1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:05,969 There are countless number of video games in this world. 2 00:00:06,928 --> 00:00:11,232 However, most of them gets buried under many others. 3 00:00:12,625 --> 00:00:15,515 Standing atop of those many titles 4 00:00:15,517 --> 00:00:20,727 is this Full-Dive VR game that has over thirty million players worldwide. 5 00:00:20,729 --> 00:00:23,250 The game that earned the reputation of being a god-tier game, 6 00:00:23,252 --> 00:00:25,461 Shangri-La Frontier. 7 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:30,933 The boy who loves trash game, Rakuro Hizutome 8 00:00:30,935 --> 00:00:34,410 challenges the god-tier game, Shangri-La Frontier! 9 00:00:34,810 --> 00:00:39,810 What kind of adventure awaits him in his path? 10 00:01:01,061 --> 00:01:03,855 I throw away my defense and put on my bird mask headgear 11 00:01:03,856 --> 00:01:07,109 I'm a hustler My point only goes to my luck stats 12 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:09,945 Parry parry now this is my style 13 00:01:09,946 --> 00:01:12,572 playing broken games all night... who's that knight? 14 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:13,907 Broken game is sickness 15 00:01:13,908 --> 00:01:15,534 toxic scattered, now I'm a patient 16 00:01:15,535 --> 00:01:16,743 My heart is beating almost twice as fast 17 00:01:16,744 --> 00:01:18,146 The chaos wither get it bite that bug 18 00:01:18,147 --> 00:01:19,037 Terrible gimmick 19 00:01:19,038 --> 00:01:20,539 new game a.k.a suicide?? 20 00:01:20,540 --> 00:01:22,082 I don't give a damn 21 00:01:22,083 --> 00:01:25,127 (Do it, Do it) No, not yet NO it's not enough 22 00:01:25,128 --> 00:01:31,091 (Do it, Do it) NO it's not enough 23 00:01:31,672 --> 00:01:34,094 I still can go 24 00:01:34,095 --> 00:01:40,058 Everyone looks dirty to me 25 00:01:40,059 --> 00:01:45,355 Everything looks broken to me 26 00:01:45,356 --> 00:01:51,528 we can go, we can go 27 00:01:51,529 --> 00:01:55,115 to that mountain top, not afraid to drop 28 00:01:55,116 --> 00:02:01,121 this world is going to be mine... duh 29 00:02:11,469 --> 00:02:14,021 (Washing Down The Good Stuff With Trash Game) 30 00:02:27,148 --> 00:02:28,366 Going to the dojo after this? 31 00:02:28,868 --> 00:02:30,501 Y-Yes! 32 00:02:30,633 --> 00:02:32,298 Um... Well... 33 00:02:32,300 --> 00:02:36,391 I was wondering if there's any interesting game I can get before I go... 34 00:02:36,393 --> 00:02:38,375 If you're looking for Hizutome-kun, he's not here. 35 00:02:39,454 --> 00:02:41,524 No, that's not what I... 36 00:02:41,526 --> 00:02:43,094 It's summer break right now. 37 00:02:43,485 --> 00:02:45,672 I bet he's been playing all day. 38 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:48,797 You haven't met him yet? 39 00:02:51,320 --> 00:02:55,787 Well, you told me that he's playing with the name Sunraku in all of his game 40 00:02:55,789 --> 00:02:58,483 so I searched for him. 41 00:02:58,976 --> 00:03:03,475 But it seems he was playing without stopping by the tutorial town. 42 00:03:06,333 --> 00:03:08,624 He's walking his own path, eh? 43 00:03:08,626 --> 00:03:10,675 That's a trash game enthusiast for you. 44 00:03:11,143 --> 00:03:13,636 He might even encounter some crazy Unique Scenarios 45 00:03:13,638 --> 00:03:16,690 for doing things normal players wouldn't do. 46 00:03:16,692 --> 00:03:19,008 This early? That can't be. 47 00:03:20,551 --> 00:03:23,435 But... it's not unthinkable. 48 00:03:23,722 --> 00:03:26,124 Well, I'm sure you'll find him eventually. 49 00:03:26,424 --> 00:03:28,305 Good luck, Rei-chan! 50 00:03:29,145 --> 00:03:30,347 Yes... 51 00:03:30,349 --> 00:03:32,028 Or more like, just confess to him already. 52 00:03:37,939 --> 00:03:39,521 I'm going! 53 00:03:39,770 --> 00:03:40,994 Bye. 54 00:03:41,287 --> 00:03:44,894 (Rumi Hizutome) I'm doing multiple part-times today, so I'll be back home late. 55 00:03:44,894 --> 00:03:44,896 (Rumi Hizutome) I'm doing multiple part-times today, so I'll be back home late. Sure. 56 00:03:44,896 --> 00:03:46,513 Sure. 57 00:03:49,692 --> 00:03:54,107 A Unique Scenario for beginners... 58 00:03:55,096 --> 00:03:58,045 The conditions for "Tour of Rabituza." 59 00:03:58,885 --> 00:03:59,972 This must be it. 60 00:04:02,303 --> 00:04:04,951 When you beat a monster that has higher level than you 61 00:04:04,953 --> 00:04:08,107 while equipping a Vorpal weapon... 62 00:04:08,351 --> 00:04:14,040 A special Vorpal Bunny that'll guide you to Rabituza will appear in all towns. 63 00:04:17,322 --> 00:04:21,050 When it does, it will run off without talking to you, 64 00:04:21,052 --> 00:04:23,267 so make sure you don't lose it. 65 00:04:23,585 --> 00:04:27,201 After the defeating Ravenous Python, the monster that attacks Rabituza, 66 00:04:27,203 --> 00:04:32,915 you can earn special magic, Enchant Vorpal. 67 00:04:33,611 --> 00:04:34,868 I knew it. 68 00:04:34,870 --> 00:04:38,631 It's totally different from the one I got yesterday. 69 00:04:39,047 --> 00:04:41,788 The one appeared before me wasn't a python... 70 00:04:42,362 --> 00:04:46,679 Although not as much as Lycagon, he was real damn threatening... 71 00:04:46,681 --> 00:04:48,982 A boss rabbit who acted like a yakuza. 72 00:04:49,399 --> 00:04:50,829 So whaddya think? 73 00:04:50,831 --> 00:04:54,275 Would you mind lending me your time? 74 00:04:55,356 --> 00:04:59,627 I'm the boss of Rabituza, Vysache. 75 00:05:00,304 --> 00:05:04,360 So ya went toe-to-toe with that puppy, eh? 76 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:12,374 You've got quite the Vorpal Soul, I'd say. 77 00:05:16,307 --> 00:05:19,191 What on earth is "Vorpal Soul"? 78 00:05:24,436 --> 00:05:25,751 Whaddya think? 79 00:05:25,753 --> 00:05:27,816 If you want to... 80 00:05:27,818 --> 00:05:30,618 ...I could train ya personally. 81 00:05:31,007 --> 00:05:32,179 Train? 82 00:05:33,943 --> 00:05:35,753 Oh, I get it now! 83 00:05:36,359 --> 00:05:38,298 This is a training quest! 84 00:05:38,947 --> 00:05:42,986 The kind that'll give me incredible bonus! 85 00:05:43,807 --> 00:05:45,291 I have no reason to refuse! 86 00:05:46,606 --> 00:05:48,142 Please give me your guidance... 87 00:05:48,852 --> 00:05:49,972 ...Aniki! 88 00:05:52,413 --> 00:05:53,377 Huh?! 89 00:05:54,646 --> 00:05:56,124 You said "Aniki"? 90 00:05:56,404 --> 00:05:57,342 Eh? 91 00:06:03,572 --> 00:06:06,385 Uh, no... It was just a little turn of phrase... 92 00:06:07,895 --> 00:06:10,473 Oh, crap! 93 00:06:10,792 --> 00:06:11,964 Did I... 94 00:06:12,544 --> 00:06:13,963 ...messed up what to say?! 95 00:06:21,085 --> 00:06:23,064 I like ya! 96 00:06:23,066 --> 00:06:26,541 If ya asking fer trainin', that makes yerself my underling! 97 00:06:27,088 --> 00:06:29,060 That's the spirit! 98 00:06:29,549 --> 00:06:31,710 You can call me Vash! 99 00:06:32,283 --> 00:06:34,770 Folks I acknowledged call me that. 100 00:06:36,860 --> 00:06:39,340 Of course, Vash Aniki. 101 00:06:40,232 --> 00:06:42,498 G-Good thing I was right! 102 00:06:42,500 --> 00:06:44,666 I thought he was gonna skin me alive! 103 00:06:45,023 --> 00:06:45,785 Emul! 104 00:06:46,124 --> 00:06:48,891 Yes, Dad... Boss! 105 00:06:49,204 --> 00:06:52,491 You take care of this guy for me. 106 00:06:54,946 --> 00:06:57,446 I'll give it my real best! 107 00:06:57,448 --> 00:06:59,100 I'll do my very real best! 108 00:06:59,102 --> 00:07:01,834 I'll do my very very real best! 109 00:07:04,054 --> 00:07:05,610 Now then, Sunraku-san! 110 00:07:05,612 --> 00:07:08,148 Allow me to show you around the palace! 111 00:07:08,150 --> 00:07:09,724 Ah, one second. 112 00:07:09,726 --> 00:07:12,452 I've been playing for so long already, 113 00:07:12,454 --> 00:07:14,829 so I'm actually thinking about resting for today. 114 00:07:15,226 --> 00:07:18,260 Oh, I see... That's too bad. 115 00:07:18,579 --> 00:07:22,882 I want to do research on these Unique Scenarios and Unique Monsters, too. 116 00:07:22,884 --> 00:07:25,851 Well then, let me take you to the Rabituza inn instead! 117 00:07:25,853 --> 00:07:29,236 I see! So I can update my respawn point here? 118 00:07:29,238 --> 00:07:30,246 Yes, that'd be great. 119 00:07:30,702 --> 00:07:32,718 Of course! Leave it to me! 120 00:07:35,052 --> 00:07:38,307 Oops, that was close. I almost forgot about this. 121 00:07:41,469 --> 00:07:42,294 Eh?! 122 00:07:42,296 --> 00:07:44,119 Wh-What's this? 123 00:07:44,121 --> 00:07:45,870 A forced equip? 124 00:07:47,088 --> 00:07:49,705 Vorpal Soul Collar obtained. 125 00:07:49,809 --> 00:07:51,100 (Cutting EXP earned by half when equipped in exchange for boosting the status points earned when leveling by 2.5x (decimals ignored)) 126 00:07:51,391 --> 00:07:54,555 What?! "Cutting EXP earned by half when equipped"?! 127 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:55,421 Hey! 128 00:07:55,423 --> 00:07:56,423 It's useless. 129 00:07:57,329 --> 00:08:00,675 You can't take that off without my permission. 130 00:08:01,215 --> 00:08:03,398 For the weak to get stronger, 131 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:05,961 they gotta go through a trail like none other. 132 00:08:06,870 --> 00:08:09,904 Never forget your Vorpal Soul! 133 00:08:10,665 --> 00:08:12,964 It looks great on you, Sunraku-san! 134 00:08:13,481 --> 00:08:14,332 I... 135 00:08:14,983 --> 00:08:18,353 I got even more restrictions now?! 136 00:08:21,637 --> 00:08:23,908 2.5x the status points, huh... 137 00:08:24,329 --> 00:08:28,813 Although it cuts EXP I earn by half, it is actually a pretty good merit. 138 00:08:29,113 --> 00:08:31,372 To put it mildly, it's a broken item. 139 00:08:32,778 --> 00:08:36,667 Looking at the forum, nobody's said anything about this collar 140 00:08:36,669 --> 00:08:39,354 nor about Vash and Emul, either. 141 00:08:39,933 --> 00:08:42,010 And nobody has discovered a Unique Scenario that 142 00:08:42,011 --> 00:08:44,086 let the player go inside the Palace of Rabituza. 143 00:08:44,770 --> 00:08:48,188 A completely unknown Unique Scenario that nobody knows but me! 144 00:08:48,190 --> 00:08:49,952 This is exciting! 145 00:08:51,176 --> 00:08:53,129 Oops, almost time for the meet up. 146 00:08:57,824 --> 00:08:59,262 That damn Katzo. 147 00:08:59,264 --> 00:09:01,489 He asked me to play "BOP" outta nowhere. 148 00:09:02,140 --> 00:09:03,930 I haven't logged in in ages! 149 00:09:04,344 --> 00:09:08,097 Berserk Online Passion, "BOP" for short... 150 00:09:08,099 --> 00:09:09,220 ...or BERP. 151 00:09:14,204 --> 00:09:18,702 BOP is a fighting game Rakuro used to play a lot, 152 00:09:18,704 --> 00:09:21,111 and is of course, a trash game. 153 00:09:22,316 --> 00:09:26,665 Currently, its daily user count is in the double digits. 154 00:09:26,667 --> 00:09:31,756 Since the game's population is so low you wonder why the servers is still going, 155 00:09:31,758 --> 00:09:34,820 most of the remaining players know each others 156 00:09:34,822 --> 00:09:37,032 (Sunraku)and are birds of a feather. 157 00:09:37,300 --> 00:09:38,916 The trash game enthusiasts. 158 00:09:38,918 --> 00:09:40,077 (Modor Katzo) 159 00:09:42,003 --> 00:09:44,047 You finally come, Sunraku. 160 00:09:44,049 --> 00:09:45,525 Let's get started. 161 00:09:49,659 --> 00:09:50,779 What are the rules? 162 00:09:53,631 --> 00:09:55,329 Ready... Fight! 163 00:09:55,929 --> 00:09:57,622 Isn't it obvious? 164 00:09:58,383 --> 00:09:59,907 Vale tudo! 165 00:09:59,909 --> 00:10:01,932 Anything goes! 166 00:10:02,277 --> 00:10:05,922 Eww, that's such a gross-out bug. 167 00:10:05,924 --> 00:10:10,429 It's a new trick I found while you were busy with Failia Chronicle! 168 00:10:10,431 --> 00:10:13,253 NSFW Tentacle Attack! 169 00:10:13,377 --> 00:10:16,476 You developed yet another bugged move, eh? 170 00:10:16,478 --> 00:10:19,952 You're a pro gamer, but you're as crazy as ever! 171 00:10:19,954 --> 00:10:21,385 Modor Katzo! 172 00:10:23,116 --> 00:10:24,387 Quick-Draw Fist! 173 00:10:24,764 --> 00:10:25,764 What?! 174 00:10:31,313 --> 00:10:34,019 I put delays in, but you dealt with those?! 175 00:10:34,021 --> 00:10:36,734 Your reflexes are what's crazy here! 176 00:10:36,736 --> 00:10:39,633 In theory, as long as there are twelve frames to respond, 177 00:10:39,635 --> 00:10:44,184 Quick-Draw Fist is the strongest style that can counter even a boss's insta-kill attacks! 178 00:10:44,186 --> 00:10:46,228 I'll smash all your attacks! 179 00:10:50,525 --> 00:10:52,967 Whoa, Modor Katzo is fighting! 180 00:10:54,073 --> 00:10:56,580 Hey, ain't that Sunraku?! 181 00:10:56,581 --> 00:10:57,597 No way! 182 00:10:57,598 --> 00:10:59,598 - It's a fight between two high-end players!- Despite being a trash game, 183 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:00,687 - this game has a niche appeal. 184 00:11:00,689 --> 00:11:01,952 - Hey, guys!- this game has a niche appeal. 185 00:11:02,075 --> 00:11:05,284 That is Vale tudo... but also Bug tudo. 186 00:11:05,286 --> 00:11:06,847 "Any bug goes." 187 00:11:13,189 --> 00:11:15,187 Woohoo! 188 00:11:16,231 --> 00:11:20,141 There's hit box on the smashed fists, too?! 189 00:11:20,662 --> 00:11:22,003 You lose! 190 00:11:23,136 --> 00:11:24,646 But well... 191 00:11:24,648 --> 00:11:27,471 I've been fighting nothing but NPCs lately, 192 00:11:27,473 --> 00:11:31,040 so thanks for the match and the trash game recharge, Katzo! 193 00:11:31,547 --> 00:11:34,959 When you texted me you started playing SLF, 194 00:11:34,961 --> 00:11:37,810 I thought it was just a bad joke, but you were serious, huh? 195 00:11:38,064 --> 00:11:41,743 To put it unabashedly, I'm quite addicted! 196 00:11:43,325 --> 00:11:45,272 I suppose pigs will fly next. 197 00:11:45,597 --> 00:11:46,814 Just hear me out. 198 00:11:47,133 --> 00:11:49,334 According to the forums, 199 00:11:49,336 --> 00:11:54,485 there are these really powerful monsters in SLF called the Seven Colossi. 200 00:11:55,079 --> 00:11:59,706 Apparently they've only identified the names of four of them. 201 00:12:00,154 --> 00:12:01,184 So? 202 00:12:01,362 --> 00:12:05,813 In the entire history of the game, no one's beaten any of them. 203 00:12:06,049 --> 00:12:07,313 Oh? 204 00:12:07,621 --> 00:12:09,216 Huh? It's over already? 205 00:12:09,218 --> 00:12:10,940 Seriously? Damn, I missed it. 206 00:12:10,942 --> 00:12:12,139 Hey, it's Sunraku! 207 00:12:12,141 --> 00:12:13,578 It was awesome! 208 00:12:13,799 --> 00:12:17,289 And I fought one of them... 209 00:12:22,491 --> 00:12:24,405 ...and it beat the crap outta me. 210 00:12:26,553 --> 00:12:28,447 So that's what got you hooked? 211 00:12:29,112 --> 00:12:32,966 In the meantime, I don't intend on quitting until I beat that dog. 212 00:12:36,774 --> 00:12:39,854 Then maybe I should pick it up, too. SLF. 213 00:12:39,856 --> 00:12:41,507 What? Really? 214 00:12:41,509 --> 00:12:44,958 Since it made you say that much, it piqued my interest. 215 00:12:45,166 --> 00:12:48,858 Besides, none of my IRL friends play this game. 216 00:12:49,391 --> 00:12:50,156 Ah. 217 00:12:50,776 --> 00:12:53,986 Oh, right. Do you know she's also playing SLF? 218 00:12:54,276 --> 00:12:55,622 She? 219 00:12:55,948 --> 00:12:59,372 I emailed her saying you picked it up. 220 00:12:59,374 --> 00:13:01,442 Cuz it's a big deal! 221 00:13:09,071 --> 00:13:12,004 "Sunraku started SLF"? 222 00:13:12,397 --> 00:13:15,952 That trash game addict Sunraku-kun playing SLF? 223 00:13:18,472 --> 00:13:20,386 I thought he would die... 224 00:13:20,930 --> 00:13:24,051 ...if he played anything other than trash games. 225 00:13:40,158 --> 00:13:46,200 (Arthur Pencilgon) 226 00:13:46,662 --> 00:13:51,460 This means I oughta give him a bit of a gentle initiation. 227 00:13:59,677 --> 00:14:02,930 (Secondale - Back Alley) 228 00:14:03,198 --> 00:14:05,672 Oh, we really made it back. 229 00:14:05,674 --> 00:14:07,482 It's a teleport gate. 230 00:14:07,964 --> 00:14:11,668 With me around, this is a piece of cake! 231 00:14:11,805 --> 00:14:13,511 She sure is convenient. 232 00:14:13,742 --> 00:14:17,793 I know it's because I play BERP before this, 233 00:14:17,795 --> 00:14:21,095 but it's so easy to move in SLF avatar! 234 00:14:21,714 --> 00:14:25,271 When you woke up, you said you wanted to go somewhere. 235 00:14:25,273 --> 00:14:26,647 But where is that? 236 00:14:26,980 --> 00:14:29,642 The Rabituza palace has a battle arena, a training zone, 237 00:14:29,644 --> 00:14:32,261 and all kinds of fun stuff! 238 00:14:32,263 --> 00:14:37,103 I'm sure interested in that place, and I really wanna check it out, 239 00:14:37,105 --> 00:14:38,498 but before it fills up here, 240 00:14:38,500 --> 00:14:41,217 I'd like to go to the next town, Thirdrema. 241 00:14:41,356 --> 00:14:43,107 Fills up? 242 00:14:47,821 --> 00:14:52,105 The number of starting players is ramping up during summer break. 243 00:14:52,384 --> 00:14:57,638 The forum said Firstia was already bursting at the seams with players. 244 00:14:57,640 --> 00:14:59,845 I bet that'll happen here, too. 245 00:14:59,847 --> 00:15:01,279 Oho, I see. 246 00:15:01,609 --> 00:15:03,337 When that happens, 247 00:15:03,339 --> 00:15:07,525 everyone will scramble for town facilities and monster and material drops. 248 00:15:07,527 --> 00:15:09,246 Oho, I see! 249 00:15:09,248 --> 00:15:12,655 I heard Thirdrema is a pretty big town. 250 00:15:12,657 --> 00:15:16,566 If I'm going to get into gears tackling this Unique Scenario, 251 00:15:16,568 --> 00:15:20,191 a town with a lot of excess capacity would be the best. 252 00:15:20,443 --> 00:15:22,075 Oho, I see! 253 00:15:23,019 --> 00:15:24,178 Do you really understand? 254 00:15:24,180 --> 00:15:26,385 I don't know what you're talking about! 255 00:15:26,387 --> 00:15:27,823 So you don't... 256 00:15:28,168 --> 00:15:32,237 However, if you're going to the next town, I'll gladly join you! 257 00:15:32,449 --> 00:15:33,269 Huh? 258 00:15:34,119 --> 00:15:37,700 A party request? You can form party with NPCs? 259 00:15:38,637 --> 00:15:42,290 You can't access Rabituza or its palace without me, after all! 260 00:15:42,292 --> 00:15:46,313 Yeah, true, but I thought you were just going to follow me. 261 00:15:46,966 --> 00:15:47,450 (NPC "Magical Bunny Emul" sent you a party request. Accept?) 262 00:15:47,452 --> 00:15:48,862 (NPC "Magical Bunny Emul" joined your party) 263 00:15:50,038 --> 00:15:51,603 (Emul LV: 56, Sorcerer Vorpal Bunny Traveler) 264 00:15:53,474 --> 00:15:56,018 She beat me in early all my stat... 265 00:15:56,468 --> 00:15:59,215 I only barely win out in agility... 266 00:15:59,217 --> 00:16:02,280 But that's okay. I can just outpace her soon enough. 267 00:16:04,217 --> 00:16:09,894 I think Lycagon's Mark was the trigger of this Unique Scenario. 268 00:16:10,480 --> 00:16:14,555 So could she be a helping hand to make up for the curse's disadvantages? 269 00:16:14,809 --> 00:16:16,671 If so, they did a good job. 270 00:16:17,211 --> 00:16:19,054 Nice to be with you, Emul. 271 00:16:19,056 --> 00:16:20,056 Yeiya! 272 00:16:20,058 --> 00:16:22,198 Thanks for letting me join you, Sunraku-san! 273 00:16:29,179 --> 00:16:30,449 So cute! 274 00:16:30,451 --> 00:16:32,409 What's that rabbit? 275 00:16:32,411 --> 00:16:35,547 That's Vorpal Bunny, right? You can tame them? 276 00:16:35,549 --> 00:16:38,301 More importantly, it just talked, didn't it? 277 00:16:38,303 --> 00:16:40,149 Whoa, a big bird! 278 00:16:40,151 --> 00:16:42,031 Half-naked? A pervert?! 279 00:16:42,033 --> 00:16:44,485 She's really excited, huh? 280 00:16:44,487 --> 00:16:47,702 Crap, I was numb after talking with her for so long, 281 00:16:47,704 --> 00:16:51,074 but Emul's an NPC from an undiscovered Unique Scenario! 282 00:16:51,076 --> 00:16:53,633 I lucked out getting this scenario that I only knows about. 283 00:16:53,635 --> 00:16:56,321 If possible, I'd like to keep it a secret until I clear it! 284 00:16:56,323 --> 00:16:58,450 Zip it there! 285 00:16:59,854 --> 00:17:02,708 This is actually ventriloquism! 286 00:17:02,710 --> 00:17:04,364 I'm in a hurry, so bye! 287 00:17:04,366 --> 00:17:05,724 - Hey, wait! I'm in a hurry, so bye! 288 00:17:06,386 --> 00:17:10,566 Aww, I wish he could at least told us how to tame one. 289 00:17:12,630 --> 00:17:15,846 I took a screenshot. Let's ask about it on the forum! 290 00:17:23,235 --> 00:17:26,862 Okay, there aren't any players nearby now. 291 00:17:27,845 --> 00:17:30,762 I'm not good at scampering. 292 00:17:31,024 --> 00:17:33,554 That's not a very "rabbit" thing to say. 293 00:17:33,678 --> 00:17:36,679 You have about the same agility as I am. 294 00:17:36,875 --> 00:17:39,730 So what are we going to do now? 295 00:17:39,982 --> 00:17:41,556 Let's see... 296 00:17:41,558 --> 00:17:43,866 I'd like to test out some things. 297 00:17:43,868 --> 00:17:45,280 Test out? 298 00:17:45,481 --> 00:17:48,274 The curse... The part about the marks. 299 00:17:48,834 --> 00:17:55,592 "The character with Lycagon's Mark will have lower-level monster flee from them." 300 00:18:13,470 --> 00:18:16,131 Ah! Sunraku-san, it ran! 301 00:18:16,133 --> 00:18:18,991 It reacted as if it saw a freak. 302 00:18:19,518 --> 00:18:21,386 All right! Just what I wanted! 303 00:18:22,741 --> 00:18:24,707 First, chase it down at full speed! 304 00:18:25,416 --> 00:18:27,265 And not just chasing it blindly, 305 00:18:27,267 --> 00:18:30,406 but guiding to run straight at an obstacle! 306 00:18:31,249 --> 00:18:32,408 And then... 307 00:18:32,782 --> 00:18:35,160 Right when it's about to change direction... 308 00:18:35,508 --> 00:18:36,875 Throw weapon! 309 00:18:38,684 --> 00:18:40,463 After the target's stopped... 310 00:18:41,151 --> 00:18:44,979 ...smash it down with all the speed you got! 311 00:18:46,766 --> 00:18:48,980 An attack with extra momentum bonus. 312 00:18:49,370 --> 00:18:52,155 It's an expected result based on the law of physics in real world, 313 00:18:52,157 --> 00:18:55,143 but very few games actually replicate it. 314 00:18:56,211 --> 00:19:01,712 But of course, this game replicate everything as closely to the real world. 315 00:19:01,714 --> 00:19:03,908 That was amazing, Sunraku-san! 316 00:19:03,910 --> 00:19:06,822 I can't tell which was the real monster now! 317 00:19:06,824 --> 00:19:08,483 Is that supposed to be a compliment? 318 00:19:11,367 --> 00:19:12,367 All right! 319 00:19:12,369 --> 00:19:16,517 Even with these marks, I can at least deal with monsters around as fast as that one! 320 00:19:16,875 --> 00:19:20,241 I'm done checking, so I'll announce our plan! 321 00:19:22,474 --> 00:19:23,991 Ignore all the mobs! 322 00:19:23,993 --> 00:19:25,963 Only fight area bosses! 323 00:19:25,965 --> 00:19:27,037 Over! 324 00:19:27,039 --> 00:19:29,303 That's pretty loose for a plan... 325 00:19:29,770 --> 00:19:32,643 Since I'm built for speed, let's keep it fast! 326 00:19:32,645 --> 00:19:36,452 Let's head to where the area boss is waiting for us, Thirdrema! 327 00:19:39,210 --> 00:19:40,955 Um... 328 00:19:40,957 --> 00:19:42,738 According to the map... 329 00:19:42,740 --> 00:19:46,137 The area boss should be around here... 330 00:19:47,608 --> 00:19:49,568 But it's all just marshland. 331 00:19:52,458 --> 00:19:55,583 My clothes are gonna get all dirty. 332 00:19:55,585 --> 00:19:58,422 Well, I did kinda expect this. Yeah. 333 00:19:58,714 --> 00:20:01,248 Emul did tell me on our way here. 334 00:20:01,996 --> 00:20:04,417 Actually, since we kinda left the town in a hurry, 335 00:20:04,419 --> 00:20:06,905 I didn't get to ask anyone about the boss. 336 00:20:06,907 --> 00:20:08,761 Do you know anything, Emul? 337 00:20:08,763 --> 00:20:12,498 The boss of this area is a monster by the name of "Mud Digger." 338 00:20:12,500 --> 00:20:15,549 He'll jump outta the ground and bash into you, 339 00:20:15,551 --> 00:20:18,214 so you gotta keep him from moving! 340 00:20:18,695 --> 00:20:20,225 Mud Digger... 341 00:20:20,421 --> 00:20:22,296 A battle in the marshland... 342 00:20:22,703 --> 00:20:24,539 I'm in a trouble, am I? 343 00:20:26,472 --> 00:20:28,132 Sunraku-san, it's coming! 344 00:20:32,227 --> 00:20:33,471 Get on my shoulder! 345 00:20:33,835 --> 00:20:34,812 Aye-aye! 346 00:20:49,617 --> 00:20:53,002 The muck system in SLF is as follows: 347 00:20:54,467 --> 00:20:57,683 Upon entering until your foot hits solid ground... 348 00:20:57,685 --> 00:21:01,093 ...your other one is stuck in the muck, 349 00:21:01,095 --> 00:21:03,023 putting you in a forced walking state. 350 00:21:05,639 --> 00:21:06,548 (Area Boss, Party Size: 4) (Mud Digger) 351 00:21:06,550 --> 00:21:07,892 Which means... (Area Boss, Party Size: 4) (Mud Digger) 352 00:21:08,968 --> 00:21:12,998 This guy and me... are a terrible match. 353 00:21:14,656 --> 00:21:17,647 I scream in envy so much it hurts 354 00:21:17,649 --> 00:21:20,178 I cry that this is where it ends 355 00:21:20,180 --> 00:21:22,745 It's going to change, I'll change it 356 00:21:22,747 --> 00:21:25,558 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 357 00:21:36,404 --> 00:21:40,755 The goal I set up is now the starting line for me to run again 358 00:21:40,755 --> 00:21:43,169 Hit me with that despiar, it excites me 359 00:21:43,171 --> 00:21:46,331 Telling me give it a go 360 00:21:46,331 --> 00:21:50,668 I should be able to go as far as I want, yet I mistake this to be my limit 361 00:21:50,668 --> 00:21:53,127 Is getting an easy win sometimes necessary? 362 00:21:53,129 --> 00:21:56,424 It exhilarate me, telling me to give it a go 363 00:21:56,424 --> 00:22:05,392 I have a dream, so even my complaints is not a joke 364 00:22:05,392 --> 00:22:08,395 I scream in envy so much it hurts 365 00:22:08,395 --> 00:22:10,980 I cry that this is where it ends 366 00:22:10,980 --> 00:22:13,457 It's going to change, I'll change it, 367 00:22:13,459 --> 00:22:15,735 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 368 00:22:15,735 --> 00:22:18,384 I don't mind breaking if I can move on 369 00:22:18,384 --> 00:22:20,907 I hate giving up even more 370 00:22:20,907 --> 00:22:25,743 I'm going to make it come true, make it a reality, I'm always serious 371 00:22:25,745 --> 00:22:30,291 Make it so I'm only a little away from obtaining it 372 00:22:30,291 --> 00:22:33,128 Let me ace this even if it burns me 373 00:22:44,650 --> 00:22:48,431 SLF Theater! 374 00:22:48,433 --> 00:22:49,875 Mini! 375 00:22:51,364 --> 00:22:53,361 I'll take a sleep now. 376 00:22:53,363 --> 00:22:54,688 Good night. 377 00:22:55,672 --> 00:22:57,423 (Logged out) 378 00:22:57,704 --> 00:23:01,330 Have a nice sleep, Sunraku-san. 379 00:23:01,981 --> 00:23:05,254 I should also take some rest, then. 380 00:23:17,458 --> 00:23:22,295 It's so much better being in my original form. 381 00:23:23,076 --> 00:23:26,364 Sunraku-san! 382 00:23:26,570 --> 00:23:30,732 Good night! 383 00:23:37,006 --> 00:23:38,447 A dream? 384 00:23:41,394 --> 00:23:46,926 (When a player logged out of the game, their avatar will disappear.)