1 00:00:10,375 --> 00:00:12,000 [birds singing] 2 00:00:37,833 --> 00:00:39,083 [man] I never will forget it. 3 00:00:40,416 --> 00:00:43,958 The squadron commander walked up to me and he said, 4 00:00:44,041 --> 00:00:47,416 "Go get some sleep because you're flying tomorrow." 5 00:00:58,458 --> 00:00:59,916 We get to the briefing... 6 00:01:03,833 --> 00:01:05,708 ...and they pull back the curtains. 7 00:01:09,666 --> 00:01:11,875 We were to dive through the clouds 8 00:01:11,958 --> 00:01:14,041 in broad daylight, at high noon, 9 00:01:14,125 --> 00:01:16,458 to bring Germany to its knees. 10 00:01:21,875 --> 00:01:23,833 He said, "I have to tell you, fellows, 11 00:01:24,416 --> 00:01:27,791 that if we only get one airplane over that target, 12 00:01:27,875 --> 00:01:29,416 it'll be a successful mission." 13 00:01:36,458 --> 00:01:39,458 And I was petrified because you knew... 14 00:01:44,416 --> 00:01:48,166 ...you were facing the stark possibility 15 00:01:48,250 --> 00:01:50,416 that that would be your last mission. 16 00:01:54,833 --> 00:01:58,000 [Winston Churchill] We demand unconditional surrender. 17 00:01:58,083 --> 00:02:00,416 [narrator] As World War II enters its fourth year, 18 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:03,291 the outcome of the conflict still hangs in the balance. 19 00:02:04,041 --> 00:02:07,791 Hitler has suffered his first major defeat, on Russia's soil. 20 00:02:07,875 --> 00:02:12,916 So both sides are scaling up production, and the leaders are raising the stakes. 21 00:02:15,291 --> 00:02:19,500 {\an8}[Franklin Roosevelt] Hitler and Mussolini, they will understand 22 00:02:19,583 --> 00:02:22,458 {\an8}the enormity of their miscalculation. 23 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:26,875 [narrator] But to win the war, the Allies must reconquer Europe 24 00:02:26,958 --> 00:02:29,333 and ultimately invade Germany. 25 00:02:30,458 --> 00:02:34,958 [Churchill] Their willpower to resist must be completely broken. 26 00:02:36,041 --> 00:02:37,666 [narrator] There's just one problem: 27 00:02:38,250 --> 00:02:42,000 Nazi-occupied Europe has some of the best defenses in the world. 28 00:02:44,208 --> 00:02:45,875 [soldier] Fire! 29 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:48,916 [Joseph Goebbels] Do you want a total war? 30 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:55,291 Do you want it even more total and radical than we are capable of imagining it today? 31 00:02:56,541 --> 00:03:00,791 [narrator] It's so impregnable, they call it "Fortress Europe." 32 00:03:01,666 --> 00:03:05,583 But, as the British say, Fortress Europe has no roof. 33 00:03:09,041 --> 00:03:12,291 So, now the Allies will rain destruction from the skies 34 00:03:14,625 --> 00:03:17,125 to smash Hitler's war machine. 35 00:03:21,166 --> 00:03:26,083 [Roosevelt] We believe that the Nazis and the fascists have asked for it, 36 00:03:26,166 --> 00:03:28,125 {\an8}and they're going to get it. 37 00:03:51,375 --> 00:03:54,416 [narrator] Tennessee airman John Luckadoo and his crew 38 00:03:54,500 --> 00:03:57,541 are about to fly into the heart of Nazi Germany. 39 00:04:01,875 --> 00:04:03,583 They're part of a bombing campaign 40 00:04:03,666 --> 00:04:08,583 designed to destroy German military sites and weapons production. 41 00:04:12,708 --> 00:04:16,833 [John] We knew that it was heavily defended with anti-aircraft. 42 00:04:18,875 --> 00:04:24,333 It was a pretty dismal prospect that we would be able to succeed. 43 00:04:32,458 --> 00:04:36,708 [narrator] For the Allied bomber crews, a host of dangers lie ahead. 44 00:04:41,541 --> 00:04:44,875 Thousands of German anti-aircraft guns. 45 00:04:49,458 --> 00:04:52,291 And hundreds of Luftwaffe fighters. 46 00:05:27,333 --> 00:05:29,125 [John] We started across the channel. 47 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:36,833 [wind whistling] 48 00:05:37,708 --> 00:05:40,833 It was 50 to 60 degrees below zero. 49 00:05:42,291 --> 00:05:44,833 You could freeze to death in a second. 50 00:05:54,291 --> 00:05:58,500 But I'll tell you what, it's no worse that's coming right for us. 51 00:06:04,125 --> 00:06:05,958 [loud explosions] 52 00:06:06,041 --> 00:06:07,625 [pilot] Oh! Oh, my God! 53 00:06:07,708 --> 00:06:08,916 Whoa! 54 00:06:16,708 --> 00:06:19,958 [narrator] German guns fill the sky with flak, 55 00:06:20,041 --> 00:06:22,708 exploding chunks of red-hot metal. 56 00:06:27,833 --> 00:06:31,875 [John] You hear the shrapnel, as the shells explode, 57 00:06:31,958 --> 00:06:33,541 ricocheting through the airplane. 58 00:06:33,625 --> 00:06:36,500 [flak clattering, pinging] 59 00:06:37,458 --> 00:06:40,791 And suddenly we're in a real deadly game. 60 00:06:48,041 --> 00:06:51,666 Out of the corner of my eye, you could see the German fighters 61 00:06:53,250 --> 00:06:55,125 flying right for us. 62 00:06:55,208 --> 00:06:57,541 [engines buzzing] 63 00:06:57,625 --> 00:06:58,666 [air crew chatter] 64 00:06:58,750 --> 00:07:00,375 - Two o'clock. - Watch him, Scotty. 65 00:07:00,458 --> 00:07:02,916 - [Scotty] I've got my sights on him. - They're coming around. 66 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:07,000 - [gunner] Come on, you... - Eleven o'clock. 67 00:07:17,083 --> 00:07:19,875 {\an8}[Robert] The Germans went by us so fast, they had no time to think. 68 00:07:19,958 --> 00:07:23,083 {\an8}They went right through us, 350 miles an hour. 69 00:07:25,541 --> 00:07:27,041 [crew] Fighters, ten o'clock. 70 00:07:28,958 --> 00:07:30,166 - Incoming. - I don't see him. 71 00:07:30,250 --> 00:07:31,625 There's two at two o'clock. 72 00:07:31,708 --> 00:07:33,416 [jet buzzing past] 73 00:07:34,458 --> 00:07:36,750 [crew 1] B-17 in trouble at two o'clock. 74 00:07:38,333 --> 00:07:40,958 - [crew 2] Motor's smoking. - [crew 3] He's got an engine on fire. 75 00:07:47,750 --> 00:07:50,110 [crew 2] Come on, you guys, get out of that plane. Bale out. 76 00:08:11,791 --> 00:08:15,916 {\an8}[John] It's not surprising that some guys crack under that kind of a strain. 77 00:08:18,375 --> 00:08:24,916 The fear and the trauma of combat could turn your hair white. 78 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:27,416 I saw that happen, over and over. 79 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:30,375 [pilot] Pilot to left waist gunner. 80 00:08:30,458 --> 00:08:31,958 We're over the I.P. 81 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:37,041 Pilot to bombardier: your ship. 82 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:38,791 [bombardier] Bombardier to pilot: roger. 83 00:08:40,583 --> 00:08:42,000 [pilot] Bombs away. 84 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:44,875 [bombardier] Bombs away on primary. 85 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:53,250 [John] You go out, fight your way all the way to the target. 86 00:08:56,541 --> 00:09:00,208 Then you began to try to get back all the way home. 87 00:09:08,583 --> 00:09:11,500 You had to be pretty much immune 88 00:09:11,583 --> 00:09:17,375 to the fact that if you survived, you were just damn lucky. 89 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:45,125 But when you get out of that airplane and you kiss the ground 90 00:09:45,208 --> 00:09:48,291 and say, "Thank God I'm back, I survived that one," 91 00:09:48,375 --> 00:09:52,375 and then get up and do it again tomorrow? 92 00:09:53,000 --> 00:09:54,708 That takes a lot of guts. 93 00:09:54,791 --> 00:09:57,291 It takes a lot of soul searching. 94 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:06,708 But we knew that we had a job to do for freedom and liberation. 95 00:10:14,208 --> 00:10:16,708 [narrator] By the summer of 1943, 96 00:10:16,791 --> 00:10:21,000 70,000 tons of explosives have been dropped onto Germany. 97 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:28,916 But the bomber crews are failing to destroy key targets 98 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:32,083 and gain a foothold into Fortress Europe. 99 00:10:34,666 --> 00:10:36,291 The British solution... 100 00:10:37,958 --> 00:10:39,750 pick easier targets. 101 00:10:57,625 --> 00:10:59,958 May 1943. 102 00:11:01,291 --> 00:11:03,416 There's momentous news from Africa. 103 00:11:03,500 --> 00:11:05,583 [newscaster] Yesterday afternoon, at about 4:30, 104 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:08,375 the war in North Africa came to an end. 105 00:11:08,458 --> 00:11:12,083 [narrator] The Americans and British have won a final crushing victory 106 00:11:12,166 --> 00:11:13,916 over Rommel's Afrika Korps. 107 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:15,750 [cheering] 108 00:11:18,166 --> 00:11:20,666 [newscaster] Bombers went in, in three deadly waves, 109 00:11:20,750 --> 00:11:22,583 to deliver the last aerial bombardment, 110 00:11:22,666 --> 00:11:25,541 and one of the heaviest, of the whole campaign. 111 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:31,083 And soon, hundreds of white flags were appearing all over the place. 112 00:11:31,708 --> 00:11:32,833 [troops cheering] 113 00:11:32,916 --> 00:11:36,125 {\an8}[narrator] The Allies now control the entire North African coast, 114 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:42,000 {\an8}raising the tantalizing new possibility: break into Europe from the south. 115 00:11:44,375 --> 00:11:48,250 Mussolini's fascist Italy is just across the Mediterranean. 116 00:11:49,916 --> 00:11:52,958 [man in German] The Führer and the Duce expressed at the meeting 117 00:11:53,041 --> 00:11:57,250 their and their people's determination 118 00:11:57,333 --> 00:12:00,458 to wage war until the final victory. 119 00:12:04,333 --> 00:12:07,583 [narrator] The plan: get boots on the ground in Sicily, 120 00:12:07,666 --> 00:12:09,916 {\an8}then fight all the way up to Rome. 121 00:12:25,333 --> 00:12:30,875 Among the invasion force is Maurice White, a young man heading into the unknown. 122 00:12:35,833 --> 00:12:38,000 [Maurice] There were ships in all directions, 123 00:12:38,083 --> 00:12:39,458 as far as you could see. 124 00:12:43,333 --> 00:12:45,791 We were sitting there, out in the Mediterranean. 125 00:12:45,875 --> 00:12:47,791 It was nice, beautiful weather. 126 00:12:48,833 --> 00:12:50,333 The calm before the storm. 127 00:12:52,708 --> 00:12:57,291 Yeah, you're naturally afraid because you don't know what to expect, really. 128 00:13:09,041 --> 00:13:11,250 The door goes down and away you go. 129 00:13:14,125 --> 00:13:18,375 And you jump in the water and start wading or swimming. 130 00:13:29,583 --> 00:13:31,541 We weren't fired on when we landed. 131 00:13:35,125 --> 00:13:38,250 Most of our trouble was entering the town. 132 00:13:39,291 --> 00:13:42,083 [guns firing] 133 00:13:49,833 --> 00:13:50,875 [soldier] Fire! 134 00:14:04,958 --> 00:14:08,916 You couldn't stick your head out in the open because they had you covered. 135 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:11,000 [gunfire continues] 136 00:14:26,666 --> 00:14:30,708 I remember a German machine gunner was setting up on this rubble. 137 00:14:32,875 --> 00:14:35,156 - [soldier 1] Give up! - [soldier 2] Put down your weapon! 138 00:14:35,208 --> 00:14:36,916 We hollered for him to give up. 139 00:14:38,791 --> 00:14:41,083 But he says, "Come and get me." 140 00:14:41,166 --> 00:14:43,375 [heavy gunfire] 141 00:14:43,458 --> 00:14:45,291 [soldiers shouting] 142 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:46,416 Forward! 143 00:14:52,958 --> 00:14:58,000 He got hit in the face, and his eyeballs were hanging on his cheeks. 144 00:15:00,958 --> 00:15:05,000 But even though he was blind, he's still pouring the lead at you. 145 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:19,125 But we never stopped or hesitated. 146 00:15:21,166 --> 00:15:22,625 We just kept on going. 147 00:15:24,250 --> 00:15:27,625 [narrator] Maurice and his comrades are pushing deeper into Italy, 148 00:15:27,708 --> 00:15:30,000 taking village after village. 149 00:15:33,916 --> 00:15:37,291 [Maurice] We could hear some noise in this big house. 150 00:15:38,166 --> 00:15:41,583 We hollered in German to come out, and everything went quiet. 151 00:15:46,625 --> 00:15:50,541 We busted in and there was about 20 people in there. 152 00:15:50,625 --> 00:15:53,291 Old people and women and children. 153 00:15:59,208 --> 00:16:01,541 And they hadn't eaten for days. 154 00:16:02,125 --> 00:16:04,750 [indistinct chatter] 155 00:16:04,833 --> 00:16:07,875 They were starving to death. Really, they were. 156 00:16:13,958 --> 00:16:17,708 If you gave them a can of bully beef, that was like giving them life. 157 00:16:25,750 --> 00:16:30,041 [narrator] After three years of war, the locals just want the fighting to end. 158 00:16:36,833 --> 00:16:39,166 [Anna in Italian] We were at the mercy 159 00:16:39,250 --> 00:16:44,083 of the British and the Americans. 160 00:16:46,333 --> 00:16:50,125 They took over our bakeries to make bread for their troops. 161 00:16:52,416 --> 00:16:54,166 I had to steal bread. 162 00:16:55,041 --> 00:16:58,208 We were powerless. What else could I do? 163 00:17:04,416 --> 00:17:07,416 We had no home, no possessions, nothing. 164 00:17:07,500 --> 00:17:10,041 We had everything taken away from us. 165 00:17:28,708 --> 00:17:31,500 [newscaster] Allied invasion forces have captured over 12 new towns 166 00:17:31,583 --> 00:17:34,291 and are advancing all along the Sicilian Front. 167 00:17:36,041 --> 00:17:39,166 [newscaster 2] We're driving ahead to run the Italians right out of the war, 168 00:17:39,250 --> 00:17:40,541 as quickly as possible. 169 00:17:44,250 --> 00:17:47,666 {\an8}[Maurice] I was amazed at the number of Italians who gave up. 170 00:17:49,458 --> 00:17:51,291 {\an8}They didn't want to fight at all. 171 00:17:52,958 --> 00:17:55,458 They were fed up with Mussolini and the Germans. 172 00:18:00,083 --> 00:18:03,083 There were quite a few white flags sticking on the end of their rifles, 173 00:18:03,166 --> 00:18:07,041 and they just gave their rifles up and had their hands up too, so... 174 00:18:13,708 --> 00:18:16,875 [narrator] The Allies have successfully landed in Fortress Europe. 175 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:22,041 But the fight is far from over. 176 00:18:30,041 --> 00:18:32,958 The Germans and Soviets are fighting a huge tank battle 177 00:18:33,041 --> 00:18:35,166 near the city of Kursk. 178 00:18:36,958 --> 00:18:39,791 [newscaster] The Red Army has taken over 12 miles of territory 179 00:18:39,875 --> 00:18:42,208 with 12,000 more German dead. 180 00:18:51,708 --> 00:18:56,333 [narrator] And in Asia, the war hangs in the balance. 181 00:18:56,416 --> 00:18:59,291 [man in Japanese] The United States and Britain 182 00:18:59,375 --> 00:19:03,208 will keep resisting Greater East Asia. 183 00:19:03,291 --> 00:19:09,750 We must come together and liberate ourselves from their shackles! 184 00:19:10,708 --> 00:19:14,166 [narrator] Japan's aim is to dominate the whole of East Asia, 185 00:19:14,750 --> 00:19:18,291 {\an8}and to pull that off, they have created a fortress of their own. 186 00:19:19,416 --> 00:19:21,000 {\an8}Theirs is in the ocean, 187 00:19:21,083 --> 00:19:25,708 {\an8}a defense shield of strategic island bases across the Pacific. 188 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:30,250 [Roosevelt] We are pushing forward 189 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:32,958 to attack the Japanese islands themselves. 190 00:19:33,541 --> 00:19:37,375 We shall not settle for less than total victory. 191 00:19:38,541 --> 00:19:39,791 [narrator] To win the war, 192 00:19:39,875 --> 00:19:43,250 the Americans will need to conquer these islands one by one. 193 00:19:45,750 --> 00:19:49,916 The tiny atoll of Tarawa is their next target. 194 00:19:58,833 --> 00:20:00,916 The U.S. Marines are heading for Tarawa. 195 00:20:02,416 --> 00:20:07,375 Among them is 17-year-old Joe Varucene from California. 196 00:20:10,125 --> 00:20:12,041 {\an8}[Joe] I was just as scared as anybody. 197 00:20:14,958 --> 00:20:20,166 {\an8}But I don't know, I felt I was doing something and I felt good about it. 198 00:20:20,250 --> 00:20:22,083 [ship horn blowing] 199 00:20:23,333 --> 00:20:24,583 I was gung-ho. 200 00:20:27,458 --> 00:20:29,458 [engines buzzing] 201 00:20:41,833 --> 00:20:47,500 All of a sudden, there was planes coming over and they bombed. 202 00:20:57,083 --> 00:20:58,833 It was just magnificent. 203 00:21:01,166 --> 00:21:02,333 I was thrilled. 204 00:21:08,208 --> 00:21:11,916 So, I told one of the guys, I says, "That's the island I want to go to." 205 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:14,500 I says, "There's going to be nothing living there." 206 00:21:20,500 --> 00:21:24,750 [narrator] What Joe doesn't know is that 5,000 Japanese soldiers 207 00:21:24,833 --> 00:21:26,625 have survived the bombardment. 208 00:21:34,250 --> 00:21:37,250 [Joe] In my mind, I was thinking like in the movies. 209 00:21:38,500 --> 00:21:41,541 The ramp was gonna come down. We were gonna run up on a beach. 210 00:21:45,375 --> 00:21:46,458 [bullets pinging] 211 00:21:46,541 --> 00:21:49,458 But all the water was just skipping with bullets. 212 00:21:53,166 --> 00:21:57,083 The first guy out of our boat got hit with a blast in the neck. 213 00:21:57,166 --> 00:21:58,625 - [explosions] - [screaming] 214 00:22:00,916 --> 00:22:04,916 The sergeant went over to help him and he caught one in the head. 215 00:22:06,916 --> 00:22:08,583 He went down immediately. 216 00:22:08,666 --> 00:22:10,541 [firing] 217 00:22:13,083 --> 00:22:15,166 But I wanted to show my own courage. 218 00:22:17,083 --> 00:22:19,250 Come hell or high water, I was going in. 219 00:22:23,083 --> 00:22:26,333 I would go underwater and hold my breath as long as I could. 220 00:22:31,666 --> 00:22:38,250 But when I got to the beach, there was a whole bunch of Japs waiting for us. 221 00:22:38,958 --> 00:22:40,583 All hell broke loose. 222 00:22:41,500 --> 00:22:43,250 [heavy gunfire] 223 00:23:02,000 --> 00:23:03,791 It was crazy. 224 00:23:03,875 --> 00:23:04,791 [indistinct shouting] 225 00:23:04,875 --> 00:23:08,250 They told us, "Anything beyond this line, you shoot." 226 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:11,333 "We don't care what it is: shoot." 227 00:23:13,833 --> 00:23:14,833 [soldier] Fire! 228 00:23:18,125 --> 00:23:20,000 But then our lieutenant got killed. 229 00:23:23,750 --> 00:23:25,875 They stuck a rifle right in his neck. 230 00:23:28,541 --> 00:23:30,875 He was completely decapitated. 231 00:23:36,458 --> 00:23:38,166 Things were desperate. 232 00:23:38,833 --> 00:23:40,083 [soldier] Forward! 233 00:23:40,166 --> 00:23:42,333 I kept shooting until the rifle was empty. 234 00:23:44,166 --> 00:23:46,250 [gunfire fades] 235 00:23:58,500 --> 00:24:04,666 Two guys jumped up and grabbed me and pulled me up over the wall. 236 00:24:09,666 --> 00:24:11,625 That was the end of that for me. 237 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:21,500 [narrator] More than a thousand of Joe's comrades lose their lives. 238 00:24:29,333 --> 00:24:31,458 The Japanese fight to the death. 239 00:24:32,708 --> 00:24:34,708 Almost 5,000 are killed. 240 00:24:38,458 --> 00:24:42,416 Only 17 Japanese soldiers survive and surrender. 241 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:51,166 [Joe] They were people. 242 00:24:51,250 --> 00:24:54,916 They had mothers and fathers, like we have mothers and fathers. 243 00:24:56,666 --> 00:24:58,875 We fight for our country, right or wrong. 244 00:24:58,958 --> 00:25:01,291 They fought for their country, right or wrong. 245 00:25:03,166 --> 00:25:04,916 As far as I'm concerned, they were brave. 246 00:25:21,125 --> 00:25:23,791 [narrator] The Americans have taken an important step 247 00:25:23,875 --> 00:25:26,666 towards rolling back the Japanese in Asia. 248 00:25:27,583 --> 00:25:29,916 But ahead of them is an entire ocean... 249 00:25:33,875 --> 00:25:36,541 {\an8}and dozens of islands that need to be conquered 250 00:25:36,625 --> 00:25:39,916 {\an8}before they can even come close to the goal of Japan itself. 251 00:25:44,875 --> 00:25:47,500 Meanwhile, in Europe... 252 00:25:48,708 --> 00:25:52,791 the bombing campaign against German military targets continues. 253 00:25:56,375 --> 00:25:59,500 But the Nazi war machine keeps churning out tanks and guns. 254 00:26:01,666 --> 00:26:07,458 [Goebbels] Millions of hands must get to work 255 00:26:07,541 --> 00:26:11,458 and supply the front with all the weapons it needs. 256 00:26:12,416 --> 00:26:15,000 [narrator] So, Churchill has made a ruthless decision... 257 00:26:18,375 --> 00:26:22,125 ...to wage a bombing campaign against German civilians... 258 00:26:22,208 --> 00:26:23,541 [crowd chanting] 259 00:26:23,625 --> 00:26:27,541 ...crush their morale and undermine support for Hitler's war. 260 00:26:30,041 --> 00:26:33,083 [Churchill] When we read every week of the frightful cruelties 261 00:26:33,166 --> 00:26:36,208 with which the German armies torment us, 262 00:26:36,291 --> 00:26:41,333 we may feel sure that we bear the sword of justice. 263 00:26:42,833 --> 00:26:45,416 [narrator] Seven hundred and 87 heavy bombers 264 00:26:45,500 --> 00:26:46,875 are heading to Germany. 265 00:26:47,916 --> 00:26:50,541 The mission: obliterate Hamburg. 266 00:27:05,583 --> 00:27:09,125 Fourteen-year-old Günter Lucks is home alone with his brother. 267 00:27:12,333 --> 00:27:13,833 [Günter in German] I found a flyer. 268 00:27:17,166 --> 00:27:21,583 "Leave the city of Hamburg to avoid unnecessary losses." 269 00:27:21,666 --> 00:27:25,000 It was signed RAF, the Royal Air Force. 270 00:27:30,541 --> 00:27:33,708 I was scared and I told my brother. 271 00:27:34,375 --> 00:27:37,333 He said, "That's just propaganda." 272 00:27:39,916 --> 00:27:44,083 So, I threw it in the trash. 273 00:27:50,625 --> 00:27:53,125 [narrator] Reassured, Günter goes to bed. 274 00:28:03,541 --> 00:28:07,250 But under the cover of darkness, the bombers are coming. 275 00:28:33,833 --> 00:28:38,333 One thousand tons of incendiaries, designed to spread fires, 276 00:28:38,416 --> 00:28:40,833 are dropped onto the sleeping city. 277 00:29:19,750 --> 00:29:21,833 Günter is woken by his brother. 278 00:29:29,000 --> 00:29:32,875 {\an8}[Günter] I looked out the window and saw a sea of flames. 279 00:29:34,916 --> 00:29:39,041 Wherever you looked, just flames. 280 00:29:41,291 --> 00:29:44,583 The house next door collapsed. 281 00:29:49,750 --> 00:29:54,958 My brother said, "I have to go and see what's happened to Aunt Olga." 282 00:30:05,125 --> 00:30:08,000 I didn't want to stay there alone. 283 00:30:14,500 --> 00:30:18,000 But he went out and did not come back. 284 00:30:28,791 --> 00:30:30,875 I thought, "I have to get out." 285 00:30:32,541 --> 00:30:34,250 I opened the door... 286 00:30:38,083 --> 00:30:41,166 ...and I saw people burning alive. 287 00:31:37,333 --> 00:31:40,375 [narrator] Forty-five thousand German civilians are killed. 288 00:31:48,000 --> 00:31:49,791 Günter's brother is one of them. 289 00:31:58,625 --> 00:32:00,625 Hamburg lies in ruins. 290 00:32:13,541 --> 00:32:16,416 Back in England, bomber pilot Don Wickens 291 00:32:16,500 --> 00:32:18,208 receives fresh orders. 292 00:32:23,916 --> 00:32:25,476 {\an8}[Don] We were briefed to go to Hamburg. 293 00:32:27,291 --> 00:32:28,875 {\an8}We said to the intelligence officer, 294 00:32:28,958 --> 00:32:31,000 {\an8}"What on earth are we going to Hamburg for?" 295 00:32:32,791 --> 00:32:34,375 It had been bombed. 296 00:32:34,458 --> 00:32:38,125 The whole city was just a ball of fire. 297 00:32:38,958 --> 00:32:44,625 He said, "Well, the only building left standing is the main post office." 298 00:32:45,500 --> 00:32:49,750 "And they've built emergency shelters, and there are 60,000 civilians." 299 00:32:52,666 --> 00:32:54,000 "That's your target." 300 00:32:56,750 --> 00:32:58,458 Now, what do you think? 301 00:32:59,041 --> 00:33:01,166 You're thinking just what we thought. 302 00:33:02,041 --> 00:33:04,083 We just closed our eyes and said, "Oh." 303 00:33:04,166 --> 00:33:06,333 And they're the bad guys. 304 00:33:07,583 --> 00:33:11,208 And here we were the good guys and we've got to do this? 305 00:33:12,375 --> 00:33:13,791 We had no choice. 306 00:33:14,541 --> 00:33:15,958 We went and did it. 307 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:34,041 You never saw a sicker bunch of young fellas 308 00:33:34,125 --> 00:33:37,041 when that chore was given to us. 309 00:33:43,041 --> 00:33:44,875 [bombs whistling] 310 00:34:03,458 --> 00:34:07,500 And it's not a heroic thing, and it's a terrible thing. 311 00:34:08,750 --> 00:34:12,083 And we're part of it, whether we like it or not. 312 00:34:17,875 --> 00:34:20,041 [narrator] The Allies hoped that bombing cities 313 00:34:20,125 --> 00:34:22,375 would cause the Germans to turn against the war. 314 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:27,916 But for some it has the opposite effect. 315 00:34:33,250 --> 00:34:38,166 [Günter] Now, I just thought, "Germany is in danger." 316 00:34:38,250 --> 00:34:43,250 "I want to do my job to prevent its downfall." 317 00:34:48,708 --> 00:34:50,833 And then I signed up. 318 00:34:56,375 --> 00:35:02,833 My mother said, "It doesn't make any sense, leave it alone and stay." 319 00:35:05,000 --> 00:35:09,500 But I hated the Americans and the British. 320 00:35:17,166 --> 00:35:19,208 [narrator] The fight for Europe is on. 321 00:35:21,333 --> 00:35:23,458 The Allies have secured Sicily. 322 00:35:23,541 --> 00:35:26,041 Their next goal is Rome. 323 00:35:28,875 --> 00:35:31,726 [newscaster] It was certainly one of the heaviest daylight raids of the war. 324 00:35:31,750 --> 00:35:34,875 A terrible demonstration of power and determination. 325 00:35:36,208 --> 00:35:38,333 [narrator] Mussolini had promised his people 326 00:35:38,416 --> 00:35:41,125 enemy bombs would never fall on Rome. 327 00:35:41,875 --> 00:35:44,541 [newscaster] The bombing of great cities is a terrible thing. 328 00:35:44,625 --> 00:35:47,083 We don't know what it will do to the Italian people. 329 00:35:48,041 --> 00:35:50,750 But it would certainly weaken their will to continue the war. 330 00:35:53,500 --> 00:35:55,458 [narrator] The Italians have had enough. 331 00:35:57,083 --> 00:35:59,916 [Roosevelt] The criminal, corrupt, fascist regime in Italy 332 00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:01,000 is going to pieces. 333 00:36:02,708 --> 00:36:04,458 [narrator] Mussolini is overthrown. 334 00:36:05,250 --> 00:36:08,083 Hitler orders a rescue operation to bring him to safety. 335 00:36:10,083 --> 00:36:13,458 [newscaster] The Italian dictator made his final escape in a cable car 336 00:36:13,541 --> 00:36:14,833 across the Apennine Valley. 337 00:36:14,916 --> 00:36:18,833 From there, a waiting airplane transported him back to a worried Hitler. 338 00:36:21,666 --> 00:36:27,375 [narrator] Now, the Italians switch sides and join forces with the Allies. 339 00:36:30,916 --> 00:36:34,708 [newscaster] Two hours ago, Italy declared war on Germany. 340 00:36:36,250 --> 00:36:38,208 The proclamation says there can be no peace 341 00:36:38,291 --> 00:36:41,208 while a single German remains on Italian soil. 342 00:36:44,916 --> 00:36:47,708 [narrator] But the battle for Italy is far from over. 343 00:36:49,500 --> 00:36:52,833 The Nazi's defensive line runs south of the capital, 344 00:36:52,916 --> 00:36:55,333 through the key town of Cassino. 345 00:36:58,708 --> 00:37:02,250 Capturing Cassino could unlock the road to Rome. 346 00:37:26,666 --> 00:37:29,333 The Germans take up positions on the high ground. 347 00:37:34,458 --> 00:37:38,916 {\an8}[Heinz in German] We got the order to go to Cassino. 348 00:37:43,416 --> 00:37:47,125 I was with my group of snipers. 349 00:37:54,375 --> 00:37:57,541 But we thought it was no longer a battle. 350 00:37:58,541 --> 00:38:00,416 [incoming bomb whistling] 351 00:38:02,666 --> 00:38:04,583 - [indistinct chatter] - [bombs exploding] 352 00:38:10,208 --> 00:38:15,375 [Heinz] Every few meters, the Allies dropped a bomb. 353 00:38:18,958 --> 00:38:20,541 We had many losses. 354 00:38:22,791 --> 00:38:25,541 The dead were piled up on the hillside. 355 00:38:34,541 --> 00:38:39,958 But we carried out our duty and our work. 356 00:38:40,833 --> 00:38:42,416 [gun fires] 357 00:38:44,708 --> 00:38:48,291 {\an8}[Jim] The more bombing and shelling, the stronger they made their defense. 358 00:38:49,875 --> 00:38:53,916 They were actually using rubble as a fortress. 359 00:38:54,000 --> 00:38:56,166 [machine guns firing] 360 00:38:58,583 --> 00:39:03,250 Every morning a German gun used to sweep the whole of the area. 361 00:39:12,291 --> 00:39:14,125 They were only 50 meters away. 362 00:39:16,166 --> 00:39:19,500 When it was very, very quiet, we could speak to them, shout to them. 363 00:39:21,041 --> 00:39:23,958 And we'd shout obscenities across to each other. 364 00:39:26,250 --> 00:39:28,833 But after that, the shelling would start again. 365 00:39:28,916 --> 00:39:30,125 [soldier] Fire! 366 00:39:34,250 --> 00:39:37,833 [narrator] For weeks, the Allies are pinned down on the hillside. 367 00:39:40,708 --> 00:39:42,541 [bomb explodes] 368 00:39:45,000 --> 00:39:46,833 {\an8}[Bentley] We couldn't move at all. 369 00:39:48,916 --> 00:39:53,916 But we knew that the Germans occupied the abbey on top of Monte Cassino. 370 00:39:56,000 --> 00:40:00,375 There were German artillerists up there who were controlling our movement. 371 00:40:03,333 --> 00:40:06,291 [narrator] The Allies are desperate to bomb the site, 372 00:40:06,375 --> 00:40:10,916 but even in war there are rules against destroying cultural monuments. 373 00:40:12,916 --> 00:40:15,833 [Bentley] We had instructions from President Roosevelt 374 00:40:15,916 --> 00:40:18,416 that we could not bomb Monte Cassino 375 00:40:18,500 --> 00:40:20,916 because it was so important a religious structure. 376 00:40:24,375 --> 00:40:28,666 However, because of the fact it was so critical to our position, 377 00:40:29,625 --> 00:40:33,708 we finally got word from the president to bomb. 378 00:40:37,208 --> 00:40:41,250 I was assigned the task to plan this attack. 379 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:55,083 The day of the bombing, I remember it so distinctly. 380 00:40:57,375 --> 00:41:01,791 Beautiful blue sky and the weather was warm. 381 00:41:03,833 --> 00:41:06,875 We were going to take out these German positions 382 00:41:06,958 --> 00:41:08,708 with our heavy bombers. 383 00:41:13,166 --> 00:41:17,666 And I felt so great that I had helped plan this attack. 384 00:41:17,750 --> 00:41:19,916 [planes buzzing overhead] 385 00:41:33,125 --> 00:41:34,625 [bombs whistling] 386 00:43:09,083 --> 00:43:11,000 [narrator] The abbey is turned to dust. 387 00:43:15,000 --> 00:43:18,708 But the Allies have been misled by their intelligence reports. 388 00:43:24,666 --> 00:43:27,125 {\an8}[Heinz] They thought that Germans were there. 389 00:43:29,250 --> 00:43:31,208 {\an8}But there weren't any Germans up there. 390 00:43:36,458 --> 00:43:40,500 We had been forbidden from going into the abbey. 391 00:43:47,041 --> 00:43:53,375 There were so many civilians inside hiding in the basement. 392 00:44:02,333 --> 00:44:04,541 They achieved nothing. 393 00:44:05,583 --> 00:44:06,791 Nothing. 394 00:44:14,333 --> 00:44:18,375 {\an8}[Antonio in Italian] You could hear screams: "Mum! Dad!" 395 00:44:22,875 --> 00:44:25,375 They were all looking for their loved ones. 396 00:44:25,458 --> 00:44:27,458 [shouting, wailing] 397 00:44:31,833 --> 00:44:33,166 Those screams... 398 00:44:34,875 --> 00:44:37,000 they can't be forgotten. 399 00:44:47,583 --> 00:44:50,708 [narrator] It will take another four months of brutal fighting 400 00:44:50,791 --> 00:44:54,083 before the Allies reach the Italian capital. 401 00:44:56,541 --> 00:44:58,166 [newscaster] ...from the Italian front 402 00:44:58,250 --> 00:44:59,930 that the light armor and motorized infantry 403 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:03,291 roared into Rome, into the heart of the city. 404 00:45:08,666 --> 00:45:11,250 [narrator] Fortress Europe has been prised open. 405 00:45:13,125 --> 00:45:17,333 Meanwhile, in England, the Allies are planning a secret operation 406 00:45:17,416 --> 00:45:19,333 that will change the course of the war. 407 00:45:21,875 --> 00:45:23,291 [newscaster] A tremendous mass 408 00:45:23,375 --> 00:45:25,250 of the greatest military equipment ever devised 409 00:45:25,333 --> 00:45:27,958 has been pooled by the Allied attacking forces. 410 00:45:30,000 --> 00:45:34,375 This is the largest-scale military invasion operation in history. 411 00:45:37,375 --> 00:45:40,958 [narrator] The attack will forever be known as "D-Day." 412 00:45:43,416 --> 00:45:45,250 [gulls screeching] 413 00:45:50,000 --> 00:45:51,916 {\an8}[Dan] We knew it was going to be a big deal. 414 00:45:53,958 --> 00:45:55,916 {\an8}And we knew the purpose of it. 415 00:45:56,958 --> 00:45:58,833 We were going to liberate Europe. 416 00:46:02,208 --> 00:46:04,541 [Dwight Eisenhower] The eyes of the world are upon you. 417 00:46:05,458 --> 00:46:09,416 The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. 418 00:46:11,208 --> 00:46:14,041 We will accept nothing less than full victory. 419 00:46:14,791 --> 00:46:15,791 Good luck. 420 00:46:19,291 --> 00:46:23,708 {\an8}[Harold] Everybody was anxious to hit that beach and fight. 421 00:46:30,541 --> 00:46:32,541 We didn't think we were going to make it. 422 00:46:37,291 --> 00:46:39,166 I wasn't planning to live through this.