1 00:00:42,791 --> 00:00:45,041 We'll be arriving shortly, Master. 2 00:00:45,125 --> 00:00:47,458 Set us down well clear of the village. 3 00:00:47,541 --> 00:00:49,375 Tensions are high enough. 4 00:00:49,458 --> 00:00:50,458 Yes, Master. 5 00:01:23,250 --> 00:01:26,375 [creatures warble] 6 00:01:43,333 --> 00:01:45,083 [droid beeps] 7 00:01:47,583 --> 00:01:48,583 [beeping] 8 00:02:00,416 --> 00:02:02,000 [insects buzzing] 9 00:02:07,416 --> 00:02:09,166 [mouse squeaking] 10 00:02:12,916 --> 00:02:17,250 [barking] 11 00:02:19,208 --> 00:02:20,375 [villager whistles] 12 00:02:20,458 --> 00:02:23,458 [dog groans] 13 00:02:23,541 --> 00:02:25,541 Excuse me. Sorry to trouble y... 14 00:02:29,958 --> 00:02:31,666 [creatures warble] 15 00:02:33,208 --> 00:02:38,291 [beeping] 16 00:02:43,041 --> 00:02:44,708 [whines] 17 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:57,083 [beeping] 18 00:03:01,875 --> 00:03:04,875 [villager coughing] 19 00:03:08,833 --> 00:03:10,291 [Dooku] Where is the child? 20 00:03:13,500 --> 00:03:16,958 Where are they holding the Senator's son? 21 00:03:18,208 --> 00:03:20,041 Why should we tell you? 22 00:03:32,875 --> 00:03:35,291 Allow me to make my intentions clear. 23 00:03:41,125 --> 00:03:42,333 Jedi. 24 00:03:43,250 --> 00:03:46,875 We are here to help resolve the situation. 25 00:03:48,125 --> 00:03:49,250 For the Senator. 26 00:03:49,958 --> 00:03:50,958 For everyone. 27 00:03:53,625 --> 00:03:55,833 What do you know of Senator Dagonet? 28 00:03:56,916 --> 00:04:00,208 He is one of the longest-standing Senators in the Republic. 29 00:04:00,291 --> 00:04:04,000 Yes, and when you entered this village, you could see the effects 30 00:04:04,083 --> 00:04:06,375 of his long-standing policies. 31 00:04:07,416 --> 00:04:12,000 With due respect, if you don't like him, why not elect a new Senator? 32 00:04:13,875 --> 00:04:16,041 I wish it were that simple. 33 00:04:20,708 --> 00:04:24,708 Perhaps, in the beginning, Senator Dagonet was a good person 34 00:04:24,791 --> 00:04:28,791 and had the interests of the people in mind. But now... 35 00:04:30,791 --> 00:04:34,250 Come, I will show you where the Senator's son is. 36 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:37,541 You're one of the kidnappers? 37 00:04:45,708 --> 00:04:47,041 They all are. 38 00:05:06,833 --> 00:05:10,666 [creatures warble] 39 00:05:22,333 --> 00:05:24,291 [droid chatters] 40 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:30,791 [chatters] 41 00:05:44,916 --> 00:05:46,791 Have you been treated well? 42 00:05:46,875 --> 00:05:48,958 For a prisoner, yes. 43 00:05:49,666 --> 00:05:52,083 Besides, I have Two-ton here to keep me company. 44 00:05:52,166 --> 00:05:54,083 [chatters] 45 00:05:55,375 --> 00:05:56,791 Your ordeal will soon be over. 46 00:05:57,708 --> 00:05:59,166 It's not much of an ordeal. 47 00:05:59,791 --> 00:06:01,916 Not compared to how these people are living. 48 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:06,416 And you were not aware of these conditions? 49 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:08,958 I rarely leave the capital. 50 00:06:09,041 --> 00:06:11,791 When I do, I spend time off-world on Coruscant, 51 00:06:11,875 --> 00:06:13,083 not here. 52 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:18,208 How could my father allow this to happen to his people? 53 00:06:19,583 --> 00:06:21,375 You don't blame them for abducting you? 54 00:06:21,458 --> 00:06:23,291 What choice did they have? 55 00:06:28,125 --> 00:06:31,708 The Senator, he's here! And he's brought soldiers. 56 00:06:32,916 --> 00:06:36,166 You have deceived us, Master Jedi. 57 00:06:36,250 --> 00:06:40,208 No, our coming here was not known to the Senator. 58 00:06:49,166 --> 00:06:50,708 [Two-ton chatters] 59 00:07:09,166 --> 00:07:10,458 [droid chatters] 60 00:07:14,291 --> 00:07:16,000 She is hungry. 61 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:18,500 Many would do the same. 62 00:07:20,166 --> 00:07:25,541 Jedi, arrest these criminals and have them release my son at once. 63 00:07:26,208 --> 00:07:30,666 I'm afraid our investigation is not yet complete, Senator. 64 00:07:30,750 --> 00:07:32,666 Investigation? 65 00:07:33,708 --> 00:07:36,125 They abducted my son. 66 00:07:36,208 --> 00:07:38,166 I demand his release! 67 00:07:39,541 --> 00:07:43,333 Let me assure you your son is in no immediate danger. 68 00:07:44,375 --> 00:07:46,750 I'll be the judge of that. 69 00:07:46,833 --> 00:07:47,833 Guards! 70 00:08:07,333 --> 00:08:09,833 Step aside, Jedi. 71 00:08:10,750 --> 00:08:12,333 We cannot. 72 00:08:13,125 --> 00:08:15,250 You serve the Senate. 73 00:08:15,875 --> 00:08:17,166 No. 74 00:08:17,250 --> 00:08:20,125 We serve the people of this Republic. 75 00:08:23,375 --> 00:08:25,041 So be it. 76 00:08:25,125 --> 00:08:26,625 Ready! 77 00:08:34,041 --> 00:08:35,291 Aim! 78 00:08:42,041 --> 00:08:43,125 Stand down. 79 00:08:43,666 --> 00:08:45,791 I will not. 80 00:08:54,583 --> 00:08:56,166 Fire! 81 00:09:10,166 --> 00:09:12,083 [grunts, screams] 82 00:09:12,166 --> 00:09:13,166 [Senator's son] No! 83 00:09:24,500 --> 00:09:25,500 [grunts] 84 00:09:30,958 --> 00:09:32,291 Halt! 85 00:09:56,541 --> 00:09:59,416 I will destroy this town 86 00:09:59,500 --> 00:10:03,125 and make an example of it, and many others. 87 00:10:04,666 --> 00:10:06,583 None shall defy me! 88 00:10:06,666 --> 00:10:09,250 Not even you, Master Jed... 89 00:10:09,333 --> 00:10:10,708 [Force rumbling] 90 00:10:13,625 --> 00:10:17,041 [choking] 91 00:10:17,666 --> 00:10:18,708 Master. 92 00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:32,958 [screams] 93 00:10:35,916 --> 00:10:37,458 Go! Save your father. 94 00:10:37,541 --> 00:10:39,083 - What? - Go now. 95 00:10:41,375 --> 00:10:44,791 - Corruption like yours must be eradicated. - [choking] 96 00:10:45,500 --> 00:10:46,500 No! 97 00:10:47,250 --> 00:10:48,500 Stop! 98 00:10:49,625 --> 00:10:51,583 Master, it's over. 99 00:10:51,666 --> 00:10:53,500 [choking] 100 00:10:55,166 --> 00:10:56,625 - [groans] - [lightsaber retracts] 101 00:10:58,916 --> 00:11:01,666 [coughs] 102 00:11:01,750 --> 00:11:02,750 My son. 103 00:11:07,333 --> 00:11:10,375 Father, how could you do this? 104 00:11:11,125 --> 00:11:12,291 These are your people... 105 00:11:14,666 --> 00:11:16,125 our people! 106 00:11:37,583 --> 00:11:40,083 I will not allow your suffering to continue. 107 00:11:41,166 --> 00:11:42,375 I promise. 108 00:12:19,708 --> 00:12:21,875 [barking] 109 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:35,500 I wonder if any meaningful change will come of this. 110 00:12:36,875 --> 00:12:39,041 Is that why you took action into your own hands? 111 00:12:40,875 --> 00:12:43,791 Your actions saved many lives today. 112 00:12:44,458 --> 00:12:46,250 Just thinking in the moment, Master. 113 00:12:47,625 --> 00:12:49,166 Well, then. 114 00:12:49,250 --> 00:12:52,708 You're a much wiser man than I, Qui-Gon Jinn. 115 00:12:53,708 --> 00:12:54,958 Thanks to your teachings.