1 00:00:01,700 --> 00:00:04,120 This is the purpose of my travel. 2 00:00:05,530 --> 00:00:08,960 I want to find my best friend who left ten years ago. 3 00:00:17,040 --> 00:00:19,040 Did you find out where Gorilla went? 4 00:00:20,950 --> 00:00:22,120 Tür. 5 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:25,620 A trading city located in the middle of the Northern Lands. 6 00:00:25,940 --> 00:00:28,130 That's to the far east from here. 7 00:00:28,690 --> 00:00:31,380 It's the opposite direction from Äußerst. 8 00:00:32,550 --> 00:00:33,480 Yeah... 9 00:00:42,720 --> 00:00:43,740 Frieren. 10 00:00:44,710 --> 00:00:47,740 I started my journey to find Gorilla. 11 00:00:48,370 --> 00:00:49,450 I know. 12 00:00:50,990 --> 00:00:53,310 In any case, the day is getting late. 13 00:00:53,740 --> 00:00:56,190 How about we leave the decision for tomorrow? 14 00:00:58,750 --> 00:01:00,840 I rented out a cabin in the settlement. 15 00:01:01,510 --> 00:01:03,080 They said we can use it as we like. 16 00:01:03,900 --> 00:01:04,820 Thanks. 17 00:01:17,220 --> 00:01:21,130 You're there like the wind 18 00:01:21,130 --> 00:01:25,270 Closing your eyes at sunset 19 00:01:25,750 --> 00:01:31,130 I wonder what's on your mind 20 00:01:36,080 --> 00:01:39,960 With your eyelids open 21 00:01:39,960 --> 00:01:44,090 Your eyes shone like glass 22 00:01:44,540 --> 00:01:51,150 It faintly smelled like a sunny day 23 00:01:57,300 --> 00:02:02,430 Clear up the sky, let flowers bloom 24 00:02:02,430 --> 00:02:06,440 Bloom and blame it on the sunny sky 25 00:02:06,640 --> 00:02:11,120 Even the rain, when it stops 26 00:02:11,120 --> 00:02:15,600 Will make you shine in the sunlight 27 00:02:16,030 --> 00:02:21,420 Calm the stirring sounds in my heart 28 00:02:21,420 --> 00:02:25,260 We go like the sunny wind 29 00:02:25,510 --> 00:02:29,930 Go on and fly over that cloud 30 00:02:29,930 --> 00:02:34,580 Further and further away 31 00:02:57,040 --> 00:02:58,630 I've gathered the firewood. 32 00:02:58,830 --> 00:03:02,360 I bought the ingredients for dinner... 33 00:03:05,280 --> 00:03:06,740 My hands are fweezing... 34 00:03:06,910 --> 00:03:09,450 Right, it's gotten pretty cold already. 35 00:03:10,210 --> 00:03:11,330 Wow, they're so chilly. 36 00:03:11,810 --> 00:03:14,400 This might be a new record. 37 00:03:18,350 --> 00:03:19,380 Let me see. 38 00:03:20,240 --> 00:03:22,570 You're right, it's super chilly. 39 00:03:22,860 --> 00:03:23,640 Right? 40 00:03:29,190 --> 00:03:30,270 Stop it! 41 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:32,470 It's a new record, right? 42 00:03:32,470 --> 00:03:34,200 Fweezing... 43 00:03:34,480 --> 00:03:35,770 Good grief... 44 00:03:42,410 --> 00:03:43,520 It's snowing. 45 00:03:44,550 --> 00:03:47,350 Do we need to wait for the winter to pass again? 46 00:03:48,010 --> 00:03:51,660 Well, we aren't passing through some steep mountains this time. 47 00:03:52,200 --> 00:03:55,220 It'll be fine as long as it doesn't turn into a blizzard. 48 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:02,300 It does. 49 00:04:02,530 --> 00:04:03,510 Yeap. 50 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:04,390 Uh-huh. 51 00:04:05,660 --> 00:04:08,480 The cold wave in this region can last for a month. 52 00:04:08,650 --> 00:04:10,730 I suggest against any long trip. 53 00:04:11,610 --> 00:04:14,630 You may use the cabin for the time. I don't mind. 54 00:04:18,670 --> 00:04:21,250 What are you going to do, Sein? Are you leaving? 55 00:04:21,250 --> 00:04:23,230 Do you really need to ask? 56 00:04:23,720 --> 00:04:26,210 We can't go anywhere until the cold wave passes, huh? 57 00:04:26,410 --> 00:04:27,700 That's right. 58 00:04:28,670 --> 00:04:33,160 Still, there are taverns and shops here, and our cabin is big. 59 00:04:33,620 --> 00:04:36,740 Much better compared to when we're stuck in the mountain shack last time. 60 00:04:37,860 --> 00:04:39,980 And most importantly, in this village, 61 00:04:39,980 --> 00:04:43,610 you can find a magic shop run by a shady old man. 62 00:04:44,700 --> 00:04:46,380 Based on my experience, 63 00:04:46,380 --> 00:04:49,470 those kind of places tend to have legendary spells. 64 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:53,730 Being able to take my time looking for magic there is a big plus. 65 00:04:54,370 --> 00:04:56,090 Legendary spells? 66 00:04:56,580 --> 00:04:58,690 What kind of legendary spells have you found so far? 67 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:02,820 A spell to get rid of mold, 68 00:05:02,820 --> 00:05:05,530 and a spell to remove tough oil stains. 69 00:05:06,530 --> 00:05:07,610 Wow... 70 00:05:08,780 --> 00:05:12,720 Indeed. It was so useful. Life-changing, even. 71 00:05:13,070 --> 00:05:14,990 What is this, grandma's wisdom? 72 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:18,410 In any case, our only choice is to wait this out. 73 00:05:18,730 --> 00:05:22,730 Winter in the Northern Lands can kill you if you underestimate it. 74 00:05:23,360 --> 00:05:28,270 Master Stark did nearly die back at the Schwer Mountains. 75 00:05:28,750 --> 00:05:31,430 I'm from the Northern Lands, remember? 76 00:05:31,430 --> 00:05:33,040 I know that much. 77 00:05:35,520 --> 00:05:39,920 Well, it looks like we're going to be stuck together for a while longer. 78 00:06:09,230 --> 00:06:11,760 The cold wave will end soon. 79 00:06:12,220 --> 00:06:15,360 You adventurers can finally continue your journey. 80 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:16,390 Yeah. 81 00:06:16,640 --> 00:06:17,840 You're right. 82 00:06:18,460 --> 00:06:19,200 Wait... 83 00:06:19,660 --> 00:06:21,970 I barely spent any time with them, didn't I? 84 00:06:23,700 --> 00:06:25,030 Sein. 85 00:06:25,700 --> 00:06:26,840 Can I borrow you for a bit? 86 00:06:27,260 --> 00:06:28,980 What's wrong, Frieren? 87 00:06:29,360 --> 00:06:31,610 It's rare to see you in a bar. 88 00:06:32,390 --> 00:06:35,850 Stark and Fern are acting strangely for some reason. 89 00:06:36,250 --> 00:06:39,420 They're probably having a fight. Can you be the peacemaker? 90 00:06:39,850 --> 00:06:43,600 I mean, sure, but why are you asking for me? 91 00:06:44,060 --> 00:06:46,700 Being a peacemaker is a priest's job. 92 00:06:47,670 --> 00:06:48,640 Is it? 93 00:06:55,570 --> 00:06:57,470 This looks pretty bad. 94 00:06:58,130 --> 00:07:00,350 Hey, what happened here? 95 00:07:00,810 --> 00:07:02,660 It's Master Stark's fault. 96 00:07:03,410 --> 00:07:06,090 Yes, it's all my fault... 97 00:07:07,290 --> 00:07:09,090 This is going nowhere. 98 00:07:12,030 --> 00:07:14,560 I'll talk with each of you in the next room, one at a time. 99 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:25,920 So, 100 00:07:26,210 --> 00:07:27,670 what happened? 101 00:07:28,620 --> 00:07:30,950 Back when we first arrived at the cabin, 102 00:07:31,440 --> 00:07:34,650 Fern touched my cheek with her freezing hands, right? 103 00:07:34,650 --> 00:07:36,750 Oh, right, I remember. 104 00:07:37,950 --> 00:07:40,050 I tried to get back at her today, 105 00:07:42,090 --> 00:07:43,730 but she snapped. 106 00:07:43,730 --> 00:07:45,060 What are you, a kid? 107 00:07:47,700 --> 00:07:51,890 No girl like having their face touched for no reason. 108 00:07:53,310 --> 00:07:55,450 Do you think it's okay to leave it like this? 109 00:07:55,452 --> 00:07:57,780 I want to make up with her. 110 00:07:58,430 --> 00:07:59,580 Stark. 111 00:08:00,060 --> 00:08:02,920 You're not like me. You're a good kid. 112 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:05,310 Just need to be honest and tell her what you feel. 113 00:08:05,890 --> 00:08:09,590 If you want to make up, you have to say it directly to them. 114 00:08:10,260 --> 00:08:13,190 Frieren won't mediate between you two if you fight again. 115 00:08:15,350 --> 00:08:17,210 Yeah, I know. 116 00:08:17,520 --> 00:08:19,150 I'll apologize to Fern. 117 00:08:21,430 --> 00:08:23,250 Stark feels sorry for what he did. 118 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:25,280 You know how childish he is. 119 00:08:25,780 --> 00:08:27,520 He didn't do it with bad intentions. 120 00:08:27,970 --> 00:08:29,120 I know. 121 00:08:29,870 --> 00:08:32,070 I was being stubborn. 122 00:08:32,560 --> 00:08:33,830 I want to apologize to him. 123 00:08:34,870 --> 00:08:37,310 It was my fault to begin with. 124 00:08:37,880 --> 00:08:40,280 I wasn't bothered with him touching me. 125 00:08:40,940 --> 00:08:41,760 It's just that... 126 00:08:42,820 --> 00:08:46,060 He's pressing on my shoulder a bit too strong... 127 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:51,280 ...and I got a little scared. 128 00:08:53,580 --> 00:08:55,410 Do you hate Stark? 129 00:08:56,270 --> 00:08:58,170 Why would you ask that? 130 00:08:58,640 --> 00:08:59,870 Does it seem that way to you? 131 00:09:00,780 --> 00:09:04,680 Then tell him that you were scared and make up with him. 132 00:09:06,840 --> 00:09:08,451 Just be more gentle with me. 133 00:09:08,453 --> 00:09:09,760 I'm so sorry... 134 00:09:14,810 --> 00:09:16,740 Just get together already! 135 00:09:19,010 --> 00:09:23,350 I don't know what's going on, but I think you're doing great, Sein. 136 00:09:24,050 --> 00:09:26,560 Thank you. You were a big help. 137 00:09:28,640 --> 00:09:31,040 You know, Frieren? 138 00:09:31,370 --> 00:09:33,760 You're the only one who would praise me like a kid. 139 00:09:33,760 --> 00:09:35,340 But you are a kid. 140 00:09:36,990 --> 00:09:39,310 Well, it doesn't feel bad, though. 141 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:45,330 Say, I've been wanting to ask one thing. 142 00:09:46,710 --> 00:09:49,270 I wondered about it when you asked me to join as well. 143 00:09:49,650 --> 00:09:52,610 Why would you give me so much attention? 144 00:09:55,200 --> 00:09:57,570 Because I hate how similar we are. 145 00:09:58,250 --> 00:10:00,650 Seeing how you refused to go on an adventure 146 00:10:00,920 --> 00:10:04,520 reminded me a lot of myself before I set off to defeat the Demon King, 147 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:05,960 and I don't like that. 148 00:10:07,510 --> 00:10:10,190 That's no reason to care about me. 149 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:11,840 That's exactly why. 150 00:10:12,570 --> 00:10:15,850 I'm sure I wanted to give you a chance. 151 00:10:16,600 --> 00:10:17,760 What do you mean? 152 00:10:20,490 --> 00:10:23,520 It means Himmel the Hero would have done the same. 153 00:10:26,240 --> 00:10:28,010 Take my hand, Frieren. 154 00:10:29,360 --> 00:10:31,980 Let me be the reason you started this journey. 155 00:10:37,900 --> 00:10:40,860 Himmel and the others taught me the courage to start a journey, 156 00:10:41,260 --> 00:10:44,230 and the fun of spending time with friends. 157 00:10:46,350 --> 00:10:47,360 Well, Sein? 158 00:10:47,840 --> 00:10:49,220 It has been fun, hasn't it? 159 00:10:52,160 --> 00:10:53,020 Yeah. 160 00:10:53,970 --> 00:10:55,670 It has been really fun. 161 00:11:07,840 --> 00:11:11,600 I'll become an unforgettable hero like Himmel. 162 00:11:12,110 --> 00:11:15,980 Now is all there is, Sein. 163 00:11:16,660 --> 00:11:21,490 So I decided to believe in her words. 164 00:11:22,220 --> 00:11:26,030 Gorilla often spoke about you. 165 00:11:26,450 --> 00:11:31,830 He said you two would become heroes who would be remembered forever. 166 00:11:56,540 --> 00:11:58,980 I will go after Gorilla as I first planned. 167 00:11:59,660 --> 00:12:01,890 I don't want to have any more regrets. 168 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:04,070 We understand. 169 00:12:05,270 --> 00:12:06,740 Well, take care. 170 00:12:09,750 --> 00:12:10,450 See you again. 171 00:12:13,030 --> 00:12:14,110 See you again. 172 00:12:22,310 --> 00:12:24,840 That's it? That's not much of a farewell. 173 00:12:25,280 --> 00:12:28,240 Unlike you, Sein is an adult. 174 00:12:28,830 --> 00:12:30,410 I'm sure he will be fine. 175 00:12:49,040 --> 00:12:51,860 Who knew being alone would be this quiet? 176 00:13:15,240 --> 00:13:16,020 Oh? 177 00:13:16,570 --> 00:13:19,520 That's unusual. Fern is still asleep. 178 00:13:20,390 --> 00:13:23,920 Maybe she's tired. We've been walking nonstop lately after all. 179 00:13:38,540 --> 00:13:40,780 Huh, good enough, I guess. 180 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:46,680 Hey, breakfast is ready. Time to wake up. 181 00:13:49,850 --> 00:13:50,770 Fern? 182 00:13:55,300 --> 00:13:57,340 Hey, Frieren, wake up. 183 00:13:58,570 --> 00:14:00,540 Give me another half a day... 184 00:14:00,850 --> 00:14:03,230 You can't sleep that long. 185 00:14:03,810 --> 00:14:05,990 More importantly, Fern doesn't seem well. 186 00:14:11,010 --> 00:14:11,770 Hey. 187 00:14:18,960 --> 00:14:20,430 Stop it... 188 00:14:22,460 --> 00:14:24,700 She has a fever. 189 00:14:25,360 --> 00:14:27,300 We need to keep her warm and let her rest. 190 00:14:29,790 --> 00:14:31,520 Let's see... 191 00:14:36,320 --> 00:14:38,490 Huh? That's weird... 192 00:14:38,490 --> 00:14:39,920 I brought water. 193 00:14:40,900 --> 00:14:41,760 Here it is. 194 00:14:41,760 --> 00:14:43,200 What is that? 195 00:14:43,490 --> 00:14:47,390 Some notes about herbs that Sein left for us. 196 00:14:47,750 --> 00:14:49,360 Oh, Sein did? 197 00:14:49,770 --> 00:14:54,200 If we diagnose her illness with magic, we can find out which herbs will work. 198 00:14:54,790 --> 00:14:58,090 But you need the magic of the Goddess to diagnose illness, right? 199 00:14:58,510 --> 00:15:02,170 If I remember correctly, only those who have the scriptures can use it. 200 00:15:02,720 --> 00:15:05,320 I do have a scripture, actually. 201 00:15:05,320 --> 00:15:05,990 Huh? 202 00:15:10,660 --> 00:15:12,500 You're using it as a pot stand! 203 00:15:14,740 --> 00:15:17,100 Even if I don't have the talent to become a priest, 204 00:15:17,470 --> 00:15:20,120 I still can diagnose some simple illnesses. 205 00:15:20,930 --> 00:15:23,040 It doesn't work for complex ones, though. 206 00:15:23,040 --> 00:15:24,350 Is this really going to be okay? 207 00:15:26,320 --> 00:15:28,700 Okay, it's just a cold. 208 00:15:30,290 --> 00:15:33,080 For the herbs that we can use from this region... 209 00:15:34,790 --> 00:15:40,120 Right, I once gathered herbs with Himmel in a nearby area. 210 00:15:41,110 --> 00:15:44,300 Anyway, let's get her to a place where she can avoid the cold. 211 00:15:45,110 --> 00:15:46,160 You're right. 212 00:15:57,930 --> 00:15:58,640 Oh? 213 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:08,450 Man, you're a lifesaver. 214 00:16:09,020 --> 00:16:12,150 I didn't expect anyone to live this deep in the mountains. 215 00:16:12,600 --> 00:16:15,190 There was a village here the last time I came through. 216 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:18,300 That was several decades ago. 217 00:16:18,690 --> 00:16:23,360 But it was a village full of history, including having been visited by the heroes. 218 00:16:24,080 --> 00:16:26,650 Anyway, take as much rest as you need. 219 00:16:27,440 --> 00:16:28,590 Thank you. 220 00:16:29,400 --> 00:16:33,010 By the way, there is an icicle cherry blossom tree nearby, right? 221 00:16:33,360 --> 00:16:35,660 Yes, a bit to the north from here. 222 00:16:36,260 --> 00:16:38,890 But the place is a bit hard to reach. 223 00:16:39,400 --> 00:16:40,640 It's all right. 224 00:16:41,240 --> 00:16:43,290 I've been there before. 225 00:16:45,280 --> 00:16:47,840 I will be off to do my work. 226 00:16:50,640 --> 00:16:51,980 Wait here, Fern. 227 00:16:52,620 --> 00:16:54,610 We'll bring back the ingredients for the medicine. 228 00:16:55,300 --> 00:16:57,940 You haven't stopped holding her hand since we got here. 229 00:16:58,610 --> 00:17:00,160 Because she seems to be in pain. 230 00:17:00,640 --> 00:17:05,250 When Fern catches a cold, holding her hand would calm her down. 231 00:17:05,920 --> 00:17:07,890 She's always been like that since she was little. 232 00:17:11,750 --> 00:17:12,790 What's wrong? 233 00:17:13,990 --> 00:17:15,440 Mistress Frieren... 234 00:17:16,120 --> 00:17:17,680 It's embarrassing... 235 00:17:18,700 --> 00:17:19,680 Why? 236 00:17:20,510 --> 00:17:23,980 Don't treat me like a child. 237 00:17:27,250 --> 00:17:28,200 I see. 238 00:17:28,790 --> 00:17:29,810 You're right. 239 00:17:33,640 --> 00:17:36,760 She'll be a full-grown adult in about two years, huh? 240 00:17:38,020 --> 00:17:41,330 Not long ago she was just this big. 241 00:17:41,960 --> 00:17:44,710 Back then, I was much taller than her. 242 00:17:45,220 --> 00:17:46,740 It all flew by in an instant. 243 00:17:47,460 --> 00:17:51,430 In my heart, Fern is still a child. 244 00:17:52,480 --> 00:17:55,480 And maybe I would feel that way no matter how much time passes. 245 00:17:57,160 --> 00:17:58,290 Frieren... 246 00:17:59,270 --> 00:18:02,220 Let's hurry and gather the ingredients for the medicine. 247 00:18:06,700 --> 00:18:07,540 Right. 248 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:34,690 We should arrive at the icicle cherry blossom tree soon. 249 00:18:35,120 --> 00:18:39,900 Is that icicle cherry blossom the last ingredient we need for the medicine? 250 00:18:40,130 --> 00:18:43,890 What we're going to use is the mushroom that grows on the roots of the tree. 251 00:18:57,650 --> 00:18:58,850 Beautiful, isn't it? 252 00:18:59,270 --> 00:19:01,370 I wish I could've shown this to Fern as well. 253 00:19:02,380 --> 00:19:05,480 I think they're my favorite amongst all the winter flowers. 254 00:19:07,120 --> 00:19:09,490 The flowers are poisonous, so be careful. 255 00:19:10,990 --> 00:19:11,830 Say, 256 00:19:12,680 --> 00:19:14,700 why did you hold her hand? 257 00:19:15,520 --> 00:19:18,090 You don't usually treat her like a kid. 258 00:19:18,980 --> 00:19:21,500 I wasn't trying to treat her like a kid. 259 00:19:22,450 --> 00:19:25,400 She seems to be in pain, so I simply held her hand. 260 00:19:27,300 --> 00:19:31,230 That's the only way I know to ease her pain. 261 00:19:33,980 --> 00:19:36,730 Just what am I supposed to do? 262 00:19:39,340 --> 00:19:42,350 Why not just do whatever you want to do? 263 00:19:43,340 --> 00:19:45,700 At least, that's what my master used to do. 264 00:19:47,740 --> 00:19:50,720 I think people need their emotional support. 265 00:19:52,110 --> 00:19:55,350 I doubt there's anyone that feels bad about being supported. 266 00:20:01,710 --> 00:20:03,380 What are you doing? 267 00:20:04,180 --> 00:20:05,750 You were having a nightmare. 268 00:20:06,430 --> 00:20:09,020 It's normal to feel lonely when you're sick. 269 00:20:09,880 --> 00:20:14,650 Before my mother died when I was little, she would often hold my hand like this. 270 00:20:15,510 --> 00:20:16,990 It strangely calms me down. 271 00:20:17,460 --> 00:20:19,650 That was when you were little though, right? 272 00:20:20,290 --> 00:20:24,190 Children aren't the only ones who need emotional support. 273 00:20:26,260 --> 00:20:27,910 It doesn't feel bad, right? 274 00:20:29,800 --> 00:20:31,140 You're right. 275 00:20:32,610 --> 00:20:34,280 I guess it's not so bad. 276 00:20:35,460 --> 00:20:38,160 I look pretty handsome even when taking care of someone, right? 277 00:20:38,490 --> 00:20:39,890 Shut your mouth. 278 00:20:42,210 --> 00:20:44,510 Your medicine is ready. 279 00:20:47,750 --> 00:20:52,100 Fern was probably embarrassed because I was there. 280 00:20:53,160 --> 00:20:57,200 People don't want to let others see them being spoiled. 281 00:20:58,310 --> 00:21:00,220 Thank you, Stark. 282 00:21:01,820 --> 00:21:03,710 I'll try doing what I myself want. 283 00:21:05,360 --> 00:21:09,750 In return, when you catch a cold, I will hold your hand. 284 00:21:10,200 --> 00:21:11,870 No way, that's embarrassing. 285 00:21:13,220 --> 00:21:16,870 All right, I'll go ahead and pick the mushroom. 286 00:21:17,770 --> 00:21:19,250 Here we go. 287 00:21:19,650 --> 00:21:22,260 It's much bigger than I expected! So scary! 288 00:21:22,990 --> 00:21:25,760 Then we add in all the other ingredients, 289 00:21:26,110 --> 00:21:29,010 and then mix it really, really well. 290 00:21:29,230 --> 00:21:31,510 You're like a witch! So, so scary! 291 00:21:34,130 --> 00:21:36,020 Open your mouth, Fern. 292 00:21:45,390 --> 00:21:48,600 You're so good at this. You're a real great help. 293 00:21:49,220 --> 00:21:50,300 Really? 294 00:21:52,180 --> 00:21:55,500 It's all right. You'll feel better soon. 295 00:21:56,160 --> 00:22:00,000 Mistress Frieren, I'm no longer a child... 296 00:22:01,010 --> 00:22:01,880 I know. 297 00:22:02,860 --> 00:22:04,080 I know. 298 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:17,430 Remember to take care of your health in your travel! 299 00:22:18,390 --> 00:22:21,390 Thank you so much for all the help! 300 00:22:22,010 --> 00:22:23,780 You seem a lot better. 301 00:22:25,390 --> 00:22:30,050 It's all thanks to Mistress Frieren, you, and Master Sein's notes. 302 00:22:30,500 --> 00:22:35,340 Not to mention, the owner of that house took great care of us. 303 00:22:37,080 --> 00:22:37,940 All right. 304 00:22:38,910 --> 00:22:39,790 Well then, 305 00:22:40,620 --> 00:22:44,050 our next destination is the city of magic, Äußerst. 306 00:22:50,050 --> 00:22:53,150 And I'm alright 307 00:22:53,150 --> 00:22:56,080 Yeah, I hear you 308 00:22:56,080 --> 00:23:01,350 The wind teases this hair that's longer now 309 00:23:01,880 --> 00:23:04,140 There's meaning in everything 310 00:23:04,700 --> 00:23:07,050 Even the days that came to a halt 311 00:23:07,980 --> 00:23:13,340 Now that I finally understand I've caught up to you 312 00:23:13,870 --> 00:23:17,516 See, things that couldn't have been 313 00:23:17,518 --> 00:23:20,460 Seen if it weren't for these eyes 314 00:23:20,460 --> 00:23:25,130 Why? They begin to overflow 315 00:23:25,130 --> 00:23:31,380 I won't ask to see you, so at least 316 00:23:31,380 --> 00:23:37,120 Let me remember the past, just for today 317 00:23:37,120 --> 00:23:42,920 So, if we were to meet again 318 00:23:43,210 --> 00:23:48,900 No more hesitations I'd choose the present 319 00:23:50,350 --> 00:23:54,760 Anytime, anywhere, yah 320 00:23:54,760 --> 00:23:57,660 Anytime, anywhere 321 00:23:57,660 --> 00:24:00,590 I'll be there 322 00:24:00,590 --> 00:24:03,530 Even if there are no absolutes 323 00:24:03,530 --> 00:24:06,560 I'm always aware of your thoughts 324 00:24:06,560 --> 00:24:12,420 Those tears will be alright, dawn will surely break 325 00:24:12,810 --> 00:24:19,480 I'm whispering our lullaby for you To come back home 326 00:24:20,388 --> 00:24:22,228 Can I take a look at that? 327 00:24:22,230 --> 00:24:24,540 It seems like we have a lot of promising examinees this year. 328 00:24:24,541 --> 00:24:26,890 - I can't do this on my own. - You have the eyes of a killer. 329 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:30,080 We will now begin the First-Class Mage Exam.