1 00:01:34,017 --> 00:01:36,183 -Dilly dally, darling. 2 00:01:36,317 --> 00:01:38,083 There's not much point in paying for sunrise yoga 3 00:01:38,217 --> 00:01:40,383 if the sun's already risen. 4 00:01:52,850 --> 00:01:55,417 -Inhaling all the way up. 5 00:01:55,817 --> 00:01:57,850 And exhale. 6 00:01:58,117 --> 00:02:01,317 Hands right down by. 7 00:02:01,417 --> 00:02:04,150 Keep moving with your breath. 8 00:02:05,050 --> 00:02:08,050 Well? -Well what? 9 00:02:08,183 --> 00:02:10,750 -Just the last time you did a yoga class, 10 00:02:10,883 --> 00:02:14,317 you feel guilty about having cheated on your theory test. 11 00:02:14,383 --> 00:02:17,450 -I'm not feeling guilty. 12 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:18,850 -Oh, for goodness sake. 13 00:02:18,983 --> 00:02:22,183 I saw you and Archie together the other night. 14 00:02:22,317 --> 00:02:23,317 Kissing. 15 00:02:23,417 --> 00:02:26,017 -That's not what -- 16 00:02:26,150 --> 00:02:28,350 It isn't what you think. 17 00:02:28,483 --> 00:02:30,417 Archie tried to kiss me, but I slapped him 18 00:02:30,550 --> 00:02:31,817 before he got the chance. 19 00:02:31,950 --> 00:02:33,583 -You slapped him? 20 00:02:33,717 --> 00:02:36,183 -Yes. Quite hard, as well. 21 00:02:36,317 --> 00:02:39,017 -How very "Dynasty" of you. 22 00:02:39,150 --> 00:02:42,417 -I'm dreading seeing him again, to be honest. 23 00:02:42,550 --> 00:02:43,783 -And there I was believing there was nothing 24 00:02:43,917 --> 00:02:46,117 going on between you. 25 00:02:46,317 --> 00:02:47,450 -There is nothing going on. 26 00:02:47,583 --> 00:02:51,050 -Clearly. -There is nothing going on. 27 00:02:51,950 --> 00:02:54,417 -So you've told Humphrey all about it, then? 28 00:02:54,550 --> 00:02:58,583 -No. But I just don't want him to worry. 29 00:02:58,717 --> 00:03:02,617 Or to hate Archie or do anything stupid. 30 00:03:02,750 --> 00:03:04,217 -Well, secrets have a funny way of coming back 31 00:03:04,350 --> 00:03:05,850 and biting you in the band, you know? 32 00:03:05,983 --> 00:03:07,883 -This isn't a secret. 33 00:03:08,017 --> 00:03:10,183 I just feel like I've given Humphrey enough 34 00:03:10,317 --> 00:03:12,617 to digest recently. 35 00:03:12,750 --> 00:03:16,050 Telling him that I'm in business with my ex-fiancé, 36 00:03:16,183 --> 00:03:17,517 that I don't want a baby. 37 00:03:17,650 --> 00:03:20,683 -How's Humphrey been about the baby thing? 38 00:03:20,817 --> 00:03:22,850 -Perfect. 39 00:03:22,983 --> 00:03:24,950 Wonderful. 40 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:28,317 Saying all the right things. 41 00:03:28,450 --> 00:03:29,883 That's the problem. 42 00:03:30,017 --> 00:03:33,350 I'm just not sure he's being completely honest. 43 00:03:51,850 --> 00:03:53,017 -Morning. 44 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:55,317 -Morning, Esther. How's it going? 45 00:03:55,383 --> 00:03:58,617 -Oh, it's almost done. Just overhauling now. 46 00:03:58,750 --> 00:04:01,083 Making sure there's no risk of rekindle. 47 00:04:01,217 --> 00:04:02,417 -You suspect arson? 48 00:04:02,550 --> 00:04:05,050 -Well, there's definitely a smell of petrol. 49 00:04:05,183 --> 00:04:09,983 And the graffiti strongly suggests that might be the case. 50 00:04:10,117 --> 00:04:13,217 -Ah. I'm guessing this isn't a pig farm. 51 00:04:13,350 --> 00:04:16,217 -Arable and sheep, I think. 52 00:04:16,350 --> 00:04:18,517 -Right. I better talk to the owner. 53 00:04:18,650 --> 00:04:22,317 -Ah, that will be Lucas Fairly, the farmer. He called it in. 54 00:04:22,417 --> 00:04:24,317 -Okay. Cheers. 55 00:04:26,350 --> 00:04:28,450 Thank you. 56 00:04:28,583 --> 00:04:29,750 Lucas Fairly? 57 00:04:29,883 --> 00:04:31,350 -Not enough that burn down my barn, 58 00:04:31,483 --> 00:04:33,583 they have to ruin my bloody tractor, as well. 59 00:04:33,717 --> 00:04:35,850 -Any reason someone might want to set fire to your barn 60 00:04:35,983 --> 00:04:37,350 and write "Pig"? 61 00:04:37,483 --> 00:04:39,317 -Not that I can think of. 62 00:04:39,450 --> 00:04:41,483 -That's a nasty looking scratch. 63 00:04:41,617 --> 00:04:45,950 -Oh, yeah. Wrestling with a fence post. 64 00:04:46,083 --> 00:04:47,983 -You called in the fire. Is that correct? 65 00:04:48,117 --> 00:04:50,083 -Yeah. I woke about 3:30, I think. 66 00:04:50,217 --> 00:04:52,817 Saw the fire from the window, called 999. 67 00:04:52,950 --> 00:04:56,150 -Did you see anyone or anything else unusual? 68 00:04:56,317 --> 00:04:58,583 -No. No one. 69 00:04:58,717 --> 00:05:01,083 -Are you married, partner? Anyone else living here? 70 00:05:01,217 --> 00:05:04,617 -Who's asking? 71 00:05:04,750 --> 00:05:07,083 No. 72 00:05:07,217 --> 00:05:09,117 -Does anyone else work here? 73 00:05:09,317 --> 00:05:10,517 -No, it's just me. 74 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:12,150 I have seasonal workers that come in 75 00:05:12,317 --> 00:05:14,217 during the busy periods for the harvest and the like, 76 00:05:14,350 --> 00:05:15,850 but no one at present. 77 00:05:15,983 --> 00:05:18,417 -Right. Well, I'll have a look around. 78 00:05:18,550 --> 00:05:19,883 If you think of anything that could be relevant, 79 00:05:20,017 --> 00:05:21,450 give us a call. 80 00:05:21,583 --> 00:05:25,050 -Should I take your number? Just in case. 81 00:05:25,183 --> 00:05:26,983 -Station number is online. 82 00:05:30,950 --> 00:05:34,150 Well, I think I know the pig is. 83 00:05:34,317 --> 00:05:35,317 Is it all right if I have a look? 84 00:05:35,383 --> 00:05:38,217 -Yeah. I'll just follow you in. 85 00:05:42,083 --> 00:05:44,483 -Blimey. Big. 86 00:05:44,617 --> 00:05:45,983 -Yeah. 87 00:05:51,717 --> 00:05:54,183 -What have you got? 88 00:05:54,317 --> 00:05:55,983 -Don't know. 89 00:05:57,983 --> 00:05:59,817 Button, by looks of it. 90 00:06:04,583 --> 00:06:05,917 -Ah! 91 00:06:08,650 --> 00:06:10,683 Oh, duck. Yes. Oh, yeah. I got it. 92 00:06:10,817 --> 00:06:13,483 A bit earlier with the warning next time. 93 00:06:13,617 --> 00:06:15,350 Yes, apology accepted. Oh, hello. 94 00:06:15,483 --> 00:06:16,950 -Nice overalls. 95 00:06:17,083 --> 00:06:20,950 -Well, all the gear and no idea is my new mantra. 96 00:06:21,083 --> 00:06:22,850 Mwah. 97 00:06:22,983 --> 00:06:24,417 -What's this? 98 00:06:24,550 --> 00:06:27,083 -Can I not treat my beautiful and perfect fiancé 99 00:06:27,217 --> 00:06:29,217 to a health and balanced breakfast? 100 00:06:29,350 --> 00:06:31,817 -Well, when you put it like that. 101 00:06:34,717 --> 00:06:37,683 -Humph. -How was yoga? 102 00:06:37,817 --> 00:06:39,317 -Yes. Good. 103 00:06:39,417 --> 00:06:41,917 Well, apart from the fact that everyone was twice my age 104 00:06:42,050 --> 00:06:43,117 and three times as flexible. 105 00:06:43,317 --> 00:06:44,983 -Oh, yes. Well, now we're no longer 106 00:06:45,117 --> 00:06:48,750 going to be drowning in nappies and carrot puree, 107 00:06:48,883 --> 00:06:51,717 perhaps we can spend more time on our hobbies. 108 00:06:51,850 --> 00:06:54,917 You could go to yoga more than once a decade, 109 00:06:55,050 --> 00:06:59,350 and I could finally take up... 110 00:06:59,483 --> 00:07:02,050 -Squash? -Crochet. 111 00:07:02,183 --> 00:07:05,217 -Yes. Good idea. 112 00:07:06,783 --> 00:07:09,817 I could crochet you a nest, perhaps, Irwin. 113 00:07:10,850 --> 00:07:12,950 It's just a thought. 114 00:07:20,350 --> 00:07:23,783 -What, you just put the whole thing in a jar? 115 00:07:23,917 --> 00:07:28,350 -Mm-hmm. You give it a shake, and then all the skin comes off. 116 00:07:28,483 --> 00:07:30,383 -Well, I never. 117 00:07:30,517 --> 00:07:33,317 -You two aren't discussing horror films again, are you? 118 00:07:33,383 --> 00:07:35,783 -Garlic, sir. -Right. 119 00:07:35,917 --> 00:07:37,850 -Just when you think you got life sussed. 120 00:07:37,983 --> 00:07:39,750 -Morning, sir. 121 00:07:41,550 --> 00:07:43,050 -What have you got? 122 00:07:43,183 --> 00:07:45,717 -Suspected arson at Vicarage Farm, 123 00:07:45,850 --> 00:07:46,750 the hay barn. 124 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:48,417 Petrol, the likely accelerant, 125 00:07:48,550 --> 00:07:51,083 Graffiti found nearby. Possible message. 126 00:07:51,217 --> 00:07:53,150 -"Pig." -The farmer, Lucas Fairly, 127 00:07:53,317 --> 00:07:55,083 called in around 3:30 a.m. 128 00:07:55,217 --> 00:07:58,683 Silver button found at the scene, could be related. 129 00:07:58,817 --> 00:08:01,650 -Well, graffiti suggests it's personal, not random. 130 00:08:01,783 --> 00:08:04,450 Did Lucas Fairly have any idea who might be? 131 00:08:04,583 --> 00:08:07,017 -He says not. -But? 132 00:08:07,150 --> 00:08:10,750 I don't know. There was something a bit off about him. 133 00:08:10,883 --> 00:08:14,683 We're just doing background checks on him now. 134 00:08:14,817 --> 00:08:16,517 -Excellent. 135 00:08:34,083 --> 00:08:35,417 -Anyone fancy a cuppa? 136 00:08:35,550 --> 00:08:38,950 -Oh, yes, please. 137 00:08:39,083 --> 00:08:40,817 -No luck. 138 00:08:40,950 --> 00:08:43,650 -I was hoping to work out what type of clothing 139 00:08:43,783 --> 00:08:46,217 the button has come from, but the markings are so faded, 140 00:08:46,350 --> 00:08:48,683 it's almost impossible to narrow down. 141 00:08:48,817 --> 00:08:51,050 -All right. 142 00:08:51,183 --> 00:08:52,117 Hiya. 143 00:08:52,317 --> 00:08:53,417 -Hey. 144 00:08:53,550 --> 00:08:54,917 -Cleo, stop it. 145 00:08:55,050 --> 00:08:57,650 -Oh, I don't think you've met. 146 00:08:57,783 --> 00:08:59,517 This is our new DI, Humphrey Goodman. 147 00:08:59,650 --> 00:09:00,917 This is Cleo Davenport, 148 00:09:01,050 --> 00:09:03,350 Shipton's finest on call Firefighter. 149 00:09:03,483 --> 00:09:04,883 -Pleased to meet you, Cleo. 150 00:09:05,017 --> 00:09:07,217 -Well, coming from the town's finest darts player, 151 00:09:07,350 --> 00:09:08,550 I'll take that. 152 00:09:08,683 --> 00:09:10,783 -Yes. Got to say, it did feel good 153 00:09:10,917 --> 00:09:13,450 finally crushing the dart-aholics. 154 00:09:13,583 --> 00:09:15,650 -Right. Lovely to meet you, Cleo. 155 00:09:15,783 --> 00:09:17,517 -Right. 156 00:09:17,650 --> 00:09:19,850 I was just on my way to pick up Danni from work, 157 00:09:19,983 --> 00:09:23,350 so I thought I'd deliver the initial fire report in person. 158 00:09:23,483 --> 00:09:26,050 -Danni's working? -Those stables. 159 00:09:26,183 --> 00:09:28,850 -Oh, I remember our first day at St. Vincent's. 160 00:09:28,983 --> 00:09:30,350 -Stop, you're making me feel old. 161 00:09:33,617 --> 00:09:34,917 We've got another fire. 162 00:09:35,050 --> 00:09:37,417 Griffin's Timber yard. I'll keep you posted. 163 00:09:37,550 --> 00:09:39,517 -Okay. 164 00:09:47,350 --> 00:09:51,117 Right. Come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go! 165 00:10:29,150 --> 00:10:31,550 -Exactly the same M.O. as the farm. 166 00:10:34,583 --> 00:10:36,650 -Are there any links between here and Vicarage Farm? 167 00:10:36,783 --> 00:10:38,517 -Not that I can think of. 168 00:10:38,650 --> 00:10:41,117 -Looks like we might have a serial arsonist on our hands. 169 00:10:41,250 --> 00:10:42,617 Look at that. 170 00:10:42,750 --> 00:10:45,350 The ants. 171 00:10:45,483 --> 00:10:47,683 Looks like they're having a party. 172 00:10:51,217 --> 00:10:53,483 Oh, are you the owner? 173 00:10:53,617 --> 00:10:54,783 Ow! 174 00:10:54,917 --> 00:10:58,950 -Yeah. Susie Griffin. Yeah. 175 00:10:59,083 --> 00:11:01,383 Lucky they didn't burn the whole place down. 176 00:11:01,517 --> 00:11:02,650 -Can you think of any reason 177 00:11:02,783 --> 00:11:04,150 at all why someone might want to do this? 178 00:11:04,317 --> 00:11:06,883 -No disgruntled employees or clients? 179 00:11:07,017 --> 00:11:08,817 -No. Not that I know of. 180 00:11:08,950 --> 00:11:10,483 -There was another fire in the early hours. 181 00:11:10,617 --> 00:11:12,183 At Vicarage Farm. I heard. 182 00:11:12,317 --> 00:11:15,150 -Do you know Lucas Fairly? 183 00:11:15,317 --> 00:11:16,350 -Yeah, I do. 184 00:11:16,483 --> 00:11:18,583 -Not a fan? 185 00:11:18,717 --> 00:11:20,117 -He's got reputation, is all. 186 00:11:20,317 --> 00:11:22,150 -What kind of reputation? 187 00:11:22,317 --> 00:11:25,783 -Oh, you're better off asking his ex-employees about that. 188 00:11:25,917 --> 00:11:27,850 I'm sure Lucas will worm his way out of it. 189 00:11:27,983 --> 00:11:30,583 He always does. 190 00:11:30,717 --> 00:11:33,383 There's no smoke without fire, if you ask me. 191 00:11:34,917 --> 00:11:37,417 Just... 192 00:11:40,917 --> 00:11:42,083 -Hi, Margo. 193 00:11:42,217 --> 00:11:46,150 -No smoke without fire. Certainly isn't. 194 00:11:46,317 --> 00:11:47,883 -Yeah, we're on our way back. 195 00:11:48,017 --> 00:11:51,750 -Okay. We've looked into all ex-employees at Vicarage Farm. 196 00:11:51,883 --> 00:11:53,483 It seems Lucas Fairly 197 00:11:53,617 --> 00:11:56,717 is a bit touchy feely with his female employees. 198 00:11:56,850 --> 00:11:59,483 The only one to report anything, though, is a seasonal worker 199 00:11:59,617 --> 00:12:03,783 by the name of Jess Owens, who left abruptly one month in. 200 00:12:03,917 --> 00:12:05,650 Didn't press charges in the end. 201 00:12:05,783 --> 00:12:07,783 -And do we know where Jess Owens is now? 202 00:12:07,917 --> 00:12:11,883 -Uh, the Darran Mountains in Fiordland National Park. 203 00:12:12,017 --> 00:12:14,417 -Is that New Zealand? 204 00:12:14,550 --> 00:12:16,550 -Ooh, smart, detective? 205 00:12:16,683 --> 00:12:18,783 She went about a year ago, not been back since. 206 00:12:18,917 --> 00:12:21,850 And obviously not very contactable right now. 207 00:12:21,983 --> 00:12:23,350 -Right, any family or friends still in town? 208 00:12:23,483 --> 00:12:26,750 -No, she was just passing through, apparently. 209 00:12:26,883 --> 00:12:28,383 -Okay. Thanks, Margo. 210 00:12:28,517 --> 00:12:33,883 -Well, if that's everything, I'll be off. 211 00:12:35,083 --> 00:12:37,583 I've got an appointment with a chicken Kiev. 212 00:12:37,717 --> 00:12:39,350 -Right, -Bye. 213 00:12:39,483 --> 00:12:41,350 -Gosh. Home time. 214 00:12:41,483 --> 00:12:44,050 -I'm going to stay a bit longer. 215 00:12:44,183 --> 00:12:48,383 I'm still trying to find a match for this button. 216 00:12:48,517 --> 00:12:51,817 -Well, I could stay and give you a hand. 217 00:12:51,950 --> 00:12:53,650 -Thanks. 218 00:13:02,117 --> 00:13:03,650 -I didn't know you played darts. 219 00:13:03,783 --> 00:13:06,217 -Yeah. Captain of the Kitty Cats. 220 00:13:06,350 --> 00:13:08,483 That's how I want to Cleo. She's on my team. 221 00:13:08,617 --> 00:13:10,783 -All right. 222 00:13:10,917 --> 00:13:13,517 I used to play a bit of darts myself. 223 00:13:13,650 --> 00:13:15,417 -Really? -Oh, yes. 224 00:13:15,550 --> 00:13:19,617 In fact, they used to call me the Eric Bristow of St. Marie. 225 00:13:22,483 --> 00:13:24,117 Okay. 226 00:13:27,417 --> 00:13:29,317 Prove it. 227 00:13:29,417 --> 00:13:30,717 -What? 228 00:13:34,550 --> 00:13:36,717 -Prove it. 229 00:13:39,450 --> 00:13:41,317 -Okay. 230 00:13:56,617 --> 00:13:59,217 -Oh. -Oh, close. 231 00:14:01,950 --> 00:14:04,650 -Yes, well. I'm a bit rusty. 232 00:14:04,783 --> 00:14:06,783 -Whatever you say. 233 00:14:06,917 --> 00:14:08,717 Eric. 234 00:14:14,717 --> 00:14:16,983 -Excuse me. 235 00:14:17,117 --> 00:14:18,683 Round two. 236 00:14:20,317 --> 00:14:22,017 Round... 237 00:14:51,417 --> 00:14:54,550 -We're gonna need more hose! 238 00:14:55,950 --> 00:14:57,450 -Statement all done, sir. 239 00:14:57,583 --> 00:15:00,717 -Thank you, Sergeant. 240 00:15:00,850 --> 00:15:02,183 -Humphrey. 241 00:15:02,317 --> 00:15:04,317 -Archie. 242 00:15:04,450 --> 00:15:08,317 Sorry about your... 243 00:15:08,417 --> 00:15:11,817 -Wine cellar. Thank you. 244 00:15:11,950 --> 00:15:15,050 Some of the best vintage in there. 245 00:15:15,183 --> 00:15:16,783 Such a waste. 246 00:15:16,917 --> 00:15:18,183 -Yes. 247 00:15:18,317 --> 00:15:19,683 Any reason why someone might want to burn down 248 00:15:19,817 --> 00:15:21,050 your wine cellar? 249 00:15:21,183 --> 00:15:24,117 Upset anyone recently? 250 00:15:24,317 --> 00:15:27,983 -You think it could be arson? -Yes, I do. 251 00:15:28,917 --> 00:15:31,317 -That would still be covered by the insurance, though, right? 252 00:15:31,417 --> 00:15:34,817 -Well, that's a matter for your insurers. 253 00:15:34,950 --> 00:15:36,483 Excuse me. 254 00:15:49,917 --> 00:15:51,317 -Is that a pyjama top, sir? 255 00:15:51,383 --> 00:15:52,550 -What? 256 00:15:52,683 --> 00:15:54,417 Oh, yes, so it is. 257 00:15:54,550 --> 00:15:57,950 It was dark when I got dressed. 258 00:16:00,550 --> 00:16:02,083 Margo, could we have a look 259 00:16:02,217 --> 00:16:03,883 at Archie Hughes' insurance records, please? 260 00:16:04,017 --> 00:16:07,750 -Yeah. -Thank you. 261 00:16:07,883 --> 00:16:09,317 -Here you go. 262 00:16:09,383 --> 00:16:11,150 Oh, yeah. Thanks, Kelby. 263 00:16:11,317 --> 00:16:14,317 -Life saver. You suspect Archie? 264 00:16:14,450 --> 00:16:17,450 -Is that a pyjama -- -Top? Yes. 265 00:16:17,583 --> 00:16:20,550 Just due diligence, really. Something he said. 266 00:16:20,683 --> 00:16:23,050 It's probably nothing. 267 00:16:23,183 --> 00:16:27,217 So, so far, we have three fires, 268 00:16:27,350 --> 00:16:30,050 all approximately 12 hours apart at three different locations. 269 00:16:30,183 --> 00:16:34,717 But what is the connection, and why the word "pig"? 270 00:16:34,850 --> 00:16:36,617 -Why three pigs? 271 00:16:36,750 --> 00:16:41,183 -I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down. 272 00:16:43,483 --> 00:16:45,083 -What was that? -Oh. 273 00:16:45,217 --> 00:16:47,317 Just when you were saying three pigs, 274 00:16:47,417 --> 00:16:49,350 it reminded me the story. 275 00:16:51,683 --> 00:16:54,350 -Margo, you're a genius! 276 00:16:54,483 --> 00:16:57,717 -Well, it has been said before. 277 00:16:57,850 --> 00:17:01,483 -Of course! Esther, the three little pigs! 278 00:17:01,617 --> 00:17:03,750 This is what the arsonist is trying to tell us. 279 00:17:03,883 --> 00:17:06,150 -I think you might be clutching at -- 280 00:17:06,317 --> 00:17:08,550 -Straw? Exactly. 281 00:17:08,683 --> 00:17:14,850 Look, the hay barn is straw. The timber yard is sticks. 282 00:17:16,717 --> 00:17:19,583 And the wine cellar is bricks. 283 00:17:21,950 --> 00:17:25,783 -Okay. Let's just say you're right for a minute. 284 00:17:25,917 --> 00:17:27,750 Why a children's story? 285 00:17:30,317 --> 00:17:34,883 -That's what we need to find out. Back in a minute. 286 00:17:35,017 --> 00:17:37,083 -Where's he off to? 287 00:17:37,217 --> 00:17:38,783 -I've given up trying to understand 288 00:17:38,917 --> 00:17:41,783 the inner workings of the man. 289 00:17:41,917 --> 00:17:44,350 -Hm. Right. 290 00:17:44,483 --> 00:17:46,950 Whilst we willy winkies are running through the town -- 291 00:17:47,083 --> 00:17:49,317 -Who? 292 00:17:49,383 --> 00:17:50,950 -Oh, never mind. 293 00:17:51,083 --> 00:17:55,183 Can you look for any connection between our three victims? 294 00:17:55,317 --> 00:17:57,583 We already know that Susie Griffin and Lucas Fairly 295 00:17:57,717 --> 00:17:59,417 have crossed paths. 296 00:17:59,550 --> 00:18:01,217 Any clubs they might all belong to, 297 00:18:01,350 --> 00:18:03,017 any events they've all attended, 298 00:18:03,150 --> 00:18:05,217 any employees or friends they have in common. 299 00:18:05,350 --> 00:18:06,717 That sort of thing. -On it. 300 00:18:06,850 --> 00:18:09,917 -Margo, can you contact Archie Hughes' bank? 301 00:18:10,050 --> 00:18:12,883 I'll collate the financial records for our three victims. 302 00:18:13,017 --> 00:18:15,050 We might find something in there if we cross-reference them. 303 00:18:17,317 --> 00:18:19,483 -Shipton police station. 304 00:18:19,617 --> 00:18:21,917 Oh, hi, Floella. 305 00:18:26,450 --> 00:18:28,950 Let me just see who's available. 306 00:18:30,517 --> 00:18:35,117 Floella Jones has just had a break-in at her boat shed. 307 00:18:51,317 --> 00:18:54,150 -Took your time, didn't you? 308 00:18:54,317 --> 00:18:55,950 -20 minutes. Came as quick as I could. 309 00:18:56,083 --> 00:18:58,917 -Oh, never you mind that. Someone's broken into my shed. 310 00:18:59,050 --> 00:19:00,150 -Anything missing? 311 00:19:00,350 --> 00:19:02,550 -I ain't look yet. 312 00:19:02,683 --> 00:19:05,183 They might still be in there. 313 00:19:06,150 --> 00:19:07,650 -Okay, well, I doubt it. 314 00:19:07,783 --> 00:19:11,183 But you did the right thing in waiting. 315 00:19:20,483 --> 00:19:21,917 -What? -What? What? What? 316 00:19:22,050 --> 00:19:24,183 -Nothing. 317 00:19:24,317 --> 00:19:25,383 Coast is clear. 318 00:19:25,517 --> 00:19:27,717 -Oh. 319 00:19:27,850 --> 00:19:31,883 -So, notice anything missing? 320 00:19:39,317 --> 00:19:41,417 -I'll have to do an inventory. 321 00:19:41,550 --> 00:19:44,150 -An inventory? How long is that going to take? 322 00:19:44,317 --> 00:19:45,950 -Got somewhere to be? 323 00:19:49,350 --> 00:19:51,717 Let me get on with it then. 324 00:19:51,850 --> 00:19:53,683 Right Yeah. One. 325 00:19:53,817 --> 00:19:57,783 -Okay. Tell you what. I'll have a look around. 326 00:19:59,150 --> 00:20:04,550 -Then one day, a big bad wolf came walking along the road. 327 00:20:04,683 --> 00:20:08,350 He saw the first little pig in his straw house. 328 00:20:08,483 --> 00:20:12,517 With an evil glint in his eye... 329 00:20:15,750 --> 00:20:17,217 -Oh, Super. 330 00:20:17,350 --> 00:20:19,017 -Thought I'd swing by and see how you're getting on 331 00:20:19,150 --> 00:20:20,583 with these fires. 332 00:20:20,717 --> 00:20:23,683 -Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. 333 00:20:23,817 --> 00:20:25,517 -Nap time, is it? 334 00:20:28,717 --> 00:20:31,117 -Sorry. Noise cancelling. 335 00:20:31,250 --> 00:20:33,683 I didn't hear you. Sorry. What was that? 336 00:20:33,817 --> 00:20:36,117 -I asked if it was nap time. 337 00:20:36,250 --> 00:20:38,550 - Oh. No. 338 00:20:38,683 --> 00:20:41,150 I can see why you might think that. 339 00:20:41,283 --> 00:20:43,050 I think better with my eyes closed sometimes. 340 00:20:43,183 --> 00:20:47,117 It's all about sensory deprivation. 341 00:20:47,717 --> 00:20:49,550 And the children's story and the pyjamas. 342 00:20:49,683 --> 00:20:51,717 They help me think better, too, do they? 343 00:20:51,850 --> 00:20:53,683 -Right. Yes. 344 00:20:53,817 --> 00:20:55,883 No. Well, yes. 345 00:20:56,017 --> 00:20:59,517 The children's story is actually relevant to the case, ma'am. 346 00:20:59,650 --> 00:21:02,617 You see, our victims are pigs, and... 347 00:21:02,750 --> 00:21:05,483 -Sorry, our victims of pigs? 348 00:21:05,617 --> 00:21:09,117 -Not actual pigs. Metaphorical pigs. 349 00:21:11,183 --> 00:21:13,683 -Right. 350 00:21:14,217 --> 00:21:17,017 Esther, perhaps you can brief me in private. 351 00:21:17,150 --> 00:21:18,883 -Yes, sure. 352 00:21:23,683 --> 00:21:27,450 -Oh, those insurance docs came through. 353 00:21:27,583 --> 00:21:30,617 -Oh, yes. Great. Thanks, Margo. Good. 354 00:21:38,150 --> 00:21:42,417 -Could you call Archie? Ask him to come in, please. 355 00:21:43,017 --> 00:21:44,683 -With pleasure. 356 00:21:47,383 --> 00:21:49,050 -So how are you finding things here? 357 00:21:49,183 --> 00:21:50,550 -Yeah. Good. 358 00:21:50,683 --> 00:21:52,450 -And our new DI? 359 00:21:52,583 --> 00:21:55,150 -He's growing on me. 360 00:21:55,317 --> 00:21:57,617 -I mean, I can see why he might be attached to this place. 361 00:21:57,750 --> 00:22:00,117 It's got a certain old charm to it, 362 00:22:00,317 --> 00:22:02,583 but it is stuck in the past. 363 00:22:02,717 --> 00:22:05,083 You're a good detective, Esther. 364 00:22:05,217 --> 00:22:08,083 Imagine what you could achieve with all the modern technology 365 00:22:08,217 --> 00:22:11,083 and support HQ could offer you. 366 00:22:11,217 --> 00:22:12,450 -What do you mean? 367 00:22:12,583 --> 00:22:14,683 -I want to bring you over to the Hub. 368 00:22:14,817 --> 00:22:17,483 I think you'd make a great addition to the team. 369 00:22:17,617 --> 00:22:19,550 -Not just swinging by then. 370 00:22:19,683 --> 00:22:21,550 -Well, swinging by in a purposeful way. 371 00:22:21,683 --> 00:22:23,983 There'd be a promotion in it for you, too. 372 00:22:24,117 --> 00:22:26,817 -Oh, right. 373 00:22:26,950 --> 00:22:28,350 -PC Hartford? 374 00:22:28,483 --> 00:22:31,517 -Mm. 375 00:22:33,917 --> 00:22:36,150 -Are you choking? 376 00:22:36,317 --> 00:22:38,317 He's definitely choking. 377 00:22:55,017 --> 00:22:57,483 -You all right. 378 00:22:57,617 --> 00:22:59,183 Yeah? -Yes, thanks. 379 00:22:59,317 --> 00:23:02,550 -I'd better go. 380 00:23:02,683 --> 00:23:04,783 Esther, think about what I said. 381 00:23:04,917 --> 00:23:06,617 -Yeah. 382 00:23:10,617 --> 00:23:14,883 -Can the Earth just open up and swallow me whole? 383 00:23:16,317 --> 00:23:18,883 -It wasn't that bad. 384 00:23:19,017 --> 00:23:23,083 -The woman I love just performed the Heimlich on me. 385 00:23:23,217 --> 00:23:25,983 -Love or lust? 386 00:23:26,117 --> 00:23:28,883 -Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. 387 00:23:31,017 --> 00:23:34,317 -Right, don't you go tell the others, alright? 388 00:23:34,417 --> 00:23:37,850 -What, that you've got the hots for the chief superintendent? 389 00:23:37,983 --> 00:23:42,350 Oh, don't worry. You secret's safe with me. 390 00:23:42,483 --> 00:23:45,950 Now, go and get yourself cleaned up. 391 00:23:46,083 --> 00:23:47,750 -Thanks, Sarge. 392 00:24:03,483 --> 00:24:07,617 -Right. We're in -- We're in -- We're in here. 393 00:24:07,750 --> 00:24:09,817 Hope I'm not under arrest. 394 00:24:09,950 --> 00:24:13,717 -No, no, no. I just wanted to check a few things with you. 395 00:24:15,517 --> 00:24:18,650 -Yeah. Fire away. 396 00:24:18,783 --> 00:24:22,383 -Speaking of which, how is the wine cellar? 397 00:24:22,517 --> 00:24:25,817 -Oh, fire away, ha. Yeah. 398 00:24:25,950 --> 00:24:28,683 Mostly a great big pile of ash now. 399 00:24:28,817 --> 00:24:30,083 -Sorry about that. 400 00:24:30,217 --> 00:24:31,650 -Well, luckily, my stock is spread 401 00:24:31,783 --> 00:24:32,950 over the other sellers mostly. 402 00:24:33,083 --> 00:24:35,317 -Oh. And how many do you have? 403 00:24:35,417 --> 00:24:37,483 -Five. Well, four now. 404 00:24:37,617 --> 00:24:39,883 -Five? Impressive. 405 00:24:40,017 --> 00:24:43,350 Still a big insurance claim, I suppose. 406 00:24:43,483 --> 00:24:46,583 -I guess so. 407 00:24:46,717 --> 00:24:49,317 -Archie. 408 00:24:49,383 --> 00:24:52,617 Is there anything I should know? 409 00:24:52,750 --> 00:24:56,550 Anything you want to get off your chest, perhaps. 410 00:24:56,683 --> 00:24:57,917 -No, I don't think so. 411 00:24:58,050 --> 00:25:01,317 -You know, it's best to be honest up front. 412 00:25:01,450 --> 00:25:05,317 -Yeah, right. -Better for everyone involved. 413 00:25:05,450 --> 00:25:07,583 Okay, Archie? 414 00:25:07,717 --> 00:25:09,617 Mm hmm. 415 00:25:09,750 --> 00:25:13,217 I know. 416 00:25:13,350 --> 00:25:14,217 -You know? 417 00:25:14,350 --> 00:25:16,517 Mm-hmm. 418 00:25:18,017 --> 00:25:21,617 -Oh. Okay, look, I'm -- 419 00:25:21,750 --> 00:25:25,650 I'm sorry. I was wrong. Shouldn't have done it. 420 00:25:30,017 --> 00:25:32,350 -Right. 421 00:25:32,483 --> 00:25:34,550 Well, we're all capable of making bad decisions 422 00:25:34,683 --> 00:25:36,350 while we're under pressure. 423 00:25:36,483 --> 00:25:40,783 -Thank you. That's very understanding of you. 424 00:25:40,917 --> 00:25:43,083 -So get ready to make a full statement then? 425 00:25:43,217 --> 00:25:44,950 -Statement? For a kiss? 426 00:25:45,083 --> 00:25:46,517 -A what? 427 00:25:46,650 --> 00:25:48,017 -Well, look, I know it was wrong of me. 428 00:25:48,150 --> 00:25:49,917 -I'm sorry. For a kiss? 429 00:25:50,050 --> 00:25:51,517 -Sorry, didn't Martha tell you? 430 00:25:51,650 --> 00:25:54,350 -Martha? -Look, you said you knew. 431 00:25:54,483 --> 00:25:56,417 -About the insurance. -The insurance? 432 00:25:56,550 --> 00:25:58,450 -You doubled your insurance two days ago. 433 00:25:58,583 --> 00:25:59,950 You kissed Martha? 434 00:26:00,083 --> 00:26:02,717 -No, no, no. She slapped me. Nothing happened. 435 00:26:02,850 --> 00:26:04,450 -Humphrey, I'm sorry. 436 00:26:04,583 --> 00:26:05,883 -What's going on? -I'm not entirely sure. 437 00:26:06,017 --> 00:26:07,583 But I think it's best you take over, Sergeant. 438 00:26:07,717 --> 00:26:09,383 Before I do something I may regret. 439 00:26:09,517 --> 00:26:11,717 -Humphrey, listen. 440 00:26:27,517 --> 00:26:31,183 -My granddad used to collect these. 441 00:26:31,317 --> 00:26:33,650 -It's a mystery, they are. 442 00:26:33,783 --> 00:26:36,417 You think of all the conversations had over 443 00:26:36,550 --> 00:26:41,117 a pint of beer, life shared stories told. 444 00:26:41,317 --> 00:26:43,450 -Yeah, it must be worth something. 445 00:26:43,583 --> 00:26:46,850 -You can't put a value on story passed down. 446 00:26:46,983 --> 00:26:50,050 Oh, I know you all like to do on Face Pad these days, 447 00:26:50,183 --> 00:26:54,383 but when I were a lass, it were all done verbal like. 448 00:26:54,517 --> 00:26:56,750 Folks talk. 449 00:26:56,883 --> 00:26:58,117 -Well, we still like to chat 450 00:26:58,317 --> 00:27:00,317 over a pint every now and then, too. 451 00:27:00,450 --> 00:27:02,917 -Oh. 452 00:27:03,050 --> 00:27:07,017 -Well, anything missing? 453 00:27:07,983 --> 00:27:10,983 -Hard to say. 454 00:27:11,117 --> 00:27:13,683 -But I thought -- didn't you do an inventory? 455 00:27:13,817 --> 00:27:15,717 -I'm not a bloody O-Mac. 456 00:27:15,850 --> 00:27:18,983 -O-Mac? Oh, iMac. 457 00:27:19,117 --> 00:27:20,950 -That's what I said. 458 00:27:21,083 --> 00:27:25,217 -Okay. Let me know if you do notice anything missing. 459 00:27:25,350 --> 00:27:27,050 -Yeah. -Alright? 460 00:27:27,183 --> 00:27:29,150 -Yeah. -Okay. 461 00:27:29,317 --> 00:27:30,383 See ya, Flo. 462 00:27:30,517 --> 00:27:32,983 -Cheerio, cheerio. 463 00:28:10,750 --> 00:28:11,917 -You all right, sir? 464 00:28:12,050 --> 00:28:14,683 -Yes. Yes. Good. Fine. Great. 465 00:28:14,817 --> 00:28:16,750 So, where are we up to? 466 00:28:16,883 --> 00:28:19,483 -Archie Hughes has increased insurance on his business 467 00:28:19,617 --> 00:28:21,950 due to winning several awards for his wine recently. 468 00:28:22,083 --> 00:28:24,017 -And his whereabouts for the fires? 469 00:28:24,150 --> 00:28:26,117 -He was in London on business at the time of the first 470 00:28:26,317 --> 00:28:28,183 two fires, but no solid alibi for the third. 471 00:28:28,317 --> 00:28:31,850 Just asleep in bed. I'm struggling to find a motive. 472 00:28:31,983 --> 00:28:33,850 -And no leads on the barn still? 473 00:28:33,983 --> 00:28:36,383 -Nope. 474 00:28:36,517 --> 00:28:38,650 -Well, this day couldn't get any better. 475 00:28:42,117 --> 00:28:46,317 -Isn't this the bit where you tell us we're missing something? 476 00:28:46,450 --> 00:28:48,317 -Sorry? 477 00:28:50,750 --> 00:28:52,483 -We've missed something. 478 00:28:52,617 --> 00:28:55,750 What is the arsonist trying to tell us? 479 00:28:55,883 --> 00:28:58,917 If our victims are the three little pigs, 480 00:28:59,050 --> 00:29:02,417 then who would want to blow their houses down, and why? 481 00:29:02,550 --> 00:29:05,783 Who is the big bad wolf? 482 00:29:10,317 --> 00:29:13,183 -That was very good. 483 00:29:14,350 --> 00:29:15,983 -Yes, it was. 484 00:29:16,117 --> 00:29:18,083 -Thanks. I've been practising. 485 00:29:18,217 --> 00:29:19,550 I'm going to go see Cleo, 486 00:29:19,683 --> 00:29:21,050 see if the latest fire report's ready. 487 00:29:21,183 --> 00:29:24,550 Maybe that can shed some light on things. 488 00:29:24,683 --> 00:29:26,617 -Yes. Okay. 489 00:29:27,617 --> 00:29:29,650 -Bye. 490 00:29:34,817 --> 00:29:36,017 -Okay, Margo, there has to be a connection 491 00:29:36,150 --> 00:29:37,317 between the three victims. 492 00:29:37,383 --> 00:29:38,583 Nothing makes sense without that. 493 00:29:38,717 --> 00:29:40,017 There must be a connection. 494 00:29:40,150 --> 00:29:41,983 So let's trawl through the backgrounds again. 495 00:29:42,117 --> 00:29:44,383 -I'm on a cake break. 496 00:29:45,883 --> 00:29:48,950 -What, is that a thing? 497 00:29:49,083 --> 00:29:52,017 -Since I gave up cigarettes, yeah. 498 00:29:52,150 --> 00:29:55,217 -Right. Yes, of course. Yes. 499 00:29:55,350 --> 00:29:58,950 Well, I'll make a start, and you jump in when you're ready. 500 00:29:59,083 --> 00:30:00,817 -Right you are. 501 00:30:02,817 --> 00:30:04,483 -Yes. 502 00:30:05,617 --> 00:30:08,750 -Well, I'll be damned. They were after my paint. 503 00:30:08,883 --> 00:30:13,983 -Mm-hmm. And a can of petrol, by the looks of it. 504 00:30:14,117 --> 00:30:18,917 CCTV caught them walking away. Do you recognise them? 505 00:30:19,050 --> 00:30:22,950 -What, that dark, blurry figure? 506 00:30:23,083 --> 00:30:25,883 -Worth an ask. 507 00:30:26,017 --> 00:30:27,983 -Petrol. Petrol. 508 00:30:33,450 --> 00:30:36,283 -Uh, excuse me a sec, Flo. 509 00:30:36,417 --> 00:30:38,983 -Hm? Hey. 510 00:30:43,817 --> 00:30:45,317 - Yes. Hello? 511 00:30:45,450 --> 00:30:47,150 -Sir? -Kelby. 512 00:30:47,283 --> 00:30:49,317 Everything all right? 513 00:30:49,450 --> 00:30:53,183 -What colour did they use to paint the pig graffiti? 514 00:30:53,317 --> 00:30:54,617 -Blue. 515 00:30:54,750 --> 00:30:58,583 -Would you say it was a royal blue? 516 00:30:58,717 --> 00:31:00,650 -Yes. Yes, I would. Yes. 517 00:31:00,783 --> 00:31:03,817 -The break in at Flo's, a pot of royal blue paint 518 00:31:03,950 --> 00:31:07,150 was stolen as well as a can of petrol. 519 00:31:07,317 --> 00:31:10,983 I thought maybe it could be related to the fires. 520 00:31:11,117 --> 00:31:13,483 -It'd be off if it wasn't. 521 00:31:13,617 --> 00:31:14,850 Which means we're looking for the person 522 00:31:14,983 --> 00:31:16,150 who broke into the boat shed. 523 00:31:16,317 --> 00:31:17,783 -I've got an image of the suspect. 524 00:31:17,917 --> 00:31:21,783 Bit blurry, but send it to I.T., see if we can enhance it. 525 00:31:21,917 --> 00:31:23,450 -Great. 526 00:31:23,583 --> 00:31:24,717 Good work, Kelby. 527 00:31:24,850 --> 00:31:26,217 -Sir. 528 00:31:35,150 --> 00:31:36,583 -Oh, hello. 529 00:31:36,717 --> 00:31:38,650 -I just wondered if you had the fire report ready. 530 00:31:38,783 --> 00:31:40,517 Oh, great minds. I was just about to drop it off. 531 00:31:40,650 --> 00:31:41,617 Do you want to come in? 532 00:31:41,750 --> 00:31:43,450 -Yeah. Thanks. 533 00:31:47,783 --> 00:31:49,550 You're a star. Thank you. 534 00:31:49,683 --> 00:31:51,550 -Well, I don't know how much help it's going to be, 535 00:31:51,683 --> 00:31:53,183 though, I'm afraid. 536 00:31:53,317 --> 00:31:55,317 Last traces of petrol found at each location, 537 00:31:55,450 --> 00:31:58,417 so definitely arson, but I'm still none the wiser 538 00:31:58,550 --> 00:32:00,483 as to who or why. 539 00:32:00,617 --> 00:32:02,017 -No, us neither. 540 00:32:02,150 --> 00:32:05,017 -Mom, can't find my bag. 541 00:32:06,917 --> 00:32:08,883 Oh. Hi. 542 00:32:09,017 --> 00:32:11,417 -Hi, Danni. -It's on the hook. 543 00:32:11,550 --> 00:32:15,550 Obviously she'd lose her head if it wasn't screwed on. 544 00:32:15,683 --> 00:32:17,350 You all right? 545 00:32:17,483 --> 00:32:19,983 -Oh, yeah. Zoey's the same. 546 00:32:20,117 --> 00:32:25,117 Anyway, thanks for this. I best get back. See ya. 547 00:32:25,317 --> 00:32:28,083 -Yeah. I'm really sorry to burst in on you like this. 548 00:32:28,217 --> 00:32:32,017 -I heard about your wine cellar. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. 549 00:32:32,150 --> 00:32:36,017 Oh, I shouldn't disrupt your delivery. 550 00:32:36,150 --> 00:32:37,483 -I'm really busy, Archie. 551 00:32:37,617 --> 00:32:40,150 -I know. I'm sorry. -Please stop apologising. 552 00:32:40,317 --> 00:32:41,750 -Yeah, I'm sorry. 553 00:32:41,883 --> 00:32:45,783 I just want to apologise, I can see how that might sound 554 00:32:45,917 --> 00:32:47,917 like a bit of a hollow gesture, but... 555 00:32:48,050 --> 00:32:51,050 -You betrayed our friendship and jeopardised our partnership. 556 00:32:51,183 --> 00:32:52,717 -I know. 557 00:32:52,850 --> 00:32:55,017 And I'll go if you want. 558 00:32:55,150 --> 00:32:58,183 But please, let me explain. 559 00:32:58,317 --> 00:33:00,583 -Okay, fine. Five minutes. 560 00:33:00,717 --> 00:33:03,383 -Five minutes. 561 00:33:03,617 --> 00:33:05,583 Hi, guys. 562 00:33:12,217 --> 00:33:14,650 Right. 563 00:33:14,783 --> 00:33:16,650 This isn't an excuse, but when you broke off 564 00:33:16,783 --> 00:33:20,217 our engagement, I was devastated. 565 00:33:20,350 --> 00:33:21,750 And then you came back into my life, 566 00:33:21,883 --> 00:33:25,317 and I realised I'd never stopped loving you. 567 00:33:25,450 --> 00:33:26,950 And you were always the one for me. 568 00:33:27,083 --> 00:33:29,317 And I wish I felt differently. I do. 569 00:33:29,417 --> 00:33:31,017 And it was selfish of me to put you in such 570 00:33:31,150 --> 00:33:32,683 a difficult situation. 571 00:33:32,817 --> 00:33:36,583 I was wrong. 572 00:33:36,717 --> 00:33:39,217 It's not enough to love someone. 573 00:33:39,350 --> 00:33:41,183 You have to want the same things. 574 00:33:41,317 --> 00:33:42,383 Be in the same place. 575 00:33:42,517 --> 00:33:44,483 Metaphorically, I mean. 576 00:33:44,617 --> 00:33:46,750 You both have to feel the same way 577 00:33:46,883 --> 00:33:50,483 and to be honest with each other about that. 578 00:33:51,117 --> 00:33:53,117 And I accept that you might not feel the same way 579 00:33:53,317 --> 00:33:54,983 about me as I do you. 580 00:33:55,117 --> 00:33:56,617 Unless you're hiding it really well. 581 00:33:56,750 --> 00:33:58,917 Just checking. 582 00:34:00,350 --> 00:34:02,917 -But seriously. 583 00:34:03,050 --> 00:34:04,750 This partnership, 584 00:34:04,883 --> 00:34:08,650 your friendship, they mean the world to me. 585 00:34:08,783 --> 00:34:12,750 And it would be my biggest regret if I... 586 00:34:12,883 --> 00:34:14,983 if I've ruined that. 587 00:34:17,450 --> 00:34:19,450 Can I ask your forgiveness now? 588 00:34:19,583 --> 00:34:22,183 -Yes, you may. 589 00:34:22,317 --> 00:34:23,483 -Marts, please forgive me. 590 00:34:23,617 --> 00:34:28,483 -Yes, you're forgiven. 591 00:34:31,650 --> 00:34:34,483 -Oh, I might have put my foot in it with Humphrey, 592 00:34:34,617 --> 00:34:36,483 -What? -Crossed wires. 593 00:34:36,617 --> 00:34:39,417 I didn't realise he didn't know about the whole 594 00:34:39,550 --> 00:34:41,517 kiss attempt/slap thing. 595 00:34:41,650 --> 00:34:44,917 -Archie! -Why didn't you tell him? 596 00:34:45,050 --> 00:34:46,750 -Because I hadn't got round to it. 597 00:34:46,883 --> 00:34:48,950 Ugh, I need to go and talk to him. 598 00:34:49,083 --> 00:34:51,317 -Do you want me to come? 599 00:34:51,383 --> 00:34:52,850 -No! 600 00:34:52,983 --> 00:34:55,017 -But I -- -This is my mess 601 00:34:55,150 --> 00:34:57,983 coming back to bite me on the behind. 602 00:34:58,117 --> 00:35:00,417 God, I hate it when Mom's right. 603 00:35:04,417 --> 00:35:06,150 -Look, it's still pretty blurry. 604 00:35:06,317 --> 00:35:07,717 -It's definitely a woman. 605 00:35:07,850 --> 00:35:09,383 -Or a slim man. 606 00:35:12,183 --> 00:35:13,917 -I think I know who it is. 607 00:35:14,050 --> 00:35:15,750 -From all the way over there? 608 00:35:15,883 --> 00:35:17,883 -What? -The arsonist. 609 00:35:18,017 --> 00:35:19,183 -I'm not sure, but -- 610 00:35:19,317 --> 00:35:20,883 -Well, maybe this will help. -Yeah. 611 00:35:21,017 --> 00:35:25,317 I managed to track down some CCTV footage of the suspect 612 00:35:25,417 --> 00:35:27,583 that broke into Flo's -- Oh, shit. 613 00:35:27,717 --> 00:35:31,717 -To steal paint and petrol. 614 00:35:31,850 --> 00:35:34,317 -It's Danni Davenport. 615 00:35:35,483 --> 00:35:38,617 -Cleo's daughter? 616 00:35:39,183 --> 00:35:43,683 -The silver button I found, I've just seen it. 617 00:35:43,817 --> 00:35:45,217 -Hi. 618 00:35:45,350 --> 00:35:48,350 -She had a silver button missing from her dungarees. 619 00:35:48,483 --> 00:35:50,317 They're identical. 620 00:35:52,150 --> 00:35:53,883 Hang on. 621 00:35:58,683 --> 00:36:02,683 Yes. Look at this on Lucas Fairly's bank statements. 622 00:36:02,817 --> 00:36:04,117 Here. -Winslow Stables. 623 00:36:04,317 --> 00:36:05,883 -That's where Danni works. 624 00:36:06,017 --> 00:36:09,317 They must buy their hay from Lucas. 625 00:36:09,383 --> 00:36:11,750 And Danni goes kayaking at The Point, 626 00:36:11,883 --> 00:36:14,783 so she must pass by Flo's boat shed all the time. 627 00:36:14,917 --> 00:36:16,383 -But why would she set these fires? 628 00:36:16,517 --> 00:36:17,783 -I don't know about the other two, 629 00:36:17,917 --> 00:36:20,183 but we all know Fairly's reputation. 630 00:36:20,317 --> 00:36:22,583 And on the morning after the fire, 631 00:36:22,717 --> 00:36:25,483 I noticed fresh scratches on his arm. 632 00:36:25,617 --> 00:36:28,850 -Wrestling with a fence post. 633 00:36:28,983 --> 00:36:31,783 -Maybe he tried to assault Danni? 634 00:36:31,917 --> 00:36:35,317 It could be how she lost the button, too. 635 00:36:35,383 --> 00:36:36,917 -If she did set the fire at Vicarage Farm, 636 00:36:37,050 --> 00:36:38,883 then she must have done the other two. 637 00:36:39,017 --> 00:36:40,550 -Wait, didn't Cleo say she was picking up 638 00:36:40,683 --> 00:36:42,317 Danni from work when the second fire broke out. 639 00:36:42,450 --> 00:36:43,950 -Giving her an alibi. 640 00:36:44,083 --> 00:36:46,550 Check with the stables. Check she was actually there. 641 00:36:46,683 --> 00:36:48,550 -Oh. 642 00:36:48,683 --> 00:36:51,350 -Oh, and see the last time she visited Vicarage Farm. 643 00:36:51,483 --> 00:36:53,550 -I really hope I'm wrong. 644 00:36:53,683 --> 00:36:55,750 -Oh, hi. This is Shipton Police Station. 645 00:36:55,883 --> 00:36:57,450 -What about our other two victims? 646 00:36:57,583 --> 00:36:58,750 -Our other two victims. 647 00:36:58,883 --> 00:37:00,583 The timber yard and the wine cellar. 648 00:37:00,717 --> 00:37:02,317 Are they linked in any way? 649 00:37:02,450 --> 00:37:03,617 -Nothing on the searches. 650 00:37:03,750 --> 00:37:04,917 -Because all three fires 651 00:37:05,050 --> 00:37:07,317 must have been set by the same person. 652 00:37:07,450 --> 00:37:10,517 -Cheers, mate. Yeah. Brilliant. 653 00:37:12,917 --> 00:37:16,350 Danni Davenport was at the stables all afternoon. 654 00:37:16,483 --> 00:37:18,983 They sign in and sign out. 655 00:37:19,117 --> 00:37:22,783 She was definitely there when the second fire was started. 656 00:37:22,917 --> 00:37:25,583 Air tight alibi. -So I was wrong. 657 00:37:25,717 --> 00:37:27,783 -Although she was at Vicarage Farm the day before 658 00:37:27,917 --> 00:37:30,583 the fire, picking up hay bales for the stables. 659 00:37:30,717 --> 00:37:33,217 -There's nothing new in the fire report, either. 660 00:37:33,350 --> 00:37:35,617 Traces of petrol, clearly the same perpetrator, 661 00:37:35,750 --> 00:37:37,450 the same M.O., but other than that -- 662 00:37:37,583 --> 00:37:39,717 -Yes. Unless... 663 00:37:39,850 --> 00:37:42,317 -What? -Excuse me. 664 00:37:49,083 --> 00:37:51,317 The lab report might have picked up something 665 00:37:51,383 --> 00:37:52,717 the fire investigators did not. 666 00:37:52,850 --> 00:37:55,783 I don't know. I don't know. 667 00:37:55,917 --> 00:37:57,683 But right now, I'll take anything. 668 00:37:57,817 --> 00:38:00,583 Come on. Ah. 669 00:38:05,150 --> 00:38:07,383 Huh. -What? 670 00:38:07,950 --> 00:38:10,817 -Triglycerides. That's, um... 671 00:38:10,950 --> 00:38:12,450 -Vegetable oil. 672 00:38:12,583 --> 00:38:14,217 -Yes, I thought so. 673 00:38:14,350 --> 00:38:16,783 -What? I'm a genius? 674 00:38:16,917 --> 00:38:18,783 -That he wouldn't exactly describe his presence 675 00:38:18,917 --> 00:38:21,650 at the scene as being obscure. 676 00:38:21,783 --> 00:38:24,950 And it's noted in the lab test, but not in the fire report. 677 00:38:26,717 --> 00:38:28,450 Why? 678 00:38:32,450 --> 00:38:34,617 Why would Cleo leave triglycerides out? 679 00:38:34,750 --> 00:38:37,417 -I guess vegetable oil is a common household item. 680 00:38:37,550 --> 00:38:39,950 She might not have thought it was relevant. 681 00:38:40,083 --> 00:38:42,383 -Ants party. -What? 682 00:38:42,517 --> 00:38:44,017 -Ants! 683 00:38:44,150 --> 00:38:46,217 Do you remember the ants at the timber yard fire? 684 00:38:46,350 --> 00:38:47,883 Lots of them. -Yeah. 685 00:38:48,017 --> 00:38:50,950 -Well, they would have been attracted to the oil. 686 00:38:51,083 --> 00:38:54,983 They would have been attracted to the oil. 687 00:38:57,683 --> 00:38:58,983 Back in a minute. 688 00:38:59,117 --> 00:39:02,150 -Not this time. I'm coming with you. 689 00:39:11,350 --> 00:39:13,183 -What is he doing? 690 00:39:15,183 --> 00:39:19,783 -There's a fine line between genius and insanity. 691 00:39:20,783 --> 00:39:22,783 Come on. 692 00:39:31,350 --> 00:39:35,150 Someone showed me how to do this once. 693 00:39:35,317 --> 00:39:37,417 I think I've remembered it right. 694 00:39:41,317 --> 00:39:42,817 -So what do we do? 695 00:39:42,950 --> 00:39:44,750 -Now? 696 00:39:44,883 --> 00:39:47,217 We wait. 697 00:39:57,883 --> 00:40:00,050 -Would you like to talk about what happened 698 00:40:00,317 --> 00:40:01,883 between you and Archie? 699 00:40:03,883 --> 00:40:05,850 -How much did you hear? 700 00:40:05,983 --> 00:40:08,117 -Enough. 701 00:40:08,883 --> 00:40:10,550 -Huh. 702 00:40:13,250 --> 00:40:16,117 Well... 703 00:40:18,483 --> 00:40:20,817 Nothing actually happened. 704 00:40:20,950 --> 00:40:24,850 I mean, certainly nothing for me to get upset about. 705 00:40:27,483 --> 00:40:31,617 Martha stopped him trying to kiss her. 706 00:40:33,317 --> 00:40:37,683 So nothing. 707 00:40:37,817 --> 00:40:39,517 I just -- 708 00:40:39,650 --> 00:40:42,483 I don't know why she didn't tell me. 709 00:40:44,817 --> 00:40:46,783 -Maybe she will. 710 00:40:46,917 --> 00:40:48,683 In her own time. 711 00:40:51,617 --> 00:40:54,117 -Just feels like we're a bit distant at the moment. 712 00:40:56,050 --> 00:40:58,150 I thought the IVF would bring us closer together. 713 00:40:58,283 --> 00:41:03,417 But, you know, facing adversity, what doesn't kill you, 714 00:41:03,550 --> 00:41:05,317 and all that. 715 00:41:08,617 --> 00:41:10,683 -I didn't know about the IVF. 716 00:41:12,583 --> 00:41:15,317 I'm sorry. 717 00:41:15,450 --> 00:41:17,383 -Thanks. 718 00:41:17,517 --> 00:41:19,883 -For what it's worth, I've got friends 719 00:41:20,017 --> 00:41:22,217 that have been through it. 720 00:41:22,350 --> 00:41:23,550 It's tough. 721 00:41:23,683 --> 00:41:25,450 -Yeah. 722 00:41:25,583 --> 00:41:28,817 -Puts a strain on anyone's relationship, 723 00:41:28,950 --> 00:41:30,350 but at least you're facing it together. 724 00:41:30,483 --> 00:41:33,583 -Except we're not, not anymore. 725 00:41:37,050 --> 00:41:41,017 It's like we just can't find each other. 726 00:41:42,917 --> 00:41:47,317 Now, Martha's decided she doesn't even want children. 727 00:41:47,417 --> 00:41:50,583 -How do you feel about that? 728 00:41:50,717 --> 00:41:52,883 -Fine. 729 00:41:53,017 --> 00:41:54,650 -Really? 730 00:41:54,783 --> 00:41:57,883 -Yeah, I just want to support Martha and be there for her. 731 00:41:58,017 --> 00:42:01,850 -You can't just disregard your own feelings. 732 00:42:02,417 --> 00:42:04,350 That's no help to anyone. 733 00:42:08,517 --> 00:42:10,650 You'll figure it out. 734 00:42:10,783 --> 00:42:12,717 I'm sure. 735 00:42:12,850 --> 00:42:14,783 -Yeah. 736 00:42:16,983 --> 00:42:18,517 Yeah. 737 00:42:34,883 --> 00:42:36,550 -Humphrey? 738 00:42:39,317 --> 00:42:41,017 Humphrey? 739 00:42:45,050 --> 00:42:47,717 Don't suppose you've seen Humphrey, have you? 740 00:42:50,983 --> 00:42:52,550 Never mind. 741 00:42:54,817 --> 00:42:58,117 You're right. I should have told him. 742 00:43:04,983 --> 00:43:06,717 What a mess. 743 00:43:18,617 --> 00:43:20,150 -Sir, this is ridiculous. 744 00:43:20,317 --> 00:43:21,883 -I'd keep a safe distance if I were you. 745 00:43:22,017 --> 00:43:24,750 -What? From the scary cardboard? 746 00:43:36,617 --> 00:43:38,017 2 hours, 10 minutes. 747 00:43:38,150 --> 00:43:40,350 Just enough time to set a delayed ignition device, 748 00:43:40,483 --> 00:43:42,183 graffiti "pig" on the wall, and get back in time to 749 00:43:42,317 --> 00:43:43,550 give yourself an air tight alibi. 750 00:43:43,683 --> 00:43:45,383 -So you do think Danni is our arsonist, then? 751 00:43:45,517 --> 00:43:47,583 -Well, yes. 752 00:43:49,017 --> 00:43:50,983 And no. 753 00:43:51,117 --> 00:43:53,417 I think you were right about Danni and Lucas. 754 00:43:53,550 --> 00:43:54,983 On the day before the fire, we know that 755 00:43:55,117 --> 00:43:57,850 Danni was collecting hay bales from Vicarage Farm. 756 00:44:05,917 --> 00:44:07,517 -All right, gorgeous. 757 00:44:07,650 --> 00:44:09,717 -My name's Danni. 758 00:44:18,350 --> 00:44:19,517 Get off. 759 00:44:19,650 --> 00:44:21,417 -I think it was her, sadly. 760 00:44:21,550 --> 00:44:22,783 -Don't touch me. -Alright. 761 00:44:22,917 --> 00:44:26,817 -That Lucas likely attacked Danni. 762 00:44:26,950 --> 00:44:28,650 The button coming off in the struggle. 763 00:44:28,783 --> 00:44:30,717 -Get off me! 764 00:44:36,650 --> 00:44:39,217 -Pig. -Exactly. 765 00:44:49,917 --> 00:44:51,317 On the night of the fire, 766 00:44:51,417 --> 00:44:52,617 I think Danni broke into Floella's boat shed 767 00:44:52,750 --> 00:44:54,150 and stole the paint and petrol. 768 00:44:54,317 --> 00:44:57,717 She then headed back to the hay barn at Vicarage Farm 769 00:44:57,850 --> 00:45:02,617 to teach Lucas Fairly a lesson. 770 00:45:05,883 --> 00:45:10,950 She wanted to leave him a very clear message. 771 00:45:11,717 --> 00:45:14,117 -But why did she start the other two fires? 772 00:45:17,383 --> 00:45:19,317 -I don't think she did. 773 00:45:20,517 --> 00:45:23,917 I thought she had when I first thought of this experiment. 774 00:45:24,050 --> 00:45:26,217 You know, I was trying to find a way to break her alibi. 775 00:45:26,350 --> 00:45:28,817 But then two things struck me. 776 00:45:28,950 --> 00:45:31,417 -Which are? -Firstly, if we're right about 777 00:45:31,550 --> 00:45:34,150 what happened at Vicarage Farm and that Danni started 778 00:45:34,317 --> 00:45:37,317 the fires there, which I think we are, 779 00:45:37,450 --> 00:45:39,317 then she had no reason whatsoever 780 00:45:39,383 --> 00:45:40,983 to start the other fires. 781 00:45:41,117 --> 00:45:42,483 -And the second? 782 00:45:42,617 --> 00:45:46,150 -The person who showed me this trick 783 00:45:46,317 --> 00:45:48,317 is a firefighter. 784 00:45:48,417 --> 00:45:50,383 It's a training exercise. 785 00:45:52,850 --> 00:45:56,717 I think Cleo arrived home to find Danni distraught. 786 00:45:56,850 --> 00:46:00,150 Perhaps trying to dispose of any evidence. 787 00:46:00,350 --> 00:46:02,883 And either Cleo worked out what had happened 788 00:46:03,017 --> 00:46:05,050 or Danni had told her. 789 00:46:05,183 --> 00:46:07,917 Danni must have begged her mum, beg her mum not to do anything, 790 00:46:08,050 --> 00:46:09,983 not to go to the police, because if she did, 791 00:46:10,117 --> 00:46:12,750 then she would also have to confess to starting the fire. 792 00:46:12,883 --> 00:46:14,350 -Cleo must have been desperate. 793 00:46:14,483 --> 00:46:17,150 -Desperate, desperate, because she'd know full well 794 00:46:17,317 --> 00:46:19,317 there was every chance that her daughter would be caught 795 00:46:19,450 --> 00:46:21,217 and charged with arson. 796 00:46:21,350 --> 00:46:25,017 -So you're saying that Cleo set the other two fires? 797 00:46:25,150 --> 00:46:28,617 But Cleo would never. She's a firefighter. 798 00:46:32,150 --> 00:46:35,617 And a mum that would do anything to protect her daughter. 799 00:46:35,750 --> 00:46:37,517 -Cleo knew then that she could make it look like 800 00:46:37,650 --> 00:46:39,083 a serial arsonist. 801 00:46:39,217 --> 00:46:41,850 Then she would draw the focus away from the first fire 802 00:46:41,983 --> 00:46:44,683 and most importantly, draw the focus away from Danni. 803 00:46:44,817 --> 00:46:46,650 I mean, the pattern was already set. 804 00:46:46,783 --> 00:46:50,083 Burnt straw and the word "pig" scrawled on the tractor. 805 00:46:50,217 --> 00:46:52,383 All Cleo needed to add was sticks and bricks. 806 00:46:52,517 --> 00:46:54,683 And we'd be looking for the big bad wolf. 807 00:46:54,817 --> 00:46:58,783 And by using vegetable oil, 808 00:46:58,917 --> 00:47:00,483 Cleo was even smart enough to make sure 809 00:47:00,617 --> 00:47:01,917 she was at the police station 810 00:47:02,050 --> 00:47:05,817 when the report of the second fire came in. 811 00:47:05,950 --> 00:47:06,950 -I'll sort it out, okay? 812 00:47:07,083 --> 00:47:08,517 Don't tell anyone. 813 00:47:08,650 --> 00:47:10,117 -Okay. 814 00:47:10,917 --> 00:47:14,517 -During her training, Cleo would learn that if you 815 00:47:14,650 --> 00:47:18,583 soak a rag in vegetable oil and place it inside a container, 816 00:47:18,717 --> 00:47:20,350 then the oil undergoes a chemical process 817 00:47:20,483 --> 00:47:23,750 known as oxidation that releases energy in the form of heat 818 00:47:23,883 --> 00:47:28,650 when exposed to air, meaning it will self combust 819 00:47:28,783 --> 00:47:30,717 after a certain amount of time. 820 00:47:34,217 --> 00:47:37,317 She chose Susie Griffin's wood yard for sticks 821 00:47:37,417 --> 00:47:40,050 and Archie's wine cellar for bricks. 822 00:47:40,183 --> 00:47:42,717 See, I think she selected two targets that she knew 823 00:47:42,850 --> 00:47:47,017 would be empty so there was no danger of anyone getting hurt. 824 00:47:50,417 --> 00:47:55,117 Now, the oil allowed her to be far away when the fire started. 825 00:47:57,117 --> 00:47:59,083 And just as importantly, it would send us off 826 00:47:59,217 --> 00:48:02,583 on a wild goose chase and away from my daughter. 827 00:48:10,550 --> 00:48:12,517 I'm sorry. 828 00:48:12,650 --> 00:48:15,017 I know she's your friend. 829 00:48:15,950 --> 00:48:18,917 If you'd rather not come, I can do the next bit on my own. 830 00:48:19,050 --> 00:48:20,550 -No. 831 00:48:22,483 --> 00:48:24,117 No, I'll come. 832 00:48:33,950 --> 00:48:35,683 I'm sorry, Cleo. 833 00:48:37,817 --> 00:48:39,650 -You know, don't you? 834 00:48:39,783 --> 00:48:41,183 -We're gonna need to talk to Danni, too. 835 00:48:41,317 --> 00:48:44,083 -No. All right? I did it. 836 00:48:44,217 --> 00:48:46,617 It was me. I set all three fires. 837 00:48:46,750 --> 00:48:47,983 I take full responsibility. 838 00:48:48,117 --> 00:48:49,450 -Look, I'm sorry -- -Do you have someone 839 00:48:49,583 --> 00:48:51,550 in your life that you love more than anything? 840 00:48:51,683 --> 00:48:53,150 -I do, yes. -And you're willing 841 00:48:53,317 --> 00:48:54,917 to throw yourself in front of a bus to save their life? 842 00:48:55,050 --> 00:48:57,150 -Yes. -Well, we all have versions 843 00:48:57,317 --> 00:48:58,783 of the truth, 844 00:48:58,917 --> 00:49:01,883 stories that we tell to protect the ones that we love. 845 00:49:04,217 --> 00:49:06,317 I'm telling the truth. 846 00:49:06,417 --> 00:49:08,317 My truth. 847 00:49:11,117 --> 00:49:13,183 I'm not going to change a word of it. 848 00:49:15,517 --> 00:49:17,217 I set all three fires. 849 00:49:23,617 --> 00:49:25,950 -Don't think handcuffs are necessary. Come on. 850 00:49:28,917 --> 00:49:30,083 -Mum! 851 00:49:30,217 --> 00:49:31,783 No, please don't. 852 00:49:31,917 --> 00:49:33,550 -Shh. 853 00:49:33,683 --> 00:49:35,483 There's a lasagna in the fridge, and there's money in the pot 854 00:49:35,617 --> 00:49:36,850 if you need it, okay? 855 00:49:36,983 --> 00:49:38,783 I'll call you when I got a chance. 856 00:49:38,917 --> 00:49:40,517 -Love you. 857 00:49:40,650 --> 00:49:42,917 -I love you, too, sweetheart. 858 00:49:44,150 --> 00:49:46,317 Wasn't anything that you know. 859 00:49:55,717 --> 00:49:58,217 Maybe I'll stay with Danni for a bit. 860 00:49:58,350 --> 00:50:00,650 -Yeah. Good idea. 861 00:50:12,817 --> 00:50:14,650 -I'll make you a cup of tea. 862 00:50:15,317 --> 00:50:17,917 Come on, Danni. 863 00:50:22,950 --> 00:50:24,783 -Thanks. 864 00:50:30,983 --> 00:50:36,317 -You know my daughter, Zoey, she's 15 now. 865 00:50:36,450 --> 00:50:38,817 And I'd do anything to keep her safe. 866 00:50:40,783 --> 00:50:43,583 And it makes me sick to my stomach 867 00:50:43,717 --> 00:50:45,883 the thought of anyone hurting her. 868 00:50:50,450 --> 00:50:52,450 I know it's not easy. 869 00:50:55,283 --> 00:50:56,383 Worrying if you'll be believed. 870 00:50:56,517 --> 00:50:59,117 So I would never judge you, Danni. 871 00:50:59,250 --> 00:51:01,017 Whatever you decide to do. 872 00:51:03,617 --> 00:51:07,317 But if Lucas Fairly did do something to you, 873 00:51:07,417 --> 00:51:09,450 then he should be held accountable 874 00:51:09,583 --> 00:51:11,650 before he hurts anyone else. 875 00:51:13,483 --> 00:51:15,983 And if you did want to tell the truth, 876 00:51:16,117 --> 00:51:19,450 I'm sure what happened to you will be taken into account. 877 00:51:23,150 --> 00:51:25,650 Now it's up to you. 878 00:51:25,783 --> 00:51:29,917 But I'll be at the station till late this evening. 879 00:51:30,050 --> 00:51:31,717 Just in case. 880 00:52:25,650 --> 00:52:27,317 -Evening. 881 00:52:33,150 --> 00:52:38,583 I thought we could put some of these tankers to use. 882 00:52:38,717 --> 00:52:41,650 -That one there belonged to my gramps. 883 00:52:41,783 --> 00:52:43,717 Cantankerous old git. 884 00:52:43,850 --> 00:52:47,450 But get a couple of ales in him, he'd light up. 885 00:52:47,583 --> 00:52:51,817 Telling stories about his time on the ships. 886 00:52:51,950 --> 00:52:56,883 There was this one time, he saw a thing on the horizon. 887 00:52:57,017 --> 00:52:59,350 He got his rod, he cast off, 888 00:52:59,483 --> 00:53:01,450 damn thing hit the old rock. 889 00:53:01,583 --> 00:53:04,050 It's true! It's really true. 890 00:53:04,183 --> 00:53:06,417 The sharks, you know, you got to be careful. 891 00:53:06,550 --> 00:53:08,417 -Yeah. -Yeah. 892 00:53:37,317 --> 00:53:38,650 -Everything all right? 893 00:53:38,783 --> 00:53:40,817 -Yeah. 894 00:53:40,950 --> 00:53:42,650 No. 895 00:53:42,783 --> 00:53:44,450 I don't know. 896 00:53:44,583 --> 00:53:47,750 -You're worried? About the Archie thing? 897 00:53:47,883 --> 00:53:49,917 That I know? 898 00:53:52,183 --> 00:53:53,517 It's okay. 899 00:53:53,650 --> 00:53:57,850 -I know that you know, but it shouldn't be okay. 900 00:53:57,983 --> 00:53:59,750 -You know? How? 901 00:53:59,883 --> 00:54:03,383 -Archie told me. 902 00:54:03,517 --> 00:54:04,750 -All right. 903 00:54:06,517 --> 00:54:08,617 You've seen him today then? 904 00:54:08,750 --> 00:54:10,850 -He came to apologise. 905 00:54:10,983 --> 00:54:13,983 -Oh. Oh, good. 906 00:54:14,117 --> 00:54:17,850 -I came home to talk to you about it, but you weren't here, 907 00:54:17,983 --> 00:54:21,317 and I didn't want to bother you at work. 908 00:54:21,450 --> 00:54:23,550 -I'm sorry. 909 00:54:36,650 --> 00:54:41,483 We just arrested Cleo Davenport for those fires. 910 00:54:41,617 --> 00:54:43,517 -The firefighter? -Yeah. 911 00:54:45,483 --> 00:54:47,150 All for her daughter. 912 00:54:50,183 --> 00:54:52,317 Incredible really 913 00:54:52,383 --> 00:54:54,517 what a parent do to protect their child. 914 00:54:57,817 --> 00:55:00,083 -It's what you want, isn't it? 915 00:55:00,317 --> 00:55:03,183 To be a parent. 916 00:55:03,317 --> 00:55:04,883 -No. 917 00:55:06,683 --> 00:55:10,717 -For once, I need you to stop being nice. 918 00:55:10,850 --> 00:55:13,917 Stop telling me what you think I want to hear. 919 00:55:14,050 --> 00:55:18,117 Once, just once, tell me the truth. 920 00:55:26,317 --> 00:55:29,017 -It's not a switch I turn off. 921 00:55:29,150 --> 00:55:32,683 I've tried. I know. I'm trying. I can't. I'm sorry. 922 00:55:32,817 --> 00:55:34,517 No, I want to tell you that I've come to terms with it, 923 00:55:34,650 --> 00:55:36,550 that I'm happy, that it doesn't matter. 924 00:55:36,683 --> 00:55:39,083 But you're right. It's not how I really feel. 925 00:55:43,850 --> 00:55:45,683 I might be able to one day, I don't know. 926 00:55:45,817 --> 00:55:48,083 But right now, it's... 927 00:55:50,350 --> 00:55:51,917 I can't. 928 00:55:52,050 --> 00:55:54,883 And I know that hurts you, and it hurts me, too. 929 00:55:57,217 --> 00:55:58,817 -Thank you. 930 00:55:58,950 --> 00:56:01,217 -What for? 931 00:56:01,350 --> 00:56:03,017 -Being honest. 932 00:56:05,717 --> 00:56:07,317 -But I can't marry you like this. 933 00:56:07,450 --> 00:56:09,383 -What? -How can I ever believe 934 00:56:09,517 --> 00:56:12,383 you're happy, that you won't come to resent me? 935 00:56:12,517 --> 00:56:14,983 -What? -I'm scared I'm not enough. 936 00:56:15,117 --> 00:56:18,350 -What? -What happens if in two, five 937 00:56:18,483 --> 00:56:19,983 10 years time, you still want kids? 938 00:56:20,117 --> 00:56:21,450 What then? 939 00:56:21,583 --> 00:56:23,750 -Then we -- we -- we figure it out together. 940 00:56:23,883 --> 00:56:26,983 -You mean you make do and settle for less just to make me happy? 941 00:56:27,117 --> 00:56:29,650 -No, I -- -I can't do this. 942 00:56:29,783 --> 00:56:32,183 This will always eat away at us. 943 00:56:32,317 --> 00:56:33,783 -No. 944 00:56:33,917 --> 00:56:35,950 -I can't do it to you. 945 00:56:37,683 --> 00:56:40,083 And I can't do it to myself. 946 00:56:40,217 --> 00:56:42,417 -Please don't. 947 00:56:42,550 --> 00:56:44,550 -Sorry. 948 00:56:47,483 --> 00:56:48,983 I'm so sorry.