1 00:00:07,830 --> 00:00:10,460 This should be far enough away from civilization, 2 00:00:10,870 --> 00:00:13,130 considering I don't know what's about to happen. 3 00:00:14,430 --> 00:00:16,080 A job-change quest... 4 00:00:16,630 --> 00:00:20,540 That's the quest that showed up after I passed level 40 from the last raid. 5 00:00:21,250 --> 00:00:25,000 I've run into two dungeons accessible with key items before, 6 00:00:25,490 --> 00:00:28,670 but the only quests I've been forced to take on immediately 7 00:00:28,670 --> 00:00:32,090 were the penalty and emergency ones. 8 00:00:33,240 --> 00:00:39,390 This one, however, seems to be optional, and I've been given time to decide. 9 00:00:39,390 --> 00:00:42,350 Should I assume that means it's going to be that much more difficult? 10 00:00:42,930 --> 00:00:47,650 The logical assumption is that this is an important event that'll make me stronger 11 00:00:49,740 --> 00:00:51,980 by earning skills best suited to my job... 12 00:00:54,740 --> 00:00:55,890 Yes. 13 00:01:08,270 --> 00:01:11,210 Oh, shoot, my daily quest... 14 00:01:11,910 --> 00:01:14,100 I guess I can do it when I get back. 15 00:01:14,670 --> 00:01:20,030 All right. Looks like the real game starts here. 16 00:01:20,030 --> 00:01:23,060 I wonder what's waiting for me inside? 17 00:01:24,020 --> 00:01:25,440 Should be interesting. 18 00:03:18,180 --> 00:03:19,830 I apologize for the delay. 19 00:03:20,200 --> 00:03:22,840 No, you're right on time, Jinsung. 20 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:25,870 It's been a while, Jinho. 21 00:03:26,270 --> 00:03:27,440 Brother... 22 00:03:31,870 --> 00:03:34,150 The dungeon seems surprisingly normal so far. 23 00:03:37,820 --> 00:03:40,570 I can't use potions or full recovery? 24 00:03:41,010 --> 00:03:44,010 Or leave until the quest is finished. 25 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:46,540 I'm gonna need to be pretty careful, then. 26 00:03:57,790 --> 00:03:59,690 An armor-type beast? 27 00:04:17,310 --> 00:04:18,500 That didn't work? 28 00:04:34,090 --> 00:04:35,200 No good. 29 00:04:38,510 --> 00:04:40,130 I've fought enemies... 30 00:04:46,970 --> 00:04:48,480 with hard exteriors before! 31 00:04:58,260 --> 00:05:00,670 I wasted a use of Fatal Strike... 32 00:05:01,250 --> 00:05:03,870 and when I can't recover mana or heal damage, too. 33 00:05:05,150 --> 00:05:06,070 But... 34 00:05:06,870 --> 00:05:10,970 It's not like they care, of course. 35 00:05:14,670 --> 00:05:16,300 What is it, Jinho? 36 00:05:16,300 --> 00:05:18,800 You've barely touched your food. 37 00:05:18,800 --> 00:05:20,560 Oh, nothing... 38 00:05:21,520 --> 00:05:25,070 Jinsung, how are things going with establishing the guild? 39 00:05:25,070 --> 00:05:30,110 I've heard the S-Ranks you've been making offers to have all declined. 40 00:05:30,540 --> 00:05:34,930 It's true that Hunters Min Byung-gu and Cha Hae-in turned me down, 41 00:05:34,930 --> 00:05:36,230 but it won't be an issue. 42 00:05:36,970 --> 00:05:41,760 I've got negotiations underway with European and Middle Eastern hunters. 43 00:05:42,890 --> 00:05:45,540 They're likely to sign if we agree to their terms. 44 00:05:45,540 --> 00:05:47,890 It'll be similar to the case of Hunter Hwang Dongsoo. 45 00:05:47,890 --> 00:05:48,910 You've got a point. 46 00:05:49,490 --> 00:05:52,010 Hunters from overseas. Of course... 47 00:05:54,530 --> 00:05:55,620 Jinho. 48 00:05:57,140 --> 00:06:00,500 I know you've been working on something of your own in secret. 49 00:06:01,010 --> 00:06:03,630 Buying up the rights to all these C-Rank raids at a high price, 50 00:06:03,630 --> 00:06:06,140 trying to establish your credentials. 51 00:06:06,450 --> 00:06:09,100 And that's fine, for a personal project, but... 52 00:06:10,610 --> 00:06:12,310 Don't even think about getting in my way. 53 00:06:16,910 --> 00:06:19,480 He doesn't know about the boss. 54 00:06:19,990 --> 00:06:23,080 If he had any idea of the kind of power I have on my side...! 55 00:06:31,560 --> 00:06:34,280 I guess even I get tired after this much combat. 56 00:06:34,820 --> 00:06:36,380 Better catch my breath— 57 00:06:38,750 --> 00:06:39,860 The Stealth skill?! 58 00:06:40,930 --> 00:06:43,090 I've gotta deal with beasts that can use that, too?! 59 00:06:46,550 --> 00:06:48,560 On top of that, there's a mage... 60 00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:50,560 and one that uses light magic, at that. 61 00:06:51,010 --> 00:06:54,180 The stealth skill and light magic... What is going on here? 62 00:06:54,660 --> 00:06:59,310 That armor reminded me of the Kasaka, too. It's like I'm revisiting my past battles. 63 00:07:02,280 --> 00:07:04,780 This quest is even tougher than I imagined! 64 00:07:06,590 --> 00:07:09,920 The different kinds of beast all have different weaknesses. 65 00:07:10,520 --> 00:07:14,740 Knights require strength, assassins take perception, archers need agility... 66 00:07:16,050 --> 00:07:19,070 Without enough strength, the knights won't take damage. 67 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:25,140 Without enough perception, the assassins can't be detected. 68 00:07:26,190 --> 00:07:29,200 And the real issue is the mages. 69 00:07:29,570 --> 00:07:34,600 They probably need intellect as a counter, but I haven't really invested in that stat. 70 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:36,480 Which means I don't have much mana. 71 00:07:36,480 --> 00:07:38,980 I need to conserve my skills... 72 00:07:42,450 --> 00:07:44,360 but my fatigue is starting to build up. 73 00:07:44,820 --> 00:07:46,510 I need to end this soon! 74 00:07:58,870 --> 00:08:02,090 I see you're all here. 75 00:08:04,050 --> 00:08:05,450 The time has finally come. 76 00:08:14,980 --> 00:08:19,390 I'm just glad the beasts drop stuff like this, too. 77 00:08:22,500 --> 00:08:24,690 A High-Rank Knight's Chestplate? 78 00:08:25,110 --> 00:08:27,990 Come to think of it, I haven't really experimented with gear much. 79 00:08:34,100 --> 00:08:35,760 It can turn invisible?! 80 00:08:35,760 --> 00:08:37,930 I'm glad I don't have to stand out. 81 00:08:40,040 --> 00:08:42,000 Looks like it doesn't restrict my movement, either. 82 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:47,560 It's kind of hard to tell without being fully restored, but my level has gone up. 83 00:08:48,310 --> 00:08:50,560 I've got plenty of gold and items, too. 84 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:56,740 With my fatigue recovered, I may as well move onto the next stage. 85 00:09:04,660 --> 00:09:05,730 Now, then... 86 00:09:06,310 --> 00:09:10,430 How bad is it gonna be on the other side of this door? 87 00:09:14,740 --> 00:09:18,700 But if I can't get out of here without getting through, I just have to press on. 88 00:09:25,960 --> 00:09:28,180 Something about that gust just gave me the chills... 89 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:48,240 Some kind of throne room? 90 00:09:56,060 --> 00:09:59,500 This sight, these sounds, the way it feels... 91 00:09:59,960 --> 00:10:01,710 My entire body remembers. 92 00:10:02,460 --> 00:10:06,360 This is pressure on the level of what I felt during the double dungeon! 93 00:10:12,210 --> 00:10:16,180 And all of that intensity is coming from this guy! 94 00:10:17,680 --> 00:10:20,230 "Knight Commander Igris the Bloodred." 95 00:10:21,000 --> 00:10:22,750 Name's red, too... 96 00:10:23,580 --> 00:10:26,860 He really is nothing like the enemies I've fought so far! 97 00:10:28,220 --> 00:10:30,810 A knight who defends an empty throne... 98 00:10:37,530 --> 00:10:38,240 Here he comes! 99 00:10:47,270 --> 00:10:50,800 He chops through pillars like they're dry branches! 100 00:10:59,180 --> 00:11:01,140 This is beyond just strong! 101 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:15,060 To be able to move this quickly, in that heavy armor... 102 00:11:15,730 --> 00:11:17,110 What a monster! 103 00:11:28,670 --> 00:11:30,200 Still no good! 104 00:11:43,570 --> 00:11:45,350 We're equals in terms of speed. 105 00:11:45,780 --> 00:11:47,700 But he's much more powerful. 106 00:11:49,060 --> 00:11:51,550 And because of that armor, my dagger isn't doing anything. 107 00:11:52,030 --> 00:11:54,830 Do I have any way of beating this guy? 108 00:11:56,150 --> 00:11:58,570 He's even more dangerous than I thought. 109 00:11:59,110 --> 00:12:00,200 Still... 110 00:12:01,270 --> 00:12:03,660 I doubt I can win without a weapon, 111 00:12:04,520 --> 00:12:09,000 but this is the only way I can think of to deal any damage through that armor! 112 00:12:16,790 --> 00:12:18,510 I guess you're being chivalrous, huh? 113 00:12:19,730 --> 00:12:21,740 You must think this is gonna be easy. 114 00:12:26,390 --> 00:12:27,560 Come in. 115 00:12:28,440 --> 00:12:31,150 Chairman, you still haven't gone home? 116 00:12:31,470 --> 00:12:33,800 I don't feel like calling it a day just yet. 117 00:12:33,800 --> 00:12:36,850 So I've been dealing with a bit of work that's piled up. 118 00:12:36,850 --> 00:12:38,580 Likewise. 119 00:12:38,580 --> 00:12:41,620 I've been clearing some non-urgent items off my plate. 120 00:12:43,470 --> 00:12:45,110 So it's finally happening. 121 00:12:45,110 --> 00:12:46,080 Indeed. 122 00:12:47,500 --> 00:12:49,360 Speak of the devil. 123 00:12:49,890 --> 00:12:52,530 I'm here. Are you heading out soon? 124 00:12:52,530 --> 00:12:53,290 Yes, sir. 125 00:12:53,290 --> 00:12:55,520 I wanted to thank you before that. 126 00:12:55,520 --> 00:13:00,010 I'm grateful you approved this operation. 127 00:13:00,010 --> 00:13:01,760 No thanks necessary. 128 00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:05,550 It's all because you've kept Jeju Island's name afloat in the interviews 129 00:13:05,550 --> 00:13:09,190 you've been doing on TV and in print. 130 00:13:09,190 --> 00:13:14,280 That's kept it in the public's consciousness and is swaying their opinion. 131 00:13:14,890 --> 00:13:18,740 All I did was help tip the scales a bit. 132 00:13:19,130 --> 00:13:22,370 You don't expect criticism for kicking a hornet's nest? 133 00:13:22,370 --> 00:13:24,450 I'm prepared to take the brunt of that. 134 00:13:24,810 --> 00:13:26,430 Just be careful out there. 135 00:13:26,430 --> 00:13:28,780 Jeju Island is dangerous business. 136 00:13:28,780 --> 00:13:30,790 I'm fully aware, sir. 137 00:13:31,180 --> 00:13:33,760 This expedition is about assessing threat levels. 138 00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:38,200 We'll prod the enemy and see how and to what degree they respond. 139 00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:41,010 As diligent as ever, I see. 140 00:13:41,010 --> 00:13:43,410 The third raid on Jeju Island... 141 00:13:43,970 --> 00:13:46,440 To me, that battle... 142 00:13:47,720 --> 00:13:50,180 never really ended. 143 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:00,150 So fast! 144 00:14:23,870 --> 00:14:27,880 Even though I blocked, it felt like that took down 500 HP! 145 00:14:28,630 --> 00:14:31,100 I made the right move putting armor on. 146 00:14:32,060 --> 00:14:35,170 There's a chance taking it full on would've killed me. 147 00:14:36,050 --> 00:14:38,680 For him to deal this kind of damage even without his sword... 148 00:14:38,680 --> 00:14:40,260 He's too damn strong! 149 00:14:43,450 --> 00:14:47,860 If I can't compete in terms of power, then I'll boost my speed! 150 00:15:04,840 --> 00:15:06,010 I can't catch him! 151 00:15:12,950 --> 00:15:15,100 That passive skill boosted my defense! 152 00:16:32,630 --> 00:16:34,030 That oughta do. 153 00:17:28,150 --> 00:17:29,560 I... 154 00:17:30,960 --> 00:17:32,290 haven't... 155 00:17:32,780 --> 00:17:36,080 lost yet! 156 00:17:57,260 --> 00:17:59,670 That dagger can't change owners like that! 157 00:17:59,670 --> 00:18:01,420 It'll go back into my inventory, 158 00:18:01,420 --> 00:18:02,440 and then back into my hand! 159 00:18:06,020 --> 00:18:07,030 Too shallow! 160 00:18:07,030 --> 00:18:08,230 Have to stab deeper! 161 00:18:37,650 --> 00:18:40,350 I won... right? 162 00:18:45,030 --> 00:18:47,440 That... was a close one. 163 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:52,360 My winning was pretty much a fluke. 164 00:18:52,360 --> 00:18:55,880 In terms of skills, ability, and experience... 165 00:18:55,880 --> 00:18:58,820 There was a real difference between us on every level. 166 00:18:59,440 --> 00:19:01,540 One screwup, and I'd probably be dead. 167 00:19:02,990 --> 00:19:04,790 Four rewards, huh? 168 00:19:05,250 --> 00:19:08,140 A pouch with 1,500,000 gold in it. 169 00:19:08,450 --> 00:19:13,560 The same helmet that Igris had... and it's an S-Rank item! 170 00:19:14,050 --> 00:19:16,320 The key to the Demon's Castle was S-Rank, too, 171 00:19:16,320 --> 00:19:19,720 but I've never had gear of that quality before. 172 00:19:20,280 --> 00:19:22,930 It reduces physical damage by 15%, 173 00:19:22,930 --> 00:19:25,760 along with a 20-point boost to strength and vitality! 174 00:19:25,760 --> 00:19:26,940 That's tasty! 175 00:19:27,650 --> 00:19:30,400 Along with a rune stone for the Ruler's Hand... 176 00:19:30,840 --> 00:19:35,110 What kind of skill is that? I guess I'll figure it out later. 177 00:19:36,530 --> 00:19:37,740 But what about... 178 00:19:38,380 --> 00:19:39,950 this "instant teleportation stone"? 179 00:19:40,690 --> 00:19:42,920 It won't go into the inventory. 180 00:19:43,300 --> 00:19:46,180 Why give me a teleportation stone now? 181 00:19:48,070 --> 00:19:51,400 Is... Is the job-change quest... 182 00:19:52,240 --> 00:19:54,470 not over yet? 183 00:20:02,010 --> 00:20:05,080 "Survive as long as possible"? "Advancement points"? 184 00:20:05,080 --> 00:20:06,860 And what is a "higher class"? 185 00:20:09,560 --> 00:20:11,700 "Good luck," huh? 186 00:20:13,080 --> 00:20:14,940 Wait, am I facing infinite waves of enemies?! 187 00:20:19,870 --> 00:20:24,580 If they were as strong as Igris, I would've been overwhelmed in seconds... 188 00:20:25,090 --> 00:20:28,480 But these guys? I can handle them easily enough. 189 00:20:28,850 --> 00:20:31,740 Still... There's an awful lot of them! 190 00:20:47,450 --> 00:20:52,310 Damn it! I keep fighting, but the gates keep puking up more! 191 00:20:54,270 --> 00:20:56,780 I think the key to this quest is how long you can last. 192 00:20:57,150 --> 00:20:58,030 In that case... 193 00:21:00,590 --> 00:21:05,570 Stealth costs 200 mana to activate, and then one for each second of use... 194 00:21:07,010 --> 00:21:08,370 I have 190 left. 195 00:21:09,140 --> 00:21:11,460 I'll buy as much time as I can! 196 00:21:15,870 --> 00:21:17,510 They saw through Stealth?! 197 00:21:26,950 --> 00:21:28,830 This is worse than I thought! 198 00:21:28,830 --> 00:21:31,440 I won't be able to use Stealth or Murderous Intent anymore! 199 00:21:37,860 --> 00:21:39,050 How long has it been? 200 00:21:40,090 --> 00:21:41,490 Only five minutes?! 201 00:21:41,960 --> 00:21:43,340 I can't keep going! 202 00:21:43,340 --> 00:21:46,030 I hate to do it, but I'd better use that teleportation stone...