1 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:54,921 Welcome to high school, 2 00:00:55,354 --> 00:00:58,887 where Darwin's Law, the survival of the fittest, 3 00:00:58,954 --> 00:01:00,954 is put into practice on a daily basis. 4 00:01:06,587 --> 00:01:08,221 So what? 5 00:01:09,254 --> 00:01:13,154 However, in high school, just surviving is not enough. 6 00:01:14,121 --> 00:01:17,987 Adolescents, made up entirely of hormones and insecurities, 7 00:01:18,054 --> 00:01:19,387 yearn to prosper. 8 00:01:22,887 --> 00:01:26,354 In other words, all that matters is popularity. 9 00:01:29,787 --> 00:01:30,821 That's me. 10 00:01:30,887 --> 00:01:31,987 Hello! 11 00:01:32,054 --> 00:01:34,387 No, not her. A little lower. 12 00:01:35,721 --> 00:01:37,087 That's me! 13 00:01:38,187 --> 00:01:41,454 As you can see, I'm not your typical high school student. 14 00:01:45,354 --> 00:01:48,487 I didn't have many friends during my childhood. 15 00:01:48,754 --> 00:01:52,187 It's just that children my age didn't challenge me. 16 00:01:53,221 --> 00:01:58,487 But I was happy because I had something a thousand times better. 17 00:01:59,154 --> 00:02:02,187 I had the science. 18 00:02:13,153 --> 00:02:14,153 That's my father. 19 00:02:14,220 --> 00:02:18,653 He makes an effort, considering that he had to raise two daughters alone. 20 00:02:19,486 --> 00:02:20,886 It's awful, Aunt Tammy! 21 00:02:20,953 --> 00:02:23,020 Why can't I wear princess braid? 22 00:02:23,086 --> 00:02:25,220 Ari, we've talked about this. 23 00:02:25,586 --> 00:02:27,786 Today is Erwin's birthday! 24 00:02:28,486 --> 00:02:30,886 Well, not completely alone. 25 00:02:30,953 --> 00:02:33,120 Aunt Tammy is my father's older sister. 26 00:02:33,186 --> 00:02:35,053 She practically takes care of everything. 27 00:02:35,120 --> 00:02:37,353 There must be a lot of... traffic? 28 00:02:38,220 --> 00:02:40,553 Nobody's coming to this nerd party, Dad. 29 00:02:40,620 --> 00:02:41,686 Ari! 30 00:02:42,453 --> 00:02:44,953 How about we open some presents? 31 00:03:12,020 --> 00:03:13,120 "Erwin." 32 00:03:14,020 --> 00:03:15,653 That's my name! 33 00:03:17,853 --> 00:03:20,286 Your mother gave you that name because of him. 34 00:03:21,286 --> 00:03:22,786 He was her favorite scientist. 35 00:03:23,453 --> 00:03:26,720 I was cleaning out her office and I thought it should be yours. 36 00:03:27,886 --> 00:03:29,086 Wow! 37 00:03:34,986 --> 00:03:38,320 Still, a small one, 38 00:03:38,386 --> 00:03:42,153 insignificant and microscopic part of me felt that something was... 39 00:03:42,920 --> 00:03:45,086 I don't know, missing? 40 00:03:45,520 --> 00:03:48,320 Ari, can I come too? 41 00:03:48,386 --> 00:03:50,586 No way, nerd. Go fill Aunt Tammy in. 42 00:03:56,653 --> 00:03:57,653 Jacob. 43 00:03:59,586 --> 00:04:00,586 Ari. 44 00:04:02,220 --> 00:04:03,220 Will. 45 00:04:04,820 --> 00:04:05,820 Sam. 46 00:04:06,653 --> 00:04:08,220 - Carol. - Lily. 47 00:04:08,286 --> 00:04:09,753 -Sarah -Mike. 48 00:04:09,820 --> 00:04:10,853 Jenna. 49 00:04:12,420 --> 00:04:14,153 You choose last. 50 00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:17,520 - Is your little sister good? - How would I know? 51 00:04:17,586 --> 00:04:20,153 But is she better than Dennis the Disaster? 52 00:04:27,586 --> 00:04:29,620 Ari's little sister, are you good? 53 00:04:31,453 --> 00:04:34,420 It seems to be a simple matter 54 00:04:34,486 --> 00:04:38,520 to apply centrifugal force and speed to the ball, 55 00:04:38,586 --> 00:04:40,220 as well as speed and agility. 56 00:04:40,286 --> 00:04:42,286 All this forms the following equation: 57 00:04:42,353 --> 00:04:43,820 F equals MN, 58 00:04:43,886 --> 00:04:45,453 where F is the friction force, 59 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:47,953 N is the normal force exerted on the ball 60 00:04:48,020 --> 00:04:50,453 and M is the coefficient of friction. 61 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:52,253 Basic mathematics. 62 00:04:52,320 --> 00:04:54,286 But to give you the exact distance... 63 00:04:54,353 --> 00:04:55,553 I choose Dennis. 64 00:04:55,620 --> 00:04:56,653 Yay! 65 00:05:14,486 --> 00:05:17,153 So that's how I spent my early years: 66 00:05:17,220 --> 00:05:20,020 happily alone in a bubble that I had created myself. 67 00:05:29,086 --> 00:05:30,486 Well, until I did 68 00:05:30,553 --> 00:05:33,920 the greatest scientific discovery of the 21st century. 69 00:05:34,720 --> 00:05:36,286 But I'm getting ahead of myself. 70 00:06:06,620 --> 00:06:07,753 Hey! 71 00:06:10,020 --> 00:06:12,053 All right, let's choose the teams. 72 00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:14,653 Yes, Erwin, you can go to the bank. 73 00:06:32,820 --> 00:06:36,220 Kimber said that Charlie was looking at me at lunch. 74 00:06:36,286 --> 00:06:38,686 I was sitting in front of the pizza cart. 75 00:06:38,753 --> 00:06:41,353 Wait a minute. Charlie Jacobs? 76 00:06:41,986 --> 00:06:45,586 - Isn't he dating Courtney S.? - They broke up last week. 77 00:06:46,620 --> 00:06:49,286 It must be because of that horrible coloring. 78 00:06:50,420 --> 00:06:52,820 - Look, darling, if you left me... - Never! 79 00:06:53,353 --> 00:06:56,720 You know best. Erwin, how was your day? 80 00:06:56,786 --> 00:07:00,386 And then Amanda had an epic fight with Tim and they broke up! 81 00:07:00,453 --> 00:07:01,486 Again. 82 00:07:01,553 --> 00:07:03,020 - Again? - Again! 83 00:07:03,086 --> 00:07:06,453 - What's wrong with these two? - Amanda does it to get attention. 84 00:07:07,020 --> 00:07:10,720 Then Kimber and I spent the break treating her like an asshole. 85 00:07:11,620 --> 00:07:13,686 Erwin, have you spoken to anyone today? 86 00:07:13,753 --> 00:07:15,920 - You'd think so. - Erwin. 87 00:07:16,486 --> 00:07:19,986 I asked my aunt at the canteen if there were peanuts in the meat sauce. 88 00:07:20,053 --> 00:07:21,420 She said no. 89 00:07:25,253 --> 00:07:26,886 SCIENTIST AT WORK 90 00:07:28,853 --> 00:07:30,186 This is our big day. 91 00:07:31,353 --> 00:07:33,353 The science fair is in a few weeks. 92 00:07:33,420 --> 00:07:34,620 So time is short. 93 00:07:35,953 --> 00:07:36,953 Are you with me? 94 00:07:39,986 --> 00:07:41,020 Well done! 95 00:07:42,520 --> 00:07:46,553 THE PERFECT JAM SANDWICH AND PEANUT BUTTER 96 00:07:53,453 --> 00:07:55,253 CREAMINESS COEFFICIENT 97 00:08:19,620 --> 00:08:20,653 Look... 98 00:08:21,186 --> 00:08:22,653 without wanting to apportion blame, 99 00:08:23,553 --> 00:08:27,186 but it was you who suggested that we use 100 00:08:27,253 --> 00:08:30,186 an irrational polynomial equation. 101 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:33,320 You know what? I can't talk to you like this! 102 00:08:33,686 --> 00:08:35,853 I think we'd better take a break. 103 00:08:44,186 --> 00:08:46,887 Children who talk to posters... 104 00:08:52,487 --> 00:08:56,854 "Helping the antisocial child", by Dr. Lorne Schmeigle. 105 00:08:56,921 --> 00:08:59,087 Talking about the antisocial child... 106 00:08:59,521 --> 00:09:01,487 Guys, we have a new student today. 107 00:09:01,854 --> 00:09:04,121 Winston, why don't you tell something about yourself? 108 00:09:05,887 --> 00:09:08,854 There's not much to tell. I'm 13, I like chemistry. 109 00:09:08,921 --> 00:09:12,654 Good to know. Well done! Let's bring Winston up to speed. 110 00:09:12,721 --> 00:09:15,987 Who can tell me the difference between covalent and ionic bonds? 111 00:09:18,187 --> 00:09:22,921 It'll be fun. A healthy competition. I like it. 112 00:09:23,421 --> 00:09:24,721 Let's listen to Winston. 113 00:09:25,587 --> 00:09:28,154 In covalent bonding, electrons are shared, 114 00:09:28,221 --> 00:09:31,154 while in an ionic bond, the electrons are transferred. 115 00:09:31,487 --> 00:09:32,787 It's an incredible thing. 116 00:09:32,854 --> 00:09:35,821 It all comes down to the interaction of subatomic particles. 117 00:09:35,887 --> 00:09:38,387 Well done, Winston. Yes, young lady. 118 00:09:38,454 --> 00:09:42,287 Technically, an electron is a particle and a wave at the same time. 119 00:09:42,787 --> 00:09:45,787 - The Schrödinger equation explains that... - Here it goes again. 120 00:09:45,854 --> 00:09:47,354 That's all right. That's enough. 121 00:09:47,421 --> 00:09:49,321 Schrödinger's equation is dated. 122 00:09:49,387 --> 00:09:51,854 What kind of shoddy science is being done here? 123 00:09:52,487 --> 00:09:54,854 At least I'm not obsessed with rudimentary art 124 00:09:54,921 --> 00:09:57,087 mixing elements to form a reaction! 125 00:09:57,354 --> 00:10:00,687 Are you talking about chemistry? The basis of all science! 126 00:10:00,754 --> 00:10:04,554 Come on! Chemistry is the big black sheep of the scientific community. 127 00:10:05,187 --> 00:10:06,321 No offense intended. 128 00:10:06,754 --> 00:10:10,654 According to Ernest Rutherford, "all science is physics or philately." 129 00:10:12,387 --> 00:10:13,421 Ari. 130 00:10:14,487 --> 00:10:15,821 Isn't she your sister? 131 00:10:26,487 --> 00:10:28,487 Right. Hold on, hold on, guys. 132 00:10:28,554 --> 00:10:30,154 I have great news. 133 00:10:30,221 --> 00:10:31,587 I just found out 134 00:10:31,654 --> 00:10:34,721 that the winner of this year's this year 135 00:10:34,787 --> 00:10:36,621 will be invited to participate 136 00:10:36,687 --> 00:10:40,187 elite science program program. 137 00:10:41,421 --> 00:10:43,921 I know, it's a great opportunity, 138 00:10:43,987 --> 00:10:46,521 and there are only three weeks left, we have to speed up. 139 00:10:47,121 --> 00:10:48,221 You are dismissed. 140 00:10:48,554 --> 00:10:50,354 Well done. Quickly. 141 00:10:51,187 --> 00:10:52,187 Thanks, guys. 142 00:10:56,787 --> 00:10:59,687 You're 13 years old. Did you skip three grades? 143 00:11:00,254 --> 00:11:01,521 - And you? - Four. 144 00:11:02,354 --> 00:11:03,354 IQ? 145 00:11:03,421 --> 00:11:04,687 It's 142. What about you? 146 00:11:05,021 --> 00:11:06,587 Priceless. 147 00:11:07,454 --> 00:11:10,154 The SIT scholarship is mine. You know that, don't you? 148 00:11:11,087 --> 00:11:13,154 Well, it's like Ms. Idle said, 149 00:11:13,221 --> 00:11:15,387 healthy competition doesn't hurt anyone. 150 00:11:16,021 --> 00:11:17,421 Competition? 151 00:11:20,787 --> 00:11:22,887 Well, that's thought-provoking. 152 00:11:25,721 --> 00:11:27,387 Did you know there's cake in the canteen? 153 00:11:35,821 --> 00:11:37,521 You won't believe what... 154 00:11:49,021 --> 00:11:53,654 I know it sounds mean, but we just want to help you. 155 00:11:53,721 --> 00:11:55,587 Stealing my things? 156 00:11:55,654 --> 00:11:58,754 What is this? A dictatorship? Don't I have rights? 157 00:11:58,821 --> 00:12:00,987 Your Aunt Tammy thinks that... 158 00:12:01,521 --> 00:12:03,287 Your aunt Tammy and I found 159 00:12:03,954 --> 00:12:06,487 that maybe you're too lonely. 160 00:12:06,554 --> 00:12:08,354 It's not healthy at your age. 161 00:12:08,421 --> 00:12:10,554 It's like a carburetor without a sealing ring. 162 00:12:10,621 --> 00:12:12,354 Petrol leaks everywhere. 163 00:12:14,487 --> 00:12:15,687 What? 164 00:12:15,754 --> 00:12:19,121 What your father is trying to say in his own way 165 00:12:19,187 --> 00:12:22,621 it's for your own good, dear. 166 00:12:23,187 --> 00:12:25,321 Maybe we should change things a little. 167 00:12:26,187 --> 00:12:28,287 But I don't want to change things! 168 00:12:28,354 --> 00:12:31,187 I like them as they are, as always! 169 00:12:31,254 --> 00:12:33,187 You spend every afternoon 170 00:12:33,254 --> 00:12:36,454 and every weekend locked in her room, alone. 171 00:12:36,521 --> 00:12:38,421 That's not normal. 172 00:12:38,487 --> 00:12:40,054 - Tammy. - Tammy: What? It's not. 173 00:12:40,721 --> 00:12:43,121 Just for a little while, then, 174 00:12:44,087 --> 00:12:45,154 no science. 175 00:12:46,487 --> 00:12:47,987 The state science fair. 176 00:12:48,054 --> 00:12:49,654 There will be another one next year. 177 00:12:49,721 --> 00:12:52,721 And you can do your schoolwork. Just not the extra projects. 178 00:12:52,787 --> 00:12:53,921 - Exactly. - É. 179 00:12:53,987 --> 00:12:57,187 So no extra science. 180 00:12:58,521 --> 00:13:01,554 They know they can't stop me from doing science. 181 00:13:01,621 --> 00:13:03,854 I can do science in my mind. 182 00:13:03,921 --> 00:13:06,321 I'll know if I'm doing in your mind. 183 00:13:08,787 --> 00:13:10,121 You're doing it now, aren't you? 184 00:13:11,721 --> 00:13:12,787 Erwin, please... 185 00:13:32,287 --> 00:13:33,354 I know. 186 00:13:34,321 --> 00:13:36,521 I know you're right, it's drastic. 187 00:13:38,254 --> 00:13:39,954 But she never talks to anyone. 188 00:13:41,287 --> 00:13:42,554 Not even with us. 189 00:13:45,087 --> 00:13:46,421 I wish you were here. 190 00:13:47,321 --> 00:13:48,921 You'd know what to do. 191 00:14:27,987 --> 00:14:30,787 I'm sorry about that. They want my good. 192 00:14:34,987 --> 00:14:36,254 You're right! 193 00:14:36,654 --> 00:14:38,754 Talking your way out the science fair 194 00:14:38,821 --> 00:14:40,587 it's like talking to stop breathing. 195 00:14:40,654 --> 00:14:42,054 I can't stop breathing. 196 00:14:43,387 --> 00:14:45,721 We can't use the peanut machine. 197 00:14:46,387 --> 00:14:49,221 Even if we perfect it, it still isn't... 198 00:14:50,987 --> 00:14:52,021 great. 199 00:14:53,521 --> 00:14:57,187 And I can't lose the SIT scholarship 200 00:14:57,254 --> 00:14:59,887 for that arrogant and obnoxious charlatan. 201 00:15:17,754 --> 00:15:19,554 SCIENCE FAIR IDEAS 202 00:16:10,654 --> 00:16:12,887 Sandi, Mandi, wait! 203 00:16:18,754 --> 00:16:20,421 Hello. 204 00:16:21,721 --> 00:16:26,187 Your swelling is going down a lot, Sandi. 205 00:16:26,954 --> 00:16:28,854 You look great. 206 00:16:29,954 --> 00:16:31,287 Who's the freak? 207 00:16:32,054 --> 00:16:33,587 Are you lost? 208 00:16:36,021 --> 00:16:38,321 I've made presents for you. 209 00:16:39,687 --> 00:16:41,121 They're cell phone cases. 210 00:16:41,587 --> 00:16:43,321 I knitted it myself. 211 00:16:44,021 --> 00:16:46,554 Aren't they, like, a supermimo? 212 00:16:48,254 --> 00:16:49,954 I think he meant "supermico". 213 00:16:51,421 --> 00:16:53,487 Hashtag "desperate loser". 214 00:17:14,954 --> 00:17:16,821 Hello, Winston. 215 00:17:16,887 --> 00:17:20,421 Erwin. How is your science fair project? 216 00:17:20,887 --> 00:17:24,487 Good. In fact, I made great progress last night. 217 00:17:25,287 --> 00:17:27,987 É? I mean, me too. 218 00:17:28,421 --> 00:17:31,353 It practically came into being on its own. 219 00:17:34,920 --> 00:17:36,053 Well done. 220 00:17:36,420 --> 00:17:37,520 Well... 221 00:17:38,420 --> 00:17:39,753 Goodbye, Winston. 222 00:17:40,453 --> 00:17:41,553 Bye. 223 00:18:01,653 --> 00:18:04,853 Hi, little girl. Are you lost? 224 00:18:05,353 --> 00:18:06,486 Study here. 225 00:18:06,853 --> 00:18:08,886 We had lessons together last year. 226 00:18:10,720 --> 00:18:11,820 It's just that... 227 00:18:19,686 --> 00:18:22,486 I was already leaving... 228 00:18:22,553 --> 00:18:23,920 I don't understand. 229 00:18:23,986 --> 00:18:27,353 I follow a thousand people on social media, 230 00:18:27,420 --> 00:18:29,420 and nobody follows me back. 231 00:18:30,286 --> 00:18:32,086 What am I doing wrong? 232 00:18:36,586 --> 00:18:39,186 I'd give anything to be popular. 233 00:18:41,286 --> 00:18:42,986 Even if only for a day. 234 00:18:45,353 --> 00:18:48,486 POPULARITY 235 00:18:49,386 --> 00:18:50,620 SMELL 236 00:18:54,720 --> 00:18:56,420 FEROMONES 237 00:19:21,653 --> 00:19:23,186 Well done. 238 00:19:23,653 --> 00:19:27,386 Lab leaders, can you come and get the materials for your tables? 239 00:19:27,453 --> 00:19:28,953 Calling all the leaders. 240 00:19:56,086 --> 00:19:57,753 Great! 241 00:19:59,586 --> 00:20:00,653 What are you doing? 242 00:20:01,386 --> 00:20:04,553 A substance that stimulates the excessive release of pheromones? 243 00:20:04,620 --> 00:20:06,520 You can't look at my notebook! 244 00:20:07,786 --> 00:20:09,520 The element of popularity. 245 00:20:10,053 --> 00:20:12,553 - Do you think it will work? - Of course it will. 246 00:20:13,586 --> 00:20:16,086 - You'll need a lot of chemistry. - So what? 247 00:20:16,586 --> 00:20:18,886 It would be very useful to have a partner... 248 00:20:18,953 --> 00:20:23,186 Someone excellent in the category of science you hate. 249 00:20:23,253 --> 00:20:25,620 - I would leave my project... - I work alone. 250 00:20:26,586 --> 00:20:27,953 You know best. 251 00:20:28,486 --> 00:20:29,620 By the way, 252 00:20:30,186 --> 00:20:31,786 your equation is out of balance. 253 00:20:31,853 --> 00:20:34,653 Wrong oxidation state. An electron is missing. 254 00:20:34,953 --> 00:20:36,620 What? It's not. 255 00:20:40,753 --> 00:20:42,220 That's very stupid! 256 00:20:42,286 --> 00:20:45,686 Seriously, when am I going to use chemistry after high school? 257 00:20:45,753 --> 00:20:48,886 I'm with a client, princess. Excuse me. 258 00:20:48,953 --> 00:20:50,786 It's all right. Pretend I'm not here. 259 00:20:51,920 --> 00:20:53,120 Can I have some cereal? 260 00:20:54,686 --> 00:20:56,620 How are you, Erwin? 261 00:20:57,653 --> 00:20:58,686 How was your day? 262 00:21:01,086 --> 00:21:03,786 - He's still not talking to me. - Yikes. 263 00:21:04,186 --> 00:21:06,753 - My day was terrible. - I know what your day was like. 264 00:21:06,820 --> 00:21:10,486 - I was talking to your sister. - It wasn't because of the exam! 265 00:21:10,553 --> 00:21:14,386 Kimber told me that Amanda said that Mandi likes Charlie. 266 00:21:14,453 --> 00:21:15,553 My life is over. 267 00:21:15,620 --> 00:21:19,053 Maybe that's a good thing. Now you can focus on your schoolwork. 268 00:21:19,120 --> 00:21:20,820 She's an imbecile sophomore! 269 00:21:21,486 --> 00:21:25,920 Why don't you take the garbage out? I'm sorry about that. 270 00:21:25,986 --> 00:21:28,953 Relax! I used to be the mother of a teenager. 271 00:21:29,020 --> 00:21:30,886 It's very unfair 272 00:21:30,953 --> 00:21:34,020 that I always take out the trash just because I have no sense of smell. 273 00:21:34,553 --> 00:21:35,986 Doesn't she have a sense of smell? 274 00:21:36,253 --> 00:21:39,220 All right, she was born that way. 275 00:21:39,786 --> 00:21:41,420 Mom had that too. 276 00:21:42,220 --> 00:21:44,653 Erwin, how was your test? 277 00:21:46,386 --> 00:21:48,886 You can't stay without talking to me forever! 278 00:22:05,953 --> 00:22:07,520 I hate chemistry. 279 00:22:08,786 --> 00:22:10,920 So, I spoke to Ms. Idle 280 00:22:10,986 --> 00:22:13,353 and it seems that if a duo wins, 281 00:22:13,420 --> 00:22:16,553 the two members will be invited to the SIT program. 282 00:22:17,586 --> 00:22:20,053 - It means... - That you can work with me. 283 00:22:20,486 --> 00:22:22,620 But I want to make one thing clear. 284 00:22:23,220 --> 00:22:26,253 We're not friends, we're colleagues and nothing more. 285 00:22:27,120 --> 00:22:28,186 Is that clear? 286 00:22:30,086 --> 00:22:31,086 Understood. 287 00:22:42,386 --> 00:22:44,120 Erwin, the door! 288 00:22:55,020 --> 00:22:57,853 - What are you doing here? - I corrected the equation. 289 00:22:58,120 --> 00:22:59,253 Erwin? 290 00:23:00,820 --> 00:23:02,486 You don't talk about science! 291 00:23:07,620 --> 00:23:10,653 - Ari isn't here. You'll have to... - I came to see Erwin. 292 00:23:15,520 --> 00:23:16,620 Well... 293 00:23:17,220 --> 00:23:18,486 Erwin? 294 00:23:18,820 --> 00:23:21,153 Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend? 295 00:23:21,620 --> 00:23:23,820 He's not my friend. He's a colleague. 296 00:23:24,120 --> 00:23:27,120 All right. Introduce us to your colleague. 297 00:23:27,653 --> 00:23:29,020 That's Winston. 298 00:23:29,086 --> 00:23:30,220 Nice to meet you. 299 00:23:30,620 --> 00:23:32,986 I like your hair, Mr. Page. It defies gravity. 300 00:23:34,786 --> 00:23:35,853 Thank you, Winston. 301 00:23:36,920 --> 00:23:41,386 You know, many people don't see hairstyles as an art form. 302 00:23:41,453 --> 00:23:44,086 - Here we go... - Which is a shame. 303 00:23:44,153 --> 00:23:48,153 Picasso had the brushes, Beethoven had the piano. 304 00:23:48,220 --> 00:23:50,153 And I have a hairbrush and hair gel. 305 00:23:50,786 --> 00:23:53,086 That's incredible, Aunt Tammy. 306 00:23:53,586 --> 00:23:56,953 Winston came to help me with my homework. 307 00:23:59,320 --> 00:24:00,786 So here we go. 308 00:24:03,753 --> 00:24:04,920 Well done. 309 00:24:05,986 --> 00:24:07,653 Nice to meet you, Winston! 310 00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:12,586 Are you crazy? 311 00:24:12,653 --> 00:24:15,586 You can't show up at my house talking about equations! 312 00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:17,053 Why not? 313 00:24:17,753 --> 00:24:21,586 Right. My aunt created a draconian anti-science rule. 314 00:24:21,653 --> 00:24:24,020 Do you think it hinders my social development. 315 00:24:24,086 --> 00:24:27,920 And my father, well... He doesn't like making trouble. 316 00:24:28,853 --> 00:24:30,586 And your mother? Where is she? 317 00:24:31,753 --> 00:24:35,386 Physically, her body is in the Spitton cemetery in Dashwood. 318 00:24:35,453 --> 00:24:38,586 Metaphysically, I can't speculate. 319 00:24:45,586 --> 00:24:47,120 Why the strange smell? 320 00:24:47,653 --> 00:24:48,853 I sterilized it. 321 00:24:51,286 --> 00:24:52,953 I added hydrogen... 322 00:24:55,620 --> 00:24:56,920 It might actually work. 323 00:24:59,920 --> 00:25:01,086 One second! 324 00:25:04,186 --> 00:25:05,686 He doesn't talk about science. 325 00:25:06,186 --> 00:25:07,820 Come in! 326 00:25:09,353 --> 00:25:11,320 Knock, knock! I brought you a snack. 327 00:25:13,253 --> 00:25:15,586 Winston! 328 00:25:17,386 --> 00:25:18,420 Hello! 329 00:25:18,486 --> 00:25:20,953 Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? 330 00:25:21,786 --> 00:25:23,620 - Yeah, well... - Aunt Tammy? 331 00:25:23,953 --> 00:25:27,620 We have a history exam tomorrow. Right, Winston? 332 00:25:29,020 --> 00:25:31,353 Yes, an exam. Colossal! 333 00:25:31,420 --> 00:25:34,486 All right. I got the hint. 334 00:25:34,553 --> 00:25:36,686 I get it, all right. 335 00:25:36,753 --> 00:25:37,886 Well... 336 00:25:39,053 --> 00:25:40,753 If you want more... 337 00:25:41,653 --> 00:25:45,020 Winston, it's really nice to meet you. It really is. 338 00:25:45,086 --> 00:25:46,520 He's great. 339 00:25:48,420 --> 00:25:50,953 I think there's a book in your peanut butter. 340 00:25:53,253 --> 00:25:56,720 We'll have to do the real experiment in your home, 341 00:25:56,786 --> 00:25:57,986 clearly. 342 00:26:00,320 --> 00:26:03,520 Well, I don't think it will work there. 343 00:26:03,586 --> 00:26:06,486 It's just that it's not very big. 344 00:26:06,553 --> 00:26:09,453 And the ventilation is terrible. It wouldn't be safe. 345 00:26:11,886 --> 00:26:13,053 Beautiful. 346 00:26:13,120 --> 00:26:16,353 Then we'll have to we'll have to make do here. 347 00:26:21,886 --> 00:26:23,420 Does Erwin have a friend? 348 00:26:24,286 --> 00:26:25,420 Well... 349 00:26:26,253 --> 00:26:29,486 You know, at first I was afraid 350 00:26:29,553 --> 00:26:32,153 that Dr. Schmeigle's approach was too radical, 351 00:26:32,220 --> 00:26:34,486 since he's an internet doctor and all. 352 00:26:34,553 --> 00:26:37,020 But now, I think that having taken science 353 00:26:37,086 --> 00:26:39,086 was the best we've ever done for her. 354 00:26:41,753 --> 00:26:43,586 Go on, push harder! 355 00:26:44,086 --> 00:26:48,386 Really? Come and try! 356 00:26:49,853 --> 00:26:50,853 Like this. 357 00:26:53,320 --> 00:26:54,453 Damn. 358 00:26:55,353 --> 00:26:56,820 Where did I put my comb? 359 00:26:58,686 --> 00:26:59,986 It's stuck! 360 00:27:10,853 --> 00:27:11,953 Look at him here. 361 00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:15,520 What a beautiful day. 362 00:27:27,286 --> 00:27:29,886 Are you going to leave the Erlenmeyer flask there? 363 00:27:30,420 --> 00:27:31,420 I'm going. 364 00:27:41,420 --> 00:27:43,453 I prefer to leave it on my right. 365 00:27:44,620 --> 00:27:47,986 I'm right-handed, so... 366 00:27:49,820 --> 00:27:51,320 I'm right-handed too, 367 00:27:51,386 --> 00:27:54,786 and I'll be doing all the chemistry, so... 368 00:27:54,853 --> 00:27:57,853 I don't know where you got the idea that you were going to do all the chemistry. 369 00:27:57,920 --> 00:27:59,353 This is my project! 370 00:28:00,753 --> 00:28:03,920 Exactly the irrational thought I expected 371 00:28:03,986 --> 00:28:05,386 from a Schrödinger fan. 372 00:28:05,453 --> 00:28:08,553 Couldn't he have chosen someone important, like Planck? 373 00:28:08,920 --> 00:28:10,986 Planck was mediocre. 374 00:28:11,786 --> 00:28:14,820 Mediocre that gave rise quantum theory. 375 00:28:15,186 --> 00:28:19,453 Planck only bumped into this idea, without even thinking about its magnitude! 376 00:28:20,086 --> 00:28:21,386 Why don't you read it? 377 00:28:21,453 --> 00:28:23,220 Everyone knows that Planck revolutionized 378 00:28:23,286 --> 00:28:26,053 our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes! 379 00:28:26,120 --> 00:28:30,653 It's the silliest excuse I've ever heard to blindly accept this nonsense! 380 00:28:30,720 --> 00:28:31,720 "Everyone knows!" 381 00:28:31,786 --> 00:28:35,053 How about telling Magellan not to make the expedition? 382 00:28:35,120 --> 00:28:38,086 - Because everyone knows that the Earth is flat! - Go ahead. 383 00:28:38,153 --> 00:28:41,753 And don't let everyone know that time travel is impossible 384 00:28:41,820 --> 00:28:42,953 stop him! 385 00:28:43,020 --> 00:28:44,020 Not at all! 386 00:28:46,720 --> 00:28:49,386 I knew that letting you participate was a mistake! 387 00:28:49,453 --> 00:28:51,286 You need me. Take it! 388 00:28:54,786 --> 00:28:56,353 That will never work! 389 00:28:56,420 --> 00:28:58,720 It will work, yes. 390 00:28:58,786 --> 00:29:01,620 Look around! How do we hide this from your aunt? 391 00:29:14,320 --> 00:29:15,686 Not bad. 392 00:29:42,753 --> 00:29:43,953 It's clean! 393 00:30:09,453 --> 00:30:12,653 So what exactly is he afraid of? 394 00:30:13,086 --> 00:30:15,553 Sudden movements, loud noises. 395 00:30:16,286 --> 00:30:18,853 Squirrels. In short, everything. 396 00:30:20,886 --> 00:30:22,053 Poor thing. 397 00:30:25,853 --> 00:30:28,220 - What's going on? - I don't know! 398 00:30:28,820 --> 00:30:31,586 You won't feel a thing... 399 00:30:40,086 --> 00:30:41,220 What happened? 400 00:30:42,720 --> 00:30:44,786 What do you mean? 401 00:30:44,853 --> 00:30:47,353 There was... there was a noise! 402 00:30:47,420 --> 00:30:49,586 It sounded... it sounded like an explosion! 403 00:30:50,286 --> 00:30:54,853 I knocked over the paint can. It made quite a noise, didn't it, Winston? 404 00:31:02,786 --> 00:31:06,286 Wow... that's beautiful. It looks like... 405 00:31:06,753 --> 00:31:09,086 he's talking directly to me. 406 00:31:09,486 --> 00:31:11,020 Right... 407 00:31:11,086 --> 00:31:12,320 Well... 408 00:31:12,620 --> 00:31:15,853 Can they make less noise? I'm with a guy with a big problem. 409 00:31:15,920 --> 00:31:18,920 He's afraid of everything. It doesn't matter, it's not your problem. 410 00:31:18,986 --> 00:31:21,286 Fine, but keep it down. 411 00:31:24,086 --> 00:31:25,520 It was a close call. 412 00:31:26,486 --> 00:31:28,586 Shower. Now. 413 00:31:57,620 --> 00:31:58,686 Is that it? 414 00:31:59,086 --> 00:32:01,186 That's it! We're ready to test. 415 00:32:01,620 --> 00:32:05,120 Okay. How do we do it? 416 00:32:05,186 --> 00:32:08,286 Do you want me to take it first and then you watch or vice versa? 417 00:32:08,353 --> 00:32:10,953 - Whatever, but I think I should... - Calm down. 418 00:32:11,020 --> 00:32:14,020 We can't test ourselves, we have to stay focused. 419 00:32:14,086 --> 00:32:17,520 This project is too important for us to make a beginner's mistake. 420 00:32:17,986 --> 00:32:19,586 No. You're right. 421 00:32:20,420 --> 00:32:23,320 Well, now we need to find a guinea pig. 422 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:25,053 Any suggestions? 423 00:32:28,920 --> 00:32:30,020 I don't understand. 424 00:32:30,653 --> 00:32:32,453 Chewing gum has a substance. 425 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:36,153 Chewing releases the substance, and it spreads throughout your body, 426 00:32:36,220 --> 00:32:37,653 releasing pheromones. 427 00:32:38,086 --> 00:32:39,753 Each lasts between two and three hours 428 00:32:39,820 --> 00:32:42,420 and will affect anyone within a radius of 15 meters. 429 00:32:42,920 --> 00:32:45,120 Pheromones enter through the nostrils 430 00:32:45,186 --> 00:32:48,420 and trigger the release of endorphin which reaches the amygdala. 431 00:32:48,486 --> 00:32:49,853 It's as simple as that. 432 00:32:52,620 --> 00:32:53,886 I still don't get it. 433 00:32:55,886 --> 00:32:57,986 You try to explain now. 434 00:32:58,486 --> 00:32:59,520 Right. 435 00:33:01,620 --> 00:33:03,653 This gum will make you popular. 436 00:33:19,453 --> 00:33:21,220 Are you sure we're at 15m? 437 00:33:21,286 --> 00:33:23,853 Eighteen. I measured it earlier today, before class. 438 00:33:28,620 --> 00:33:31,120 Our scientific careers are at stake 439 00:33:31,186 --> 00:33:32,753 and you're having soup? 440 00:33:33,353 --> 00:33:34,420 Why not? 441 00:33:34,486 --> 00:33:38,420 The equation is impeccable and we follow everything to the letter. 442 00:33:39,086 --> 00:33:41,353 It will work. Science is accuracy. 443 00:33:41,420 --> 00:33:43,286 Science is trial and error. 444 00:33:45,520 --> 00:33:47,020 SHARES 445 00:33:49,920 --> 00:33:51,886 Hi, Mandi. Hi, Sandi. 446 00:33:53,986 --> 00:33:55,120 - Hi, guys. - Hi, guys. 447 00:34:14,920 --> 00:34:16,120 It's happening. 448 00:34:28,320 --> 00:34:29,553 It's not working. 449 00:34:29,620 --> 00:34:31,986 We should have checked the metabolic reactions. 450 00:34:32,053 --> 00:34:33,220 Wait a minute... 451 00:34:57,387 --> 00:34:58,854 Can we sit here? 452 00:35:00,821 --> 00:35:04,287 You can! Of course you can. Sit down! 453 00:35:08,121 --> 00:35:09,954 I love your hair, Casey. 454 00:35:10,354 --> 00:35:13,854 - Really? - It's like... poetry. 455 00:35:14,354 --> 00:35:15,554 Superchique. 456 00:35:19,254 --> 00:35:21,321 Someone liked my post. 457 00:35:21,387 --> 00:35:22,821 It was me. 458 00:35:23,287 --> 00:35:24,387 Me too. 459 00:35:26,087 --> 00:35:27,721 Want to post a baefie? 460 00:35:28,287 --> 00:35:29,321 What? 461 00:35:30,787 --> 00:35:33,687 A bae selfie. Because we're friends now, of course. 462 00:35:41,721 --> 00:35:44,721 It works! We made history! 463 00:35:47,354 --> 00:35:48,621 Sit down, Duckling! 464 00:36:03,121 --> 00:36:04,121 Hey, Winston! 465 00:36:38,821 --> 00:36:40,521 What's up, partner? 466 00:36:41,121 --> 00:36:43,487 What are you doing here? Are you following me? 467 00:36:43,854 --> 00:36:45,121 No, I was just... 468 00:36:47,354 --> 00:36:48,921 Do you live here? 469 00:36:51,021 --> 00:36:52,421 My uncle lives here. 470 00:36:53,521 --> 00:36:55,454 And... I live with him. 471 00:37:02,954 --> 00:37:04,087 Aren't you coming? 472 00:37:18,754 --> 00:37:21,921 Look, don't breathe through your nose, okay? 473 00:37:23,221 --> 00:37:24,221 Okay... 474 00:37:54,821 --> 00:37:56,921 Shea Winston House. 475 00:37:58,254 --> 00:37:59,321 Impressive! 476 00:38:00,854 --> 00:38:03,421 Are you hungry? 477 00:38:05,487 --> 00:38:06,521 Yes, I am. 478 00:38:14,721 --> 00:38:15,887 It's beautiful. 479 00:38:18,254 --> 00:38:20,554 It makes you feel small, doesn't it? 480 00:38:22,054 --> 00:38:24,621 There is nothing but atoms and empty space. 481 00:38:24,687 --> 00:38:26,621 Everything else is opinion. 482 00:38:28,021 --> 00:38:29,221 Exactly. 483 00:38:32,821 --> 00:38:35,521 Can you imagine a whole summer at SIT, 484 00:38:35,587 --> 00:38:37,521 using the particle accelerator? 485 00:38:38,387 --> 00:38:40,121 I shiver just thinking about it. 486 00:38:42,221 --> 00:38:44,687 I just want to go anywhere away from here. 487 00:38:45,221 --> 00:38:49,021 A whole summer without anyone calling me "little genius" or... 488 00:38:49,921 --> 00:38:51,221 "duckling." 489 00:38:52,254 --> 00:38:54,387 Teenagers are not at all original. 490 00:38:55,321 --> 00:38:56,387 It doesn't matter. 491 00:38:56,954 --> 00:38:59,487 What matters is that we win that scholarship. 492 00:39:00,487 --> 00:39:02,887 You know, I think there's something missing. 493 00:39:03,654 --> 00:39:04,754 Missing? 494 00:39:05,621 --> 00:39:09,087 The experiment may be biased if there is only one female subject. 495 00:39:09,154 --> 00:39:10,887 Our findings will be more solid 496 00:39:10,954 --> 00:39:13,754 if we check the results in both sexes. 497 00:39:13,821 --> 00:39:15,587 We need a male guinea pig. 498 00:39:15,654 --> 00:39:16,721 Not only that. 499 00:39:16,787 --> 00:39:20,021 We need the as unpopular as possible. 500 00:39:21,487 --> 00:39:23,421 Silver Surfer against whom? 501 00:39:23,487 --> 00:39:26,654 Who could defeat Galactus' former augur 502 00:39:26,721 --> 00:39:28,187 who holds the cosmic power? 503 00:39:28,254 --> 00:39:29,587 - I know. - Quiet, Alan. 504 00:39:29,654 --> 00:39:32,954 I would choose Thor. He's a god, the son of Odin. 505 00:39:33,221 --> 00:39:36,654 He summons lightning and thunder. He also has the hammer Mjölnir. 506 00:39:36,721 --> 00:39:39,687 But you'd have to get close to hit him with the Mjölnir, 507 00:39:39,754 --> 00:39:43,254 and the Surfer could destroy him from afar with the cosmic blast. 508 00:39:43,321 --> 00:39:44,587 - I know, but what about... - Could I? 509 00:39:45,354 --> 00:39:47,554 Thor would block the blast with Mjölnir. 510 00:39:47,621 --> 00:39:50,354 - You can't block forever. - I'd choose Robin! 511 00:39:52,354 --> 00:39:53,354 Robin? 512 00:39:53,754 --> 00:39:55,421 Batman and Robin? 513 00:39:55,854 --> 00:39:58,354 The Surfer would destroy Robin in three seconds. 514 00:39:58,421 --> 00:40:01,021 You forgot that Robin is an acrobat. 515 00:40:01,521 --> 00:40:03,921 - E? - He would avoid the Silver Surfer. 516 00:40:03,987 --> 00:40:05,654 - I'd use a hammock... - A hammock? 517 00:40:05,721 --> 00:40:07,754 Robin would defeat the Silver Surfer, 518 00:40:07,821 --> 00:40:12,221 the guy who turns matter into energy and travels through time with a net? 519 00:40:12,287 --> 00:40:14,987 I couldn't have chosen a more pathetic superhero. 520 00:40:15,054 --> 00:40:16,687 What are you talking about? 521 00:40:17,321 --> 00:40:19,054 He's Batman's best friend! 522 00:40:19,321 --> 00:40:21,787 He always improves conversations with catchphrases. 523 00:40:21,854 --> 00:40:24,021 Like: "Santo Talido, Batman", 524 00:40:24,087 --> 00:40:26,454 or: "That brazen bird has cornered us!" 525 00:40:27,921 --> 00:40:29,187 He transcends. 526 00:40:29,721 --> 00:40:32,721 Stop saying that things transcend. You sound like an asshole. 527 00:40:32,787 --> 00:40:36,354 Your luck is that a club needs to have more than two members. 528 00:40:36,987 --> 00:40:39,987 - What is your real choice? - That's the one! 529 00:40:40,054 --> 00:40:42,654 - Bad choice. - You're always so overbearing. 530 00:40:42,721 --> 00:40:43,721 What's it like? 531 00:40:45,421 --> 00:40:46,521 In these chewing gums, 532 00:40:46,587 --> 00:40:50,821 I hold the power that can subdue the world. 533 00:40:51,387 --> 00:40:54,287 Should I accept this great and noble responsibility? 534 00:40:54,354 --> 00:40:58,021 With it comes a moral duty to all of humanity. 535 00:40:59,121 --> 00:41:03,354 What if I refuse? and it falls into the wrong hands? 536 00:41:04,854 --> 00:41:07,654 That kind of power would ruin the weakest. 537 00:41:09,487 --> 00:41:11,121 There's so much at stake! 538 00:41:14,621 --> 00:41:15,821 I humbly accept. 539 00:41:23,221 --> 00:41:24,954 I'd be the Green Lantern. 540 00:41:25,021 --> 00:41:27,554 Invisibility, waterproof shield 541 00:41:27,621 --> 00:41:30,754 who can create any object with the power of the ring. 542 00:41:30,821 --> 00:41:32,221 Superman finishes him off. 543 00:41:32,587 --> 00:41:34,821 Not if the Lantern creates kryptonite. 544 00:41:35,687 --> 00:41:36,954 Touché! 545 00:41:37,021 --> 00:41:38,121 I choose Robin. 546 00:41:38,187 --> 00:41:42,954 Robin was trained in aikido, leopard kung-fu and karate. 547 00:41:43,221 --> 00:41:45,454 Jesus, Alan. That's so... 548 00:41:54,621 --> 00:41:55,654 brilliant! 549 00:41:56,387 --> 00:41:57,854 I want to change my answer. 550 00:41:58,187 --> 00:41:59,721 I want to be Robin too. 551 00:42:00,054 --> 00:42:01,621 How come I never realized that? 552 00:42:08,621 --> 00:42:10,687 It's all about leopard kung fu. 553 00:42:54,421 --> 00:42:55,421 Take a look. 554 00:42:56,721 --> 00:42:59,387 She smells like a summer vacation. 555 00:42:59,654 --> 00:43:01,987 They're new clothes. She smells of shopping. 556 00:43:02,054 --> 00:43:05,987 Seriously! She smells like of Cody Rickman's deodorant. 557 00:43:20,487 --> 00:43:22,187 FOLLOWERS 558 00:43:25,554 --> 00:43:27,521 What are you doing this weekend, Alan? 559 00:43:27,587 --> 00:43:31,187 We could have a romantic picnic by the lake. 560 00:43:31,254 --> 00:43:37,087 Come to my place for the weekend. I have a hydro. 561 00:43:37,154 --> 00:43:39,721 I love it when my fingers wrinkle in the water. 562 00:43:39,787 --> 00:43:42,554 My uncle has a comic book store. We can... 563 00:43:42,621 --> 00:43:43,987 Yes, you. I choose you! 564 00:43:44,954 --> 00:43:45,954 Then I said. 565 00:43:46,021 --> 00:43:47,521 Casey! You look beautiful! - Casey! 566 00:43:57,254 --> 00:43:58,587 Go to her. 567 00:43:59,854 --> 00:44:01,521 Robin strikes a heroic pose, 568 00:44:01,587 --> 00:44:03,854 his yellow cape flying against the wind. 569 00:44:08,254 --> 00:44:09,454 And he says: 570 00:44:09,521 --> 00:44:10,987 "To the rescue, Batman. 571 00:44:11,054 --> 00:44:13,721 You look like you need a helping hand." 572 00:44:14,454 --> 00:44:15,887 He transcended. 573 00:44:24,354 --> 00:44:26,721 Ew, that's disgusting! What's that? 574 00:44:26,787 --> 00:44:28,954 Cell phone cases! Aren't they great? 575 00:44:29,021 --> 00:44:30,887 We need to start knitting. 576 00:44:30,954 --> 00:44:32,387 It's total. Knitting is awesome. 577 00:44:32,954 --> 00:44:34,287 Since when? 578 00:44:39,421 --> 00:44:40,687 How strange. 579 00:44:41,221 --> 00:44:42,221 What? 580 00:44:42,554 --> 00:44:45,954 Everyone has the that Casey made, except your sister. 581 00:44:46,554 --> 00:44:50,054 That makes a lot of sense. Ari has no sense of smell. 582 00:44:51,087 --> 00:44:52,187 What? 583 00:44:53,421 --> 00:44:54,721 Yes, it's called anosmia. 584 00:44:57,287 --> 00:44:58,921 Control group. Liked. 585 00:45:00,754 --> 00:45:02,787 Look at Ari's desk. 586 00:45:03,754 --> 00:45:04,887 I'm looking. 587 00:45:04,954 --> 00:45:05,954 No. 588 00:45:06,454 --> 00:45:08,987 Look how far she is from Casey. 589 00:45:11,054 --> 00:45:12,987 It's more than 15 meters away. 590 00:45:13,054 --> 00:45:15,154 - That means... - After the exhibition, 591 00:45:15,221 --> 00:45:17,854 effects are no longer determined by proximity. 592 00:45:18,387 --> 00:45:19,721 That's huge! 593 00:45:20,121 --> 00:45:22,487 Let's destroy the competition at the fair. 594 00:45:22,554 --> 00:45:23,754 "Destroy"? 595 00:45:23,821 --> 00:45:26,854 Erwin, we're going to obliterate all their molecules. 596 00:45:27,121 --> 00:45:31,221 They will disintegrate as silicon oxide and hydrofluoric acid. 597 00:45:33,087 --> 00:45:34,587 That's the kind of discovery 598 00:45:34,654 --> 00:45:36,954 that could change the history of humanity. 599 00:45:37,821 --> 00:45:39,821 We could win a Nobel Prize! 600 00:45:45,021 --> 00:45:46,454 The science fair. 601 00:45:48,087 --> 00:45:50,187 Being honest, she said intense yellow. 602 00:45:50,987 --> 00:45:54,187 So, actually, I think it turned out very well. 603 00:45:55,854 --> 00:45:57,887 So, Erwin, how was your day? 604 00:45:58,754 --> 00:45:59,754 Status quo. 605 00:46:00,221 --> 00:46:01,854 What did you and Winston do? 606 00:46:01,921 --> 00:46:05,987 Wow. Kimber said something about the Duckling. 607 00:46:06,687 --> 00:46:08,187 Don't call him that. 608 00:46:08,887 --> 00:46:10,054 What is it? That's his name. 609 00:46:10,121 --> 00:46:11,754 His name is Winston. 610 00:46:12,454 --> 00:46:15,154 That's what I said, "Duckling". 611 00:46:15,221 --> 00:46:16,387 - Ari. - Ari: What? 612 00:46:16,454 --> 00:46:18,521 Don't make fun of Erwin's friend. 613 00:46:20,187 --> 00:46:21,487 Her colleague. 614 00:46:21,754 --> 00:46:23,721 So I'm the evil one now? 615 00:46:23,787 --> 00:46:26,454 The Duckling is the school's biggest loser. 616 00:46:26,521 --> 00:46:28,254 Not making fun would be like... 617 00:46:30,021 --> 00:46:32,387 riding the bus or wearing white pants. 618 00:46:32,687 --> 00:46:35,254 - What are you talking about? - That's enough, Ari. Arthur? 619 00:46:35,321 --> 00:46:38,254 He wears his pants above his belly button. He walks like a duck. 620 00:46:38,321 --> 00:46:40,154 - It's very strange. - No, it's not! 621 00:46:40,221 --> 00:46:43,887 Some people know you're my sister. It's shameful! 622 00:46:43,954 --> 00:46:46,054 Arthur! A little help, please. 623 00:46:49,921 --> 00:46:52,554 Did you make the potatoes any other way? They're fine. 624 00:46:56,421 --> 00:46:57,521 Erwin! 625 00:46:58,187 --> 00:46:59,421 Did you hear what I said? 626 00:46:59,954 --> 00:47:03,187 - I heard. Sorry. - Are you going to make more gum for Casey? 627 00:47:03,554 --> 00:47:05,187 I will, of course. 628 00:47:05,887 --> 00:47:06,921 Great. 629 00:47:07,421 --> 00:47:08,454 I sneezed twice. 630 00:47:08,921 --> 00:47:10,287 I must be ill. 631 00:47:10,354 --> 00:47:12,121 I touched the library book. 632 00:47:12,187 --> 00:47:13,987 You're fine. 633 00:47:15,021 --> 00:47:16,787 I'm going to the infirmary. 634 00:47:19,854 --> 00:47:21,087 Look at that. 635 00:47:43,287 --> 00:47:45,921 It was just a sneeze. You're not sick. 636 00:47:46,554 --> 00:47:48,854 My body is an incubator for disease. 637 00:47:49,321 --> 00:47:52,921 I hate this organization. I can't find anything. 638 00:47:53,654 --> 00:47:55,954 Look at the orange folder. Section 5-B. 639 00:47:58,621 --> 00:48:02,954 So that means I'll have to do all the work this week 640 00:48:03,021 --> 00:48:05,121 just because you're a hypochondriac? 641 00:48:05,187 --> 00:48:06,754 It would be irresponsible 642 00:48:06,821 --> 00:48:10,987 exposing innocents to the army of pathogens marching through my body. 643 00:48:16,454 --> 00:48:18,687 Look, if you really need me... 644 00:48:19,587 --> 00:48:20,687 No. 645 00:48:21,321 --> 00:48:24,254 No, it's... fine. 646 00:48:26,687 --> 00:48:29,654 You're right. Better safe than sorry. 647 00:48:30,187 --> 00:48:33,554 Stay at home and rest, okay? I'll be fine. 648 00:48:38,321 --> 00:48:39,654 What are you looking at? 649 00:48:39,721 --> 00:48:40,721 Erwin! 650 00:48:41,321 --> 00:48:42,421 I'm coming! 651 00:48:52,387 --> 00:48:54,821 All right, let's choose the teams. 652 00:48:56,521 --> 00:48:59,054 Erwin? Are you taking part today? 653 00:48:59,554 --> 00:49:00,554 Yes, I will. 654 00:49:01,721 --> 00:49:04,654 Okay, then. Charlie, you first. 655 00:49:05,721 --> 00:49:07,021 I choose... 656 00:49:16,754 --> 00:49:17,887 to Erwin. 657 00:49:22,521 --> 00:49:25,254 Man, I was going to choose Erwin. 658 00:49:26,821 --> 00:49:27,821 But what... 659 00:49:34,687 --> 00:49:35,721 I found you! 660 00:49:36,021 --> 00:49:38,621 Where did you buy that vest? It's epic. 661 00:49:38,687 --> 00:49:41,987 Your glasses are awesome. I wish I had to wear glasses. 662 00:49:42,054 --> 00:49:45,554 - What do you mean? You wear lenses. - É. 663 00:49:46,321 --> 00:49:49,854 Why don't we ever go out with Erwin? You're sisters, right, Ari? 664 00:49:49,921 --> 00:49:50,921 Don't remind me. 665 00:49:51,387 --> 00:49:54,321 So, Erwin, are you going to sit with us at lunch? 666 00:49:54,921 --> 00:49:57,954 - I don't know. - You have to. It'll be too boring without you. 667 00:49:58,021 --> 00:50:00,654 What are you doing? She can't sit with us. 668 00:50:01,087 --> 00:50:04,754 Actually, I'm going to sit with you. Thanks. 669 00:50:05,254 --> 00:50:06,254 Yes! 670 00:50:11,587 --> 00:50:12,654 Okay. 671 00:50:13,721 --> 00:50:15,521 - Bye bye! - Goodbye! 672 00:50:17,487 --> 00:50:18,621 I'm so excited. 673 00:50:18,687 --> 00:50:20,921 - Is this a joke? - What do you mean, a joke? 674 00:50:20,987 --> 00:50:25,287 Did you like her vest? You're out of your mind. 675 00:50:26,921 --> 00:50:30,454 If you have a problem with Erwin, you don't need to sit down with us. 676 00:50:30,521 --> 00:50:32,754 - Nobody's forcing you. - É. 677 00:50:34,021 --> 00:50:35,987 Of course I'm going to sit with you. 678 00:50:57,521 --> 00:50:59,254 Schrödinger's theory... 679 00:50:59,321 --> 00:51:01,087 You know, Schrödinger's cat, 680 00:51:01,154 --> 00:51:03,987 is the theory that a thing can be both dead and alive 681 00:51:04,054 --> 00:51:05,521 until proven otherwise. 682 00:51:05,587 --> 00:51:07,821 But the point is that, in reality... 683 00:51:44,387 --> 00:51:46,287 I knew the substance worked, 684 00:51:46,354 --> 00:51:50,254 but experiencing it first-hand was... 685 00:51:50,321 --> 00:51:51,387 I don't know... 686 00:51:51,887 --> 00:51:53,254 exciting. 687 00:51:55,921 --> 00:51:58,854 Did you have fun today? You and all your new friends? 688 00:52:00,087 --> 00:52:02,421 Actually, yes, I had fun. 689 00:52:03,454 --> 00:52:06,454 Listen, I don't know how you brainwashed everyone 690 00:52:06,521 --> 00:52:08,387 so they think you're cool, 691 00:52:08,454 --> 00:52:10,887 but you're not nice, Erwin. 692 00:52:12,987 --> 00:52:14,121 What are you doing? 693 00:52:15,121 --> 00:52:19,754 Nothing. It's just a project for the school. 694 00:52:29,687 --> 00:52:30,721 Erwin! 695 00:52:32,787 --> 00:52:35,721 Winston! You're back! 696 00:52:35,787 --> 00:52:37,587 I woke up to a temperature of 36 degrees 697 00:52:37,654 --> 00:52:40,221 and a pair decongested nasal passages. 698 00:52:40,754 --> 00:52:42,854 That's great. 699 00:52:43,387 --> 00:52:44,387 Great! 700 00:52:46,187 --> 00:52:47,587 I... 701 00:52:48,621 --> 00:52:51,954 I'll see you later. Bye, bye! 702 00:53:03,154 --> 00:53:04,154 Erwin! 703 00:53:06,187 --> 00:53:09,521 Erwin! Come and sit with us. 704 00:53:28,287 --> 00:53:29,354 How are you? 705 00:53:32,821 --> 00:53:34,887 THE FORMULA FOR FRIENDSHIP 706 00:53:36,221 --> 00:53:37,221 It's me. 707 00:53:37,754 --> 00:53:41,654 Hi! What do you think of "friendship formula" as a name? 708 00:53:45,621 --> 00:53:46,987 Why are you wearing this? 709 00:53:47,754 --> 00:53:49,687 I know you're using the substance. 710 00:53:50,787 --> 00:53:52,454 Why are you saying that? 711 00:53:53,054 --> 00:53:54,987 I saw you at the people's table. 712 00:53:56,687 --> 00:54:00,454 And you think I can't make friends on my own? 713 00:54:00,754 --> 00:54:02,454 That's not what I meant. 714 00:54:02,954 --> 00:54:05,821 But everyone at school only talks about you! 715 00:54:06,587 --> 00:54:08,987 I'm not stupid. Just tell me the truth. 716 00:54:09,754 --> 00:54:11,021 Okay. 717 00:54:11,087 --> 00:54:13,787 I used the substance. But what's wrong with it? 718 00:54:15,087 --> 00:54:17,687 Having friends is not a bad thing. 719 00:54:18,121 --> 00:54:19,821 We had to stay focused. 720 00:54:19,887 --> 00:54:23,787 We can use it on Casey and Alan, but not on ourselves? 721 00:54:23,854 --> 00:54:28,087 We created the substance. We're the ones who should take advantage of it. 722 00:54:28,421 --> 00:54:30,987 You can use it too! Think about it. 723 00:54:31,354 --> 00:54:32,821 No more "Duckling" 724 00:54:32,887 --> 00:54:35,154 or being treated like a strange child. 725 00:54:35,587 --> 00:54:37,354 Isn't that what you want? 726 00:54:40,187 --> 00:54:43,654 - I thought you were more intelligent. - I'm smarter than you. 727 00:54:43,721 --> 00:54:46,387 I know you are. But you don't look it. 728 00:54:46,721 --> 00:54:49,054 I know it must be nice to be popular, 729 00:54:49,121 --> 00:54:51,121 but what about after the effect wears off? 730 00:54:51,954 --> 00:54:55,054 Nothing has changed. They're not your real friends. 731 00:54:55,121 --> 00:54:57,287 It's better than having no friends at all. 732 00:54:57,921 --> 00:55:00,554 Maybe I don't want to spend the rest of high school 733 00:55:00,621 --> 00:55:02,721 being teased for hanging out with you. 734 00:55:06,554 --> 00:55:09,021 All right, if that's what you think, 735 00:55:09,087 --> 00:55:11,587 looking for another partner for the science fair. 736 00:55:15,621 --> 00:55:18,887 You know what? I never needed a partner! 737 00:55:18,954 --> 00:55:21,187 I'm going to win the Nobel Prize all by myself! 738 00:55:45,521 --> 00:55:46,787 Hello? 739 00:56:21,221 --> 00:56:22,454 Isn't it beautiful? 740 00:56:24,287 --> 00:56:26,687 Doesn't that make you feel small? 741 00:56:27,121 --> 00:56:31,421 - Your pores are huge, Amanda. - What? They're not! 742 00:56:31,854 --> 00:56:35,754 You know, they say there's nothing apart from atoms and empty space. 743 00:56:36,454 --> 00:56:38,254 Everything else is opinion. 744 00:56:43,087 --> 00:56:46,621 - You really don't want to go to the mall? - Shut up, Ari. 745 00:56:48,654 --> 00:56:51,421 Look, Erwin! Blake and Danielle are talking! 746 00:56:51,487 --> 00:56:52,487 Who? 747 00:56:53,321 --> 00:56:55,421 Whitney is going to be so mad! 748 00:56:55,487 --> 00:56:57,721 I can't wait to tell her. 749 00:57:07,687 --> 00:57:09,054 Where are we? 750 00:57:10,154 --> 00:57:12,321 And what am I wearing? 751 00:57:12,387 --> 00:57:14,187 This place is very family-oriented. 752 00:57:14,254 --> 00:57:17,921 We're on the school terrace. You made us come here. 753 00:57:17,987 --> 00:57:19,787 I wanted to go to the movies. 754 00:57:19,854 --> 00:57:22,454 Are we at school at the weekend? 755 00:57:22,854 --> 00:57:26,554 Oh my God. What if someone sees us? 756 00:57:27,387 --> 00:57:31,121 So are we going to leak or not? 757 00:57:35,787 --> 00:57:39,454 No way! Unless Erwin wants me to. 758 00:57:41,754 --> 00:57:44,154 I bet you can see Jake M.'s house from here. 759 00:57:44,687 --> 00:57:46,287 That's not why... 760 00:57:47,921 --> 00:57:49,321 Never mind. 761 00:57:49,387 --> 00:57:51,454 That was an incredible idea, Erwin. 762 00:58:09,254 --> 00:58:10,454 What is it, little one? 763 00:58:11,421 --> 00:58:12,421 Nothing. 764 00:58:12,754 --> 00:58:14,787 Something seems to have happened. 765 00:58:19,387 --> 00:58:22,054 You got tired of fiddling with toasters at the age of eight. 766 00:58:23,921 --> 00:58:26,521 How's your science fair project going science fair project? 767 00:58:27,454 --> 00:58:28,587 Good. 768 00:58:31,121 --> 00:58:32,621 I mean, I didn't... 769 00:58:36,821 --> 00:58:38,121 How do you know? 770 00:58:39,287 --> 00:58:40,287 Erwin, 771 00:58:40,854 --> 00:58:43,121 someone came to help you with your homework. 772 00:58:44,187 --> 00:58:47,121 You never needed help. 773 00:58:47,687 --> 00:58:48,687 Never. 774 00:58:52,721 --> 00:58:55,421 And what happened to the boy? He hasn't been here for a while. 775 00:58:56,554 --> 00:58:58,621 I don't know. I don't know. 776 00:59:00,354 --> 00:59:01,487 We're not friends. 777 00:59:05,354 --> 00:59:08,321 I'm not trying to advise a genius. 778 00:59:08,654 --> 00:59:11,987 I'm not smart enough, but I will say something about cars. 779 00:59:12,054 --> 00:59:14,754 - Dad, I... - Calm down. Listen to me. 780 00:59:16,787 --> 00:59:21,154 Finding a good engine piston is not easy. 781 00:59:22,987 --> 00:59:25,287 Not the high-quality Swiss ones, which are... 782 00:59:26,354 --> 00:59:28,621 tolerant, resistant, 783 00:59:30,054 --> 00:59:31,221 reliable. 784 00:59:33,021 --> 00:59:34,287 If you find one of these, 785 00:59:35,087 --> 00:59:37,521 take good care of them so that they last. 786 00:59:40,987 --> 00:59:43,387 Your mother was a top-of-the-line piston. 787 00:59:49,687 --> 00:59:51,221 It smells like roast meat. 788 00:59:52,021 --> 00:59:53,521 Dad, you... 789 00:59:53,954 --> 00:59:57,654 you're not going to tell Aunt Tammy about the science fair, right? 790 01:00:00,487 --> 01:00:01,687 What science fair? 791 01:00:19,754 --> 01:00:21,021 Hello, Winston. 792 01:00:24,687 --> 01:00:25,687 Erwin. 793 01:00:30,954 --> 01:00:34,821 Do you know that everything will in the digestive tract? 794 01:00:35,721 --> 01:00:37,021 Don't tell me. 795 01:00:47,654 --> 01:00:50,321 How is your new science fair project? 796 01:00:51,654 --> 01:00:53,287 We'll find out tomorrow. 797 01:00:54,987 --> 01:00:56,121 I've been thinking. 798 01:00:57,321 --> 01:00:59,487 Maybe we can present it together. 799 01:00:59,887 --> 01:01:02,687 You've done half the job. 800 01:01:02,987 --> 01:01:05,754 I think it would be a bit unfair for me to take all the credit. 801 01:01:06,221 --> 01:01:07,621 No problem. 802 01:01:08,954 --> 01:01:10,087 You were right. 803 01:01:11,287 --> 01:01:13,921 I shouldn't have used the substance, 804 01:01:13,987 --> 01:01:16,354 was unprofessional. 805 01:01:18,887 --> 01:01:19,987 We are a team, 806 01:01:20,621 --> 01:01:23,321 we started this together, we have to finish together. 807 01:01:26,421 --> 01:01:30,121 Thanks, but... I'd rather stay with my own project. 808 01:01:32,021 --> 01:01:34,687 Come on, Winston. It was just a fight. 809 01:01:34,754 --> 01:01:37,587 Do you think Watson and Craig never argued? 810 01:01:38,854 --> 01:01:39,954 Good luck tomorrow. 811 01:01:42,121 --> 01:01:43,254 In fact, 812 01:01:43,321 --> 01:01:46,021 when was the last time you checked your guinea pigs? 813 01:01:51,187 --> 01:01:52,987 - I like it! - Take it. It's yours. 814 01:01:56,887 --> 01:02:00,087 I didn't like it. Hashtag "horrendous". 815 01:02:07,421 --> 01:02:09,687 Knitting has become so outdated. 816 01:02:09,754 --> 01:02:12,987 Hashtag "go live. Your mother is your only friend." 817 01:02:14,287 --> 01:02:15,487 I stopped following. 818 01:02:23,521 --> 01:02:24,521 Hey! 819 01:02:26,587 --> 01:02:27,654 Hey! 820 01:02:30,887 --> 01:02:33,854 - Burn the books! - Burn the books! 821 01:02:36,487 --> 01:02:38,054 Mr. Dover, what are you doing? 822 01:02:38,554 --> 01:02:40,387 Burning everything that isn't a comic book. 823 01:02:40,654 --> 01:02:42,021 Alan's orders. 824 01:02:42,621 --> 01:02:45,054 On the one hand, we have Captain Nemo. 825 01:02:45,121 --> 01:02:48,954 And on the other, we have the oldest on Davis Street, 826 01:02:49,021 --> 01:02:50,387 the Towel Man. 827 01:02:50,454 --> 01:02:53,387 Good luck to you both, gentlemen. Off you go! 828 01:03:09,854 --> 01:03:12,654 When the school tells you to read a book about the civil war, 829 01:03:12,721 --> 01:03:15,487 it sends a clear message that she supports violence. 830 01:03:16,354 --> 01:03:18,154 My Carl read this book 831 01:03:18,221 --> 01:03:21,687 and the other day, I saw him throwing stones at the cat. 832 01:03:21,754 --> 01:03:23,987 Each with their own cross. 833 01:03:24,054 --> 01:03:28,387 I don't know how you deal with little Erwin. And I thought I had problems... 834 01:03:29,087 --> 01:03:30,487 What do you mean by that? 835 01:03:30,821 --> 01:03:32,854 You said it yourself. Erwin is difficult. 836 01:03:33,221 --> 01:03:35,154 Having a rebellious child 837 01:03:35,221 --> 01:03:40,054 shouldn't be as difficult as having such a different child. 838 01:03:42,221 --> 01:03:47,821 Are you saying that my niece with an insanely high IQ 839 01:03:47,887 --> 01:03:53,121 can be worse than a child who tortures animals? 840 01:03:54,987 --> 01:03:56,454 My little Erwin 841 01:03:56,521 --> 01:03:58,887 you're going to have a wonderful life. 842 01:03:59,321 --> 01:04:01,921 It can cure cancer, 843 01:04:01,987 --> 01:04:03,521 end world hunger, 844 01:04:03,587 --> 01:04:05,987 invent bleach that doesn't damage the hair. 845 01:04:06,054 --> 01:04:07,454 Who knows? 846 01:04:07,521 --> 01:04:12,521 The world will be better because she's different. 847 01:04:12,587 --> 01:04:14,387 - I was just saying... - You know what? 848 01:04:14,454 --> 01:04:17,654 How do you come to my house and insult my family? 849 01:04:17,721 --> 01:04:18,821 - Get out! - What's wrong? 850 01:04:18,887 --> 01:04:20,554 - Get out! - What about my hair? 851 01:04:20,621 --> 01:04:22,454 Get out! I don't care about your hair. 852 01:04:22,521 --> 01:04:24,721 I don't care about you one bit. 853 01:04:24,787 --> 01:04:26,721 Get out of my house. Get out! 854 01:04:36,387 --> 01:04:37,621 You've arrived. 855 01:04:53,021 --> 01:04:55,554 You know what? I'm going to the grocery store. 856 01:04:55,987 --> 01:04:57,921 Can I get you anything? 857 01:04:59,121 --> 01:05:00,887 I'll bring something special. 858 01:05:13,187 --> 01:05:14,687 She said I was incredible 859 01:05:14,754 --> 01:05:18,321 and that I was going to do something incredible to improve the world. 860 01:05:22,454 --> 01:05:25,387 THE FORMULA FOR FRIENDSHIP 861 01:05:28,221 --> 01:05:29,321 You're right. 862 01:05:31,021 --> 01:05:32,354 That's not it. 863 01:05:44,087 --> 01:05:45,287 We want more gum. 864 01:05:46,587 --> 01:05:47,754 I'm glad you're here. 865 01:05:47,821 --> 01:05:51,087 I was going to speak on Monday, but the experiment is over. 866 01:05:51,554 --> 01:05:53,221 Thank you for taking part. 867 01:05:55,587 --> 01:05:57,054 I don't think so. 868 01:06:04,587 --> 01:06:05,621 No chewing gum. 869 01:06:05,687 --> 01:06:08,287 My aunt went to the cosmetics store at 9am. 870 01:06:08,354 --> 01:06:10,621 She never stays out for more than an hour and a half. 871 01:06:10,687 --> 01:06:11,787 So what? 872 01:06:11,854 --> 01:06:14,954 - She'll be home soon. - Do you want us to go out? 873 01:06:15,021 --> 01:06:17,587 All right, then. Then pass the gum. 874 01:06:17,654 --> 01:06:18,921 I don't know Casey, 875 01:06:18,987 --> 01:06:21,887 but I won't be the doormat of the comics club. 876 01:06:21,954 --> 01:06:24,087 You don't understand, Erwin. 877 01:06:24,521 --> 01:06:26,354 They worship me. 878 01:06:26,754 --> 01:06:28,021 Without the gum... 879 01:06:28,654 --> 01:06:32,787 do you remember what it was like. I had zero followers. 880 01:06:32,854 --> 01:06:35,121 I can't give you any more gum. 881 01:06:35,187 --> 01:06:36,387 The substance is dangerous. 882 01:06:36,454 --> 01:06:40,754 No. She's not dangerous! She changed my life! 883 01:06:41,054 --> 01:06:42,787 I'm sorry, Casey. 884 01:06:43,854 --> 01:06:45,554 That's a waste of time. 885 01:06:45,621 --> 01:06:49,387 In issue 12 of Accidental Avenger, the Sinister Slug can't make 886 01:06:49,454 --> 01:06:52,321 the Avenger gives the codes for the nuclear bombs. 887 01:06:52,387 --> 01:06:56,521 But finally, she makes him talk. 888 01:06:57,587 --> 01:07:01,554 - How? - She applied a little pressure. 889 01:07:12,721 --> 01:07:13,787 Hold on. 890 01:07:18,454 --> 01:07:20,554 We want the gum. 891 01:07:21,287 --> 01:07:23,787 Just give me the gum. 892 01:07:24,087 --> 01:07:26,487 What's that? It's just a poster. 893 01:07:29,287 --> 01:07:32,721 Then you won't mind if I do. 894 01:07:34,187 --> 01:07:36,854 I don't know what they hope get out of it... 895 01:07:36,921 --> 01:07:38,221 No, wait. Stop! 896 01:07:41,621 --> 01:07:43,087 It's in the first drawer. 897 01:07:48,587 --> 01:07:50,054 It's not here! 898 01:07:50,454 --> 01:07:51,454 Yes, it is! 899 01:07:52,654 --> 01:07:53,721 How strange. 900 01:07:53,787 --> 01:07:56,554 I had at least two packages there. 901 01:07:57,687 --> 01:07:58,954 Where are they? 902 01:08:13,887 --> 01:08:15,021 Tell us where it is! 903 01:08:15,087 --> 01:08:17,621 I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. 904 01:08:17,687 --> 01:08:20,121 I was here this morning. I swear! 905 01:08:20,187 --> 01:08:22,787 So grab your chemistry set and do more! 906 01:08:22,854 --> 01:08:25,187 It would take at least three days. 907 01:08:25,254 --> 01:08:27,387 Titration alone takes 24 hours. 908 01:08:27,454 --> 01:08:30,054 - Then you have to rest... - We want the gum! 909 01:08:31,554 --> 01:08:32,821 No! It's okay! 910 01:08:33,987 --> 01:08:35,421 We can catch up with Winston. 911 01:08:35,921 --> 01:08:37,221 He has more. 912 01:08:38,087 --> 01:08:39,587 Take us to him. 913 01:08:41,754 --> 01:08:44,154 I don't know, I think I liked the red. 914 01:08:44,221 --> 01:08:46,654 Me too. Red would make you look great! 915 01:08:46,721 --> 01:08:50,487 - I agree. - So pink wouldn't make me look hot? 916 01:08:50,554 --> 01:08:53,587 No! I mean, yes. 917 01:08:53,654 --> 01:08:57,054 - You'd look super-cute in both. - I think I'll take the red one. 918 01:08:57,121 --> 01:08:58,787 - Great choice. - Total. 919 01:08:59,787 --> 01:09:02,154 Wow! Never mind. 920 01:09:02,221 --> 01:09:04,887 Don't worry about the price. I'll buy it for you! 921 01:09:04,954 --> 01:09:06,654 No, I want to buy it for you! 922 01:09:07,821 --> 01:09:08,921 They don't have to fight. 923 01:09:09,721 --> 01:09:11,087 I'll take them both. 924 01:09:19,121 --> 01:09:20,387 Take a look at this. 925 01:09:23,321 --> 01:09:24,321 Man! 926 01:09:24,821 --> 01:09:25,821 Hi, Charlie. 927 01:10:04,853 --> 01:10:05,920 Winston! 928 01:10:07,586 --> 01:10:08,620 Erwin! 929 01:10:10,620 --> 01:10:11,620 Not bad. 930 01:10:12,053 --> 01:10:14,086 - Do you really think so? - Absolutely. 931 01:10:15,953 --> 01:10:18,653 Well... with your project it's difficult. 932 01:10:19,286 --> 01:10:20,286 I didn't go in. 933 01:10:20,886 --> 01:10:22,486 - Why not? - The chewing gum! 934 01:10:22,553 --> 01:10:24,786 That's right. Of course it is. 935 01:10:24,853 --> 01:10:26,920 Winston, I need more gum. 936 01:10:27,420 --> 01:10:29,286 I don't. You kept it. 937 01:10:30,053 --> 01:10:32,853 I know. But what about the extra package? 938 01:10:33,553 --> 01:10:34,920 What extra package? 939 01:10:34,986 --> 01:10:37,586 You know, the extra package? 940 01:10:38,786 --> 01:10:40,920 I have no idea what you're talking about. 941 01:10:40,986 --> 01:10:43,353 He doesn't have any? Really? 942 01:10:43,420 --> 01:10:45,653 Did you bring us here for nothing? 943 01:10:45,720 --> 01:10:47,453 No, there's more! 944 01:10:48,420 --> 01:10:52,186 Winston, I need you to think very carefully. 945 01:10:52,253 --> 01:10:57,853 Remember when you saved the extra in case of emergency? 946 01:10:59,553 --> 01:11:01,353 That's right. 947 01:11:01,420 --> 01:11:04,453 The extra pack of gum. I've got it. 948 01:11:14,020 --> 01:11:15,720 Can I have my poster back? 949 01:11:16,320 --> 01:11:20,486 I'd start making more gum if I were you. Let's go! 950 01:11:24,420 --> 01:11:25,486 Are you all right? 951 01:11:27,286 --> 01:11:29,020 You were right about the substance. 952 01:11:29,353 --> 01:11:31,253 She turned them into monsters. 953 01:11:31,920 --> 01:11:34,720 I'd hate to be there when they realize that it's normal chewing gum. 954 01:11:35,320 --> 01:11:37,920 I just don't know what happened to the rest. 955 01:11:38,286 --> 01:11:39,720 Didn't you use it all? 956 01:11:39,786 --> 01:11:42,953 No. I had at least two packages. I swear on my life. 957 01:11:45,453 --> 01:11:47,286 Isn't that your sister? 958 01:11:53,086 --> 01:11:54,086 Not that one. 959 01:11:54,153 --> 01:11:55,820 She took the gum. 960 01:11:55,886 --> 01:11:57,353 What do we do? 961 01:11:58,186 --> 01:11:59,586 I'm next. 962 01:12:01,420 --> 01:12:02,420 Beautiful. 963 01:12:03,386 --> 01:12:07,320 Stay here and win that thing! I'll help Ari. 964 01:12:07,386 --> 01:12:08,953 And, Winston? 965 01:12:11,553 --> 01:12:12,553 I'm sorry. 966 01:12:19,520 --> 01:12:22,453 And what have you got for us, young man? 967 01:12:29,420 --> 01:12:32,320 Excuse me, but... I have to go! 968 01:12:38,553 --> 01:12:39,920 That was crazy. 969 01:12:41,786 --> 01:12:44,386 - What are you doing? Stop it! - I'm so sorry! 970 01:12:45,320 --> 01:12:46,853 Wait! 971 01:13:07,920 --> 01:13:09,186 Ari, come here! 972 01:13:24,286 --> 01:13:25,286 Here! 973 01:13:27,420 --> 01:13:29,486 That's a dead end! 974 01:13:33,786 --> 01:13:36,520 What's wrong with you? 975 01:13:36,586 --> 01:13:38,486 I'm trying to disguise your smell! 976 01:13:51,886 --> 01:13:54,586 - It's stuck. - I'll give it a try. 977 01:13:57,586 --> 01:13:58,986 I hate you. 978 01:14:07,553 --> 01:14:09,520 - They can still smell you. - That's great. 979 01:14:09,586 --> 01:14:11,953 I got soaked in dirty water for nothing. 980 01:14:13,720 --> 01:14:14,853 Let's go. 981 01:14:27,753 --> 01:14:29,320 What now, genius? 982 01:15:03,020 --> 01:15:05,053 - Where did she go? - Can you smell her? 983 01:15:05,720 --> 01:15:07,420 - I don't feel it. - Ari! 984 01:15:09,553 --> 01:15:10,720 This way! 985 01:15:19,120 --> 01:15:22,386 It's locked. What do we do now? 986 01:15:24,520 --> 01:15:28,453 Get in there, I'll distract them. 987 01:15:55,620 --> 01:15:56,620 What's up? 988 01:15:58,020 --> 01:15:59,853 Don't talk to me! 989 01:16:00,453 --> 01:16:01,553 Really? 990 01:16:02,486 --> 01:16:04,586 Are you mad at me? I just saved you. 991 01:16:05,053 --> 01:16:09,386 I wouldn't need saving if it weren't for your stupid gum! 992 01:16:09,453 --> 01:16:12,153 It was you who came into my room 993 01:16:12,220 --> 01:16:14,153 and stole my science project. 994 01:16:14,220 --> 01:16:15,286 Don't blame me! 995 01:16:15,353 --> 01:16:17,820 At least I never tried to destroy your life. 996 01:16:18,620 --> 01:16:23,853 What are you talking about? I never tried to destroy your life. 997 01:16:24,520 --> 01:16:27,686 You're so stupid! 998 01:16:27,753 --> 01:16:28,953 He stole my friends 999 01:16:29,020 --> 01:16:33,020 and ruined my chances with Charlie by being a spoiled brat! 1000 01:16:33,086 --> 01:16:34,953 Why? 1001 01:16:35,020 --> 01:16:37,820 Seriously, why do you hate me so much? 1002 01:16:39,420 --> 01:16:40,486 I thought... 1003 01:16:41,020 --> 01:16:42,986 that you hated me. 1004 01:16:46,253 --> 01:16:47,253 Now I hate it. 1005 01:16:49,453 --> 01:16:50,886 You've never been nice to me. 1006 01:16:51,953 --> 01:16:53,586 Not even when we were little. 1007 01:16:54,253 --> 01:16:55,853 And what was I supposed to do? 1008 01:16:55,920 --> 01:16:59,353 Dismantling toasters and help cure cancer? 1009 01:17:00,353 --> 01:17:01,820 I'm not like you! 1010 01:17:02,086 --> 01:17:03,753 We were supposed to be sisters. 1011 01:17:04,086 --> 01:17:05,820 Don't give me that! 1012 01:17:07,420 --> 01:17:12,120 My little sister is a science genius and I'm not going to pass chemistry. 1013 01:17:13,286 --> 01:17:14,320 And math... 1014 01:17:14,386 --> 01:17:16,486 I'm not going to do your homework, Ari. 1015 01:17:16,553 --> 01:17:18,686 You could at least help me. 1016 01:17:19,986 --> 01:17:21,686 Would you accept my help? 1017 01:17:25,086 --> 01:17:27,453 I can't repeat the second year 1018 01:17:27,520 --> 01:17:29,453 if all my friends are veterans. 1019 01:17:29,520 --> 01:17:30,820 I'd be a sucker. 1020 01:17:32,320 --> 01:17:34,886 You really don't understand. 1021 01:17:35,920 --> 01:17:39,653 You have a perfect future, 1022 01:17:40,420 --> 01:17:41,953 all planned ahead. 1023 01:17:42,020 --> 01:17:43,653 You don't even have to try! 1024 01:17:45,420 --> 01:17:49,220 High school, friends, being popular that's all I have. 1025 01:17:55,353 --> 01:17:59,786 Look, I'm sorry for stealing your stupid project. 1026 01:18:05,220 --> 01:18:07,753 You have no idea how much I regret it. 1027 01:18:16,086 --> 01:18:17,220 Disgusting. 1028 01:18:25,920 --> 01:18:27,053 Thank you. 1029 01:18:30,186 --> 01:18:34,620 So, how long do we have to stay in here? 1030 01:18:35,253 --> 01:18:36,820 Did you chew everything? 1031 01:18:38,853 --> 01:18:40,253 Let's stay a while. 1032 01:19:06,320 --> 01:19:07,586 What's up, assholes? 1033 01:19:08,253 --> 01:19:09,953 Who wants to take me home? 1034 01:19:10,486 --> 01:19:12,786 Those little feet will want a massage. 1035 01:19:26,386 --> 01:19:28,386 It didn't work for you either, did it? 1036 01:19:30,053 --> 01:19:31,953 I'm a disgrace to the yellow cape. 1037 01:19:33,220 --> 01:19:35,986 We kind of deserved it. 1038 01:19:44,086 --> 01:19:46,420 This string makes your eyes stand out. 1039 01:19:49,620 --> 01:19:52,920 It's wool, actually. 1040 01:20:01,353 --> 01:20:02,920 The bar is clear! 1041 01:20:10,253 --> 01:20:12,353 - Are you all right? - Do I look okay? 1042 01:20:17,653 --> 01:20:18,686 No problem. 1043 01:20:30,220 --> 01:20:31,786 So who won? 1044 01:20:32,486 --> 01:20:34,153 A student from the countryside. 1045 01:20:34,220 --> 01:20:36,920 A project on the properties of alkali metals. 1046 01:20:38,120 --> 01:20:39,486 That's easy. 1047 01:20:40,420 --> 01:20:43,653 She's going to spend the summer at SIT, and we'll be stuck here. 1048 01:20:46,886 --> 01:20:48,853 I'm sorry, Winston. 1049 01:20:50,220 --> 01:20:51,953 It's all my fault. 1050 01:20:52,353 --> 01:20:54,553 You would have been devastated if it hadn't been for me. 1051 01:20:55,020 --> 01:20:56,820 There's always next year. 1052 01:20:57,420 --> 01:20:59,886 But I'm sure you're going to annihilate me. 1053 01:20:59,953 --> 01:21:01,386 Not if we work together. 1054 01:21:02,286 --> 01:21:04,553 That is, if you still want to. 1055 01:21:08,153 --> 01:21:09,353 Colleagues? 1056 01:21:11,020 --> 01:21:12,020 Friends. 1057 01:21:22,120 --> 01:21:23,120 Hey. 1058 01:21:23,553 --> 01:21:25,186 You haven't sanitized your hand. 1059 01:21:27,253 --> 01:21:28,386 I don't think so. 1060 01:21:40,320 --> 01:21:42,586 Even though he didn't win the Nobel Prize 1061 01:21:42,653 --> 01:21:44,886 and even with only a few people knowing 1062 01:21:44,953 --> 01:21:47,520 that I have made the greatest scientific discovery of the century... 1063 01:21:49,820 --> 01:21:51,953 things changed a lot after that day. 1064 01:21:54,986 --> 01:21:59,286 I helped Ari with her homework and, I have to admit, 1065 01:22:00,620 --> 01:22:01,953 she surprised me. 1066 01:22:12,553 --> 01:22:15,520 Aunt Tammy decided to let me do science again, 1067 01:22:16,320 --> 01:22:17,753 as if I had stopped. 1068 01:22:24,253 --> 01:22:25,586 And the question is this, 1069 01:22:26,220 --> 01:22:28,686 Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest, 1070 01:22:29,886 --> 01:22:34,053 doesn't mean you have to to be popular in order to prosper. 1071 01:22:36,053 --> 01:22:38,453 The important thing in life is not to be adored by everyone. 1072 01:22:40,453 --> 01:22:42,620 But you need someone. 1073 01:22:52,120 --> 01:22:54,986 Schrödinger was right to say that subatomic particles 1074 01:22:55,053 --> 01:22:57,120 have no purpose as isolated entities. 1075 01:23:01,220 --> 01:23:03,920 What kind of sham operation do you think we're doing? 1076 01:23:03,986 --> 01:23:06,286 Who says we won't have control group? 1077 01:23:06,353 --> 01:23:08,486 You. You just said. 1078 01:23:09,820 --> 01:23:13,286 No. I meant that we wouldn't use a stable control group! 1079 01:23:13,353 --> 01:23:17,120 That's not what you said. You can understand why I thought... 1080 01:23:17,186 --> 01:23:20,520 I meant a stable control group. 1081 01:23:20,586 --> 01:23:23,420 Fine, but still, your account is wrong. 1082 01:23:23,486 --> 01:23:24,720 What's wrong? No, he's not. 1083 01:23:24,786 --> 01:23:26,286 You forgot to raise the one. 1084 01:24:13,053 --> 01:24:15,420 I think you're improving in chemistry. 1085 01:24:15,486 --> 01:24:16,486 Thank you. 1086 01:24:19,420 --> 01:24:21,653 Right. Let's move on to the next part.