1 00:00:09,043 --> 00:00:11,126 [foreboding music playing] 2 00:00:14,043 --> 00:00:16,043 [ramp clanks, whirring] 3 00:00:18,793 --> 00:00:20,501 [Gilbert] There's only one ending. 4 00:00:21,584 --> 00:00:23,043 [foreboding music continues] 5 00:00:23,876 --> 00:00:25,168 [Gilbert] Everyone dies. 6 00:00:27,168 --> 00:00:30,293 - Maybe that's why we need stories. - [wheelchair rattling] 7 00:00:30,293 --> 00:00:31,626 They make sense of the world, 8 00:00:33,126 --> 00:00:34,126 comfort us... 9 00:00:36,376 --> 00:00:37,334 protect us. 10 00:00:39,459 --> 00:00:41,918 In the end, we're all just stories. 11 00:00:41,918 --> 00:00:45,126 Stories we tell ourselves, stories we tell each other. 12 00:00:46,251 --> 00:00:47,751 It's what makes us human. 13 00:00:48,501 --> 00:00:50,626 So what happens when you discover 14 00:00:50,626 --> 00:00:53,126 that the stories you've been telling yourself 15 00:00:53,126 --> 00:00:54,209 aren't really true? 16 00:00:54,876 --> 00:00:57,376 I mean, what are we without our stories? 17 00:00:58,001 --> 00:00:59,001 Who are we-- 18 00:00:59,001 --> 00:01:04,001 [Dove] That recorder's going up your hole if you don't quit that shite, Gilbert. 19 00:01:04,001 --> 00:01:05,084 Well, good morning. 20 00:01:05,751 --> 00:01:06,834 [Dove sighs] 21 00:01:07,334 --> 00:01:09,168 What's got you all fuckin'... 22 00:01:10,209 --> 00:01:11,043 Tigger? 23 00:01:11,043 --> 00:01:14,459 Oh, come on. We... we did it. We solved the mystery. 24 00:01:15,584 --> 00:01:18,084 Well, step back while I turn a few cartwheels. 25 00:01:18,084 --> 00:01:19,084 [Gilbert chuckles] 26 00:01:19,084 --> 00:01:21,751 Maeve's confession came out crystal clear. 27 00:01:21,751 --> 00:01:24,209 So all I need is a little audio of the festival, 28 00:01:24,209 --> 00:01:26,543 find a few red herrings to tag the eps. 29 00:01:26,543 --> 00:01:28,959 But I can hear it, Dove. The whole thing. 30 00:01:29,959 --> 00:01:32,334 Oh holy shit. Okay. Imagine this. 31 00:01:32,334 --> 00:01:34,501 Teddy's sad song from the bar, 32 00:01:34,501 --> 00:01:38,084 underscoring Maeve describing how she caved his head in with the oar. 33 00:01:38,084 --> 00:01:40,001 Ugh! It'll be awesome. 34 00:01:40,001 --> 00:01:42,126 I'll enjoy listening to it in my cell. 35 00:01:42,626 --> 00:01:45,209 Oh, come on. I'm sure it won't come to prison. 36 00:01:45,209 --> 00:01:47,751 I mean, didn't you say they're just trying to scare you? 37 00:01:51,084 --> 00:01:53,251 Did you know my mother was a heroin addict? 38 00:01:54,626 --> 00:01:55,459 Oh. 39 00:01:55,459 --> 00:01:57,709 [Dove] I didn't put it together as a kid. 40 00:01:59,126 --> 00:02:01,793 Suppose it's not the sort of thing that comes up naturally. 41 00:02:02,918 --> 00:02:04,501 "We'll write your letter to Santy Claus." 42 00:02:04,501 --> 00:02:08,209 "But first, Mammy has to pawn your pram for a fix 43 00:02:08,209 --> 00:02:10,293 or she might claw her fuckin' skin off." 44 00:02:13,334 --> 00:02:17,043 [inhales sharply] She told me she was... hungry all the time. 45 00:02:19,626 --> 00:02:24,168 I didn't know what she was on about. I... I was like... "Me too, Mammy." 46 00:02:26,459 --> 00:02:28,418 The nuns weren't any better. 47 00:02:30,084 --> 00:02:32,001 "Oh, don't worry about your mammy." 48 00:02:32,918 --> 00:02:34,751 "She's just gone on a little trip." 49 00:02:36,001 --> 00:02:38,334 "She'll come back to get ya any day now." 50 00:02:40,209 --> 00:02:42,584 My whole life, I was told stories. 51 00:02:44,209 --> 00:02:46,168 I promised myself I'd be different. 52 00:02:46,168 --> 00:02:48,668 - Dove-- - Krtek begged me to kill the story. 53 00:02:50,209 --> 00:02:52,334 I told him I could protect his anonymity, 54 00:02:52,876 --> 00:02:54,168 guarantee his safety. 55 00:02:58,043 --> 00:02:59,168 He was just hanging there. 56 00:03:01,084 --> 00:03:02,001 Piss. 57 00:03:04,334 --> 00:03:07,084 His tongue thick. His face all-- 58 00:03:07,668 --> 00:03:09,751 [hesitates] You found him? 59 00:03:09,751 --> 00:03:12,418 And I was gonna call it in. I was. But... 60 00:03:13,959 --> 00:03:16,251 - But? - But his laptop was just sitting there. 61 00:03:16,876 --> 00:03:20,834 Open, full of evidence of corruption at the highest level of government. 62 00:03:20,834 --> 00:03:21,793 So... [hesitates] 63 00:03:22,543 --> 00:03:23,376 ...I had to. 64 00:03:23,959 --> 00:03:26,584 - You know, I had no choice. Otherwise-- - Had to what? 65 00:03:26,584 --> 00:03:28,376 They would have hidden everything. 66 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:30,834 Everything I'd been working on. 67 00:03:30,834 --> 00:03:32,668 But wh-- what did you do? 68 00:03:32,668 --> 00:03:34,168 [breathes shakily] 69 00:03:35,293 --> 00:03:36,668 [softly] I took his laptop. 70 00:03:38,626 --> 00:03:40,209 Left him hanging there to rot. 71 00:03:40,209 --> 00:03:42,293 [gusting wind whistles] 72 00:03:43,376 --> 00:03:44,918 All for the fuckin' truth. 73 00:03:47,168 --> 00:03:48,418 Why would you do that? 74 00:03:49,293 --> 00:03:50,168 [inhales] 75 00:03:51,626 --> 00:03:53,168 Because I'm hungry, Gilbert. 76 00:03:55,209 --> 00:03:57,209 I'm hungry all the time. 77 00:04:02,543 --> 00:04:03,376 So 78 00:04:04,043 --> 00:04:05,543 Krtek killed himself 79 00:04:07,001 --> 00:04:08,293 because of you. 80 00:04:08,293 --> 00:04:09,668 [somber music playing] 81 00:04:10,626 --> 00:04:11,793 [softly] Because of me? 82 00:04:13,584 --> 00:04:14,459 No. 83 00:04:14,459 --> 00:04:17,168 No, I'm not the one who fuckin' leaked his name. 84 00:04:17,168 --> 00:04:19,584 Yeah, but he begged you to stop, and you didn't. 85 00:04:20,084 --> 00:04:21,668 Look, as journalists, we have to-- 86 00:04:21,668 --> 00:04:24,584 Journalist? You think you're a journalist? 87 00:04:24,584 --> 00:04:25,959 Yeah, of course I think I'm a-- 88 00:04:25,959 --> 00:04:29,209 Waving that thing around in front of local hicks isn't fucking journalism. 89 00:04:29,209 --> 00:04:31,668 Oh, what? 'Cause I respect my audience? 90 00:04:32,168 --> 00:04:35,626 I don't just use my sources, dump 'em, and then leave 'em for dead? 91 00:04:35,626 --> 00:04:37,251 But that's exactly what you do. 92 00:04:37,251 --> 00:04:40,251 You crack 'em open. You scoop out what you need. 93 00:04:40,251 --> 00:04:43,418 All to create another mawkish piece of content 94 00:04:43,418 --> 00:04:47,459 that changes nothing, contributes nothing, says nothing. 95 00:04:48,584 --> 00:04:49,543 [scoffs] 96 00:04:49,543 --> 00:04:51,418 [chuckling] 97 00:04:52,126 --> 00:04:54,001 Oh, you're not a journalist, Gilbert. 98 00:04:55,084 --> 00:04:56,293 You're a pornographer. 99 00:04:57,418 --> 00:04:59,293 [cell door clacking] 100 00:05:01,001 --> 00:05:02,584 Right, then. [exhales] 101 00:05:02,584 --> 00:05:04,209 Mr. Power, you're free to go. 102 00:05:09,043 --> 00:05:11,709 I'm guessing this is how all your relationships end. 103 00:05:12,251 --> 00:05:13,584 [somber music continues] 104 00:05:18,001 --> 00:05:19,209 [door screeches, clangs] 105 00:05:19,209 --> 00:05:21,293 [unsettling music plays] 106 00:05:26,668 --> 00:05:29,209 [Emmy] No, no. I need a solicitor for an extradition case. 107 00:05:30,043 --> 00:05:31,793 Who the fuck do I need to call if you're the-- 108 00:05:31,793 --> 00:05:33,668 - [loud crash] - [Seamus] Where is he? 109 00:05:33,668 --> 00:05:35,626 - [clattering] - [tense music playing] 110 00:05:38,168 --> 00:05:39,751 [Seamus] Where's fuckin' Sean? 111 00:05:42,626 --> 00:05:43,626 Where's Sean? 112 00:05:44,293 --> 00:05:45,293 He's not here. 113 00:05:46,043 --> 00:05:48,584 Lie to me now, Edna, and I'll not be responsible. 114 00:05:48,584 --> 00:05:51,209 Don't you threaten me, you thug. 115 00:05:51,209 --> 00:05:54,709 Sean has to return what he's stolen. 116 00:05:54,709 --> 00:05:56,209 My boy is no thief. 117 00:05:56,918 --> 00:06:00,334 Your boy is a fuckin' dead man when I find him. 118 00:06:02,918 --> 00:06:03,751 [door slams] 119 00:06:03,751 --> 00:06:06,001 [porcelain shattering] 120 00:06:16,751 --> 00:06:17,876 [Emmy exhales softly] 121 00:06:19,168 --> 00:06:21,043 That bastard so much as touches Sean... 122 00:06:21,043 --> 00:06:23,793 I-- I'm sure Seamus's bark is worse than his bite. 123 00:06:23,793 --> 00:06:27,501 You're being very kind, but you have no idea what's going on here. 124 00:06:28,626 --> 00:06:30,334 [inhales apprehensively] Actually, 125 00:06:31,126 --> 00:06:32,043 I think I do. 126 00:06:32,543 --> 00:06:34,043 [unsettling music continues] 127 00:06:34,709 --> 00:06:35,918 I know all about Sean. 128 00:06:47,001 --> 00:06:49,959 Remember the good old days when you guys would just run me over? 129 00:06:50,709 --> 00:06:52,501 [Charles] You think this is a joke, Dove? 130 00:06:54,793 --> 00:06:55,959 [soundscape muffles] 131 00:06:59,418 --> 00:07:01,543 [muffled] We can just arrest Sean O'Shea. 132 00:07:01,543 --> 00:07:04,043 - [unsettling music continues] - [whispers echoing] 133 00:07:04,043 --> 00:07:07,043 - [Charles] If Seamus really is leaving... - [voice echoes] Seamus Gallagher. 134 00:07:07,043 --> 00:07:09,251 [Annika] Gallagher will just start again somewhere else. 135 00:07:09,251 --> 00:07:11,459 - We need him at the deal. - [Charles] If Seamus really-- 136 00:07:11,459 --> 00:07:12,584 ...falls apart. 137 00:07:18,293 --> 00:07:19,251 I can get you Seamus. 138 00:07:21,001 --> 00:07:22,001 Why would you do that? 139 00:07:22,001 --> 00:07:23,043 Quid pro quo. 140 00:07:23,793 --> 00:07:25,793 Perhaps you never found me, never took me in? 141 00:07:26,418 --> 00:07:27,959 I mean, no one would hold it against ya. 142 00:07:29,626 --> 00:07:30,751 And what would you do then? 143 00:07:31,459 --> 00:07:32,918 That's my problem, not yours. 144 00:07:33,709 --> 00:07:36,084 You're not here for me. You're here for Seamus Gallagher, and... 145 00:07:36,084 --> 00:07:37,834 [inhales deeply] ...and I can deliver him. 146 00:07:41,793 --> 00:07:43,418 [whimsical music playing] 147 00:07:43,418 --> 00:07:44,959 We'll need some insurance. 148 00:07:48,793 --> 00:07:50,459 - [buckle clacks] - [monitor beeps] 149 00:07:52,334 --> 00:07:53,251 That should do it. 150 00:07:55,334 --> 00:07:56,459 [Emmy] You can trust me. 151 00:07:56,459 --> 00:07:57,626 - I just wanna help. - [crunch] 152 00:07:57,626 --> 00:07:58,584 [Edna] What was that? 153 00:08:07,709 --> 00:08:09,543 - What did I miss? - [music fades out] 154 00:08:09,543 --> 00:08:11,959 The only thing that Fiona cared about, 155 00:08:12,751 --> 00:08:14,251 had me swear to her, 156 00:08:15,459 --> 00:08:18,584 was that Seamus would never have anything to do with her child. 157 00:08:19,459 --> 00:08:20,709 They were her last words. 158 00:08:22,918 --> 00:08:23,959 And I failed her. 159 00:08:24,626 --> 00:08:26,751 - I've let her down. - No, you haven't. 160 00:08:26,751 --> 00:08:27,709 [Edna scoffs] 161 00:08:27,709 --> 00:08:28,876 [inhales deeply] 162 00:08:28,876 --> 00:08:30,418 [softly] I tried so hard. 163 00:08:31,126 --> 00:08:33,209 Tried to scare you lot out of town. 164 00:08:34,501 --> 00:08:36,043 You burnt Sean's car? 165 00:08:36,043 --> 00:08:39,959 Only because I thought you poking around in everything would lead to no good. 166 00:08:40,751 --> 00:08:42,626 And I was right, wasn't I? 167 00:08:42,626 --> 00:08:46,543 And then when that didn't work, Maeve had the idea to torch Seamus's boat. 168 00:08:47,209 --> 00:08:50,793 - Jeez. You've burnt a lot of things. - We hoped it might put the wind up him. 169 00:08:50,793 --> 00:08:52,668 But he's like a fuckin' cockroach. 170 00:08:54,001 --> 00:08:57,501 We have to stop Sean, knock some sense into the boy's head. 171 00:08:59,418 --> 00:09:00,626 Will you talk to him? 172 00:09:01,293 --> 00:09:02,251 M-- Me? 173 00:09:02,251 --> 00:09:05,876 His tracksuits do nothing to hide the hard-on he gets when he sees you. 174 00:09:06,376 --> 00:09:07,418 [Emmy, softly] Um... 175 00:09:08,001 --> 00:09:11,793 Tell him to give Seamus back his fuckin' eels. He'll listen to you. 176 00:09:11,793 --> 00:09:13,043 I don't-- 177 00:09:13,043 --> 00:09:14,376 I mean, I... I can't. 178 00:09:14,376 --> 00:09:16,793 [Edna] He'll be at his little hideout in Tullycross Woods. 179 00:09:17,751 --> 00:09:19,293 I've watched the three of you, 180 00:09:19,959 --> 00:09:22,626 and you are the only one who can actually do anything. 181 00:09:22,626 --> 00:09:25,334 [whimsical intriguing music playing] 182 00:09:27,251 --> 00:09:28,668 [inhales deeply] I can do it. 183 00:09:28,668 --> 00:09:31,501 And the two of you... promise me. 184 00:09:32,543 --> 00:09:35,543 Sean can never find out that Seamus is his dad. 185 00:09:36,251 --> 00:09:37,751 - Never. - Promise. 186 00:09:40,418 --> 00:09:41,418 You have my word. 187 00:09:42,959 --> 00:09:43,876 [music fades out] 188 00:09:44,668 --> 00:09:46,709 - [bird caws] - [suspenseful music playing] 189 00:09:46,709 --> 00:09:47,918 [clatter in distance] 190 00:09:52,668 --> 00:09:54,001 [intriguing music playing] 191 00:09:55,418 --> 00:09:56,709 [dog food squelches] 192 00:10:01,459 --> 00:10:02,959 Pace yourself, girl, huh? 193 00:10:02,959 --> 00:10:04,584 [dog chomping] 194 00:10:04,584 --> 00:10:06,334 You know I'd take you if I could. 195 00:10:08,626 --> 00:10:09,501 [huffs] 196 00:10:09,501 --> 00:10:10,834 [breathes shakily] 197 00:10:14,126 --> 00:10:16,126 - [drawer opens] - [objects shuffling] 198 00:10:17,251 --> 00:10:18,209 [Seamus gasps] 199 00:10:18,209 --> 00:10:20,459 Christ. Fuck are you after? 200 00:10:21,126 --> 00:10:22,126 Seamus, hear me out. 201 00:10:22,751 --> 00:10:24,501 There's some mutual backscratching to be done. 202 00:10:24,501 --> 00:10:26,543 Scratch me fuckin' eyes out, more like. 203 00:10:27,126 --> 00:10:29,418 - Go on. Fuck off. - [drawer slams] 204 00:10:29,418 --> 00:10:31,709 Look, I have a proposal that benefits everyone. 205 00:10:32,251 --> 00:10:35,251 I'd sooner climb into bed with a viper than deal with the likes of you. 206 00:10:35,251 --> 00:10:37,251 [car approaching] 207 00:10:37,251 --> 00:10:38,168 [Seamus] Fuck. 208 00:10:39,543 --> 00:10:40,376 [car doors open] 209 00:10:40,376 --> 00:10:42,293 It's them. The McArdles. 210 00:10:47,834 --> 00:10:49,501 - The fuck are you doing? - Let me in. 211 00:10:49,501 --> 00:10:52,084 - Fuck off. - I'll tell them you're in here. 212 00:10:52,751 --> 00:10:54,126 You fuckin' wagon. 213 00:11:00,709 --> 00:11:02,543 [crashing on door] 214 00:11:02,543 --> 00:11:04,084 [sinister music playing] 215 00:11:11,751 --> 00:11:13,959 [Brónagh] You check down the back. I'll do upstairs. 216 00:11:19,459 --> 00:11:21,668 Looks like we missed him. 217 00:11:23,876 --> 00:11:24,709 [back cracking] 218 00:11:24,709 --> 00:11:26,543 [ragged moaning] 219 00:11:28,418 --> 00:11:29,751 [Desy] What's tickling you? 220 00:11:29,751 --> 00:11:34,584 First good hard-on for ten years. 221 00:11:34,584 --> 00:11:37,376 Never mind Viagra. 222 00:11:38,043 --> 00:11:42,001 There's nothin' bates the prospect of puttin' a bullet 223 00:11:42,001 --> 00:11:44,459 through some cunt's head. 224 00:11:45,834 --> 00:11:48,084 Jon-Joe McArdle, you're one bad hooer. 225 00:11:48,084 --> 00:11:50,376 [both chuckling] 226 00:11:50,376 --> 00:11:54,126 [Jon-Joe laughing heartily] 227 00:11:54,126 --> 00:11:56,543 [wheezing laughter] 228 00:11:56,543 --> 00:11:58,751 [coughing] 229 00:11:59,251 --> 00:12:02,043 [gasps, coughing continuously] 230 00:12:03,209 --> 00:12:05,001 - [tank valve squeaks] - [Jon-Joe gasps] 231 00:12:05,001 --> 00:12:07,709 [labored breathing] 232 00:12:09,293 --> 00:12:11,626 [gasps, breathing softens] 233 00:12:11,626 --> 00:12:13,584 [breathes deeply] 234 00:12:13,584 --> 00:12:14,751 [sighs] 235 00:12:14,751 --> 00:12:15,709 He's gone. 236 00:12:15,709 --> 00:12:18,501 Fresh skid marks in the shitter, so he can't be far. 237 00:12:19,001 --> 00:12:22,959 He had an American in tow in the shop. Dopey fucker. Shouldn't be hard to find. 238 00:12:22,959 --> 00:12:24,584 He'll lead us to Seamus. 239 00:12:24,584 --> 00:12:26,334 [dog barks, whines] 240 00:12:29,126 --> 00:12:30,376 [Desy] What about Lassie? 241 00:12:31,334 --> 00:12:33,293 [Jon-Joe grumbles] 242 00:12:34,584 --> 00:12:35,543 [grunts] 243 00:12:37,959 --> 00:12:39,001 [dog panting] 244 00:12:40,209 --> 00:12:41,709 - [whines] - [Jon-Joe grumbles] 245 00:12:42,751 --> 00:12:44,793 - [dog panting, whines] - [Jon-Joe patting] 246 00:12:44,793 --> 00:12:47,584 Handsome girl, isn't she? 247 00:12:47,584 --> 00:12:49,251 [foreboding music playing] 248 00:12:50,584 --> 00:12:52,959 [music building] 249 00:12:54,543 --> 00:12:55,668 - [gunshot] - [dog yelps] 250 00:12:55,668 --> 00:12:58,584 [Seamus breathing shakily] 251 00:13:00,334 --> 00:13:03,293 Why did you ever leave me? 252 00:13:04,918 --> 00:13:06,626 I wanted to fuck younger men. 253 00:13:07,334 --> 00:13:08,709 [grumbling] 254 00:13:08,709 --> 00:13:09,668 [chuckles] 255 00:13:22,084 --> 00:13:24,001 [whispers] She seemed like a good dog. 256 00:13:25,459 --> 00:13:26,918 [whispers] She was a loyal girl. 257 00:13:28,168 --> 00:13:29,751 More loyal than I deserve. 258 00:13:29,751 --> 00:13:31,751 [breathes deeply] 259 00:13:31,751 --> 00:13:33,834 [car doors opening, closing] 260 00:13:33,834 --> 00:13:35,293 [whispers] I can help you. 261 00:13:36,043 --> 00:13:38,501 [scoffs] You can't even help yourself. 262 00:13:38,501 --> 00:13:41,001 - [car door closes] - Saw it the first time I laid eyes on you. 263 00:13:41,001 --> 00:13:42,084 [car engine starts] 264 00:13:42,084 --> 00:13:44,876 Blackness clinging to you like fuckin' treacle. 265 00:13:46,793 --> 00:13:48,168 [tense music playing] 266 00:13:54,918 --> 00:13:56,834 Listen, I can get you to Sean. 267 00:13:56,834 --> 00:13:58,668 No, I'm done with it. 268 00:13:58,668 --> 00:14:01,334 You... you'd want to think about doing the same. 269 00:14:01,334 --> 00:14:03,959 - You can sweep in, take the eels back-- - D'you hear me? 270 00:14:03,959 --> 00:14:06,334 [breathes shakily] That's the best I can hope for 271 00:14:06,918 --> 00:14:09,334 unless I'm gone now, this second. 272 00:14:09,334 --> 00:14:10,543 Huh? 273 00:14:10,543 --> 00:14:12,876 What use are eels to a dead man? 274 00:14:13,584 --> 00:14:15,459 They're going after Gilbert. 275 00:14:17,668 --> 00:14:20,418 Well, Gilbert needs to run, and fast. 276 00:14:21,001 --> 00:14:22,626 He'll die roaring if he doesn't. 277 00:14:23,126 --> 00:14:24,751 - [footsteps depart] - [music continues] 278 00:14:24,751 --> 00:14:26,293 [Dove breathes anxiously] 279 00:14:28,043 --> 00:14:30,584 [bird cawing] 280 00:14:32,001 --> 00:14:34,001 [leaves rustling] 281 00:14:39,834 --> 00:14:42,834 For fuck's sake. [sighs] 282 00:14:42,834 --> 00:14:44,918 - [gulls calling] - [tense music continues] 283 00:14:46,709 --> 00:14:49,001 [faint cheering in distance] 284 00:14:49,001 --> 00:14:51,376 - [laughter] - [indistinct jubilant chattering] 285 00:14:52,626 --> 00:14:54,834 [drum beating rhythmically] 286 00:14:57,751 --> 00:15:00,126 [Claire, over megaphone] T-minus 60 minutes, everyone. 287 00:15:00,126 --> 00:15:02,584 The procession will start in 60 minutes. 288 00:15:02,584 --> 00:15:03,918 [crowd applauding] 289 00:15:03,918 --> 00:15:06,126 [Gilbert] And so secrets are revealed. 290 00:15:06,126 --> 00:15:11,001 The past returns to haunt the present like a raging specter of vengeance. 291 00:15:11,001 --> 00:15:13,959 - Who knew, when we first came to Bodkin-- - Gilbert? 292 00:15:15,084 --> 00:15:16,168 [Dove panting] 293 00:15:16,168 --> 00:15:18,209 [breathing heavily] 294 00:15:18,834 --> 00:15:20,418 I guess you're here to apologize? 295 00:15:20,418 --> 00:15:21,459 [sighs] 296 00:15:22,209 --> 00:15:23,084 Gilbert, I'm... 297 00:15:24,293 --> 00:15:25,209 [sighs] 298 00:15:25,209 --> 00:15:27,376 [inhales sharply] Okay, you... you need to listen to me. 299 00:15:27,376 --> 00:15:30,126 - The McArdles are-- - Sean is Fiona and Seamus's baby. 300 00:15:31,709 --> 00:15:33,251 I mean, it's fuckin' dynamite, right? 301 00:15:33,251 --> 00:15:34,834 I mean, think about it. Think about it. 302 00:15:34,834 --> 00:15:38,751 The bodies, the smuggling, the Romanian adoption, the cover-up. 303 00:15:38,751 --> 00:15:40,209 It just keeps getting better. 304 00:15:40,209 --> 00:15:44,543 I'll be able to sell the TV rights before we even air. I... I'm back. 305 00:15:44,543 --> 00:15:45,459 [chuckles] 306 00:15:46,251 --> 00:15:47,584 The McArdles are in Bodkin. 307 00:15:48,793 --> 00:15:49,626 So? 308 00:15:50,334 --> 00:15:51,834 They're looking for you. 309 00:15:53,293 --> 00:15:54,334 [gulps softly] 310 00:15:54,334 --> 00:15:56,251 [hip-hop music plays in distance] 311 00:15:56,251 --> 00:15:57,584 [Sean] Whoo! 312 00:15:58,584 --> 00:16:00,418 [sighs, under breath] Fuck me. 313 00:16:02,584 --> 00:16:03,418 [sighs] 314 00:16:06,126 --> 00:16:06,959 Sean. 315 00:16:07,918 --> 00:16:08,751 Sean! 316 00:16:09,626 --> 00:16:11,709 - You need to give Seamus the eels back. - [chuckles] 317 00:16:11,709 --> 00:16:13,376 - Right, you are. - He's gonna kill you. 318 00:16:13,376 --> 00:16:15,209 - I saw him this morning-- - He's skipping town. 319 00:16:15,209 --> 00:16:18,043 He's scared shitless of whoever tried to bump him on his boat. 320 00:16:18,043 --> 00:16:20,043 And now, all of this, all of this is mine. 321 00:16:20,043 --> 00:16:23,043 - Romania, here I come. - What the hell is in Romania? 322 00:16:23,043 --> 00:16:25,668 [scoffs] Have you seen the beoirs in Eastern Europe? 323 00:16:25,668 --> 00:16:28,459 And with a bit of money in my pocket, I'll be rolling in pussy. 324 00:16:28,459 --> 00:16:30,543 Sean, do you even hear what you're saying? 325 00:16:30,543 --> 00:16:32,793 - [music continues] - [lyrics in Romanian] 326 00:16:32,793 --> 00:16:34,459 [in English] Yeah, I do. Yeah. 327 00:16:35,001 --> 00:16:37,001 And that... that's my ticket. 328 00:16:41,376 --> 00:16:42,293 [sighs] 329 00:16:42,293 --> 00:16:44,126 [Dove] They think you can lead them to Seamus. 330 00:16:44,126 --> 00:16:47,418 - [splutters] I don't know where he is. - That won't stop them asking. 331 00:16:48,543 --> 00:16:49,709 And they won't be gentle. 332 00:16:49,709 --> 00:16:51,876 - What the fuck? What do I do? - [Dove] I think... 333 00:16:53,376 --> 00:16:55,751 I think you tell Seamus that Sean's his son. 334 00:16:55,751 --> 00:16:58,626 - What? How? - It's the thing that will bring him back. 335 00:16:59,709 --> 00:17:00,834 Why would we do that? 336 00:17:00,834 --> 00:17:02,501 Seamus is running for his life. 337 00:17:03,084 --> 00:17:05,084 And the McArdles won't stop chasing, ever. 338 00:17:05,084 --> 00:17:07,084 - [Gilbert sighs] - [Dove] But we can save him. 339 00:17:07,084 --> 00:17:08,001 How? 340 00:17:08,001 --> 00:17:10,626 You tell Seamus that Sean's his son. 341 00:17:10,626 --> 00:17:12,501 Seamus heads straight to the deal with Sean. 342 00:17:12,501 --> 00:17:13,543 Interpol arrests him. 343 00:17:13,543 --> 00:17:15,709 Seamus gets lifted, and Sean's in the clear. 344 00:17:16,209 --> 00:17:18,584 The McArdles won't even come close. 345 00:17:20,418 --> 00:17:21,751 You'll have saved the day. 346 00:17:22,793 --> 00:17:25,168 And your podcast will have the perfect ending. 347 00:17:25,168 --> 00:17:26,459 [huffs] 348 00:17:26,459 --> 00:17:27,543 Fuck. 349 00:17:28,543 --> 00:17:29,709 Dove, I don't know. 350 00:17:30,418 --> 00:17:32,834 I mean, Seamus is very angry at me. 351 00:17:32,834 --> 00:17:34,459 All right? He... he has a gun. 352 00:17:34,459 --> 00:17:36,751 He... he stapled Frank in the face. 353 00:17:36,751 --> 00:17:37,918 [Dove inhales softly] 354 00:17:40,001 --> 00:17:41,334 Why are we doing all this? 355 00:17:42,876 --> 00:17:44,793 To tell a great story. 356 00:17:46,084 --> 00:17:50,043 And you are this close to the best fuckin' story ever. 357 00:17:51,376 --> 00:17:54,209 Just needs one final push. It needs a journalist. 358 00:17:56,709 --> 00:17:58,001 A real journalist. 359 00:17:59,334 --> 00:18:01,168 You said I was a pornographer. 360 00:18:01,168 --> 00:18:03,709 [splutters] I was just angry, Gilbert. 361 00:18:04,709 --> 00:18:06,584 I get angry with the people I like. 362 00:18:07,501 --> 00:18:11,209 And the people I don't, but... you know the difference. 363 00:18:17,043 --> 00:18:19,918 I mean... if Seamus gets arrested, 364 00:18:21,001 --> 00:18:22,501 basically saving his life. 365 00:18:25,084 --> 00:18:26,459 [smacks lips, sighs] 366 00:18:27,459 --> 00:18:30,084 - [cell phone unlocks] - [keypad beeping] 367 00:18:30,668 --> 00:18:32,251 - [ringing tone] - [Gilbert sighs] 368 00:18:33,334 --> 00:18:34,418 [ringing tone, trill] 369 00:18:34,418 --> 00:18:36,876 [automated voice] This person cannot be reached at this-- 370 00:18:36,876 --> 00:18:37,959 Voicemail. 371 00:18:39,334 --> 00:18:42,293 - Wha-- - [keypad clacking] 372 00:18:42,293 --> 00:18:44,334 - [message whooshes] - That should do it. [exhales] 373 00:18:46,251 --> 00:18:47,793 [cell phone vibrates] 374 00:18:49,959 --> 00:18:51,918 [water sloshing] 375 00:18:55,543 --> 00:18:56,751 [water splashes] 376 00:18:58,001 --> 00:18:59,126 [Sean] Look at that. 377 00:18:59,834 --> 00:19:01,084 They're just fish. 378 00:19:02,459 --> 00:19:05,251 Tiny little fish. I mean, you wouldn't even notice them. 379 00:19:06,709 --> 00:19:08,084 But they're worth millions. 380 00:19:09,293 --> 00:19:11,001 Sean, what are you doing? 381 00:19:11,001 --> 00:19:11,959 Seriously. 382 00:19:13,043 --> 00:19:15,376 D'you know eels leave home the minute they're born? 383 00:19:15,376 --> 00:19:18,626 They swim hundreds of miles to get here. 384 00:19:18,626 --> 00:19:22,001 Just little babies, all on their own, defying the odds. 385 00:19:23,418 --> 00:19:25,293 They don't go home till they're all grown up. 386 00:19:26,418 --> 00:19:30,501 All I have to do... is hand these over to the Yakuza and I can do the same. 387 00:19:30,501 --> 00:19:34,001 They're not Yakuza. They're Interpol. It's a sting. You'll go to prison. 388 00:19:34,001 --> 00:19:35,668 Just making shit up now. 389 00:19:35,668 --> 00:19:37,251 [hatch clangs, clatters] 390 00:19:37,751 --> 00:19:38,876 Sean. 391 00:19:38,876 --> 00:19:40,626 [dramatic music playing] 392 00:19:42,918 --> 00:19:44,043 Sean! 393 00:19:44,043 --> 00:19:46,918 The future's waiting for me, Emmy. Now, go on. Fuck off. 394 00:19:47,418 --> 00:19:48,668 - Sean, it-- - [engine starts] 395 00:19:52,376 --> 00:19:55,293 Sean won't listen. He's on his way to sell the eels. 396 00:19:57,459 --> 00:19:59,126 [man 1] Welcome to the Samhain Festival. 397 00:19:59,126 --> 00:20:01,126 We've got more things than you can imagine. 398 00:20:01,126 --> 00:20:03,334 We've got games. We've got prizes. We've got... 399 00:20:03,334 --> 00:20:05,709 - [drums beating] - [man 2 shrieks, laughs] 400 00:20:06,793 --> 00:20:09,376 [festival-goers hollering excitedly] 401 00:20:10,543 --> 00:20:12,959 You've got this, Gilbert. I'll hang back here. 402 00:20:13,834 --> 00:20:15,626 [crowd whooping] 403 00:20:15,626 --> 00:20:17,709 [drums beating rhythmically] 404 00:20:22,209 --> 00:20:24,209 [chaotic revelry] 405 00:20:32,709 --> 00:20:33,584 Where is she? 406 00:20:34,918 --> 00:20:36,209 - I'm so-- - Where? 407 00:20:38,709 --> 00:20:41,001 She's out there, on Inish Mac Tire. 408 00:20:42,334 --> 00:20:43,793 What, she's a fuckin' nun? 409 00:20:45,459 --> 00:20:46,418 Fiona's dead. 410 00:20:48,418 --> 00:20:50,459 Don't be fuckin' with me now, Gilbert. 411 00:20:50,459 --> 00:20:52,084 You're sure it's Fiona? 412 00:20:55,293 --> 00:20:58,668 Buried on the island. She died there 25 years ago. 413 00:20:59,876 --> 00:21:01,959 She died in childbirth. 414 00:21:01,959 --> 00:21:04,751 [foreboding music building] 415 00:21:06,168 --> 00:21:07,543 [sinister music plays] 416 00:21:09,251 --> 00:21:10,168 Fuck. 417 00:21:14,168 --> 00:21:16,084 [Gilbert breathing anxiously] 418 00:21:17,043 --> 00:21:17,959 Childbirth? 419 00:21:17,959 --> 00:21:20,834 She had a boy. Your... your boy. 420 00:21:22,459 --> 00:21:23,418 He's-- He lived. 421 00:21:25,459 --> 00:21:27,126 No. No. 422 00:21:30,793 --> 00:21:32,084 It's... it's Sean. 423 00:21:33,293 --> 00:21:34,626 Sean is your... your son. 424 00:21:34,626 --> 00:21:37,376 [chuckling] 425 00:21:39,209 --> 00:21:41,626 You're fuckin' joking. Sean? 426 00:21:41,626 --> 00:21:45,084 Mrs. O'Shea, she raised him and... and never told him the truth. 427 00:21:46,709 --> 00:21:48,459 Well, w-why would she do that? 428 00:21:48,459 --> 00:21:50,709 She faked his adoption from Romania. 429 00:21:50,709 --> 00:21:53,209 - [man 3 mimicking bird calls loudly] - [Seamus] Jesus. I... 430 00:21:54,334 --> 00:21:56,293 I thought he was a fuckin' eejit. 431 00:21:57,126 --> 00:21:59,001 [breathes heavily] 432 00:21:59,001 --> 00:22:00,793 [hesitates] He's not. He's... 433 00:22:01,501 --> 00:22:02,584 [voice breaks] ...he's... 434 00:22:04,334 --> 00:22:05,209 [Gilbert] I know. 435 00:22:08,001 --> 00:22:09,668 [firmly] He's my boy. 436 00:22:12,209 --> 00:22:13,168 My son. 437 00:22:14,043 --> 00:22:15,751 [tense music playing] 438 00:22:17,084 --> 00:22:19,459 If I'd known all along he was mine... 439 00:22:19,459 --> 00:22:21,168 He's doing that deal today. 440 00:22:21,834 --> 00:22:23,418 - Huh? - Interpol. 441 00:22:23,418 --> 00:22:26,126 - Fuck. Jesus. [mutters] - [man 4 mimicking bird calls] 442 00:22:26,126 --> 00:22:28,293 [man 4 grunts] What the fuck? 443 00:22:28,293 --> 00:22:30,918 - You, you're coming with me. - I don't wanna get in your way! 444 00:22:30,918 --> 00:22:34,293 No more surprises. We have to get to him before they do. 445 00:22:34,293 --> 00:22:36,209 [chaotic revelry continues] 446 00:22:53,418 --> 00:22:54,251 It's on. 447 00:22:56,543 --> 00:22:59,709 - Seamus will be there. - [Annika] Wait there. We'll pick you up. 448 00:23:03,168 --> 00:23:05,251 [gate clanks, squeaks] 449 00:23:10,293 --> 00:23:12,293 [truck revs, rumbles] 450 00:23:17,334 --> 00:23:18,793 - [brakes hiss] - [engine stops] 451 00:23:18,793 --> 00:23:20,251 [suspenseful music playing] 452 00:23:23,459 --> 00:23:24,751 [Emmy] Sean, please. 453 00:23:24,751 --> 00:23:26,793 Oh, Jesus, you're annoying. I-- 454 00:23:26,793 --> 00:23:29,168 You're about to wreck your life permanently. Listen to me. 455 00:23:29,168 --> 00:23:31,293 - [Edna] Sean! - What are you doing here? 456 00:23:31,293 --> 00:23:32,834 Emmy told me where you were. 457 00:23:33,584 --> 00:23:35,751 - You told her? - You're coming home with me right now. 458 00:23:35,751 --> 00:23:37,626 Just fuckin' get out of here, Edna, will ya? 459 00:23:37,626 --> 00:23:38,793 - Language! - [door opens] 460 00:23:38,793 --> 00:23:41,001 You're not too old for a clip in the ear, you know. 461 00:23:41,001 --> 00:23:42,084 Sean. 462 00:23:42,793 --> 00:23:43,959 [Edna, softly] Oh God. 463 00:23:44,751 --> 00:23:45,584 No, Sean! 464 00:23:45,584 --> 00:23:47,793 - Right. Let's go, you prick. - [Edna] You leave him be! 465 00:23:47,793 --> 00:23:49,126 I'm not here to fight you, Sean. 466 00:23:49,126 --> 00:23:51,626 Just as well, 'cause I'd fuckin' have ya. [breathes heavily] 467 00:23:51,626 --> 00:23:54,293 You're old news, d'you hear me? A fuckin' has-been. 468 00:23:54,834 --> 00:23:57,959 [inhales] These are my eels. This is my job. This is my money. 469 00:23:59,001 --> 00:23:59,959 I'm the man now. 470 00:24:00,709 --> 00:24:02,543 - [Sean exhales] - You're my son, Sean. 471 00:24:06,418 --> 00:24:07,459 Oh my God. 472 00:24:07,459 --> 00:24:09,084 [chuckles softly] I'm your da. 473 00:24:09,084 --> 00:24:10,543 No, no, no, no. Don't listen! 474 00:24:10,543 --> 00:24:13,209 - What? - I know it's a lot to take in. 475 00:24:14,168 --> 00:24:15,959 It... it was kept from me too. 476 00:24:15,959 --> 00:24:18,959 What, your son? What, you're... you're telling me that I'm your son? 477 00:24:18,959 --> 00:24:21,251 Yeah. [chuckles] 478 00:24:21,876 --> 00:24:23,959 Like fuck I am. What, is that the best you can do? 479 00:24:23,959 --> 00:24:25,084 No, no. It's true. 480 00:24:26,918 --> 00:24:29,043 You were born on Inish Mac Tire. 481 00:24:29,043 --> 00:24:30,043 And your mother... 482 00:24:30,043 --> 00:24:31,251 [breathes shakily] 483 00:24:31,251 --> 00:24:33,209 ...your mother was a woman called Fiona. 484 00:24:34,751 --> 00:24:36,793 I'm adopted. My mother's Romanian. 485 00:24:36,793 --> 00:24:37,918 I'm Romanian. 486 00:24:37,918 --> 00:24:39,668 Sean, come home with me now. 487 00:24:40,793 --> 00:24:42,043 Edna, is this-- 488 00:24:44,376 --> 00:24:47,209 You're my boy, Sean. You're as Irish as Guinness. 489 00:24:47,751 --> 00:24:49,793 - Come here. - No. That's not true. 490 00:24:49,793 --> 00:24:52,751 - I just want to hold ya. - It's not true. It's not true. 491 00:24:53,626 --> 00:24:56,501 Romania has a population of 20 million. 492 00:24:57,001 --> 00:25:01,876 Our main exports are... are... are cars, clothing, furniture, and textiles. 493 00:25:01,876 --> 00:25:05,209 Our road network is 53,000 kilometers long. 494 00:25:05,209 --> 00:25:06,126 Sean. 495 00:25:06,126 --> 00:25:09,626 Nadia Comăneci was the first gymnast in fuckin' history... 496 00:25:09,626 --> 00:25:11,668 - ...to score a ten at the Olympics. - Sean. 497 00:25:11,668 --> 00:25:15,459 The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is the heaviest building in the world. 498 00:25:15,459 --> 00:25:16,918 - Sean! - [breathing heavily] 499 00:25:16,918 --> 00:25:19,376 I mean, they're just facts. 500 00:25:19,376 --> 00:25:23,209 Yeah, and I know them, because I am fucking Romanian! 501 00:25:23,209 --> 00:25:25,668 You've never been anywhere close to Romania. 502 00:25:25,668 --> 00:25:27,834 You've never left this fuckin' town! 503 00:25:29,834 --> 00:25:31,501 And if I'd known, I swear to ya... 504 00:25:31,501 --> 00:25:32,543 [breath trembles] 505 00:25:32,543 --> 00:25:34,293 ...things would've been different. 506 00:25:34,293 --> 00:25:35,251 [breath trembles] 507 00:25:35,251 --> 00:25:37,126 Son... please. 508 00:25:37,126 --> 00:25:38,418 I know who I am, 509 00:25:39,376 --> 00:25:41,959 what I am, and where I come from. 510 00:25:43,293 --> 00:25:46,918 And not one piece of that has anything to do with you, 511 00:25:46,918 --> 00:25:48,418 you fucking cunt. 512 00:25:50,084 --> 00:25:52,459 Now, you leave the boy be. 513 00:25:53,001 --> 00:25:54,334 [tense music playing] 514 00:25:56,501 --> 00:25:57,876 [Seamus breathing agitatedly] 515 00:25:57,876 --> 00:25:59,459 - This is all your fault. - [gun cocks] 516 00:25:59,459 --> 00:26:01,501 Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, buddy. Why don't we-- 517 00:26:01,501 --> 00:26:03,918 [grunts] What did I ever do to you? 518 00:26:03,918 --> 00:26:06,293 What did I ever do to deserve this? 519 00:26:06,293 --> 00:26:08,126 You lied to us, the both of us. 520 00:26:08,126 --> 00:26:10,709 You stole all those years from us. 521 00:26:10,709 --> 00:26:14,668 You never cared about Sean, just as you never cared about Fiona. 522 00:26:14,668 --> 00:26:15,751 She loved me. 523 00:26:15,751 --> 00:26:17,043 Fiona didn't love you. 524 00:26:17,043 --> 00:26:17,959 She loved me. 525 00:26:17,959 --> 00:26:19,543 She was running in fear, 526 00:26:20,251 --> 00:26:21,626 running from you. 527 00:26:21,626 --> 00:26:23,293 [inhales] She fuckin' loved me! 528 00:26:23,293 --> 00:26:24,459 - [gunshot] - [Edna screams] 529 00:26:24,459 --> 00:26:26,459 - [Sean murmurs in shock] - [Edna] Oh my God! 530 00:26:26,459 --> 00:26:28,418 - [Sean exhales shakily] - [Edna] Jesus Christ! 531 00:26:28,418 --> 00:26:29,751 [Emmy] Oh my God! Sean! 532 00:26:29,751 --> 00:26:31,418 - Sean. Oh my God. - [Edna] Sean! 533 00:26:31,418 --> 00:26:32,459 [Sean panting] 534 00:26:32,459 --> 00:26:34,626 - [Edna] Sean! - [Emmy] We need to stop the bleeding. 535 00:26:34,626 --> 00:26:37,334 - Have you got anything we can wrap it in? - [Edna] It'll be okay. 536 00:26:37,334 --> 00:26:40,043 - [Emmy] Oh my God. - [Edna] You're all right. Look at me. 537 00:26:40,043 --> 00:26:43,043 You're all right. Sean, it's going to be okay. Oh Jesus. 538 00:26:43,043 --> 00:26:44,084 Sean, your 539 00:26:45,376 --> 00:26:46,293 thumb. 540 00:26:47,293 --> 00:26:48,709 Seamus Gallagher! 541 00:26:49,668 --> 00:26:52,418 You're under arrest. You do not have to say anything. 542 00:26:53,751 --> 00:26:55,459 - But it may harm your defense-- - Fuck off. 543 00:26:56,334 --> 00:26:57,251 Come on. [mutters] 544 00:26:57,251 --> 00:26:59,418 - [gun cocks] - [Seamus] Stay back, ya cunts. 545 00:27:00,001 --> 00:27:01,126 [Gilbert gasps] 546 00:27:01,126 --> 00:27:03,293 Right, I'm fuckin' warning ya! 547 00:27:03,293 --> 00:27:04,751 [dramatic music playing] 548 00:27:05,959 --> 00:27:08,543 - Hey. - [Charles] Let him go! Let him go! 549 00:27:08,543 --> 00:27:09,876 Stay back, or else. 550 00:27:09,876 --> 00:27:11,209 [gunshot] 551 00:27:11,209 --> 00:27:12,918 [music intensifies] 552 00:27:12,918 --> 00:27:14,376 [engine starts, revs] 553 00:27:14,376 --> 00:27:15,834 [tires screech] 554 00:27:18,668 --> 00:27:19,751 [both pant] 555 00:27:19,751 --> 00:27:22,584 What did you do, Dove? What did you fucking do? 556 00:27:25,001 --> 00:27:26,334 [dramatic music continues] 557 00:27:27,751 --> 00:27:28,959 [tires screech] 558 00:27:31,376 --> 00:27:33,376 [tires screech] 559 00:27:33,376 --> 00:27:34,459 [engine idling] 560 00:27:34,459 --> 00:27:35,501 [Seamus] Fuck. 561 00:27:37,793 --> 00:27:38,918 [music fading out] 562 00:27:38,918 --> 00:27:40,626 [drums beating in distance] 563 00:27:41,793 --> 00:27:43,584 [festival-goers whoop, laugh] 564 00:27:44,918 --> 00:27:46,043 Fuckin' Samhain. 565 00:27:51,918 --> 00:27:52,751 Get out. 566 00:27:53,501 --> 00:27:55,001 - Get the fuck out. - Okay, okay, okay. 567 00:27:56,501 --> 00:27:58,918 - Seamus, come on. Calm down. - Who else knew, huh? 568 00:27:59,501 --> 00:28:01,418 Who else knew about Sean? 569 00:28:01,418 --> 00:28:02,459 Seamus, come on. 570 00:28:03,043 --> 00:28:05,584 [inhales sharply] This fuckin' town! 571 00:28:05,584 --> 00:28:06,668 [cell phone chimes] 572 00:28:06,668 --> 00:28:08,126 [Seamus breathes heavily] 573 00:28:12,751 --> 00:28:13,876 Empty your pockets. 574 00:28:13,876 --> 00:28:14,876 What? 575 00:28:14,876 --> 00:28:15,876 Now! 576 00:28:16,584 --> 00:28:18,959 [Gilbert breathes shakily] 577 00:28:18,959 --> 00:28:21,168 It... it... t was just my... my phone. 578 00:28:21,168 --> 00:28:22,918 - [foreboding music plays] - The other one. 579 00:28:22,918 --> 00:28:25,001 [drums beating in distance] 580 00:28:28,043 --> 00:28:29,543 [Gilbert breathes shakily] 581 00:28:29,543 --> 00:28:30,459 [Seamus inhales] 582 00:28:30,459 --> 00:28:31,709 Did you get all that? 583 00:28:32,709 --> 00:28:35,084 - Look... [sighs] - Do you know what's in my pocket? 584 00:28:36,126 --> 00:28:37,751 Do ya? [breath trembles] 585 00:28:37,751 --> 00:28:40,584 It's me son's... fuckin' thumb! 586 00:28:40,584 --> 00:28:42,168 [breathes nervously] 587 00:28:47,376 --> 00:28:48,209 Now, 588 00:28:49,959 --> 00:28:53,168 let's give your little podcast the ending it deserves. 589 00:28:55,084 --> 00:28:56,751 [Sean inhales deeply] 590 00:28:57,418 --> 00:28:59,043 - [exhales] - [indistinct chatter] 591 00:29:00,126 --> 00:29:01,834 [Emmy] What, you made a deal? [chuckles] 592 00:29:01,834 --> 00:29:03,001 With them? 593 00:29:03,001 --> 00:29:06,626 [indistinct chatter over police radio] 594 00:29:06,626 --> 00:29:08,626 - Get what you want, did you? - Just stop. 595 00:29:08,626 --> 00:29:10,668 Krtek just the appetizer. Now Gilbert, Sean. 596 00:29:10,668 --> 00:29:11,834 Gilbert will be fine. 597 00:29:11,834 --> 00:29:13,793 Yeah! Yeah, yeah, he looked fuckin' fine. 598 00:29:13,793 --> 00:29:15,501 Seamus wouldn't hurt him. They're friends. 599 00:29:15,501 --> 00:29:16,709 [Emmy] You sure about that? 600 00:29:16,709 --> 00:29:19,459 He's the infamous Badger. The dangerous, evil Badger. 601 00:29:19,459 --> 00:29:22,376 - Until you lure him out to save your skin. - No, I didn't lure him-- 602 00:29:22,376 --> 00:29:25,709 'Cause you're not some noble, high-minded investigative journalist. 603 00:29:26,293 --> 00:29:28,668 You just do whatever you feel like to get what you want. 604 00:29:30,668 --> 00:29:31,918 But you were right, Dove. 605 00:29:32,709 --> 00:29:34,001 You do tell the truth. 606 00:29:34,709 --> 00:29:37,751 This whole time, you've been telling us exactly who you are. 607 00:29:38,959 --> 00:29:40,959 And I don't know how you live with yourself. 608 00:29:44,834 --> 00:29:45,751 [sniffs] 609 00:29:52,293 --> 00:29:53,168 You're right. 610 00:29:55,543 --> 00:29:56,543 I did use them. 611 00:30:00,168 --> 00:30:01,668 [Dove breathes shakily] 612 00:30:01,668 --> 00:30:02,793 [cell phone vibrates] 613 00:30:02,793 --> 00:30:03,793 [Emmy sniffs] 614 00:30:07,001 --> 00:30:08,793 Gilbert sent his location. We need to help him. 615 00:30:08,793 --> 00:30:10,043 I'd only make things worse. 616 00:30:10,043 --> 00:30:13,584 Fucking hell. Dove, we don't have time for you to feel sorry for yourself. 617 00:30:14,584 --> 00:30:16,126 I'm sorry Krtek killed himself. 618 00:30:16,126 --> 00:30:19,251 Sorry your mum was a dick, or whatever, but it doesn't fucking matter. 619 00:30:19,751 --> 00:30:21,668 What are you gonna do right now, Dove? 620 00:30:22,543 --> 00:30:25,126 - What are you gonna do? - [Annika] Well, Dove. [scoffs] 621 00:30:25,126 --> 00:30:28,126 Instead of arresting Seamus, we now have a shooting victim, 622 00:30:28,126 --> 00:30:31,334 a hostage situation, and a dangerous smuggler on the run. 623 00:30:31,334 --> 00:30:33,584 You're going to the station while we sort this mess out. 624 00:30:33,584 --> 00:30:37,084 We've been setting this entire operation up for months. 625 00:30:37,084 --> 00:30:39,959 - And within a week, you've-- - Oh, fuck off. 626 00:30:42,209 --> 00:30:45,043 You have to be the most incompetent pair of fuckwits I have ever met. 627 00:30:45,043 --> 00:30:47,084 Explain to me the ethics of the deal with Dove. 628 00:30:47,084 --> 00:30:50,043 - [Charles] Listen, kid-- - Sean had his fucking thumb shot off. 629 00:30:50,043 --> 00:30:52,793 What you did is entrapment. Is that standard Interpol policy? 630 00:30:52,793 --> 00:30:54,751 We don't have to explain ourselves to you. 631 00:30:54,751 --> 00:30:57,293 You don't know what it takes to keep people like you safe. 632 00:30:59,418 --> 00:31:01,793 This whole conversation is on record, by the way. 633 00:31:03,918 --> 00:31:06,459 Do you have any further comment on your actions here in Bodkin? 634 00:31:09,793 --> 00:31:10,668 Good. 635 00:31:11,834 --> 00:31:12,709 Now jog on. 636 00:31:17,459 --> 00:31:19,043 [Charles] Let's go find Seamus. 637 00:31:19,668 --> 00:31:21,168 Were you really recording that? 638 00:31:21,793 --> 00:31:24,126 No. I feel wild. [chuckles] 639 00:31:24,126 --> 00:31:25,126 That was... 640 00:31:25,709 --> 00:31:27,209 that was very cool, Sizergh. 641 00:31:29,084 --> 00:31:31,293 [inhales deeply] Okay, erm... 642 00:31:31,793 --> 00:31:33,043 [sniffs] Where's Gilbert? 643 00:31:33,043 --> 00:31:34,209 - Ah. - [phone unlocks] 644 00:31:34,793 --> 00:31:38,168 They're heading to the festival. But how are we supposed to get there? 645 00:31:38,168 --> 00:31:39,459 I have an idea. 646 00:31:39,459 --> 00:31:42,459 - [Emmy] What? - Well, it... it involves stealing something. 647 00:31:43,543 --> 00:31:44,418 There she is. 648 00:31:45,876 --> 00:31:47,876 [electronic dance music playing loudly] 649 00:31:52,959 --> 00:31:55,126 [crowd cheering] 650 00:31:56,709 --> 00:31:57,584 [woman] Whoo! 651 00:31:57,584 --> 00:31:59,668 I'm just living my life, huh, 652 00:32:00,251 --> 00:32:05,209 no bother to anyone, and you turn up, worming your way in with your questions. 653 00:32:05,834 --> 00:32:08,209 Huh? Think you can turn up here and bleed me dry? 654 00:32:08,209 --> 00:32:10,376 [grunts] All for your story. 655 00:32:10,376 --> 00:32:12,043 Well, not tonight, Gilbert. 656 00:32:12,043 --> 00:32:14,168 Tonight you get to be the story. 657 00:32:15,501 --> 00:32:17,918 - [bass thumping] - [crowd cheering] 658 00:32:19,626 --> 00:32:21,126 [brakes squeal, hiss] 659 00:32:24,418 --> 00:32:25,501 [flames whoosh] 660 00:32:34,376 --> 00:32:36,501 How the hell are we gonna find him in all this? 661 00:32:37,001 --> 00:32:38,834 - [crowd cheering] - [Emmy sighs] 662 00:32:41,251 --> 00:32:42,626 [squelching] 663 00:32:43,834 --> 00:32:45,834 [muffled music continues] 664 00:32:46,376 --> 00:32:48,251 [rock scraping] 665 00:32:49,209 --> 00:32:51,751 [Gilbert] Look, I... I wasn't trying to betray you. 666 00:32:51,751 --> 00:32:52,668 [Seamus scoffs] 667 00:32:54,126 --> 00:32:56,001 Look, I-- I'll delete everything. 668 00:32:56,001 --> 00:32:58,376 I'll... I'll... I'll... [hesitates, sighs] 669 00:32:58,376 --> 00:33:01,793 You know, I... I will never... I'll never make a podcast again. 670 00:33:04,209 --> 00:33:06,084 Why would you do that, now, Gilbert? 671 00:33:06,668 --> 00:33:07,501 Hmm? 672 00:33:08,543 --> 00:33:11,126 Why would you give away a story this good? 673 00:33:12,793 --> 00:33:14,501 Think about it. You know? 674 00:33:15,126 --> 00:33:16,543 A man comes to Bodkin 675 00:33:16,543 --> 00:33:19,293 to investigate three people who disappeared... 676 00:33:19,293 --> 00:33:20,793 [shuffling] 677 00:33:20,793 --> 00:33:21,751 [chuckles] 678 00:33:23,584 --> 00:33:25,459 ...and then goes missing himself. 679 00:33:27,168 --> 00:33:28,959 - [sighs] - [Seamus] I mean, it's... 680 00:33:28,959 --> 00:33:30,459 it's too good a story. 681 00:33:34,501 --> 00:33:35,834 [breathes heavily] 682 00:33:35,834 --> 00:33:40,376 Maybe, one day, someone will come along and try to work out what happened to you. 683 00:33:40,376 --> 00:33:41,418 Hmm? 684 00:33:42,293 --> 00:33:44,459 And then we'll see how you feel about it, huh? 685 00:33:44,459 --> 00:33:46,126 Seamus, please. 686 00:33:47,043 --> 00:33:48,876 You're... you're not this person. 687 00:33:48,876 --> 00:33:49,834 [bag zips] 688 00:33:54,543 --> 00:33:55,709 I am what I am. 689 00:33:55,709 --> 00:33:57,834 - [foreboding music plays] - [Gilbert sighs] 690 00:34:00,959 --> 00:34:02,959 [heavy crate scraping] 691 00:34:05,959 --> 00:34:06,876 [Seamus exhales] 692 00:34:07,876 --> 00:34:10,793 [breathing heavily] 693 00:34:14,001 --> 00:34:14,834 [grunts softly] 694 00:34:22,334 --> 00:34:24,834 When I stole this Semtex from the McArdles, 695 00:34:26,334 --> 00:34:28,459 I thought it was gonna make me rich. 696 00:34:31,376 --> 00:34:33,209 But instead, I lost everything. 697 00:34:36,376 --> 00:34:38,376 It all started with these teddies. 698 00:34:40,043 --> 00:34:41,043 [teddy rips] 699 00:34:47,459 --> 00:34:49,126 Now they can end it too. 700 00:34:52,709 --> 00:34:54,709 [electronic dance music continues] 701 00:34:59,959 --> 00:35:00,876 She's close. 702 00:35:05,543 --> 00:35:08,418 [sinister music fading in] 703 00:35:09,209 --> 00:35:10,168 [Jon-Joe coughing] 704 00:35:10,168 --> 00:35:11,918 [grumbles] Oh fuck. 705 00:35:13,293 --> 00:35:15,668 - [crowd cheering] - [electronic music continues] 706 00:35:15,668 --> 00:35:17,168 [Seamus] In ancient times, 707 00:35:18,834 --> 00:35:20,209 they thought the mouth 708 00:35:20,918 --> 00:35:22,626 was the gateway for the soul. 709 00:35:23,418 --> 00:35:24,959 So when a person died, 710 00:35:25,668 --> 00:35:27,418 they'd shove a rock in their gob 711 00:35:27,418 --> 00:35:30,793 to stop the evil spirits from bringing them back to life. 712 00:35:32,293 --> 00:35:33,251 [recorder clatters] 713 00:35:37,001 --> 00:35:38,709 You blew up my whole world. 714 00:35:39,751 --> 00:35:41,668 I just wanted to tell a story. 715 00:35:41,668 --> 00:35:42,876 Oh, well... 716 00:35:45,668 --> 00:35:47,293 - [Gilbert gasps] - ...keep it to yourself. 717 00:35:47,293 --> 00:35:49,668 - [grunts] - [Gilbert choking, gagging] 718 00:35:49,668 --> 00:35:51,251 Fuck you! 719 00:35:51,251 --> 00:35:53,043 [Gilbert coughing] 720 00:35:53,043 --> 00:35:55,584 - Fuck this town. - [garbled yelling] 721 00:35:55,584 --> 00:35:58,959 Fuck this world, and fuck the other one too. 722 00:35:59,668 --> 00:36:01,543 - [detonator beeps] - [Gilbert coughing] 723 00:36:02,209 --> 00:36:05,168 [garbled yelling] 724 00:36:05,168 --> 00:36:06,918 [whimpers] 725 00:36:06,918 --> 00:36:10,376 [coughing] 726 00:36:11,459 --> 00:36:13,376 - [grunts] - [on recording] We're all just stories. 727 00:36:13,376 --> 00:36:15,293 Stories of where we came from... 728 00:36:15,293 --> 00:36:18,043 - [Gilbert groans] - ...stories of what we've done. 729 00:36:18,043 --> 00:36:20,084 [electronic music building] 730 00:36:27,209 --> 00:36:28,209 [drums pounding] 731 00:36:29,918 --> 00:36:31,251 [music swells] 732 00:36:32,834 --> 00:36:34,959 - [beat drops] - [bass thumping] 733 00:36:34,959 --> 00:36:35,918 [man] Woo-hoo! 734 00:36:39,043 --> 00:36:40,751 Emmy! Emmy! 735 00:36:45,418 --> 00:36:47,584 [music continues in distance] 736 00:36:47,584 --> 00:36:49,168 The app says he's right here. 737 00:36:49,668 --> 00:36:51,168 So much for technology. 738 00:36:52,418 --> 00:36:53,668 [sighs] 739 00:36:53,668 --> 00:36:55,626 Fuck. This is hopeless. 740 00:36:59,834 --> 00:37:02,084 [Gilbert's voice on recording echoes] 741 00:37:02,084 --> 00:37:04,084 Stories that we tell each other. 742 00:37:05,251 --> 00:37:06,668 Stories we're not telling... 743 00:37:06,668 --> 00:37:07,626 [Emmy] Gilbert? 744 00:37:07,626 --> 00:37:10,709 - [suspenseful music playing] - We're all just stories we tell ourselves. 745 00:37:13,209 --> 00:37:14,126 I came to Bodkin... 746 00:37:14,126 --> 00:37:15,709 - [murmurs] - ...to investigate a mystery. 747 00:37:15,709 --> 00:37:17,293 - Uh! - [Dove] Jesus, Gilbert! 748 00:37:17,293 --> 00:37:18,501 What I found... 749 00:37:18,501 --> 00:37:20,584 - [Emmy] Thank God. - Sometimes, maybe-- 750 00:37:20,584 --> 00:37:21,709 [gagging] 751 00:37:21,709 --> 00:37:23,293 - [coughs, sighs] - ...needs to be solved. 752 00:37:23,293 --> 00:37:24,834 - Are you okay? - [coughs] Wait. 753 00:37:24,834 --> 00:37:26,709 - It's a bomb. Semtex. - What? 754 00:37:26,709 --> 00:37:28,043 [Gilbert] He's got a detonator. 755 00:37:28,043 --> 00:37:30,168 - How the fuck is there a bomb in here? - I don't know! 756 00:37:30,168 --> 00:37:32,584 I mean, I... I was just trying to make a fucking podcast! 757 00:37:32,584 --> 00:37:33,543 Now there's a bomb! 758 00:37:33,543 --> 00:37:35,084 Oh my God. The festival. 759 00:37:35,084 --> 00:37:36,793 Get everyone off this fuckin' hill. 760 00:37:36,793 --> 00:37:38,251 - Okay. - Which way did he go? 761 00:37:38,251 --> 00:37:39,251 Through there. 762 00:37:40,293 --> 00:37:41,793 - Okay. [pants] - [Gilbert sighs] 763 00:37:43,834 --> 00:37:44,959 [grunts] 764 00:37:46,626 --> 00:37:48,251 Huh! Guys! 765 00:37:48,793 --> 00:37:49,626 Guys! 766 00:37:49,626 --> 00:37:52,543 - [crowd cheering] - [dance music continues] 767 00:37:52,543 --> 00:37:53,876 [Emmy] Sorry. Excuse me. 768 00:37:57,626 --> 00:37:58,668 Fintan. 769 00:38:00,293 --> 00:38:02,084 [muffled music continues] 770 00:38:02,084 --> 00:38:03,334 What the fuck? 771 00:38:06,709 --> 00:38:08,709 [waves crashing faintly] 772 00:38:16,459 --> 00:38:17,959 Fintan! Fintan! 773 00:38:17,959 --> 00:38:19,918 - Isn't it amazing? - We need an announcement. 774 00:38:19,918 --> 00:38:21,668 - We need to get everyone away. - What? 775 00:38:21,668 --> 00:38:24,251 There's a bomb under the Hollow. You need to get everyone to move. 776 00:38:24,251 --> 00:38:26,751 - What are you on about? - Get everyone off this fucking hill! 777 00:38:26,751 --> 00:38:30,418 Listen to yourself, Emmy. Bombs under a field in Bodkin? 778 00:38:30,418 --> 00:38:32,084 I mean, look at it. 779 00:38:32,626 --> 00:38:34,043 Bodkin 2.0. 780 00:38:34,043 --> 00:38:35,293 And it's mine. 781 00:38:35,293 --> 00:38:37,668 Oh Christ, Fintan. Do you hear yourself? 782 00:38:37,668 --> 00:38:40,709 God, you really are just a shitpants. 783 00:38:40,709 --> 00:38:44,001 And that's all you'll ever be, just fucking Shitpants! 784 00:38:57,584 --> 00:38:59,168 - [grunts] - [air hissing] 785 00:39:02,293 --> 00:39:05,001 You daft cunt. You brought a knife to a gunfight. 786 00:39:05,501 --> 00:39:07,626 - [crowd cheering] - [Emmy] Please! You need to stop! 787 00:39:07,626 --> 00:39:09,959 There is a bomb! You need to leave now! 788 00:39:09,959 --> 00:39:12,293 - [crowd cheers] - Please, everyone, listen! 789 00:39:12,293 --> 00:39:13,626 There is a bomb! 790 00:39:13,626 --> 00:39:14,668 And we need to go-- 791 00:39:15,251 --> 00:39:16,084 Fuck. 792 00:39:18,168 --> 00:39:20,668 Hey, stop. Hey, stop the music. Stop the music. 793 00:39:20,668 --> 00:39:23,043 There is a bomb. We need to leave. Stop-- 794 00:39:23,043 --> 00:39:24,293 [music playing loudly] 795 00:39:25,959 --> 00:39:28,251 I am not fucking Shitpants. 796 00:39:29,418 --> 00:39:30,334 I don't care. 797 00:39:31,626 --> 00:39:32,793 - [zapping] - [music stops] 798 00:39:32,793 --> 00:39:34,834 - [man 1] Fucking psycho! - Please, everyone, listen! 799 00:39:34,834 --> 00:39:37,876 - There is a bomb! We need to leave now! - [crowd booing] 800 00:39:37,876 --> 00:39:39,418 - Please-- - [crowd booing] 801 00:39:39,418 --> 00:39:41,251 - [heckling] - [man 2] Stupid cow! 802 00:39:42,126 --> 00:39:44,793 So you think you've won? You've got me on the run, huh? 803 00:39:45,293 --> 00:39:48,084 - Look, Seamus-- - Take one more step, I press this button. 804 00:39:49,543 --> 00:39:51,543 [booing, heckling irately] 805 00:39:59,084 --> 00:40:01,043 Get her off my stage right now! 806 00:40:01,834 --> 00:40:05,251 [crowd chant] One more tune! One more tune! 807 00:40:05,251 --> 00:40:07,043 - One more tune! - [Emmy] Move! Move! 808 00:40:07,043 --> 00:40:08,834 - [crowd] One more tune! - [panting] 809 00:40:08,834 --> 00:40:10,626 - One more tune! - [Emmy grunts, gasps] 810 00:40:10,626 --> 00:40:12,501 - Are you okay? - [crowd] One more tune! 811 00:40:12,501 --> 00:40:14,209 - One more tune! - [sighs] Teddy. 812 00:40:14,209 --> 00:40:16,126 - [crowd] One more tune! - Follow me! 813 00:40:16,126 --> 00:40:18,543 - Now fuck off! I mean it. - Seamus-- 814 00:40:20,376 --> 00:40:21,251 Go ahead. 815 00:40:21,251 --> 00:40:23,959 What? You think I won't? 816 00:40:25,084 --> 00:40:26,918 [Dove] Blow up this shithole. I don't care. 817 00:40:27,959 --> 00:40:30,751 If that's what you wanna do, then fuckin' do it. 818 00:40:31,668 --> 00:40:34,876 - In fact, give it to me. I'll do it. - [poignant music playing] 819 00:40:36,209 --> 00:40:38,084 I blow everything up. It's easy for me. 820 00:40:38,584 --> 00:40:41,376 I'll burn this whole world down. 821 00:40:43,709 --> 00:40:46,043 We're the same... you and I. 822 00:40:47,959 --> 00:40:49,876 Thinking we're all alone in the world. 823 00:40:50,876 --> 00:40:53,043 My mother... your son. 824 00:40:53,043 --> 00:40:54,418 [crowd chanting in distance] 825 00:40:54,418 --> 00:40:56,293 [Dove] But I was wrong, Seamus. 826 00:40:56,918 --> 00:40:59,584 I was alone because I chose to be. 827 00:41:01,376 --> 00:41:04,709 So if you wanna blow Bodkin into fuckin' nothing, be my guest. 828 00:41:04,709 --> 00:41:09,543 But don't pretend to be a fuckin' victim, because you chose this, all of it! 829 00:41:09,543 --> 00:41:11,543 No, that... that... that's not fuckin' true. 830 00:41:11,543 --> 00:41:14,501 Oh, bullshit. Malachy and Fiona are dead because of your choices. 831 00:41:14,501 --> 00:41:16,084 I had no fucking choices! 832 00:41:16,084 --> 00:41:18,709 Tell yourself whatever story you want, Seamus. 833 00:41:18,709 --> 00:41:20,001 It's all a choice. 834 00:41:20,001 --> 00:41:23,043 [Jon-Joe coughs] Hello, Jackie boy. 835 00:41:23,043 --> 00:41:26,209 Fancy meetin' you here. 836 00:41:26,834 --> 00:41:28,209 Been a while, Jon-Joe. 837 00:41:28,918 --> 00:41:30,293 [Charles] Seamus Gallagher. 838 00:41:31,793 --> 00:41:34,001 [tense music playing] 839 00:41:38,334 --> 00:41:40,168 You still have choices, Seamus. 840 00:41:41,584 --> 00:41:42,584 Them. 841 00:41:44,459 --> 00:41:45,459 Or them. 842 00:41:47,209 --> 00:41:48,376 It's up to you. 843 00:41:52,084 --> 00:41:54,168 [crowd chanting] One more tune! 844 00:41:54,168 --> 00:41:55,876 One more tune! 845 00:41:55,876 --> 00:41:57,459 - One more tune! - Bodkin! 846 00:41:57,459 --> 00:41:59,543 One more tune! 847 00:41:59,543 --> 00:42:01,709 - Who wants another fucking tune? - One more tune! 848 00:42:01,709 --> 00:42:03,543 [crowd cheers, applauds] 849 00:42:12,709 --> 00:42:14,918 [applause subsiding] 850 00:42:15,626 --> 00:42:16,668 Sing. 851 00:42:19,543 --> 00:42:24,751 ♪ Of all the money ♪ 852 00:42:24,751 --> 00:42:28,459 ♪ E'er I had ♪ 853 00:42:29,376 --> 00:42:34,459 ♪ I spent it in good company ♪ 854 00:42:35,584 --> 00:42:40,043 ♪ And all the harm I've ever done ♪ 855 00:42:40,043 --> 00:42:46,001 ♪ Alas, it was to none but me ♪ 856 00:42:50,084 --> 00:42:51,793 [drums beating rhythmically] 857 00:42:54,584 --> 00:42:55,459 Drive! 858 00:42:57,001 --> 00:42:59,876 - ♪ Of all the money e'er I had ♪ - [tractor engine rumbles] 859 00:42:59,876 --> 00:43:02,876 ♪ I spent it in good company ♪ 860 00:43:02,876 --> 00:43:05,793 ♪ And all the harm I've ever done ♪ 861 00:43:05,793 --> 00:43:08,834 - ♪ Alas, it was to none but me ♪ - [crowd singing along] 862 00:43:08,834 --> 00:43:11,834 ♪ And all I've done for want of wit ♪ 863 00:43:11,834 --> 00:43:14,751 ♪ To memory now I can't recall ♪ 864 00:43:14,751 --> 00:43:21,126 ♪ So fill to me the parting glass Good night and joy be with you all ♪ 865 00:43:21,126 --> 00:43:23,501 - [crowd cheering, whooping] - [drumming continues] 866 00:43:23,501 --> 00:43:26,293 [crowd] ♪ Of all the money e'er I had... ♪ 867 00:43:26,293 --> 00:43:27,876 [squeaking] 868 00:43:27,876 --> 00:43:29,626 Ah! [pants] 869 00:43:29,626 --> 00:43:31,626 [crowd singing faintly in distance] 870 00:43:32,626 --> 00:43:34,084 [suspenseful music playing] 871 00:43:37,084 --> 00:43:38,168 - [zaps] - [grunts] 872 00:43:38,168 --> 00:43:39,751 [foreboding music drones] 873 00:43:39,751 --> 00:43:41,293 [suspenseful music continues] 874 00:43:46,751 --> 00:43:49,126 Better the devil you know. Eh, Jon-Joe? 875 00:43:50,043 --> 00:43:52,084 [Jon-Joe] You've had a good run, boy. 876 00:43:52,084 --> 00:43:54,543 But it had to end sometime. 877 00:43:55,584 --> 00:43:58,834 I've waited a long time for this. 878 00:44:04,376 --> 00:44:05,251 Dove. 879 00:44:06,626 --> 00:44:08,001 It is my fault. 880 00:44:08,001 --> 00:44:10,251 Fiona, Malachy, Sean. 881 00:44:11,251 --> 00:44:12,293 I did it. 882 00:44:14,876 --> 00:44:16,084 But d'you know what? 883 00:44:16,834 --> 00:44:18,126 I don't feel a thing. 884 00:44:18,126 --> 00:44:19,376 [music ends] 885 00:44:19,376 --> 00:44:20,668 [Seamus scoffs softly] 886 00:44:20,668 --> 00:44:22,168 - [Dove gasps] - [detonator beeps] 887 00:44:23,001 --> 00:44:24,376 [crowd screams] 888 00:44:24,376 --> 00:44:26,251 [flames whoosh ferociously] 889 00:44:26,251 --> 00:44:28,334 [explosion echoes] 890 00:44:29,543 --> 00:44:31,543 [crowd laughing, cheering] 891 00:44:34,459 --> 00:44:36,043 [thundering explosion echoing] 892 00:44:37,543 --> 00:44:39,126 [crowd cheers in distance] 893 00:44:39,126 --> 00:44:40,251 [whizzing] 894 00:44:40,251 --> 00:44:42,251 [pattering] 895 00:44:42,251 --> 00:44:44,209 [crowd groans, screams] 896 00:44:48,334 --> 00:44:50,043 Oh my God. Gilbert! 897 00:44:50,043 --> 00:44:52,126 [crowd clamoring indistinctly] 898 00:44:56,334 --> 00:44:58,084 [Dove panting] 899 00:44:59,543 --> 00:45:00,376 Gilbert? 900 00:45:00,376 --> 00:45:01,918 [panting] 901 00:45:03,209 --> 00:45:04,126 [exhales] 902 00:45:09,918 --> 00:45:11,543 [somber music playing] 903 00:45:11,543 --> 00:45:12,459 [sighs] 904 00:45:14,918 --> 00:45:16,459 [Dove panting] 905 00:45:18,418 --> 00:45:19,251 Did he get out? 906 00:45:19,251 --> 00:45:21,751 I... I don't know. I thought he was following, and then-- 907 00:45:21,751 --> 00:45:23,209 [gasps] Gilbert! 908 00:45:24,043 --> 00:45:25,001 [sobs] Gilbert, I-- 909 00:45:30,001 --> 00:45:33,084 [panting, sobbing softly] 910 00:45:36,709 --> 00:45:38,251 - [Emmy] Dove. - [Dove sniffles] 911 00:45:38,251 --> 00:45:39,501 [sobbing softly] 912 00:45:39,501 --> 00:45:40,501 [Emmy] Dove. 913 00:45:41,209 --> 00:45:42,459 [somber music fades out] 914 00:45:43,626 --> 00:45:44,834 He's... he's right here. 915 00:45:45,334 --> 00:45:46,334 [cheerily] Hello. 916 00:45:48,293 --> 00:45:49,168 [inhales sharply] 917 00:45:50,459 --> 00:45:51,418 What are you doing? 918 00:45:53,751 --> 00:45:55,126 [exhales shakily] Nothing. 919 00:45:59,543 --> 00:46:01,959 [breathing shakily] 920 00:46:02,626 --> 00:46:03,793 Are you crying? 921 00:46:06,334 --> 00:46:07,501 Lost my sunglasses. 922 00:46:17,918 --> 00:46:20,126 I didn't realize you liked them so much. 923 00:46:21,626 --> 00:46:22,959 I've grown fond of them. 924 00:46:23,959 --> 00:46:24,793 Hmm. 925 00:46:24,793 --> 00:46:26,084 [fire crackling] 926 00:46:26,084 --> 00:46:27,459 [Gilbert chuckles softly] 927 00:46:31,334 --> 00:46:32,709 We're talking about me, right? 928 00:46:33,751 --> 00:46:34,668 No. 929 00:46:35,334 --> 00:46:37,001 I'm sad about my sunglasses. 930 00:46:38,418 --> 00:46:39,959 Not bothered about you at all. 931 00:46:40,459 --> 00:46:41,626 [inhales] Okay. 932 00:46:43,168 --> 00:46:45,001 [tender music playing] 933 00:46:49,168 --> 00:46:50,084 You know, 934 00:46:50,834 --> 00:46:54,084 I've always thought this was the most beautiful country in the world. 935 00:47:00,209 --> 00:47:03,626 I came to Bodkin to investigate a decades-old mystery, 936 00:47:05,251 --> 00:47:06,418 to tell a story. 937 00:47:07,793 --> 00:47:11,668 And what I found was an amazing story. It was a once-in-a-lifetime story. 938 00:47:11,668 --> 00:47:12,793 [gull calling] 939 00:47:12,793 --> 00:47:16,918 I found violent smugglers and yoga-teaching nuns. 940 00:47:17,543 --> 00:47:20,501 I found eels and hippies and server farms. 941 00:47:21,459 --> 00:47:23,834 I found the desperate things we do for love. 942 00:47:23,834 --> 00:47:25,209 [tender music continues] 943 00:47:26,334 --> 00:47:29,251 And I found out just how far I would go to get that story. 944 00:47:30,209 --> 00:47:31,834 [music drowns out background] 945 00:47:33,001 --> 00:47:34,751 [Gilbert] I found that I could lie 946 00:47:35,543 --> 00:47:36,751 and cheat 947 00:47:36,751 --> 00:47:37,959 and manipulate. 948 00:47:39,209 --> 00:47:40,918 And I thought it was all okay. 949 00:47:40,918 --> 00:47:43,376 I thought it was gonna save my career, 950 00:47:43,376 --> 00:47:44,918 save my marriage. 951 00:47:47,209 --> 00:47:49,543 But that was all just another story. 952 00:47:52,043 --> 00:47:53,709 Our stories are who we are. 953 00:47:56,876 --> 00:47:58,293 And I need a better one. 954 00:48:02,209 --> 00:48:03,876 [inhales deeply, grunts] 955 00:48:07,876 --> 00:48:10,168 [gull calling] 956 00:48:11,668 --> 00:48:12,626 [Dove] You done? 957 00:48:13,501 --> 00:48:14,876 We've got a plane to catch. 958 00:48:15,709 --> 00:48:16,751 I was having a moment. 959 00:48:16,751 --> 00:48:18,876 It was a lot longer than a fuckin' moment. 960 00:48:19,501 --> 00:48:20,334 Sean. 961 00:48:21,543 --> 00:48:22,959 - We're going. - [door opens] 962 00:48:24,293 --> 00:48:25,668 What you gonna do now? 963 00:48:26,834 --> 00:48:28,793 - I have no idea. - [engine starts] 964 00:48:28,793 --> 00:48:30,709 [Gilbert] Probably something where no one dies. 965 00:48:30,709 --> 00:48:32,251 - [doors close] - [engine revs] 966 00:48:34,209 --> 00:48:36,209 [upbeat music playing] 967 00:48:36,834 --> 00:48:39,668 [Dove] You probably think this is the end of the story, don't you? 968 00:48:39,668 --> 00:48:42,293 But nothing ever ends. Not really. 969 00:48:42,293 --> 00:48:45,751 Because things happen, and we just have to keep going. 970 00:48:46,501 --> 00:48:49,709 Anyway, apparently you did a great job. Dove was really impressed. 971 00:48:49,709 --> 00:48:51,418 Mm. That's, um... That's kind of her. 972 00:48:51,418 --> 00:48:54,543 Great. Well, uh, let's catch up again soon. 973 00:48:55,168 --> 00:48:57,709 I hear there's a seat on the Special Investigations desk. 974 00:48:59,043 --> 00:49:01,834 - Emmy, you need experience for that. - I'm plenty experienced. 975 00:49:01,834 --> 00:49:04,043 - Yeah, but-- - How many people impress Dove? 976 00:49:05,376 --> 00:49:08,126 - [whimsical music playing] - Right. So here's what's gonna happen. 977 00:49:08,126 --> 00:49:10,043 I'm gonna take the rest of the day off, 978 00:49:11,126 --> 00:49:13,001 and then I'll start first thing Monday. 979 00:49:14,334 --> 00:49:15,168 Sound good? 980 00:49:17,126 --> 00:49:19,918 [Dove] Things happen, and they change us. 981 00:49:22,126 --> 00:49:24,293 - [music fades out] - But stories matter. 982 00:49:24,293 --> 00:49:25,251 Sean. 983 00:49:26,543 --> 00:49:28,251 There's something I need to tell you 984 00:49:29,793 --> 00:49:30,751 about your mam. 985 00:49:33,209 --> 00:49:34,126 Your real mam. 986 00:49:36,251 --> 00:49:37,918 Sure, I know who my real mam is. 987 00:49:41,959 --> 00:49:45,626 [Dove] Because sometimes a story is more important than the truth. 988 00:49:45,626 --> 00:49:47,251 [whimsical music resumes] 989 00:49:47,251 --> 00:49:48,168 Eejit. 990 00:49:52,084 --> 00:49:54,209 [Dove] I used to think that was all that mattered. 991 00:49:54,709 --> 00:49:55,751 The truth. 992 00:50:01,376 --> 00:50:04,834 But I think I just wanted everyone to see the world like I did... 993 00:50:05,418 --> 00:50:06,668 [knocking on door] 994 00:50:07,543 --> 00:50:08,834 ...in black and white. 995 00:50:08,834 --> 00:50:12,626 [woman] Sister Geraldine kept all of your stories. 996 00:50:20,293 --> 00:50:23,293 There's a reason we don't throw anything away here. 997 00:50:37,376 --> 00:50:38,459 [chuckles] 998 00:50:38,459 --> 00:50:40,626 Your wolf has seen better days. 999 00:50:42,668 --> 00:50:43,793 Her name's Faoladh. 1000 00:50:45,876 --> 00:50:48,209 My mam used to tell me she'd always protect me. 1001 00:50:49,501 --> 00:50:51,668 [chuckles softly] That if I ever felt lost, 1002 00:50:52,709 --> 00:50:55,293 all I had to do was howl, and she'd find me. 1003 00:50:57,918 --> 00:51:00,459 [smacks lips, softly] A-woo! 1004 00:51:04,001 --> 00:51:05,376 Eh, are you here for work? 1005 00:51:06,959 --> 00:51:07,834 No, I-- 1006 00:51:08,334 --> 00:51:09,626 I had to make a deal. 1007 00:51:10,876 --> 00:51:12,209 I had to leave my job. 1008 00:51:13,251 --> 00:51:15,001 How long will you be staying for? 1009 00:51:15,001 --> 00:51:16,459 [Dove] As long as it takes. 1010 00:51:18,418 --> 00:51:19,918 I've got a story I'm working on. 1011 00:51:19,918 --> 00:51:20,959 What's it about? 1012 00:51:25,834 --> 00:51:26,793 You. 1013 00:51:28,668 --> 00:51:30,709 And people will listen to it, will they? 1014 00:51:31,793 --> 00:51:32,626 I will. 1015 00:51:33,793 --> 00:51:36,751 But if we can't change the things that have happened... 1016 00:51:36,751 --> 00:51:38,418 [eerie music playing] 1017 00:51:43,126 --> 00:51:44,834 [ethereal music fading in] 1018 00:51:44,834 --> 00:51:46,959 ...maybe we can change the story we tell. 1019 00:51:46,959 --> 00:51:48,459 ["Old Note" by Lisa O'Neill playing] 1020 00:51:48,459 --> 00:51:54,043 ♪ The wind whistled you in Behind the springtime ♪ 1021 00:51:56,543 --> 00:52:01,459 ♪ Float, Old Note, new among my mind ♪ 1022 00:52:02,543 --> 00:52:07,876 ♪ You hold the note The note just moves to move mine ♪ 1023 00:52:09,834 --> 00:52:14,459 ♪ Let go of the note And so move everything ♪ 1024 00:52:18,043 --> 00:52:22,459 ♪ I can't come to quantify the feeling ♪ 1025 00:52:25,293 --> 00:52:29,543 ♪ I was walkin' home Half in the dreamin' ♪ 1026 00:52:31,043 --> 00:52:36,001 ♪ The things that I was thinking I was singin' ♪ 1027 00:52:38,543 --> 00:52:43,459 ♪ The wind whistled you in Behind the springin' ♪ 1028 00:52:46,543 --> 00:52:51,543 ♪ A star ran rings Around the star before me ♪ 1029 00:52:53,084 --> 00:52:58,459 ♪ And spun and swooped And sank in rock beneath me ♪ 1030 00:53:00,043 --> 00:53:05,043 ♪ And mirrored what I've carried Since I met me ♪ 1031 00:53:06,793 --> 00:53:11,959 ♪ And shot me back Into the ground below me ♪ 1032 00:53:15,543 --> 00:53:20,543 ♪ And there I met Another note long buried ♪ 1033 00:53:22,543 --> 00:53:26,959 ♪ And sat upon its shoulders Was a memory ♪ 1034 00:53:29,084 --> 00:53:34,959 ♪ A home, but see Above me's gone so noisy ♪ 1035 00:53:37,043 --> 00:53:42,084 ♪ I almost think I do not recognize me ♪ 1036 00:53:45,043 --> 00:53:49,834 ♪ Feathered friend Dig up and resurrect me ♪ 1037 00:53:51,084 --> 00:53:56,293 ♪ I long to live Among the song of birdies ♪ 1038 00:53:56,293 --> 00:53:57,501 [music fades out]