1 00:01:32,655 --> 00:01:34,405 How long will this take? 2 00:01:34,613 --> 00:01:37,238 Not long. It's just a quick profile of you. 3 00:01:37,780 --> 00:01:40,363 It's for our newsletter, not the Times. 4 00:01:41,446 --> 00:01:43,321 Can you introduce yourself? 5 00:01:43,863 --> 00:01:45,863 I'm Marguerite Hoffmann, 25, 6 00:01:46,030 --> 00:01:49,071 in my last year of a math PhD at ENS. 7 00:01:49,238 --> 00:01:51,363 You like life here at Normale Sup? 8 00:01:51,530 --> 00:01:54,738 A lot. I'd like to be a research professor here. 9 00:01:55,280 --> 00:01:58,238 ENS is home away from home for you? 10 00:01:58,405 --> 00:02:00,405 Which explains the slippers? 11 00:02:01,988 --> 00:02:03,405 They're comfortable. 12 00:02:04,405 --> 00:02:07,405 You're working on the Goldbach theorem, is that right? 13 00:02:07,571 --> 00:02:08,863 Goldbach's conjecture. 14 00:02:09,030 --> 00:02:10,738 Not exactly but it's linked. 15 00:02:10,905 --> 00:02:13,905 It's one of the most important unresolved math problems. 16 00:02:14,155 --> 00:02:15,863 Nobody's ever proved it. 17 00:02:16,696 --> 00:02:18,071 You think you can? 18 00:02:21,571 --> 00:02:24,196 Perhaps it won't be proved in my lifetime. 19 00:02:25,946 --> 00:02:28,488 Besides math, any other passions? 20 00:02:33,321 --> 00:02:35,613 I like walking. It helps me think. 21 00:02:36,530 --> 00:02:38,821 And playing yahtzee with my mother. 22 00:02:40,363 --> 00:02:43,530 Why is the seminar on March 7 so important? 23 00:02:44,613 --> 00:02:47,321 It's my first time presenting to specialists. 24 00:02:47,488 --> 00:02:51,530 Their feedback is crucial. It could result in publications. 25 00:02:54,863 --> 00:02:57,321 What do you love about mathematics? 26 00:03:01,946 --> 00:03:03,530 I couldn't live without it. 27 00:03:07,613 --> 00:03:09,696 - That's it? - I've got all I need. 28 00:03:09,863 --> 00:03:10,946 Thanks. 29 00:03:18,405 --> 00:03:19,405 Bye. 30 00:04:20,821 --> 00:04:24,821 MARGUERITE'S THEOREM 31 00:04:30,780 --> 00:04:31,780 So... 32 00:04:32,030 --> 00:04:35,238 is every even number the sum of two prime numbers? 33 00:04:36,488 --> 00:04:39,696 For example, for 98, what are the solutions? 34 00:04:44,363 --> 00:04:45,363 Take your time! 35 00:04:45,530 --> 00:04:47,071 Marguerite, since you popped in, 36 00:04:47,238 --> 00:04:50,363 enlighten these young men before I despair of them. 37 00:04:51,405 --> 00:04:54,071 98 = 19 + 79, 38 00:04:54,863 --> 00:04:57,530 31 + 67, 37 + 61. 39 00:05:00,530 --> 00:05:01,696 That's it? 40 00:05:05,030 --> 00:05:08,280 Yes, those are the only three solutions. 41 00:05:08,446 --> 00:05:09,738 Nothing else to say? 42 00:05:10,363 --> 00:05:11,571 You're sure? 43 00:05:12,363 --> 00:05:13,113 Yes. 44 00:05:13,571 --> 00:05:14,946 Indeed. That's correct. 45 00:05:15,238 --> 00:05:19,030 But, and "but" cancels everything said previously... 46 00:05:21,113 --> 00:05:24,613 Finding three solutions should surprise you. 47 00:05:25,155 --> 00:05:28,155 It should lead you to other questions 48 00:05:28,321 --> 00:05:30,238 on Goldbach's conjecture, 49 00:05:30,405 --> 00:05:33,488 the number of solutions and why all these solutions. 50 00:05:34,155 --> 00:05:37,071 Research is not about answering a question. 51 00:05:37,238 --> 00:05:39,571 A computer could do that better. 52 00:05:39,738 --> 00:05:44,030 It's about exploring, questioning, finding links between phenomena. 53 00:05:44,196 --> 00:05:45,863 To excel at mathematics, 54 00:05:46,030 --> 00:05:47,905 to roll back the limits, 55 00:05:48,071 --> 00:05:49,530 you must create. 56 00:05:49,946 --> 00:05:51,780 Side step, change perspective, 57 00:05:51,946 --> 00:05:53,655 invent new methods... 58 00:05:54,196 --> 00:05:55,571 Or you don't evolve. 59 00:05:56,113 --> 00:05:58,530 Okay, let's leave it there for today. 60 00:05:58,905 --> 00:06:00,405 A reminder to the class 61 00:06:00,571 --> 00:06:02,405 about the seminar next week, 62 00:06:02,571 --> 00:06:04,780 once more featuring Marguerite Hoffmann, 63 00:06:04,946 --> 00:06:08,696 who'll be presenting aspects of her thesis on prime numbers. 64 00:06:08,863 --> 00:06:10,571 I don't need to remind you, 65 00:06:10,738 --> 00:06:12,946 your presence is required. Thank you. 66 00:06:22,780 --> 00:06:24,988 - We said we'd rehearse the seminar? - Yes. 67 00:06:25,155 --> 00:06:27,738 I can't. I'm welcoming a new postgrad. 68 00:06:28,488 --> 00:06:30,280 You're supervising two of us? 69 00:06:30,446 --> 00:06:34,030 Exceptionally, yes. He was doing his PhD at Oxford. 70 00:06:34,571 --> 00:06:37,280 It should interest you. Same subject. 71 00:06:37,988 --> 00:06:39,155 The same subject? 72 00:06:39,321 --> 00:06:42,655 Yes. To finish my Szemerédi proof for the Lausanne conference, 73 00:06:42,821 --> 00:06:44,363 3 brains are better than 2. 74 00:06:52,446 --> 00:06:54,488 - You did the interview? - This morning. 75 00:06:55,280 --> 00:06:56,863 See, it's no big deal. 76 00:06:57,030 --> 00:07:00,238 Elite female mathematicians are rare. Grab the spotlight. 77 00:07:03,571 --> 00:07:05,321 With regard to your seminar, 78 00:07:05,488 --> 00:07:08,155 it's crucial to be as clear as possible. 79 00:07:08,530 --> 00:07:09,530 Just facts, 80 00:07:10,113 --> 00:07:12,196 your argument, the proof. 81 00:07:12,988 --> 00:07:14,196 It'll be fine. 82 00:07:15,696 --> 00:07:17,030 You won't disappoint me. 83 00:07:18,488 --> 00:07:19,780 I'm not worried. 84 00:07:27,905 --> 00:07:31,030 Lucas Savelli. Marguerite Hoffmann, my other postgrad. 85 00:07:31,196 --> 00:07:32,280 Nice to meet you. 86 00:07:32,446 --> 00:07:35,571 You'll soon get a chance to discuss your research. 87 00:07:37,113 --> 00:07:39,030 - See you soon, I guess. - See you. 88 00:07:45,155 --> 00:07:46,613 Guys, it's Marguerite. 89 00:07:47,905 --> 00:07:52,238 Marguerite, seminar star! 90 00:07:56,946 --> 00:07:58,863 Marguerite, you're the best. 91 00:07:59,030 --> 00:08:00,238 World champ! 92 00:08:07,071 --> 00:08:08,113 All right, guys? 93 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:09,988 Tomorrow, what time? 94 00:08:10,155 --> 00:08:13,238 2 pm. So you know, we're not the Oxford brass band. 95 00:08:13,863 --> 00:08:15,530 Lucky I'm not Fred Wesley. 96 00:08:16,030 --> 00:08:17,405 See you later. 97 00:08:24,113 --> 00:08:25,945 The mathematician in slippers. 98 00:08:26,445 --> 00:08:27,863 Can I sit with you? 99 00:08:29,530 --> 00:08:30,530 Yes. 100 00:08:37,863 --> 00:08:39,113 A rattleback. 101 00:08:40,488 --> 00:08:42,196 Spins normally one way. 102 00:08:43,363 --> 00:08:45,780 The other way, it stops and reverse-spins. 103 00:08:46,696 --> 00:08:49,030 A buddy at Oxford did his thesis on it. 104 00:08:51,321 --> 00:08:52,780 A real character, Werner. 105 00:08:53,238 --> 00:08:54,696 A throwback mathematician. 106 00:08:55,113 --> 00:08:57,196 What's a throwback mathematician? 107 00:08:57,571 --> 00:08:58,571 Old-school. 108 00:09:00,905 --> 00:09:03,821 He must like your work to be your supervisor. 109 00:09:03,988 --> 00:09:05,821 I'd hope so. He contacted me. 110 00:09:06,571 --> 00:09:08,030 He contacted you? 111 00:09:08,196 --> 00:09:09,821 I was with Frears at Oxford. 112 00:09:09,988 --> 00:09:12,155 Werner saw one of my articles on Szemerédi. 113 00:09:13,113 --> 00:09:14,738 So you dumped Frears? 114 00:09:14,905 --> 00:09:15,696 Yes. 115 00:09:15,863 --> 00:09:18,905 Maybe we can compare results to be more efficient. 116 00:09:19,988 --> 00:09:21,988 Sorry, I don't work that way. 117 00:09:22,280 --> 00:09:24,488 Great, tomorrow at 9 at the library? 118 00:09:26,446 --> 00:09:27,530 Just kidding. 119 00:09:28,863 --> 00:09:29,988 Enjoy your lunch. 120 00:09:30,696 --> 00:09:31,738 Thanks. 121 00:09:59,321 --> 00:10:00,613 Mom 122 00:10:01,571 --> 00:10:04,030 All right? Not too stressed, my little darling? 123 00:10:04,196 --> 00:10:05,863 I'm re-reading. 124 00:10:06,030 --> 00:10:07,571 I'd be in a real state. 125 00:10:09,030 --> 00:10:11,446 I shouldn't say it, but I'm nervous for you. 126 00:10:11,613 --> 00:10:13,405 I'm not alone. I'm with Werner. 127 00:10:13,571 --> 00:10:15,530 I know. I'm so proud of you. 128 00:10:17,030 --> 00:10:18,196 You're sleeping well? 129 00:10:18,655 --> 00:10:20,196 Sleeping well's important. 130 00:10:20,821 --> 00:10:21,863 Yes. 131 00:10:22,321 --> 00:10:24,238 Too bad I can't be there. 132 00:10:24,405 --> 00:10:27,571 But I'd be super intimidated, meeting Werner. 133 00:10:30,946 --> 00:10:33,155 Anyway, get on with your work. 134 00:10:34,530 --> 00:10:35,655 Lots of love. 135 00:10:35,821 --> 00:10:37,446 Love you, my little darling. 136 00:10:46,655 --> 00:10:47,738 Can you check 137 00:10:47,905 --> 00:10:50,446 a set of lemmas in section 4.1? 138 00:10:50,613 --> 00:10:51,530 Why? 139 00:10:51,696 --> 00:10:53,238 To insure there's no flaw. 140 00:10:53,530 --> 00:10:56,863 You've re-read it a hundred times. You've no perspective. 141 00:10:57,030 --> 00:10:59,238 It's best to let it settle. 142 00:10:59,405 --> 00:11:00,946 I want your perspective. 143 00:11:01,113 --> 00:11:02,155 I have no time. 144 00:11:02,321 --> 00:11:05,030 If it reassures you, ask Lucas to read it. 145 00:11:05,738 --> 00:11:06,696 All right. 146 00:12:02,988 --> 00:12:04,155 Good morning. 147 00:12:06,113 --> 00:12:10,363 My work deals with arithmetic progressions in finite sets of integers. 148 00:12:12,363 --> 00:12:14,738 I'll start with the theorem 149 00:12:15,446 --> 00:12:16,780 of Szemerédi. 150 00:12:21,238 --> 00:12:23,696 Published in the 1970s. 151 00:12:26,738 --> 00:12:27,738 Let 152 00:12:28,363 --> 00:12:29,238 k 153 00:12:29,905 --> 00:12:31,030 an integer 154 00:12:33,655 --> 00:12:35,905 greater than 2 155 00:12:36,238 --> 00:12:37,321 and delta 156 00:12:37,946 --> 00:12:38,946 a real number 157 00:12:40,821 --> 00:12:42,905 that is positive. 158 00:12:48,030 --> 00:12:49,571 There exists 159 00:12:50,988 --> 00:12:55,238 an integer N depending on k and delta 160 00:12:55,405 --> 00:12:58,696 such that each subset 161 00:12:59,655 --> 00:13:00,905 of integers 162 00:13:01,613 --> 00:13:02,780 smaller than 163 00:13:04,738 --> 00:13:05,863 N 164 00:13:06,946 --> 00:13:08,071 of cardinal 165 00:13:08,780 --> 00:13:11,071 greater than delta N. 166 00:13:13,113 --> 00:13:14,905 E contains a progression 167 00:13:15,071 --> 00:13:16,446 of length k+1. 168 00:13:37,571 --> 00:13:38,738 Please... 169 00:13:39,530 --> 00:13:42,696 Introducing an expected value into Szemerédi's theorem 170 00:13:42,863 --> 00:13:44,613 is a highly original approach. 171 00:13:45,321 --> 00:13:46,696 Can we take it further? 172 00:13:47,863 --> 00:13:48,905 I considered that. 173 00:13:49,071 --> 00:13:52,530 I'd like to find an upper bound of the minimal size of N. 174 00:14:19,780 --> 00:14:21,696 How do you find the constant C? 175 00:14:22,571 --> 00:14:24,821 There's the initial combinatorial step 176 00:14:24,988 --> 00:14:28,988 then we conclude with Werner's hypergraphs. 177 00:14:30,238 --> 00:14:31,488 C depends on what? 178 00:14:32,238 --> 00:14:35,863 k and delta. I deduce C from the regularity lemma. 179 00:14:37,571 --> 00:14:38,863 How do you do that? 180 00:14:40,988 --> 00:14:43,446 I apply it to Werner's hypergraphs. 181 00:14:44,696 --> 00:14:47,030 So you need the multidimensional lemma. 182 00:14:47,905 --> 00:14:50,405 You can't duck k, N and delta simultaneously. 183 00:15:11,196 --> 00:15:12,488 True. It's empty. 184 00:15:15,071 --> 00:15:17,363 That invalidates your whole proof. 185 00:15:43,613 --> 00:15:44,696 Excuse me... 186 00:16:11,488 --> 00:16:12,780 Mom 187 00:16:32,113 --> 00:16:33,738 So, how did it go? 188 00:16:36,446 --> 00:16:37,696 It went well. 189 00:16:38,863 --> 00:16:40,613 I'm so proud of you. 190 00:16:43,780 --> 00:16:45,738 I can't really talk now. 191 00:16:45,905 --> 00:16:47,155 Call you back? 192 00:16:47,321 --> 00:16:48,446 Of course. 193 00:16:49,821 --> 00:16:51,238 You'll call me, right? 194 00:16:52,530 --> 00:16:53,613 Lots of love. 195 00:16:53,988 --> 00:16:55,904 All my love, my little darling. 196 00:17:24,446 --> 00:17:25,613 Come in. 197 00:17:35,280 --> 00:17:36,446 It's catastrophic. 198 00:17:39,030 --> 00:17:41,446 I should never have presented so early. 199 00:17:44,363 --> 00:17:46,446 I told you there was a lemma problem. 200 00:17:47,488 --> 00:17:49,405 Don't start rewriting history. 201 00:17:49,571 --> 00:17:51,405 I advised you to check with Lucas. 202 00:17:51,571 --> 00:17:53,905 He's a student. You supervise my thesis. 203 00:17:54,280 --> 00:17:55,821 By now, you should be autonomous. 204 00:17:57,655 --> 00:17:59,363 Admit you should've heard me out. 205 00:17:59,530 --> 00:18:02,280 Look, let's stop there. It's going nowhere. 206 00:18:02,613 --> 00:18:06,696 We both know this mistake undermines 3 years' work. 207 00:18:06,863 --> 00:18:10,196 Most likely, the research field was too ambitious. 208 00:18:10,780 --> 00:18:14,571 Now, it's essential you rest and gather your wits, 209 00:18:14,738 --> 00:18:17,238 to come up with another thesis. 210 00:18:17,405 --> 00:18:18,738 With another supervisor. 211 00:18:20,696 --> 00:18:22,446 You won't be my supervisor? 212 00:18:23,821 --> 00:18:26,196 You can't do that to me. Not now. 213 00:18:26,696 --> 00:18:28,363 Stop being so dramatic. 214 00:18:28,821 --> 00:18:31,405 Know what you're missing to be a great scientist? 215 00:18:31,571 --> 00:18:32,571 Maturity. 216 00:18:34,530 --> 00:18:37,821 You don't walk out on a proof over one mistake. 217 00:18:38,113 --> 00:18:39,988 You stay dignified, own your errors. 218 00:18:40,155 --> 00:18:41,155 You don't flee. 219 00:18:41,696 --> 00:18:43,030 Take it on the chin. 220 00:18:43,196 --> 00:18:45,655 Mathematics and emotions do not mix. 221 00:18:53,696 --> 00:18:55,905 You'll continue your research with Lucas? 222 00:18:57,488 --> 00:18:58,613 Yes, of course. 223 00:21:31,405 --> 00:21:33,113 Sorry, excuse me. 224 00:21:51,113 --> 00:21:52,446 Checking account 225 00:21:52,613 --> 00:21:53,905 Savings account 226 00:21:56,988 --> 00:21:58,988 49 nights in a hotel 227 00:22:00,613 --> 00:22:02,071 without other... 228 00:22:07,238 --> 00:22:08,905 My little darling, it's mom. 229 00:22:09,071 --> 00:22:12,071 I don't want to intrude, I just wanted to... 230 00:22:13,238 --> 00:22:14,655 hear how it went. 231 00:22:20,821 --> 00:22:22,071 This is Laurent Werner. 232 00:22:23,071 --> 00:22:25,405 I just found your letter. 233 00:22:25,571 --> 00:22:27,280 I have to say I don't get it. 234 00:22:43,280 --> 00:22:45,905 Your sudden departure caused quite a sensation. 235 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:47,905 You certainly picked your moment. 236 00:22:48,071 --> 00:22:51,530 The director called a crisis meeting on Marguerite Hoffmann. 237 00:22:53,821 --> 00:22:56,905 Everybody finds your leaving most unfortunate. 238 00:22:57,905 --> 00:23:01,113 The director and I insist you take a new thesis. 239 00:23:01,780 --> 00:23:02,946 With you? 240 00:23:05,488 --> 00:23:08,655 Prof. Blanchard would be delighted to supervise your thesis. 241 00:23:08,821 --> 00:23:11,905 You'd be in good hands with someone who has more time. 242 00:23:16,988 --> 00:23:18,863 I don't think you understood me. 243 00:23:19,738 --> 00:23:21,446 My decision is final. 244 00:23:24,321 --> 00:23:26,280 You know, if you drop your thesis, 245 00:23:26,446 --> 00:23:29,155 the School will demand repayment of your scholarship. 246 00:23:29,405 --> 00:23:30,946 Yes. 44,000 euros. 247 00:23:31,238 --> 00:23:33,238 At minimum wage, 3 years' work. 248 00:23:33,613 --> 00:23:36,738 2 years, 8 months exactly. Twice that, to save it up. 249 00:23:37,363 --> 00:23:40,696 I'm telling you, there is no objective reason to stop. 250 00:23:43,071 --> 00:23:44,238 On the contrary. 251 00:23:44,405 --> 00:23:45,613 There's every reason. 252 00:23:45,863 --> 00:23:47,613 I'll never do mathematics again. 253 00:23:50,946 --> 00:23:53,988 Your teenage crisis has come a little late. 254 00:23:54,946 --> 00:23:56,321 What does your mother say? 255 00:23:59,405 --> 00:24:00,446 She supports me. 256 00:24:03,655 --> 00:24:05,071 The mission is simple. 257 00:24:05,238 --> 00:24:09,071 It's about polling customers making purchases in Minolga stores. 258 00:24:10,113 --> 00:24:13,863 It's essential to stay patient and friendly. 259 00:24:14,113 --> 00:24:15,488 To them, you're staff. 260 00:24:15,655 --> 00:24:17,488 So, even employed by us, 261 00:24:17,988 --> 00:24:19,446 you represent the brand... 262 00:24:20,030 --> 00:24:21,071 Minolga. 263 00:24:23,196 --> 00:24:25,321 For example, to question 1, 264 00:24:25,488 --> 00:24:26,696 would you answer, 265 00:24:26,863 --> 00:24:30,405 1, yes, I prefer lipstick of a more vivid color, 266 00:24:30,571 --> 00:24:34,071 2, yes, lipstick of a more subdued color, 267 00:24:34,530 --> 00:24:37,863 3, no, lipstick of the same color as it is now. 268 00:24:39,196 --> 00:24:40,488 What did you say? 269 00:24:40,946 --> 00:24:42,613 The survey doesn't work. 270 00:24:43,363 --> 00:24:45,280 Really? Care to tell us why? 271 00:24:45,446 --> 00:24:47,655 The survey favors the no's 272 00:24:47,821 --> 00:24:50,321 since the yes's are spread over two answers. 273 00:24:50,488 --> 00:24:51,988 It skews the results. 274 00:24:52,155 --> 00:24:55,571 You're not here to criticize the survey, miss, 275 00:24:55,738 --> 00:24:58,613 but to receive training and apply it. 276 00:25:00,405 --> 00:25:01,446 We're not machines, 277 00:25:01,613 --> 00:25:04,571 dumbly following a protocol that's "skewed." 278 00:25:06,988 --> 00:25:09,071 Your results won't be representative. 279 00:25:09,321 --> 00:25:11,863 I told you, your role is not to argue. 280 00:25:12,030 --> 00:25:13,946 Just apply a dumb protocol? 281 00:25:14,113 --> 00:25:16,155 If you're not happy, the door's... 282 00:25:16,321 --> 00:25:17,321 there. 283 00:25:25,821 --> 00:25:26,988 Good luck, girls! 284 00:25:33,405 --> 00:25:34,571 Where was I? 285 00:25:35,113 --> 00:25:38,988 The lipstick survey just needs reformulating to work. 286 00:25:39,155 --> 00:25:40,988 You, follow your friend out. 287 00:25:41,155 --> 00:25:43,196 She's not a friend. We never met. 288 00:25:43,363 --> 00:25:44,405 I don't give a shit! 289 00:25:44,571 --> 00:25:46,030 Get out of my class. 290 00:26:06,238 --> 00:26:08,321 You messed with the idiot's mind. 291 00:26:08,863 --> 00:26:10,113 It was so illogical. 292 00:26:11,155 --> 00:26:14,655 I don't get how pollsters can manipulate results like that. 293 00:26:15,571 --> 00:26:17,155 Welcome to the 21st century. 294 00:26:24,780 --> 00:26:26,946 It's not coming. The subway? 295 00:26:27,905 --> 00:26:28,946 All right. 296 00:26:31,321 --> 00:26:32,780 I'd given up lame gigs 297 00:26:32,946 --> 00:26:35,238 but my roommate bailed. I'm in shit. 298 00:26:36,280 --> 00:26:37,946 How much is the room? 299 00:26:38,488 --> 00:26:40,613 500 cash in hand. Why? 300 00:26:40,905 --> 00:26:42,780 Could I move in tonight? 301 00:26:45,238 --> 00:26:46,696 Aren't we going too fast? 302 00:26:46,863 --> 00:26:48,446 I know. You need guarantees. 303 00:26:48,613 --> 00:26:51,988 I can pay six months upfront. 3,000 euros, if that's okay? 304 00:26:53,030 --> 00:26:55,530 Stranger, you'd give me 3 grand in cash? 305 00:26:55,696 --> 00:26:59,321 If it reassures you. One payment or six, same deal. 306 00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:02,905 You stuck up a bank? 307 00:27:04,613 --> 00:27:06,988 A life doing math sounds like hell. 308 00:27:07,988 --> 00:27:09,863 Just the idea, call an ambulance. 309 00:27:12,446 --> 00:27:13,655 What do you do? 310 00:27:13,821 --> 00:27:14,905 I'm a dancer. 311 00:27:15,863 --> 00:27:19,238 I got it through my uncle, a plumber who's here a lot. 312 00:27:20,071 --> 00:27:21,571 Nothing's up to code. 313 00:27:35,655 --> 00:27:36,613 Welcome! 314 00:27:40,280 --> 00:27:41,321 Kitchen. 315 00:27:50,238 --> 00:27:51,280 Living room. 316 00:27:55,113 --> 00:27:57,655 What about the cleaning? We take turns? 317 00:27:58,030 --> 00:27:59,113 Yeah. 318 00:27:59,488 --> 00:28:03,113 It was my roommate's turn. She flaked on it before she bailed. 319 00:28:11,321 --> 00:28:12,405 The room. 320 00:28:17,613 --> 00:28:18,655 It's perfect. 321 00:28:20,113 --> 00:28:21,196 I'll take it. 322 00:28:22,155 --> 00:28:23,155 Great. 323 00:28:24,405 --> 00:28:27,196 Can you spot me an advance on the 3,000? 324 00:28:27,530 --> 00:28:28,696 Yes. 325 00:28:30,155 --> 00:28:31,238 Cool. 326 00:28:45,905 --> 00:28:47,696 Marguerite, my new roommate. 327 00:28:52,655 --> 00:28:54,780 In future, I want the rent on time. 328 00:28:54,946 --> 00:28:57,238 - I informed your uncle. - It's all new now. 329 00:28:57,405 --> 00:28:59,946 New roommate, new deal. No hassle, Mr. Kong. 330 00:29:00,363 --> 00:29:02,030 Monsieur Kong, please. 331 00:29:02,655 --> 00:29:03,988 What are they playing? 332 00:29:04,155 --> 00:29:05,238 Mahjong. 333 00:29:06,030 --> 00:29:07,530 It's like poker in Asia. 334 00:29:07,821 --> 00:29:08,738 Right? 335 00:29:09,238 --> 00:29:11,155 Not at all. Far more complicated. 336 00:29:11,321 --> 00:29:12,821 There's a lot less chance. 337 00:29:14,238 --> 00:29:15,196 See you. 338 00:29:15,363 --> 00:29:17,238 - See you. - Goodbye. 339 00:29:35,863 --> 00:29:37,405 Stock control is crucial. 340 00:29:37,821 --> 00:29:40,196 Apply the method, or it's a mess. 341 00:29:40,363 --> 00:29:42,946 We sort by size not model, okay? 342 00:29:43,113 --> 00:29:44,696 I know it might seem... 343 00:29:44,863 --> 00:29:46,196 But it's how we do it. 344 00:29:48,071 --> 00:29:49,946 You'll see, we're not on your back. 345 00:29:50,113 --> 00:29:52,446 We like our staff to be autonomous. 346 00:29:52,905 --> 00:29:56,488 Do your job, don't overdo the smoke breaks, 347 00:29:56,655 --> 00:29:57,988 and we're cool. 348 00:29:58,780 --> 00:30:01,696 Switch Block are high-end, spring-summer sneakers, 349 00:30:01,863 --> 00:30:03,738 strap closure and embroidered logo. 350 00:30:03,905 --> 00:30:07,113 Suede and leather, they boast a breathable insole 351 00:30:07,280 --> 00:30:08,821 to prevent unpleasant odors. 352 00:30:09,988 --> 00:30:11,863 You're learning it by heart? 353 00:30:13,446 --> 00:30:14,488 Sure. 354 00:31:05,780 --> 00:31:06,988 Can I come in? 355 00:31:18,905 --> 00:31:21,196 I heard you have an orgasm last night. 356 00:31:27,196 --> 00:31:28,863 The soundproofing's terrible. 357 00:31:31,488 --> 00:31:32,905 It really feels so good? 358 00:31:33,571 --> 00:31:34,655 Meaning? 359 00:31:34,821 --> 00:31:37,196 Yes, it really feels so good. Not for you? 360 00:31:39,071 --> 00:31:40,780 I don't think I ever had an orgasm. 361 00:31:41,821 --> 00:31:43,155 Seriously? Never? 362 00:31:44,321 --> 00:31:45,946 No. At least, not like that. 363 00:31:48,863 --> 00:31:51,530 You've already been with guys? Or girls? 364 00:31:51,696 --> 00:31:53,030 Yes, two relationships. 365 00:31:53,446 --> 00:31:54,571 Both short. 366 00:31:55,405 --> 00:31:56,821 I'm heterosexual. 367 00:31:58,821 --> 00:32:00,363 I always prioritized math. 368 00:32:01,238 --> 00:32:02,280 Anyway... 369 00:32:02,863 --> 00:32:05,071 I was never very attractive to men. 370 00:32:05,238 --> 00:32:06,613 You're pretty, though. 371 00:32:09,446 --> 00:32:10,905 I'm not feminine. 372 00:32:12,821 --> 00:32:15,155 I bet some guys go for your type. 373 00:32:17,196 --> 00:32:18,488 What's my type? 374 00:32:20,821 --> 00:32:22,780 Your type? The class whiz. 375 00:32:26,821 --> 00:32:28,196 Do you look at guys? 376 00:32:32,655 --> 00:32:34,946 How else will you know if they look at you? 377 00:33:15,405 --> 00:33:18,280 - Can I be of assistance? - Just looking, thanks. 378 00:34:09,446 --> 00:34:12,071 Hi, Marguerite. Lucas Savelli at ENS. 379 00:34:13,405 --> 00:34:15,780 I heard you dropped out. I hope you're okay. 380 00:34:16,488 --> 00:34:18,280 Laurent Werner asked me to call. 381 00:34:18,905 --> 00:34:22,696 We need your permission to publish an article together. 382 00:34:22,988 --> 00:34:26,030 Why would I sign? I've nothing to do with Werner now. 383 00:34:27,196 --> 00:34:28,696 Your lemma was irretrievable. 384 00:34:28,863 --> 00:34:31,946 But your idea altered our perspective on the problem. 385 00:34:32,321 --> 00:34:36,321 We've developed a new method to prove arithmetic progressions for prime numbers. 386 00:34:36,488 --> 00:34:38,613 We'll submit it to Annals of Math. 387 00:34:39,196 --> 00:34:42,530 Our pseudo random weight is truncated von Mangoldt function. 388 00:34:42,905 --> 00:34:44,821 You realize all that it opens up? 389 00:34:47,280 --> 00:34:50,613 If we prove Szemerédi, maybe we'll prove Goldbach. 390 00:35:07,363 --> 00:35:08,488 She hung up? 391 00:35:32,655 --> 00:35:33,696 Hey. 392 00:35:35,613 --> 00:35:38,280 Enough of the post-its. They're triggering. 393 00:35:39,196 --> 00:35:41,405 Walls of your disapproval, no thanks. 394 00:35:46,030 --> 00:35:47,446 A house-share is cohabitation. 395 00:35:47,613 --> 00:35:49,946 Nobody's perfect. Accept each other's flaws. 396 00:35:50,113 --> 00:35:51,405 Or it won't work. 397 00:36:11,655 --> 00:36:12,863 You're going out tonight? 398 00:36:13,030 --> 00:36:15,613 With dancer buddies in a bar nearby. 399 00:36:16,446 --> 00:36:17,821 Can I come? 400 00:36:19,655 --> 00:36:21,488 Yeah, if you want. 401 00:36:22,863 --> 00:36:23,905 Thanks. 402 00:36:25,780 --> 00:36:27,155 Chris is there! 403 00:36:28,946 --> 00:36:30,405 He's an insane dancer. 404 00:36:31,821 --> 00:36:33,196 It's gonna be dope. 405 00:38:12,780 --> 00:38:13,863 That was so cool. 406 00:38:14,030 --> 00:38:15,738 - Yeah, awesome. - So cool. 407 00:38:19,571 --> 00:38:21,363 We're made to dance together. 408 00:38:22,821 --> 00:38:25,030 Think I don't see what you're pulling? 409 00:38:25,196 --> 00:38:26,363 You're shitting me? 410 00:38:26,738 --> 00:38:28,488 Quit hitting on him. 411 00:38:28,946 --> 00:38:29,988 You're wack. 412 00:38:30,155 --> 00:38:32,488 Okay, take it easy, girls. Cool it. 413 00:38:32,655 --> 00:38:33,571 It's cool. 414 00:38:34,196 --> 00:38:37,655 Noa, keep strutting, showboating in front of everyone, 415 00:38:38,238 --> 00:38:40,488 soon you'll make hooker in a rap video. 416 00:38:44,071 --> 00:38:45,238 Who are you? 417 00:40:49,821 --> 00:40:50,988 Have we met? 418 00:40:52,738 --> 00:40:54,571 We were in the same nightclub. 419 00:40:55,488 --> 00:40:57,488 - Le Nouveau Casino? - Yes. 420 00:40:58,821 --> 00:40:59,821 Come on! 421 00:41:01,196 --> 00:41:02,238 All right. 422 00:41:02,905 --> 00:41:05,530 I mean, come on, you're following me. 423 00:41:06,655 --> 00:41:07,863 It bothers you? 424 00:41:10,071 --> 00:41:12,738 You often follow folks in the street? 425 00:41:13,405 --> 00:41:15,238 No, it's the first time. 426 00:41:17,530 --> 00:41:20,571 People don't usually come onto me like that. 427 00:41:21,946 --> 00:41:23,905 How do they come onto you? 428 00:41:27,655 --> 00:41:29,321 They don't come onto me. 429 00:41:30,446 --> 00:41:32,988 Let's say I did. What would you do? 430 00:41:35,446 --> 00:41:37,863 I'd start by asking your name. 431 00:41:39,780 --> 00:41:41,155 My name's Marguerite. 432 00:41:44,363 --> 00:41:45,946 Yanis. Nice to meet you. 433 00:41:52,488 --> 00:41:53,655 Want a drink? 434 00:41:54,071 --> 00:41:55,405 I'm not thirsty, thanks. 435 00:42:13,821 --> 00:42:15,196 I'm not your type? 436 00:42:16,446 --> 00:42:17,405 Sure. 437 00:42:19,113 --> 00:42:20,613 Sure, you're lovely. 438 00:42:27,155 --> 00:42:28,405 It's just that... 439 00:42:29,280 --> 00:42:31,113 Staring at me stresses me out. 440 00:42:34,363 --> 00:42:35,405 Sorry. 441 00:42:43,405 --> 00:42:45,363 Don't you want to talk first? 442 00:42:46,363 --> 00:42:48,238 No, not specially. 443 00:43:56,363 --> 00:43:57,988 That's hitting really hard. 444 00:43:58,155 --> 00:43:59,655 We'll wake the neighbors. 445 00:43:59,821 --> 00:44:01,196 With all the noise. 446 00:45:22,780 --> 00:45:25,280 Marguerite, I'm not sure I understand. 447 00:45:26,155 --> 00:45:29,530 Laurent Werner called to say you left ENS. 448 00:45:31,030 --> 00:45:32,446 Is that true? 449 00:45:33,155 --> 00:45:34,405 You left ENS? 450 00:45:36,071 --> 00:45:38,071 I'm talking to you. Is it true? 451 00:45:39,155 --> 00:45:40,363 I apologize. 452 00:45:42,238 --> 00:45:44,071 You had no right to drop out. 453 00:45:44,488 --> 00:45:46,530 Wrecking everything. It's outrageous. 454 00:45:47,280 --> 00:45:50,988 And what's going on with this article you won't sign? 455 00:45:51,613 --> 00:45:53,321 He shouldn't drag you into it. 456 00:45:53,488 --> 00:45:55,321 You have a passion for math! 457 00:45:55,488 --> 00:45:56,863 It's your whole life! 458 00:45:57,030 --> 00:45:59,155 With your gift, you can't just quit. 459 00:46:07,071 --> 00:46:08,863 Why did you call my mother? 460 00:46:10,155 --> 00:46:12,030 Lucas, leave us alone, will you? 461 00:46:13,780 --> 00:46:15,780 You had no right to involve her. 462 00:46:19,488 --> 00:46:22,780 I just wanted her to convince you to sign the article. 463 00:46:22,946 --> 00:46:24,696 Why not call me in person? 464 00:46:24,863 --> 00:46:26,446 You're far too emotional. 465 00:46:26,613 --> 00:46:29,405 Going through your mother seemed easier. 466 00:46:29,571 --> 00:46:32,821 I thought she knew that you had left. 467 00:46:38,446 --> 00:46:41,530 I truly regret you giving up mathematics. 468 00:46:42,946 --> 00:46:45,905 How can you say that after shunting me aside? 469 00:46:46,071 --> 00:46:49,946 I didn't. I was trying to help you out of this deadlock. 470 00:46:54,696 --> 00:46:56,988 Truth is, you used me for your research, 471 00:46:57,155 --> 00:46:59,571 and when I didn't fulfill expectations, 472 00:46:59,738 --> 00:47:01,946 you tossed me away like I'm worthless. 473 00:47:02,530 --> 00:47:05,363 See, you take it far too personally. 474 00:47:07,280 --> 00:47:10,738 Yeah, right, mathematics and emotions don't mix. 475 00:47:13,321 --> 00:47:15,530 You can release your publication. 476 00:47:16,113 --> 00:47:18,780 It's the last time our names will be associated. 477 00:47:45,238 --> 00:47:46,280 Wait! 478 00:47:49,613 --> 00:47:51,321 You owe me this month's rent. 479 00:47:53,238 --> 00:47:55,655 You owe me this month's rent. 480 00:47:56,905 --> 00:47:58,613 Sorry. I guess Noa forgot. 481 00:47:58,780 --> 00:47:59,905 Yeah, sure. 482 00:48:00,321 --> 00:48:02,446 By Friday evening, or you're out. 483 00:48:03,155 --> 00:48:04,113 Got it. 484 00:48:04,280 --> 00:48:05,488 Friday evening. 485 00:48:10,988 --> 00:48:13,446 When I heard about Zadig N'Diaye in Montpellier, 486 00:48:13,613 --> 00:48:15,113 it's like a huge opportunity. 487 00:48:15,613 --> 00:48:17,280 He auditions after the course. 488 00:48:18,321 --> 00:48:20,905 It costs 2,500 euros and you'd just given me it. 489 00:48:21,738 --> 00:48:23,530 I cracked, couldn't resist. 490 00:48:24,780 --> 00:48:25,780 I'll pay it back. 491 00:48:27,821 --> 00:48:28,863 Promise. 492 00:48:34,863 --> 00:48:38,280 For the rent, where will you get 1,000 euros by Saturday? 493 00:48:40,530 --> 00:48:41,613 Monsieur Kong? 494 00:48:46,321 --> 00:48:47,196 What now? 495 00:48:47,363 --> 00:48:51,363 I'll pay the rent by playing mahjong with the 350 euros I have left. 496 00:48:57,405 --> 00:48:58,946 That's a new one on me. 497 00:48:59,113 --> 00:49:01,071 If I lose, we leave tomorrow morning. 498 00:49:01,821 --> 00:49:03,780 Or the end of the week, maybe. 499 00:49:06,738 --> 00:49:09,405 Know what? You'll lose your 350. 500 00:49:09,571 --> 00:49:11,280 And you'll be out tomorrow. 501 00:49:22,530 --> 00:49:23,613 Good evening. 502 00:51:06,738 --> 00:51:07,821 Mahjong. 503 00:53:15,488 --> 00:53:16,488 Thank you. 504 00:53:16,655 --> 00:53:17,863 Stopping already? 505 00:53:20,238 --> 00:53:21,530 We can partner up. 506 00:53:21,696 --> 00:53:23,946 I'll line up games, for a 20% cut. 507 00:53:48,696 --> 00:53:49,946 You're unbelievable. 508 00:53:50,405 --> 00:53:51,280 Thanks. 509 00:53:51,571 --> 00:53:52,696 No problem. 510 00:53:54,905 --> 00:53:55,905 What you doing? 511 00:53:56,071 --> 00:53:59,113 Trying a new proof of arithmetic progressions 512 00:53:59,280 --> 00:54:00,571 in prime numbers. 513 00:54:01,488 --> 00:54:02,655 And why not? 514 00:54:03,696 --> 00:54:05,321 Mahjong has sets of 2, 3 and 4. 515 00:54:05,488 --> 00:54:09,155 Like prime numbers smaller than N, there's a finite number of tiles. 516 00:54:09,321 --> 00:54:12,738 I'm looking for a link as a path to proving Szemerédi. 517 00:54:13,488 --> 00:54:14,405 Awesome. 518 00:54:14,946 --> 00:54:17,988 I wanted to buy you a beer but I'll leave you with math. 519 00:54:18,280 --> 00:54:19,280 Thanks. 520 00:56:45,780 --> 00:56:47,113 Nice neighborhood. 521 00:56:49,238 --> 00:56:50,530 It's vibrant. 522 00:56:52,113 --> 00:56:53,571 Quite a change for you. 523 00:56:54,446 --> 00:56:56,655 When did you last come to Paris? 524 00:56:57,446 --> 00:56:59,613 Back in your first year, I think. 525 00:57:22,988 --> 00:57:24,571 What's the game in your room? 526 00:57:24,738 --> 00:57:25,738 Mahjong. 527 00:57:26,238 --> 00:57:27,696 You'll have to teach me. 528 00:57:28,780 --> 00:57:31,363 Is it okay if I smoke at the window? 529 00:57:48,821 --> 00:57:51,280 Something's different about your face. 530 00:57:53,488 --> 00:57:55,363 Class 5B still stressing you out? 531 00:57:58,030 --> 00:58:00,571 No, I managed to hook them on algebra. 532 00:58:00,738 --> 00:58:03,446 I made it a game. It works great. 533 00:58:08,113 --> 00:58:09,696 And you? How's work? 534 00:58:11,196 --> 00:58:12,613 I was terminated. 535 00:58:13,530 --> 00:58:14,613 Shoot. 536 00:58:16,863 --> 00:58:17,946 How come? 537 00:58:19,613 --> 00:58:21,780 I refused to obey an illogical order. 538 00:58:31,363 --> 00:58:34,405 But I found a far more lucrative occupation. 539 00:58:36,780 --> 00:58:37,905 Doing what? 540 00:58:39,405 --> 00:58:41,113 Playing mahjong, actually. 541 00:58:42,988 --> 00:58:45,988 - How is that lucrative? - You play for money. 542 00:58:46,155 --> 00:58:49,238 I earn 2-6,000 euros a month. 543 00:58:51,738 --> 00:58:52,863 Sorry, I... 544 00:58:54,113 --> 00:58:55,196 I don't understand. 545 00:58:56,155 --> 00:58:57,488 Where do you play? 546 00:58:58,405 --> 00:59:01,446 Here, locally. There are lots of gaming tables. 547 00:59:07,155 --> 00:59:10,071 As an occupation, isn't it illegal? 548 00:59:10,655 --> 00:59:12,988 Sure. But no more than poker. 549 00:59:15,071 --> 00:59:16,738 You can't be serious. 550 00:59:17,321 --> 00:59:19,488 You can't earn a living like that. 551 00:59:20,238 --> 00:59:23,321 What does your friend Noa say? 552 00:59:24,071 --> 00:59:26,405 She's delighted. I pay the rent. 553 00:59:26,780 --> 00:59:27,988 It's crazy. 554 00:59:30,071 --> 00:59:32,113 You understand I'm scared for you? 555 00:59:32,280 --> 00:59:34,530 That I worry after all that's happened? 556 00:59:35,905 --> 00:59:37,405 You always worried 557 00:59:37,988 --> 00:59:39,530 and you'll always worry. 558 00:59:40,530 --> 00:59:42,530 That's why it's easier to lie. 559 00:59:50,196 --> 00:59:52,196 It's all going to be my fault now. 560 00:59:53,655 --> 00:59:55,821 It's so much easier to blame me. 561 01:00:03,738 --> 01:00:05,405 I'd better be going. 562 01:01:35,488 --> 01:01:36,613 Having fun? 563 01:01:39,071 --> 01:01:40,613 You've finished packing? 564 01:01:40,780 --> 01:01:41,780 Not even. 565 01:01:42,905 --> 01:01:44,655 I'll do it last-minute. 566 01:01:46,280 --> 01:01:48,655 I can't wait but it stresses me out. 567 01:01:48,821 --> 01:01:49,821 It's wack. 568 01:01:53,571 --> 01:01:55,696 The audition at the end freaks me out. 569 01:01:57,155 --> 01:01:58,696 A real game-changer. 570 01:02:01,988 --> 01:02:04,488 Noa, the first time I saw you dance, 571 01:02:05,071 --> 01:02:06,571 it was like nothing else. 572 01:02:09,530 --> 01:02:10,738 You're so sweet. 573 01:02:23,613 --> 01:02:26,071 The wallpaper's looking pretty good. 574 01:02:27,405 --> 01:02:29,738 I still don't get the point of it. 575 01:02:32,321 --> 01:02:34,321 When they proved the earth was 576 01:02:34,488 --> 01:02:38,238 round not flat, it changed our way of seeing the world. 577 01:02:39,321 --> 01:02:41,113 It allowed us 578 01:02:42,196 --> 01:02:45,738 to draw a line between what we know and what we don't. 579 01:02:48,738 --> 01:02:50,238 That's the point of math. 580 01:02:51,905 --> 01:02:53,280 Seeking the truth. 581 01:02:58,321 --> 01:03:01,863 In the world of mathematics, things are moving at ENS. 582 01:03:02,030 --> 01:03:06,155 Prof. Laurent Werner has just proved Szemerédi's theorem. 583 01:03:06,321 --> 01:03:09,321 You might think if it's a theorem, it must be true, 584 01:03:09,488 --> 01:03:11,071 so it changes nothing. 585 01:03:11,238 --> 01:03:12,946 In fact, it changes everything, 586 01:03:13,113 --> 01:03:15,113 with a revolutionary new approach. 587 01:03:15,280 --> 01:03:16,571 There are high hopes 588 01:03:16,738 --> 01:03:19,446 the method may be applied to other problems. 589 01:03:19,613 --> 01:03:20,988 According to Laurent Werner, 590 01:03:21,155 --> 01:03:24,155 why not the famous Goldbach conjecture? 591 01:03:24,321 --> 01:03:27,530 He will present his work, with assistant Lucas Savelli, 592 01:03:27,696 --> 01:03:29,030 at a conference in Lausanne... 593 01:04:27,613 --> 01:04:30,030 Sorry for the slap. It was insensitive. 594 01:04:34,613 --> 01:04:38,071 You didn't come all this way to apologize? It's unnecessary. 595 01:04:38,196 --> 01:04:40,696 No, about your progress with Werner. 596 01:04:41,030 --> 01:04:43,155 Right now? Let's talk another time. 597 01:04:43,363 --> 01:04:44,738 No, it's urgent. 598 01:04:45,071 --> 01:04:46,738 Can you come to my place? 599 01:04:47,613 --> 01:04:48,530 Sorry? 600 01:04:49,113 --> 01:04:52,446 What I need to show you won't fit on a slate. 601 01:04:53,446 --> 01:04:54,613 Come with me? 602 01:04:56,280 --> 01:04:57,571 You're really funny. 603 01:04:58,280 --> 01:05:00,196 Math is no laughing matter. 604 01:05:00,363 --> 01:05:01,863 Nothing is to you. 605 01:05:02,405 --> 01:05:04,113 That's why you're so funny. 606 01:05:04,863 --> 01:05:06,988 It's in your interest to come. 607 01:05:27,988 --> 01:05:29,446 You did all this alone? 608 01:05:31,238 --> 01:05:33,321 How long did it take to prove Szemerédi? 609 01:05:33,488 --> 01:05:34,655 Two months, ten days. 610 01:05:36,196 --> 01:05:37,363 Unbelievable! 611 01:05:38,071 --> 01:05:39,863 But you two proved it first. 612 01:05:40,238 --> 01:05:42,946 I wanted to see you about my new project. 613 01:06:04,655 --> 01:06:06,446 It's a new method, never tried. 614 01:06:07,863 --> 01:06:09,780 You have a shot at Goldbach? 615 01:06:11,196 --> 01:06:14,238 I'd like to present some proofs at Lausanne. 616 01:06:15,155 --> 01:06:16,321 You're invited? 617 01:06:16,696 --> 01:06:18,571 No, but you are. 618 01:06:19,946 --> 01:06:21,405 We could work together. 619 01:06:22,030 --> 01:06:23,613 I thought you hated it. 620 01:06:25,155 --> 01:06:27,363 Goldbach, I can't crack it alone. 621 01:06:28,321 --> 01:06:29,363 Why me? 622 01:06:30,571 --> 01:06:32,738 With you, I can solve the problem. 623 01:06:33,530 --> 01:06:36,446 You mean, only I can help you solve the problem? 624 01:06:37,863 --> 01:06:39,113 Why'd I accept? 625 01:06:40,238 --> 01:06:44,571 I didn't think you'd risk missing out on a major step forward. 626 01:06:45,738 --> 01:06:47,446 And you think I'm funny. 627 01:06:52,655 --> 01:06:53,696 So funny. 628 01:06:55,530 --> 01:06:57,530 But no interference from Werner. 629 01:06:58,655 --> 01:07:00,613 It's all our work and discoveries. 630 01:07:13,655 --> 01:07:15,613 It's tricky with regard to Werner. 631 01:07:18,280 --> 01:07:19,655 Lucas, yes or no? 632 01:07:22,946 --> 01:07:25,446 We'll control the number of solutions 633 01:07:25,988 --> 01:07:28,113 with the singular function. 634 01:07:30,488 --> 01:07:32,530 So decompose minor and major arcs. 635 01:07:48,738 --> 01:07:50,363 You have to make that noise? 636 01:07:51,280 --> 01:07:52,946 Sorry, it helps me think. 637 01:07:53,530 --> 01:07:56,113 - What helps you concentrate? - Silence. 638 01:07:57,155 --> 01:07:58,655 Received loud and clear. 639 01:08:04,780 --> 01:08:06,071 Problem solved. 640 01:08:13,363 --> 01:08:17,030 We need to isolate the factor with the Euler function, actually. 641 01:08:19,655 --> 01:08:21,695 You want veal or beef stew? 642 01:08:23,405 --> 01:08:24,363 Veal. 643 01:08:30,113 --> 01:08:31,238 Want a beer? 644 01:08:31,613 --> 01:08:32,655 Sure, thanks. 645 01:08:46,988 --> 01:08:48,363 Big place you have. 646 01:08:49,030 --> 01:08:50,195 You live alone here? 647 01:08:51,405 --> 01:08:54,070 My roommate's doing a dance course in Montpellier. 648 01:08:55,155 --> 01:08:56,445 Incoming text. 649 01:08:56,945 --> 01:08:57,863 Who from? 650 01:08:59,945 --> 01:09:02,695 All alone tonight? I want you so bad... 651 01:09:02,863 --> 01:09:03,695 From Yanis. 652 01:09:05,695 --> 01:09:07,320 Sounds eager to see you. 653 01:09:26,738 --> 01:09:27,780 What? 654 01:09:28,655 --> 01:09:31,195 So Marguerite has a life outside of math. 655 01:09:36,570 --> 01:09:37,488 Boyfriend? 656 01:09:39,655 --> 01:09:41,320 No, it's just recreational. 657 01:09:42,070 --> 01:09:43,238 "Recreational"! 658 01:09:45,488 --> 01:09:47,113 Why a passion for Goldbach at 11? 659 01:09:48,321 --> 01:09:49,696 I always loved math. 660 01:09:51,155 --> 01:09:53,030 From your father or mother? 661 01:09:54,530 --> 01:09:56,196 You're always so inquisitive? 662 01:09:57,071 --> 01:09:58,613 It's just normal, right? 663 01:09:58,780 --> 01:10:00,321 You never ask questions? 664 01:10:02,780 --> 01:10:04,655 It's no help with Goldbach. 665 01:10:06,280 --> 01:10:09,155 So working relationships are pointless? 666 01:10:09,863 --> 01:10:11,780 For me, they're vital to progress. 667 01:10:14,405 --> 01:10:17,363 - Good luck getting on with Werner. - Precisely. 668 01:10:17,530 --> 01:10:19,821 I'm hoping you're less rigid than him. 669 01:10:21,738 --> 01:10:25,571 You'll do anything to succeed, whoever you work with. 670 01:10:31,696 --> 01:10:32,738 Back to work? 671 01:10:33,446 --> 01:10:35,571 No, it's 2 am. I'm going home. 672 01:10:35,738 --> 01:10:37,946 "Life outside of math"! 673 01:10:39,113 --> 01:10:42,280 See you Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'm with you-know-who. 674 01:10:45,071 --> 01:10:46,405 Thanks for dinner. 675 01:10:55,155 --> 01:10:56,571 See you Wednesday then. 676 01:10:57,071 --> 01:10:58,196 Yup, Wednesday. 677 01:11:49,946 --> 01:11:51,113 Can I help? 678 01:11:54,113 --> 01:11:55,863 This isn't working for me. 679 01:11:57,071 --> 01:11:58,030 How come? 680 01:11:58,738 --> 01:12:00,196 Sometimes, you hit a wall. 681 01:12:01,238 --> 01:12:02,821 Actually, you're the wall. 682 01:12:03,738 --> 01:12:07,196 Your earplugs make me feel like I'm sound pollution. 683 01:12:11,946 --> 01:12:13,155 Problem solved. 684 01:12:13,946 --> 01:12:14,946 No, Marguerite. 685 01:12:15,446 --> 01:12:16,946 You're too cold and closed. 686 01:12:17,113 --> 01:12:18,946 It won't work, we're too different. 687 01:12:22,821 --> 01:12:24,113 You like Chinese? 688 01:12:39,905 --> 01:12:41,446 Math comes from my mother. 689 01:12:41,613 --> 01:12:43,405 She teaches in middle school. 690 01:12:45,030 --> 01:12:48,155 I started helping grade tests when I was little. 691 01:12:48,321 --> 01:12:49,321 She wasn't well. 692 01:12:50,863 --> 01:12:52,696 My father had just left her. 693 01:12:56,321 --> 01:12:59,071 Back then, I suffered from insomnia. 694 01:13:00,113 --> 01:13:02,321 Full of anxiety about infinity, 695 01:13:02,488 --> 01:13:03,780 the idea that... 696 01:13:05,613 --> 01:13:07,613 the universe had no end. 697 01:13:08,530 --> 01:13:10,280 So, in the library, 698 01:13:10,905 --> 01:13:13,280 I read all the math books I could find 699 01:13:13,446 --> 01:13:16,488 to solve tangible problems that have solutions. 700 01:13:17,280 --> 01:13:18,946 And one day, I... 701 01:13:20,780 --> 01:13:22,863 I came across Goldbach's pyramid. 702 01:13:25,655 --> 01:13:28,530 A currently unsolved problem 703 01:13:29,530 --> 01:13:31,946 with its infinity of prime numbers. 704 01:13:35,238 --> 01:13:36,405 It was... 705 01:13:38,071 --> 01:13:39,488 such a challenge. 706 01:13:40,988 --> 01:13:42,196 A problem... 707 01:13:43,280 --> 01:13:45,738 so complex and magnificent. 708 01:13:48,280 --> 01:13:51,530 I knew I'd spend my life trying to solve it. 709 01:13:53,155 --> 01:13:54,488 Goldbach was a way 710 01:13:55,530 --> 01:13:57,238 of putting order into infinity. 711 01:14:07,863 --> 01:14:09,113 Your mother raised you? 712 01:14:10,280 --> 01:14:11,280 Yes. 713 01:14:11,988 --> 01:14:15,321 My father left when I was 9. We lived in Berlin then. 714 01:14:16,446 --> 01:14:17,988 When he left us, 715 01:14:18,988 --> 01:14:21,488 my mother chose to move back to France. 716 01:14:25,321 --> 01:14:26,571 You still see him? 717 01:14:27,030 --> 01:14:28,071 No. 718 01:14:29,863 --> 01:14:31,863 He lives in Canada. We're not in touch. 719 01:14:33,821 --> 01:14:36,030 And you? From your father or mother? 720 01:14:37,071 --> 01:14:38,071 Neither. 721 01:14:39,071 --> 01:14:41,613 Dad's a financial advisor. Mom's an antique dealer. 722 01:14:42,655 --> 01:14:45,238 They never understood why I chose research. 723 01:14:45,780 --> 01:14:47,780 An occupation that pays so badly. 724 01:14:52,196 --> 01:14:53,446 Evening, Marguerite. 725 01:14:54,113 --> 01:14:55,071 Your boyfriend? 726 01:14:55,905 --> 01:14:57,280 No, a colleague. 727 01:14:58,905 --> 01:15:02,030 She's the best mahjong player in the neighborhood. 728 01:15:03,280 --> 01:15:04,280 Mahjong? 729 01:15:04,780 --> 01:15:05,946 She's very good. 730 01:15:06,446 --> 01:15:07,738 Enjoy your evening. 731 01:15:09,446 --> 01:15:11,446 Yes, I came across it after ENS. 732 01:15:14,196 --> 01:15:16,530 I play in illicit, local gaming rooms. 733 01:15:18,405 --> 01:15:19,571 From mahjong. 734 01:15:23,280 --> 01:15:24,321 So funny. 735 01:15:28,905 --> 01:15:32,613 So, tomorrow, are we working together? 736 01:15:35,238 --> 01:15:36,488 It's still early. 737 01:15:36,655 --> 01:15:37,613 Back at it? 738 01:15:42,863 --> 01:15:44,280 How about we try this? 739 01:15:49,238 --> 01:15:50,571 Or else, like this. 740 01:15:58,655 --> 01:15:59,821 Or this. 741 01:16:13,238 --> 01:16:14,530 Then this. 742 01:16:25,780 --> 01:16:26,905 And this. 743 01:16:36,530 --> 01:16:37,613 Beautiful. 744 01:17:26,988 --> 01:17:28,905 I hate being stuck like this. 745 01:17:33,821 --> 01:17:36,571 A prof at Oxford, working on the Riemann theorem... 746 01:17:37,780 --> 01:17:41,155 When he got stuck, he let off steam by pumping iron. 747 01:17:43,280 --> 01:17:44,655 He never proved Riemann 748 01:17:45,571 --> 01:17:47,113 but he's a bodybuilder now. 749 01:17:57,238 --> 01:17:58,613 I like your hair. 750 01:17:58,780 --> 01:17:59,780 You do? 751 01:18:00,113 --> 01:18:01,655 It won't stay in place. 752 01:18:02,280 --> 01:18:03,613 I like the disorder. 753 01:18:05,280 --> 01:18:07,530 I have my mom's hair. Straighter than straight. 754 01:18:07,738 --> 01:18:09,863 It suits you combed back like that. 755 01:18:10,530 --> 01:18:11,571 It's very... 756 01:18:12,071 --> 01:18:13,321 Class whiz? 757 01:18:21,113 --> 01:18:24,988 How about using distribution of prime numbers to find a lower bound? 758 01:18:27,321 --> 01:18:29,238 Yes, but for our method to work... 759 01:18:31,155 --> 01:18:33,030 we need to maximize sieve functions. 760 01:18:33,571 --> 01:18:34,571 Exactly. 761 01:18:35,405 --> 01:18:36,780 Race you to the apartment. 762 01:19:41,488 --> 01:19:43,280 Can I come in a minute? 763 01:19:53,238 --> 01:19:55,113 I hope this isn't a bad time. 764 01:19:58,113 --> 01:20:00,196 I came at your mother's request. 765 01:20:01,280 --> 01:20:04,821 You may wonder what it has to do with me... 766 01:20:06,155 --> 01:20:09,988 but she was so worried that I felt partly responsible 767 01:20:10,155 --> 01:20:12,696 for what we might call your slide. 768 01:20:16,071 --> 01:20:20,238 I know how mathematics can make a person vulnerable. 769 01:20:21,696 --> 01:20:24,696 We carry within us an obsessive aspect, 770 01:20:25,738 --> 01:20:29,571 which can be even more dangerous mixed in with gambling. 771 01:20:30,738 --> 01:20:33,905 You're not the first mathematician it's happened to. 772 01:20:43,655 --> 01:20:45,446 You're working on Goldbach. 773 01:20:47,655 --> 01:20:49,238 It's none of your business. 774 01:20:51,530 --> 01:20:54,821 I had a long rivalry with an ENS colleague 775 01:20:56,113 --> 01:20:58,113 who also worked on prime numbers. 776 01:20:58,280 --> 01:21:00,030 We despised each other. 777 01:21:00,196 --> 01:21:03,821 I was quite relieved when he left to teach at Yale. 778 01:21:04,488 --> 01:21:07,196 Five years later, he won the Fields Medal 779 01:21:07,363 --> 01:21:09,405 by proving what I was looking for. 780 01:21:10,321 --> 01:21:13,821 So I moved onto an even more ambitious goal. 781 01:21:14,655 --> 01:21:15,780 Goldbach. 782 01:21:16,446 --> 01:21:19,571 Since Szemerédi, I know it will be proved one day. 783 01:21:21,280 --> 01:21:22,363 By me... 784 01:21:23,030 --> 01:21:24,155 or someone else. 785 01:21:26,113 --> 01:21:28,863 You need to be solid to work on Goldbach. 786 01:21:29,530 --> 01:21:31,363 It's a labyrinthine problem 787 01:21:31,905 --> 01:21:34,196 that you can wander around for ages 788 01:21:34,946 --> 01:21:36,946 until it eats you up completely. 789 01:21:38,905 --> 01:21:40,821 Be very careful, Marguerite. 790 01:21:53,196 --> 01:21:56,530 You know, ultimately, who gets there is irrelevant. 791 01:21:56,780 --> 01:21:58,863 The main thing is progressing mathematics. 792 01:21:59,030 --> 01:22:01,988 The rest is pride and it's equal to zero. 793 01:22:31,238 --> 01:22:33,196 Seriously, he just rocks up here? 794 01:22:33,696 --> 01:22:34,821 What did he want? 795 01:22:34,988 --> 01:22:37,030 To see what I was working on. 796 01:22:45,405 --> 01:22:47,113 We're running out of space. 797 01:23:11,988 --> 01:23:13,780 It won't be dry before tomorrow. 798 01:23:35,655 --> 01:23:37,321 Can I sleep here tonight? 799 01:23:37,863 --> 01:23:40,113 Take Noa's room. The bed's made. 800 01:23:46,446 --> 01:23:47,613 Goodnight. 801 01:25:39,696 --> 01:25:40,988 Didn't we say 2 pm? 802 01:25:41,155 --> 01:25:43,113 - You didn't get my email? - No. 803 01:25:43,363 --> 01:25:46,071 Ending our work sessions for Lausanne. 804 01:25:46,238 --> 01:25:48,863 - We're sufficiently prepared. - Fine. 805 01:25:49,030 --> 01:25:52,446 As for your thesis, it can wait till after Lausanne. 806 01:25:52,905 --> 01:25:54,363 Sure, there's no hurry. 807 01:26:46,780 --> 01:26:49,863 Hey Noa, this is Lucas, who works with me. 808 01:26:50,738 --> 01:26:52,738 Pinch me, this is getting stupid. 809 01:26:53,280 --> 01:26:54,863 Ask me before you repaint! 810 01:26:57,405 --> 01:26:58,655 I'm talking to you! 811 01:26:58,821 --> 01:27:01,488 Sorry, I'm onto something really important. 812 01:27:01,905 --> 01:27:03,363 And you think I wasn't? 813 01:27:04,821 --> 01:27:06,696 Sorry, I absolutely must finish. 814 01:27:17,530 --> 01:27:18,613 You okay? 815 01:27:19,238 --> 01:27:21,655 You'd know if you listened to my messages. 816 01:27:26,655 --> 01:27:27,988 Is she for real? 817 01:27:28,655 --> 01:27:30,030 My fucking bedroom! 818 01:27:34,738 --> 01:27:37,113 I'm gonna take off before I really flip. 819 01:27:43,821 --> 01:27:45,655 I think I've got the last movement. 820 01:27:46,363 --> 01:27:48,405 You check. I'll grab a shower. 821 01:28:18,196 --> 01:28:19,363 You were right. 822 01:28:20,113 --> 01:28:22,113 We're proving a swathe of Goldbach. 823 01:29:20,821 --> 01:29:21,946 Something wrong? 824 01:29:22,405 --> 01:29:23,946 It doesn't stand up. 825 01:29:25,571 --> 01:29:27,280 Same old parity problem. 826 01:29:27,821 --> 01:29:29,488 Looks good but it's an abyss. 827 01:29:30,488 --> 01:29:31,655 How come? 828 01:29:31,821 --> 01:29:33,655 It opens up way more boxes. 829 01:29:34,321 --> 01:29:37,780 Checking the conditions is even harder than the arithmetic progressions. 830 01:29:38,238 --> 01:29:42,321 We find a new method or have an exponential number of proofs to make. 831 01:29:42,780 --> 01:29:43,863 Infinite. 832 01:29:56,363 --> 01:29:58,196 Right, I see what you mean. 833 01:30:03,655 --> 01:30:06,113 Anyway, we made a huge leap forward. 834 01:30:06,696 --> 01:30:08,405 The conference is in two weeks. 835 01:30:08,905 --> 01:30:10,405 We're screwed. 836 01:30:10,571 --> 01:30:12,696 If it's not this year, then next. 837 01:30:13,696 --> 01:30:15,488 This is Werner's year. 838 01:30:15,946 --> 01:30:19,030 Look, I get it, but this doesn't negate all we've done. 839 01:30:19,196 --> 01:30:20,821 It'll just take a bit longer. 840 01:30:21,488 --> 01:30:22,530 It's all good. 841 01:30:22,905 --> 01:30:25,905 It might take months or years to prove his movement. 842 01:30:26,071 --> 01:30:27,780 Werner might get there first. 843 01:30:30,488 --> 01:30:33,196 You want to prove Goldbach for him or you? 844 01:30:34,238 --> 01:30:35,655 You don't give a shit. 845 01:30:36,488 --> 01:30:38,821 Your Szemerédi proof gets you to Lausanne. 846 01:30:39,613 --> 01:30:41,780 Afterwards, why'd you work with me, 847 01:30:41,946 --> 01:30:44,196 when you'll have offers worldwide? 848 01:30:45,030 --> 01:30:47,530 You'll go solve the problem with someone else. 849 01:30:48,863 --> 01:30:50,988 You're like every mathematician. 850 01:30:51,696 --> 01:30:53,196 Be the best at all costs. 851 01:30:55,446 --> 01:30:58,155 Right, like all the others, I'll walk out on you. 852 01:30:58,613 --> 01:31:00,613 Don't you see you have a problem? 853 01:31:01,238 --> 01:31:03,446 Waiting for everyone to betray you. 854 01:31:04,488 --> 01:31:06,821 Can't you imagine you matter to someone? 855 01:31:10,655 --> 01:31:13,155 I was wrong to ask you to work with me. 856 01:31:15,196 --> 01:31:17,030 I'm not cut out for it. 857 01:31:21,905 --> 01:31:23,905 - You really believe that? - Yes. 858 01:31:25,821 --> 01:31:28,363 - What's that mean? We're done? - Yes. 859 01:31:30,863 --> 01:31:32,113 You're losing it... 860 01:31:32,280 --> 01:31:34,030 I'd like you to leave now. 861 01:31:39,571 --> 01:31:40,571 Now. 862 01:32:03,155 --> 01:32:05,613 You know you said I'd do anything to succeed? 863 01:32:07,113 --> 01:32:10,780 You were right. I sacrificed my PhD with Werner to work with you. 864 01:34:07,030 --> 01:34:08,113 That's impossible. 865 01:34:09,071 --> 01:34:10,113 I counted. 866 01:34:11,696 --> 01:34:12,946 That's not possible. 867 01:34:13,488 --> 01:34:15,905 He can't have that tile. It's been played. 868 01:34:16,821 --> 01:34:18,030 It's been played. 869 01:34:18,196 --> 01:34:19,821 There's one extra. It's impossible. 870 01:34:19,988 --> 01:34:21,155 He's cheating. 871 01:34:21,321 --> 01:34:23,488 He cheated. Look, I'll show you. 872 01:34:24,738 --> 01:34:25,780 He cheated! 873 01:34:26,405 --> 01:34:27,321 It's impossible. 874 01:34:27,655 --> 01:34:28,821 I counted the tiles. 875 01:34:28,988 --> 01:34:31,238 He cheated, sir. He cheated! 876 01:37:20,488 --> 01:37:22,696 Monsieur Kong called. What's going on? 877 01:37:23,113 --> 01:37:24,321 What day is it? 878 01:38:05,696 --> 01:38:07,696 For the train station. Take care of her. 879 01:38:19,071 --> 01:38:20,363 Thanks for everything. 880 01:38:21,696 --> 01:38:23,905 Don't bitch out on me. Keep in touch. 881 01:38:26,071 --> 01:38:27,155 Have a good trip. 882 01:39:56,446 --> 01:39:57,446 Mom... 883 01:40:00,113 --> 01:40:02,696 I think I've met someone important. 884 01:40:06,571 --> 01:40:07,738 It's strange. 885 01:40:08,405 --> 01:40:10,363 I think about him more than math. 886 01:40:14,780 --> 01:40:16,030 You're in love? 887 01:40:17,571 --> 01:40:18,696 Perhaps. 888 01:40:29,488 --> 01:40:30,863 You know, Marguerite... 889 01:40:33,530 --> 01:40:35,780 Even if it ended badly with your dad... 890 01:40:37,530 --> 01:40:40,030 I've never forgotten how happy I was with him. 891 01:42:33,988 --> 01:42:35,738 Lucas, it's Marguerite. 892 01:42:36,363 --> 01:42:37,738 I wanted to tell you, 893 01:42:37,905 --> 01:42:39,155 yesterday I... 894 01:42:39,780 --> 01:42:43,363 I found a drawing of Goldbach's pyramid in my room, 895 01:42:43,988 --> 01:42:45,780 and I saw it upside down. 896 01:42:47,280 --> 01:42:48,446 I must see you. 897 01:42:48,863 --> 01:42:51,321 I'll take my mom's car and I'm on my way. 898 01:43:58,280 --> 01:43:59,280 Excuse me, 899 01:43:59,571 --> 01:44:00,571 it's okay. 900 01:44:04,655 --> 01:44:06,738 You can't just appear out of the blue. 901 01:44:06,905 --> 01:44:08,238 I have the last movement. 902 01:44:08,405 --> 01:44:10,113 It's all about perspective. 903 01:44:10,446 --> 01:44:12,821 It's magnificent. I have to show you. 904 01:44:14,571 --> 01:44:15,655 Coming? 905 01:44:18,196 --> 01:44:20,405 A room with a board, this way. 906 01:44:24,530 --> 01:44:25,571 Follow me. 907 01:44:30,405 --> 01:44:34,488 We begin with a circle method with decomposition in major and minor arcs 908 01:44:34,655 --> 01:44:36,571 to control the number of solutions. 909 01:45:10,571 --> 01:45:14,280 Apparently a girl in the auditorium is doing a wild proof... 910 01:45:14,530 --> 01:45:16,863 I heard it's a proof of Goldbach. 911 01:45:22,863 --> 01:45:24,821 We introduce a sum weighted 912 01:45:25,321 --> 01:45:26,863 by Selberg weights. 913 01:45:27,571 --> 01:45:29,821 The Goldston-Pintz-Yildirim method. 914 01:45:29,988 --> 01:45:31,196 Exactly. 915 01:46:22,571 --> 01:46:23,571 That's it. 916 01:46:24,446 --> 01:46:25,696 You've found a path. 917 01:47:12,488 --> 01:47:13,655 She's my student. 918 01:48:35,738 --> 01:48:36,905 I love you. 919 01:49:08,530 --> 01:49:10,530 {\an8}for my mother