1 00:00:02,236 --> 00:00:03,271 * MTV. * 2 00:00:09,210 --> 00:00:11,312 (horns honking) 3 00:00:13,414 --> 00:00:15,749 -Ooh! -Oh, oh, oh! 4 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,485 -(horn honking) -DANA: Hi! 5 00:00:17,585 --> 00:00:18,752 -SOPHIA: Hi. -Hi. How are you? Welcome. 6 00:00:18,852 --> 00:00:20,421 -Good. Nice to meet you. -I'm Dana. 7 00:00:20,521 --> 00:00:21,855 -Nice to meet you. What's your name? -Sophia. 8 00:00:21,955 --> 00:00:23,057 Sophia, welcome. Are you excited? 9 00:00:23,157 --> 00:00:24,558 -Yeah. -Are you ready for a nose? 10 00:00:24,658 --> 00:00:26,994 -Yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Okay, great. Awesome. 11 00:00:27,095 --> 00:00:29,029 I have never done an improv class in my entire life. 12 00:00:29,130 --> 00:00:30,464 It's really my nightmare. 13 00:00:30,564 --> 00:00:32,466 Oh, what do I do? 14 00:00:32,566 --> 00:00:34,902 But Children's Hospital asked me to be a guest speaker 15 00:00:35,002 --> 00:00:37,138 for one of their galas to raise money for their hospital. 16 00:00:37,238 --> 00:00:39,340 And Sistine thinks that taking me 17 00:00:39,440 --> 00:00:41,542 to some improv class is going to help me get over 18 00:00:41,642 --> 00:00:43,544 my fear of public speaking, which I know it won't, 19 00:00:43,644 --> 00:00:46,347 but I should probably give it a shot. 20 00:00:46,447 --> 00:00:49,383 The red clown nose is the sign of being silly together. 21 00:00:49,483 --> 00:00:51,252 It's a sign of the fact that we are all going 22 00:00:51,352 --> 00:00:54,188 to just embrace making big, ridiculous choices together 23 00:00:54,288 --> 00:00:56,890 and being silly and supporting each other, and no judgment. 24 00:00:56,990 --> 00:00:59,026 So let's get into this today. 25 00:00:59,127 --> 00:01:00,861 -Hi. Would you come up onstage? -SISTINE: All right. 26 00:01:00,961 --> 00:01:02,663 -(applause) -DANA: How about in the back? Come on up. 27 00:01:02,763 --> 00:01:04,698 -Yeah, come on down. (whoops) -(cheering) 28 00:01:04,798 --> 00:01:07,568 Whenever you're ready, just start talking. 29 00:01:07,668 --> 00:01:09,337 You look so good tonight. 30 00:01:09,437 --> 00:01:10,738 Oh, my God, and so do you. 31 00:01:10,838 --> 00:01:12,039 Oh, my God. Where'd you get that top? 32 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:13,574 A store. 33 00:01:13,674 --> 00:01:15,008 Like, you're not going to tell me the store? 34 00:01:15,109 --> 00:01:16,644 (laughter) 35 00:01:16,744 --> 00:01:18,812 SOPHIA: Sistine's taking acting classes. 36 00:01:18,912 --> 00:01:20,314 DANA: Beautiful! 37 00:01:20,414 --> 00:01:22,082 SOPHIA: For her, it's easy. For me, 38 00:01:22,183 --> 00:01:23,917 it's so bad. It's so bad. 39 00:01:24,017 --> 00:01:27,488 (rhythmically): How about we get Sophia up here? 40 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:28,922 (applause and cheering) 41 00:01:29,021 --> 00:01:30,558 SISTINE: Sophia? 42 00:01:30,658 --> 00:01:32,560 I can tell her body is tensing up, and 43 00:01:32,660 --> 00:01:34,027 she doesn't want to be there. 44 00:01:34,128 --> 00:01:35,396 She looks so uncomfortable. 45 00:01:35,496 --> 00:01:36,896 But I'm going to enjoy it, so, 46 00:01:36,997 --> 00:01:37,997 it'll be good for her. 47 00:01:38,098 --> 00:01:40,901 Let's see Sophia give an improvised 48 00:01:41,001 --> 00:01:42,870 expert speech about books to the audience. 49 00:01:42,970 --> 00:01:44,938 I'm going to change the subject in just a second. 50 00:01:45,038 --> 00:01:46,407 -(dings) -Go for it. 51 00:01:46,507 --> 00:01:48,609 Um, if I had to recommend... 52 00:01:48,709 --> 00:01:50,478 Oh, God, where do I even start? 53 00:01:50,578 --> 00:01:52,580 I am so nervous. 54 00:01:52,680 --> 00:01:54,747 I am feeling super embarrassed 55 00:01:54,848 --> 00:01:57,585 that I'm probably not pronun-ciating things. 56 00:02:02,590 --> 00:02:04,225 -(dings) -Clowns. 57 00:02:04,325 --> 00:02:07,127 Okay. Um, okay. (laughs) 58 00:02:07,228 --> 00:02:10,731 -(man coughs) -Um... sorry. 59 00:02:10,830 --> 00:02:12,132 Part of me feels like 60 00:02:12,233 --> 00:02:15,068 maybe this wasn't the best approach for Sophia. 61 00:02:15,169 --> 00:02:17,271 -(bell dinging) -Internet! Butterflies! Kindergarteners! 62 00:02:17,371 --> 00:02:18,672 Your sisters! 63 00:02:18,772 --> 00:02:20,208 They're bitches. 64 00:02:20,308 --> 00:02:21,442 (laughter) 65 00:02:21,542 --> 00:02:22,943 -(bell dings) -Thank you, Sophia. 66 00:02:23,043 --> 00:02:24,812 (applause and cheering) 67 00:02:24,912 --> 00:02:27,448 I had hoped that improv class would have helped me, 68 00:02:27,548 --> 00:02:30,251 but actually, I feel like it's made me even more scared. 69 00:02:31,652 --> 00:02:33,287 * Talk to me, baby * 70 00:02:34,288 --> 00:02:37,825 * I'm goin' blind from this sweet, sweet craving, whoa-oh * 71 00:02:37,925 --> 00:02:41,462 * Let's lose our minds and go crazy, crazy * 72 00:02:41,562 --> 00:02:44,097 * I-I-I-I-I * 73 00:02:46,267 --> 00:02:48,067 * I-I-I-I-I. * 74 00:02:55,809 --> 00:02:57,511 (seabirds squawking) 75 00:02:57,611 --> 00:03:00,348 * Hey, why you playing for? Like, like * 76 00:03:00,448 --> 00:03:02,716 * Like, you know I'm dope, like, why are you playing? * 77 00:03:02,816 --> 00:03:05,319 Been waiting to come to this place. 78 00:03:05,419 --> 00:03:09,122 * Oh, you bad? Huh? * 79 00:03:09,223 --> 00:03:11,825 * Oh, you bad? Huh? * 80 00:03:11,925 --> 00:03:15,329 You must have about 150 pieces. 81 00:03:15,429 --> 00:03:17,365 * Oh, you bad? * 82 00:03:17,465 --> 00:03:19,199 Growing up, I spent a lot of time alone, 83 00:03:19,300 --> 00:03:21,435 and I started to just draw. 84 00:03:21,535 --> 00:03:23,671 * With a goofy, whoa, from sleeping on the floor * 85 00:03:23,771 --> 00:03:25,906 * To now my life is like a movie flick... * 86 00:03:26,006 --> 00:03:30,278 So I've been painting, my God, 90% of my life. 87 00:03:30,378 --> 00:03:32,045 It's truly a one-man sport. 88 00:03:32,145 --> 00:03:34,948 Whereas acting, I need the help of 100 people. 89 00:03:35,048 --> 00:03:36,750 Painting-- you're on your own. 90 00:03:36,850 --> 00:03:40,020 This is the purest communication you can have 91 00:03:40,120 --> 00:03:42,923 with your inner thoughts, just free-flowing. 92 00:03:43,023 --> 00:03:45,225 -And then, eventually, wham. -Yeah. 93 00:03:45,326 --> 00:03:46,727 It comes out as this. 94 00:03:46,827 --> 00:03:48,728 -Like a Rorschach almost. -Exactly. 95 00:03:48,829 --> 00:03:51,399 This is 100% you, 100% of Stallone. 96 00:03:51,499 --> 00:03:53,466 A permanent record. 97 00:03:53,567 --> 00:03:56,737 Really, his painting is almost a diary to him. 98 00:03:56,837 --> 00:03:59,139 If you really look at his art and how it evolved, 99 00:03:59,239 --> 00:04:01,041 I can tell you his really, really hard years 100 00:04:01,141 --> 00:04:02,610 or sad years for him. 101 00:04:02,710 --> 00:04:05,379 SYLVESTER: The older star, then the fallen star, 102 00:04:05,479 --> 00:04:08,181 and each one is represented by colors. 103 00:04:08,282 --> 00:04:09,950 I can see, like, the happier times, 104 00:04:10,050 --> 00:04:12,052 and his art totally changes. 105 00:04:12,152 --> 00:04:14,221 Actually, this one here-- this is Scarlet. 106 00:04:14,322 --> 00:04:15,623 -Oh, wow. Yeah. -SYLVESTER: Yeah. 107 00:04:15,723 --> 00:04:17,391 Heavy paint, more figurative. 108 00:04:17,491 --> 00:04:20,093 She was so difficult to pin down. 109 00:04:20,192 --> 00:04:21,595 I like this painting, actually. 110 00:04:21,695 --> 00:04:23,497 Well, because I'd like to get out there 111 00:04:23,597 --> 00:04:26,266 and start to show it. I haven't been able to do that. 112 00:04:26,367 --> 00:04:27,968 Well, I've had a few shows. 113 00:04:28,068 --> 00:04:31,772 Had one in Russia, had in Germany, Toronto, so... 114 00:04:31,872 --> 00:04:35,008 I just need another venue in America. 115 00:04:35,108 --> 00:04:36,610 But there's a stigma. 116 00:04:36,710 --> 00:04:39,613 If you're not, like, a specialist in one area, 117 00:04:39,713 --> 00:04:43,451 it's kind of hard sometimes to be taken seriously. 118 00:04:43,551 --> 00:04:45,453 And I totally get it. I totally get it. 119 00:04:45,553 --> 00:04:48,088 I'm skeptical when a singer says, "I want to be an actor." 120 00:04:48,188 --> 00:04:49,490 You know, "Ah." 121 00:04:49,590 --> 00:04:51,959 If you're known for one thing-- 122 00:04:52,058 --> 00:04:53,661 acting-- right away, 123 00:04:53,761 --> 00:04:56,129 when you want to become a director, 124 00:04:56,229 --> 00:04:58,666 they go, "Hmm, but you're really an actor." 125 00:04:58,766 --> 00:05:00,368 Well, the same thing with painting, 126 00:05:00,468 --> 00:05:02,370 and I've always considered that wrong. 127 00:05:02,470 --> 00:05:04,304 It becomes 128 00:05:04,405 --> 00:05:06,940 a very elitist and protected by certain 129 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:09,176 vanguard individuals 130 00:05:09,276 --> 00:05:11,845 who think only a painter can paint, 131 00:05:11,945 --> 00:05:13,514 and he can't do anything else. 132 00:05:13,614 --> 00:05:17,250 * Future looks like wow * 133 00:05:17,351 --> 00:05:19,587 * Oh, wow * 134 00:05:19,687 --> 00:05:22,255 * It's like, wow... * 135 00:05:22,356 --> 00:05:24,425 It's a nice color. 136 00:05:24,525 --> 00:05:26,159 * The future looks like wow... * 137 00:05:26,259 --> 00:05:28,496 You can't give a compliment and then look at me like that. 138 00:05:28,596 --> 00:05:30,063 It's just, like... It, like, defeats the purpose. 139 00:05:30,163 --> 00:05:32,800 It's like me going, "Nice face." 140 00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:34,334 -* Wow... * -That's not a compliment. 141 00:05:34,435 --> 00:05:35,569 -It's, like... -(doorbell rings) 142 00:05:35,669 --> 00:05:38,572 -Thank God. -Is that...? (laughs) 143 00:05:38,672 --> 00:05:40,541 -Hi, Scar! -Hello! 144 00:05:40,641 --> 00:05:42,710 -Welcome in. -Yay! 145 00:05:42,810 --> 00:05:44,177 -Hi, love. -Hi! 146 00:05:44,277 --> 00:05:46,847 Look at her. Always with the coffee. I can't. 147 00:05:46,947 --> 00:05:48,281 -Oh, God, I need it. -Come on, come in. 148 00:05:48,382 --> 00:05:49,950 I've been up since 4:00. 149 00:05:50,050 --> 00:05:52,119 I'm thinking about moving to New York, so, 150 00:05:52,219 --> 00:05:54,488 I really thought it would be a good idea 151 00:05:54,588 --> 00:05:57,157 to visit my sisters. I haven't talked to Louis 152 00:05:57,257 --> 00:05:59,860 about moving because I'm still going back and forth with it. 153 00:05:59,960 --> 00:06:04,532 I'm nervous doing long distance will ruin our relationship. 154 00:06:04,632 --> 00:06:06,534 I know myself, and I'm very bad 155 00:06:06,634 --> 00:06:08,001 with these kind of conversations. 156 00:06:08,101 --> 00:06:10,871 See where you're at in a week 157 00:06:10,971 --> 00:06:13,841 -'cause it all may change. -Okay. 158 00:06:13,941 --> 00:06:15,643 I feel like this is a great opportunity 159 00:06:15,743 --> 00:06:17,144 to experience the city. 160 00:06:17,244 --> 00:06:20,047 So, plan today-- we're going out tonight. 161 00:06:20,147 --> 00:06:21,915 -SISTINE: Absolutely. -Yeah, yeah. 162 00:06:22,015 --> 00:06:23,417 SISTINE: Oh, just-just a cocktail. 163 00:06:23,517 --> 00:06:25,886 -Just to whet the lips. -Whet the lips? 164 00:06:25,986 --> 00:06:27,988 Ew. That's not even a phrase. 165 00:06:28,088 --> 00:06:29,356 -Ew, God. -I'm sorry! 166 00:06:29,457 --> 00:06:31,091 It just came out. 167 00:06:33,694 --> 00:06:37,264 Hey. My tit's going to pop out any second. 168 00:06:37,364 --> 00:06:38,932 -Hi. -Hi. 169 00:06:39,032 --> 00:06:41,034 -Thank you. -Thank you. 170 00:06:42,570 --> 00:06:44,672 * We don't know the words, so we're all just singing * 171 00:06:44,772 --> 00:06:47,707 * La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la * 172 00:06:47,808 --> 00:06:50,043 -Yay! -* Everybody, la-la-la-la-la * 173 00:06:50,143 --> 00:06:52,613 * We don't know the words, so we're all just singing * 174 00:06:52,713 --> 00:06:54,548 -* La-la-la-la-la... * -SCARLET: Oh, my God. (whoops) 175 00:06:54,648 --> 00:06:56,049 Yeah! 176 00:06:57,150 --> 00:06:59,119 SCARLET: New York-- 177 00:06:59,219 --> 00:07:01,321 it's fun, and it's lightning. 178 00:07:01,421 --> 00:07:04,091 And it gives me energy, 179 00:07:04,191 --> 00:07:06,393 and I-I really do need that. 180 00:07:06,494 --> 00:07:08,729 I'm just ready to move here. 181 00:07:08,829 --> 00:07:11,499 -New York. -* We live here! * 182 00:07:11,599 --> 00:07:14,001 Yay, Sophia! Keep drinking! 183 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:16,470 -No problem. -Maybe... 184 00:07:16,570 --> 00:07:18,972 You are so loose when you drink. I love it. 185 00:07:19,072 --> 00:07:21,542 I feel like you would be better if you had, like, nine of these 186 00:07:21,642 --> 00:07:23,744 before taking a speech. 187 00:07:23,844 --> 00:07:26,446 Was this your lure to get me out here-- 188 00:07:26,547 --> 00:07:28,281 get me a little tipsy and convince me? 189 00:07:28,381 --> 00:07:29,917 The fact that 190 00:07:30,017 --> 00:07:32,019 Children's Hospital asked me to be a guest speaker 191 00:07:32,119 --> 00:07:34,087 is probably one of the biggest honors 192 00:07:34,187 --> 00:07:35,856 I'll ever have in my life. 193 00:07:35,956 --> 00:07:38,325 I've had two open-heart surgeries, 194 00:07:38,425 --> 00:07:40,327 and one of them was at Children's Hospital. 195 00:07:40,427 --> 00:07:43,430 I'm so incredibly honored. 196 00:07:43,531 --> 00:07:46,266 The problem is, the gala for Children's Hospital 197 00:07:46,366 --> 00:07:49,570 is a huge event with hundreds of people, 198 00:07:49,670 --> 00:07:51,104 and I'm picking at my nails. Talking about public speaking 199 00:07:51,204 --> 00:07:53,340 just makes me like, "Ugh." 200 00:07:53,440 --> 00:07:55,242 The last time Sophia gave a speech was 201 00:07:55,342 --> 00:07:58,145 at another heart charity 202 00:07:58,245 --> 00:07:59,580 years and years ago. 203 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:00,814 She literally had a nervous breakdown 204 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:02,550 and was crying at the table 205 00:08:02,650 --> 00:08:04,151 and couldn't get up and give the speech. 206 00:08:04,251 --> 00:08:06,286 She could say about two words, and then ran off. 207 00:08:06,386 --> 00:08:08,055 I just... Oh, my... I just hate public speaking. 208 00:08:08,155 --> 00:08:10,057 I... I just can't. 209 00:08:10,157 --> 00:08:11,625 Sophia, it's not like you're giving a speech 210 00:08:11,725 --> 00:08:13,293 about quantum physics. 211 00:08:13,393 --> 00:08:15,095 You're talking about something you know 212 00:08:15,195 --> 00:08:16,597 and that is personal in your story. 213 00:08:16,697 --> 00:08:19,132 I love you guys for encouraging me, 214 00:08:19,232 --> 00:08:21,635 but I'm terrified. 215 00:08:21,735 --> 00:08:25,706 There's, like, no way I will actually do that speech, ever. 216 00:08:25,806 --> 00:08:27,707 -Boo, boo, boo. -Boo! Tomatoes! 217 00:08:27,808 --> 00:08:29,476 -Boo! -Boo! 218 00:08:29,577 --> 00:08:31,779 I'm really disappointed in Sophia because this is 219 00:08:31,879 --> 00:08:34,313 such a good opportunity, and she's throwing it away 220 00:08:34,414 --> 00:08:36,183 because of some fear. 221 00:08:36,283 --> 00:08:39,486 I just don't want to butcher it for people that have saved me, 222 00:08:39,587 --> 00:08:41,755 and I can't, you know, do at least this back. 223 00:08:41,855 --> 00:08:43,857 Can you guys 224 00:08:43,957 --> 00:08:45,859 just understand what I'm going through and just let me...? 225 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:48,729 -I can just understand... -(overlapping chatter) 226 00:08:48,829 --> 00:08:50,163 You guys aren't listening to me. 227 00:08:50,263 --> 00:08:51,665 You guys aren't hearing my thoughts. 228 00:08:51,765 --> 00:08:53,233 -Boo! -Boo! 229 00:08:53,333 --> 00:08:55,035 Hey, go fix your hair. 230 00:08:55,135 --> 00:08:56,436 I don't want to do it. (laughs) 231 00:08:56,536 --> 00:08:58,706 I don't want to mess up. 232 00:09:04,177 --> 00:09:07,214 * * 233 00:09:07,314 --> 00:09:09,717 KATHRYN OTT LOVELL: Hello, everybody! 234 00:09:09,817 --> 00:09:12,019 -Happy Rocky Day! -(applause and cheering) 235 00:09:14,187 --> 00:09:16,924 Rocky has served as an international symbol 236 00:09:17,024 --> 00:09:18,926 for the city of Philadelphia 237 00:09:19,026 --> 00:09:20,694 since the Academy Award-winning movie 238 00:09:20,794 --> 00:09:23,063 debuted 47 years ago today. 239 00:09:23,163 --> 00:09:25,498 (applause and cheering) 240 00:09:25,599 --> 00:09:27,500 Rocky embodies the way we see ourselves-- 241 00:09:27,601 --> 00:09:30,738 driven, fearless, generous, passionate, loving, 242 00:09:30,838 --> 00:09:32,740 and, of course, underdogs. 243 00:09:35,308 --> 00:09:37,778 What a lovely day. 244 00:09:37,878 --> 00:09:39,479 I am so happy to be 245 00:09:39,579 --> 00:09:40,881 in Philly to celebrate Rocky Day. 246 00:09:40,981 --> 00:09:42,750 SYLVESTER: It's stunning to see 247 00:09:42,850 --> 00:09:44,952 all these people coming out for me, 248 00:09:45,052 --> 00:09:48,288 and for Rocky Day, which is really just a celebration 249 00:09:48,388 --> 00:09:51,158 to remind the people of this great city 250 00:09:51,258 --> 00:09:53,426 to never give up on their dreams, 251 00:09:53,526 --> 00:09:55,763 just like Rocky never gave up. 252 00:09:55,863 --> 00:09:58,665 I used to run up and down those steps when I was 12. 253 00:09:58,766 --> 00:10:01,935 And when I did go inside, I went, "This is like a palace." 254 00:10:02,035 --> 00:10:04,104 The Philadelphia Museum of Art is hosting the event. 255 00:10:04,204 --> 00:10:05,973 So while we're here, 256 00:10:06,073 --> 00:10:08,608 the new director of the museum invited Jen and I 257 00:10:08,709 --> 00:10:10,377 for a private tour. 258 00:10:10,477 --> 00:10:11,912 You're not sneaking in through the back. 259 00:10:12,012 --> 00:10:13,814 SYLVESTER: No, I'm not sneaking in for the first time. 260 00:10:13,914 --> 00:10:15,148 Usually, I used to sneak in 261 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:16,449 because I couldn't afford it. 262 00:10:16,549 --> 00:10:17,751 Because you were always on the outside. 263 00:10:17,851 --> 00:10:19,152 -Always on the outside. -(laughs) 264 00:10:19,252 --> 00:10:20,754 -So, finally, I got in. -Now you're going in. 265 00:10:20,854 --> 00:10:22,455 -Okay. Here's my-- -Through the front door. 266 00:10:22,555 --> 00:10:24,424 Here's my ticket. Let me in. 267 00:10:24,524 --> 00:10:26,293 (chanting): Rocky! Rocky! 268 00:10:26,393 --> 00:10:29,730 Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! 269 00:10:29,830 --> 00:10:30,964 SYLVESTER: Hi. 270 00:10:31,064 --> 00:10:32,432 -SASHA: Welcome. -Thank you, thank you. 271 00:10:32,532 --> 00:10:33,901 -It's so nice to meet you. -Jennifer. 272 00:10:34,001 --> 00:10:35,368 Nice to meet you. Welcome. 273 00:10:35,468 --> 00:10:36,904 It's great to be back at your little abode again. 274 00:10:37,004 --> 00:10:38,405 It's not bad, eh? 275 00:10:38,505 --> 00:10:41,274 -(chuckling): Oh, my God. -It's a little bit, you know, 276 00:10:41,374 --> 00:10:43,977 like maybe the best museum in the world. 277 00:10:44,077 --> 00:10:45,345 -It is. -Unbelievable. 278 00:10:45,445 --> 00:10:47,815 SASHA: So, what does it mean to come in here 279 00:10:47,915 --> 00:10:50,183 -thinking about art? -SYLVESTER: You know, it's intimidating. 280 00:10:50,283 --> 00:10:52,119 -Okay. -No one ever said, "Come on in." 281 00:10:52,219 --> 00:10:53,320 No one ever said, "Come in." 282 00:10:53,420 --> 00:10:55,823 No one ever said, "Come on in." Why? 283 00:10:55,923 --> 00:10:57,858 It felt like a pretty simple gesture. 284 00:10:57,958 --> 00:11:00,694 And actually, it felt like we were asking something of you. 285 00:11:00,794 --> 00:11:02,863 We were surprised you accepted the invitation. 286 00:11:02,963 --> 00:11:04,331 Oh, no, I've been waiting for an invitation. 287 00:11:04,431 --> 00:11:05,833 We were honored. Are you kidding me? 288 00:11:05,933 --> 00:11:07,300 We were so excited. 289 00:11:07,400 --> 00:11:08,601 I mean, our whole house, 290 00:11:08,702 --> 00:11:10,203 there's not a wall that doesn't have art. 291 00:11:10,303 --> 00:11:11,438 (chuckles) That's true. 292 00:11:11,538 --> 00:11:12,639 JENNIFER: I mean, we have too much art. 293 00:11:12,740 --> 00:11:14,374 Well, and you're an artist. 294 00:11:14,474 --> 00:11:16,509 So I've been here for just over a year, 295 00:11:16,609 --> 00:11:19,880 and the expectations for me were help transform the place. 296 00:11:19,980 --> 00:11:23,550 Thinking about 2026. It'll be our 150th birthday. 297 00:11:23,650 --> 00:11:25,819 It'll be Rocky's 50th anniversary. 298 00:11:25,919 --> 00:11:27,187 I'd love to think about 299 00:11:27,287 --> 00:11:29,189 what does it look like to ignite this place? 300 00:11:29,289 --> 00:11:31,158 Have it feel like it's on fire, with you. 301 00:11:31,258 --> 00:11:32,692 I have some ideas. 302 00:11:32,793 --> 00:11:33,927 For example, 303 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:36,063 do you ever have tours through here? 304 00:11:36,163 --> 00:11:38,665 Like, uh, this school, that school, 305 00:11:38,766 --> 00:11:40,901 that you would have painting appreciation? 306 00:11:41,001 --> 00:11:42,235 Teaching painting. 307 00:11:42,335 --> 00:11:43,503 -Teaching. -Honey, they're talking... 308 00:11:43,603 --> 00:11:45,572 -She's talking about your art. -My art? 309 00:11:45,672 --> 00:11:47,274 -You as an artist. -You as an artist. 310 00:11:47,374 --> 00:11:49,342 Oh, shit. Okay. I wasn't gonna be... 311 00:11:49,442 --> 00:11:50,543 I'm trying to be somewhat humble. 312 00:11:50,643 --> 00:11:52,045 -You're-- (chuckles) -Oh, my God. 313 00:11:52,145 --> 00:11:53,947 You're talking about bringing kids groups through here. 314 00:11:54,047 --> 00:11:56,083 -She's talking about actually showing your art. -But there might be... 315 00:11:56,183 --> 00:11:57,751 But there might be a connection there. 316 00:11:57,851 --> 00:11:59,586 -JENNIFER: Okay. -There might be a connection here. 317 00:11:59,686 --> 00:12:00,921 SYLVESTER: See, that would connect, 318 00:12:01,021 --> 00:12:03,690 because I paint in a way that's very cinematic. 319 00:12:03,791 --> 00:12:06,059 It's bright and it's relatable. 320 00:12:06,159 --> 00:12:08,295 I'd love to be here. I'd love to show my paintings. 321 00:12:08,395 --> 00:12:10,530 -Well, let's talk about it. -That'd be the ultimate. Okay, 322 00:12:10,630 --> 00:12:12,032 let's definitely... 323 00:12:12,132 --> 00:12:13,867 Let's shout about it. I mean... 324 00:12:15,202 --> 00:12:16,103 Oh, my God. 325 00:12:16,203 --> 00:12:17,204 I had no idea. 326 00:12:17,304 --> 00:12:19,907 This was a real shock, to have 327 00:12:20,007 --> 00:12:22,342 something I painted in one 328 00:12:22,442 --> 00:12:25,412 of the great art museums in the world is 329 00:12:25,512 --> 00:12:27,547 -the ultimate. -JENNIFER: This is going 330 00:12:27,647 --> 00:12:28,849 to be a miracle. 331 00:12:28,949 --> 00:12:30,951 I mean, this is something he's dreamed of. 332 00:12:31,051 --> 00:12:33,854 SYLVESTER: It doesn't get any higher for me than this. 333 00:12:33,954 --> 00:12:35,222 I'm blown away. 334 00:12:35,322 --> 00:12:36,523 -All right, let's deal. -Rocky Art Day. 335 00:12:36,623 --> 00:12:38,725 -Rocky Art Day. -(laughs) Deal. Deal. 336 00:12:38,826 --> 00:12:40,894 -Thank you, guys. Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. 337 00:12:42,529 --> 00:12:44,097 (chanting): Rocky! Rocky! 338 00:12:44,197 --> 00:12:45,332 * Try and front like no one knows * 339 00:12:45,432 --> 00:12:47,000 * But we know * 340 00:12:47,100 --> 00:12:48,768 * In my city, we get cold before it's cold * 341 00:12:48,869 --> 00:12:50,237 * In this world, they telling people * 342 00:12:50,337 --> 00:12:51,839 * That they old before they old * 343 00:12:51,939 --> 00:12:54,507 * Want to experience every day before I go... * 344 00:12:54,607 --> 00:12:55,943 Hey, hey. 345 00:12:56,043 --> 00:12:57,744 Got to work. Got to go to work. 346 00:12:57,845 --> 00:12:59,612 * My position, masterin' the game... * 347 00:12:59,712 --> 00:13:01,114 (cheering) 348 00:13:01,214 --> 00:13:03,416 * Okay, masterin' the paper * 349 00:13:03,516 --> 00:13:05,685 * Masterin' my position. * 350 00:13:05,785 --> 00:13:07,787 Please join me in welcoming Sylvester Stallone! 351 00:13:07,888 --> 00:13:09,589 (cheering) 352 00:13:09,689 --> 00:13:12,359 Yo, Philly. 353 00:13:13,393 --> 00:13:15,628 -Rocky Day. Remarkable. -(cheering) 354 00:13:15,728 --> 00:13:18,131 Who would've believed this? 355 00:13:18,231 --> 00:13:21,568 Certainly none of the 13 schools I went to would have. 356 00:13:21,668 --> 00:13:23,503 -(laughter) -Remarkable. 357 00:13:23,603 --> 00:13:25,906 You know, I've been around the world, 358 00:13:26,006 --> 00:13:28,008 but, for some reason, 359 00:13:28,108 --> 00:13:30,310 these 72 steps 360 00:13:30,410 --> 00:13:33,146 inspire me, excite me. 361 00:13:33,246 --> 00:13:36,283 It's-it's like you get to the top, you feel inspired, 362 00:13:36,383 --> 00:13:37,985 you feel special, 363 00:13:38,085 --> 00:13:40,653 hopeful, happy 364 00:13:40,753 --> 00:13:42,289 and, most of all, 365 00:13:42,389 --> 00:13:44,191 -proud of yourself! -(whooping) 366 00:13:44,290 --> 00:13:47,660 To all of you who, believe it or not, 367 00:13:47,760 --> 00:13:49,963 are real-life Rockys, 368 00:13:50,063 --> 00:13:53,400 'cause you live your life on your own terms, 369 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,235 you try to do the best you can and you keep punching. 370 00:13:55,335 --> 00:13:57,504 So I appreciate that-- 371 00:13:57,604 --> 00:13:59,206 the real-life Rockys. 372 00:14:00,573 --> 00:14:02,242 See, 'cause, to me, 373 00:14:02,342 --> 00:14:03,977 life is a fight. 374 00:14:04,077 --> 00:14:06,413 It's a tough fight. 375 00:14:06,513 --> 00:14:09,549 But the real victory 376 00:14:09,649 --> 00:14:12,085 is in never giving up 377 00:14:12,185 --> 00:14:15,555 -and going the distance for yourself... -(cheering) 378 00:14:15,655 --> 00:14:17,690 ...your loved ones. And standing 379 00:14:17,790 --> 00:14:19,459 at the top of these steps, 380 00:14:19,559 --> 00:14:23,630 you're reminded all things are possible. 381 00:14:23,730 --> 00:14:26,533 -(cheering) -Keep punching! 382 00:14:28,568 --> 00:14:31,171 * * 383 00:14:31,271 --> 00:14:34,074 CROWD: Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! 384 00:14:34,174 --> 00:14:36,709 Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! 385 00:14:36,809 --> 00:14:40,213 SOPHIA: My dad's words are really inspiring to me. 386 00:14:40,313 --> 00:14:42,983 Even as much as I'm not over my fear of public speaking, 387 00:14:43,083 --> 00:14:44,151 I'm gonna take charge 388 00:14:44,251 --> 00:14:46,719 and do what I know I have to do 389 00:14:46,819 --> 00:14:49,222 and give the speech for Children's Hospital anyways. 390 00:14:49,322 --> 00:14:52,159 * * 391 00:15:02,035 --> 00:15:03,937 -Hi. -Hey, Sophie! 392 00:15:04,037 --> 00:15:05,705 -Oh, hello, baby. -You look so beautiful. 393 00:15:05,805 --> 00:15:08,475 -Oh, thank you. Hi. -Hi, sweetheart. -Oh, my God, that's perfect. 394 00:15:08,575 --> 00:15:10,277 -We match! We match! -We match. 395 00:15:10,377 --> 00:15:12,412 -I had an inkling. I was... -How come I'm not wearing pink? 396 00:15:12,512 --> 00:15:14,247 JENNIFER: You need a pink suit. 397 00:15:14,347 --> 00:15:15,582 -Yeah. -You'd look good. 398 00:15:15,682 --> 00:15:17,584 -Uh... -Are you nervous? 399 00:15:17,684 --> 00:15:19,552 I mean, I keep, like-- I've written so many notes on this. 400 00:15:19,652 --> 00:15:20,553 I'm just... 401 00:15:20,653 --> 00:15:22,022 Do the first line. 402 00:15:22,122 --> 00:15:23,190 (voice cracking): Hi, everyone. 403 00:15:23,290 --> 00:15:25,392 -Oh, God. (laughing) -Th-That's good. 404 00:15:25,492 --> 00:15:28,228 So you don't want to play on the negative. 405 00:15:28,328 --> 00:15:29,963 You want to be up. Your story 406 00:15:30,063 --> 00:15:33,165 is sad, no question about it, but it's also triumphant. 407 00:15:34,201 --> 00:15:35,768 It's gonna be hard to pull you off the stage 408 00:15:35,868 --> 00:15:37,437 once you get going. You're gonna love it. 409 00:15:37,537 --> 00:15:39,039 JENNIFER: By the way, there's 400 women. 410 00:15:39,139 --> 00:15:40,607 I don't want to get you nervous, 411 00:15:40,707 --> 00:15:43,210 -but... -Why-- Don't say that to me, please. 412 00:15:43,310 --> 00:15:44,877 No, it's-- No, no, no, no, no. 413 00:15:44,978 --> 00:15:46,779 You're getting a chance to tell your story 414 00:15:46,879 --> 00:15:49,382 in front of 400 people who want to hear it. 415 00:15:49,482 --> 00:15:50,517 This is a good thing. 416 00:15:50,617 --> 00:15:51,751 You know the number one fear 417 00:15:51,851 --> 00:15:53,486 in the world? Spiders. 418 00:15:53,586 --> 00:15:55,088 You know what number two is? 419 00:15:55,188 --> 00:15:56,089 Clowns. 420 00:15:56,189 --> 00:15:57,590 So if we don't see a spider 421 00:15:57,690 --> 00:15:59,192 and a clown today, she'll do fine. 422 00:15:59,292 --> 00:16:00,927 I did-- I saw a spider today, so... 423 00:16:01,028 --> 00:16:02,695 -SYLVESTER: Did you? -And two mosquitoes. Yeah. 424 00:16:02,795 --> 00:16:04,297 Wow. 425 00:16:04,397 --> 00:16:05,965 Okay, can we-- can we stop talking about this? 426 00:16:06,066 --> 00:16:08,101 It's just, talking about it more is making me... 427 00:16:08,201 --> 00:16:09,436 -Okay. We're gonna do this. -I want to go practice it. 428 00:16:09,536 --> 00:16:10,537 I'm just as nervous. 429 00:16:10,637 --> 00:16:12,605 (stammers) I-I'm paralyzed. 430 00:16:12,705 --> 00:16:14,174 And now I feel like an idiot. 431 00:16:14,274 --> 00:16:15,608 And I feel... weak. 432 00:16:16,609 --> 00:16:20,013 "Especially with the unexpected surgery at 16." 433 00:16:20,113 --> 00:16:21,481 (groans) Okay, fuck. 434 00:16:26,619 --> 00:16:27,787 All right, you guys are stressing me out. 435 00:16:27,887 --> 00:16:28,855 I'm walking. Come on. 436 00:16:28,955 --> 00:16:30,457 * I'm-a do it like that * 437 00:16:30,557 --> 00:16:32,759 I'm ready to slide down this balcony. 438 00:16:33,326 --> 00:16:36,629 * Like that, like that * 439 00:16:36,729 --> 00:16:38,198 -WOMAN: Such an angel for doing this. -SOPHIA: Oh, thanks! 440 00:16:38,298 --> 00:16:39,832 Aw, I'm a little nervous, but I... 441 00:16:39,932 --> 00:16:42,235 -Oh, come on. -(laughing): I know. 442 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:43,970 Nervous, smervous. 443 00:16:44,071 --> 00:16:45,872 SOPHIA: Um... 444 00:16:45,972 --> 00:16:47,907 Uh, no, I'm okay. No, I'm okay. 445 00:16:48,007 --> 00:16:50,510 I'm good. I keep forgetting. I'm like, "Yes, I need a drink!" 446 00:16:50,610 --> 00:16:52,145 -(loud chatter) -Good afternoon! 447 00:16:52,245 --> 00:16:53,513 We're gonna get started! 448 00:16:53,613 --> 00:16:56,015 If you could please bring the talking to a minimum. 449 00:16:56,116 --> 00:16:57,584 -It's 60 seconds of your life. -I know. 450 00:16:57,684 --> 00:16:59,886 Just enjoy the moment. 451 00:17:01,621 --> 00:17:03,456 For over 76 years, 452 00:17:03,556 --> 00:17:05,425 the Westside Guild has been steadfast 453 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:08,461 in our mission to increase vital funds 454 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:10,696 for Children's Hospital Los Angeles. 455 00:17:10,797 --> 00:17:12,464 (cheering, applause) 456 00:17:12,565 --> 00:17:15,902 WOMAN: I spent a couple weeks at Children's Hospital Los Angeles 457 00:17:16,002 --> 00:17:17,604 with my daughter, who was ten days old. 458 00:17:17,704 --> 00:17:20,140 I watched the families and the mothers, 459 00:17:20,240 --> 00:17:21,808 and they want one thing, just like I did-- 460 00:17:21,907 --> 00:17:24,176 someone to... help them. 461 00:17:24,277 --> 00:17:26,913 MEAGHAN DONAHUE: I would also like to welcome 462 00:17:27,012 --> 00:17:29,449 our guest speaker, Sophia Stallone. 463 00:17:29,549 --> 00:17:30,817 (cheering, applause) 464 00:17:34,654 --> 00:17:36,055 All right. 465 00:17:38,158 --> 00:17:39,192 (sighs) 466 00:17:40,193 --> 00:17:42,429 Hi, everyone. (exhales) 467 00:17:42,529 --> 00:17:45,765 I'm a little nervous, so... take it easy on me. 468 00:17:45,865 --> 00:17:48,435 You guys are all friendly faces around here, so... 469 00:17:48,535 --> 00:17:51,538 Um... Ooh, gosh! (laughs): Okay. 470 00:17:51,638 --> 00:17:53,606 Uh, family is everything to me, 471 00:17:53,706 --> 00:17:54,941 and they are my world. 472 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:58,311 So, my health journey hasn't been the easiest. 473 00:17:58,411 --> 00:18:00,113 But through their love, 474 00:18:00,213 --> 00:18:02,849 they have been with me every single step of the way. 475 00:18:02,949 --> 00:18:05,017 But since the surgeries, 476 00:18:05,118 --> 00:18:07,654 my definition of family has expanded. 477 00:18:07,754 --> 00:18:10,423 The team at CHLA are now family to me as well, 478 00:18:10,523 --> 00:18:12,859 because through their thoroughness post-operation 479 00:18:12,959 --> 00:18:14,026 and healing me, 480 00:18:14,127 --> 00:18:16,496 they've given me a second chance at life. 481 00:18:16,596 --> 00:18:17,964 * * 482 00:18:18,064 --> 00:18:20,133 It sounds kind of odd to say, 483 00:18:20,233 --> 00:18:23,303 but I am very, very grateful I've had these surgeries, 484 00:18:23,403 --> 00:18:25,438 because I don't know who I would be without them, 485 00:18:25,538 --> 00:18:27,807 and I don't think I would be as strong today 486 00:18:27,907 --> 00:18:28,808 if I didn't have them. 487 00:18:28,908 --> 00:18:30,677 You were so brave. 488 00:18:30,777 --> 00:18:33,213 You worked and fought hard, Sophia. 489 00:18:34,747 --> 00:18:36,616 SOPHIA: And since I've been given this second chance, 490 00:18:36,716 --> 00:18:38,851 I've understood the fragility of life. 491 00:18:39,886 --> 00:18:42,755 Therefore, I go into life now headfirst. 492 00:18:42,855 --> 00:18:44,591 I'm bold in my actions, 493 00:18:44,691 --> 00:18:46,926 I'm vocal in my beliefs 494 00:18:47,026 --> 00:18:49,162 and I'm appreciative of the small moments 495 00:18:49,262 --> 00:18:50,397 with my family and friends. 496 00:18:52,565 --> 00:18:54,667 If I can leave you with any lessons that I've learned 497 00:18:54,767 --> 00:18:56,769 from my experience, it would be this-- 498 00:18:56,869 --> 00:18:59,972 never hesitate to tell someone that you love them. 499 00:19:01,308 --> 00:19:02,809 If there's an opportunity to dance and laugh, 500 00:19:02,909 --> 00:19:04,677 absolutely do it. 501 00:19:04,777 --> 00:19:09,216 And always prioritize time with your family and friends. 502 00:19:09,316 --> 00:19:11,984 At the end of the day, those are the people 503 00:19:12,084 --> 00:19:15,522 that will be with you till the very end and at your worst. 504 00:19:15,622 --> 00:19:16,923 I just feel so much love in the room today, 505 00:19:17,023 --> 00:19:18,225 and I just want to thank you guys 506 00:19:18,325 --> 00:19:20,360 for letting me be up here and speak. 507 00:19:20,460 --> 00:19:22,229 And I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the luncheon. 508 00:19:22,329 --> 00:19:23,730 (cheering, applause) 509 00:19:23,830 --> 00:19:26,233 (whooping) 510 00:19:26,333 --> 00:19:29,202 SYLVESTER: I remember when she had her first operation. 511 00:19:29,302 --> 00:19:30,537 And here I am 512 00:19:30,637 --> 00:19:32,305 watching her just blossom. 513 00:19:32,405 --> 00:19:34,474 I couldn't believe how heartfelt, 514 00:19:34,574 --> 00:19:36,209 how eloquent she was. 515 00:19:36,309 --> 00:19:38,678 I mean, man, she made me bawl like a baby. 516 00:19:38,778 --> 00:19:40,179 I couldn't have been a prouder mom. 517 00:19:40,280 --> 00:19:42,148 SOPHIA: I am so proud of myself. 518 00:19:42,249 --> 00:19:44,183 And I think my 16-year-old self 519 00:19:44,284 --> 00:19:46,519 would be really proud of myself, too. (chuckles softly) 520 00:19:47,754 --> 00:19:49,989 (whispers): Aw, fuck. (chuckles) 521 00:19:50,089 --> 00:19:51,424 (groans, laughs) 522 00:19:51,524 --> 00:19:53,360 And it's, like, the worst day 523 00:19:53,460 --> 00:19:56,062 to wear darkest eye makeup I've ever worn in my life. 524 00:19:56,162 --> 00:19:58,265 100% of these donations 525 00:19:58,365 --> 00:20:00,967 go directly into CHLA. 526 00:20:01,067 --> 00:20:02,469 I'll make sure of it personally. 527 00:20:02,569 --> 00:20:04,036 -I know where you live! -(laughter) 528 00:20:04,136 --> 00:20:05,572 I'll find you. 529 00:20:10,410 --> 00:20:11,578 SYLVESTER: Got a little surprise for you guys. 530 00:20:11,678 --> 00:20:12,912 You're going to come with me. 531 00:20:13,012 --> 00:20:15,315 -Two weeks in Italy. -(squeals) 532 00:20:15,415 --> 00:20:16,983 Ah. Ciao, bella. 533 00:20:17,083 --> 00:20:19,085 -SISTINE: We have arrived! -FRANK: This is monumental. 534 00:20:19,185 --> 00:20:21,087 We're gonna see relatives 535 00:20:21,187 --> 00:20:22,555 we've never seen before. 536 00:20:22,655 --> 00:20:24,757 Do I really want to open myself up 537 00:20:24,857 --> 00:20:26,493 to these people? 538 00:20:26,593 --> 00:20:27,960 -So I'm very anxious. -FRANK: Here we go. 539 00:20:33,065 --> 00:20:34,901 * Come on now, roll with the crazy * 540 00:20:35,001 --> 00:20:36,969 * Dance like 1980 * 541 00:20:37,069 --> 00:20:40,473 * Ooh, ooh * 542 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:42,775 * Roll with the crazy * 543 00:20:42,875 --> 00:20:45,578 * Dance like 1980 * 544 00:20:45,678 --> 00:20:48,381 * * 545 00:20:48,481 --> 00:20:50,950 * Roll with me, baby * 546 00:20:51,050 --> 00:20:53,486 * You ain't gonna save me * 547 00:20:53,586 --> 00:20:55,388 * Ooh, ooh. * 548 00:20:55,488 --> 00:20:58,458 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org