1 00:00:01,043 --> 00:00:05,090 ♪ upbeat quirky music playing ♪ 2 00:00:05,090 --> 00:00:07,217 NARRATOR: Human beings are resilient. 3 00:00:07,717 --> 00:00:08,843 We can endure a lot. 4 00:00:12,430 --> 00:00:14,391 But our bodies are fragile. 5 00:00:15,600 --> 00:00:18,562 Take too many punches, too much torment... 6 00:00:18,562 --> 00:00:19,604 [punch thuds] 7 00:00:19,604 --> 00:00:21,481 ...and everyone's got a breaking point. 8 00:00:26,611 --> 00:00:27,445 [bell rings] 9 00:00:27,445 --> 00:00:29,948 [crowd cheering] 10 00:00:32,534 --> 00:00:35,787 Okay, for the speed round, we've got the famous 7 Pot Primo. 11 00:00:35,787 --> 00:00:36,788 JOHNNY SCOVILLE: Oh, no. 12 00:00:36,788 --> 00:00:38,415 Okay, there's gonna be 10 each. 13 00:00:38,999 --> 00:00:40,500 Shan has lost the use of her hands, 14 00:00:40,875 --> 00:00:42,961 so Taylor here will feed her the peppers. 15 00:00:43,420 --> 00:00:46,423 NARRATOR: After ingesting 35 superhots so far, 16 00:00:46,882 --> 00:00:50,051 Shahina Waseem is pretty messed up. 17 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:52,679 Her hands are incapacitated by cramping, 18 00:00:52,679 --> 00:00:55,557 and her 95-match win streak is in jeopardy. 19 00:00:56,141 --> 00:01:00,061 One final head-to-head speed round against Johnny Scoville 20 00:01:00,061 --> 00:01:01,104 will decide it all. 21 00:01:01,980 --> 00:01:04,232 [crowd cheering] 22 00:01:04,232 --> 00:01:05,901 PAUL OURO: Three, two, one. 23 00:01:05,901 --> 00:01:06,943 [bell rings] 24 00:01:08,653 --> 00:01:12,574 ♪ intense, dramatic music playing ♪ 25 00:01:13,408 --> 00:01:14,242 [pepper crunches] 26 00:01:16,453 --> 00:01:17,287 [groans] 27 00:01:20,624 --> 00:01:21,583 [grunts] 28 00:01:23,960 --> 00:01:25,462 PAUL: Finish all of the pepper. 29 00:01:25,462 --> 00:01:27,214 There's nothing on any of those stalks. 30 00:01:29,007 --> 00:01:30,175 Oh, wow. 31 00:01:33,887 --> 00:01:34,721 [grunts] 32 00:01:40,435 --> 00:01:41,728 [bell rings] 33 00:01:41,728 --> 00:01:43,146 PAUL: Winner, UK Chili Queen. 34 00:01:45,190 --> 00:01:46,024 Chocolate, please. 35 00:01:46,024 --> 00:01:47,234 [groans, pants] 36 00:01:47,234 --> 00:01:48,610 Please give me a chocolate now. 37 00:01:49,194 --> 00:01:50,195 PAUL: I have one here. 38 00:01:50,195 --> 00:01:51,029 SHAHINA WASEEM: Paul, hurry, please. 39 00:01:51,029 --> 00:01:51,863 PAUL: I'm coming, I'm coming. 40 00:01:52,113 --> 00:01:53,073 Oh-- 41 00:01:53,073 --> 00:01:54,324 So horrible to watch. 42 00:01:55,158 --> 00:01:56,117 Quick, quick! JOHNNY: Wow. 43 00:01:56,117 --> 00:01:57,202 PAUL: Got it. I got it. 44 00:01:57,535 --> 00:02:00,538 [coughs] Every time you go up against the Queen, 45 00:02:00,538 --> 00:02:03,250 you know you gotta give your best 46 00:02:03,250 --> 00:02:05,418 'cause she makes you step up your game. 47 00:02:05,418 --> 00:02:06,962 [Shahina panting] 48 00:02:07,420 --> 00:02:10,090 I had it, but man, I didn't have it. 49 00:02:11,216 --> 00:02:13,760 Just amazing, that speed round, man, it's demoralizing. 50 00:02:13,760 --> 00:02:18,598 After-after all those rounds to come out with ten 7 Pot Primos. 51 00:02:19,140 --> 00:02:20,934 Just to eat 10 of those period is a lot, 52 00:02:20,934 --> 00:02:23,019 but to eat ten 7 Pot Primos 53 00:02:23,019 --> 00:02:25,522 after eating 35 other superhots? 54 00:02:27,649 --> 00:02:28,525 Uh, you know, it's interesting. 55 00:02:28,525 --> 00:02:30,443 It's demoralizing, it crushes your spirit. 56 00:02:30,443 --> 00:02:32,737 I tried not to act like, "Oh, my God, this is gonna be--" 57 00:02:32,737 --> 00:02:34,364 I tried to act like I was psyched about it, 58 00:02:34,364 --> 00:02:35,699 but man, it's just devastating. 59 00:02:36,908 --> 00:02:38,577 That was amazing, Johnny. 60 00:02:38,577 --> 00:02:39,536 You're amazing. 61 00:02:39,953 --> 00:02:40,996 [sighs] Amazing. 62 00:02:42,080 --> 00:02:44,291 You did it to me again. I thought I had you. 63 00:02:45,041 --> 00:02:46,167 You were so good. 64 00:02:46,167 --> 00:02:47,752 I thought I had you at the end there. 65 00:02:48,128 --> 00:02:49,045 You're so good. 66 00:02:49,796 --> 00:02:50,839 [Johnny sighs] 67 00:02:50,839 --> 00:02:53,341 Each win as you get closer to a hundred, 68 00:02:53,341 --> 00:02:55,135 um, is a milestone now. 69 00:02:55,135 --> 00:02:56,845 It really is a milestone. 70 00:02:56,845 --> 00:02:59,222 And so when I go in competitions now, 71 00:02:59,222 --> 00:03:00,640 I do not want to lose. 72 00:03:00,640 --> 00:03:02,726 I-I-I don't know what happens. 73 00:03:02,726 --> 00:03:04,561 It's a superhuman mode, 74 00:03:04,561 --> 00:03:08,023 and-and I just kind of push through the pain and everything. 75 00:03:08,023 --> 00:03:09,858 I would sit there on that table. 76 00:03:09,858 --> 00:03:11,401 I'd rather die than give up. 77 00:03:11,401 --> 00:03:12,694 You beat me again. 78 00:03:13,820 --> 00:03:15,030 I don't know how you do it. 79 00:03:16,781 --> 00:03:17,616 [groans] 80 00:03:19,117 --> 00:03:20,201 I need to go to the bathroom. 81 00:03:21,119 --> 00:03:22,037 [Johnny groans] 82 00:03:24,414 --> 00:03:28,084 [Johnny retching] 83 00:03:28,084 --> 00:03:29,878 ♪ dramatic theme music playing ♪ 84 00:03:33,465 --> 00:03:35,467 [flames crackling] 85 00:03:37,052 --> 00:03:38,803 [bubbling] 86 00:03:42,015 --> 00:03:45,685 [flames sizzling] 87 00:03:47,020 --> 00:03:50,398 NARRATOR: High Point, North Carolina is a small town 88 00:03:50,398 --> 00:03:52,609 near Greensboro and Winston-Salem. 89 00:03:53,026 --> 00:03:55,195 It's perhaps best known as home 90 00:03:55,195 --> 00:03:58,531 to the world's largest chest of drawers. 91 00:03:58,531 --> 00:03:59,991 They're 36 feet high. 92 00:03:59,991 --> 00:04:01,868 Look at those things. Can't miss 'em. 93 00:04:03,078 --> 00:04:06,498 But it's a bit easier to miss the fact 94 00:04:06,498 --> 00:04:08,792 that High Point is also home 95 00:04:08,792 --> 00:04:12,254 to the largest hot sauce collection on Earth. 96 00:04:12,712 --> 00:04:17,509 Hidden in the basement of a man named Vic Clinco. 97 00:04:18,343 --> 00:04:22,264 It's got bottles from every corner of the globe. 98 00:04:22,264 --> 00:04:24,349 I don't know if you know this, but there are hot sauce museums. 99 00:04:24,349 --> 00:04:26,935 There's not a hot sauce museum that has more than his collection. 100 00:04:27,227 --> 00:04:30,146 He has over 10,000 bottles of hot sauce. 101 00:04:31,314 --> 00:04:33,233 The guy's collection is insane. 102 00:04:33,233 --> 00:04:35,026 It's so impressive to see 103 00:04:35,026 --> 00:04:37,737 that many bottles on one shelf 104 00:04:37,737 --> 00:04:41,032 and then another shelf and then another shelf, you know? 105 00:04:42,117 --> 00:04:43,827 So there it is, humble beginnings. 106 00:04:43,827 --> 00:04:45,912 That's where my collection started, 107 00:04:46,913 --> 00:04:50,917 and now this is what my collection has amassed into 108 00:04:50,917 --> 00:04:52,752 26 years later. 109 00:04:52,752 --> 00:04:56,923 So this, for the most part, is a lot of my Texas sauces here, 110 00:04:56,923 --> 00:05:00,093 Louisiana here. Colorado here, right? 111 00:05:00,552 --> 00:05:02,095 Um, this is all Arizona. 112 00:05:02,095 --> 00:05:04,097 Roll right into the California, 113 00:05:04,097 --> 00:05:05,432 into Mexico. 114 00:05:05,432 --> 00:05:07,350 I wanna show it off. I wanna be able to tell people 115 00:05:07,350 --> 00:05:11,479 and-and-and show them what actually is out there 116 00:05:11,479 --> 00:05:13,982 and what the-the hot sauce community, 117 00:05:13,982 --> 00:05:16,818 what the hot sauce industry really is. 118 00:05:17,485 --> 00:05:19,321 NARRATOR: What started as a small hobby 119 00:05:19,321 --> 00:05:21,364 has become a lifestyle for Vic. 120 00:05:21,364 --> 00:05:23,116 He's evolved from a collector, 121 00:05:23,116 --> 00:05:26,369 to an expert maker and distributor of hot sauce. 122 00:05:26,369 --> 00:05:30,498 Now with the industry clout to hand select craft sauces 123 00:05:30,498 --> 00:05:32,709 worthy of wider distribution. 124 00:05:32,709 --> 00:05:37,464 VIC CLINCO: We have 1,700-ish or so different products here. 125 00:05:37,464 --> 00:05:39,090 You know, hot sauce is a pretty big deal 126 00:05:39,090 --> 00:05:41,468 and it's a, it's a global thing, right? 127 00:05:41,468 --> 00:05:44,179 So it's just not here, you know, in the States. 128 00:05:44,596 --> 00:05:48,808 Um, so right now, we are the largest, uh, distributor of sauces. 129 00:05:49,309 --> 00:05:51,186 It's a humbling experience. 130 00:05:51,186 --> 00:05:54,606 NARRATOR: This weekend, Vic is hosting a showcase 131 00:05:54,606 --> 00:05:56,524 for small batch craft sauces. 132 00:05:56,942 --> 00:05:59,819 And if you tickle his taste buds, oh, baby, 133 00:05:59,819 --> 00:06:02,280 that could mean a real business opportunity 134 00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:03,740 to go worldwide. 135 00:06:03,740 --> 00:06:06,660 It's really important to be able to get your sauce 136 00:06:06,660 --> 00:06:08,495 out in front of people 137 00:06:08,495 --> 00:06:10,038 so then maybe we give a call and say, 138 00:06:10,038 --> 00:06:11,414 "Hey, listen, you know, we'd like to see 139 00:06:11,414 --> 00:06:13,124 "what-what-what you've got going on. 140 00:06:13,124 --> 00:06:14,960 Maybe we can work together on something like that." 141 00:06:15,335 --> 00:06:18,004 We are sending pallets of product 142 00:06:18,004 --> 00:06:20,006 literally across the world, right? 143 00:06:20,006 --> 00:06:21,383 So we have reach. 144 00:06:22,676 --> 00:06:25,762 ♪ soft, bright music playing ♪ 145 00:06:25,762 --> 00:06:30,684 ♪ 146 00:06:31,726 --> 00:06:34,271 These are the ones that I'm really fond of right now. 147 00:06:34,271 --> 00:06:37,148 They're mostly small batch hot sauce makers. 148 00:06:37,649 --> 00:06:41,403 I try to support the people that make their own sauce. 149 00:06:46,366 --> 00:06:48,493 NARRATOR: Vic Clinco's showcase is a date circled 150 00:06:48,493 --> 00:06:50,745 on the calendar of many chiliheads. 151 00:06:50,745 --> 00:06:51,788 [indistinct chatter] 152 00:06:51,788 --> 00:06:52,998 NARRATOR: That's especially the case 153 00:06:52,998 --> 00:06:56,293 for aspiring hot sauce newcomer Aurea de Guzman. 154 00:06:56,710 --> 00:06:59,296 [crying] I get so emotional when I'm cooking. 155 00:06:59,671 --> 00:07:01,923 [sniffles] It's not the onion. - Don't cry. 156 00:07:02,841 --> 00:07:03,758 [Aurea sniffles] 157 00:07:03,758 --> 00:07:05,010 [laughs] 158 00:07:05,385 --> 00:07:07,554 It's okay. Don't worry. 159 00:07:09,180 --> 00:07:11,683 Are you gonna cut these chard beans? 160 00:07:11,683 --> 00:07:14,686 No, could you, um, grab the pechay from downstairs? 161 00:07:14,686 --> 00:07:17,522 Okay, I'll go downstairs. 162 00:07:19,107 --> 00:07:22,152 NARRATOR: Here in this kitchen, with her mom and sister, Mae, 163 00:07:22,152 --> 00:07:24,237 Aurea's mastered the Filipino flavors 164 00:07:24,237 --> 00:07:27,198 that now inspire her new hot sauce. 165 00:07:27,198 --> 00:07:30,660 The one she'll soon launch with Bobby McFadden. 166 00:07:31,286 --> 00:07:32,913 AUREA DE GUZMAN: Bless you. - Bless you. 167 00:07:34,205 --> 00:07:36,708 Hey, baby! Mm. 168 00:07:36,708 --> 00:07:38,126 [Aurea laughs] 169 00:07:38,126 --> 00:07:41,338 I've lived with my mom since my, my dad passed away. 170 00:07:41,755 --> 00:07:45,383 So it's been me and her. She's been my backbone. 171 00:07:45,383 --> 00:07:46,259 MARISSA DE GUZMAN: Surrender. 172 00:07:46,259 --> 00:07:48,970 When I felt weak and I couldn't stand on my own, 173 00:07:48,970 --> 00:07:50,055 she was there. 174 00:07:50,889 --> 00:07:52,224 MARISSA: I think it's okay now. 175 00:07:55,185 --> 00:07:56,895 AUREA: We're a pretty close-knit family. 176 00:07:57,270 --> 00:08:00,106 Ever since the Philippines, all we had was each other. 177 00:08:01,566 --> 00:08:05,612 Do you know who owns the world's largest hot sauce collection? 178 00:08:06,613 --> 00:08:10,158 Oh, yeah, I don't remember his name, but I saw his Instagram. 179 00:08:10,533 --> 00:08:12,994 Vic... frickin'... 180 00:08:13,370 --> 00:08:15,163 - 'Cause he was going like this. - ...Clinco. 181 00:08:15,163 --> 00:08:16,248 And he just kept going. 182 00:08:17,749 --> 00:08:19,501 NARRATOR: Since the death of her father, 183 00:08:19,501 --> 00:08:23,171 Aurea's felt a responsibility to be the glue for her family 184 00:08:23,171 --> 00:08:25,507 and do all she can to take care of them. 185 00:08:25,507 --> 00:08:27,759 Vic's showcase offers an opportunity 186 00:08:27,759 --> 00:08:30,345 to realize her hot sauce dreams, 187 00:08:30,345 --> 00:08:34,057 but also to grow a business that could provide for them all. 188 00:08:34,057 --> 00:08:36,643 I'm gonna get help from actual hot sauce makers. 189 00:08:36,643 --> 00:08:38,436 ALYSSA MAE DE GUZMAN: That's why she's going next week. 190 00:08:38,436 --> 00:08:40,772 I'm gonna get expert advice from people 191 00:08:40,772 --> 00:08:41,940 so I don't have to wing it. 192 00:08:41,940 --> 00:08:43,441 - That's a good one. - They can actually 193 00:08:43,817 --> 00:08:45,402 tell me what I need to do. 194 00:08:45,402 --> 00:08:47,028 Hot sauce makers have 195 00:08:47,821 --> 00:08:49,573 the wildest ideas, 196 00:08:49,573 --> 00:08:52,409 and I think I have wild ideas 197 00:08:52,409 --> 00:08:55,370 that the world needs to taste as well. 198 00:08:55,370 --> 00:08:58,748 I don't think I've processed this enough yet. 199 00:08:58,748 --> 00:09:01,793 I haven't sat down and really thought about 200 00:09:02,127 --> 00:09:06,381 how big of an opportunity this is going to be for me. 201 00:09:06,923 --> 00:09:08,425 MARISSA: That's good. [dog growls] 202 00:09:10,427 --> 00:09:11,386 [flames crackling] 203 00:09:11,386 --> 00:09:13,805 NARRATOR: Ask anyone and they'll tell you, 204 00:09:14,472 --> 00:09:17,475 we are living in the golden age of hot sauce. 205 00:09:17,475 --> 00:09:19,394 The hot sauce industry, believe it or not, 206 00:09:19,394 --> 00:09:22,314 is a multi-billion dollar global business. 207 00:09:22,856 --> 00:09:23,732 NARRATOR: This is it. 208 00:09:23,732 --> 00:09:25,942 We are the generation that got lucky. 209 00:09:25,942 --> 00:09:28,612 New hot sauces are created every single day, 210 00:09:28,612 --> 00:09:30,822 each with their own unique flavor. 211 00:09:30,822 --> 00:09:32,699 You think your grandma had that? 212 00:09:32,699 --> 00:09:34,659 Your grandma had one hot sauce, 213 00:09:34,659 --> 00:09:35,827 and she put it on everything. 214 00:09:38,622 --> 00:09:41,374 Allow me to introduce burgeoning hot sauce reviewer 215 00:09:41,374 --> 00:09:45,045 and TikTok influencer KTB Saucy, 216 00:09:45,045 --> 00:09:48,673 to break down just how versatile hot sauce can actually be. 217 00:09:48,673 --> 00:09:51,426 You know, some people think that hot sauce 218 00:09:51,426 --> 00:09:54,679 is all about the heat, but it's so much more than that. 219 00:09:55,096 --> 00:09:58,433 It's a delicate balance between flavor and spice. 220 00:09:59,100 --> 00:10:01,186 First, think about what you wanna use it on. 221 00:10:01,186 --> 00:10:04,022 A burrito, pizza, ice cream? 222 00:10:04,940 --> 00:10:06,358 What flavors are you into? 223 00:10:06,775 --> 00:10:10,528 Vinegar forward, garlic infused, sweet and fruity? 224 00:10:11,238 --> 00:10:13,073 Next, what's your heat level? 225 00:10:13,073 --> 00:10:16,368 Mild, medium, hot, melt your face? 226 00:10:16,743 --> 00:10:19,579 Just like the perfect cocktail, it's all about balance. 227 00:10:20,497 --> 00:10:21,623 The possibilities are endless. 228 00:10:22,332 --> 00:10:24,376 ♪ light music playing ♪ 229 00:10:26,211 --> 00:10:28,797 NARRATOR: Now that KTB Saucy has weighed in, 230 00:10:28,797 --> 00:10:32,842 it's as good a time as any to meet this hot new name in the hot sauce game. 231 00:10:32,842 --> 00:10:34,219 Who am I talking about? 232 00:10:34,886 --> 00:10:37,013 Katie, she literally just talked. 233 00:10:37,430 --> 00:10:39,474 KATIE BANNISTER: When pepper season's off and I need to keep 234 00:10:39,474 --> 00:10:41,226 my tolerance for the channel, 235 00:10:41,226 --> 00:10:43,103 tincture and coffee helps a lot. 236 00:10:44,729 --> 00:10:45,564 [bell rings] 237 00:10:47,983 --> 00:10:49,693 Are you okay over there? I didn't spice yours. 238 00:10:49,693 --> 00:10:51,736 PARTNER: You didn't? - Are you seriously burning? 239 00:10:51,736 --> 00:10:53,780 Yeah. [clears throat] I'm okay. 240 00:10:53,780 --> 00:10:55,365 That's funny. Yeah. 241 00:10:55,365 --> 00:10:56,199 Ow. 242 00:10:56,199 --> 00:10:57,701 - Love it though, right? - Uh-huh. Mm. 243 00:10:57,701 --> 00:11:00,036 It's delicious, there's no better way to start your day. 244 00:11:00,453 --> 00:11:03,206 NARRATOR: And despite being a new face in the world of superhot, 245 00:11:03,206 --> 00:11:06,918 she is quickly becoming the Johnny Scoville of hot sauce. 246 00:11:06,918 --> 00:11:09,254 That's, that's scary is what that is. 247 00:11:09,880 --> 00:11:10,714 Oh, God. 248 00:11:10,714 --> 00:11:12,632 You want to see me burn. 249 00:11:13,133 --> 00:11:16,845 Somebody told me this thing tastes like sunshine in a bottle. 250 00:11:16,845 --> 00:11:18,096 [indistinct] in the cap cave. 251 00:11:18,096 --> 00:11:19,431 Get you some, it's there. 252 00:11:19,431 --> 00:11:22,017 [pepper crunching] 253 00:11:22,017 --> 00:11:23,935 I mean, I think you like hot sauce or you don't. 254 00:11:23,935 --> 00:11:25,228 So I've always liked it. 255 00:11:25,228 --> 00:11:27,105 People ask me all the time if I'm gonna make 256 00:11:27,105 --> 00:11:28,398 my own personal sauce. 257 00:11:28,398 --> 00:11:29,274 No. 258 00:11:29,274 --> 00:11:31,192 Am I ever gonna try and get into the pepper scene? 259 00:11:31,192 --> 00:11:33,486 No. I don't wanna compete with you. 260 00:11:33,486 --> 00:11:35,196 I want to promote you. 261 00:11:35,780 --> 00:11:37,407 I want everybody to know about you. 262 00:11:37,407 --> 00:11:40,160 I wanna see where this can grow and what it can be. 263 00:11:43,663 --> 00:11:46,499 NARRATOR: Katie Bannister is one of many pepper people 264 00:11:46,499 --> 00:11:48,835 heading to the Clinco Showcase this weekend. 265 00:11:49,336 --> 00:11:51,963 It's a new event on the pepper calendar, 266 00:11:51,963 --> 00:11:55,175 but Vic's name alone draws hundreds of hot sauce hopefuls 267 00:11:55,175 --> 00:11:56,468 to North Carolina. 268 00:11:57,260 --> 00:11:59,554 One chilihead who made the trip to High Point 269 00:11:59,554 --> 00:12:04,142 is a superhot obsessed character with a style all his own. 270 00:12:06,937 --> 00:12:07,771 [sniffs] 271 00:12:09,856 --> 00:12:10,774 [coughs] 272 00:12:11,816 --> 00:12:13,360 NARRATOR: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 273 00:12:13,360 --> 00:12:14,194 Did he just-- 274 00:12:14,569 --> 00:12:15,695 Can you rewind that for a second? 275 00:12:15,695 --> 00:12:17,155 [tape rewinds, clicks] 276 00:12:17,530 --> 00:12:18,365 [sniffs] 277 00:12:19,199 --> 00:12:21,076 NARRATOR: Yeah, yeah, no, he did snort that. 278 00:12:21,868 --> 00:12:22,702 Fantastic. 279 00:12:22,702 --> 00:12:25,705 Okay, well, this is Drew Goldy. 280 00:12:25,705 --> 00:12:26,581 Beer and a shot. 281 00:12:26,873 --> 00:12:28,041 [laughs] 282 00:12:28,708 --> 00:12:29,542 [bell rings] 283 00:12:31,002 --> 00:12:33,463 NARRATOR: A man seemingly fueled by spice 284 00:12:33,463 --> 00:12:34,881 in all its forms. 285 00:12:36,007 --> 00:12:39,302 Ready for a hit of heat at any time of day. 286 00:12:39,302 --> 00:12:41,054 Think anyone from the crew wants to-- 287 00:12:41,054 --> 00:12:42,556 [laughs] 288 00:12:43,974 --> 00:12:45,350 You think they'll try it? 289 00:12:46,142 --> 00:12:49,104 I mean, I'll-I'll-- If somebody wants to come in, dude, 290 00:12:49,104 --> 00:12:50,480 I'll-I'll hit one with them. 291 00:12:51,773 --> 00:12:53,233 I ain't doing it alone though. 292 00:12:53,692 --> 00:12:56,194 Like, that's just too much pain 293 00:12:56,194 --> 00:13:00,323 to endure by myself, you know? But-- 294 00:13:02,242 --> 00:13:03,910 [Drew chuckles] 295 00:13:03,910 --> 00:13:04,828 Um-- 296 00:13:08,415 --> 00:13:10,166 I mean, who wants to party alone? 297 00:13:10,166 --> 00:13:12,002 [laughing] I-I don't know, you know? 298 00:13:12,377 --> 00:13:15,005 NARRATOR: For Drew, superhot is a kind of drug, 299 00:13:15,005 --> 00:13:16,798 but truthfully, it's more than that. 300 00:13:17,215 --> 00:13:20,010 In a way, pepper's offered a kind of salvation 301 00:13:20,010 --> 00:13:22,262 in the darkest of times. 302 00:13:22,262 --> 00:13:23,513 DREW GOLDY: There's a lot of people 303 00:13:23,972 --> 00:13:26,391 that get into chilies and hot sauce 304 00:13:26,391 --> 00:13:29,519 that have had some addiction problems, 305 00:13:29,519 --> 00:13:34,190 and these-these little fruits that grow that are fuckin' brutal, 306 00:13:35,150 --> 00:13:39,487 you know, they-they-they kinda, you know, 307 00:13:39,487 --> 00:13:40,947 brought me out of a dark time. 308 00:13:42,157 --> 00:13:44,826 Elder, my beloved pup, 309 00:13:44,826 --> 00:13:48,204 um, who passed in 2019, I-- 310 00:13:48,663 --> 00:13:51,833 not only does he have a hot sauce named after him, 311 00:13:52,250 --> 00:13:56,129 these particular peppers are also named after him. 312 00:13:56,129 --> 00:13:57,380 Elder's Revenge. 313 00:13:57,380 --> 00:13:59,925 I'm-I'm just trying to honor him as much as I can, 314 00:13:59,925 --> 00:14:03,178 and I'm stoked, I'm stoked to bring this pepper to people. 315 00:14:03,178 --> 00:14:04,137 Either way, 316 00:14:04,638 --> 00:14:07,807 his, his spirit is still here. 317 00:14:07,807 --> 00:14:09,893 I'm actually wearing him around my neck again. 318 00:14:11,394 --> 00:14:12,896 I found Elder 319 00:14:13,772 --> 00:14:16,233 in 2007 in an alleyway. 320 00:14:17,359 --> 00:14:19,569 I heard whining one day in the backyard, 321 00:14:19,569 --> 00:14:21,279 and I went looking and I found him, 322 00:14:21,279 --> 00:14:22,656 and I was like, "Oh, my God," 323 00:14:23,365 --> 00:14:25,992 you know, th-that was it. 324 00:14:25,992 --> 00:14:27,118 You know, that was my dog. 325 00:14:27,118 --> 00:14:31,539 He lasted with me, like, 12 years. 326 00:14:31,539 --> 00:14:33,124 Congestive heart failure took him. 327 00:14:33,124 --> 00:14:34,668 I'm sure other dog owners, 328 00:14:34,668 --> 00:14:36,002 people that have been through the same thing, 329 00:14:36,002 --> 00:14:37,212 you know, it hurts. 330 00:14:37,837 --> 00:14:40,799 And I kind of needed a reason to stick around, 331 00:14:41,299 --> 00:14:42,551 to be honest with you, 332 00:14:42,551 --> 00:14:45,095 and I brought my two loves together 333 00:14:45,095 --> 00:14:48,473 to keep him alive and to honor him, 334 00:14:48,473 --> 00:14:51,101 and keep that legacy going and, you know, 335 00:14:51,101 --> 00:14:53,353 I'm not gonna stop until his little face 336 00:14:54,354 --> 00:14:58,149 is on a bottle on everyone's damn table or hot sauce shelf. 337 00:14:58,149 --> 00:15:00,151 These are the Elder's Revenge Red. 338 00:15:00,151 --> 00:15:03,822 So that mash used to look like this little guy. 339 00:15:04,739 --> 00:15:06,324 [pepper crunches] [flames sizzling] 340 00:15:06,908 --> 00:15:08,118 [clock ticking] 341 00:15:08,118 --> 00:15:10,996 [explosion booms] 342 00:15:13,331 --> 00:15:14,291 Ooh-hoo-hoo! 343 00:15:15,375 --> 00:15:17,043 A little bit of pain. Um-- 344 00:15:18,628 --> 00:15:19,963 It's very painful. 345 00:15:20,839 --> 00:15:21,673 Whoo! 346 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:25,385 Hopefully, everyone else can enjoy that, too. 347 00:15:27,387 --> 00:15:29,723 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 348 00:15:29,723 --> 00:15:32,767 NARRATOR: As showcase day arrives in North Carolina, 349 00:15:32,767 --> 00:15:35,186 it's a bit colder than anyone expected, 350 00:15:35,186 --> 00:15:36,646 but there's enough hot sauce 351 00:15:36,646 --> 00:15:39,524 to make it feel like you're wearing snow pants. 352 00:15:39,524 --> 00:15:41,192 Fuckin' freezing. 353 00:15:41,192 --> 00:15:44,905 Some would say it's a little "chilly" outside. 354 00:15:48,241 --> 00:15:50,076 That's actually got a little sting to it. 355 00:15:50,076 --> 00:15:50,911 SAUCE MAKER: Yes. 356 00:15:50,911 --> 00:15:52,078 KATIE: I wasn't expecting that. 357 00:15:52,078 --> 00:15:53,121 It'll keep on creeping up on you. 358 00:15:53,121 --> 00:15:54,581 Well done. Can I try this one? 359 00:15:54,581 --> 00:15:55,665 SAUCE MAKER: Yeah, of course. 360 00:15:56,875 --> 00:15:58,793 NARRATOR: Each sauce maker sets up a stand 361 00:15:58,793 --> 00:16:01,379 to showcase and sell sauces to visitors. 362 00:16:01,796 --> 00:16:04,758 The event draws the biggest names in superhot. 363 00:16:05,133 --> 00:16:08,345 From Troy Primeaux to Johnny Scoville. 364 00:16:08,345 --> 00:16:12,641 But Vic Clinco is the man they're all here to see. 365 00:16:13,475 --> 00:16:15,602 JOHNNY: If Vic Clinco says, "You got a great hot sauce," 366 00:16:15,602 --> 00:16:16,853 man, that's-- your stock's going up. 367 00:16:16,853 --> 00:16:18,063 That's just all there is to it. 368 00:16:18,063 --> 00:16:20,065 So, I mean, Vic's word is like, he's the gold standard. 369 00:16:20,065 --> 00:16:22,067 Just having your sauce on his wall is a big deal, 370 00:16:22,067 --> 00:16:23,360 but if he likes your sauce, 371 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:24,903 yeah, that can change your, you know, can change 372 00:16:24,903 --> 00:16:26,780 the direction of your company for sure. 373 00:16:27,239 --> 00:16:28,323 He's that well respected. 374 00:16:28,782 --> 00:16:31,993 ♪ 375 00:16:34,162 --> 00:16:35,914 Get your hot sauce here. 376 00:16:36,456 --> 00:16:37,707 [chuckles] 377 00:16:39,501 --> 00:16:41,545 - So what are we up to here, big guy? - I know, I-- 378 00:16:41,545 --> 00:16:43,964 You wanna try, uh, try some sauces? 379 00:16:44,297 --> 00:16:45,674 - Yeah. - Wander around and see 380 00:16:45,674 --> 00:16:47,300 what kinda trouble we can get into. 381 00:16:48,426 --> 00:16:49,678 NARRATOR: As Vic makes the rounds, 382 00:16:49,678 --> 00:16:53,557 he's joined by a man dubbed the godfather of hot sauce. 383 00:16:53,557 --> 00:16:55,475 John "CaJohn" Hard. 384 00:16:55,850 --> 00:16:57,227 And my big thing was always 385 00:16:57,227 --> 00:16:59,271 just the pepper needs to be the star of the show. 386 00:16:59,271 --> 00:17:00,105 Right. 387 00:17:00,105 --> 00:17:04,401 NARRATOR: CaJohn's Fiery Food Companies launched hundreds of top sauces, 388 00:17:04,401 --> 00:17:07,529 earning CaJohn a spot in the hot sauce hall of fame. 389 00:17:07,988 --> 00:17:09,781 Yep, it's a thing. Look it up. 390 00:17:09,781 --> 00:17:14,911 Hmm. It has a nice prelude to a late burn coming in. 391 00:17:14,911 --> 00:17:16,246 VIC: Yeah. Yeah. 392 00:17:16,538 --> 00:17:19,040 NARRATOR: Vic and CaJohn can tell with one taste 393 00:17:19,040 --> 00:17:21,543 if a sauce is destined for success. 394 00:17:22,002 --> 00:17:26,172 So most folks start pretty much making it in their kitchen, right? 395 00:17:26,172 --> 00:17:28,717 And they're making hot sauce either at night or on the weekend, 396 00:17:28,717 --> 00:17:31,177 and they're-they're-they're going to farmer's markets 397 00:17:31,177 --> 00:17:32,053 and trying to peddle it. 398 00:17:32,053 --> 00:17:33,555 It's a tough road. 399 00:17:35,974 --> 00:17:36,808 [bell rings] 400 00:17:38,101 --> 00:17:39,728 TROY PRIMEAUX: I got my crew here. 401 00:17:40,979 --> 00:17:43,815 He gets paid in, uh, let's see, what you get paid in, Huss? 402 00:17:43,815 --> 00:17:46,026 Yogurt pops? What else? 403 00:17:46,484 --> 00:17:47,611 Toy cars? 404 00:17:48,612 --> 00:17:51,031 NARRATOR: Among those looking to impress today 405 00:17:51,031 --> 00:17:54,701 is a legend of the game who needs no introduction. 406 00:17:54,701 --> 00:17:57,329 There you go, we've got the shirts too. 407 00:17:58,371 --> 00:17:59,205 [chuckles] 408 00:17:59,915 --> 00:18:03,460 NARRATOR: Troy Primeaux is launching a new superhot sauce. 409 00:18:03,460 --> 00:18:04,502 Primonition. 410 00:18:04,502 --> 00:18:06,796 This is a, uh, green sauce. 411 00:18:06,796 --> 00:18:08,548 NARRATOR: Part of his plan to catapult 412 00:18:08,548 --> 00:18:11,259 the 7 Pot Primo into the mainstream. 413 00:18:11,593 --> 00:18:12,510 Yeah, looks great. 414 00:18:13,929 --> 00:18:18,391 My dream is to have a facility that follows the craft beer model, 415 00:18:18,391 --> 00:18:21,645 like seasonal, small batch fermentation. 416 00:18:22,062 --> 00:18:24,606 That market in itself is, is huge. 417 00:18:24,606 --> 00:18:27,400 Need some jelly, man? Need some, uh, hot sauce, man? 418 00:18:27,400 --> 00:18:29,569 I'm doing, I'm doing a sale today. Five each. 419 00:18:29,569 --> 00:18:30,403 CUSTOMER: Give me one of each. 420 00:18:30,403 --> 00:18:31,655 TROY: Okay, sure, sure. 421 00:18:32,113 --> 00:18:35,700 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 422 00:18:37,285 --> 00:18:40,288 AUREA: Hello, good morning. 423 00:18:40,288 --> 00:18:41,206 Hi. AUREA: Hi. 424 00:18:41,206 --> 00:18:43,458 My name is Aurea... - Yes. 425 00:18:43,458 --> 00:18:45,544 ...and we developed these sauces, 426 00:18:46,211 --> 00:18:48,964 and, uh, you had any specific questions for us? 427 00:18:50,799 --> 00:18:51,633 AUREA: Absolutely. 428 00:18:51,633 --> 00:18:55,679 This is not as, um, as spicy as you might think, 429 00:18:55,679 --> 00:18:57,138 but it has some heat. 430 00:18:59,057 --> 00:19:01,393 BOBBY MCFADDEN: Uh, sort of is like, ginger and turmeric... 431 00:19:01,393 --> 00:19:03,270 AUREA: It has ginger. BOBBY: ...and chives and-- 432 00:19:03,270 --> 00:19:06,106 AUREA: It has miso, it has gochujang, 433 00:19:06,648 --> 00:19:09,276 yuzu, and calamansi juice. 434 00:19:13,446 --> 00:19:14,364 AUREA [laughing]: Thank you. 435 00:19:17,409 --> 00:19:19,327 Really? Okay. [laughing] 436 00:19:19,327 --> 00:19:21,705 BOBBY: We charge six bucks is what-- - Six bucks is-is fine. 437 00:19:21,705 --> 00:19:22,539 Okay. 438 00:19:23,331 --> 00:19:24,165 AUREA: Thank you. 439 00:19:25,584 --> 00:19:26,710 And what's your name? 440 00:19:27,377 --> 00:19:28,795 Amy. Thank you so much, Amy. 441 00:19:28,795 --> 00:19:33,049 This is the first hot sauce I've ever sold in my whole entire life, 442 00:19:33,049 --> 00:19:36,761 and it's a pleasure to have, uh, have you try the first one. 443 00:19:36,761 --> 00:19:37,596 AMY: Yes. 444 00:19:39,764 --> 00:19:40,599 Thank you. Enjoy. 445 00:19:40,599 --> 00:19:41,725 BOBBY: Thank you for stopping by. 446 00:19:45,478 --> 00:19:48,690 The first $6 that I've ever made from selling hot sauce. 447 00:19:49,357 --> 00:19:50,442 Troy! 448 00:19:50,984 --> 00:19:52,152 Troy Primeaux! 449 00:19:52,736 --> 00:19:54,654 I sold my first bottle. [laughing] 450 00:19:56,364 --> 00:19:58,116 AUREA: I'm gonna frame this. 451 00:19:58,867 --> 00:20:01,912 I'm gonna frame the $6, and it's from Amy 452 00:20:02,412 --> 00:20:05,582 from, from North Carolina, and I'm gonna treasure it forever. 453 00:20:07,292 --> 00:20:10,337 BOBBY: Alright, give me, uh, a big old smile. 454 00:20:10,337 --> 00:20:11,171 One more. 455 00:20:11,171 --> 00:20:12,005 CUSTOMER: Give me one of each. 456 00:20:12,005 --> 00:20:12,839 TROY: Okay. Sure. 457 00:20:12,839 --> 00:20:15,550 NARRATOR: While Aurea has just made her very first sale, 458 00:20:15,550 --> 00:20:18,011 Troy Primeaux's been in the game long enough to know 459 00:20:18,011 --> 00:20:19,846 nothing comes overnight. 460 00:20:19,846 --> 00:20:22,807 But while that's all true, word of mouth on TikTok 461 00:20:22,807 --> 00:20:25,602 could ignite a social media wildfire. 462 00:20:25,602 --> 00:20:27,145 Hello. TROY: How's it going? 463 00:20:27,145 --> 00:20:28,855 Uh, pretty good. How's it going with you? 464 00:20:28,855 --> 00:20:30,190 I'm doin' alright. 465 00:20:30,190 --> 00:20:32,567 NARRATOR: Now that's where KTB Saucy comes in. 466 00:20:32,567 --> 00:20:34,069 KATIE: You know, I've heard about you forever. 467 00:20:34,069 --> 00:20:35,987 I've never tried a single thing of yours, 468 00:20:35,987 --> 00:20:37,364 and I'm really looking forward to it. 469 00:20:37,364 --> 00:20:38,490 TROY: Awesome, let's go. 470 00:20:38,990 --> 00:20:40,200 KATIE: That looks scary. 471 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:41,034 That looks-- - It's not-- 472 00:20:41,034 --> 00:20:42,661 That looks like murder in a bottle, it's so red. 473 00:20:42,661 --> 00:20:43,495 TROY: It might be. 474 00:20:43,495 --> 00:20:45,247 Are we about to be friends or enemies instantly? 475 00:20:45,247 --> 00:20:46,122 What's happening here? - Oh, we're friends. 476 00:20:46,122 --> 00:20:47,666 We're always gonna be friends, but... - Look how-- 477 00:20:47,666 --> 00:20:48,500 ...that's pure Primo. 478 00:20:49,334 --> 00:20:51,795 It's-- It-it's not-- You're-- You can handle it. 479 00:20:54,047 --> 00:20:56,383 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 480 00:21:00,053 --> 00:21:01,555 Tastes like peppers instantly. 481 00:21:01,555 --> 00:21:03,014 It's a slow creeper in the back. 482 00:21:03,014 --> 00:21:04,182 I figured it would be. [Troy laughs] 483 00:21:04,724 --> 00:21:06,977 I love that you're coaching me through. You're like, "It's okay." 484 00:21:07,269 --> 00:21:08,228 I think it's good. 485 00:21:08,228 --> 00:21:10,105 I just wanna, I wanna make it hotter. 486 00:21:10,105 --> 00:21:12,107 You really wanna set the whole world on fire, don't you? 487 00:21:12,107 --> 00:21:13,024 [laughs] 488 00:21:13,024 --> 00:21:14,901 You nailed it 'cause what always-- 489 00:21:14,901 --> 00:21:16,861 what typically seems to happen is if someone wants 490 00:21:16,861 --> 00:21:18,780 to make a really hot sauce like that, 491 00:21:18,780 --> 00:21:20,115 it just tastes like the peppers. 492 00:21:20,115 --> 00:21:22,367 It's not always really good, but you really killed it with the flavor. 493 00:21:22,367 --> 00:21:23,243 Thank you. KATIE: Yeah. 494 00:21:23,243 --> 00:21:27,789 I'm not doing it for, you know, culinary awards. 495 00:21:28,248 --> 00:21:31,001 It's almost like that's my rock and roll sauce. 496 00:21:31,918 --> 00:21:36,214 That's my sauce that, you know, "Hey, Primeaux, Primeaux's a contender. 497 00:21:36,214 --> 00:21:38,800 He's still, he's still around, you know?" 498 00:21:38,800 --> 00:21:41,428 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 499 00:21:42,762 --> 00:21:45,390 NARRATOR: Each tent here at the Vic Clinco showcase 500 00:21:45,390 --> 00:21:48,476 is an opportunity, an opportunity to discover 501 00:21:48,476 --> 00:21:50,979 the newest, hottest best sauce on earth. 502 00:21:50,979 --> 00:21:55,901 Or just maybe meet someone who can change your life. 503 00:21:56,276 --> 00:21:58,194 For upstart Drew Goldy, 504 00:21:58,194 --> 00:22:00,697 meeting chili icon Johnny Scoville 505 00:22:00,697 --> 00:22:02,699 could be that moment. 506 00:22:03,033 --> 00:22:04,826 Got a new sauce for you to try. 507 00:22:04,826 --> 00:22:06,161 - Do you really? - Yeah. 508 00:22:06,161 --> 00:22:09,581 Um, yeah, it's got a neat profile. 509 00:22:13,293 --> 00:22:14,878 Wow. The aroma is fantastic. 510 00:22:14,878 --> 00:22:15,712 DREW: Thank you. 511 00:22:22,385 --> 00:22:23,887 That's really good. DREW: Cool. 512 00:22:23,887 --> 00:22:24,888 Man, I really like that. 513 00:22:26,598 --> 00:22:27,432 What are these? 514 00:22:27,432 --> 00:22:29,226 DREW: Uh, these are the Elder's Revenge Red. 515 00:22:29,684 --> 00:22:30,894 What are the parents on these? 516 00:22:30,894 --> 00:22:34,189 Uh, Naga, Primotalii, and the 7 Pot. 517 00:22:34,606 --> 00:22:36,775 So I've been working on that for, like, the past five years. 518 00:22:36,775 --> 00:22:37,692 JOHNNY: Right. 519 00:22:37,692 --> 00:22:39,778 Every pepper grower has their pet project 520 00:22:39,778 --> 00:22:41,696 that they've created and it's special to them, 521 00:22:41,696 --> 00:22:43,823 and his is called "Elder's Revenge". 522 00:22:44,199 --> 00:22:46,409 It's named after his dog Elder that died. 523 00:22:47,160 --> 00:22:49,037 So I'm standing there talking with him. 524 00:22:49,037 --> 00:22:51,706 I wanted to see if you'd do a gusher with, uh-- 525 00:22:53,083 --> 00:22:54,709 Let's go. I'm all about it. DREW: With this. 526 00:22:55,126 --> 00:22:57,587 JOHNNY: Yeah, this is-- we're making what's called a gusher, 527 00:22:57,587 --> 00:23:01,091 uh, where you take the top of a pepper off 528 00:23:01,091 --> 00:23:02,425 and you fill it with something. 529 00:23:05,345 --> 00:23:07,138 Beautiful thing what you-- It's so tasty. 530 00:23:07,138 --> 00:23:08,014 Thank you. 531 00:23:08,014 --> 00:23:08,848 Here's to your health. 532 00:23:09,266 --> 00:23:11,268 ♪ lighthearted music playing ♪ 533 00:23:14,062 --> 00:23:15,105 [dings] 534 00:23:15,105 --> 00:23:16,314 Amazing. Thank you. JOHNNY: Very tasty. 535 00:23:16,314 --> 00:23:18,733 That would be a day-ender for a lot of people. 536 00:23:18,733 --> 00:23:20,151 - Oh, yeah. - But that tastes great. 537 00:23:20,151 --> 00:23:21,069 I appreciate that. 538 00:23:26,449 --> 00:23:28,827 No, it's a great pepper, but it's not. 539 00:23:29,869 --> 00:23:30,787 No, I mean, 540 00:23:31,830 --> 00:23:32,872 super tasty though, 541 00:23:32,872 --> 00:23:34,833 but it's not a contender for the hottest, I don't think. 542 00:23:34,833 --> 00:23:36,126 ♪ dramatic sting ♪ 543 00:23:43,425 --> 00:23:44,885 I'll keep working on it, thank you. 544 00:23:46,011 --> 00:23:48,763 NARRATOR: Imagine your hero looking you dead in the eye 545 00:23:48,763 --> 00:23:50,390 and telling you, "You don't have it." 546 00:23:50,849 --> 00:23:53,184 That's reality for Drew Goldy. 547 00:23:53,184 --> 00:23:55,812 Johnny just didn't think his Elder's Revenge pepper 548 00:23:55,812 --> 00:23:57,230 was super hot. 549 00:23:57,439 --> 00:24:00,150 Well, obviously, you've had Elder's Revenge. 550 00:24:00,150 --> 00:24:00,984 Yep. 551 00:24:00,984 --> 00:24:06,489 Um, this right here is, it's a Primotalii Jigsaw. 552 00:24:06,489 --> 00:24:07,866 Was that an accidental cross? 553 00:24:07,866 --> 00:24:09,200 DREW: It was an accidental cross. - Can I tell you something? 554 00:24:09,200 --> 00:24:10,869 The accidental crosses are the greatest thing 555 00:24:10,869 --> 00:24:11,703 that ever happened. DREW: Yeah. 556 00:24:11,703 --> 00:24:13,580 it was, it was an open pollination. 557 00:24:13,580 --> 00:24:15,790 As I'm getting ready to walk away, he goes, "Oh, you know what? 558 00:24:15,790 --> 00:24:16,833 "I don't know if you're interested, 559 00:24:17,083 --> 00:24:20,587 but I got this, uh, accidental cross that I had." 560 00:24:20,587 --> 00:24:22,464 And when you say to a pepperhead accidental cross, you're like, 561 00:24:23,131 --> 00:24:24,257 "What'd you say, accidental cross?" 562 00:24:24,758 --> 00:24:27,719 NARRATOR: An accidental cross is like a happy accident. 563 00:24:27,719 --> 00:24:30,805 When the genetics of two plants mix by nature alone 564 00:24:30,805 --> 00:24:32,098 totally unplanned. 565 00:24:32,557 --> 00:24:35,602 Believe it or not, most of the hottest peppers on Earth 566 00:24:35,602 --> 00:24:37,812 begin as accidents. 567 00:24:40,065 --> 00:24:42,859 - May I? - Absolutely. Absolutely. 568 00:24:42,859 --> 00:24:45,403 ♪ suspenseful music playing ♪ 569 00:24:48,531 --> 00:24:49,574 See, that's a hot pepper. 570 00:24:50,325 --> 00:24:54,162 Drew Goldy with this crazy little pepper. 571 00:24:54,162 --> 00:24:57,290 He's got a Primotalii that accidentally crossed 572 00:24:57,290 --> 00:24:58,708 with a Gator Jigsaw. 573 00:24:59,751 --> 00:25:00,877 That's unbelievable. 574 00:25:02,045 --> 00:25:04,214 I'd focus like crazy on that one. DREW: Okay. 575 00:25:04,214 --> 00:25:06,508 [stammers indistinctly] Elder Revenge is a great pepper, 576 00:25:06,508 --> 00:25:07,676 but that's exciting. 577 00:25:08,552 --> 00:25:10,929 It lit me up, and I couldn't smell 578 00:25:10,929 --> 00:25:13,223 or taste anything for, like, two days. 579 00:25:13,848 --> 00:25:17,602 So I don't know, like, I'm kind of afraid to share it with people, 580 00:25:17,602 --> 00:25:21,314 but it's the whole point of this thing, isn't it, you know? 581 00:25:21,314 --> 00:25:22,399 I appreciate that. 582 00:25:23,066 --> 00:25:24,818 Now I, now I got some homework to do. 583 00:25:24,818 --> 00:25:26,319 - Thank you so much, man. - Thank you. 584 00:25:27,612 --> 00:25:29,614 ♪ 585 00:25:31,116 --> 00:25:32,701 Hey-hey-hey! 586 00:25:32,701 --> 00:25:34,578 - What do we got here? - What's up, Vic? 587 00:25:34,578 --> 00:25:35,912 What's up? What y'all doing? 588 00:25:35,912 --> 00:25:37,330 Yeah, we came to try some stuff. 589 00:25:37,330 --> 00:25:38,248 TROY: Oh, you wanna try some stuff? 590 00:25:38,248 --> 00:25:39,165 I do. TROY: Alright. 591 00:25:39,165 --> 00:25:40,875 The, uh, Primonition, have you had that? 592 00:25:43,461 --> 00:25:45,213 Love you, brother, good seeing you. TROY: Brothers. 593 00:25:45,213 --> 00:25:47,591 ♪ lighthearted music playing ♪ 594 00:25:49,759 --> 00:25:50,886 Not too bad. 595 00:25:50,886 --> 00:25:52,053 That's really tasty. 596 00:25:52,053 --> 00:25:54,472 It didn't reach up and smack me in the face. 597 00:25:54,472 --> 00:25:55,599 When I made it, it did. 598 00:25:56,182 --> 00:25:58,351 Alright, well, look, to be continued later. 599 00:25:59,519 --> 00:26:01,187 JOHNNY: I just ate a crazy hot pepper. 600 00:26:01,521 --> 00:26:03,607 SPEAKER: Which one? - A potential for, uh, like, a contender. 601 00:26:03,899 --> 00:26:05,734 Hey, we need to go talk to that guy again about that pod. 602 00:26:05,734 --> 00:26:08,695 It's still burning me, and I want him to know what he's got. 603 00:26:10,196 --> 00:26:11,364 I'll be back later, you guys. 604 00:26:11,907 --> 00:26:14,659 NARRATOR: Drew Goldy was a dark horse hot sauce maker 605 00:26:14,659 --> 00:26:16,745 who willed his way to this moment. 606 00:26:17,203 --> 00:26:21,708 Now, his superhot has seized Johnny Scoville's curiosity 607 00:26:21,708 --> 00:26:23,126 and his attention. 608 00:26:23,126 --> 00:26:26,087 Hey, man, that pepper I just ate, we gotta talk about it. 609 00:26:26,087 --> 00:26:26,922 DREW: Awesome. 610 00:26:27,505 --> 00:26:29,758 JOHNNY: I've been eating nothing but really screaming hot peppers lately, 611 00:26:29,758 --> 00:26:31,051 that's as hot as they come. 612 00:26:31,051 --> 00:26:32,761 - Really? - Yeah, that's-that's a contender. 613 00:26:32,761 --> 00:26:33,803 - Th-That's the one? - Well, I'm telling you 614 00:26:33,803 --> 00:26:35,472 that's a contender for the hottest pepper in the world. 615 00:26:35,472 --> 00:26:36,681 What you need to do is-- 616 00:26:36,681 --> 00:26:38,141 You have, y-you have a bunch of seeds from that? 617 00:26:38,141 --> 00:26:38,975 DREW: Yes, I do. 618 00:26:38,975 --> 00:26:40,310 JOHNNY: I'm still burning from that. 619 00:26:40,894 --> 00:26:42,896 - Dude, that's insane. That's insane. - So that's-- 620 00:26:42,896 --> 00:26:44,022 What you-- [stammering indistinctly] 621 00:26:44,022 --> 00:26:46,107 Like, I know you have your projects you gotta work on, 622 00:26:46,107 --> 00:26:47,692 but that's gotta be something you put a focus on 623 00:26:47,692 --> 00:26:49,653 'cause you grow the hottest pepper... - It's priority. Yeah. Yeah. 624 00:26:49,653 --> 00:26:51,488 ...it's a game changer for you and the community. 625 00:26:51,488 --> 00:26:52,364 Right. Right. 626 00:26:52,656 --> 00:26:54,449 - Awesome. - But that's, that's a monster pepper. 627 00:26:54,449 --> 00:26:55,533 - Awesome, man. - Monster. 628 00:26:55,533 --> 00:26:56,409 Cool, cool. 629 00:26:56,409 --> 00:26:57,827 You know, and I feel b-- I don't wanna ever say 630 00:26:57,827 --> 00:26:58,912 take it away from Elder's Revenge. 631 00:26:58,912 --> 00:27:00,538 - Oh no, no. Not at all. - But that right there-- 632 00:27:00,538 --> 00:27:01,373 Yeah. 633 00:27:02,165 --> 00:27:03,416 It's good to know, bro. 634 00:27:03,416 --> 00:27:05,168 Good to know. - Pay it-- Yeah. Baby that thing. 635 00:27:05,168 --> 00:27:06,753 I-- Well, I'm validated. 636 00:27:07,254 --> 00:27:09,005 [both laugh] 637 00:27:09,005 --> 00:27:10,924 Um, I-I've got the seal of approval. 638 00:27:11,341 --> 00:27:12,592 I've got the green thumb. 639 00:27:12,592 --> 00:27:13,802 JOHNNY: Drew didn't know what he had, 640 00:27:14,302 --> 00:27:15,887 but that's a perfect example. 641 00:27:15,887 --> 00:27:17,138 The hottest pepper out there. 642 00:27:17,681 --> 00:27:19,432 Probably no one's even eaten it yet 643 00:27:19,432 --> 00:27:21,017 because it's rotted in somebody's backyard. 644 00:27:21,017 --> 00:27:22,143 I wonder how many years 645 00:27:22,143 --> 00:27:23,562 he's been playing with that accident, 646 00:27:23,979 --> 00:27:25,647 you know, and didn't even know what he was sitting on. 647 00:27:25,647 --> 00:27:27,440 That-that-that's great news. 648 00:27:27,440 --> 00:27:28,316 Um-- 649 00:27:29,526 --> 00:27:31,528 Yeah, I'm elated. That's cool. That's cool. 650 00:27:31,528 --> 00:27:32,946 JOHNNY: At least you know what you're working on. 651 00:27:32,946 --> 00:27:34,322 Yeah, man, thanks so much. JOHNNY: Thanks, bro. 652 00:27:35,574 --> 00:27:38,201 Johnny Scoville said that this could be 653 00:27:38,201 --> 00:27:40,662 the contender for the hottest pepper. 654 00:27:41,413 --> 00:27:43,123 I, I don't really know how to, like, 655 00:27:43,665 --> 00:27:46,918 articulate how happy that makes me, you know? 656 00:27:46,918 --> 00:27:49,337 I'm definitely focusing on this when I get home. 657 00:27:51,840 --> 00:27:56,761 NARRATOR: Here in North Carolina at Vic Clinco's showcase, 658 00:27:56,761 --> 00:28:00,682 the pepper world may have just changed forever. 659 00:28:01,766 --> 00:28:05,770 Ironically, an event dedicated entirely to hot sauce 660 00:28:05,770 --> 00:28:08,148 has somehow yielded quite possibly 661 00:28:09,733 --> 00:28:12,068 the hottest pepper on earth. 662 00:28:17,282 --> 00:28:20,493 [people chattering] 663 00:28:20,493 --> 00:28:24,581 ♪ upbeat music playing ♪ 664 00:28:24,581 --> 00:28:27,751 I really like the way that you didn't overdo the Chipotle in it. 665 00:28:27,751 --> 00:28:28,585 Right. 666 00:28:28,585 --> 00:28:29,669 You didn't over smoke it. 667 00:28:29,669 --> 00:28:30,503 Very good recipe. 668 00:28:30,503 --> 00:28:32,005 Thank you, I appreciate that. 669 00:28:32,339 --> 00:28:33,673 Thank you so much. - Thank you. 670 00:28:33,673 --> 00:28:34,758 DREW: Thank you. - Thank you, brother. 671 00:28:37,052 --> 00:28:38,511 VIC: Hey hey, what do we got here? AUREA: Hello. 672 00:28:38,511 --> 00:28:39,888 Hello, welcome. 673 00:28:39,888 --> 00:28:41,765 Alright, so we wanna try some stuff. 674 00:28:41,765 --> 00:28:42,641 AUREA: Absolutely. BOBBY: Awesome. 675 00:28:42,641 --> 00:28:43,892 - You know, this is yellow. - Alright. 676 00:28:43,892 --> 00:28:45,977 You know, I'm really-- that's my weakness. 677 00:28:45,977 --> 00:28:47,312 Yellow sauce. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 678 00:28:47,312 --> 00:28:48,146 Right, right. 679 00:28:48,146 --> 00:28:50,857 Um, this is called the Blazin' Asian Drip. 680 00:28:50,857 --> 00:28:51,691 Okay. 681 00:28:53,693 --> 00:28:56,112 It does smell-- It's unique. 682 00:29:00,116 --> 00:29:01,868 So I don't know how to tackle this thing. 683 00:29:01,868 --> 00:29:04,287 [Bobby laughs] 684 00:29:05,830 --> 00:29:07,249 JOHN "CAJOHN" HARD: This is really good. VIC: That's really good. 685 00:29:07,249 --> 00:29:08,875 That is really tasty. 686 00:29:09,417 --> 00:29:13,171 My gosh, I love the viscosity. 687 00:29:13,171 --> 00:29:15,090 I love how thick it is, right? 688 00:29:15,090 --> 00:29:16,675 CAJOHN: It's really, really great flavor. - There you go. 689 00:29:16,675 --> 00:29:17,717 [Bobby laughs] 690 00:29:17,717 --> 00:29:19,886 - CaJohn is trying my sauce. - CaJohn says, "Great flavor." 691 00:29:19,886 --> 00:29:21,888 And Vic Clinco is trying my sauce. 692 00:29:21,888 --> 00:29:22,973 [Bobby laughs] 693 00:29:22,973 --> 00:29:25,559 This is the wildest experience of my whole life. 694 00:29:26,935 --> 00:29:27,894 VIC: This is pretty cool. 695 00:29:27,894 --> 00:29:29,312 I'm-I'm a big fan of this here. 696 00:29:29,312 --> 00:29:30,438 Thank you so much for 697 00:29:30,772 --> 00:29:32,691 saying such nice things about it. - Oh, yeah, I really like that, yeah. 698 00:29:32,691 --> 00:29:34,943 Well, we'll probably have you guys come over to the house. 699 00:29:34,943 --> 00:29:36,319 That way, you get to see the collection. 700 00:29:36,319 --> 00:29:38,488 Alright? - Okay, I would love that so much. 701 00:29:38,488 --> 00:29:39,948 Thank you so much. - You got it. 702 00:29:39,948 --> 00:29:40,949 CAJOHN: We'll see you around later, guys. - Thank you. 703 00:29:40,949 --> 00:29:42,325 We'll be here. - Thank you. Best of luck. 704 00:29:44,160 --> 00:29:45,412 AUREA [whispering]: What just happened? 705 00:29:45,829 --> 00:29:47,622 [Bobby laughing] 706 00:29:48,790 --> 00:29:50,834 [crying] I'm not crying, you're crying. 707 00:29:53,128 --> 00:29:55,505 You see your heroes like CaJohn, 708 00:29:56,131 --> 00:29:57,340 he's a household name. 709 00:29:57,841 --> 00:30:01,970 Vic Clinco, he's a-a world record holder. 710 00:30:02,888 --> 00:30:04,723 And they tell you they like your sauce 711 00:30:04,723 --> 00:30:06,641 and your flavors are amazing. 712 00:30:08,268 --> 00:30:09,853 Definitely an amazing experience. 713 00:30:09,853 --> 00:30:11,271 I can't believe that just happened. 714 00:30:11,271 --> 00:30:13,565 But you know what? We put in the hard work, 715 00:30:13,565 --> 00:30:16,443 came up with the recipes, and it's awesome. 716 00:30:17,736 --> 00:30:19,404 AUREA: Would you like to try hot sauce? 717 00:30:19,404 --> 00:30:20,322 BOBBY: Help yourself. 718 00:30:24,910 --> 00:30:26,578 NARRATOR: The road of a pepper grower 719 00:30:26,578 --> 00:30:29,205 or a hot sauce maker is not a short one, 720 00:30:29,205 --> 00:30:30,957 nor is it a straight line. 721 00:30:31,374 --> 00:30:33,126 These things take time. 722 00:30:34,920 --> 00:30:38,131 But tonight just might be the exception. 723 00:30:40,508 --> 00:30:42,636 DREW: Holy shit. 724 00:30:43,637 --> 00:30:45,931 Holy shit. 725 00:30:45,931 --> 00:30:47,057 TROY: Where's the music? 726 00:30:47,057 --> 00:30:48,058 [laughter, party chatter] 727 00:30:48,058 --> 00:30:50,518 NARRATOR: Following the Vic Clinco showcase today, 728 00:30:50,518 --> 00:30:53,104 Vic invites just a few friends and hot sauce makers 729 00:30:53,104 --> 00:30:56,233 he deems worthy back to his collection room. 730 00:30:57,025 --> 00:31:00,737 This is a super VIP event, 731 00:31:00,737 --> 00:31:04,282 and among those lucky few, Bobby and Aurea. 732 00:31:05,075 --> 00:31:06,326 TROY: You have one of yours here? 733 00:31:06,326 --> 00:31:07,661 AUREA: I have some in my bag. 734 00:31:08,245 --> 00:31:09,537 TROY: Do they, do they know about it? 735 00:31:10,330 --> 00:31:12,874 He tried it. He tried it on the booth. Vic. 736 00:31:12,874 --> 00:31:14,709 TROY: Did he get one? Did he get one? 737 00:31:15,168 --> 00:31:16,962 I'm-I'm-- I wanted to hand it to him, but he-- 738 00:31:16,962 --> 00:31:17,796 TROY: I'm gonna tell him. 739 00:31:17,796 --> 00:31:19,339 Vic, um-- - Yes, sir. 740 00:31:20,924 --> 00:31:21,800 I have a lovely lady 741 00:31:21,800 --> 00:31:24,594 that has a bottle of hot sauce she made... - Mm-hmm. 742 00:31:24,594 --> 00:31:26,680 - ...and, uh, you tried today. - Okay. 743 00:31:26,680 --> 00:31:28,765 And you think it's-- you wanna put it in the shelf? 744 00:31:28,765 --> 00:31:29,975 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. 745 00:31:29,975 --> 00:31:31,893 We'll find some-- We'll find a space somewhere in here. 746 00:31:31,893 --> 00:31:33,395 Oh, yeah. You might know her, man. 747 00:31:33,395 --> 00:31:34,771 You might know her. Come see, girl. 748 00:31:34,771 --> 00:31:36,398 VIC: Look at you. [Troy laughs] 749 00:31:36,398 --> 00:31:37,274 AUREA: Troy Primeaux. 750 00:31:37,857 --> 00:31:39,109 VIC: Hi, again! 751 00:31:39,109 --> 00:31:41,361 You might know her. VIC: I know. We met. 752 00:31:41,361 --> 00:31:42,237 Alright. 753 00:31:42,737 --> 00:31:45,115 TROY: Prototype, man. - The first-ever batch 754 00:31:45,115 --> 00:31:48,785 of Chewie's Blazin' Asian hot sauce 755 00:31:48,785 --> 00:31:50,829 that we would love for you to have in your collection. 756 00:31:50,829 --> 00:31:51,663 That is amazing. 757 00:31:51,663 --> 00:31:52,664 TROY: You're gonna have to sign it. 758 00:31:52,664 --> 00:31:53,915 Yeah, you're gonna have to sign it. 759 00:31:53,915 --> 00:31:55,166 [high-pitched voice] What? TROY: Yeah, you have to. 760 00:31:55,166 --> 00:31:56,877 I will. VIC: Yeah! That's the deal. 761 00:31:56,877 --> 00:32:00,839 Going from doubting myself constantly 762 00:32:01,882 --> 00:32:04,634 to finally going... [laughs] 763 00:32:04,634 --> 00:32:08,513 to, um, North Carolina to make the hot sauce, 764 00:32:09,097 --> 00:32:10,599 was a big leap for me. 765 00:32:11,641 --> 00:32:15,520 It was a, it was a battle in my head for me to even say yes 766 00:32:15,520 --> 00:32:18,773 that I'll put myself out there as a sauce maker. 767 00:32:18,773 --> 00:32:22,110 That first batch and for people to like it enough 768 00:32:22,861 --> 00:32:26,239 to pay me for it was an amazing feeling, 769 00:32:26,239 --> 00:32:30,076 and I just, I'm now looking 770 00:32:30,076 --> 00:32:32,495 for, for that feeling again. 771 00:32:33,371 --> 00:32:36,666 So I think I'm gonna go deeper into the rabbit hole. 772 00:32:36,666 --> 00:32:37,834 [Aurea chuckles] 773 00:32:37,834 --> 00:32:40,086 [flames sizzling] 774 00:32:40,086 --> 00:32:44,216 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 775 00:32:44,216 --> 00:32:48,094 ♪ 776 00:32:57,145 --> 00:33:02,025 ♪ 777 00:33:02,025 --> 00:33:03,568 ♪ music ends ♪ 778 00:33:06,571 --> 00:33:08,448 [whistles]