1 00:01:14,933 --> 00:01:34,866 ♪ 2 00:01:24,866 --> 00:01:44,866 ♪ 3 00:01:34,866 --> 00:01:54,866 ♪ 4 00:01:44,866 --> 00:02:04,933 ♪ 5 00:01:54,866 --> 00:02:14,933 ♪ 6 00:02:04,933 --> 00:02:18,633 ♪ 7 00:02:14,933 --> 00:02:20,333 ♪ 8 00:02:18,633 --> 00:02:24,166 >> Even now, 9 00:02:20,333 --> 00:02:25,666 you sense them here, 10 00:02:22,700 --> 00:02:26,566 resting at the bottom 11 00:02:24,166 --> 00:02:29,200 of Pearl Harbor 12 00:02:25,666 --> 00:02:32,000 on the battleship 13 00:02:26,566 --> 00:02:33,200 U.S.S. Arizona. 14 00:02:29,200 --> 00:02:35,200 Over 900 crewmen entombed 15 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:40,233 for eternity 16 00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:43,100 below her shattered decks. 17 00:02:35,200 --> 00:02:45,266 ♪ 18 00:02:40,233 --> 00:02:47,266 Their once personal possessions 19 00:02:43,100 --> 00:02:51,366 come into view in the warm, 20 00:02:45,266 --> 00:02:53,466 silty, green Pacific water. 21 00:02:47,266 --> 00:02:55,066 ♪ 22 00:02:51,366 --> 00:02:56,466 Nearby, fuel oil 23 00:02:53,466 --> 00:02:59,333 still rises to the surface 24 00:02:55,066 --> 00:03:03,200 every four minutes 25 00:02:56,466 --> 00:03:04,733 from Arizona's sunken hull, 26 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:06,966 one drop at a time. 27 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:06,966 one drop at a time. 28 00:03:03,200 --> 00:03:10,300 Machinist's Mate 29 00:03:04,733 --> 00:03:12,000 Ardenne Allen Woodward was 30 00:03:06,966 --> 00:03:13,433 stationed on the U.S.S. Arizona. 31 00:03:10,300 --> 00:03:15,400 "Bill," as he was better known 32 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:18,600 to his crewmates, 33 00:03:13,433 --> 00:03:20,933 was worried about what lay ahead 34 00:03:15,400 --> 00:03:22,600 in the Pacific in late 1941, 35 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:24,500 concerns he shared frequently 36 00:03:20,933 --> 00:03:25,633 with his wife, Virginia, 37 00:03:22,600 --> 00:03:28,866 and new daughter, Karen, 38 00:03:24,500 --> 00:03:31,800 back in Huntington Beach, 39 00:03:25,633 --> 00:03:34,300 California. 40 00:03:28,866 --> 00:03:35,966 >> November 14, 1941, 41 00:03:31,800 --> 00:03:38,600 somewhere at sea. 42 00:03:34,300 --> 00:03:40,833 My very own precious darling 43 00:03:35,966 --> 00:03:42,666 wife and baby. 44 00:03:38,600 --> 00:03:44,066 Darling, I am not sure, but I am 45 00:03:40,833 --> 00:03:46,233 afraid this Japan situation is 46 00:03:42,666 --> 00:03:47,200 going to hold up our going back 47 00:03:44,066 --> 00:03:49,700 to the States for a while. 48 00:03:46,233 --> 00:03:50,766 Oh, my darling, 49 00:03:47,200 --> 00:03:51,800 I do love you so terribly much, 50 00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:53,200 and I would give anything 51 00:03:50,766 --> 00:03:54,966 in the world to see you 52 00:03:51,800 --> 00:03:56,633 and take you in my arms 53 00:03:53,200 --> 00:03:58,066 and tell you how terribly much 54 00:03:54,966 --> 00:03:59,900 I miss you. 55 00:03:56,633 --> 00:04:01,966 Darling, I have already picked 56 00:03:58,066 --> 00:04:02,633 out your Christmas present. 57 00:03:59,900 --> 00:04:03,466 No, I won't tell you what it is. 58 00:04:01,966 --> 00:04:04,800 It has to be 59 00:04:02,633 --> 00:04:06,500 ordered from the States, 60 00:04:03,466 --> 00:04:07,133 so I'm going to wait 61 00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:08,633 until around the 5th of December 62 00:04:06,500 --> 00:04:10,166 to order it 63 00:04:07,133 --> 00:04:12,333 and then have it sent 64 00:04:08,633 --> 00:04:14,100 directly to you from the store 65 00:04:10,166 --> 00:04:14,100 instead of from out here. 66 00:04:12,333 --> 00:04:14,100 Your own, Bill. 67 00:04:19,100 --> 00:04:26,333 >> Above the U.S.S. Arizona 68 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:27,966 today, the events of 69 00:04:22,733 --> 00:04:30,033 December 7, 1941, slowly come 70 00:04:26,333 --> 00:04:31,733 into focus. 71 00:04:27,966 --> 00:04:33,933 The idea of memorializing 72 00:04:30,033 --> 00:04:35,500 this battleship didn't go away 73 00:04:31,733 --> 00:04:37,566 after World War II was over, 74 00:04:33,933 --> 00:04:39,600 but it would take time -- 75 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:41,066 a lot of time -- to figure out 76 00:04:37,566 --> 00:04:42,933 how to do it properly. 77 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:44,966 Eventually, thanks to 78 00:04:41,066 --> 00:04:46,066 the determination of a small 79 00:04:42,933 --> 00:04:47,766 and diverse group of people, 80 00:04:44,966 --> 00:04:49,433 efforts to honor the 81 00:04:46,066 --> 00:04:52,933 U.S.S. Arizona 82 00:04:47,766 --> 00:04:55,066 and her fallen crew 83 00:04:49,433 --> 00:04:56,400 with a memorial were realized. 84 00:04:52,933 --> 00:04:59,966 On that short list of names 85 00:04:55,066 --> 00:05:02,000 who helped to ensure that 86 00:04:56,400 --> 00:05:03,733 Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, 87 00:04:59,966 --> 00:05:05,800 and the U.S.S. Arizona 88 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:07,533 would always be remembered 89 00:05:03,733 --> 00:05:09,000 was a young, charismatic singer 90 00:05:05,800 --> 00:05:11,000 from Mississippi. 91 00:05:07,533 --> 00:05:21,000 They called him the 92 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:31,000 King of Rock 'n' Roll. 93 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:41,000 ♪ 94 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:44,566 ♪ 95 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:54,566 ♪ 96 00:05:44,566 --> 00:05:55,600 ♪ 97 00:05:54,566 --> 00:05:57,166 >> We interrupt this program 98 00:05:55,600 --> 00:05:58,766 to bring you a special news 99 00:05:56,666 --> 00:06:00,633 bulletin. 100 00:05:57,166 --> 00:06:01,166 >> The United States of America 101 00:05:58,766 --> 00:06:03,533 was suddenly and deliberately 102 00:05:58,766 --> 00:06:03,533 was suddenly and deliberately 103 00:06:00,633 --> 00:06:05,600 attacked. 104 00:06:01,166 --> 00:06:08,833 >> In his Provo, Utah, home, 105 00:06:03,533 --> 00:06:10,266 Ken Potts is surrounded 106 00:06:05,600 --> 00:06:11,866 by memories of December 7, 1941, 107 00:06:08,833 --> 00:06:13,600 and his battleship, 108 00:06:10,266 --> 00:06:14,900 the U.S.S. Arizona. 109 00:06:11,866 --> 00:06:16,433 >> That's my best friend 110 00:06:13,600 --> 00:06:18,733 who was killed. 111 00:06:14,900 --> 00:06:20,766 >> On that Sunday morning of 112 00:06:16,433 --> 00:06:21,966 infamy, as the Japanese attack 113 00:06:20,766 --> 00:06:25,500 the Arizon young 114 00:06:21,966 --> 00:06:27,000 crane operator was in Honolulu. 115 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:29,033 >> I was ashore. 116 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:30,166 I stayed overnight the night 117 00:06:29,033 --> 00:06:32,033 before. 118 00:06:30,166 --> 00:06:34,333 I was ashore, 119 00:06:32,033 --> 00:06:37,466 and there was horns honking 120 00:06:34,333 --> 00:06:40,700 and sirens going and everything. 121 00:06:37,466 --> 00:06:44,533 And then turned the radio on 122 00:06:40,700 --> 00:06:45,733 that said all Navy personnel, 123 00:06:43,033 --> 00:06:47,200 get back to their ships. 124 00:06:44,533 --> 00:06:48,666 >> The attack apparently was 125 00:06:45,733 --> 00:06:51,000 made on all naval 126 00:06:47,200 --> 00:06:52,333 and military activities 127 00:06:48,666 --> 00:06:54,933 on the principal island of Oahu. 128 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:57,733 >> Ordinarily, at that time of 129 00:06:52,333 --> 00:06:59,133 day, there was nothing going on, 130 00:06:54,933 --> 00:07:00,733 much moving, but that morning, 131 00:06:57,733 --> 00:07:02,200 there was plenty of movement, 132 00:06:59,133 --> 00:07:03,800 and it was on 133 00:07:00,733 --> 00:07:06,933 all the loudspeakers, 134 00:07:02,200 --> 00:07:08,200 all the radios, 135 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:09,900 everything had the tag that 136 00:07:06,933 --> 00:07:12,400 "This is real. 137 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:13,966 This is not a drill. 138 00:07:09,900 --> 00:07:16,433 This is the real thing." 139 00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:18,200 >> Ken Potts made it back 140 00:07:13,966 --> 00:07:20,633 onto the U.S.S. Arizona 141 00:07:16,433 --> 00:07:22,366 to do what he could, 142 00:07:18,200 --> 00:07:23,666 but by 8:06 a.m., 143 00:07:20,633 --> 00:07:25,600 the fate of the battleship 144 00:07:22,366 --> 00:07:26,833 was sealed. 145 00:07:23,666 --> 00:07:29,500 A Japanese bomb had ignited 146 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:31,966 the Arizon forward 147 00:07:26,833 --> 00:07:32,800 ammunition storage compartment. 148 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:35,233 Bodies and steel vaporized. 149 00:07:31,966 --> 00:07:36,566 >> When I got back 150 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:38,500 to Pearl Harbor, the whole 151 00:07:35,233 --> 00:07:40,500 harbor was afire. 152 00:07:36,566 --> 00:07:42,900 The oil had leaked out 153 00:07:38,500 --> 00:07:44,433 and caught on fire 154 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:46,500 and was burning. 155 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:48,300 They had ships fighting 156 00:07:44,433 --> 00:07:49,633 the fire, tugs. 157 00:07:46,500 --> 00:07:51,066 That's when they got on 158 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:53,000 the loudspeaker and said, 159 00:07:49,633 --> 00:07:54,900 "Abandon ship." 160 00:07:51,066 --> 00:07:56,766 And they'd go -- some of them 161 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:58,300 jumped in the water. 162 00:07:54,900 --> 00:07:59,066 Some of them didn't make it. 163 00:07:56,766 --> 00:08:00,200 >> The Japanese hit us hard 164 00:07:58,300 --> 00:08:01,833 at Pearl Harbor. 165 00:07:59,066 --> 00:08:02,733 >> The attack on Pearl Harbor 166 00:08:00,200 --> 00:08:04,733 united Americans as never before 167 00:08:01,833 --> 00:08:06,600 in history. 168 00:08:02,733 --> 00:08:08,200 >> Arizo crewman Ken Potts 169 00:08:04,733 --> 00:08:09,833 was not the only person 170 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:12,100 looking on in horror 171 00:08:08,200 --> 00:08:14,533 on the morning of December 7, 172 00:08:09,833 --> 00:08:15,766 1941. 173 00:08:12,100 --> 00:08:17,633 Oahu resident Mildred Martin 174 00:08:14,533 --> 00:08:20,100 witnessed scenes 175 00:08:15,766 --> 00:08:21,400 that no 5-year-old girl 176 00:08:20,100 --> 00:08:22,966 >> We seen the turmoil 177 00:08:21,400 --> 00:08:26,100 that was going on 178 00:08:22,966 --> 00:08:28,266 and the drama, and it was real, 179 00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:33,566 because they were coming down, 180 00:08:28,266 --> 00:08:35,433 fire landing right on the water. 181 00:08:33,566 --> 00:08:39,000 [ Shuddered breathing, 182 00:08:35,433 --> 00:08:41,400 sniffles ] 183 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:45,566 So hard. 184 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:48,233 And you could see them 185 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:51,133 in the water, floating, 186 00:08:45,566 --> 00:08:52,833 and it wasn't a good scene. 187 00:08:48,233 --> 00:08:54,566 It was frightening, scary. 188 00:08:51,133 --> 00:08:55,833 And for me, being 5 years old 189 00:08:52,833 --> 00:08:57,333 at that time, 190 00:08:54,566 --> 00:08:58,200 my aunt said, "Let's go. 191 00:08:55,833 --> 00:08:59,633 Come on, let's go." 192 00:08:57,333 --> 00:09:02,566 So we did. 193 00:08:58,200 --> 00:09:04,466 It was something that you can't 194 00:08:59,633 --> 00:09:06,100 forget because you see the fire, 195 00:08:59,633 --> 00:09:06,100 forget because you see the fire, 196 00:09:02,566 --> 00:09:07,666 the planes, 197 00:09:04,466 --> 00:09:11,300 and you could see the planes, 198 00:09:06,100 --> 00:09:12,566 the Japanese planes coming down, 199 00:09:07,666 --> 00:09:14,466 and you could see that red 200 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:16,733 logos that they have 201 00:09:12,566 --> 00:09:19,666 on their planes, 202 00:09:14,466 --> 00:09:21,933 and it -- it's something that 203 00:09:16,733 --> 00:09:23,066 it'll stay with you forever. 204 00:09:19,666 --> 00:09:24,600 My dad had just left 205 00:09:21,933 --> 00:09:26,066 the Arizona. 206 00:09:23,066 --> 00:09:27,700 He came home to take us 207 00:09:24,600 --> 00:09:29,266 to my grandmother's house 208 00:09:26,066 --> 00:09:31,300 for safety reasons 209 00:09:27,700 --> 00:09:33,066 and to be there 210 00:09:29,266 --> 00:09:35,100 and not to be in the line 211 00:09:31,300 --> 00:09:37,100 of fire, where the fighting 212 00:09:33,066 --> 00:09:38,233 was going on and so forth. 213 00:09:35,100 --> 00:09:40,066 Then my father returned to work, 214 00:09:37,100 --> 00:09:41,100 to Pearl Harbor. 215 00:09:38,233 --> 00:09:43,500 My father was on the Arizona 216 00:09:40,066 --> 00:09:45,766 that same morning 217 00:09:41,100 --> 00:09:47,066 and had just left the Arizona 218 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:48,300 when all that happened. 219 00:09:45,766 --> 00:09:49,733 And how he ever 220 00:09:47,066 --> 00:09:52,133 got home is beyond me, 221 00:09:48,300 --> 00:09:54,733 because he had to leave 222 00:09:49,733 --> 00:09:58,266 Ford Island to come across 223 00:09:52,133 --> 00:09:59,933 the way to -- to go to our home, 224 00:09:54,733 --> 00:10:01,633 to take us to safety. 225 00:09:59,933 --> 00:10:03,433 and family watched the attack 226 00:10:01,633 --> 00:10:05,333 on Pearl Harbor, also. 227 00:10:03,433 --> 00:10:07,900 >> My mother was living 228 00:10:05,333 --> 00:10:09,300 with her father in Pearl Harbor. 229 00:10:07,900 --> 00:10:12,166 He was in charge of the Navy 230 00:10:09,300 --> 00:10:14,333 shipyard, and they were there 231 00:10:12,166 --> 00:10:16,833 for the bombing at Pearl Harbor. 232 00:10:14,333 --> 00:10:20,666 And my grandmother tells of, 233 00:10:16,833 --> 00:10:22,233 you know, looking up 234 00:10:18,500 --> 00:10:24,433 and seeing the Japanese plane 235 00:10:20,666 --> 00:10:27,700 with the rising sun on it 236 00:10:22,233 --> 00:10:29,000 and seeing the pilot. 237 00:10:24,433 --> 00:10:31,700 And being a good Catholic, 238 00:10:27,700 --> 00:10:39,866 they all gathered around 239 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:41,000 and said the Rosary. 240 00:10:31,700 --> 00:10:44,733 ♪ 241 00:10:39,866 --> 00:10:46,366 >> The carnage left 242 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:50,733 almost 2,400 Americans dead. 243 00:10:44,733 --> 00:10:52,033 Almost half of those killed 244 00:10:46,366 --> 00:10:53,866 that morning, 1,177, 245 00:10:50,733 --> 00:10:53,866 were on the battleship 246 00:10:52,033 --> 00:10:53,866 U.S.S. Arizona. 247 00:10:57,366 --> 00:11:02,000 >> Our visitors that come today, 248 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:04,366 they're shocked. 249 00:10:59,166 --> 00:11:06,533 Sometimes had no idea of the, 250 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:07,400 you know, this story as immense 251 00:11:04,366 --> 00:11:09,000 and as -- as deadly as it was, 252 00:11:06,533 --> 00:11:09,966 that Pearl Harbor 253 00:11:07,400 --> 00:11:12,166 was a catastrophe 254 00:11:09,000 --> 00:11:22,166 for the United States 255 00:11:09,966 --> 00:11:28,266 and for the Pacific Fleet. 256 00:11:12,166 --> 00:11:30,800 ♪ 257 00:11:22,166 --> 00:11:33,800 ♪ 258 00:11:28,266 --> 00:11:35,933 >> Elvis Aaron Presley 259 00:11:30,800 --> 00:11:39,000 was born in January of 1935 260 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:40,300 in Tupelo, Mississippi, 261 00:11:35,933 --> 00:11:42,600 six years prior to Pearl Harbor. 262 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:43,733 Nobody knew from these 263 00:11:40,300 --> 00:11:46,233 early photos that Elvis Presley 264 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:48,433 was on his way 265 00:11:43,733 --> 00:11:50,233 to becoming a music legend, 266 00:11:46,233 --> 00:11:52,000 a first name only needed 267 00:11:48,433 --> 00:11:53,933 superstar. 268 00:11:50,233 --> 00:11:56,033 By 1956, 269 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:58,766 Elvis was already being referred 270 00:11:53,933 --> 00:12:00,266 to as the fledgling king 271 00:11:56,033 --> 00:12:02,133 of all rock 'n' roll. 272 00:11:58,766 --> 00:12:03,633 Pearl Harbor and the 273 00:11:58,766 --> 00:12:03,633 Pearl Harbor and the 274 00:12:00,266 --> 00:12:05,600 U.S.S. Arizona 275 00:12:02,133 --> 00:12:08,000 would become an important, 276 00:12:03,633 --> 00:12:10,700 if lesser known, chapter of 277 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:12,433 the Elvis Presley story. 278 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:13,700 In 1949, as Elvis Presley 279 00:12:10,700 --> 00:12:16,100 navigated his teenage years in 280 00:12:12,433 --> 00:12:17,400 Mississippi, 281 00:12:13,700 --> 00:12:19,366 teaching himself to play guitar, 282 00:12:16,100 --> 00:12:21,766 an organization called the 283 00:12:17,400 --> 00:12:23,100 Pacific War Memorial Commission 284 00:12:19,366 --> 00:12:24,333 was forming in Hawaii. 285 00:12:21,766 --> 00:12:26,766 Their goal was to make sure 286 00:12:23,100 --> 00:12:28,633 all those who died 287 00:12:24,333 --> 00:12:30,666 on December 7, 1941, 288 00:12:26,766 --> 00:12:33,333 on the island of Oahu 289 00:12:28,633 --> 00:12:34,900 would be memorialized. 290 00:12:30,666 --> 00:12:36,333 In 1950, not waiting on any 291 00:12:33,333 --> 00:12:38,400 commission to act, 292 00:12:34,900 --> 00:12:39,566 United States Admiral 293 00:12:36,333 --> 00:12:40,766 Arthur Radford, commander and 294 00:12:38,400 --> 00:12:42,333 chief of the United States 295 00:12:39,566 --> 00:12:44,266 Pacific Fleet, 296 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:47,800 of Pearl Harbor, especially 297 00:12:44,266 --> 00:12:49,066 those on the U.S.S. Arizona. 298 00:12:47,800 --> 00:12:52,233 >> Admiral Radford 299 00:12:49,066 --> 00:12:53,433 had the idea of memorializing 300 00:12:52,233 --> 00:12:54,866 the wreck of the Arizona. 301 00:12:53,433 --> 00:12:57,366 Now, it was -- been stripped 302 00:12:54,866 --> 00:12:58,600 down to its main decks. 303 00:12:57,366 --> 00:13:03,066 All the upper structure 304 00:12:58,600 --> 00:13:04,600 had been removed. 305 00:13:00,533 --> 00:13:06,200 And he built a platform, 306 00:13:03,066 --> 00:13:08,766 like a deck-like structure there 307 00:13:04,600 --> 00:13:10,166 with kind of banisters around 308 00:13:06,200 --> 00:13:12,433 it, a speaking platform 309 00:13:08,766 --> 00:13:13,366 and a flagpole. 310 00:13:10,166 --> 00:13:16,000 And then, he also dedicated a 311 00:13:12,433 --> 00:13:17,866 plaque. 312 00:13:13,366 --> 00:13:21,566 So, in 1950, the first memorial 313 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:23,533 to the Arizona is initiated 314 00:13:17,866 --> 00:13:25,266 by the commanding admiral here. 315 00:13:21,566 --> 00:13:26,966 >> Each day, Admiral Radford 316 00:13:23,533 --> 00:13:28,233 had an American flag raised 317 00:13:25,266 --> 00:13:31,033 and lowered on that makeshift 318 00:13:26,966 --> 00:13:32,966 wooden platform 319 00:13:28,233 --> 00:13:34,400 above the wreck of the Arizona. 320 00:13:31,033 --> 00:13:37,033 Arthur Radford also had 321 00:13:32,966 --> 00:13:38,500 a small plaque attached to the 322 00:13:34,400 --> 00:13:39,700 wreckage of the U.S.S. Utah, 323 00:13:37,033 --> 00:13:41,766 which also still lies 324 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:44,466 in Pearl Harbor, 325 00:13:39,700 --> 00:13:46,233 off Ford Island. 326 00:13:41,766 --> 00:13:48,000 Both ships were unsalvageable 327 00:13:44,466 --> 00:13:50,100 and watery graves 328 00:13:46,233 --> 00:13:51,733 for their crews. 329 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:52,966 As for the U.S.S. Arizona, 330 00:13:50,100 --> 00:13:54,866 Arthur Radford's vision 331 00:13:51,733 --> 00:13:56,266 was for something on a much 332 00:13:52,966 --> 00:13:58,733 grander scale to be done 333 00:13:54,866 --> 00:14:00,333 to recognize the more than 334 00:13:56,266 --> 00:14:01,433 1,100 killed on the battleship. 335 00:13:58,733 --> 00:14:03,333 But what would that memorial 336 00:14:00,333 --> 00:14:05,233 look like? 337 00:14:01,433 --> 00:14:07,100 It took several more years, 338 00:14:03,333 --> 00:14:08,100 but a formal proposal for a new 339 00:14:05,233 --> 00:14:10,466 U.S.S. Arizona memorial 340 00:14:07,100 --> 00:14:12,166 was made to the 341 00:14:08,100 --> 00:14:15,400 Pacific War Memorial Commission 342 00:14:10,466 --> 00:14:18,800 by the 14th Navy District 343 00:14:12,166 --> 00:14:21,033 in Hawaii. 344 00:14:15,400 --> 00:14:22,566 In 1958, D-Day hero and now 345 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:23,833 President Dwight D. Eisenhower 346 00:14:21,033 --> 00:14:26,000 gave his approval, 347 00:14:22,566 --> 00:14:27,266 allowing the commission 348 00:14:23,833 --> 00:14:28,500 to legally raise private funds 349 00:14:26,000 --> 00:14:32,400 to construct a memorial 350 00:14:27,266 --> 00:14:34,800 for the Arizona. 351 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:36,200 $500,000 was needed. 352 00:14:32,400 --> 00:14:38,100 By the mid 1950s, 353 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:39,300 Elvis Presley had become 354 00:14:36,200 --> 00:14:41,166 the biggest name in music. 355 00:14:38,100 --> 00:14:42,833 The world had never seen 356 00:14:39,300 --> 00:14:45,300 anything like Elvis, 357 00:14:41,166 --> 00:14:47,400 who moved across the stage 358 00:14:42,833 --> 00:14:49,300 like a gyrating tornado. 359 00:14:45,300 --> 00:14:50,666 From Maine to California, 360 00:14:47,400 --> 00:14:52,266 parents raised eyebrows 361 00:14:49,300 --> 00:14:53,633 while their sons and daughters 362 00:14:50,666 --> 00:14:54,466 danced and screamed. 363 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:56,966 Presley also topped 364 00:14:53,633 --> 00:14:58,466 all the charts 365 00:14:56,966 --> 00:15:00,533 Elvis mania 366 00:14:58,466 --> 00:15:02,633 had taken over the islands. 367 00:14:58,466 --> 00:15:02,633 had taken over the islands. 368 00:15:00,533 --> 00:15:04,933 >> Everybody knows who he was. 369 00:15:02,633 --> 00:15:07,500 >> I heard him on the radio 370 00:15:04,933 --> 00:15:08,933 singing "Heartbreak Hotel." 371 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:10,266 And every five minutes, 372 00:15:08,933 --> 00:15:11,900 I would hear him singing and 373 00:15:10,266 --> 00:15:13,166 singing. 374 00:15:11,900 --> 00:15:16,033 So that's what kicked things 375 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:18,266 off for me. 376 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:20,000 >> While Elvis was turning out 377 00:15:16,033 --> 00:15:22,333 one hit after another, 378 00:15:18,266 --> 00:15:25,966 the initial fundraising drive 379 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:27,300 for the U.S.S. Arizona memorial 380 00:15:22,333 --> 00:15:28,600 limped along into late 1958. 381 00:15:25,966 --> 00:15:30,633 Some private donations 382 00:15:27,300 --> 00:15:32,800 came in here and there, 383 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:34,833 but it was nowhere near the goal 384 00:15:30,633 --> 00:15:37,733 of a half million dollars. 385 00:15:32,800 --> 00:15:39,400 Things change dramatically 386 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:41,266 on December 3, 1958. 387 00:15:37,733 --> 00:15:43,633 That's when television host 388 00:15:39,400 --> 00:15:45,966 Ralph Edwards visited 389 00:15:41,266 --> 00:15:47,933 the U.S.S. Arizona to honor 390 00:15:43,633 --> 00:15:49,500 one of the battleship's heroes. 391 00:15:45,966 --> 00:15:50,966 His national TV show, 392 00:15:47,933 --> 00:15:52,066 "This is Your Life," 393 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:55,366 also filmed segments 394 00:15:50,966 --> 00:15:57,000 inside Pearl Harbor's 395 00:15:52,066 --> 00:15:58,766 famed venue Bloch Arena. 396 00:15:55,366 --> 00:16:00,666 Ralph Edwards was asking 397 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:02,666 Americans to once again 398 00:15:58,766 --> 00:16:04,033 remember Pearl Harbor, 399 00:16:00,666 --> 00:16:05,666 17 years after America 400 00:16:02,666 --> 00:16:07,566 was first attacked 401 00:16:04,033 --> 00:16:09,900 and went to war. 402 00:16:05,666 --> 00:16:11,533 >> "This Is Your Life," 403 00:16:07,566 --> 00:16:13,200 the program for all America. 404 00:16:09,900 --> 00:16:14,466 And now here he is again, 405 00:16:11,533 --> 00:16:16,166 Mr. This Is Your Life himself, 406 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:17,766 speaking to you from a Navy 407 00:16:14,466 --> 00:16:19,300 tug lying Ford Island 408 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:21,900 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 409 00:16:17,766 --> 00:16:22,966 Ralph Edwards. 410 00:16:19,300 --> 00:16:25,233 [ Applause ] 411 00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:27,766 "This Is Your Life," 412 00:16:22,966 --> 00:16:28,933 Admiral Samuel Glenn Fuqua, 413 00:16:25,233 --> 00:16:29,400 U.S. Navy, retired. 414 00:16:27,766 --> 00:16:30,433 Thank you, and may God bless 415 00:16:28,933 --> 00:16:31,800 you. 416 00:16:29,400 --> 00:16:34,133 >> Thank you, Ralph. 417 00:16:30,433 --> 00:16:35,400 I appreciate all you... 418 00:16:31,800 --> 00:16:37,066 [ Applause ] 419 00:16:34,133 --> 00:16:39,266 >> Ladies and gentlemen of 420 00:16:35,400 --> 00:16:40,066 America, we have the high honor 421 00:16:37,066 --> 00:16:41,933 of helping to launch a project 422 00:16:39,266 --> 00:16:44,733 nationally approved 423 00:16:40,066 --> 00:16:45,966 by congressional resolution 424 00:16:41,933 --> 00:16:47,166 to enshrine the U.S.S. Arizona 425 00:16:44,733 --> 00:16:48,200 and provide here a fitting 426 00:16:45,966 --> 00:16:50,433 monument to the memory 427 00:16:47,166 --> 00:16:52,000 of the young Americans 428 00:16:48,200 --> 00:16:53,466 who died here. 429 00:16:50,433 --> 00:16:54,766 We're asking you to participate 430 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:55,900 in this project, 431 00:16:53,466 --> 00:16:58,433 not out of your generosity 432 00:16:54,766 --> 00:16:59,533 but out of your loyalty 433 00:16:55,900 --> 00:17:01,100 to America, your patriotism. 434 00:16:58,433 --> 00:17:03,333 A commission has been appointed 435 00:16:59,533 --> 00:17:04,766 by the governor of the territory 436 00:17:01,100 --> 00:17:06,400 of Hawaii to raise the funds, 437 00:17:03,333 --> 00:17:07,633 and the Navy has been authorized 438 00:17:04,766 --> 00:17:08,966 by Congress to accept 439 00:17:06,400 --> 00:17:11,566 and to use the money 440 00:17:07,633 --> 00:17:13,200 that comes in to enshrine 441 00:17:08,966 --> 00:17:15,433 the U.S.S. Arizona. 442 00:17:11,566 --> 00:17:17,366 Are there 1 million, 443 00:17:13,200 --> 00:17:18,966 2 million, more, of you 444 00:17:15,433 --> 00:17:20,266 out there in our audience 445 00:17:17,366 --> 00:17:21,266 who will put a dollar bill 446 00:17:18,966 --> 00:17:24,700 in an envelope right now? 447 00:17:20,266 --> 00:17:26,900 Address it 448 00:17:21,266 --> 00:17:27,933 and send it to U.S.S. Arizona, 449 00:17:24,700 --> 00:17:29,600 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 450 00:17:26,900 --> 00:17:31,200 You'll be helping to build 451 00:17:27,933 --> 00:17:32,466 a national cemetery 452 00:17:29,600 --> 00:17:34,433 for those who died for you 453 00:17:31,200 --> 00:17:35,233 and lie here 454 00:17:32,466 --> 00:17:36,466 in an unmarked grave. 455 00:17:34,433 --> 00:17:38,900 And you'll be answering 456 00:17:35,233 --> 00:17:40,966 the prayer closest to the heart 457 00:17:36,466 --> 00:17:42,200 of Rear Admiral Samuel Fuqua, 458 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:43,433 U.S. Navy, retired, 459 00:17:40,966 --> 00:17:45,300 and to the hearts of all the men 460 00:17:42,200 --> 00:17:47,066 and women in all branches of the 461 00:17:43,433 --> 00:17:48,366 service, to whom the very words 462 00:17:45,300 --> 00:17:49,666 Pearl Harbor were a fighting 463 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:51,166 challenge that led them on to 464 00:17:49,666 --> 00:17:54,500 >> And they initially got 465 00:17:51,166 --> 00:17:56,133 $90,000 of money. 466 00:17:54,500 --> 00:17:57,900 >> The idea was to honor 467 00:17:56,133 --> 00:17:59,700 the memory of those 468 00:17:57,900 --> 00:18:03,066 who had died at Pearl Harbor 469 00:17:59,700 --> 00:18:04,500 on December 7th, 1941. 470 00:17:59,700 --> 00:18:04,500 on December 7th, 1941. 471 00:18:03,066 --> 00:18:08,233 >> Ralph Edwards knew 472 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:11,333 Medal of Honor recipient 473 00:18:06,133 --> 00:18:13,400 Samuel Fuqua's leadership of 474 00:18:08,233 --> 00:18:15,066 his crew on December 7, 1941, 475 00:18:11,333 --> 00:18:17,000 would resonate with the public, 476 00:18:13,400 --> 00:18:19,266 as do the voices still of 477 00:18:15,066 --> 00:18:22,533 the men Fuqua commanded, 478 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:23,900 such as Bill Woodward. 479 00:18:19,266 --> 00:18:25,266 >> November 18, 1941. 480 00:18:22,533 --> 00:18:26,233 Pearl Harbor. 481 00:18:23,900 --> 00:18:27,500 Honey, I sure hope 482 00:18:25,266 --> 00:18:28,466 that they let me out of here 483 00:18:26,233 --> 00:18:30,366 as soon as my time is up 484 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:31,200 instead of holding me 485 00:18:28,466 --> 00:18:33,366 in a couple of months or so. 486 00:18:30,366 --> 00:18:34,766 That would really be 487 00:18:31,200 --> 00:18:36,666 the last straw. 488 00:18:33,366 --> 00:18:38,666 I sure wish I could be with you 489 00:18:34,766 --> 00:18:45,100 Thanksgiving Day, my sweet. 490 00:18:36,666 --> 00:18:46,900 Your own, Bill. 491 00:18:38,666 --> 00:18:48,366 ♪ 492 00:18:45,100 --> 00:18:49,833 >> With additional private funds 493 00:18:46,900 --> 00:18:52,266 now available, thanks to 494 00:18:48,366 --> 00:18:54,133 Ralph Edwards' efforts, the 495 00:18:49,833 --> 00:18:56,133 Pacific War Memorial Commission 496 00:18:52,266 --> 00:18:58,533 and the 14th Navy District 497 00:18:54,133 --> 00:19:00,066 set out to hire an architect 498 00:18:56,133 --> 00:19:01,166 to design the new U.S.S. Arizona 499 00:18:58,533 --> 00:19:01,966 memorial. 500 00:19:00,066 --> 00:19:04,066 >> The most important thing 501 00:19:01,166 --> 00:19:05,433 about this, 502 00:19:01,966 --> 00:19:07,300 despite all of this fundraising, 503 00:19:04,066 --> 00:19:08,300 what was the idea? 504 00:19:05,433 --> 00:19:09,533 What was it going to look like? 505 00:19:07,300 --> 00:19:10,733 And so there were a number of 506 00:19:08,300 --> 00:19:12,866 people that entered a 507 00:19:09,533 --> 00:19:14,700 competition. 508 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:16,966 >> Alfred Preis, an immigrant 509 00:19:12,866 --> 00:19:18,166 from Nazi-occupied Vienna, 510 00:19:14,700 --> 00:19:19,966 Austria, was chosen. 511 00:19:16,966 --> 00:19:22,100 >> Alfred Preis' design 512 00:19:18,166 --> 00:19:23,600 was not exactly what 513 00:19:19,966 --> 00:19:25,666 they thought it was going to be, 514 00:19:22,100 --> 00:19:27,700 yet it was provocative, 515 00:19:23,600 --> 00:19:30,733 it was contemporary art. 516 00:19:25,666 --> 00:19:32,300 And Alfred, being a refugee 517 00:19:27,700 --> 00:19:33,900 himself from -- from Austria 518 00:19:30,733 --> 00:19:35,833 and incarcerated with 519 00:19:32,300 --> 00:19:38,200 Japanese Americans initially 520 00:19:33,900 --> 00:19:40,333 because he was from an Axis 521 00:19:35,833 --> 00:19:41,533 power so is at Sand Island 522 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:43,400 but proves to be a loyal guy 523 00:19:40,333 --> 00:19:45,200 and ends up being an architect 524 00:19:41,533 --> 00:19:47,300 for the Navy throughout the war, 525 00:19:43,400 --> 00:19:49,433 he submits this design, 526 00:19:45,200 --> 00:19:50,733 and the Navy said, "Make sure 527 00:19:47,300 --> 00:19:51,733 it's a bridge-like structure." 528 00:19:49,433 --> 00:19:52,166 So some of the architects 529 00:19:50,733 --> 00:19:53,233 thought, "Oh, bridge-like 530 00:19:51,733 --> 00:19:54,600 structure? 531 00:19:52,166 --> 00:19:56,366 You mean like ship?" 532 00:19:53,233 --> 00:19:57,633 And they built these pretty 533 00:19:54,600 --> 00:19:58,633 interesting designs, 534 00:19:56,366 --> 00:19:59,233 submitted those. 535 00:19:57,633 --> 00:20:01,200 Alfred interpreted it 536 00:19:58,633 --> 00:20:02,233 differently. 537 00:19:59,233 --> 00:20:03,500 He thought of a suspension 538 00:20:01,200 --> 00:20:07,533 bridge, and that's 539 00:20:02,233 --> 00:20:09,033 what that memorial is. 540 00:20:03,500 --> 00:20:09,766 I cannot think of any design 541 00:20:07,533 --> 00:20:11,300 other than this one. 542 00:20:09,033 --> 00:20:13,666 It is the 543 00:20:09,766 --> 00:20:15,766 U.S.S. Arizona Memorial. 544 00:20:11,300 --> 00:20:17,366 And so Alfred's genius 545 00:20:13,666 --> 00:20:19,300 was prosecuting the idea 546 00:20:15,766 --> 00:20:21,600 of a bridge-like structure 547 00:20:17,366 --> 00:20:25,100 and leaving us with a symbol 548 00:20:19,300 --> 00:20:27,666 unlike any other World War II 549 00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:30,866 or monument in our country. 550 00:20:25,100 --> 00:20:34,200 Those men are at peace now. 551 00:20:27,666 --> 00:20:37,666 They lie together in the ship, 552 00:20:30,866 --> 00:20:41,000 whether in remains or molecules. 553 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:43,400 They're there, and the men 554 00:20:37,666 --> 00:20:46,200 that survive the ship, 555 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:47,733 you know, over 40 of them have 556 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:50,100 decided to go back to the ship. 557 00:20:46,200 --> 00:20:51,933 The question that always 558 00:20:47,733 --> 00:20:53,766 haunted me is, "Why?" 559 00:20:50,100 --> 00:20:56,266 They felt, some of them, that 560 00:20:51,933 --> 00:20:58,900 they were lucky, and they wanted 561 00:20:53,766 --> 00:21:01,000 to rejoin their shipmates. 562 00:20:56,266 --> 00:21:02,433 Each individual has a different 563 00:20:58,900 --> 00:21:03,866 tone and a different acceptance 564 00:20:58,900 --> 00:21:03,866 tone and a different acceptance 565 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:05,600 of that memorial. 566 00:21:02,433 --> 00:21:07,300 And I've noticed that with 567 00:21:03,866 --> 00:21:08,833 the veterans, and I've noticed 568 00:21:05,600 --> 00:21:10,500 that with my colleagues. 569 00:21:07,300 --> 00:21:13,066 Everyone has a little bit 570 00:21:08,833 --> 00:21:17,033 different bent on what that 571 00:21:10,500 --> 00:21:19,033 memorial design means and what 572 00:21:13,066 --> 00:21:20,633 Alfred Preis intended. 573 00:21:17,033 --> 00:21:24,400 >> Alfred Preis's approved 574 00:21:19,033 --> 00:21:26,433 blueprints laid out a 575 00:21:20,633 --> 00:21:27,966 184-foot-long, 36-foot-wide span 576 00:21:24,400 --> 00:21:29,300 across the U.S.S. Arizona's 577 00:21:26,433 --> 00:21:31,133 sunken hull. 578 00:21:27,966 --> 00:21:32,866 The memorial would cross the 579 00:21:29,300 --> 00:21:34,433 middle deck of the battleship 580 00:21:31,133 --> 00:21:36,966 but not touch the Arizona 581 00:21:32,866 --> 00:21:38,666 at any point. 582 00:21:34,433 --> 00:21:41,466 Preis's design called for rises 583 00:21:36,966 --> 00:21:43,100 at each end of the bridge-like 584 00:21:38,666 --> 00:21:44,666 span with a sag in the middle. 585 00:21:41,466 --> 00:21:46,166 The first rise would recognize 586 00:21:43,100 --> 00:21:48,066 the height of American pride 587 00:21:44,666 --> 00:21:49,600 before the war. 588 00:21:46,166 --> 00:21:51,600 The dip in the middle signified 589 00:21:48,066 --> 00:21:53,166 the low point of a nation 590 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:55,500 following Pearl Harbor. 591 00:21:51,600 --> 00:21:57,466 The second rise represented 592 00:21:53,166 --> 00:22:00,266 American power reaching new 593 00:21:55,500 --> 00:22:02,400 heights after the war. 594 00:21:57,466 --> 00:22:04,533 Vermont marble would be used. 595 00:22:00,266 --> 00:22:08,700 A shrine room would host all 596 00:22:02,400 --> 00:22:10,466 the names of all those crewmen 597 00:22:04,533 --> 00:22:12,566 killed on December 7, 1941. 598 00:22:08,700 --> 00:22:14,333 Some of Arizona's crew 599 00:22:10,466 --> 00:22:16,400 also lie in unmarked graves 600 00:22:12,566 --> 00:22:17,733 just a few miles away at 601 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:22,533 the National Memorial Cemetery 602 00:22:16,400 --> 00:22:24,533 of the Pacific, 603 00:22:17,733 --> 00:22:26,066 also called the Punchbowl. 604 00:22:22,533 --> 00:22:27,700 The Walker Moody Construction 605 00:22:24,533 --> 00:22:29,266 Company would build the 606 00:22:26,066 --> 00:22:30,433 memorial, assisted by the 607 00:22:27,700 --> 00:22:31,866 Pearl Harbor Public Works 608 00:22:29,266 --> 00:22:33,566 Center. 609 00:22:30,433 --> 00:22:37,366 Alfred Preis's plans 610 00:22:31,866 --> 00:22:40,866 for the new U.S.S. Arizona 611 00:22:33,566 --> 00:22:42,966 Memorial were approved. 612 00:22:37,366 --> 00:22:45,300 ♪ 613 00:22:40,866 --> 00:22:47,200 The territory of Hawaii 614 00:22:42,966 --> 00:22:48,966 in the 1950s was paradise 615 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:51,700 a mix of diverse people 616 00:22:48,966 --> 00:22:53,066 and cultures. 617 00:22:51,700 --> 00:22:56,266 >> We didn't live on the naval 618 00:22:53,066 --> 00:22:58,966 base, so we were more attuned 619 00:22:56,266 --> 00:23:00,166 to the rhythms of the classmates 620 00:22:58,966 --> 00:23:01,933 that I went to school with. 621 00:23:00,166 --> 00:23:04,800 We had Pacific Islanders, 622 00:23:01,933 --> 00:23:07,700 Hawaiians, Japanese, 623 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:08,766 Chinese, haoles, kama'ainas -- 624 00:23:07,700 --> 00:23:12,466 we had them all at my little 625 00:23:08,766 --> 00:23:14,033 school that I -- that I went to. 626 00:23:12,466 --> 00:23:17,633 >> Elvis made his first trip 627 00:23:14,033 --> 00:23:18,800 to perform in Hawaii 628 00:23:15,433 --> 00:23:20,166 in late 1957, 629 00:23:17,633 --> 00:23:21,733 prior to the islands 630 00:23:18,800 --> 00:23:23,533 being granted statehood 631 00:23:20,166 --> 00:23:26,566 two years later. 632 00:23:21,733 --> 00:23:28,466 >> Hawaii had a special 633 00:23:23,533 --> 00:23:30,366 kind of notch in Elvis's heart. 634 00:23:26,566 --> 00:23:31,766 He liked coming here. 635 00:23:28,466 --> 00:23:33,400 He liked the people here. 636 00:23:30,366 --> 00:23:35,366 He liked the music. 637 00:23:31,766 --> 00:23:37,333 He learned about slack-key 638 00:23:33,400 --> 00:23:39,200 and other types -- ukulele -- 639 00:23:35,366 --> 00:23:40,233 and all of the things that we 640 00:23:37,333 --> 00:23:41,566 as people that live here know 641 00:23:39,200 --> 00:23:45,333 and local people have known 642 00:23:40,233 --> 00:23:48,000 for years, that there was 643 00:23:41,566 --> 00:23:50,166 music beyond the music. 644 00:23:45,333 --> 00:23:51,966 >> Arizo crewman Bill Woodward 645 00:23:48,000 --> 00:23:53,333 knew the local music well. 646 00:23:50,166 --> 00:23:55,466 More than anything, though, 647 00:23:51,966 --> 00:23:57,766 he just longed to be 648 00:23:53,333 --> 00:23:59,133 with his young family. 649 00:23:55,466 --> 00:24:00,866 >> November 22, 1941. 650 00:23:57,766 --> 00:24:02,166 Pearl Harbor. 651 00:23:59,133 --> 00:24:03,766 My very own precious darling 652 00:23:59,133 --> 00:24:03,766 My very own precious darling 653 00:24:00,866 --> 00:24:05,066 wife and baby. 654 00:24:02,166 --> 00:24:06,466 Darling, I do love you so 655 00:24:03,766 --> 00:24:07,833 terribly much. 656 00:24:05,066 --> 00:24:09,466 And I can hardly wait 657 00:24:06,466 --> 00:24:11,000 until I can sit around the house 658 00:24:07,833 --> 00:24:12,000 with you in my arms 659 00:24:09,466 --> 00:24:14,366 and getting in your way 660 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:15,666 when you're trying to cook 661 00:24:12,000 --> 00:24:18,233 or something as I kiss you. 662 00:24:14,366 --> 00:24:20,233 It will be so heavenly 663 00:24:15,666 --> 00:24:25,900 when we do get together again. 664 00:24:18,233 --> 00:24:27,433 Your own, Bill. 665 00:24:20,233 --> 00:24:28,433 ♪ 666 00:24:25,900 --> 00:24:29,800 >> There was early fundraising 667 00:24:27,433 --> 00:24:30,833 success, 668 00:24:28,433 --> 00:24:33,566 thanks to Ralph Edwards, 669 00:24:29,800 --> 00:24:35,200 and some seed money 670 00:24:30,833 --> 00:24:37,233 from the territory of Hawaii, 671 00:24:33,566 --> 00:24:38,266 but the Pacific War Memorial 672 00:24:35,200 --> 00:24:39,866 Commission soon realized 673 00:24:37,233 --> 00:24:41,733 that, in addition 674 00:24:38,266 --> 00:24:43,266 to private donations, 675 00:24:39,866 --> 00:24:46,900 it would eventually need federal 676 00:24:41,733 --> 00:24:48,866 or state contributions 677 00:24:43,266 --> 00:24:50,300 to get the memorial finished. 678 00:24:46,900 --> 00:24:52,066 In 1960, with construction 679 00:24:48,866 --> 00:24:54,700 now underway, 680 00:24:50,300 --> 00:24:56,333 only about half of the needed 681 00:24:52,066 --> 00:24:58,500 $500,000 for the memorial 682 00:24:54,700 --> 00:25:00,766 had been raised. 683 00:24:56,333 --> 00:25:03,066 That's when the longtime editor 684 00:24:58,500 --> 00:25:04,766 of The Honolulu Advertiser, 685 00:25:00,766 --> 00:25:06,766 a World War II veteran himself, 686 00:25:03,066 --> 00:25:07,900 stepped in to re-energize 687 00:25:06,766 --> 00:25:09,733 >> George Chaplin, 688 00:25:07,900 --> 00:25:11,300 he was editor for decades. 689 00:25:09,733 --> 00:25:12,133 He was always very involved 690 00:25:11,300 --> 00:25:13,833 in the community, 691 00:25:12,133 --> 00:25:15,600 very civic-minded. 692 00:25:13,833 --> 00:25:16,900 And there were -- 693 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:18,500 The fundraising for the 694 00:25:16,900 --> 00:25:20,500 Arizona Memorial was already 695 00:25:18,500 --> 00:25:22,066 going on, but they didn't have 696 00:25:20,500 --> 00:25:24,066 enough money. 697 00:25:22,066 --> 00:25:27,933 The fundraising was lagging. 698 00:25:24,066 --> 00:25:30,366 So what he did is, 699 00:25:25,900 --> 00:25:33,800 he wrote a letter addressed, 700 00:25:27,933 --> 00:25:34,966 "My dear fellow editor" 701 00:25:30,366 --> 00:25:37,733 and sent it to about a 1,500 702 00:25:33,800 --> 00:25:39,666 daily newspapers 703 00:25:34,966 --> 00:25:41,500 across the country, asking them 704 00:25:37,733 --> 00:25:43,666 for support writing articles 705 00:25:39,666 --> 00:25:47,000 about the need to raise funds 706 00:25:41,500 --> 00:25:48,933 for the Arizona Memorial, 707 00:25:43,666 --> 00:25:51,666 and about a week or so later, 708 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:52,666 the editor of a Los Angeles 709 00:25:48,933 --> 00:25:55,500 newspaper -- no longer being 710 00:25:51,666 --> 00:25:57,933 published but called 711 00:25:52,666 --> 00:26:00,266 the Los Angeles Examiner -- 712 00:25:55,500 --> 00:26:01,600 he wrote an editorial, 713 00:25:57,933 --> 00:26:05,900 and Colonel Parker, 714 00:26:00,266 --> 00:26:08,066 Elvis's manager, 715 00:26:01,600 --> 00:26:10,466 saw it, and I guess immediately 716 00:26:05,900 --> 00:26:13,533 called up George Chaplin 717 00:26:08,066 --> 00:26:15,400 and offered to do 718 00:26:10,466 --> 00:26:17,733 a fundraising concert. 719 00:26:13,533 --> 00:26:19,966 >> Colonel Tom Parker 720 00:26:15,400 --> 00:26:21,333 read the L.A. Examiner article 721 00:26:17,733 --> 00:26:26,033 in late 1960. 722 00:26:19,966 --> 00:26:28,333 Parker had been stationed with 723 00:26:21,333 --> 00:26:29,933 the Army in Waikiki, Hawaii. 724 00:26:26,033 --> 00:26:31,200 Earlier, in 1960, 725 00:26:28,333 --> 00:26:32,466 his superstar client, 726 00:26:29,933 --> 00:26:34,200 Elvis Presley, 727 00:26:32,466 --> 00:26:35,766 of a two-year enlistment 728 00:26:34,200 --> 00:26:37,666 in the United States Army. 729 00:26:35,766 --> 00:26:38,700 >> I learned a lot. 730 00:26:37,666 --> 00:26:41,433 I made a lot of friends that I 731 00:26:38,700 --> 00:26:43,866 never would have made otherwise. 732 00:26:41,433 --> 00:26:46,000 And, uh...I've had a lot of 733 00:26:43,866 --> 00:26:48,566 good experiences. 734 00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:52,266 >> In the spring of 1961, 735 00:26:48,566 --> 00:26:54,400 Elvis Presley was set to begin 736 00:26:50,300 --> 00:26:57,000 shooting a new feature film 737 00:26:52,266 --> 00:26:58,433 on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, 738 00:26:54,400 --> 00:27:00,866 called "Blue Hawaii." 739 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:03,266 Colonel Tom Parker, 740 00:26:58,433 --> 00:27:05,700 with all the stars now aligning, 741 00:26:58,433 --> 00:27:05,700 with all the stars now aligning, 742 00:27:00,866 --> 00:27:07,766 felt here was an opportunity 743 00:27:03,266 --> 00:27:09,933 for a patriotic Elvis to pitch 744 00:27:05,700 --> 00:27:11,133 in while in Hawaii to help 745 00:27:07,766 --> 00:27:12,866 the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 746 00:27:09,933 --> 00:27:14,200 effort. 747 00:27:11,133 --> 00:27:15,400 >> And he saw that the editor 748 00:27:12,866 --> 00:27:17,633 was calling for 749 00:27:14,200 --> 00:27:20,100 a fundraising event 750 00:27:15,400 --> 00:27:21,366 for the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 751 00:27:17,633 --> 00:27:22,266 to help raise moneys. 752 00:27:20,100 --> 00:27:23,400 And all the editors throughout 753 00:27:21,366 --> 00:27:24,466 the country were doing 754 00:27:22,266 --> 00:27:26,266 these kind of editorials. 755 00:27:23,400 --> 00:27:27,800 He read the editorial, 756 00:27:24,466 --> 00:27:29,233 and he called the paper up, 757 00:27:26,266 --> 00:27:30,433 and he said, "Hey, we're -- 758 00:27:27,800 --> 00:27:31,133 who's doing this, and all this?" 759 00:27:29,233 --> 00:27:32,133 and, "Oh, it's in Hawaii, da da 760 00:27:30,433 --> 00:27:33,166 da." 761 00:27:31,133 --> 00:27:33,800 Gives him a call, he says, 762 00:27:32,133 --> 00:27:35,333 "Well, we're coming over to do a 763 00:27:33,166 --> 00:27:35,800 film. 764 00:27:33,800 --> 00:27:36,933 Can Elvis do something to raise 765 00:27:35,333 --> 00:27:38,200 money?" 766 00:27:35,800 --> 00:27:39,400 And they came up with the idea 767 00:27:36,933 --> 00:27:41,333 of a benefit concert. 768 00:27:38,200 --> 00:27:43,633 Guess where. 769 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:45,633 Held at Bloch Arena. 770 00:27:41,333 --> 00:27:47,366 >> Pearl Harbor Naval Station's 771 00:27:43,633 --> 00:27:49,200 Bloch Arena was chosen 772 00:27:45,633 --> 00:27:52,500 as the venue, the same 773 00:27:47,366 --> 00:27:54,700 Bloch Arena, which hosted the 774 00:27:49,200 --> 00:27:57,200 Ralph Edward show in 1958. 775 00:27:52,500 --> 00:27:58,700 The arena also had ties to the 776 00:27:54,700 --> 00:28:01,733 attack on Pearl Harbor itself. 777 00:27:57,200 --> 00:28:02,966 Bloch had been the venue 778 00:27:58,700 --> 00:28:04,933 in November and December of 1941 779 00:28:01,733 --> 00:28:06,266 for something called 780 00:28:02,966 --> 00:28:08,100 the Battle of Music. 781 00:28:04,933 --> 00:28:09,933 The Battle of Music was 782 00:28:06,266 --> 00:28:11,766 a competition between the bands 783 00:28:08,100 --> 00:28:13,333 on the various battleships 784 00:28:09,933 --> 00:28:17,400 anchored in Pearl Harbor, 785 00:28:11,766 --> 00:28:18,900 especially those along 786 00:28:13,333 --> 00:28:20,766 Battleship Row, off Ford Island. 787 00:28:17,400 --> 00:28:24,133 The last Battle of Music 788 00:28:18,900 --> 00:28:25,600 performance came on the night 789 00:28:20,766 --> 00:28:33,766 of December 6, 1941, 790 00:28:24,133 --> 00:28:34,933 at Bloch Arena. 791 00:28:25,600 --> 00:28:37,133 ♪ 792 00:28:33,766 --> 00:28:38,366 >> ♪ Yes, sir 793 00:28:34,933 --> 00:28:40,433 ♪ 794 00:28:37,133 --> 00:28:42,600 ♪ No, no, sir 795 00:28:38,366 --> 00:28:45,233 ♪ 796 00:28:40,433 --> 00:28:47,266 ♪ Yes, sir 797 00:28:42,600 --> 00:28:49,766 >> The U.S.S. Arizona's entire 798 00:28:45,233 --> 00:28:52,266 21-member band 799 00:28:47,266 --> 00:28:53,566 would be dead the next morning, 800 00:28:49,766 --> 00:28:57,300 along with many of the musicians 801 00:28:52,266 --> 00:28:59,333 on other battleships who 802 00:28:53,566 --> 00:29:00,633 took part in the competition. 803 00:28:57,300 --> 00:29:03,166 Plans were now coming together 804 00:28:59,333 --> 00:29:04,633 for an Elvis Presley 805 00:29:00,633 --> 00:29:06,000 U.S.S. Arizona Memorial benefit 806 00:29:03,166 --> 00:29:08,466 concert. 807 00:29:04,633 --> 00:29:09,933 >> Colonel Parker was, 808 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:12,300 you know -- he was -- 809 00:29:08,466 --> 00:29:13,466 he knew how to pull the strings. 810 00:29:09,933 --> 00:29:16,533 And it wasn't hard, because, 811 00:29:12,300 --> 00:29:17,900 you know, Elvis was 812 00:29:13,466 --> 00:29:19,833 a very patriotic fellow, and -- 813 00:29:16,533 --> 00:29:22,233 and he loved the country. 814 00:29:17,900 --> 00:29:24,966 You know, he had served 815 00:29:19,833 --> 00:29:26,833 the country as a soldier. 816 00:29:22,233 --> 00:29:27,966 And so he was the kind of 817 00:29:24,966 --> 00:29:28,666 thing -- "Anything I can do." 818 00:29:26,833 --> 00:29:29,600 And he thought it was 819 00:29:27,966 --> 00:29:31,033 a good idea. 820 00:29:28,666 --> 00:29:33,700 But I think Colonel Parker 821 00:29:29,600 --> 00:29:36,433 thought it was also a good idea 822 00:29:31,033 --> 00:29:37,966 for Elvis to come to Hawaii 823 00:29:33,700 --> 00:29:39,066 and to get the publicity. 824 00:29:36,433 --> 00:29:40,233 As you know, Elvis returns. 825 00:29:37,966 --> 00:29:41,666 I mean, his return concert 826 00:29:39,066 --> 00:29:42,466 was here. 827 00:29:40,233 --> 00:29:43,633 It was like a place that he was 828 00:29:41,666 --> 00:29:45,333 reborn. 829 00:29:42,466 --> 00:29:47,433 And in a way, 830 00:29:43,633 --> 00:29:48,833 he was more sensitive now 831 00:29:45,333 --> 00:29:50,933 to understanding World War II 832 00:29:47,433 --> 00:29:52,700 since he wasn't in it and 833 00:29:48,833 --> 00:29:53,900 understanding about this story. 834 00:29:50,933 --> 00:29:54,433 I mean, the thing was, he was 835 00:29:52,700 --> 00:29:56,266 shocked at how many people had 836 00:29:53,900 --> 00:29:56,266 died. 837 00:29:54,433 --> 00:29:56,266 He didn't know. 838 00:30:02,300 --> 00:30:05,700 The Navy was the one 839 00:30:03,166 --> 00:30:06,766 that suggested Bloch Arena 840 00:30:04,400 --> 00:30:07,900 right away. 841 00:30:05,700 --> 00:30:08,933 And remember, they had 842 00:30:06,766 --> 00:30:09,933 a backdrop for the Bloch Arena 843 00:30:07,900 --> 00:30:11,100 because they had used it before 844 00:30:08,933 --> 00:30:12,266 in the "This Is Your Life" 845 00:30:09,933 --> 00:30:13,833 program. 846 00:30:11,100 --> 00:30:15,333 It was large enough to put 847 00:30:12,266 --> 00:30:16,633 a big concert in, 848 00:30:13,833 --> 00:30:19,566 and it had its ties back 849 00:30:15,333 --> 00:30:21,333 to the days of Pearl Harbor, 850 00:30:16,633 --> 00:30:22,866 with the last dance of the -- 851 00:30:19,566 --> 00:30:25,233 before the war. 852 00:30:21,333 --> 00:30:26,633 You walk in there and you know 853 00:30:22,866 --> 00:30:27,933 that the Arizona's band 854 00:30:25,233 --> 00:30:29,533 once played there, 855 00:30:26,633 --> 00:30:30,700 that every man in that band 856 00:30:27,933 --> 00:30:32,700 was killed instantly 857 00:30:29,533 --> 00:30:34,966 on December 7th. 858 00:30:30,700 --> 00:30:36,666 And on that last night of peace, 859 00:30:32,700 --> 00:30:38,266 the strains of that music 860 00:30:34,966 --> 00:30:39,766 was coming across these waters. 861 00:30:36,666 --> 00:30:41,366 Little did they know that, 862 00:30:38,266 --> 00:30:41,366 the next day, the United States 863 00:30:39,766 --> 00:30:41,366 would be plunged into war. 864 00:30:44,733 --> 00:30:49,033 You go to Bloch Arena, and if 865 00:30:46,033 --> 00:30:50,266 you blink your eyes twice, 866 00:30:47,566 --> 00:30:51,933 you can go back to that time 867 00:30:49,033 --> 00:30:53,933 period because you can actually 868 00:30:50,266 --> 00:30:55,233 still see where the stage 869 00:30:51,933 --> 00:30:56,200 was for Elvis's concert. 870 00:30:53,933 --> 00:30:58,000 It was intimate. 871 00:30:55,233 --> 00:30:59,533 And so if you had a ticket 872 00:30:56,200 --> 00:31:01,100 for that, that was pretty neat 873 00:30:58,000 --> 00:31:02,500 because you were close, 874 00:30:59,533 --> 00:31:07,100 and you -- you could be 875 00:31:01,100 --> 00:31:09,600 drowned out by the music 876 00:31:02,500 --> 00:31:11,166 and watch Elvis wiggle. 877 00:31:07,100 --> 00:31:13,033 >> March 25th was the date set 878 00:31:09,600 --> 00:31:15,033 for the Bloch Arena 879 00:31:11,166 --> 00:31:17,000 Elvis Presley show. 880 00:31:13,033 --> 00:31:19,800 Tickets went on sale March 13, 881 00:31:15,033 --> 00:31:22,266 1961. 882 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:24,133 26-year-old Elvis Presley 883 00:31:19,800 --> 00:31:25,500 purchased the very first one. 884 00:31:22,266 --> 00:31:28,066 It would be just his second 885 00:31:24,133 --> 00:31:30,000 live performance 886 00:31:25,500 --> 00:31:31,800 since leaving the Army. 887 00:31:28,066 --> 00:31:33,766 Sue Holderman's father, 888 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:35,800 Charles Albert "Spike" 889 00:31:31,800 --> 00:31:37,600 Hennessey, would play an 890 00:31:33,766 --> 00:31:39,600 important role. 891 00:31:35,800 --> 00:31:42,900 >> And my father was then 892 00:31:37,600 --> 00:31:44,800 made the director of 893 00:31:39,600 --> 00:31:47,800 the fundraising in his position 894 00:31:42,900 --> 00:31:49,800 as director of the 895 00:31:44,800 --> 00:31:51,300 14th Naval District in Hawaii. 896 00:31:47,800 --> 00:31:54,066 He undertook it, of course, 897 00:31:49,800 --> 00:31:59,066 because it was a very 898 00:31:51,300 --> 00:32:00,633 worthy cause. 899 00:31:54,066 --> 00:32:02,566 He worked very hard at 900 00:31:59,066 --> 00:32:03,933 putting all the parts together 901 00:32:00,633 --> 00:32:05,633 so that when Elvis 902 00:32:02,566 --> 00:32:06,900 arrived the day of the concert 903 00:32:03,933 --> 00:32:08,666 that everything was in place. 904 00:32:05,633 --> 00:32:09,966 He was the go-to person 905 00:32:06,900 --> 00:32:10,966 when Elvis or Colonel Parker 906 00:32:08,666 --> 00:32:15,600 had any questions. 907 00:32:09,966 --> 00:32:17,266 Any problems whatsoever, they 908 00:32:10,966 --> 00:32:19,333 went to our -- my father. 909 00:32:15,600 --> 00:32:20,966 >> Some 20 years earlier, 910 00:32:17,266 --> 00:32:22,533 U.S.S. Arizona crewman 911 00:32:19,333 --> 00:32:24,500 Bill Woodward was writing home 912 00:32:20,966 --> 00:32:27,266 to his wife, Virginia, 913 00:32:22,533 --> 00:32:29,800 and baby daughter Karen about 914 00:32:24,500 --> 00:32:31,733 his new job on the battleship. 915 00:32:27,266 --> 00:32:33,466 >> November 24, 1941. 916 00:32:29,800 --> 00:32:35,200 Pearl Harbor. 917 00:32:31,733 --> 00:32:36,900 My very own precious darling 918 00:32:33,466 --> 00:32:37,800 wife and baby. 919 00:32:35,200 --> 00:32:39,633 Darling, from now on, 920 00:32:36,900 --> 00:32:41,000 be sure to address 921 00:32:37,800 --> 00:32:42,400 all of my letters to M division 922 00:32:39,633 --> 00:32:44,100 instead of B, 923 00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:45,800 as I've been transferred along 924 00:32:42,400 --> 00:32:47,100 with another machinist's mate 925 00:32:44,100 --> 00:32:48,466 and eight firemen. 926 00:32:45,800 --> 00:32:50,166 They transferred us because 927 00:32:47,100 --> 00:32:51,500 they want some experienced men 928 00:32:48,466 --> 00:32:53,466 in the engine rooms. 929 00:32:50,166 --> 00:32:54,333 I sure will be glad when 930 00:32:51,500 --> 00:32:55,900 the steamer comes in Wednesday. 931 00:32:53,466 --> 00:32:57,000 I should have at least 932 00:32:54,333 --> 00:33:00,366 three letters from you, 933 00:32:55,900 --> 00:33:04,866 and I will read each 934 00:32:57,000 --> 00:33:07,700 and every one of them six times. 935 00:32:57,000 --> 00:33:07,700 and every one of them six times. 936 00:33:00,366 --> 00:33:08,866 Just your own, Bill. 937 00:33:04,866 --> 00:33:10,566 >> On March 25, 1961, 938 00:33:07,700 --> 00:33:12,466 Elvis Presley stopped 939 00:33:08,866 --> 00:33:14,300 for a few early morning photos 940 00:33:10,566 --> 00:33:16,000 at the airport before departing 941 00:33:12,466 --> 00:33:18,366 Los Angeles, California, 942 00:33:14,300 --> 00:33:20,866 for Hawaii. 943 00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:21,966 Pan American Flight 817 944 00:33:18,366 --> 00:33:24,333 left L.A. early in the morning, 945 00:33:20,866 --> 00:33:25,833 the start of what was going 946 00:33:21,966 --> 00:33:27,166 to be a very long day. 947 00:33:24,333 --> 00:33:28,866 On board was the King of 948 00:33:25,833 --> 00:33:30,566 Rock 'n' Roll, 949 00:33:27,166 --> 00:33:32,333 Colonel Tom Parker, 950 00:33:28,866 --> 00:33:33,733 and a large entourage of 951 00:33:30,566 --> 00:33:36,100 opening-act musicians and 952 00:33:32,333 --> 00:33:38,100 support staff. 953 00:33:33,733 --> 00:33:40,133 The flight took about six hours. 954 00:33:38,100 --> 00:33:42,600 at Honolulu Airport around 955 00:33:40,133 --> 00:33:45,233 12:15 that same afternoon. 956 00:33:42,600 --> 00:33:48,200 A jet-lagged Elvis stepped off 957 00:33:45,233 --> 00:33:49,800 the plane at 12:27. 958 00:33:48,200 --> 00:33:51,600 >> It looks as if 959 00:33:49,800 --> 00:33:52,600 it's Elvis Presley! 960 00:33:51,600 --> 00:33:56,200 [ Crowd cheering ] 961 00:33:52,600 --> 00:33:57,666 Elvis is getting off the plane. 962 00:33:54,766 --> 00:33:59,466 He's shaking his head. 963 00:33:56,200 --> 00:34:01,000 He's accompanied by quite 964 00:33:57,666 --> 00:34:01,800 a few people there. 965 00:33:59,466 --> 00:34:03,233 And they're all moving around 966 00:34:01,000 --> 00:34:04,366 somewhere in form. 967 00:34:01,800 --> 00:34:06,233 That's Hal Wallis right behind 968 00:34:03,233 --> 00:34:07,633 Elvis Presley. 969 00:34:04,366 --> 00:34:09,533 Elvis is wearing a very 970 00:34:06,233 --> 00:34:10,866 conservative dark suit 971 00:34:07,633 --> 00:34:13,166 this morning. 972 00:34:09,533 --> 00:34:15,000 >> Thousands of fans had been 973 00:34:10,866 --> 00:34:17,100 waiting hours to see him. 974 00:34:13,166 --> 00:34:19,666 He was immediately weighed down 975 00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:21,100 with leis. 976 00:34:17,100 --> 00:34:22,233 >> It was flippin' crazy. 977 00:34:19,666 --> 00:34:23,400 There were so many 978 00:34:22,233 --> 00:34:24,466 And all of these fans welcome 979 00:34:23,400 --> 00:34:26,033 him. 980 00:34:24,466 --> 00:34:27,500 And, see, it just -- it had a 981 00:34:26,033 --> 00:34:28,566 buoyancy to it almost 982 00:34:27,500 --> 00:34:29,133 immediately that, "Elvis is 983 00:34:28,566 --> 00:34:30,366 here. 984 00:34:29,133 --> 00:34:31,266 He's going to give a concert. 985 00:34:30,366 --> 00:34:33,333 We're going to build this 986 00:34:31,266 --> 00:34:37,000 memorial." 987 00:34:33,333 --> 00:34:43,366 And so it had a life of its own. 988 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:44,733 And while he was here, this -- 989 00:34:39,900 --> 00:34:46,066 this town was on its heels. 990 00:34:43,366 --> 00:34:47,566 >> My name is David English, 991 00:34:44,733 --> 00:34:49,233 and I'm an author and researcher 992 00:34:46,066 --> 00:34:51,800 on Elvis Presley books. 993 00:34:47,566 --> 00:34:54,100 >> David English captured 994 00:34:49,233 --> 00:34:55,133 the entire Elvis/U.S.S. Arizona 995 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:56,933 story from beginning to end 996 00:34:55,133 --> 00:34:58,733 "Rock Around the Bloch!", 997 00:34:56,933 --> 00:34:59,900 as in Bloch Arena. 998 00:34:58,733 --> 00:35:01,200 >> The scene at the airport 999 00:34:59,900 --> 00:35:03,866 was -- was amazing. 1000 00:35:01,200 --> 00:35:05,433 There was 3,000 teenagers 1001 00:35:03,866 --> 00:35:07,133 to receive Elvis. 1002 00:35:05,433 --> 00:35:10,300 And what happened was, the 1003 00:35:07,133 --> 00:35:12,466 regular passengers disembarked 1004 00:35:08,700 --> 00:35:13,433 from the front of the plane. 1005 00:35:10,300 --> 00:35:14,666 And there was, you know, 1006 00:35:12,466 --> 00:35:15,866 "Where's Elvis?" 1007 00:35:13,433 --> 00:35:18,033 He came out the back -- 1008 00:35:14,666 --> 00:35:19,666 the back door, 1009 00:35:15,866 --> 00:35:21,533 where everyone just went wild. 1010 00:35:18,033 --> 00:35:23,666 And he traveled through all 1011 00:35:19,666 --> 00:35:25,266 the fans saying hello to him. 1012 00:35:21,533 --> 00:35:27,300 And he had leis put onto him. 1013 00:35:23,666 --> 00:35:28,600 And then he made his way 1014 00:35:25,266 --> 00:35:32,533 to a waiting limousine, 1015 00:35:27,300 --> 00:35:34,066 and they were driven 1016 00:35:28,600 --> 00:35:35,333 through Honolulu to the hotel. 1017 00:35:32,533 --> 00:35:37,766 And then, about quarter 1018 00:35:34,066 --> 00:35:39,266 to 4:00 in the afternoon, 1019 00:35:35,333 --> 00:35:41,833 he went to a press conference 1020 00:35:37,766 --> 00:35:43,600 with all the waiting reporters 1021 00:35:39,266 --> 00:35:44,700 and newsmen and some teenage -- 1022 00:35:41,833 --> 00:35:45,900 school teenagers there. 1023 00:35:43,600 --> 00:35:47,400 >> The press conference 1024 00:35:44,700 --> 00:35:49,600 in the Carousel Room 1025 00:35:45,900 --> 00:35:51,300 at the Hawaiian Village 1026 00:35:47,400 --> 00:35:53,566 that same day at 3:45 1027 00:35:49,600 --> 00:35:55,600 was wild in its own right, 1028 00:35:51,300 --> 00:35:57,900 with reporters from 27 area 1029 00:35:53,566 --> 00:35:59,466 high schools among the more than 1030 00:35:55,600 --> 00:36:01,866 100 people in attendance. 1031 00:35:57,900 --> 00:36:03,933 One young schoolgirl 1032 00:35:59,466 --> 00:36:04,766 just wouldn't let go of Elvis. 1033 00:35:59,466 --> 00:36:04,766 just wouldn't let go of Elvis. 1034 00:36:01,866 --> 00:36:06,200 Colonel Parker had to step in. 1035 00:36:03,933 --> 00:36:07,300 >> Aloha. I guess you're 1036 00:36:04,766 --> 00:36:08,300 wondering why I called you here. 1037 00:36:06,200 --> 00:36:09,900 Tell you the truth, I can't tell 1038 00:36:07,300 --> 00:36:11,900 you right now because I don't 1039 00:36:08,300 --> 00:36:13,700 know. 1040 00:36:11,900 --> 00:36:15,366 [ Laughter ] 1041 00:36:13,700 --> 00:36:16,600 And we got a show tonight. 1042 00:36:15,366 --> 00:36:18,833 >> Because, after all, 1043 00:36:16,600 --> 00:36:21,766 what Elvis is doing here 1044 00:36:18,833 --> 00:36:24,000 is for a very great cause. 1045 00:36:21,766 --> 00:36:25,466 And so I speak very briefly 1046 00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:28,666 but to the point 1047 00:36:25,466 --> 00:36:30,733 on behalf of the 1,177 men who 1048 00:36:28,666 --> 00:36:32,600 are entombed in the Arizona, and 1049 00:36:30,733 --> 00:36:34,133 on their behalf and on behalf of 1050 00:36:32,600 --> 00:36:36,266 the Pacific War Memorial 1051 00:36:34,133 --> 00:36:38,200 Commission, we want to thank 1052 00:36:36,266 --> 00:36:40,333 all who have played such a very 1053 00:36:38,200 --> 00:36:42,133 important part in this program 1054 00:36:40,333 --> 00:36:43,933 to be held tonight. 1055 00:36:42,133 --> 00:36:48,800 >> Everywhere Elvis went, 1056 00:36:43,933 --> 00:36:50,166 so did local promoter 1057 00:36:46,100 --> 00:36:51,433 and disc jockey Tom Moffatt. 1058 00:36:48,800 --> 00:36:53,466 Moffatt was legendary 1059 00:36:50,166 --> 00:36:55,200 in the islands for helping 1060 00:36:51,433 --> 00:36:56,700 the big acts get organized 1061 00:36:53,466 --> 00:36:58,600 when they came to Oahu. 1062 00:36:55,200 --> 00:36:59,833 >> I think that the most 1063 00:36:56,700 --> 00:37:01,600 important local connection 1064 00:36:58,600 --> 00:37:05,133 that really made this goal 1065 00:36:59,833 --> 00:37:07,966 was Tom Moffatt. 1066 00:37:01,600 --> 00:37:10,200 Tom Moffatt was a -- you know, 1067 00:37:05,133 --> 00:37:11,666 a guy that just promoted a lot 1068 00:37:07,966 --> 00:37:13,233 of things and brought bands in. 1069 00:37:10,200 --> 00:37:14,333 And now having Elvis 1070 00:37:11,666 --> 00:37:14,966 and being part of that -- 1071 00:37:14,333 --> 00:37:16,533 the concerts. 1072 00:37:14,966 --> 00:37:18,033 He knew all of that. 1073 00:37:16,533 --> 00:37:19,100 >> Every night while I'm doing 1074 00:37:18,033 --> 00:37:19,566 my homework, I would listen 1075 00:37:19,100 --> 00:37:20,566 to -- 1076 00:37:19,566 --> 00:37:21,633 I have a little transistor 1077 00:37:20,566 --> 00:37:23,700 radio. 1078 00:37:21,633 --> 00:37:26,233 I would listen to the radio. 1079 00:37:23,700 --> 00:37:27,866 And nothing but Elvis's song 1080 00:37:25,300 --> 00:37:28,933 all the time. 1081 00:37:26,233 --> 00:37:30,366 But every five minutes, Elvis. 1082 00:37:27,866 --> 00:37:32,266 And that's how I met 1083 00:37:28,933 --> 00:37:34,533 Tom Moffatt. 1084 00:37:30,366 --> 00:37:35,733 "Uncle Tom, please play Elvis. 1085 00:37:32,266 --> 00:37:37,600 Uncle Tom, please play Elvis." 1086 00:37:34,533 --> 00:37:39,133 >> Moffatt would make certain 1087 00:37:35,733 --> 00:37:41,033 the Bloch Arena show received 1088 00:37:37,600 --> 00:37:43,166 great publicity. 1089 00:37:39,133 --> 00:37:45,633 Elvis was in town, after all, 1090 00:37:41,033 --> 00:37:47,533 for a purpose -- to help ensure 1091 00:37:43,166 --> 00:37:49,033 all those on the U.S.S. Arizona, 1092 00:37:45,633 --> 00:37:51,900 such as crewman Bill Woodward, 1093 00:37:47,533 --> 00:37:54,266 would always have a place 1094 00:37:49,033 --> 00:37:55,633 in history. 1095 00:37:51,900 --> 00:37:57,300 >> November 26, 1941. 1096 00:37:54,266 --> 00:37:59,066 Pearl Harbor. 1097 00:37:55,633 --> 00:38:00,866 My very own precious darling 1098 00:37:57,300 --> 00:38:03,266 wife and baby. 1099 00:37:59,066 --> 00:38:04,433 Well, darling, we go to sea 1100 00:38:00,866 --> 00:38:06,566 again Friday for another week. 1101 00:38:03,266 --> 00:38:07,900 We will be back in 1102 00:38:04,433 --> 00:38:09,033 the 4th of December, I think. 1103 00:38:06,566 --> 00:38:11,466 I only hope that the next time 1104 00:38:07,900 --> 00:38:12,600 we go out, 1105 00:38:09,033 --> 00:38:14,200 we will be going to the States. 1106 00:38:11,466 --> 00:38:16,833 Well, darling, I must close 1107 00:38:12,600 --> 00:38:19,000 for tonight and go to bed 1108 00:38:14,200 --> 00:38:20,066 and have one of our dreams. 1109 00:38:16,833 --> 00:38:21,933 I only wish it could be real, 1110 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:23,600 but it will be forever 1111 00:38:20,066 --> 00:38:23,600 one of these days. 1112 00:38:21,933 --> 00:38:23,600 Your own, Bill. 1113 00:38:27,766 --> 00:38:33,500 >> Tickets for the March 25th 1114 00:38:30,800 --> 00:38:36,433 were priced anywhere from $3 1115 00:38:33,500 --> 00:38:38,133 to $100. 1116 00:38:36,433 --> 00:38:41,200 >> My stepdad owned 1117 00:38:38,133 --> 00:38:45,600 a savings and loan. 1118 00:38:41,200 --> 00:38:47,166 And they bought one ticket, 1119 00:38:45,600 --> 00:38:49,166 and I was it. 1120 00:38:47,166 --> 00:38:52,366 >> And I told my mom and my dad, 1121 00:38:49,166 --> 00:38:53,900 my brothers and sisters, 1122 00:38:50,366 --> 00:38:55,700 "I have to go to this." 1123 00:38:52,366 --> 00:38:58,133 >> Because it was a fundraiser 1124 00:38:53,900 --> 00:39:00,133 for a new U.S.S. Arizona 1125 00:38:55,700 --> 00:39:02,566 memorial, everyone had to pay 1126 00:38:58,133 --> 00:39:04,700 that night to get in. 1127 00:38:58,133 --> 00:39:04,700 that night to get in. 1128 00:39:00,133 --> 00:39:06,600 Even Elvis's opening acts, 1129 00:39:02,566 --> 00:39:08,000 including Minnie Pearl, 1130 00:39:04,700 --> 00:39:09,833 Boots Randolph, and 1131 00:39:06,600 --> 00:39:11,633 The Jordanaires 1132 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:13,100 had to buy tickets. 1133 00:39:09,833 --> 00:39:15,700 Elvis bought tickets for 30 1134 00:39:11,633 --> 00:39:16,900 patients at nearby 1135 00:39:13,100 --> 00:39:20,100 Tripler Military Hospital. 1136 00:39:15,700 --> 00:39:22,366 The rest of the seats at 1137 00:39:16,900 --> 00:39:23,433 Bloch Arena had sold out fast. 1138 00:39:20,100 --> 00:39:25,100 Unfortunately, Sue Holderman 1139 00:39:22,366 --> 00:39:26,566 didn't have a ticket 1140 00:39:23,433 --> 00:39:28,600 to Elvis's concert, 1141 00:39:25,100 --> 00:39:31,033 even though her father was on 1142 00:39:26,566 --> 00:39:31,733 the event planning committee. 1143 00:39:28,600 --> 00:39:34,133 That would change. 1144 00:39:31,033 --> 00:39:36,566 >> My father knew 1145 00:39:31,733 --> 00:39:37,633 how much I liked Elvis. 1146 00:39:34,133 --> 00:39:39,066 He mentioned to Colonel Parker 1147 00:39:36,566 --> 00:39:41,166 that it would be 1148 00:39:37,633 --> 00:39:43,100 a real nice thing if he could 1149 00:39:39,066 --> 00:39:44,100 just bring me by Elvis's 1150 00:39:41,166 --> 00:39:44,766 and Colonel Parker's hotel room. 1151 00:39:43,100 --> 00:39:46,000 And Colonel Parker said, 1152 00:39:44,100 --> 00:39:49,333 "Of course. 1153 00:39:44,766 --> 00:39:50,566 Please come." 1154 00:39:46,000 --> 00:39:51,833 At the end of our brief stay, 1155 00:39:49,333 --> 00:39:52,833 Elvis said, "I'll see you 1156 00:39:50,566 --> 00:39:53,633 tonight." 1157 00:39:51,833 --> 00:39:54,733 "We won't be going. 1158 00:39:52,833 --> 00:39:55,200 We can't afford it. 1159 00:39:53,633 --> 00:39:57,133 I have six kids living in 1160 00:39:54,733 --> 00:39:59,233 Waikiki. 1161 00:39:55,200 --> 00:40:00,300 There's no way that we can go." 1162 00:39:57,133 --> 00:40:01,366 Elvis turned to Colonel Parker, 1163 00:39:59,233 --> 00:40:03,333 and he said, "Would you get her 1164 00:40:00,300 --> 00:40:04,966 a ticket?" 1165 00:40:01,366 --> 00:40:06,266 And he went into his office 1166 00:40:03,333 --> 00:40:09,566 room, whatever, came out 1167 00:40:04,966 --> 00:40:11,500 with a ticket for me 1168 00:40:06,266 --> 00:40:12,700 for the concert that night. 1169 00:40:09,566 --> 00:40:14,566 >> With her free ticket in hand, 1170 00:40:11,500 --> 00:40:17,000 Sue Holderman, 1171 00:40:12,700 --> 00:40:18,633 along with Sally Hall, 1172 00:40:14,566 --> 00:40:21,133 Lovely Kwock, and 4,000 1173 00:40:17,000 --> 00:40:22,833 other people descended 1174 00:40:18,633 --> 00:40:25,100 on Bloch Arena at Pearl Harbor 1175 00:40:21,133 --> 00:40:27,166 on the evening of March 25, 1176 00:40:22,833 --> 00:40:29,933 1961. 1177 00:40:25,100 --> 00:40:32,233 The concert was set to begin 1178 00:40:29,933 --> 00:40:34,433 The gates at Bloch Arena opened 1179 00:40:32,233 --> 00:40:35,533 at 7:15 that evening. 1180 00:40:34,433 --> 00:40:37,166 >> That night, 1181 00:40:35,533 --> 00:40:40,800 my father dropped me off, 1182 00:40:37,166 --> 00:40:42,366 and one of Elvis's attendants 1183 00:40:40,800 --> 00:40:44,633 escorted me in. 1184 00:40:42,366 --> 00:40:47,633 Screaming fans. 1185 00:40:44,633 --> 00:40:48,933 There were only 4,000 people. 1186 00:40:46,400 --> 00:40:50,733 There could've been 400,000 for 1187 00:40:47,633 --> 00:40:53,400 the amount of noise coming out. 1188 00:40:48,933 --> 00:40:55,500 There was no seat for me because 1189 00:40:50,733 --> 00:40:56,600 I was just a last-minute add-on. 1190 00:40:53,400 --> 00:40:57,900 I remember the attendant 1191 00:40:55,500 --> 00:41:01,133 asking one of the ushers 1192 00:40:56,600 --> 00:41:03,033 to get a folding chair 1193 00:40:57,900 --> 00:41:04,533 and bring it into the aisle. 1194 00:41:01,133 --> 00:41:06,366 And I was front and center, 1195 00:41:03,033 --> 00:41:07,633 sticking out of an aisle 1196 00:41:04,533 --> 00:41:09,033 of a row, 1197 00:41:06,366 --> 00:41:10,166 embarrassed, because here 1198 00:41:07,633 --> 00:41:12,766 I was just right out there 1199 00:41:09,033 --> 00:41:13,966 in kind of the middle 1200 00:41:10,166 --> 00:41:17,633 of this row of people 1201 00:41:12,766 --> 00:41:18,866 pretty much in the front. 1202 00:41:13,966 --> 00:41:21,266 And, okay, 12 years old. 1203 00:41:17,633 --> 00:41:23,066 I thought, "This couldn't get 1204 00:41:18,866 --> 00:41:25,933 any better than this." 1205 00:41:21,266 --> 00:41:27,866 >> Also attending the concert 1206 00:41:23,066 --> 00:41:29,333 on the night of March 25, 1961, 1207 00:41:25,933 --> 00:41:30,933 was Mildred Martin. 1208 00:41:27,866 --> 00:41:32,966 Mildred, you remember, 1209 00:41:29,333 --> 00:41:36,100 had watched the actual attack 1210 00:41:30,933 --> 00:41:37,233 at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1211 00:41:32,966 --> 00:41:38,466 1941, as a 5-year-old. 1212 00:41:36,100 --> 00:41:40,033 Her dad had been on 1213 00:41:37,233 --> 00:41:41,500 the U.S.S. Arizona 1214 00:41:38,466 --> 00:41:44,033 that very Sunday morning, 1215 00:41:40,033 --> 00:41:45,733 finishing up some construction 1216 00:41:41,500 --> 00:41:47,066 work before returning home. 1217 00:41:44,033 --> 00:41:48,533 Now, as a married adult 1218 00:41:45,733 --> 00:41:50,366 in her mid 20s, 1219 00:41:47,066 --> 00:41:52,366 Mildred was going to see 1220 00:41:48,533 --> 00:41:54,433 Elvis raise money to honor 1221 00:41:50,366 --> 00:41:56,266 those killed on the Arizona, 1222 00:41:52,366 --> 00:41:57,866 an event she witnessed. 1223 00:41:54,433 --> 00:41:59,600 >> And it's a great pleasure 1224 00:41:56,266 --> 00:42:00,566 to welcome him here 1225 00:41:57,866 --> 00:42:02,366 and to present to you 1226 00:41:57,866 --> 00:42:02,366 and to present to you 1227 00:42:00,566 --> 00:42:04,466 [ Crowd cheering ] 1228 00:42:02,366 --> 00:42:07,700 >> Everybody screamed. 1229 00:42:04,466 --> 00:42:11,233 This young man is doing 1230 00:42:07,700 --> 00:42:14,733 a fantastic job of trying 1231 00:42:11,233 --> 00:42:18,200 to honor our Arizona people. 1232 00:42:14,733 --> 00:42:19,633 >> I had a friend, Rick Benson, 1233 00:42:18,200 --> 00:42:20,666 and his father 1234 00:42:19,633 --> 00:42:21,833 was Admiral Benson, 1235 00:42:20,666 --> 00:42:23,400 and he asked me to go 1236 00:42:21,833 --> 00:42:24,733 to this concert. 1237 00:42:23,400 --> 00:42:28,500 And so Admiral Benson 1238 00:42:24,733 --> 00:42:29,666 got us seats center. 1239 00:42:27,733 --> 00:42:31,633 It was between 1240 00:42:28,500 --> 00:42:34,800 the fifth and tenth row. 1241 00:42:29,666 --> 00:42:36,000 I think we were right up front. 1242 00:42:31,633 --> 00:42:38,733 And it was very exciting. 1243 00:42:34,800 --> 00:42:40,533 >> And guess where I sat. 1244 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:41,933 In the back of the stage. 1245 00:42:38,733 --> 00:42:42,966 But at least I got there. 1246 00:42:40,533 --> 00:42:44,333 It was the closest I could get 1247 00:42:41,933 --> 00:42:46,000 to him, 'cause I wanted to see 1248 00:42:42,966 --> 00:42:47,533 him. 1249 00:42:44,333 --> 00:42:49,600 I wanted to touch him. 1250 00:42:46,000 --> 00:42:51,366 >> People were screaming, 1251 00:42:47,533 --> 00:42:53,300 and there was just this light 1252 00:42:49,600 --> 00:42:54,800 and this energy 1253 00:42:51,366 --> 00:42:56,800 that you can't believe. 1254 00:42:53,300 --> 00:42:58,266 And he had 1255 00:42:54,800 --> 00:42:59,800 this wonderful sense of humor, 1256 00:42:56,800 --> 00:43:01,666 which you don't normally get, 1257 00:42:58,266 --> 00:43:03,500 you know, because he would go 1258 00:42:59,800 --> 00:43:05,100 like this, wiggle his arm, 1259 00:43:01,666 --> 00:43:06,100 and everybody would scream. 1260 00:43:03,500 --> 00:43:07,766 And he'd laugh, so he'd do 1261 00:43:05,100 --> 00:43:09,066 a little bit of a song, 1262 00:43:06,100 --> 00:43:09,866 then shake his leg a little, 1263 00:43:07,766 --> 00:43:13,100 and everyone would scream 1264 00:43:09,066 --> 00:43:16,066 and he'd laugh. 1265 00:43:09,866 --> 00:43:17,900 It's like he really enjoyed 1266 00:43:13,100 --> 00:43:20,033 seeing what he could do 1267 00:43:16,066 --> 00:43:21,833 to make people scream. 1268 00:43:17,900 --> 00:43:23,200 >> Boy, it was so loud, so 1269 00:43:20,033 --> 00:43:24,166 crowded, so much noise. 1270 00:43:21,833 --> 00:43:25,900 You couldn't hear anything. 1271 00:43:23,200 --> 00:43:27,500 You couldn't even hear the words 1272 00:43:24,166 --> 00:43:28,600 of the song. 1273 00:43:25,900 --> 00:43:29,433 >> I sang along. 1274 00:43:27,500 --> 00:43:31,166 Sang along with a lot of the 1275 00:43:28,600 --> 00:43:32,100 songs. 1276 00:43:29,433 --> 00:43:33,600 "Hound Dog" was my favorite, 1277 00:43:31,166 --> 00:43:35,633 I think. 1278 00:43:32,100 --> 00:43:39,166 >> There were people way up 1279 00:43:33,600 --> 00:43:41,333 in the back, bleachers way up in 1280 00:43:35,633 --> 00:43:44,366 the back, and there were chairs 1281 00:43:39,166 --> 00:43:46,366 all down the bottom. 1282 00:43:41,333 --> 00:43:47,366 He flicked his arm or wiggled, 1283 00:43:44,366 --> 00:43:48,400 there was screams all over. 1284 00:43:46,366 --> 00:43:50,066 >> Thank you very much. 1285 00:43:47,366 --> 00:43:50,633 And I have to tell you, it's a 1286 00:43:48,400 --> 00:43:51,633 pleasure to be back in -- where 1287 00:43:50,066 --> 00:43:53,233 are we? 1288 00:43:50,633 --> 00:43:54,233 Oh, Honolulu. 1289 00:43:51,633 --> 00:43:55,100 [ Crowd cheering ] 1290 00:43:53,233 --> 00:43:57,533 I'd like to thank you all for 1291 00:43:54,233 --> 00:43:59,000 coming out. 1292 00:43:55,100 --> 00:44:01,033 >> Elvis's 15-song, 45-minute 1293 00:43:57,533 --> 00:44:02,700 set list that night included 1294 00:43:59,000 --> 00:44:03,866 all of his top hits at the time, 1295 00:44:01,033 --> 00:44:05,233 such as "Heartbreak Hotel," 1296 00:44:02,700 --> 00:44:06,633 "All Shook Up," 1297 00:44:03,866 --> 00:44:10,233 "Fool Such As I," 1298 00:44:05,233 --> 00:44:11,433 and "Don't Be Cruel," 1299 00:44:06,633 --> 00:44:12,800 and so many other fan favorites. 1300 00:44:10,233 --> 00:44:13,533 >> Well, the one 1301 00:44:11,433 --> 00:44:15,333 that really stood out was 1302 00:44:12,800 --> 00:44:16,166 "You Ain't Nothing 1303 00:44:13,533 --> 00:44:18,333 But a Hound Dog." 1304 00:44:15,333 --> 00:44:21,066 >> ♪ You ain't nothin' 1305 00:44:16,166 --> 00:44:21,766 but a hound dog ♪ 1306 00:44:18,333 --> 00:44:24,366 ♪ Cryin' all the time 1307 00:44:21,066 --> 00:44:25,766 ♪ You ain't nothin'... 1308 00:44:21,766 --> 00:44:27,300 >> Talk about knees melting. 1309 00:44:24,366 --> 00:44:29,366 It was almost like their knees 1310 00:44:25,766 --> 00:44:31,066 were just melting, 1311 00:44:27,300 --> 00:44:32,233 like a silly teenager. 1312 00:44:29,366 --> 00:44:33,966 And after that, I said, "Oh, 1313 00:44:31,066 --> 00:44:35,100 wow. 1314 00:44:32,233 --> 00:44:37,100 What he's doing, what he did 1315 00:44:33,966 --> 00:44:38,533 here for the music, 1316 00:44:35,100 --> 00:44:39,766 for raising funds and all," 1317 00:44:37,100 --> 00:44:43,866 I said, "That's really 1318 00:44:38,533 --> 00:44:47,100 fascinating." 1319 00:44:39,766 --> 00:44:50,033 >> ♪ Won't you love me tonight 1320 00:44:43,866 --> 00:44:51,200 ♪ One night with you 1321 00:44:47,100 --> 00:44:53,933 ♪ 1322 00:44:50,033 --> 00:44:55,600 >> One of the journalists 1323 00:44:51,200 --> 00:44:57,066 at the time said that the roar 1324 00:44:53,933 --> 00:44:58,766 from the teenaged crowd 1325 00:44:55,600 --> 00:45:00,100 was so loud 1326 00:44:57,066 --> 00:45:01,433 that none of the reporters 1327 00:44:58,766 --> 00:45:03,266 could actually hear 1328 00:44:58,766 --> 00:45:03,266 could actually hear 1329 00:45:00,100 --> 00:45:04,833 what Elvis was singing. 1330 00:45:01,433 --> 00:45:06,466 And Elvis had said at the time 1331 00:45:03,266 --> 00:45:07,466 that he could 1332 00:45:06,466 --> 00:45:09,033 because, you know, 1333 00:45:07,466 --> 00:45:11,066 no one could hear him. 1334 00:45:09,033 --> 00:45:12,866 The sound system was, you know, 1335 00:45:11,066 --> 00:45:14,900 not state-of-the-art, 1336 00:45:12,866 --> 00:45:16,133 and the roar and the intensity 1337 00:45:14,900 --> 00:45:17,766 of the -- of the crowd 1338 00:45:16,133 --> 00:45:19,966 was such that, you know, 1339 00:45:17,766 --> 00:45:22,500 no one could hear Elvis singing, 1340 00:45:19,966 --> 00:45:23,600 which is quite ironic, really. 1341 00:45:22,500 --> 00:45:26,333 >> Ladies and gentlemen, I'd 1342 00:45:23,600 --> 00:45:27,900 like to do the very first record 1343 00:45:24,866 --> 00:45:28,900 that we ever made. 1344 00:45:26,333 --> 00:45:29,466 This was for the Sun Record 1345 00:45:27,900 --> 00:45:31,233 people. 1346 00:45:28,900 --> 00:45:34,400 It's called, 1347 00:45:29,466 --> 00:45:36,666 "That's All Right, Mama." 1348 00:45:31,233 --> 00:45:39,766 [ Crowd cheering ] 1349 00:45:34,400 --> 00:45:41,500 ♪ 1350 00:45:36,666 --> 00:45:43,200 ♪ Well, that's all right, mama 1351 00:45:39,766 --> 00:45:45,033 >> He had a gold lamé coat on. 1352 00:45:41,500 --> 00:45:47,300 You know, it was just glistening 1353 00:45:43,200 --> 00:45:48,600 and -- and just rocked, 1354 00:45:45,033 --> 00:45:50,166 and people that were there 1355 00:45:47,300 --> 00:45:52,500 had the time of their life. 1356 00:45:48,600 --> 00:45:54,033 And, you know, think about it. 1357 00:45:50,166 --> 00:45:55,400 This superstar comes to Hawaii 1358 00:45:52,500 --> 00:45:56,566 in that time period? 1359 00:45:54,033 --> 00:45:57,633 Wow. 1360 00:45:55,400 --> 00:45:59,233 >> Elvis's concert 1361 00:45:56,566 --> 00:46:01,366 at Bloch Arena 1362 00:45:57,633 --> 00:46:03,100 had been a huge success 1363 00:45:59,233 --> 00:46:05,166 for all his fans in attendance 1364 00:46:01,366 --> 00:46:06,766 and for the U.S.S. Arizona 1365 00:46:03,100 --> 00:46:08,933 memorial fundraising effort. 1366 00:46:05,166 --> 00:46:10,333 That's what all the newspapers 1367 00:46:06,766 --> 00:46:12,233 said the next day. 1368 00:46:08,933 --> 00:46:13,300 >> My biggest-selling record 1369 00:46:10,333 --> 00:46:15,566 was a song called 1370 00:46:12,233 --> 00:46:18,933 "Don't Be Cruel." 1371 00:46:13,300 --> 00:46:20,433 [ Crowd cheering ] 1372 00:46:15,566 --> 00:46:22,300 ♪ 1373 00:46:18,933 --> 00:46:24,400 >> I think that what stands out 1374 00:46:20,433 --> 00:46:26,033 is hearing Elvis' voice talking 1375 00:46:22,300 --> 00:46:26,733 to the crowd and, you know, 1376 00:46:24,400 --> 00:46:29,866 engaging them. 1377 00:46:26,033 --> 00:46:34,500 >> Thanks again, 1378 00:46:26,733 --> 00:46:36,100 ladies and gentlemen. 1379 00:46:29,866 --> 00:46:38,133 >> Elvis has left the building. 1380 00:46:34,500 --> 00:46:39,733 >> It was such an incredible 1381 00:46:36,100 --> 00:46:41,133 moment in time that, inside 1382 00:46:38,133 --> 00:46:44,033 Bloch Arena today, 1383 00:46:39,733 --> 00:46:46,233 the King of Rock 'n' Roll's 1384 00:46:41,133 --> 00:46:48,366 March 25, 1961 visit 1385 00:46:44,033 --> 00:46:51,133 is still memorialized. 1386 00:46:46,233 --> 00:46:52,833 Articles, photos, 1387 00:46:48,366 --> 00:46:55,033 and recognition line the walls. 1388 00:46:51,133 --> 00:46:56,433 Elvis old dressing room 1389 00:46:52,833 --> 00:46:59,766 that night, echoes from 1390 00:46:55,033 --> 00:47:01,666 another time. 1391 00:46:56,433 --> 00:47:04,733 Over $60,000 was raised from 1392 00:46:59,766 --> 00:47:07,000 Elvis's concert, 1393 00:47:01,666 --> 00:47:09,066 which was added to $250,000 1394 00:47:04,733 --> 00:47:10,900 already now in the bank. 1395 00:47:07,000 --> 00:47:12,600 The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 1396 00:47:09,066 --> 00:47:14,166 project had regained its 1397 00:47:10,900 --> 00:47:15,533 momentum, and better yet, 1398 00:47:12,600 --> 00:47:17,466 received some much needed 1399 00:47:14,166 --> 00:47:18,666 publicity. 1400 00:47:15,533 --> 00:47:19,700 Disc jockey Tom Moffatt 1401 00:47:17,466 --> 00:47:21,400 caught up with Elvis 1402 00:47:19,700 --> 00:47:24,033 "Blue Hawaii" following 1403 00:47:21,400 --> 00:47:24,900 the benefit at Bloch Arena. 1404 00:47:24,033 --> 00:47:25,866 >> Were you happy with the 1405 00:47:24,900 --> 00:47:26,666 turnout and the response from 1406 00:47:25,866 --> 00:47:28,266 the show and everything? 1407 00:47:26,666 --> 00:47:30,366 >> Oh, yeah, I sure was. 1408 00:47:28,266 --> 00:47:31,600 And I was glad everybody 1409 00:47:30,366 --> 00:47:32,500 was yelling and everything. 1410 00:47:31,600 --> 00:47:33,733 Covered up my mistakes. 1411 00:47:32,500 --> 00:47:35,400 [ Both laugh ] 1412 00:47:33,733 --> 00:47:38,366 Because I hadn't -- I hadn't had 1413 00:47:35,400 --> 00:47:40,633 any rehearsals, you know, 1414 00:47:36,466 --> 00:47:41,333 and I've been out of practice. 1415 00:47:38,366 --> 00:47:42,366 Hadn't been on stage since 1957. 1416 00:47:40,633 --> 00:47:43,500 >> Yeah, yeah. 1417 00:47:41,333 --> 00:47:44,800 That's a long time. 1418 00:47:42,366 --> 00:47:46,533 >> The band -- The band had 1419 00:47:43,500 --> 00:47:49,333 forgotten a song, I'd forgotten 1420 00:47:44,800 --> 00:47:50,400 the lyrics to most of the songs. 1421 00:47:46,533 --> 00:47:54,333 In fact, a lot of times, I said 1422 00:47:49,333 --> 00:47:55,966 the same lyrics over and over 1423 00:47:50,400 --> 00:47:57,200 and over, used the same line. 1424 00:47:54,333 --> 00:47:58,633 >> Elvis's association 1425 00:47:55,966 --> 00:48:00,200 with the memorial 1426 00:47:57,200 --> 00:48:01,900 had a long reach 1427 00:47:58,633 --> 00:48:03,000 as more donations arrived 1428 00:47:58,633 --> 00:48:03,000 as more donations arrived 1429 00:48:00,200 --> 00:48:05,833 from across the country. 1430 00:48:01,900 --> 00:48:07,266 Construction on the 1431 00:48:03,000 --> 00:48:09,133 U.S.S. Arizona Memorial was now 1432 00:48:05,833 --> 00:48:10,566 well underway, 1433 00:48:07,266 --> 00:48:12,500 Alfred Preis's architectural 1434 00:48:09,133 --> 00:48:13,533 drawings rounding 1435 00:48:10,566 --> 00:48:15,133 into something concrete. 1436 00:48:12,500 --> 00:48:18,033 The final piece 1437 00:48:13,533 --> 00:48:19,633 of the fundraising puzzle 1438 00:48:15,133 --> 00:48:21,400 came in late 1961. 1439 00:48:18,033 --> 00:48:23,766 That's when Congress, 1440 00:48:19,633 --> 00:48:25,533 led by 1441 00:48:21,400 --> 00:48:27,333 Daniel Inouye, a World War II 1442 00:48:23,766 --> 00:48:29,700 Medal of Honor recipient, 1443 00:48:25,533 --> 00:48:32,133 provided an additional 1444 00:48:27,333 --> 00:48:33,766 $150,000 in public 1445 00:48:29,700 --> 00:48:35,700 funding to finish the project. 1446 00:48:32,133 --> 00:48:37,766 Another World War II hero, 1447 00:48:33,766 --> 00:48:39,666 President John F. Kennedy, 1448 00:48:35,700 --> 00:48:42,333 approved the federal money. 1449 00:48:37,766 --> 00:48:44,600 The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 1450 00:48:39,666 --> 00:48:46,933 effort had reached its $500,000 1451 00:48:42,333 --> 00:48:49,866 goal and then some, thanks to a 1452 00:48:44,600 --> 00:48:51,266 mix of private and, at the end, 1453 00:48:46,933 --> 00:48:53,000 public funding. 1454 00:48:49,866 --> 00:48:54,666 Arizona crewman 1455 00:48:51,266 --> 00:48:56,033 Bill Woodward's optimism 1456 00:48:53,000 --> 00:48:59,800 about his family's future 1457 00:48:54,666 --> 00:49:02,033 still resonated prior 1458 00:48:56,033 --> 00:49:03,600 to December 7, 1941. 1459 00:48:59,800 --> 00:49:06,000 >> November 1941. 1460 00:49:02,033 --> 00:49:08,166 My very own precious darling 1461 00:49:03,600 --> 00:49:09,633 wife and baby. 1462 00:49:06,000 --> 00:49:10,933 Oh, darling, I do so hope that 1463 00:49:08,166 --> 00:49:11,966 we go back to the States before 1464 00:49:09,633 --> 00:49:15,066 long. 1465 00:49:10,933 --> 00:49:16,333 There is a lot of talk that 1466 00:49:11,966 --> 00:49:17,400 we will and a lot that we won't. 1467 00:49:15,066 --> 00:49:18,766 It shouldn't be so very long 1468 00:49:16,333 --> 00:49:19,900 before we know one way 1469 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:22,500 or the other. 1470 00:49:18,766 --> 00:49:27,600 Oh, God. 1471 00:49:19,900 --> 00:49:29,833 How I hope it's the right way. 1472 00:49:22,500 --> 00:49:32,966 Your own, Bill. 1473 00:49:27,600 --> 00:49:35,533 >> The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 1474 00:49:29,833 --> 00:49:37,566 was completed in 1962, 1475 00:49:32,966 --> 00:49:47,566 then dedicated on Memorial Day 1476 00:49:35,533 --> 00:49:57,566 of that same year. 1477 00:49:37,566 --> 00:50:07,566 ♪ 1478 00:49:47,566 --> 00:50:12,300 ♪ 1479 00:49:57,566 --> 00:50:14,600 ♪ 1480 00:50:07,566 --> 00:50:16,066 ♪ 1481 00:50:12,300 --> 00:50:17,633 Elvis had, indeed, helped to get 1482 00:50:14,600 --> 00:50:19,933 the fundraising effort 1483 00:50:16,066 --> 00:50:22,033 to the finish line, 1484 00:50:17,633 --> 00:50:25,133 but it took an entire village -- 1485 00:50:19,933 --> 00:50:26,666 Admiral Arthur Radford, 1486 00:50:22,033 --> 00:50:28,633 Ralph Edwards, George Chaplin, 1487 00:50:25,133 --> 00:50:29,633 and Colonel Tom Parker, 1488 00:50:26,666 --> 00:50:31,266 among others -- to help turn 1489 00:50:28,633 --> 00:50:33,666 the original 1490 00:50:29,633 --> 00:50:36,166 U.S.S. Arizona Memorial 1491 00:50:31,266 --> 00:50:40,400 blueprints of Alfred Preis 1492 00:50:33,666 --> 00:50:41,433 into a tangible memorial. 1493 00:50:36,166 --> 00:50:42,200 ♪ 1494 00:50:40,400 --> 00:50:43,066 >> The combination of 1495 00:50:41,433 --> 00:50:44,700 Ralph Edwards' 1496 00:50:42,200 --> 00:50:47,000 "This Is Your Life" 1497 00:50:43,066 --> 00:50:48,166 and Elvis, "Blue Hawaii," we 1498 00:50:44,700 --> 00:50:49,666 have a U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, 1499 00:50:47,000 --> 00:50:52,100 and that's a great story. 1500 00:50:48,166 --> 00:50:53,133 But, you know, 1501 00:50:49,666 --> 00:50:54,533 I think about Samuel Fuqua, 1502 00:50:52,100 --> 00:50:56,000 who came on deck 1503 00:50:53,133 --> 00:50:57,133 of that battleship 1504 00:50:54,533 --> 00:50:58,766 and looked around like -- right 1505 00:50:56,000 --> 00:51:00,366 like we are here, 1506 00:50:57,133 --> 00:51:02,600 and all around him were dead 1507 00:50:58,766 --> 00:51:03,866 and burning people. 1508 00:50:58,766 --> 00:51:03,866 and burning people. 1509 00:51:00,366 --> 00:51:04,933 And he found out really quickly 1510 00:51:02,600 --> 00:51:06,500 none of those guys up forward 1511 00:51:03,866 --> 00:51:08,733 survived. 1512 00:51:04,933 --> 00:51:11,500 And so for Samuel Fuqua 1513 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:13,466 to be involved in raising 1514 00:51:08,733 --> 00:51:14,900 and perpetuating this story and 1515 00:51:11,500 --> 00:51:16,966 then eventually the fundraising, 1516 00:51:13,466 --> 00:51:19,000 it really speaks well 1517 00:51:14,900 --> 00:51:20,366 of the memory of Pearl Harbor 1518 00:51:16,966 --> 00:51:22,366 and remembering that tragic day 1519 00:51:19,000 --> 00:51:32,300 with this beautiful memorial 1520 00:51:20,366 --> 00:51:34,666 that stands behind me. 1521 00:51:22,366 --> 00:51:37,100 ♪ 1522 00:51:32,300 --> 00:51:40,500 >> Elvis did the concert. 1523 00:51:34,666 --> 00:51:42,766 He never forgot the Arizona. 1524 00:51:37,100 --> 00:51:45,266 Every time he came to Hawaii, 1525 00:51:40,500 --> 00:51:47,433 he would always stop off 1526 00:51:42,766 --> 00:51:50,233 to visit, to pay homage, 1527 00:51:45,266 --> 00:51:53,166 just to be there 1528 00:51:47,433 --> 00:51:54,766 for the Arizona. 1529 00:51:50,233 --> 00:51:57,600 And he took pride in knowing 1530 00:51:53,166 --> 00:51:59,900 that the people of Hawaii 1531 00:51:54,766 --> 00:52:04,333 appreciated whoever came to the 1532 00:51:57,600 --> 00:52:08,300 Arizona, appreciated the 1533 00:51:59,900 --> 00:52:10,133 memorial, to remember not him 1534 00:52:04,333 --> 00:52:10,133 but those that gave their lives 1535 00:52:08,300 --> 00:52:10,133 on that day. 1536 00:52:13,700 --> 00:52:18,600 >> There was a momentum 1537 00:52:15,366 --> 00:52:21,366 that hadn't been there before. 1538 00:52:17,200 --> 00:52:24,133 And when Admiral Radford built 1539 00:52:18,600 --> 00:52:25,466 his small little memorial 1540 00:52:21,366 --> 00:52:30,133 in the 1950s, 1541 00:52:24,133 --> 00:52:30,933 he always had the idea 1542 00:52:25,466 --> 00:52:32,466 of a broader interpretation. 1543 00:52:30,133 --> 00:52:36,933 >> When you visit, 1544 00:52:30,933 --> 00:52:38,100 you're just more overwhelmed 1545 00:52:32,466 --> 00:52:40,033 by the emotion of the place. 1546 00:52:36,933 --> 00:52:42,600 >> And it still is the 1547 00:52:38,100 --> 00:52:43,266 number-one visitation site here 1548 00:52:40,033 --> 00:52:44,900 on Oahu. 1549 00:52:42,600 --> 00:52:47,600 >> You know, there aren't 1550 00:52:43,266 --> 00:52:49,866 very many human beings 1551 00:52:44,900 --> 00:52:51,866 that influence so many people, 1552 00:52:47,600 --> 00:52:53,400 and he -- he was -- he had a 1553 00:52:49,866 --> 00:52:55,633 beauty about him. 1554 00:52:51,866 --> 00:52:56,333 He was a good person. 1555 00:52:53,400 --> 00:52:59,333 >> That's how Elvis is and was. 1556 00:52:55,633 --> 00:53:00,733 Yeah. 1557 00:52:56,333 --> 00:53:01,866 So helpful, caring, sharing, 1558 00:52:59,333 --> 00:53:03,966 yeah. 1559 00:53:00,733 --> 00:53:06,400 >> He was a wonderful 1560 00:53:01,866 --> 00:53:10,500 entertainer for -- during his 1561 00:53:03,966 --> 00:53:11,833 time, and, you know, it's too 1562 00:53:06,400 --> 00:53:12,500 bad that he left us so early. 1563 00:53:10,500 --> 00:53:14,200 >> I think it left a legacy 1564 00:53:11,833 --> 00:53:15,500 for Elvis. 1565 00:53:12,500 --> 00:53:17,200 It was something that was larger 1566 00:53:14,200 --> 00:53:18,866 than himself. 1567 00:53:15,500 --> 00:53:20,100 He came back to see the memorial 1568 00:53:17,200 --> 00:53:22,900 that he had helped build. 1569 00:53:18,866 --> 00:53:24,233 And you can see it in his eyes, 1570 00:53:20,100 --> 00:53:25,600 the wonder of being there, that, 1571 00:53:22,900 --> 00:53:26,866 "Yeah, I guess, in some ways, 1572 00:53:24,233 --> 00:53:28,066 I helped out here." 1573 00:53:25,600 --> 00:53:29,333 He couldn't see anything 1574 00:53:26,866 --> 00:53:30,300 tangible at that time 1575 00:53:28,066 --> 00:53:31,633 when he gave the concert, 1576 00:53:29,333 --> 00:53:33,566 but when he came back, 1577 00:53:30,300 --> 00:53:36,166 he could see that he was part 1578 00:53:31,633 --> 00:53:37,366 of something much larger 1579 00:53:33,566 --> 00:53:39,933 than he thought. 1580 00:53:36,166 --> 00:53:41,633 >> Elvis Presley had 1581 00:53:37,366 --> 00:53:42,766 become the effort's Pied Piper, 1582 00:53:39,933 --> 00:53:44,433 the front man of the band, 1583 00:53:41,633 --> 00:53:45,833 if you will. 1584 00:53:42,766 --> 00:53:47,666 The Arizona Memorial, 1585 00:53:44,433 --> 00:53:47,666 a part of the King's 1586 00:53:45,833 --> 00:53:47,666 lasting legacy. 1587 00:53:53,000 --> 00:53:59,400 >> December 2, 1941. 1588 00:53:55,400 --> 00:54:01,400 Somewhere at sea. 1589 00:53:57,833 --> 00:54:03,100 My very own precious darling 1590 00:53:59,400 --> 00:54:04,533 wife and baby. 1591 00:53:59,400 --> 00:54:04,533 wife and baby. 1592 00:54:01,400 --> 00:54:06,466 After six more months, my sweet, 1593 00:54:03,100 --> 00:54:07,666 you will never have to be alone 1594 00:54:04,533 --> 00:54:09,400 for a whole day again. 1595 00:54:06,466 --> 00:54:10,400 I will be terribly glad 1596 00:54:07,666 --> 00:54:11,800 when we get back in, 1597 00:54:09,400 --> 00:54:13,166 because it will be that much 1598 00:54:10,400 --> 00:54:14,300 closer to the 13th, 1599 00:54:11,800 --> 00:54:16,600 and I want to get my mail 1600 00:54:13,166 --> 00:54:17,666 that I should have waiting 1601 00:54:14,300 --> 00:54:20,200 for me there from you. 1602 00:54:17,666 --> 00:54:23,066 for today and go on watch. 1603 00:54:20,200 --> 00:54:33,066 Your own, Bill. 1604 00:54:23,066 --> 00:54:43,066 ♪ 1605 00:54:33,066 --> 00:54:53,066 ♪ 1606 00:54:43,066 --> 00:55:03,133 ♪ 1607 00:54:53,066 --> 00:55:13,133 ♪ 1608 00:55:03,133 --> 00:55:23,133 ♪ 1609 00:55:13,133 --> 00:55:33,133 ♪ 1610 00:55:23,133 --> 00:55:43,133 ♪ 1611 00:55:33,133 --> 00:55:53,133 ♪ 1612 00:55:43,133 --> 00:56:03,200 ♪ 1613 00:55:53,133 --> 00:56:13,200 ♪ 1614 00:56:03,200 --> 00:56:23,200 ♪ 1615 00:56:13,200 --> 00:56:33,200 ♪ 1616 00:56:23,200 --> 00:56:38,700 ♪ 1617 00:56:33,200 --> 00:56:39,866 ♪