1 00:00:11,502 --> 00:00:14,678 [respirators hissing] 2 00:00:47,607 --> 00:00:50,300 [dramatic music] 3 00:00:58,204 --> 00:00:59,171 [dramatic music continues] 4 00:00:59,171 --> 00:01:00,689 - Acute radiation syndrome. 5 00:01:02,208 --> 00:01:05,004 That's the term the coroner will use on his report. 6 00:01:05,004 --> 00:01:06,212 Just after the bit where he calls this 7 00:01:06,212 --> 00:01:07,489 the most dangerous post-mortem 8 00:01:07,489 --> 00:01:09,284 ever undertaken in the western world. 9 00:01:10,665 --> 00:01:12,701 You'll need a lead coffin is the other thing. 10 00:01:12,701 --> 00:01:13,668 For the radiation. 11 00:01:15,359 --> 00:01:18,051 - So polonium poisoning? 12 00:01:18,051 --> 00:01:18,914 - Essentially. 13 00:01:18,914 --> 00:01:20,123 Pharyngeal damage, 14 00:01:20,123 --> 00:01:22,539 confirming the fact it was ingested orally. 15 00:01:22,539 --> 00:01:23,954 Liver and kidneys were worse affected, 16 00:01:23,954 --> 00:01:25,887 but all his organs suffered severe atrophy 17 00:01:25,887 --> 00:01:30,133 resulting in an almost total state of internal, you know... 18 00:01:31,237 --> 00:01:32,307 - No. 19 00:01:32,307 --> 00:01:33,136 - Well, 20 00:01:35,897 --> 00:01:36,725 sludge. 21 00:01:39,866 --> 00:01:41,316 - Right. 22 00:01:41,316 --> 00:01:42,145 Thank you. 23 00:01:47,840 --> 00:01:49,186 So what did they do it with? 24 00:01:49,186 --> 00:01:51,050 [dramatic music] 25 00:01:51,050 --> 00:01:52,707 - Sorry? 26 00:01:52,707 --> 00:01:54,502 - What did they use to administer it? 27 00:01:55,434 --> 00:01:56,400 Or was it a bottle? 28 00:01:56,400 --> 00:01:58,713 Some sort of food stuff or... 29 00:01:58,713 --> 00:02:00,611 Probably none of our business. 30 00:02:00,611 --> 00:02:01,405 Sorry. 31 00:02:02,510 --> 00:02:04,132 - No, no, it's okay. 32 00:02:07,377 --> 00:02:08,309 It's more than okay. 33 00:02:08,309 --> 00:02:09,172 Thank you. 34 00:02:17,110 --> 00:02:20,597 [Geiger counter clicking] 35 00:02:24,808 --> 00:02:28,570 [speaking foreign language] 36 00:02:56,184 --> 00:02:58,807 - A guilty man would never do that. 37 00:02:58,807 --> 00:03:00,084 - No. 38 00:03:00,084 --> 00:03:01,569 - Not unless he's got a sick mind. 39 00:03:02,949 --> 00:03:04,192 - Exactly. 40 00:03:04,192 --> 00:03:05,331 - So, like I said, we're gonna change the locks 41 00:03:05,331 --> 00:03:06,539 and the landline number. 42 00:03:06,539 --> 00:03:07,851 Not because anything to worry about, 43 00:03:07,851 --> 00:03:09,059 it's more just for peace of mind. 44 00:03:09,059 --> 00:03:10,957 - Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. 45 00:03:10,957 --> 00:03:12,338 - And the name of the landlord? 46 00:03:12,338 --> 00:03:15,341 - Boris Berezovsky, he's a friend of the family. 47 00:03:17,619 --> 00:03:20,312 - They can't get to you here. Mrs. Litvinenko. 48 00:03:20,312 --> 00:03:21,865 - He's right. 49 00:03:21,865 --> 00:03:24,764 The people who did it are thousands of miles away. 50 00:03:26,421 --> 00:03:29,286 [horns honking] 51 00:03:29,286 --> 00:03:31,944 - Olly, how long 'til we get to the hotel? 52 00:03:31,944 --> 00:03:35,982 [speaking foreign language] 53 00:03:35,982 --> 00:03:36,811 [phone beeping] 54 00:03:36,811 --> 00:03:37,639 - Nearly there. 55 00:03:38,985 --> 00:03:40,539 - Oh, hang on, wrong phone. 56 00:03:47,960 --> 00:03:50,376 Right our contact is Ingrid Campbell. 57 00:03:50,376 --> 00:03:52,792 She wants to meet at noon tomorrow. 58 00:03:52,792 --> 00:03:54,622 - Funny place to keep your mobile. 59 00:03:54,622 --> 00:03:56,486 - No, we've all got one. 60 00:03:56,486 --> 00:03:59,212 It's everything on these. 61 00:03:59,212 --> 00:04:01,284 Find two numbers saved in the contacts. 62 00:04:01,284 --> 00:04:02,699 One's mine, the other's each other's. 63 00:04:02,699 --> 00:04:04,045 That's all we'll ever need. 64 00:04:05,288 --> 00:04:06,599 Yeah, Campbell's gonna introduce us 65 00:04:06,599 --> 00:04:08,221 to someone from the prosecutor's office. 66 00:04:08,221 --> 00:04:11,397 - And they'll connect us with Lugovoy and Kovtun? 67 00:04:11,397 --> 00:04:12,329 - Maybe. 68 00:04:12,329 --> 00:04:13,882 - Or at least someone who will. 69 00:04:13,882 --> 00:04:15,574 - Maybe, not necessarily. 70 00:04:15,574 --> 00:04:16,816 - Right. 71 00:04:16,816 --> 00:04:17,886 - Well we do know where they are. 72 00:04:19,094 --> 00:04:20,648 Well, how we gonna know they'll talk? 73 00:04:21,614 --> 00:04:22,891 - We don't. 74 00:04:22,891 --> 00:04:25,204 - You said the Russians had agreed to cooperate. 75 00:04:25,204 --> 00:04:26,032 - They have. 76 00:04:26,032 --> 00:04:26,999 Whatever that means. 77 00:04:29,139 --> 00:04:31,728 Look, we are here in their country 78 00:04:31,728 --> 00:04:33,592 asking for their help to prove 79 00:04:33,592 --> 00:04:36,146 that their people killed someone on our patch. 80 00:04:36,146 --> 00:04:38,355 And we've got no guarantees of getting anything. 81 00:04:38,355 --> 00:04:41,082 We're here purely and simply because there's a chance. 82 00:04:42,566 --> 00:04:43,395 Okay? 83 00:04:45,293 --> 00:04:48,054 [dramatic music] 84 00:04:52,093 --> 00:04:53,750 - [Jim] Olly was saying they've got all kinds here. 85 00:04:53,750 --> 00:04:56,062 They've got Top Shop, Body Shop, they've got M&S. 86 00:04:56,062 --> 00:04:57,512 He's been here before. 87 00:04:57,512 --> 00:04:59,031 - [Tarpey] It's globalization. 88 00:04:59,031 --> 00:05:00,860 - Yeah but those are all the things that we've given them. 89 00:05:00,860 --> 00:05:02,103 I mean, you tell me one thing 90 00:05:02,103 --> 00:05:03,553 the Russians have put on our high street. 91 00:05:03,553 --> 00:05:05,417 - What, apart from polonium you mean? 92 00:05:05,417 --> 00:05:07,039 You know, state sponsored assassination 93 00:05:07,039 --> 00:05:09,352 coming soon to a high street near you. 94 00:05:09,352 --> 00:05:11,112 That's proper globalization. 95 00:05:12,182 --> 00:05:15,944 [speaking foreign language] 96 00:05:25,264 --> 00:05:26,092 Hmm. 97 00:05:36,931 --> 00:05:40,175 [phone line crackling] 98 00:05:47,320 --> 00:05:49,944 [phone ringing] 99 00:05:49,944 --> 00:05:50,979 Hello? 100 00:05:50,979 --> 00:05:52,740 - [Jim] My burner's not working. 101 00:05:52,740 --> 00:05:53,568 Nor's Gadney's. 102 00:05:53,568 --> 00:05:54,466 - Nor's mine. 103 00:05:55,467 --> 00:05:56,640 - [Jim] You think it's them? 104 00:05:56,640 --> 00:05:58,401 - Oh, it's probably us. 105 00:05:58,401 --> 00:05:59,919 Us and our shitty phones. 106 00:06:00,886 --> 00:06:02,128 - [Jim] I didn't like the look 107 00:06:02,128 --> 00:06:03,613 of that bloke who checked this in. 108 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:05,373 - Well, the Russian prosecutor knows we're here 109 00:06:05,373 --> 00:06:06,857 but that's it. 110 00:06:06,857 --> 00:06:10,378 Anyone else, this whole trip's totally under the radar. 111 00:06:12,829 --> 00:06:13,692 You get some kip. 112 00:06:20,975 --> 00:06:23,460 - Moscow, MI6, radiation. 113 00:06:23,460 --> 00:06:26,981 Strip it all away and what we've got 114 00:06:26,981 --> 00:06:30,433 is something that everyone in this room 115 00:06:30,433 --> 00:06:32,918 has worked on dozens of times before, 116 00:06:34,126 --> 00:06:34,954 a murder. 117 00:06:37,405 --> 00:06:41,547 We've got victim, crime scene, we've even got suspects. 118 00:06:41,547 --> 00:06:45,620 But what we don't have is a weapon. 119 00:06:45,620 --> 00:06:46,725 That's what's missing. 120 00:06:48,140 --> 00:06:51,177 You know we've got Colonel Mustard, the ballroom, 121 00:06:51,177 --> 00:06:53,594 but using what, we don't know. 122 00:06:53,594 --> 00:06:54,940 - Yeah, we do though, don't we? 123 00:06:54,940 --> 00:06:55,872 It's polonium-210. 124 00:06:55,872 --> 00:06:57,149 - No, no, no. 125 00:06:57,149 --> 00:06:58,461 You see, hat's what I've been thinking. 126 00:06:58,461 --> 00:07:00,083 But polonium's not the weapon. 127 00:07:00,083 --> 00:07:01,947 Polonium is just the thing that killed him 128 00:07:01,947 --> 00:07:03,466 after they put it in his tea. 129 00:07:03,466 --> 00:07:06,434 - But we can link polonium to Lugovoy and Kovtun 130 00:07:06,434 --> 00:07:07,400 because of the plane. 131 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:09,195 - Yeah, but is that enough? 132 00:07:09,195 --> 00:07:11,784 That plane has been in and out of Russia, 133 00:07:11,784 --> 00:07:14,787 the home of polonium, since this happened. 134 00:07:15,961 --> 00:07:18,135 What's to stop the Russians attributing 135 00:07:18,135 --> 00:07:19,861 polonium we found on the plane 136 00:07:19,861 --> 00:07:21,760 to any other person on that plane 137 00:07:21,760 --> 00:07:24,003 who's come into contact with it? 138 00:07:24,003 --> 00:07:26,972 Look, we all agree that polonium was in the tea. 139 00:07:26,972 --> 00:07:30,527 What we need to do is find the item or items 140 00:07:30,527 --> 00:07:33,219 that the polonium was held in 141 00:07:33,219 --> 00:07:36,084 and we need to link that to these two, 142 00:07:36,084 --> 00:07:40,433 Dmitry Kovtun and, most importantly, Andrey Lugovoy. 143 00:07:40,433 --> 00:07:44,955 That way, anything they tell Tarpey and the team in Moscow 144 00:07:44,955 --> 00:07:46,509 can be directly contradicted. 145 00:07:49,235 --> 00:07:50,305 Think of it this way, 146 00:07:51,514 --> 00:07:53,550 if polonium-210 is the bullet, 147 00:07:54,447 --> 00:07:56,208 what we need to find is the gun. 148 00:07:57,520 --> 00:07:59,936 - I want to lead on the weapon search. 149 00:07:59,936 --> 00:08:02,525 Or whatever we're calling it. 150 00:08:02,525 --> 00:08:03,871 You had Tarpey lead on Moscow, 151 00:08:03,871 --> 00:08:05,804 despite him not knowing the case. 152 00:08:05,804 --> 00:08:07,668 I can see how you arrived at that decision, 153 00:08:07,668 --> 00:08:09,842 you two go way back and he's trusted and what have you 154 00:08:09,842 --> 00:08:13,294 but I made a personal promise to Marina Litvinenko and- 155 00:08:13,294 --> 00:08:14,122 - Great. 156 00:08:16,331 --> 00:08:17,643 I was gonna ask you anyway, 157 00:08:23,304 --> 00:08:24,236 Martin Svensson. 158 00:08:25,133 --> 00:08:26,410 - [Brent] Who? 159 00:08:26,410 --> 00:08:27,964 - He's the manager of the Millennium Motel. 160 00:08:29,724 --> 00:08:30,553 Give him a ring. 161 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:34,108 Tell him we're paying him another visit. 162 00:08:34,108 --> 00:08:37,249 [dramatic music] 163 00:08:37,249 --> 00:08:40,908 [speaking foreign language] 164 00:08:48,640 --> 00:08:51,228 [door buzzing] 165 00:09:05,311 --> 00:09:07,900 [door buzzing] 166 00:09:10,972 --> 00:09:12,456 - Ms. Campbell. - You're early. 167 00:09:12,456 --> 00:09:13,734 - Sorry. - No, it's good. 168 00:09:13,734 --> 00:09:15,874 The Russian prosecutor got here an hour ago. 169 00:09:15,874 --> 00:09:18,014 All the usual cliches apply I'm afraid. 170 00:09:18,014 --> 00:09:19,429 If you're early, they're earlier. 171 00:09:19,429 --> 00:09:21,293 If you're on time, they'll keep you waiting. 172 00:09:21,293 --> 00:09:24,779 Your phones don't work but is it them or is it you? 173 00:09:24,779 --> 00:09:25,608 - And. 174 00:09:25,608 --> 00:09:26,470 - I'm sorry. 175 00:09:26,470 --> 00:09:28,024 - Which is it? 176 00:09:28,024 --> 00:09:29,508 - Them, probably. 177 00:09:29,508 --> 00:09:30,923 As my predecessor used to say, 178 00:09:30,923 --> 00:09:32,891 if they'd included mind games in the Moscow Olympics, 179 00:09:32,891 --> 00:09:34,306 they'd have swept the board. 180 00:09:44,488 --> 00:09:48,044 Gentlemen, Nika Privalova from the prosecutor's office. 181 00:09:48,044 --> 00:09:51,806 [speaking foreign language] 182 00:09:54,464 --> 00:09:56,155 - Then let's do it in English. 183 00:09:57,640 --> 00:10:01,540 You want to interview Andrey Lugovoy y Dmitri Kovtun, da? 184 00:10:01,540 --> 00:10:02,748 - That is correct. 185 00:10:02,748 --> 00:10:05,613 And we thank you for your help in this. 186 00:10:06,649 --> 00:10:08,823 - You have list of questions? 187 00:10:08,823 --> 00:10:10,376 - Well, there are certain things 188 00:10:10,376 --> 00:10:12,758 we'll be looking to talk to them about, certainly. 189 00:10:12,758 --> 00:10:14,380 - You need list of questions. 190 00:10:14,380 --> 00:10:16,106 You give questions to me. 191 00:10:16,106 --> 00:10:18,350 After this, we arrange. 192 00:10:18,350 --> 00:10:20,076 - So you know where they are? 193 00:10:20,076 --> 00:10:21,180 - Yes. 194 00:10:21,180 --> 00:10:23,182 - And we can definitely talk to them? 195 00:10:23,182 --> 00:10:24,839 - Lugovoy, yes, no problem. 196 00:10:25,840 --> 00:10:27,255 - And Kovtun? 197 00:10:27,255 --> 00:10:28,671 - Kovtun 198 00:10:28,671 --> 00:10:29,672 Yes. 199 00:10:30,776 --> 00:10:34,193 But Kovtun, you have to be very fast. 200 00:10:34,193 --> 00:10:36,161 Kovtun is serious. 201 00:10:37,403 --> 00:10:39,682 - How do you mean, serious? 202 00:10:39,682 --> 00:10:42,443 - Kovtun is sick. 203 00:10:42,443 --> 00:10:43,444 From polonium. 204 00:10:44,756 --> 00:10:46,309 - Just to be clear, 205 00:10:46,309 --> 00:10:50,209 you're saying that Kovtun has also been poisoned? 206 00:10:50,209 --> 00:10:51,728 - Yes. 207 00:10:51,728 --> 00:10:54,938 - As in, he's ingested some polonium accidentally? 208 00:10:54,938 --> 00:10:56,733 - No. [dramatic music] 209 00:10:56,733 --> 00:10:59,632 Kovtun is a victim of poison. 210 00:10:59,632 --> 00:11:00,461 - By whom? 211 00:11:00,461 --> 00:11:02,290 By Lugovoy? 212 00:11:02,290 --> 00:11:03,878 - No. 213 00:11:03,878 --> 00:11:05,880 By Alexander Litvinenko. 214 00:11:12,818 --> 00:11:15,096 - Number four, describe the reasons 215 00:11:15,096 --> 00:11:16,201 for your meetings with Litvinenko 216 00:11:16,201 --> 00:11:17,720 in October, November this year. 217 00:11:18,824 --> 00:11:19,998 Number five, 218 00:11:19,998 --> 00:11:21,654 can you give an account for your movements 219 00:11:21,654 --> 00:11:23,277 on the afternoon of November 1st? 220 00:11:23,277 --> 00:11:24,450 - All right, that's the one. 221 00:11:24,450 --> 00:11:26,383 That's the one we definitely need to ask. 222 00:11:26,383 --> 00:11:28,316 That's our best chance to trip them up. 223 00:11:28,316 --> 00:11:29,145 - Yeah. 224 00:11:30,802 --> 00:11:34,184 [keypad beeping] 225 00:11:34,184 --> 00:11:36,704 - So the plan is to meet Privalova, 226 00:11:36,704 --> 00:11:38,775 give her the questions and following in convoy 227 00:11:38,775 --> 00:11:40,950 to the hospital to see Dmitri Kovtun. 228 00:11:43,884 --> 00:11:45,575 You need to make a phone call. 229 00:11:45,575 --> 00:11:46,749 - Yeah. 230 00:11:46,749 --> 00:11:48,060 - The one on the right, the red phone. 231 00:11:48,060 --> 00:11:49,130 That's secure. [dramatic music] 232 00:11:49,130 --> 00:11:49,924 - Thank you. 233 00:11:54,757 --> 00:11:56,068 - Nice one, this is huge. 234 00:11:57,760 --> 00:11:59,313 Just remember Tarpey, it's worth nothing 235 00:11:59,313 --> 00:12:00,348 unless it's on tape. 236 00:12:02,592 --> 00:12:04,076 - I know you know. 237 00:12:04,076 --> 00:12:07,355 It's just good to remind ourselves of these things. 238 00:12:09,461 --> 00:12:10,773 Right, good man. 239 00:12:12,913 --> 00:12:15,467 Kovtun, they're interviewing him tonight. 240 00:12:16,537 --> 00:12:18,125 Finally we're getting somewhere. 241 00:12:20,368 --> 00:12:22,301 - Certainly sir, if you don't mind waiting. 242 00:12:25,822 --> 00:12:27,824 - Guess they want me to wait in the bar. 243 00:12:31,414 --> 00:12:32,795 - This is the one. 244 00:12:32,795 --> 00:12:34,382 This was the table. 245 00:12:36,039 --> 00:12:38,041 - So this was Litvinenko's seat? 246 00:12:38,041 --> 00:12:39,249 - No, this is. 247 00:12:40,423 --> 00:12:41,734 You're in Lugovoy's. 248 00:12:42,666 --> 00:12:44,082 He was sitting where you are. 249 00:12:45,186 --> 00:12:47,257 Confident, relaxed. 250 00:12:47,257 --> 00:12:49,466 Eyes on the door, waiting. 251 00:12:49,466 --> 00:12:52,021 Then I'd have come in, hurried in, 252 00:12:52,021 --> 00:12:53,677 'cause you brought the meeting forward. 253 00:12:53,677 --> 00:12:56,749 Sat down to find the tea already here. 254 00:12:56,749 --> 00:12:58,061 Already ordered. 255 00:12:58,061 --> 00:12:59,891 Already getting cold. 256 00:12:59,891 --> 00:13:01,064 - So why drink it? 257 00:13:02,445 --> 00:13:04,654 You knew the risks, you didn't consume anything 258 00:13:04,654 --> 00:13:06,000 you hadn't bought yourself 259 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:08,831 at your lunch with Scaramella a few hours before. 260 00:13:08,831 --> 00:13:10,522 So why, why, 261 00:13:10,522 --> 00:13:13,628 in here, did you drink? 262 00:13:13,628 --> 00:13:15,216 - Cause you're my boss. 263 00:13:15,216 --> 00:13:16,804 - No Lugovoy wasn't Litvinenko's boss. 264 00:13:16,804 --> 00:13:19,703 - Not boss but, you know, superior. 265 00:13:20,981 --> 00:13:22,534 An alpha male. 266 00:13:22,534 --> 00:13:25,848 You exert a certain level of social control over others. 267 00:13:25,848 --> 00:13:27,090 Men your own age. 268 00:13:28,574 --> 00:13:32,993 And when you ask people to do things, they tend to do them. 269 00:13:36,134 --> 00:13:38,343 - Are we still talking about Lugovoy, Brent? 270 00:13:41,691 --> 00:13:43,693 - Can I get you gentlemen a drink? 271 00:13:43,693 --> 00:13:45,419 - No, thank you. - I'll have... 272 00:13:45,419 --> 00:13:49,112 We're actually waiting for someone. 273 00:13:49,112 --> 00:13:51,666 In fact, here he is look. 274 00:13:51,666 --> 00:13:54,324 [horn sounding] 275 00:14:11,479 --> 00:14:12,895 - [Tarpey] You all right? 276 00:14:12,895 --> 00:14:14,275 - Well if he has been poisoned, he's in the right place. 277 00:14:14,275 --> 00:14:15,518 Hospital No. 6 is where 278 00:14:15,518 --> 00:14:17,416 they treated the victims of Chernobyl. 279 00:14:17,416 --> 00:14:19,246 Oh, she also told me that, under Russian law, 280 00:14:19,246 --> 00:14:21,869 all police interviews must be completed by 10:00 PM. 281 00:14:23,112 --> 00:14:24,596 - Why is that even a rule? 282 00:14:24,596 --> 00:14:26,460 - Get in Tarps. - Fine. 283 00:14:27,910 --> 00:14:29,704 - Can't get through tonight, we'll come back tomorrow. 284 00:14:29,704 --> 00:14:31,603 - Not an option either. 285 00:14:31,603 --> 00:14:33,156 His health's getting worse apparently. 286 00:14:33,156 --> 00:14:35,745 They're making it very clear this is a one off. 287 00:14:35,745 --> 00:14:37,885 You're lucky to be seeing you at all. 288 00:14:37,885 --> 00:14:39,128 - Come on! 289 00:14:39,128 --> 00:14:40,923 They wanna help or not? 290 00:14:40,923 --> 00:14:42,303 It's nearly seven. 291 00:14:42,303 --> 00:14:44,340 Cutting it a bit fine. 292 00:14:44,340 --> 00:14:45,548 Could you ask him 293 00:14:45,548 --> 00:14:46,756 how long it's gonna take to get there please? 294 00:14:46,756 --> 00:14:50,484 [speaking foreign language] 295 00:14:51,968 --> 00:14:53,487 - 20 minutes, apparently. 296 00:14:55,489 --> 00:14:59,217 [speaking foreign language] 297 00:15:00,943 --> 00:15:02,151 - What? 298 00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:03,152 What does that mean? 299 00:15:06,362 --> 00:15:09,054 - Every guest has one glass and one cup in their room 300 00:15:09,054 --> 00:15:11,850 to make tea or coffee or whatever they like. 301 00:15:11,850 --> 00:15:13,576 - And these are the same cups and glasses 302 00:15:13,576 --> 00:15:14,957 you use in the restaurant? 303 00:15:14,957 --> 00:15:17,373 - Same as restaurant, same as Pine Bar. 304 00:15:18,719 --> 00:15:20,203 - So, how many are we talking? 305 00:15:26,209 --> 00:15:27,797 - And these are just a clean ones? 306 00:15:30,800 --> 00:15:32,457 Well, you asked for it Brent. 307 00:15:34,217 --> 00:15:35,149 Let's get cracking. 308 00:15:42,985 --> 00:15:43,882 - It's taking forever. 309 00:15:43,882 --> 00:15:46,195 This is a joke. 310 00:15:46,195 --> 00:15:47,472 20 minutes? 311 00:15:47,472 --> 00:15:49,543 It's been two hours! 312 00:15:49,543 --> 00:15:52,822 [speaking foreign language] 313 00:15:52,822 --> 00:15:53,857 - It's just up ahead. 314 00:15:54,927 --> 00:15:56,999 Okay, listen. 315 00:15:56,999 --> 00:15:58,552 Obviously they're running the clock out on us 316 00:15:58,552 --> 00:16:01,141 so, when we get in there, we're not gonna ask any questions, 317 00:16:01,141 --> 00:16:03,108 we're not gonna complain about delays. 318 00:16:03,108 --> 00:16:05,214 That'll only cause more delays. 319 00:16:05,214 --> 00:16:08,182 So we just do as we're told and we get on with it. 320 00:16:08,182 --> 00:16:09,356 - Apparently the hospital 321 00:16:09,356 --> 00:16:11,323 are providing hazmat suits for you. 322 00:16:12,359 --> 00:16:13,187 - Okay. 323 00:16:16,156 --> 00:16:18,192 - I thought this was supposed to be under the radar. 324 00:16:18,192 --> 00:16:19,090 [indistinct shouting] 325 00:16:19,090 --> 00:16:20,470 Ignore them. 326 00:16:20,470 --> 00:16:22,507 Let's push past the bullshit 327 00:16:22,507 --> 00:16:23,508 and get this done. 328 00:16:25,337 --> 00:16:30,342 [speaking foreign language] [dramatic music] 329 00:16:46,910 --> 00:16:47,739 - Here. 330 00:16:47,739 --> 00:16:48,567 You change. 331 00:16:49,637 --> 00:16:52,088 But please, keep these outside. 332 00:16:52,088 --> 00:16:53,779 - We need to record the interview. 333 00:16:53,779 --> 00:16:56,265 - We will record, it's all prepared. 334 00:16:56,265 --> 00:16:57,197 - Okay. 335 00:16:57,197 --> 00:16:58,474 Then, after it's finished, 336 00:16:58,474 --> 00:16:59,406 we're gonna need a copy of the tape. 337 00:16:59,406 --> 00:17:00,338 - [Privalova] No problem. 338 00:17:00,338 --> 00:17:01,373 - I need your guarantee on that. 339 00:17:01,373 --> 00:17:02,823 - No problem. 340 00:17:02,823 --> 00:17:05,998 But please, only two persons inside the interview. 341 00:17:05,998 --> 00:17:06,930 - Two. 342 00:17:06,930 --> 00:17:08,139 - [Privalova] Two, it's a rule. 343 00:17:08,139 --> 00:17:09,105 - Whose rule, whose rule is that now? 344 00:17:09,105 --> 00:17:10,072 - Tarps. 345 00:17:10,072 --> 00:17:11,832 Remember what you said. 346 00:17:11,832 --> 00:17:12,660 - Okay. 347 00:17:12,660 --> 00:17:13,903 Then, in that case, 348 00:17:13,903 --> 00:17:16,078 it will be DC Oliver Gadney for his Russian 349 00:17:16,078 --> 00:17:19,391 and myself, DI Brian Tarpey. 350 00:17:19,391 --> 00:17:20,220 Thank you. 351 00:17:26,295 --> 00:17:27,986 Fast as we can boys. 352 00:17:39,722 --> 00:17:42,966 [indistinct muttering] 353 00:17:47,833 --> 00:17:48,834 - [Jim] Questions. 354 00:17:48,834 --> 00:17:49,939 - Thanks. 355 00:17:49,939 --> 00:17:52,114 Right, let's get in there. 356 00:18:21,971 --> 00:18:24,767 - Gentlemen, this is Dmitry Kovtun. 357 00:18:34,190 --> 00:18:36,606 This is Dmitri Kovtun? 358 00:18:36,606 --> 00:18:38,194 - This is Dmitri Kovtun. 359 00:18:40,990 --> 00:18:42,164 - [Olly] Okay. 360 00:18:44,511 --> 00:18:48,239 [speaking foreign language] 361 00:18:53,968 --> 00:18:55,418 - If it was green tea, 362 00:18:55,418 --> 00:18:59,871 we can rule out the espresso cups and the milk jugs. 363 00:18:59,871 --> 00:19:02,114 And the sugar bowls and the sauce are unlikely 364 00:19:02,114 --> 00:19:05,980 to have had any direct contact with any liquid, right? 365 00:19:05,980 --> 00:19:07,189 So what does that leave? 366 00:19:08,776 --> 00:19:11,089 - Tea pots, cups? 367 00:19:11,089 --> 00:19:13,574 - Does this mean we must stop using these items? 368 00:19:13,574 --> 00:19:14,955 - It would be wise. 369 00:19:14,955 --> 00:19:17,302 - But we have been using them all this time. 370 00:19:17,302 --> 00:19:18,890 - He's got a point. 371 00:19:18,890 --> 00:19:20,305 The poisoning took place when? 372 00:19:20,305 --> 00:19:21,617 November 1st? 373 00:19:21,617 --> 00:19:23,377 And what's the date today? 374 00:19:23,377 --> 00:19:25,207 - December 5th. 375 00:19:25,207 --> 00:19:28,175 - So during all that time, this stuff's been in constant use 376 00:19:28,175 --> 00:19:30,591 and every time a cup gets used, it gets washed? 377 00:19:32,041 --> 00:19:33,836 So, even if that's once a day, 378 00:19:33,836 --> 00:19:35,424 they'll still all have been put through 379 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:37,978 an industrial strength dishwasher 380 00:19:37,978 --> 00:19:40,360 over 30 times since the poisoning took place. 381 00:19:42,189 --> 00:19:45,019 And nobody who has drunk from any of these cups 382 00:19:45,019 --> 00:19:46,918 has suffered any ill effects? 383 00:19:46,918 --> 00:19:48,437 - That we know of. 384 00:19:48,437 --> 00:19:50,024 - I'm thinking the chances of us 385 00:19:50,024 --> 00:19:52,855 getting any kind of reading here are, 386 00:19:52,855 --> 00:19:55,409 well, ludicrously small. 387 00:19:56,514 --> 00:19:58,688 Feels like a waste of time. 388 00:19:58,688 --> 00:19:59,517 I'm sorry. 389 00:20:01,173 --> 00:20:04,832 [speaking foreign language] 390 00:21:10,795 --> 00:21:13,176 - [Jim] What a total waste of time. 391 00:21:13,176 --> 00:21:15,282 - It's the bandages I don't get. 392 00:21:15,282 --> 00:21:16,421 - What the hell have bandages 393 00:21:16,421 --> 00:21:17,940 got to do with polonium poisoning? 394 00:21:17,940 --> 00:21:19,424 - Well, Privalova says she'll get us the tapes. 395 00:21:19,424 --> 00:21:22,324 She gave me her word, whatever that means. 396 00:21:22,324 --> 00:21:24,636 Says she'll keep us up to date on Lugovoy. 397 00:21:24,636 --> 00:21:26,673 - Oh, who's playing him, Al Pacino? 398 00:21:28,916 --> 00:21:30,711 Lugovoy's the important one. 399 00:21:31,885 --> 00:21:33,162 He's the killer. 400 00:21:33,162 --> 00:21:34,405 I mean there. 401 00:21:34,405 --> 00:21:37,649 Physically there, at the table, making it happen. 402 00:21:37,649 --> 00:21:40,445 If we can get him, and I mean the real him, 403 00:21:40,445 --> 00:21:43,345 we get a statement, they can't stop us using it. 404 00:21:43,345 --> 00:21:44,829 For all their f-ing about 405 00:21:44,829 --> 00:21:46,555 they can't stop us doing that and using it against him. 406 00:21:46,555 --> 00:21:47,349 They just can't. 407 00:21:53,216 --> 00:21:55,218 [Tarpey groaning] [dramatic music] 408 00:21:55,218 --> 00:21:56,737 - You alright mate? 409 00:21:56,737 --> 00:21:58,049 - What you want? 410 00:21:58,049 --> 00:22:00,776 You want a beer or a water or something? 411 00:22:00,776 --> 00:22:01,708 - I'm fine. 412 00:22:03,882 --> 00:22:04,711 You guys carry on. 413 00:22:04,711 --> 00:22:05,539 I'll... 414 00:22:07,369 --> 00:22:08,542 Just get hold of Clive. 415 00:22:11,165 --> 00:22:12,477 All right mate, sleep well. 416 00:22:48,202 --> 00:22:51,136 [Tarpey vomiting] 417 00:22:54,933 --> 00:22:56,487 - [Radio] We'll be examining the impact 418 00:22:56,487 --> 00:22:59,144 of Mr. Litvinenko's death on relations with Russia. 419 00:22:59,144 --> 00:23:01,112 Britain's former ambassador to Moscow 420 00:23:01,112 --> 00:23:02,803 tells us the political relationship 421 00:23:02,803 --> 00:23:05,634 between Russia and the West is at its lowest point 422 00:23:05,634 --> 00:23:07,705 since the collapse of the Soviet Union. 423 00:23:10,052 --> 00:23:11,709 - Can you leave that? 424 00:23:11,709 --> 00:23:13,918 - It's a table, it's not a desk. 425 00:23:13,918 --> 00:23:15,540 Last time I checked. 426 00:23:15,540 --> 00:23:17,059 - I work from home Brent. 427 00:23:17,059 --> 00:23:17,887 - I know. 428 00:23:19,061 --> 00:23:21,028 - We don't have an office. 429 00:23:21,028 --> 00:23:23,859 - No we don't, we could. 430 00:23:23,859 --> 00:23:25,274 - That's the nursery. 431 00:23:25,274 --> 00:23:29,036 - Yeah but it's not a nursery is it? 432 00:23:29,036 --> 00:23:31,176 - We said while there's a chance it might be, 433 00:23:31,176 --> 00:23:35,077 even if it's only a tiny chance, we should wait. 434 00:23:35,077 --> 00:23:36,147 - Yes, while- 435 00:23:36,147 --> 00:23:37,873 - As long as it takes. 436 00:23:38,736 --> 00:23:40,323 That's what we said. 437 00:23:40,323 --> 00:23:41,670 You promised. 438 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:43,292 - [TV] Absolutely, yes. 439 00:23:43,292 --> 00:23:45,777 But I mean as President Putin himself said yesterday, 440 00:23:45,777 --> 00:23:47,469 so far, there isn't any... 441 00:23:53,647 --> 00:23:55,200 - Everything all right? 442 00:23:55,200 --> 00:23:57,375 - I've been trying to get a hold of Brian. 443 00:23:57,375 --> 00:24:00,412 [phone line beeping] 444 00:24:01,793 --> 00:24:06,453 - Just give me a sec. 445 00:24:06,453 --> 00:24:09,214 [dramatic music] 446 00:24:19,086 --> 00:24:21,364 [knocking] 447 00:24:27,439 --> 00:24:28,682 Tarps! 448 00:24:28,682 --> 00:24:32,514 Tarps, it's me mate, it's time to get up. 449 00:24:45,906 --> 00:24:46,735 All right? 450 00:24:49,323 --> 00:24:50,808 - [Ingrid] It won't be polonium. 451 00:24:50,808 --> 00:24:52,257 - [Tarpey] Yeah, you still think it was deliberate. 452 00:24:52,257 --> 00:24:53,465 - If it was, it's just their way 453 00:24:53,465 --> 00:24:55,053 of putting the shits up you. 454 00:24:55,053 --> 00:24:59,023 - Well, without oversharing, it did the direct opposite. 455 00:24:59,023 --> 00:24:59,851 I can tell you. 456 00:25:00,956 --> 00:25:01,853 Thank you. 457 00:25:05,616 --> 00:25:09,136 Anyway, why were you at the hotel in the first place? 458 00:25:09,136 --> 00:25:10,413 - I couldn't reach you by phone. 459 00:25:10,413 --> 00:25:11,553 - Why were you trying to ring me? 460 00:25:11,553 --> 00:25:13,037 - Because Privalova's contacted me. 461 00:25:13,037 --> 00:25:14,625 She's been in touch with Lugovoy. 462 00:25:14,625 --> 00:25:15,902 - And? 463 00:25:15,902 --> 00:25:17,144 - [Ingrid] He'll see you later on today. 464 00:25:17,144 --> 00:25:18,870 Apparently he's very keen to help. 465 00:25:18,870 --> 00:25:21,701 [dramatic music] 466 00:25:23,254 --> 00:25:24,186 - I've gotta get back to the hotel, 467 00:25:24,186 --> 00:25:26,360 start prepping the questions. 468 00:25:26,360 --> 00:25:28,846 First, I need to use the red phone. 469 00:25:33,644 --> 00:25:36,336 [phone ringing] 470 00:25:38,407 --> 00:25:39,339 - Timmons. 471 00:25:39,339 --> 00:25:40,582 - We've got him, Lugovoy. 472 00:25:40,582 --> 00:25:42,031 He's talking to us five, our time. 473 00:25:42,031 --> 00:25:43,619 The interview with Kovtum was a complete farce. 474 00:25:43,619 --> 00:25:45,276 He turned up covered in bandages. 475 00:25:45,276 --> 00:25:46,311 I'm not sure it was even him. 476 00:25:46,311 --> 00:25:47,485 - How's this any different? 477 00:25:47,485 --> 00:25:48,762 - He's asked to speak to us. 478 00:25:48,762 --> 00:25:49,763 - Oh right. 479 00:25:49,763 --> 00:25:51,593 Well, you know what to do. 480 00:25:51,593 --> 00:25:52,973 Get down there and get him 481 00:25:52,973 --> 00:25:54,699 on everything that happened that day. 482 00:25:54,699 --> 00:25:55,666 And what else? 483 00:25:55,666 --> 00:25:56,563 - Get it all on tape. 484 00:25:56,563 --> 00:25:58,323 - Get it all on tape. 485 00:25:58,323 --> 00:25:59,117 Exactly. 486 00:25:59,117 --> 00:25:59,946 - On it guv. 487 00:26:09,438 --> 00:26:10,612 - It's about to go public 488 00:26:10,612 --> 00:26:13,166 that we're treating this as a murder inquiry. 489 00:26:13,166 --> 00:26:14,236 - But we're not. 490 00:26:14,236 --> 00:26:15,617 - Internally we have been. 491 00:26:15,617 --> 00:26:17,584 - Yeah, but externally we're not. 492 00:26:17,584 --> 00:26:18,861 We made sure not to do that 493 00:26:18,861 --> 00:26:20,967 because it would damage our chances in Moscow. 494 00:26:20,967 --> 00:26:22,244 - I know. 495 00:26:22,244 --> 00:26:24,246 - We're asking for their help, Peter. 496 00:26:24,246 --> 00:26:26,075 We're not accusing them, well, not officially. 497 00:26:26,075 --> 00:26:27,456 - Clive, I know. 498 00:26:27,456 --> 00:26:30,459 - My lot are about to question Lugovoy 499 00:26:30,459 --> 00:26:32,564 without knowing the rest of the world 500 00:26:32,564 --> 00:26:34,808 thinks they're there under false pretenses. 501 00:26:34,808 --> 00:26:36,051 I mean, who announced this? 502 00:26:36,051 --> 00:26:37,466 - [Peter] Nobody, it's a leak. 503 00:26:37,466 --> 00:26:38,640 - From who? 504 00:26:38,640 --> 00:26:40,400 Not everyone wants us doing this. 505 00:26:40,400 --> 00:26:41,228 - Like who? 506 00:26:41,228 --> 00:26:42,713 - Does it matter? 507 00:26:42,713 --> 00:26:44,438 The fact is it's going out on the news this afternoon. 508 00:26:44,438 --> 00:26:45,612 - Is it? 509 00:26:45,612 --> 00:26:47,027 How do you know? 510 00:26:47,027 --> 00:26:48,891 - Because ITN just called me for confirmation. 511 00:26:48,891 --> 00:26:49,720 - Friggin... 512 00:26:56,865 --> 00:26:59,557 [phone ringing] 513 00:27:11,534 --> 00:27:14,537 [phoneline beeping] 514 00:27:16,401 --> 00:27:17,920 Tarpey's burner number. 515 00:27:17,920 --> 00:27:18,887 - Burners are broken. 516 00:27:18,887 --> 00:27:20,405 - What a... 517 00:27:20,405 --> 00:27:23,374 I need the number of the Hotel Belorusskaya Duncan. 518 00:27:23,374 --> 00:27:24,893 Give me a minute. 519 00:27:24,893 --> 00:27:26,929 - The last email I sent you, the hotel number's on there. 520 00:27:26,929 --> 00:27:27,758 - Right. 521 00:27:29,725 --> 00:27:30,622 - [Tarpey] Sorry. 522 00:27:32,659 --> 00:27:35,006 - Feeling better? - Yeah. 523 00:27:35,006 --> 00:27:36,490 Lugovoy, 524 00:27:36,490 --> 00:27:37,319 he's on. 525 00:27:45,603 --> 00:27:47,260 - We think they've got Lugovoy but 526 00:27:47,260 --> 00:27:49,952 only if the media don't screw it up. 527 00:27:52,575 --> 00:27:54,474 [phone ringing] 528 00:27:54,474 --> 00:27:55,717 [speaking foreign language] 529 00:27:55,717 --> 00:27:57,926 - Yeah, Brian Tarpey please, room 614. 530 00:27:57,926 --> 00:28:00,687 Failing that, Jim Dawson or... 531 00:28:00,687 --> 00:28:01,792 Gadney? - Oliver Gadney. 532 00:28:01,792 --> 00:28:02,724 - Oliver Gadney. 533 00:28:02,724 --> 00:28:04,139 - I'm sorry. 534 00:28:04,139 --> 00:28:05,381 I'm afraid none of those guests are currently with us. 535 00:28:05,381 --> 00:28:06,866 Is there anything else I can help you with? 536 00:28:06,866 --> 00:28:08,039 - No, no. 537 00:28:08,039 --> 00:28:08,833 Thank you. 538 00:28:16,082 --> 00:28:17,669 - Have you got a minute? 539 00:28:17,669 --> 00:28:18,463 - You know what? 540 00:28:20,914 --> 00:28:22,019 Suddenly I do. 541 00:28:25,091 --> 00:28:27,714 - "The chances of us finding our weapon 542 00:28:27,714 --> 00:28:31,580 or getting any kind of a reading are ludicrously small." 543 00:28:31,580 --> 00:28:34,721 That's the phrase the woman from the HPA used. 544 00:28:34,721 --> 00:28:37,655 Then I was thinking, ludicrously small, 545 00:28:37,655 --> 00:28:39,139 it's not zero, is it? 546 00:28:40,278 --> 00:28:44,489 And sometimes, sometimes in life, 547 00:28:44,489 --> 00:28:47,769 just because the chances of a positive outcome are small 548 00:28:47,769 --> 00:28:52,497 or take time does not mean it's not worth trying, does it? 549 00:28:54,845 --> 00:28:56,501 - Okay. 550 00:28:56,501 --> 00:28:59,263 But let's have them start with the teapots. 551 00:28:59,263 --> 00:29:02,922 The green tea was served in a pot, that's what he told you. 552 00:29:02,922 --> 00:29:05,131 And there ain't as many of those. 553 00:29:05,131 --> 00:29:06,408 - Guv, it's starting. 554 00:29:13,587 --> 00:29:15,141 - [TV] At around noon today, 555 00:29:15,141 --> 00:29:18,523 the Taliban in Southern Helmand province. 556 00:29:19,870 --> 00:29:22,942 - Now, it was being treated as a suspicious death. 557 00:29:22,942 --> 00:29:25,841 But in the last half hour, Scotland Yard have confirmed 558 00:29:25,841 --> 00:29:27,325 that they are now treating the poisoning 559 00:29:27,325 --> 00:29:29,293 of Alexander Litvinenko as murder. 560 00:29:29,293 --> 00:29:30,950 - There you go, you see 561 00:29:30,950 --> 00:29:33,815 Russians ain't gonna like that. 562 00:29:33,815 --> 00:29:36,024 Brent, dind me that teapot. 563 00:29:39,959 --> 00:29:42,168 - The interview is off. - Off? 564 00:29:42,168 --> 00:29:43,100 What do you mean off? 565 00:29:43,100 --> 00:29:44,998 - You said, "Unexplained death." 566 00:29:44,998 --> 00:29:45,999 - It is unexplained. 567 00:29:45,999 --> 00:29:47,621 - Now you're saying murder. 568 00:29:47,621 --> 00:29:48,899 - We're not calling it that. 569 00:29:48,899 --> 00:29:50,452 - Yes, you. 570 00:29:50,452 --> 00:29:51,902 British government. 571 00:29:51,902 --> 00:29:53,973 - Even if we did think that, it makes no difference. 572 00:29:53,973 --> 00:29:55,250 Not to Lugovoy. 573 00:29:55,250 --> 00:29:57,286 - Mr. Lugovoy does not do interview. 574 00:29:57,286 --> 00:30:00,565 - Mr. Lugovoy denies murder, yeah? 575 00:30:00,565 --> 00:30:01,739 - Of course. 576 00:30:01,739 --> 00:30:03,706 - Mr. Lugovoy is friend of Litvinenko? 577 00:30:03,706 --> 00:30:04,811 - Yes. 578 00:30:04,811 --> 00:30:05,985 - Then what difference does it make 579 00:30:05,985 --> 00:30:06,813 what the British government calls it? 580 00:30:06,813 --> 00:30:07,849 What anyone calls it? 581 00:30:07,849 --> 00:30:09,022 He can tell us what happened. 582 00:30:09,022 --> 00:30:10,852 He can set us straight. 583 00:30:10,852 --> 00:30:12,474 Or has he got something to hide? 584 00:30:16,581 --> 00:30:19,377 - Okay, you get changed. 585 00:30:19,377 --> 00:30:20,723 And wait. 586 00:30:20,723 --> 00:30:23,450 And please, two people only. 587 00:30:23,450 --> 00:30:25,142 - No, this time I need three. 588 00:30:25,142 --> 00:30:27,972 - If police wants to talk to the patient, two only. 589 00:30:27,972 --> 00:30:28,939 - We didn't ask him. 590 00:30:28,939 --> 00:30:31,010 - It is a rule. - He asked us. 591 00:30:43,125 --> 00:30:44,955 We're gonna need a copy of that tape. 592 00:30:45,990 --> 00:30:47,302 - You will have. 593 00:31:23,752 --> 00:31:27,514 [speaking foreign language] 594 00:32:11,869 --> 00:32:14,596 - He recalls little about the meeting. 595 00:32:16,391 --> 00:32:17,530 Not very memorable. 596 00:32:20,360 --> 00:32:22,190 - That's not true is it Mr. Lugovoy? 597 00:32:23,087 --> 00:32:24,364 - I mean, this is the meeting 598 00:32:24,364 --> 00:32:26,125 where you were poisoned by Alexander Litvinenko. 599 00:32:26,125 --> 00:32:29,887 [speaking foreign language] 600 00:32:29,887 --> 00:32:31,682 - You arranged the meeting. 601 00:32:31,682 --> 00:32:33,960 [speaking foreign language] 602 00:32:33,960 --> 00:32:35,962 - You ordered tea in advance. 603 00:32:35,962 --> 00:32:37,688 [speaking foreign language] 604 00:32:37,688 --> 00:32:39,966 - He sat down, he drank it. 605 00:32:39,966 --> 00:32:42,555 [speaking foreign language] 606 00:32:42,555 --> 00:32:46,662 - Yet, somehow, he's the one who's ended up poisoning you. 607 00:32:47,905 --> 00:32:50,873 And with the most lethal substance known to man. 608 00:32:50,873 --> 00:32:54,877 [speaking foreign language] 609 00:32:54,877 --> 00:32:57,190 - [Tarpey] A substance only available in Russia. 610 00:32:57,190 --> 00:33:01,091 [speaking foreign language] 611 00:33:01,091 --> 00:33:03,024 - Where he hadn't been for six years. 612 00:33:03,024 --> 00:33:04,991 [speaking foreign language] 613 00:33:04,991 --> 00:33:06,682 - I mean, I could think of more 614 00:33:09,582 --> 00:33:11,480 forgettable encounters. 615 00:33:11,480 --> 00:33:15,243 [speaking foreign language] 616 00:34:06,225 --> 00:34:09,642 - [Olly] He maintains it came from Sasha. 617 00:34:09,642 --> 00:34:12,196 That Sasha requested the meeting, 618 00:34:12,196 --> 00:34:15,026 that polonium does nothing to him. 619 00:34:16,856 --> 00:34:18,029 [speaking foreign language] 620 00:34:18,029 --> 00:34:19,238 - [Olly] Next question. 621 00:34:20,929 --> 00:34:22,206 - You could ask him why it's taken a month 622 00:34:22,206 --> 00:34:23,621 for polonium to take effect. 623 00:34:41,950 --> 00:34:43,607 - Here's a question, 624 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:46,437 why, if he's gonna be like this, 625 00:34:46,437 --> 00:34:48,750 did he ask to meet with us in the first place? 626 00:34:50,096 --> 00:34:52,409 - I came here because I wanted to wish you 627 00:34:52,409 --> 00:34:54,065 good luck with your inquiry. 628 00:34:59,623 --> 00:35:03,661 Trust me, Brian, you're going to need it. 629 00:35:10,841 --> 00:35:13,257 - [Tarpey] That's one lie after another. 630 00:35:13,257 --> 00:35:14,879 - He didn't deny buying the tea. 631 00:35:14,879 --> 00:35:16,398 That's another thing. 632 00:35:16,398 --> 00:35:18,400 I mean, you know, he pretty much denied everything else. 633 00:35:18,400 --> 00:35:19,884 - And he also got a time wrong. 634 00:35:19,884 --> 00:35:21,507 He said they got back to the hotel at four. 635 00:35:21,507 --> 00:35:22,680 - [Jim] When it was off past three. 636 00:35:22,680 --> 00:35:23,957 - And those were the 30 minutes 637 00:35:23,957 --> 00:35:25,373 they used to get the polonium ready. 638 00:35:25,373 --> 00:35:27,375 - Yep, old Lugovoy's really put his foot in it. 639 00:35:27,375 --> 00:35:28,893 - Privalova's got the tapes. 640 00:35:30,274 --> 00:35:33,312 They've also done transcripts, you can have those today. 641 00:35:33,312 --> 00:35:34,727 - The catch being... 642 00:35:34,727 --> 00:35:35,797 - No catch. 643 00:35:35,797 --> 00:35:37,281 Just one stipulation. 644 00:35:37,281 --> 00:35:39,352 They want you to collect them from their officers, 645 00:35:39,352 --> 00:35:40,457 hand them over officially and mark 646 00:35:40,457 --> 00:35:41,665 the end of the visit and so on. 647 00:35:41,665 --> 00:35:42,631 Which I thought sounded reasonable. 648 00:35:42,631 --> 00:35:45,186 So, if we're open to that chaps, 649 00:35:45,186 --> 00:35:47,429 you could be on a plane home early evening. 650 00:35:51,675 --> 00:35:54,402 [dramatic music] 651 00:36:26,088 --> 00:36:29,644 [speaking foreign language] 652 00:36:29,644 --> 00:36:31,232 - Just keep moving. 653 00:36:36,237 --> 00:36:38,342 [speaking foreign language] 654 00:36:38,342 --> 00:36:42,415 - You ever get the feeling you're being followed? 655 00:36:52,943 --> 00:36:55,359 - On behalf of the Prosecutor General 656 00:36:55,359 --> 00:36:56,878 of the Russian Federation, 657 00:36:59,605 --> 00:37:01,538 tapes of your conversation, 658 00:37:09,304 --> 00:37:11,962 transcripts from your conversation. 659 00:37:15,793 --> 00:37:20,246 Is there anything more we can do to assist your inquiry? 660 00:37:22,110 --> 00:37:22,904 - No. 661 00:37:33,397 --> 00:37:34,295 - Thank you gents. 662 00:37:36,849 --> 00:37:38,299 - Look. 663 00:37:38,299 --> 00:37:41,025 The photographers, every last one of them have gone. 664 00:37:42,372 --> 00:37:44,615 - They wanted it all on record 665 00:37:44,615 --> 00:37:46,099 how helpful they've all been. 666 00:37:47,756 --> 00:37:50,587 [dramatic music] 667 00:37:55,177 --> 00:37:56,420 - What's goodbye again? 668 00:37:57,456 --> 00:37:59,216 [speaking foreign language] 669 00:37:59,216 --> 00:38:00,528 - Yeah 670 00:38:00,528 --> 00:38:05,533 that. 671 00:38:29,073 --> 00:38:30,765 - [Tippon] Well, welcome back fellas. 672 00:38:30,765 --> 00:38:33,250 - So who do you want first, Kovtun or Lugovoy? 673 00:38:33,250 --> 00:38:35,183 - Well, according to you, Kovtun wasn't even Kovtun. 674 00:38:35,183 --> 00:38:36,909 So let's have Lugovoy. 675 00:38:36,909 --> 00:38:38,359 - Yeah. 676 00:38:38,359 --> 00:38:40,015 Claimed he'd been poisoned then strolls in there 677 00:38:40,015 --> 00:38:42,570 like he'd just been watching the Monaco grand prix. 678 00:38:46,677 --> 00:38:47,506 - Okay. 679 00:38:51,682 --> 00:38:52,683 - Press play. 680 00:38:52,683 --> 00:38:54,167 - It's playing. - Oh. 681 00:38:54,167 --> 00:38:56,342 [silence] 682 00:39:00,070 --> 00:39:02,693 [chuckling] 683 00:39:02,693 --> 00:39:05,386 - There's always a bit of blank, start of the tape. 684 00:39:05,386 --> 00:39:06,594 - [Tippon] Oh is there? 685 00:39:06,594 --> 00:39:08,112 - Usually yeah, before it... 686 00:39:08,112 --> 00:39:09,182 - Right. - You know? 687 00:39:22,955 --> 00:39:23,887 - How much blank we talking? 688 00:39:23,887 --> 00:39:25,613 - Try forwarding it a bit. 689 00:39:30,928 --> 00:39:33,103 [silence] 690 00:39:55,401 --> 00:39:56,229 It's... 691 00:40:00,371 --> 00:40:01,200 Excuse me. 692 00:40:11,762 --> 00:40:13,592 - At least we have the transcript. 693 00:40:13,592 --> 00:40:14,869 - Yeah, it means nothing. 694 00:40:16,802 --> 00:40:19,114 You could have written it for all anyone knows. 695 00:40:27,295 --> 00:40:30,712 Listen, you did what I asked. 696 00:40:31,955 --> 00:40:34,785 You went there, you got the interviews, 697 00:40:34,785 --> 00:40:37,098 you got the tapes like I asked you. 698 00:40:38,409 --> 00:40:39,652 And think of it this way, 699 00:40:39,652 --> 00:40:42,690 that blank tape proves they're guilty. 700 00:40:42,690 --> 00:40:44,277 Proves we're on the right track. 701 00:40:45,658 --> 00:40:47,211 Otherwise why would they do it? 702 00:40:48,972 --> 00:40:50,663 - Yeah. - Now you go home. 703 00:40:50,663 --> 00:40:52,147 Get yourself some rest mate. 704 00:40:52,147 --> 00:40:52,907 Alight? 705 00:40:54,564 --> 00:40:56,773 [dramatic music] - Yeah. 706 00:40:56,773 --> 00:40:57,567 Thanks. 707 00:42:16,300 --> 00:42:19,131 [thunder rolling] 708 00:42:22,652 --> 00:42:25,344 [bells tolling] 709 00:43:12,115 --> 00:43:13,875 - You went to Moscow. 710 00:43:14,807 --> 00:43:15,739 - We went. 711 00:43:15,739 --> 00:43:18,224 It was a productive trip. 712 00:43:19,881 --> 00:43:22,159 We all now agree who's responsible. 713 00:43:26,647 --> 00:43:28,165 I wish I had better news. 714 00:43:33,274 --> 00:43:34,447 - Do you know this man? 715 00:43:35,656 --> 00:43:37,278 Boris Berezovsky. 716 00:43:37,278 --> 00:43:40,315 He turned his back on Russia. 717 00:43:42,179 --> 00:43:43,180 He helped Sasha. 718 00:43:44,043 --> 00:43:45,735 He help Anatoly and me. 719 00:43:47,978 --> 00:43:49,255 Today he tell me, 720 00:43:50,360 --> 00:43:54,882 "Marina, they murder your husband. 721 00:43:56,090 --> 00:44:00,473 They call you, they try to frighten you. 722 00:44:00,473 --> 00:44:01,612 They go back to Russia. 723 00:44:02,613 --> 00:44:03,856 They're never coming back. 724 00:44:05,444 --> 00:44:08,378 To get justice, it is almost impossible. 725 00:44:11,312 --> 00:44:16,144 Maybe it's time to join your country. 726 00:44:18,871 --> 00:44:23,393 Sasha give you and your wife a better life. 727 00:44:23,393 --> 00:44:26,465 Go forward and enjoy, for Sasha." 728 00:44:26,465 --> 00:44:30,089 [dramatic music] 729 00:44:30,089 --> 00:44:32,713 - And what did you say to that? 730 00:44:38,339 --> 00:44:39,927 - I think about it. 731 00:44:41,100 --> 00:44:41,929 Of course. 732 00:44:45,864 --> 00:44:47,210 I think about it 733 00:44:49,730 --> 00:44:51,179 and then I say, "No, 734 00:44:54,838 --> 00:44:55,977 we keep fighting. 735 00:44:59,601 --> 00:45:03,536 There is chance, even tiny chance. 736 00:45:05,987 --> 00:45:07,851 This is what we do for Sasha." 737 00:45:32,255 --> 00:45:35,085 [machine beeping] 738 00:45:48,098 --> 00:45:50,860 [dramatic music] 739 00:46:18,819 --> 00:46:21,511 [gentle music]