1 00:00:02,083 --> 00:00:02,916 Hm? 2 00:00:03,500 --> 00:00:05,791 Oh! Mornin'! 3 00:00:06,958 --> 00:00:09,000 She's wearing her summer uniform... 4 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:09,875 Hmm? 5 00:00:09,875 --> 00:00:11,541 It's Peyoung yakisoba. 6 00:00:11,541 --> 00:00:13,166 Wasn't asking. 7 00:00:14,750 --> 00:00:17,125 Crap though, we changed uniforms as of today. 8 00:00:17,125 --> 00:00:19,250 Maybe I can just casually dress down. 9 00:00:20,916 --> 00:00:24,500 Feels like summer's here already 10 00:00:20,917 --> 00:00:24,500 now that we changed uniforms. 11 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:28,041 Even though we only swap out our cardigans for vests? 12 00:00:29,500 --> 00:00:31,666 These skirts are completely different too. 13 00:00:31,666 --> 00:00:32,666 Feel for yourself. 14 00:00:39,166 --> 00:00:41,916 W-why are you half undressed? 15 00:00:41,916 --> 00:00:44,083 B-beats me... 16 00:02:15,333 --> 00:02:16,666 Summer already... 17 00:02:16,666 --> 00:02:18,416 I hate this time of year. 18 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:21,666 But, this time around you have Yamada. 19 00:02:21,666 --> 00:02:22,541 Get lost. 20 00:02:23,041 --> 00:02:25,083 Don't go letting wicked hopes like that build up. 21 00:02:25,083 --> 00:02:28,041 Not like anything even happened over Golden Week. 22 00:02:28,291 --> 00:02:30,750 She's been super busy lately, too. 23 00:02:34,208 --> 00:02:36,041 You sure seem to be in a good mood. 24 00:02:36,250 --> 00:02:38,958 Let me guess, you got the part from that audition? 25 00:02:38,958 --> 00:02:41,708 SHH! That info's not public! 26 00:02:41,708 --> 00:02:43,000 What's this about? 27 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:45,500 Huh? Nothing, just... 28 00:02:45,500 --> 00:02:47,583 Good morning, class! 29 00:02:48,583 --> 00:02:49,875 Today's the day you've all been waiting for! 30 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:52,208 Let's pick our school trip groups! 31 00:02:54,833 --> 00:02:57,291 Kyoto & Nara 32 00:02:57,958 --> 00:03:00,166 Gotta split into groups, huh? 33 00:03:01,375 --> 00:03:02,333 Hmm? 34 00:03:02,333 --> 00:03:04,083 The twelfth... 35 00:03:06,625 --> 00:03:07,791 Something wrong? 36 00:03:07,791 --> 00:03:09,708 Huh? N-No! 37 00:03:09,875 --> 00:03:11,208 Anna! 38 00:03:11,916 --> 00:03:13,791 Yeah, coming! 39 00:03:16,833 --> 00:03:18,125 Ichikawa! 40 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:21,875 Let's group up. We can ask Yamada, too. 41 00:03:21,875 --> 00:03:24,958 What? Why Yamada? 42 00:03:25,125 --> 00:03:27,875 What do you mean why? Aren't you friends? 43 00:03:30,458 --> 00:03:31,875 Cut it out! 44 00:03:33,666 --> 00:03:35,083 I'll go ask, then. 45 00:03:35,083 --> 00:03:35,750 Huh? 46 00:03:38,250 --> 00:03:40,000 Stop it! 47 00:03:40,541 --> 00:03:41,666 What's wrong? 48 00:03:41,958 --> 00:03:45,916 If you still need someone, I don't mind joining... 49 00:03:47,458 --> 00:03:49,666 Hey! Ichikawa says he'll join! 50 00:03:49,666 --> 00:03:50,333 Huh? 51 00:03:50,333 --> 00:03:52,916 Uhh, we're only picking roommates, here. 52 00:03:52,916 --> 00:03:55,333 What?! B-but Kanzaki said-! 53 00:03:55,666 --> 00:03:59,125 I was talking about Teppei Yamada, obviously. 54 00:04:04,208 --> 00:04:05,750 Why does nothing ever go right? 55 00:04:21,583 --> 00:04:23,000 What's going on? 56 00:04:23,208 --> 00:04:26,416 Kyoto & Nara 57 00:04:23,375 --> 00:04:26,083 She doesn't seem like herself. 58 00:04:26,458 --> 00:04:28,875 It's like something's bothering her. 59 00:04:28,875 --> 00:04:30,125 A first kiss. 60 00:04:31,541 --> 00:04:33,750 The school trip arc of Kimi-iro Octave 61 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:38,625 {\an8}I know. 62 00:04:33,751 --> 00:04:38,625 {\an8}I was going to tell you myself. 63 00:04:33,752 --> 00:04:38,625 I just can't beat you. 64 00:04:33,753 --> 00:04:38,625 I'm so in love with you. 65 00:04:33,754 --> 00:04:34,833 has a first kiss scene. 66 00:04:34,833 --> 00:04:37,333 There's a real chance this is on her mind. 67 00:04:37,333 --> 00:04:38,250 Get outta here! 68 00:04:43,750 --> 00:04:45,500 Is she thinking about that? 69 00:04:45,500 --> 00:04:47,541 On our trip? 70 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:55,125 Tea Shop 71 00:04:52,501 --> 00:04:53,958 We're drenched. 72 00:04:53,958 --> 00:04:55,000 Yeah... 73 00:04:57,833 --> 00:04:58,583 Here! 74 00:05:00,583 --> 00:05:02,416 I can do this myself! 75 00:05:02,416 --> 00:05:03,458 Just let me. 76 00:05:03,458 --> 00:05:04,416 No! 77 00:05:15,958 --> 00:05:17,375 What am I thinking? Get a grip! 78 00:05:17,375 --> 00:05:18,833 School trips are a waste of time! 79 00:05:18,833 --> 00:05:25,208 What's fun about being stuck in a room 80 00:05:18,834 --> 00:05:25,208 with people I'm not even real friends with?! 81 00:05:32,416 --> 00:05:36,583 Why did I hang on to this even though I didn't go? 82 00:05:34,208 --> 00:05:37,166 {\an8}School Camp 83 00:05:34,209 --> 00:05:37,166 {\an8}Nagano 84 00:05:34,210 --> 00:05:37,166 Kyotaro Ichikawa 85 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:42,958 {\an8}Daijuni Junior High School Trip 86 00:05:39,083 --> 00:05:42,041 Am I actually looking forward to this? 87 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:50,000 Oh, you're still up? 88 00:05:51,750 --> 00:05:53,500 Kim-iro Octave 89 00:05:51,751 --> 00:05:53,208 Is that volume twelve there? 90 00:05:53,541 --> 00:05:55,416 Huh? Oh, yeah. 91 00:05:55,416 --> 00:05:59,333 Bought another copy. 92 00:05:55,417 --> 00:05:59,333 You can keep the one I lent you. 93 00:05:59,916 --> 00:06:02,500 Yamada's re-reading it, too? 94 00:06:02,791 --> 00:06:04,375 Volume twelve... 95 00:06:04,375 --> 00:06:07,125 The one with the kiss scene during their school trip... 96 00:06:08,125 --> 00:06:12,250 So, I wanted to talk about our trip... 97 00:06:13,916 --> 00:06:14,916 Okay... 98 00:06:19,333 --> 00:06:21,125 Well, so... 99 00:06:21,375 --> 00:06:22,750 Something on your mind? 100 00:06:22,750 --> 00:06:23,625 Huh? 101 00:06:25,041 --> 00:06:25,916 Well... 102 00:06:26,458 --> 00:06:27,500 See... 103 00:06:28,708 --> 00:06:31,541 {\an8}School Camp 104 00:06:28,709 --> 00:06:31,541 Nagano 105 00:06:28,710 --> 00:06:31,541 Class 2 Kyotaro Ichikawa 106 00:06:32,500 --> 00:06:33,916 A-actually, never mind! 107 00:06:33,916 --> 00:06:34,625 Huh? 108 00:06:34,916 --> 00:06:37,083 I'm gonna go! I'll be there! 109 00:06:37,583 --> 00:06:39,083 So what was this all about? 110 00:06:39,083 --> 00:06:41,958 Hey, can I turn off my video? 111 00:06:46,708 --> 00:06:51,208 Know any good food they have in Nara? 112 00:06:51,541 --> 00:06:52,583 Nope. 113 00:06:52,583 --> 00:06:54,875 Deer crackers, maybe? 114 00:06:54,875 --> 00:06:56,875 Let's stick to people food. 115 00:06:57,833 --> 00:07:05,458 And just like that I was left feeling 116 00:06:57,834 --> 00:07:05,458 uneasy and somewhat concerned. 117 00:07:07,458 --> 00:07:08,291 You catch a cold? 118 00:07:08,500 --> 00:07:12,166 Caller has turned their camera off 119 00:07:08,750 --> 00:07:11,541 No, I'm fine. 120 00:07:13,166 --> 00:07:17,500 Soon enough we were off on our trip to Nara and Kyoto. 121 00:07:18,125 --> 00:07:19,416 Ms. Moriya! 122 00:07:19,416 --> 00:07:20,416 What's wrong?! 123 00:07:20,416 --> 00:07:24,125 Anna already ate all the snacks she brought. 124 00:07:24,125 --> 00:07:25,291 Before we even boarded?! 125 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:27,833 Can I go stock up again? 126 00:07:27,833 --> 00:07:30,208 And just pretend you didn't eat all that you were allowed? 127 00:07:30,208 --> 00:07:31,375 Not happening. 128 00:07:31,958 --> 00:07:35,708 The train is now arriving. 129 00:07:31,959 --> 00:07:35,708 Please allow departing passengers off before- 130 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:41,625 Your bag's sure full. 131 00:07:44,500 --> 00:07:46,750 T-thought it'd make a good mark. 132 00:07:46,750 --> 00:07:48,583 Yeah? For what? 133 00:07:48,583 --> 00:07:49,583 My bag... 134 00:07:49,583 --> 00:07:51,666 Can you hurry up and sit down? 135 00:07:56,458 --> 00:07:59,958 Moeko, let's trade that window seat every five minutes. 136 00:07:59,958 --> 00:08:01,333 Not gonna happen. 137 00:08:04,416 --> 00:08:06,666 Sheesh. How'd this happen? 138 00:08:12,291 --> 00:08:13,750 Wanna switch seats? 139 00:08:13,750 --> 00:08:14,958 Would you? 140 00:08:19,458 --> 00:08:22,416 High rise apartments in the middle of rice fields. 141 00:08:22,958 --> 00:08:24,166 How strange. 142 00:08:24,166 --> 00:08:26,500 What's demand like for those? 143 00:08:33,166 --> 00:08:34,500 Ichikawa... 144 00:08:35,958 --> 00:08:39,666 You should be careful over these next three days. 145 00:08:40,833 --> 00:08:43,291 Careful about what? 146 00:08:43,625 --> 00:08:45,166 See Kanna there? 147 00:08:47,208 --> 00:08:47,791 Snip-snip! Snip-snip! 148 00:08:47,791 --> 00:08:50,166 She's making celebratory confetti. 149 00:08:50,166 --> 00:08:54,416 She wants to pair some couple up during this trip. 150 00:08:54,708 --> 00:08:57,791 She made us all practice our flash mob act, too. 151 00:08:59,583 --> 00:09:03,541 You and Yamada are her top targets. 152 00:09:03,541 --> 00:09:07,750 Wha? B-but me and Yamada aren't, y'know... 153 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:11,333 Then maybe I don't need to warn you. 154 00:09:12,958 --> 00:09:17,375 Do you want to be forced by a crowd to ask her out? 155 00:09:18,125 --> 00:09:21,500 Are you the sort that needs that kind of push? 156 00:09:22,125 --> 00:09:26,333 N-no! I can do it myself, now... 157 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:32,458 Mind if I recline my chair? 158 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:33,291 I do. 159 00:09:34,208 --> 00:09:35,375 Why? 160 00:09:35,375 --> 00:09:36,208 Sit down! 161 00:09:36,208 --> 00:09:37,333 Make me. 162 00:09:37,333 --> 00:09:38,458 What are you, three? 163 00:09:38,458 --> 00:09:39,083 Hurry up and turn around. 164 00:09:39,083 --> 00:09:40,333 Love is so strange. 165 00:09:39,084 --> 00:09:40,333 Hurry up and turn around. 166 00:09:40,333 --> 00:09:41,791 I need to be careful. 167 00:09:40,334 --> 00:09:41,791 Make me! 168 00:09:41,958 --> 00:09:44,500 {\an8}When? 169 00:09:41,959 --> 00:09:44,500 Next one is June 12th 170 00:09:47,291 --> 00:09:50,000 Nara Park 171 00:09:48,291 --> 00:09:55,083 The best way to avoid causing a scene 172 00:09:48,292 --> 00:09:55,083 is to keep my distance from Yamada. 173 00:09:55,791 --> 00:09:59,500 As long as we're not together, 174 00:09:55,792 --> 00:09:59,500 they can't "celebrate" for us. 175 00:09:59,708 --> 00:10:02,416 But, just my luck, we're stuck in the same group. 176 00:10:03,041 --> 00:10:05,916 Aren't you all gonna give them some crackers? 177 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:07,500 Be careful... 178 00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:09,583 Huh? Of what? 179 00:10:10,125 --> 00:10:11,875 Hey! Wait! 180 00:10:11,875 --> 00:10:15,583 Stop! Stay! Sit! 181 00:10:15,583 --> 00:10:17,083 Hurry up and give it to 'em. 182 00:10:17,083 --> 00:10:19,375 You trynna gather all the deer in Nara? 183 00:10:19,375 --> 00:10:20,500 No, but...! 184 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:22,125 Hey! Incoming! 185 00:10:27,333 --> 00:10:29,041 Wait, Kyo- 186 00:10:29,041 --> 00:10:31,000 Wha?! Ahh! Help! 187 00:10:29,042 --> 00:10:31,000 Hang on! 188 00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:34,666 Stay still! Now back up. 189 00:10:36,916 --> 00:10:39,208 I-I need to get away! 190 00:10:40,833 --> 00:10:42,375 Forgive me, Yamada! 191 00:10:42,958 --> 00:10:44,833 Wait! Stop! Ahh! 192 00:10:45,333 --> 00:10:48,208 This oughta be far enough away. 193 00:10:52,958 --> 00:10:54,125 You lost? 194 00:10:54,125 --> 00:10:55,125 Hmph. 195 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,291 Yamada's acting weird, right? 196 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:06,541 Huh? 197 00:11:06,875 --> 00:11:08,375 Haven't noticed? 198 00:11:09,125 --> 00:11:12,500 No, she's definitely faking that enthusiasm. 199 00:11:13,041 --> 00:11:17,791 She made this choice herself, 200 00:11:13,042 --> 00:11:17,791 so there's not much I can do... 201 00:11:17,791 --> 00:11:20,000 But, it just doesn't sit right with me. 202 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:21,166 She made a "choice"? 203 00:11:21,583 --> 00:11:22,250 Yup. 204 00:11:22,250 --> 00:11:23,708 Sounds like she knows something. 205 00:11:23,708 --> 00:11:24,916 Finally. 206 00:11:25,166 --> 00:11:26,541 There you are. 207 00:11:26,541 --> 00:11:29,083 What kinda group leader runs off alone? 208 00:11:29,083 --> 00:11:30,083 Sorry! 209 00:11:30,333 --> 00:11:31,625 Let's get going. 210 00:11:31,958 --> 00:11:32,833 Later. 211 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:34,000 Yeah... 212 00:11:35,500 --> 00:11:37,458 "She made this choice herself"? 213 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:41,625 What choice? 214 00:11:44,958 --> 00:11:46,833 Can't believe you're really eating it! 215 00:11:46,833 --> 00:11:48,208 Where'd you go? 216 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:49,375 The bathroom. 217 00:11:51,333 --> 00:11:53,250 We shouldn't be alone together. 218 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:55,125 We can't be. 219 00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:56,541 But, still... 220 00:11:57,708 --> 00:11:59,833 Okay, everyone ready? 221 00:11:59,833 --> 00:12:02,375 Nara's deer are real- 222 00:12:02,375 --> 00:12:03,916 cuties! 223 00:12:04,916 --> 00:12:08,416 I want to know how she feels. 224 00:12:12,750 --> 00:12:14,541 {\an8}Welcome 225 00:12:12,751 --> 00:12:14,541 Meguro Ward 226 00:12:12,752 --> 00:12:14,541 Daijuni Junior High 227 00:12:14,666 --> 00:12:17,125 The first night of our trip was here. 228 00:12:17,583 --> 00:12:19,583 You're not gonna eat that? 229 00:12:19,583 --> 00:12:20,916 I AM! 230 00:12:21,833 --> 00:12:22,375 She seems in a good enough mood. 231 00:12:22,375 --> 00:12:24,250 Can I have this, then? 232 00:12:22,376 --> 00:12:24,250 She seems in a good enough mood. 233 00:12:24,250 --> 00:12:25,708 Don't bully me outta my food! 234 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:27,708 I'm not! 235 00:12:27,708 --> 00:12:30,666 She was like this before, though... 236 00:12:27,709 --> 00:12:30,666 Don't steal my precious nutrients! 237 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:35,875 Despite it all, she's really mature 238 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:35,875 and serious about everything. 239 00:12:36,791 --> 00:12:37,208 Thanks for dinner! 240 00:12:37,208 --> 00:12:39,666 There's got to be something... 241 00:12:37,209 --> 00:12:39,666 Thanks for dinner! 242 00:12:40,625 --> 00:12:42,416 What? Huh? 243 00:12:44,541 --> 00:12:46,750 BOYS BATH 244 00:12:51,583 --> 00:12:53,291 ICHIKAWA 245 00:12:53,541 --> 00:12:56,833 Okay. Now to just pop in, wash up, and get out. 246 00:12:56,833 --> 00:12:57,791 Hey! Ichikawa! 247 00:12:59,500 --> 00:13:02,333 Join us for some dick battles! C'mon! 248 00:13:02,333 --> 00:13:03,875 Why are you here? 249 00:13:03,875 --> 00:13:05,958 Wasn't Class 2 in here already? 250 00:13:05,958 --> 00:13:11,708 Yeah, but I accidentally walked into the 251 00:13:05,959 --> 00:13:11,708 girls bath and got yelled at until now. 252 00:13:11,708 --> 00:13:12,833 "Accidentally." 253 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:16,458 Think about it, though. 254 00:13:12,959 --> 00:13:16,458 Right about now, the girls are like... 255 00:13:16,458 --> 00:13:19,250 "Oh, your boobs are even bigger now!" 256 00:13:19,250 --> 00:13:20,916 "Let me get a squeeze!" 257 00:13:21,208 --> 00:13:24,000 And then they start fondling each other, see? 258 00:13:24,208 --> 00:13:25,416 So we oughta- 259 00:13:25,750 --> 00:13:29,416 have a dick battle for the sake of gender equality! 260 00:13:29,416 --> 00:13:31,666 Wow Adachi, you're really growin' up. 261 00:13:32,916 --> 00:13:36,750 Kanzaki! Dude! No way, dude. Dude! 262 00:13:36,750 --> 00:13:38,375 What can I say? 263 00:13:38,375 --> 00:13:41,125 Wait, Ichikawa! No way! 264 00:13:41,125 --> 00:13:43,250 Why me?! 265 00:13:41,126 --> 00:13:43,250 Dude! You too, dude! 266 00:13:45,458 --> 00:13:48,250 Nothing beats a nice big bath. 267 00:13:48,458 --> 00:13:50,958 Huh? What's with all of you? 268 00:13:51,375 --> 00:13:54,958 It doesn't feel right getting to look for free... 269 00:13:54,958 --> 00:13:56,083 I know how you feel. 270 00:13:57,958 --> 00:14:01,000 Well I'm gonna take this chance to look REAL good! 271 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:03,333 All right, that'll be 1,000 yen per second. 272 00:14:03,333 --> 00:14:05,750 One thousand, two thousand, three thousand... 273 00:14:05,750 --> 00:14:06,625 That hardly seems legal... 274 00:14:05,751 --> 00:14:06,625 One thousand, two thousand, three thousand... 275 00:14:06,625 --> 00:14:07,500 That hardly seems legal... 276 00:14:06,626 --> 00:14:08,625 ...four thousand, five thousand... 277 00:14:08,625 --> 00:14:10,750 Been in long enough already. Gonna head out. 278 00:14:10,750 --> 00:14:12,083 Me too. 279 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:13,875 What?! 280 00:14:18,791 --> 00:14:20,541 Think it's okay to swim around? 281 00:14:20,541 --> 00:14:21,458 Don't. 282 00:14:21,458 --> 00:14:22,541 No luck? 283 00:14:26,250 --> 00:14:29,000 You enjoying the trip? 284 00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:32,708 Yeah. Lots. 285 00:14:36,625 --> 00:14:39,916 Time to get back and stake my claim on the blow dryer. 286 00:14:39,916 --> 00:14:42,375 You can go first. 287 00:14:42,375 --> 00:14:44,583 Yeah? 'Kay, then. 288 00:14:56,625 --> 00:14:57,291 Huh? 289 00:14:57,791 --> 00:14:58,833 Yamada. 290 00:14:58,833 --> 00:15:00,958 Whoa-whoa-whoa! 291 00:15:00,958 --> 00:15:02,125 That was close. 292 00:15:03,791 --> 00:15:05,083 Thanks! 293 00:15:05,916 --> 00:15:08,000 {\an8}Kimi-iro Octave AD 294 00:15:05,917 --> 00:15:08,000 {\an8}June 12, 2024 (WED) 295 00:15:05,918 --> 00:15:08,000 Kimi-iro Octave AD 296 00:15:05,919 --> 00:15:08,000 Notification 1 hour before 297 00:15:05,920 --> 00:15:08,000 Reminder 30 minutes before 298 00:15:06,375 --> 00:15:09,666 "Kimi-iro Octave AD"? 299 00:15:10,666 --> 00:15:12,250 Thank goodness! 300 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:13,333 You need to be careful. 301 00:15:12,251 --> 00:15:13,333 There they are! Time to get the goods! 302 00:15:13,333 --> 00:15:14,500 Just got back from the bath? 303 00:15:13,334 --> 00:15:14,500 There they are! Time to get the goods! 304 00:15:14,500 --> 00:15:15,250 Just got back from the bath? 305 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:16,750 Y-yeah... 306 00:15:16,750 --> 00:15:18,916 Hey! Ichikawa! 307 00:15:18,916 --> 00:15:21,250 That was some dick battle, eh? 308 00:15:22,208 --> 00:15:24,875 Dude, you put up a good fight. 309 00:15:25,208 --> 00:15:26,708 Seriously... 310 00:15:29,666 --> 00:15:31,625 Dang! Almost had 'em! 311 00:15:34,875 --> 00:15:36,125 You just saved the day. 312 00:15:36,125 --> 00:15:37,000 Huh? 313 00:15:41,208 --> 00:15:43,875 {\an8}Kimi-iro Octave AD 314 00:15:41,209 --> 00:15:43,875 {\an8}June 12, 2024 (WED) 315 00:15:41,210 --> 00:15:43,875 Kimi-iro Octave AD 316 00:15:41,211 --> 00:15:43,875 Notification 1 hour before 317 00:15:41,212 --> 00:15:43,875 Reminder 30 minutes before 318 00:15:43,875 --> 00:15:46,333 {\an8}Kim-iro Octave AD 319 00:15:43,876 --> 00:15:46,333 Are you sure you want to delete this event? 320 00:15:43,877 --> 00:15:46,333 Delete event 321 00:15:48,875 --> 00:15:51,083 {\an8}Kimi-iro Octave AD 322 00:15:48,876 --> 00:15:51,083 {\an8}June 12, 2024 (WED) 323 00:15:48,877 --> 00:15:51,083 Kimi-iro Octave AD 324 00:15:48,878 --> 00:15:51,083 Notification 1 hour before 325 00:15:48,879 --> 00:15:51,083 Reminder 30 minutes before 326 00:15:58,375 --> 00:16:00,333 Class 1 Boys Group B 327 00:15:58,376 --> 00:16:00,333 Kanzaki Onishi 328 00:15:58,377 --> 00:16:00,333 Ichikawa Kojima 329 00:15:58,378 --> 00:16:00,333 Yamada T. Imamura 330 00:16:01,125 --> 00:16:05,416 Day after tomorrow. Kimi-iro Octave. "AD"? 331 00:16:05,416 --> 00:16:07,333 Is that a release date? 332 00:16:07,333 --> 00:16:09,958 The last volume just came out, though. 333 00:16:09,958 --> 00:16:11,875 What is it, then? 334 00:16:11,875 --> 00:16:13,500 It's obvious. 335 00:16:14,458 --> 00:16:17,958 It means you're gonna kiss on the final day of the trip. 336 00:16:17,958 --> 00:16:20,375 Just like in volume 12 of Kimi-iro Octave. 337 00:16:20,375 --> 00:16:22,708 You can't just show up in a place like this! 338 00:16:24,708 --> 00:16:26,083 What the...?! 339 00:16:27,458 --> 00:16:29,791 Hara's room is right under ours. 340 00:16:30,541 --> 00:16:32,791 Right down there... 341 00:16:33,208 --> 00:16:34,958 Well, well... 342 00:16:35,333 --> 00:16:39,166 Well, well, well... 343 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:42,166 Essentially... 344 00:16:43,791 --> 00:16:45,125 This is how it will go. 345 00:16:45,125 --> 00:16:46,750 What are you doing? 346 00:16:48,333 --> 00:16:49,375 Don't you worry. 347 00:16:50,000 --> 00:16:53,500 You just focus on how to make the kiss happen. 348 00:16:54,958 --> 00:16:56,250 It's only two days away. 349 00:16:56,250 --> 00:17:00,125 No, that's not what's on her mind. 350 00:17:00,708 --> 00:17:01,791 She's... 351 00:17:02,125 --> 00:17:04,041 She's more serious than that. 352 00:17:04,041 --> 00:17:05,625 This is something more important. 353 00:17:06,208 --> 00:17:07,750 What, then? 354 00:17:08,208 --> 00:17:09,333 I mean... 355 00:17:09,333 --> 00:17:10,458 Me too. 356 00:17:10,458 --> 00:17:11,208 Huh? 357 00:17:11,708 --> 00:17:15,166 I'm just saying, I feel the same way. 358 00:17:15,708 --> 00:17:17,666 More than anyone in the world... 359 00:17:18,250 --> 00:17:22,208 Kimi-iro Octave 360 00:17:20,125 --> 00:17:21,416 I need to come out and say it. 361 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:26,416 I'm not gonna shy away this time, so listen. 362 00:17:28,708 --> 00:17:29,666 Yamada... 363 00:17:31,541 --> 00:17:34,583 I like you. I really do! 364 00:17:35,625 --> 00:17:37,166 Nigorikawa! 365 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:53,500 Me too. 366 00:17:50,001 --> 00:17:53,500 More than anyone in the world... 367 00:17:50,002 --> 00:17:53,500 I'm just saying, I feel the same way. 368 00:17:50,003 --> 00:17:53,500 I'm finally going to tell him. 369 00:17:56,458 --> 00:17:58,166 I'm enjoying myself... 370 00:17:58,166 --> 00:17:59,833 I am... 371 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:04,875 That was... 372 00:18:05,791 --> 00:18:07,541 {\an8}Kimi-iro Octave AD 373 00:18:05,792 --> 00:18:07,541 {\an8}June 12, 2024 (WED) 374 00:18:05,793 --> 00:18:07,541 Kimi-iro Octave AD 375 00:18:05,794 --> 00:18:07,541 Notification 1 hour before 376 00:18:05,795 --> 00:18:07,541 Reminder 30 minutes before 377 00:18:05,958 --> 00:18:07,375 ...from Kimi-iro Octave... 378 00:18:07,875 --> 00:18:12,166 She made this choice herself, 379 00:18:07,876 --> 00:18:12,166 so there's not much I can do... 380 00:18:12,458 --> 00:18:14,166 Huh? Oh, yeah. 381 00:18:13,708 --> 00:18:15,458 Kim-iro Octave 382 00:18:14,166 --> 00:18:15,458 Bought another copy. 383 00:18:15,833 --> 00:18:18,833 Let me guess, you got the part from that audition? 384 00:18:19,333 --> 00:18:22,833 An audition... for Kimi-iro Octave? 385 00:18:23,541 --> 00:18:25,333 So what if it is? 386 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:28,416 She wouldn't be on this trip 387 00:18:25,334 --> 00:18:28,416 if she thought she'd get the part. 388 00:18:28,875 --> 00:18:30,000 You're wrong... 389 00:18:30,416 --> 00:18:33,250 A school trip like this is a once in a lifetime event. 390 00:18:33,250 --> 00:18:35,416 She'll have plenty of auditions- 391 00:18:35,416 --> 00:18:36,291 You're wrong! 392 00:18:36,625 --> 00:18:39,708 She wouldn't be down there like that if she felt that way! 393 00:18:39,708 --> 00:18:41,166 No, I mean... 394 00:18:41,166 --> 00:18:43,791 That's not the way she thinks in the first place. 395 00:18:43,791 --> 00:18:46,375 She wouldn't be here just because 396 00:18:43,792 --> 00:18:46,375 she didn't have a chance. 397 00:18:46,583 --> 00:18:48,541 Then why is she? 398 00:18:51,250 --> 00:18:52,666 A-actually, never mind! 399 00:18:52,833 --> 00:18:53,458 Huh? 400 00:18:54,083 --> 00:18:56,000 I'm gonna go! I'll be there! 401 00:18:59,208 --> 00:19:01,583 For me... 402 00:19:02,458 --> 00:19:05,416 Caller has turned their camera off 403 00:19:04,083 --> 00:19:05,083 You catch a cold? 404 00:19:05,083 --> 00:19:08,041 No, I'm fine. 405 00:19:17,791 --> 00:19:18,958 I... 406 00:19:19,500 --> 00:19:21,458 I... 407 00:19:21,791 --> 00:19:24,791 I'm so stupid... 408 00:19:25,500 --> 00:19:27,958 ...Want to Tell Her 409 00:19:29,625 --> 00:19:32,333 I Want to Tell Her 410 00:19:32,500 --> 00:19:34,875 It's so obvious once I stop and think for second! 411 00:19:34,875 --> 00:19:37,541 Yet here I was thinking about a kiss! 412 00:19:39,250 --> 00:19:40,833 It's almost lights out! 413 00:19:41,958 --> 00:19:43,000 I'll be right back! 414 00:19:43,750 --> 00:19:48,083 I know how seriously she takes the work she does! 415 00:19:49,416 --> 00:19:51,875 And this is for her favorite series. 416 00:19:51,875 --> 00:19:55,291 She's got to have been practicing like never before! 417 00:19:55,291 --> 00:19:59,833 Going to school, to work, 418 00:19:55,292 --> 00:19:59,833 and practicing in what little time is left. 419 00:20:01,125 --> 00:20:02,250 But, despite all that... 420 00:20:09,125 --> 00:20:11,791 Because, she knew I was looking forward to this... 421 00:20:12,750 --> 00:20:15,291 I lied my way out of the school camp trip. 422 00:20:16,041 --> 00:20:17,083 This is my fault... 423 00:20:20,083 --> 00:20:22,541 {\an8}Goodnight!! 424 00:20:20,084 --> 00:20:22,541 I want to talk tomorrow 425 00:20:21,875 --> 00:20:25,041 Yamada? That's not your room. 426 00:20:25,208 --> 00:20:26,291 Sorry! 427 00:20:26,291 --> 00:20:27,291 Yamada? 428 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:29,083 Huh? 429 00:20:30,166 --> 00:20:31,791 What are you hiding for? 430 00:20:31,791 --> 00:20:33,000 No, I was just... 431 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:35,000 What now? Someone else over there? 432 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:36,250 N-no! 433 00:20:39,583 --> 00:20:40,750 That you, Kobayashi? 434 00:20:40,750 --> 00:20:42,958 Huh? Oh, y-yeah. 435 00:20:42,958 --> 00:20:45,375 She forgot which room was hers. 436 00:20:46,375 --> 00:20:47,958 You're both over there. 437 00:20:48,125 --> 00:20:50,041 Now get inside! 438 00:20:50,583 --> 00:20:53,166 There! In you go! Good night! 439 00:20:54,000 --> 00:20:56,583 I'm gonna use these to do a face pack. 440 00:20:56,583 --> 00:20:58,958 A-am I...? 441 00:20:58,958 --> 00:20:59,833 You should try, too. 442 00:20:59,833 --> 00:21:03,583 Phew, these group leader meetings are a pain. 443 00:21:06,083 --> 00:21:07,000 You okay? 444 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:09,083 Y-yeah, just tripped. 445 00:21:09,083 --> 00:21:10,916 Be more careful. 446 00:21:13,291 --> 00:21:14,041 Uhh... 447 00:21:15,208 --> 00:21:15,708 Wait... 448 00:21:16,541 --> 00:21:18,791 WHAT?!