1 00:00:14,334 --> 00:00:16,876 from the short story by ROALD DAHL 2 00:00:26,709 --> 00:00:30,959 [bell tolling in the distance] 3 00:00:39,293 --> 00:00:42,501 In the afternoon, the rat man came to the petrol station. 4 00:00:42,584 --> 00:00:45,501 He sidled up the driveway with a soft, stealthy gait. 5 00:00:45,584 --> 00:00:47,918 His feet made no noise at all on the gravel. 6 00:00:48,001 --> 00:00:50,584 He had an army knapsack slung over one shoulder. 7 00:00:50,668 --> 00:00:53,334 He wore an old-fashioned corduroy jacket with large pockets. 8 00:00:53,418 --> 00:00:57,084 Corduroy trousers were tied around the knees with lengths of white string. 9 00:00:57,168 --> 00:00:58,251 - Hello? - Yes? 10 00:00:58,334 --> 00:00:59,209 Rodent operative. 11 00:00:59,293 --> 00:01:02,043 His small, dark eyes moved swiftly over the premises. 12 00:01:02,126 --> 00:01:03,334 - The rat man? - That's me. 13 00:01:03,418 --> 00:01:05,334 He was lean, leathery, a sharp face, 14 00:01:05,418 --> 00:01:06,918 two long, sulfur-yellow teeth 15 00:01:07,001 --> 00:01:09,418 protruding from the upper jaw over the lower lip. 16 00:01:09,501 --> 00:01:12,459 His ears were round and thin, set near the back of his head. 17 00:01:12,543 --> 00:01:13,918 The eyes were almost black, 18 00:01:14,001 --> 00:01:17,209 but when they looked at you, there was a flash of yellow in them. 19 00:01:17,293 --> 00:01:20,001 - You've come quick. - Special orders from the Health Office. 20 00:01:20,084 --> 00:01:22,084 And now you're going to catch all the rats? 21 00:01:22,168 --> 00:01:23,084 - Yeah. - How? 22 00:01:23,168 --> 00:01:24,001 Yes. How? 23 00:01:24,084 --> 00:01:27,293 Depends what rats, where they is. Different methods for different rats. 24 00:01:27,376 --> 00:01:28,668 - Trap them, I suppose. - What? 25 00:01:28,751 --> 00:01:29,668 - Trap 'em. - Trap 'em? 26 00:01:29,751 --> 00:01:30,751 The rat man snorted. 27 00:01:30,834 --> 00:01:32,793 Won't catch 'em that way. Rats ain't rabbits. 28 00:01:32,876 --> 00:01:34,126 He held his face up high, 29 00:01:34,209 --> 00:01:37,834 sniffing the air with a nose that twitched perceptibly from side to side. 30 00:01:37,918 --> 00:01:41,293 Rats is clever. You wanna catch 'em, you gotta know 'em. 31 00:01:41,376 --> 00:01:43,043 You gotta know rats on this job. 32 00:01:47,334 --> 00:01:49,668 You know what they do? They watch you. 33 00:01:49,751 --> 00:01:52,293 Whole time you're preparin' how to exterminate 'em, 34 00:01:52,376 --> 00:01:53,459 they're watchin' you. 35 00:01:53,543 --> 00:01:55,334 This ain't a sewer job, is it? 36 00:01:55,418 --> 00:01:57,001 No, it's not a sewer job. 37 00:01:57,084 --> 00:01:59,543 - Tricky things, sewer jobs. - I shouldn't think so. 38 00:01:59,626 --> 00:02:02,709 You shouldn't, should you? I'd like to see you do a sewer job. 39 00:02:02,793 --> 00:02:05,459 Just exactly how'd you set about it, I'd like to know. 40 00:02:05,543 --> 00:02:06,709 Poison them, I suppose. 41 00:02:06,793 --> 00:02:08,959 And where exactly would you put the poison? 42 00:02:09,043 --> 00:02:09,876 Down the sewer? 43 00:02:09,959 --> 00:02:11,459 The rat man sparkled, triumphant. 44 00:02:11,543 --> 00:02:13,251 Yeah, I knew it. "Down the sewer." 45 00:02:13,334 --> 00:02:15,668 Know what'd happen? Get washed away completely. 46 00:02:15,751 --> 00:02:17,668 All your poison. Sewer's like a river. 47 00:02:17,751 --> 00:02:20,918 All right. Well, what would you do, Mr. Rat Man? On a sewer job? 48 00:02:21,001 --> 00:02:22,793 The rat man advanced a step closer. 49 00:02:22,876 --> 00:02:25,043 His voice became secretive and confidential, 50 00:02:25,126 --> 00:02:27,793 the voice of a man divulging professional secrets. 51 00:02:27,876 --> 00:02:30,959 You works on the understandin' a rat is a gnawin' animal, see? 52 00:02:31,043 --> 00:02:33,501 Anythin' you give 'em, they gnaws on it. 53 00:02:33,584 --> 00:02:36,626 So you got a sewer job on your hands. What d'you do? 54 00:02:36,709 --> 00:02:39,543 His voice had the soft, throaty sound of a croaking frog, 55 00:02:39,626 --> 00:02:42,709 and he seemed to speak all his words with a wet-lipped relish, 56 00:02:42,793 --> 00:02:44,751 as if they tasted good on the tongue. 57 00:02:44,834 --> 00:02:45,918 You go down the sewer 58 00:02:46,001 --> 00:02:48,459 and you take along some ordinary brown paper bags 59 00:02:48,543 --> 00:02:51,209 filled with plaster of paris powder. Nothin' else. 60 00:02:51,293 --> 00:02:53,626 Then you suspend 'em from the roof of the sewer 61 00:02:53,709 --> 00:02:56,084 so they hangs down not quite touchin' the water. 62 00:02:56,168 --> 00:02:58,168 Just high enough so a rat can reach 'em. 63 00:02:58,251 --> 00:02:59,668 Claud was listening, rapt. 64 00:02:59,751 --> 00:03:03,959 Old rat comes swimmin' along the sewer, sees the bag. He stops. 65 00:03:04,043 --> 00:03:06,626 [sniffs] Takes a sniff at it. It don't smell so bad. 66 00:03:06,709 --> 00:03:08,209 - What's he do? - He gnaws it. 67 00:03:08,293 --> 00:03:11,251 That's it! He starts gnawin' at the bag, and the bag breaks, 68 00:03:11,334 --> 00:03:14,751 and the old rat gets a mouthful of powder for his pains. 69 00:03:14,834 --> 00:03:15,668 Well? 70 00:03:15,751 --> 00:03:17,043 Well, that does him. 71 00:03:17,751 --> 00:03:19,168 - That kills him? - Stone dead. 72 00:03:19,251 --> 00:03:21,501 - Plaster of paris… - It swells when you wet it. 73 00:03:21,584 --> 00:03:23,793 Gets into the rat's tubes and swells right up 74 00:03:23,876 --> 00:03:26,418 and kills him quicker than anythin' in the world. 75 00:03:26,501 --> 00:03:28,209 That's where you got to know rats. 76 00:03:28,293 --> 00:03:30,334 His face glowed with a shifty pride. 77 00:03:30,418 --> 00:03:34,334 He rubbed his stringy fingers together, holding the hands up close to his face. 78 00:03:35,918 --> 00:03:38,293 Now, where's them rats? 79 00:03:38,376 --> 00:03:40,834 The word "rats" came out with a rich, fruity sound 80 00:03:40,918 --> 00:03:43,043 as if he were gargling with melted butter. 81 00:03:43,126 --> 00:03:44,709 In the hayrick across the road. 82 00:03:44,793 --> 00:03:47,168 - Not inside? - Only in the hayrick. Nowhere else. 83 00:03:47,251 --> 00:03:51,668 I'll wager they're inside too, gettin' in your food, spreadin' disease. 84 00:03:51,751 --> 00:03:55,001 - Got any sickness here? - He looked pointedly at me, then at Claud. 85 00:03:55,084 --> 00:03:56,584 - Everyone's well. - Quite sure? 86 00:03:56,668 --> 00:03:58,293 - Quite sure. - You never know. 87 00:03:58,376 --> 00:04:01,126 He'd taken upon himself the mantle of a public health officer, 88 00:04:01,209 --> 00:04:03,959 disappointed we were not suffering from bubonic plague. 89 00:04:04,043 --> 00:04:07,543 Nevertheless, the rats are in the hayrick. How will you remove them? 90 00:04:07,626 --> 00:04:09,876 The rat man grinned a crafty, toothy grin. 91 00:04:09,959 --> 00:04:12,376 He reached into his knapsack and withdrew a large tin, 92 00:04:12,459 --> 00:04:14,876 weighing it up and down in his hands as he spoke. 93 00:04:14,959 --> 00:04:17,334 Poison. Special poison. Deadly poison. 94 00:04:17,418 --> 00:04:21,084 They'd put you inside if they caught you with even a spoonful of this. 95 00:04:21,168 --> 00:04:23,376 There's enough here to kill a million men. 96 00:04:23,459 --> 00:04:24,793 - Want to see? - Yes, please. 97 00:04:24,876 --> 00:04:27,043 He took a penny and prized open the lid. 98 00:04:27,126 --> 00:04:27,959 There it is. 99 00:04:28,043 --> 00:04:31,626 He spoke almost lovingly of the stuff and held it forward for Claud. 100 00:04:31,709 --> 00:04:33,251 [Claud] Corn or barley, is it? 101 00:04:33,334 --> 00:04:35,709 Oats. Oats soaked in deadly poison. 102 00:04:35,793 --> 00:04:39,459 You take just one grain in your mouth and you're a goner in three minutes. 103 00:04:39,543 --> 00:04:41,584 Never out of me sight, this tin. 104 00:04:41,668 --> 00:04:44,001 [editor] He caressed the tin and shook it… 105 00:04:44,084 --> 00:04:47,126 - [rat man mimics rattle] - …so the oat grains rustled softly inside. 106 00:04:47,209 --> 00:04:50,501 But your rats don't get this today. They wouldn't have it, anyway. 107 00:04:50,584 --> 00:04:54,876 That's where you got to know rats. Rats is suspicious. Terrible suspicious. 108 00:04:54,959 --> 00:04:57,501 So today they get some nice, clean, tasty oats 109 00:04:57,584 --> 00:04:59,418 as will do 'em no harm in the world. 110 00:04:59,501 --> 00:05:02,251 Fatten 'em up, that's all. And tomorrow, the same again. 111 00:05:02,334 --> 00:05:04,668 And the day after that, and the day after that. 112 00:05:04,751 --> 00:05:07,418 And it'll taste so good, all the rats in the district 113 00:05:07,501 --> 00:05:09,209 will be comin' along soon enough. 114 00:05:09,293 --> 00:05:10,126 Very clever. 115 00:05:10,209 --> 00:05:13,084 You got to be clever on this job, cleverer than a rat. 116 00:05:13,168 --> 00:05:14,626 And that's saying something. 117 00:05:14,709 --> 00:05:16,834 "You've almost got to be a rat yourself." 118 00:05:16,918 --> 00:05:18,751 It slipped out before I could stop myself. 119 00:05:18,834 --> 00:05:21,459 I couldn't help it, I was looking at him at the time. 120 00:05:21,543 --> 00:05:23,293 The effect it had on him was surprising. 121 00:05:23,376 --> 00:05:24,334 - That's it! - …he cried. 122 00:05:24,418 --> 00:05:26,543 Now you got it, you really said somethin'. 123 00:05:26,626 --> 00:05:29,584 A good ratter's gotta be more like a rat than anythin' else. 124 00:05:29,668 --> 00:05:31,209 Cleverer even than a rat, 125 00:05:31,293 --> 00:05:34,001 and that is not an easy thing to be, let me tell you. 126 00:05:34,959 --> 00:05:36,334 Well, let's get on with it. 127 00:05:36,418 --> 00:05:39,626 Lady Leonora Benson's asking for me urgent up at the manor. 128 00:05:39,709 --> 00:05:40,793 She's got rats too? 129 00:05:40,876 --> 00:05:42,709 Everybody's got rats. 130 00:05:42,793 --> 00:05:45,084 The rat man ambled off down the driveway. 131 00:05:45,168 --> 00:05:48,001 The way he walked was so like a rat, it made you wonder. 132 00:05:48,084 --> 00:05:51,668 That slow, almost delicate, ambling walk with a lot of give at the knees 133 00:05:51,751 --> 00:05:54,668 and no sound at all from his footsteps on the gravel. 134 00:05:54,751 --> 00:05:57,876 He hopped over the gate, and walked quickly 'round the hayrick, 135 00:05:57,959 --> 00:06:00,459 scattering handfuls of oats onto the ground. 136 00:06:00,543 --> 00:06:03,126 The next day he returned and repeated the procedure. 137 00:06:03,209 --> 00:06:06,126 The day after that he came again, and the day after that, 138 00:06:06,209 --> 00:06:09,543 and finally, on the fourth day, he put down the poisoned oats. 139 00:06:09,626 --> 00:06:13,001 But he didn't scatter these. Instead, he placed them in little piles 140 00:06:13,084 --> 00:06:14,918 at each corner of the hayrick. 141 00:06:17,418 --> 00:06:19,084 - You got a dog? - [Claud] Yes. 142 00:06:19,168 --> 00:06:23,043 Well, if you want him to die a horrible, twisting death, let him in that gate. 143 00:06:23,126 --> 00:06:25,209 The next day he came to collect the dead. 144 00:06:25,293 --> 00:06:28,001 Get me an old sack. I'm gonna need one to put 'em in. 145 00:06:28,084 --> 00:06:31,584 He was puffed up and important now, the black eyes gleaming with pride. 146 00:06:31,668 --> 00:06:34,918 He was about to display the results of his catch to the audience. 147 00:06:35,001 --> 00:06:37,876 Claud fetched a sack and we walked across the road. 148 00:06:37,959 --> 00:06:39,668 The rat man prowled around the hayrick, 149 00:06:39,751 --> 00:06:42,543 bending over to inspect one of his piles of poison. 150 00:06:42,626 --> 00:06:44,501 - Something wrong here. - …he muttered. 151 00:06:44,584 --> 00:06:46,043 His voice was soft and angry. 152 00:06:46,126 --> 00:06:49,543 He ambled over to another pile and got down to examine it closely. 153 00:06:49,626 --> 00:06:52,084 - Something wrong here. - [Claud] What's the matter? 154 00:06:52,168 --> 00:06:55,251 He didn't answer, but it was clear the rats hadn't touched his bait. 155 00:06:55,334 --> 00:06:57,459 "These are very clever rats here," I said. 156 00:06:57,543 --> 00:06:58,709 The rat man was annoyed 157 00:06:58,793 --> 00:07:02,251 and showed it on his face and nose and by the way the two yellow teeth 158 00:07:02,334 --> 00:07:04,251 were pressing into his lower lip. 159 00:07:04,334 --> 00:07:06,834 - Don't give me that crap. - …he said, looking at me. 160 00:07:06,918 --> 00:07:09,751 Nothing's wrong with these rats, somebody's feedin' 'em. 161 00:07:09,834 --> 00:07:12,584 They got somethin' juicy to eat somewhere, plenty of it. 162 00:07:12,668 --> 00:07:16,751 No rats in the world will turn down oats unless their bellies is full to burstin'. 163 00:07:16,834 --> 00:07:18,459 The rat man turned away, sullen. 164 00:07:18,543 --> 00:07:22,043 He knelt down again scooping up the poisoned oats with a small shovel, 165 00:07:22,126 --> 00:07:24,293 tipping it carefully back into a tin. 166 00:07:24,376 --> 00:07:27,959 When he had finished, all three of us walked back across the road. 167 00:07:29,168 --> 00:07:31,168 The rat man stood by the petrol-pump, 168 00:07:31,251 --> 00:07:32,959 a rather sorry, humble rat man now 169 00:07:33,043 --> 00:07:35,709 whose face was beginning to take on a brooding aspect. 170 00:07:35,793 --> 00:07:38,126 He had withdrawn into himself over his failure, 171 00:07:38,209 --> 00:07:39,584 the eyes veiled and wicked, 172 00:07:39,668 --> 00:07:42,918 the little tongue darting out to one side of the two yellow teeth. 173 00:07:43,001 --> 00:07:45,126 He looked up at me, a surreptitious glance, 174 00:07:45,209 --> 00:07:46,168 then over at Claud. 175 00:07:46,251 --> 00:07:48,251 His nose-end twitched, sniffing the air. 176 00:07:48,334 --> 00:07:51,334 He raised himself up and down on his toes, swaying gently, 177 00:07:51,418 --> 00:07:53,959 and in a soft voice, soft and secretive, he said… 178 00:07:54,043 --> 00:07:55,376 You want to see something? 179 00:07:55,459 --> 00:07:57,751 He was trying to retrieve his reputation. 180 00:07:57,834 --> 00:07:59,918 - What? - You want to see something amazing? 181 00:08:00,001 --> 00:08:03,043 He put his right hand into the poacher's pocket of his jacket 182 00:08:03,126 --> 00:08:06,668 and brought out a large, live rat clasped tight between his fingers. 183 00:08:06,751 --> 00:08:07,668 Good God! 184 00:08:07,751 --> 00:08:09,293 [chuckles] That's it. You see? 185 00:08:09,376 --> 00:08:12,043 He was crouching slightly and craning his neck forward 186 00:08:12,126 --> 00:08:15,043 and leering at us and holding this enormous brown rat, 187 00:08:15,126 --> 00:08:18,126 one finger and thumb making a tight circle around its neck, 188 00:08:18,209 --> 00:08:20,543 clamping its head so it couldn't turn and bite. 189 00:08:20,626 --> 00:08:22,459 Do you go around with rats in your pockets? 190 00:08:22,543 --> 00:08:24,501 Always a rat or two about me somewhere. 191 00:08:24,584 --> 00:08:28,126 He put his free hand into the other pocket and produced a small, white… 192 00:08:28,209 --> 00:08:30,751 - Is that a ferret? - The rat man snickered, hissing. 193 00:08:30,834 --> 00:08:33,543 The ferret seemed to know him and stayed still. 194 00:08:33,626 --> 00:08:35,918 Nothing will kill a rat quicker than a ferret. 195 00:08:36,001 --> 00:08:38,251 He held the two animals close in front of him 196 00:08:38,334 --> 00:08:41,584 so the ferret's nose came within six inches of the rat's face. 197 00:08:41,668 --> 00:08:44,251 The pink beady eyes of the ferret stared at the rat. 198 00:08:44,334 --> 00:08:47,043 The rat struggled, trying to edge away from the killer. 199 00:08:47,126 --> 00:08:48,251 - Now. - …he said. 200 00:08:48,334 --> 00:08:49,168 Watch. 201 00:08:51,168 --> 00:08:53,043 [editor] His khaki shirt was open at the neck, 202 00:08:53,126 --> 00:08:55,543 and he lifted the rat and slipped it down inside, 203 00:08:55,626 --> 00:08:56,751 next to his skin. 204 00:08:56,834 --> 00:08:59,751 His belt prevented the rat from going lower than his waist. 205 00:08:59,834 --> 00:09:01,418 He slipped the ferret in next. 206 00:09:01,501 --> 00:09:04,376 Immediately, there was a great commotion inside the shirt. 207 00:09:04,459 --> 00:09:08,043 It appeared the rat was running around his body, chased by the ferret. 208 00:09:08,126 --> 00:09:11,876 Six or seven times they went around, the small bulge chasing the larger one, 209 00:09:11,959 --> 00:09:15,043 gaining on it slightly each circuit, drawing closer and closer 210 00:09:15,126 --> 00:09:17,751 until at last the two bulges seemed to come together, 211 00:09:17,834 --> 00:09:20,543 and there was a scuffle and a series of shrill shrieks. 212 00:09:20,626 --> 00:09:23,793 Throughout this performance, the rat man stood absolutely still, 213 00:09:23,876 --> 00:09:26,084 legs apart, arms hanging loosely, 214 00:09:26,168 --> 00:09:29,209 dark eyes resting calmly on Claud's frozen face. 215 00:09:30,084 --> 00:09:33,793 Finally, he took his hand and reached down into his shirt 216 00:09:33,876 --> 00:09:35,543 and pulled out the ferret. 217 00:09:35,626 --> 00:09:38,001 With the other, he took out the dead rat. 218 00:09:38,084 --> 00:09:41,293 There were traces of blood around the white muzzle of the ferret. 219 00:09:42,543 --> 00:09:44,834 "Not sure I liked that very much," I said. 220 00:09:44,918 --> 00:09:47,834 You never seen nothin' like it before, I'll bet you that. 221 00:09:47,918 --> 00:09:49,209 Can't say I have. 222 00:09:49,293 --> 00:09:51,959 You'll get a nasty nip in the guts one of these days. 223 00:09:52,043 --> 00:09:55,876 …Claud told him, but was intrigued, and the rat man was becoming cocky again. 224 00:09:55,959 --> 00:09:58,084 You want to see something far more amazing? 225 00:09:58,168 --> 00:10:01,251 Something you'd never believe unless you're seeing it with your own eyes? 226 00:10:01,334 --> 00:10:03,876 I glanced at Claud more than slightly apprehensive. 227 00:10:05,918 --> 00:10:06,751 Yes. 228 00:10:07,501 --> 00:10:09,626 The rat man slipped the dead rat into one pocket 229 00:10:09,709 --> 00:10:10,959 {\an8}and the ferret into the other. 230 00:10:11,043 --> 00:10:15,043 {\an8}Then he reached into his knapsack and produced a second live rat. 231 00:10:15,126 --> 00:10:15,959 {\an8}Holy Christ! 232 00:10:16,043 --> 00:10:18,334 Always got one or two rats about me somewhere. 233 00:10:18,418 --> 00:10:20,084 You got to know rats on this job, 234 00:10:20,168 --> 00:10:22,751 and if you wanna know 'em you gotta have 'em around. 235 00:10:22,834 --> 00:10:26,418 This is a sewer rat, this one. An old sewer rat, clever as buggery. 236 00:10:26,501 --> 00:10:30,043 See him watchin' me all the time, wonderin' what I'm gonna do next? 237 00:10:30,126 --> 00:10:31,459 - See him? - Most unpleasant. 238 00:10:31,543 --> 00:10:32,793 "What will you do?" 239 00:10:32,876 --> 00:10:36,209 I had a feeling I'd like this demonstration less than the last one. 240 00:10:36,293 --> 00:10:39,376 - Fetch me a piece of string. - Claud fetched a piece of string. 241 00:10:39,459 --> 00:10:41,834 The rat man looped it around the rat's hind leg. 242 00:10:41,918 --> 00:10:44,709 The rat struggled, but the rat man held it tight. 243 00:10:44,793 --> 00:10:46,334 Now, you got a table inside? 244 00:10:46,418 --> 00:10:48,376 "We don't want the rat inside," I said. 245 00:10:48,459 --> 00:10:50,834 Well, I need a table. Or somethin' flat, anyway. 246 00:10:50,918 --> 00:10:54,168 We walked over to the petrol-pump and he put the sewer rat on top. 247 00:10:54,251 --> 00:10:57,751 He attached the string to a post so the rat was now tethered. 248 00:10:57,834 --> 00:11:00,293 At first, it crouched, unmoving and suspicious, 249 00:11:00,376 --> 00:11:02,626 a big-bodied gray rat with bright black eyes 250 00:11:02,709 --> 00:11:06,209 and a scaly tail that lay in a long curl on the metal surface. 251 00:11:06,293 --> 00:11:08,793 It was looking away, but watching him sideways 252 00:11:08,876 --> 00:11:10,459 to see what he was going to do. 253 00:11:10,543 --> 00:11:14,209 The rat man stepped back a few paces, and immediately the rat relaxed. 254 00:11:14,293 --> 00:11:15,668 It sat up on its haunches 255 00:11:15,751 --> 00:11:18,001 and began to lick the gray fur on its chest. 256 00:11:18,084 --> 00:11:20,626 Then it scratched its muzzle with both front paws. 257 00:11:20,709 --> 00:11:23,918 It seemed quite unconcerned about the other men standing nearby. 258 00:11:24,001 --> 00:11:26,376 - How about a little bet? - [editor] …the rat man said. 259 00:11:26,459 --> 00:11:27,918 "No, thank you." I said. 260 00:11:28,001 --> 00:11:31,418 - [rat man] It's more fun if you bet. - [Claud] What do you want to bet on? 261 00:11:31,501 --> 00:11:34,293 [rat man] I can kill that rat without using my hands. 262 00:11:34,376 --> 00:11:36,501 I'll put 'em in my pockets and not use 'em. 263 00:11:36,584 --> 00:11:39,293 [editor] It was apparent the rat man was out to earn some money. 264 00:11:39,376 --> 00:11:42,668 I looked at the rat that was to be killed and began to feel sick, 265 00:11:42,751 --> 00:11:44,668 not because it was going to be killed, 266 00:11:44,751 --> 00:11:47,209 but because it was to be killed in a special way, 267 00:11:47,293 --> 00:11:49,376 with a considerable degree of enthusiasm. 268 00:11:51,793 --> 00:11:54,043 - No arms? - No arms, no legs, no hands neither. 269 00:11:54,126 --> 00:11:55,751 - You'll sit on it. - No squashing. 270 00:11:55,834 --> 00:11:57,626 - Let's see it. - Bet me a quid first. 271 00:11:57,709 --> 00:11:59,543 Don't be bloody daft. Why should we? 272 00:11:59,626 --> 00:12:01,251 - What'll you bet? - Zero. Nothing. 273 00:12:01,334 --> 00:12:03,209 All right. Then it's a no-go. 274 00:12:03,293 --> 00:12:05,668 - He made as if to untie the string. - I'll bet a shilling. 275 00:12:05,751 --> 00:12:07,709 The sick sensation in my stomach was increasing. 276 00:12:07,793 --> 00:12:10,418 But there was an awful magnetism about this business. 277 00:12:10,501 --> 00:12:12,918 I found myself unable to walk away or even move. 278 00:12:13,001 --> 00:12:13,959 - You too? - No. 279 00:12:14,043 --> 00:12:15,751 Want me to do this for a shilling? 280 00:12:15,834 --> 00:12:17,793 - I don't want you to do it. - Where's the money? 281 00:12:17,876 --> 00:12:19,668 Claud put a shilling on the petrol-pump. 282 00:12:19,751 --> 00:12:22,543 The rat man laid two sixpences beside Claud's money. 283 00:12:22,626 --> 00:12:23,459 Bet's on. 284 00:12:23,543 --> 00:12:24,793 Claud and I stepped back. 285 00:12:24,876 --> 00:12:27,501 The rat man stepped forward, put his hands in his pockets 286 00:12:27,584 --> 00:12:29,959 and inclined his body from the waist toward the rat. 287 00:12:30,043 --> 00:12:31,626 The rat was crouching, alarmed. 288 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:34,293 It seemed it was preparing to spring at the rat man, 289 00:12:34,376 --> 00:12:36,084 but then it began to reverse away, 290 00:12:36,168 --> 00:12:38,543 dragging its body backwards with crouching steps 291 00:12:38,626 --> 00:12:40,751 until the string tautened on its hind leg. 292 00:12:40,834 --> 00:12:42,959 The rat man leaned further towards the rat, 293 00:12:43,043 --> 00:12:45,626 following it back and forth with his eyes. Suddenly… 294 00:12:45,709 --> 00:12:48,334 - It panicked. - …it panicked and leapt into the air. 295 00:12:51,209 --> 00:12:54,918 The string pulled it up with a jerk that must've nearly dislocated its leg. 296 00:12:55,001 --> 00:12:56,501 It crouched again at the edge, 297 00:12:56,584 --> 00:12:59,459 as far away as the string would allow, whiskers quivering, 298 00:12:59,543 --> 00:13:01,334 the long gray body rigid with fear. 299 00:13:01,418 --> 00:13:04,793 At this point, the rat man again began to move his face very slowly, 300 00:13:04,876 --> 00:13:06,001 closer and closer. 301 00:13:06,084 --> 00:13:09,209 I wanted to cry out for him to stop, but I couldn't speak. 302 00:13:09,293 --> 00:13:12,793 Something extremely unpleasant was about to happen, I was sure of that. 303 00:13:12,876 --> 00:13:16,334 Something sinister and cruel, but I had to see it now. 304 00:13:16,418 --> 00:13:19,709 Not more than the length of a man's hand was separating the two. 305 00:13:19,793 --> 00:13:22,501 The rat pressed its body flat, tense and terrified. 306 00:13:22,584 --> 00:13:23,959 The rat man was also tense, 307 00:13:24,043 --> 00:13:27,543 but with a dangerous active tensity that was like a tight-wound spring. 308 00:13:27,626 --> 00:13:30,168 The shadow of a smile flickered around the skin of his mouth. 309 00:13:30,251 --> 00:13:32,084 Then, suddenly, he struck, 310 00:13:32,168 --> 00:13:33,209 as a snake strikes, 311 00:13:33,293 --> 00:13:36,043 darting his head forward with a swift knife-like stroke… 312 00:13:36,126 --> 00:13:38,168 …that originated in the muscles of the lower body… 313 00:13:38,251 --> 00:13:40,793 [editor] …and I had a glimpse of the mouth opening wide… 314 00:13:40,876 --> 00:13:41,918 …two yellow teeth… 315 00:13:42,001 --> 00:13:45,251 [both] …the whole face contorted by the effort of mouth-opening. 316 00:13:46,001 --> 00:13:47,918 More than that, I did not care to see. 317 00:13:48,001 --> 00:13:50,334 I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, 318 00:13:50,418 --> 00:13:51,459 the rat was dead, 319 00:13:51,543 --> 00:13:54,084 the rat man was slipping the money into his pocket 320 00:13:54,168 --> 00:13:55,793 and spitting to clear his mouth. 321 00:13:57,793 --> 00:13:59,918 And that's what they makes licorice out of. 322 00:14:00,001 --> 00:14:03,918 Rat's blood's what the big factories and chocolate-makers use to make licorice. 323 00:14:04,001 --> 00:14:06,126 Nothin' wrong with a drop of rat's blood. 324 00:14:08,834 --> 00:14:10,584 You are absolutely disgusting. 325 00:14:10,668 --> 00:14:13,126 But that's it, you see. You eaten it many a time. 326 00:14:13,209 --> 00:14:16,293 Penny sticks and licorice bootlaces all made from rat's blood. 327 00:14:16,376 --> 00:14:18,501 We don't want to hear another word, thanks. 328 00:14:18,584 --> 00:14:21,334 Boiled up in great cauldrons, bubblin' and steamin' 329 00:14:21,418 --> 00:14:23,459 and men stirrin' it with long poles. 330 00:14:23,543 --> 00:14:26,001 One of the big secrets of the chocolate factories, 331 00:14:26,084 --> 00:14:29,918 and no one knows about it, except the ratters supplyin' the stuff. 332 00:14:30,001 --> 00:14:32,918 Suddenly he noticed his audience was no longer with him. 333 00:14:33,001 --> 00:14:36,126 Our faces were hostile and sick-looking and crimson with anger. 334 00:14:36,709 --> 00:14:39,501 He stopped and turned away without another word. 335 00:14:39,584 --> 00:14:44,168 We watched as he sloped onto the road with a slow, delicate, ambling walk. 336 00:14:44,251 --> 00:14:47,126 His footsteps didn't make a sound, not even on the gravel. 337 00:14:56,001 --> 00:14:57,751 [bell tolling in the distance] 338 00:15:00,418 --> 00:15:01,251 Strange. 339 00:15:02,126 --> 00:15:04,084 The rats never ate the poisoned oats. 340 00:15:05,418 --> 00:15:09,334 There must be something nutritious in the hayrick. 341 00:15:14,584 --> 00:15:16,668 [wind blowing]