1 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,166 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,000 The Creature Cases! 4 00:00:56,083 --> 00:00:59,583 The Unidentified Shiny Object. 5 00:01:08,916 --> 00:01:11,083 I hope someone asks me to dance. 6 00:01:12,791 --> 00:01:14,625 -Uh… -I'm looking forward to it. 7 00:01:14,708 --> 00:01:16,291 Okay, everybody. 8 00:01:16,375 --> 00:01:20,791 This next song is for all of you little love bugs out there. 9 00:01:20,875 --> 00:01:23,250 "Happy Firefly Prom"! 10 00:01:38,333 --> 00:01:42,875 Well, here goes nothing! I'm gonna ask her to dance. 11 00:01:43,916 --> 00:01:45,500 -What is that? 12 00:01:47,041 --> 00:01:48,166 Ah… 13 00:01:48,250 --> 00:01:51,000 -It's so bright! -It's making me dizzy! 14 00:02:00,208 --> 00:02:01,583 Sam, mail's here. 15 00:02:01,666 --> 00:02:03,291 Oo. Anything for me? 16 00:02:03,375 --> 00:02:05,166 Just your usual mystery magazines. 17 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:07,708 Clues Week, Sleuths Illustrated, and… 18 00:02:07,791 --> 00:02:09,333 UFO's Monthly? 19 00:02:09,416 --> 00:02:12,000 UFO's as in spaceships and aliens? 20 00:02:12,083 --> 00:02:15,958 UFO's as in unidentified flying objects. 21 00:02:16,041 --> 00:02:17,000 Why? What's so funny? 22 00:02:17,083 --> 00:02:21,666 Nothing. I'm just surprised you believe in all that spacey stuff. 23 00:02:21,750 --> 00:02:23,166 Laugh all you want, Kit, 24 00:02:23,250 --> 00:02:26,375 but UFO's are just another mystery that needs solving. 25 00:02:26,458 --> 00:02:28,416 Whoa! Speaking of mysteries. Look! 26 00:02:28,500 --> 00:02:30,166 The CLADE crest. 27 00:02:30,250 --> 00:02:32,708 Director Scratch has another Creature Case for us. 28 00:02:37,250 --> 00:02:38,916 Junk. Junk. 29 00:02:39,750 --> 00:02:42,083 Oo! Egg Bowling Quarterly! 30 00:02:43,708 --> 00:02:45,916 Agents, you're just in time. 31 00:02:48,208 --> 00:02:52,875 Something seriously strange is happening over at the Firefly Prom. 32 00:02:52,958 --> 00:02:55,333 Firefly Prom? What are they doing? 33 00:02:55,416 --> 00:02:59,125 Fireflies are bioluminescent, which means they can make light. 34 00:02:59,916 --> 00:03:03,666 Firefly boys and girls flash their lights in special patterns 35 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:05,458 to show they like each other. 36 00:03:05,541 --> 00:03:07,333 That's right. But watch. 37 00:03:07,416 --> 00:03:11,875 That strange light came out of nowhere and frazzled all the fireflies. 38 00:03:11,958 --> 00:03:14,500 Now their flashing patterns are all messed up, 39 00:03:14,583 --> 00:03:16,166 and so is their prom. 40 00:03:17,166 --> 00:03:18,666 It's a USO! 41 00:03:20,250 --> 00:03:23,958 USO. Unidentified Shiny Object. 42 00:03:24,041 --> 00:03:26,416 Well, it won't be unidentified for long. 43 00:03:26,500 --> 00:03:29,375 You can count on us to figure out what's happening, Director. 44 00:03:29,458 --> 00:03:30,541 Good luck, agents. 45 00:03:31,875 --> 00:03:32,916 Mm-hm! 46 00:03:44,750 --> 00:03:47,500 Now approaching destination biome, 47 00:03:47,583 --> 00:03:49,375 North American Forest. 48 00:03:49,458 --> 00:03:53,583 Thanks, R.O.N. Please dim the lights so we don't disturb the fireflies. 49 00:03:57,416 --> 00:03:59,166 Oh my word! 50 00:03:59,250 --> 00:04:02,666 I don't know where it came from, but I'm glad it went away. 51 00:04:02,750 --> 00:04:05,125 Okay, folks. Just stay calm. 52 00:04:05,208 --> 00:04:08,208 Oh no! Is it those flashing lights again? 53 00:04:19,916 --> 00:04:21,583 Don't fret, fireflies. 54 00:04:21,666 --> 00:04:22,916 I'm Agent Sam Snow… 55 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:24,958 And I'm Agent Kit Casey. 56 00:04:25,041 --> 00:04:26,916 We're from CLADE, and we're here to help. 57 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:28,416 Oh, thank goodness you're here. 58 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:33,041 That strange light came out of nowhere and messed up our flashing. 59 00:04:33,125 --> 00:04:36,583 Don't worry. We'll have things back to normal in a flash. 60 00:04:36,666 --> 00:04:37,625 Get it? Flash? 61 00:04:37,708 --> 00:04:39,666 Better search the area for clues. 62 00:04:39,750 --> 00:04:41,500 Uh… 63 00:04:43,625 --> 00:04:46,666 Whatever it was, it didn't leave anything behind. 64 00:04:46,750 --> 00:04:47,666 Sam? 65 00:04:47,750 --> 00:04:48,708 No footprints. 66 00:04:48,791 --> 00:04:49,625 Sam. 67 00:04:49,708 --> 00:04:51,333 No hairs or feathers. 68 00:04:51,416 --> 00:04:52,250 Sam! 69 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:53,666 -What, Kit? -That! 70 00:04:55,500 --> 00:04:56,541 Could it be… 71 00:04:56,625 --> 00:04:59,583 Make way for Wally! 72 00:04:59,666 --> 00:05:00,916 Wally. 73 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:02,166 Ha-ha! Oh! 74 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:09,208 Good day, citizens. 75 00:05:09,291 --> 00:05:14,000 Wally Bungler, nature ranger, at your service. 76 00:05:14,083 --> 00:05:15,750 Wally, what are you doing here? 77 00:05:15,833 --> 00:05:19,500 Ha! I heard there was trouble, so I flew in to help. 78 00:05:19,583 --> 00:05:20,958 Heh! 79 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:23,041 Speaking of helping… 80 00:05:23,125 --> 00:05:27,416 Wally, did you see any mysterious lights while you were flying over the forest? 81 00:05:27,500 --> 00:05:29,625 Hm… Mysterious lights… 82 00:05:29,708 --> 00:05:33,166 Hey! Come to think of it, I did see a mysterious light, 83 00:05:33,250 --> 00:05:34,625 and it was coming from… 84 00:05:35,708 --> 00:05:37,041 right over there! 85 00:05:38,833 --> 00:05:39,666 Let's roll. 86 00:05:48,250 --> 00:05:49,875 Light's just up ahead. 87 00:05:49,958 --> 00:05:53,958 If we're really quiet, we can sneak up on the USO and-- 88 00:05:54,041 --> 00:05:56,458 -Oo! Sorry. 89 00:05:58,916 --> 00:06:01,166 Sorry again. I'll be quiet now. Heh. 90 00:06:01,250 --> 00:06:03,250 -Wally, dear! 91 00:06:03,333 --> 00:06:05,666 The dishwasher's acting up again. 92 00:06:05,750 --> 00:06:06,875 Not now, Mom. 93 00:06:06,958 --> 00:06:08,458 -Huh. 94 00:06:08,541 --> 00:06:09,375 Sorry! 95 00:06:10,250 --> 00:06:11,083 Come on. 96 00:06:11,791 --> 00:06:12,875 Ah-ha! 97 00:06:12,958 --> 00:06:14,750 Gotcha, USO! Huh? 98 00:06:15,958 --> 00:06:16,791 Evening. 99 00:06:16,875 --> 00:06:18,666 Well, ain't that something. 100 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:21,583 There's no USO here. Just a campsite. 101 00:06:21,666 --> 00:06:22,708 That's right. 102 00:06:22,791 --> 00:06:24,125 Say hello, campers. 103 00:06:24,208 --> 00:06:25,416 Hello! 104 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:29,666 I guess the fireflies were seeing the light from these lanterns? 105 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:30,583 Hm… 106 00:06:30,666 --> 00:06:33,500 Hey, would you folks mind turning these lights down a bit? 107 00:06:33,583 --> 00:06:34,833 Ho, ho, ho! 108 00:06:34,916 --> 00:06:37,500 Not at all. It's bedtime anyway. 109 00:06:37,583 --> 00:06:40,416 Come on, campers. Lights out! 110 00:06:41,083 --> 00:06:42,000 Oo? 111 00:06:44,041 --> 00:06:45,833 Well, that was easy. 112 00:06:45,916 --> 00:06:47,250 Another Creature Case… 113 00:06:47,333 --> 00:06:48,375 Closed! 114 00:06:48,458 --> 00:06:50,416 Hey. Thanks for your help, Wally. 115 00:06:50,500 --> 00:06:51,416 You're welcome. 116 00:06:52,125 --> 00:06:53,416 Marshmallow? 117 00:06:53,958 --> 00:06:55,250 All right, fireflies. 118 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:57,625 Those campers' lights won't bother you anymore. 119 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:02,333 Let's rock! 120 00:07:06,958 --> 00:07:07,916 Uh. 121 00:07:13,083 --> 00:07:14,250 -Uh… 122 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:17,625 Sam? I'm not so sure it was the campers after all. 123 00:07:17,708 --> 00:07:18,541 Look! 124 00:07:18,625 --> 00:07:20,291 It's the USO! 125 00:07:27,541 --> 00:07:28,958 -Um… 126 00:07:29,041 --> 00:07:30,291 What is that thing? 127 00:07:31,333 --> 00:07:33,666 Come on. We can't let it get away. 128 00:07:38,166 --> 00:07:39,666 What in the woolly world? 129 00:07:39,750 --> 00:07:42,250 The USO is gone. 130 00:07:42,333 --> 00:07:45,500 There's gotta be some logical explanation for this. 131 00:07:46,291 --> 00:07:50,500 Could the USO be some other creature that lights up? Like the fireflies. 132 00:07:51,166 --> 00:07:53,916 There are lots of bioluminescent animals, 133 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:56,166 glowworms, certain snails, and fish, 134 00:07:56,250 --> 00:07:58,791 but none of them live in a forest like this. 135 00:07:59,375 --> 00:08:03,041 Unless maybe it's not the whole animal that's glowing! 136 00:08:03,125 --> 00:08:06,625 Check it out. Some animals have special eyes that reflect light 137 00:08:06,708 --> 00:08:08,333 that helps them see in the dark, 138 00:08:08,416 --> 00:08:11,375 and it makes their eyes look super bright and shiny. 139 00:08:11,458 --> 00:08:12,666 Like this? 140 00:08:13,208 --> 00:08:14,083 Oh… 141 00:08:14,166 --> 00:08:15,166 Bad idea. 142 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:18,666 So maybe the lights on the USO are from its eyes. 143 00:08:18,750 --> 00:08:21,250 But the USO has a lot of lights. 144 00:08:21,333 --> 00:08:23,291 What creature has that many eyes? 145 00:08:23,375 --> 00:08:24,208 I don't know. 146 00:08:24,291 --> 00:08:26,000 But we'd better find out. 147 00:08:26,083 --> 00:08:27,166 Flashlights on! 148 00:08:29,666 --> 00:08:31,333 Whoops. That's my toothbrush. 149 00:08:42,208 --> 00:08:43,083 Ow! 150 00:08:45,833 --> 00:08:47,291 Huh? 151 00:08:47,375 --> 00:08:48,583 Eh? 152 00:08:53,583 --> 00:08:54,500 Hiya. 153 00:08:58,083 --> 00:08:59,250 Hoo-hoo! 154 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:06,125 Twist my tail. There's no sign of that USO anywhere! 155 00:09:06,208 --> 00:09:09,458 Hey, and come to think of it, there's no sign of Wally either. 156 00:09:09,541 --> 00:09:10,375 Wally! 157 00:09:10,458 --> 00:09:11,458 Where'd you go? 158 00:09:11,541 --> 00:09:13,000 Over here! 159 00:09:13,083 --> 00:09:16,541 I'm all stuck in this sticky stuff! 160 00:09:19,875 --> 00:09:22,875 Hey. This stuff looks like it's made out of webbing. 161 00:09:23,833 --> 00:09:26,375 It could be an empty egg sac from a moth. 162 00:09:26,458 --> 00:09:27,416 Or a spider! 163 00:09:28,791 --> 00:09:29,958 The USO! 164 00:09:30,958 --> 00:09:34,166 Quick! After that Unidentified Shiny Object! 165 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:41,000 Huh? 166 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:43,666 Waaa! 167 00:09:44,833 --> 00:09:46,041 -Oop! 168 00:09:52,125 --> 00:09:53,291 -Yah! -Oo! 169 00:09:55,291 --> 00:09:56,375 Yah! 170 00:09:56,458 --> 00:09:57,791 Ow! 171 00:09:58,708 --> 00:09:59,791 Whoa! 172 00:10:01,916 --> 00:10:03,750 Wally, you did it! 173 00:10:03,833 --> 00:10:05,583 You caught the USO! 174 00:10:05,666 --> 00:10:07,625 I did? 175 00:10:07,708 --> 00:10:09,250 Hey! I did. 176 00:10:10,708 --> 00:10:13,541 Hey! What's the big idea? 177 00:10:13,625 --> 00:10:16,250 Yep. The USO is a spider. 178 00:10:16,333 --> 00:10:18,916 A mama spider, thank you very much. 179 00:10:19,458 --> 00:10:21,625 So that was your egg sac we found? 180 00:10:21,708 --> 00:10:22,708 Sure was. 181 00:10:22,791 --> 00:10:26,583 Look. There's a whole bunch of babies on her back! Oh… 182 00:10:26,666 --> 00:10:28,041 Aren't they precious? 183 00:10:30,875 --> 00:10:32,416 Whiskers, that's it! 184 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:35,166 The light from the fireflies and our flashlights 185 00:10:35,250 --> 00:10:38,916 was reflecting off their eyes, making the USO shine. 186 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,708 Ah, so that's what was causing all the trouble. 187 00:10:41,791 --> 00:10:43,000 Trouble? 188 00:10:43,083 --> 00:10:45,125 I didn't know we were causing any trouble. 189 00:10:45,208 --> 00:10:47,708 I was just going for a little walk with my babies. 190 00:10:49,375 --> 00:10:51,083 Don't worry, ma'am. 191 00:10:51,166 --> 00:10:54,833 As long as you and your babies steer clear of the Firefly Prom, 192 00:10:54,916 --> 00:10:57,000 there shouldn't be any more problems. 193 00:10:59,416 --> 00:11:01,708 This time, nothing's gonna stop me. 194 00:11:05,375 --> 00:11:07,166 Um, care to dance? 195 00:11:29,833 --> 00:11:33,833 I'm so glad we got to hang out with you guys. 196 00:11:33,916 --> 00:11:36,791 Us too. You make a great disco ball. 197 00:11:36,875 --> 00:11:43,000 See? I told you. UFO's and USO's are just mysteries waiting to be solved. 198 00:11:43,083 --> 00:11:44,041 -Uh… 199 00:11:44,125 --> 00:11:46,083 Sam? What's that? 200 00:11:46,166 --> 00:11:48,708 -Woo-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo! 201 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:50,958 Make way for Wally! 202 00:11:51,041 --> 00:11:52,041 -Ow! 203 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:54,958 I'm all right. 204 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,125 Mice Squad Fact File. 205 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,000 -Status? 206 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:09,250 System Settings? 207 00:12:11,708 --> 00:12:13,333 Update. Fireflies. 208 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:18,541 Fireflies don't really dance at proms or parties… 209 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:23,250 …but they do talk to each other by flashing their glowing bodies! 210 00:12:24,708 --> 00:12:27,500 Fireflies are bioluminescent. 211 00:12:27,583 --> 00:12:29,875 That means they make their own light! 212 00:12:31,416 --> 00:12:33,416 They flash with special patterns… 213 00:12:33,500 --> 00:12:37,333 …but can get pretty confused by other bright lights. 214 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 215 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,958 How to fix it? 216 00:12:43,041 --> 00:12:44,708 Move your feet. 217 00:12:56,875 --> 00:12:59,375 The Case of the Crying Monkey. 218 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:04,375 Yuh! Huh! 219 00:13:04,875 --> 00:13:06,166 Race you back to R.O.N.! 220 00:13:07,625 --> 00:13:10,250 I feel like I'm racing a two-toed sloth here! 221 00:13:11,375 --> 00:13:13,541 Oh yeah? Eyes up, Agent Snow. 222 00:13:13,625 --> 00:13:14,458 Huh? 223 00:13:28,791 --> 00:13:30,125 Huh? Whoa! 224 00:13:33,625 --> 00:13:35,833 Ha! Better luck next time, Sam. 225 00:13:36,958 --> 00:13:38,958 You're lucky that branch came out of nowhere. 226 00:13:40,625 --> 00:13:44,291 All this jungle training is making me hungry. What's for lunch? 227 00:13:45,125 --> 00:13:46,125 Mm! 228 00:13:46,208 --> 00:13:47,708 High-protein CLADE bars! 229 00:13:49,708 --> 00:13:51,541 Yeah, just lost my appetite. 230 00:13:51,625 --> 00:13:55,166 Oh, come on. These new CLADE bars aren't that bad. 231 00:13:55,250 --> 00:13:57,583 This one's Salty Sea Slime flavor. 232 00:13:57,666 --> 00:13:58,541 Ew! 233 00:14:01,416 --> 00:14:02,250 Mm. 234 00:14:02,333 --> 00:14:03,333 Mm! 235 00:14:03,416 --> 00:14:05,416 Hm? Hm! Hm. 236 00:14:05,500 --> 00:14:08,916 Tastes just like salty sea slime. 237 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:09,916 Bleck! Uh! 238 00:14:10,750 --> 00:14:13,500 -All right, they're pretty gross. 239 00:14:15,375 --> 00:14:16,833 Huh? What was that? 240 00:14:16,916 --> 00:14:17,791 I don't know. 241 00:14:17,875 --> 00:14:18,708 But look! 242 00:14:18,791 --> 00:14:20,708 Someone ate one of our CLADE bars! 243 00:14:20,791 --> 00:14:22,625 Strange. Who could have taken-- 244 00:14:22,708 --> 00:14:23,541 Help! 245 00:14:24,250 --> 00:14:27,208 Have you seen a baby monkey? Our baby is missing! 246 00:14:27,291 --> 00:14:28,625 A baby monkey? 247 00:14:28,708 --> 00:14:29,541 Missing? 248 00:14:37,208 --> 00:14:38,083 Agents, 249 00:14:38,166 --> 00:14:42,708 looks like your jungle field training just became a full-blown Creature Case. 250 00:14:43,541 --> 00:14:49,291 As you've heard, a baby monkey went missing near your current location. 251 00:14:49,375 --> 00:14:51,041 Don't worry, Director Scratch. 252 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:53,833 We'll find that baby monkey and bring them home safely. 253 00:14:54,708 --> 00:14:56,958 Good luck. CLADE is counting on you. 254 00:14:58,541 --> 00:14:59,833 One more thing. 255 00:14:59,916 --> 00:15:02,500 How are the new CLADE bars? 256 00:15:02,583 --> 00:15:03,583 -Uh? 257 00:15:03,666 --> 00:15:05,666 We'll talk later, Director. Bye. 258 00:15:07,375 --> 00:15:09,666 Folks, we're from CLADE, 259 00:15:09,750 --> 00:15:11,666 and we're going to help you find… 260 00:15:11,750 --> 00:15:13,791 Uh… What's your baby's name? 261 00:15:14,958 --> 00:15:15,791 Melvin. 262 00:15:15,875 --> 00:15:17,875 And where did you last see Melvin? 263 00:15:17,958 --> 00:15:19,791 In the trees over there. 264 00:15:19,875 --> 00:15:23,208 But we've already looked everywhere, and we couldn't find him. 265 00:15:24,333 --> 00:15:25,625 That's him! 266 00:15:27,500 --> 00:15:29,583 That's Melvin's cry. Melvin! 267 00:15:29,666 --> 00:15:31,333 That's the noise we heard earlier. 268 00:15:31,416 --> 00:15:32,750 Shall we save the day? 269 00:15:33,916 --> 00:15:35,333 Wait here, folks. 270 00:15:36,000 --> 00:15:39,041 Melvin! Melvin! 271 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:41,166 Melvin! 272 00:15:46,750 --> 00:15:47,666 This way. 273 00:15:49,500 --> 00:15:50,625 Melvin! 274 00:15:51,375 --> 00:15:53,083 -Baby! -There you are! 275 00:15:55,041 --> 00:15:56,083 Baby! 276 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:58,791 Yep. We've got you now, baby. 277 00:15:59,375 --> 00:16:00,500 Baby! 278 00:16:04,875 --> 00:16:06,708 Look who's here! 279 00:16:08,500 --> 00:16:09,333 Melvin! 280 00:16:09,416 --> 00:16:11,500 -I was so worried! 281 00:16:11,583 --> 00:16:12,750 -Oh! 282 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:16,333 Thank you! Thank you! 283 00:16:16,416 --> 00:16:18,708 Well, that case was an easy one. 284 00:16:18,791 --> 00:16:22,250 Mm. Too bad, eh? I was hoping for a good head-scratcher. 285 00:16:22,875 --> 00:16:23,708 Huh. 286 00:16:24,208 --> 00:16:26,500 -Huh? -Well, here's a new mystery for ya. 287 00:16:26,583 --> 00:16:29,291 Looks like someone's swiped some more CLADE bars. 288 00:16:30,416 --> 00:16:34,291 Don't look at us. Those things smell pretty funky. 289 00:16:34,875 --> 00:16:36,458 Oh, forget the CLADE bars. 290 00:16:36,541 --> 00:16:38,750 Let's head home and get some real food to eat. 291 00:16:38,833 --> 00:16:41,625 -I still haven't had lunch. 292 00:16:41,708 --> 00:16:43,875 Baby! Baby! 293 00:16:43,958 --> 00:16:45,166 What was that, dear? 294 00:16:48,416 --> 00:16:50,000 Baby! 295 00:16:51,333 --> 00:16:53,166 That sounded just like Melvin. 296 00:16:53,250 --> 00:16:55,666 Could there be another lost baby monkey out there? 297 00:16:56,916 --> 00:16:57,791 Baby! 298 00:16:58,458 --> 00:16:59,833 That can't be. 299 00:16:59,916 --> 00:17:02,083 Anybody missing a baby? 300 00:17:02,166 --> 00:17:03,000 Mary? 301 00:17:04,250 --> 00:17:06,291 Nope. All here. 302 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:07,833 Marty? 303 00:17:10,583 --> 00:17:11,416 Nuh-uh. 304 00:17:11,500 --> 00:17:13,000 How about you, Meep-Meep? 305 00:17:13,708 --> 00:17:14,541 Meep-Meep. 306 00:17:16,333 --> 00:17:17,625 -No. -No. 307 00:17:17,708 --> 00:17:18,708 Hm… 308 00:17:18,791 --> 00:17:21,250 -So no monkeys are missing a baby. 309 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:26,000 But it definitely sounds like there's a baby monkey out there. 310 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:29,666 Whiskers! This case just became a head-scratcher! 311 00:17:29,750 --> 00:17:31,833 Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this. 312 00:17:31,916 --> 00:17:32,750 Come on. 313 00:17:34,083 --> 00:17:37,166 Quick! The baby monkey cry came from right over here. 314 00:17:38,500 --> 00:17:41,375 What in the woolly world? No baby monkey. 315 00:17:42,166 --> 00:17:43,375 But look! 316 00:17:43,958 --> 00:17:44,791 A clue! 317 00:17:44,875 --> 00:17:46,500 Huh. Claw marks. 318 00:17:46,583 --> 00:17:49,708 You think we're looking for a baby monkey with giant claws? 319 00:17:49,791 --> 00:17:50,791 Hm… 320 00:17:50,875 --> 00:17:52,583 Those monkeys do have claws, 321 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:57,208 but whatever made these marks had really, really sharp ones. 322 00:17:57,291 --> 00:18:00,666 If I had to guess, I'd say it was some kind of jungle cat. 323 00:18:01,875 --> 00:18:04,500 A predator. Could be on the hunt for food. 324 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:07,875 Then we'd better find that baby monkey before that cat does! 325 00:18:09,125 --> 00:18:09,958 Over there! 326 00:18:10,041 --> 00:18:12,291 And let's be quiet this time. 327 00:18:14,375 --> 00:18:15,291 Ah-ha! 328 00:18:15,375 --> 00:18:16,916 There's our predator. 329 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:21,708 She's using her claws to scratch the trees to show that this area belongs to her. 330 00:18:21,791 --> 00:18:23,583 But still no baby monkey. 331 00:18:23,666 --> 00:18:25,000 Better question the cat. 332 00:18:25,083 --> 00:18:27,083 But we can't startle her, or she'll run away. 333 00:18:27,166 --> 00:18:30,166 Leave that to me. I won't make a sound. 334 00:18:40,833 --> 00:18:42,208 -Huh? 335 00:18:42,291 --> 00:18:43,250 Oops. 336 00:18:45,375 --> 00:18:46,208 Meow! 337 00:18:46,291 --> 00:18:49,291 Ma'am, we just wanna ask you a few que-- 338 00:18:49,375 --> 00:18:50,833 -Meow! 339 00:18:50,916 --> 00:18:51,750 After her! 340 00:18:53,916 --> 00:18:56,166 Huh. "I won't make a sound." 341 00:18:56,250 --> 00:18:59,833 That wasn't me. It was my stomach. I haven't eaten all day. 342 00:18:59,916 --> 00:19:02,083 Next time, just eat the CLADE bars. 343 00:19:14,166 --> 00:19:15,000 Wuh! 344 00:19:17,333 --> 00:19:18,166 Whoa! 345 00:19:18,250 --> 00:19:19,958 That cat is fast. 346 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:24,500 Are you sure that's a cat? It moves just like a monkey. Whoa! 347 00:19:24,583 --> 00:19:28,291 -Where do these branches keep coming from? -Gee, I don't know. We're in a jungle. 348 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:37,208 Look. 349 00:19:42,583 --> 00:19:43,791 -Eyes up! -Huh? 350 00:19:44,875 --> 00:19:47,375 Meow! Meow! Meow! 351 00:19:50,333 --> 00:19:51,833 She's heading towards R.O.N.! 352 00:19:55,083 --> 00:19:56,833 She got away. 353 00:19:58,291 --> 00:20:00,708 But she left some claw marks behind. 354 00:20:00,791 --> 00:20:03,458 And check it out. More CLADE bars are missing. 355 00:20:04,250 --> 00:20:06,958 -Guess we know who's been eating our food. -Hm… 356 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:09,750 So the baby monkey sounds led us to the cat. 357 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:11,750 And the cat's been taking our food. 358 00:20:11,833 --> 00:20:17,250 A thieving cat and a missing monkey. Feels like there's some connection here. 359 00:20:17,333 --> 00:20:20,250 If only we could catch that cat and find out what she knows. 360 00:20:20,333 --> 00:20:23,708 Catch her? Did you see the way she moved through the jungle? 361 00:20:24,500 --> 00:20:28,000 Hm… But maybe we could set a trap. 362 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:30,333 We'd need something to use as bait. 363 00:20:30,416 --> 00:20:32,541 I think I know just the thing. 364 00:20:33,208 --> 00:20:34,875 Okay. Like we practiced. 365 00:20:34,958 --> 00:20:37,625 Nice and loud. So the cat can hear us. 366 00:20:39,583 --> 00:20:43,083 Hey, Sam! Look what I've got. 367 00:20:43,166 --> 00:20:48,000 A fresh tasty CLADE bar! Your favorite. 368 00:20:48,083 --> 00:20:49,583 Oh boy! 369 00:20:49,666 --> 00:20:54,041 I sure hope no one takes this CLADE bar before I get to eat it 370 00:20:54,125 --> 00:20:55,458 because it is so… 371 00:20:57,958 --> 00:20:59,333 …delicious! 372 00:20:59,416 --> 00:21:01,208 Who wouldn't want to eat that? 373 00:21:01,291 --> 00:21:03,666 Seriously, who would want to eat that? 374 00:21:13,291 --> 00:21:14,208 Oh! 375 00:21:14,291 --> 00:21:17,166 We'd better go investigate that sound. 376 00:21:17,250 --> 00:21:21,333 But what about this delicious CLADE bar? 377 00:21:22,333 --> 00:21:26,208 I know. Let us leave it right here. 378 00:21:26,958 --> 00:21:30,083 We are definitely walking away now. 379 00:21:30,166 --> 00:21:31,666 Walk, walk, walk. 380 00:21:31,750 --> 00:21:33,500 Totally walking. 381 00:21:33,583 --> 00:21:36,375 La, la, la! 382 00:21:48,625 --> 00:21:50,000 Ah… 383 00:21:54,333 --> 00:21:55,166 Mm… 384 00:21:56,333 --> 00:21:57,166 Gotcha! 385 00:22:00,541 --> 00:22:02,125 Start talking, cat. 386 00:22:02,208 --> 00:22:04,791 Sam, this is a margay cat. 387 00:22:04,875 --> 00:22:06,166 A margay cat? 388 00:22:06,250 --> 00:22:09,291 Of course! It all makes sense now! 389 00:22:09,791 --> 00:22:11,041 Mm… 390 00:22:11,125 --> 00:22:11,958 What? 391 00:22:12,041 --> 00:22:13,666 Figured it out, huh? 392 00:22:13,750 --> 00:22:14,791 Uh… 393 00:22:14,875 --> 00:22:17,583 No? Where's the baby monkey? 394 00:22:17,666 --> 00:22:20,375 Sam, there is no baby monkey. 395 00:22:20,458 --> 00:22:23,291 Margay cats can copy certain animal noises. 396 00:22:23,375 --> 00:22:24,291 Yep. 397 00:22:25,791 --> 00:22:28,291 Baby! 398 00:22:28,375 --> 00:22:29,958 That's not a baby monkey. 399 00:22:30,041 --> 00:22:33,166 You're right. It's just a margay cat playing tricks on us. 400 00:22:33,250 --> 00:22:37,458 So it was her making that sound all this time? But why? 401 00:22:37,541 --> 00:22:39,166 You're looking at why. 402 00:22:39,250 --> 00:22:40,958 Whiskers, that's it! 403 00:22:41,041 --> 00:22:43,875 The margay cat was luring us into the jungle 404 00:22:43,958 --> 00:22:46,916 so she could sneak back and eat our CLADE bars. 405 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:49,708 That's… actually a very clever plan. 406 00:22:49,791 --> 00:22:53,250 A plan that cost a whole tree full of trouble. 407 00:22:53,333 --> 00:22:55,333 We were worried sick over nothing. 408 00:22:55,916 --> 00:22:58,958 Sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. 409 00:22:59,541 --> 00:23:03,541 But these things are just so, so tasty. 410 00:23:03,625 --> 00:23:06,750 Tell you what. You can have all these CLADE bars… 411 00:23:07,750 --> 00:23:09,833 I can? 412 00:23:09,916 --> 00:23:14,250 …but only if you promise to stop tricking these monkeys. 413 00:23:15,666 --> 00:23:17,833 Wow. This is, I mean… 414 00:23:18,875 --> 00:23:20,875 It's a deal! Thank you! 415 00:23:24,125 --> 00:23:25,250 Mm… 416 00:23:25,333 --> 00:23:26,375 Mm! 417 00:23:26,875 --> 00:23:29,208 Another Creature Case… 418 00:23:29,291 --> 00:23:30,416 Closed! 419 00:23:31,875 --> 00:23:33,333 You sure you don't want one? 420 00:23:34,458 --> 00:23:36,958 Well, I am really hungry. 421 00:23:37,041 --> 00:23:38,750 Go on. Just try it. 422 00:23:41,083 --> 00:23:42,208 Hm. 423 00:23:42,291 --> 00:23:45,666 Actually, this one's not bad. What flavor is it? 424 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:47,041 Uh… 425 00:23:47,125 --> 00:23:48,791 Banana Slug Swirl. 426 00:23:48,875 --> 00:23:51,000 Mm… Lucky you. 427 00:23:51,083 --> 00:23:52,875 Ew! 428 00:24:01,500 --> 00:24:03,375 Mice Squad Fact File. 429 00:24:06,750 --> 00:24:08,250 -Status? 430 00:24:08,333 --> 00:24:09,500 System Settings? 431 00:24:11,541 --> 00:24:13,541 Update. Margay cats. 432 00:24:14,791 --> 00:24:18,875 Margay cats can make a noise that sounds like a baby monkey crying. 433 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:23,458 They do it to distract monkeys so they can get food. 434 00:24:24,708 --> 00:24:28,000 Margay cats mark their territory with their claws. 435 00:24:28,083 --> 00:24:30,166 They leave scratches on trees. 436 00:24:31,416 --> 00:24:34,333 They are really good at climbing trees and jumping 437 00:24:34,416 --> 00:24:38,416 -from branch to branch. -Whoa! Look at that cat go. 438 00:24:39,125 --> 00:24:41,583 Error. Upload incomplete. 439 00:24:41,666 --> 00:24:43,208 How to fix it? 440 00:24:43,291 --> 00:24:44,958 Move your feet.