1 00:01:37,459 --> 00:01:39,293 Get up, sleepyhead. We're in London. 2 00:01:43,543 --> 00:01:45,043 - Everything okay? - Yeah. 3 00:01:51,543 --> 00:01:52,918 I think we have to go this way. 4 00:01:54,043 --> 00:01:57,209 - Mum! - Finally, you're here. 5 00:01:57,209 --> 00:01:58,459 Welcome to London. 6 00:01:58,459 --> 00:02:00,001 - How were the holidays? - We went on a hike every day. 7 00:02:01,751 --> 00:02:04,043 Come, come. 8 00:02:14,376 --> 00:02:16,418 You're going to love Ernest. 9 00:02:16,418 --> 00:02:19,043 And I have a surprise for you. 10 00:02:19,043 --> 00:02:20,959 It's going to be great. 11 00:02:20,959 --> 00:02:23,126 I hate her surprises. 12 00:02:34,043 --> 00:02:35,584 Good day, ladies! 13 00:02:35,584 --> 00:02:37,584 Welcome to London. 14 00:02:52,001 --> 00:02:54,209 - What "others"? - No idea. 15 00:02:54,209 --> 00:02:56,501 Butter, come. Where are we? 16 00:02:56,501 --> 00:02:57,876 Please, don't let this be a commune. 17 00:03:20,168 --> 00:03:21,168 I can‘t believe it. 18 00:04:09,959 --> 00:04:12,334 Liv, no one wants to replace your father. 19 00:04:14,376 --> 00:04:16,084 No, but we all have a right to be happy. 20 00:04:16,084 --> 00:04:17,626 So to make us happy, 21 00:04:17,626 --> 00:04:19,001 you drag us to a new country every year? 22 00:04:19,001 --> 00:04:21,168 Pardon me for being the reason you speak five languages. 23 00:04:21,168 --> 00:04:23,501 Pardon me for not wanting to play happy families 24 00:04:23,501 --> 00:04:25,834 with a bunch of strangers. 25 00:04:25,834 --> 00:04:27,126 I give it a month. 26 00:04:27,126 --> 00:04:29,334 - He won't stand you any longer. - Okay, challenge accepted. 27 00:05:58,084 --> 00:06:00,043 I dream about him a lot at the moment. 28 00:06:00,043 --> 00:06:01,709 Yeah? 29 00:06:04,043 --> 00:06:05,418 What do you dream about? 30 00:06:07,834 --> 00:06:10,668 The dreams are pretty much exactly like this video. 31 00:06:10,668 --> 00:06:12,459 We're making Lamingtons. 32 00:06:13,043 --> 00:06:15,084 But we're in this 33 00:06:15,084 --> 00:06:19,418 really beautiful red house... Like a cottage. You know? 34 00:06:23,043 --> 00:06:26,043 - Am I there, too? - Of course you are. 35 00:06:26,709 --> 00:06:30,043 You and Dad are making a huge mess. Like always. 36 00:06:33,293 --> 00:06:35,668 I really wish I could talk to him again. 37 00:06:37,668 --> 00:06:39,209 Just one more time. 38 00:06:42,334 --> 00:06:45,043 So I can tell him that I'm sorry. 39 00:06:46,168 --> 00:06:47,459 He knows it, Livi. 40 00:06:51,293 --> 00:06:54,001 Here. Do you want Dad's watch today? 41 00:06:58,584 --> 00:07:00,668 Say hi to him for me. 42 00:07:00,668 --> 00:07:03,043 Liv, you can't say hi to people in dreams. 43 00:07:03,709 --> 00:07:05,334 You don't know that for sure. 44 00:07:05,334 --> 00:07:06,918 I'll tell him you said hi. 45 00:07:34,793 --> 00:07:36,209 I'm going to go get something to drink. 46 00:09:57,043 --> 00:09:59,043 Huh? Grayson? 47 00:11:25,334 --> 00:11:26,334 Damn! 48 00:14:04,376 --> 00:14:06,043 Today you get Dad's watch. 49 00:14:07,668 --> 00:14:10,084 - I hate the first days of school. - And I the last ones. 50 00:14:19,959 --> 00:14:22,376 It's quite okay here. 51 00:14:25,584 --> 00:14:26,584 - It'll be fine. - It'll be fine. 52 00:14:46,251 --> 00:14:47,251 Good luck. 53 00:16:33,543 --> 00:16:36,084 Have you ever had a dream about someone, 54 00:16:36,084 --> 00:16:37,543 then seen them in real life? 55 00:16:38,834 --> 00:16:40,209 You have a crush. 56 00:16:40,209 --> 00:16:42,751 - Oh, my God. I knew it. - No, I don't. 57 00:16:42,751 --> 00:16:45,293 Okay, chill. I'm just saying. 58 00:16:45,918 --> 00:16:48,168 But hypothetically speaking, if you had a dream about someone, 59 00:16:48,168 --> 00:16:49,709 and then meet them in real life, 60 00:16:49,709 --> 00:16:51,751 they're literally the person of your dreams. 61 00:16:55,626 --> 00:16:56,626 See you later! 62 00:16:57,918 --> 00:17:00,251 Liv, what are you doing? That's the wrong bus! 63 00:17:28,043 --> 00:17:30,043 Isn't this the one from the dream? 64 00:17:40,793 --> 00:17:41,793 What? 65 00:17:42,793 --> 00:17:45,376 Isn't this all from the dream? 66 00:17:47,709 --> 00:17:49,334 This can't be. 67 00:17:51,751 --> 00:17:53,709 WHY SOME DREAMS SEEM REAL 68 00:21:19,543 --> 00:21:21,626 And why don't you open now? 69 00:22:11,626 --> 00:22:14,043 Mia, you are really dreaming of him. 70 00:22:56,543 --> 00:22:58,168 I need a costume. 71 00:29:34,251 --> 00:29:36,501 I wish I could talk to Dad again. 72 00:30:18,043 --> 00:30:19,584 There you are. 73 00:30:23,751 --> 00:30:25,418 See you in your dream. 74 00:34:38,918 --> 00:34:40,584 Today, I'll make it into your dream. 75 00:35:50,959 --> 00:35:53,043 Mia, Mia, Mia, where are you? 76 00:38:19,501 --> 00:38:21,126 One, two, three, four, five, six, 77 00:38:21,126 --> 00:38:23,543 - seven, eight, nine... - Why are you counting? 78 00:38:23,543 --> 00:38:24,626 Erm... 79 00:38:25,376 --> 00:38:27,043 And why the hell are you wearing shoes? 80 00:38:27,626 --> 00:38:28,626 Erm... 81 00:38:29,751 --> 00:38:30,751 Cold feet? 82 00:38:31,293 --> 00:38:34,293 This is too much for me. Good night, Liv. 83 00:38:34,876 --> 00:38:36,918 Everyone is totally nuts here... 84 00:38:48,293 --> 00:38:49,626 - See you later. - See you later. 85 00:38:50,918 --> 00:38:52,043 Your boy? 86 00:46:42,876 --> 00:46:45,418 Come, Butter. Good girl. 87 00:46:47,084 --> 00:46:48,251 Where were you all night? 88 00:46:48,251 --> 00:46:50,043 I was worried about you. 89 00:46:50,043 --> 00:46:51,168 Yes, Butter. 90 00:46:54,043 --> 00:46:55,043 That's for you. 91 00:46:57,626 --> 00:46:59,043 Did you cry? 92 00:47:00,418 --> 00:47:01,418 Liv, what's going on? 93 00:47:04,043 --> 00:47:05,918 Persephone from school is dead. 94 00:47:05,918 --> 00:47:07,043 What? 95 00:47:08,168 --> 00:47:09,793 I just feel like 96 00:47:09,793 --> 00:47:11,501 it's all my fault. Again. 97 00:47:11,501 --> 00:47:14,043 Oh, no. Come here. 98 00:47:14,043 --> 00:47:15,751 It isn't your fault. 99 00:47:15,751 --> 00:47:19,043 Hey. It's okay. It's okay. 100 01:00:44,043 --> 01:00:45,209 Hey, Liv. Are you coming today? 101 01:01:01,501 --> 01:01:02,543 Are you okay, Liv? 102 01:04:04,376 --> 01:04:05,626 Where are you? 103 01:14:49,293 --> 01:14:51,584 Mia, where are you? 104 01:14:56,168 --> 01:14:57,918 Mia, where's your door? 105 01:14:59,251 --> 01:15:00,501 Where is your door? 106 01:17:05,834 --> 01:17:06,918 I'm cold. 107 01:17:08,209 --> 01:17:09,334 I'm so cold. 108 01:17:16,751 --> 01:17:17,751 Mia, wake up! 109 01:22:09,043 --> 01:22:10,876 - Everything okay? - What are you doing here? 110 01:22:10,876 --> 01:22:11,959 Are you all right? 111 01:22:17,209 --> 01:22:18,293 Look at me. 112 01:22:18,293 --> 01:22:21,001 - Look at my finger. - What was in that gross punch? 113 01:23:53,876 --> 01:23:54,876 Good night, Butter. 114 01:23:59,543 --> 01:24:00,876 Good night, Liv. 115 01:24:00,876 --> 01:24:02,043 Good night. 116 01:24:51,959 --> 01:24:53,376 Good morning. 117 01:25:03,501 --> 01:25:05,293 - Good morning, sweetie. - Morning. 118 01:25:05,293 --> 01:25:07,126 - Everything okay? - More than okay, actually. 119 01:25:10,001 --> 01:25:11,709 Breakfast is ready, okay? 120 01:25:12,334 --> 01:25:13,501 Oh, Mum? 121 01:25:14,709 --> 01:25:15,709 Yes? 122 01:25:17,626 --> 01:25:20,043 Sorry that I'm... 123 01:25:20,043 --> 01:25:21,126 the way I am sometimes. 124 01:25:23,293 --> 01:25:25,126 The way you are is good. 125 01:25:26,251 --> 01:25:28,001 Like your dad used to say... 126 01:25:43,126 --> 01:25:44,126 Bye.