1 00:00:06,189 --> 00:00:09,618 ♪ Hazel moved to the city, feeling all alone ♪ 2 00:00:09,618 --> 00:00:12,849 ♪ Till her whole life changed with a pair quite strange ♪ 3 00:00:12,849 --> 00:00:14,255 ♪ ’Cause in reality ♪ 4 00:00:14,255 --> 00:00:17,420 ♪ They’re her new OddParents, Fairly OddParents ♪ 5 00:00:17,420 --> 00:00:20,288 - ♪ Wands and wings ♪ - ♪ Floaty crowny things ♪ 6 00:00:20,288 --> 00:00:22,453 ♪ OddParents, Fairly OddParents ♪ 7 00:00:22,453 --> 00:00:25,420 ♪ A new wish for magic hijinks ♪ 8 00:00:25,420 --> 00:00:26,552 ♪ Fish guy, pizza fries ♪ 9 00:00:26,552 --> 00:00:27,783 ♪ Penny-farthing dirt bike rides ♪ 10 00:00:27,783 --> 00:00:29,255 ♪ Ghost snoops, major whoops ♪ 11 00:00:29,255 --> 00:00:30,288 ♪ Baryonx, time loops ♪ 12 00:00:30,288 --> 00:00:32,387 ♪ Pretty great, you’ve got it made ♪ 13 00:00:32,387 --> 00:00:35,354 ♪ With Fairly OddParents! ♪ 14 00:00:38,387 --> 00:00:41,750 [upbeat music] 15 00:00:41,750 --> 00:00:48,684 ♪ ♪ 16 00:00:48,684 --> 00:00:50,222 [Hazel laughs] 17 00:00:50,222 --> 00:00:51,618 [roars] 18 00:00:51,618 --> 00:00:52,816 Oh, watch out now. 19 00:00:52,816 --> 00:00:54,156 It’s the Hazel-saurus! 20 00:00:54,156 --> 00:00:57,717 But she’s no match for the Ptera-Dad-tyl! 21 00:00:57,717 --> 00:00:59,090 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. [Marcus roars playfully] 22 00:00:59,090 --> 00:01:02,651 We’ll need 242 copies of my tell-all book, 23 00:01:02,651 --> 00:01:04,453 "All’s Well That Wells Tell," 24 00:01:04,453 --> 00:01:06,420 for the event this after-- oh, oh. 25 00:01:06,420 --> 00:01:07,618 Hold on a second, Beatrish. 26 00:01:07,618 --> 00:01:09,816 I need to roar with my daughter. 27 00:01:09,816 --> 00:01:10,915 [roars] 28 00:01:10,915 --> 00:01:11,849 Look out! 29 00:01:11,849 --> 00:01:13,882 It’s the Momma-saurus rex! 30 00:01:13,882 --> 00:01:17,321 Aah! She’s gonna eat us! 31 00:01:17,321 --> 00:01:18,783 [roars] - Cool! 32 00:01:18,783 --> 00:01:22,882 An Obtuse Rubber Goose from 2001 B.C.! 33 00:01:22,882 --> 00:01:24,915 And... [gasps] 34 00:01:24,915 --> 00:01:25,849 Rocks. 35 00:01:25,849 --> 00:01:27,849 These aren’t just any rocks, HazelBasil. 36 00:01:27,849 --> 00:01:30,486 They’re fossilized gems from the Cretaceous Period. 37 00:01:30,486 --> 00:01:32,585 Some say they create electricity when they smash 38 00:01:32,585 --> 00:01:34,519 into other rocks made of the same magma... 39 00:01:34,519 --> 00:01:36,156 The promo at my booth today should read, 40 00:01:36,156 --> 00:01:39,849 "I scream, you scream. Wells Scream for Ice Cream." 41 00:01:39,849 --> 00:01:42,387 And come into contact with the same magma build! 42 00:01:42,387 --> 00:01:44,486 Hold on a second, Beatrish. 43 00:01:44,486 --> 00:01:46,222 My husband is megaphoning. 44 00:01:46,222 --> 00:01:50,288 The top ten geological-- oh. 45 00:01:50,288 --> 00:01:51,519 Oh, sorry. 46 00:01:51,519 --> 00:01:53,486 Top ten geological what? 47 00:01:53,486 --> 00:01:55,354 Oh, man! Don’t leave us hanging. 48 00:01:55,354 --> 00:01:57,387 Oh, we’re at the museum. [both laugh] 49 00:01:57,387 --> 00:02:00,288 Yes, I know you love dinosaurs, Beatrish, 50 00:02:00,288 --> 00:02:01,090 but as my assistant, 51 00:02:01,090 --> 00:02:04,552 I pay you to assist me while I look at the dinosaurs. 52 00:02:04,552 --> 00:02:06,453 Somebody say "dinosaurs"? 53 00:02:06,453 --> 00:02:09,651 I’m giving dino-tours. - [gasps] 54 00:02:09,651 --> 00:02:10,552 During the Mesozoic Era, 55 00:02:10,552 --> 00:02:13,387 all sorts of terrible lizards walked the Earth. 56 00:02:13,387 --> 00:02:15,552 From herbivores... - Plant eaters! 57 00:02:15,552 --> 00:02:16,552 That’s right. 58 00:02:16,552 --> 00:02:17,618 To carnivores-- 59 00:02:17,618 --> 00:02:18,816 Uh, the meat eaters! 60 00:02:18,816 --> 00:02:19,618 C-correct. 61 00:02:19,618 --> 00:02:21,991 Or flying pterosaurs and aquatic reptiles, 62 00:02:21,991 --> 00:02:24,991 which technically aren’t dinosaurs, but-- 63 00:02:24,991 --> 00:02:25,915 True! Ha ha! 64 00:02:25,915 --> 00:02:27,552 Some paleontologists even believe 65 00:02:27,552 --> 00:02:30,321 some dinosaurs had feathers like birds. 66 00:02:30,321 --> 00:02:32,453 [squawking] 67 00:02:32,453 --> 00:02:35,420 [whispering] James is wrong. 68 00:02:35,420 --> 00:02:37,915 Contrary to the popular feather theory, 69 00:02:37,915 --> 00:02:41,684 some scientists believe dinosaurs wore top hats, 70 00:02:41,684 --> 00:02:44,816 and they even had electricity. 71 00:02:44,816 --> 00:02:46,255 - Wow. - See, Hazel? 72 00:02:46,255 --> 00:02:48,618 I heard that on Whispers’ podcast. 73 00:02:48,618 --> 00:02:51,958 Ah, Whispers Fred, my nemesis. 74 00:02:51,958 --> 00:02:55,255 I was wondering when you might show. 75 00:02:55,255 --> 00:02:57,321 [tense music] 76 00:02:57,321 --> 00:02:59,684 So if you say some dinosaurs had feathers, 77 00:02:59,684 --> 00:03:01,882 but Whispers Fred says you’re wrong, 78 00:03:01,882 --> 00:03:03,354 which one of you is right? 79 00:03:03,354 --> 00:03:04,882 Well, no one really knows. 80 00:03:04,882 --> 00:03:08,354 No one’s ever seen a live dinosaur. 81 00:03:08,354 --> 00:03:12,849 No one without fairies! 82 00:03:12,849 --> 00:03:13,816 See ya in a bit, Hazelnut. 83 00:03:13,816 --> 00:03:16,882 I’ma help your Mom with the booth. 84 00:03:16,882 --> 00:03:18,783 Now that my Mom and Dad are off prepping 85 00:03:18,783 --> 00:03:21,057 for whatever event my Mom was talking about going to 86 00:03:21,057 --> 00:03:27,486 this afternoon, I wish to see a live dinosaur! 87 00:03:27,486 --> 00:03:29,024 [creature snorts] 88 00:03:29,024 --> 00:03:30,354 [roars menacingly] 89 00:03:30,354 --> 00:03:32,486 [squeals] 90 00:03:32,486 --> 00:03:34,585 [thunderous footfall] 91 00:03:34,585 --> 00:03:36,519 [roars] 92 00:03:38,354 --> 00:03:42,354 [snorts happily] 93 00:03:44,717 --> 00:03:46,024 [camera clicks] 94 00:03:46,024 --> 00:03:49,387 [gasps] Yay! 95 00:03:49,387 --> 00:03:51,057 [roars] 96 00:03:51,057 --> 00:03:54,991 Oh, yeah, now you can get that delivered to your house. 97 00:03:54,991 --> 00:03:55,849 [gasps] - Yeah. 98 00:03:55,849 --> 00:03:58,783 With my promo code, you can get 10% off. 99 00:03:58,783 --> 00:04:01,618 You can understand this dinosaur? 100 00:04:01,618 --> 00:04:05,090 Not only can we understand him, squirt, we know him. 101 00:04:05,090 --> 00:04:07,453 This is Bary. He’s a Baryonyx. 102 00:04:07,453 --> 00:04:10,420 We met him on our 10,000-year vacation 103 00:04:10,420 --> 00:04:12,453 through time and space. 104 00:04:12,453 --> 00:04:15,420 Space. Space. Space. 105 00:04:15,420 --> 00:04:17,486 This is awesome! 106 00:04:17,486 --> 00:04:19,552 But I need to understand him too. 107 00:04:19,552 --> 00:04:22,991 I wish Bary could speak English. 108 00:04:22,991 --> 00:04:25,123 [groans] 109 00:04:25,123 --> 00:04:26,915 [coughing, clears throat] 110 00:04:26,915 --> 00:04:27,816 Where am I? 111 00:04:27,816 --> 00:04:28,915 What is this place? 112 00:04:28,915 --> 00:04:32,783 Tiny mammals and metal containers everywhere? 113 00:04:32,783 --> 00:04:34,958 [tires screeching] - A dinosaur! 114 00:04:34,958 --> 00:04:35,684 They’re back! 115 00:04:35,684 --> 00:04:39,420 I knew this day would come! [people screaming] 116 00:04:39,420 --> 00:04:41,750 Waah! 117 00:04:41,750 --> 00:04:44,651 Oh, right, dinosaurs haven’t walked the Earth 118 00:04:44,651 --> 00:04:46,024 in 65 million years. 119 00:04:46,024 --> 00:04:48,882 I wish people weren’t afraid of him! 120 00:04:48,882 --> 00:04:49,816 [people screaming] 121 00:04:49,816 --> 00:04:50,958 [bright shimmery music] 122 00:04:50,958 --> 00:04:51,651 Eh, never mind! 123 00:04:51,651 --> 00:04:53,585 What were we yelling about again? 124 00:04:53,585 --> 00:04:54,816 Amnesia! 125 00:04:54,816 --> 00:04:56,618 I knew this day would come! 126 00:04:56,618 --> 00:04:57,684 I think? 127 00:04:57,684 --> 00:04:59,057 Sorry for the fright, Bary. 128 00:04:59,057 --> 00:05:00,684 Maybe I should send him back. 129 00:05:00,684 --> 00:05:02,156 Oh, could you? I want to go back 130 00:05:02,156 --> 00:05:04,618 to this cool falling rock I saw in the sky. 131 00:05:04,618 --> 00:05:07,651 You mean the comet that destroys all life on Earth? 132 00:05:07,651 --> 00:05:09,618 - What was that? - What Cosmo means to say is, 133 00:05:09,618 --> 00:05:13,651 the comet that destroys all dinosaur life on Earth! 134 00:05:13,651 --> 00:05:15,156 [gasps] What? 135 00:05:15,156 --> 00:05:18,156 Uh, I can’t send Bary back now, or he’ll be doomed! 136 00:05:18,156 --> 00:05:22,783 Hmm, if I can’t send him home, I’ll do the next best thing-- 137 00:05:22,783 --> 00:05:25,849 I’ll get him a job! - Aah! What kind of a job 138 00:05:25,849 --> 00:05:29,453 could a big ol’ scary prehistoric lizard do? 139 00:05:29,453 --> 00:05:33,717 - [gasps] - No offense. 140 00:05:33,717 --> 00:05:34,651 Here goes something. 141 00:05:34,651 --> 00:05:39,552 I wish Bary got a job in a dinosaur movie! 142 00:05:39,552 --> 00:05:43,486 The only way to stop the dinos is to vogue. 143 00:05:43,486 --> 00:05:44,519 Oh, yeah. Vogue. 144 00:05:44,519 --> 00:05:47,519 Mm! Uh-huh. [mumbles concernedly] 145 00:05:47,519 --> 00:05:50,024 [heavy footfalls] 146 00:05:50,024 --> 00:05:52,090 Whoa! 147 00:05:52,090 --> 00:05:55,486 Hello, everyone. 148 00:05:55,486 --> 00:05:57,519 Happy to be here. 149 00:05:57,519 --> 00:05:58,651 [clears throat] 150 00:05:58,651 --> 00:06:01,915 Roar. 151 00:06:01,915 --> 00:06:03,552 Cut! You’re killing me, Bare. 152 00:06:03,552 --> 00:06:04,958 You’re supposed to be a scary dinosaur 153 00:06:04,958 --> 00:06:08,123 that roars "roar," not just says "roar." 154 00:06:08,123 --> 00:06:10,156 Don’t you talk to my client that way. 155 00:06:10,156 --> 00:06:13,552 I’m Bary’s agent. I represent Zendaya. 156 00:06:13,552 --> 00:06:16,816 Zendaya McGinty, the bean-frying champion 157 00:06:16,816 --> 00:06:18,915 of Fort Wayne, Indiana! 158 00:06:18,915 --> 00:06:20,222 I don’t care who you are. 159 00:06:20,222 --> 00:06:22,255 Open the door, get off my floor, 160 00:06:22,255 --> 00:06:24,816 ’cause I’ve just fired this dinosaur. 161 00:06:24,816 --> 00:06:27,123 Uh, what are we going to do now? 162 00:06:27,123 --> 00:06:28,915 Huh, since getting you a job 163 00:06:28,915 --> 00:06:31,552 based on your dinosaur looks didn’t work, 164 00:06:31,552 --> 00:06:35,024 maybe your dinosaur knowledge will do us one better. 165 00:06:35,024 --> 00:06:39,519 I wish you had a job at the Dimmsonian Museum! 166 00:06:39,519 --> 00:06:41,255 [phone dialing] 167 00:06:41,255 --> 00:06:43,849 Vogue. Vogue. Vogueee. 168 00:06:44,991 --> 00:06:47,991 Ooh, I cannot wait to teach the world 169 00:06:47,991 --> 00:06:51,222 about my old dinosaur friends! 170 00:06:51,222 --> 00:06:53,189 Wait a minute. 171 00:06:53,189 --> 00:06:54,552 [dramatic music] 172 00:06:54,552 --> 00:06:55,816 [Bary gasps] 173 00:06:55,816 --> 00:06:56,816 This is all wrong. 174 00:06:56,816 --> 00:06:59,618 And where for the love of dinosaur Pete 175 00:06:59,618 --> 00:07:00,991 are their top hats? 176 00:07:00,991 --> 00:07:05,750 And there’s no exhibit for my hero, Thomas Rex-ison, 177 00:07:05,750 --> 00:07:08,783 the inventor of dino-tricity. 178 00:07:08,783 --> 00:07:09,453 Oh, yeah. 179 00:07:09,453 --> 00:07:11,288 Bary knows all about dino-tricity. 180 00:07:11,288 --> 00:07:13,750 Remember that time our car broke down 181 00:07:13,750 --> 00:07:14,783 in the Jurassic period? 182 00:07:14,783 --> 00:07:18,783 Bary gave us a jump using only a pebble! [chuckles] 183 00:07:18,783 --> 00:07:20,321 What’s up with everyone knowing 184 00:07:20,321 --> 00:07:22,156 about dino electricity? 185 00:07:22,156 --> 00:07:23,618 [softly] I knew it. 186 00:07:23,618 --> 00:07:25,882 [cash register dings] - [grumbles] 187 00:07:25,882 --> 00:07:28,684 Nothing makes sense here. 188 00:07:28,684 --> 00:07:29,552 Ugh! 189 00:07:29,552 --> 00:07:30,750 This really isn’t working. 190 00:07:30,750 --> 00:07:32,585 What do you want to do now, squirt? 191 00:07:32,585 --> 00:07:34,090 Since dinosaurs are big and strong, 192 00:07:34,090 --> 00:07:38,684 I wish Bary had a job working with his hands. 193 00:07:38,684 --> 00:07:41,882 [intense rock music] 194 00:07:41,882 --> 00:07:46,552 [roaring] I love using my core strength. 195 00:07:46,552 --> 00:07:48,057 [laughs] Awesome, Bary. 196 00:07:48,057 --> 00:07:50,585 We found your place in the future. 197 00:07:50,585 --> 00:07:51,288 High five! 198 00:07:51,288 --> 00:07:52,849 Yay! Oops! 199 00:07:52,849 --> 00:07:54,321 [music distorts] 200 00:07:54,321 --> 00:07:55,321 [electricity clicks] 201 00:07:55,321 --> 00:07:58,288 Oh, no! With no power, how will we ever have 202 00:07:58,288 --> 00:08:01,958 our Electric Light Ice Cream Float Parade today? 203 00:08:01,958 --> 00:08:03,156 The what? 204 00:08:03,156 --> 00:08:04,882 On the hottest day of the year, 205 00:08:04,882 --> 00:08:06,189 Dimmadelphia throws a parade 206 00:08:06,189 --> 00:08:09,750 where ice cream trucks covered in electric lights 207 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:11,189 pass out free ice cream! 208 00:08:11,189 --> 00:08:13,717 How have I not heard of this before? 209 00:08:13,717 --> 00:08:15,684 Hazelnut, you made it! 210 00:08:15,684 --> 00:08:18,387 Mom, dad, what are you doing here? 211 00:08:18,387 --> 00:08:19,651 Oh, working the Be Wells booth 212 00:08:19,651 --> 00:08:22,255 at the Electric Light Ice Cream Float Parade, of course. 213 00:08:22,255 --> 00:08:25,090 Or I was before this disaster. [sighs] 214 00:08:25,090 --> 00:08:27,882 Beatrish, I’m gonna need you to eat 30 gallons of ice cream 215 00:08:27,882 --> 00:08:30,090 before they melt. Choose, Beatrish-- 216 00:08:30,090 --> 00:08:32,090 your cholesterol or your job. 217 00:08:32,090 --> 00:08:33,882 [Beatrish speaking indistinctly] 218 00:08:33,882 --> 00:08:35,354 That’s what I thought. 219 00:08:35,354 --> 00:08:36,222 Oh, my gosh! 220 00:08:36,222 --> 00:08:39,684 If we don’t have any power and there’s an ice cream parade 221 00:08:39,684 --> 00:08:40,618 that depends on electricity 222 00:08:40,618 --> 00:08:44,090 and it’s the hottest day of the year, then that means... 223 00:08:44,090 --> 00:08:46,321 [dramatic musical sting] 224 00:08:46,321 --> 00:08:50,090 Melted ice cream everywhere? 225 00:08:50,090 --> 00:08:51,156 [screams] 226 00:08:51,156 --> 00:08:52,849 [tires screeching] 227 00:08:52,849 --> 00:08:57,156 [suspenseful music] 228 00:08:57,156 --> 00:08:58,156 The parade is ruined! 229 00:08:58,156 --> 00:09:01,024 Do you think anyone will notice it was us? 230 00:09:01,024 --> 00:09:04,354 [military music] 231 00:09:04,354 --> 00:09:08,453 Which one of you is Hazel Wells? 232 00:09:08,453 --> 00:09:09,255 [laughs nervously] 233 00:09:09,255 --> 00:09:13,123 Hazel Wells, you’ve been getting this Baryonyx jobs 234 00:09:13,123 --> 00:09:17,420 all over the city and causing all sorts of pandemonium. 235 00:09:17,420 --> 00:09:20,453 The Electric Light Ice Cream Float Parade 236 00:09:20,453 --> 00:09:23,958 hasn’t been canceled in over 115 years. 237 00:09:23,958 --> 00:09:27,123 I didn’t mean to ruin the Eclectic Lime Boat-- 238 00:09:27,123 --> 00:09:30,420 all: The Electric Light Ice Cream Float Parade! 239 00:09:30,420 --> 00:09:31,453 Yes, that thing! 240 00:09:31,453 --> 00:09:34,090 And I get that, Hazel. I’m not mad. 241 00:09:34,090 --> 00:09:35,915 I’m just disappointed. 242 00:09:35,915 --> 00:09:38,156 ’Tis I, the May-or! 243 00:09:38,156 --> 00:09:39,354 [pompous band music] 244 00:09:39,354 --> 00:09:42,958 Oof, the mayor’s disappointed in you, Hazel. 245 00:09:42,958 --> 00:09:44,156 How are you holding up? 246 00:09:44,156 --> 00:09:46,783 I’d be devastated, Hazel. 247 00:09:46,783 --> 00:09:47,420 Miserable. 248 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:49,991 I just wanted to help Bary make a new life 249 00:09:49,991 --> 00:09:50,915 for himself in Dimmadelphia. 250 00:09:50,915 --> 00:09:55,255 But instead, I ruined things for him and the whole city. 251 00:09:55,453 --> 00:09:56,321 Wait a second, Hazel. 252 00:09:56,321 --> 00:10:00,222 I have another idea how we can save the day. 253 00:10:00,222 --> 00:10:02,420 [growling] 254 00:10:02,420 --> 00:10:04,816 [light curious music] 255 00:10:04,816 --> 00:10:07,750 According to the great Thomas Rex-ison, 256 00:10:07,750 --> 00:10:10,915 these gems make electricity. 257 00:10:10,915 --> 00:10:13,750 Wow, you’re really good at that, Bary. 258 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:16,024 This may actually work! 259 00:10:16,024 --> 00:10:20,222 [adventurous music] 260 00:10:20,222 --> 00:10:23,057 ♪ ♪ 261 00:10:23,057 --> 00:10:26,189 [cheers and applause] 262 00:10:27,717 --> 00:10:29,057 [tires screeching] 263 00:10:29,057 --> 00:10:30,222 The parade is back on. 264 00:10:30,222 --> 00:10:32,991 And now, thanks to Hazel, Bary, and some rocks, 265 00:10:32,991 --> 00:10:36,156 Dimmadelphia now runs on sustainable gem power. 266 00:10:36,156 --> 00:10:43,123 Hazel and Bary, I present to you the Key to the City. 267 00:10:44,420 --> 00:10:47,156 Yay! [Hazel laughs] 268 00:10:47,156 --> 00:10:50,288 I’m sorry for pushing all these jobs on you. 269 00:10:50,288 --> 00:10:52,354 I just wanted to make sure you were happy, 270 00:10:52,354 --> 00:10:54,321 seeing as I brought you here and all. 271 00:10:54,321 --> 00:10:56,288 So after everything you tried today, 272 00:10:56,288 --> 00:10:59,057 is there something that you want to do, Bary? 273 00:10:59,057 --> 00:11:01,849 Aha! I want to be an electrician. 274 00:11:01,849 --> 00:11:05,453 Mm-hmm, I’ll follow in the footsteps of my hero, 275 00:11:05,453 --> 00:11:07,321 Thomas Rex-ison! 276 00:11:07,321 --> 00:11:09,882 Oh, that’s so beautiful. 277 00:11:09,882 --> 00:11:15,387 Electric Light Ice Cream for everyone! 278 00:11:15,387 --> 00:11:16,783 Aah, ha ha! 279 00:11:16,783 --> 00:11:18,156 [laughter] 280 00:11:18,156 --> 00:11:22,024 [all scream and laugh]