00:07:23,250 --> 00:07:27,416 And after I warned him 98 00:07:23,251 --> 00:07:27,416 against any excessive killing... 99 00:07:27,416 --> 00:07:28,750 Oh ho! 100 00:07:28,750 --> 00:07:34,083 I'd say that's a tall order to make 101 00:07:28,751 --> 00:07:34,083 when we're faced with such a vast army! 102 00:07:34,083 --> 00:07:37,458 Well, corpses won't provide us any intel. 103 00:07:37,458 --> 00:07:40,416 The living are far more cooperative. 104 00:07:40,416 --> 00:07:42,250 Since it's easy to 105 00:07:40,417 --> 00:07:42,250 bring back missing limbs 106 00:07:42,250 --> 00:07:44,291 over and over 107 00:07:42,251 --> 00:07:44,291 with healing magic and all. 108 00:07:46,291 --> 00:07:47,625 That was a joke. 109 00:07:47,625 --> 00:07:51,000 Doesn't quite sound like a joke 110 00:07:47,626 --> 00:07:51,000 when you say it. 111 00:07:51,458 --> 00:07:52,666 Oken. 112 00:07:52,666 --> 00:07:55,000 They should be arriving soon. 113 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:56,000 Get ready. 114 00:07:56,208 --> 00:07:58,041 You don't have to tell me. 115 00:07:58,041 --> 00:08:01,625 We've been strung along 116 00:07:58,042 --> 00:08:01,625 by the enemy long enough. 117 00:08:01,833 --> 00:08:04,041 Now it's my time to shine! 118 00:08:09,291 --> 00:08:11,041 Earth Bind! 119 00:08:11,541 --> 00:08:12,583 What's this?! 120 00:08:12,583 --> 00:08:14,458 I can't move! What the...?! 121 00:08:24,708 --> 00:08:25,958 Oh ho! 122 00:08:25,958 --> 00:08:27,791 Their eyes are red as fire! 123 00:08:27,791 --> 00:08:29,958 You seem like you're enjoying this. 124 00:08:29,958 --> 00:08:31,166 Heh! 125 00:08:31,166 --> 00:08:35,541 A good battle is always riveting, 126 00:08:31,167 --> 00:08:35,541 no matter how old I get! 127 00:08:36,250 --> 00:08:38,791 Now, shall we add the final touches? 128 00:08:41,750 --> 00:08:43,333 Stone Prison. 129 00:08:53,208 --> 00:08:55,708 It's our turn now. Let's go. 130 00:08:58,125 --> 00:09:02,625 Time to save all the survivors 131 00:08:58,126 --> 00:09:02,625 and make them turn over a new leaf. 132 00:09:04,916 --> 00:09:09,416 The instructors that taught me 133 00:09:04,917 --> 00:09:09,416 at the training schools... 134 00:09:16,333 --> 00:09:18,416 I can't believe I get to see them again! 135 00:09:23,416 --> 00:09:26,583 That kid. That has to be... 136 00:09:27,666 --> 00:09:29,916 That's Noor. 137 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:39,083 Thanks, Lynne. 138 00:09:39,083 --> 00:09:41,083 I'm feeling much better now. 139 00:09:41,500 --> 00:09:44,166 Are you sure you're okay? 140 00:09:44,166 --> 00:09:45,750 Shouldn't you rest a bit longer? 141 00:09:46,541 --> 00:09:50,958 Nah, I've rested enough. 142 00:09:46,542 --> 00:09:50,958 I can move again. 143 00:09:50,958 --> 00:09:53,500 I'm really hungry, though. 144 00:09:53,708 --> 00:09:57,041 A commanding officer confessed 145 00:09:53,709 --> 00:09:57,041 under Sain's interrogation. 146 00:09:57,041 --> 00:09:58,333 They have no further troops. 147 00:09:58,750 --> 00:10:01,666 They already threw 148 00:09:58,751 --> 00:10:01,666 everything they had at us, 149 00:10:01,666 --> 00:10:04,583 including the dragon and beasts 150 00:10:01,667 --> 00:10:04,583 that attacked the capital. 151 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:07,375 But it seems the emperor 152 00:10:05,001 --> 00:10:07,375 has escaped. 153 00:10:07,375 --> 00:10:08,666 The emperor? 154 00:10:08,666 --> 00:10:12,166 That decrepit old fogey 155 00:10:08,667 --> 00:10:12,166 showed up on the battlefield? 156 00:10:12,166 --> 00:10:13,125 Yes. 157 00:10:13,125 --> 00:10:15,875 He must have been very confident 158 00:10:13,126 --> 00:10:15,875 in his resources. 159 00:10:16,208 --> 00:10:17,708 Oh ho! 160 00:10:17,708 --> 00:10:21,458 Stupid move for a guy who demands 161 00:10:17,709 --> 00:10:21,458 his people call him a wise ruler! 162 00:10:21,458 --> 00:10:24,333 That geezer must be losing his marbles. 163 00:10:24,333 --> 00:10:27,208 Geezer? You mean that old man? 164 00:10:27,916 --> 00:10:29,041 Hold on. 165 00:10:29,041 --> 00:10:31,208 You know who we're talking about? 166 00:10:31,458 --> 00:10:33,583 Yeah. I met him a little while ago. 167 00:10:34,041 --> 00:10:39,041 The horse he was riding had sparkly 168 00:10:34,042 --> 00:10:39,041 gold gear and he was hard to miss. 169 00:10:39,041 --> 00:10:41,000 Gold on his horse, huh? 170 00:10:41,291 --> 00:10:44,333 Perhaps he was 171 00:10:41,292 --> 00:10:44,333 using orichalcum saddlery. 172 00:10:45,083 --> 00:10:49,916 That's very high-grade equipment that 173 00:10:45,084 --> 00:10:49,916 can support an extensive array of skills. 174 00:10:49,916 --> 00:10:54,000 In which case, it makes sense 175 00:10:49,917 --> 00:10:54,000 how he escaped so quickly. 176 00:10:54,166 --> 00:10:56,791 But jeez, he was all decked out in gold? 177 00:10:56,791 --> 00:10:59,583 His fashion sense is as poor 178 00:10:56,792 --> 00:10:59,583 as his attitude! 179 00:10:59,916 --> 00:11:03,333 If he escapes to the border, 180 00:10:59,917 --> 00:11:03,333 we can't go after him. 181 00:11:03,708 --> 00:11:07,250 There's a fortress as well as a bridge 182 00:11:03,709 --> 00:11:07,250 that spans the ravine over there. 183 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:11,333 There's no hope of catching up to him 184 00:11:07,376 --> 00:11:11,333 by now with normal means. 185 00:11:11,333 --> 00:11:15,416 If only there was a way 186 00:11:11,334 --> 00:11:15,416 for us to all fly... 187 00:11:15,416 --> 00:11:16,750 Actually... 188 00:11:16,750 --> 00:11:19,000 I think that might be possible. 189 00:11:19,541 --> 00:11:21,333 What do you mean? 190 00:11:22,916 --> 00:11:27,541 Well, only assuming 191 00:11:22,917 --> 00:11:27,541 that it's still alive... 192 00:11:31,291 --> 00:11:33,500 What an incredible sight! 193 00:11:33,500 --> 00:11:37,291 Being able to see a legendary 194 00:11:33,501 --> 00:11:37,291 creature up close and personal! 195 00:11:37,291 --> 00:11:39,958 This makes living 196 00:11:37,292 --> 00:11:39,958 to my old age worth it! 197 00:11:40,291 --> 00:11:41,833 Same here. 198 00:11:41,833 --> 00:11:45,416 This is the first time I've been tasked 199 00:11:41,834 --> 00:11:45,416 with healing such an enormous dragon. 200 00:11:57,666 --> 00:12:02,125 In any case, 201 00:11:57,667 --> 00:12:02,125 you've grown quite a lot, Noor. 202 00:12:02,833 --> 00:12:04,541 I almost didn't recognize you. 203 00:12:04,541 --> 00:12:05,625 What? 204 00:12:06,041 --> 00:12:09,083 This man... is Noor, you say? 205 00:12:09,083 --> 00:12:12,583 Yes. I could tell right away. 206 00:12:12,583 --> 00:12:16,041 Yeah, it's been a long time 207 00:12:12,584 --> 00:12:16,041 since I've seen you two. 208 00:12:16,041 --> 00:12:17,458 Oh ho! 209 00:12:17,458 --> 00:12:20,250 I had no idea it was you at all! 210 00:12:20,250 --> 00:12:22,833 You're much larger than you used to be! 211 00:12:22,833 --> 00:12:25,541 Instructor, you're still 212 00:12:22,834 --> 00:12:25,541 alive and well, huh? 213 00:12:25,541 --> 00:12:26,875 Oh ho? 214 00:12:26,875 --> 00:12:29,708 That's a mean thing to say to my face! 215 00:12:29,708 --> 00:12:33,833 I plan to live another 216 00:12:29,709 --> 00:12:33,833 hundred years, easily! 217 00:12:34,916 --> 00:12:37,083 And your jokes are still funny 218 00:12:34,917 --> 00:12:37,083 after all these years! 219 00:12:37,083 --> 00:12:39,625 Uh, I'm not joking though... 220 00:12:40,916 --> 00:12:42,958 But, listen, Noor... 221 00:12:43,375 --> 00:12:45,583 Are you sure about this? 222 00:12:45,583 --> 00:12:49,958 Having us all ride on the back 223 00:12:45,584 --> 00:12:49,958 of this dragon seems like a bad idea... 224 00:12:49,958 --> 00:12:52,333 You don't have to worry. 225 00:12:52,916 --> 00:12:54,583 We've got Rolo with us. 226 00:12:57,208 --> 00:12:58,708 I see. 227 00:12:58,708 --> 00:13:02,250 Rolo, my boy, are you confident 228 00:12:58,709 --> 00:13:02,250 in this ability of yours? 229 00:13:04,583 --> 00:13:07,125 N-no, I have no confidence at all. 230 00:13:07,625 --> 00:13:09,625 Oh ho?! 231 00:13:09,625 --> 00:13:11,458 It's okay, Instructor. 232 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:13,208 It may not look it, but Rolo is- 233 00:13:16,500 --> 00:13:18,750 It seems the dragon is coming to. 234 00:13:20,666 --> 00:13:23,458 Are we truly going to be okay?! 235 00:13:23,458 --> 00:13:26,208 Yeah! Rolo, you've got this. 236 00:13:26,208 --> 00:13:28,000 O-okay. 237 00:13:39,791 --> 00:13:42,375 Ah, I see. It's angry. 238 00:13:43,250 --> 00:13:44,541 You can understand it?! 239 00:13:44,541 --> 00:13:46,708 Only enough to tell its mood 240 00:13:44,542 --> 00:13:46,708 from how it sounds. 241 00:13:46,708 --> 00:13:48,666 I've lived in the mountains 242 00:13:46,709 --> 00:13:48,666 for a long time. 243 00:13:49,541 --> 00:13:53,083 It seems to want revenge. 244 00:13:53,083 --> 00:13:55,875 It wants you to order it to get some. 245 00:13:55,875 --> 00:13:57,416 Wh-what?! 246 00:13:57,416 --> 00:14:00,625 You have that much control 247 00:13:57,417 --> 00:14:00,625 over this dragon?! 248 00:14:00,625 --> 00:14:03,875 Extraordinary! 249 00:14:00,626 --> 00:14:03,875 Absolutely extraordinary! 250 00:14:03,875 --> 00:14:06,000 Yeah, Rolo is amazing. 251 00:14:06,250 --> 00:14:08,583 No, that isn't true. 252 00:14:08,583 --> 00:14:10,500 This dragon thinks Noor is- 253 00:14:14,333 --> 00:14:16,833 It says it wants to go now. 254 00:14:16,833 --> 00:14:18,000 All right. 255 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:19,666 Everyone catching a ride, get ready. 256 00:14:19,666 --> 00:14:20,583 Okay. 257 00:14:24,583 --> 00:14:26,791 Lynne and Ines, you're coming too? 258 00:14:26,791 --> 00:14:27,666 Yeah. 259 00:14:27,666 --> 00:14:32,000 No one can talk to the dragon 260 00:14:27,667 --> 00:14:32,000 if Rolo doesn't go, 261 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:35,125 so Ines and I will guard him. 262 00:14:35,375 --> 00:14:37,541 You'll be joining us too, 263 00:14:35,376 --> 00:14:37,541 right, Instructor? 264 00:14:37,916 --> 00:14:38,875 Me? 265 00:14:41,208 --> 00:14:43,750 Well... I guess I could. 266 00:14:45,958 --> 00:14:49,875 I'm afraid of heights, though. 267 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:53,791 But I'm the one who came up with the idea 268 00:14:50,292 --> 00:14:53,791 and dragged Rolo into this, 269 00:14:53,791 --> 00:14:57,250 so it'd be really awkward 270 00:14:53,792 --> 00:14:57,250 if I don't tag along. 271 00:14:58,125 --> 00:15:01,166 No, but still... I mean, uh... 272 00:15:03,458 --> 00:15:04,708 Okay then. 273 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:07,416 I'm... going too. 274 00:15:07,708 --> 00:15:09,208 Thank you so much! 275 00:15:09,208 --> 00:15:11,958 You being with us is like having 276 00:15:09,209 --> 00:15:11,958 the strength of a hundred people! 277 00:15:11,958 --> 00:15:13,708 I'm coming as well. 278 00:15:14,541 --> 00:15:17,750 I have a responsibility to look after 279 00:15:14,542 --> 00:15:17,750 my patient until it's fully recovered. 280 00:15:17,750 --> 00:15:21,000 Plus, we specialize in diplomacy. 281 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:22,666 Right, Carew? 282 00:15:22,958 --> 00:15:24,916 Don't lump me in with you. 283 00:15:24,916 --> 00:15:28,333 I don't try and intimidate people 284 00:15:24,917 --> 00:15:28,333 with mischief. 285 00:15:29,291 --> 00:15:30,791 You're... 286 00:15:33,416 --> 00:15:35,166 the thief class instructor! 287 00:15:35,166 --> 00:15:36,416 You're coming with us? 288 00:15:36,541 --> 00:15:40,208 Yes, if you're going to fly 289 00:15:36,542 --> 00:15:40,208 on this large of a beast, 290 00:15:40,208 --> 00:15:42,416 then you will need 291 00:15:40,209 --> 00:15:42,416 the Concealment skill. 292 00:15:42,416 --> 00:15:44,875 I'll be in charge of that part. 293 00:15:44,875 --> 00:15:46,416 Good point! 294 00:15:46,416 --> 00:15:48,250 I'll come along to help, too! 295 00:15:48,250 --> 00:15:52,666 Oken, you need to supervise 296 00:15:48,251 --> 00:15:52,666 the stone cage, don't you? 297 00:15:52,666 --> 00:15:54,416 Okay, fine. 298 00:15:54,875 --> 00:15:56,250 Let me go as well. 299 00:15:57,791 --> 00:15:59,833 You'll need a negotiator, I believe. 300 00:15:59,833 --> 00:16:02,208 Brother! Father! 301 00:16:02,458 --> 00:16:03,916 I'm so glad you're safe! 302 00:16:04,875 --> 00:16:07,208 Guess you've been worried about us. 303 00:16:07,541 --> 00:16:09,708 I'm glad to see you're safe as well. 304 00:16:11,416 --> 00:16:13,958 You chose to come back 305 00:16:11,417 --> 00:16:13,958 instead of going to Mithra, right? 306 00:16:13,958 --> 00:16:14,750 Yes. 307 00:16:14,750 --> 00:16:17,708 I will accept any punishment 308 00:16:14,751 --> 00:16:17,708 for disobeying your order. 309 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:20,250 No. 310 00:16:20,250 --> 00:16:23,333 It's my fault for giving 311 00:16:20,251 --> 00:16:23,333 such an idiotic order. 312 00:16:25,250 --> 00:16:27,041 I'm glad you made it back. 313 00:16:31,541 --> 00:16:35,791 Rein, you're in charge of making 314 00:16:31,542 --> 00:16:35,791 any judgment calls out there. 315 00:16:35,791 --> 00:16:38,208 And also... Sir Noor. 316 00:16:39,833 --> 00:16:42,208 I apologize for continuously 317 00:16:39,834 --> 00:16:42,208 asking for your help, 318 00:16:42,208 --> 00:16:44,958 but please take care of these two. 319 00:16:45,541 --> 00:16:46,666 Sure! 320 00:16:46,666 --> 00:16:48,041 Don't worry. 321 00:16:48,041 --> 00:16:49,708 We'll come back safe and sound. 322 00:16:50,458 --> 00:16:52,041 I'm counting on you. 323 00:16:57,958 --> 00:17:00,208 Okay, fly. 324 00:17:09,750 --> 00:17:12,250 Are you sure you're okay with this? 325 00:17:12,458 --> 00:17:16,750 I mean, shouldn't you have 326 00:17:12,459 --> 00:17:16,750 said something to Noor? 327 00:17:18,041 --> 00:17:20,500 We finally found him after all this time. 328 00:17:21,375 --> 00:17:26,000 The fact of the matter is, he never really 329 00:17:21,376 --> 00:17:26,000 needed us to play a role in his life. 330 00:17:26,291 --> 00:17:30,541 The idea that we could take him in 331 00:17:26,292 --> 00:17:30,541 and raise him... 332 00:17:30,541 --> 00:17:32,833 we were just high on our own hubris. 333 00:17:33,083 --> 00:17:34,583 No kidding. 334 00:17:34,583 --> 00:17:38,000 He was like a hero 335 00:17:34,584 --> 00:17:38,000 straight out of the legends. 336 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:40,208 Makes me feel like a laughingstock. 337 00:17:40,833 --> 00:17:41,916 Right now, I... 338 00:17:47,875 --> 00:17:51,333 I am deeply ashamed 339 00:17:47,876 --> 00:17:51,333 of my own laziness. 340 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:55,250 I shouldn't have been wasting time 341 00:17:55,250 --> 00:17:57,875 thinking I was in any position 342 00:17:55,251 --> 00:17:57,875 to teach others. 343 00:17:59,041 --> 00:18:00,833 I'm going to retrain myself 344 00:17:59,042 --> 00:18:00,833 from scratch. 345 00:18:01,083 --> 00:18:04,375 Now that I've been made aware 346 00:18:01,084 --> 00:18:04,375 of my own shortcomings, 347 00:18:04,375 --> 00:18:07,833 I can't rest on my laurels 348 00:18:04,376 --> 00:18:07,833 and let my sword rust. 349 00:18:07,958 --> 00:18:12,083 For a guy who's "deeply ashamed," 350 00:18:07,959 --> 00:18:12,083 you seem pretty darn happy. 351 00:18:12,375 --> 00:18:13,833 Obviously. 352 00:18:13,833 --> 00:18:16,416 Just think of the 353 00:18:13,834 --> 00:18:16,416 spectacle he showed us. 354 00:18:16,416 --> 00:18:18,500 Yeah, you're right. 355 00:18:18,500 --> 00:18:20,583 After being shown something like that... 356 00:18:21,416 --> 00:18:22,833 who wouldn't be? 357 00:18:34,166 --> 00:18:35,666 Have you found anything? 358 00:18:35,666 --> 00:18:36,791 No. 359 00:18:36,791 --> 00:18:39,875 Any luck over there, Lady Lynneburg? 360 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:42,208 Not a thing. 361 00:18:51,541 --> 00:18:53,916 He's much faster than I imagined. 362 00:18:53,916 --> 00:18:58,041 Worst case scenario, he may have 363 00:18:53,917 --> 00:18:58,041 already arrived back at the empire. 364 00:19:01,125 --> 00:19:05,708 It turns into empire-controlled territory 365 00:19:01,126 --> 00:19:05,708 beyond that steel bridge. 366 00:19:05,708 --> 00:19:08,125 We can't recklessly rush in there. 367 00:19:08,125 --> 00:19:12,291 I know we've come this far, 368 00:19:08,126 --> 00:19:12,291 but perhaps we should consider going back. 369 00:19:12,625 --> 00:19:13,791 It's your call. 370 00:19:14,291 --> 00:19:15,458 Let me think... 371 00:19:16,958 --> 00:19:18,041 Over there! 372 00:19:18,041 --> 00:19:19,833 Something's moving at 373 00:19:18,042 --> 00:19:19,833 an extremely high speed! 374 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:27,083 That's definitely him. However... 375 00:19:27,708 --> 00:19:29,875 He's nearing the 376 00:19:27,709 --> 00:19:29,875 imperial capital's defenses. 377 00:19:29,875 --> 00:19:33,083 We won't make it back in one piece 378 00:19:29,876 --> 00:19:33,083 if we cross into their territory. 379 00:19:33,500 --> 00:19:36,208 We are concealed right now, 380 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:41,500 but once they're aware of our existence, 381 00:19:36,209 --> 00:19:41,500 the magic will lose its effectiveness. 382 00:19:41,500 --> 00:19:44,833 True, but letting him escape 383 00:19:41,501 --> 00:19:44,833 is not an option. 384 00:19:45,166 --> 00:19:47,708 They have access to 385 00:19:45,167 --> 00:19:47,708 powerful magical tools 386 00:19:47,708 --> 00:19:50,250 and can use them to greatly 387 00:19:47,709 --> 00:19:50,250 reinforce their military power. 388 00:19:50,583 --> 00:19:53,625 We cannot give them the time 389 00:19:50,584 --> 00:19:53,625 to do that. 390 00:19:56,375 --> 00:19:58,041 He's right. 391 00:19:58,041 --> 00:20:00,750 We're already at war. 392 00:20:01,458 --> 00:20:04,583 But... who knows what awaits us? 393 00:20:05,041 --> 00:20:07,333 Lord Rein, Lady Lynneburg. 394 00:20:07,916 --> 00:20:12,041 If I may, I would like your permission 395 00:20:07,917 --> 00:20:12,041 to annihilate this area. 396 00:20:12,666 --> 00:20:13,916 Annihilate? 397 00:20:14,500 --> 00:20:17,083 If this is going to be 398 00:20:14,501 --> 00:20:17,083 our escape route later, 399 00:20:17,083 --> 00:20:20,666 then it would be smart to annihilate their 400 00:20:17,084 --> 00:20:20,666 defenses while we have the opportunity. 401 00:20:21,958 --> 00:20:26,250 In normal situations, Ines would never 402 00:20:21,959 --> 00:20:26,250 suggest exerting her own power. 403 00:20:26,583 --> 00:20:29,291 But, she's angry just like the rest of us. 404 00:20:29,625 --> 00:20:33,458 The royal capital she vowed to 405 00:20:29,626 --> 00:20:33,458 risk her life to protect was trampled on. 406 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:34,750 Yes. 407 00:20:34,750 --> 00:20:37,708 Do it, Ines. And don't hold back. 408 00:20:37,958 --> 00:20:39,208 As you wish. 409 00:20:43,666 --> 00:20:45,375 Divine Sword! 410 00:21:03,500 --> 00:21:04,708 Wow. 411 00:21:06,875 --> 00:21:10,208 I think that secures our escape route. 412 00:21:10,208 --> 00:21:12,750 Right. Well done. 413 00:21:13,333 --> 00:21:14,250 Lynne! 414 00:21:15,125 --> 00:21:18,875 Our actions here will determine 415 00:21:15,126 --> 00:21:18,875 the course of the war. 416 00:21:19,291 --> 00:21:20,625 We'll keep pursuing the emperor 417 00:21:20,625 --> 00:21:22,625 and go all the way to 418 00:21:20,626 --> 00:21:22,625 the imperial capital, but... 419 00:21:23,000 --> 00:21:24,500 Are you ready for this? 420 00:21:24,916 --> 00:21:25,916 Yes. 421 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:31,958 Everyone here wields power 422 00:21:28,001 --> 00:21:31,958 far outside the norm. 423 00:21:31,958 --> 00:21:34,500 They're the strongest people imaginable. 424 00:21:35,375 --> 00:21:38,000 There's no need 425 00:21:35,376 --> 00:21:38,000 to worry about anything. 426 00:21:39,166 --> 00:21:41,000 And above them all... 427 00:21:41,708 --> 00:21:42,958 Instructor Noor. 428 00:21:43,750 --> 00:21:46,541 I can't even begin to 429 00:21:43,751 --> 00:21:46,541 comprehend his greatness. 430 00:21:46,541 --> 00:21:49,750 I'm sure he's quietly listening 431 00:21:46,542 --> 00:21:49,750 to all this, even now. 432 00:21:50,125 --> 00:21:51,916 And he knows we mean business! 433 00:21:54,291 --> 00:21:56,833 Let's teach them a hard lesson 434 00:21:54,292 --> 00:21:56,833 about what happens 435 00:21:56,833 --> 00:21:58,791 when you mess with 436 00:21:56,834 --> 00:21:58,791 the wrong people! 437 00:22:06,041 --> 00:22:11,000 {\an8}#10 I Parry the Emperor's Authority