1 00:00:20,933 --> 00:00:21,888 Itimad. 2 00:00:25,555 --> 00:00:28,597 What is that glow on your face? 3 00:00:30,505 --> 00:00:31,680 Tell me old friend. 4 00:00:32,116 --> 00:00:35,472 Who is that incredible creature locked away at the back of the Harem? 5 00:00:35,994 --> 00:00:38,021 Who do you speak of Prince Salim? 6 00:00:43,805 --> 00:00:45,972 You know exactly who I am talking about. 7 00:00:46,712 --> 00:00:47,763 Itimad. 8 00:00:49,722 --> 00:00:52,430 Blue eyes, light skinned... 9 00:00:52,550 --> 00:00:53,805 - Who is she? - Prince Salim. 10 00:00:55,186 --> 00:00:57,797 I know not who you speak of. 11 00:00:58,055 --> 00:01:03,181 And it is of utmost importance that you do not ask any further. 12 00:01:03,805 --> 00:01:05,038 In everyone's interest. 13 00:01:48,520 --> 00:01:50,046 Sister Bakht-un-Nisa. 14 00:01:57,645 --> 00:02:00,395 Smile sister. This has been a glorious victory for us. 15 00:02:01,895 --> 00:02:04,641 How can you revel in glory, when we are surrounded by so much death? 16 00:02:06,186 --> 00:02:10,136 They were our people who died in the war. 17 00:02:12,270 --> 00:02:13,311 This is not just any war. 18 00:02:13,936 --> 00:02:14,908 It's 'Jihad' (holy war). 19 00:02:19,645 --> 00:02:23,353 Against the infidel rule of our half-brother. 20 00:02:23,603 --> 00:02:24,603 Brother. 21 00:02:26,936 --> 00:02:28,755 You can't fool me. 22 00:02:31,436 --> 00:02:36,311 This mutiny came only after heavy taxes were levied on your estate. 23 00:02:37,228 --> 00:02:38,228 Nonsense. 24 00:02:39,061 --> 00:02:41,457 This mutiny was in the interest of faith. 25 00:02:43,905 --> 00:02:46,603 Even rocks have more faith than you. 26 00:02:48,811 --> 00:02:52,853 Wealth alone cannot compensate for this mistake. 27 00:02:53,175 --> 00:02:54,302 Don't be afraid Bakht. 28 00:02:55,228 --> 00:02:59,856 Our brother may have the numbers but he has grown weak. 29 00:03:00,353 --> 00:03:02,400 He does not have the desire for a battle that he once did. 30 00:03:02,520 --> 00:03:03,686 This ignorance of yours, 31 00:03:04,853 --> 00:03:08,603 may relight Akbar's fire. 32 00:03:13,228 --> 00:03:14,686 Come hail or storm, 33 00:03:16,198 --> 00:03:17,270 I am ready. 34 00:03:34,603 --> 00:03:37,358 Mirza Hakim has returned to Kabul, claiming victory over our forces. 35 00:03:37,478 --> 00:03:39,645 His power and influence continue to grow. 36 00:03:39,936 --> 00:03:41,108 He is making a mockery of us. 37 00:03:41,228 --> 00:03:42,603 I have tolerated him for far too long. 38 00:03:43,270 --> 00:03:46,603 I'll take away the root of his power. 39 00:03:47,478 --> 00:03:48,520 His appanage. 40 00:03:49,645 --> 00:03:53,483 Without his land, his wealth, his military, 41 00:03:53,603 --> 00:03:55,603 He can never rise up again. 42 00:03:56,145 --> 00:03:57,020 Certainly. 43 00:03:57,145 --> 00:03:58,728 There is no point trying to reason with zealots. 44 00:03:59,311 --> 00:04:00,561 Force is our only option. 45 00:04:00,978 --> 00:04:02,603 I will lead the army. 46 00:04:02,811 --> 00:04:06,145 We must take a chance to negotiate, 47 00:04:06,520 --> 00:04:07,936 before more blood is shed. 48 00:04:09,311 --> 00:04:12,358 If you are so eager then why don't you negotiate with him? 49 00:04:12,478 --> 00:04:14,043 With pleasure. I do not fear death. 50 00:04:14,374 --> 00:04:16,150 Then why do you push for negotiations? 51 00:04:16,270 --> 00:04:17,228 Try to understand... 52 00:04:17,478 --> 00:04:19,728 We must pick an option. 53 00:04:19,895 --> 00:04:21,150 War or negotiations. 54 00:04:21,270 --> 00:04:22,728 But it should be in the interest of the treasury. 55 00:04:22,978 --> 00:04:23,608 - My Lord. - My Lord. 56 00:04:23,728 --> 00:04:24,608 - My Lord. - My Lord. 57 00:04:24,728 --> 00:04:26,061 - My Lord. - What happened my Lord? 58 00:04:26,181 --> 00:04:27,525 Stay back. Give him space. 59 00:04:27,645 --> 00:04:28,520 Call the physician. 60 00:04:28,640 --> 00:04:30,395 Call someone. 61 00:04:30,561 --> 00:04:31,816 What happened my Lord? Are you alright? 62 00:04:34,103 --> 00:04:35,228 He is trying to say something. 63 00:04:35,348 --> 00:04:37,978 Call my son... 64 00:04:38,603 --> 00:04:39,686 What about your son? 65 00:04:39,978 --> 00:04:45,811 My sons will lead the campaign. 66 00:04:46,645 --> 00:04:48,270 Which one my Lord? 67 00:05:12,478 --> 00:05:14,645 The ruler of Hindustan... 68 00:05:14,765 --> 00:05:21,103 ...Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar is arriving. 69 00:05:41,311 --> 00:05:44,478 Tomorrow, at the first light, 70 00:05:45,186 --> 00:05:50,645 one of you will lead the royal army to Kabul. 71 00:05:52,478 --> 00:05:57,099 To take it from my brother and teach him a lesson. 72 00:05:57,811 --> 00:06:01,145 It will be a chance to show your mettle. 73 00:06:01,936 --> 00:06:04,603 But first, a test. 74 00:06:05,520 --> 00:06:08,853 You will need to break a wild animal in Kabul. 75 00:06:09,311 --> 00:06:11,645 Show me you know how. 76 00:06:18,061 --> 00:06:19,228 Prince Salim. 77 00:06:19,436 --> 00:06:21,311 I guess you won't be needing any luck. 78 00:06:21,645 --> 00:06:23,020 Seems that way to me too. 79 00:06:23,186 --> 00:06:28,270 Father has given me a head start in this race. 80 00:06:31,978 --> 00:06:34,380 After you Daniyal Perhaps you can surprise us? 81 00:07:25,603 --> 00:07:26,686 Go on, Salim. 82 00:07:27,228 --> 00:07:29,520 Father has orchestrated this entire thing for you. 83 00:07:30,603 --> 00:07:31,853 Go on, get it over with... 84 00:07:32,436 --> 00:07:35,561 Though I appreciate the symbolism, 85 00:07:35,853 --> 00:07:41,119 is this really the best way to choose a leader? 86 00:07:52,270 --> 00:07:55,603 Birbal, we all know who will win. 87 00:07:56,895 --> 00:08:01,853 I just want him to feel, 88 00:08:02,561 --> 00:08:06,350 he has earned the right to lead the Mughal army. 89 00:09:07,228 --> 00:09:09,228 Always look before you leap. 90 00:09:09,645 --> 00:09:10,853 Maybe I spoke too soon 91 00:09:11,811 --> 00:09:14,478 Maybe you will have better luck Murad. 92 00:09:14,603 --> 00:09:17,029 A true warrior does not need luck. 93 00:10:20,603 --> 00:10:22,520 The campaign of Kabul, 94 00:10:25,111 --> 00:10:26,983 will be led by my son Murad. 95 00:10:42,145 --> 00:10:43,483 Pray tell my Lord you are worried, 96 00:10:43,603 --> 00:10:44,775 that your plan has backfired? 97 00:10:44,895 --> 00:10:48,436 No, Birbal. The game has only begun. 98 00:10:58,978 --> 00:11:02,395 The true test will be in Kabul. 99 00:11:31,436 --> 00:11:33,936 Whose picture is it you keep looking at all the time? 100 00:11:49,603 --> 00:11:50,770 Marvellous. 101 00:11:52,561 --> 00:11:54,895 Are you ready for battle? 102 00:11:55,436 --> 00:11:58,316 Of course not. I am no fighter. 103 00:11:58,436 --> 00:12:00,561 You need not be one. 104 00:12:01,436 --> 00:12:02,645 As long as you look strong. 105 00:12:03,353 --> 00:12:06,436 Just stand your ground and people will follow. 106 00:12:06,770 --> 00:12:07,895 Not in this kingdom. 107 00:12:08,186 --> 00:12:09,311 You are mistaken. 108 00:12:11,020 --> 00:12:12,686 We, the people of faith, are with you. 109 00:12:14,061 --> 00:12:16,561 I do not think you understand the power of the clergy. 110 00:12:17,395 --> 00:12:20,728 Our influence among people from the lowliest soldier to the highest noble. 111 00:12:21,103 --> 00:12:22,440 But the clergy alone cannot help. 112 00:12:22,811 --> 00:12:25,468 For the army, I am a laughing stock. 113 00:12:25,686 --> 00:12:26,603 Nonsense. 114 00:12:27,978 --> 00:12:28,978 You are wise. 115 00:12:29,645 --> 00:12:31,061 Devout and considerate. 116 00:12:32,488 --> 00:12:34,270 These qualities make you a leader. 117 00:12:38,270 --> 00:12:42,061 Whereas even lowly soldiers can shed blood. 118 00:12:42,853 --> 00:12:46,006 But Salim has empathy and courage. 119 00:12:47,395 --> 00:12:49,020 I am sorry my Prince 120 00:12:51,228 --> 00:12:55,228 On the contrary, like Murad, he has a certain arrogance, 121 00:12:57,020 --> 00:12:59,311 which will eventually spell trouble for everyone. 122 00:13:03,645 --> 00:13:06,270 For this empire to thrive they need a man, 123 00:13:07,520 --> 00:13:09,311 who can resist sin and the temptations of power. 124 00:13:14,811 --> 00:13:16,061 A man like you. 125 00:13:24,020 --> 00:13:25,478 I will bring back the heads, 126 00:13:25,895 --> 00:13:30,316 - of your half-brother and his brood. - His punishment will be mine to decide. 127 00:13:30,436 --> 00:13:32,645 Your duty is to recapture Kabul. 128 00:13:32,853 --> 00:13:33,770 Trust me. 129 00:13:33,978 --> 00:13:35,108 When I come knocking on the gates of Kabul, 130 00:13:35,228 --> 00:13:36,895 they will open on their own. 131 00:13:40,478 --> 00:13:44,316 I built those massive doors of Kabul. 132 00:13:44,436 --> 00:13:46,603 Tearing them down will be impossible. 133 00:13:47,101 --> 00:13:49,811 Attacking them head-on will be a mistake. 134 00:13:52,061 --> 00:13:53,483 But... with our might... 135 00:13:53,603 --> 00:13:55,978 When Kabul was my domain, 136 00:13:56,853 --> 00:13:59,770 I had tunnels built in the hillside. 137 00:14:01,895 --> 00:14:04,603 How does the Fox get the chickens when there is a tall fence around them? 138 00:14:05,353 --> 00:14:07,770 Does it climb the fence, or... 139 00:14:11,978 --> 00:14:12,936 - Yes father. - Go. 140 00:14:14,103 --> 00:14:15,020 Victory be with you. 141 00:14:43,061 --> 00:14:48,227 If your mother could see you now, she would be so proud. 142 00:14:57,103 --> 00:14:58,061 Thank you. 143 00:14:58,311 --> 00:14:59,353 Thank you father. 144 00:15:20,645 --> 00:15:22,617 Late even for war. 145 00:15:24,520 --> 00:15:25,936 Forgive me father. 146 00:15:26,061 --> 00:15:28,520 There was many a woman who wished me a send-off. 147 00:15:29,145 --> 00:15:31,853 If you want to stay alive, 148 00:15:32,645 --> 00:15:36,853 focus more on the battlefield and less on the bedroom. 149 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:44,311 Soldiers going to war, shouldn't be reminded of the bedroom father. 150 00:15:46,186 --> 00:15:48,770 I noticed you have a new concubine, 151 00:15:49,311 --> 00:15:50,603 hidden away in the wive's quarters. 152 00:15:54,145 --> 00:15:55,743 You are mistaken. 153 00:15:58,186 --> 00:16:01,998 A soldier going to war, should focus only on one thing. 154 00:16:03,103 --> 00:16:04,520 Defeating the enemy. 155 00:16:06,402 --> 00:16:07,436 Yes father. 156 00:16:28,853 --> 00:16:29,711 Brother. 157 00:16:43,978 --> 00:16:47,685 Congratulations on your fine horsemanship Prince Murad. 158 00:16:48,395 --> 00:16:49,811 I was most impressed. 159 00:16:51,228 --> 00:16:52,261 What do you want? 160 00:16:53,020 --> 00:16:56,988 Just to wish you good luck. 161 00:16:58,516 --> 00:17:02,437 This is a great opportunity for you to prove yourself. 162 00:17:03,561 --> 00:17:06,520 Prove myself? 163 00:17:07,728 --> 00:17:09,072 This will not be the first battle I have won. 164 00:17:09,262 --> 00:17:14,034 But victory would not only secure your succession to your father's throne, 165 00:17:14,436 --> 00:17:16,770 but also give you many more soldiers, 166 00:17:17,020 --> 00:17:18,936 if you were to need them for any reason 167 00:17:19,811 --> 00:17:20,770 Like what? 168 00:17:21,061 --> 00:17:25,851 [Man Singh] Grand Vizier, I would like to discuss strategy with Murad. 169 00:17:26,645 --> 00:17:29,270 Certainly, General. Certainly. 170 00:17:31,186 --> 00:17:32,186 What is the matter, Man Singh? 171 00:17:32,603 --> 00:17:34,466 A word of caution. 172 00:17:35,478 --> 00:17:40,792 Do not fall prey to a weaver like Abul Fazl. 173 00:17:42,853 --> 00:17:44,061 Be careful. 174 00:18:22,436 --> 00:18:25,088 How is it Salim knows of Anarkali? 175 00:18:26,895 --> 00:18:28,186 I do not know. 176 00:18:29,728 --> 00:18:33,688 Are you not required to accompany every guest to the harem? 177 00:18:34,895 --> 00:18:37,311 Yes my Lord. At all times. 178 00:18:37,686 --> 00:18:38,901 Including my sons. 179 00:18:41,686 --> 00:18:42,990 Then how did you fail? 180 00:18:46,645 --> 00:18:49,061 You know the punishment for this failure. 181 00:18:49,978 --> 00:18:51,000 My Lord, forgive me. 182 00:18:52,353 --> 00:18:53,400 My allegiance is forever with you 183 00:18:53,520 --> 00:18:54,436 Prove it. 184 00:18:54,936 --> 00:18:56,716 - But my Lord- - Prove it. 185 00:19:20,853 --> 00:19:24,103 Glory to the great emperor Akbar! 186 00:19:38,520 --> 00:19:40,171 The water is completely red. 187 00:19:51,103 --> 00:19:53,270 When the waters run red, 188 00:19:55,186 --> 00:19:56,923 royal blood will be spilt. 189 00:21:16,520 --> 00:21:18,192 An enemy spy Prince Murad. 190 00:21:18,603 --> 00:21:20,561 He was hiding in the bushes counting our forces. 191 00:21:21,061 --> 00:21:22,358 That's not true. 192 00:21:22,478 --> 00:21:23,645 Let me go. 193 00:21:25,853 --> 00:21:28,520 This elephant weighs more than your loyalty. 194 00:21:29,145 --> 00:21:30,645 Tell me what I want to know, 195 00:21:32,645 --> 00:21:33,566 Otherwise... 196 00:21:33,686 --> 00:21:34,920 What do you want to know? 197 00:21:37,395 --> 00:21:39,561 My father built that fort, 198 00:21:39,978 --> 00:21:42,641 which is how I know he also built tunnels. 199 00:21:44,353 --> 00:21:47,520 Tell me where the entrances are? 200 00:21:47,869 --> 00:21:49,400 Why don't you ask him? 201 00:21:49,520 --> 00:21:51,525 We sealed them long ago. 202 00:21:51,645 --> 00:21:54,196 You will never get through to the city. 203 00:21:55,811 --> 00:21:57,478 Don't test me. 204 00:21:57,770 --> 00:21:59,020 My name is Murad. 205 00:21:59,436 --> 00:22:01,061 I can even tear down the doors to heaven. 206 00:22:01,186 --> 00:22:02,478 This is merely a city. 207 00:22:05,311 --> 00:22:07,103 No. No. 208 00:22:22,526 --> 00:22:24,311 Afarsiyab. Qaiqubad. 209 00:22:24,770 --> 00:22:25,603 Are you seeing this? 210 00:22:25,853 --> 00:22:27,811 What are they doing father? 211 00:22:28,728 --> 00:22:31,311 Same things rats do. 212 00:22:32,186 --> 00:22:34,020 [Mirza Hakim] Looking for a tunnel in the fort. 213 00:22:36,322 --> 00:22:37,427 [Mirza Hakim] but they won't find any. 214 00:22:38,603 --> 00:22:40,978 [Mirza Hakim] These fools will be swallowed by the darkness. 215 00:22:45,450 --> 00:22:47,898 The Mughals are no fools. 216 00:22:50,103 --> 00:22:53,728 They are up to something we cannot see. 217 00:22:54,228 --> 00:22:57,331 You give them too much credit. 218 00:23:01,645 --> 00:23:05,826 This is an impenetrable, double-walled fortress. 219 00:23:07,353 --> 00:23:09,549 Our rear is a sheer drop. 220 00:23:11,395 --> 00:23:14,020 Our flanks are too steep. 221 00:23:14,853 --> 00:23:19,645 They can only attack from one direction... Head on, 222 00:23:20,936 --> 00:23:22,436 and we shall be waiting. 223 00:23:23,395 --> 00:23:26,686 To crush them like ants. 224 00:23:27,020 --> 00:23:29,478 What about their mighty war elephants? 225 00:23:29,895 --> 00:23:31,561 I have a surprise waiting for them. 226 00:23:39,520 --> 00:23:40,645 Wait. 227 00:23:42,853 --> 00:23:43,978 Let me deal with them. 228 00:23:49,895 --> 00:23:52,634 [Murad] ...then our main force will drive forward for a full frontal attack, 229 00:23:53,020 --> 00:23:54,186 led by myself. 230 00:23:54,686 --> 00:23:57,603 - Followed by Rajput and cavalry, then-- - No, Murad. 231 00:23:58,270 --> 00:23:59,108 This is suicide... 232 00:23:59,228 --> 00:24:00,186 Have you seen those walls? 233 00:24:00,811 --> 00:24:02,645 We will be like lambs to the slaughterhouse. 234 00:24:05,160 --> 00:24:06,270 Then Eid will be early this year. 235 00:24:08,020 --> 00:24:09,684 Every war demands sacrifice. 236 00:24:10,270 --> 00:24:13,725 - In case you are scared-- - Not afraid, and neither a fool. 237 00:24:14,395 --> 00:24:16,525 The cost of life to our forces will be untenable. 238 00:24:17,811 --> 00:24:18,978 Then what would you suggest? 239 00:24:21,645 --> 00:24:23,066 We surround the fortress. 240 00:24:23,186 --> 00:24:25,645 Stop any food or water going in, 241 00:24:26,061 --> 00:24:27,353 they will eventually surrender. 242 00:24:27,686 --> 00:24:29,895 The Babur era of laying seige is over 243 00:24:31,603 --> 00:24:36,108 I have neither the time nor the patience to wait for them to surrender. 244 00:24:36,228 --> 00:24:39,603 Impatient decisions often lead to one's grave Murad. 245 00:24:40,145 --> 00:24:42,796 - This impatience... - Father put me in charge of this army, 246 00:24:43,465 --> 00:24:44,603 not you! 247 00:24:46,436 --> 00:24:49,811 We attack at first light. 248 00:24:50,455 --> 00:24:51,511 Yes. 249 00:24:58,893 --> 00:25:00,166 Our Emissaries 250 00:25:13,546 --> 00:25:14,496 I told you... 251 00:25:16,686 --> 00:25:19,726 ...it would be a waste of time. 252 00:25:21,228 --> 00:25:26,145 Giving peace a try is never a waste of time. 253 00:25:26,853 --> 00:25:28,353 Dozens of our men will die tomorrow. 254 00:25:28,473 --> 00:25:30,087 And even more of theirs. 255 00:25:34,728 --> 00:25:36,811 - General. - Yes Prince Murad. 256 00:25:36,978 --> 00:25:38,103 Is everything in place? 257 00:25:38,686 --> 00:25:39,686 Yes my Lord. 258 00:25:39,978 --> 00:25:41,020 Then what are we waiting for? 259 00:25:41,406 --> 00:25:42,631 Let us go to war. 260 00:26:07,811 --> 00:26:10,561 Brother, you have awoken the dragon. 261 00:26:11,061 --> 00:26:12,200 All isn't lost yet. 262 00:26:14,353 --> 00:26:15,761 We must surrender... 263 00:26:17,478 --> 00:26:19,386 ...or we will be annihilated. 264 00:26:20,853 --> 00:26:22,895 I will never surrender to that heathen. 265 00:26:24,603 --> 00:26:26,507 If this is about your pride, 266 00:26:28,478 --> 00:26:30,061 then we will be destroyed. 267 00:26:32,853 --> 00:26:34,478 Victory will be on our side. 268 00:26:35,811 --> 00:26:37,520 May Allah protect us. 269 00:26:37,853 --> 00:26:39,603 Even if he doesn't protect us, 270 00:26:40,239 --> 00:26:42,145 I would miss you dearly if you were gone. 271 00:26:42,270 --> 00:26:43,645 Speak for yourself. 272 00:26:44,270 --> 00:26:45,400 Try not to fall off this saddle. 273 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:47,145 I wish these horses were concubines. 274 00:26:47,853 --> 00:26:49,536 They wouldn't throw me off so mercilessly. 275 00:26:50,145 --> 00:26:52,853 Even if I fall off, my brothers are here to help me get up. 276 00:26:54,208 --> 00:26:56,186 This much trust I have in you two. 277 00:26:59,145 --> 00:27:02,554 Durjan, there exists a thin line, between martyr and a fool. 278 00:27:02,936 --> 00:27:06,272 Stay close. Don't try to be a hero. 279 00:27:06,673 --> 00:27:07,770 Don't worry father. 280 00:27:08,228 --> 00:27:09,713 I won't let you be a martyr. 281 00:27:18,395 --> 00:27:20,020 Are you ready? 282 00:27:20,686 --> 00:27:21,895 Absolutely. 283 00:27:41,311 --> 00:27:44,395 Attack! 284 00:27:44,515 --> 00:27:48,116 Attack! 285 00:28:08,770 --> 00:28:10,311 Attack! 286 00:28:10,431 --> 00:28:15,079 Attack! Attack! Attack! 287 00:28:22,686 --> 00:28:25,187 Take positions. 288 00:28:34,853 --> 00:28:36,020 Now. 289 00:29:06,395 --> 00:29:09,000 We are getting slaughtered like lambs brother. 290 00:29:10,270 --> 00:29:11,630 We must do something. 291 00:29:14,353 --> 00:29:15,421 Murad. 292 00:30:25,186 --> 00:30:27,520 We are losing brother. We must retreat. 293 00:30:31,270 --> 00:30:32,311 It's up to us now. 294 00:30:41,270 --> 00:30:42,728 Attack. 295 00:31:02,728 --> 00:31:04,854 Move forward men. 296 00:34:22,604 --> 00:34:23,645 Prince. 297 00:34:24,229 --> 00:34:25,229 Come with me. 298 00:34:40,145 --> 00:34:43,145 The outer walls have been breached, father. 299 00:34:44,020 --> 00:34:46,937 Our men cannot hold the enemy back for too long. 300 00:34:47,354 --> 00:34:48,479 There is still time. 301 00:34:48,979 --> 00:34:50,854 We must flee. 302 00:35:28,520 --> 00:35:31,062 Send every last man we have. 303 00:35:32,270 --> 00:35:34,020 We cannot lose this war Afrasiyab. 304 00:35:34,140 --> 00:35:34,775 Never. 305 00:35:34,895 --> 00:35:36,645 Lay down your sword Brother. 306 00:35:37,437 --> 00:35:38,901 Or they will kill us all. 307 00:35:39,020 --> 00:35:40,728 No point in laying down our weapons now. 308 00:35:41,729 --> 00:35:44,812 We must use the secret passage under the Mosque to escape. 309 00:36:08,729 --> 00:36:09,729 Father. 310 00:36:11,520 --> 00:36:13,895 The battle of Badr wasn't won in a day. 311 00:36:15,687 --> 00:36:18,270 We must live to fight another day. 312 00:36:19,770 --> 00:36:22,228 With our mind and not blind rage. 313 00:36:55,020 --> 00:36:56,145 Come father. 314 00:37:00,770 --> 00:37:01,979 Bakht? You? 315 00:37:07,645 --> 00:37:09,062 Kabul is in my veins. 316 00:37:11,645 --> 00:37:13,171 I will not run. 317 00:37:24,520 --> 00:37:27,270 Signal our troops to surrender immediately. 318 00:37:49,729 --> 00:37:51,354 Just a little longer now Prince Daniyal. 319 00:37:52,570 --> 00:37:54,069 The war is nearly over. 320 00:38:02,770 --> 00:38:07,562 The troops of Kabul are hereby ordered to surrender. 321 00:38:29,145 --> 00:38:33,275 Blood of Timur! 322 00:38:33,395 --> 00:38:37,562 Blood of Timur! 323 00:38:38,349 --> 00:38:41,145 Blood of Timur! 324 00:38:41,265 --> 00:38:45,108 Blood of Timur! 325 00:38:45,229 --> 00:38:48,479 Blood of Timur! 326 00:39:03,729 --> 00:39:05,437 Stop right there. 327 00:39:24,812 --> 00:39:25,916 Where is Mirza Hakim? 328 00:39:26,729 --> 00:39:28,479 He and his sons have fled. 329 00:39:28,854 --> 00:39:29,854 They fled? 330 00:39:31,354 --> 00:39:32,604 Then which one of you men is in charge? 331 00:39:33,895 --> 00:39:34,812 I am. 332 00:39:59,520 --> 00:40:01,770 What a delectable prize you shall give the Emperor. 333 00:40:03,229 --> 00:40:04,293 He will be most pleased! 334 00:40:06,312 --> 00:40:07,312 Son. 335 00:40:08,395 --> 00:40:10,645 I saw you praying. 336 00:40:11,437 --> 00:40:12,520 If you are a man of God, 337 00:40:13,020 --> 00:40:15,729 why do you follow an infidel king? 338 00:40:16,270 --> 00:40:18,645 Who crushes our faith every day? 339 00:40:18,765 --> 00:40:19,729 Wait. 340 00:40:22,145 --> 00:40:23,062 Wait outside. 341 00:40:25,437 --> 00:40:26,479 You were saying. 342 00:40:26,729 --> 00:40:27,645 Nothing. 343 00:40:28,181 --> 00:40:29,145 I was thinking... 344 00:40:30,229 --> 00:40:33,104 How do you think someone like you would be seen in the eyes of Allah? 345 00:40:33,895 --> 00:40:38,604 As you have no side to pick. 346 00:40:40,604 --> 00:40:43,854 Allah says to obey your parents. 347 00:40:44,812 --> 00:40:46,033 Whether they are right or wrong. 348 00:40:48,145 --> 00:40:52,770 But that is for those who embrace our Lord. 349 00:40:54,729 --> 00:40:58,020 Those with no faith are an enemy of Allah. 350 00:40:58,770 --> 00:41:00,556 As is the one who follows them. 351 00:41:02,520 --> 00:41:04,270 I am sorry Daniyal... 352 00:41:05,479 --> 00:41:07,479 following in your fathers footsteps, 353 00:41:08,479 --> 00:41:10,604 is not a route to Allah. 354 00:41:11,187 --> 00:41:16,395 This 'middle path' leads straight to hell. 355 00:41:22,437 --> 00:41:24,065 Though he is father's enemy, 356 00:41:24,270 --> 00:41:26,104 he is a true believer of Allah.. 357 00:41:27,770 --> 00:41:30,483 Surrendering him to father may enrage Allah. 358 00:41:30,604 --> 00:41:31,604 Certainly. 359 00:41:34,312 --> 00:41:39,593 If you let him go, he could be an ally for another day.