1 00:00:21,625 --> 00:00:23,416 [distant explosions] 2 00:00:33,500 --> 00:00:35,708 [static crackling] 3 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:38,500 [announcer] This is the Mutual Broadcasting System. 4 00:00:39,916 --> 00:00:42,291 [newscaster] Fresh details of a Europe in turmoil. 5 00:00:42,375 --> 00:00:44,015 [announcer] This is the BBC Home Service. 6 00:00:44,083 --> 00:00:48,541 [Winston Churchill] Upon this battle depends the survival of civilization. 7 00:00:48,625 --> 00:00:52,333 [German] The Empire must act like a man standing in motion. 8 00:00:52,416 --> 00:00:55,500 [commentator] Peace or war is now in the lap of the gods. 9 00:00:55,583 --> 00:00:58,541 [Franklin Roosevelt] We believe that the Nazis and the fascists 10 00:00:58,625 --> 00:01:00,416 have asked for it 11 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:02,541 and they're going to get it. 12 00:01:02,625 --> 00:01:04,208 [static crackling] 13 00:01:11,375 --> 00:01:14,125 [narrator] This is the story of World War II. 14 00:01:15,541 --> 00:01:17,208 What it was really like. 15 00:01:17,291 --> 00:01:20,750 - [alarm sounding] - [men shouting] 16 00:01:20,833 --> 00:01:23,416 - [planes buzzing deck] - [men shouting] 17 00:01:23,500 --> 00:01:25,041 [machine guns firing] 18 00:01:25,125 --> 00:01:29,083 We'll put you on an aircraft carrier when the kamikazes strike. 19 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:46,125 [man speaking German on radio] 20 00:01:47,166 --> 00:01:50,791 Take you inside a tank with the Nazis' Panzer Division. 21 00:02:09,041 --> 00:02:13,750 You'll ride with the American GIs for the liberation of Paris. 22 00:02:13,833 --> 00:02:16,541 [crowd cheering] 23 00:02:30,125 --> 00:02:34,875 And with the Soviet Red Army for the final assault on Berlin. 24 00:02:39,291 --> 00:02:41,041 [machine guns firing] 25 00:02:43,250 --> 00:02:45,083 [ordnance pounding tank] 26 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:53,250 This is the true story of the biggest conflict in human history. 27 00:02:57,291 --> 00:03:01,916 This is World War II from the frontlines. 28 00:03:02,500 --> 00:03:04,000 [soldier] Flame thrower, break off. 29 00:03:17,125 --> 00:03:18,166 LEISURE ACTIVITIES 30 00:03:24,666 --> 00:03:27,750 [dive bomber buzzing] 31 00:03:28,916 --> 00:03:30,333 [men shouting] 32 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:55,541 [narr ator] 1939. 33 00:03:55,625 --> 00:03:59,291 Germany is ruled by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. 34 00:04:00,791 --> 00:04:03,500 He believes his people are a superior race, 35 00:04:03,583 --> 00:04:05,583 destined to conquer Europe. 36 00:04:05,666 --> 00:04:09,916 {\an8}His armies have already walked into Austria and Czechoslovakia. 37 00:04:12,083 --> 00:04:15,625 {\an8}But the Second World War begins when he invades Poland. 38 00:04:19,750 --> 00:04:24,125 A task that falls first to the German Air Force, the Luftwaffe. 39 00:04:27,666 --> 00:04:29,375 [indistinct chatter] 40 00:04:49,041 --> 00:04:50,916 [switches click] 41 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:52,250 [engine revving] 42 00:05:04,125 --> 00:05:05,791 [dramatic music playing] 43 00:05:43,500 --> 00:05:48,333 [Bob in German] I was proud to be squadron leader at 23. 44 00:05:51,916 --> 00:05:57,125 We thought Germany was doing something great. 45 00:05:57,208 --> 00:05:59,166 [dive bombers buzzing] 46 00:06:00,666 --> 00:06:03,375 The world would sit up and take notice! 47 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:38,208 {\an8}[Kulski] There was a terrible noise and the trees started bending. 48 00:06:40,416 --> 00:06:43,833 And right over the treetops came out 49 00:06:43,916 --> 00:06:46,875 huge black airplanes with crosses. 50 00:06:49,375 --> 00:06:51,541 They seemed like hundreds of them. 51 00:06:53,416 --> 00:06:56,625 They were flying to bomb Warsaw. 52 00:07:00,708 --> 00:07:02,333 There was just complete chaos. 53 00:07:03,041 --> 00:07:04,291 People running away. 54 00:07:04,375 --> 00:07:06,416 [baby cries] 55 00:07:06,500 --> 00:07:10,083 We just laid down. I was really terrified. 56 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:14,875 [announcer] Please stand by for a very important announcement. 57 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:19,500 Germany has invaded Poland and has bombed many towns. 58 00:07:25,500 --> 00:07:27,041 [speaking German] 59 00:07:31,416 --> 00:07:34,208 [Hitler in German] Already, endless columns of Polish troops 60 00:07:34,291 --> 00:07:35,750 have been captured. 61 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:40,125 Poland asked for this fight. 62 00:07:41,125 --> 00:07:43,416 Now Poland is getting a fight. 63 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:45,666 [crowd cheering] 64 00:07:48,333 --> 00:07:49,875 [voice muted by cheering] 65 00:07:54,500 --> 00:07:55,666 [narrator] After three weeks, 66 00:07:55,750 --> 00:07:58,833 the Polish capital, Warsaw, falls to the German army. 67 00:08:00,291 --> 00:08:04,041 [man in Polish] Hello, hello. Can you hear us? 68 00:08:04,125 --> 00:08:05,916 This is our last radio announcement. 69 00:08:07,500 --> 00:08:10,208 German troops have entered Warsaw. 70 00:08:19,250 --> 00:08:24,833 {\an8}[Kulski] I remember seeing the dead horses and the ruined buildings. 71 00:08:25,791 --> 00:08:29,250 Our house didn't have any windows left. 72 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:32,666 It was the same house, but it wasn't. 73 00:08:35,541 --> 00:08:39,000 My mother bursts crying and she threw up 74 00:08:39,083 --> 00:08:41,750 when she saw everything that was happening. 75 00:08:43,125 --> 00:08:45,125 It was just such a shock. 76 00:08:51,083 --> 00:08:55,625 {\an8}[woman] We were simply overwhelmed by the German military might. 77 00:09:04,250 --> 00:09:08,708 The sort of feeling developed that we were helpless. 78 00:09:13,333 --> 00:09:17,500 It was a feeling of being in a trap. There was no way out. 79 00:09:20,375 --> 00:09:23,708 I think people simply didn't want to accept it. 80 00:09:27,875 --> 00:09:33,875 And then very gradually but relentlessly, it started to happen. 81 00:09:37,541 --> 00:09:40,666 [narrator] There's something dark happening in occupied Poland. 82 00:09:45,041 --> 00:09:47,875 {\an8}[Kulski] The Germans started the terror immediately. 83 00:09:50,625 --> 00:09:54,208 They brought in the Orthodox rabbi 84 00:09:54,291 --> 00:09:58,250 and tied him up to the roof of the wooden synagogue 85 00:10:00,500 --> 00:10:02,750 and started a fire 86 00:10:02,833 --> 00:10:07,875 and made the elders run in to try to save him. 87 00:10:11,458 --> 00:10:15,500 And they all died right in front of my eyes. 88 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:35,708 The Germans made it very clear 89 00:10:35,791 --> 00:10:40,791 that it was a question of time that they were going to kill us all. 90 00:10:42,625 --> 00:10:47,208 So we had to defend ourselves. We had to defend our families. 91 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:56,916 And that was when I decided to join the Polish resistance. 92 00:11:00,541 --> 00:11:03,750 [narrator] Julian Kulski is still only a schoolboy. 93 00:11:03,833 --> 00:11:07,500 But soon he will learn what it means to kill a man. 94 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:25,333 But from Germany, the war looks very different. 95 00:11:28,833 --> 00:11:33,625 [Werk in German] For many of us, being a decent German 96 00:11:33,708 --> 00:11:37,666 meant being a member of the Nazi party. 97 00:11:45,041 --> 00:11:46,750 We were the good guys. 98 00:12:00,166 --> 00:12:02,041 [crowd cheering] 99 00:12:22,041 --> 00:12:24,750 [crowd chanting "Sieg heil!"] 100 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:33,916 [Werk] Hitler was there for us. 101 00:12:48,416 --> 00:12:53,083 He was our Führer, sent by God. 102 00:12:59,250 --> 00:13:01,625 [soldiers in German] Here we stand. 103 00:13:01,708 --> 00:13:04,416 We are ready 104 00:13:04,500 --> 00:13:08,500 to carry Germany into a new era. 105 00:13:08,583 --> 00:13:10,208 One people, 106 00:13:10,291 --> 00:13:12,083 one Führer, 107 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:13,500 one Reich! 108 00:13:19,916 --> 00:13:22,916 {\an8}[narrator] Hitler's plan is to create a German empire 109 00:13:23,041 --> 00:13:25,250 {\an8}by invading countries to the east. 110 00:13:31,250 --> 00:13:35,041 {\an8}But Great Britain and France have a pact with Poland. 111 00:13:35,791 --> 00:13:38,375 {\an8}So they now declare war on Germany. 112 00:13:39,583 --> 00:13:41,726 {\an8}[announcer] Just to bring you up to date on the news of Europe, 113 00:13:41,750 --> 00:13:43,101 {\an8}if you are just turning on your radios: 114 00:13:43,125 --> 00:13:46,208 {\an8}Great Britain is now at war with Germany. 115 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,583 [announcer 2] Every minute spent on production now 116 00:13:49,666 --> 00:13:52,416 is vital to the defense of the country and your homes. 117 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:57,333 In Paris and London, they're sending children to the safety of the countryside. 118 00:13:58,708 --> 00:14:03,666 [man in French] We are determined not to submit to threats of violence. 119 00:14:07,458 --> 00:14:11,083 [narrator] France and Britain are calling up their colonial armies for support 120 00:14:11,166 --> 00:14:13,166 {\an8}from Asia and Africa. 121 00:14:13,250 --> 00:14:16,208 {\an8}[man in French] In a world of masters and slaves, 122 00:14:16,291 --> 00:14:20,291 {\an8}we must save liberty and dignity. 123 00:14:25,041 --> 00:14:27,375 Allied troops spread out along the Maginot Line, 124 00:14:29,541 --> 00:14:33,583 a network of bunkers and fortresses along the German border. 125 00:14:44,875 --> 00:14:49,250 For eight months, the two sides eyeball each other across the line. 126 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:21,000 [announcer in German] The first phase of this great fight is over. 127 00:15:24,083 --> 00:15:30,083 And what we did in Poland will be fulfilled in England and France! 128 00:15:38,041 --> 00:15:40,083 [narrator] Spring 1940. 129 00:15:42,708 --> 00:15:45,208 The Germans launch a surprise attack. 130 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:49,916 They go around the Maginot Line, through the Ardennes Forest. 131 00:15:50,000 --> 00:15:52,000 [indistinct chatter on radio] 132 00:16:12,583 --> 00:16:14,958 [Heinlein in German] My friends had fought in Poland, 133 00:16:15,041 --> 00:16:18,000 and I wanted to see action. 134 00:16:18,666 --> 00:16:20,041 I was thrilled. 135 00:16:20,750 --> 00:16:22,916 [men speaking German on radio] 136 00:16:38,083 --> 00:16:41,000 {\an8}[narrator] The Panzers pour into Belgium, 137 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:44,416 {\an8}the Netherlands, and France. 138 00:16:50,541 --> 00:16:55,250 [Heinlein] We were surprised there was hardly any resistance. 139 00:17:24,125 --> 00:17:28,500 {\an8}[woman] The day they arrived, I remember, I was afraid. 140 00:17:30,916 --> 00:17:36,166 My mother said, "Things are going to get very bad, very bad." 141 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:45,041 They were arresting young people on the street. 142 00:17:50,333 --> 00:17:52,083 And you never saw them again. 143 00:17:53,500 --> 00:17:54,791 It was terrible. 144 00:18:08,625 --> 00:18:12,166 [Heinlein] Then the British came in their little armored vehicles. 145 00:18:13,041 --> 00:18:15,291 They were so outdated. 146 00:18:19,916 --> 00:18:24,500 With one shot they were in a ditch. 147 00:18:38,375 --> 00:18:41,000 [narrator] The British fall back to the beaches of Dunkirk, 148 00:18:42,208 --> 00:18:44,083 cornered by the Germans. 149 00:18:44,166 --> 00:18:46,166 They're trapped and defenseless. 150 00:18:52,416 --> 00:18:54,583 {\an8}[Hunn] We'd got to Dunkirk. 151 00:18:54,666 --> 00:18:58,125 {\an8}Then suddenly out of the sky would come these airplanes. 152 00:18:58,208 --> 00:19:00,500 [plane engines revving] 153 00:19:00,583 --> 00:19:03,208 [dive bombers buzzing] 154 00:19:03,916 --> 00:19:08,625 They're screaming, and they would dive on these men and machine-gun them. 155 00:19:08,708 --> 00:19:10,541 You could do nothing about it. 156 00:19:10,625 --> 00:19:11,750 What terror! 157 00:19:15,083 --> 00:19:19,666 [narrator] With their backs to the wall, the British mount a last-ditch evacuation. 158 00:19:20,375 --> 00:19:22,250 [announcer] Near Dunkirk this evening, 159 00:19:22,333 --> 00:19:24,541 Allied troops have been deliberately machine-gunned 160 00:19:24,625 --> 00:19:26,500 and slaughtered by low-flying aircraft. 161 00:19:27,500 --> 00:19:29,916 Allied hospital ships have been attacked. 162 00:19:32,208 --> 00:19:35,375 [Hunn] You're up to your neck. Dead bodies. 163 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:37,041 The slaughter. 164 00:19:40,541 --> 00:19:41,916 Then somebody pulled me up. 165 00:19:44,083 --> 00:19:46,541 I looked out, and there in front of you 166 00:19:46,625 --> 00:19:48,041 was the whole of Dunkirk. 167 00:19:50,333 --> 00:19:54,083 Massive flames, smoke, explosions. 168 00:19:54,166 --> 00:19:55,666 And you think, that's hell. 169 00:20:04,166 --> 00:20:06,267 [announcer] ...and how the Royal Navy, using nearly a thousand ships, 170 00:20:06,291 --> 00:20:09,041 has brought back nearly 350,000 men. 171 00:20:11,041 --> 00:20:13,000 [narrator] The British Army scrambles home 172 00:20:14,791 --> 00:20:17,208 and lives to fight another day. 173 00:20:23,083 --> 00:20:24,875 [Hunn] We arrived back home at Margate. 174 00:20:24,958 --> 00:20:27,208 I felt rather ashamed. 175 00:20:29,250 --> 00:20:32,250 Because I knew that there was hordes of Germans 176 00:20:32,333 --> 00:20:34,208 on the other side of the channel. 177 00:20:40,416 --> 00:20:42,708 DUNKIRK 178 00:20:45,041 --> 00:20:47,000 [narrator] In the space of a few weeks, 179 00:20:47,083 --> 00:20:52,125 the German army has killed or captured more than two million Allied troops. 180 00:21:05,625 --> 00:21:10,333 It takes the Nazis 21 days to take the rest of France and roll into Paris. 181 00:21:13,625 --> 00:21:15,416 [commentator] France has surrendered. 182 00:21:18,375 --> 00:21:20,916 [commentator 2] Britain alone will continue the struggle. 183 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:22,583 [crowd cheering] 184 00:21:26,208 --> 00:21:29,583 [narrator] In Berlin, Hitler gets a hero's welcome. 185 00:21:56,083 --> 00:21:58,333 The Nazis now control much of Europe. 186 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:01,291 Only Great Britain stands in their way. 187 00:22:02,750 --> 00:22:06,375 But Prime Minister Winston Churchill is defiant. 188 00:22:07,333 --> 00:22:10,541 [Churchill] We are in one of the greatest battles in history. 189 00:22:10,625 --> 00:22:12,833 You ask, what is our policy? 190 00:22:12,916 --> 00:22:16,000 It is to wage war by sea, land and air 191 00:22:16,083 --> 00:22:18,666 with all the strength that God can give us. 192 00:22:19,375 --> 00:22:20,791 Victory at all costs. 193 00:22:20,875 --> 00:22:23,541 Without victory, there is no survival. 194 00:22:25,791 --> 00:22:28,666 [narrator] Hitler is preparing the final knockout blow, 195 00:22:29,250 --> 00:22:31,333 a full-scale invasion of Great Britain. 196 00:22:33,250 --> 00:22:37,458 But first, he must take down the British Royal Air Force. 197 00:22:49,250 --> 00:22:50,708 {\an8}[bell ringing] 198 00:22:50,791 --> 00:22:53,125 [pilots shouting] 199 00:22:57,583 --> 00:23:03,875 {\an8}[Wellum] Somebody gave me this... lithe-looking creature called a Spitfire 200 00:23:03,958 --> 00:23:07,041 and said, "There's a Spitfire, go and fly it." 201 00:23:13,166 --> 00:23:17,833 The ground crew were waiting for me and told me how to start the thing. 202 00:23:27,250 --> 00:23:29,750 The next thing I knew, it had leapt into the air. 203 00:23:31,625 --> 00:23:33,750 Sort of me hanging on to it, really... 204 00:23:33,833 --> 00:23:37,833 and off we went into the wild blue yonder. 205 00:23:58,375 --> 00:24:02,041 [narrator] Geoffrey Wellum is a Spitfire pilot just out of training. 206 00:24:03,666 --> 00:24:06,000 He's one of just over a thousand young men 207 00:24:06,083 --> 00:24:09,083 who now carry the fate of the war on their shoulders. 208 00:24:14,750 --> 00:24:18,416 [Wellum] I remember thinking, "Oh, my goodness me." 209 00:24:19,458 --> 00:24:21,125 And you offered up a little prayer. 210 00:24:21,208 --> 00:24:23,208 "It's going to be a very busy day, O Lord." 211 00:24:23,750 --> 00:24:25,916 "If I forget you, don't you forget me." 212 00:24:27,666 --> 00:24:29,125 "Just give me this day." 213 00:24:29,666 --> 00:24:31,208 "Please give me this day." 214 00:24:40,916 --> 00:24:42,791 [narrator] Across the English Channel, 215 00:24:42,875 --> 00:24:45,791 the German pilots gather for a final briefing. 216 00:24:47,125 --> 00:24:50,375 [Bob] The campaigns in Poland and France 217 00:24:50,458 --> 00:24:54,000 gave us a lot of experience 218 00:24:54,708 --> 00:24:56,875 so we were ready. 219 00:25:02,041 --> 00:25:07,083 The English knew we were better pilots. 220 00:25:15,166 --> 00:25:16,875 [Wellum] One got a little bit angry. 221 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:20,125 What were they doing over here? 222 00:25:20,875 --> 00:25:24,083 They've decimated Europe, flattened Poland. 223 00:25:24,166 --> 00:25:26,500 And here they are over this country. 224 00:25:27,333 --> 00:25:30,291 You know, what right have they got to do this sort of thing? 225 00:25:38,208 --> 00:25:41,416 [Churchill] We shall fight on the seas and oceans. 226 00:25:41,500 --> 00:25:46,458 We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. 227 00:25:47,541 --> 00:25:51,458 We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. 228 00:25:51,541 --> 00:25:53,416 We shall fight on the beaches. 229 00:25:53,500 --> 00:25:57,375 We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. 230 00:25:57,458 --> 00:25:59,333 We shall never surrender. 231 00:26:08,291 --> 00:26:12,750 [Bob] We had always seen the English as brothers, 232 00:26:14,541 --> 00:26:17,208 but as soon as the shooting started, 233 00:26:18,166 --> 00:26:20,625 it was us or them. 234 00:26:46,875 --> 00:26:49,250 [Wellum] We went up through a little bit of cloud. 235 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:50,625 And I looked ahead. 236 00:26:50,708 --> 00:26:52,500 There they were. 237 00:26:58,375 --> 00:27:02,458 I've never seen so many airplanes in the sky at one time. 238 00:27:02,541 --> 00:27:04,125 [dive bombers buzzing] 239 00:27:08,083 --> 00:27:11,083 We were heading towards them at 300 miles an hour. 240 00:27:11,166 --> 00:27:13,458 They were coming towards us at 300 miles an hour. 241 00:27:14,166 --> 00:27:15,875 That's 600 miles an hour. 242 00:27:19,583 --> 00:27:22,166 The next thing I knew, we went straight into them. 243 00:27:24,083 --> 00:27:25,458 [machine gun firing] 244 00:27:25,541 --> 00:27:27,333 [metal clanging] 245 00:27:42,041 --> 00:27:44,375 It was just flying for your life. 246 00:27:49,625 --> 00:27:51,666 You see aircraft on fire. 247 00:27:52,208 --> 00:27:53,291 Aircraft breaking up. 248 00:27:55,125 --> 00:27:57,666 People bailing out and their parachutes don't open. 249 00:28:00,166 --> 00:28:02,000 It was total war. 250 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:17,375 [narrator] For 12 weeks, the RAF and the Luftwaffe battle it out. 251 00:28:21,750 --> 00:28:23,625 By the end of September, 252 00:28:23,708 --> 00:28:26,875 1,600 German aircraft have been brought down. 253 00:28:27,583 --> 00:28:31,166 [Bob] The losses were so huge. 254 00:28:37,125 --> 00:28:41,416 The whole mission had to be aborted. 255 00:28:43,208 --> 00:28:48,416 And the Battle of Britain came to an end. 256 00:28:52,916 --> 00:28:56,375 [narrator] For now, Britain is safe from invasion. 257 00:28:57,750 --> 00:29:01,166 [Wellum] The important thing was that we stopped them 258 00:29:02,291 --> 00:29:04,458 and denied them their aim. 259 00:29:06,791 --> 00:29:08,458 For the first time, 260 00:29:09,583 --> 00:29:14,208 the Germans realized they had suffered a setback. 261 00:29:15,125 --> 00:29:16,708 And they didn't like it. 262 00:29:35,375 --> 00:29:36,875 [in Italian] Hail the Duce! 263 00:29:37,000 --> 00:29:38,750 [crowd cheering] 264 00:29:47,583 --> 00:29:53,541 [in Italian] We are going to battle against the democracies of the West. 265 00:29:53,625 --> 00:29:55,375 Run to your weapons... 266 00:29:56,166 --> 00:29:58,541 [crowd cheering] 267 00:29:58,625 --> 00:30:03,000 to show your tenacity... 268 00:30:05,125 --> 00:30:06,916 your courage 269 00:30:08,541 --> 00:30:10,458 and your valor! 270 00:30:15,041 --> 00:30:18,625 [narrator] Hitler isn't the only dictator casting a shadow over Europe. 271 00:30:19,583 --> 00:30:23,291 Italy has its own strongman, Benito Mussolini. 272 00:30:23,916 --> 00:30:25,916 He's plotting a deal with Hitler 273 00:30:26,041 --> 00:30:28,333 and planning military adventures of his own. 274 00:30:32,625 --> 00:30:35,250 [Mussolini] Italy is standing strong, 275 00:30:35,333 --> 00:30:38,500 proud and united as never before. 276 00:30:39,500 --> 00:30:41,666 [narrator] With the Brits fighting Germany, 277 00:30:41,750 --> 00:30:43,916 {\an8}Mussolini takes his chance 278 00:30:44,041 --> 00:30:46,458 {\an8}and invades British-controlled Egypt. 279 00:30:46,708 --> 00:30:51,458 {\an8}It took five days for the Axis troops from Agedabia to Derna. 280 00:30:53,041 --> 00:30:55,000 [crowd cheering] 281 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:05,416 [narrator] Meanwhile, back in Europe, 282 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:08,750 thousands of Allied soldiers are now prisoners of war. 283 00:31:18,833 --> 00:31:20,750 One of them is Pham Van Kiem, 284 00:31:21,333 --> 00:31:24,500 a Vietnamese soldier serving with the French army. 285 00:31:28,750 --> 00:31:31,958 [Kiem in French] Once we got into the camp... 286 00:31:33,833 --> 00:31:38,916 in the barracks, there were many prisoners of all races. 287 00:31:39,500 --> 00:31:44,750 Senegalese, Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, from all over. 288 00:31:53,875 --> 00:31:56,416 [narrator] The Nazis begin to separate colonial soldiers 289 00:31:56,500 --> 00:31:58,750 from other prisoners of war. 290 00:32:08,791 --> 00:32:11,000 [Kiem] After shaving our heads, 291 00:32:11,708 --> 00:32:18,666 we were all given numbers. 292 00:32:19,458 --> 00:32:21,625 I didn't understand why. 293 00:32:31,583 --> 00:32:34,875 [narrator] The Nazis are conducting so-called medical research 294 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:37,000 to advance their racist beliefs. 295 00:33:08,416 --> 00:33:10,083 And this is just the beginning. 296 00:33:13,625 --> 00:33:15,958 [static on radio] 297 00:33:25,750 --> 00:33:27,708 Back in occupied Poland, 298 00:33:27,791 --> 00:33:31,000 they are segregating the Jewish population 299 00:33:31,083 --> 00:33:35,291 inside areas of cities and towns known as ghettos. 300 00:33:36,583 --> 00:33:38,958 LIVING SPACE FOR JEWS DO NOT ENTER 301 00:33:41,208 --> 00:33:47,708 To fight back, 13-year-old Julian Kulski has decided to join the Polish resistance. 302 00:33:49,500 --> 00:33:51,750 [Kulski] At first I was just the runner, 303 00:33:53,041 --> 00:33:57,166 {\an8}carrying messages through a secret underground passage. 304 00:34:01,875 --> 00:34:06,000 Later on, my captain taught me how to fight, 305 00:34:07,791 --> 00:34:12,583 how to kill a person with a knife or with your hands. 306 00:34:12,666 --> 00:34:13,958 [gun fires] 307 00:34:18,375 --> 00:34:21,875 [narrator] Julian's unit prepare for resistance against the occupiers. 308 00:34:27,166 --> 00:34:29,833 But their operation is uncovered by the Nazis. 309 00:34:31,583 --> 00:34:33,583 [soldiers shouting indistinctly] 310 00:34:36,041 --> 00:34:39,500 [Kulski] Somehow the Germans learned about my commander. 311 00:34:41,791 --> 00:34:44,541 And the Germans arrested him 312 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:48,250 and shot him point-blank. 313 00:34:52,833 --> 00:34:54,541 He was everything. 314 00:34:56,166 --> 00:34:57,541 I loved that man. 315 00:35:05,375 --> 00:35:09,541 And I just swore that I would revenge him. 316 00:35:11,250 --> 00:35:16,166 I and another boy spent the whole day looking for Germans. 317 00:35:23,708 --> 00:35:26,833 We found downtown a German soldier. 318 00:35:28,416 --> 00:35:30,916 He started pulling out his gun. 319 00:35:34,125 --> 00:35:36,000 And we both fired. 320 00:35:42,208 --> 00:35:44,041 He fell on his face. 321 00:35:47,458 --> 00:35:51,291 My initial reaction was, you were able to kill them. 322 00:35:51,875 --> 00:35:53,041 They were human. 323 00:36:00,250 --> 00:36:05,916 Next day, they killed 20 women and children on that spot. 324 00:36:13,208 --> 00:36:15,083 'Cause for every German, 325 00:36:15,166 --> 00:36:19,291 there were 20 civilians shot on the same place. 326 00:36:25,666 --> 00:36:27,791 It was medieval. 327 00:36:54,708 --> 00:36:58,625 I feel responsible for the death of these poor people. 328 00:37:09,458 --> 00:37:13,291 [narrator] In the ghettos, they'll soon begin to round up Polish Jews 329 00:37:13,375 --> 00:37:15,875 and deport them to camps. 330 00:38:15,875 --> 00:38:17,958 As for the rest of Poland, 331 00:38:19,916 --> 00:38:22,166 the Nazis have plans for them too. 332 00:38:41,750 --> 00:38:46,333 [Twardecki in German] One day, a troop of SS guards came. 333 00:39:03,916 --> 00:39:06,541 Our mothers were told 334 00:39:06,625 --> 00:39:11,125 there was no food in Poland, 335 00:39:13,458 --> 00:39:18,750 so they wanted to care for us at a children's camp. 336 00:39:24,500 --> 00:39:30,500 I remember being torn from her arms 337 00:39:34,875 --> 00:39:36,875 and put onto a train. 338 00:39:37,791 --> 00:39:44,166 On the side, it said: "Polish children for nourishment of the Reich." 339 00:39:58,041 --> 00:40:01,833 [narrator] Alojzy Twardecki is one of 20,000 Polish children 340 00:40:01,916 --> 00:40:04,000 abducted by the SS. 341 00:40:04,833 --> 00:40:06,875 [somber choral music playing] 342 00:40:19,875 --> 00:40:26,208 [Twardecki] The color of the eyes, the hair... those were weeded out. 343 00:40:38,208 --> 00:40:40,125 They called me "little angel." 344 00:40:44,625 --> 00:40:48,458 I had curly hair then, very, very blond. 345 00:40:50,125 --> 00:40:51,833 And light blue eyes. 346 00:40:56,416 --> 00:41:00,416 And then, Germanization began. 347 00:41:14,583 --> 00:41:16,333 I felt like a German boy. 348 00:41:31,208 --> 00:41:36,500 [Hitler] My German youth, we want to be one people. 349 00:41:39,166 --> 00:41:41,750 And you, my youth, 350 00:41:41,833 --> 00:41:44,333 are to be this people... 351 00:41:46,541 --> 00:41:52,916 because you are the flesh of our flesh and the blood of our blood. 352 00:41:53,000 --> 00:41:58,083 And in your young heads burns the same spirit that rules us. 353 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:08,500 Before us Germany lies, in us Germany burns, 354 00:42:08,583 --> 00:42:11,708 and behind us Germany follows! 355 00:42:17,333 --> 00:42:20,166 [narrator] The scale of Hitler's ambition is now clear. 356 00:42:23,125 --> 00:42:25,625 He dreams of creating a 1,000-year Reich, 357 00:42:26,250 --> 00:42:29,250 homeland to a single master race. 358 00:42:36,458 --> 00:42:37,791 [incoming bombs whistling] 359 00:42:37,875 --> 00:42:41,791 Now German bombs are falling again on British cities 360 00:42:41,875 --> 00:42:43,666 in a new terror campaign. 361 00:42:44,166 --> 00:42:48,500 [announcer] German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain. 362 00:42:48,583 --> 00:42:50,916 The raid was scattered over many parts of the country. 363 00:42:51,833 --> 00:42:55,208 [narrator] Meanwhile, Fascist Italy has invaded neighboring Greece. 364 00:42:55,291 --> 00:42:56,875 [reporter] Troops are moving forward 365 00:42:57,000 --> 00:42:59,291 after breaking through the weak Greek resistance. 366 00:43:00,875 --> 00:43:03,500 [narrator] And beyond Europe, war is spreading. 367 00:43:05,875 --> 00:43:09,750 Japan is on a mission to build a so-called new order in Asia. 368 00:43:14,916 --> 00:43:16,875 They're already at war with China. 369 00:43:17,708 --> 00:43:20,458 [Tojo in Japanese] Our Empire has entered the next stage 370 00:43:20,541 --> 00:43:22,333 of cooperation in a New World Order! 371 00:43:23,000 --> 00:43:27,083 [narrator] Now Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan 372 00:43:27,166 --> 00:43:30,291 agree to join forces in a formidable new alliance. 373 00:43:34,375 --> 00:43:36,333 They're known as the Axis powers. 374 00:43:38,291 --> 00:43:40,750 Their plan is to conquer the entire globe. 375 00:43:46,291 --> 00:43:48,833 But there's one more player to be reckoned with. 376 00:43:52,083 --> 00:43:54,083 [patriotic Russian music rising] 377 00:43:59,000 --> 00:44:01,958 The Soviet Union has the world's largest army. 378 00:44:07,208 --> 00:44:08,625 And in Joseph Stalin, 379 00:44:08,708 --> 00:44:11,583 they have a dictator with the ambition to match Hitler's. 380 00:44:13,791 --> 00:44:16,000 [Stalin in Russian] Our forces are numberless. 381 00:44:18,416 --> 00:44:21,500 The enemy will soon learn this to their cost. 382 00:44:23,500 --> 00:44:25,375 Forward to victory! 383 00:44:29,541 --> 00:44:33,541 [narrator] 1940 has seen the fires of war ignited in Europe. 384 00:44:36,083 --> 00:44:42,041 In 1941, the flames will spread to engulf every corner of the globe. 385 00:44:42,750 --> 00:44:45,208 [announcer] From the NBC news room in New York... 386 00:44:49,541 --> 00:44:51,625 ...President Roosevelt said that the Japanese 387 00:44:51,708 --> 00:44:54,416 have attacked the Pearl Harbor from the air. 388 00:44:54,500 --> 00:44:55,416 I'll repeat that. 389 00:44:55,500 --> 00:44:58,166 President Roosevelt says that the Japanese 390 00:44:58,250 --> 00:45:01,208 have attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii from the air. 391 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:12,000 [subdued theme music playing]