1 00:00:19,670 --> 00:00:21,760 My body feels so light! 2 00:00:26,610 --> 00:00:28,880 Just when I thought I had survived! 3 00:00:28,880 --> 00:00:30,840 How long am I going to let myself be intimidated?! 4 00:00:32,130 --> 00:00:33,930 I'm not dying! 5 00:00:38,390 --> 00:00:41,730 Did increasing my strength ability make that much of a difference? 6 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:46,360 But this thing's still stronger than me. 7 00:00:50,340 --> 00:00:51,840 No! My attacks aren't working! 8 00:00:59,590 --> 00:01:01,500 What am I supposed to do? 9 00:02:41,890 --> 00:02:43,730 I can't do this on my own. 10 00:02:47,340 --> 00:02:49,120 With no party, no healer... 11 00:02:49,620 --> 00:02:51,330 My bag's only got water and food in it. 12 00:02:53,270 --> 00:02:54,540 At this rate... 13 00:02:56,140 --> 00:02:58,280 If only I had a weapon with magic power! 14 00:02:58,640 --> 00:02:59,530 A weapon? 15 00:02:59,840 --> 00:03:00,970 Inventory! 16 00:03:16,720 --> 00:03:19,180 I don't know how this got in there. 17 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:24,230 I think Kim said he paid three million for it? 18 00:03:25,120 --> 00:03:26,940 The kind of item I could never afford. 19 00:03:27,730 --> 00:03:30,560 Well, this is an emergency. I'll put it to good use. 20 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:33,280 Huh? The pain's fading. 21 00:03:35,970 --> 00:03:37,370 Now that I have a weapon... 22 00:03:38,390 --> 00:03:39,710 I'm not afraid! 23 00:03:42,810 --> 00:03:44,870 Huh? It's stuck! 24 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:48,920 Come on! Get out of there! 25 00:03:58,390 --> 00:04:00,740 They don't call them steel-fanged for nothing, huh? 26 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:03,780 I just got this sword! 27 00:04:04,980 --> 00:04:07,160 Chew on something else! 28 00:04:12,730 --> 00:04:14,150 I've gotta admit... 29 00:04:15,170 --> 00:04:16,710 Compared to what I ran into before, 30 00:04:17,810 --> 00:04:19,170 these guys aren't so bad. 31 00:04:36,020 --> 00:04:38,950 Huh? I'm level 2 now? 32 00:04:38,950 --> 00:04:41,510 That never changed during my daily quests. 33 00:04:42,420 --> 00:04:44,900 Oh, I know. It's because this is real combat. 34 00:04:44,900 --> 00:04:46,950 And my injuries healing from before... 35 00:04:47,390 --> 00:04:51,430 I guess all my stats go up by one when I level up. 36 00:04:52,060 --> 00:04:53,880 That's five points in total. 37 00:04:53,880 --> 00:04:58,750 Daily quests only net me three points, so fighting seems more efficient. 38 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:03,150 I wonder how much a difference of one point makes? 39 00:05:03,150 --> 00:05:05,850 There are values for intelligence, perception, and such, too... 40 00:05:06,730 --> 00:05:08,800 But strength is the obvious one. 41 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:12,880 I'm only at 32 there, but my body already feels a lot lighter. 42 00:05:13,740 --> 00:05:17,900 I'm speculating here, but I think that the higher my base abilities grow, 43 00:05:17,900 --> 00:05:20,590 the more points I'll gain. 44 00:05:22,260 --> 00:05:25,460 I really can get stronger. 45 00:05:28,300 --> 00:05:32,680 Maybe I'm overreacting, considering that it was just five small beasts... 46 00:05:34,640 --> 00:05:37,980 I wonder if they have any essence stones. 47 00:05:40,610 --> 00:05:43,690 I get items instead? 48 00:05:44,570 --> 00:05:46,980 These weird things happening to me... 49 00:05:47,550 --> 00:05:50,670 If they follow the same kind of logic that a game does, 50 00:05:51,080 --> 00:05:53,314 then this dungeon and the magic beasts in it 51 00:05:53,326 --> 00:05:55,520 are different from what's inside the gates. 52 00:05:57,440 --> 00:05:58,940 There's a store? 53 00:05:59,350 --> 00:06:00,340 Buy. 54 00:06:01,370 --> 00:06:04,020 I guess beginners get locked out? 55 00:06:04,680 --> 00:06:05,720 Sell. 56 00:06:10,380 --> 00:06:11,970 Twenty gold? 57 00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:15,590 I wonder how much money that's worth. 58 00:06:16,200 --> 00:06:19,300 Then again, this seems like an E-Rank dungeon, 59 00:06:19,300 --> 00:06:22,080 so twenty gold can't be worth that much. 60 00:06:23,210 --> 00:06:25,910 Okay, so what do I do now? 61 00:06:26,650 --> 00:06:29,190 I can't leave until I beat the boss. 62 00:06:29,510 --> 00:06:34,480 A teleportation stone will let me get out, but I don't know where to find those. 63 00:06:34,870 --> 00:06:37,240 If I stay too long, I'll run out of food. 64 00:06:41,330 --> 00:06:45,250 E-Rank or not, I don't think I can beat a boss on my own. 65 00:06:45,870 --> 00:06:49,220 Wait... Maybe if I level up enough first? 66 00:06:51,820 --> 00:06:55,170 Granted, I might die before I manage that. 67 00:07:08,180 --> 00:07:12,780 I shouldn't be afraid. I already know what dying is like! 68 00:07:29,510 --> 00:07:34,890 I'm not gonna go down easy. And I don't expect you guys to, either. 69 00:07:37,350 --> 00:07:41,350 I'd feel guilty if I killed you too fast! 70 00:07:43,020 --> 00:07:45,330 You qualify to become a hunter. 71 00:07:46,900 --> 00:07:49,110 Now I can afford Mom's treatment! 72 00:07:49,350 --> 00:07:51,640 If I had one more chance... 73 00:07:54,340 --> 00:07:58,030 Let's fight... Let's make it intense! 74 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:06,840 For as long as we're alive... As hard as we can! 75 00:08:07,980 --> 00:08:10,050 If I can get stronger... 76 00:08:11,340 --> 00:08:14,640 I'll gladly follow these ridiculous rules! 77 00:08:23,900 --> 00:08:25,150 That can't be good, right? 78 00:08:25,520 --> 00:08:27,840 I wish the Association would do something already. 79 00:08:38,200 --> 00:08:40,880 Sword's not gonna last much longer. 80 00:08:42,010 --> 00:08:45,900 At the end of the day, weapons are disposable, I guess. 81 00:08:46,260 --> 00:08:50,510 Even the expensive ones still end up like this after a few dungeon runs. 82 00:08:50,930 --> 00:08:51,630 Still... 83 00:08:52,050 --> 00:08:54,420 This might be a good stopping point. 84 00:08:59,910 --> 00:09:02,430 I got 34 wolf fangs, 85 00:09:02,430 --> 00:09:05,680 two worn daggers, a traveler's cloak... 86 00:09:06,430 --> 00:09:11,230 and, surprisingly, a teleportation stone. 87 00:09:12,420 --> 00:09:14,000 Maybe I should leave? 88 00:09:15,700 --> 00:09:20,690 But I might never get the chance to get stronger this easily ever again. 89 00:09:21,180 --> 00:09:24,490 I don't know what'll happen to this dungeon when I use the teleportation stone. 90 00:09:24,490 --> 00:09:25,670 Will it vanish? 91 00:09:26,560 --> 00:09:31,630 Maybe it'll disappear without a trace, like a limited-time event in a game. 92 00:09:32,470 --> 00:09:36,870 Whatever happens, I seem to be wrapped up in something I don't understand. 93 00:09:38,190 --> 00:09:40,810 It's like I'm dancing atop the Buddha's palm. 94 00:09:43,520 --> 00:09:46,700 Do I move forward, or head back? 95 00:10:02,390 --> 00:10:04,240 Hello, this is Lee Joohee... 96 00:10:05,800 --> 00:10:09,940 From the Hunter's Association? I apologize about the other day. 97 00:10:12,440 --> 00:10:15,300 There was a dungeon break at the gate?! 98 00:10:15,300 --> 00:10:16,990 That's nearby. 99 00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:19,760 If I hadn't turned down that offer... 100 00:10:20,060 --> 00:10:24,040 We've been assembling free hunters to deal with it, but... 101 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:26,900 there's such a shortage of healers... 102 00:10:32,060 --> 00:10:33,440 I understand. 103 00:10:34,750 --> 00:10:36,860 The higher my level rose, 104 00:10:37,460 --> 00:10:41,220 the easier it became to defeat the magic beasts. 105 00:10:49,740 --> 00:10:51,840 The color of the text describing them has changed. 106 00:10:52,700 --> 00:10:54,927 I think white means they're relatively weak. 107 00:10:54,939 --> 00:10:57,280 Orange means they're on equal footing with me. 108 00:10:57,940 --> 00:10:59,890 And red means they're strong. 109 00:11:00,430 --> 00:11:04,850 The Lycans that were red at first are white now. 110 00:11:05,450 --> 00:11:07,980 I guess I've become that much stronger. 111 00:11:08,490 --> 00:11:13,430 But even at my current level, l don't feel like I can take the one that's down here. 112 00:11:14,100 --> 00:11:16,990 Maybe it's thanks to my perception ability being that much higher, 113 00:11:16,990 --> 00:11:18,780 but I can feel it. 114 00:11:19,650 --> 00:11:23,430 There's a monster down there... and it gives me goosebumps. 115 00:11:25,950 --> 00:11:28,460 I don't think I can gain any more levels around here. 116 00:11:29,310 --> 00:11:31,920 And if I fight needlessly, the sword won't last. 117 00:11:44,520 --> 00:11:48,230 Was the stairway in this station always this long? 118 00:12:02,650 --> 00:12:04,880 It doesn't look anything like the station I know. 119 00:12:11,480 --> 00:12:12,430 So fast! 120 00:12:17,270 --> 00:12:18,260 The sword... 121 00:12:24,300 --> 00:12:28,620 Even after all that leveling up, its name is still... 122 00:12:30,350 --> 00:12:31,470 orange?! 123 00:12:33,110 --> 00:12:35,360 You must be the boss around here. 124 00:12:36,180 --> 00:12:39,450 There's no way this sword could penetrate those armored scales. 125 00:12:39,770 --> 00:12:42,050 And fighting empty-handed is out of the question. 126 00:12:52,160 --> 00:12:54,980 Between this speed and the way it throws its weight into each attack... 127 00:12:54,980 --> 00:12:57,640 I'll have to find a way around its defense! 128 00:12:57,640 --> 00:13:00,660 But what do I do against armor as thick as this? 129 00:13:08,520 --> 00:13:11,270 If it lands a clean hit on me, I'm dead. 130 00:13:31,540 --> 00:13:34,400 I thought I'd gotten a bit stronger... 131 00:13:43,180 --> 00:13:46,640 Is it still not enough? 132 00:13:47,860 --> 00:13:51,110 How much stronger do I need to get... 133 00:13:51,770 --> 00:13:55,900 before it makes up for a life spent being a laughing stock?! 134 00:14:00,280 --> 00:14:02,240 "The Weakest Hunter of All Mankind"? 135 00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:05,750 I hear that's what they've been calling you. 136 00:14:06,140 --> 00:14:06,980 Yeah... 137 00:14:06,980 --> 00:14:10,760 It's unbelievable how childish some people can be. 138 00:14:11,450 --> 00:14:14,630 Work hard to prove them wrong. 139 00:14:16,860 --> 00:14:19,430 Right. I understand. 140 00:14:36,880 --> 00:14:39,760 I got called that because I'm weak. 141 00:14:40,450 --> 00:14:42,910 I get mocked because I'm weak! 142 00:14:45,350 --> 00:14:47,650 I'm ashamed of myself, okay? 143 00:14:49,080 --> 00:14:50,330 If you're strong— 144 00:14:52,210 --> 00:14:56,000 If you have overwhelming strength, you go into every situation with an advantage. 145 00:14:56,000 --> 00:14:59,010 When you're powerless, there's nothing you can do around the strong... 146 00:14:59,010 --> 00:15:02,720 besides quiver in fear and stand around helplessly. 147 00:15:03,170 --> 00:15:05,310 You get looked down on when you're weak. 148 00:15:05,310 --> 00:15:09,830 You can be knowledgeable, you can be creative, you can be considerate, 149 00:15:10,310 --> 00:15:12,360 but when faced with the strong, 150 00:15:13,240 --> 00:15:15,440 none of it will save you! 151 00:15:16,010 --> 00:15:19,170 Kindness won't save me! So I'll become stronger! 152 00:15:19,170 --> 00:15:21,240 That's why I came this far! 153 00:15:35,130 --> 00:15:37,050 I've... 154 00:15:42,050 --> 00:15:45,200 gotta get stronger! 155 00:15:51,190 --> 00:15:52,560 Not yet! 156 00:15:53,600 --> 00:15:57,980 Compared to that thing... Compared to the terror I felt back then... 157 00:15:58,570 --> 00:16:00,440 This will be easy! 158 00:16:14,920 --> 00:16:18,130 I focused specifically on increasing my strength! 159 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:24,840 I should be able to... 160 00:16:28,630 --> 00:16:30,970 I know that, here and now, 161 00:16:32,350 --> 00:16:35,380 I can kill you! 162 00:16:37,190 --> 00:16:42,040 Die! 163 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:17,370 I guess I really have gotten a bit stronger. 164 00:17:26,010 --> 00:17:29,260 Got something nice out of it, too. 165 00:17:29,800 --> 00:17:33,090 This dagger's made from its fangs, not its bones? 166 00:17:34,390 --> 00:17:37,077 That's double the attack power of Kim's sword, 167 00:17:37,089 --> 00:17:39,670 and it has paralysis and drain effects, too. 168 00:17:40,170 --> 00:17:44,090 This thing, on the other hand, is way too scary to use. 169 00:17:44,090 --> 00:17:45,880 Better to hold on to it. 170 00:17:55,240 --> 00:17:56,960 I guess I beat the dungeon? 171 00:18:08,020 --> 00:18:10,870 No one's around. I wonder what time it is. 172 00:18:11,200 --> 00:18:14,080 Excuse me! You can't go in there. 173 00:18:14,590 --> 00:18:16,660 Didn't you hear the broadcast? 174 00:18:16,660 --> 00:18:17,940 What broadcast? 175 00:18:17,940 --> 00:18:20,170 Come on, don't play around... 176 00:18:20,690 --> 00:18:22,890 Wait, are you a hunter? 177 00:18:22,890 --> 00:18:24,910 Yes, I am. 178 00:18:24,910 --> 00:18:27,960 My apologies, then! Let me show you to the battle. 179 00:18:27,960 --> 00:18:28,960 This way, please. 180 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:30,340 Oh, okay. 181 00:18:30,960 --> 00:18:32,670 Did something else happen? 182 00:18:38,090 --> 00:18:42,330 A dungeon break... I guess a magic beast made it out from a gate. 183 00:18:42,330 --> 00:18:47,690 It's mostly taken care of, but there's one big one left. 184 00:18:48,070 --> 00:18:50,550 Maybe it's my improved perception ability... 185 00:18:51,160 --> 00:18:55,120 but I can sense it. The boss is over there. 186 00:19:00,420 --> 00:19:04,500 No pictures, please! This is very dangerous! 187 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:07,730 How much longer?! 188 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:10,380 What if things get even worse?! 189 00:19:10,380 --> 00:19:14,390 Healers, make sure to focus on keeping the tank healthy! 190 00:19:14,390 --> 00:19:16,260 You don't have to tell us! 191 00:19:18,510 --> 00:19:20,810 What are our damage dealers doing?! 192 00:19:20,810 --> 00:19:23,620 This thing doesn't look like it's going down! 193 00:19:24,090 --> 00:19:26,650 Its defense is too strong! 194 00:19:27,060 --> 00:19:29,570 And we're short on hunters who can use magic! 195 00:19:29,570 --> 00:19:31,480 Excuse me! Coming through! 196 00:19:31,770 --> 00:19:34,700 A hastily assembled team... It's no wonder they don't work together well. 197 00:19:36,510 --> 00:19:38,080 Low ranks, too. 198 00:19:38,520 --> 00:19:42,470 I see eight E-Ranks and two D-Ranks. 199 00:19:42,910 --> 00:19:46,180 One of the D-Ranks is a tank, which is why they haven't been able to finish this, 200 00:19:46,180 --> 00:19:47,300 and the battle's running long. 201 00:19:48,120 --> 00:19:51,260 The healers... Two D-Ranks and a B-Rank. 202 00:19:52,290 --> 00:19:53,630 Lady, come on! 203 00:19:53,630 --> 00:19:57,550 You need to help someone! Aren't you a B-Rank healer?! 204 00:19:57,960 --> 00:19:59,520 Don't just stand there! 205 00:19:59,520 --> 00:20:00,770 R-Right! 206 00:20:03,380 --> 00:20:05,730 Seriously, stay focused! 207 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:14,790 One week later, she's still shaken up. 208 00:20:15,280 --> 00:20:18,370 Not that I can blame her. I'm the same. 209 00:20:19,800 --> 00:20:21,000 No. 210 00:20:23,970 --> 00:20:25,570 This is a D-Rank boss. 211 00:20:26,790 --> 00:20:29,510 Weaker than the one I just fought! 212 00:20:30,890 --> 00:20:32,820 We're gonna be wiped out at this rate! 213 00:20:32,820 --> 00:20:34,880 We can't do this without a higher-ranked hunter! 214 00:20:35,390 --> 00:20:37,600 If they can get through his defenses, 215 00:20:38,290 --> 00:20:39,600 they can win! 216 00:20:43,680 --> 00:20:45,940 An attack forceful enough to pierce stone... 217 00:20:46,850 --> 00:20:48,360 Take this! 218 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:52,630 Good! Its defenses are down! 219 00:20:52,630 --> 00:20:53,490 We can beat it! 220 00:21:02,070 --> 00:21:04,820 We did it... We actually did it! 221 00:21:06,100 --> 00:21:10,470 None of our attacks were working. What suddenly shattered its defense? 222 00:21:10,800 --> 00:21:14,130 It wasn't us. We weren't doing any damage at all. 223 00:21:14,930 --> 00:21:16,800 What was that thing that came flying? 224 00:21:18,770 --> 00:21:23,270 A boss-level golem that over ten people couldn't scratch 225 00:21:23,270 --> 00:21:25,280 got taken down by that?! 226 00:21:26,820 --> 00:21:28,240 Excuse me. 227 00:21:28,240 --> 00:21:29,300 Yes? 228 00:21:29,300 --> 00:21:31,770 Who threw that broken sword? 229 00:21:31,770 --> 00:21:34,190 Oh, it was the hunter who... 230 00:21:34,850 --> 00:21:37,270 Huh? He was just... 231 00:21:36,060 --> 00:21:38,490 What incredible power. 232 00:21:39,640 --> 00:21:41,840 Was it some high-ranked hunter? 233 00:21:48,980 --> 00:21:51,200 I didn't think a single attack would do it in. 234 00:21:51,520 --> 00:21:55,020 That golem must have been seriously weakened already. 235 00:21:59,380 --> 00:22:01,470 Jinwoo...?