1 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:32,166 Sam Snow. 2 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:35,166 Kit Casey. 3 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,000 The Creature Cases! 4 00:00:56,666 --> 00:00:59,166 The Disappearing Dung Ball. 5 00:01:06,041 --> 00:01:09,125 Look at this beautiful dung! 6 00:01:09,208 --> 00:01:11,416 Giraffe dung! 7 00:01:11,500 --> 00:01:13,500 Our favorite. 8 00:01:14,083 --> 00:01:16,083 Better hurry before it's all gone. 9 00:01:22,458 --> 00:01:25,000 There. Now that we have a dung ball, 10 00:01:25,083 --> 00:01:29,083 we can find a nice place to bury it and start a home. 11 00:01:29,166 --> 00:01:33,458 And a family. Just like we always dreamed about. 12 00:01:37,541 --> 00:01:38,375 Picture it. 13 00:01:38,458 --> 00:01:41,833 I'm going to build us the home of our dreams, 14 00:01:41,916 --> 00:01:45,083 and it all starts with this beautiful ball of-- 15 00:01:46,333 --> 00:01:48,541 It's gone! 16 00:01:57,666 --> 00:01:59,708 Okay. I've swept the floors, 17 00:01:59,791 --> 00:02:02,875 vacuumed the rugs, tidied up the books… 18 00:02:03,666 --> 00:02:04,750 Kit? 19 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:06,375 How's that laundry coming? 20 00:02:07,125 --> 00:02:09,583 Uh, just about finished! 21 00:02:10,708 --> 00:02:11,541 Hm… 22 00:02:11,625 --> 00:02:14,250 Huh? 23 00:02:14,333 --> 00:02:15,833 What is that smell? 24 00:02:20,541 --> 00:02:21,458 What-- 25 00:02:21,541 --> 00:02:23,250 Uh… 26 00:02:24,083 --> 00:02:27,416 Hey, my sandwich! I was wondering where that went. 27 00:02:27,500 --> 00:02:31,208 You better do something with it, Kit. I am not touching that! 28 00:02:31,291 --> 00:02:34,208 Don't get your tail in a twist, Sam. It's just a-- 29 00:02:35,625 --> 00:02:39,291 The CLADE crest. Director Scratch must have a new case for us. 30 00:02:39,916 --> 00:02:41,083 -Come on! 31 00:02:49,500 --> 00:02:51,250 Agents, thanks for coming. 32 00:02:51,958 --> 00:02:55,333 I'm afraid today's case is a messy one. 33 00:02:55,416 --> 00:02:57,041 Messier than Kit's bedroom? 34 00:03:01,125 --> 00:03:05,875 We just received word that some dung beetles' dung ball has disappeared. 35 00:03:07,500 --> 00:03:09,208 Oh no! That's terrible! 36 00:03:09,291 --> 00:03:11,458 I'm sorry, their "dung ball"? 37 00:03:11,541 --> 00:03:13,041 As in a ball of poop? 38 00:03:13,125 --> 00:03:16,208 Sam, animal dung is extremely important. 39 00:03:16,291 --> 00:03:19,333 It keeps soil healthy, helps plants grow, 40 00:03:19,416 --> 00:03:22,458 and it's where dung beetles lay their eggs. 41 00:03:22,541 --> 00:03:26,500 Egg-xactly. That's why it's so important that you two 42 00:03:26,583 --> 00:03:29,500 figure out what happened to that missing ball. 43 00:03:29,583 --> 00:03:31,708 You can count on us, Director. 44 00:03:31,791 --> 00:03:34,083 Ready to get your hands dirty, Sam? 45 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:38,500 I hope you don't mean-- 46 00:04:08,625 --> 00:04:11,541 Now arriving at destination biome, 47 00:04:12,541 --> 00:04:14,541 African Grasslands. 48 00:04:14,625 --> 00:04:15,708 Thanks, R.O.N. 49 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:24,083 Huh, huh, hoo! 50 00:04:24,166 --> 00:04:26,833 Now there's a smell for ya. 51 00:04:26,916 --> 00:04:28,333 We can help with that. 52 00:04:28,416 --> 00:04:30,250 -Hello, Sam. -Hello, Kit. 53 00:04:30,333 --> 00:04:32,416 Stinkwells. What are you doing here? 54 00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:36,916 The Director sent us here to help you deal with any "funny smells." 55 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:40,583 After all, nobody knows more about "funny smells" than we do. 56 00:04:40,666 --> 00:04:42,291 -Whoopsie. 57 00:04:42,833 --> 00:04:47,791 Here. These Destinkifier Masks will make everything smell fresh und lovely. 58 00:04:51,833 --> 00:04:53,416 Go on! Give it a sniff! 59 00:04:55,416 --> 00:04:56,916 It works! 60 00:04:57,000 --> 00:04:58,833 I don't smell the dung at all! 61 00:04:58,916 --> 00:05:00,625 Better go find those beetles. 62 00:05:00,708 --> 00:05:01,708 Thanks, Stinkwells. 63 00:05:01,791 --> 00:05:03,166 You're welcome. 64 00:05:04,708 --> 00:05:06,833 Then, when we turned around, 65 00:05:06,916 --> 00:05:10,708 our perfect dung ball was gone! 66 00:05:10,791 --> 00:05:15,791 And now, there's not even any dung left to make another one! 67 00:05:16,958 --> 00:05:22,000 Don't worry, sweetie. These nice folks are gonna find our ball. 68 00:05:22,083 --> 00:05:25,583 We sure are, ma'am. We know how important it was to you. 69 00:05:25,666 --> 00:05:29,166 Can you describe what your dung ball looked like? 70 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:31,500 Well, it was round. 71 00:05:31,583 --> 00:05:33,125 And moist too. 72 00:05:33,208 --> 00:05:34,166 Hm… 73 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:39,583 If you don't find it before it dries out, I won't be able to lay my eggs in it. 74 00:05:39,666 --> 00:05:44,666 Oh, I can't bear the thought! 75 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:46,750 We're gonna find it. I promise. 76 00:05:46,833 --> 00:05:48,166 Better look for clues. 77 00:05:56,291 --> 00:05:57,125 Hm… 78 00:05:57,208 --> 00:06:00,125 No footprints or evidence of foul play. 79 00:06:01,708 --> 00:06:02,541 Ah-ha! 80 00:06:04,166 --> 00:06:05,250 Check it out, Kit. 81 00:06:06,333 --> 00:06:08,250 Sam, that's just a pebble. 82 00:06:08,333 --> 00:06:10,791 It is just a pebble, but watch. 83 00:06:15,375 --> 00:06:17,833 Uh, how long do I have to keep watching? 84 00:06:17,916 --> 00:06:21,791 This spot that the beetles chose to start their home is on a hill. 85 00:06:21,875 --> 00:06:23,250 Things roll down it. 86 00:06:23,333 --> 00:06:26,291 So that means maybe the dung ball just rolled away? 87 00:06:26,916 --> 00:06:30,291 The simplest explanation is often the best. Come on! 88 00:06:30,375 --> 00:06:32,333 Whoa, whoa! Uh! Ah… 89 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:34,875 Wait. Why am I running when I can roll? 90 00:06:35,500 --> 00:06:37,500 Woo-hoo! 91 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:42,625 Looks like all kinds of stuff has rolled down this hill. 92 00:06:42,708 --> 00:06:46,125 By the smell of things, there's dung nearby. 93 00:06:46,208 --> 00:06:47,583 Better start searching! 94 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:50,083 Watch your step, Kit. 95 00:06:50,166 --> 00:06:53,666 If the dung ball's down here, we don't wanna step on it. Yuck! 96 00:06:58,375 --> 00:06:59,208 Hm? 97 00:07:00,875 --> 00:07:03,583 Sam, I saw something. A rock was moving. 98 00:07:03,666 --> 00:07:05,250 I saw it too! 99 00:07:08,208 --> 00:07:09,208 -Ha! 100 00:07:09,291 --> 00:07:10,291 Oi! 101 00:07:10,791 --> 00:07:13,000 -What's the big idea here? -Hey! 102 00:07:13,083 --> 00:07:15,375 That's no rock! It's a dung ball! 103 00:07:15,458 --> 00:07:17,750 Ew! And I almost touched it! 104 00:07:18,666 --> 00:07:23,083 What are you two stomping around here for? You're gonna squish my dung ball. 105 00:07:23,166 --> 00:07:25,125 I think we may have found a suspect. 106 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:28,291 Sam Snow and Kit Casey. Agents of CLADE. 107 00:07:28,375 --> 00:07:30,916 -Where'd you get that dung ball? -None of your business. 108 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:33,250 -Hm… -Sam, dung beetles are known 109 00:07:33,333 --> 00:07:35,708 to steal dung balls from each other. Do you think… 110 00:07:35,791 --> 00:07:37,750 I didn't steal nothing! 111 00:07:37,833 --> 00:07:40,541 Herd of elephants passed through not long ago, 112 00:07:40,625 --> 00:07:42,541 and I rolled it up meself. 113 00:07:42,625 --> 00:07:45,083 Oo, it was my lucky day. 114 00:07:45,166 --> 00:07:46,291 Elephants? 115 00:07:47,291 --> 00:07:50,541 Sam, I don't think this is the dung ball we're looking for. 116 00:07:50,625 --> 00:07:52,916 The one that went missing was made of giraffe dung, 117 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:54,708 and this one's elephant dung. 118 00:07:54,791 --> 00:07:56,750 There's still a little over here. 119 00:08:00,083 --> 00:08:02,083 Help yourselves. 120 00:08:02,166 --> 00:08:04,166 Uh… No, thanks. 121 00:08:04,250 --> 00:08:08,125 Elephants came this way recently. Maybe they've seen the missing dung ball. 122 00:08:08,208 --> 00:08:09,125 Better check it out. 123 00:08:09,208 --> 00:08:11,083 Follow those elephant tracks! 124 00:08:12,291 --> 00:08:15,708 Some folks don't know good dung when they see it. 125 00:08:16,291 --> 00:08:17,750 Come on! 126 00:08:17,833 --> 00:08:19,250 There are the elephants! 127 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:21,000 And there's a dung ball! 128 00:08:21,875 --> 00:08:23,541 Okay already. 129 00:08:23,625 --> 00:08:25,500 Huh. Giraffe dung all right. 130 00:08:26,458 --> 00:08:29,708 It's the one we're looking for. But how did it get here? 131 00:08:29,791 --> 00:08:32,083 -Here we go. -Come on! 132 00:08:32,166 --> 00:08:33,208 I'm clear! 133 00:08:35,541 --> 00:08:37,416 -I'm open! -That's how. 134 00:08:37,500 --> 00:08:40,958 It must have rolled down the hill. Then, these elephants kicked it away. 135 00:08:41,041 --> 00:08:43,500 Well, we better get it before it gets squished. 136 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:44,833 Hey! 137 00:08:45,583 --> 00:08:47,958 Excuse us! That ball you're using is-- 138 00:08:49,875 --> 00:08:51,041 Ew! 139 00:08:51,750 --> 00:08:53,125 Look at that! 140 00:08:54,791 --> 00:08:55,625 After it! 141 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:03,458 Hey, hey! 142 00:09:06,458 --> 00:09:08,000 Better call for backup. 143 00:09:08,083 --> 00:09:09,375 Requesting assistance 144 00:09:09,458 --> 00:09:11,958 -from all nearby CLADE agents. 145 00:09:12,958 --> 00:09:13,958 Bill! Jill! 146 00:09:14,041 --> 00:09:16,375 -Hey, guys. -Yoo-hoo! 147 00:09:16,458 --> 00:09:17,291 Stinkwells! 148 00:09:17,375 --> 00:09:18,833 -Whoopsie. 149 00:09:18,916 --> 00:09:19,916 Okay, everybody. 150 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:21,583 Get that dung ball! 151 00:09:21,666 --> 00:09:23,375 Okey dokey! 152 00:09:24,583 --> 00:09:25,416 I'm out. 153 00:09:37,333 --> 00:09:38,250 There it is! 154 00:09:38,333 --> 00:09:39,250 The goal! 155 00:09:39,333 --> 00:09:40,500 She shoots… 156 00:09:41,458 --> 00:09:43,500 -Whoa! -…she scores! 157 00:09:45,041 --> 00:09:46,500 Come on. Now is our chance. 158 00:09:47,541 --> 00:09:49,958 Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Oh yeah. 159 00:09:50,041 --> 00:09:51,583 I got it! I got it! I-- 160 00:09:52,750 --> 00:09:53,583 Huh? 161 00:09:54,541 --> 00:09:56,833 -Wow! What was that? 162 00:10:00,708 --> 00:10:01,791 Over there! 163 00:10:02,791 --> 00:10:04,208 -Split up! -We got it! 164 00:10:04,291 --> 00:10:06,083 -We don't got it. -Whoa! 165 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:07,583 I'm seeing it. 166 00:10:11,166 --> 00:10:12,958 Get this out of here! 167 00:10:15,583 --> 00:10:16,958 Here we go again. 168 00:10:19,458 --> 00:10:21,500 Hurry! It's heading for that cliff! 169 00:10:21,583 --> 00:10:24,500 Oh no! It'll splat like a pancake! 170 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:26,708 -Don't worry! -We will get it! 171 00:10:30,208 --> 00:10:31,333 We got this. 172 00:10:34,250 --> 00:10:35,833 Whoa! 173 00:10:38,458 --> 00:10:39,583 Ooch! 174 00:10:39,666 --> 00:10:42,208 -Sorry, guys. -It's up to you now. 175 00:10:44,125 --> 00:10:46,083 Come to Kit, little dung-- Whoa! 176 00:10:48,416 --> 00:10:49,583 Oh no! 177 00:10:49,666 --> 00:10:50,541 My turn! 178 00:10:50,625 --> 00:10:52,125 You gotta grab it! 179 00:10:58,208 --> 00:10:59,041 Gotcha! 180 00:11:00,625 --> 00:11:02,208 Woo-hoo! 181 00:11:02,291 --> 00:11:03,916 -Woo-hoo! -Nice one. 182 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:06,250 -Whoa-ho! -Great catch, Sam! 183 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:08,708 Ew! Yuck! 184 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:19,000 Our dung ball! 185 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:21,166 And it's still nice and moist. 186 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,583 Now we can finally start our family. 187 00:11:24,750 --> 00:11:26,625 Nice catch back there. 188 00:11:26,708 --> 00:11:28,458 Another Creature Case… 189 00:11:28,541 --> 00:11:29,458 Closed! 190 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:33,333 Guess I really did get my hands dirty this time. 191 00:11:33,416 --> 00:11:35,208 Ew! 192 00:11:35,291 --> 00:11:38,208 Thank you so much for your help, agents. 193 00:11:38,291 --> 00:11:40,500 Why don't you stay for dinner? 194 00:11:40,583 --> 00:11:44,083 You know, all that running around did make me kinda hungry. 195 00:11:44,166 --> 00:11:47,708 Sam, you do know what dung beetles eat, don't you? 196 00:11:47,791 --> 00:11:48,958 They eat dung. 197 00:11:49,041 --> 00:11:51,500 -Uh… 198 00:11:51,583 --> 00:11:52,708 Maybe another time. 199 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,166 Mice Squad Fact File. 200 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:08,000 -Status? 201 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:09,250 System Settings? 202 00:12:11,541 --> 00:12:13,375 Update. Dung beetles. 203 00:12:15,250 --> 00:12:16,916 Dung beetles are famous 204 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:20,083 for collecting big balls of animal droppings. 205 00:12:20,166 --> 00:12:22,500 Otherwise known as dung. 206 00:12:25,041 --> 00:12:27,333 Dung is their food and their home. 207 00:12:27,416 --> 00:12:29,916 It's where the females lay their eggs! 208 00:12:31,458 --> 00:12:35,125 They compete for dung and sometimes even steal from each other. 209 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:37,708 Guess they know good dung when they see it. 210 00:12:38,875 --> 00:12:41,333 Error. Upload incomplete. 211 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,958 How to fix it? 212 00:12:43,041 --> 00:12:44,708 Move your feet. 213 00:12:56,750 --> 00:12:59,500 The Search for the Spotted Frog. 214 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:05,000 -There. 215 00:13:06,041 --> 00:13:08,250 Okay, Dotty. Fetch! 216 00:13:09,875 --> 00:13:12,375 Oh, good boy, Dotty. 217 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:13,500 Good boy. 218 00:13:15,791 --> 00:13:17,083 Did you hear that, Dotty? 219 00:13:17,166 --> 00:13:20,125 I hope it's not a predator trying to steal my eggs. 220 00:13:20,208 --> 00:13:22,541 You stay here, Dotty, and guard the eggs. 221 00:13:22,625 --> 00:13:23,875 I'll go look outside. 222 00:13:28,416 --> 00:13:31,875 -Shoo! Shoo! shoo! -Hoo-hoo! 223 00:13:32,916 --> 00:13:33,833 Hoo-hoo! 224 00:13:33,916 --> 00:13:36,625 Don't worry, Dotty. I scared him off. 225 00:13:37,125 --> 00:13:39,000 Dotty? Where'd you go? 226 00:13:39,666 --> 00:13:40,500 Dotty? 227 00:13:41,333 --> 00:13:42,750 Dotty? 228 00:13:42,833 --> 00:13:44,166 Dotty! 229 00:13:51,666 --> 00:13:52,500 Aw… 230 00:13:53,375 --> 00:13:54,875 Who's a good boy? 231 00:13:54,958 --> 00:13:57,750 You are. Yes, you are. 232 00:13:58,333 --> 00:14:02,041 Here you go, little Hypoestes Phyllostachya. Drink up. 233 00:14:02,125 --> 00:14:05,625 Sam! We can't call our new plant that. 234 00:14:05,708 --> 00:14:08,500 Why not? It is its scientific name. 235 00:14:08,583 --> 00:14:10,500 Our plant needs a good name. 236 00:14:10,583 --> 00:14:12,375 Like Spot. Or Speckles. 237 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:13,666 Or Frank. 238 00:14:13,958 --> 00:14:16,583 -Huh? Kit, look! The CLADE crest. 239 00:14:16,666 --> 00:14:18,791 We'll have to name you later, little plant. 240 00:14:18,875 --> 00:14:20,583 We've got a Creature Case to solve! 241 00:14:26,291 --> 00:14:28,541 Ah, agents, you're just in time. 242 00:14:28,625 --> 00:14:33,125 We've got another case on our hands, and this one's a real doozy. 243 00:14:36,291 --> 00:14:40,500 A tarantula's pet frog has gone missing somewhere in the jungle. 244 00:14:40,583 --> 00:14:43,625 Whoa. Hold on. Tarantulas have pets? 245 00:14:43,708 --> 00:14:48,375 This kind does. Well, sort of. It's more of a mutualistic relationship. 246 00:14:48,458 --> 00:14:49,708 A what? 247 00:14:49,791 --> 00:14:51,791 The frog protects the tarantula's eggs, 248 00:14:51,875 --> 00:14:55,541 and the tarantula protects the frog from predators, like birds. 249 00:14:55,625 --> 00:14:57,875 It's called a mutualistic relationship. 250 00:14:57,958 --> 00:15:00,875 Which is why you've got to find that frog. 251 00:15:00,958 --> 00:15:02,791 You can count on us, Director. 252 00:15:02,875 --> 00:15:03,958 Good luck, agents. 253 00:15:26,125 --> 00:15:28,833 Now arriving at destination biome, 254 00:15:29,458 --> 00:15:32,208 South American Jungle. 255 00:15:32,291 --> 00:15:33,791 Dotty? 256 00:15:33,875 --> 00:15:37,166 Dotty! Dotty! 257 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:38,166 Ma'am? 258 00:15:38,250 --> 00:15:41,291 We're from CLADE, and we're here to help you find your frog. 259 00:15:41,375 --> 00:15:43,000 Oh, thank goodness. 260 00:15:43,083 --> 00:15:46,041 It's not safe for Dotty to be out here all by himself. 261 00:15:46,125 --> 00:15:49,250 Don't worry. We'll launch a full-scale search for him. 262 00:15:49,333 --> 00:15:50,875 Yeah. And in the meantime, 263 00:15:50,958 --> 00:15:54,208 it was a great idea putting up all these missing-frog posters. 264 00:15:55,083 --> 00:15:58,583 But… I didn't put these posters up. 265 00:15:58,666 --> 00:16:00,833 You didn't? Then who did? 266 00:16:00,916 --> 00:16:06,000 Make way for Wally! 267 00:16:06,083 --> 00:16:07,083 Is that… 268 00:16:07,166 --> 00:16:08,666 Wally Bungler? 269 00:16:09,666 --> 00:16:11,041 -Ow! 270 00:16:11,125 --> 00:16:11,958 Wally! 271 00:16:12,541 --> 00:16:14,208 Good day, citizens. 272 00:16:14,916 --> 00:16:15,750 Little help? 273 00:16:19,333 --> 00:16:20,500 Thank you. 274 00:16:20,583 --> 00:16:23,208 Wally, did you put up all the missing-frog posters? 275 00:16:23,291 --> 00:16:27,625 I sure did. As a nature ranger, it's my duty to help. 276 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:31,041 Plus, I know what it's like when a pet goes missing. 277 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:32,166 You do? 278 00:16:32,250 --> 00:16:36,916 A few weeks ago, my pet slug, Sluggo, crawled off and never came home. 279 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:38,333 Oh, Sluggo. 280 00:16:38,416 --> 00:16:42,041 Not a day goes by I don't think about your squishy little face. 281 00:16:42,125 --> 00:16:44,833 Wouldn't hurt to have another set of eyes looking for Dotty. 282 00:16:44,916 --> 00:16:45,750 Right. 283 00:16:45,833 --> 00:16:48,416 Ma'am, you stay here in case Dotty comes back. 284 00:16:48,500 --> 00:16:50,791 Kit, Wally, and I will search the jungle for him. 285 00:16:50,875 --> 00:16:51,958 Ha-ha! 286 00:16:52,041 --> 00:16:52,875 Onwards! 287 00:16:52,958 --> 00:16:53,791 Ha! 288 00:16:53,875 --> 00:16:56,250 -As I was saying, my pet Sluggo. -Oh… 289 00:16:56,333 --> 00:16:57,625 Boy, that slug was… 290 00:16:59,250 --> 00:17:02,166 That little frog could be anywhere. 291 00:17:02,541 --> 00:17:03,500 Ow! 292 00:17:03,583 --> 00:17:07,416 -Whiskers. This jungle's full of frogs! 293 00:17:07,500 --> 00:17:11,041 -Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog. 294 00:17:11,125 --> 00:17:14,416 That means he's small with gray skin and lots of dots. 295 00:17:15,458 --> 00:17:17,000 -Hm… 296 00:17:17,083 --> 00:17:19,208 This frog's too big to be Dotty. 297 00:17:19,291 --> 00:17:21,500 And this one's too small. 298 00:17:21,583 --> 00:17:26,333 This one doesn't have any dots, and this one's got too many dots. 299 00:17:26,416 --> 00:17:27,583 Phew! 300 00:17:27,666 --> 00:17:28,875 Keep it up, you two. 301 00:17:28,958 --> 00:17:30,416 I'm just gonna take a rest 302 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:33,833 right next to this small, gray, spotted rock. 303 00:17:35,833 --> 00:17:36,708 Oh? 304 00:17:36,791 --> 00:17:41,208 Wally, that small, gray, spotted rock is a frog. 305 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:43,666 It is? 306 00:17:44,875 --> 00:17:45,916 It is! 307 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:49,708 Could be Dotty. Come on. Let's bring him back to the tarantula. 308 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:52,833 Hm… 309 00:17:52,916 --> 00:17:56,166 This frog sure looks like Dotty, but… 310 00:17:56,250 --> 00:17:58,458 Um… What's she doing? 311 00:17:58,541 --> 00:18:00,958 Feeling the frog with the special hairs on her legs 312 00:18:01,041 --> 00:18:03,083 that tell her exactly what kind it is. 313 00:18:03,166 --> 00:18:07,208 Nope. Definitely not Dotty. 314 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:09,666 It's not even the right kind of frog. 315 00:18:09,750 --> 00:18:11,708 Dotty's a dotted humming frog. 316 00:18:11,791 --> 00:18:15,041 That's the only kind of frog that will protect my eggs. 317 00:18:15,708 --> 00:18:17,083 Hey, hold on. 318 00:18:17,166 --> 00:18:18,500 I was so worried about Dotty, 319 00:18:18,583 --> 00:18:22,250 I didn't notice that one of my eggs is missing too! 320 00:18:24,208 --> 00:18:26,791 There's a missing frog and a missing egg? 321 00:18:26,875 --> 00:18:30,416 Maybe there's a connection between the missing egg and Dotty. 322 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:32,041 Better look for clues. 323 00:18:32,125 --> 00:18:32,958 Hm… 324 00:18:38,083 --> 00:18:39,541 Hm… 325 00:18:41,208 --> 00:18:42,041 Hey! 326 00:18:42,125 --> 00:18:44,166 What is it, Wally? You see a clue? 327 00:18:44,250 --> 00:18:46,708 No, but I smell one! 328 00:18:46,791 --> 00:18:48,166 It smells like… 329 00:18:49,166 --> 00:18:50,333 …ants! 330 00:18:51,458 --> 00:18:54,625 What? Sluggo and I worked on an ant farm one summer. 331 00:18:56,083 --> 00:18:56,916 Huh. 332 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:58,666 It does smell a little anty. 333 00:18:58,750 --> 00:19:00,666 -Activate Stink-O-Vision. 334 00:19:02,125 --> 00:19:05,458 Look! There's an ant smell trail leading away from the eggs. 335 00:19:05,541 --> 00:19:07,500 Ants must have snuck in here and taken one. 336 00:19:07,583 --> 00:19:08,750 Oh no! 337 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:11,250 Come on. If we follow that smell trail, 338 00:19:11,333 --> 00:19:14,833 maybe we can find the missing egg and Dotty! 339 00:19:18,416 --> 00:19:21,833 This smell trail will show us where the ants went. 340 00:19:28,750 --> 00:19:29,583 This way! 341 00:19:41,750 --> 00:19:42,583 Look. 342 00:19:42,666 --> 00:19:44,333 There are the ants! 343 00:19:44,416 --> 00:19:48,208 If we're really quiet, we could sneak up on them and-- 344 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:52,666 Wally, dear. I spilled jam all over the toaster again. 345 00:19:52,750 --> 00:19:56,166 Mom, not now. We're sneaking up on some ants. 346 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:58,375 Huh? What was that? Who's there? 347 00:19:59,625 --> 00:20:01,583 So much for sneaking. Come on. 348 00:20:01,666 --> 00:20:04,000 Hold it right there, ants! 349 00:20:04,083 --> 00:20:05,791 Where's that tarantula egg? 350 00:20:05,875 --> 00:20:08,750 Ah! Okay, okay, we stole an egg. 351 00:20:08,833 --> 00:20:11,666 But we don't have it anymore. Honest. 352 00:20:11,750 --> 00:20:15,500 Yeah. A little gray frog came outta nowhere and took it away from us. 353 00:20:15,583 --> 00:20:16,500 A frog? 354 00:20:16,583 --> 00:20:18,041 Whiskers, that's it! 355 00:20:20,666 --> 00:20:24,166 When the tarantula came out to see if there were any predators… 356 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:29,625 the ants snuck into the tarantula's burrow and stole one of her eggs! 357 00:20:30,166 --> 00:20:32,333 But it's Dotty's job to protect them. 358 00:20:32,416 --> 00:20:36,750 So he followed the ants into the jungle and took the egg back. 359 00:20:37,250 --> 00:20:39,333 Huh. But where's Dotty now? 360 00:20:39,416 --> 00:20:42,708 I don't know. He could have gone anywhere with that egg. 361 00:20:42,791 --> 00:20:47,833 Oh dear, that poor little frog, lost out there. 362 00:20:47,916 --> 00:20:50,083 Just like my poor little Sluggo. 363 00:20:52,541 --> 00:20:56,416 Huh. Wally, I think you just found a trail of frog slime. 364 00:20:56,500 --> 00:20:58,166 Dotty may have left it behind. 365 00:20:58,250 --> 00:20:59,250 I did? 366 00:21:00,250 --> 00:21:02,000 I did! 367 00:21:02,083 --> 00:21:04,041 It could lead us to Dotty. 368 00:21:04,125 --> 00:21:05,750 Follow that frog slime! 369 00:21:08,708 --> 00:21:11,000 Dotty must have come this way. 370 00:21:11,083 --> 00:21:12,208 -Oo! 371 00:21:16,291 --> 00:21:17,125 Crikey! 372 00:21:17,208 --> 00:21:19,500 I've never heard so many frogs. 373 00:21:19,583 --> 00:21:22,625 How are we ever gonna figure out which one is Dotty? 374 00:21:22,708 --> 00:21:25,666 Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog. 375 00:21:25,750 --> 00:21:27,416 He sounds like this. 376 00:21:28,875 --> 00:21:32,666 So we've just gotta zero in on this sound. 377 00:21:36,708 --> 00:21:37,666 Nope. 378 00:21:39,500 --> 00:21:40,625 No. 379 00:21:41,625 --> 00:21:43,000 Not that one. 380 00:21:44,958 --> 00:21:46,333 Ah! Bingo! 381 00:21:46,416 --> 00:21:49,625 I hear a spotted humming frog right over… 382 00:21:50,416 --> 00:21:51,541 there! 383 00:21:51,625 --> 00:21:53,208 -Dotty! 384 00:21:53,791 --> 00:21:55,375 And he's got the egg! 385 00:21:55,458 --> 00:21:58,166 Come on, little froggy. Time to get you home. 386 00:21:58,250 --> 00:22:00,416 -Where you'll be safe and-- 387 00:22:00,500 --> 00:22:01,458 Hoo-hoo! 388 00:22:04,583 --> 00:22:06,083 Hoo-hoo! 389 00:22:07,625 --> 00:22:10,333 -That owl just took Dotty! 390 00:22:10,416 --> 00:22:13,291 Hang on, Dotty! We're coming! 391 00:22:15,416 --> 00:22:16,791 Hoo-hoo! 392 00:22:23,416 --> 00:22:25,708 Oh no! The owl's flying away! 393 00:22:25,791 --> 00:22:27,125 Not if I can help it. 394 00:22:27,208 --> 00:22:28,291 Yah! 395 00:22:29,958 --> 00:22:31,250 Don't worry, Dotty! 396 00:22:31,333 --> 00:22:32,750 Hoo-hoo! 397 00:22:32,833 --> 00:22:33,958 Wally's got ya! 398 00:22:39,375 --> 00:22:40,416 Oh! Gotcha! 399 00:22:41,791 --> 00:22:43,291 -Phew! 400 00:22:43,375 --> 00:22:45,958 It's okay, Dotty. You're safe now. 401 00:22:46,041 --> 00:22:48,500 That tarantula was right. 402 00:22:48,583 --> 00:22:52,791 Dotty, you belong back in her burrow where she can protect you. Come on. 403 00:22:53,333 --> 00:22:54,708 -Oh! 404 00:22:54,791 --> 00:22:56,916 Dotty! It's you! 405 00:22:57,000 --> 00:22:58,625 Oh, I was so worried. 406 00:22:58,708 --> 00:23:01,208 -And you kept my egg safe. 407 00:23:01,291 --> 00:23:02,583 Who's a good boy? 408 00:23:02,666 --> 00:23:05,583 Oh, detectives. I don't know how I can ever thank you. 409 00:23:05,666 --> 00:23:07,208 It's our pleasure, ma'am. 410 00:23:07,291 --> 00:23:10,000 Yeah. We're just happy you two are back together. 411 00:23:11,500 --> 00:23:14,750 What's that, Dotty? You wanna play fetch? 412 00:23:16,750 --> 00:23:21,125 You know, this reminds me of when me and Sluggo used to play together. 413 00:23:21,208 --> 00:23:24,041 -Wally! It's a miracle! 414 00:23:24,125 --> 00:23:25,208 Sluggo's come home! 415 00:23:26,208 --> 00:23:27,666 Sluggo's home? 416 00:23:27,750 --> 00:23:29,750 Hang on, Mom! I'll be right there! 417 00:23:29,833 --> 00:23:31,791 I'm coming, Sluggo! 418 00:23:32,833 --> 00:23:35,041 See you around, Wally. 419 00:23:35,125 --> 00:23:38,583 Well, Sam, looks like that's another Creature Case… 420 00:23:38,666 --> 00:23:39,791 Closed! 421 00:23:39,875 --> 00:23:43,125 And I think I know what we should name our little plant. 422 00:23:44,083 --> 00:23:44,916 Dotty! 423 00:23:45,500 --> 00:23:47,333 Who's a good plant? 424 00:23:47,416 --> 00:23:48,708 Yes, you are. 425 00:23:48,791 --> 00:23:51,041 Who's got the spottiest little dots? 426 00:23:51,125 --> 00:23:53,708 You have. Yes, you do. 427 00:23:53,791 --> 00:23:56,375 And you're so cute. Look at you. 428 00:24:01,541 --> 00:24:03,416 Mice Squad Fact File. 429 00:24:06,791 --> 00:24:08,291 -Status? 430 00:24:08,375 --> 00:24:09,541 System Settings? 431 00:24:11,791 --> 00:24:13,583 Update. Tarantulas. 432 00:24:15,208 --> 00:24:18,500 Tarantulas don't actually have pets. 433 00:24:18,583 --> 00:24:22,833 But some species really do like to live with dotted humming frogs. 434 00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:28,000 They protect the frog, and the frog protects their eggs. 435 00:24:28,083 --> 00:24:30,208 A mutualistic relationship. 436 00:24:31,750 --> 00:24:35,541 Tarantulas can tell what kind of frog it is by touching its skin. 437 00:24:35,625 --> 00:24:38,000 Wouldn't want one touching me. 438 00:24:39,166 --> 00:24:41,625 Error. Upload incomplete. 439 00:24:41,708 --> 00:24:43,250 How to fix it? 440 00:24:43,333 --> 00:24:45,000 Move your feet.