1 00:00:06,041 --> 00:00:07,375 [all] Ta-da! 2 00:00:07,875 --> 00:00:08,875 [eyebrows squeak] 3 00:00:10,833 --> 00:00:12,416 [hydraulics whirring] 4 00:00:13,750 --> 00:00:15,833 -[beeping] -[rock music plays] 5 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:18,291 -♪ Answer Time, Answer Time ♪ -♪ Answer Time! Answer Time! ♪ 6 00:00:18,375 --> 00:00:20,791 -♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪ -♪ Answer Time! ♪ 7 00:00:20,875 --> 00:00:23,375 ♪ They live in your computer And they got a job to do ♪ 8 00:00:23,458 --> 00:00:25,750 ♪ They're all about learning They make it fun too ♪ 9 00:00:25,833 --> 00:00:28,125 ♪ When you have a question They answer it for you ♪ 10 00:00:28,208 --> 00:00:30,041 ♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪ 11 00:00:31,333 --> 00:00:32,291 ♪ Answer Time! ♪ 12 00:00:32,375 --> 00:00:36,041 [clock ticking] 13 00:00:36,125 --> 00:00:37,750 [beeps and rings] 14 00:00:38,333 --> 00:00:40,416 -[all speaking] -[Bing] Hey, how's it going? 15 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:43,625 Hi, Bo. What is a baby skunk called? 16 00:00:43,708 --> 00:00:45,250 Oh. [laughs] 17 00:00:45,333 --> 00:00:48,625 A baby skunk is called a kit. 18 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:50,625 [laughs] 19 00:00:50,708 --> 00:00:53,083 Isn't that stinky? 20 00:00:53,166 --> 00:00:58,500 [slowly] Yes, but they are still so cute! 21 00:00:58,583 --> 00:01:00,375 -Oh! [thuds] -[objects clatter] 22 00:01:01,583 --> 00:01:03,666 Hi, Bang. Could you whistle? 23 00:01:03,750 --> 00:01:05,541 Of course, dude. Check it out. 24 00:01:05,625 --> 00:01:09,250 [inhales, blows forcefully] 25 00:01:09,333 --> 00:01:12,458 [inhales, blows intensely] 26 00:01:12,541 --> 00:01:14,250 Oh, wait, wait. I… I got it. 27 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:16,333 [objects clattering] 28 00:01:17,791 --> 00:01:19,333 [whistle blows] 29 00:01:19,416 --> 00:01:21,666 See? I told you I could whistle. 30 00:01:22,625 --> 00:01:26,708 [doo-wop singing] ♪ Shooby dooby dooby doo-wop, baby… ♪ 31 00:01:26,791 --> 00:01:28,916 -Excuse me! -[record scratch] 32 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:31,416 Could you please practice somewhere else? 33 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:34,500 Aw, we already tried everyone else's desk. 34 00:01:34,583 --> 00:01:37,208 Why do you need to practice on a desk? 35 00:01:37,291 --> 00:01:40,000 -[barbershop trio] I dunno. -Ugh. 36 00:01:40,083 --> 00:01:42,500 You can practice on my desk. 37 00:01:42,583 --> 00:01:46,125 -[barbershop trio] Yay! -[alarm beeping] 38 00:01:46,208 --> 00:01:48,000 There's a Level Three coming in. 39 00:01:49,166 --> 00:01:50,291 [mysterious music plays] 40 00:01:50,375 --> 00:01:53,666 StoryBots! I can't believe I got through to you. 41 00:01:53,750 --> 00:01:56,708 Hold on a second. I need to secure this channel. 42 00:01:57,291 --> 00:01:58,875 [keyboard clacks] 43 00:01:58,958 --> 00:02:00,250 Oh, okay. 44 00:02:00,750 --> 00:02:03,375 Uh, what can we do for you, Mister… 45 00:02:03,458 --> 00:02:08,125 You can just call me by my code name, Cosmic Caller. 46 00:02:09,458 --> 00:02:13,333 But why are you called Cosmic Caller, Mr. Cosmic Caller? 47 00:02:14,041 --> 00:02:19,750 It is because I am the world's foremost authority on UFOs, UAPs, 48 00:02:19,833 --> 00:02:22,958 and visitors from other worlds. 49 00:02:23,041 --> 00:02:26,583 For years, I have been scouring the cosmos, 50 00:02:26,666 --> 00:02:29,875 looking for signs of intelligent alien life. 51 00:02:29,958 --> 00:02:32,583 Whoa. Have you found anything? 52 00:02:32,666 --> 00:02:34,583 [laughs] 53 00:02:34,666 --> 00:02:37,083 Oh, I sure have, StoryBots. 54 00:02:37,166 --> 00:02:38,750 Get a load of this! 55 00:02:38,833 --> 00:02:40,000 [keyboard clacks] 56 00:02:42,333 --> 00:02:44,791 Uh, what are we looking at? 57 00:02:44,875 --> 00:02:48,250 [Cosmic Caller] Look, it's right there. The white dot! 58 00:02:48,333 --> 00:02:50,083 [StoryBots] Uh-huh. 59 00:02:50,166 --> 00:02:52,375 That's a UFO! 60 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:53,916 It is? 61 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:57,958 Uh, it kind of looks like a speck of dust to me. 62 00:02:58,041 --> 00:02:59,125 Boop. 63 00:02:59,208 --> 00:03:00,708 All right, StoryBots. 64 00:03:00,791 --> 00:03:03,791 I see my photographic evidence hasn't convinced you. 65 00:03:04,416 --> 00:03:07,333 How about some physical evidence? 66 00:03:08,875 --> 00:03:11,000 Whoa. What's that, dude? 67 00:03:11,083 --> 00:03:14,208 It must be some kind of alien language or code. 68 00:03:14,291 --> 00:03:18,250 There is absolutely, positively no other explanation for it. 69 00:03:18,750 --> 00:03:22,958 Well, I'm not so sure there's no other explanation for it. 70 00:03:23,041 --> 00:03:28,541 Maybe this is a blueprint for some sort of advanced alien technology. 71 00:03:28,625 --> 00:03:31,625 Who knows? It could even be the solution to world peace. 72 00:03:31,708 --> 00:03:34,541 I don't know, StoryBots. That's why I called you. 73 00:03:34,625 --> 00:03:37,458 I need your help in deciphering it. 74 00:03:37,541 --> 00:03:40,250 Hey, I know who can help us. Alabama Smith! 75 00:03:40,333 --> 00:03:42,250 Oh, that's a great idea, Bing. 76 00:03:42,333 --> 00:03:47,541 Yeah, Alabama Smith's always going on adventures and decoding ancient languages 77 00:03:47,625 --> 00:03:50,125 and figuring out secret codes. 78 00:03:50,208 --> 00:03:52,083 Hold up the message so I can copy it. 79 00:03:52,166 --> 00:03:56,625 Okay, but remember, Bing, this is super top-secret information. 80 00:03:56,708 --> 00:03:58,708 -[scribbling] -[muttering] Got it. 81 00:03:59,708 --> 00:04:05,541 Great. I just know this message contains information the world can benefit from. 82 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:06,708 Go, Bing! 83 00:04:06,791 --> 00:04:09,833 You got it, Cosmic Caller. We are on the job. 84 00:04:09,916 --> 00:04:11,750 [whirring and suctioning] 85 00:04:12,416 --> 00:04:14,291 -♪ Answer Time! ♪ -[whirring] 86 00:04:14,375 --> 00:04:17,750 Hey! Where does snow come from? 87 00:04:18,250 --> 00:04:19,875 -[whirring] -[happy music playing] 88 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:22,000 -Hey, Dink? -Yeah, Doink? 89 00:04:22,583 --> 00:04:24,875 Where do you think snow comes from? 90 00:04:24,958 --> 00:04:27,750 Snow? Oh, that's easy. 91 00:04:27,833 --> 00:04:30,916 Everyone knows that snow comes from the moon. 92 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:31,958 [record scratch] 93 00:04:32,458 --> 00:04:35,416 The moon? That's completely absurd! 94 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:38,708 Everybody knows snow is created by snow fairies. 95 00:04:38,791 --> 00:04:41,083 [laughing] What? Snow fairies? 96 00:04:41,166 --> 00:04:42,333 [crackling] 97 00:04:42,416 --> 00:04:45,000 And you think I'm absurd? [crackling] 98 00:04:45,083 --> 00:04:46,416 Oh yes, I do. In fact… 99 00:04:46,500 --> 00:04:49,708 In fact, you're the most absurd StoryBot I've ever met. 100 00:04:49,791 --> 00:04:52,916 Oh, well, at least I'm not the one 101 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:57,250 that thinks little tiny snow fairies go around making snowflakes! 102 00:04:57,333 --> 00:04:59,166 -[laughing] -All right. That's it! 103 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:01,250 I cannot go ice fishing with somebody 104 00:05:01,333 --> 00:05:04,125 that thinks snow floats down from outer space! 105 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:10,166 Well, I can't go ice fishing with someone that believes in snow fairies. [laughing] 106 00:05:10,250 --> 00:05:13,250 -Fine! I'll pack my stuff and go home. -[ominous music playing] 107 00:05:13,333 --> 00:05:15,000 -Fine. Good, Doink. -Fine, Dink. 108 00:05:15,083 --> 00:05:16,958 -Good. Good, Doink. Bye, Doink. -Bye-bye. 109 00:05:17,041 --> 00:05:19,041 -Bye, Doink. -So long. Bye-bye. 110 00:05:19,125 --> 00:05:21,083 -[growls] -[Dink and Doink scream] 111 00:05:21,750 --> 00:05:22,583 Hey, guys. 112 00:05:22,666 --> 00:05:25,125 You know, snow simply comes from the clouds, 113 00:05:25,208 --> 00:05:26,291 like rain. 114 00:05:26,375 --> 00:05:30,500 In fact, it's exactly like rain, except the water is frozen 115 00:05:30,583 --> 00:05:33,708 when the temperature is zero degrees Celsius or below. 116 00:05:36,500 --> 00:05:40,041 [both crackling] 117 00:05:40,125 --> 00:05:43,583 Yeah, right, mister. And I'm the Statue of Liberty! 118 00:05:43,666 --> 00:05:46,833 Yeah, we're not falling for that old trick. 119 00:05:46,916 --> 00:05:49,625 -"Snow comes from clouds." -[both laughing] 120 00:05:49,708 --> 00:05:52,916 -Come on, Dink. Let's get outta here. -Yeah. I'm with you, Doink. 121 00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:54,375 Let's get a snow cone. 122 00:05:54,458 --> 00:05:56,458 [both laughing] 123 00:05:58,083 --> 00:05:59,208 [whirring] 124 00:05:59,291 --> 00:06:02,166 Hi, StoryBots. How do you make bread? 125 00:06:02,708 --> 00:06:03,708 [whirring] 126 00:06:03,791 --> 00:06:06,291 [singers] ♪ Bread, bread How do you make it? ♪ 127 00:06:06,375 --> 00:06:09,000 ♪ Gotta make the dough Before you bake it ♪ 128 00:06:09,083 --> 00:06:14,250 ♪ Mixing up flour and water at least Plus salt and a special ingredient ♪ 129 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:18,625 ♪ Yeast ♪ 130 00:06:19,166 --> 00:06:21,750 ♪ You knead it, stretch it vigorously ♪ 131 00:06:21,833 --> 00:06:24,625 ♪ To give the bread Good structure and consistency ♪ 132 00:06:24,708 --> 00:06:27,041 ♪ Gotta let it sit for an hour or two ♪ 133 00:06:27,125 --> 00:06:29,958 ♪ To let the little yeast microbes do What they do ♪ 134 00:06:30,041 --> 00:06:32,333 ♪ When they eat, eat, eat The sugars in the dough ♪ 135 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:35,041 ♪ They make carbon dioxide That's a gas, you know ♪ 136 00:06:35,125 --> 00:06:37,458 ♪ It forms little bubbles They're tiny in size ♪ 137 00:06:37,541 --> 00:06:40,416 ♪ As the yeast makes more They make the dough rise ♪ 138 00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:42,875 ♪ When it's doubled in bulk It's ready to bake ♪ 139 00:06:42,958 --> 00:06:45,500 ♪ Half an hour or less Is the time it'll take ♪ 140 00:06:45,583 --> 00:06:48,125 ♪ To get puffy and crusty In the oven's heat ♪ 141 00:06:48,208 --> 00:06:52,291 ♪ You take it out, let it cool And it's ready to eat, yeah ♪ 142 00:06:52,375 --> 00:06:57,333 ♪ Bread, bread, cut a thick slice Fresh from the oven it's especially nice ♪ 143 00:06:57,416 --> 00:07:00,291 ♪ With butter or jam Or another great spread ♪ 144 00:07:00,375 --> 00:07:07,375 ♪ There's just nothing better Than fresh-baked bread ♪ 145 00:07:07,458 --> 00:07:08,666 [song ends] 146 00:07:08,750 --> 00:07:10,833 -[whirring] -Hi, StoryBots. 147 00:07:10,916 --> 00:07:13,291 What's in the news these days? 148 00:07:13,375 --> 00:07:14,458 [whirring] 149 00:07:14,541 --> 00:07:18,750 [announcer] You're watching StoryBots News on channel 22 and 2/3, WBOT, 150 00:07:18,833 --> 00:07:22,583 with your hosts Story Storyberg and Bot Botson. 151 00:07:24,750 --> 00:07:30,041 Breaking news. Science has proven tomatoes are not actually vegetables. 152 00:07:30,125 --> 00:07:35,416 They're a fruit, since they contain seeds and grow from the flower of the plant. 153 00:07:36,958 --> 00:07:39,125 Oh, I guess I'm on the wrong team. 154 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:40,541 [giggles] 155 00:07:40,625 --> 00:07:45,666 -[party music playing] -[fruit] Yeah! We're having better times. 156 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:48,833 [chanting] Fruit! Fruit! Fruit! Fruit! 157 00:07:48,916 --> 00:07:50,708 [whooping and chanting in the distance] 158 00:07:50,791 --> 00:07:53,916 [gloomily] I wish we were having better times. 159 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:57,291 [sighs] Me too, potato. Me too. 160 00:07:59,625 --> 00:08:01,958 [screaming] 161 00:08:02,041 --> 00:08:03,375 [announcer] Next stop, 162 00:08:03,458 --> 00:08:07,250 Alabama Smith's office at StoryBot University. 163 00:08:07,833 --> 00:08:09,375 [jazz music playing] 164 00:08:09,458 --> 00:08:11,125 [Bing screaming, grunts] 165 00:08:14,583 --> 00:08:16,750 Looks like Alabama Smith's not here. 166 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:23,416 "Went looking for the lost, well-hidden, difficult-to-find Temple of Fractions." 167 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:27,833 "3/10 of a chance I'll find it, 7/10 of a chance I don't come back alive." 168 00:08:27,916 --> 00:08:29,000 [record scratch] 169 00:08:29,083 --> 00:08:32,416 Oh man, how am I gonna find the Temple of Fractions? 170 00:08:33,541 --> 00:08:36,208 Hey, a map to the Temple of Fractions! 171 00:08:36,291 --> 00:08:39,041 -[adventurous music playing] -Well, that's convenient. 172 00:08:39,125 --> 00:08:40,208 Woo-hoo! 173 00:08:40,708 --> 00:08:42,791 [adventurous music continues] 174 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:51,791 [rumbling] 175 00:08:55,166 --> 00:08:57,041 -[laughing maliciously] -[heart thumping] 176 00:08:57,125 --> 00:08:59,916 Uh, excuse me. Is this the way to the Temple of Fractions? 177 00:09:00,416 --> 00:09:01,750 Yeah, down the road that way. 178 00:09:01,833 --> 00:09:04,625 Yeah. If you pass a giant skull, you've gone too far. 179 00:09:04,708 --> 00:09:06,375 Oh, great. Thank you. 180 00:09:06,458 --> 00:09:08,291 -No problem. Bye. -Our pleasure. 181 00:09:08,875 --> 00:09:10,875 [adventurous music playing] 182 00:09:13,791 --> 00:09:15,500 -[birds squawking] -[insects chirping] 183 00:09:15,583 --> 00:09:17,958 Finally, the Temple of Fractions! 184 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:23,958 -[mysterious music playing] -Hello? 185 00:09:24,041 --> 00:09:26,958 Alabama Smith, you in here? [echoing] 186 00:09:27,041 --> 00:09:28,916 [thumps, crashes] 187 00:09:29,875 --> 00:09:31,458 Alabama Smith! 188 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:33,750 Hey, look, a coin. 189 00:09:34,250 --> 00:09:36,458 -[rumbling] -Must be my lucky day. 190 00:09:38,666 --> 00:09:40,958 Alabama Smith? Alabama Smith? 191 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:43,791 Alabama Smith? 192 00:09:46,791 --> 00:09:50,708 Hmm. Alabama Smith must've filled this up to the first line. 193 00:09:50,791 --> 00:09:52,541 I bet it opened that door. 194 00:09:53,166 --> 00:09:55,666 Alabama Smith! 195 00:09:58,416 --> 00:10:02,458 Alabama Smith! He's just gotta be around here somewhere. 196 00:10:04,666 --> 00:10:06,291 Hey, look, a rope. 197 00:10:06,375 --> 00:10:08,541 And there's that secret code. 198 00:10:08,625 --> 00:10:11,416 Three over five? 199 00:10:11,500 --> 00:10:14,208 [gasps] I bet Alabama Smith went through that hole. 200 00:10:14,291 --> 00:10:15,958 I know how to get to him. 201 00:10:16,458 --> 00:10:20,958 Alabama Smith, here I come! 202 00:10:22,250 --> 00:10:25,000 Huh? Not the spikes! 203 00:10:25,083 --> 00:10:28,000 [screaming] 204 00:10:28,083 --> 00:10:29,000 [whirring] 205 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:32,666 Hello, StoryBots. My name's Winnie. 206 00:10:33,833 --> 00:10:35,625 What is a verb? 207 00:10:35,708 --> 00:10:36,791 [whirring] 208 00:10:36,875 --> 00:10:38,791 [keyboard clacking] 209 00:10:38,875 --> 00:10:41,083 [phone barking] 210 00:10:41,166 --> 00:10:44,208 What the… Why's my phone barking instead of ringing? 211 00:10:44,291 --> 00:10:45,958 -[air horn honks] -Verb swap! 212 00:10:46,041 --> 00:10:48,000 -[air horn honking] -[laughing] 213 00:10:48,083 --> 00:10:49,250 "Verb swap"? 214 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:52,750 A verb is any word used to describe an action. 215 00:10:52,833 --> 00:10:55,791 I just swapped one verb with another verb. 216 00:10:55,875 --> 00:10:57,375 [phone barking] 217 00:10:57,458 --> 00:11:00,625 You swapped the verb "ring" with the verb "bark"? 218 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:03,000 [chuckles] Yeah. Pretty funny, huh? 219 00:11:03,083 --> 00:11:05,125 -[phone barks] -How will I get anything done-- 220 00:11:05,208 --> 00:11:07,916 -[air horn honking] -[laughing] 221 00:11:08,000 --> 00:11:09,083 [hooves tapping] 222 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:13,041 Why the heck is my horse dancing instead of galloping? 223 00:11:13,125 --> 00:11:16,291 -[air horn honking] -Verb swap! [laughing] 224 00:11:16,375 --> 00:11:18,166 -[hose burping] -[yelps] 225 00:11:18,250 --> 00:11:21,541 Why is the hose burping instead of spraying? 226 00:11:21,625 --> 00:11:25,250 -[air horn honking] -Verb swap! [laughing] 227 00:11:25,333 --> 00:11:29,541 Shiver me timbers! Me boat is sinking instead of floating. 228 00:11:29,625 --> 00:11:32,750 -[air horn honking] -Verb swap! [laughing] 229 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:35,125 Hey, kids. Just remember, 230 00:11:35,208 --> 00:11:38,416 a verb is any word that describes an action. [laughs] 231 00:11:38,500 --> 00:11:39,666 [explosion blasts] 232 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:42,000 -[birds chirping] -[groans] 233 00:11:42,083 --> 00:11:46,458 Why did my horn explode instead of honk? 234 00:11:47,041 --> 00:11:48,416 [all] Verb swap! 235 00:11:48,500 --> 00:11:51,625 [laughing] 236 00:11:52,791 --> 00:11:56,208 [Bang] ♪ If you need a word To communicate an action, that's a verb ♪ 237 00:11:56,291 --> 00:11:59,583 -[StoryBots] ♪ Verb, verb, verb ♪ -♪ A word like spin or bounce ♪ 238 00:11:59,666 --> 00:12:00,958 ♪ Or jump or pounce ♪ 239 00:12:01,041 --> 00:12:03,375 -♪ Or skip or fly like a bird ♪ -[StoryBots] ♪ Skiddeldy dee ♪ 240 00:12:03,458 --> 00:12:06,000 ♪ You can talk about things And people too ♪ 241 00:12:06,083 --> 00:12:10,916 ♪ But when it comes to what they do You need a verb, verb, verb ♪ 242 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:13,916 -♪ It's an action word ♪ -[StoryBots] ♪ It's an action word ♪ 243 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:17,750 ♪ Anytime you wanna say You're gonna ride a bike or run and play ♪ 244 00:12:17,833 --> 00:12:20,958 -[StoryBots] ♪ Verb, verb, verb ♪ -[Bang] ♪ Or maybe draw or cook ♪ 245 00:12:21,041 --> 00:12:22,250 ♪ Or read a book ♪ 246 00:12:22,333 --> 00:12:24,708 ♪ Or dance the day away ♪ 247 00:12:24,791 --> 00:12:27,625 ♪ Or even swim at the crack of dawn ♪ 248 00:12:27,708 --> 00:12:32,208 ♪ The word that says what's going on It's a verb, verb, verb ♪ 249 00:12:32,291 --> 00:12:34,833 -♪ It's an action word ♪ -[StoryBots] ♪ It's an action word ♪ 250 00:12:34,916 --> 00:12:37,708 ♪ A word like sing or laugh or squeak ♪ 251 00:12:37,791 --> 00:12:40,250 ♪ Or eat or drink or hide or seek ♪ 252 00:12:40,333 --> 00:12:45,291 ♪ You may have heard that a verb ♪ 253 00:12:45,375 --> 00:12:48,916 [all] ♪ Is an action word ♪ 254 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:49,833 [song ends] 255 00:12:54,250 --> 00:12:58,875 [announcer] Next stop, a scary, spiky wall at the Temple of Fractions. 256 00:12:58,958 --> 00:13:03,041 [screaming] 257 00:13:04,416 --> 00:13:05,583 [grunts] 258 00:13:05,666 --> 00:13:09,708 [adventurous music plays] 259 00:13:09,791 --> 00:13:13,291 Alabama Smith! It's you. It's really you! 260 00:13:13,375 --> 00:13:14,833 Of course it's me. 261 00:13:14,916 --> 00:13:17,916 What're you doing here? This is no playground, kid. 262 00:13:18,000 --> 00:13:20,625 I've been trying to find you to answer a question. 263 00:13:20,708 --> 00:13:21,750 Question? 264 00:13:21,833 --> 00:13:24,625 Yeah. Since you know all sorts of languages and ancient codes, 265 00:13:24,708 --> 00:13:26,625 we hope you can decipher something for us. 266 00:13:26,708 --> 00:13:28,750 Okay, kid, but make it quick. 267 00:13:28,833 --> 00:13:31,333 What does this secret code mean? 268 00:13:31,916 --> 00:13:33,958 That's not a secret code, kid. 269 00:13:34,041 --> 00:13:37,083 That's math. Those are fractions. 270 00:13:37,166 --> 00:13:39,291 -Like that. -[dramatic music plays] 271 00:13:39,375 --> 00:13:42,000 Wow! Those numbers are fractions? 272 00:13:42,083 --> 00:13:44,291 Exactly. And look at this. 273 00:13:44,958 --> 00:13:48,458 One, two, three, four, five. 274 00:13:48,958 --> 00:13:51,291 Why are there five equal marks on the rope? 275 00:13:51,375 --> 00:13:55,333 Those marks are part of the puzzle to get to the next chamber, 276 00:13:55,416 --> 00:13:57,958 and the fraction is the key. 277 00:13:58,041 --> 00:14:00,416 So it is a secret code! 278 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:03,083 No, no. It's still math. 279 00:14:03,166 --> 00:14:08,875 Listen, kid, numbers like 2, 5, and 47 are called whole numbers 280 00:14:08,958 --> 00:14:11,833 because they talk about whole things. 281 00:14:11,916 --> 00:14:14,708 So, like, one hat or three rocks? 282 00:14:14,791 --> 00:14:15,958 Exactly. 283 00:14:16,041 --> 00:14:20,541 And fractions are used to talk about parts of a whole thing. 284 00:14:20,625 --> 00:14:24,125 Like 1/2, or 2/3, 285 00:14:24,208 --> 00:14:26,416 or 3/5. 286 00:14:27,041 --> 00:14:29,375 They're always written with a number on top 287 00:14:29,458 --> 00:14:31,250 and a number on the bottom. 288 00:14:31,333 --> 00:14:36,958 The bottom number tells you how many equal parts make up the whole thing. 289 00:14:37,041 --> 00:14:39,875 Oh, like the five equal marks on the rope. 290 00:14:39,958 --> 00:14:41,583 Now you're getting it, kid. 291 00:14:41,666 --> 00:14:43,958 That's why the bottom number is five. 292 00:14:44,041 --> 00:14:45,458 The top number tells you 293 00:14:45,541 --> 00:14:49,166 how many equal parts of the whole thing you're using. 294 00:14:49,250 --> 00:14:52,041 Oh. So, like, three? 295 00:14:52,125 --> 00:14:56,750 Yeah, so we need to use 3/5 of the rope. 296 00:14:56,833 --> 00:15:00,666 One, two, three. 297 00:15:00,750 --> 00:15:02,375 Hold tight, kid. 298 00:15:03,958 --> 00:15:05,791 [Bing screams] 299 00:15:06,291 --> 00:15:13,291 [continues screaming] 300 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:15,041 [grunts] Ow! 301 00:15:15,125 --> 00:15:17,083 Woo-hoo! That was awesome! 302 00:15:17,166 --> 00:15:19,791 We're not there yet, kid. Look. 303 00:15:20,916 --> 00:15:23,125 Whoa. Another deadly fraction puzzle. 304 00:15:23,208 --> 00:15:26,041 -I got this, Alabama Smith. -Bing, wait! No! 305 00:15:26,125 --> 00:15:27,875 [grunting] 306 00:15:28,416 --> 00:15:29,250 What? 307 00:15:29,333 --> 00:15:31,541 [temple rumbling] 308 00:15:31,625 --> 00:15:33,541 Uh-oh. Well, that can't be good. 309 00:15:36,916 --> 00:15:38,208 [grunting] 310 00:15:38,291 --> 00:15:40,083 Hurry up, kid. Move! 311 00:15:40,833 --> 00:15:44,000 Let's see. The bottom tells me how many equal parts for the whole, 312 00:15:44,083 --> 00:15:45,208 so eight. 313 00:15:45,291 --> 00:15:47,375 Pick up the pace, kid! 314 00:15:47,458 --> 00:15:52,083 Top number tells me how many equal parts of the whole to fill in. Five. 315 00:15:52,166 --> 00:15:54,333 Bing! Hurry! 316 00:15:54,416 --> 00:15:57,583 Uh, three, uh, four, uh, five! 317 00:15:59,208 --> 00:16:00,041 Phew! 318 00:16:02,166 --> 00:16:03,916 Great job, kid. 319 00:16:04,000 --> 00:16:05,250 [grunting] 320 00:16:05,833 --> 00:16:08,625 -You did it. -[inspiring music playing] 321 00:16:08,708 --> 00:16:10,875 Wow. 322 00:16:10,958 --> 00:16:12,958 Yup, there it is. 323 00:16:13,041 --> 00:16:15,833 The famed golden pizza cutter. 324 00:16:15,916 --> 00:16:20,708 It'll cut any whole pizza into perfect 1/8 slices. 325 00:16:21,333 --> 00:16:25,541 Wait, you came all this way and risked your life for a pizza cutter? 326 00:16:26,041 --> 00:16:28,666 Yeah, well, I really like pizza. 327 00:16:29,166 --> 00:16:32,375 Yeah, I get that. Anyway, thanks for your help, Alabama Smith. 328 00:16:32,458 --> 00:16:35,250 I gotta get back with my answer. Gotta go. See ya. Bye! 329 00:16:35,333 --> 00:16:37,291 -[temple rumbles] -Bing, wait! No! 330 00:16:37,916 --> 00:16:40,375 -Oh, not again! -[rumbling] 331 00:16:40,458 --> 00:16:42,375 -[Alabama Smith grunts] -[sheep bleats] 332 00:16:43,208 --> 00:16:44,458 [Alabama Smith] Ow. 333 00:16:44,541 --> 00:16:46,750 [whirring] 334 00:16:49,250 --> 00:16:52,166 [singer] ♪ When you got 1/2 of a cake Or a chocolate shake ♪ 335 00:16:52,250 --> 00:16:54,708 -♪ That's a fraction ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Fraction ♪ 336 00:16:54,791 --> 00:16:57,000 [singer] ♪ If you toss 2/3 of a bagel To the birds ♪ 337 00:16:57,083 --> 00:16:59,458 -♪ That's a fraction ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Fraction ♪ 338 00:16:59,541 --> 00:17:00,666 [all] ♪ 1/6 of a pie ♪ 339 00:17:00,750 --> 00:17:01,875 ♪ 3/4 of a fry ♪ 340 00:17:01,958 --> 00:17:04,166 [singer] ♪ 2/5 of a cinnamon roll ♪ 341 00:17:04,250 --> 00:17:07,541 ♪ It's a super-cool fact A fraction is part of a whole ♪ 342 00:17:07,625 --> 00:17:09,125 [backing vocals] ♪ Part of a whole ♪ 343 00:17:09,208 --> 00:17:11,958 [singer] ♪ The number on the bottom Says how many equal parts there are ♪ 344 00:17:12,041 --> 00:17:13,833 [backing vocals] ♪ All the parts there are ♪ 345 00:17:13,916 --> 00:17:15,666 [singer] ♪ The number you're counting Out of those ♪ 346 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:18,000 -♪ Goes on top of the bar ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ On top of the bar ♪ 347 00:17:18,083 --> 00:17:20,916 [singer] ♪ If you take 1/4 of your blocks Out of their box ♪ 348 00:17:21,000 --> 00:17:23,333 -♪ That's a fraction ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Fraction ♪ 349 00:17:23,416 --> 00:17:25,875 [singer] ♪ If you just wanna play With 1/3 of your clay ♪ 350 00:17:25,958 --> 00:17:28,250 -♪ That's a fraction ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Fraction ♪ 351 00:17:28,333 --> 00:17:29,458 [all] ♪ 1/2 of a chain ♪ 352 00:17:29,541 --> 00:17:30,666 ♪ 3/5 of a train ♪ 353 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:33,000 [singer] ♪ 5/8 of the fishes in a bowl ♪ 354 00:17:33,083 --> 00:17:34,541 ♪ It's the main attraction ♪ 355 00:17:34,625 --> 00:17:37,208 -♪ A fraction is part of a whole ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Part of a whole ♪ 356 00:17:37,291 --> 00:17:40,041 -[singer] ♪ That's math in action ♪ -[backing vocals] ♪ Math in action ♪ 357 00:17:40,125 --> 00:17:45,083 [singer] ♪ A fraction is a part of a whole ♪ 358 00:17:45,166 --> 00:17:47,291 [backing vocals] ♪ A fraction is a part of a whole ♪ 359 00:17:47,375 --> 00:17:48,208 [song ends] 360 00:17:50,041 --> 00:17:51,333 [keyboard clacks] 361 00:17:51,416 --> 00:17:54,375 Hello? Cosmic Caller, are you there? Come in. 362 00:17:54,458 --> 00:17:56,791 Bing. Bing, is that you? Yes, I'm here. 363 00:17:56,875 --> 00:18:00,208 Have you deciphered that advanced alien message yet? 364 00:18:00,291 --> 00:18:02,125 I sure did. And guess what? 365 00:18:02,208 --> 00:18:05,541 It's the blueprint for advanced light-speed travel. 366 00:18:05,625 --> 00:18:08,500 I knew it! I knew it. I totally knew it. 367 00:18:08,583 --> 00:18:10,416 Uh, no. It's actually just-- 368 00:18:10,500 --> 00:18:13,375 It's the design for a super powerful force field. 369 00:18:13,458 --> 00:18:15,000 -Uh… -I know! 370 00:18:15,083 --> 00:18:18,500 It's detailed instructions on how to build a giant space robot. 371 00:18:18,583 --> 00:18:19,750 [mimics robot whirring] 372 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:23,416 No, Cosmic Caller. It's not a secret code or alien language. 373 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:24,708 It's just fractions. 374 00:18:24,791 --> 00:18:26,458 Fractions? 375 00:18:26,541 --> 00:18:30,166 Yeah. Numbers that represent smaller parts of a whole thing. 376 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:32,250 Come on, that's impossible, Bing. 377 00:18:32,333 --> 00:18:35,916 I mean, this is so obviously an alien message that… 378 00:18:37,333 --> 00:18:38,500 Wait a minute. 379 00:18:42,125 --> 00:18:43,041 [gasps] 380 00:18:43,125 --> 00:18:44,166 What is it? 381 00:18:44,750 --> 00:18:47,916 It's… a recipe. 382 00:18:48,500 --> 00:18:49,541 From aliens? 383 00:18:50,125 --> 00:18:52,083 Oh, no, no, not aliens. 384 00:18:52,166 --> 00:18:53,791 This is from my grandma. 385 00:18:54,666 --> 00:18:57,250 Your grandma's recipe? 386 00:18:57,333 --> 00:19:00,375 Yeah. And look, those are fractions. 387 00:19:00,458 --> 00:19:06,291 They specify the amount of ingredients for Grandma's super-secret apple pie recipe. 388 00:19:07,125 --> 00:19:13,000 It's 1/2 a spoonful of sugar, and… And look, 2/3 a stick of butter. 389 00:19:13,083 --> 00:19:16,708 Wow. So the message was just a recipe for apple pie all along? 390 00:19:16,791 --> 00:19:19,041 Not just any apple pie, Bing. 391 00:19:19,125 --> 00:19:22,375 This is my grandma's super-secret apple pie. 392 00:19:23,291 --> 00:19:26,750 I'm sure those aliens will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. 393 00:19:27,250 --> 00:19:28,916 Uh, if you say so. 394 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:31,958 Hey, I gotta secure this recipe, stat. 395 00:19:32,041 --> 00:19:36,291 Thanks for all your help, StoryBots. This is Cosmic Caller, over and out. 396 00:19:36,375 --> 00:19:37,583 [keyboard clacking] 397 00:19:37,666 --> 00:19:40,500 -[static crackles] -[theme music playing]