1 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,166 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,000 The Creature Cases! 4 00:00:56,583 --> 00:00:59,041 The Search for the Silver Ant Hill. 5 00:01:02,916 --> 00:01:04,125 Listen up, team. 6 00:01:04,208 --> 00:01:07,458 We've only got ten minutes to make our daily food run. 7 00:01:07,541 --> 00:01:09,750 If we don't return by then, we'll overheat, 8 00:01:09,833 --> 00:01:11,583 so we need to be fast. 9 00:01:12,291 --> 00:01:14,583 But who are the fastest ants in the world? 10 00:01:14,666 --> 00:01:15,958 We are! 11 00:01:16,041 --> 00:01:17,833 That's right, silver ants! 12 00:01:17,916 --> 00:01:20,625 Now go out there and find that food! 13 00:01:20,708 --> 00:01:23,916 Go! 14 00:01:24,416 --> 00:01:26,250 Huh? A dust devil? 15 00:01:35,791 --> 00:01:37,708 Huh? Where am I? 16 00:01:37,791 --> 00:01:39,166 Where's my team? 17 00:01:39,250 --> 00:01:40,458 Where's my home? 18 00:01:53,875 --> 00:01:54,791 -Huh! -Huh. 19 00:01:54,875 --> 00:01:58,541 Whoo! At this rate, we're gonna beat the all-time speed record. 20 00:01:58,625 --> 00:01:59,625 Whoo! 21 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:04,708 I'm working up a sweat here. 22 00:02:04,791 --> 00:02:07,583 Come on, Sam. Just a little farther. 23 00:02:11,875 --> 00:02:13,041 -Phew! 24 00:02:13,125 --> 00:02:14,833 That's our fastest time ever! 25 00:02:15,541 --> 00:02:19,166 We'll have to celebrate later. Director Scratch has a case for us! 26 00:02:26,750 --> 00:02:28,750 -Nice hustle, agents. 27 00:02:28,833 --> 00:02:31,083 And you're going to need to hustle today. 28 00:02:33,625 --> 00:02:37,375 This silver ant was swept away by a dust devil, 29 00:02:37,458 --> 00:02:39,833 and she doesn't know how to get home. 30 00:02:39,916 --> 00:02:41,958 That desert looks scorching hot. 31 00:02:42,041 --> 00:02:42,875 It is. 32 00:02:42,958 --> 00:02:47,416 Silver ants' shiny bodies reflect the heat so they can stay cool, 33 00:02:47,500 --> 00:02:50,708 but even they can't be out in the desert sun for long. 34 00:02:50,791 --> 00:02:52,958 So there's no time to waste. 35 00:02:53,041 --> 00:02:55,541 The Mice Squad are keeping the ant cool for now, 36 00:02:55,625 --> 00:02:58,708 but it's up to you to figure out where her home is. 37 00:02:58,791 --> 00:03:00,750 You can count on us, Director. 38 00:03:00,833 --> 00:03:02,708 Stay cool out there, agents. 39 00:03:23,583 --> 00:03:26,500 Now arriving at destination biome, 40 00:03:26,583 --> 00:03:28,333 African Desert. 41 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:30,041 Thanks, R.O.N. 42 00:03:31,875 --> 00:03:33,041 Whoa! 43 00:03:33,125 --> 00:03:34,750 It is hot. 44 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:37,958 Any sign of the Mice Squad? 45 00:03:40,916 --> 00:03:41,750 Hm… 46 00:03:44,500 --> 00:03:45,500 Thataway. 47 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:52,333 Ah… 48 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,583 -Sweet, sweet air-conditioning. 49 00:03:55,666 --> 00:03:57,166 -Hello. -Hey, guys. 50 00:03:57,250 --> 00:03:59,541 -Thanks for keeping her cool. -No prob. 51 00:03:59,625 --> 00:04:01,000 Hello, ma'am. 52 00:04:01,083 --> 00:04:02,625 I'm Agent Sam Snow… 53 00:04:02,708 --> 00:04:04,583 And I'm Agent Kit Casey. 54 00:04:04,666 --> 00:04:06,291 And we're here to get you home. 55 00:04:06,375 --> 00:04:08,666 The name's Flash. Coach Flash. 56 00:04:08,750 --> 00:04:11,750 Coach Flash, can you tell us which way your home is? 57 00:04:11,833 --> 00:04:13,083 I just don't know. 58 00:04:13,166 --> 00:04:16,833 Usually, I can use the position of the sun to find my way home… 59 00:04:18,083 --> 00:04:20,041 …but I must be too far away. 60 00:04:20,125 --> 00:04:23,250 That dust devil made me lose all sense of direction. 61 00:04:23,333 --> 00:04:26,250 Did you happen to see anything while you were in the dust devil? 62 00:04:26,333 --> 00:04:29,208 You know, I do remember a few things. 63 00:04:29,291 --> 00:04:32,083 First, I saw something sparkly. 64 00:04:32,166 --> 00:04:34,958 Then I heard a humming noise. 65 00:04:35,041 --> 00:04:39,291 And right before I landed here, I saw a lot of water. 66 00:04:39,958 --> 00:04:41,833 -Ah-ha! 67 00:04:41,916 --> 00:04:45,666 That's three clues. Sparkles, humming noise, water. 68 00:04:45,750 --> 00:04:47,875 So, what do we do with that? 69 00:04:47,958 --> 00:04:49,708 We go backwards. 70 00:04:49,791 --> 00:04:52,416 If water was the last thing Coach Flash saw, 71 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:54,916 then that's what we need to find first. 72 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:58,625 Then, we work our way back through the clues to find her home. 73 00:05:02,416 --> 00:05:03,250 Uh-oh. 74 00:05:03,333 --> 00:05:04,833 AC's out of business. 75 00:05:04,916 --> 00:05:06,250 We'd better move fast. 76 00:05:06,333 --> 00:05:08,041 Without the AC cooling her down, 77 00:05:08,125 --> 00:05:11,250 Flash can only be out in the sun for ten minutes. 78 00:05:11,333 --> 00:05:13,041 Then the countdown has already begun. 79 00:05:13,125 --> 00:05:17,166 When this gets down to zero, Flash will be in danger of overheating. 80 00:05:17,250 --> 00:05:19,041 Come on. We better take R.O.N. 81 00:05:22,041 --> 00:05:26,083 Or… we can go on foot. It'll take forever to dig R.O.N. out. 82 00:05:26,166 --> 00:05:27,166 Right. 83 00:05:27,250 --> 00:05:29,375 Flash, we'll move faster if we carry you. 84 00:05:29,458 --> 00:05:30,708 Carry me? 85 00:05:30,791 --> 00:05:34,458 We silver ants are the fastest ants in the world! 86 00:05:34,541 --> 00:05:36,458 You don't carry a silver ant. 87 00:05:36,541 --> 00:05:40,333 Okay, okay. Let's just get movin' before we all overheat. 88 00:05:40,416 --> 00:05:43,041 First up, we have to find a body of water. 89 00:05:44,041 --> 00:05:46,375 How do we find water out in the desert? 90 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:50,125 Look! A bird! 91 00:05:50,208 --> 00:05:52,083 If a bird is out in this heat, 92 00:05:52,166 --> 00:05:54,833 then it must have some water to drink nearby. 93 00:05:54,916 --> 00:05:57,125 -Will you guys be okay here? -Yep. 94 00:05:57,208 --> 00:05:58,875 Then let's follow that bird. 95 00:05:58,958 --> 00:05:59,791 Ready, 96 00:05:59,875 --> 00:06:00,708 set, 97 00:06:00,791 --> 00:06:02,125 go, go, go! 98 00:06:02,208 --> 00:06:03,833 Whoa! She is fast! 99 00:06:07,750 --> 00:06:09,333 Ha-ha! Try to keep up! 100 00:06:20,458 --> 00:06:21,958 Scorpion, straight ahead. 101 00:06:22,708 --> 00:06:24,916 -Watch out for its stinger. -I've got this! 102 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:36,375 -Excuse us! -Hey! 103 00:06:40,208 --> 00:06:41,166 Woo-hoo! 104 00:06:41,250 --> 00:06:42,166 An oasis! 105 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:44,291 -This is the water I saw. 106 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:46,875 Hoo! 107 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:48,791 We're on the right track. 108 00:06:48,875 --> 00:06:50,500 -Phew! -Ah… 109 00:06:51,041 --> 00:06:54,250 And since there's shade, we can pause the countdown clock. 110 00:06:54,958 --> 00:06:57,083 We found the first clue, water. 111 00:06:57,166 --> 00:07:00,166 Next up, we have to find a humming sound. 112 00:07:00,250 --> 00:07:02,625 -But what could that be? -Hm… 113 00:07:03,625 --> 00:07:05,666 I think I hear something. 114 00:07:10,541 --> 00:07:11,625 There! 115 00:07:11,708 --> 00:07:13,250 Is this what you heard, Flash? 116 00:07:14,416 --> 00:07:15,916 Yeah. I think it is. 117 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:21,000 Then we better go investigate. Which means going back out into the sun. 118 00:07:22,333 --> 00:07:25,000 Hang in there, sport. We can do this! 119 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:26,833 What she said. 120 00:07:26,916 --> 00:07:29,125 On your marks, get set… 121 00:07:29,208 --> 00:07:30,625 Restarting countdown. 122 00:07:30,708 --> 00:07:31,958 Go, go, go! 123 00:07:39,416 --> 00:07:40,958 Doing all right, Coach? 124 00:07:41,041 --> 00:07:42,791 Yep. Just a little hot. 125 00:07:42,875 --> 00:07:45,291 I'm feeling pretty warm myself. 126 00:07:45,375 --> 00:07:48,000 Well, we can all catch our breaths. 127 00:07:48,083 --> 00:07:50,541 We've reached the source of the sound. 128 00:07:54,458 --> 00:07:56,250 That's what I heard, all right. 129 00:07:56,333 --> 00:07:58,500 But where is it coming from? 130 00:07:58,583 --> 00:07:59,958 Whiskers, that's it! 131 00:08:00,041 --> 00:08:02,083 It's coming from right under our feet. 132 00:08:02,166 --> 00:08:04,541 These are singing sand dunes. 133 00:08:04,625 --> 00:08:06,500 Singing sand dunes? 134 00:08:06,583 --> 00:08:09,500 Sam, are you sure the heat hasn't gotten to your head? 135 00:08:09,583 --> 00:08:10,416 No. 136 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:12,958 I've read about these in one of my favorite books, 137 00:08:13,041 --> 00:08:15,041 The Mystery of the Singing Sand. 138 00:08:15,125 --> 00:08:17,250 The humming is caused by the wind 139 00:08:17,333 --> 00:08:20,458 rubbing all the grains of sand against each other. 140 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:23,083 Well, ain't that something. 141 00:08:23,166 --> 00:08:26,041 Woo… It sounds like sunshine. 142 00:08:28,083 --> 00:08:29,625 Uh, where to next, agents? 143 00:08:29,708 --> 00:08:31,375 There's just one more clue. 144 00:08:31,458 --> 00:08:33,208 Something sparkly. 145 00:08:35,625 --> 00:08:36,541 Hm… 146 00:08:36,625 --> 00:08:37,458 There! 147 00:08:38,041 --> 00:08:39,166 What is that? 148 00:08:39,250 --> 00:08:42,541 I don't know, but we better find out. We're running out of time. 149 00:08:42,625 --> 00:08:45,208 Think you could make one last dash through the desert? 150 00:08:45,291 --> 00:08:47,083 I can and I will. 151 00:08:47,166 --> 00:08:50,500 Anything to make it home. My team needs me. 152 00:08:50,583 --> 00:08:54,833 Go… go… go! 153 00:08:59,208 --> 00:09:00,333 So hot. 154 00:09:00,416 --> 00:09:02,083 Come on. We're almost there. 155 00:09:05,375 --> 00:09:07,083 Another dust devil! 156 00:09:10,500 --> 00:09:12,375 Quick! Behind here! 157 00:09:13,833 --> 00:09:15,458 Not again! 158 00:09:16,250 --> 00:09:17,083 I've got you! 159 00:09:20,583 --> 00:09:21,458 Phew! 160 00:09:21,541 --> 00:09:24,166 Thanks, Sam. That was a close call. 161 00:09:24,666 --> 00:09:25,666 Huh? 162 00:09:25,750 --> 00:09:27,708 Check it out. Crystals! 163 00:09:27,791 --> 00:09:28,625 Whoa! 164 00:09:28,708 --> 00:09:30,000 So sparkly. 165 00:09:30,083 --> 00:09:32,500 This… this is what I saw. 166 00:09:33,125 --> 00:09:37,125 And over there, I saw an ice-cold strawberry milkshake. 167 00:09:37,208 --> 00:09:39,625 Sam, I don't think she's doing too good. 168 00:09:39,708 --> 00:09:42,541 We're not good. We're great. 169 00:09:42,625 --> 00:09:44,500 We're the fastest team around. 170 00:09:44,583 --> 00:09:47,458 Go, go, go. 171 00:09:48,208 --> 00:09:50,166 -Coach Flash? 172 00:09:50,875 --> 00:09:52,333 We're almost out of time. 173 00:09:52,416 --> 00:09:54,500 We need to find her home, and fast. 174 00:09:54,583 --> 00:09:57,375 But how? There aren't any more clues. 175 00:09:57,458 --> 00:09:59,958 And this blazing sun isn't helping either. 176 00:10:00,041 --> 00:10:01,250 The sun! 177 00:10:03,625 --> 00:10:07,583 I think my home is just up ahead. That way. 178 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,458 Are you sure? How do you know? 179 00:10:09,541 --> 00:10:11,791 Because of the sun. 180 00:10:11,875 --> 00:10:13,458 Right! Remember, Sam? 181 00:10:13,541 --> 00:10:17,916 Silver ants use the position of the sun to help them find their way home, 182 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:20,333 but only when they're close to their nests. 183 00:10:21,416 --> 00:10:23,208 I don't know if I can make it. 184 00:10:23,291 --> 00:10:24,375 Don't give up, Flash. 185 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:26,833 You're doing great, Flash. You got this. 186 00:10:26,916 --> 00:10:28,041 You've come so far. 187 00:10:28,125 --> 00:10:30,833 Yeah. We're almost there. Just keep going. 188 00:10:30,916 --> 00:10:33,541 Fastest ants in the world… 189 00:10:34,541 --> 00:10:35,375 Flash? 190 00:10:35,458 --> 00:10:39,416 This is where the race ends for me. 191 00:10:40,416 --> 00:10:43,333 We're out of time. She's overheating. 192 00:10:43,416 --> 00:10:46,583 Fastest ant in the world or not, we gotta carry her. 193 00:10:46,666 --> 00:10:47,833 We can do it. 194 00:10:47,916 --> 00:10:49,291 Go, go, go! 195 00:10:49,375 --> 00:10:50,833 The silver ants! 196 00:10:50,916 --> 00:10:52,333 We must be close to their nest. 197 00:10:52,416 --> 00:10:55,166 -Let's get her back home. -My team! 198 00:10:55,250 --> 00:10:56,916 We got you, Coach. 199 00:10:57,000 --> 00:10:58,375 Go, go, go! 200 00:11:00,416 --> 00:11:02,666 Ah! That's better. 201 00:11:02,750 --> 00:11:04,541 Who is the best team ever? 202 00:11:04,625 --> 00:11:05,708 We are! 203 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:08,416 Thanks a bunch for saving our coach. 204 00:11:08,500 --> 00:11:11,375 Aw, just doing our jobs. Glad we got her home in time. 205 00:11:11,458 --> 00:11:12,416 We are too. 206 00:11:12,500 --> 00:11:14,250 Now, if you'll excuse me. 207 00:11:14,333 --> 00:11:16,500 Hoo! It's really hot out here. 208 00:11:17,125 --> 00:11:19,708 Well, Kit, another Creature Case… 209 00:11:19,791 --> 00:11:20,708 Closed. 210 00:11:20,791 --> 00:11:21,750 Hoo! 211 00:11:21,833 --> 00:11:24,750 We'd better find our way back before we overheat. 212 00:11:24,833 --> 00:11:27,416 Another dust devil? 213 00:11:27,500 --> 00:11:28,833 It's R.O.N.! 214 00:11:28,916 --> 00:11:29,750 Hey, guys. 215 00:11:29,833 --> 00:11:31,125 Need a lift? 216 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:33,375 Bill and Jill dug R.O.N. out of the sand! 217 00:11:33,458 --> 00:11:34,666 See ya, Coach. 218 00:11:35,833 --> 00:11:36,791 Ah… 219 00:11:36,875 --> 00:11:39,916 Sweet, sweet air-conditioning. 220 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,833 It was getting pretty hot out there, even for me. 221 00:11:43,375 --> 00:11:44,708 Uh-oh. 222 00:11:44,791 --> 00:11:46,708 Air-conditioning systems… 223 00:11:47,708 --> 00:11:48,833 …offline. 224 00:11:48,916 --> 00:11:50,291 Oh, man. 225 00:11:51,833 --> 00:11:54,291 It's gonna be a hot ride home. 226 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,125 Mice Squad Fact File. 227 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,000 -Status? 228 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:09,250 System Settings? 229 00:12:11,333 --> 00:12:13,333 Update. Silver ants. 230 00:12:14,666 --> 00:12:19,791 Saharan silver ants live in the desert, where it's really hot. 231 00:12:19,875 --> 00:12:23,250 Their shiny bodies help them beat the heat. 232 00:12:24,750 --> 00:12:27,333 They leave their homes to search for food… 233 00:12:27,416 --> 00:12:30,125 …but if they're out too long, they'll overheat. 234 00:12:31,291 --> 00:12:34,750 Silver ants aren't just shiny, they're fast too! 235 00:12:34,833 --> 00:12:37,083 They're the fastest ants in the world! 236 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 237 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,958 How to fix it? 238 00:12:43,041 --> 00:12:44,708 Move your feet. 239 00:12:57,000 --> 00:12:59,500 The Search for the Swamp Snapper. 240 00:13:04,333 --> 00:13:05,791 Ah… 241 00:13:05,875 --> 00:13:07,458 This is nice. 242 00:13:11,708 --> 00:13:13,791 Run! Run for your lives! 243 00:13:14,416 --> 00:13:15,875 It's coming this way! 244 00:13:15,958 --> 00:13:17,708 Wh-- What's coming this way? 245 00:13:17,791 --> 00:13:20,083 It's a… It's a… 246 00:13:20,166 --> 00:13:22,125 dinosaur! 247 00:13:25,750 --> 00:13:29,750 There are no dinosaurs around anymore. They're extinct. 248 00:13:29,833 --> 00:13:31,291 -Mm-hm. 249 00:13:35,666 --> 00:13:38,666 -Maybe it is a dinosaur. 250 00:13:42,125 --> 00:13:43,791 -Run! 251 00:13:56,583 --> 00:13:59,500 Hm… Why don't we sit over there? 252 00:13:59,583 --> 00:14:02,208 Under the air conditioner? Too cold. 253 00:14:02,291 --> 00:14:03,291 What about the window? 254 00:14:03,375 --> 00:14:04,500 -Oopsie. 255 00:14:04,583 --> 00:14:06,458 Mm… Too smelly. 256 00:14:06,541 --> 00:14:09,291 -What about by Director Scratch? 257 00:14:10,875 --> 00:14:14,375 Uh… She doesn't look like she wants company right now. 258 00:14:14,458 --> 00:14:15,458 How about here? 259 00:14:18,750 --> 00:14:22,125 Kit, look. Director Scratch has a new case for us to solve. 260 00:14:22,208 --> 00:14:24,458 But isn't she sitting right over-- 261 00:14:24,541 --> 00:14:25,375 Oh. 262 00:14:25,875 --> 00:14:27,208 She's good. 263 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:36,458 Director Scratch! How did you get-- 264 00:14:36,541 --> 00:14:39,125 Let's get right down to it, agents. 265 00:14:41,208 --> 00:14:44,041 The Mice Squad have sent us some puzzling reports 266 00:14:44,125 --> 00:14:47,708 of a prehistoric dinosaur disturbing a swamp. 267 00:14:47,791 --> 00:14:49,125 A dinosaur? 268 00:14:49,208 --> 00:14:50,875 But that's impossible. 269 00:14:50,958 --> 00:14:53,875 Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 270 00:14:54,708 --> 00:14:55,708 Even I know that. 271 00:14:55,791 --> 00:14:57,083 It sounds strange, 272 00:14:57,166 --> 00:15:00,500 but the rabbits who live in the swamp are certain they saw a dinosaur, 273 00:15:00,583 --> 00:15:01,916 and they're terrified. 274 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:04,875 They may think they saw a dinosaur, 275 00:15:04,958 --> 00:15:07,583 but things aren't always the way they seem. 276 00:15:07,666 --> 00:15:09,541 We'll figure out what's really out there. 277 00:15:09,625 --> 00:15:11,000 Good luck, agents. 278 00:15:28,625 --> 00:15:31,208 Now arriving at destination biome, 279 00:15:32,333 --> 00:15:34,750 North American Wetlands. 280 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:36,041 Thanks, R.O.N. 281 00:15:38,375 --> 00:15:40,625 Hello? Is anyone around? 282 00:15:41,208 --> 00:15:42,833 We're from CLADE, 283 00:15:42,916 --> 00:15:45,833 and we're here to investigate a dinosaur sighting? 284 00:15:45,916 --> 00:15:47,375 Oh. Hello. 285 00:15:47,458 --> 00:15:49,750 Don't move. Dino check. 286 00:15:49,833 --> 00:15:50,750 Hm. 287 00:15:50,833 --> 00:15:53,166 Furry tails. Cute little noses. 288 00:15:53,250 --> 00:15:55,833 Nope. Definitely not dinosaurs. 289 00:15:55,916 --> 00:15:58,500 Well, of course we're not dinosaurs. 290 00:15:58,583 --> 00:15:59,875 It's okay, everyone! 291 00:15:59,958 --> 00:16:01,666 No dinos here! 292 00:16:02,333 --> 00:16:05,583 Sorry, can't be too careful. We thought it had returned. 293 00:16:05,666 --> 00:16:07,833 "It" being the dinosaur? 294 00:16:07,916 --> 00:16:11,291 It's got the whole swamp scared. We've never seen anything like it. 295 00:16:11,375 --> 00:16:12,833 What did it look like? 296 00:16:12,916 --> 00:16:15,500 Big, and green, and dinosaury! 297 00:16:15,583 --> 00:16:19,083 It snapped its jaws at me and nearly took my tail clean off. 298 00:16:19,166 --> 00:16:20,000 Snap! 299 00:16:20,083 --> 00:16:22,416 Hm. Which way was it going? 300 00:16:23,583 --> 00:16:26,291 Don't worry. CLADE is on the case. 301 00:16:26,916 --> 00:16:30,416 Whatever those rabbits saw, it really ruffled their whiskers. 302 00:16:30,500 --> 00:16:32,250 Whoa! Kit, look at these! 303 00:16:32,333 --> 00:16:33,458 Footprints! 304 00:16:35,958 --> 00:16:39,041 And they're definitely from an animal with scales. 305 00:16:39,125 --> 00:16:40,333 A reptile. 306 00:16:40,416 --> 00:16:43,166 Weren't dinosaurs reptiles too? 307 00:16:43,250 --> 00:16:46,000 Yep. Come on. The prints are heading this way. 308 00:16:47,083 --> 00:16:49,166 -Whoa! -Sam! Oh! 309 00:16:49,250 --> 00:16:50,458 -Woo! 310 00:16:50,541 --> 00:16:52,500 Ha-ha! Almost got my fur wet. 311 00:16:52,583 --> 00:16:57,125 Uh, Sam? I think we've got bigger things to worry about. 312 00:16:57,208 --> 00:16:59,708 We're surrounded by alligators. 313 00:17:03,125 --> 00:17:06,333 Big, green, and reptiles. 314 00:17:06,416 --> 00:17:09,333 Maybe the rabbits mistook one of them for a dinosaur? 315 00:17:09,416 --> 00:17:10,416 Oo! 316 00:17:10,500 --> 00:17:11,333 Hey! 317 00:17:13,916 --> 00:17:16,125 Who you calling a dinosaur? 318 00:17:18,916 --> 00:17:19,875 Uh… 319 00:17:19,958 --> 00:17:23,916 We didn't mean to bother you. We'll leave in just a moment. 320 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:25,041 But, first… 321 00:17:25,125 --> 00:17:28,291 You wouldn't happen to know about any dinosaurs 322 00:17:28,375 --> 00:17:30,500 scaring folks in the swamp this afternoon? 323 00:17:31,083 --> 00:17:33,208 Nope. We wouldn't. 324 00:17:33,291 --> 00:17:37,375 It's just you look mighty close to the descriptions. 325 00:17:40,875 --> 00:17:43,208 Dinosaurs are extinct. 326 00:17:43,291 --> 00:17:47,416 And besides, we've been sunbathing all day. 327 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:48,875 Now, if you don't mind? 328 00:17:49,458 --> 00:17:52,500 It's true, Sam. Gators are mostly active at night. 329 00:17:52,583 --> 00:17:55,416 And the dinosaur sightings happened in broad daylight. 330 00:17:55,500 --> 00:17:57,958 It couldn't have been one of them that the rabbits saw. 331 00:17:59,375 --> 00:18:00,208 What was that? 332 00:18:00,291 --> 00:18:01,875 -The rabbits said 333 00:18:01,958 --> 00:18:04,791 -they heard a snapping noise too. 334 00:18:04,875 --> 00:18:07,250 Whoa! Look at the size of that tail! 335 00:18:07,333 --> 00:18:08,458 After that dinosau-- 336 00:18:08,541 --> 00:18:10,666 Uh… After that… thing! 337 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:32,875 Oh, we were so close! 338 00:18:33,541 --> 00:18:36,958 Whatever it is, it has pretty powerful jaws. 339 00:18:37,041 --> 00:18:39,750 These branches have been chomped clean through! 340 00:18:40,958 --> 00:18:43,083 But there's no teeth marks. 341 00:18:43,166 --> 00:18:45,916 A dinosaur with no teeth? 342 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:47,916 Hm… 343 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:49,458 This is strange too. 344 00:18:49,541 --> 00:18:50,583 Algae. 345 00:18:50,666 --> 00:18:54,416 Algae usually grows underwater. How did it get here? 346 00:18:54,500 --> 00:18:56,541 Maybe the creature left it behind. 347 00:18:57,208 --> 00:18:59,458 If it lives mostly underwater, 348 00:18:59,541 --> 00:19:02,583 that would explain why the rabbits have never seen it before. 349 00:19:03,291 --> 00:19:04,333 -Hm. 350 00:19:05,041 --> 00:19:05,875 Reptile. 351 00:19:06,666 --> 00:19:07,666 Big tail. 352 00:19:08,625 --> 00:19:10,375 Strong jaw, no teeth. 353 00:19:11,458 --> 00:19:12,666 Lives in the water. 354 00:19:13,916 --> 00:19:15,833 I don't think it's a dinosaur. 355 00:19:15,916 --> 00:19:17,916 -I think it might be a-- -Look out! 356 00:19:22,750 --> 00:19:24,041 Quick! Up this tree! 357 00:19:29,083 --> 00:19:31,500 I knew it. That's no dinosaur. 358 00:19:31,583 --> 00:19:34,125 Just a really big snapping turtle. 359 00:19:34,208 --> 00:19:35,708 A snapping turtle? 360 00:19:35,791 --> 00:19:37,750 Yep. She must be lost. 361 00:19:37,833 --> 00:19:39,833 And a little scared too. 362 00:19:39,916 --> 00:19:41,666 Where are ya? I'll snap ya! 363 00:19:42,750 --> 00:19:44,708 She doesn't seem scared to me. 364 00:19:44,791 --> 00:19:47,833 Things aren't always the way they seem, Sam. 365 00:19:47,916 --> 00:19:51,125 Snapping turtles feel safest when they're in the water. 366 00:19:51,208 --> 00:19:52,958 On land, they're more vulnerable, 367 00:19:53,041 --> 00:19:55,625 so they act mean and snap at people. 368 00:19:55,708 --> 00:19:57,541 Hey! Who's saying that? 369 00:19:58,500 --> 00:20:00,250 -Kit, look. 370 00:20:00,333 --> 00:20:02,333 That algae is covering her eyes. 371 00:20:02,416 --> 00:20:03,291 Of course. 372 00:20:03,375 --> 00:20:06,875 Snapping turtles often have a lot of algae growing on them. 373 00:20:06,958 --> 00:20:10,375 This one has so much, she can't see where she's going. 374 00:20:10,458 --> 00:20:13,041 There's only one thing to do now. 375 00:20:13,125 --> 00:20:14,541 Haircut time. 376 00:20:19,833 --> 00:20:22,125 Excuse us, ma'am. 377 00:20:22,208 --> 00:20:24,500 Who's there? Stay back! 378 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:25,458 Easy. 379 00:20:25,541 --> 00:20:27,083 We're here to help. 380 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:30,083 Help me? How? 381 00:20:30,166 --> 00:20:33,541 We noticed that you have some algae growing over your eyes. 382 00:20:33,625 --> 00:20:36,375 So what if I do? I mostly live in the water. 383 00:20:36,458 --> 00:20:38,458 That's where I'm trying to go now! 384 00:20:38,958 --> 00:20:40,208 But I'm lost! 385 00:20:41,958 --> 00:20:43,333 We understand. 386 00:20:43,416 --> 00:20:45,833 But what if we remove some of that algae for you 387 00:20:45,916 --> 00:20:47,666 so you can see where you're going? 388 00:20:47,750 --> 00:20:49,541 Get rid of all this algae?! 389 00:20:50,833 --> 00:20:52,833 I mean, I would like that. 390 00:20:52,916 --> 00:20:57,291 We promise not to hurt you. Just try to stay calm. 391 00:20:57,375 --> 00:20:59,333 I… I'll try. 392 00:20:59,416 --> 00:21:02,541 Sometimes, when I'm on land, I get a little snappy. 393 00:21:03,625 --> 00:21:07,291 Don't worry. It'll be just like getting a haircut. 394 00:21:07,375 --> 00:21:09,291 I've never had a haircut before. 395 00:21:09,375 --> 00:21:12,666 Ma'am, we're highly trained in giving haircuts. 396 00:21:12,750 --> 00:21:17,416 My partner Sam here is going to take a few steps towards you. 397 00:21:18,416 --> 00:21:19,250 What was that? 398 00:21:19,333 --> 00:21:21,958 Easy. It's just a twig. 399 00:21:22,041 --> 00:21:25,500 Now, Sam's just going to lift up the algae… 400 00:21:25,583 --> 00:21:26,416 Hello. 401 00:21:26,500 --> 00:21:27,875 …and trim it away. 402 00:21:27,958 --> 00:21:29,708 Nice and slow. 403 00:21:30,250 --> 00:21:33,708 Careful, Sam. Those jaws could take off your finger. 404 00:21:33,791 --> 00:21:35,458 Now you tell me. 405 00:21:37,166 --> 00:21:38,875 Just keep still, ma'am. 406 00:21:38,958 --> 00:21:40,416 You're doing great. 407 00:21:40,500 --> 00:21:42,750 It kinda tickles. 408 00:21:42,833 --> 00:21:45,500 I can't hold still much longer. 409 00:21:45,583 --> 00:21:47,833 Deep breath. He's almost finished. 410 00:21:47,916 --> 00:21:49,791 I can't help it. 411 00:21:49,875 --> 00:21:53,041 I'm a snapping turtle. I snap when I feel nervous. 412 00:21:53,125 --> 00:21:54,541 Hurry, Sam. 413 00:21:54,625 --> 00:21:57,250 Just relax and hold the snap in. 414 00:21:57,833 --> 00:21:59,250 I'm trying! 415 00:21:59,333 --> 00:22:01,375 Just a little more… 416 00:22:05,208 --> 00:22:06,041 There. Oo! 417 00:22:06,750 --> 00:22:07,708 Phew! 418 00:22:07,791 --> 00:22:08,916 Oh! 419 00:22:09,416 --> 00:22:13,083 Hey, thanks! I can see again! 420 00:22:13,166 --> 00:22:14,833 And I didn't lose any fingers. 421 00:22:14,916 --> 00:22:18,375 Thanks for helping me. Even after all the trouble I caused. 422 00:22:18,458 --> 00:22:21,291 I'm not a mean turtle. I was just scared. 423 00:22:21,375 --> 00:22:24,541 You don't have to worry. We understand what you were feeling. 424 00:22:24,625 --> 00:22:26,041 We're happy we could help. 425 00:22:27,583 --> 00:22:31,458 Oo… Still a bit jumpy. Would you mind showing me where the water is? 426 00:22:31,541 --> 00:22:33,375 Right this way. 427 00:22:34,041 --> 00:22:35,708 The dinosaur! 428 00:22:35,791 --> 00:22:37,583 It's coming back! 429 00:22:37,666 --> 00:22:39,833 No dinosaur here, folks. 430 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:42,333 Hi, there. 431 00:22:42,416 --> 00:22:43,708 Ah-ah-ah-ah! 432 00:22:43,791 --> 00:22:45,041 Dino check. 433 00:22:45,125 --> 00:22:47,083 Hm… No teeth, tail, 434 00:22:47,166 --> 00:22:48,375 shell, 435 00:22:48,458 --> 00:22:49,958 and four feet. 436 00:22:50,500 --> 00:22:52,791 Nope. Definitely not a dinosaur! 437 00:22:52,875 --> 00:22:54,625 It's a snapping turtle! 438 00:22:54,708 --> 00:22:56,291 -Shew! 439 00:22:56,375 --> 00:23:00,666 I guess things aren't always the way they seem, huh? 440 00:23:00,750 --> 00:23:02,083 Sorry for any trouble. 441 00:23:03,083 --> 00:23:06,416 Thanks again for the haircut, agents. See ya around! 442 00:23:09,250 --> 00:23:11,250 Huh! Another Creature Case… 443 00:23:11,333 --> 00:23:12,625 Closed! 444 00:23:17,958 --> 00:23:19,000 Mm… 445 00:23:19,083 --> 00:23:22,250 Director Scratch still doesn't seem like she wants company. 446 00:23:22,333 --> 00:23:23,416 But… 447 00:23:23,500 --> 00:23:26,083 Things aren't always the way they seem. 448 00:23:27,333 --> 00:23:29,125 Mind if we join you, Director? 449 00:23:29,208 --> 00:23:30,750 Actually… 450 00:23:30,833 --> 00:23:32,625 I'd love some company! 451 00:23:32,708 --> 00:23:35,041 Everyone's always afraid to sit with the boss. 452 00:23:35,125 --> 00:23:37,583 Well, I'm not as scary as I look. 453 00:23:39,750 --> 00:23:40,875 Corn kernel cupcake? 454 00:23:40,958 --> 00:23:41,833 Mm! 455 00:23:41,916 --> 00:23:42,750 Thanks. 456 00:23:42,833 --> 00:23:44,583 Mm! These are great, Director. 457 00:23:44,666 --> 00:23:46,916 I've been baking in my spare time. 458 00:23:47,000 --> 00:23:49,833 Corn biscuits, corn bread, even some corn pastry. 459 00:23:49,916 --> 00:23:52,666 Though I can't get the dough to come out right. 460 00:23:52,750 --> 00:23:56,333 I think it needs more salt or possibly more corn. 461 00:24:01,541 --> 00:24:03,416 Mice Squad Fact File. 462 00:24:06,791 --> 00:24:08,291 -Status? 463 00:24:08,375 --> 00:24:09,541 System Settings? 464 00:24:11,541 --> 00:24:13,625 Update. Snapping turtles. 465 00:24:14,958 --> 00:24:17,833 Snapping turtles spend most of their time in water 466 00:24:17,916 --> 00:24:20,083 and don't go on land very often. 467 00:24:20,166 --> 00:24:23,083 But when they do, they can be a bit snappy. 468 00:24:24,833 --> 00:24:28,083 Snapping turtles are often covered with algae. 469 00:24:28,166 --> 00:24:30,208 It grows right on their shells! 470 00:24:31,583 --> 00:24:35,458 Snapping turtles don't have teeth, but their beaks are strong and sharp. 471 00:24:35,541 --> 00:24:37,958 Which gives them a powerful bite. 472 00:24:39,166 --> 00:24:41,625 Error. Upload incomplete. 473 00:24:41,708 --> 00:24:43,250 How to fix it? 474 00:24:43,333 --> 00:24:45,000 Move your feet.