1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,541 [exciting music] 2 00:00:10,500 --> 00:00:11,958 [Dream Bandit] Keep looking, Zian. 3 00:00:12,041 --> 00:00:14,333 The Night Hunter's around here somewhere. 4 00:00:15,750 --> 00:00:16,708 There! 5 00:00:21,666 --> 00:00:23,500 Get those dreamers into the holds. 6 00:00:23,583 --> 00:00:25,708 We have a trap to set. 7 00:00:25,791 --> 00:00:27,500 Hey, could you move any slower? 8 00:00:27,583 --> 00:00:30,291 Sheesh. You're slower than a turtle with crutches. 9 00:00:30,375 --> 00:00:32,000 [Zian screeches] 10 00:00:33,625 --> 00:00:36,125 [grunts] Not so fast, Grimspawn. 11 00:00:36,875 --> 00:00:38,500 This one is mine. 12 00:00:38,583 --> 00:00:40,458 -[Dream Bandit grunts] -[Snivel] Ow! 13 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:42,125 -[Grimspawn growls] -[Dream Bandit grunts] 14 00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:43,333 Who are you? 15 00:00:44,125 --> 00:00:45,250 [breathes heavily] 16 00:00:45,333 --> 00:00:46,250 [grunts] 17 00:00:48,041 --> 00:00:49,625 [grunts] 18 00:00:51,791 --> 00:00:54,041 [Grimspawns laugh] 19 00:00:54,125 --> 00:00:55,708 Yes, Dream Bandit. 20 00:00:57,375 --> 00:00:58,666 Who are you? 21 00:01:01,250 --> 00:01:02,208 [grunts] 22 00:01:02,291 --> 00:01:04,541 And what do you want with my dreamers? 23 00:01:04,625 --> 00:01:07,166 You'll never steal from them what you stole from me. 24 00:01:07,250 --> 00:01:08,250 [grunts] 25 00:01:08,333 --> 00:01:09,541 Not on my watch. 26 00:01:10,125 --> 00:01:11,083 [gasps] 27 00:01:12,708 --> 00:01:14,833 Hey, Boss, we got the beasty! 28 00:01:14,916 --> 00:01:16,416 [Dream Bandit grunts] 29 00:01:20,500 --> 00:01:21,583 [pants] 30 00:01:23,500 --> 00:01:24,583 This is not over. 31 00:01:24,666 --> 00:01:26,291 Yes, I agree. 32 00:01:26,375 --> 00:01:27,458 [whistles] 33 00:01:30,333 --> 00:01:32,458 But what can one Dream Bandit do 34 00:01:32,541 --> 00:01:36,583 all alone against the full forces of the Nightmare King? 35 00:01:40,125 --> 00:01:41,666 No! Wait! 36 00:01:41,750 --> 00:01:42,625 Get me out of here! 37 00:01:44,916 --> 00:01:47,250 [laughs] Are you sure, Dreamer? 38 00:01:47,333 --> 00:01:48,875 That one... [sighs] 39 00:01:48,958 --> 00:01:51,083 ...plays by its own rules. 40 00:01:51,166 --> 00:01:55,250 The Dream Bandit's plans for you could be even worse than mine. 41 00:01:56,083 --> 00:01:58,291 [opening theme music playing] 42 00:02:06,083 --> 00:02:07,083 {\an8}-[Mateo] Pencil. -[Izzie] Check. 43 00:02:07,166 --> 00:02:08,125 {\an8}-[Mateo] BunChu. -[Izzie] Check. 44 00:02:08,208 --> 00:02:09,666 {\an8}-[Mateo] Z-Blob. -[Izzie] And check. 45 00:02:09,750 --> 00:02:10,625 [Mateo] Sharkyjaw? 46 00:02:10,708 --> 00:02:12,125 You get to bring your cuddle blob. 47 00:02:13,458 --> 00:02:14,583 -Ready? -Ready. 48 00:02:15,041 --> 00:02:16,166 [both grunt] 49 00:02:17,125 --> 00:02:18,541 Okay, in our dream, 50 00:02:18,625 --> 00:02:21,125 Cooper was trapped in some sort of walking-monster jail thing. 51 00:02:21,208 --> 00:02:23,791 Somehow, he got stuck in the dream, and now he can't wake up. 52 00:02:23,875 --> 00:02:26,791 We have to find him and save him. That's the plan. 53 00:02:26,875 --> 00:02:28,375 Find him. Save him. 54 00:02:28,458 --> 00:02:29,791 Seems a little basic, no? 55 00:02:29,875 --> 00:02:31,875 [chuckles] Hey, I'm new at this. 56 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:33,166 If Cooper can't wake up 57 00:02:33,250 --> 00:02:35,541 because of something that's going on in our dreams, 58 00:02:35,625 --> 00:02:37,541 does that mean we'll be in danger too? 59 00:02:37,625 --> 00:02:39,833 Hey, aren't you the one who always tells me 60 00:02:39,916 --> 00:02:41,000 not to overthink it? 61 00:02:44,625 --> 00:02:45,791 [chuckles] 62 00:02:47,041 --> 00:02:48,083 [sniffs] 63 00:02:48,166 --> 00:02:51,291 Ugh, even in your dreams, your breath smells like pickles. 64 00:03:02,958 --> 00:03:03,916 [chuckles] 65 00:03:08,208 --> 00:03:10,500 Okay, so far the plan is working. 66 00:03:10,583 --> 00:03:12,583 How do we know which door takes us to Cooper? 67 00:03:12,666 --> 00:03:13,541 It's a dream. 68 00:03:13,625 --> 00:03:16,041 Just imagine that wild forest where we saw him. 69 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:18,291 Oh, right, I'm sure it's that easy. 70 00:03:18,375 --> 00:03:19,583 [ground rumbling] 71 00:03:25,625 --> 00:03:27,083 Whoa! 72 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:28,875 See? It's a dream, Teo. 73 00:03:28,958 --> 00:03:30,250 It's easy. 74 00:03:30,333 --> 00:03:33,000 You just have to let it be easy. 75 00:03:33,083 --> 00:03:34,125 Whoo! 76 00:03:35,708 --> 00:03:37,250 Easy peasy. 77 00:03:37,333 --> 00:03:38,958 [exhales sharply] 78 00:03:39,041 --> 00:03:40,625 Let's be heroes, Z-Blob. 79 00:03:42,958 --> 00:03:44,041 [grunts] 80 00:03:45,125 --> 00:03:46,250 Ah! 81 00:03:46,333 --> 00:03:48,750 Okay, sidekick needs some work. 82 00:03:48,833 --> 00:03:50,625 -Uh, Mateo. -Huh! 83 00:03:52,333 --> 00:03:53,333 [Grimspawn screams] 84 00:03:53,416 --> 00:03:55,333 We've been expecting you. 85 00:03:55,416 --> 00:03:56,958 What's the plan for this? 86 00:03:57,041 --> 00:03:58,208 Run! 87 00:03:58,291 --> 00:03:59,250 [Izzie] That works. 88 00:04:01,625 --> 00:04:02,833 [breathes heavily] 89 00:04:02,916 --> 00:04:03,833 [grunts] 90 00:04:03,916 --> 00:04:06,750 Sleeping... should not involve this much exercise. 91 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:07,833 There! A village! 92 00:04:10,416 --> 00:04:11,416 Block the exits! 93 00:04:11,500 --> 00:04:12,875 There'll be no escape for these two. 94 00:04:15,916 --> 00:04:18,208 [Dreamlings scream] 95 00:04:24,250 --> 00:04:25,125 [Grimspawns laugh] 96 00:04:25,208 --> 00:04:28,083 Aw, look at these cute little guys. 97 00:04:28,166 --> 00:04:30,291 -We gotta help them. -Izz, focus. 98 00:04:30,375 --> 00:04:31,291 We're here for Cooper. 99 00:04:31,375 --> 00:04:34,125 But look at their sweet little mushroom... 100 00:04:34,208 --> 00:04:35,750 Right, Cooper. 101 00:04:35,833 --> 00:04:37,791 Where is Cooper? 102 00:04:38,291 --> 00:04:40,041 [Grimspawn roars] 103 00:04:45,625 --> 00:04:46,708 [Dreamlings scream] 104 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:52,083 Uh, I think I found him. 105 00:04:52,666 --> 00:04:53,791 Mateo? 106 00:04:56,166 --> 00:04:58,791 Coop, we're here to rescue you. 107 00:04:58,875 --> 00:05:01,625 Rescue me? Who's gonna rescue you? 108 00:05:01,708 --> 00:05:03,583 [Grimspawns laugh] 109 00:05:03,666 --> 00:05:07,833 I-- I never thought laughter could be so... so not funny. 110 00:05:07,916 --> 00:05:09,083 -[roars] -Ah! 111 00:05:09,166 --> 00:05:10,458 So glad to see you. 112 00:05:10,958 --> 00:05:13,458 You have something that I want. 113 00:05:13,541 --> 00:05:14,875 What do you mean? 114 00:05:14,958 --> 00:05:15,791 Oh... 115 00:05:15,875 --> 00:05:17,500 [laughs] 116 00:05:17,583 --> 00:05:19,375 ...use your imagination. 117 00:05:19,458 --> 00:05:20,750 You know what? 118 00:05:20,833 --> 00:05:22,166 I will. 119 00:05:22,250 --> 00:05:24,875 -[Mateo grunts] -[Night Hunter laughs] 120 00:05:24,958 --> 00:05:26,250 Ugh. 121 00:05:26,333 --> 00:05:29,458 We need a real weapon. Not a metaphorical one. 122 00:05:29,541 --> 00:05:31,708 Bring the little artist to me. 123 00:05:31,791 --> 00:05:33,791 [Grimspawns laugh] 124 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:34,958 Mateo! 125 00:05:35,041 --> 00:05:37,000 [grunts] 126 00:05:37,083 --> 00:05:38,291 Ah! 127 00:05:40,416 --> 00:05:41,416 [Izzie screams] 128 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:48,000 Mateo, you're doing it again! 129 00:05:48,791 --> 00:05:50,125 Whoa. 130 00:05:50,208 --> 00:05:51,166 Ah! 131 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:54,166 Oh! Is he a... 132 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:56,416 -[Susan] He can't be. -A Dreamcrafter? 133 00:05:56,500 --> 00:05:57,500 Impossible. 134 00:05:57,583 --> 00:05:59,416 What are you waiting for? 135 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:00,583 Get them! 136 00:06:04,791 --> 00:06:05,958 [grunts] 137 00:06:06,041 --> 00:06:07,541 I didn't know I could even fight like this. 138 00:06:07,625 --> 00:06:08,833 This is epic. 139 00:06:08,916 --> 00:06:10,708 Yeah! Ah! 140 00:06:12,583 --> 00:06:13,500 [Grimspawn grunts] 141 00:06:17,666 --> 00:06:20,000 You'll never get me, suckers! 142 00:06:20,083 --> 00:06:20,916 Ah! 143 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:22,916 Mateo! 144 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:24,541 Ah! 145 00:06:24,625 --> 00:06:25,750 [Grimspawn laughs] 146 00:06:27,500 --> 00:06:28,500 Wait. 147 00:06:28,583 --> 00:06:30,000 [grunts] 148 00:06:30,833 --> 00:06:32,708 Yeah, I made it too big. 149 00:06:32,791 --> 00:06:34,291 [Izzie screams] 150 00:06:36,750 --> 00:06:37,708 [Grimspawn grunts] 151 00:06:37,791 --> 00:06:38,916 Ah! 152 00:06:41,083 --> 00:06:42,375 [Susan] Incoming! 153 00:06:43,416 --> 00:06:45,666 Argh! You imbecile! 154 00:06:45,750 --> 00:06:47,208 [grunts] 155 00:06:52,666 --> 00:06:53,833 [Izzie grunts] 156 00:06:53,916 --> 00:06:56,208 Get away, you giggling turkeys. 157 00:06:56,291 --> 00:06:57,208 [Grimspawn screams] 158 00:06:57,291 --> 00:06:59,083 I'm warning you. 159 00:07:02,333 --> 00:07:03,541 I watch a lot of anime 160 00:07:03,625 --> 00:07:05,416 and apparently I know what I'm doing. 161 00:07:09,541 --> 00:07:12,166 Mateo, what do I do? 162 00:07:12,250 --> 00:07:14,166 How did you do the pencil thing? 163 00:07:14,250 --> 00:07:15,583 It's a dream, remember? 164 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,166 It's easy if you let it be easy. 165 00:07:17,250 --> 00:07:18,583 [grunts] 166 00:07:18,666 --> 00:07:20,666 Oh, yeah, and don't overthink it. 167 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:22,916 Smart advice. 168 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:26,166 Aw, look at the cute little sharky. 169 00:07:26,833 --> 00:07:27,875 [screams] 170 00:07:27,958 --> 00:07:29,416 Oh... oh, that's not good. 171 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:31,500 He's got my arm. He's got my arm. 172 00:07:31,583 --> 00:07:34,041 -[Grimspawns laugh] -I said not to overthink it. 173 00:07:34,125 --> 00:07:36,083 Go big or go home, right? 174 00:07:36,166 --> 00:07:37,250 [laughs] 175 00:07:37,333 --> 00:07:38,833 Not so funny now, huh? 176 00:07:38,916 --> 00:07:40,791 Nah, it's still pretty funny. 177 00:07:45,833 --> 00:07:46,791 [groans] 178 00:07:49,291 --> 00:07:50,291 You ready for this, buddy? 179 00:07:56,875 --> 00:07:57,916 Whoa! 180 00:08:03,875 --> 00:08:04,750 [screams] 181 00:08:04,833 --> 00:08:06,458 [grunts] It-it worked. 182 00:08:07,041 --> 00:08:08,000 Right on! 183 00:08:21,125 --> 00:08:22,291 Yeah! 184 00:08:22,375 --> 00:08:25,708 You get extra cuddles tonight, Mr. Sharkyjaw. 185 00:08:25,791 --> 00:08:27,458 Two Dreamcrafters? 186 00:08:27,541 --> 00:08:28,875 Look alive! 187 00:08:38,125 --> 00:08:39,500 You call this a rescue? 188 00:08:39,583 --> 00:08:41,291 Would you rather we just, you know, go? 189 00:08:42,083 --> 00:08:43,166 Ah. Nope. 190 00:08:44,125 --> 00:08:45,083 Continue. 191 00:08:47,208 --> 00:08:48,708 Z-Blob! Duck! 192 00:08:58,083 --> 00:08:59,000 Now, Z! 193 00:09:00,583 --> 00:09:02,333 Time to end all this. 194 00:09:03,208 --> 00:09:04,333 [screams] Look out! 195 00:09:08,875 --> 00:09:10,041 [growls] 196 00:09:13,458 --> 00:09:16,750 Dude, this is the weirdest dream I have ever had. 197 00:09:16,833 --> 00:09:18,333 You have no idea. 198 00:09:25,833 --> 00:09:26,833 Fall back! 199 00:09:28,416 --> 00:09:30,875 Come on! We have Cooper. We gotta get out of here. 200 00:09:36,500 --> 00:09:38,333 Mr. Sharkyjaw! 201 00:09:46,250 --> 00:09:47,916 [Izzie] Mr. Sharkyjaw! 202 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:51,041 Mr. Sharkyjaw! 203 00:09:51,125 --> 00:09:53,666 Thanks for the present, brats. 204 00:09:53,750 --> 00:09:57,000 Let me show you what real Dreamcrafting looks like. 205 00:10:02,541 --> 00:10:03,791 [Izzie] Run! 206 00:10:08,333 --> 00:10:09,500 [Night Hunter] After them! 207 00:10:15,041 --> 00:10:17,833 He turned my sweetie into a meanie. 208 00:10:17,916 --> 00:10:20,416 How'd you end up in the belly of that thing anyway? 209 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:22,583 Dude, I was just having a nice, normal dream 210 00:10:22,666 --> 00:10:25,708 when that psycho and his big monster grabbed me. 211 00:10:26,333 --> 00:10:27,875 And there were other kids too. 212 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:30,750 What do we do now? 213 00:10:30,833 --> 00:10:33,208 [Cooper] I don't know. But if this is all a dream, 214 00:10:33,291 --> 00:10:34,250 can't we just wake up? 215 00:10:34,333 --> 00:10:35,375 [all grunt] 216 00:10:37,583 --> 00:10:40,083 [Grimspawns laugh] 217 00:10:42,708 --> 00:10:45,333 [Night Hunter] His Darkness will be pleased. 218 00:10:45,416 --> 00:10:47,041 Three for the price of one. 219 00:10:48,708 --> 00:10:50,833 [Mr. Oz] Not so fast, Grimspawn. 220 00:10:57,500 --> 00:10:58,750 [Night Hunter] Ozzie! 221 00:10:58,833 --> 00:10:59,958 Mr. Oswald? 222 00:11:00,041 --> 00:11:02,333 [Mr. Oz] Of course. Who'd you expect, Mateo? 223 00:11:02,416 --> 00:11:04,833 I mean, not my science teacher. 224 00:11:04,916 --> 00:11:07,166 I should have known you'd be out here. 225 00:11:07,250 --> 00:11:08,791 Still tryin' to play hero. 226 00:11:08,875 --> 00:11:11,250 Now, hurry! You're in way over your heads. 227 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:14,458 Ha! 228 00:11:14,541 --> 00:11:17,083 Who's holding your leash now, Night Hunter? 229 00:11:17,166 --> 00:11:18,125 [laughs] 230 00:11:18,208 --> 00:11:20,250 Oh, you know, an old friend of yours. 231 00:11:24,166 --> 00:11:27,041 -[Grimspawn grunts] -Uh-uh-uh-uh. You're not going anywhere. 232 00:11:29,750 --> 00:11:32,291 [Grimspawn screams] 233 00:11:35,625 --> 00:11:36,750 Quickly... [groans] 234 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:38,375 ...grab that desublimator. 235 00:11:39,416 --> 00:11:40,625 Use it on me. 236 00:11:42,083 --> 00:11:44,375 Today, Mateo! 237 00:11:44,458 --> 00:11:45,375 [groans] 238 00:11:47,833 --> 00:11:49,833 [thunder rumbling] 239 00:11:55,416 --> 00:11:56,750 [Mr. Oz grunts] 240 00:11:59,000 --> 00:12:02,083 You've got some explaining to do, Science Dude. 241 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:03,333 [gasps] 242 00:12:03,416 --> 00:12:05,250 The Dream World is real. 243 00:12:05,333 --> 00:12:07,791 But it will be a nightmare if we don't get going! 244 00:12:14,166 --> 00:12:15,791 Just get these kids to safety. 245 00:12:15,875 --> 00:12:17,416 I'm working on it. 246 00:12:17,500 --> 00:12:19,833 Um, did that monkey just talk? 247 00:12:19,916 --> 00:12:21,250 Yes, I most certainly did. 248 00:12:21,333 --> 00:12:24,166 And I am a chimpanzee, thank you very much. 249 00:12:25,916 --> 00:12:27,375 -[Albert] Whoa! -[Mr. Oz grunts] 250 00:12:27,458 --> 00:12:28,708 [mumbles indistinctly] 251 00:12:33,833 --> 00:12:35,708 Wait, how'd you make that gun back there? 252 00:12:35,791 --> 00:12:37,916 It's called Dreamcrafting. 253 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:40,083 What is our science teacher doing in our dream? 254 00:12:40,166 --> 00:12:41,250 My dear boy, 255 00:12:41,333 --> 00:12:44,583 if you think Sir Oswald is merely a science teacher... 256 00:12:44,666 --> 00:12:47,375 I'm a Dream Chaser. An agent of the Night Bureau. 257 00:12:47,458 --> 00:12:48,750 Whoa! 258 00:12:50,708 --> 00:12:51,791 The night what? 259 00:12:51,875 --> 00:12:54,708 It's an organization that's kept the Dream World secret 260 00:12:54,791 --> 00:12:57,625 and the Waking World safe for centuries. 261 00:12:57,708 --> 00:12:59,458 [kids scream] 262 00:12:59,541 --> 00:13:03,666 Uh, can we maybe work on making the Dream World a little safer? 263 00:13:18,000 --> 00:13:20,375 Mr. Oswald, what is that? 264 00:13:20,458 --> 00:13:22,833 So, it is true? 265 00:13:22,916 --> 00:13:25,708 The Nightmare King has returned. 266 00:13:25,791 --> 00:13:27,500 Hang on to somethin'! 267 00:13:30,375 --> 00:13:31,333 [horse neighing] 268 00:13:43,875 --> 00:13:45,041 Can't we just wake up? 269 00:13:45,125 --> 00:13:47,333 No, no, no! It's too dangerous to wake up. 270 00:13:47,416 --> 00:13:49,583 You don't know what you might bring back. 271 00:13:49,666 --> 00:13:50,750 You have to try to-- 272 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:55,500 [screams] 273 00:13:56,500 --> 00:13:58,333 [grunts] 274 00:13:58,416 --> 00:13:59,458 Izzie! 275 00:13:59,541 --> 00:14:03,541 Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm awake. 276 00:14:03,625 --> 00:14:05,583 -Look what happened to him. -What happened to him? 277 00:14:06,916 --> 00:14:07,875 Z-Blob! 278 00:14:10,541 --> 00:14:11,541 Hey, buddy! 279 00:14:11,625 --> 00:14:13,458 -Mateo, what about...? -Cooper! 280 00:14:13,541 --> 00:14:14,583 We've gotta go wake him up. 281 00:14:14,666 --> 00:14:16,125 -Cooper! -Shh! 282 00:14:16,208 --> 00:14:17,500 Dude. Here. 283 00:14:19,875 --> 00:14:23,166 A phone call? What is this, 1999? 284 00:14:23,250 --> 00:14:24,666 I'm trying to wake him up. 285 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:26,000 Come on. 286 00:14:26,083 --> 00:14:27,250 Wake up. 287 00:14:27,750 --> 00:14:28,791 Cooper? 288 00:14:32,541 --> 00:14:33,791 He says to come outside. 289 00:14:45,125 --> 00:14:47,000 [Night Terror grunts] 290 00:14:47,083 --> 00:14:48,166 [Izzie] That was crazy, right? 291 00:14:48,250 --> 00:14:50,083 [Cooper] Okay, what was that? 292 00:14:50,166 --> 00:14:52,208 Did you see me fight those beasties? 293 00:14:52,291 --> 00:14:53,875 [grunts] It's pretty dope. 294 00:14:53,958 --> 00:14:55,625 And what about Mr. Oz? 295 00:14:55,708 --> 00:14:58,666 Why was our science teacher in our dream? 296 00:14:59,791 --> 00:15:00,833 This was all real, right? 297 00:15:00,916 --> 00:15:02,375 Like, I'm not going crazy? 298 00:15:03,458 --> 00:15:05,250 -You've gotta show him. -What? 299 00:15:08,500 --> 00:15:09,958 No... way. 300 00:15:10,041 --> 00:15:12,166 Yeah. I'd say it's pretty real. 301 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:14,166 Dude. How did you do all that? 302 00:15:14,250 --> 00:15:16,375 Uh, still trying to figure that out. 303 00:15:16,458 --> 00:15:17,791 [chuckling] Well, it worked. 304 00:15:17,875 --> 00:15:20,041 I-I guess all that drawing came in handy. 305 00:15:20,125 --> 00:15:21,166 Thanks, man. 306 00:15:22,291 --> 00:15:24,166 Is this what counts as an "I'm sorry"? 307 00:15:24,708 --> 00:15:25,875 Yeah. 308 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:27,166 Me too. 309 00:15:27,250 --> 00:15:28,208 Hug it out? 310 00:15:29,375 --> 00:15:30,833 Too soon. Okay. 311 00:15:30,916 --> 00:15:33,583 What do you think the Nightmare King wants? 312 00:15:33,666 --> 00:15:35,333 He kept talking about... 313 00:15:35,416 --> 00:15:38,000 eh... needing more dreamers. 314 00:15:38,083 --> 00:15:39,666 Needing our imaginations. 315 00:15:40,541 --> 00:15:41,541 -[Logan grunts] -Ah! 316 00:15:41,625 --> 00:15:42,750 [laughs] 317 00:15:42,833 --> 00:15:44,208 [Logan] Who's the Nightmare King? 318 00:15:44,291 --> 00:15:46,541 [sighs] What the heck is he doing here? 319 00:15:46,625 --> 00:15:47,875 I texted him. 320 00:15:47,958 --> 00:15:49,333 I wanted to let him know I'm okay. 321 00:15:49,416 --> 00:15:50,625 Right. 322 00:15:50,708 --> 00:15:53,208 Look, you're both my friends. 323 00:15:53,291 --> 00:15:54,666 Just get over it. 324 00:15:54,750 --> 00:15:56,208 Okay, look, I am not hanging out 325 00:15:56,291 --> 00:15:58,041 with someone who still has bad dreams. 326 00:15:58,125 --> 00:15:59,500 We're not talking about nightmares. 327 00:15:59,583 --> 00:16:01,083 You weren't there. 328 00:16:01,166 --> 00:16:02,625 You didn't see the things we saw. 329 00:16:02,708 --> 00:16:04,541 It's time to grow up, Matty. 330 00:16:04,625 --> 00:16:06,875 There's no such thing as monsters under your bed 331 00:16:06,958 --> 00:16:08,375 or the Boogeyman, 332 00:16:08,458 --> 00:16:11,458 or the... the... Ah! 333 00:16:11,541 --> 00:16:12,500 What is that?! 334 00:16:15,333 --> 00:16:16,666 -[groans] -We brought it back? 335 00:16:18,750 --> 00:16:20,750 -[Night Terror shrieks] -[Mateo] Ah! 336 00:16:20,833 --> 00:16:22,125 [Izzie] Mateo! 337 00:16:22,208 --> 00:16:23,333 Ah! 338 00:16:23,416 --> 00:16:24,500 [Mateo screams] 339 00:16:24,583 --> 00:16:25,875 [Izzie pants] 340 00:16:25,958 --> 00:16:27,000 Are you coming or what? 341 00:16:28,083 --> 00:16:30,458 [Mateo screaming] 342 00:16:31,375 --> 00:16:32,375 Let go! 343 00:16:33,708 --> 00:16:34,791 [grunts] 344 00:16:35,625 --> 00:16:37,416 Never mind. Don't let go. 345 00:16:38,416 --> 00:16:39,458 [Mateo yelps] 346 00:16:40,750 --> 00:16:42,625 Ah! Ah! 347 00:16:43,833 --> 00:16:45,291 Hang on, Z-Blob. 348 00:16:45,375 --> 00:16:46,833 [grunts] 349 00:16:47,541 --> 00:16:49,291 [screams] 350 00:16:50,791 --> 00:16:52,208 [grunts] 351 00:16:52,291 --> 00:16:54,333 Light. Light hurts it. 352 00:16:56,541 --> 00:16:57,708 [Cooper] Mateo! 353 00:16:57,791 --> 00:16:59,791 Shh! It's in here somewhere. 354 00:17:01,916 --> 00:17:03,291 [both grunt] 355 00:17:03,375 --> 00:17:04,333 [Mateo] Ah! 356 00:17:05,416 --> 00:17:06,875 [grunts] 357 00:17:10,125 --> 00:17:11,166 [screeches] 358 00:17:14,916 --> 00:17:16,125 Light. We need light. 359 00:17:17,125 --> 00:17:18,500 Come on, dude. Yes! 360 00:17:20,708 --> 00:17:21,666 Ow! 361 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:24,958 [Night Terror screeches] 362 00:17:27,625 --> 00:17:31,083 S... someone want to tell me what the heck that was? 363 00:17:31,166 --> 00:17:32,708 [Mr. Oz] Yes, I do. 364 00:17:32,791 --> 00:17:34,958 That was a very bad dream. 365 00:17:35,041 --> 00:17:36,250 -What is going on? -Will it come back? 366 00:17:36,333 --> 00:17:37,166 Are there more of them? 367 00:17:37,250 --> 00:17:39,875 Hey, hey, hey. One at a time. One at a time. 368 00:17:42,333 --> 00:17:44,750 Alright, alright. Much better. Now, Mateo. 369 00:17:44,833 --> 00:17:46,583 Why does the Nightmare King need our imaginations? 370 00:17:46,666 --> 00:17:50,166 And how were we able to do that awesome Dreamcrafting thing? 371 00:17:50,250 --> 00:17:52,666 He's a bad dream gone worse, 372 00:17:52,750 --> 00:17:55,583 and I thought we defeated him a long time ago. 373 00:17:55,666 --> 00:17:58,500 If the Night Bureau doesn't put a stop to him again, 374 00:17:58,583 --> 00:18:01,500 he'll turn everyone's dreams into nightmares. 375 00:18:01,583 --> 00:18:02,458 [gasps] 376 00:18:02,541 --> 00:18:04,500 And I bet dollars to doughnuts 377 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:06,291 it has something to do with this. 378 00:18:06,375 --> 00:18:08,458 Lunia's hourglass. 379 00:18:08,541 --> 00:18:11,208 She was the most powerful Dreamcrafter in all the realms. 380 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:12,666 I forgot that was in there. 381 00:18:12,750 --> 00:18:13,708 What is-- 382 00:18:14,458 --> 00:18:15,500 [grunts] No. 383 00:18:15,583 --> 00:18:16,750 [grunts] 384 00:18:16,833 --> 00:18:18,708 Mr. Oswald. What's happening? 385 00:18:18,791 --> 00:18:20,333 Oh! Did the Night Terror touch you? 386 00:18:20,416 --> 00:18:22,375 If Mateo hadn't grabbed it, it would've attacked us. 387 00:18:22,458 --> 00:18:23,583 Can you fix it? I mean, 388 00:18:23,666 --> 00:18:25,708 you fixed your shoulder in the Dream World. 389 00:18:25,791 --> 00:18:28,750 This ain't the Dream World. Mateo, you need to come with me. 390 00:18:28,833 --> 00:18:30,500 The rest of you need to go on home. 391 00:18:30,583 --> 00:18:31,666 Fat chance. 392 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:33,291 I am not leaving my brother. 393 00:18:33,375 --> 00:18:36,208 Yeah. Where Mateo goes, we all go. 394 00:18:36,291 --> 00:18:39,041 -Right, Logan? -What? Oh, yeah. Right, right 395 00:18:39,125 --> 00:18:40,916 Oh, for... [sighs] 396 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:42,375 Help me get him into my car. 397 00:18:42,458 --> 00:18:43,625 We don't have any time to lose. 398 00:18:44,875 --> 00:18:46,750 [Logan chuckles] Nice grocery-getter. 399 00:18:46,833 --> 00:18:48,958 [Cooper] This is the car a secret agent drives? 400 00:18:49,041 --> 00:18:50,041 No. 401 00:18:50,125 --> 00:18:52,583 This is the car a middle school science teacher drives. 402 00:18:56,583 --> 00:18:58,291 Don't let him fall asleep. 403 00:19:00,250 --> 00:19:02,416 Mateo! Mateo! 404 00:19:05,416 --> 00:19:06,791 [Cooper] The old observatory? 405 00:19:06,875 --> 00:19:07,875 What are we doing here? 406 00:19:07,958 --> 00:19:10,000 Yo! I thought we were going to a hospital? 407 00:19:10,083 --> 00:19:12,583 A hospital does not have the gear we need. 408 00:19:15,333 --> 00:19:17,625 [Mr. Oz] Just hang in there, Mateo. 409 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:18,916 [echoing] Mateo? 410 00:19:21,125 --> 00:19:22,541 Mateo? 411 00:19:22,625 --> 00:19:24,625 Stay with us. Come on. 412 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:27,666 Hang on, Mateo. 413 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:32,583 [powering up, crackles] 414 00:19:36,958 --> 00:19:38,125 Ah! 415 00:19:38,958 --> 00:19:40,375 [breathes heavily] 416 00:19:44,291 --> 00:19:45,250 [Mr. Oz] How ya feelin'? 417 00:19:46,500 --> 00:19:49,041 [groans] Okay, I guess. 418 00:19:49,125 --> 00:19:49,958 What happened? 419 00:19:50,041 --> 00:19:53,583 Hm. You got lucky, the Edison Ray was charged up. 420 00:19:53,666 --> 00:19:57,666 So, uh, let's avoid touching Night Terrors from now on. 421 00:19:57,750 --> 00:19:58,958 Edison Ray? 422 00:20:00,291 --> 00:20:02,000 Where are the others, Mr. Oswald? 423 00:20:02,666 --> 00:20:04,291 Where am I? 424 00:20:04,375 --> 00:20:07,041 Welcome to the Night Bureau. 425 00:20:07,125 --> 00:20:10,041 No one outside the Bureau has ever seen this. 426 00:20:10,125 --> 00:20:12,333 Izzie told me what happened in that village. 427 00:20:12,416 --> 00:20:15,791 You both have abilities that few people possess. 428 00:20:15,875 --> 00:20:18,041 Whatever happened back there, it was... 429 00:20:18,625 --> 00:20:19,750 amazing. 430 00:20:19,833 --> 00:20:21,791 I thought I was basic. 431 00:20:21,875 --> 00:20:23,000 A nobody. 432 00:20:23,083 --> 00:20:25,541 But now you see that you and your friends 433 00:20:25,625 --> 00:20:27,666 can do incredible things. 434 00:20:27,750 --> 00:20:28,916 Well, yeah, but... 435 00:20:29,000 --> 00:20:30,333 I don't have a lot of friends. 436 00:20:30,416 --> 00:20:32,208 Yeah, well, I don't know about that. 437 00:20:32,291 --> 00:20:35,833 It's the quality of the friends, not the quantity. 438 00:20:35,916 --> 00:20:38,666 They insisted on stayin' 'til you came around. 439 00:20:40,666 --> 00:20:42,125 And I brought soup. 440 00:20:42,208 --> 00:20:44,083 You know what that looks like to me? 441 00:20:44,541 --> 00:20:45,791 Quality. 442 00:20:45,875 --> 00:20:48,750 Don't ever come close to dying again. 443 00:20:48,833 --> 00:20:52,083 Mr. Oz says next time, we'll know how to handle a Night Terror. 444 00:20:52,166 --> 00:20:53,291 Next time? 445 00:20:53,375 --> 00:20:54,750 Once you join the Night Bureau 446 00:20:54,833 --> 00:20:57,041 and train to become a Dream Chaser. 447 00:20:57,125 --> 00:20:59,250 You want me to become a Dream Chaser? 448 00:20:59,333 --> 00:21:01,125 Not just you, dork. 449 00:21:01,875 --> 00:21:04,041 I just figured if we're gonna be teammates in the Dream World, 450 00:21:04,125 --> 00:21:06,458 we should be teammates in the Waking World. 451 00:21:10,708 --> 00:21:11,916 [squeals] 452 00:21:14,791 --> 00:21:18,166 You'll need to unleash and control your creativity 453 00:21:18,250 --> 00:21:20,791 and learn to Dreamcraft. 454 00:21:20,875 --> 00:21:24,000 There are a lot of dreamers out there who need your help. 455 00:21:24,083 --> 00:21:25,333 Your training... 456 00:21:27,458 --> 00:21:29,208 starts tomorrow night. 457 00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:33,083 [closing theme music playing]