1 00:00:08,225 --> 00:00:11,189 My unluck always gets people killed. 2 00:00:11,649 --> 00:00:13,527 So I felt I didn't deserve to live. 3 00:00:14,905 --> 00:00:20,165 But I met an undead who found me amusing. 4 00:00:20,332 --> 00:00:22,294 At first, I hated it, but... 5 00:00:23,421 --> 00:00:28,056 Being with him helped me feel like I could keep living a bit longer. 6 00:00:30,435 --> 00:00:32,064 At least, that's what I thought. 7 00:00:33,985 --> 00:00:35,905 How did things wind up like this? 8 00:00:37,534 --> 00:00:38,995 If a kiss did that... 9 00:00:38,995 --> 00:00:44,088 If we have ***... then an even bigger stroke of unluck'll happen! 10 00:00:44,422 --> 00:00:51,311 A massive stroke of unluck ignoring the basic rules about contact area and duration! 11 00:00:52,104 --> 00:00:54,442 Let's jump on this theory while it's hot! 12 00:00:55,737 --> 00:00:59,745 He's the worst! It's like he only thinks of me as a tool for dying! 13 00:01:00,621 --> 00:01:06,759 What do I do? I need to get out of this somehow. 14 00:01:07,301 --> 00:01:10,223 My first time will be taken by this jerk! 15 00:01:10,600 --> 00:01:13,731 I need to figure this out before he actually makes a move on me! 16 00:01:13,731 --> 00:01:17,656 All he cares about is tasting the best of what death has to offer! 17 00:01:18,616 --> 00:01:20,410 There has to be something. 18 00:01:23,083 --> 00:01:25,420 Oh! I know! The key is likability! 19 00:01:25,755 --> 00:01:26,464 Huh? 20 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:29,763 Aside from Mom, Dad, and you, I have also kissed my granddad, 21 00:01:29,763 --> 00:01:32,519 who had these dentures that scared the crap out of me. 22 00:01:33,186 --> 00:01:34,981 GYAAAAAAA! 23 00:01:35,065 --> 00:01:37,696 But at the time, all he got were sprained legs. 24 00:01:38,279 --> 00:01:39,991 He passed away three years later, 25 00:01:40,075 --> 00:01:42,496 but there was too much of a time lag for it to be my fault. 26 00:01:42,580 --> 00:01:48,551 My point is-the more I like a person, the bigger the unlucky event becomes! 27 00:01:50,262 --> 00:01:54,228 So, if you were to try and force me into some funny business right now... 28 00:01:54,353 --> 00:01:57,359 ...I'd end up hating you! Forever! 29 00:01:58,153 --> 00:01:59,113 Are you really okay with that? 30 00:01:59,113 --> 00:02:02,662 I mean it. Forever and ever! 31 00:02:02,662 --> 00:02:06,294 That means you'd get crummy unluck and lose your shot at a proper death! 32 00:02:11,137 --> 00:02:14,185 You don't say... Pretty clear what the plan is, then. 33 00:02:14,351 --> 00:02:15,020 Huh? 34 00:02:15,270 --> 00:02:18,861 Basically... I can't let you die till it happens. 35 00:02:19,111 --> 00:02:20,573 Huh? Till what happens? 36 00:02:21,282 --> 00:02:22,702 Follow me. 37 00:02:26,752 --> 00:02:29,256 AUGUST 2ND 38 00:02:29,674 --> 00:02:31,720 Is this... an armory? 39 00:02:31,720 --> 00:02:35,686 I've set up places like this all over the globe so I can have it out with those guys whenever I need to. 40 00:02:35,686 --> 00:02:36,605 “Those guys”? 41 00:02:36,772 --> 00:02:38,567 Now, let's get crackin'. 42 00:02:43,911 --> 00:02:45,205 Okay, you're all set. 43 00:02:45,372 --> 00:02:51,008 Bulletproof, stab-proof... and resistant to chemical weapons. 44 00:02:51,510 --> 00:02:53,096 What's with all this heavy armor? 45 00:02:53,304 --> 00:02:56,435 It's a countermeasure against those guys from yesterday. 46 00:02:56,728 --> 00:02:58,064 Yesterday... 47 00:03:00,193 --> 00:03:01,905 Who were they, anyway? 48 00:03:02,322 --> 00:03:06,205 An organization that polices unidentified mysteries like ourselves. 49 00:03:06,205 --> 00:03:09,336 To them, we're the ones they gotta keep in check. 50 00:03:10,005 --> 00:03:12,510 You can count on a second group of ‘em showing up today. 51 00:03:12,510 --> 00:03:17,144 B-But we really socked it to them good yesterday. I bet they're too freaked out to even- 52 00:03:17,227 --> 00:03:21,778 Fat chance. Those guys are packing some head of their own. Folks like us. 53 00:03:21,778 --> 00:03:25,243 Guys and gals who negate the rules of this world. Negators. 54 00:03:27,289 --> 00:03:29,293 Yesterday, they got a front row seat to our abilities. 55 00:03:29,293 --> 00:03:32,759 But theirs are unknown. We don't stand a chance. 56 00:03:32,759 --> 00:03:34,846 All we can do now is run. 57 00:03:35,388 --> 00:03:40,524 You know, 50 years ago, those Negators caught me and really did a number on me. 58 00:03:40,524 --> 00:03:43,279 - Fifty? - I spent the next ten years in a lab 59 00:03:43,279 --> 00:03:45,075 gettin' my body prodded to hell ‘n' back. 60 00:03:45,283 --> 00:03:47,287 What? Just how old are you? 61 00:03:47,580 --> 00:03:51,003 Makes me wonder what they do to you if you got caught. 62 00:03:51,379 --> 00:03:55,805 There's no tellin' how many people would die just to confirm the rules of your unluck. 63 00:03:55,888 --> 00:04:00,564 They might even cut your fingers off to see if they still work when detached, or... 64 00:04:00,773 --> 00:04:02,652 Eek! No way! 65 00:04:02,985 --> 00:04:05,700 We've got to get out of here! Right now! 66 00:04:06,283 --> 00:04:08,079 Ooh, baby! You're getting terrified now! 67 00:04:08,079 --> 00:04:09,123 Hurry up! 68 00:04:09,123 --> 00:04:12,547 ROAD CLOSED - EXIT HERE - ROAD CLOSURE DUE TO BUILDING DEMOLITION BY IMPLOSION 69 00:04:14,634 --> 00:04:19,476 Time to kick off our “caught-and-we're-done” motorcycle trip for two! Hit it! 70 00:05:56,588 --> 00:05:59,384 But... where're we going? Do you have somewhere in mind? 71 00:05:59,384 --> 00:06:03,267 Whazzat? Heck no. We're just gonna keep on runnin'. 72 00:06:03,267 --> 00:06:06,566 Huh? That sounds like it's only a matter of time before we get caught. 73 00:06:07,025 --> 00:06:12,536 And I'm already a liability to you. If you get captured again like yesterday, then... 74 00:06:12,620 --> 00:06:14,373 Calm that li'l head of yours. 75 00:06:14,373 --> 00:06:17,672 Till you fall for me and give me the biggest stroke of unluck you got... 76 00:06:17,672 --> 00:06:19,717 ...you better believe I ain't gonna let you die. 77 00:06:19,926 --> 00:06:23,934 “Fall for you”...? Y-You still haven't given up on that? 78 00:06:24,309 --> 00:06:27,190 I appreciate you protecting me, but there's no way I'd fall for you! 79 00:06:27,190 --> 00:06:29,988 Tut-tut, you will. After all, you're such a pushover. 80 00:06:29,988 --> 00:06:32,158 I-I am not a pushover! 81 00:06:32,450 --> 00:06:36,584 Quit rubbing my head! Geez, that's another thing I don't like about you! 82 00:06:39,464 --> 00:06:40,509 Here they come. 83 00:06:40,509 --> 00:06:42,304 Huh? What is that? 84 00:06:42,596 --> 00:06:44,642 It's how they warp. 85 00:06:44,642 --> 00:06:49,276 The folks who nabbed me 50 years ago shot out from one of those, too. 86 00:06:50,571 --> 00:06:51,321 Hit the deck! 87 00:06:52,115 --> 00:06:53,034 Something's heading right for us! 88 00:06:53,744 --> 00:06:54,579 Yeah. 89 00:06:57,710 --> 00:06:59,254 It's the Union! 90 00:07:08,565 --> 00:07:09,441 What in the... 91 00:07:11,487 --> 00:07:12,363 Andy! 92 00:07:12,363 --> 00:07:14,076 Are you o... kay? 93 00:07:14,409 --> 00:07:15,453 Huh? 94 00:07:16,915 --> 00:07:20,088 Wow, you're something! You still head out there in this state! 95 00:07:20,506 --> 00:07:21,841 Do ya like him? 96 00:07:21,925 --> 00:07:24,054 Who is this guy? An enemy? 97 00:07:24,931 --> 00:07:26,810 My legs... won't move... 98 00:07:28,145 --> 00:07:29,524 Hey, I've nabbed this one! 99 00:07:29,524 --> 00:07:33,489 Then kill her. We capture Undead and dispose of Unluck, remember? 100 00:07:33,489 --> 00:07:37,205 Aww, but I want to chat with her for a bit. 101 00:07:37,540 --> 00:07:40,461 Hey, how old are ya? What're you into? Got a type? 102 00:07:40,461 --> 00:07:41,923 Who is this goofball? 103 00:07:42,090 --> 00:07:43,384 You flirtatious fool. 104 00:07:45,931 --> 00:07:47,475 Ooh. What a nifty undead trick. 105 00:07:47,475 --> 00:07:48,687 Get him, Andy! 106 00:07:48,854 --> 00:07:50,732 Now you're all... 107 00:07:51,526 --> 00:07:52,360 ...mine? 108 00:07:52,485 --> 00:07:54,949 What, why? He just suddenly stopped mov- 109 00:07:56,744 --> 00:07:57,997 Sorry, but that wasn't me. 110 00:07:59,542 --> 00:08:01,420 No, really! I swear it wasn't me! 111 00:08:03,048 --> 00:08:04,886 My body won't budge. 112 00:08:05,052 --> 00:08:08,142 Specifically, my arms, legs, and torso. 113 00:08:12,400 --> 00:08:13,027 Andy! 114 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:22,378 I can move now. So the reason my body froze up back there... 115 00:08:22,378 --> 00:08:25,677 ...wasn't because I numbed my nerves and ruptured my muscles. 116 00:08:26,136 --> 00:08:27,388 This guy, he's- 117 00:08:27,640 --> 00:08:28,934 Andy! 118 00:08:28,934 --> 00:08:31,230 This is your guy! He's the movement stopper! 119 00:08:31,564 --> 00:08:33,693 CULPRIT I can't move right now because of him, in fact! 120 00:08:33,693 --> 00:08:35,321 CULPRIT Focus your attacks on this guy! 121 00:08:35,656 --> 00:08:37,534 Uh, you know you're moving your hands, right? 122 00:08:37,743 --> 00:08:39,956 I know that! It's my legs that aren't moving! 123 00:08:40,039 --> 00:08:41,668 Then they ain't related. 124 00:08:42,252 --> 00:08:46,343 Both of these guys are External-Targeting Restrainer-Type Negators. 125 00:08:46,343 --> 00:08:49,600 They seem similar, but their ranges and abilities aren't. 126 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:52,063 The big guy over here paralyzed my body. 127 00:08:52,063 --> 00:08:55,904 And the brat over there has your will, I take it. 128 00:08:56,321 --> 00:08:59,327 Though I don't know what exactly they're negating to pull this off. 129 00:09:00,496 --> 00:09:03,460 Well, dang. Guess you haven't lived all this time for nothing! 130 00:09:03,753 --> 00:09:06,884 But simply knowing that doesn't mean a thing. 131 00:09:06,884 --> 00:09:08,345 That's why they put us up for the job. 132 00:09:13,355 --> 00:09:15,569 Look at that, I can move after I get hit. 133 00:09:15,569 --> 00:09:18,490 All I gotta do now is get hit, fix myself up, and slug ya. 134 00:09:18,700 --> 00:09:19,952 What an idiot. 135 00:09:30,641 --> 00:09:33,395 He's taking it pretty well considering he's still able to feel pain. 136 00:09:33,395 --> 00:09:35,066 What an outrageous way to fight. 137 00:09:35,107 --> 00:09:35,776 Hey... 138 00:09:36,485 --> 00:09:39,825 Are we going to get chased by people like you forever? 139 00:09:40,619 --> 00:09:43,207 Well... that's only if you manage to give us the slip. 140 00:09:46,421 --> 00:09:49,094 That meteorite yesterday didn't do you any favors. 141 00:09:49,094 --> 00:09:53,561 Because of that, your capture priority levels rose to eight on a scale of ten. 142 00:09:53,561 --> 00:09:55,690 And to think you were just a five when you were discovered. 143 00:09:56,274 --> 00:09:58,988 So now, no matter how many hunters you avoid... 144 00:09:58,988 --> 00:10:01,368 ...there will always be other menacing people gunning for you. 145 00:10:01,619 --> 00:10:03,330 Menacing people? 146 00:10:03,330 --> 00:10:07,548 Yup. Negators, just like us. You've got my condolences. 147 00:10:07,923 --> 00:10:09,510 Negators, the same as... 148 00:10:10,010 --> 00:10:10,679 Wait...? 149 00:10:11,346 --> 00:10:13,893 Then why aren't you guys being hunted? 150 00:10:22,160 --> 00:10:24,707 Ah-hah, so we've piqued your interest? 151 00:10:24,832 --> 00:10:26,001 Hey. Shen. 152 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:28,798 Lay off. Where's the harm? She has a right to know! 153 00:10:29,925 --> 00:10:31,052 There're ten members. 154 00:10:31,929 --> 00:10:32,765 Ten? 155 00:10:35,019 --> 00:10:38,860 The Anti-Unidentified Phenomena Control Organization, A.K.A. “Union”. 156 00:10:40,196 --> 00:10:44,747 Within its ranks, there's a special team made up of ten Negators. 157 00:10:45,122 --> 00:10:51,969 Once in, you're exempt from pursuit on the condition that you commit to carrying out missions. 158 00:10:52,888 --> 00:10:55,017 Ya need to pass a few tests to get in, though. 159 00:10:55,017 --> 00:10:58,357 U-Um... so that means... 160 00:10:58,566 --> 00:11:01,488 If we become members, then they will stop chasing us- 161 00:11:01,739 --> 00:11:03,993 Sorry, kid. All the seats are taken! 162 00:11:03,993 --> 00:11:06,206 C-Can't move... 163 00:11:06,666 --> 00:11:09,420 As long as there are no vacancies, the roster sees no additions or changes. 164 00:11:09,420 --> 00:11:16,309 Any Negator who isn't a member is a UMA who throws the world into chaos... a monster! 165 00:11:19,900 --> 00:11:21,236 Now I get it! 166 00:11:22,823 --> 00:11:26,246 Instead of gettin' hunted, we join the hunting party! 167 00:11:26,246 --> 00:11:28,375 Sick! Let's do it! 168 00:11:28,375 --> 00:11:31,214 We'll bust those two asses to make some space, and... 169 00:11:31,214 --> 00:11:33,636 ...we'll be part of those ten! 170 00:11:33,636 --> 00:11:37,393 Who knows what they'll have us do once we're in, but don't you worry. 171 00:11:37,853 --> 00:11:41,026 So long as I'm around, letting you die ain't an option. 172 00:11:41,276 --> 00:11:43,531 And neither is handing you over to anyone else. 173 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:45,744 Y-Yeah. 174 00:11:53,383 --> 00:11:55,429 Hey, they just had direct contact. 175 00:11:55,429 --> 00:11:59,312 They did, but it was a small area, so the unluck isn't gonna be all that... 176 00:11:59,563 --> 00:12:00,941 Um, listen up! 177 00:12:01,316 --> 00:12:05,282 I think... a huge stroke of unluck is on the way! 178 00:12:05,282 --> 00:12:08,497 But it's not because I'm in love with you or anything! 179 00:12:09,750 --> 00:12:12,547 - I only like you out of gratitude… - Hey, get out there after her 180 00:12:12,631 --> 00:12:13,841 Yeah, okay, I'm going! 181 00:12:13,841 --> 00:12:15,094 Then go! 182 00:12:15,887 --> 00:12:16,764 Get out there! 183 00:12:16,764 --> 00:12:18,977 What? I'm not feeling it. 184 00:12:18,977 --> 00:12:19,937 Just get out there. 185 00:12:19,937 --> 00:12:21,231 But you know... 186 00:12:21,231 --> 00:12:22,483 Quit your whining! 187 00:12:22,483 --> 00:12:23,485 Yeah, yeah. 188 00:12:23,903 --> 00:12:26,784 That won't make me fall in love with you! 189 00:12:26,784 --> 00:12:29,414 So don't get the wrong idea! 190 00:12:30,499 --> 00:12:32,461 Welp, there ya have it, boys. 191 00:12:32,461 --> 00:12:34,257 Give us your two seats. 192 00:12:43,316 --> 00:12:44,778 Unscathed, eh? 193 00:12:44,778 --> 00:12:46,072 That was close! 194 00:12:46,866 --> 00:12:48,243 Now, then... 195 00:12:51,499 --> 00:12:54,673 Negators either negate their own Rules or those of others. 196 00:12:55,633 --> 00:12:58,598 When fighting against External-Targeting Negators... 197 00:12:58,598 --> 00:13:03,273 ...you gotta figure out what they're negating ASAP! 198 00:13:03,983 --> 00:13:08,701 When Jumbotron gets in an attack stance, he negates my movements. 199 00:13:08,868 --> 00:13:09,912 So maybe his power is... 200 00:13:11,707 --> 00:13:13,628 ...“Unavoidable”. 201 00:13:14,253 --> 00:13:16,717 But I ain't got enough intel on the brat. 202 00:13:17,009 --> 00:13:21,184 He restrained the Unluck kid without any kind of specific movement. 203 00:13:21,769 --> 00:13:24,190 Just what does this guy negate? 204 00:13:24,315 --> 00:13:28,198 I'd better stay hidden and use some hit-and-run tactics till I've got ‘em figured out. 205 00:13:34,210 --> 00:13:35,462 Dynamite? 206 00:14:01,557 --> 00:14:05,982 Is this my fault, too? Or just a coincidence? 207 00:14:09,030 --> 00:14:13,038 That's a level eight for you. Just look at this mess. 208 00:14:13,038 --> 00:14:16,169 If it weren't for this crazy old coot's suit, I'd be a goner. 209 00:14:16,587 --> 00:14:20,302 Unless you can predict what will happen, it's not a weapon. It's a disaster. 210 00:14:20,720 --> 00:14:22,181 I'll dispose of her. 211 00:14:23,601 --> 00:14:28,819 But first, I'll take care of you... Undead. 212 00:14:31,951 --> 00:14:33,746 Shen, are you all right? 213 00:14:33,746 --> 00:14:38,254 I've secured Undead. That just leaves killing Unluck. 214 00:14:38,254 --> 00:14:39,716 You want that thing? 215 00:14:39,716 --> 00:14:40,425 Huh? 216 00:14:41,427 --> 00:14:42,764 Go on, I don't mind. 217 00:14:44,601 --> 00:14:50,195 You see, a body part that I lose... disappears in 30 seconds, anyway. 218 00:14:51,322 --> 00:14:54,453 Or, I should say it lasts for 30 seconds. 219 00:14:54,913 --> 00:14:57,042 Adios, Unavoidable. 220 00:15:00,800 --> 00:15:02,595 I call it Parts Bullet. 221 00:15:02,971 --> 00:15:07,396 I use my regenerative power to shoot my half-torn body parts like projectiles. 222 00:15:08,983 --> 00:15:14,201 Each time you get in an attack stance, you negate your opponent's ability to “avoid”. 223 00:15:14,201 --> 00:15:19,045 Strictly speaking, you're only stopping muscle movements while it's in effect. 224 00:15:20,631 --> 00:15:23,512 You can't stop my regeneration. 225 00:15:25,808 --> 00:15:29,148 Ya should've read up more on your own rules, bud. 226 00:15:30,484 --> 00:15:32,237 That's one down. 227 00:15:32,989 --> 00:15:37,039 What was that weird sound just now? Hey, Void? 228 00:15:40,337 --> 00:15:41,799 You're next. 229 00:15:42,007 --> 00:15:46,349 Huh? Are you serious? But your seat's already secured. 230 00:15:46,349 --> 00:15:47,519 Did you not hear me before? 231 00:15:48,186 --> 00:15:51,484 I need two seats. I need to join, too. 232 00:15:52,987 --> 00:15:54,323 You're a real gentleman, I see. 233 00:15:55,117 --> 00:16:00,586 What does this guy negate? Guess I'll have to die until I find out, just like always! 234 00:16:01,170 --> 00:16:02,924 I'll get that opening in his stance! 235 00:16:03,091 --> 00:16:04,719 On the right side of this waist! 236 00:16:05,178 --> 00:16:07,224 Hit ‘em with a right kick! 237 00:16:09,186 --> 00:16:10,063 What? 238 00:16:10,313 --> 00:16:11,525 My left leg? 239 00:16:12,234 --> 00:16:13,654 WONDERFUL! Jīngcai. 240 00:16:19,456 --> 00:16:21,252 Wow, you're incredible, Mr. Andy! 241 00:16:21,252 --> 00:16:23,757 I never thought anyone'd be able to lay a hand on me! 242 00:16:23,757 --> 00:16:26,889 Oh, what I'd give to spar against you on a regular basis! 243 00:16:27,097 --> 00:16:29,185 You... befriended him? 244 00:16:29,310 --> 00:16:32,024 Don't be such a dope! He's clearly screwin' with me! 245 00:16:34,863 --> 00:16:37,409 Oh, you brought the katana! Toss it this way! 246 00:16:37,409 --> 00:16:39,496 Toss? Are you sure you'll catch it? 247 00:16:39,496 --> 00:16:40,583 Just toss it! 248 00:16:42,377 --> 00:16:44,966 I may not know exactly what it is you negate... 249 00:16:45,300 --> 00:16:47,639 ...but your power is all about opposites! 250 00:16:48,641 --> 00:16:51,897 You purposely tease a gap in your defenses and prepare a defense on the opposite side! 251 00:16:52,481 --> 00:16:55,195 Right goes left! Up goes down! 252 00:16:56,322 --> 00:16:58,827 Annoying, for sure, but that's about all there is to it, right? 253 00:16:59,119 --> 00:17:00,581 Okay, fine! 254 00:17:01,917 --> 00:17:02,710 But... 255 00:17:04,673 --> 00:17:08,639 Whaddaya do when faced with an attack you can't parry? 256 00:17:09,056 --> 00:17:10,433 I gotcha now! 257 00:17:12,730 --> 00:17:15,653 Ah... it was only for a split second, but... 258 00:17:15,987 --> 00:17:19,368 ...you hesitated on whether or not to cut me down. 259 00:17:21,372 --> 00:17:25,840 Despite being alive for nearly 200 years, you still hesitate when it comes to killing people, huh? 260 00:17:26,257 --> 00:17:30,683 Or maybe you just didn't want Little Miss Unlucky here to see you murder someone? 261 00:17:30,683 --> 00:17:32,394 But I doubt you're that soft. 262 00:17:33,564 --> 00:17:35,275 Now then, all that's left is... 263 00:17:43,709 --> 00:17:47,550 I won't reveal my Rule to you, but I'll tell you this- you won't be able to run away or touch me. 264 00:17:47,550 --> 00:17:50,263 My power works on your deep psyche, so it's no use trying to resist. 265 00:17:50,263 --> 00:17:51,057 Hey, you... 266 00:17:52,643 --> 00:17:54,647 Why the hell didja come over here? 267 00:17:54,647 --> 00:17:56,108 SHIVER SHIVER I-I-I'm sorry! 268 00:17:56,108 --> 00:17:57,528 SHIVER SHIVER I thought it would work! 269 00:17:57,528 --> 00:17:59,949 Now we're both in his line of sight! 270 00:17:59,949 --> 00:18:03,289 I was only trying to help! I swear! 271 00:18:03,289 --> 00:18:05,920 Well? Which of you will be joining us? 272 00:18:06,253 --> 00:18:08,299 That's a no-brainer-she is. 273 00:18:08,299 --> 00:18:11,556 - You can ship me off to a lab or whatever for all I care. - Hold on, you can't make such a big decision on your own! 274 00:18:11,848 --> 00:18:15,648 They ran you ragged for ten years, didn't they? Why would you voluntarily... 275 00:18:15,648 --> 00:18:18,987 You wouldn't last a day without losin' your mind. 276 00:18:18,987 --> 00:18:20,407 But... 277 00:18:20,407 --> 00:18:25,543 No “but”s. Hitting on a chick that ain't right in the head is back-breakin' work. 278 00:18:26,085 --> 00:18:27,505 This is fine. 279 00:18:27,755 --> 00:18:31,680 You're still on that? What if you never break free? 280 00:18:31,680 --> 00:18:33,517 Don't worry. 281 00:18:34,143 --> 00:18:37,692 I'll slip out before you die, even if it kills me. 282 00:18:37,692 --> 00:18:43,035 Even if you've become a hunchbacked old bag, I'll win your heart and give ya a night to remember. 283 00:18:45,123 --> 00:18:48,839 You got that? Now scram. See ya. 284 00:18:49,089 --> 00:18:50,759 UNDERSTOOD. Zhīdàole. 285 00:18:50,843 --> 00:18:53,055 In that case, I'll be taking Little Miss Unlucky and- 286 00:18:53,139 --> 00:18:53,640 Wait! 287 00:18:55,310 --> 00:18:56,980 You! Look away for ten minutes! 288 00:18:56,980 --> 00:19:00,028 Huh? Oh, I'm afraid I can't. It'll undo the restraint. 289 00:19:00,028 --> 00:19:01,615 I don't care! Just turn away! 290 00:19:01,948 --> 00:19:03,242 I-I'm about to do some... 291 00:19:07,710 --> 00:19:09,714 ...t-totally x-rated stuff with this fool! 292 00:19:09,714 --> 00:19:10,966 Wait, why? 293 00:19:11,258 --> 00:19:15,183 Hey, I gotta get you to fall head over heels for me first- 294 00:19:15,183 --> 00:19:16,101 Oh, just shut up! 295 00:19:16,895 --> 00:19:20,903 Because of this body, I've never experienced even a lick of romance! 296 00:19:21,362 --> 00:19:23,700 So I don't know if I've fallen for you or not! 297 00:19:24,117 --> 00:19:28,125 But... no matter what the reason may be, if there's someone... 298 00:19:28,544 --> 00:19:31,633 ...willing to fight for my pitiful sake until they're a bloody mess... 299 00:19:32,718 --> 00:19:36,350 ...then I can't just abandon them without giving up something-anything! 300 00:19:40,191 --> 00:19:41,736 So we do this right here, right now! 301 00:19:41,736 --> 00:19:43,782 I've never done it before, so I dunno what to do... 302 00:19:43,991 --> 00:19:46,830 ...but it just might give you the unluck you need to die! 303 00:19:49,919 --> 00:19:53,844 I'm sorry I can't do more... to repay you. 304 00:20:00,398 --> 00:20:04,699 Now that's some relationship! Didn'tcha guys only meet yesterday? 305 00:20:04,741 --> 00:20:06,410 I-It's not funny! 306 00:20:06,995 --> 00:20:10,878 Whew... okay, sorry. Boy, you guys are rich. 307 00:20:10,878 --> 00:20:12,882 Splitting you two up would be a capital offense. 308 00:20:14,636 --> 00:20:16,973 All righty! Here's what I'm gonna do! 309 00:20:17,265 --> 00:20:20,271 Let's have you two kill another one of our members. 310 00:20:20,271 --> 00:20:22,943 If you do, I'll put in a good word for you both. 311 00:20:24,614 --> 00:20:28,287 In three days, on August 5th, at Lake Baikal... 312 00:20:28,287 --> 00:20:30,375 ...one member will make a move to investigate a UMA. 313 00:20:30,626 --> 00:20:32,838 Kill the member that shows up there, and you're golden. 314 00:20:33,422 --> 00:20:36,053 Look for a red necktie and an emblem. 315 00:20:36,470 --> 00:20:37,305 That said... 316 00:20:37,932 --> 00:20:40,521 Of course, there will be people hunting you along the way. 317 00:20:40,521 --> 00:20:43,150 Here's hoping you both make it over there in one piece. 318 00:20:43,819 --> 00:20:45,906 Well... that's all I've got. 319 00:20:47,117 --> 00:20:49,037 I'll see you two in the Roundtable Room. 320 00:20:53,295 --> 00:20:54,089 Huh? 321 00:20:55,466 --> 00:20:57,722 H-H-He spared us? 322 00:20:57,722 --> 00:21:00,226 Yeah, thanks to your deviant behavior. 323 00:21:00,309 --> 00:21:03,567 Deviant? I wasn't just... 324 00:21:04,902 --> 00:21:06,781 I wasn't just playing... 325 00:21:09,077 --> 00:21:13,503 I ain't rotten enough to bang a chick just ‘cause she's desperate. 326 00:21:13,503 --> 00:21:15,047 Don't ever pull a stunt like that again. 327 00:21:15,799 --> 00:21:18,220 Yes. Won't happen again. 328 00:21:18,847 --> 00:21:21,143 No time to waste! Let's hit the road! 329 00:21:21,143 --> 00:21:25,318 Huh? Russia? But I don't have a passport or anything. 330 00:21:25,443 --> 00:21:30,788 Don't need one! Public transportation's too dangerous! We're gonna take my route! 331 00:21:32,373 --> 00:21:34,921 First, we drive top speed to Niigata! 332 00:21:35,338 --> 00:21:39,597 Next, we hop on my yacht and book it to the Russian port of Vladivostok! 333 00:21:39,931 --> 00:21:43,980 Then we'll swap to a jet plane and head to Irkutsk! 334 00:21:44,565 --> 00:21:48,280 There, I'll hire some of my old war buds to give us some combat support! 335 00:21:48,615 --> 00:21:52,330 Then we lie in wait for our target at the lake... and off ‘em! 336 00:21:52,497 --> 00:21:55,461 Russia... vodka! 337 00:21:55,461 --> 00:21:56,589 How old are ya? 338 00:21:56,840 --> 00:21:58,425 I-I'm 18. 339 00:21:58,593 --> 00:22:02,142 You're legal over there! When we're done, it's bottoms up! 340 00:22:04,814 --> 00:22:06,191 TO BE CONTINUED 341 00:22:06,275 --> 00:22:07,570 TO BE CONTINUED He looks like he's enjoying this. 342 00:22:07,653 --> 00:22:08,989 TO BE CONTINUED 343 00:23:39,002 --> 00:23:39,795 PREVIEW 344 00:23:39,795 --> 00:23:42,216 The girl heads north with the undead man. 345 00:23:42,676 --> 00:23:46,642 Overcoming predicaments, they arrive at lake's shore where the girl meets... her. 346 00:23:46,934 --> 00:23:51,611 Next episode of Undead Unluck, Episode 3-How to Use My Unluck. 347 00:23:51,903 --> 00:23:53,948 In search of the greatest death ever.