1 00:01:41,310 --> 00:01:43,104 You wanna explore the tunnel? 2 00:01:43,187 --> 00:01:44,522 Uh… 3 00:01:44,605 --> 00:01:46,482 What's wrong? Are you scared? 4 00:01:46,566 --> 00:01:49,235 Nah, we're not scared of anything. Right? 5 00:01:49,318 --> 00:01:50,528 Mm-mmm… 6 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:52,572 Great, then it's settled. 7 00:01:52,655 --> 00:01:55,950 Everyone, go grab some flashlights, then meet at the entrance. 8 00:01:56,033 --> 00:01:58,035 You should come too, Goro. 9 00:01:58,119 --> 00:02:01,706 Wait, isn't that the tunnel where Goro's mom went and, uh… 10 00:02:01,789 --> 00:02:03,291 I-- Uh, I forgot! 11 00:02:03,875 --> 00:02:06,711 That might be all the more reason for you to come, then. 12 00:02:11,632 --> 00:02:13,467 All right… Let's head in. 13 00:02:13,551 --> 00:02:14,719 Y-- yeah. 14 00:02:15,303 --> 00:02:17,680 -Hey, don't push me! -I didn't! 15 00:02:17,763 --> 00:02:19,223 Would you shut up? 16 00:02:19,307 --> 00:02:22,226 Hey. Hide. How far in do you wanna go? 17 00:02:22,810 --> 00:02:25,730 I've heard there's something weird near the middle of the tunnel. 18 00:02:25,813 --> 00:02:28,191 Uh, wait. What do you mean, something weird? 19 00:02:28,274 --> 00:02:30,735 How should I know? That's why we're going! 20 00:02:30,818 --> 00:02:33,738 It would've been nice to hear about that before we came in. 21 00:02:33,821 --> 00:02:35,990 Don't be such a baby. Let's go. 22 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:38,701 Look at that. 23 00:02:38,784 --> 00:02:41,495 What could have scratched the ceiling like that? 24 00:02:41,579 --> 00:02:43,664 I don't know. But I don't like it. 25 00:02:49,921 --> 00:02:53,966 Something fell on my head! Here! Blood? Is it blood? 26 00:02:54,050 --> 00:02:56,677 What? Why would it be blood? It's just water. 27 00:02:56,761 --> 00:03:00,139 Screw you, weirdo! You got me spooked, sayin' all that weird stuff! 28 00:03:00,223 --> 00:03:01,849 -Hey, guys… -Hmm? 29 00:03:02,433 --> 00:03:04,310 Look there. What's that? 30 00:03:04,393 --> 00:03:05,603 What? 31 00:03:23,579 --> 00:03:25,122 Big brother? 32 00:03:33,297 --> 00:03:35,132 Mari! Is that you?! 33 00:03:35,925 --> 00:03:38,427 Wh-- what are you doing in a place like this? 34 00:03:38,511 --> 00:03:40,888 I have no idea. I'm just here. 35 00:03:40,972 --> 00:03:44,976 I'm so scared! Big brother, what's happening? 36 00:03:45,059 --> 00:03:48,104 Nobody would ever come to this place without knowing how they… 37 00:03:48,187 --> 00:03:50,064 Come on. We're going home. 38 00:04:05,079 --> 00:04:07,540 -Hey, Dad. -Is Mari asleep? 39 00:04:08,207 --> 00:04:10,835 Yeah. But she has a fever. 40 00:04:10,918 --> 00:04:13,421 She should probably stay home from school tomorrow. 41 00:04:13,504 --> 00:04:14,380 I see. 42 00:04:14,463 --> 00:04:17,591 She doesn't remember how she got there. Strange. 43 00:04:17,675 --> 00:04:21,262 People say that tunnel has a way of luring people in, but… 44 00:04:22,430 --> 00:04:26,517 So, have you… talked to Mari yet? You know, about Mom? 45 00:04:26,600 --> 00:04:28,436 No. Nuh-uh. 46 00:04:29,103 --> 00:04:31,647 Look after her. I'm worried about her. 47 00:04:31,731 --> 00:04:33,774 Sure. Huh? 48 00:04:34,400 --> 00:04:35,693 It's snowing… 49 00:04:37,403 --> 00:04:38,946 It'll pile up by tomorrow. 50 00:04:39,030 --> 00:04:41,782 "STORY OF THE MYSTERIOUS TUNNEL" 51 00:05:21,489 --> 00:05:25,242 MOURNING 52 00:05:38,589 --> 00:05:39,757 I'm home. 53 00:05:40,758 --> 00:05:43,052 Goro, have you seen Mari around? 54 00:05:43,135 --> 00:05:45,596 Huh? She stayed home from school, right? 55 00:05:45,679 --> 00:05:49,642 Yeah. But when I looked a minute ago, her futon was empty. 56 00:05:50,976 --> 00:05:52,645 The tunnel You don't think she-- 57 00:05:53,312 --> 00:05:54,480 I don't know. 58 00:05:54,563 --> 00:05:58,401 But it's terrible for her to be walking around in weather like this with a fever. 59 00:05:58,484 --> 00:06:00,361 I'll go see if I can find her. 60 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:02,905 You stay here at home, okay? 61 00:06:21,799 --> 00:06:23,843 He's been gone way too long. 62 00:06:46,031 --> 00:06:47,450 That's Dad's, all right. 63 00:06:48,784 --> 00:06:50,536 Dad, you there? 64 00:06:50,619 --> 00:06:52,830 Dad, you there? Dad, you there? 65 00:07:25,905 --> 00:07:29,867 Cosmic-Ray Observatory? What is… that? 66 00:07:52,014 --> 00:07:52,932 Mari! 67 00:07:53,015 --> 00:07:54,183 Mmm? 68 00:08:00,356 --> 00:08:02,775 Tell me, do you know this young woman? 69 00:08:03,275 --> 00:08:04,902 Mari's my little sister. 70 00:08:05,486 --> 00:08:08,572 My dad. He should have stopped by here. Did he? 71 00:08:08,656 --> 00:08:11,659 Your father? He hasn't come here. 72 00:08:11,742 --> 00:08:14,036 Huh? That's kind of weird… 73 00:08:14,745 --> 00:08:17,373 The tunnel keeps going a good way beyond this, right? 74 00:08:17,456 --> 00:08:20,543 Yes, this lab is more or less the middle of the tunnel. 75 00:08:20,626 --> 00:08:24,296 -He could be on the other end! -Eh, I don't think he'd be up ahead. 76 00:08:24,380 --> 00:08:26,632 We would've noticed if someone passed by here. 77 00:08:27,216 --> 00:08:29,260 But that doesn't make any sense! 78 00:08:29,343 --> 00:08:34,098 I didn't pass him or anyone on the way, and I found his flashlight on the ground. 79 00:08:34,181 --> 00:08:37,518 I don't think there's harm in investigating the rest of the tunnel. 80 00:08:37,601 --> 00:08:41,480 Koyama, would you mind driving him to the other side to search for his father? 81 00:08:41,564 --> 00:08:42,773 Not at all, Professor. 82 00:08:42,856 --> 00:08:45,234 I'm sure you'll find that he's not here. 83 00:08:45,317 --> 00:08:47,361 What's that? Are you injured? 84 00:08:47,444 --> 00:08:49,613 -There's blood on your cheek. -Huh? 85 00:08:54,618 --> 00:08:56,996 Would you mind slowing down a bit so I can look? 86 00:08:57,079 --> 00:08:57,997 Yeah, sorry. 87 00:09:00,374 --> 00:09:02,501 We're almost at the other entrance. 88 00:09:07,923 --> 00:09:11,552 I only see tire tracks from the car we arrived in this morning. 89 00:09:12,177 --> 00:09:13,804 No footprints, either. 90 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:16,098 I'm turning around to head back. 91 00:09:16,181 --> 00:09:19,310 No way. That's weird. So weird… 92 00:09:22,896 --> 00:09:27,693 Maybe… maybe Dad disappeared somewhere inside the tunnel. 93 00:09:28,611 --> 00:09:31,113 I'm sure you'll find he's at home already. 94 00:09:33,115 --> 00:09:37,036 By the way, what exactly is a Cosmic-Ray Observatory? 95 00:09:37,119 --> 00:09:43,250 Cosmic-rays rain down on us from space, and we investigate that type of radiation. 96 00:09:43,334 --> 00:09:47,379 As radiation, it has the ability to pass through our bodies like an X-ray. 97 00:09:47,463 --> 00:09:51,300 Of course, they can pierce the mountains and come flying into the tunnel. 98 00:09:52,176 --> 00:09:55,888 Old tunnels like this are often used to observe similar types of phenomena. 99 00:09:57,431 --> 00:09:59,767 I don't really understand, but okay. 100 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:11,570 That you, Dad? 101 00:10:11,654 --> 00:10:12,655 Oh… 102 00:10:13,989 --> 00:10:14,948 Uh-huh. 103 00:10:18,452 --> 00:10:20,663 Big brother, I'm terrified… 104 00:10:21,163 --> 00:10:25,125 Why do I come down here? I don't understand it at all. 105 00:10:25,918 --> 00:10:26,960 Mari… 106 00:10:27,544 --> 00:10:30,547 Tell me, Goro, do you have any relatives? 107 00:10:30,631 --> 00:10:32,841 Anyone that you and your sister can stay with 108 00:10:32,925 --> 00:10:35,552 until your father is located and returns home? 109 00:10:35,636 --> 00:10:38,722 I have an aunt in Tokyo. I can ask her. 110 00:10:38,806 --> 00:10:40,474 What's the meaning of this? 111 00:10:40,557 --> 00:10:43,602 Damn it! This research is futile! 112 00:10:43,686 --> 00:10:46,939 I find no malfunctions, but the data is a complete mess! 113 00:10:48,649 --> 00:10:51,568 Professor! Hold on, are you all right? 114 00:10:54,029 --> 00:10:57,408 Yes, thanks. I've noticed I've felt strangely fatigued 115 00:10:57,491 --> 00:10:59,702 since we started coming down to this tunnel. 116 00:10:59,785 --> 00:11:02,663 That's strange. My body's been feeling sluggish and heavy 117 00:11:02,746 --> 00:11:04,373 over that same timeframe. 118 00:11:04,456 --> 00:11:05,416 Fascinating. 119 00:11:05,999 --> 00:11:09,002 Agreed. There's definitely something going on here. 120 00:11:09,086 --> 00:11:10,212 Professor! 121 00:11:10,295 --> 00:11:12,297 You need to come take a look at this! 122 00:11:13,006 --> 00:11:15,884 The commemorative photo we took the other day was developed. 123 00:11:16,510 --> 00:11:19,263 What in the world is all that, Ishikura? 124 00:11:19,346 --> 00:11:23,517 It looks like a bunch of unidentified somethings flying through the tunnel. 125 00:11:23,600 --> 00:11:27,521 And to my eye, at least, they have human-like characteristics. 126 00:11:27,604 --> 00:11:31,525 Whatever they are, they're passing through us as easily as X-rays do. 127 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:34,528 Indeed. These do look human. 128 00:11:35,112 --> 00:11:38,490 What in the world are they? Could they be ghosts? 129 00:11:38,574 --> 00:11:40,909 Impossible! There's no such thing. 130 00:11:40,993 --> 00:11:43,537 Perhaps all the abnormal data we've gathered 131 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:45,330 gives credence to their existence? 132 00:11:45,414 --> 00:11:49,418 What if it's true? If these things have actually been passing through our bodies? 133 00:11:49,501 --> 00:11:52,755 It would explain why we share the symptoms of radiation poisoning. 134 00:11:52,838 --> 00:11:55,591 This is all just conjecture, but it may be dangerous 135 00:11:55,674 --> 00:11:57,760 to stay down here for long periods of time. 136 00:11:57,843 --> 00:11:59,720 COSMIC-RAY OBSERVATORY CLOSED TILL FURTHER NOTICE 137 00:12:05,267 --> 00:12:09,229 It's me, Koyama from the Cosmic-Ray Observatory. Please come right away! 138 00:12:09,313 --> 00:12:11,940 Hurry! There's a huge issue here and-- 139 00:12:16,195 --> 00:12:18,071 Goro… 140 00:12:19,031 --> 00:12:19,948 Goro! 141 00:12:21,867 --> 00:12:23,118 Goro! 142 00:12:23,619 --> 00:12:25,746 The professor and Ishikura… 143 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:30,250 They were human! I see them flying around! 144 00:12:30,334 --> 00:12:33,587 Amazing! They're passing right through the walls! 145 00:12:33,670 --> 00:12:37,758 Uh-- And somehow, I… I'm sinking right through the hard ground! 146 00:12:37,841 --> 00:12:40,177 So hard to believe… I don't understand! 147 00:12:40,260 --> 00:12:43,013 How are we being sucked right through this hard surface? 148 00:12:43,096 --> 00:12:45,349 Help me, please… 149 00:12:52,523 --> 00:12:53,607 They're gone. 150 00:12:54,191 --> 00:12:55,609 Goro! 151 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:58,111 We decided to stay away, but we came here again! 152 00:12:58,195 --> 00:13:00,614 It's as if this place is drawing us in! 153 00:13:00,697 --> 00:13:02,783 Big brother, I'm scared… 154 00:13:02,866 --> 00:13:04,493 I'm scared! 155 00:13:04,576 --> 00:13:05,702 Huh? 156 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:12,042 Mari! 157 00:13:15,170 --> 00:13:17,923 Mari! Mari! Mari! 158 00:13:26,390 --> 00:13:28,308 Miss Koyama! Hurry! 159 00:13:28,392 --> 00:13:30,644 Goro, hold on, something is… 160 00:13:32,771 --> 00:13:34,189 Miss Koyama! 161 00:13:36,859 --> 00:13:39,111 -I feel like something's following us. -Huh? 162 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:55,252 Big brother, help me! 163 00:13:56,712 --> 00:14:01,383 Koyama, wait! Don't leave us! 164 00:14:01,466 --> 00:14:02,384 Aah! 165 00:14:03,302 --> 00:14:04,261 Miss Koyama! 166 00:14:09,349 --> 00:14:12,102 Big brother! 167 00:14:12,811 --> 00:14:14,730 Help me, please! 168 00:15:27,636 --> 00:15:29,054 "ICE CREAM BUS" 169 00:15:29,137 --> 00:15:32,557 Ice cream! Cool and delicious! 170 00:15:33,141 --> 00:15:37,020 -How about some ice cream? -Hey, Dad. Can you buy me some ice cream? 171 00:15:37,104 --> 00:15:38,563 Sorry, but no. 172 00:15:38,647 --> 00:15:41,108 -It's time for dinner. -Single file, okay? 173 00:15:41,191 --> 00:15:44,528 -Where are we going today? -Let's see… Where should we go? 174 00:15:44,611 --> 00:15:45,988 Somewhere fun! 175 00:15:47,030 --> 00:15:48,156 -Take care. -Bye, Mom! 176 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:50,784 Remember, we're having dinner when you get back. 177 00:15:50,867 --> 00:15:54,037 -Uh… -Oh! You two just moved here, right? 178 00:15:54,121 --> 00:15:57,082 I'm Sonohara. Where exactly are the children going? 179 00:15:57,165 --> 00:16:01,044 This kind ice cream man started coming to this housing complex every Saturday, 180 00:16:01,128 --> 00:16:02,254 starting a month ago. 181 00:16:02,337 --> 00:16:06,550 The children look forward to spending some of their Saturdays with him each week! 182 00:16:06,633 --> 00:16:09,845 To answer your question, I take them on a roundabout tour of the city 183 00:16:09,928 --> 00:16:11,805 while eating ice cream, then return here. 184 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:14,391 Just a little something fun for the children. 185 00:16:14,474 --> 00:16:16,810 Okay, I'll be taking care of them for a bit now. 186 00:16:20,313 --> 00:16:22,607 I wanted ice cream! 187 00:16:22,691 --> 00:16:24,985 Come on, are you still pouting? 188 00:16:25,068 --> 00:16:27,696 All the other kids had some. It's not fair. 189 00:16:27,779 --> 00:16:30,282 Eat your dinner. It's getting cold. 190 00:16:30,365 --> 00:16:33,035 The meals you make taste like hot garbage. 191 00:16:33,118 --> 00:16:35,328 That's not the least bit true. 192 00:16:36,705 --> 00:16:39,791 Ah! Yes! Oh, it's so delicious! 193 00:16:40,292 --> 00:16:42,961 I wanted ice cream, and you're mean! 194 00:16:44,421 --> 00:16:46,673 I want Mom! 195 00:16:46,757 --> 00:16:49,009 I'd rather be with her! 196 00:16:59,394 --> 00:17:01,563 -Tell me, Tomoki… -What is it? 197 00:17:02,606 --> 00:17:05,609 Would you really rather live with your mom, like you said? 198 00:17:06,818 --> 00:17:09,946 Oh. Hey, it's the ice cream bus! 199 00:17:10,030 --> 00:17:11,573 Right, today's Saturday… 200 00:17:11,656 --> 00:17:14,242 Ice cream. Ice cream! 201 00:17:14,326 --> 00:17:18,580 It's cool and delicious! How about some ice cream? 202 00:17:18,663 --> 00:17:21,333 All right. How about we get some ice cream? 203 00:17:21,416 --> 00:17:22,542 Huh? Really? 204 00:17:22,626 --> 00:17:25,170 I want cookies and cream! 205 00:17:25,253 --> 00:17:27,672 -What would you like? -Chocolate! 206 00:17:28,256 --> 00:17:31,009 Hello, welcome. What can I get for you today? 207 00:17:31,093 --> 00:17:33,136 One chocolate ice cream, please. 208 00:17:33,220 --> 00:17:34,471 Sure. 209 00:17:36,556 --> 00:17:39,726 Okay, let's get lined up. We'll be leaving soon. 210 00:17:39,810 --> 00:17:42,479 Tomoki, want to ride on the bus with them? 211 00:17:42,562 --> 00:17:43,438 Can I? 212 00:17:43,522 --> 00:17:47,234 Of course, if you promise to eat the dinner I'll make us when you get back. 213 00:17:47,317 --> 00:17:48,693 Mmm! 214 00:17:57,494 --> 00:17:58,411 I'm home! 215 00:17:58,495 --> 00:18:01,623 -Dad! The ice cream bus was amazing! -Hmm? 216 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:04,709 There was this huge pile of strawberry ice cream inside. 217 00:18:04,793 --> 00:18:06,044 Everyone licked it! 218 00:18:06,128 --> 00:18:07,879 -We had a licking race, even! -Huh? 219 00:18:07,963 --> 00:18:10,632 That's why my tongue is all red, you see? Aaah! 220 00:18:10,715 --> 00:18:12,968 What happened to your chocolate ice cream? 221 00:18:13,051 --> 00:18:14,427 I ate that, too. 222 00:18:14,511 --> 00:18:16,680 You'll upset your stomach eating like that. 223 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:21,184 -I'm totally fine! I don't need dinner! -Hey! You promised me you'd eat it! 224 00:18:21,268 --> 00:18:22,978 I'm too full already! 225 00:18:23,562 --> 00:18:25,397 I should've known. 226 00:18:25,480 --> 00:18:29,401 A huge pile of ice cream? I gotta be more careful. 227 00:18:29,484 --> 00:18:30,360 Oh! 228 00:18:31,486 --> 00:18:32,779 Crap. 229 00:18:36,408 --> 00:18:37,659 Hey, I'm home! 230 00:18:38,535 --> 00:18:40,912 Huh? 231 00:18:42,080 --> 00:18:43,707 Do it again! 232 00:18:48,378 --> 00:18:51,298 Guess he made some friends on the bus ride. 233 00:18:51,381 --> 00:18:54,092 Today's guest is the talented Terumi Fujino, 234 00:18:54,176 --> 00:18:56,386 popular in music and on variety shows! 235 00:18:56,887 --> 00:18:57,762 Hello! 236 00:18:57,846 --> 00:19:02,100 Tomoki, you haven't said anything about wanting to go be with Mom lately. 237 00:19:02,184 --> 00:19:03,310 Well, of course not. 238 00:19:03,393 --> 00:19:06,563 The ice cream bus doesn't go anywhere near where Mom's place is. 239 00:19:06,646 --> 00:19:07,606 Hmm? 240 00:19:12,402 --> 00:19:13,278 Let's go! 241 00:19:13,361 --> 00:19:14,863 See ya later, Dad! 242 00:19:16,907 --> 00:19:18,408 Heading on now! 243 00:19:18,909 --> 00:19:20,994 Bye, Mom! Love you! 244 00:19:24,789 --> 00:19:26,708 Uh, excuse me, sir? 245 00:19:26,791 --> 00:19:29,920 I'd like to board with the children, if that's all right? 246 00:19:30,003 --> 00:19:33,757 I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot allow adults to board. 247 00:19:34,299 --> 00:19:35,592 Oh, I see. 248 00:20:11,962 --> 00:20:14,881 What is this crap? 249 00:20:17,300 --> 00:20:19,678 This is bizarre. Wait a minute, what-- 250 00:20:27,269 --> 00:20:28,144 Hmm? 251 00:20:28,228 --> 00:20:29,771 So weird. 252 00:20:31,982 --> 00:20:33,692 Hey, I'm home! 253 00:20:36,611 --> 00:20:37,570 Tomoki? 254 00:20:37,654 --> 00:20:41,574 Are your friends here? It seems kinda quiet if they are-- 255 00:20:44,661 --> 00:20:47,080 Kenichi is vanilla. 256 00:20:47,163 --> 00:20:49,499 Takeshi is chocolate. 257 00:20:49,582 --> 00:20:52,752 Kazuyuki is strawberry. 258 00:20:52,836 --> 00:20:55,797 And Daisuke turned into yogurt. 259 00:20:56,756 --> 00:20:58,967 Guess all my friends melted away. 260 00:20:59,676 --> 00:21:00,844 What did you say? 261 00:21:00,927 --> 00:21:02,345 They taste good. 262 00:21:03,930 --> 00:21:06,349 Just stop it! You shouldn't be licking that! 263 00:21:06,433 --> 00:21:07,350 Ah-- 264 00:21:21,197 --> 00:21:24,242 Ice cream…. Ice cream… 265 00:23:29,576 --> 00:23:34,164 It's amazing. The red ink turns black when it dries. 266 00:23:34,247 --> 00:23:36,708 Good, good. That's good for me. 267 00:23:37,375 --> 00:23:40,837 Hmm, where does this poignant smell of iron come from? 268 00:23:41,629 --> 00:23:43,047 Oh well. 269 00:23:43,131 --> 00:23:46,718 And what's that thing with my face that's flying around? 270 00:23:47,218 --> 00:23:50,805 I must write down every little thing I see and hear with the ink. 271 00:23:50,889 --> 00:23:53,099 Oh, but there's no paper…