1 00:00:07,500 --> 00:00:08,500 Parry! 2 00:00:25,958 --> 00:00:27,666 Well, shucks. 3 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:30,708 I really don't think 4 00:00:28,001 --> 00:00:30,708 I'm hero material. 5 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,750 Instructor Noor! 6 00:00:33,541 --> 00:00:34,958 Instructor! 7 00:02:20,416 --> 00:02:22,958 You're still alive! Are you hurt? 8 00:02:22,958 --> 00:02:24,958 I'm all right. Everything's fine. 9 00:02:24,958 --> 00:02:26,041 Huh? 10 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:29,208 Now it all makes sense. 11 00:02:29,208 --> 00:02:31,250 Thanks for your help, Rolo. 12 00:02:31,250 --> 00:02:33,750 Huh? What are you talking about? 13 00:02:33,750 --> 00:02:36,416 The dragon calmed down 14 00:02:33,751 --> 00:02:36,416 just like you told it to. 15 00:02:36,416 --> 00:02:38,125 That really saved my butt. 16 00:02:38,125 --> 00:02:40,625 N-no, I didn't! That wasn't me! 17 00:02:40,625 --> 00:02:41,666 What? 18 00:02:42,291 --> 00:02:46,000 But the dragon stopped being hostile 19 00:02:42,292 --> 00:02:46,000 all of a sudden. 20 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:47,875 I thought it was because of you. 21 00:02:48,083 --> 00:02:50,625 That definitely wasn't me! 22 00:02:52,833 --> 00:02:57,166 There are people who are scared of 23 00:02:52,834 --> 00:02:57,166 and also hate that I have this power. 24 00:02:58,000 --> 00:02:59,666 Oh, that's right. 25 00:03:00,125 --> 00:03:02,291 The dragon may be docile now, 26 00:03:02,291 --> 00:03:06,166 but just the fact he can control something 27 00:03:02,292 --> 00:03:06,166 so ferocious is intimidating... 28 00:03:06,416 --> 00:03:07,750 I get it. 29 00:03:07,750 --> 00:03:10,958 If that's what you say, 30 00:03:07,751 --> 00:03:10,958 then we'll just leave it at that. 31 00:03:10,958 --> 00:03:12,791 Uh... yeah. 32 00:03:12,791 --> 00:03:16,166 Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you. 33 00:03:16,166 --> 00:03:17,250 Me? 34 00:03:17,250 --> 00:03:21,791 If possible, can you send this dragon 35 00:03:17,251 --> 00:03:21,791 back to where it came from? 36 00:03:21,791 --> 00:03:22,791 Huh? 37 00:03:23,500 --> 00:03:25,833 But, Sir Noor, this dragon is dangerous! 38 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:31,833 For sure, even I understand that 39 00:03:25,834 --> 00:03:31,833 it's better to just kill it here. 40 00:03:32,666 --> 00:03:36,916 But if at all possible, 41 00:03:32,667 --> 00:03:36,916 I don't want to kill this dragon. 42 00:03:43,458 --> 00:03:47,958 I know it's selfish of me to say that, 43 00:03:43,459 --> 00:03:47,958 but could you consider it? 44 00:03:52,625 --> 00:03:53,875 Okay. 45 00:03:54,916 --> 00:03:57,000 If that's what you want... 46 00:03:59,166 --> 00:04:01,083 Rolo, can you do it? 47 00:04:02,083 --> 00:04:03,500 I'm not sure. 48 00:04:04,208 --> 00:04:06,541 Given how powerful it is... 49 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:11,041 I think the best I can do 50 00:04:08,001 --> 00:04:11,041 is ask it politely. 51 00:04:12,291 --> 00:04:13,833 It's okay. 52 00:04:13,833 --> 00:04:17,833 Neither Lynn nor Ines are afraid of you. 53 00:04:35,875 --> 00:04:37,791 Okay, here I go. 54 00:04:50,333 --> 00:04:51,333 Huh? 55 00:04:52,666 --> 00:04:53,708 What's wrong? 56 00:04:53,708 --> 00:04:57,083 I-it said it would do anything 57 00:04:53,709 --> 00:04:57,083 its "master" orders. 58 00:04:57,083 --> 00:04:58,875 M-master?! 59 00:04:59,416 --> 00:05:01,916 This dragon really said that?! 60 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:04,958 Wow, this hardly seems real. 61 00:05:04,958 --> 00:05:06,583 I don't believe it... 62 00:05:06,583 --> 00:05:10,166 Crazy to think that such a gigantic dragon 63 00:05:06,584 --> 00:05:10,166 would call him its "master." 64 00:05:10,166 --> 00:05:11,583 What should I do? 65 00:05:11,583 --> 00:05:16,625 In that case, can you tell it to 66 00:05:11,584 --> 00:05:16,625 quietly go back to where it came from? 67 00:05:16,625 --> 00:05:21,166 And while we're at it, 68 00:05:16,626 --> 00:05:21,166 tell it to never harm humans again. 69 00:05:21,166 --> 00:05:23,916 Uh, yeah. I'll tell it. 70 00:05:42,583 --> 00:05:43,916 It says it understands. 71 00:05:43,916 --> 00:05:46,416 It's going to agree 72 00:05:43,917 --> 00:05:46,416 to everything you asked. 73 00:05:46,416 --> 00:05:48,333 Th-that's amazing. 74 00:05:49,041 --> 00:05:51,458 Yeah... it is. 75 00:06:23,666 --> 00:06:25,041 So, it's gone. 76 00:06:25,041 --> 00:06:26,125 Yeah. 77 00:06:51,166 --> 00:06:54,625 Well, that couldn't have gone 78 00:06:51,167 --> 00:06:54,625 more perfectly. 79 00:06:59,208 --> 00:07:01,375 Even a dragon that's 80 00:06:59,209 --> 00:07:01,375 lived thousands of years 81 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:03,500 is still just a stupid beast in the end. 82 00:07:03,500 --> 00:07:05,666 Nothing more than my pawn. 83 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:12,166 Hmph, I thought nothing would be left 84 00:07:08,001 --> 00:07:12,166 of the capital. 85 00:07:13,250 --> 00:07:14,625 Well, whatever. 86 00:07:15,375 --> 00:07:16,416 Commence the attack! 87 00:07:16,416 --> 00:07:17,333 Sir! 88 00:07:45,291 --> 00:07:49,916 You're certain this will bring an end 89 00:07:45,292 --> 00:07:49,916 to the Clays Kingdom? 90 00:07:49,916 --> 00:07:51,625 Because I'm not backing down. 91 00:07:51,625 --> 00:07:53,625 A well-known beast tamer 92 00:07:53,625 --> 00:07:57,416 has already awakened the 93 00:07:53,626 --> 00:07:57,416 Dragon of Calamity and brought it to heel. 94 00:07:57,416 --> 00:08:00,500 Guess it was worth the high price 95 00:07:57,417 --> 00:08:00,500 they demanded. 96 00:08:00,791 --> 00:08:03,333 Then, after the dragon goes on a rampage, 97 00:08:03,333 --> 00:08:05,500 our forces will march 98 00:08:03,334 --> 00:08:05,500 on the royal capital. 99 00:08:05,500 --> 00:08:09,375 All foot soldiers will be equipped 100 00:08:05,501 --> 00:08:09,375 with magic swords and magic shields, 101 00:08:09,375 --> 00:08:14,125 while the elite troops will have 102 00:08:09,376 --> 00:08:14,125 magic armor and magic cannons. 103 00:08:14,625 --> 00:08:19,583 Furthermore, we'll have three Aegises, 104 00:08:14,626 --> 00:08:19,583 the mobile mana-bulwark generation device, 105 00:08:19,583 --> 00:08:25,583 and four of the ultra-high output 106 00:08:19,584 --> 00:08:25,583 mana ray weapon, Brionac. 107 00:08:27,166 --> 00:08:28,416 Splendid! 108 00:08:28,416 --> 00:08:30,041 Please wait, Your Majesty. 109 00:08:35,666 --> 00:08:38,125 What is it, Randeus? 110 00:08:38,833 --> 00:08:40,250 Pardon my bluntness, 111 00:08:40,250 --> 00:08:44,083 but I just don't see this war 112 00:08:40,251 --> 00:08:44,083 benefitting our country in the long run- 113 00:08:44,083 --> 00:08:45,625 That's enough! 114 00:08:46,916 --> 00:08:49,375 I beg you, please reconsider! 115 00:08:51,541 --> 00:08:53,166 You fool! 116 00:08:53,166 --> 00:08:55,500 I said I've heard enough! 117 00:08:57,625 --> 00:09:01,083 No one can pose a threat to our empire 118 00:08:57,626 --> 00:09:01,083 while we stand at the forefront 119 00:09:01,083 --> 00:09:03,208 of magical technology! 120 00:09:03,208 --> 00:09:05,875 And now we'll make sure 121 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:05,875 the world knows it! 122 00:09:08,375 --> 00:09:13,625 In the near future, this is the story 123 00:09:08,376 --> 00:09:13,625 people will tell of the Clays Kingdom: 124 00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:17,166 That it was a country of fools 125 00:09:14,084 --> 00:09:17,166 who neglected proper upkeep 126 00:09:17,166 --> 00:09:19,041 of the Dungeon of the Lost, 127 00:09:19,041 --> 00:09:22,666 led down a path to ruin 128 00:09:19,042 --> 00:09:22,666 by their own selfish greed. 129 00:09:23,166 --> 00:09:26,333 Meanwhile, we shall be remembered 130 00:09:23,167 --> 00:09:26,333 as a humanitarian army 131 00:09:26,333 --> 00:09:29,666 that liberated the people 132 00:09:26,334 --> 00:09:29,666 from their idiot of a monarch. 133 00:09:30,250 --> 00:09:33,625 History has no need 134 00:09:30,251 --> 00:09:33,625 for multiple storytellers. 135 00:09:33,958 --> 00:09:36,666 One truth is all that is needed. 136 00:09:36,875 --> 00:09:38,000 This way! 137 00:09:39,333 --> 00:09:40,791 See, over there! 138 00:09:45,791 --> 00:09:48,125 Okay. Is it alive? 139 00:09:48,125 --> 00:09:50,791 I don't know. We need to get closer. 140 00:09:50,958 --> 00:09:51,958 Instructor! 141 00:09:57,708 --> 00:09:59,541 It's the Magical Empire! 142 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,375 Advance! 143 00:10:01,375 --> 00:10:02,250 Sir! 144 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:04,208 Your Majesty, over there! 145 00:10:04,208 --> 00:10:05,333 What is it? 146 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:16,500 The princess, is it? 147 00:10:17,541 --> 00:10:20,250 Next to her is Ines, the "Divine Shield." 148 00:10:20,833 --> 00:10:24,791 One of the living legends 149 00:10:20,834 --> 00:10:24,791 known all around the world. 150 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,750 Perhaps she is the reason why 151 00:10:24,792 --> 00:10:27,750 the royal capital 152 00:10:27,750 --> 00:10:30,333 has not been totally razed to the ground. 153 00:10:30,333 --> 00:10:31,958 That's just perfect. 154 00:10:31,958 --> 00:10:35,541 Because the era where "legends" rule 155 00:10:31,959 --> 00:10:35,541 has already come to an end. 156 00:10:35,541 --> 00:10:39,291 We now live in an era 157 00:10:35,542 --> 00:10:39,291 defined by those of us with wisdom. 158 00:10:39,291 --> 00:10:41,750 Fire the Brionac on them! 159 00:10:41,750 --> 00:10:42,583 Sir! 160 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,458 She may be the "Divine Shield," 161 00:10:51,458 --> 00:10:54,625 but the heat of the Brionac 162 00:10:51,459 --> 00:10:54,625 will evaporate her into nothing. 163 00:10:54,958 --> 00:11:00,625 Yet another one of these so-called 164 00:10:54,959 --> 00:11:00,625 "legends" will die by my hand. 165 00:11:00,625 --> 00:11:02,833 Ah, what bliss. 166 00:11:02,833 --> 00:11:05,375 This is why I love going to war! 167 00:11:05,583 --> 00:11:06,833 Ready! 168 00:11:08,125 --> 00:11:10,375 The Brionac is prepared to launch! 169 00:11:12,083 --> 00:11:13,416 Everything is ready, sir. 170 00:11:28,333 --> 00:11:29,291 Fire! 171 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:41,625 This is the end. 172 00:11:57,291 --> 00:11:58,500 What is that? 173 00:11:58,500 --> 00:12:01,083 Lady Lynneburg, please stand back! 174 00:12:01,083 --> 00:12:02,083 Rolo! 175 00:12:13,833 --> 00:12:15,000 Parry! 176 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:30,916 What... 177 00:12:37,750 --> 00:12:39,708 Hm? What just happened? 178 00:12:39,708 --> 00:12:42,500 I-I believe there may have been 179 00:12:39,709 --> 00:12:42,500 a misfire due to a problem 180 00:12:42,500 --> 00:12:44,291 with the mana condensation process... 181 00:12:44,291 --> 00:12:47,125 Damn you half-wits! 182 00:12:44,292 --> 00:12:47,125 Prepare the next one immediately! 183 00:12:49,041 --> 00:12:51,166 That was too close for comfort. 184 00:12:51,166 --> 00:12:54,166 What even was that light? 185 00:12:54,166 --> 00:12:56,583 More importantly, 186 00:12:54,167 --> 00:12:56,583 look at all those people... 187 00:12:56,583 --> 00:12:58,166 Did you say that was the 188 00:12:56,584 --> 00:12:58,166 imperial army? 189 00:12:58,333 --> 00:13:01,250 Deridas the Third 190 00:12:58,334 --> 00:13:01,250 has mobilized his troops. 191 00:13:01,250 --> 00:13:05,208 There are thousands... no, maybe 192 00:13:01,251 --> 00:13:05,208 even more than ten thousand of them. 193 00:13:05,208 --> 00:13:07,500 What in the world is happening here? 194 00:13:07,500 --> 00:13:09,875 All we can say for sure 195 00:13:07,501 --> 00:13:09,875 is that those brutes 196 00:13:09,875 --> 00:13:12,625 are here to try and 197 00:13:09,876 --> 00:13:12,625 annihilate our kingdom. 198 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:13,875 What?! 199 00:13:13,875 --> 00:13:15,708 We have an army in the capital, 200 00:13:15,708 --> 00:13:17,916 but not enough to put up a fight 201 00:13:15,709 --> 00:13:17,916 against those numbers! 202 00:13:18,583 --> 00:13:20,250 Lady Lynneburg. 203 00:13:20,250 --> 00:13:22,875 We can't do anything else here. 204 00:13:20,251 --> 00:13:22,875 Let's retreat. 205 00:13:25,541 --> 00:13:28,375 We'll retreat and meet up with my brother. 206 00:13:28,375 --> 00:13:30,000 What will you do, Instructor? 207 00:13:30,375 --> 00:13:33,291 Considering the situation, 208 00:13:30,376 --> 00:13:33,291 do you even need to ask? 209 00:13:33,833 --> 00:13:36,916 There's really no other choice 210 00:13:33,834 --> 00:13:36,916 but to run for it. 211 00:13:36,916 --> 00:13:39,166 Of course. That was a silly question. 212 00:13:39,583 --> 00:13:42,833 Why is she smiling? 213 00:13:39,584 --> 00:13:42,833 Did she really understand what I meant? 214 00:13:42,833 --> 00:13:44,041 Obviously, I'm gonna run away t- 215 00:13:44,041 --> 00:13:46,000 Attacks incoming! Get behind me! 216 00:13:50,208 --> 00:13:51,875 Divine Shield! 217 00:14:01,041 --> 00:14:02,958 How aggravating! 218 00:14:02,958 --> 00:14:06,000 Your Majesty, for safety's sake, 219 00:14:02,959 --> 00:14:06,000 take shelter in the rear. 220 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:07,875 Finish the job, quickly! 221 00:14:13,333 --> 00:14:15,708 They'll keep us pinned here at this rate. 222 00:14:16,750 --> 00:14:18,750 Guess there's only one way out. 223 00:14:18,750 --> 00:14:20,708 Instructor, what are you doing?! 224 00:14:20,708 --> 00:14:24,708 I'm going to get their attention 225 00:14:20,709 --> 00:14:24,708 and buy some time. 226 00:14:24,916 --> 00:14:26,916 You three should 227 00:14:24,917 --> 00:14:26,916 use that chance to escape. 228 00:14:26,916 --> 00:14:28,500 But, Instructor... 229 00:14:30,791 --> 00:14:35,208 I'm bad at fighting, 230 00:14:30,792 --> 00:14:35,208 but I'm pretty used to running away. 231 00:14:45,166 --> 00:14:47,458 I'd often go hunting for honeycomb 232 00:14:47,458 --> 00:14:49,791 and get attacked by bees 233 00:14:47,459 --> 00:14:49,791 when I touched their hive. 234 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:53,000 If I run around like crazy, 235 00:14:50,292 --> 00:14:53,000 things'll work out. 236 00:14:54,666 --> 00:14:56,208 I won't do anything reckless. 237 00:14:56,208 --> 00:14:59,875 I plan on coming back alive, 238 00:14:56,209 --> 00:14:59,875 so don't worry. 239 00:15:02,291 --> 00:15:03,625 All right. 240 00:15:03,625 --> 00:15:07,375 Then allow me to offer you 241 00:15:03,626 --> 00:15:07,375 what little I can to help. 242 00:15:07,375 --> 00:15:09,458 Okay, go right ahead. 243 00:15:14,375 --> 00:15:16,208 Is she casting defense magic? 244 00:15:16,208 --> 00:15:19,166 Here we go. Prepare for impact. 245 00:15:19,375 --> 00:15:21,625 Hm? Impact? Don't tell me... 246 00:15:21,625 --> 00:15:25,833 I'll control the output this time, 247 00:15:21,626 --> 00:15:25,833 so it'll be okay! 248 00:15:25,833 --> 00:15:27,583 Hold up, Lynne! 249 00:15:27,583 --> 00:15:30,291 You realize I'm not going out there for 250 00:15:27,584 --> 00:15:30,291 some kind of crazy suicide attack, right? 251 00:15:30,291 --> 00:15:31,833 O-over there! 252 00:15:31,833 --> 00:15:33,750 There's another shining light! 253 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:39,000 The next one is coming! 254 00:15:39,541 --> 00:15:42,958 We're leaving everything 255 00:15:39,542 --> 00:15:42,958 in your hands now, Instructor. 256 00:15:42,958 --> 00:15:43,916 Godspeed! 257 00:15:44,583 --> 00:15:47,375 Oh crap! I'm not ready for the impact! 258 00:15:47,375 --> 00:15:49,208 Physical Enhancement! 259 00:15:51,166 --> 00:15:53,041 Wind Blast! 260 00:16:00,708 --> 00:16:03,250 I escaped instant death somehow! 261 00:16:09,041 --> 00:16:10,208 Parry! 262 00:16:12,458 --> 00:16:14,625 Good to know I can deflect those! 263 00:16:15,250 --> 00:16:16,458 In that case... 264 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:17,750 Parry! 265 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:21,125 It's working! 266 00:16:24,208 --> 00:16:26,583 My momentum is too strong 267 00:16:24,209 --> 00:16:26,583 to change course at this point, 268 00:16:26,583 --> 00:16:28,458 so here goes nothing! 269 00:16:28,458 --> 00:16:31,000 I'll take it as far as I can! 270 00:16:37,375 --> 00:16:38,416 Parry! 271 00:16:44,875 --> 00:16:46,541 The more time that I manage to buy, 272 00:16:46,541 --> 00:16:48,500 the better chance Lynne 273 00:16:46,542 --> 00:16:48,500 and the others have to escape! 274 00:16:49,333 --> 00:16:52,833 I'm just gonna run around and 275 00:16:49,334 --> 00:16:52,833 parry everything in front of me! 276 00:16:54,541 --> 00:16:55,666 Parry! 277 00:17:07,333 --> 00:17:08,750 What the hell? 278 00:17:27,291 --> 00:17:28,125 Wha- 279 00:17:30,791 --> 00:17:32,000 Our weapons are gone! 280 00:17:33,458 --> 00:17:34,500 Hey! 281 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:35,541 They're up there! 282 00:17:35,541 --> 00:17:36,375 Defend yourselves! 283 00:17:36,375 --> 00:17:37,541 I don't have a shield! 284 00:17:52,833 --> 00:17:56,166 What are those big blocks up there? 285 00:18:10,458 --> 00:18:12,708 That bastard again! 286 00:18:20,666 --> 00:18:23,500 What is this? 287 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:25,833 What the hell happened? 288 00:18:33,333 --> 00:18:35,250 What's going on? 289 00:18:48,541 --> 00:18:50,833 Hold on, haven't I seen you before? 290 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:55,458 That doesn't make sense. 291 00:18:52,001 --> 00:18:55,458 That man was way over there. 292 00:18:55,458 --> 00:18:57,791 How did he cover 293 00:18:55,459 --> 00:18:57,791 all that distance so quickly?! 294 00:19:00,458 --> 00:19:03,000 Why is he looking at me? 295 00:19:03,708 --> 00:19:06,500 He pays no mind to the imperial guards 296 00:19:03,709 --> 00:19:06,500 and looks only at me! 297 00:19:07,416 --> 00:19:09,958 Does he know I am the emperor?! 298 00:19:09,958 --> 00:19:12,500 In which case, I must be his target! 299 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:26,625 H-he's gonna kill me! 300 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:29,583 That's right! 301 00:19:29,583 --> 00:19:34,375 I have my Kaiser Armor and Kaiser Sword 302 00:19:29,584 --> 00:19:34,375 that are both made of orichalcum! 303 00:19:45,625 --> 00:19:47,958 What's wrong? 304 00:19:45,626 --> 00:19:47,958 Did you chicken out? 305 00:19:50,208 --> 00:19:50,958 Huh? 306 00:20:03,708 --> 00:20:07,916 Why the hell are our cannons 307 00:20:03,709 --> 00:20:07,916 sticking out of the ground like that? 308 00:20:10,166 --> 00:20:12,375 What the hell is this? 309 00:20:13,041 --> 00:20:16,916 I had 10,000 soldiers 310 00:20:13,042 --> 00:20:16,916 that were all perfectly equipped! 311 00:20:16,916 --> 00:20:19,791 And Aegises that can defend against 312 00:20:16,917 --> 00:20:19,791 dragon's breath! 313 00:20:19,791 --> 00:20:22,916 Even the Brionac 314 00:20:19,792 --> 00:20:22,916 that can burn dragons to a crisp! 315 00:20:22,916 --> 00:20:25,875 And now they're all worthless?! 316 00:20:29,083 --> 00:20:33,458 Wh-who the hell are you?! 317 00:20:29,084 --> 00:20:33,458 Why haven't you just killed me yet?! 318 00:20:35,458 --> 00:20:37,000 That weapon... 319 00:20:43,875 --> 00:20:46,625 King Clay's Black Blade! 320 00:20:48,250 --> 00:20:52,333 The one dungeon relic 321 00:20:48,251 --> 00:20:52,333 that I want above all others. 322 00:20:52,333 --> 00:20:54,541 Why does this man have it?! 323 00:20:54,541 --> 00:20:56,708 Don- don't be... 324 00:20:56,708 --> 00:20:57,708 Wait. 325 00:20:57,708 --> 00:20:59,875 As I recall, that sword was made from 326 00:20:57,709 --> 00:20:59,875 an unknown metal. 327 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:02,541 It's supposed to be too heavy 328 00:20:59,876 --> 00:21:02,541 for any normal human to carry! 329 00:21:03,875 --> 00:21:07,541 I've heard even that freakishly strong 330 00:21:03,876 --> 00:21:07,541 king needed both hands to use it! 331 00:21:07,916 --> 00:21:12,166 There's no way anyone 332 00:21:07,917 --> 00:21:12,166 can surpass King Clays! 333 00:21:15,541 --> 00:21:18,958 But that's the only way to explain 334 00:21:15,542 --> 00:21:18,958 what's happening! 335 00:21:19,708 --> 00:21:21,583 This man did it! 336 00:21:21,583 --> 00:21:26,291 He did all of this... by himself! 337 00:21:26,583 --> 00:21:30,541 The reason I'm still alive is because 338 00:21:26,584 --> 00:21:30,541 he wants me to endure the torture 339 00:21:30,541 --> 00:21:33,416 of humiliation before 340 00:21:30,542 --> 00:21:33,416 brutally beating me to death! 341 00:21:33,416 --> 00:21:38,583 He's doing to me exactly what 342 00:21:33,417 --> 00:21:38,583 I was planning to do to King Clays! 343 00:21:58,958 --> 00:22:02,583 NO! 344 00:22:05,458 --> 00:22:10,416 {\an8}#9 I Parry an Army