1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:05,840 This programme contains strong language and scenes some viewers may find distressing. 2 00:02:37,520 --> 00:02:39,040 Maia? Hey. 3 00:02:40,360 --> 00:02:42,360 Was that Maia? 4 00:02:42,400 --> 00:02:44,240 I'm sorry. Can I help you? 5 00:02:45,480 --> 00:02:47,600 I asked, was that Maia? 6 00:02:47,640 --> 00:02:49,720 Yeah, it was indeed. And you are? 7 00:02:52,520 --> 00:02:54,760 Ah. I was told to expect you. 8 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:58,320 I understand you've paid a visit to one of my establishments. 9 00:02:58,360 --> 00:02:59,720 You own the lap dancing club? 10 00:02:59,760 --> 00:03:02,080 Amongst other things. 11 00:03:02,120 --> 00:03:04,840 I'm a venture capitalist, Detective. 12 00:03:04,880 --> 00:03:06,240 An investor. 13 00:03:06,280 --> 00:03:09,280 I'm interested in creating value, not value judgments. 14 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:13,600 I told Maia to lie low. 15 00:03:13,640 --> 00:03:16,480 Sensible advice, which she intends to follow. 16 00:03:16,520 --> 00:03:18,880 She was handing me the keys when you came in. 17 00:03:18,920 --> 00:03:20,560 Won't you join me? 18 00:03:49,040 --> 00:03:52,000 Looks like Maia wasn't the only one who paid you a visit. 19 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:53,680 Nicola's been here as well. 20 00:03:56,240 --> 00:03:58,120 Are you tidying up loose ends? 21 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:06,240 Put it away, Detective. 22 00:04:06,280 --> 00:04:07,760 I know you're not going to use it. 23 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:09,520 What makes you so sure? 24 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:13,720 Because if you speak with your colleague Ryan Oakshot, 25 00:04:13,760 --> 00:04:16,920 you'll know that I spent several hours in his delightful company last night 26 00:04:16,960 --> 00:04:19,600 at exactly the time that Christina's meant to have passed away - 27 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:23,520 which suggests that I cannot have been directly involved in her death, 28 00:04:23,560 --> 00:04:27,200 if indeed there was any third-party involvement, which seems unlikely. 29 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,560 That doesn't explain why my daughter 30 00:04:31,600 --> 00:04:33,680 was using your name as a pseudonym. 31 00:04:34,920 --> 00:04:36,480 I wasn't aware that she was. 32 00:04:40,440 --> 00:04:42,560 Harriet Carr. Harry Carr. 33 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:45,960 That's not a coincidence. 34 00:04:50,360 --> 00:04:53,560 Detective, your emotional state is understandable. 35 00:04:53,600 --> 00:04:56,520 But you're in danger of making a grave mistake. I loved Christina, 36 00:04:56,560 --> 00:04:59,720 and I'm as devastated by her death as you are. 37 00:04:59,760 --> 00:05:03,040 I imagine we're both desperate to understand why she did what she did, 38 00:05:03,080 --> 00:05:04,920 to learn what we might have done differently, 39 00:05:04,960 --> 00:05:07,080 and I'm willing to share what I know. 40 00:05:07,120 --> 00:05:09,560 But I refuse to do so under the threat of violence. 41 00:05:24,400 --> 00:05:26,720 Why was she using your name? 42 00:05:26,760 --> 00:05:28,560 Jesus. You're a fool. 43 00:05:28,600 --> 00:05:30,840 Why was she using your name? 44 00:05:30,880 --> 00:05:32,520 "Why? Why? Why?" 45 00:05:32,560 --> 00:05:34,240 Don't you even care? Christina is dead! 46 00:05:34,280 --> 00:05:36,080 Why was she using your name? 47 00:05:40,680 --> 00:05:44,000 I can assure you, I never heard Christina call herself that. 48 00:05:44,040 --> 00:05:46,360 But you've an idea why she would. 49 00:05:46,400 --> 00:05:48,000 There was a running joke between us 50 00:05:48,040 --> 00:05:51,920 that I was becoming a kind of surrogate father to her. 51 00:05:51,960 --> 00:05:53,760 We were close, very close. 52 00:05:53,800 --> 00:05:55,080 As for the two of you, well... 53 00:05:56,960 --> 00:05:59,040 ..there appeared to be a vacancy. 54 00:06:06,680 --> 00:06:10,840 Maia said something about trying to set Christina up with you. 55 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:13,880 I was briefly flattered by the idea, 56 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:17,680 but it quickly became apparent that we weren't compatible. 57 00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:18,960 At least not in that way. 58 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:20,920 Because you're three times her age? 59 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:24,960 Age is just a social classification, Detective Sergeant. 60 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:28,080 It's easy to say that when you're old. 61 00:06:28,120 --> 00:06:31,520 Christina had a fine mind, A searching intelligence. 62 00:06:31,560 --> 00:06:33,440 We found a lot to talk about. 63 00:06:35,040 --> 00:06:38,760 Have you read much philosophy? Hmm? 64 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:41,440 Foucault's very interesting about knowledge and power 65 00:06:41,480 --> 00:06:43,800 and their link to transgression - 66 00:06:43,840 --> 00:06:47,800 the idea of getting beyond agreed social limits. 67 00:06:47,840 --> 00:06:49,600 Sounds right up your street. 68 00:06:49,640 --> 00:06:52,880 I'm studying for an MA with the Open University. 69 00:06:52,920 --> 00:06:55,640 I'm amazed you can find the time. 70 00:06:55,680 --> 00:06:58,040 It's one of the benefits of never having been married, of... 71 00:06:59,200 --> 00:07:00,840 ..having no children of my own. 72 00:07:04,280 --> 00:07:07,160 So that's what you and Christina did together, huh? 73 00:07:07,200 --> 00:07:09,920 You debated ethical dilemmas? 74 00:07:09,960 --> 00:07:12,120 Sometimes. Mostly we had fun. 75 00:07:22,360 --> 00:07:23,840 This was taken here. 76 00:07:28,880 --> 00:07:31,320 I don't suppose you'd let me have that, would you? 77 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:35,280 Where did you find it? 78 00:07:35,320 --> 00:07:36,760 At her flat. 79 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:40,160 Ah. Where you encountered the lovely Nicola, I'm led to believe. 80 00:07:41,960 --> 00:07:44,960 I asked her to retrieve the drives and bring them to me 81 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:48,880 in return for taking whatever cash she found there. 82 00:07:48,920 --> 00:07:50,720 She was more than happy with a trade. 83 00:07:52,520 --> 00:07:55,080 She's been worried about money since Christina... 84 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:01,000 Why didn't she hold on to them herself? 85 00:08:01,040 --> 00:08:03,480 Because the accounts are encrypted. 86 00:08:03,520 --> 00:08:04,920 Not much use to you. 87 00:08:04,960 --> 00:08:08,040 Well, except I had the usernames, pin codes and passwords. 88 00:08:08,080 --> 00:08:09,320 How come? 89 00:08:09,360 --> 00:08:11,120 Christina gave them to me. 90 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:12,600 Well, why would she do that? 91 00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:15,800 How much do you know? 92 00:08:17,200 --> 00:08:20,640 I know that she was dealing online with a guy called Jake. 93 00:08:20,680 --> 00:08:23,240 I know she bought herself out of her relationship with Jake 94 00:08:23,280 --> 00:08:25,360 because she wanted to move in a new direction. 95 00:08:25,400 --> 00:08:27,040 Oh, you have been busy. 96 00:08:27,080 --> 00:08:29,240 Jake told me she'd found a new partner. 97 00:08:33,480 --> 00:08:35,480 I was told to clear the table, sir. 98 00:08:35,520 --> 00:08:36,720 Go ahead. 99 00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:55,640 I know she'd started selling a new kind of drug - 100 00:08:55,680 --> 00:08:59,320 Novel Psychoactive Substances. Huh? 101 00:09:02,600 --> 00:09:04,560 Presumably that's where you came in. 102 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:06,200 I don't deny it. 103 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:09,120 I have connections with the pharmaceutical industries. 104 00:09:10,520 --> 00:09:11,960 So it was you? 105 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,480 Was me what? 106 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:17,240 Who got her involved in the shit that ultimately killed her. 107 00:09:17,280 --> 00:09:20,400 I know the merchandise she was selling was linked to her death, 108 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:22,920 and that she reached out to Ryan for help when she found out. 109 00:09:22,960 --> 00:09:26,040 It was the other way round. He was put in charge of the investigation. 110 00:09:27,920 --> 00:09:30,080 Well, either way, he got her out of a hole. 111 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:32,840 DS Oakshot was certainly very effective. 112 00:09:32,880 --> 00:09:34,960 Just his methods that are so despicable. 113 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:40,120 Look, Christina was appalled by that girl's death. We all were, but... 114 00:09:40,160 --> 00:09:43,080 But what? The connections I'd helped her to establish, 115 00:09:43,120 --> 00:09:46,800 they were still fresh, clearly in need of cementing. 116 00:09:46,840 --> 00:09:48,920 It would have been...awkward, 117 00:09:48,960 --> 00:09:51,920 dangerous even to call a halt so soon. 118 00:09:55,120 --> 00:09:57,760 I asked her to keep going. 119 00:09:57,800 --> 00:09:59,320 To my lasting regret. 120 00:10:04,480 --> 00:10:06,040 She tried to walk away. 121 00:10:07,840 --> 00:10:09,240 And you stopped her. 122 00:10:14,560 --> 00:10:16,640 Scumbag. Scumbag! 123 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:21,000 Your daughter was in flames when I met her, Danny. 124 00:10:27,040 --> 00:10:28,760 So which of us is guilty, hmm? 125 00:10:45,080 --> 00:10:46,600 I made a stupid mistake. 126 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:52,880 I assumed Oakshot was helping Christina 127 00:10:52,920 --> 00:10:55,000 because of your family connections. 128 00:10:55,040 --> 00:10:58,160 I only learned much later that he was more than £300,000 in debt 129 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:00,320 to some online bookmaker. 130 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:02,080 How did you find out? 131 00:11:02,120 --> 00:11:03,680 I started here, Detective. 132 00:11:03,720 --> 00:11:07,000 I own horses, I own stables, I own betting shops - word gets around. 133 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:12,040 But Christina didn't tell you that Ryan had beaten her up? 134 00:11:12,080 --> 00:11:15,320 She was very proud. She didn't want to appear weak. 135 00:11:15,360 --> 00:11:16,760 But then, you know that. 136 00:11:17,880 --> 00:11:22,280 I only learned very recently that he'd been extorting money from her. 137 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:24,000 How recently? 138 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:25,440 Last night. 139 00:11:26,640 --> 00:11:28,400 What? 140 00:11:28,440 --> 00:11:30,640 You saw her last night? 141 00:11:30,680 --> 00:11:33,680 She came to see me early yesterday evening. 142 00:11:33,720 --> 00:11:35,640 In a terrible state. 143 00:11:35,680 --> 00:11:37,520 She'd heard there'd been another death. 144 00:11:37,560 --> 00:11:40,440 Some 19-year-old choked to death on his own vomit. 145 00:11:40,480 --> 00:11:43,520 Oakshot was already taking steps to cover it up, of course. 146 00:11:43,560 --> 00:11:45,400 Christina... 147 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:47,520 ..she wasn't going along with it this time. 148 00:11:47,560 --> 00:11:50,120 She told him she was shutting down the operation. 149 00:11:50,160 --> 00:11:51,520 He didn't like it. 150 00:11:53,960 --> 00:11:56,000 He beat her again? 151 00:11:56,040 --> 00:11:57,520 She was at her wits' end. 152 00:12:02,120 --> 00:12:03,520 What did you do? 153 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:06,760 I did what I should have done the first time. 154 00:12:06,800 --> 00:12:08,560 Which was? 155 00:12:08,600 --> 00:12:10,920 Agreed to take over. 156 00:12:10,960 --> 00:12:12,240 Her business? Mm-hm. 157 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:15,160 The passwords to her social media feeds. 158 00:12:15,200 --> 00:12:18,680 The pin codes and usernames for her cryptocurrency accounts. 159 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:22,160 She even kept records of every transaction, 160 00:12:22,200 --> 00:12:23,680 of what she'd supplied and when. 161 00:12:23,720 --> 00:12:25,400 What, and she just gave it all away? 162 00:12:25,440 --> 00:12:27,320 She wanted to stop feeling ashamed. 163 00:12:31,040 --> 00:12:34,920 Then she must have been happy, not suicidal. 164 00:12:34,960 --> 00:12:37,400 She wasn't in a mood to celebrate. 165 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:40,960 I asked her to come out to dinner with me, but she refused. 166 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:43,120 Maybe she just didn't want to celebrate with you. 167 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:45,720 Maybe. 168 00:12:47,760 --> 00:12:51,360 What about this business with Ryan pulling you over kerb-crawling? 169 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:52,920 It was a rouse. 170 00:12:52,960 --> 00:12:55,320 What Foucault would call "an abuse of power." 171 00:12:56,800 --> 00:12:58,160 For what purpose? 172 00:12:58,200 --> 00:12:59,840 I'm sure you can work it out. 173 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:06,960 So...Ryan tracked Christina to the party at the warehouse. 174 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:09,720 She told him what she'd done, gave him your name. 175 00:13:11,480 --> 00:13:13,080 How did he know where to find you? 176 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:16,240 I'm a private man, Detective, 177 00:13:16,280 --> 00:13:20,120 but I have a terrible vanity. I like to blog about food. 178 00:13:20,160 --> 00:13:22,400 There's a new Michelin star restaurant 179 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:25,440 and I couldn't resist the urge to share it with the world. 180 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:28,680 Silly old fool. 181 00:13:31,800 --> 00:13:33,200 How did he arrange it? 182 00:13:33,240 --> 00:13:35,360 Had a flat tyre. 183 00:13:35,400 --> 00:13:39,360 At the garage this morning, they said there was a nail in it. 184 00:13:39,400 --> 00:13:41,320 I'm sure my numberplate was a bit of a giveaway 185 00:13:41,360 --> 00:13:43,720 in the restaurant car park. 186 00:13:43,760 --> 00:13:45,840 He followed you when you left, 187 00:13:45,880 --> 00:13:48,160 nabbed you when you had to pull over. 188 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:50,240 Took me back to the station for questioning 189 00:13:50,280 --> 00:13:52,000 on some trumped-up charge. 190 00:13:52,040 --> 00:13:53,960 Useful fabrication. 191 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:55,480 Gave him cover to discuss 192 00:13:55,520 --> 00:13:58,440 the new business arrangement between the two of us. 193 00:13:58,480 --> 00:14:00,120 Well, I can't imagine a charge like that 194 00:14:00,160 --> 00:14:02,320 would have much leverage with a man like you. 195 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:05,360 I've learned it best to keep law enforcement on side, if possible, 196 00:14:05,400 --> 00:14:06,840 so long as the price is right. 197 00:14:08,760 --> 00:14:11,120 You sure he wasn't establishing an alibi 198 00:14:11,160 --> 00:14:13,200 while someone else took care of Christina? 199 00:14:13,240 --> 00:14:15,040 Huh, that sounds a bit sophisticated 200 00:14:15,080 --> 00:14:17,960 for Detective Sergeant Oakshot, wouldn't you agree? 201 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:19,800 He just seemed fixated on the money. 202 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:24,560 Well, makes sense, I suppose. 203 00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:26,000 Except... 204 00:14:26,040 --> 00:14:29,120 ..why would a man of your obvious wealth and education 205 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:31,520 want to get involved in criminal activity? 206 00:14:31,560 --> 00:14:34,080 Who decides what constitutes criminal activity? 207 00:14:34,120 --> 00:14:36,320 It's illegal to drink Coca Cola in North Korea. 208 00:14:36,360 --> 00:14:38,200 Yeah, but why risk it? 209 00:14:38,240 --> 00:14:41,480 Life is very dull without risk, Detective. 210 00:14:41,520 --> 00:14:44,360 And I have very little to lose besides money. 211 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:45,640 Your freedom. 212 00:14:48,440 --> 00:14:51,840 I doubt very much you'll be able to trace any of this back to me 213 00:14:51,880 --> 00:14:54,160 if ever you're minded to try. 214 00:14:54,200 --> 00:14:56,600 Ah. You work through other people. 215 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:01,360 Perhaps you got someone else to kill Christina for you. 216 00:15:02,440 --> 00:15:04,880 Perhaps I could get someone else to kill you? 217 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:12,480 Let me show you something. 218 00:15:44,840 --> 00:15:46,800 Let me tell you a story, Danny. 219 00:15:49,120 --> 00:15:53,000 Christina told me about the first time she went riding with her daddy. 220 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:58,560 And for years afterwards, she begged him for a horse of her own. 221 00:15:58,600 --> 00:16:00,800 Every birthday, every Christmas. 222 00:16:02,640 --> 00:16:05,520 But he always told her he couldn't afford one. 223 00:16:08,120 --> 00:16:12,480 As she got older, mummy and daddy stopped loving each other. 224 00:16:14,880 --> 00:16:16,960 They forced her to choose between them. 225 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:21,520 And just when she'd given up all hope, 226 00:16:21,560 --> 00:16:24,000 he finally bought her one. 227 00:16:24,040 --> 00:16:28,200 Wasn't much to look at, but she knew it came from a place of love. 228 00:16:29,800 --> 00:16:33,160 He'd also done something to her that hurt her very deeply, 229 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,160 made her feel worthless and rejected 230 00:16:36,200 --> 00:16:38,800 for an innocent teenage fling with another girl. 231 00:16:40,640 --> 00:16:44,640 In a moment of anger that she would come to regret enormously, 232 00:16:44,680 --> 00:16:46,960 she told him she didn't want his stupid horse. 233 00:16:48,960 --> 00:16:52,720 Now daddy felt angry and hurt too. 234 00:16:54,520 --> 00:16:55,720 And so... 235 00:16:57,280 --> 00:16:58,840 ..he sold it. 236 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:02,680 Will you pass me the bucket? 237 00:17:04,560 --> 00:17:06,960 The bucket. Quickly, please. 238 00:17:17,960 --> 00:17:20,920 Remind me who you sold it to, Detective. 239 00:17:20,960 --> 00:17:23,200 It's not relevant. 240 00:17:23,240 --> 00:17:24,720 Oh, I think it is. 241 00:17:29,920 --> 00:17:31,680 I sold it to the knacker's yard. 242 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:36,360 And they both lived unhappily ever after. 243 00:17:37,560 --> 00:17:39,920 Until... 244 00:17:39,960 --> 00:17:41,680 Until? 245 00:17:41,720 --> 00:17:46,120 Until another man came along and tried to be a father to her. 246 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:52,400 A sad, lonely man who'd no children of his own. 247 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:56,040 I thought I could dash the flames, 248 00:17:56,080 --> 00:17:57,880 soothe her childhood trauma. 249 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:03,840 You bought it for her? 250 00:18:03,880 --> 00:18:06,720 Mm-hm. I thought I could take your place. 251 00:18:07,840 --> 00:18:10,880 But it only made her want the real thing even more. 252 00:18:15,120 --> 00:18:16,440 Why would you say that? 253 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:25,440 Christina called me one last time. 254 00:18:25,480 --> 00:18:27,120 Must have been shortly after she got home. 255 00:18:27,160 --> 00:18:29,160 She sounded out of it. 256 00:18:29,200 --> 00:18:32,800 I was at the police station. I only heard the message much later, 257 00:18:32,840 --> 00:18:36,000 but I realised immediately she'd dialled me by mistake. 258 00:18:36,040 --> 00:18:37,640 She thought she was calling you. 259 00:18:43,560 --> 00:18:45,920 Dad? 260 00:18:48,200 --> 00:18:51,280 Why don't you ever pick up? 261 00:18:54,680 --> 00:18:55,880 Dad? 262 00:18:58,880 --> 00:19:00,600 Please, Dad. 263 00:19:04,120 --> 00:19:05,880 I need you. 264 00:19:10,040 --> 00:19:14,120 I think...maybe when she couldn't reach you, 265 00:19:14,160 --> 00:19:17,000 it tipped her over the edge. 266 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:23,320 You piece of shit. 267 00:19:23,360 --> 00:19:25,400 On your knees. 268 00:19:25,440 --> 00:19:26,840 On your knees! 269 00:19:34,080 --> 00:19:36,960 Don't do this. It was suicide, Danny. 270 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:38,400 You could have saved her! 271 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:42,200 So could you. 272 00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:24,320 What is it they say about the greatest good? 273 00:20:24,360 --> 00:20:26,400 The greatest good for the greatest number. 274 00:20:26,440 --> 00:20:29,720 The golden rule of the utilitarians - John Stuart Mill. 275 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:31,480 Or in your case, 276 00:20:31,520 --> 00:20:35,040 the greatest good for number one, and fuck everybody else. 277 00:20:36,400 --> 00:20:38,320 I'm a Darwinian, Detective. 278 00:20:38,360 --> 00:20:40,080 I believe in the survival of the fittest. 279 00:20:54,160 --> 00:20:55,520 It's over, Danny. 280 00:21:48,080 --> 00:21:50,320 No, Dad. 281 00:21:59,720 --> 00:22:01,280 Don't. 282 00:22:43,880 --> 00:22:46,880 Subtitles by Red Bee Media