1 00:00:20,768 --> 00:00:22,393 No, I cannot do it. 2 00:00:32,184 --> 00:00:33,726 No, I cannot do it. Leave me. 3 00:00:35,128 --> 00:00:36,309 Leave me. 4 00:00:45,424 --> 00:00:47,018 It's hurting. 5 00:00:56,754 --> 00:00:57,893 Leave me. 6 00:00:59,851 --> 00:01:01,018 Leave me. 7 00:01:02,184 --> 00:01:03,351 Leave me. 8 00:01:13,976 --> 00:01:15,309 It hurts. 9 00:01:21,809 --> 00:01:23,268 My Lord. 10 00:01:25,143 --> 00:01:26,814 How long has she laboured? 11 00:01:26,934 --> 00:01:28,268 Three days my lord. 12 00:01:28,684 --> 00:01:30,351 The child is stuck. 13 00:01:31,393 --> 00:01:32,768 They must extract the child... 14 00:01:49,393 --> 00:01:50,597 It's paining. 15 00:01:58,101 --> 00:02:01,601 Will either survive? 16 00:02:01,934 --> 00:02:04,018 I cannot say my Lord. 17 00:02:10,351 --> 00:02:11,976 Excuse me my Lord. 18 00:03:14,769 --> 00:03:16,227 My son. 19 00:03:17,019 --> 00:03:19,227 He's such a cute child. 20 00:03:19,644 --> 00:03:21,436 He is handsome. 21 00:03:21,936 --> 00:03:23,436 Do you have a name? 22 00:03:24,769 --> 00:03:26,102 Khusrav. 23 00:03:26,477 --> 00:03:28,144 Marvellous indeed. 24 00:03:28,436 --> 00:03:29,191 Isn't it? 25 00:03:29,311 --> 00:03:33,686 It means he will be a famous Emperor, known for good... 26 00:03:34,019 --> 00:03:35,769 As a son of Salim should be. 27 00:03:36,186 --> 00:03:37,066 Come. 28 00:03:37,186 --> 00:03:40,186 No! Only his father can hold him 29 00:03:41,061 --> 00:03:42,686 I am his grandmother. 30 00:03:42,977 --> 00:03:44,811 He is my flesh and blood too. 31 00:03:45,769 --> 00:03:47,316 Salim would not forgive me. 32 00:03:47,436 --> 00:03:49,811 This is his heir... I cannot. 33 00:03:50,561 --> 00:03:53,144 You do understand there will be more children 34 00:03:53,811 --> 00:03:55,769 and more wives. 35 00:03:57,602 --> 00:04:00,186 I won't suffer the same fate as you. 36 00:04:01,311 --> 00:04:05,144 There will be no other Man Bai or Khusrav. 37 00:04:06,186 --> 00:04:09,102 I will die before I let that happen! 38 00:04:09,602 --> 00:04:10,936 Understood. 39 00:04:15,727 --> 00:04:17,687 That's the law of the empire. 40 00:04:18,811 --> 00:04:20,686 Make peace with it while you still can. 41 00:05:08,977 --> 00:05:10,852 Prince Murad. We await your instructions. 42 00:05:11,061 --> 00:05:12,561 Prepare the men for war. 43 00:05:12,769 --> 00:05:13,852 Yes Prince. 44 00:05:14,352 --> 00:05:16,102 Make sure all arrangements are in place. 45 00:05:16,727 --> 00:05:18,311 Good evening General. 46 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:21,227 What are the men preparing for? 47 00:05:21,347 --> 00:05:23,977 To reclaim our outpost from Pratap. 48 00:05:24,311 --> 00:05:26,144 But that's not what your father wants. 49 00:05:26,561 --> 00:05:28,561 I'll get the job done. 50 00:05:28,977 --> 00:05:30,519 What does it matter how I do it? 51 00:05:30,811 --> 00:05:32,521 You are missing the point here, Shah Murad. 52 00:05:32,811 --> 00:05:34,852 The job is to make Pratap an ally. 53 00:05:35,061 --> 00:05:36,477 The job is to reconcile, 54 00:05:37,186 --> 00:05:41,102 and the dead have no qualms about reconciliation. 55 00:05:41,811 --> 00:05:44,769 Why is this man so important? 56 00:05:45,144 --> 00:05:46,519 Why does he deserve to live? 57 00:05:48,519 --> 00:05:53,519 Pratap and I have met once in a war already, Prince Murad. 58 00:05:53,811 --> 00:05:55,852 Yes, he's our foe... 59 00:05:56,102 --> 00:05:57,227 and yet... 60 00:05:59,227 --> 00:06:00,561 he is a true warrior. 61 00:06:02,477 --> 00:06:07,811 He has earned the respect of your father and me. 62 00:06:10,602 --> 00:06:12,686 Tell me more about this war in Haldighati... 63 00:06:13,852 --> 00:06:15,561 I will tell you as we ride. 64 00:06:29,852 --> 00:06:31,102 My Lord. 65 00:06:36,227 --> 00:06:37,107 Found him? 66 00:06:37,227 --> 00:06:38,269 Yes my Lord. 67 00:06:39,186 --> 00:06:41,644 When Murad returns, it is time for some hunting. 68 00:06:41,936 --> 00:06:43,269 Yes my Lord. 69 00:07:02,644 --> 00:07:05,191 You have the nerve to show your face Man Singh. 70 00:07:05,311 --> 00:07:11,394 You have no shame facing your people after backstabbing them. 71 00:07:11,894 --> 00:07:13,811 Where is your honour? 72 00:07:14,068 --> 00:07:15,894 Wiping the shoe of the Mughals? 73 00:07:16,014 --> 00:07:20,019 Everything I do, I do it for the honour of my people. 74 00:07:22,686 --> 00:07:23,936 Honour. 75 00:07:24,056 --> 00:07:27,519 Is honour taking orders like a dog from your new master? 76 00:07:27,769 --> 00:07:30,816 You, who threw his sister to those wolves, 77 00:07:30,936 --> 00:07:33,436 talks of honour? 78 00:07:33,769 --> 00:07:35,311 You should change your name. 79 00:07:35,477 --> 00:07:38,311 What will anyone gain from changing my name? 80 00:07:38,477 --> 00:07:42,236 Emperor Akbar offers you an alliance. 81 00:07:45,769 --> 00:07:53,477 A lion never joins a pack of wolves. 82 00:07:54,644 --> 00:08:00,605 Sometimes a lion reconciles with wolves to save his territory. 83 00:08:01,769 --> 00:08:04,894 If you had ever fought like a Rajput, you would have known. 84 00:08:05,102 --> 00:08:09,977 Rajput would rather die on the battlefield, 85 00:08:10,269 --> 00:08:12,774 then bend his knee. 86 00:08:12,894 --> 00:08:15,019 Everyone has bent their knee Rana. 87 00:08:15,139 --> 00:08:16,977 All except for you. Anyway... 88 00:08:17,269 --> 00:08:20,727 The Emperor has been kind to send this proposal. 89 00:08:20,936 --> 00:08:22,436 Accept it. 90 00:08:22,936 --> 00:08:26,769 I will never bow before that man. 91 00:08:27,936 --> 00:08:29,977 We have taken back what is rightfully ours. 92 00:08:30,352 --> 00:08:32,395 Why should we share it? 93 00:08:33,686 --> 00:08:40,477 What right does he have on our men and our territory. 94 00:08:41,269 --> 00:08:42,477 Rana... 95 00:08:43,436 --> 00:08:46,602 Akbar has created the Din-e-ilahi, 96 00:08:46,811 --> 00:08:49,362 to benefit all people. 97 00:08:50,811 --> 00:08:53,936 Isn't that evidence of his good intentions? 98 00:08:54,056 --> 00:08:56,852 The Din-e-ilahi benefits Akbar's ego. 99 00:08:59,186 --> 00:09:01,394 He is trying to play God. 100 00:09:01,561 --> 00:09:03,811 - Rana! - No my Prince. 101 00:09:09,227 --> 00:09:10,602 I made a vow that 102 00:09:11,561 --> 00:09:14,686 there would be no blood shed during the discussions. 103 00:09:15,727 --> 00:09:19,811 Being born on our soil means nothing. 104 00:09:20,394 --> 00:09:22,311 After all you come from a bloodline of barbarians. 105 00:09:22,561 --> 00:09:24,519 You must first learn, 106 00:09:25,894 --> 00:09:27,686 our culture. 107 00:09:30,811 --> 00:09:35,769 Children don't interfere when adults are in discussion. 108 00:09:41,519 --> 00:09:43,019 Tell Akbar, 109 00:09:44,394 --> 00:09:46,436 if he wants Mewar, 110 00:09:46,769 --> 00:09:49,227 he needs to come and take it from me. 111 00:09:51,144 --> 00:09:54,727 If you had done the job properly at Haldighati, 112 00:09:54,894 --> 00:09:56,811 Mewar would still be ours. 113 00:09:59,292 --> 00:10:01,394 If you had been at Haldighati, 114 00:10:02,852 --> 00:10:04,729 You would have seen his mettle. 115 00:10:06,769 --> 00:10:08,977 He fought like a lion. Lion! 116 00:10:10,311 --> 00:10:12,186 I heard he lost almost two thousand men. 117 00:10:12,602 --> 00:10:15,269 My father didn't even lose two hundred. 118 00:10:15,936 --> 00:10:17,644 What's so brave about that? 119 00:10:19,769 --> 00:10:23,519 Your father sent a force ten times the size to capture him, 120 00:10:25,686 --> 00:10:27,936 and yet here he is. 121 00:10:32,811 --> 00:10:36,769 Well, I'll just have to finish the bloody job! 122 00:10:48,436 --> 00:10:49,769 Prince Murad, 123 00:10:51,461 --> 00:10:54,894 you must show some respect for Rana Pratap. 124 00:10:56,686 --> 00:10:59,420 And yes, without the Emperor's orders, 125 00:10:59,540 --> 00:11:03,269 I don't like shedding the blood of my men. 126 00:11:05,561 --> 00:11:08,894 It's neither wise nor heroic. 127 00:11:11,352 --> 00:11:13,602 We'll try to have a dialogue with him again tomorrow. 128 00:11:16,852 --> 00:11:18,352 I'll take your leave. 129 00:11:27,811 --> 00:11:31,144 If you really want to impress your father, 130 00:11:32,436 --> 00:11:34,436 I know how. 131 00:11:55,519 --> 00:11:57,352 Who do these crops belong to? 132 00:11:57,561 --> 00:11:58,644 They are the property of the Emperor. 133 00:11:58,764 --> 00:11:59,686 Wrong. 134 00:12:00,144 --> 00:12:01,186 Out of the way. 135 00:12:01,306 --> 00:12:03,769 It is the property of the people of Punjab. 136 00:12:04,311 --> 00:12:05,311 On your knees. 137 00:12:15,269 --> 00:12:17,561 What do you make of Din-e-ilahi? 138 00:12:17,811 --> 00:12:18,936 Hurry up. 139 00:12:19,102 --> 00:12:21,269 It has lowered Hindu taxes. 140 00:12:21,477 --> 00:12:24,019 It allows us to build more temples... 141 00:12:24,852 --> 00:12:26,227 It recognises us as equals. 142 00:12:37,894 --> 00:12:42,852 Run. Run. Run away! 143 00:12:48,561 --> 00:12:49,686 Run you scoundrels. 144 00:13:21,894 --> 00:13:24,102 The brother's bond is growing 145 00:13:26,102 --> 00:13:28,311 Perhaps it's not too late for peace. 146 00:13:31,686 --> 00:13:33,352 [Daniyal] Where next brother? 147 00:13:46,019 --> 00:13:48,769 The palace walls have been breached, Giyas. 148 00:13:49,019 --> 00:13:52,019 I don't have time for your misled loyalty 149 00:14:02,852 --> 00:14:04,311 Just give me the damn key! 150 00:14:04,431 --> 00:14:09,352 I told you... this treasury and everything inside it belongs to Emperor Akbar. 151 00:14:17,477 --> 00:14:18,482 Mehr. 152 00:14:18,602 --> 00:14:19,894 Let her go 153 00:14:34,936 --> 00:14:36,269 Prince... 154 00:14:36,686 --> 00:14:38,394 I've broken several hearts. 155 00:14:38,514 --> 00:14:41,352 This was my first time breaking down a door. 156 00:14:43,019 --> 00:14:45,394 But I guess I arrived right on time. 157 00:14:47,936 --> 00:14:49,061 Didn't I? 158 00:14:49,269 --> 00:14:51,352 Giyas, give me the keys. 159 00:14:51,769 --> 00:14:53,186 Lower your sword Prince. 160 00:14:53,352 --> 00:14:57,727 Any sudden moves and she will lose her head. 161 00:14:58,769 --> 00:15:01,352 Prince, drop the sword. 162 00:15:04,269 --> 00:15:05,477 Fine. 163 00:15:06,727 --> 00:15:08,561 I trust you. 164 00:15:10,519 --> 00:15:12,561 But the question is... 165 00:15:15,061 --> 00:15:16,727 Do you trust me? 166 00:15:20,311 --> 00:15:21,727 Mother. 167 00:15:28,102 --> 00:15:29,311 Giyas. 168 00:15:29,519 --> 00:15:32,561 I have not seen you for many years. 169 00:15:34,019 --> 00:15:35,811 Prince Salim, 170 00:15:36,102 --> 00:15:38,061 I am forever in your debt. 171 00:15:40,852 --> 00:15:42,352 And who is this? 172 00:15:42,894 --> 00:15:44,894 My daughter...Mehrunissa. 173 00:15:46,186 --> 00:15:48,061 Thank you for saving her life. 174 00:15:56,811 --> 00:15:59,061 You call it favour, 175 00:15:59,852 --> 00:16:01,519 I call it my duty. 176 00:16:12,519 --> 00:16:14,894 You will serve here no more. 177 00:16:15,227 --> 00:16:16,769 Pack up your belongings. 178 00:16:17,352 --> 00:16:18,977 Are you firing me? 179 00:16:19,936 --> 00:16:21,352 I tried but-- 180 00:16:21,472 --> 00:16:23,686 I'm taking you back to Agra. 181 00:16:24,519 --> 00:16:27,811 From what I hear from my father, we could do with a man like you there. 182 00:16:28,311 --> 00:16:30,727 You are wasted in Lahore. 183 00:17:00,977 --> 00:17:03,102 Where are prince Murad and his men? 184 00:17:03,936 --> 00:17:05,895 They have gone hunting 185 00:17:56,977 --> 00:18:01,227 So finally we meet... Nephew. 186 00:18:01,769 --> 00:18:03,352 You are a sight for sore eyes. 187 00:18:03,472 --> 00:18:05,602 We were out here hunting when 188 00:18:06,769 --> 00:18:08,102 we saw your tents. 189 00:18:08,394 --> 00:18:10,061 We haven't caught a thing, 190 00:18:10,519 --> 00:18:12,477 so wondered if you had any food. 191 00:18:13,977 --> 00:18:16,811 You take me to be a fool? 192 00:18:17,477 --> 00:18:19,900 Who comes to these hills to hunt? 193 00:18:20,102 --> 00:18:21,269 The only thing you'll catch here, 194 00:18:22,227 --> 00:18:25,686 is a fever. 195 00:18:26,811 --> 00:18:28,394 If you want to fight, 196 00:18:33,269 --> 00:18:34,602 then fight. 197 00:18:34,977 --> 00:18:36,727 Maybe this is more than just a coincidence? 198 00:18:38,311 --> 00:18:41,146 Maybe I'm here to give you a message from my father. 199 00:18:53,769 --> 00:18:55,477 Return with me to Agra, 200 00:18:56,852 --> 00:18:59,394 and maybe your honour would be restored. 201 00:19:14,102 --> 00:19:16,186 Why isn't he listening? Look... Look... 202 00:19:17,394 --> 00:19:20,352 Khusrav, I am your mother. 203 00:19:20,602 --> 00:19:22,311 Why isn't he drinking? 204 00:19:22,477 --> 00:19:23,644 Khusrav. 205 00:19:24,686 --> 00:19:27,936 Why aren't you drinking, child? Look... see... 206 00:19:28,519 --> 00:19:30,977 Come on, drink. 207 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:36,186 I am your mother. Khusrav. 208 00:19:36,519 --> 00:19:38,061 What's the matter? 209 00:19:40,686 --> 00:19:41,769 Khusrav. 210 00:19:42,727 --> 00:19:44,227 Why is he crying? 211 00:19:44,394 --> 00:19:46,186 I guess he is rejecting it. 212 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:49,019 Would you like me to try? 213 00:19:49,602 --> 00:19:51,769 It's okay. Come on, son. 214 00:19:51,889 --> 00:19:55,774 Come here. Come here. 215 00:19:55,894 --> 00:19:57,102 Get away! 216 00:19:58,186 --> 00:20:00,602 I said stay away! 217 00:20:01,103 --> 00:20:03,852 Bitch! I will kill you! 218 00:20:06,936 --> 00:20:09,562 Khusrav... 219 00:20:10,227 --> 00:20:12,311 My son. 220 00:20:12,431 --> 00:20:14,186 That's no way to speak to the women in the harem. 221 00:20:14,306 --> 00:20:16,769 Especially those trying to help you. 222 00:20:17,477 --> 00:20:19,352 Who are you to tell me? 223 00:20:20,727 --> 00:20:22,727 I am the wife of the future emperor! 224 00:20:22,894 --> 00:20:24,352 Lower your tone. 225 00:20:25,144 --> 00:20:26,686 I'll do as I wish. 226 00:20:26,806 --> 00:20:30,477 Do not forget who you are and who we are. 227 00:20:30,597 --> 00:20:33,686 It is you who forget who you are-Infertile! 228 00:20:34,644 --> 00:20:37,769 Enough! I've heard enough! 229 00:20:44,144 --> 00:20:46,832 Show some respect to us. 230 00:20:50,311 --> 00:20:51,436 Bitch! 231 00:20:51,769 --> 00:20:53,269 What did you call me? 232 00:20:55,352 --> 00:20:59,894 The nine-month distance from Salim has taken a toll on her mind. 233 00:21:00,227 --> 00:21:02,061 She needs time to settle. 234 00:21:02,727 --> 00:21:04,769 Why are you so concerned? 235 00:21:06,477 --> 00:21:08,436 This is how she treats us now. 236 00:21:09,186 --> 00:21:11,561 If Salim succeeds the throne.. who knows what will happen. 237 00:21:14,394 --> 00:21:17,561 That would surely upset the balance of this place 238 00:22:02,811 --> 00:22:05,977 It must be overwhelming being Akbar's son, especially the middle child. 239 00:22:07,144 --> 00:22:10,394 You do not have the promises of the first or the love of the last. 240 00:22:10,935 --> 00:22:12,269 True. 241 00:22:12,936 --> 00:22:15,299 Everything I do is always a huge disappointment to him. 242 00:22:17,394 --> 00:22:20,977 And yet you would defend him to the death? 243 00:22:21,097 --> 00:22:22,644 Of course. 244 00:22:23,852 --> 00:22:25,811 I am his blood after all. 245 00:22:28,811 --> 00:22:30,519 You are very noble cousin. 246 00:22:30,686 --> 00:22:33,811 I am honoured to be your blood also. 247 00:22:36,127 --> 00:22:37,436 Me too. 248 00:22:38,619 --> 00:22:40,686 In a different life, 249 00:22:42,032 --> 00:22:43,894 we could have ruled the kingdom together. 250 00:22:46,019 --> 00:22:47,769 Perhaps it's not too late! 251 00:22:53,186 --> 00:22:54,477 Maybe. 252 00:22:56,016 --> 00:22:57,477 Why not? 253 00:23:03,144 --> 00:23:06,417 Come. 254 00:23:09,602 --> 00:23:12,144 Stop. 255 00:23:16,394 --> 00:23:18,436 A shame Murad isn't here. 256 00:23:19,269 --> 00:23:22,102 Seems so quiet without him. 257 00:23:23,352 --> 00:23:24,811 Is it? 258 00:23:25,269 --> 00:23:27,186 He must be creating a stir someplace else. 259 00:23:27,394 --> 00:23:29,519 He just wants to be emperor. 260 00:23:30,311 --> 00:23:32,441 But the throne belongs to you. 261 00:23:32,561 --> 00:23:35,811 I have no stomach for kingship, Prince Daniyal. 262 00:23:35,931 --> 00:23:40,769 I would rather have a life of peace, with the one I love... 263 00:23:41,850 --> 00:23:43,061 Who? 264 00:23:43,602 --> 00:23:46,727 A truly beautiful flower. 265 00:23:48,227 --> 00:23:51,686 But I fear I will never get to pluck her. 266 00:23:54,227 --> 00:23:56,811 Who understands longing better than me. 267 00:23:58,826 --> 00:24:00,436 My mother. 268 00:24:01,102 --> 00:24:02,561 I never knew her... 269 00:24:02,727 --> 00:24:04,769 but father told me of her beauty. 270 00:24:05,186 --> 00:24:07,769 - He gave this painting as a gift-- - Prince Daniyal. 271 00:24:10,019 --> 00:24:11,561 Look who is here? 272 00:24:11,727 --> 00:24:13,227 Badayuni! Where have you been? 273 00:24:13,394 --> 00:24:15,394 You missed all the action! 274 00:24:15,686 --> 00:24:18,936 I'm sorry my Lord. Pressing matters kept me. 275 00:24:21,227 --> 00:24:23,352 Won't you come and pray with me? 276 00:24:23,472 --> 00:24:24,436 Yes. 277 00:24:24,644 --> 00:24:25,894 Brother. 278 00:24:28,936 --> 00:24:30,144 Prince Salim, 279 00:24:31,269 --> 00:24:33,561 Think before you leap in the fire... 280 00:24:35,311 --> 00:24:36,269 Fire. 281 00:24:36,811 --> 00:24:39,227 My heart already beat me to it. 282 00:24:40,394 --> 00:24:43,186 Always know where to be-- 283 00:24:46,352 --> 00:24:48,186 Prince Murad has learned about Hakim's whereabouts. 284 00:24:48,306 --> 00:24:50,061 - And also that you let him go. - What? 285 00:24:50,602 --> 00:24:53,227 The heart isn't made of gold that it always shines, 286 00:24:54,811 --> 00:24:56,852 it can be reduced to ashes as well. 287 00:24:57,269 --> 00:25:00,144 If you are proven to be a traitor, 288 00:25:00,436 --> 00:25:02,686 there will be no stopping Prince Murad. 289 00:25:05,061 --> 00:25:07,102 Salim will protect me. 290 00:25:08,134 --> 00:25:09,727 [Birbal] For everyone's sake, 291 00:25:10,894 --> 00:25:15,977 you must control your desires. 292 00:25:16,561 --> 00:25:18,769 [Badayuni] Do not be naive. 293 00:25:19,686 --> 00:25:21,524 Your whole family will come down on you 294 00:25:21,644 --> 00:25:23,644 if they get the slightest idea. 295 00:25:33,504 --> 00:25:35,394 I have a plan. 296 00:25:36,686 --> 00:25:39,561 But I need to take care of something first. 297 00:25:40,162 --> 00:25:41,519 There is no time to lose. 298 00:25:44,183 --> 00:25:45,644 I'll take your leave. 299 00:25:46,561 --> 00:25:47,852 Badayuni. 300 00:26:09,727 --> 00:26:10,936 [Man Bai] What happened? 301 00:26:17,852 --> 00:26:19,852 [Man Bai] What happened? 302 00:26:25,644 --> 00:26:27,811 Bearing a child isn't enough. 303 00:26:28,602 --> 00:26:30,311 She lacks a mother's instinct. 304 00:26:31,602 --> 00:26:35,852 What she is doing is not best for the child. 305 00:26:36,019 --> 00:26:37,394 How so? 306 00:26:37,936 --> 00:26:40,227 He rejects her milk. 307 00:26:40,769 --> 00:26:42,519 She should allow another to feed it, 308 00:26:43,436 --> 00:26:45,977 but she will not. 309 00:26:47,061 --> 00:26:49,561 Even if the child is starving. 310 00:26:50,102 --> 00:26:53,602 See... See... 311 00:27:05,519 --> 00:27:09,477 Do you know my biggest regret? 312 00:27:13,144 --> 00:27:17,059 Not having sired you a son... 313 00:27:20,519 --> 00:27:22,561 I would have been a good mother. 314 00:27:23,269 --> 00:27:26,644 I would have raised a great man. 315 00:27:29,519 --> 00:27:31,311 I have no doubt, my love. 316 00:27:33,019 --> 00:27:40,561 But I fear you are too old to try now 317 00:27:41,602 --> 00:27:44,644 I may be too old to give birth, 318 00:27:46,074 --> 00:27:47,727 not to bring up. 319 00:27:51,769 --> 00:27:56,269 If I had Man Bai's boy, 320 00:27:57,769 --> 00:28:03,269 I could give you the son you have always wanted. 321 00:28:05,102 --> 00:28:12,102 One who is wise, considerate, and noble. 322 00:28:12,769 --> 00:28:14,852 I could not. 323 00:28:16,061 --> 00:28:19,144 Couldn't you? It is your grandchild after all. 324 00:28:19,352 --> 00:28:24,436 The child belongs to Salim. It is his to raise. 325 00:28:24,686 --> 00:28:27,561 Do you think he will be there for him? 326 00:28:28,061 --> 00:28:29,852 Have you seen him lately? 327 00:28:30,852 --> 00:28:32,519 Foolish. 328 00:28:32,936 --> 00:28:35,710 Too immature to be a father. 329 00:28:44,811 --> 00:28:46,102 We shall see. 330 00:28:58,477 --> 00:29:04,311 Don't you wish you could raise your sons on your own terms. 331 00:29:17,126 --> 00:29:19,596 A toast. 332 00:29:32,247 --> 00:29:33,955 It has been a good day today... 333 00:29:34,663 --> 00:29:36,247 We have covered much ground. 334 00:29:40,122 --> 00:29:41,788 We have repaired many bridges. 335 00:29:46,455 --> 00:29:48,705 And now I am left with just one thing to say. 336 00:29:54,122 --> 00:29:56,455 Cousin. 337 00:29:56,575 --> 00:29:58,247 Cousin? I thought we were friends? 338 00:29:58,455 --> 00:30:00,747 What happened to ruling the empire together. 339 00:30:03,288 --> 00:30:04,663 I will rule this kingdom, 340 00:30:05,580 --> 00:30:07,872 and I alone! 341 00:30:07,997 --> 00:30:11,330 Wait! 342 00:30:12,288 --> 00:30:15,997 I must tell you something about your brother Daniyal. 343 00:30:17,705 --> 00:30:20,330 Go on, but this better be good. 344 00:30:22,955 --> 00:30:25,080 Your brother... Daniyal. 345 00:30:26,413 --> 00:30:30,580 Is ten times the man you will ever be! 346 00:30:31,205 --> 00:30:33,622 The hand of Allah is upon him. 347 00:30:34,872 --> 00:30:37,413 Allah will see him crowned. 348 00:30:38,355 --> 00:30:41,413 No! 349 00:31:15,538 --> 00:31:17,288 Anybody there? 350 00:31:21,580 --> 00:31:22,913 Greetings. 351 00:31:27,247 --> 00:31:28,622 Greetings. 352 00:31:29,955 --> 00:31:31,997 We received your message my Lord. 353 00:31:33,330 --> 00:31:35,122 As soldiers of Allah, 354 00:31:35,872 --> 00:31:40,080 You can count on our support against the heathen king. 355 00:31:43,622 --> 00:31:48,372 We have found a successor that deserves our backing. 356 00:31:48,872 --> 00:31:51,288 He is a true believer. 357 00:31:51,705 --> 00:31:54,413 A champion of the faith. 358 00:31:58,622 --> 00:32:00,330 Is this your army? 359 00:32:22,747 --> 00:32:25,080 Marvellous.