1 00:00:17,853 --> 00:00:20,490 Good morning, fairies! 2 00:00:20,490 --> 00:00:22,315 both: Good morning, Hazel! 3 00:00:22,315 --> 00:00:24,117 You’re very chipper today. 4 00:00:24,117 --> 00:00:27,853 Yeah, none of the usual groaning and limb dragging. 5 00:00:27,853 --> 00:00:29,820 What gives? Is it a holiday? 6 00:00:29,820 --> 00:00:30,754 Ooh, a snow day? 7 00:00:30,754 --> 00:00:34,688 Did you get a text that Dev switched schools? 8 00:00:34,688 --> 00:00:36,655 Better. 9 00:00:36,655 --> 00:00:37,721 Jasmine is coming over today 10 00:00:37,721 --> 00:00:39,183 for our first after-school hangout, 11 00:00:39,183 --> 00:00:43,391 basically cementing our friendship for all eternity. 12 00:00:43,391 --> 00:00:44,391 Nice. Nail it down 13 00:00:44,391 --> 00:00:47,655 before she figures out too many of your flaws. 14 00:00:47,655 --> 00:00:48,622 Not that you have any! 15 00:00:48,622 --> 00:00:51,249 What’s the plan for the big day, squirt? 16 00:00:51,249 --> 00:00:52,919 We’re gonna watch every single entry 17 00:00:52,919 --> 00:00:55,457 in the greatest horror movie franchise 18 00:00:55,457 --> 00:00:58,183 of all time, "Gregory." 19 00:00:58,183 --> 00:01:00,249 It’s about a doll that’s possessed 20 00:01:00,249 --> 00:01:02,358 with the soul of an evil Victorian boy. 21 00:01:02,358 --> 00:01:04,886 Me and Antony have seen ’em, like, hundreds of times. 22 00:01:04,886 --> 00:01:07,523 And now I’ll have someone to watch them with again! 23 00:01:07,523 --> 00:01:10,688 Uh, these movies seem pretty intense. 24 00:01:10,688 --> 00:01:12,315 Um, maybe a tearjerker. 25 00:01:12,315 --> 00:01:14,919 Like "Steel Magnolias" or "My Girl." 26 00:01:14,919 --> 00:01:16,919 Oh, I love a good tearjerker! 27 00:01:16,919 --> 00:01:19,655 Being scared is really fun with the right people. 28 00:01:19,655 --> 00:01:22,391 Antony and I would scream at the TV together 29 00:01:22,391 --> 00:01:24,391 and throw popcorn and run to the bathroom 30 00:01:24,391 --> 00:01:28,787 and say "Scary Mary" into the mirror. 31 00:01:28,787 --> 00:01:31,622 Scary Mary, Scary Mary-- 32 00:01:31,622 --> 00:01:33,358 No, no, no! 33 00:01:33,358 --> 00:01:35,249 Not three times. Never three times. 34 00:01:35,249 --> 00:01:37,523 I’m looking to have fun, not tempt fate. 35 00:01:37,523 --> 00:01:40,853 Anyway, Jasmine’s gonna love these movies. 36 00:01:40,853 --> 00:01:42,490 I’m sure of it. 37 00:01:42,490 --> 00:01:44,853 How can you hate scary movies? 38 00:01:44,853 --> 00:01:48,315 Are you kidding? How can you like them? 39 00:01:48,315 --> 00:01:49,523 Last year, I saw a movie 40 00:01:49,523 --> 00:01:51,523 where a clown comes out of a shower drain, 41 00:01:51,523 --> 00:01:54,358 and I couldn’t shower for a month! 42 00:01:54,358 --> 00:01:56,457 I got so stinky. 43 00:01:56,457 --> 00:01:59,457 "Gregory" isn’t about a clown. 44 00:01:59,457 --> 00:02:00,853 Worse. It’s about a doll! 45 00:02:00,853 --> 00:02:04,523 Do you have any idea how many dolls my bá ngoai owns? 46 00:02:04,523 --> 00:02:05,853 I’ll tell you--73. 47 00:02:05,853 --> 00:02:08,721 I know because I count them every night 48 00:02:08,721 --> 00:02:10,820 to make sure they’re all still there. 49 00:02:10,820 --> 00:02:12,853 You may have everyone else fooled, 50 00:02:12,853 --> 00:02:14,985 Euchloria, but I see you. 51 00:02:16,622 --> 00:02:18,985 No way I’m watching those movies. 52 00:02:18,985 --> 00:02:22,820 C’mon, being scared can be really fun with other people. 53 00:02:22,820 --> 00:02:25,490 We can scream at the TV together 54 00:02:25,490 --> 00:02:26,853 and throw popcorn and-- 55 00:02:26,853 --> 00:02:29,315 Hazel, I know two things about myself. 56 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:31,754 One, I am destined to unite the world 57 00:02:31,754 --> 00:02:33,282 through the power of my voice, 58 00:02:33,282 --> 00:02:35,655 and two, I am a fraidy-cat. 59 00:02:35,655 --> 00:02:37,820 I’m afraid of heights, enclosed spaces, 60 00:02:37,820 --> 00:02:41,018 the dark, spiders, being tickled, Swiss cheese-- 61 00:02:41,018 --> 00:02:43,589 - Swiss cheese? - Swiss cheese. 62 00:02:43,589 --> 00:02:45,787 Why all the holes, Hazel? 63 00:02:45,787 --> 00:02:48,919 Why all the holes? 64 00:02:48,919 --> 00:02:53,853 So I’m sorry, but no, I’m not watching those movies. 65 00:02:53,853 --> 00:02:55,886 Aww. Sorry about your big plan. 66 00:02:55,886 --> 00:02:57,688 You’ll think of something else, squirt. 67 00:02:57,688 --> 00:03:00,391 There’s always my tearjerker idea! 68 00:03:00,391 --> 00:03:01,589 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" 69 00:03:01,589 --> 00:03:05,787 Cosmo, who cries watching "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"? 70 00:03:05,787 --> 00:03:06,919 Uh, who doesn’t? 71 00:03:06,919 --> 00:03:08,985 I don’t want to think of something else. 72 00:03:08,985 --> 00:03:11,787 I want someone to watch scary movies with. 73 00:03:11,787 --> 00:03:13,919 I can’t just watch them by myself. 74 00:03:13,919 --> 00:03:15,424 It’s not the same. I wish-- 75 00:03:15,424 --> 00:03:19,622 I wish Jasmine was fearless! 76 00:03:19,622 --> 00:03:21,787 Coming right up! 77 00:03:23,886 --> 00:03:25,391 Cool, now I’ll just ask her 78 00:03:25,391 --> 00:03:27,853 about it again after class and-- 79 00:03:31,787 --> 00:03:32,787 Huh? 80 00:03:32,787 --> 00:03:36,721 Uh, why are there two Jasmines? 81 00:03:36,721 --> 00:03:37,985 Is this a math problem? 82 00:03:37,985 --> 00:03:41,688 Because I’m pretty sure Mr. Guzman is teaching 83 00:03:41,688 --> 00:03:42,985 state capitals right now. 84 00:03:42,985 --> 00:03:44,787 And he’s just getting to Maryland! 85 00:03:44,787 --> 00:03:46,721 Ooh, Annapolis, our favorite. 86 00:03:46,721 --> 00:03:50,051 Mr. Guzman, may I use the restroom? 87 00:03:50,051 --> 00:03:52,391 Sure thing, Hazel. 88 00:03:52,391 --> 00:03:58,787 No! We’ll miss Annapolis! The Athens of America. 89 00:03:58,787 --> 00:04:01,457 Hey-hey, Jasmine? 90 00:04:01,457 --> 00:04:04,589 Um, hi, so I couldn’t help but notice 91 00:04:04,589 --> 00:04:09,721 there are two of you now and wondered if... 92 00:04:19,721 --> 00:04:20,688 Aah! 93 00:04:20,688 --> 00:04:24,721 That’s not something Jasmine usually does, right? 94 00:04:24,721 --> 00:04:28,853 all: Thank you for freeing us, the one called Hazel. 95 00:04:28,853 --> 00:04:29,457 Whaaat? 96 00:04:29,457 --> 00:04:32,457 We can have so much more fun out here 97 00:04:32,457 --> 00:04:33,150 than in there. 98 00:04:33,150 --> 00:04:35,787 What do you mean, "in there"? 99 00:04:35,787 --> 00:04:38,853 In the head of the one called Jasmine. 100 00:04:38,853 --> 00:04:42,853 Oh, yes. Before we were just thoughts. 101 00:04:42,853 --> 00:04:44,820 all: Now we are real. 102 00:04:44,820 --> 00:04:47,051 Can bite for real. 103 00:04:47,051 --> 00:04:50,754 Make cheese full of holes. 104 00:04:50,754 --> 00:04:53,622 Tickle for real. 105 00:04:58,457 --> 00:04:59,688 Stop that. 106 00:04:59,688 --> 00:05:01,886 Be dark for real. 107 00:05:01,886 --> 00:05:05,183 Are you guys Jasmine’s fears? 108 00:05:05,183 --> 00:05:07,853 Oh, I see what we did here. 109 00:05:07,853 --> 00:05:09,622 We removed Jasmine’s fears. 110 00:05:09,622 --> 00:05:12,655 But we didn’t think about where they’d go. 111 00:05:12,655 --> 00:05:15,655 I wish Jasmine was afraid again. 112 00:05:15,655 --> 00:05:17,754 Coming right up! 113 00:05:18,919 --> 00:05:22,457 There! Now you have to go back. 114 00:05:22,457 --> 00:05:24,721 Why are they still here? 115 00:05:24,721 --> 00:05:27,457 I wish they were gone! 116 00:05:30,787 --> 00:05:33,655 all: You can make Jasmine afraid again, 117 00:05:33,655 --> 00:05:35,216 but you already released us. 118 00:05:35,216 --> 00:05:38,985 And the only way to defeat a fear in the real world 119 00:05:38,985 --> 00:05:40,721 is to face it. 120 00:05:43,952 --> 00:05:45,183 I gotta clean up this mess! 121 00:05:45,183 --> 00:05:51,183 I wish for a Hazel stand-in so no one notices I’m gone. 122 00:05:53,216 --> 00:05:54,589 Welcome back, Hazel. 123 00:05:54,589 --> 00:05:55,886 We just finished Annapolis. 124 00:05:55,886 --> 00:05:57,985 Jasmine can catch you up later. 125 00:05:57,985 --> 00:05:58,919 Mm-hmm! 126 00:06:15,589 --> 00:06:17,216 Aah! 127 00:06:17,216 --> 00:06:20,556 OMG! OMG! 128 00:06:26,886 --> 00:06:29,084 Aah! 129 00:06:29,084 --> 00:06:30,721 I don’t get it. 130 00:06:30,721 --> 00:06:32,853 I’m trying to fight these fears left and right, 131 00:06:32,853 --> 00:06:35,721 but nothing I do makes them weaker or disappear 132 00:06:35,721 --> 00:06:39,315 or whatever it is that’s supposed to happen. 133 00:06:39,315 --> 00:06:41,117 Ugh! 134 00:06:41,117 --> 00:06:43,919 According to the rules, they’re not your fears. 135 00:06:43,919 --> 00:06:46,919 Fears can only be fought by the one whose fear it is. 136 00:06:46,919 --> 00:06:50,721 So Jasmine has to face them to get rid of them? 137 00:06:50,721 --> 00:06:51,952 Obviously. 138 00:06:51,952 --> 00:06:53,315 Wait, so I have to figure out a way 139 00:06:53,315 --> 00:06:57,655 to make Jasmine face her fears but without revealing magic? 140 00:06:57,655 --> 00:07:00,051 The fear clones will lose their power 141 00:07:00,051 --> 00:07:01,282 and fade from this world. 142 00:07:01,282 --> 00:07:03,183 Great, I couldn’t even talk her into 143 00:07:03,183 --> 00:07:04,183 watching a scary movie. 144 00:07:04,183 --> 00:07:06,721 How am I gonna talk her into this? 145 00:07:08,589 --> 00:07:09,249 Hey. 146 00:07:09,249 --> 00:07:12,183 So I’ve been thinking about you and how you said 147 00:07:12,183 --> 00:07:15,315 you’re a fraidy-cat, and I totally disagree. 148 00:07:15,315 --> 00:07:18,216 But I told you how many things I’m afraid of. 149 00:07:18,216 --> 00:07:21,117 My family makes fun of me for it all the time. 150 00:07:21,117 --> 00:07:23,183 You came up and talked to me at lunch 151 00:07:23,183 --> 00:07:24,721 when you didn’t even know me. 152 00:07:24,721 --> 00:07:26,358 I was terrified to do that, 153 00:07:26,358 --> 00:07:28,985 but you did it like it was nothing. 154 00:07:28,985 --> 00:07:29,919 That was different. 155 00:07:29,919 --> 00:07:33,018 You’re not scary, you’re--you’re Hazel. 156 00:07:33,018 --> 00:07:34,315 No one else had done it. Oh! 157 00:07:34,315 --> 00:07:38,391 And you love to sing, and you don’t care who knows it 158 00:07:38,391 --> 00:07:40,249 or what people think of you. 159 00:07:40,249 --> 00:07:42,391 That’s different too. 160 00:07:42,391 --> 00:07:44,282 You’re brave about lots of things 161 00:07:44,282 --> 00:07:45,282 that other people aren’t. 162 00:07:45,282 --> 00:07:47,216 I bet if you just tried facing some 163 00:07:47,216 --> 00:07:48,787 of the things you’re afraid of, 164 00:07:48,787 --> 00:07:50,886 you’d see they’re not such a big deal. 165 00:07:50,886 --> 00:07:52,249 I don’t know. 166 00:07:52,249 --> 00:07:54,315 Your family would never be able to call you 167 00:07:54,315 --> 00:07:56,358 a "fraidy-cat" again. 168 00:07:56,358 --> 00:07:58,358 Okay. Let’s do it! 169 00:07:58,358 --> 00:07:59,688 Yeah! 170 00:08:07,358 --> 00:08:09,117 Yeah! 171 00:08:12,754 --> 00:08:15,150 Aah! 172 00:08:28,721 --> 00:08:30,216 So beautiful. 173 00:08:30,216 --> 00:08:33,150 No! The end! 174 00:08:33,150 --> 00:08:35,051 What’s next? I’m ready. 175 00:08:35,051 --> 00:08:36,886 Okay, here comes a biggie. 176 00:08:36,886 --> 00:08:40,985 Say cheese. 177 00:08:40,985 --> 00:08:42,985 Cheese! 178 00:08:48,018 --> 00:08:50,952 - Careful, Hazel! - Something is here. 179 00:08:50,952 --> 00:08:54,754 The one called Hazel, you offend me. 180 00:08:54,754 --> 00:08:55,754 Who are you? 181 00:08:55,754 --> 00:08:57,952 What are you doing to my friend? 182 00:08:57,952 --> 00:08:58,754 I am fear itself, 183 00:08:58,754 --> 00:09:01,952 and I tire of your little games. 184 00:09:01,952 --> 00:09:05,018 Stay away from her, you bully! 185 00:09:05,018 --> 00:09:06,183 I got-- 186 00:09:06,183 --> 00:09:09,282 You dare try to diminish my power, 187 00:09:09,282 --> 00:09:10,721 the one called Hazel. 188 00:09:10,721 --> 00:09:13,985 You talk your friend into defeating my minions, 189 00:09:13,985 --> 00:09:16,655 while your own fears loom large. 190 00:09:16,655 --> 00:09:18,051 I’m--I’m helping her. 191 00:09:18,051 --> 00:09:21,391 And yet, you tried to use her. 192 00:09:21,391 --> 00:09:22,688 Uh, I am not! 193 00:09:22,688 --> 00:09:24,018 You try to take this friendship 194 00:09:24,018 --> 00:09:27,853 and make it the same as what you had with your brother. 195 00:09:27,853 --> 00:09:28,787 No. Nuh-uh. 196 00:09:28,787 --> 00:09:33,051 I-I just like scary movies is all. 197 00:09:33,051 --> 00:09:36,886 You are afraid of losing the old 198 00:09:36,886 --> 00:09:38,249 and starting something new. 199 00:09:38,249 --> 00:09:40,216 You are afraid others won’t like you, 200 00:09:40,216 --> 00:09:42,315 so you try to repeat the past. 201 00:09:42,315 --> 00:09:44,084 You’re right. 202 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:45,919 No, fight back, Hazel! 203 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:47,117 I am. You’re right. 204 00:09:47,117 --> 00:09:50,150 I am afraid, but I won’t be from now on. 205 00:09:50,150 --> 00:09:52,754 From now on, I’m gonna be brave 206 00:09:52,754 --> 00:09:56,787 and I’m gonna try new things with my new friends! 207 00:09:57,853 --> 00:09:59,985 Aah! 208 00:10:01,952 --> 00:10:05,490 Did-- did you do something? 209 00:10:05,490 --> 00:10:09,018 Yeah. And you did great. 210 00:10:09,018 --> 00:10:10,051 Congratulations. 211 00:10:10,051 --> 00:10:12,117 You’re officially fearless. 212 00:10:12,117 --> 00:10:12,787 We both are. 213 00:10:12,787 --> 00:10:17,051 I guess we can try watching those scary movies tonight. 214 00:10:17,051 --> 00:10:17,622 Nah. 215 00:10:17,622 --> 00:10:19,919 Let’s make something else together, 216 00:10:19,919 --> 00:10:21,853 something we’ll both like. 217 00:10:21,853 --> 00:10:23,853 Okay, cool! 218 00:10:23,853 --> 00:10:26,018 What a good kid. 219 00:10:26,018 --> 00:10:29,391 See? I love a good tearjerker! 220 00:10:32,985 --> 00:10:35,150 - Oh, right! - A-ha-ha-ha! 221 00:10:35,150 --> 00:10:39,084 Don’t want another of those going rogue.