1 00:00:04,570 --> 00:00:06,940 You look like a different person, Jinwoo. 2 00:00:07,490 --> 00:00:10,170 When I haven't changed at all. 3 00:00:10,820 --> 00:00:12,510 Well, a lot has happened. 4 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:16,100 And experience affects everyone differently. 5 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:18,540 You're right. 6 00:00:19,290 --> 00:00:23,760 I think I might be too timid to be a hunter. 7 00:00:23,760 --> 00:00:27,710 I've tried to get over it, but it never works out. 8 00:00:30,290 --> 00:00:35,400 I should really be participating in A and B-Rank raids... or at least C-Rank. 9 00:00:35,700 --> 00:00:39,090 But I chose D and E-Rank ones on purpose. 10 00:00:40,670 --> 00:00:46,360 That's how I met you, and found myself healing you time and time again. 11 00:00:48,110 --> 00:00:52,070 At first, it was a little annoying how often you got injured... 12 00:00:52,710 --> 00:00:56,250 But you always managed to survive. 13 00:00:56,620 --> 00:01:02,170 I'll never forget the way that your eyes always seemed to radiate vitality. 14 00:01:03,570 --> 00:01:06,360 We promised to go out to eat somewhere, right? 15 00:01:06,840 --> 00:01:09,670 You can have this back. 16 00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:11,630 Wait... 17 00:01:11,630 --> 00:01:15,100 I'm going to retire. 18 00:01:17,090 --> 00:01:18,730 I'm moving back in with my parents. 19 00:01:19,240 --> 00:01:22,650 If you ever find yourself in the area, let me know, okay? 20 00:01:22,650 --> 00:01:24,150 I can show you around. 21 00:01:26,580 --> 00:01:29,940 I'll invite you out again, if that happens. 22 00:01:29,940 --> 00:01:31,140 Right. 23 00:01:45,650 --> 00:01:50,420 I don't believe an E-Rank like yourself could defeat a B-Rank like Kang Taeshik. 24 00:01:51,360 --> 00:01:55,670 You've already been examined for a potential reawakening, after all. 25 00:01:56,210 --> 00:01:58,970 But I feel I should warn you anyway... 26 00:01:59,620 --> 00:02:02,430 If you want to live a long life, be careful out there. 27 00:02:02,430 --> 00:02:03,940 What do you mean? 28 00:02:04,470 --> 00:02:07,720 After the incident where Hwang Dongsuk's strike team was wiped out, 29 00:02:08,140 --> 00:02:10,860 with you and the D-Rank hunter as the only survivors... 30 00:02:11,250 --> 00:02:17,240 Hwang Dongsuk's younger brother, Hwang Dongsoo, may be targeting you both. 31 00:02:18,730 --> 00:02:21,870 Hwang Dongsoo, the S-Rank hunter, is after me? 32 00:02:21,870 --> 00:02:25,490 Correct. It doesn't matter what actually happened in there. 33 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:31,530 All he cares about is that Hwang Dongsuk died, while you managed to survive. 34 00:02:32,920 --> 00:02:37,000 The law is powerless to deal with S-Ranks. 35 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:41,340 They have the potential to bring forth either miracle or calamity. 36 00:02:42,140 --> 00:02:48,670 In other words, one of the monsters that even monsters fear is out for your blood. 37 00:02:49,970 --> 00:02:54,990 If possible, I'd recommend taking your family and leaving the country. 38 00:02:57,810 --> 00:03:01,240 That's one more reason I need to get stronger. 39 00:03:02,110 --> 00:03:03,810 Because if I don't... 40 00:03:04,650 --> 00:03:06,640 I won't be able to survive. 41 00:04:39,610 --> 00:04:44,680 Uh, Jinho? What am I looking at here? 42 00:04:46,080 --> 00:04:49,170 What do you mean? It's obvious! 43 00:04:49,170 --> 00:04:50,690 This is our strike team! 44 00:04:51,330 --> 00:04:55,710 I prioritized people who are qualified to be hunters but have reasons they can't work 45 00:04:55,710 --> 00:04:59,240 and people who are having trouble getting by when making my selections. 46 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:01,730 You've got injured people... and drunks. 47 00:05:01,730 --> 00:05:03,890 That works better for us, right? 48 00:05:03,890 --> 00:05:07,300 We need a minimum of eight people to raid C-Rank gates, after all. 49 00:05:09,050 --> 00:05:11,940 Hey, you've got a kid here, too. 50 00:05:11,940 --> 00:05:17,110 As long as they've awakened, there's no legal issue with recruiting minors. 51 00:05:17,110 --> 00:05:18,120 Hey. 52 00:05:19,210 --> 00:05:20,850 That's kind of rude. 53 00:05:20,850 --> 00:05:23,310 I am a qualified hunter, y'know. 54 00:05:24,120 --> 00:05:26,090 But you're in high school, right? 55 00:05:26,090 --> 00:05:27,750 Do you have any raiding experience? 56 00:05:27,750 --> 00:05:29,780 N-No. 57 00:05:29,780 --> 00:05:31,270 What rank? E? 58 00:05:32,290 --> 00:05:34,270 So what if I am? 59 00:05:34,580 --> 00:05:35,760 I guess it doesn't matter. 60 00:05:35,760 --> 00:05:38,030 You'll be waiting out here anyway. 61 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:41,520 Jinho and I will be the only ones going into the dungeon. 62 00:05:42,900 --> 00:05:46,400 Hey... Is it seriously going to be just the two of you? 63 00:05:46,400 --> 00:05:49,620 And does this job really pay three million just for waiting outside? 64 00:05:49,620 --> 00:05:52,910 Right. Three million per raid. 65 00:05:52,910 --> 00:05:55,460 Pretty sweet deal, considering you don't have to fight, right? 66 00:05:57,120 --> 00:05:59,050 The only stipulation is that you can't talk about it. 67 00:05:59,530 --> 00:06:02,530 If you publicize our deal, the contract specifies 68 00:06:02,530 --> 00:06:05,260 you'll have to pay back ten times that amount. 69 00:06:06,100 --> 00:06:09,650 The Stealth rune stone that I got by beating Kang Taeshik... 70 00:06:10,610 --> 00:06:12,430 Might as well use it now. 71 00:06:24,120 --> 00:06:26,320 Okay. Looks like it worked. 72 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:28,180 I'm ready to go. 73 00:06:30,540 --> 00:06:32,790 What are you wearing now? 74 00:06:32,790 --> 00:06:36,590 A full set of buff-boosting armor made by an Italian manufacturer! 75 00:06:36,920 --> 00:06:40,250 If we're gonna hit the dungeon together, boss, 76 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:42,820 I need to be at least this ready! 77 00:06:47,350 --> 00:06:50,550 I'm not trying to be mean here, but take that stuff off. 78 00:06:50,550 --> 00:06:52,000 Okay... 79 00:06:56,160 --> 00:06:59,520 Boss, can you help me get up? 80 00:07:02,010 --> 00:07:03,820 All right. Let's get going. 81 00:07:04,510 --> 00:07:06,320 This is kind of nerve-racking. 82 00:07:06,320 --> 00:07:09,180 You've, uh, still got something on your head. 83 00:07:09,180 --> 00:07:11,300 At least let me keep the helmet! 84 00:07:12,610 --> 00:07:15,580 Fine, fine. Let's go. 85 00:07:15,580 --> 00:07:16,350 Right! 86 00:07:17,230 --> 00:07:20,430 They're seriously going in alone. Is this gonna be all right? 87 00:07:20,430 --> 00:07:24,840 We did warn them. And the contract's been paid out already, so what's it matter? 88 00:07:26,570 --> 00:07:30,190 A D and an E-Rank taking on a C-Rank raid by themselves? 89 00:07:30,530 --> 00:07:34,850 Those two greenhorns don't have a damn clue what they're getting into. 90 00:07:40,850 --> 00:07:43,270 Is Song-yi skipping today? 91 00:07:46,560 --> 00:07:48,160 How long's it been? 92 00:07:48,160 --> 00:07:53,060 About an hour. Even a normal strike team would take at least two hours, 93 00:07:53,060 --> 00:07:54,200 so we've got a while— 94 00:07:56,460 --> 00:07:59,420 So they ran away. They're lucky to be alive. 95 00:07:59,420 --> 00:08:01,750 N-No! They didn't run away! 96 00:08:03,080 --> 00:08:04,980 The gate's starting to close! 97 00:08:05,810 --> 00:08:08,680 Are you kidding me? They beat the boss?! 98 00:08:09,010 --> 00:08:10,620 Where's the next gate? 99 00:08:10,620 --> 00:08:12,640 About an hour from here. 100 00:08:13,060 --> 00:08:14,770 Got it. Let's hurry on. 101 00:08:15,320 --> 00:08:19,240 We're moving, everyone! The goal is to hit three locations today. 102 00:08:20,420 --> 00:08:24,360 That means you could potentially earn nine million in one day. Are you coming or not? 103 00:08:24,950 --> 00:08:26,510 These guys... 104 00:08:26,510 --> 00:08:28,730 Who the hell are they?! 105 00:08:34,940 --> 00:08:37,090 Boss! I'm done mining! 106 00:08:37,090 --> 00:08:38,290 Got it! 107 00:08:38,290 --> 00:08:40,210 I better wrap up here, too. 108 00:08:46,950 --> 00:08:48,340 I'm heading out. 109 00:08:48,600 --> 00:08:50,650 Huh? More work today? 110 00:08:50,650 --> 00:08:53,050 Yep. Don't forget to lock up. 111 00:09:21,920 --> 00:09:24,080 He was hiding a skill like that? 112 00:09:24,620 --> 00:09:27,550 Boss has gotten stronger again... 113 00:09:27,990 --> 00:09:29,260 This Stealth skill... 114 00:09:29,830 --> 00:09:33,470 It wasn't fun to earn, but it's useful. 115 00:09:34,050 --> 00:09:36,660 Fighting while unseen is really effective. 116 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:42,800 My Dash skill leveled up, too. 117 00:09:49,280 --> 00:09:52,740 And my new skills, Advanced Dagger Wielding and Fatal Strike... 118 00:09:54,650 --> 00:09:56,450 They seem pretty useful! 119 00:09:58,670 --> 00:10:00,430 Great work! 120 00:10:00,430 --> 00:10:04,420 Once I'm finished grabbing this stuff, we'll be done, so you can take it easy. 121 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:06,470 Right. Thanks. 122 00:10:07,170 --> 00:10:09,360 I've got some handy new skills. 123 00:10:09,970 --> 00:10:14,670 But I don't have enough mana to use them for very long. 124 00:10:15,180 --> 00:10:17,890 I'll need to work on my intellect ability going forward. 125 00:10:19,140 --> 00:10:22,930 Things are moving smoothly, so do I head to the Demon Castle next? 126 00:10:24,900 --> 00:10:30,470 No. Right now, I'd say I'm somewhere between B and A-Rank. 127 00:10:30,990 --> 00:10:33,840 Would I really be able to take that dungeon on? 128 00:10:37,320 --> 00:10:40,790 "The Player has reached the required level"? 129 00:10:43,460 --> 00:10:45,350 A job-change quest? 130 00:10:47,170 --> 00:10:49,660 Take a look at this, Manager Ahn! 131 00:10:50,680 --> 00:10:52,630 What is it, Kichul? 132 00:10:52,630 --> 00:10:55,760 Well, it's about the C-Rank gates... 133 00:10:55,760 --> 00:10:57,590 One hundred and fifty million?! 134 00:10:57,960 --> 00:11:03,080 Someone's spending 150 million on the rights to C-Rank gates? 135 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:06,580 Right. There's a strike team that's been spending 136 00:11:06,580 --> 00:11:09,860 nearly double the market rate on C-Rank gates... 137 00:11:10,320 --> 00:11:15,470 And the leader is... Yoo Jinho? Never heard of him. 138 00:11:15,860 --> 00:11:18,770 He's the younger son of Yoojin Construction's president. 139 00:11:18,770 --> 00:11:20,490 Yoojin Construction? 140 00:11:20,490 --> 00:11:22,700 This could put them in the red over time... 141 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:26,250 Seems excessive for a rich kid playing hunter. 142 00:11:28,290 --> 00:11:30,460 Sung Jinwoo... E-Rank? 143 00:11:30,460 --> 00:11:33,870 Yes, sir. Their whole lineup seems thrown together. 144 00:11:33,870 --> 00:11:35,690 I have no idea what the plan is. 145 00:11:37,930 --> 00:11:40,940 Hang on. I remember seeing this "Sung Jinwoo" name 146 00:11:40,940 --> 00:11:44,030 connected to the double dungeon incident... 147 00:11:44,030 --> 00:11:46,770 There's something here. I can smell it. 148 00:11:50,610 --> 00:11:52,820 Sorry we're late! 149 00:11:52,820 --> 00:11:54,720 Nah, it's fine. 150 00:11:54,720 --> 00:11:56,900 You're ahead of schedule, even! 151 00:11:56,900 --> 00:12:00,420 Collecting the mana crystals took longer than I thought. 152 00:12:00,710 --> 00:12:02,120 Okay, let's get going. 153 00:12:02,450 --> 00:12:05,550 You've gotta be exhausted. You want me to drive? 154 00:12:06,370 --> 00:12:09,830 I've had nothing to do all day, so I'm honestly kinda bored. Would that be okay? 155 00:12:09,830 --> 00:12:11,550 Oh, I see. 156 00:12:10,910 --> 00:12:12,090 What is it? 157 00:12:12,090 --> 00:12:16,260 But the contract says you don't need to worry about doing anything, so it's fine. 158 00:12:12,660 --> 00:12:13,800 Nothing. 159 00:12:17,210 --> 00:12:19,720 You think this Sung Jinwoo hunter has reawakened?! 160 00:12:19,720 --> 00:12:21,530 I sure do. 161 00:12:21,530 --> 00:12:23,010 Based on what? 162 00:12:23,790 --> 00:12:28,270 Hunter Sung has been through three major disasters and survived every time. 163 00:12:28,820 --> 00:12:31,020 First, the double dungeon. 164 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:35,030 Second, the wiping out of Hwang Dongsuk's strike team. 165 00:12:35,310 --> 00:12:39,450 And third, Kang Taeshik's murder spree. 166 00:12:40,460 --> 00:12:45,070 Every time, there was a large body count, but every time, he was among the survivors. 167 00:12:45,070 --> 00:12:48,140 The only explanation is that he reawakened. 168 00:12:48,140 --> 00:12:50,620 I guess you're right... 169 00:12:52,180 --> 00:12:55,050 So where are you headed, Manager Ahn? 170 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:57,510 Isn't it obvious? 171 00:12:58,920 --> 00:13:01,500 I'm off to scout a promising rookie. 172 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:09,250 What is this, a picnic? 173 00:13:10,650 --> 00:13:11,740 Mister. 174 00:13:12,190 --> 00:13:15,400 This area's off-limits, y'know? 175 00:13:15,400 --> 00:13:17,340 Ah, you'll have to forgive us! 176 00:13:17,340 --> 00:13:21,110 We saw a bunch of hunters and got curious. 177 00:13:21,110 --> 00:13:24,870 That's a gate, right? Is it safe for you to be so close? 178 00:13:25,270 --> 00:13:28,830 Don't treat me like a child. I'm a hunter. 179 00:13:28,830 --> 00:13:33,040 Then are you part of this strike team? 180 00:13:34,830 --> 00:13:35,850 Yes. 181 00:13:36,830 --> 00:13:38,070 But... 182 00:13:39,170 --> 00:13:44,200 Hunter Sung! He must've left his group behind to tackle the dungeon himself! 183 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:48,670 If my gut's right about this, he could be a huge find! Even bigger than that! 184 00:13:49,140 --> 00:13:52,150 I see. Well, sorry for disturbing you. 185 00:13:52,150 --> 00:13:54,080 You be careful, now. 186 00:13:54,080 --> 00:13:56,190 Wait, are we leaving already, Manager?! 187 00:13:58,150 --> 00:14:02,110 The captain's back! Everybody get ready to head out! 188 00:14:04,960 --> 00:14:07,050 What's the schedule looking like for tomorrow? 189 00:14:07,050 --> 00:14:10,080 I remembered I have something to do. Can I get the day off? 190 00:14:10,080 --> 00:14:12,040 For tomorrow? 191 00:14:12,570 --> 00:14:16,650 I had reserved some gates... You want me to cancel them? 192 00:14:16,650 --> 00:14:20,260 Let's not go that far. It seems like a waste of money. 193 00:14:20,560 --> 00:14:22,970 I can hold onto them for another two days. 194 00:14:24,700 --> 00:14:27,180 Let's delay them for now, then. 195 00:14:27,620 --> 00:14:28,830 You got it! 196 00:14:29,150 --> 00:14:32,890 Sorry about the wait, everyone! Off to the next one we go! 197 00:15:06,340 --> 00:15:09,780 The same dream... again. 198 00:15:18,970 --> 00:15:20,500 It's almost time. 199 00:15:24,080 --> 00:15:26,070 Good work today! 200 00:15:31,530 --> 00:15:35,250 I apologize if this is sudden. Hunter Sung... 201 00:15:35,570 --> 00:15:36,530 It's nice to meet you. 202 00:15:36,530 --> 00:15:40,710 I'm Ahn Sangmin, manager of the White Tiger Guild's Second Administration Team. 203 00:15:41,010 --> 00:15:43,620 Could I trouble you for a moment of your time? 204 00:15:44,990 --> 00:15:47,880 I'm sure you already know this, 205 00:15:47,880 --> 00:15:53,040 but the White Tiger Guild is one of the country's best. 206 00:15:53,040 --> 00:15:56,660 However, we're always on the lookout for promising new talent. 207 00:15:57,100 --> 00:16:00,080 And to get directly to the point, 208 00:16:00,080 --> 00:16:06,070 if you'll join us, I'm willing to pay you double what Yoojin Construction is offering. 209 00:16:06,070 --> 00:16:10,660 If you have any additional conditions, I'd be happy to arrange those, as well. 210 00:16:10,660 --> 00:16:12,190 How about that?! 211 00:16:12,190 --> 00:16:16,200 This is too good an offer for someone who was E-Rank just a while ago! 212 00:16:16,570 --> 00:16:18,820 He's bound to say yes! 213 00:16:19,940 --> 00:16:23,290 How much is the White Tiger Guild's HQ valued at? 214 00:16:23,570 --> 00:16:24,710 Huh? 215 00:16:24,710 --> 00:16:29,380 Well, uh, I'd say somewhere around fifty billion... 216 00:16:29,380 --> 00:16:32,470 And that's what you're offering me? 217 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:35,680 I... I don't follow. 218 00:16:39,130 --> 00:16:41,730 Th-Thirty billion?! 219 00:16:43,240 --> 00:16:44,690 Did you hear that? 220 00:16:45,090 --> 00:16:49,900 That's the market value of the building that Yoojin Construction has offered me. 221 00:16:50,280 --> 00:16:55,540 You offered to double that, so I was thinking a building worth fifty billion would do. 222 00:16:55,540 --> 00:16:58,660 I've got the documentation here, if you don't believe it. 223 00:16:59,650 --> 00:17:01,880 I, er, I must admit, 224 00:17:01,880 --> 00:17:05,160 an offer like that isn't something I'd be qualified to make on my own... 225 00:17:05,160 --> 00:17:07,090 I'd need to talk to my superiors— 226 00:17:07,090 --> 00:17:09,700 I think we're done here, then. 227 00:17:11,530 --> 00:17:13,480 I was too desperate. 228 00:17:13,480 --> 00:17:17,400 I should've dug into his deal with Yoojin Construction first! 229 00:17:17,850 --> 00:17:22,080 I am curious, though. Who did you hear about me from? 230 00:17:22,640 --> 00:17:26,130 You haven't been snooping around, have you? 231 00:17:27,820 --> 00:17:29,000 H-Huh?! 232 00:17:35,490 --> 00:17:39,050 That... That was the Stealth skill! 233 00:17:39,050 --> 00:17:41,920 A reawakened with Stealth?! 234 00:17:41,920 --> 00:17:46,180 That'd explain the size of the offer Yoojin Construction made! 235 00:17:46,710 --> 00:17:50,040 I-I do apologize for looking you up without any word. 236 00:17:50,040 --> 00:17:52,760 But I meant no harm— 237 00:17:52,760 --> 00:17:54,010 Don't turn around. 238 00:17:55,440 --> 00:17:59,540 The tight dungeon market has led to a delay in rookie training, 239 00:17:59,540 --> 00:18:02,480 without which they can't be sent on raids as per Guild policy. 240 00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:08,050 I was investigating who was buying up so many gates 241 00:18:08,050 --> 00:18:10,990 when I came across your name, Hunter Sung. 242 00:18:11,370 --> 00:18:14,910 Who else knows about me? 243 00:18:16,850 --> 00:18:20,110 Just me and one of my subordinates. 244 00:18:20,740 --> 00:18:23,850 I'd rather keep a low profile. 245 00:18:23,850 --> 00:18:28,780 If people start hearing about me, Mr. Ahn, you two will be the first people I suspect. 246 00:18:29,490 --> 00:18:33,590 I'm obligated to make a formal report to the head of my guild... 247 00:18:33,590 --> 00:18:38,700 but I don't want to die. I'll make sure my subordinate keeps his mouth shut, too. 248 00:18:38,700 --> 00:18:40,220 I appreciate that. 249 00:18:41,450 --> 00:18:45,170 I guess monopolizing the C-Rank gates has been causing some trouble. 250 00:18:45,170 --> 00:18:49,270 I'm sorry, but we'll need to continue doing so for a while longer. 251 00:18:49,270 --> 00:18:54,200 That is a shame. It puts a real bottleneck on our developing hunters. 252 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:56,460 How about a deal, then? 253 00:18:57,020 --> 00:18:58,990 A d-deal? 254 00:18:59,390 --> 00:19:03,450 I'm willing to sell you the rights to three of our C-Rank gates. 255 00:19:03,450 --> 00:19:05,780 If you pass on this, you may as well consider your guild 256 00:19:05,780 --> 00:19:07,710 locked out of C-Ranks for the foreseeable future. 257 00:19:07,710 --> 00:19:10,450 He giving me the hard sell. 258 00:19:10,450 --> 00:19:11,550 But... 259 00:19:11,550 --> 00:19:14,180 Understood. For how much? 260 00:19:14,740 --> 00:19:16,500 Three hundred million apiece. 261 00:19:16,500 --> 00:19:18,260 Three... Three hundred million?! 262 00:19:20,850 --> 00:19:26,230 The mana crystals and essence stones are only worth 200 million on a good day! 263 00:19:26,570 --> 00:19:28,860 Could you at least lower the price to two— 264 00:19:28,860 --> 00:19:29,810 All right. 265 00:19:32,070 --> 00:19:33,760 Consider it a deal. 266 00:19:34,160 --> 00:19:38,380 Th-Then we'll be taking three off your hands... 267 00:19:38,380 --> 00:19:42,120 Right. Three C-Rank gates, for a total of 600 million. 268 00:19:43,580 --> 00:19:45,500 A-All right, then. 269 00:19:46,600 --> 00:19:49,000 Transfer the money here by the end of the day. 270 00:19:49,480 --> 00:19:52,250 One other thing. You can have this. 271 00:19:52,250 --> 00:19:54,660 Close your eyes and open your mouth, please. 272 00:19:55,220 --> 00:19:58,180 It's okay. I won't hurt you. 273 00:20:07,100 --> 00:20:09,480 No way! The cut is gone! 274 00:20:09,480 --> 00:20:10,730 Good evening. 275 00:20:13,850 --> 00:20:20,000 If you're willing to show me all this, can I take it as a sign that you trust me? 276 00:20:20,410 --> 00:20:24,100 As long as you keep your mouth shut, yes. 277 00:20:27,480 --> 00:20:28,830 M-Manager! 278 00:20:29,610 --> 00:20:31,810 How'd it go? The scouting. 279 00:20:31,810 --> 00:20:34,050 Well, Kichul... 280 00:20:34,050 --> 00:20:38,360 I think he might be a bigger deal than I had even imagined. 281 00:20:42,950 --> 00:20:47,980 Boss, I confirmed the transfer. The six hundred mill is really there. 282 00:20:48,390 --> 00:20:52,650 We were about to cancel these gates... How'd you sell them at such a crazy price? 283 00:20:53,130 --> 00:20:54,830 And to whom? 284 00:20:55,160 --> 00:20:56,820 Let's call it a trade secret. 285 00:20:59,760 --> 00:21:02,620 What do you mean there are extra C-Rank gates in our jurisdiction?! 286 00:21:02,620 --> 00:21:03,650 Just that! 287 00:21:03,650 --> 00:21:06,870 The three we bought were the only ones that Yoojin Construction had purchased! 288 00:21:07,210 --> 00:21:10,070 And the rest are all selling for 70 million or less! 289 00:21:10,070 --> 00:21:11,580 He tricked you! 290 00:21:11,580 --> 00:21:13,660 Y-Yeah... 291 00:21:13,660 --> 00:21:17,660 Not only did I fail at scouting him, but he scammed me, too! 292 00:21:17,660 --> 00:21:19,300 What a nightmare! 293 00:21:19,960 --> 00:21:22,760 I guess if you're strong enough, you become bold enough to do anything?! 294 00:21:24,260 --> 00:21:26,720 A message? But from who? 295 00:21:27,430 --> 00:21:28,950 This is Sung Jinwoo. 296 00:21:28,950 --> 00:21:32,460 With this, we're even. I'll forget the fact that you spied on me. 297 00:21:34,400 --> 00:21:37,360 Okay. So that's how it is. 298 00:21:37,360 --> 00:21:39,860 That's one in his favor. 299 00:21:40,400 --> 00:21:42,200 This guy sure isn't to be messed with. 300 00:21:42,200 --> 00:21:44,520 Was that from Hunter Sung? 301 00:21:44,520 --> 00:21:45,590 Yeah. 302 00:21:46,160 --> 00:21:51,780 He might have raked me over the coals, but I've got Hunter Sung's contact info. 303 00:21:52,630 --> 00:21:55,560 I'll be satisfied with that for now. 304 00:21:58,560 --> 00:22:01,010 A job-change quest, huh? 305 00:22:01,850 --> 00:22:03,280 Should be interesting.