1 00:00:29,197 --> 00:00:30,073 Hey. 2 00:00:31,574 --> 00:00:32,575 You okay? 3 00:00:34,368 --> 00:00:35,244 Never better. 4 00:00:35,244 --> 00:00:37,080 All right. Breakfast is on the table. 5 00:00:37,080 --> 00:00:38,206 Good. Be right down. 6 00:00:38,206 --> 00:00:40,416 Oh, Charlie? Charlie? 7 00:00:42,543 --> 00:00:44,003 Easy does it. All right? 8 00:00:45,046 --> 00:00:46,297 I'll be right down, Serena. 9 00:01:11,197 --> 00:01:13,699 We got ourselves a tradition here at Turpmtime. 10 00:01:14,575 --> 00:01:17,120 Before the grits, before the buttermilk pancakes, 11 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:19,413 we have ourselves an ointment. 12 00:01:20,665 --> 00:01:21,874 He means anointment. 13 00:01:21,874 --> 00:01:24,377 Yeah, I say ointment 'cause this is healing is what it is. 14 00:01:25,086 --> 00:01:27,922 There's a saying in Texas, which they stole from Georgia. 15 00:01:28,673 --> 00:01:30,383 "He's all hat and no cattle." 16 00:01:31,884 --> 00:01:34,345 Means deep down, he's not a cowboy. 17 00:01:34,929 --> 00:01:37,223 But you, Herb... 18 00:01:38,808 --> 00:01:42,687 ...you got some kick-ass John Wayne in your bones. 19 00:01:42,687 --> 00:01:47,066 So, I hereby present to you your very own 20 00:01:47,650 --> 00:01:49,944 Turpmtime Stetson. 21 00:01:51,154 --> 00:01:53,990 Whoo! Well, look at you! 22 00:01:53,990 --> 00:01:55,449 He does look handsome. 23 00:01:56,617 --> 00:01:57,743 Yeah. Giddy up! 24 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:00,204 Say it. Say it. 25 00:02:00,830 --> 00:02:01,664 Giddy up. 26 00:02:03,666 --> 00:02:06,794 - Not bad. Let's eat! All right. 27 00:02:07,587 --> 00:02:10,173 I got nothing against inclusion, okay? 28 00:02:10,173 --> 00:02:15,136 But making space for everybody sometimes means somebody gets squoze out, 29 00:02:15,136 --> 00:02:17,638 and who do you think gets squeezed the most? Hmm? 30 00:02:18,389 --> 00:02:21,726 Not the Black man, not the Asian, not the woman. 31 00:02:21,726 --> 00:02:24,353 Certainly not the trans GBTQ, no. 32 00:02:25,188 --> 00:02:27,899 The white male is today's squoze-ee. 33 00:02:27,899 --> 00:02:30,818 Whether it's affirmative action or diversity hiring, 34 00:02:31,652 --> 00:02:34,697 it's times up... ...on the white American male, 35 00:02:35,489 --> 00:02:36,741 and that's a bigotry. 36 00:02:39,952 --> 00:02:43,331 What makes him so dangerous is he sounds reasonable, the cocksucker. 37 00:02:43,331 --> 00:02:45,374 I'm still not clear on what my role is in all this. 38 00:02:45,374 --> 00:02:47,043 What? I... I told you your role. 39 00:02:47,043 --> 00:02:50,796 To get dirt on him through Croker, and get the name of that fuckin' woman. 40 00:02:52,423 --> 00:02:54,800 - Oh, here we go. - You chose to go into politics. 41 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:57,470 - There's a reason I chose not to. - What's that supposed to mean? 42 00:02:57,470 --> 00:02:59,096 - I'm not-- - You think you're better? 43 00:02:59,096 --> 00:03:00,598 - No, I don't. - Yeah, you do. 44 00:03:01,557 --> 00:03:04,727 You've always thought it. Tell me, Roger. What did you go into? 45 00:03:05,353 --> 00:03:08,189 You went into the business with Croker. What does that make you? 46 00:03:08,189 --> 00:03:10,900 Do you remember what you told me when you took that fuck-shit job? 47 00:03:10,900 --> 00:03:13,486 You came in here banging on and on all about these plans 48 00:03:13,486 --> 00:03:17,490 to build projects for affordable and low-income housing. 49 00:03:17,490 --> 00:03:19,700 How is that working out for you? 50 00:03:19,700 --> 00:03:21,786 Because the only thing that Charlie Croker has built 51 00:03:21,786 --> 00:03:25,623 is Taj Mahal apartments and that eyesore Croker Concourse. 52 00:03:25,623 --> 00:03:26,832 That's your legacy, Roger. 53 00:03:26,832 --> 00:03:30,419 - Don't you dare look down on me. - I'm looking down on what you're asking. 54 00:03:30,419 --> 00:03:32,922 - Oh yeah? Well, go fuck your proud self. 55 00:03:34,131 --> 00:03:36,634 That's a lot of anger. All for me? 56 00:03:38,803 --> 00:03:39,637 Yeah. 57 00:03:39,637 --> 00:03:41,764 These are your clothes for the rally later. 58 00:03:41,764 --> 00:03:43,683 Thanks. 59 00:03:59,448 --> 00:04:04,870 We both studied John Rawls in school. I mean, we... bonded on that, Roger. 60 00:04:06,539 --> 00:04:10,501 Only difference between you and me is you talk pretty and I do ugly. 61 00:04:10,501 --> 00:04:13,087 And ugly doing beats pretty talking, in my opinion. 62 00:04:17,883 --> 00:04:21,220 What happened... if I may ask? 63 00:04:21,220 --> 00:04:23,472 I mean, I know you like your job. And It's a good job. 64 00:04:23,472 --> 00:04:27,601 You get to travel in exciting circles with all kinds of interesting people, but what... 65 00:04:29,186 --> 00:04:30,813 what do you think happened? 66 00:04:40,239 --> 00:04:42,616 How you doing, Herb? - Oh, Charlie. 67 00:04:43,909 --> 00:04:47,371 - It's beautiful. Beautiful. - Yes, it is. Good for hunting. 68 00:04:48,247 --> 00:04:51,167 Oh, we don't hunt. I mean, not quail, not anything. 69 00:04:52,293 --> 00:04:54,920 Remember, I made that point. Ever tried? 70 00:04:54,920 --> 00:04:58,049 'Cause I just gotta tell you, you just might be surprised. 71 00:04:58,049 --> 00:04:59,759 Marsha is a member of PETA. 72 00:04:59,759 --> 00:05:02,720 Oh, this lodge, we're all about your PETA. 73 00:05:02,720 --> 00:05:04,513 See, we breed them birds. 74 00:05:05,014 --> 00:05:05,973 To be hunted. 75 00:05:05,973 --> 00:05:09,977 Ah, even so, they would not be alive but for this hunting ground. 76 00:05:09,977 --> 00:05:12,813 So I believe PETA would very much approve. 77 00:05:13,689 --> 00:05:14,565 Uh-huh. 78 00:05:18,194 --> 00:05:19,320 How's things at work? 79 00:05:21,030 --> 00:05:21,864 Fine, fine. 80 00:05:21,864 --> 00:05:24,867 I realize I'm on this outing, so that you might convince me 81 00:05:24,867 --> 00:05:27,411 to rent out the Concourse, and that's okay. 82 00:05:27,411 --> 00:05:30,331 You know, people make business deals all the time 83 00:05:30,331 --> 00:05:31,874 on the golf course, you know. 84 00:05:33,501 --> 00:05:35,920 Why not while shooting birds that are bred to be shot? 85 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:38,506 - Let's just be transparent. - Sounds good. 86 00:05:39,590 --> 00:05:43,552 Uh, and it may be that I might choose to do business with you, 87 00:05:43,552 --> 00:05:45,388 and then it's all about the number. 88 00:05:45,971 --> 00:05:47,348 Turpmtime is lovely, 89 00:05:47,348 --> 00:05:50,810 and, yeah, you have a handsome son, a beautiful wife, 90 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,940 but this will still come down to a number. 91 00:05:58,359 --> 00:05:59,985 He's not going for this. 92 00:05:59,985 --> 00:06:02,279 He sat a full inch taller as soon as I put it on his head. 93 00:06:02,279 --> 00:06:05,616 They were horrified by the rattlesnake. You cannot make them shoot quail. 94 00:06:05,616 --> 00:06:09,036 I'm not gonna make 'em kill anything. I'm gonna start out in the breeding barn. 95 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:11,997 - Let 'em see First Draw's big day. - Oh dear God. 96 00:06:13,582 --> 00:06:16,252 Charlie's at Turpmtime. He's there now? 97 00:06:16,252 --> 00:06:18,879 With Herb Richman, a potential white knight. 98 00:06:18,879 --> 00:06:21,841 - Owner of Definition America. - I assume he took his schmancy jet? 99 00:06:21,841 --> 00:06:23,175 The Challenger 600. 100 00:06:23,759 --> 00:06:25,761 It's returning later today. 101 00:06:25,761 --> 00:06:28,889 According to my sources, he's due to be at the gala. 102 00:06:28,889 --> 00:06:31,892 Arrogant prick, still living his high-flying life. 103 00:06:31,892 --> 00:06:35,938 Well, the party is officially over. Today begins Operation Takedown. 104 00:06:35,938 --> 00:06:37,106 I cannot wait. 105 00:06:37,106 --> 00:06:39,400 Get Mark Thorgen from legal involved. 106 00:06:39,400 --> 00:06:42,528 Time to take a Clydesdale piss on that man's head. 107 00:06:42,528 --> 00:06:44,738 He's not scared enough to my liking. 108 00:06:50,870 --> 00:06:53,831 - I really appreciate you for doing this. Of course. 109 00:06:55,207 --> 00:06:58,169 And you are the right lawyer to be doing it, right? 110 00:06:59,879 --> 00:07:04,216 - It's just you're not a criminal attorney. - Well, we'll only be entering a plea. 111 00:07:04,216 --> 00:07:06,719 And it'll be a joint recommendation with the DA. 112 00:07:07,344 --> 00:07:09,847 - So over and done within three minutes? 113 00:07:10,681 --> 00:07:12,892 - You're tough. - I don't mean to doubt you. 114 00:07:13,642 --> 00:07:14,477 Yes, you do. 115 00:07:16,312 --> 00:07:17,146 It's okay. 116 00:07:23,194 --> 00:07:26,697 ♪ Big John, big John ♪ 117 00:07:27,990 --> 00:07:30,743 ♪ Every mornin' at the mine You could see him arrive ♪ 118 00:07:30,743 --> 00:07:33,537 ♪ He stood six-foot-six And weighed two-forty-five ♪ 119 00:07:33,537 --> 00:07:36,415 ♪ Kinda broad at the shoulder And narrow at the hip ♪ 120 00:07:36,415 --> 00:07:40,002 ♪ And everybody knew Ya didn't give no lip to big John... ♪ 121 00:07:40,002 --> 00:07:41,962 I have a bad feeling about this. 122 00:07:42,463 --> 00:07:44,673 You made that point. - She is PETA. 123 00:07:45,549 --> 00:07:46,592 That one, too. 124 00:07:46,592 --> 00:07:48,677 ♪ Big bad John ♪ 125 00:07:49,678 --> 00:07:51,680 ♪ Big John... ♪ 126 00:07:52,932 --> 00:07:55,643 Oh, Charlie, what are they doing to her tail? 127 00:07:55,643 --> 00:07:59,313 Oh, they kinda bob it up some, make sure it's out of the way. 128 00:07:59,313 --> 00:08:03,400 She's a champion in her own right. God's creatures, they all are. 129 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:05,569 Come on. 130 00:08:05,569 --> 00:08:07,905 All right, well, if you'd follow her this way. 131 00:08:13,994 --> 00:08:17,248 These are sensitive, liberal Democrats. 132 00:08:17,915 --> 00:08:18,791 Please. 133 00:08:21,460 --> 00:08:25,714 - We're really just gonna let this happen? - If you can change his mind, be my guest. 134 00:08:26,966 --> 00:08:27,925 Good luck. 135 00:08:31,136 --> 00:08:34,181 Okay, easy, come on. Get down. 136 00:08:40,479 --> 00:08:41,981 Good girl. Here you go. 137 00:08:42,481 --> 00:08:44,525 Oh, whoa. There you go. 138 00:08:49,321 --> 00:08:51,865 There he goes. Come on. 139 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:54,034 Hold her steady. - Hold her. Go. 140 00:08:56,453 --> 00:08:58,747 A little left over there. - All right. 141 00:08:59,915 --> 00:09:01,375 Close. Lower. 142 00:09:01,917 --> 00:09:05,504 Lower? All right. We're in, all right. We're in, all right. 143 00:09:10,092 --> 00:09:12,886 Good job. - Man, this is life. 144 00:09:13,596 --> 00:09:14,805 Pull, pull. 145 00:09:16,974 --> 00:09:18,058 Whoa! 146 00:09:21,437 --> 00:09:22,730 This is not right. 147 00:09:24,273 --> 00:09:25,357 Whoa! 148 00:09:27,276 --> 00:09:28,986 Yeah. Hey. 149 00:09:36,368 --> 00:09:37,661 Good girl. 150 00:09:46,045 --> 00:09:46,879 Good girl. 151 00:09:49,048 --> 00:09:50,049 Good girl. 152 00:10:06,523 --> 00:10:09,109 - It didn't go well. - It did not. 153 00:10:11,654 --> 00:10:13,989 - You look like you're in some pain. It's the knee. 154 00:10:13,989 --> 00:10:17,451 Twisted it with the rattler last night. Gonna need the operation. 155 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:21,080 Dad, what the fuck? 156 00:10:21,080 --> 00:10:24,291 Did you really think that was gonna carry the day with Herb Richman? 157 00:10:24,291 --> 00:10:26,502 First of all, it was an awesome spectacle. 158 00:10:26,502 --> 00:10:28,545 Which you were hoping he'd conflate with you? 159 00:10:28,545 --> 00:10:30,339 I really don't need your ridicule. 160 00:10:33,717 --> 00:10:35,386 You usually have good instincts. 161 00:10:38,097 --> 00:10:40,516 Hey, they wanna go home, 162 00:10:40,516 --> 00:10:41,433 like now. 163 00:11:09,962 --> 00:11:11,922 The defendant will please rise. 164 00:11:11,922 --> 00:11:16,552 Mr. District Attorney, am I to understand you have agreed to a sentence of 30 days? 165 00:11:16,552 --> 00:11:17,636 Yes, Your Honor. 166 00:11:17,636 --> 00:11:22,307 The defendant struck and rendered unconscious a police officer. 167 00:11:22,307 --> 00:11:25,185 The People are satisfied that 30 days is a just disposition. 168 00:11:25,185 --> 00:11:27,104 Uh-huh. Well, I'm not satisfied. 169 00:11:27,104 --> 00:11:28,689 Thirty days is an insult. 170 00:11:29,398 --> 00:11:31,525 - And I might ask whose side are you on? - Your Honor. 171 00:11:31,525 --> 00:11:34,278 Your client committed an aggravated assault. 172 00:11:34,278 --> 00:11:37,406 Mr. Hensley was physically and violently manhandled. 173 00:11:39,241 --> 00:11:42,077 - I'll accept 60. - Sixty days is not acceptable. 174 00:11:42,077 --> 00:11:44,872 If he's convicted at trial, he's looking at 8 to 16 months. 175 00:11:44,872 --> 00:11:48,167 Conrad Hensley, in addition to being a citizen with no prior records-- 176 00:11:48,167 --> 00:11:51,879 Oh, please stop waving that "no prior record" flag in my face. 177 00:11:51,879 --> 00:11:55,507 This isn't about what he did last year or last month, but Tuesday. 178 00:11:55,507 --> 00:11:57,801 My client is a husband, an expecting father. 179 00:11:57,801 --> 00:12:00,763 His wife Jill is with us today. He's gainfully employed. 180 00:12:00,763 --> 00:12:02,931 - The underlying incident-- - Wh... hold on. 181 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:06,185 Uh, young lady, you are the suspect's wife? 182 00:12:06,185 --> 00:12:07,311 Yes, Your Honor. 183 00:12:07,311 --> 00:12:11,482 Did your husband's counsel instruct you to stand 184 00:12:11,482 --> 00:12:12,983 when he pointed to you? 185 00:12:13,650 --> 00:12:14,485 No, sir. 186 00:12:14,485 --> 00:12:16,945 Uh-huh. You may sit. 187 00:12:18,655 --> 00:12:21,575 Mr. White, do you mean to show contempt for this court? 188 00:12:21,575 --> 00:12:22,701 I'm trying to conceal it. 189 00:12:22,701 --> 00:12:24,828 The police officer who was knocked out, 190 00:12:24,828 --> 00:12:27,206 he, too, has a family and children, I believe. 191 00:12:27,206 --> 00:12:29,166 The district attorney did not see fit 192 00:12:29,166 --> 00:12:31,627 to have that family present at this proceeding. 193 00:12:32,628 --> 00:12:36,465 But if they were here, what do you think their reaction would be 194 00:12:36,465 --> 00:12:38,050 to a sentence of 30 days? 195 00:12:38,050 --> 00:12:39,635 I cannot speak for the family. 196 00:12:39,635 --> 00:12:43,138 As for who could, or would, that would most likely fall to the DA, 197 00:12:43,138 --> 00:12:46,850 who has maintained that 30 days constitutes a just disposition. 198 00:12:47,434 --> 00:12:50,103 Sixty days, or we set a trial date. 199 00:12:59,488 --> 00:13:01,824 I don't see us winning a trial. 200 00:13:02,324 --> 00:13:04,785 If we do go to trial, he's likely to be our judge. 201 00:13:06,870 --> 00:13:08,831 - This is not right. - I understand that-- 202 00:13:08,831 --> 00:13:09,915 It's unfair. 203 00:13:10,999 --> 00:13:12,084 It's wrong. 204 00:13:21,426 --> 00:13:23,387 The plea offer is rejected. 205 00:13:24,346 --> 00:13:28,308 You cannot mean that. Let's do the math, shall we? 206 00:13:29,226 --> 00:13:32,062 Your client will be held pending trial date, 207 00:13:32,062 --> 00:13:36,233 a trial date, which will be at least 60 days hence, 208 00:13:36,233 --> 00:13:39,528 which means that you're turning down 60 days 209 00:13:39,528 --> 00:13:42,155 to get 60 days plus some 210 00:13:42,656 --> 00:13:45,868 to then further risk eight to 16 months. 211 00:13:46,493 --> 00:13:47,327 So, 212 00:13:47,828 --> 00:13:49,413 let's try this again, shall we? 213 00:13:50,163 --> 00:13:51,832 Sixty days or go to trial? 214 00:13:55,586 --> 00:13:56,962 We proceed to trial. 215 00:13:59,006 --> 00:14:02,342 The defendant is to be remanded to Fulton County pending trial. 216 00:14:02,342 --> 00:14:03,927 Wait, what... what? Fulton? 217 00:14:03,927 --> 00:14:06,179 Your client is charged with a violent crime. 218 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:08,473 - What's going on? What's wrong with you? - Ma'am. 219 00:14:08,473 --> 00:14:11,852 It is not my habit to put a pregnant woman into a jail cell. 220 00:14:11,852 --> 00:14:13,604 But nor is it beyond me. 221 00:14:14,354 --> 00:14:16,899 The defendant is remanded. This court is adjourned. 222 00:14:17,900 --> 00:14:20,402 - I'm on this. I'll get you out. - I'm goin' to Fulton? 223 00:14:20,986 --> 00:14:23,655 - I will get you out. - No. No, no, you can't do that. 224 00:14:23,655 --> 00:14:24,865 I'll be okay. - Jill! 225 00:14:24,865 --> 00:14:27,409 - Yo... you can't. - Look at me now. I'll be okay. 226 00:14:55,604 --> 00:14:57,439 Herb, look. 227 00:14:57,439 --> 00:15:00,984 - It'd be best if you don't talk. - It was best breeding practices. 228 00:15:00,984 --> 00:15:02,110 It was a rape. 229 00:15:02,945 --> 00:15:05,447 Does that really speak to who and what you are? 230 00:15:06,573 --> 00:15:07,449 Perhaps it does. 231 00:15:07,449 --> 00:15:09,451 Maybe we should speak to what you are, Herb. 232 00:15:10,535 --> 00:15:11,370 What? 233 00:15:11,370 --> 00:15:16,041 A successful businessman, no doubt. Piles of money, but have you lived, Herb? 234 00:15:16,625 --> 00:15:17,626 I beg your pardon? 235 00:15:17,626 --> 00:15:20,045 You'll remember this day for the rest of your life. 236 00:15:21,213 --> 00:15:23,465 You felt stirred, angered even, I get that. 237 00:15:23,465 --> 00:15:25,884 But I say any day you feel emotion, 238 00:15:25,884 --> 00:15:28,637 even if it's rage, that's a day worth living. 239 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:32,683 It's them days that blur into each other you gotta watch out for. 240 00:15:32,683 --> 00:15:33,600 Now... 241 00:15:37,145 --> 00:15:39,189 I don't mean this as a criticism. 242 00:15:39,731 --> 00:15:40,732 Maybe, I do. 243 00:15:41,233 --> 00:15:43,735 But when you die, will people notice? 244 00:15:44,820 --> 00:15:46,822 You can say and think what you want about me, 245 00:15:46,822 --> 00:15:49,491 but when I go, there are gonna be a lot of memories of me 246 00:15:49,491 --> 00:15:51,660 by a lot of people, many who hate me. 247 00:15:51,660 --> 00:15:56,665 Even so, a person needs to live with vigor, Herb. 248 00:15:57,499 --> 00:15:58,959 Otherwise, what's the point? 249 00:15:58,959 --> 00:16:00,043 End of the day, 250 00:16:01,211 --> 00:16:03,547 a man's gotta shake his balls. 251 00:16:05,340 --> 00:16:06,341 Herb? 252 00:16:08,969 --> 00:16:10,637 We're ready to leave. Now. 253 00:16:26,528 --> 00:16:28,572 Uh, can you tell me again why we're here? 254 00:16:28,572 --> 00:16:32,325 Because I promised Wes we'd come. Is that so hard to grasp? 255 00:16:33,452 --> 00:16:35,078 I'm sorry. It's been a day. 256 00:16:36,038 --> 00:16:36,955 Are you okay? 257 00:16:37,456 --> 00:16:41,793 It's my fault he got sent to Fulton. The judge did it as much to punish me. 258 00:16:42,669 --> 00:16:44,838 - I let my ego get the better of me. - Baby. 259 00:16:44,838 --> 00:16:46,173 Let's just go inside. 260 00:17:00,479 --> 00:17:03,398 ♪ Come on, clap those hands in the middle Let's give him praise ♪ 261 00:17:03,398 --> 00:17:07,694 - ♪ Say God is my everything - God is my everything ♪ 262 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:08,779 ♪ Come on, say it ♪ 263 00:17:08,779 --> 00:17:12,532 - ♪ God is my everything - God is my everything ♪ 264 00:17:12,532 --> 00:17:14,534 - ♪ He is my joy - He is my joy ♪ 265 00:17:14,534 --> 00:17:16,453 - ♪ In sorrow - In sorrow ♪ 266 00:17:16,453 --> 00:17:18,997 - ♪ Yeah, he's my hope - He's my hope ♪ 267 00:17:18,997 --> 00:17:20,499 - ♪ For tomorrow - For tomorrow ♪ 268 00:17:20,499 --> 00:17:23,585 - ♪ Yeah, he's my rock - He's my rock ♪ 269 00:17:23,585 --> 00:17:25,712 - ♪ In a weary land - In a weary land ♪ 270 00:17:25,712 --> 00:17:27,089 ♪ Shelter ♪ 271 00:17:28,507 --> 00:17:31,593 ♪ Yeah, oh, God is ♪ 272 00:17:31,593 --> 00:17:32,511 ♪ God is ♪ 273 00:17:32,511 --> 00:17:34,346 - ♪ God is - God is ♪ 274 00:17:34,346 --> 00:17:36,556 - ♪ He's your everything - My everything ♪ 275 00:17:36,556 --> 00:17:39,768 ♪ Come on and wave your hands If he's your everything ♪ 276 00:17:39,768 --> 00:17:40,727 ♪ My everything ♪ 277 00:17:40,727 --> 00:17:43,230 - ♪ Hey, can I get a witness? - My everything ♪ 278 00:17:43,230 --> 00:17:45,440 ♪ Can I get a mayor? There he is ♪ 279 00:17:45,440 --> 00:17:47,359 ♪ Can I get a mayor? ♪ 280 00:17:47,359 --> 00:17:50,695 Come on, y'all. Give it up for my brother, Wes Jordan. 281 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:52,280 Come on, make him feel welcome. 282 00:17:52,280 --> 00:17:54,449 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 283 00:17:54,449 --> 00:17:58,411 - ♪ God is my everything - My everything ♪ 284 00:17:58,411 --> 00:18:01,706 ♪ He's my everything Everything I need ♪ 285 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:04,960 - ♪ My everything - Can I get a witness in the building? ♪ 286 00:18:04,960 --> 00:18:06,920 Thank you. Thank you, God. 287 00:18:07,921 --> 00:18:10,882 Thank you, Atlanta. The time is now. 288 00:18:10,882 --> 00:18:13,468 It's not about just tomorrow. 289 00:18:13,468 --> 00:18:16,680 We are right now. Can I get a witness? 290 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:17,764 Amen! 291 00:18:20,475 --> 00:18:23,520 Now, nobody is alone in this room. 292 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:24,980 - Nobody. Yeah! 293 00:18:24,980 --> 00:18:27,566 We are all sewed together. 294 00:18:27,566 --> 00:18:29,067 But I don't gotta tell you. 295 00:18:30,026 --> 00:18:33,280 There are some of us who are still alone. 296 00:18:34,489 --> 00:18:37,284 Some of us can't vote. 297 00:18:37,284 --> 00:18:41,288 Some of us can't get medical care when we're sick. 298 00:18:42,038 --> 00:18:45,667 Some of our children are still dying in these violent streets, 299 00:18:45,667 --> 00:18:50,797 so this forward progress isn't forward for everybody, 300 00:18:50,797 --> 00:18:52,299 but I got a hope in me. 301 00:18:52,299 --> 00:18:54,634 - Yeah! Yes, God. I've got a hope in me. 302 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:58,096 I feel it deep in my bones, deep in my bones, 303 00:18:58,096 --> 00:19:00,807 because I feel it in this room. 304 00:19:00,807 --> 00:19:01,892 Amen! 305 00:19:03,602 --> 00:19:05,520 Now, y'all know about my opponent. 306 00:19:06,104 --> 00:19:08,481 He's out here just feeding on people's hate. 307 00:19:08,481 --> 00:19:12,110 But I'll tell you what, hate don't stand a chance in this room. 308 00:19:13,069 --> 00:19:16,615 I'd take my chances with anybody in this room. 309 00:19:16,615 --> 00:19:19,701 So we gotta take who we are to them. 310 00:19:19,701 --> 00:19:23,038 We have to take what we are to them. 311 00:19:23,038 --> 00:19:25,582 We gotta show them that good is good 312 00:19:26,166 --> 00:19:28,126 and that good can win. 313 00:19:28,126 --> 00:19:29,211 Can I get a witness? 314 00:19:30,128 --> 00:19:33,340 - ♪ Yeah, my everything - My everything ♪ 315 00:19:33,340 --> 00:19:35,342 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 316 00:19:35,342 --> 00:19:37,844 - ♪ Yes, he is - My everything ♪ 317 00:19:37,844 --> 00:19:40,013 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 318 00:19:40,013 --> 00:19:42,224 - ♪ Yes, he is - My everything ♪ 319 00:19:42,224 --> 00:19:44,267 - ♪ Yes he is - My everything ♪ 320 00:19:44,267 --> 00:19:46,603 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 321 00:19:46,603 --> 00:19:53,860 - ♪ Yeah, yeah - My everything ♪ 322 00:20:31,690 --> 00:20:33,275 Jesus Balls Almighty. 323 00:20:35,735 --> 00:20:37,195 Get out of the way! 324 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:54,421 What's this happening? 325 00:20:54,421 --> 00:20:57,007 Mr. Charles E. Croker, my name is Mark Thorgen, 326 00:20:57,007 --> 00:20:58,800 counsel representing PlannersBanc. 327 00:20:58,800 --> 00:21:02,304 I have here an order executed in the Superior Court of Dekalb County, 328 00:21:02,304 --> 00:21:04,389 Judge Oma Lee Listless presiding, 329 00:21:04,389 --> 00:21:07,100 calling for the arrest and removal of this aircraft, 330 00:21:07,100 --> 00:21:10,353 N-number 7-0-X, Challenger 600, 331 00:21:10,353 --> 00:21:14,649 a chattel against which a lien exists, in partial satisfaction of defalcatory... 332 00:21:14,649 --> 00:21:16,067 Are you serious? 333 00:21:16,067 --> 00:21:18,278 - That's what this order amounts to. - ...owed said bank... 334 00:21:18,945 --> 00:21:20,238 This your doing, Raymond? 335 00:21:20,238 --> 00:21:22,824 We told you you'd need to sell the airplane. 336 00:21:22,824 --> 00:21:28,204 You rejected the idea, so now, the plane is ours. It's unfortunate. 337 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:30,206 What's going on? - Whole lot of nothing. 338 00:21:30,206 --> 00:21:35,378 That there order, ripped up as it is, is in full force and effect. 339 00:21:35,378 --> 00:21:39,049 These officers are here to carry out the dictates of the court. 340 00:21:39,049 --> 00:21:41,593 You sure they're not here for your personal protection? 341 00:21:41,593 --> 00:21:45,138 It would be insensitive of me to fight you given your diagnosis. 342 00:21:45,138 --> 00:21:48,516 - Excuse me? - We got hold of your medical records. 343 00:21:48,516 --> 00:21:50,101 Turns out you're a pussy. 344 00:21:50,894 --> 00:21:54,356 We apologize if this isn't your scheduled final stop. 345 00:21:54,356 --> 00:21:57,734 Mr. Croker is no longer the owner of this aircraft, 346 00:21:57,734 --> 00:21:59,778 so we'll need to be taking possession. 347 00:21:59,778 --> 00:22:02,822 It is a chattel, encumbered by a chattel mortgage, 348 00:22:02,822 --> 00:22:05,742 and therefore subject to foreclosure in situ-- 349 00:22:05,742 --> 00:22:08,953 I don't know what that means! It means you're fucked. 350 00:22:08,953 --> 00:22:10,205 My apologies. 351 00:22:10,747 --> 00:22:14,584 It’s important he understands, so I’m speaking in his native tongue. 352 00:22:15,168 --> 00:22:16,503 You're fucked! 353 00:22:17,295 --> 00:22:18,463 For all time. 354 00:22:19,589 --> 00:22:21,091 I will remember this. 355 00:22:21,966 --> 00:22:23,176 See that you do. 356 00:22:36,564 --> 00:22:39,150 ♪ All of me ♪ 357 00:22:40,068 --> 00:22:44,948 ♪ Wanna take all of me ♪ 358 00:22:45,782 --> 00:22:48,618 ♪ Can't you see ♪ 359 00:22:48,618 --> 00:22:53,498 ♪ I'm no good without you ♪ 360 00:22:54,707 --> 00:22:57,627 ♪ Take my lips ♪ 361 00:22:57,627 --> 00:23:02,799 ♪ I want to lose them ♪ 362 00:23:03,466 --> 00:23:06,302 ♪ Take my arms ♪ 363 00:23:06,302 --> 00:23:09,431 ♪ I'll never use them... ♪ 364 00:23:12,183 --> 00:23:14,686 ♪ Your goodbye ♪ 365 00:23:15,520 --> 00:23:20,817 ♪ Left me with eyes that cry... ♪ 366 00:23:22,235 --> 00:23:23,653 - Mom? 367 00:23:24,279 --> 00:23:26,781 What are you doing here? Why are you back? 368 00:23:26,781 --> 00:23:29,659 Everything went to shit at Turpmtime, so we left early. 369 00:23:29,659 --> 00:23:31,703 I... I... I won't ask what's going on here. 370 00:23:32,620 --> 00:23:33,455 Is your team winning? 371 00:23:34,330 --> 00:23:38,126 I was just trying on dresses for the gala, 372 00:23:38,126 --> 00:23:40,712 and I... I discovered your father's old helmet a-- 373 00:23:40,712 --> 00:23:42,755 Thought you might wear it to the fundraiser? 374 00:23:43,840 --> 00:23:45,341 It's not even noon. 375 00:23:46,259 --> 00:23:47,343 What happened? 376 00:23:47,343 --> 00:23:48,261 Dad happened. 377 00:23:49,762 --> 00:23:51,347 In all his glory, Dad happened. 378 00:23:54,434 --> 00:23:55,435 Bad. 379 00:24:00,857 --> 00:24:01,733 Why now? 380 00:24:01,733 --> 00:24:04,360 We've been talking about it for a long time. 381 00:24:04,360 --> 00:24:07,238 Right, well, my question goes to "why now?" It can wait. 382 00:24:07,238 --> 00:24:08,281 No, it cannot. 383 00:24:09,491 --> 00:24:11,034 - Because? - Because I can't. 384 00:24:13,328 --> 00:24:16,748 I just... I feel infirm, less than. I don't do well feeling that. 385 00:24:16,748 --> 00:24:18,458 I need to be full strength. 386 00:24:19,125 --> 00:24:20,752 Okay. We'll schedule it. 387 00:24:22,378 --> 00:24:25,673 I want your best knee. Not just a new one, I want your best one. 388 00:24:25,673 --> 00:24:28,801 Titanium would be our highest grade. It's state of the art. 389 00:24:29,552 --> 00:24:31,763 Might be overkill for a man in his sixties, but... 390 00:24:32,514 --> 00:24:34,766 I don't wanna be a man in his sixties. 391 00:24:39,229 --> 00:24:40,730 There is a new product. 392 00:24:40,730 --> 00:24:45,360 It's still in clinical trials, but it's motorized and hydraulic. 393 00:24:45,360 --> 00:24:47,237 Wait, did you just say hydraulic? 394 00:24:47,237 --> 00:24:50,448 I... It has autothrust capability. I couldn't ethi-- 395 00:24:50,448 --> 00:24:52,283 I want that knee. 396 00:24:55,078 --> 00:24:56,162 - Charlie. - Doc. 397 00:24:56,162 --> 00:24:58,206 I want that knee. 398 00:25:44,711 --> 00:25:45,962 Swing your leg. 399 00:25:48,548 --> 00:25:50,133 Here. Let's go. 400 00:25:57,098 --> 00:25:58,224 Step aside. 401 00:26:00,184 --> 00:26:02,020 Anderson. Berra. 402 00:26:10,445 --> 00:26:14,032 - So, let's put up his bond. It's a million dollars. 403 00:26:14,032 --> 00:26:16,868 I don't care. We can't let him rot in that hellhole. 404 00:26:17,910 --> 00:26:20,913 Call the bank, get them to wire the funds. 405 00:26:20,913 --> 00:26:23,541 Will they? I heard they took your plane. 406 00:26:25,460 --> 00:26:26,294 Not for long. 407 00:26:33,676 --> 00:26:34,969 Listen. 408 00:26:35,637 --> 00:26:38,514 There may be a way, an out, an opportunity 409 00:26:39,641 --> 00:26:41,476 to curry favor with Wes Jordan. 410 00:26:41,476 --> 00:26:44,020 - What are you talking about? 411 00:26:45,605 --> 00:26:48,941 Wes has gotten word, but only word, no hard details, 412 00:26:49,901 --> 00:26:52,737 that Norman Bagovitch committed sexual assault years ago, 413 00:26:52,737 --> 00:26:54,864 back when you were friends. 414 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:01,871 Now, if he was having any information on that-- 415 00:27:01,871 --> 00:27:04,666 Charlie. Sorry. 416 00:27:04,666 --> 00:27:08,461 But you going to this gala, under the circumstances-- 417 00:27:08,461 --> 00:27:11,089 - I'm already dressed. - We owe a billion dollars. 418 00:27:11,089 --> 00:27:14,175 And this gala. 20,000 a table. 419 00:27:14,175 --> 00:27:17,470 PlannersBanc will make this Exhibit A. 420 00:27:17,470 --> 00:27:18,846 It's a charity thing. 421 00:27:19,681 --> 00:27:22,684 One where if you don't get seen at, people think you're done. 422 00:27:22,684 --> 00:27:24,394 Everybody who's important will be there. 423 00:27:24,394 --> 00:27:28,272 Including the officers and fiduciaries of PlannersBanc. 424 00:27:28,272 --> 00:27:29,857 This could antagonize them. 425 00:27:29,857 --> 00:27:31,984 - You said I need money. Even so. 426 00:27:31,984 --> 00:27:34,570 The people at this gala will be the ones who got it. 427 00:27:34,570 --> 00:27:36,239 You need to stop! 428 00:27:45,123 --> 00:27:46,708 I need to stop what, Wiz? 429 00:27:49,836 --> 00:27:54,590 There are not many people who live fully and truly according to themselves, 430 00:27:54,590 --> 00:27:58,219 and I deeply admire that about you, Charlie, I do. 431 00:27:59,929 --> 00:28:01,681 But under the circumstances, 432 00:28:02,390 --> 00:28:04,392 maybe you could be... 433 00:28:06,185 --> 00:28:07,770 a little less you. 434 00:28:26,164 --> 00:28:28,624 How we doing? - The place he's at-- 435 00:28:28,624 --> 00:28:31,669 We are posting the bond. We will get him out. 436 00:28:37,425 --> 00:28:38,384 Go on home, honey. 437 00:28:38,384 --> 00:28:40,762 I'm not sure I can handle home right now. 438 00:28:41,971 --> 00:28:45,391 If you don't mind, I'm going to work late, catch up on some stuff. 439 00:28:45,391 --> 00:28:47,477 I think the distraction will help. 440 00:28:47,477 --> 00:28:49,937 You wanna come to this gala thing with us? 441 00:28:49,937 --> 00:28:52,315 No, no. I don't think that would be good. 442 00:28:52,899 --> 00:28:55,651 I missed a lot of the day, so I need to catch up. 443 00:28:57,653 --> 00:29:00,198 - Are you sure? - Sure. Thank you. 444 00:29:00,865 --> 00:29:02,074 We will get him out. 445 00:29:17,215 --> 00:29:19,801 Don't touch me. Get the fuck out of here. 446 00:29:19,801 --> 00:29:21,135 Hensley! 447 00:29:21,719 --> 00:29:24,055 Hensley! 448 00:29:25,181 --> 00:29:27,183 Shit. Fuck! 449 00:29:28,309 --> 00:29:29,310 Hey. 450 00:29:31,312 --> 00:29:33,397 Are you Conrad Hensley? - Yeah. 451 00:29:33,397 --> 00:29:35,691 Are you affiliated with any gangs? 452 00:29:35,691 --> 00:29:36,609 No. 453 00:29:37,151 --> 00:29:39,487 Have you ingested any drugs or alcohol? 454 00:29:39,487 --> 00:29:41,364 - No. - Have you ever been arrested? 455 00:29:41,364 --> 00:29:43,866 - No. - Have you ever been convicted of a felony? 456 00:29:43,866 --> 00:29:44,784 No. 457 00:29:44,784 --> 00:29:47,787 Deputy Simonins, you can take him to cell block 3. 458 00:29:49,956 --> 00:29:50,832 Come on. 459 00:29:51,999 --> 00:29:53,125 Miller! 460 00:30:23,406 --> 00:30:24,574 Right this way. 461 00:30:27,118 --> 00:30:29,203 Okay. 462 00:30:35,126 --> 00:30:36,586 Wow. - Come on now. 463 00:30:36,586 --> 00:30:39,255 - You look absolutely incredible. Stop it. 464 00:30:39,255 --> 00:30:42,550 You do. It's almost like you're ready to have some fun. 465 00:30:42,550 --> 00:30:44,927 I would never go that far. 466 00:30:44,927 --> 00:30:46,012 Yeah. 467 00:30:48,389 --> 00:30:51,350 - Look at that. 468 00:30:51,350 --> 00:30:53,853 What do you mean, you almost didn't come? 469 00:30:54,353 --> 00:30:57,315 Because under the present circumstances, this seems a bit obscene. 470 00:30:58,065 --> 00:31:01,652 Roger, brother, this shit is always obscene. 471 00:31:08,659 --> 00:31:12,455 I just got my palm read, and it turns out I have more than one lifeline. 472 00:31:13,039 --> 00:31:13,998 Meaning? 473 00:31:15,124 --> 00:31:17,543 - I'm full of life. You know? Oh. 474 00:31:17,543 --> 00:31:19,879 Wes, you were on fire this morning. 475 00:31:19,879 --> 00:31:23,299 Oh, I'm always on fire. I just added a little brimstone. 476 00:31:23,883 --> 00:31:25,009 - And some hope. Hmm. 477 00:31:25,009 --> 00:31:26,719 Wes! - Excuse me. Hey. 478 00:31:29,847 --> 00:31:31,223 I can't stand him. 479 00:31:31,223 --> 00:31:35,686 We don't need to stay long. Just enough for people to see I'm not dead. 480 00:31:35,686 --> 00:31:36,604 Which I'm not. 481 00:31:36,604 --> 00:31:39,774 All right. But after the contortionist. 482 00:31:39,774 --> 00:31:42,068 She can shoot a bow and arrow with her feet. 483 00:31:44,862 --> 00:31:46,113 People are talking. 484 00:31:46,113 --> 00:31:47,323 - About what? - Me. 485 00:31:47,323 --> 00:31:49,533 The gilded elephant in the room. 486 00:32:12,515 --> 00:32:13,349 Front. 487 00:32:15,267 --> 00:32:16,102 Next. 488 00:32:19,397 --> 00:32:20,231 Arms. 489 00:32:28,906 --> 00:32:29,782 Next. 490 00:32:31,951 --> 00:32:32,868 Arms. 491 00:32:46,173 --> 00:32:47,717 - I'll take some more. Raymond. 492 00:32:50,469 --> 00:32:51,595 Having a good time? 493 00:32:52,263 --> 00:32:55,057 I waited till the last minute. 494 00:32:55,599 --> 00:32:57,351 They were out of my size. 495 00:33:00,646 --> 00:33:02,940 Here's a tip. Never go smaller. 496 00:33:04,608 --> 00:33:06,110 I'll keep that in mind. 497 00:33:09,530 --> 00:33:10,364 - Oh. - Oh. 498 00:33:10,364 --> 00:33:12,450 - I am terribly sorry. - My fault. My fault 499 00:33:12,450 --> 00:33:15,286 Martha? Raymond Peepgrass. PlannersBanc. 500 00:33:15,286 --> 00:33:18,664 Oh, Raymond. Yes, I... I remember you. 501 00:33:18,664 --> 00:33:20,833 It's so good to see you again. 502 00:33:20,833 --> 00:33:21,876 Likewise. 503 00:33:22,376 --> 00:33:24,211 I'm glad to see you're doing well. 504 00:33:25,296 --> 00:33:27,173 Uh, are you a patron of the arts now? 505 00:33:27,173 --> 00:33:29,884 Me? No, uh, well, I wish. 506 00:33:29,884 --> 00:33:33,471 Uh, Planners has a table. They kind of assign us to fill the seats. 507 00:33:33,471 --> 00:33:34,430 Oh. 508 00:33:36,348 --> 00:33:37,600 You look great. 509 00:33:38,768 --> 00:33:40,895 We... 510 00:33:40,895 --> 00:33:42,938 Flattery will get you everywhere. 511 00:33:43,439 --> 00:33:45,775 What? No. I promise. 512 00:33:47,068 --> 00:33:50,529 Well, I was teasing. Um, I... I... I mean you look great too, Raymond. 513 00:33:51,072 --> 00:33:53,157 - It's too small. 514 00:33:54,075 --> 00:33:54,909 I know. 515 00:33:56,535 --> 00:34:00,915 Oh! Uh, but... It's a look. It's... it's a look. 516 00:34:02,625 --> 00:34:04,293 It's nice to see you again. 517 00:34:04,293 --> 00:34:05,419 You too, Raymond. 518 00:35:28,878 --> 00:35:30,045 All right. 519 00:35:42,975 --> 00:35:43,893 Welcome. 520 00:35:44,685 --> 00:35:48,022 Let your hair down. Take your shoes off. Yep, rub shit all over me. 521 00:35:50,191 --> 00:35:54,069 Shit, look at this. Five-O, this motherfucker got popped! 522 00:35:54,069 --> 00:35:55,321 Shit! 523 00:36:25,142 --> 00:36:26,393 Well, isn't this fun? 524 00:36:27,728 --> 00:36:30,022 Charlie. - Joyce. Martha. 525 00:36:30,022 --> 00:36:32,608 Both looking fantastic, I must say. 526 00:36:32,608 --> 00:36:34,777 How'd things go at Turpmtime? 527 00:36:34,777 --> 00:36:35,861 Fantastic. 528 00:36:35,861 --> 00:36:37,655 Mind if I steal a sec with Joyce? 529 00:36:39,740 --> 00:36:40,574 Of course. 530 00:36:54,338 --> 00:36:55,673 You know, Joyce, I was thinking. 531 00:36:56,465 --> 00:36:59,176 We should get a lunch or a dinner one of these days. 532 00:36:59,176 --> 00:37:02,346 Right, I'll have someone in my office call someone in yours. 533 00:37:02,930 --> 00:37:04,974 Actually, it's a little more urgent than that. 534 00:37:04,974 --> 00:37:08,018 We need to catch up some on old times. 535 00:37:08,018 --> 00:37:10,437 Oh, honey. If only we had any. 536 00:37:11,480 --> 00:37:13,732 But you had some with Norm Bagovitch. 537 00:37:13,732 --> 00:37:15,985 Maybe you and I could catch up on that. 538 00:37:16,819 --> 00:37:18,153 Let's make it a lunch. 539 00:38:49,203 --> 00:38:50,829 Martha... um... 540 00:39:10,516 --> 00:39:12,684 Nice party, sir? - No. 541 00:39:16,563 --> 00:39:18,690 I think a tailgate done dropped. 542 00:39:28,575 --> 00:39:32,454 - ♪ Say God is my everything - My everything ♪ 543 00:39:32,454 --> 00:39:33,580 ♪ Come on, say it ♪ 544 00:39:33,580 --> 00:39:34,998 - ♪ God is - God is ♪ 545 00:39:34,998 --> 00:39:37,501 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 546 00:39:37,501 --> 00:39:41,213 ♪ He is my joy in sorrow ♪ 547 00:39:41,213 --> 00:39:45,592 ♪ Yeah, his my hope for tomorrow ♪ 548 00:39:45,592 --> 00:39:50,347 ♪ Yeah, his my rock In a weary land ♪ 549 00:39:50,347 --> 00:39:51,890 ♪ Shelter ♪ 550 00:39:53,392 --> 00:39:57,271 - ♪ Yeah, oh, God is - God is ♪ 551 00:39:57,271 --> 00:39:59,606 - ♪ God is - God is ♪ 552 00:39:59,606 --> 00:40:01,442 - ♪ Can I get a witness - God is ♪ 553 00:40:01,442 --> 00:40:04,069 - ♪ Everybody look, God is - God is ♪ 554 00:40:04,069 --> 00:40:08,365 - ♪ God is - God is ♪ 555 00:40:08,365 --> 00:40:10,451 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 556 00:40:10,451 --> 00:40:12,703 ♪ Come on, clap those hands If that's true ♪ 557 00:40:12,703 --> 00:40:14,913 - ♪ Say, my everything - My everything ♪ 558 00:40:14,913 --> 00:40:16,915 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 559 00:40:16,915 --> 00:40:19,001 ♪ Can I get a witness in the building ♪ 560 00:40:19,001 --> 00:40:21,420 - ♪ God is your everything - My everything ♪ 561 00:40:21,420 --> 00:40:23,505 - ♪ My joy in sorrow - My everything ♪ 562 00:40:23,505 --> 00:40:25,591 - ♪ Hope for tomorrow - My everything ♪ 563 00:40:25,591 --> 00:40:27,509 - ♪ He is my peace - My everything ♪ 564 00:40:28,302 --> 00:40:30,387 - ♪ In confusion - My everything ♪ 565 00:40:30,387 --> 00:40:36,810 - ♪ Can I get a witness - My everything ♪ 566 00:40:36,810 --> 00:40:38,896 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 567 00:40:38,896 --> 00:40:40,981 ♪ Come on, We got to search a little bit here ♪ 568 00:40:40,981 --> 00:40:45,652 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 569 00:40:45,652 --> 00:40:48,030 - ♪ Do you really know God is - My everything ♪ 570 00:40:48,030 --> 00:40:50,115 - ♪ He's my everything - My everything ♪ 571 00:40:50,115 --> 00:40:52,201 - ♪ My joy in sorrow - My everything ♪ 572 00:40:52,201 --> 00:40:54,495 - ♪ Hope for tomorrow - My everything ♪ 573 00:40:54,495 --> 00:40:59,082 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 574 00:40:59,082 --> 00:41:03,587 - ♪ Can I get a witness - My everything ♪ 575 00:41:03,587 --> 00:41:05,714 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 576 00:41:05,714 --> 00:41:08,050 - ♪ Can I get a witness - My everything ♪ 577 00:41:08,050 --> 00:41:14,431 - ♪ Oh, yeah - My everything ♪ 578 00:41:14,431 --> 00:41:16,517 - ♪ Whoo - My everything ♪ 579 00:41:16,517 --> 00:41:20,854 - ♪ My everything - My everything ♪ 580 00:41:20,854 --> 00:41:25,359 ♪ Whoo, yes, he is ♪