1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:06,625 --> 00:00:08,625 [mysterious music playing] 3 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 4 00:00:32,291 --> 00:00:34,124 [sniffs] Hmm. 5 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:37,082 - You're not gonna eat that, are you? - I'm starving. 6 00:00:37,083 --> 00:00:38,290 But not that starving. 7 00:00:38,291 --> 00:00:41,082 [Jaskier] Good, because that is disgusting. 8 00:00:41,083 --> 00:00:42,999 [Geralt] I'm tracking the monster's scent. 9 00:00:43,000 --> 00:00:45,790 - [Jaskier moans] - I've only seen an Allamorax in books. 10 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:48,707 And those shoes weren't made for climbing rocks. 11 00:00:48,708 --> 00:00:49,791 Wait on shore. 12 00:00:50,875 --> 00:00:54,749 Uh, I need to be amongst the action to compose a proper ballad. 13 00:00:54,750 --> 00:00:57,540 Besides, I'm more nimble than you'd think. 14 00:00:57,541 --> 00:00:58,749 [Jaskier groans] 15 00:00:58,750 --> 00:00:59,666 [sighs] 16 00:01:00,791 --> 00:01:02,249 - [cracking] - [Geralt gasps] 17 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:04,875 - Go! - I told you. I... [yelps] 18 00:01:05,500 --> 00:01:08,915 [Allamorax roars] 19 00:01:08,916 --> 00:01:12,250 Oh my God. What the fuck is that? 20 00:01:13,041 --> 00:01:15,041 [suspenseful music playing] 21 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:18,750 - [whimpers] - [snarls] 22 00:01:19,750 --> 00:01:20,666 [Jaskier gasps] 23 00:01:21,250 --> 00:01:22,083 [Geralt strains] 24 00:01:22,916 --> 00:01:23,790 [straining continues] 25 00:01:23,791 --> 00:01:25,333 [tense music playing] 26 00:01:27,166 --> 00:01:29,040 [strains] 27 00:01:29,041 --> 00:01:30,332 [Allamorax growls] 28 00:01:30,333 --> 00:01:31,666 [Jaskier whimpers] 29 00:01:37,375 --> 00:01:38,499 [Geralt yells] 30 00:01:38,500 --> 00:01:39,833 [strains] 31 00:01:43,166 --> 00:01:45,166 [tense music continues] 32 00:01:46,208 --> 00:01:47,833 [Allamorax growls] 33 00:01:48,625 --> 00:01:49,540 [Geralt grunts] 34 00:01:49,541 --> 00:01:51,833 [tense music continues] 35 00:01:55,541 --> 00:01:56,999 [whimpers] 36 00:01:57,000 --> 00:01:58,708 [tense music continues] 37 00:02:02,875 --> 00:02:03,875 [Geralt yells] 38 00:02:04,958 --> 00:02:06,041 [groans] 39 00:02:06,708 --> 00:02:08,083 [Allamorax growls] 40 00:02:09,250 --> 00:02:11,791 [Geralt grunting] 41 00:02:13,208 --> 00:02:15,208 [tense music continues] 42 00:02:24,625 --> 00:02:25,583 [yells] 43 00:02:27,875 --> 00:02:29,875 [dramatic music playing] 44 00:02:37,916 --> 00:02:40,040 [Geralt grunts] 45 00:02:40,041 --> 00:02:41,750 - [Allamorax roars] - [Jaskier gasps] 46 00:02:42,250 --> 00:02:44,250 [dramatic music continues] 47 00:02:48,750 --> 00:02:50,208 [Geralt yells] 48 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:53,833 [Allamorax groans] 49 00:02:54,958 --> 00:02:55,833 [music fades] 50 00:02:58,458 --> 00:03:00,250 [Geralt grunts] 51 00:03:04,166 --> 00:03:05,250 [Geralt grunts] 52 00:03:05,833 --> 00:03:07,082 [Geralt grunts] 53 00:03:07,083 --> 00:03:08,375 [dramatic music playing] 54 00:03:10,833 --> 00:03:11,750 [Geralt grunts] 55 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:17,583 [Geralt grunts] 56 00:03:18,833 --> 00:03:20,875 [Allamorax roars] 57 00:03:21,958 --> 00:03:24,250 [dramatic music continues] 58 00:03:24,875 --> 00:03:26,083 [yells] 59 00:03:31,416 --> 00:03:32,458 [Geralt gasps] 60 00:03:33,125 --> 00:03:35,541 [dramatic music continues] 61 00:03:46,166 --> 00:03:47,958 [somber music playing] 62 00:03:49,958 --> 00:03:53,208 [breathes heavily] Nothing personal, big fella. 63 00:03:58,750 --> 00:03:59,833 Show yourself! 64 00:04:03,166 --> 00:04:04,541 [in Merspeak] Have mercy. 65 00:04:05,541 --> 00:04:08,166 That creature means you no harm. 66 00:04:09,583 --> 00:04:16,540 Not say the pearl divers who hired me to kill it. 67 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:19,957 This isn't the first attack in the area. 68 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:22,124 It can barely open its mouth. 69 00:04:22,125 --> 00:04:23,832 [merman] It isn't eating humans. 70 00:04:23,833 --> 00:04:28,415 It's eating oysters and the divers' precious trinkets inside. 71 00:04:28,416 --> 00:04:30,791 Its only crime is being hungry. 72 00:04:33,666 --> 00:04:35,250 Have mercy. 73 00:04:40,083 --> 00:04:41,624 [Allamorax growls] 74 00:04:41,625 --> 00:04:44,083 But I could use a ride. 75 00:04:48,125 --> 00:04:50,125 [waves splash] 76 00:04:59,041 --> 00:04:59,915 [Jaskier sighs] 77 00:04:59,916 --> 00:05:02,000 [gentle music playing] 78 00:05:16,958 --> 00:05:20,166 {\an8}[gentle vocalizing] 79 00:05:42,458 --> 00:05:44,458 {\an8}[gentle music continues] 80 00:06:09,125 --> 00:06:10,124 [music fades] 81 00:06:10,125 --> 00:06:12,208 [merpeople chatter] 82 00:06:14,250 --> 00:06:17,540 [in Merspeak] My children cannot eat because of those humans! 83 00:06:17,541 --> 00:06:20,665 There are no oysters to be found! 84 00:06:20,666 --> 00:06:24,957 I know you're upset, but this is not the answer. 85 00:06:24,958 --> 00:06:27,041 [chattering in Merspeak continues] 86 00:06:29,666 --> 00:06:30,875 [merman 1] Silence! 87 00:06:32,916 --> 00:06:36,374 [in English] We've had peace for too many tides to have it end now. 88 00:06:36,375 --> 00:06:39,915 Let the dark hatreds stay in the past. 89 00:06:39,916 --> 00:06:44,332 This council is doing everything it can to prevent a war with Bremervoord. 90 00:06:44,333 --> 00:06:48,624 You're not acting because your daughter is in love with the prince. 91 00:06:48,625 --> 00:06:51,415 The humans know it and are taking advantage of it. 92 00:06:51,416 --> 00:06:54,207 The humans have moved beyond pillaging pearls. 93 00:06:54,208 --> 00:06:56,665 They hired a Witcher to murder the Allamorax. 94 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:57,582 [merman 2] Witcher? 95 00:06:57,583 --> 00:07:00,790 If one sea creature is in danger, we all are. 96 00:07:00,791 --> 00:07:02,874 - She's right. - We have to stop them! 97 00:07:02,875 --> 00:07:04,040 Yes, we must fight! 98 00:07:04,041 --> 00:07:06,040 [merpeople speak over each other] 99 00:07:06,041 --> 00:07:07,750 [merman 3] What kind of king are you? 100 00:07:08,416 --> 00:07:10,790 We shall take your proposal into consideration. 101 00:07:10,791 --> 00:07:13,499 Mother, you cannot be serious. 102 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:16,957 Sh'eenaz, you are young and naive. 103 00:07:16,958 --> 00:07:19,165 If a human's mouth opens, 104 00:07:19,166 --> 00:07:21,457 a lie is bound to come forth. 105 00:07:21,458 --> 00:07:24,415 Perhaps it is time for more drastic measures. 106 00:07:24,416 --> 00:07:27,915 My union with Agloval could bring peace, not conflict. 107 00:07:27,916 --> 00:07:29,916 I agree with my niece. 108 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:38,665 Perhaps war is not the answer. But a wedding-- 109 00:07:38,666 --> 00:07:40,874 Be gone from this place, Melusina. 110 00:07:40,875 --> 00:07:43,957 Our daughter could never marry a human. 111 00:07:43,958 --> 00:07:45,749 Not that you could ever understand 112 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:48,082 the depth of a mother's love for her child. 113 00:07:48,083 --> 00:07:50,082 Did she just call her barren? 114 00:07:50,083 --> 00:07:51,999 You speak of the past, sister, 115 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:55,000 but this is about the future of our people. 116 00:07:55,500 --> 00:07:57,041 Yes, our people. 117 00:07:57,791 --> 00:08:02,041 I am still a member of this family and the royal court, Dahut. 118 00:08:02,916 --> 00:08:06,374 Your disdain does not negate that fact. 119 00:08:06,375 --> 00:08:08,499 The only reason you're permitted to live 120 00:08:08,500 --> 00:08:11,791 is because I am keenly aware of that fact, sister. 121 00:08:12,291 --> 00:08:14,291 Leave. Now. 122 00:08:16,916 --> 00:08:18,749 I will go. Willingly. 123 00:08:18,750 --> 00:08:19,875 Do not fret. 124 00:08:20,583 --> 00:08:23,165 But we both know who he loved first. 125 00:08:23,166 --> 00:08:24,333 [scoffs] 126 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:28,708 [Dahut roars] 127 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:40,415 [Jaskier] So let me get this straight. You had the monster right there, 128 00:08:40,416 --> 00:08:42,624 and you just let it go. 129 00:08:42,625 --> 00:08:44,624 [Geralt] The Allamorax didn't kill anyone. 130 00:08:44,625 --> 00:08:45,790 So the humans are lying? 131 00:08:45,791 --> 00:08:48,290 - [Geralt] Could be. - Are the merpeople the victims? 132 00:08:48,291 --> 00:08:50,332 - [Geralt] Not necessarily. - Oh. 133 00:08:50,333 --> 00:08:52,999 - So they're hiding something too? - Maybe. 134 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:56,915 No, no, no. No maybes. No maybes. There is good and there is bad. 135 00:08:56,916 --> 00:08:57,999 It's that simple. 136 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:01,332 Just make up your mind and kill something. 137 00:09:01,333 --> 00:09:03,250 Here's our finest spread. 138 00:09:04,541 --> 00:09:07,165 [meat sizzles] 139 00:09:07,166 --> 00:09:08,165 [Jaskier] Mm. 140 00:09:08,166 --> 00:09:09,958 [chuckles] Mm. 141 00:09:11,750 --> 00:09:12,707 Ah-- 142 00:09:12,708 --> 00:09:15,208 [barkeeper] Too bad you can't afford it. 143 00:09:19,333 --> 00:09:20,166 [Jaskier groans] 144 00:09:20,666 --> 00:09:23,249 This is just like when we were with that horny bugger 145 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:24,624 back at the edge of the world. 146 00:09:24,625 --> 00:09:27,540 You're a monster hunter, but only sometimes, apparently. 147 00:09:27,541 --> 00:09:29,082 And with conditions. 148 00:09:29,083 --> 00:09:30,499 [Geralt] A moral code. 149 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:33,749 We'll get coin another way. Somewhere other than Bremervoord. 150 00:09:33,750 --> 00:09:36,540 Salve to my heart, if not my stomach. 151 00:09:36,541 --> 00:09:41,333 We only came to this latrine of a town to avoid running into you-know-who again. 152 00:09:42,666 --> 00:09:44,374 I don't wanna talk about her. 153 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:48,290 [scoffs] That violet-eyed witch dictates where we can or can't go 154 00:09:48,291 --> 00:09:49,749 and how foul a mood you're in. 155 00:09:49,750 --> 00:09:51,708 No more Yennefer. 156 00:09:53,375 --> 00:09:54,250 [liquid splashes] 157 00:09:56,333 --> 00:09:58,333 [gentle music playing] 158 00:10:03,333 --> 00:10:05,833 What's the matter. Water not suit? 159 00:10:06,333 --> 00:10:08,999 It's hot, Yennefer, but murky. 160 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:11,083 [gentle music continues] 161 00:10:29,875 --> 00:10:32,583 Wouldn't be right to send you out on a night like this. 162 00:10:34,375 --> 00:10:36,833 You cover the booze. I'll cover the bed. 163 00:10:39,875 --> 00:10:42,374 [Geralt] All I said was Tretogor's black markets 164 00:10:42,375 --> 00:10:44,999 are for idiots looking to buy miracle cures, 165 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:47,832 neither of which I thought applied to you. 166 00:10:47,833 --> 00:10:50,665 A fine reminder that you have no idea what you're talking about 167 00:10:50,666 --> 00:10:51,832 or who you're dealing with. 168 00:10:51,833 --> 00:10:54,375 I was hoping to remedy that tonight. 169 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:57,249 [Yennefer] Then another thing you're wrong about. 170 00:10:57,250 --> 00:10:59,541 - Goodnight. - Goodnight. 171 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:03,582 [flames roar] 172 00:11:03,583 --> 00:11:05,666 [gentle music continues] 173 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:19,208 [murmurs] 174 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:25,958 [sighs] 175 00:11:27,500 --> 00:11:28,333 [music stops] 176 00:11:28,875 --> 00:11:30,915 [footsteps approach] 177 00:11:30,916 --> 00:11:31,958 [barkeeper] Have at it. 178 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:37,915 Look, I'm just saying, your moral code is getting in the way of my eating. 179 00:11:37,916 --> 00:11:39,624 [bread crunches] 180 00:11:39,625 --> 00:11:42,000 This bread is inedible! 181 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:43,874 Halfsies? 182 00:11:43,875 --> 00:11:46,082 Hand over the coin you've been earning, then. 183 00:11:46,083 --> 00:11:47,790 [Jaskier] Harsh. Harsh, but fair. 184 00:11:47,791 --> 00:11:49,707 So I will make you a deal. 185 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:54,290 I'll take the first job that comes my way if you agree to do the same. 186 00:11:54,291 --> 00:11:56,875 Codes for none. Coin for all. What do you think? 187 00:11:57,375 --> 00:11:58,333 [barkeeper] Oi. 188 00:11:59,166 --> 00:12:01,249 You the Witcher they talking about? 189 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:02,874 What let the monster go? 190 00:12:02,875 --> 00:12:03,874 You are mistaken-- 191 00:12:03,875 --> 00:12:06,040 - [Geralt] Yes, that's me. - Son of a bitch. 192 00:12:06,041 --> 00:12:10,624 A Witcher what won't kill monsters? Whoever heard of such a thing? 193 00:12:10,625 --> 00:12:13,082 Oy! Welcome to me tavern! 194 00:12:13,083 --> 00:12:15,749 But I don't serve ale! [laughs] 195 00:12:15,750 --> 00:12:21,750 [tavern patrons laugh] 196 00:12:23,166 --> 00:12:25,416 - [barkeeper] Get out, you lazy louts! - [Jaskier groans] 197 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:27,833 - [barkeeper] Out! - [Jaskier groans] 198 00:12:28,833 --> 00:12:32,957 [clears throat] Forgive me, but are you Jaskier the Bard? 199 00:12:32,958 --> 00:12:37,207 The Song Don of Oxenfurt? The Crooner of the Continent? 200 00:12:37,208 --> 00:12:40,749 [clears throat] Ooh, never heard those before, but yes, 'tis I! 201 00:12:40,750 --> 00:12:45,124 [chuckles] Looks like there are green shoots of culture among the fertilizer. 202 00:12:45,125 --> 00:12:48,165 What would you like? A signature? A bespoke composition? 203 00:12:48,166 --> 00:12:52,165 A personalized ballad for your lover? Lovers? Lover's lover? 204 00:12:52,166 --> 00:12:55,415 [man] I'm in charge of tomorrow's Imbaelk festival. 205 00:12:55,416 --> 00:12:58,415 Getting a fancy bard like yourself would do wonders. 206 00:12:58,416 --> 00:13:03,332 The king will be there, so we need to put on a good show. 207 00:13:03,333 --> 00:13:05,415 And I pay well. 208 00:13:05,416 --> 00:13:07,624 [bell tolls] 209 00:13:07,625 --> 00:13:09,957 [mysterious music playing] 210 00:13:09,958 --> 00:13:13,540 Now, can I trust you to be sensible during my performance? 211 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:17,999 The last time I left you alone at a banquet, you ended up with a child. 212 00:13:18,000 --> 00:13:22,165 A Child Surprise, and it's a mistake I won't soon make again. 213 00:13:22,166 --> 00:13:23,083 Ah. 214 00:13:24,250 --> 00:13:28,374 I'll be a tough act to follow. Good thing this lot is going first. 215 00:13:28,375 --> 00:13:29,791 [man] Mm-hmm. 216 00:13:31,416 --> 00:13:34,415 [crowd gasping] 217 00:13:34,416 --> 00:13:36,457 [Jaskier] Well, wait. If you like that, 218 00:13:36,458 --> 00:13:39,875 wait till you see my solo on the psaltery. [chuckles] 219 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:42,166 [folk music playing] 220 00:13:43,291 --> 00:13:45,832 The psaltery is like a harp, but it's, like, really small. 221 00:13:45,833 --> 00:13:48,082 It's much more practical if you ask me. 222 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:51,415 Shut your trap! I'm trying to watch the show! 223 00:13:51,416 --> 00:13:54,582 Uh, that is no way to speak to your headliner. 224 00:13:54,583 --> 00:13:56,290 Headliner? [scoffs] 225 00:13:56,291 --> 00:13:59,040 - That's rich. - Does that mean what I think it means? 226 00:13:59,041 --> 00:14:01,958 Because I'm afraid I can only accept top billing. 227 00:14:02,458 --> 00:14:03,499 A deal's a deal. 228 00:14:03,500 --> 00:14:07,415 I know what our deal was, Geralt, but it's not good for my brand. 229 00:14:07,416 --> 00:14:10,082 Come, now. Have a little humility. 230 00:14:10,083 --> 00:14:12,124 [folk music continues] 231 00:14:12,125 --> 00:14:14,833 I practically begged Drouhard to give you the gig. 232 00:14:15,958 --> 00:14:16,915 Little Eye! 233 00:14:16,916 --> 00:14:19,040 [Little Eye] It's good to see you, Julian. 234 00:14:19,041 --> 00:14:20,125 Julian? 235 00:14:20,958 --> 00:14:22,957 Oh, excuse my slack-jawed companion. 236 00:14:22,958 --> 00:14:25,790 Essi Daven, meet Geralt of Rivia. 237 00:14:25,791 --> 00:14:27,875 [folk music continues] 238 00:14:30,833 --> 00:14:32,540 You two know one another? 239 00:14:32,541 --> 00:14:34,915 We grew up together. Right here in Bremervoord. 240 00:14:34,916 --> 00:14:36,790 You said you were from Oxenfurt. 241 00:14:36,791 --> 00:14:40,082 [laughs] Don't let the fancy trousers fool you. 242 00:14:40,083 --> 00:14:43,082 This one's a backwater bumpkin, just like the rest of us. 243 00:14:43,083 --> 00:14:46,958 So I took some poetic license with my personal history. Big deal. 244 00:14:48,500 --> 00:14:49,458 Who could blame me? 245 00:14:50,250 --> 00:14:51,875 Growing up in a place like this. 246 00:14:53,625 --> 00:14:54,458 [boy 1] Jump! 247 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:57,041 - Oy, come on! Jump! - [boy 2] Come on, hurry up! 248 00:14:57,625 --> 00:14:59,040 Or are you too scared? 249 00:14:59,041 --> 00:15:03,291 Like I said. If you jump, I'll give you back your toy. 250 00:15:03,875 --> 00:15:07,665 - [boy 2] He's gonna pee himself. - [boy 1] He's never gonna jump. 251 00:15:07,666 --> 00:15:09,750 - [boy 2] Pankratz! - [Jaskier whimpers] 252 00:15:10,375 --> 00:15:11,999 Let me go first, Pankratz. 253 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:13,708 I'll show you how it's done. 254 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:18,458 - [boy laughs] - [Jaskier gasps] 255 00:15:18,958 --> 00:15:20,666 - [boy 3 grunts] - [Jaskier gasps] 256 00:15:21,250 --> 00:15:24,707 [Jaskier yells] 257 00:15:24,708 --> 00:15:26,124 [boy 2] Whoa, did you hear that? 258 00:15:26,125 --> 00:15:28,416 - Ooh! - [laughter] 259 00:15:30,291 --> 00:15:33,250 - [Jaskier strains] - [boy 2] He didn't jump. He fell! 260 00:15:33,791 --> 00:15:35,124 Get him, Zelest. 261 00:15:35,125 --> 00:15:38,249 [Essi] Stop! He can't breathe! Let him up! 262 00:15:38,250 --> 00:15:41,458 Come on, Essi. You're his mom now, huh? 263 00:15:42,458 --> 00:15:44,166 - [Jaskier groans] - [instrument strums] 264 00:15:46,583 --> 00:15:50,665 - Someone should do that to you, Zelest. - We're just having some fun! 265 00:15:50,666 --> 00:15:53,415 - [Essi] Are you all right? - [boy 4] It's just a game. 266 00:15:53,416 --> 00:15:55,165 [ominous music playing] 267 00:15:55,166 --> 00:15:58,915 I'd call you a bastard, but everyone here already knows you're one. 268 00:15:58,916 --> 00:16:01,500 [ominous music continues] 269 00:16:02,375 --> 00:16:03,207 [Essi grunts] 270 00:16:03,208 --> 00:16:07,082 [boys laugh] 271 00:16:07,083 --> 00:16:10,499 - Came out of nowhere. [laughs] - [girl] She showed him! 272 00:16:10,500 --> 00:16:12,540 - [exhales] - [boy 1] Did you see that? 273 00:16:12,541 --> 00:16:14,625 [laughter continues] 274 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,333 [Geralt] Huh. What happened to the little shit? 275 00:16:20,833 --> 00:16:21,749 What, Zelest? 276 00:16:21,750 --> 00:16:25,041 He was the king's bastard kid and a real prick to boot. 277 00:16:25,541 --> 00:16:28,457 He probably died of syphilis in a debtor's prison. 278 00:16:28,458 --> 00:16:30,749 Half-blind, crazed, and salivating. 279 00:16:30,750 --> 00:16:33,290 I've not spent much time thinking about it. 280 00:16:33,291 --> 00:16:37,500 - [fanfare playing] - Ooh. 281 00:16:38,125 --> 00:16:41,666 King Usveldt. Prince Agloval. 282 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:44,583 - [man 1] The king! - [man 2] The king! 283 00:16:46,791 --> 00:16:49,707 Oh, you've got to be kidding me. 284 00:16:49,708 --> 00:16:52,124 [herald] And Commander Zelest. 285 00:16:52,125 --> 00:16:55,124 Always was a real sucker-upper-kicker-downer, wasn't he? 286 00:16:55,125 --> 00:16:58,832 Prince Agloval appointed him as military advisor. 287 00:16:58,833 --> 00:17:00,791 [crowd murmurs] 288 00:17:01,541 --> 00:17:04,458 - [man 3] The nerve of the man. - [man 4] This is bad. 289 00:17:06,250 --> 00:17:09,665 - Risky talk for royal subjects. - They've had enough. 290 00:17:09,666 --> 00:17:11,707 Five attacks on divers in the last few months, 291 00:17:11,708 --> 00:17:13,082 and no one's held to account. 292 00:17:13,083 --> 00:17:14,999 Except the Allamorax. 293 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:17,832 Most folks know that poor creature was just a scapegoat. 294 00:17:17,833 --> 00:17:22,040 The merpeople are notoriously territorial, and our royals won't retaliate 295 00:17:22,041 --> 00:17:24,415 because Prince Agloval's in love with a mermaid. 296 00:17:24,416 --> 00:17:26,499 [Jaskier] Wow. That is messy. 297 00:17:26,500 --> 00:17:29,666 [Geralt] This is the same as every feud since the Conjunction. 298 00:17:30,916 --> 00:17:32,875 [jaunty folk music playing] 299 00:17:40,583 --> 00:17:44,374 Tradition awaits! If you don't join, Mom will find some way to blame me. 300 00:17:44,375 --> 00:17:48,415 - You don't want my death upon your hands. - Oh. Um, my nephew. 301 00:17:48,416 --> 00:17:50,041 Would you excuse me? 302 00:17:52,041 --> 00:17:52,958 [woman laughs] 303 00:17:53,583 --> 00:17:55,333 [folk music continues] 304 00:17:57,250 --> 00:18:00,708 [nephew and Essie laugh] 305 00:18:02,958 --> 00:18:04,000 [folk music fades] 306 00:18:05,208 --> 00:18:07,208 [waves lap] 307 00:18:09,875 --> 00:18:11,875 [somber music playing] 308 00:18:20,166 --> 00:18:24,040 [man laughs] Look at this haul. 309 00:18:24,041 --> 00:18:27,124 We'll be rolling in coin in no time. 310 00:18:27,125 --> 00:18:29,582 And by coin, you mean food. 311 00:18:29,583 --> 00:18:31,790 Every kid in my village is starving. 312 00:18:31,791 --> 00:18:36,124 People in your parts should stop breeding like bunnies. [laughs] 313 00:18:36,125 --> 00:18:39,750 Now, less lip flapping, more shell cracking. 314 00:18:40,916 --> 00:18:43,250 [somber music playing] 315 00:18:52,083 --> 00:18:53,666 Ah! I found one! 316 00:18:56,208 --> 00:18:57,208 Gimme that. 317 00:18:59,333 --> 00:19:00,915 What we do with the rest? 318 00:19:00,916 --> 00:19:02,999 Toss that worthless shit back in-- 319 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:05,083 [ominous music playing] 320 00:19:08,875 --> 00:19:09,875 [music fades] 321 00:19:12,458 --> 00:19:13,540 Who's there? 322 00:19:13,541 --> 00:19:14,791 Show yourself! 323 00:19:15,416 --> 00:19:17,041 [rumbling] 324 00:19:17,791 --> 00:19:19,541 [creaking] 325 00:19:22,208 --> 00:19:24,166 [creaking continues] 326 00:19:33,333 --> 00:19:34,750 [sailor yells] 327 00:19:42,250 --> 00:19:44,374 I thought you wanted to be with your family. 328 00:19:44,375 --> 00:19:47,707 I love 'em dearly, but we all need a breather sometimes. 329 00:19:47,708 --> 00:19:50,665 - Clearly, you can relate. - Clearly. 330 00:19:50,666 --> 00:19:53,415 Anyway, I wanted to spend time with the mysterious man 331 00:19:53,416 --> 00:19:55,790 who inspired so many of Jaskier's ballads. 332 00:19:55,791 --> 00:19:57,290 More like bollocks. 333 00:19:57,291 --> 00:20:00,165 I'm sure you know Jaskier is prone to dramatics. 334 00:20:00,166 --> 00:20:01,957 Come, now. Are you being modest? 335 00:20:01,958 --> 00:20:05,582 What of the song where you wrestled a werewolf, barefisted in Moulderwood 336 00:20:05,583 --> 00:20:06,999 under the glowing full moon? 337 00:20:07,000 --> 00:20:10,249 I cured that werewolf with enchanted wolfsbane. 338 00:20:10,250 --> 00:20:12,457 And the one where you defeated a horde of vampires 339 00:20:12,458 --> 00:20:14,874 with three stakes in each hand and one in the mouth? 340 00:20:14,875 --> 00:20:16,957 One vampire. One stake. 341 00:20:16,958 --> 00:20:18,874 And the one where you found a djinn, 342 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:23,041 saved the life of a beautiful witch and became bound to her through magic? 343 00:20:27,750 --> 00:20:31,249 I'm simply saying, most would lean into the embellishments. 344 00:20:31,250 --> 00:20:33,040 Delight in the grand persona. 345 00:20:33,041 --> 00:20:36,666 Like Jaskier, or should I say, Julian? 346 00:20:37,375 --> 00:20:39,000 I understand why he left. 347 00:20:39,583 --> 00:20:40,665 Outside the palace, 348 00:20:40,666 --> 00:20:43,957 men in Bremervoord are expected to take up a trade on the seas. 349 00:20:43,958 --> 00:20:45,875 But Julian was always creative. 350 00:20:46,375 --> 00:20:47,374 Different. 351 00:20:47,375 --> 00:20:49,374 And treated horribly for it. 352 00:20:49,375 --> 00:20:53,916 By everyone except you. It takes bravery to stand against a crowd. 353 00:20:55,625 --> 00:20:58,665 You never thought to set your sights beyond Bremervoord? 354 00:20:58,666 --> 00:21:01,790 Things were different for me. I was never unhappy. 355 00:21:01,791 --> 00:21:04,832 Though I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I left. 356 00:21:04,833 --> 00:21:08,333 But I love the sea, my family, and friends. 357 00:21:08,958 --> 00:21:11,333 What more could this Continent offer me? 358 00:21:13,541 --> 00:21:16,790 So, why do they call you Little Eye 359 00:21:16,791 --> 00:21:19,041 when you have two huge eyes? 360 00:21:21,791 --> 00:21:22,874 [firework whistles] 361 00:21:22,875 --> 00:21:27,041 [fireworks explode] 362 00:21:28,416 --> 00:21:30,416 N-Not huge. I mean... 363 00:21:31,250 --> 00:21:35,291 Normal-sized. Perfectly ordinary and unremarkable human eyes. 364 00:21:36,541 --> 00:21:39,874 Flirting is not your strong suit, is it, Witcher? 365 00:21:39,875 --> 00:21:42,957 [applause, cheering] 366 00:21:42,958 --> 00:21:45,499 My set was unparalleled. 367 00:21:45,500 --> 00:21:48,915 Even these uncultured yokels gave me a standing ovation. 368 00:21:48,916 --> 00:21:52,041 Ha. I pity the local hack who has to follow me. 369 00:21:53,375 --> 00:21:54,458 Wish me luck. 370 00:21:55,958 --> 00:21:59,957 Y-You... You're the local bard everyone's been raving about? 371 00:21:59,958 --> 00:22:01,165 [laughs] 372 00:22:01,166 --> 00:22:03,124 Well, that's wonderful, Essi! 373 00:22:03,125 --> 00:22:07,750 Oh, I'm... I am sure that you will do splendidly. [chuckles] 374 00:22:08,333 --> 00:22:09,791 Good luck. All right! [chuckles] 375 00:22:10,750 --> 00:22:13,165 People used to mistake her singing for mating cats, 376 00:22:13,166 --> 00:22:15,333 so whatever happens, just smile and clap. 377 00:22:18,500 --> 00:22:22,790 ♪ The first draft of my story Was not the best edition ♪ 378 00:22:22,791 --> 00:22:25,374 ♪ I added a bit of glory and... ♪ 379 00:22:25,375 --> 00:22:28,499 My musical ear's not very good, but-- 380 00:22:28,500 --> 00:22:30,915 She is. She is very good. 381 00:22:30,916 --> 00:22:32,749 Wait, she's singing my song. 382 00:22:32,750 --> 00:22:36,332 She's making it her own! Oh, this will not do. 383 00:22:36,333 --> 00:22:40,665 ♪ The doubters and the haters Tried to make my tale about them ♪ 384 00:22:40,666 --> 00:22:45,458 ♪ I invested in erasers And took care of the problem ♪ 385 00:22:46,166 --> 00:22:48,458 [laughter] 386 00:22:49,333 --> 00:22:51,582 - ♪ A sword ♪ - ♪ A sword ♪ 387 00:22:51,583 --> 00:22:53,999 - ♪ A bow ♪ - ♪ A bow ♪ 388 00:22:54,000 --> 00:22:55,750 - ♪ A mighty axe ♪ - ♪ A mighty axe ♪ 389 00:22:56,250 --> 00:23:03,207 - ♪ Impossible to defend ♪ - ♪ Impossible to defend ♪ 390 00:23:03,208 --> 00:23:07,082 - ♪ No one can survive my attacks ♪ - ♪ No one can survive my attacks ♪ 391 00:23:07,083 --> 00:23:09,290 - ♪ For alone ♪ - ♪ For alone ♪ 392 00:23:09,291 --> 00:23:15,083 - ♪ I write the end ♪ - ♪ I write the end ♪ 393 00:23:15,666 --> 00:23:20,540 - ♪ Yes, alone I write ♪ - ♪ Yes, alone I write ♪ 394 00:23:20,541 --> 00:23:25,665 - ♪ The end ♪ - ♪ The end ♪ 395 00:23:25,666 --> 00:23:27,750 [cheering and applause] 396 00:23:29,208 --> 00:23:31,207 Pearl prices being what they are, 397 00:23:31,208 --> 00:23:34,749 we should send every last one of those meddling merpeople 398 00:23:34,750 --> 00:23:36,874 to their briny graves. 399 00:23:36,875 --> 00:23:41,165 My hands are tied as long as the prince is chasing that shimmery tail. 400 00:23:41,166 --> 00:23:45,540 The mermaid's no doubt bewitched him. They're known to be magical tricksters. 401 00:23:45,541 --> 00:23:47,750 [Geralt] No more deceitful than humans. 402 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,999 I don't recall asking for your opinion, Witcher. 403 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:54,500 That's right. I know who you are. 404 00:23:55,458 --> 00:23:57,291 White Wolf. 405 00:23:58,125 --> 00:23:59,957 If you know my name, 406 00:23:59,958 --> 00:24:02,416 it's because you know his songs. 407 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:07,666 - [fanfare playing] - [man] Hey? What's going on? 408 00:24:08,416 --> 00:24:11,707 - [fanfare continues] - [crowd murmuring] 409 00:24:11,708 --> 00:24:14,499 [woman] She's beautiful! It's the princess! 410 00:24:14,500 --> 00:24:17,665 Holy hirikkas. Who is she? 411 00:24:17,666 --> 00:24:19,749 Princess Nispen of Maribor. 412 00:24:19,750 --> 00:24:22,749 A late invitation, but a wise one by the king. 413 00:24:22,750 --> 00:24:27,040 A good reminder there are plenty of human princesses to marry. 414 00:24:27,041 --> 00:24:30,957 She even brought delicacies from home, and fruit! 415 00:24:30,958 --> 00:24:33,124 My kind of princess. 416 00:24:33,125 --> 00:24:34,916 [Zelest] Let's hope Agloval's too. 417 00:24:39,791 --> 00:24:41,833 [talisman vibrates] 418 00:24:43,875 --> 00:24:44,874 [groaning] 419 00:24:44,875 --> 00:24:47,332 [crowd gasping] 420 00:24:47,333 --> 00:24:52,749 [man groans] 421 00:24:52,750 --> 00:24:53,874 [Nispen gasps] 422 00:24:53,875 --> 00:24:55,124 What happened? 423 00:24:55,125 --> 00:24:57,207 - Fetch a barber! - [Zelest] Clear a path. 424 00:24:57,208 --> 00:24:58,665 Who did this? 425 00:24:58,666 --> 00:25:01,957 I was speared by those fish fucks. 426 00:25:01,958 --> 00:25:03,041 The vodnik. 427 00:25:04,541 --> 00:25:05,416 They got me. 428 00:25:05,916 --> 00:25:06,750 For good. 429 00:25:07,458 --> 00:25:08,916 [wheezes] 430 00:25:10,916 --> 00:25:15,207 If it were Kovir, Cintra, a human navy attacking us, 431 00:25:15,208 --> 00:25:17,041 we'd be at war by now. 432 00:25:17,541 --> 00:25:19,665 Are we a kingdom, or are we cowards? 433 00:25:19,666 --> 00:25:21,415 [ominous music playing] 434 00:25:21,416 --> 00:25:24,166 Sorry, son, but the time has come. 435 00:25:24,875 --> 00:25:26,375 We've run out of options. 436 00:25:27,041 --> 00:25:28,249 [Zelest] Sire, if I may. 437 00:25:28,250 --> 00:25:29,833 Not all options. 438 00:25:30,333 --> 00:25:32,832 We have a monster problem off our shore, 439 00:25:32,833 --> 00:25:35,457 and a monster hunter in our midst. 440 00:25:35,458 --> 00:25:38,375 Witcher, your services are required. 441 00:25:38,916 --> 00:25:41,665 Find the vodnik who did this and kill it. 442 00:25:41,666 --> 00:25:44,665 [scoffs] Good luck. Ask anyone in town. 443 00:25:44,666 --> 00:25:47,457 He already failed at killing the Allamorax. 444 00:25:47,458 --> 00:25:50,207 Because it was not the beast you were looking for. 445 00:25:50,208 --> 00:25:54,040 But clearly the vodnik are. They work for the merpeople. 446 00:25:54,041 --> 00:25:57,124 If the Witcher confirms that they're the ones attacking divers, 447 00:25:57,125 --> 00:25:59,749 you'll have no choice but to declare war. 448 00:25:59,750 --> 00:26:01,624 - [man 1] Find them all! - [man 2] Kill them! 449 00:26:01,625 --> 00:26:03,624 [man 1] Kill the slimy bastards! 450 00:26:03,625 --> 00:26:07,374 [crowd shouting] 451 00:26:07,375 --> 00:26:08,499 A deal's a deal. 452 00:26:08,500 --> 00:26:10,457 This isn't what we agreed to. 453 00:26:10,458 --> 00:26:12,333 Well, neither was second billing. 454 00:26:12,958 --> 00:26:14,874 We all must make sacrifices. 455 00:26:14,875 --> 00:26:20,541 - [Geralt] I'm not helping justify a war. - But maybe you can help prevent one. 456 00:26:22,208 --> 00:26:24,125 What say you, Witcher? 457 00:26:27,125 --> 00:26:28,166 Fuck. 458 00:26:35,750 --> 00:26:38,165 Why didn't you tell me you're from Bremervoord? 459 00:26:38,166 --> 00:26:41,082 You know I'm not actually from Rivia. 460 00:26:41,083 --> 00:26:42,833 Well, it's not just that. It... 461 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:45,790 I had to leave this place completely behind 462 00:26:45,791 --> 00:26:47,915 so I could become who I wanted to be. 463 00:26:47,916 --> 00:26:51,415 In case you didn't notice, this town is filled with small-minded fools. 464 00:26:51,416 --> 00:26:54,208 Your friend Essi doesn't fit that description. 465 00:26:55,541 --> 00:26:56,375 Yeah. 466 00:26:57,291 --> 00:26:58,916 Yeah, she's like a sister to me. 467 00:27:01,791 --> 00:27:06,790 Aha! I knew it! I knew it. I could sense there was something between you two. 468 00:27:06,791 --> 00:27:09,665 If by "something" you mean air and space. 469 00:27:09,666 --> 00:27:11,457 [Jaskier] She is a good woman. 470 00:27:11,458 --> 00:27:15,540 Unlike that raven-haired, sunken-eyed, serpent-tongued she-demon. 471 00:27:15,541 --> 00:27:17,415 You need someone like Essi. 472 00:27:17,416 --> 00:27:20,290 I need coin, peace, and quiet. 473 00:27:20,291 --> 00:27:22,499 Look, you may appear to be as tough 474 00:27:22,500 --> 00:27:26,875 as this dreadfully overcooked meat you've prepared, but I know the truth. 475 00:27:27,583 --> 00:27:30,415 That underneath the armor and the weapons 476 00:27:30,416 --> 00:27:33,582 and the hair, the ridiculous, ridiculous hair, 477 00:27:33,583 --> 00:27:35,124 you are nothing but a softie. 478 00:27:35,125 --> 00:27:38,457 A softie, soft, softie, soft, soft, softie, soft-- 479 00:27:38,458 --> 00:27:40,541 - Ow. - How's that for soft? 480 00:27:41,083 --> 00:27:45,249 I suggest you get a good night's sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us. 481 00:27:45,250 --> 00:27:47,624 And I suggest you open your heart. 482 00:27:47,625 --> 00:27:51,165 Connecting with another human isn't as awful as you make it seem. 483 00:27:51,166 --> 00:27:53,250 [pensive music playing] 484 00:28:06,833 --> 00:28:08,374 [water splashes] 485 00:28:08,375 --> 00:28:10,458 [pensive music continues] 486 00:28:17,166 --> 00:28:19,582 - Uh, I... I'm sorry. - Don't be sorry. 487 00:28:19,583 --> 00:28:21,374 Do something about it. 488 00:28:21,375 --> 00:28:24,082 - I couldn't tell if you felt the same way. - [Geralt] I do. 489 00:28:24,083 --> 00:28:27,790 It's just... It's all a little too simple. 490 00:28:27,791 --> 00:28:31,749 - The best things in life often are. - [Geralt] That hasn't been my experience. 491 00:28:31,750 --> 00:28:36,165 [Essi] It's as if you delight in tragedy. In selecting the most difficult path. 492 00:28:36,166 --> 00:28:39,625 But you could choose serenity. You could choose me. 493 00:28:40,583 --> 00:28:43,957 [Essi and Yennefer] You really should be more inventive with your fantasies. 494 00:28:43,958 --> 00:28:45,750 It's downright cliché. 495 00:28:51,000 --> 00:28:54,958 Even in your dreams, you can't keep up with me. [chuckles] 496 00:28:56,041 --> 00:28:58,250 [Geralt] It doesn't have to be this way. 497 00:28:58,833 --> 00:29:00,625 We could start again. Fresh. 498 00:29:01,125 --> 00:29:04,165 You sound like your singsongy lady friend, 499 00:29:04,166 --> 00:29:06,290 and that is not a compliment. 500 00:29:06,291 --> 00:29:09,540 Why do you push me away when I try to come closer? 501 00:29:09,541 --> 00:29:12,082 [scoffs] Please, Geralt. Wake up. 502 00:29:12,083 --> 00:29:13,583 - Yen, I-- - Wake up! 503 00:29:22,750 --> 00:29:25,125 [tense music playing] 504 00:29:26,666 --> 00:29:28,416 [metal scrapes] 505 00:29:35,375 --> 00:29:37,457 [grunting] 506 00:29:37,458 --> 00:29:39,000 [tense music continues] 507 00:29:51,416 --> 00:29:53,875 - [tense music builds] - [spits] 508 00:29:55,666 --> 00:29:56,583 [Geralt groans] 509 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:02,250 [grunts] 510 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:08,166 [tense music continues] 511 00:30:22,708 --> 00:30:24,791 [Geralt yells] 512 00:30:27,458 --> 00:30:28,375 [gasps] 513 00:30:30,625 --> 00:30:32,625 [Geralt strains] 514 00:30:38,208 --> 00:30:39,083 [sighs] 515 00:30:42,958 --> 00:30:45,750 [yawns] 516 00:30:47,375 --> 00:30:48,333 What did I miss? 517 00:30:53,125 --> 00:30:55,707 I know you don't like killing creatures for no reason, 518 00:30:55,708 --> 00:30:57,624 but that one almost killed you, 519 00:30:57,625 --> 00:30:59,249 and you still let it go. 520 00:30:59,250 --> 00:31:02,749 I let it go because it's more help to me alive than dead. 521 00:31:02,750 --> 00:31:06,250 It's a vodnik. Like the one that killed the pearl diver. 522 00:31:06,833 --> 00:31:10,124 And vodnik blood's iridescent. 523 00:31:10,125 --> 00:31:13,207 If I can track it to the den, we'll find the others. 524 00:31:13,208 --> 00:31:14,624 I'm so sorry. The others? 525 00:31:14,625 --> 00:31:18,707 That vodnik can fight, but it couldn't take out a whole boatload alone. 526 00:31:18,708 --> 00:31:23,040 They travel in schools, but how did a sea creature know where to find us? 527 00:31:23,041 --> 00:31:27,165 Now that you're with a famous bard, everyone knows our whereabouts! [chuckles] 528 00:31:27,166 --> 00:31:29,082 Fans can be really obsessive. 529 00:31:29,083 --> 00:31:32,790 Or the Allamorax and merpeople I spared put the word out. 530 00:31:32,791 --> 00:31:34,915 [Jaskier] Nah, it's me. It's definitely me. 531 00:31:34,916 --> 00:31:36,125 [twig cracks] 532 00:31:38,833 --> 00:31:39,833 [Jaskier gasps] 533 00:31:41,750 --> 00:31:42,832 [Geralt] Essi? 534 00:31:42,833 --> 00:31:44,582 Why are you following us? 535 00:31:44,583 --> 00:31:47,374 You heard the king. We're on the verge of war! 536 00:31:47,375 --> 00:31:50,165 I need to know what's happening in my town. I want to help. 537 00:31:50,166 --> 00:31:52,207 I appreciate your willingness. 538 00:31:52,208 --> 00:31:55,791 What I need right now is a boat to follow that vodnik. 539 00:31:56,375 --> 00:31:58,874 No, you don't. The tide shifts over ten cubits, 540 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:00,625 and we're almost at low ebb. 541 00:32:02,875 --> 00:32:03,708 Look. 542 00:32:07,875 --> 00:32:09,875 [mysterious music playing] 543 00:32:11,791 --> 00:32:14,500 At low tide, you can walk to Dragons Fangs. 544 00:32:20,958 --> 00:32:24,708 I remember being your age. Being fascinated with all types. 545 00:32:25,541 --> 00:32:28,374 Mistaking infatuation with romance. 546 00:32:28,375 --> 00:32:31,208 Until... I found your mother. 547 00:32:32,250 --> 00:32:33,749 She was radiant. 548 00:32:33,750 --> 00:32:34,874 Gracious. 549 00:32:34,875 --> 00:32:38,333 She had a knack for seeing only the best in people. 550 00:32:38,916 --> 00:32:42,749 Gods know that must be why she said yes to me. 551 00:32:42,750 --> 00:32:43,750 I miss her too. 552 00:32:44,625 --> 00:32:48,291 And I shall honor her memory by marrying for love, as you did. 553 00:32:49,375 --> 00:32:50,666 I want to marry Sh'eenaz. 554 00:32:51,791 --> 00:32:54,207 I know how you claim to feel about the mergirl, son, 555 00:32:54,208 --> 00:32:58,040 but for those at our station, marriage isn't only about love. 556 00:32:58,041 --> 00:32:59,750 It's about duty. 557 00:33:00,250 --> 00:33:03,124 Your life doesn't just belong to you. 558 00:33:03,125 --> 00:33:05,082 It belongs to your kingdom. 559 00:33:05,083 --> 00:33:06,999 I'm thinking about the kingdom. 560 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:10,582 Our union has the potential to bring peace to land and sea. 561 00:33:10,583 --> 00:33:12,915 How so, Agloval? Where would you live? 562 00:33:12,916 --> 00:33:16,958 What offspring could you produce? It's impossible. 563 00:33:20,208 --> 00:33:21,582 [Zelest clears throat] 564 00:33:21,583 --> 00:33:25,875 - Apologies for the interruption. - No bother. I was just leaving. 565 00:33:28,041 --> 00:33:31,874 For what it's worth, I've tried to tell him to end it with that fish girl. 566 00:33:31,875 --> 00:33:34,915 I appreciate that. He values your advice. 567 00:33:34,916 --> 00:33:37,832 Whatever you need. I'm here to serve the kingdom. 568 00:33:37,833 --> 00:33:39,791 And you, Father. 569 00:33:40,375 --> 00:33:41,749 Thank you, Zelest. 570 00:33:41,750 --> 00:33:45,499 Some days, I wish you were my full-blooded son. 571 00:33:45,500 --> 00:33:48,458 I'd love to see the type of leader you'd be. 572 00:33:51,750 --> 00:33:53,750 [waves crashing] 573 00:33:57,666 --> 00:33:59,125 - [kissing] - [Sh'eenaz sighs softly] 574 00:33:59,750 --> 00:34:00,874 [Agloval chuckles softly] 575 00:34:00,875 --> 00:34:02,375 [gentle music playing] 576 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:04,083 [Agloval sighs] 577 00:34:04,708 --> 00:34:07,249 Everything looks so peaceful from afar. 578 00:34:07,250 --> 00:34:09,541 Who'd ever know the turmoil that brews below? 579 00:34:10,041 --> 00:34:13,749 [in Merspeak] I wish my parents, all of my people, 580 00:34:13,750 --> 00:34:17,332 could see that you are just like us. 581 00:34:17,333 --> 00:34:21,165 Even if your language is horrendously ear-piercing. 582 00:34:21,166 --> 00:34:24,374 [in English] Hmm. Across the heavens, land, and sea, 583 00:34:24,375 --> 00:34:26,832 I've never seen a creature more beautiful than you. 584 00:34:26,833 --> 00:34:28,250 This is love. 585 00:34:28,750 --> 00:34:30,624 [in Merspeak] This is love. 586 00:34:30,625 --> 00:34:33,082 Finally together. 587 00:34:33,083 --> 00:34:37,208 Wishing I could spend the rest of my days right here by your side. 588 00:34:38,041 --> 00:34:40,041 [gentle music continues] 589 00:34:42,750 --> 00:34:44,750 [intriguing music playing] 590 00:34:46,791 --> 00:34:49,749 Where is the Witcher taking those humans? 591 00:34:49,750 --> 00:34:51,249 [in English] My love, what is it? 592 00:34:51,250 --> 00:34:54,208 [in Merspeak] I have to warn the others. 593 00:34:56,083 --> 00:34:57,750 [water splashes] 594 00:34:58,375 --> 00:35:00,750 [gentle music playing] 595 00:35:07,458 --> 00:35:08,416 [whimpers softly] 596 00:35:11,583 --> 00:35:15,249 [in English] Dragons Fangs. They gave me nightmares when I was young. 597 00:35:15,250 --> 00:35:18,624 They're just a couple of rocks, Julian. Nothing to be scared of. 598 00:35:18,625 --> 00:35:21,082 Except for that vodnik den. 599 00:35:21,083 --> 00:35:23,166 [foreboding music playing] 600 00:35:24,083 --> 00:35:25,374 [vodnik gasps] 601 00:35:25,375 --> 00:35:27,083 What'd you... [whimpers] 602 00:35:27,791 --> 00:35:29,250 [tense music playing] 603 00:35:32,958 --> 00:35:35,249 [panting] 604 00:35:35,250 --> 00:35:36,333 [Geralt grunts] 605 00:35:38,708 --> 00:35:40,457 Who sent you after me? 606 00:35:40,458 --> 00:35:44,040 [strains] If I told you, she'd kill me. 607 00:35:44,041 --> 00:35:46,624 And if you don't, I will. 608 00:35:46,625 --> 00:35:49,290 Is she the one who ordered you to kill the pearl divers? 609 00:35:49,291 --> 00:35:51,540 I've never killed any divers, 610 00:35:51,541 --> 00:35:53,165 but I'm glad someone did. 611 00:35:53,166 --> 00:35:56,040 You think you're protecting your betters. You're not. 612 00:35:56,041 --> 00:36:00,874 Because whoever she is, she's willing to let you die for her fights. 613 00:36:00,875 --> 00:36:03,582 People think I've gone soft on killing monsters. 614 00:36:03,583 --> 00:36:07,499 I'll prove them wrong unless you give me a name. 615 00:36:07,500 --> 00:36:08,582 It was-- 616 00:36:08,583 --> 00:36:11,708 [vodnik groans] 617 00:36:15,625 --> 00:36:17,207 [vodnik groans] 618 00:36:17,208 --> 00:36:18,500 [Geralt growls] 619 00:36:21,791 --> 00:36:22,875 What did you do? 620 00:36:23,458 --> 00:36:24,957 Your job, Witcher! 621 00:36:24,958 --> 00:36:28,832 You're as bad at saying thank you as you are at killing monsters. 622 00:36:28,833 --> 00:36:31,665 I see you're still getting others to fight your battles, Julian. 623 00:36:31,666 --> 00:36:36,332 I'm trying to stop a war. Why is it you seem to be pushing for one? 624 00:36:36,333 --> 00:36:40,208 Nonsense! I simply understand what it means to lead. 625 00:36:41,500 --> 00:36:43,416 - [tense music playing] - [vodnik growls] 626 00:36:45,250 --> 00:36:48,125 - [soldier groans] - [running footsteps approach] 627 00:36:51,708 --> 00:36:53,708 [tense music continues] 628 00:36:54,750 --> 00:36:55,666 [groans] 629 00:37:03,125 --> 00:37:04,041 [Zelest grunts] 630 00:37:06,125 --> 00:37:06,999 [Zelest grunts] 631 00:37:07,000 --> 00:37:09,083 [tense music continues] 632 00:37:11,208 --> 00:37:12,416 [soldier groans] 633 00:37:19,208 --> 00:37:22,000 [merman groans] 634 00:37:25,791 --> 00:37:26,916 [merman groans] 635 00:37:28,083 --> 00:37:29,583 [tense music continues] 636 00:37:31,666 --> 00:37:33,166 [vodnik groans] 637 00:37:34,916 --> 00:37:35,958 [soldier groans] 638 00:37:36,708 --> 00:37:37,708 [soldier groans] 639 00:37:39,125 --> 00:37:40,625 - [Essi] Julian! - [Jaskier groans] 640 00:37:41,208 --> 00:37:42,290 [Jaskier groans] 641 00:37:42,291 --> 00:37:43,790 [vodnik snarls] 642 00:37:43,791 --> 00:37:44,958 [Essi groans] 643 00:37:45,541 --> 00:37:46,540 Essi! 644 00:37:46,541 --> 00:37:48,625 [tense music playing] 645 00:37:50,541 --> 00:37:52,541 [Essie strains] 646 00:37:53,291 --> 00:37:55,499 [vodnik snarls] 647 00:37:55,500 --> 00:37:57,207 [Essi strains] 648 00:37:57,208 --> 00:37:58,750 [Essi yells] 649 00:38:00,291 --> 00:38:01,875 [vodnik groans] 650 00:38:03,250 --> 00:38:04,916 [suspenseful whooshing] 651 00:38:09,875 --> 00:38:11,875 [somber music playing] 652 00:38:16,625 --> 00:38:18,040 [coughs] 653 00:38:18,041 --> 00:38:20,125 [somber music continues] 654 00:38:23,125 --> 00:38:25,458 - [Geralt grunts] - [Essi gasps] 655 00:38:26,291 --> 00:38:28,000 - [swords clash] - [fighters clamor] 656 00:38:38,375 --> 00:38:42,082 Leave, or I'll kill the only real monster I see. 657 00:38:42,083 --> 00:38:43,832 [somber music continues] 658 00:38:43,833 --> 00:38:45,916 [clamoring continues] 659 00:38:52,000 --> 00:38:53,915 [ship creaks] 660 00:38:53,916 --> 00:38:56,375 [somber music continues] 661 00:38:57,291 --> 00:39:00,333 [grunts] My father will hear about this! 662 00:39:02,791 --> 00:39:04,125 [waves lap] 663 00:39:05,708 --> 00:39:07,500 The water's rising too fast! 664 00:39:08,083 --> 00:39:12,249 Essi, if you know the ocean, now's the time to prove it. 665 00:39:12,250 --> 00:39:13,375 Follow me. 666 00:39:15,291 --> 00:39:16,499 Jump! 667 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:18,415 This seems like an awful-- 668 00:39:18,416 --> 00:39:20,375 - [Jaskier yells] - [water splashes] 669 00:39:27,291 --> 00:39:28,166 [coughs] 670 00:39:29,375 --> 00:39:32,125 - [labored breathing] - [Dahut] What has happened? 671 00:39:32,708 --> 00:39:35,457 [mermaid] It was the prince's bastard brother! 672 00:39:35,458 --> 00:39:39,749 He must be acting on his own. Agloval would never allow such a thing. 673 00:39:39,750 --> 00:39:43,290 Or he's simply slick enough to hide his plans from you. 674 00:39:43,291 --> 00:39:47,291 That human has distracted you from your duty to protect the seas. 675 00:39:47,875 --> 00:39:50,249 I warned you when I saw the Witcher. 676 00:39:50,250 --> 00:39:53,333 Presently, your hysterics are the only thing distracting me. 677 00:39:53,875 --> 00:39:56,000 I am a healer, not a fighter. 678 00:39:56,625 --> 00:39:58,540 So let me help our cousin. 679 00:39:58,541 --> 00:40:00,500 In the eyes of our kind, 680 00:40:01,125 --> 00:40:02,624 war has already begun. 681 00:40:02,625 --> 00:40:05,166 Hold on, Deroua. Deep breaths. 682 00:40:05,958 --> 00:40:07,583 [somber music playing] 683 00:40:08,458 --> 00:40:09,582 [labored breathing] 684 00:40:09,583 --> 00:40:10,708 [gasps] 685 00:40:11,916 --> 00:40:14,083 [mermaid sobbing] 686 00:40:25,750 --> 00:40:26,791 [music fades] 687 00:40:33,833 --> 00:40:35,874 Thanks for your help today, Essi. 688 00:40:35,875 --> 00:40:37,583 [Jaskier] And what of my help? 689 00:40:38,208 --> 00:40:39,291 Got any more ale? 690 00:40:39,958 --> 00:40:42,540 Everyone keeps blaming the prince and the mermaid girl. 691 00:40:42,541 --> 00:40:45,874 Those are the two we need to speak to. Get the truth straight from the source. 692 00:40:45,875 --> 00:40:49,124 They meet at dawn on Founder's Rock each day. I see 'em from my window. 693 00:40:49,125 --> 00:40:50,207 We can go in the morning. 694 00:40:50,208 --> 00:40:53,082 I worry the humans aren't looking for truth. 695 00:40:53,083 --> 00:40:56,290 They're simply looking for a reason to exterminate the sea creatures. 696 00:40:56,291 --> 00:40:58,874 We survive off sea life. Why kill 'em off? 697 00:40:58,875 --> 00:41:02,040 Humans have a knack for seeking short-term profits 698 00:41:02,041 --> 00:41:04,957 and retelling the story so it wasn't their fault. 699 00:41:04,958 --> 00:41:10,082 I've seen it happen with sylvan horns, basilisk scales, and now pearls. 700 00:41:10,083 --> 00:41:13,290 It's no longer about sustenance. It's about greed. 701 00:41:13,291 --> 00:41:16,082 The vodnik said it was hired by a "she." 702 00:41:16,083 --> 00:41:17,500 Is this the queen's doing? 703 00:41:18,250 --> 00:41:21,957 You seem certain about the mermaid queen, but what's the motive? 704 00:41:21,958 --> 00:41:24,749 A parent would do anything to protect her child. 705 00:41:24,750 --> 00:41:26,916 She believes Prince Agloval to be a threat. 706 00:41:29,500 --> 00:41:33,458 The way we've treated mermaids in the past, can't say I blame her. 707 00:41:34,833 --> 00:41:39,707 What passed for love in my childhood was a cold patch of hay on a dirt floor 708 00:41:39,708 --> 00:41:42,624 and enough meager rations to survive another day. 709 00:41:42,625 --> 00:41:45,583 Your kind has never inspired that much trust. 710 00:41:48,166 --> 00:41:50,500 [Essi] Sounds like you're trapped in your past. 711 00:41:54,333 --> 00:41:56,833 Perhaps when solving life's big mysteries, 712 00:41:58,166 --> 00:42:00,125 start by looking right in front of you. 713 00:42:00,791 --> 00:42:01,625 [Jaskier] Hmm. 714 00:42:05,625 --> 00:42:06,541 [sighs] 715 00:42:12,375 --> 00:42:15,832 Jaskier, tell me more of the time you sang for the Countess de Stael. 716 00:42:15,833 --> 00:42:18,874 I've already told you that story three times. 717 00:42:18,875 --> 00:42:22,999 I don't mean to be a pest. Your tales give me a vicarious thrill, but I'll stop. 718 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:26,665 Thank gods. Agloval and the princess better turn up soon. 719 00:42:26,666 --> 00:42:30,332 I cannot deny a dear friend's humble request. 720 00:42:30,333 --> 00:42:34,957 It was a warm summer night in Maribor when I was reunited with my countess. 721 00:42:34,958 --> 00:42:39,249 Alas, there'd been a blight for two-times-ten years! 722 00:42:39,250 --> 00:42:41,415 - Twenty years. - Twenty years! 723 00:42:41,416 --> 00:42:45,707 So instead of making love under the stars in her peach orchard 724 00:42:45,708 --> 00:42:49,457 as the fragrant floral scent wafted from the trees, 725 00:42:49,458 --> 00:42:54,124 it was the smell of acrid fungi underneath shriveled branches 726 00:42:54,125 --> 00:42:56,415 that filled our nostrils and our-- 727 00:42:56,416 --> 00:42:58,582 [Geralt] We don't wanna know what it filled. 728 00:42:58,583 --> 00:43:03,207 Fair enough, but alas, nothing could stop our sweet, sweet passion. 729 00:43:03,208 --> 00:43:07,874 Not even a fiefdom's economic free fall as the fruit capital of the Continent. 730 00:43:07,875 --> 00:43:10,707 - And they've never recovered since. - Is that true, Jaskier? 731 00:43:10,708 --> 00:43:14,666 Uh, you of all people doubt my love for the Countess de Stael? 732 00:43:15,208 --> 00:43:18,166 - [Essie] There they are. - [gentle music playing] 733 00:43:24,375 --> 00:43:28,165 [in Merspeak] Did your kind send a vodnik to kill me last night? 734 00:43:28,166 --> 00:43:31,665 [in English] I would have started with a "good morning" first. Oof. 735 00:43:31,666 --> 00:43:34,957 [in Merspeak] Please excuse him. He may have the manners of a boar, 736 00:43:34,958 --> 00:43:36,749 but he has the heart of a lion. 737 00:43:36,750 --> 00:43:38,582 Or sea lion, in your case. 738 00:43:38,583 --> 00:43:43,040 You speak beautifully. I'm impressed. 739 00:43:43,041 --> 00:43:47,874 Your lover talks like a cawing crow. You may want to give him a lesson. 740 00:43:47,875 --> 00:43:50,458 Lover? I barely know her. 741 00:43:51,166 --> 00:43:53,374 [in English] Lady bard... Uh, Essi. 742 00:43:53,375 --> 00:43:54,583 Come translate for me. 743 00:43:55,583 --> 00:43:58,165 Tell Sh'eenaz that I would like us to be married, 744 00:43:58,166 --> 00:44:01,165 though it may take some time to convince my father. [chuckles] 745 00:44:01,166 --> 00:44:06,207 [in Merspeak] He wants to marry you. Now he must convince his father. 746 00:44:06,208 --> 00:44:11,874 I have a tail, and you have legs. How can we turn this fantasy into reality? 747 00:44:11,875 --> 00:44:15,499 [in English] She asks how to turn this fantasy into reality. 748 00:44:15,500 --> 00:44:19,832 - She has a tail, and you have legs. - That is nothing in the face of love. 749 00:44:19,833 --> 00:44:23,000 But love means being together. 750 00:44:23,583 --> 00:44:26,707 And she cannot live among the hideous dirt-walkers. 751 00:44:26,708 --> 00:44:28,790 [Jaskier chuckles] 752 00:44:28,791 --> 00:44:30,457 [Essi] Her words. Not mine. 753 00:44:30,458 --> 00:44:32,458 Perhaps I can build her a tank. 754 00:44:32,958 --> 00:44:37,207 She's a princess, not a pet. To suggest such a thing is beyond offensive. 755 00:44:37,208 --> 00:44:38,582 I'm trying to think of solutions. 756 00:44:38,583 --> 00:44:42,499 And all your solutions require loss on her part and nothing from you. 757 00:44:42,500 --> 00:44:44,624 Not even a little sacrifice. 758 00:44:44,625 --> 00:44:45,541 Her words, 759 00:44:46,208 --> 00:44:47,082 or yours? 760 00:44:47,083 --> 00:44:49,915 We can get back to this lover's spat later. 761 00:44:49,916 --> 00:44:52,499 Right now, I need to stop a war. 762 00:44:52,500 --> 00:44:54,083 Ask her about the vodnik. 763 00:44:54,750 --> 00:44:59,165 [in Merspeak] The Witcher asked you again about yesterday's attack. 764 00:44:59,166 --> 00:45:01,540 You can tell your Witcher I heard him the first time. 765 00:45:01,541 --> 00:45:04,582 I know nothing of a vodnik attack, 766 00:45:04,583 --> 00:45:06,666 except by the king's men. 767 00:45:07,583 --> 00:45:10,790 - [in English] You say you were attacked. - Shortly after your father hired me. 768 00:45:10,791 --> 00:45:15,040 As if someone didn't want me to discover who killed those pearl divers. 769 00:45:15,041 --> 00:45:17,291 We saw you near Dragons Fangs that morning. 770 00:45:18,083 --> 00:45:19,708 I could tell Sh'eenaz was angry. 771 00:45:20,291 --> 00:45:23,791 You swam off without so much as a goodbye kiss. Why? 772 00:45:26,250 --> 00:45:29,999 [in Merspeak] Were you angry when you left him yesterday? 773 00:45:30,000 --> 00:45:35,874 Of course I was angry. I went to save my people from your brother's blade! 774 00:45:35,875 --> 00:45:37,790 [in English] I am sure Zelest and his men 775 00:45:37,791 --> 00:45:40,540 fought admirably to help find the culprits who killed the pearl diver. 776 00:45:40,541 --> 00:45:43,124 [in Merspeak] Perhaps my parents were right about you humans, 777 00:45:43,125 --> 00:45:47,040 if you would defend the murderer who killed my cousin! 778 00:45:47,041 --> 00:45:49,749 [in English] Perhaps Zelest was right about you bewitching me. 779 00:45:49,750 --> 00:45:52,166 I cannot believe I fell for this! For you! 780 00:45:57,916 --> 00:46:01,332 [in Merspeak] I liked you better when we only fucked instead of talked. 781 00:46:01,333 --> 00:46:03,416 [somber music playing] 782 00:46:07,708 --> 00:46:08,750 [in English] So now what? 783 00:46:09,541 --> 00:46:11,416 [Essi] Now it all falls apart. 784 00:46:12,166 --> 00:46:14,000 [somber music continues] 785 00:46:29,041 --> 00:46:31,166 [woman cries] 786 00:46:32,250 --> 00:46:33,457 [child cries] 787 00:46:33,458 --> 00:46:35,041 [Zelest] Lachlan Daven. 788 00:46:35,583 --> 00:46:38,500 By decree of the Honorable King Usveldt, 789 00:46:39,000 --> 00:46:42,874 you are hereby conscripted to the armed forces of Bremervoord. 790 00:46:42,875 --> 00:46:45,624 What is the meaning of this? He's a child! 791 00:46:45,625 --> 00:46:49,249 He's 15. Under the law, he's eligible to fight. 792 00:46:49,250 --> 00:46:50,665 Fuck your law! 793 00:46:50,666 --> 00:46:54,499 When... If war is declared, 794 00:46:54,500 --> 00:46:57,249 your nephew will either be on a ship 795 00:46:57,250 --> 00:46:58,582 or a gibbet. 796 00:46:58,583 --> 00:47:00,666 [tense music playing] 797 00:47:11,291 --> 00:47:12,290 [vodnik exclaim] 798 00:47:12,291 --> 00:47:14,375 [tense music continues] 799 00:47:24,291 --> 00:47:26,332 [grunting] 800 00:47:26,333 --> 00:47:28,416 [clamoring] 801 00:47:33,333 --> 00:47:35,333 [somber music playing] 802 00:47:57,000 --> 00:47:58,332 [music fades] 803 00:47:58,333 --> 00:48:01,499 Humans. I can't stand the sight of them. 804 00:48:01,500 --> 00:48:03,540 There, there, poppet. 805 00:48:03,541 --> 00:48:07,124 A relationship is bound to hit choppy waters occasionally. 806 00:48:07,125 --> 00:48:09,500 My mother is preparing for war. 807 00:48:10,208 --> 00:48:12,874 My feelings towards Agloval may have changed, 808 00:48:12,875 --> 00:48:15,749 but I don't want any more lives to be lost. 809 00:48:15,750 --> 00:48:17,915 Sea creature or human. 810 00:48:17,916 --> 00:48:19,541 Yes, I know. 811 00:48:20,041 --> 00:48:24,041 I also know what it's like to love a man you cannot be with. 812 00:48:25,583 --> 00:48:28,957 I've been working on something since the last council meeting. 813 00:48:28,958 --> 00:48:31,916 You seemed so distraught over Agloval. 814 00:48:32,666 --> 00:48:35,291 [eerie tinkling] 815 00:48:36,541 --> 00:48:37,583 A potion. 816 00:48:38,250 --> 00:48:41,000 This will allow you to take your lover's form. 817 00:48:41,583 --> 00:48:44,665 You mean I'd... become human? 818 00:48:44,666 --> 00:48:47,915 If you did something to prove your loyalty, 819 00:48:47,916 --> 00:48:49,499 he'd see reason. 820 00:48:49,500 --> 00:48:51,957 That's not a reason I want! 821 00:48:51,958 --> 00:48:53,666 I'd have to give up everything. 822 00:48:54,583 --> 00:48:56,583 [ominous music playing] 823 00:48:59,166 --> 00:49:02,915 ♪ A little bit of sacrifice ♪ 824 00:49:02,916 --> 00:49:06,665 ♪ A whole new world of paradise ♪ 825 00:49:06,666 --> 00:49:10,915 ♪ Such a little price So just play nice ♪ 826 00:49:10,916 --> 00:49:13,916 ♪ And go along ♪ 827 00:49:14,833 --> 00:49:17,958 ♪ A little bit of give and take ♪ 828 00:49:18,708 --> 00:49:22,540 ♪ You'll have to give it all away ♪ 829 00:49:22,541 --> 00:49:24,915 ♪ A worthy fee to pay ♪ 830 00:49:24,916 --> 00:49:29,458 ♪ No other way I can't be wrong... ♪ 831 00:49:32,250 --> 00:49:35,332 - Does it hurt? - Tremendously. 832 00:49:35,333 --> 00:49:38,665 - Will it leave scars? - [Melusina] Indubitably. 833 00:49:38,666 --> 00:49:42,790 ♪ But it's a moment of pain For a prince to say ♪ 834 00:49:42,791 --> 00:49:45,750 ♪ He loves you... ♪ 835 00:49:47,791 --> 00:49:49,540 But all my friends... 836 00:49:49,541 --> 00:49:52,124 - [Melusina] A pittance! - [Sh'eenaz] And my mother? 837 00:49:52,125 --> 00:49:53,625 [Melusina] Good riddance. 838 00:49:54,208 --> 00:49:58,040 ♪ You'll be a blushing bride... ♪ 839 00:49:58,041 --> 00:50:01,874 If I were with the humans, I could convince them to stop the warmongering. 840 00:50:01,875 --> 00:50:07,541 ♪ You'll need him by your side ♪ 841 00:50:08,708 --> 00:50:11,083 But I don't know if I can take this, Auntie. 842 00:50:12,041 --> 00:50:15,958 You keep that. You never know what will happen, poppet. 843 00:50:16,458 --> 00:50:18,540 A girl always needs options. 844 00:50:18,541 --> 00:50:20,291 [ominous music continues] 845 00:50:28,208 --> 00:50:29,499 [music fades] 846 00:50:29,500 --> 00:50:31,875 [birds squawk] 847 00:50:35,500 --> 00:50:38,749 I don't even know why I'm out here with you two. You don't need me. 848 00:50:38,750 --> 00:50:40,165 That's not true. 849 00:50:40,166 --> 00:50:42,499 Geralt is the brawn. You're the brains. 850 00:50:42,500 --> 00:50:43,957 Obviously, I'm the beauty. 851 00:50:43,958 --> 00:50:46,875 But in this situation, that's not entirely useful. 852 00:50:47,458 --> 00:50:49,208 You're here for moral support. 853 00:50:49,750 --> 00:50:52,457 Something severely lacking at the moment. 854 00:50:52,458 --> 00:50:55,540 [exhales] Thank you for all your help so far. 855 00:50:55,541 --> 00:50:57,915 I didn't know you were fluent in Merspeak. 856 00:50:57,916 --> 00:50:58,999 How could you? 857 00:50:59,000 --> 00:51:00,665 After all, you barely know me. 858 00:51:00,666 --> 00:51:02,124 [Jaskier sighs] 859 00:51:02,125 --> 00:51:04,790 - Essi, th-that's not-- - I'm here for my nephew. 860 00:51:04,791 --> 00:51:08,207 He's been sent to war because of the attacks on pearl divers. 861 00:51:08,208 --> 00:51:10,790 If you're right and it's not the mermaids, 862 00:51:10,791 --> 00:51:12,250 if the humans are at fault, 863 00:51:13,041 --> 00:51:14,375 maybe he can be saved. 864 00:51:16,125 --> 00:51:17,916 [Jaskier yelps] 865 00:51:20,625 --> 00:51:21,583 [Jaskier shudders] 866 00:51:22,666 --> 00:51:25,040 So this solves it. The vodnik did it. 867 00:51:25,041 --> 00:51:27,124 Wonderful. Can we leave now? 868 00:51:27,125 --> 00:51:32,290 I'm not so sure. All the vodnik spears are lodged at the same angle. From below. 869 00:51:32,291 --> 00:51:33,915 Uh, so? 870 00:51:33,916 --> 00:51:37,916 Vodnik have legs, and yet none of them climbed aboard the ship? 871 00:51:39,125 --> 00:51:42,332 Whoever killed the divers attacked only from the water. 872 00:51:42,333 --> 00:51:44,416 [somber music playing] 873 00:51:46,166 --> 00:51:47,791 [Geralt strains] 874 00:51:54,958 --> 00:51:57,957 That necklace is only worn by the mermaid royal family. 875 00:51:57,958 --> 00:52:00,958 Your theory is right. Queen Dahut is behind this. 876 00:52:01,541 --> 00:52:04,666 I told you. A parent will do anything for their child. 877 00:52:05,333 --> 00:52:07,041 The king will never back down now. 878 00:52:08,791 --> 00:52:10,665 We must go to the castle at once. 879 00:52:10,666 --> 00:52:12,750 [somber music continues] 880 00:52:18,250 --> 00:52:19,207 [music fades] 881 00:52:19,208 --> 00:52:20,625 [grunting] 882 00:52:22,375 --> 00:52:23,250 [guard groans] 883 00:52:26,166 --> 00:52:28,790 Didn't take you long to move on from Sh'eenaz. 884 00:52:28,791 --> 00:52:34,290 - It seems my love for her was misguided. - What do you have for us, Witcher? 885 00:52:34,291 --> 00:52:37,624 Empty hands and a mouthful of excuses, no doubt. 886 00:52:37,625 --> 00:52:38,540 Arrest him. 887 00:52:38,541 --> 00:52:41,749 - [Jaskier chuckles nervously] - I know who killed your pearl divers. 888 00:52:41,750 --> 00:52:45,040 - I want to hear this. - We already know it was the vodnik. 889 00:52:45,041 --> 00:52:46,707 Doing the mermaids' dirty work. 890 00:52:46,708 --> 00:52:50,457 It wasn't the vodnik, but the creature wanted you to think it was. 891 00:52:50,458 --> 00:52:52,457 [scoffs] Creature? 892 00:52:52,458 --> 00:52:57,000 It took the shape of a kraken so it could do the work of ten vodnik. 893 00:52:58,000 --> 00:52:59,125 [man groans] 894 00:53:07,208 --> 00:53:10,540 [scoffs] Kraken are terrifying, I'll give you that, 895 00:53:10,541 --> 00:53:13,790 but everyone and their brother knows they're pea-brained. 896 00:53:13,791 --> 00:53:17,707 - A kraken couldn't pull off an attack-- - I didn't say a kraken. 897 00:53:17,708 --> 00:53:21,707 I said the shape of a kraken. It was a mermaid. 898 00:53:21,708 --> 00:53:22,915 I knew it. 899 00:53:22,916 --> 00:53:25,500 Aye, and a royal one to boot. 900 00:53:26,458 --> 00:53:28,458 [tentacles squelch] 901 00:53:30,416 --> 00:53:34,541 [Geralt] I found this necklace on the rudder of the pearl diver boat. 902 00:53:35,125 --> 00:53:38,415 Only the royal mermaids are allowed to wear the peridot. 903 00:53:38,416 --> 00:53:41,999 I told you that scaly girl wasn't to be trusted. 904 00:53:42,000 --> 00:53:46,040 Except it wasn't Sh'eenaz. I doubt she knew anything about this. 905 00:53:46,041 --> 00:53:48,957 You said mermaids are deceivers and tricksters. 906 00:53:48,958 --> 00:53:52,457 Only one of the royals can make potions and shape-shift. 907 00:53:52,458 --> 00:53:53,790 The sea witch. 908 00:53:53,791 --> 00:53:58,374 Melusina? I know she can do magic, but how do you know she's a shape-shifter? 909 00:53:58,375 --> 00:54:02,165 Because I've seen her do it before. We all have. 910 00:54:02,166 --> 00:54:04,333 [tense music playing] 911 00:54:11,541 --> 00:54:16,790 I didn't kill the monster that attacked your boats, because she's here right now. 912 00:54:16,791 --> 00:54:19,249 Aren't you, sea witch? 913 00:54:19,250 --> 00:54:20,500 [snarls] 914 00:54:23,500 --> 00:54:24,791 Run, Melusina! 915 00:54:26,625 --> 00:54:29,124 [Melusina grunts] 916 00:54:29,125 --> 00:54:30,540 [Melusina yells] 917 00:54:30,541 --> 00:54:32,375 [Jaskier grunts] 918 00:54:32,958 --> 00:54:34,750 [eerie music playing] 919 00:54:46,833 --> 00:54:48,791 [groans] Useless pegs! 920 00:54:56,083 --> 00:55:00,415 Wow, Geralt. You really know how to spot those raven-haired witches. 921 00:55:00,416 --> 00:55:03,582 - How'd you know she wasn't real? - Because of something you said. 922 00:55:03,583 --> 00:55:06,707 Maribor had a blight on their orchards for 20 years. 923 00:55:06,708 --> 00:55:08,790 Uh, two-times-ten years. 924 00:55:08,791 --> 00:55:13,457 So she's not from Maribor. She magicked that fruit into existence! 925 00:55:13,458 --> 00:55:15,332 Ha! I solved the case! 926 00:55:15,333 --> 00:55:18,250 [Agloval] You were in league with that sea witch all along! 927 00:55:18,750 --> 00:55:20,707 - Son. - All these attacks. 928 00:55:20,708 --> 00:55:23,832 All the pearl divers and fishermen who died. 929 00:55:23,833 --> 00:55:25,957 That was you and Melusina! 930 00:55:25,958 --> 00:55:29,415 One attack should have caused the dominoes to fall, 931 00:55:29,416 --> 00:55:32,374 but you were so stubborn, I had to keep going. 932 00:55:32,375 --> 00:55:35,707 If you hadn't insisted on hiring this sewer cleaner, 933 00:55:35,708 --> 00:55:38,290 this problem would be gone by now. 934 00:55:38,291 --> 00:55:39,957 You killed our people! 935 00:55:39,958 --> 00:55:44,540 And I would do it again to get you to come to your senses. 936 00:55:44,541 --> 00:55:48,499 Our family has sat on that throne for 11 generations, 937 00:55:48,500 --> 00:55:53,374 and there will be 11 more generations once you find the right princess. 938 00:55:53,375 --> 00:55:55,415 Mother would be disgusted with you. 939 00:55:55,416 --> 00:55:58,749 Don't you dare speak of your mother to me. 940 00:55:58,750 --> 00:56:02,249 I'm doing this for her, you fucking child! 941 00:56:02,250 --> 00:56:05,915 Her legacy will die because of your stubborn arrogance. 942 00:56:05,916 --> 00:56:08,874 Those divers. What about their legacies? 943 00:56:08,875 --> 00:56:12,290 None of them would have had to die if you weren't so selfish. 944 00:56:12,291 --> 00:56:15,874 You made me do this. Their blood is on your hands, not mine. 945 00:56:15,875 --> 00:56:19,375 If this is how I'd have to rule, I want no part of it. 946 00:56:22,125 --> 00:56:25,165 We'll just, uh, follow the prince out. 947 00:56:25,166 --> 00:56:26,540 Don't worry about us. 948 00:56:26,541 --> 00:56:27,791 We attack now! 949 00:56:28,333 --> 00:56:31,165 Round up the conscripts. Zelest! 950 00:56:31,166 --> 00:56:34,374 Dump their bodies out past Dragons Fangs. 951 00:56:34,375 --> 00:56:38,874 You love those sea monsters so much, you can be with them forever. 952 00:56:38,875 --> 00:56:39,791 [Zelest] No. 953 00:56:40,708 --> 00:56:43,957 I pushed for war because I thought we'd been attacked. 954 00:56:43,958 --> 00:56:46,082 Bought into the old prejudices. 955 00:56:46,083 --> 00:56:48,832 - But it was you. - Watch yourself, son. 956 00:56:48,833 --> 00:56:50,332 Don't call me that! 957 00:56:50,333 --> 00:56:51,874 [laughs] 958 00:56:51,875 --> 00:56:54,332 A lifetime of not being enough, 959 00:56:54,333 --> 00:56:56,249 and now you want to claim me. 960 00:56:56,250 --> 00:57:01,000 No! I'm not going to add to the bloodshed to prop up a deceitful king! 961 00:57:01,541 --> 00:57:06,332 I have to protect Agloval, as much as he's disappointed me, 962 00:57:06,333 --> 00:57:10,416 but you've never been anything but a mistake I wanted to erase. 963 00:57:10,916 --> 00:57:13,624 And now, I'll do just that. 964 00:57:13,625 --> 00:57:15,541 Dump his body too. 965 00:57:16,125 --> 00:57:17,291 [Zelest grunts] 966 00:57:18,291 --> 00:57:19,708 - [Zelest groans] - [Jaskier whimpers] 967 00:57:31,250 --> 00:57:33,250 [suspenseful music playing] 968 00:57:42,541 --> 00:57:44,291 [vodnik growls] 969 00:57:47,125 --> 00:57:48,290 [vodnik growls] 970 00:57:48,291 --> 00:57:50,375 [suspenseful music continues] 971 00:57:54,125 --> 00:57:54,999 [music fades] 972 00:57:55,000 --> 00:57:58,165 Your highness, no one will give me a straight answer. 973 00:57:58,166 --> 00:57:59,707 What's going on at the docks? 974 00:57:59,708 --> 00:58:02,250 The royal fleet is sailing to Dragons Fangs. 975 00:58:02,833 --> 00:58:04,416 I fear we're going to war. 976 00:58:04,958 --> 00:58:07,082 Where are Geralt and Jaskier? 977 00:58:07,083 --> 00:58:09,458 They confronted my father. He's... 978 00:58:11,500 --> 00:58:14,625 You won't see them again, Essi. I'm sorry. 979 00:58:15,791 --> 00:58:19,040 And you're going to let that happen? Then you're no better than he is! 980 00:58:19,041 --> 00:58:20,999 Watch your tongue, bard! 981 00:58:21,000 --> 00:58:23,165 Remember to whom you are speaking. 982 00:58:23,166 --> 00:58:27,665 Oh, I know. I'm talking to a man who lucked into a throne. 983 00:58:27,666 --> 00:58:31,749 Jaskier was right to leave this shithole of a kingdom. I defended this place. 984 00:58:31,750 --> 00:58:34,082 Thought anything that went wrong could be fixed, 985 00:58:34,083 --> 00:58:36,582 but that's not up to me or my family. 986 00:58:36,583 --> 00:58:39,707 We're just the poor people outside the palace walls. 987 00:58:39,708 --> 00:58:40,958 It's up to yours. 988 00:58:43,750 --> 00:58:45,957 Too bad none of you give a sod about the rest of us. 989 00:58:45,958 --> 00:58:48,540 - That's not true. - Then prove it! 990 00:58:48,541 --> 00:58:52,665 You could stop this if you had a fraction of the courage that Witcher does! 991 00:58:52,666 --> 00:58:55,082 He was trying to stop this war. 992 00:58:55,083 --> 00:58:56,500 Keep our people alive. 993 00:58:57,000 --> 00:58:59,749 It takes bravery to stand against a crowd. 994 00:58:59,750 --> 00:59:03,208 That Witcher's as honorable as anyone in this kingdom. 995 00:59:04,333 --> 00:59:06,000 If that was Sh'eenaz out there, 996 00:59:06,666 --> 00:59:07,999 what would you do? 997 00:59:08,000 --> 00:59:10,083 [somber music playing] 998 00:59:16,750 --> 00:59:18,958 [Melusina groans] 999 00:59:21,541 --> 00:59:26,458 [Melusina breathes heavily] 1000 00:59:27,125 --> 00:59:29,125 [somber music continues] 1001 00:59:32,041 --> 00:59:35,290 - Are you all right, Auntie? - I'll be fine soon enough. 1002 00:59:35,291 --> 00:59:37,790 Boats are above. They're coming for us! 1003 00:59:37,791 --> 00:59:39,083 What's happening? 1004 00:59:41,166 --> 00:59:43,832 Your parents' reign is over. 1005 00:59:43,833 --> 00:59:45,541 [somber music continues] 1006 00:59:59,625 --> 01:00:00,625 [music fades] 1007 01:00:03,541 --> 01:00:04,832 This'll do. 1008 01:00:04,833 --> 01:00:07,249 I should kill you first, Witcher, 1009 01:00:07,250 --> 01:00:10,000 but I sense you don't fear pain or even death. 1010 01:00:10,625 --> 01:00:14,332 And yet, for all the talk of Witchers lacking emotions, 1011 01:00:14,333 --> 01:00:16,250 I know how to hurt you. 1012 01:00:16,750 --> 01:00:19,040 Make him watch his friends die. 1013 01:00:19,041 --> 01:00:20,582 And make it quick. 1014 01:00:20,583 --> 01:00:22,500 I have a war to win. 1015 01:00:23,291 --> 01:00:27,750 Two useless subjects no one will miss. 1016 01:00:29,458 --> 01:00:30,291 Geralt. 1017 01:00:30,875 --> 01:00:33,749 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you make that deal. 1018 01:00:33,750 --> 01:00:36,791 I fucking knew I never should have come back here to Bremervoord. 1019 01:00:37,416 --> 01:00:39,833 You were right to leave, Jaskier. 1020 01:00:40,375 --> 01:00:41,583 Let me go first. 1021 01:00:42,375 --> 01:00:44,375 [somber music playing] 1022 01:01:15,583 --> 01:01:16,875 [Zelest grunts] 1023 01:01:17,583 --> 01:01:18,832 [soldier groans] 1024 01:01:18,833 --> 01:01:20,833 [suspenseful music playing] 1025 01:01:21,458 --> 01:01:22,541 [Jaskier groans] 1026 01:01:23,208 --> 01:01:24,291 [soldier yells] 1027 01:01:26,000 --> 01:01:27,375 [soldiers grunting] 1028 01:01:30,583 --> 01:01:31,875 [soldier groans] 1029 01:01:38,000 --> 01:01:38,875 [grunts] 1030 01:01:42,583 --> 01:01:43,832 [snarls] 1031 01:01:43,833 --> 01:01:46,333 [tense music playing] 1032 01:01:50,333 --> 01:01:51,915 What's a bard to do? 1033 01:01:51,916 --> 01:01:54,916 Follow my lead, and stay alive. 1034 01:01:55,750 --> 01:01:57,500 [Jaskier] Oh, we are so fucked. 1035 01:01:58,208 --> 01:01:59,583 Maybe not. 1036 01:02:05,750 --> 01:02:07,750 [suspenseful music playing] 1037 01:02:13,791 --> 01:02:15,040 [Geralt] Sh'eenaz. 1038 01:02:15,041 --> 01:02:17,166 [suspenseful music continues] 1039 01:02:26,333 --> 01:02:27,333 [soldiers yelp] 1040 01:02:31,166 --> 01:02:32,875 [soldiers yell] 1041 01:02:40,375 --> 01:02:44,040 [in Merspeak] The king's in league with your aunt. The sea witch. 1042 01:02:44,041 --> 01:02:46,290 But my prince. Where is he? 1043 01:02:46,291 --> 01:02:47,457 [Geralt] He didn't come. 1044 01:02:47,458 --> 01:02:52,415 Not even to stop a war? Not even a little sacrifice... 1045 01:02:52,416 --> 01:02:55,540 He didn't know. And he does love you. 1046 01:02:55,541 --> 01:02:57,291 Love shows up. 1047 01:02:59,166 --> 01:03:00,041 [in English] Look out! 1048 01:03:07,625 --> 01:03:08,708 [groans] 1049 01:03:21,875 --> 01:03:24,249 [vodnik roars] 1050 01:03:24,250 --> 01:03:26,249 Attack! 1051 01:03:26,250 --> 01:03:29,665 [soldiers clamoring] 1052 01:03:29,666 --> 01:03:31,916 [suspenseful music playing] 1053 01:03:37,916 --> 01:03:40,000 [merman yells] 1054 01:03:40,916 --> 01:03:41,750 Sir! 1055 01:03:42,291 --> 01:03:45,124 [vodnik growls] 1056 01:03:45,125 --> 01:03:46,458 [vodnik squeals] 1057 01:03:50,291 --> 01:03:52,291 [suspenseful music continues] 1058 01:03:54,666 --> 01:03:55,791 [vodnik groans] 1059 01:03:58,625 --> 01:04:00,082 - [Jaskier groans] - [Zelest grunts] 1060 01:04:00,083 --> 01:04:01,332 [vodnik groans] 1061 01:04:01,333 --> 01:04:03,416 [suspenseful music continues] 1062 01:04:04,416 --> 01:04:07,375 - [Geralt grunts] - [vodniks groan] 1063 01:04:27,541 --> 01:04:32,083 [thunder rumbling] 1064 01:04:36,291 --> 01:04:37,208 [gasps] 1065 01:04:37,708 --> 01:04:38,666 [Usveldt gasps] 1066 01:04:39,291 --> 01:04:41,041 I still like our odds. 1067 01:04:41,708 --> 01:04:43,708 [sinister music playing] 1068 01:04:49,000 --> 01:04:50,124 [soldiers yell] 1069 01:04:50,125 --> 01:04:52,208 [sinister music continues] 1070 01:04:56,625 --> 01:04:57,999 Scratch that. 1071 01:04:58,000 --> 01:04:59,708 [sinister music continues] 1072 01:05:09,208 --> 01:05:13,083 [Jaskier] No! [yells] 1073 01:05:15,583 --> 01:05:16,625 [gasps] 1074 01:05:19,083 --> 01:05:20,041 [gasps] 1075 01:05:21,291 --> 01:05:22,916 - [Jaskier gasps] - [Geralt grunts] 1076 01:05:23,916 --> 01:05:24,833 [Jaskier gasps] 1077 01:05:25,458 --> 01:05:27,458 [sinister music continues] 1078 01:05:38,083 --> 01:05:43,958 [kraken roars] 1079 01:05:49,208 --> 01:05:51,165 [Melusina] You handle the Witcher. 1080 01:05:51,166 --> 01:05:52,833 Leave my niece to me. 1081 01:05:53,375 --> 01:05:56,040 - [vodnik growls] - [Geralt grunts] 1082 01:05:56,041 --> 01:05:57,875 [tense music playing] 1083 01:05:58,541 --> 01:05:59,500 [Geralt grunts] 1084 01:06:01,208 --> 01:06:02,208 [Geralt grunts] 1085 01:06:03,083 --> 01:06:03,958 [Geralt grunts] 1086 01:06:07,666 --> 01:06:09,666 [tense music continues] 1087 01:06:18,291 --> 01:06:19,791 [Geralt grunts] 1088 01:06:22,541 --> 01:06:23,540 [growls] 1089 01:06:23,541 --> 01:06:24,749 [Geralt grunts] 1090 01:06:24,750 --> 01:06:27,415 [vodniks snarl] 1091 01:06:27,416 --> 01:06:29,166 [Geralt grunts] 1092 01:06:29,875 --> 01:06:31,250 - [vodnik groans] - [Jaskier yelps] 1093 01:06:32,916 --> 01:06:34,040 [Jaskier yells] 1094 01:06:34,041 --> 01:06:35,999 [Jaskier grunts] 1095 01:06:36,000 --> 01:06:38,958 - [vodnik snarls] - [Jaskier grunts] 1096 01:06:39,958 --> 01:06:41,958 [tense music continues] 1097 01:06:43,291 --> 01:06:44,250 [merpeople groan] 1098 01:06:45,583 --> 01:06:46,750 [vodnik snarls] 1099 01:06:48,125 --> 01:06:50,250 [grunts weakly] 1100 01:06:57,916 --> 01:06:59,250 [Geralt grunts] 1101 01:07:00,208 --> 01:07:02,708 - [Jaskier groans] - [vodnik groans] 1102 01:07:04,958 --> 01:07:07,915 - [Jaskier whimpers] - [mermaids scream] 1103 01:07:07,916 --> 01:07:10,041 [tense music continues] 1104 01:07:14,958 --> 01:07:16,082 [vodnik groans] 1105 01:07:16,083 --> 01:07:17,083 [yells] 1106 01:07:18,708 --> 01:07:20,708 [tense music continues] 1107 01:07:24,250 --> 01:07:26,791 [Melusina strains] 1108 01:07:27,666 --> 01:07:28,958 [Melusina exhales] 1109 01:07:30,666 --> 01:07:32,707 Why are you doing this? 1110 01:07:32,708 --> 01:07:34,332 I stood up for you! 1111 01:07:34,333 --> 01:07:36,707 Basim was mine. 1112 01:07:36,708 --> 01:07:38,708 He and I had a real love. 1113 01:07:39,541 --> 01:07:42,375 But my sister gave him the only thing I couldn't. 1114 01:07:43,083 --> 01:07:45,250 A fry. You. 1115 01:07:45,875 --> 01:07:50,249 I should have been on the throne with my Basim, but Dahut took it. 1116 01:07:50,250 --> 01:07:51,416 Took him! 1117 01:07:51,916 --> 01:07:53,957 The pain I went through, 1118 01:07:53,958 --> 01:07:56,291 losing the one I loved the most. 1119 01:07:58,375 --> 01:08:00,082 It's her turn now. 1120 01:08:00,083 --> 01:08:02,915 They deserve to lose everything, 1121 01:08:02,916 --> 01:08:04,750 and they will. 1122 01:08:05,791 --> 01:08:09,957 Should have chosen those grotesque legs when you had the chance. 1123 01:08:09,958 --> 01:08:11,250 Then again, 1124 01:08:11,833 --> 01:08:15,249 your human didn't even care enough to come. 1125 01:08:15,250 --> 01:08:16,582 [Sh'eenaz yells] 1126 01:08:16,583 --> 01:08:18,666 - [Geralt grunts] - [vodnik growls] 1127 01:08:22,416 --> 01:08:23,375 [Agloval] Sh'eenaz! 1128 01:08:24,791 --> 01:08:27,666 [vodniks snarl] 1129 01:08:30,666 --> 01:08:31,916 Agloval. 1130 01:08:33,958 --> 01:08:35,708 [Agloval growls, grunting] 1131 01:08:37,083 --> 01:08:39,083 [somber music playing] 1132 01:08:43,291 --> 01:08:49,500 - [Agloval grunts] - [vodniks snarl] 1133 01:08:51,333 --> 01:08:53,166 [Agloval yells] 1134 01:08:55,000 --> 01:08:58,250 [Agloval panting] 1135 01:08:59,583 --> 01:09:00,957 [Agloval breathes heavily] 1136 01:09:00,958 --> 01:09:02,624 [vodnik snarls] 1137 01:09:02,625 --> 01:09:03,958 [breathing heavily] 1138 01:09:05,041 --> 01:09:06,166 [vodnik groans] 1139 01:09:07,166 --> 01:09:09,541 [somber music playing] 1140 01:09:13,333 --> 01:09:14,166 [Agloval gasps] 1141 01:09:15,000 --> 01:09:15,915 [Agloval groans] 1142 01:09:15,916 --> 01:09:18,250 [somber music continues] 1143 01:09:24,958 --> 01:09:27,415 [kraken roars] 1144 01:09:27,416 --> 01:09:28,625 [whimpers] 1145 01:09:29,333 --> 01:09:31,041 [Geralt grunts] 1146 01:09:32,375 --> 01:09:33,499 [Geralt grunts] 1147 01:09:33,500 --> 01:09:35,666 [somber music continues] 1148 01:09:42,458 --> 01:09:44,666 [suspenseful music playing] 1149 01:09:45,291 --> 01:09:48,416 - [Sh'eenaz groans] - [kraken roars] 1150 01:09:52,416 --> 01:09:53,790 [Jaskier grunts] 1151 01:09:53,791 --> 01:09:55,375 I've got this. Go! 1152 01:09:56,708 --> 01:09:57,666 [Jaskier grunts] 1153 01:10:00,250 --> 01:10:01,165 [grunts] 1154 01:10:01,166 --> 01:10:03,250 [suspenseful music continues] 1155 01:10:05,875 --> 01:10:06,750 Hmm. 1156 01:10:11,125 --> 01:10:12,916 [Geralt growls softly] 1157 01:10:14,750 --> 01:10:15,583 [exhales] 1158 01:10:19,625 --> 01:10:20,625 [Geralt grunts] 1159 01:10:27,916 --> 01:10:29,040 [Geralt grunts] 1160 01:10:29,041 --> 01:10:31,291 [tense music playing] 1161 01:10:39,458 --> 01:10:40,749 [grunts] Whoa! 1162 01:10:40,750 --> 01:10:41,833 [Geralt grunts] 1163 01:10:42,916 --> 01:10:43,750 [strains] 1164 01:10:49,125 --> 01:10:50,749 [tense music continues] 1165 01:10:50,750 --> 01:10:53,625 [Geralt strains] 1166 01:10:55,166 --> 01:10:56,916 [Geralt strains] 1167 01:11:01,208 --> 01:11:04,083 [Sh'eenaz strains] 1168 01:11:05,250 --> 01:11:09,374 - [Sh'eenaz groans] - Your aunt and I agree on many things. 1169 01:11:09,375 --> 01:11:14,125 Biggest, all our problems started with you. 1170 01:11:20,333 --> 01:11:24,000 [Geralt groans] 1171 01:11:29,000 --> 01:11:29,875 Essi! 1172 01:11:30,625 --> 01:11:31,665 [Essi groans] 1173 01:11:31,666 --> 01:11:34,041 [suspenseful music playing] 1174 01:11:36,958 --> 01:11:38,124 [Usveldt grunts] 1175 01:11:38,125 --> 01:11:39,875 [Sh'eenaz screams] 1176 01:11:41,208 --> 01:11:42,583 - [Usveldt grunts] - [Sh'eenaz groans] 1177 01:11:44,666 --> 01:11:47,332 See how you swim now. 1178 01:11:47,333 --> 01:11:49,416 [suspenseful music continues] 1179 01:11:50,375 --> 01:11:52,790 [Agloval crying] 1180 01:11:52,791 --> 01:11:54,875 [suspenseful music continues] 1181 01:12:03,166 --> 01:12:05,000 - [sword slices] - [Essi strains] 1182 01:12:10,875 --> 01:12:12,041 [tense music playing] 1183 01:12:14,375 --> 01:12:16,375 [Geralt grunts] 1184 01:12:16,916 --> 01:12:18,916 [suspenseful music playing] 1185 01:12:20,333 --> 01:12:21,791 [Geralt groans] 1186 01:12:22,583 --> 01:12:24,166 [breathes heavily] 1187 01:12:25,833 --> 01:12:27,833 [suspenseful music continues] 1188 01:12:41,375 --> 01:12:42,791 [Geralt grunting] 1189 01:12:45,875 --> 01:12:47,165 [Geralt groans] 1190 01:12:47,166 --> 01:12:48,958 [suspenseful music builds] 1191 01:13:07,750 --> 01:13:10,000 [Essie yells] Geralt! 1192 01:13:12,000 --> 01:13:14,416 - [music stops] - [bottle tinkles] 1193 01:13:15,416 --> 01:13:17,416 [tense music playing] 1194 01:13:23,958 --> 01:13:26,957 [kraken roars] 1195 01:13:26,958 --> 01:13:28,541 - [Jaskier sighs] - [Usveldt gasps] 1196 01:13:29,250 --> 01:13:30,082 Geralt. 1197 01:13:30,083 --> 01:13:32,000 [somber music playing] 1198 01:13:36,000 --> 01:13:38,833 - [kraken shrieks] - [Dahut groans] 1199 01:13:39,458 --> 01:13:41,000 [bottle tinkles] 1200 01:13:42,958 --> 01:13:44,957 [kraken shrieks] 1201 01:13:44,958 --> 01:13:47,415 [dramatic music playing] 1202 01:13:47,416 --> 01:13:49,457 [kraken roars] 1203 01:13:49,458 --> 01:13:51,541 [dramatic music continues] 1204 01:13:55,833 --> 01:13:57,040 [Geralt yells] 1205 01:13:57,041 --> 01:13:59,832 [kraken roars] 1206 01:13:59,833 --> 01:14:00,791 [Geralt grunts] 1207 01:14:06,125 --> 01:14:08,125 [dramatic music continues] 1208 01:14:09,291 --> 01:14:10,415 [Geralt grunts] 1209 01:14:10,416 --> 01:14:12,500 [dramatic music continues] 1210 01:14:18,458 --> 01:14:19,875 [kraken shrieks] 1211 01:14:21,791 --> 01:14:24,666 [kraken roars] 1212 01:14:26,125 --> 01:14:29,458 [kraken groans] 1213 01:14:37,375 --> 01:14:40,750 [kraken groans] 1214 01:14:41,708 --> 01:14:42,624 [yells] 1215 01:14:42,625 --> 01:14:43,666 [gasps] 1216 01:14:55,875 --> 01:14:57,875 [somber music playing] 1217 01:15:14,625 --> 01:15:17,958 [Agloval] Sh'eenaz! Sh'eenaz! 1218 01:15:18,666 --> 01:15:19,624 Sh'eenaz! 1219 01:15:19,625 --> 01:15:22,083 [somber music continues] 1220 01:15:25,333 --> 01:15:26,207 [water burbles] 1221 01:15:26,208 --> 01:15:27,124 [Essi gasps] 1222 01:15:27,125 --> 01:15:29,250 [Jaskier whimpers] 1223 01:15:31,041 --> 01:15:32,250 [Geralt exhales softly] 1224 01:15:36,791 --> 01:15:38,040 [Jaskier exhales] 1225 01:15:38,041 --> 01:15:41,249 - I thought you'd become a snack. - Wouldn't be the first time. 1226 01:15:41,250 --> 01:15:43,499 You should have smelled him after the selkiemaw. 1227 01:15:43,500 --> 01:15:46,624 - At least this time he got a bath. - [Agloval] Where's Sh'eenaz? 1228 01:15:46,625 --> 01:15:48,708 [somber music continues] 1229 01:15:53,125 --> 01:15:56,250 No one's going to blame you if you leave him here. 1230 01:15:57,166 --> 01:15:58,375 He's still my blood. 1231 01:16:00,666 --> 01:16:01,583 [Usveldt groans] 1232 01:16:02,416 --> 01:16:03,333 [Usveldt exhales] 1233 01:16:05,416 --> 01:16:08,083 - [Usveldt gasps] - What did you do to her? 1234 01:16:09,666 --> 01:16:12,083 [emotional music swells] 1235 01:16:21,500 --> 01:16:25,041 - Thank you, Mother. - You're not the only healer in the family. 1236 01:16:27,083 --> 01:16:28,000 [sighs] 1237 01:16:31,375 --> 01:16:32,500 [music fades] 1238 01:16:33,833 --> 01:16:35,833 These creatures are not our enemy! 1239 01:16:36,583 --> 01:16:38,000 [gentle music playing] 1240 01:16:40,291 --> 01:16:41,791 And we are not yours. 1241 01:16:42,291 --> 01:16:43,583 We have been tricked! 1242 01:16:44,416 --> 01:16:46,416 Misled by those we trusted. 1243 01:16:47,916 --> 01:16:49,750 But the fighting stops now! 1244 01:16:50,250 --> 01:16:52,791 We will find a way to live in peace again. 1245 01:16:53,500 --> 01:16:54,500 I promise you. 1246 01:16:55,875 --> 01:16:57,916 Now, let's go home! 1247 01:17:20,375 --> 01:17:23,500 [Usveldt sighs] I apologize, son. 1248 01:17:24,125 --> 01:17:25,125 For everything. 1249 01:17:25,791 --> 01:17:28,125 The sea witch proved useful in one way. 1250 01:17:28,750 --> 01:17:33,000 There's a potion that allows its user to take their lover's true form. 1251 01:17:33,791 --> 01:17:35,749 I'm going to marry Sh'eenaz, 1252 01:17:35,750 --> 01:17:38,208 and I'd like you to be there. 1253 01:17:38,833 --> 01:17:41,083 There's a way for her to become human? 1254 01:17:41,791 --> 01:17:45,291 Hmm. Perhaps there's a way to open my heart. 1255 01:17:45,958 --> 01:17:50,083 Of course, we'll put all the unpleasantness behind us. 1256 01:17:50,875 --> 01:17:52,916 She'll take on a new identity, 1257 01:17:53,666 --> 01:17:56,583 and none in Bremervoord will be the wiser. 1258 01:17:57,541 --> 01:18:00,500 Don't fret. I'll take care of it, son. 1259 01:18:01,291 --> 01:18:02,541 I'm sure you will, 1260 01:18:03,583 --> 01:18:04,416 Father. 1261 01:18:06,791 --> 01:18:07,791 Checkmate. 1262 01:18:09,916 --> 01:18:11,916 [mystical music playing] 1263 01:18:31,625 --> 01:18:32,624 [music fades] 1264 01:18:32,625 --> 01:18:35,707 [Jaskier] This is the smallest royal wedding I've ever attended. 1265 01:18:35,708 --> 01:18:38,083 Princes aren't typically known for their restraint. 1266 01:18:39,416 --> 01:18:42,083 The fewer witnesses to this spectacle, the better. 1267 01:18:42,916 --> 01:18:46,500 I suppose in some ways, you did your job, Witcher. 1268 01:18:47,625 --> 01:18:51,125 Once the fish is human, my line will continue. 1269 01:18:51,791 --> 01:18:54,958 Regardless of your misguided sense of morality. 1270 01:18:56,125 --> 01:18:58,000 [jaunty music playing] 1271 01:19:06,291 --> 01:19:07,165 [exhales] 1272 01:19:07,166 --> 01:19:09,250 [jaunty music continues] 1273 01:19:33,125 --> 01:19:35,125 [gentle music playing] 1274 01:19:38,375 --> 01:19:39,708 [gasps] 1275 01:19:41,041 --> 01:19:43,416 [gentle music continues] 1276 01:19:47,458 --> 01:19:51,624 From the moment we locked eyes, my heart belonged to you, Sh'eenaz. 1277 01:19:51,625 --> 01:19:55,625 You unlocked a version of myself I didn't know existed. 1278 01:20:00,750 --> 01:20:02,750 [gentle music continues] 1279 01:20:12,250 --> 01:20:14,250 [suspenseful music playing] 1280 01:20:16,250 --> 01:20:17,875 What are you doing? Stop! 1281 01:20:21,083 --> 01:20:22,790 It's too later, Father! 1282 01:20:22,791 --> 01:20:26,874 You wanted me to hide my beloved, lie to my kingdom and myself. 1283 01:20:26,875 --> 01:20:28,666 All to feed your own ego. 1284 01:20:29,166 --> 01:20:32,916 It has become clear to me. There is nothing left for me here. 1285 01:20:34,875 --> 01:20:39,208 [Agloval groans] 1286 01:20:42,291 --> 01:20:49,208 [Agloval yelling in pain] 1287 01:21:09,000 --> 01:21:11,000 [gentle music playing] 1288 01:21:39,333 --> 01:21:40,332 [music fades] 1289 01:21:40,333 --> 01:21:42,415 This is your fault, Witcher! 1290 01:21:42,416 --> 01:21:44,583 My kingdom. My legacy. 1291 01:21:45,083 --> 01:21:47,166 It will die with me. 1292 01:21:47,958 --> 01:21:49,833 If you saw beyond your pride, 1293 01:21:50,416 --> 01:21:52,082 lives could have been saved. 1294 01:21:52,083 --> 01:21:55,249 You had two sons. Now you have none. 1295 01:21:55,250 --> 01:21:57,749 That is the legacy you deserve. 1296 01:21:57,750 --> 01:21:59,833 [somber music playing] 1297 01:22:04,041 --> 01:22:07,957 [Jaskier] Agloval's prepared to give up his entire life and everything he knows. 1298 01:22:07,958 --> 01:22:12,125 - I hope he's made the right decision. - You did the same thing, Julian. 1299 01:22:12,625 --> 01:22:14,333 I'm sure the prince will be fine. 1300 01:22:17,833 --> 01:22:19,833 [uplifting music playing] 1301 01:22:37,541 --> 01:22:38,624 [music fades] 1302 01:22:38,625 --> 01:22:42,082 [Essi] So Agloval got his princess in the end. 1303 01:22:42,083 --> 01:22:45,124 Hopefully, this marriage brings peace, as they hoped. 1304 01:22:45,125 --> 01:22:47,499 I couldn't have figured out the truth without you. 1305 01:22:47,500 --> 01:22:49,958 It's not something I'm used to saying. 1306 01:22:51,375 --> 01:22:53,124 You are stubborn and set in your ways, 1307 01:22:53,125 --> 01:22:56,166 but there's nothing wrong with being part of a team. 1308 01:22:57,083 --> 01:22:59,166 Relying on another person. 1309 01:22:59,750 --> 01:23:02,082 - Sharing a life. - I told you. 1310 01:23:02,083 --> 01:23:05,082 I've found it wise not to trust others. 1311 01:23:05,083 --> 01:23:07,375 Who said love should be wise? 1312 01:23:10,291 --> 01:23:12,291 [gentle music playing] 1313 01:23:17,958 --> 01:23:19,041 [Essi moaning softly] 1314 01:23:30,875 --> 01:23:31,833 [music fades] 1315 01:23:33,708 --> 01:23:34,750 [birds chirping] 1316 01:23:38,750 --> 01:23:39,583 [Essi] I know. 1317 01:23:40,291 --> 01:23:41,875 You don't have to say anything. 1318 01:23:43,166 --> 01:23:45,624 Essi, I'm sorry. 1319 01:23:45,625 --> 01:23:47,374 [Essi] You don't have to be. 1320 01:23:47,375 --> 01:23:50,874 I've had enough adventure these past few days to last a lifetime, 1321 01:23:50,875 --> 01:23:53,374 but someone else's lifetime. 1322 01:23:53,375 --> 01:23:56,625 I always wondered what life would be like if I left Bremervoord. 1323 01:23:58,875 --> 01:24:01,208 But the reasons I find you fascinating 1324 01:24:02,666 --> 01:24:04,665 are the reasons we cannot be together. 1325 01:24:04,666 --> 01:24:06,832 [gentle music playing] 1326 01:24:06,833 --> 01:24:10,249 I could never tame your Witcher heart. Nor do I want to. 1327 01:24:10,250 --> 01:24:11,458 I want a family. 1328 01:24:12,083 --> 01:24:14,499 Stability. Peace. 1329 01:24:14,500 --> 01:24:18,499 That dream seems more farfetched than a man marrying a mermaid. 1330 01:24:18,500 --> 01:24:20,375 You have a larger destiny. 1331 01:24:21,166 --> 01:24:24,332 You care about others, no matter how hard you try and hide it. 1332 01:24:24,333 --> 01:24:27,332 I track monsters and collect coin. 1333 01:24:27,333 --> 01:24:29,499 That's what Witchers were bred for. 1334 01:24:29,500 --> 01:24:31,582 Humans believe in destiny. 1335 01:24:31,583 --> 01:24:34,249 But when you've lived as long as I, 1336 01:24:34,250 --> 01:24:37,208 you know there's no rhyme or reason to this song. 1337 01:24:37,791 --> 01:24:39,874 You simply dance along to get by. 1338 01:24:39,875 --> 01:24:41,416 I'm not like you, Essi. 1339 01:24:41,916 --> 01:24:44,458 You're so much more like me than you imagine. 1340 01:24:45,041 --> 01:24:48,332 I wish you could see that. Maybe some day you will. 1341 01:24:48,333 --> 01:24:51,665 But for now, looks like Jaskier will have to do. 1342 01:24:51,666 --> 01:24:53,625 [gentle music playing] 1343 01:24:58,208 --> 01:25:00,749 [Jaskier] ♪ The prince Did sit aside the sea ♪ 1344 01:25:00,750 --> 01:25:02,916 ♪ Blushing with his siren ♪ 1345 01:25:05,291 --> 01:25:10,083 ♪ At length did they try to agree Who'd forfeit their environ ♪ 1346 01:25:12,500 --> 01:25:17,082 ♪ A trade for surf A swap for turf ♪ 1347 01:25:17,083 --> 01:25:20,875 ♪ Who'd cave first and when ♪ 1348 01:25:22,291 --> 01:25:27,040 ♪ For if your goal be paradise A life with your true love ♪ 1349 01:25:27,041 --> 01:25:31,665 ♪ Ponder all your wants in life ♪ 1350 01:25:31,666 --> 01:25:36,958 ♪ And make a little sacrifice ♪ 1351 01:25:38,625 --> 01:25:41,249 [Jaskier] Aw, would you look at those two? 1352 01:25:41,250 --> 01:25:43,582 Can't tell if they're frolicking or fighting. 1353 01:25:43,583 --> 01:25:46,707 Just because you and your accursed lover only have two modes 1354 01:25:46,708 --> 01:25:48,041 doesn't mean everyone else does. 1355 01:25:48,625 --> 01:25:52,540 I have great hopes for them. It's young love, but it's still love. 1356 01:25:52,541 --> 01:25:54,415 I don't doubt that, 1357 01:25:54,416 --> 01:25:57,624 but there are still pearls and greed and bruised egos. 1358 01:25:57,625 --> 01:26:00,999 Kings and queens may claim they're looking out for their heirs, 1359 01:26:01,000 --> 01:26:04,915 but I've yet to meet a royal who doesn't care more about their vanity 1360 01:26:04,916 --> 01:26:06,082 than their child. 1361 01:26:06,083 --> 01:26:07,416 I wish I weren't right. 1362 01:26:08,083 --> 01:26:10,915 [sighs] No wonder you're such a hopeless unromantic. 1363 01:26:10,916 --> 01:26:12,290 Not true. 1364 01:26:12,291 --> 01:26:15,540 It's just that normal humans have short lives, 1365 01:26:15,541 --> 01:26:17,457 and even shorter memories. 1366 01:26:17,458 --> 01:26:18,999 Essi's wonderful, 1367 01:26:19,000 --> 01:26:22,790 but she doesn't understand me like someone who's lived as long as I have. 1368 01:26:22,791 --> 01:26:25,874 - Someone like-- - Do not say Yennefer. 1369 01:26:25,875 --> 01:26:30,625 Wherever we go next, can we just make sure we don't run into that she-demon? 1370 01:26:31,458 --> 01:26:32,375 Ooh. 1371 01:26:32,958 --> 01:26:34,499 - I've got it! - [Geralt] Where to? 1372 01:26:34,500 --> 01:26:38,124 The farthest corner of the Continent. No culture. No comforts. 1373 01:26:38,125 --> 01:26:41,124 No reason for that spoiled witch to be there. 1374 01:26:41,125 --> 01:26:43,458 A place called Caingorn. 1375 01:26:44,041 --> 01:26:45,708 In the Dragon Mountains. 1376 01:26:46,375 --> 01:26:51,207 Where adventure awaits! And Yennefer, notably, does not. 1377 01:26:51,208 --> 01:26:53,291 [hopeful music playing] 1378 01:27:04,333 --> 01:27:06,333 [adventurous music playing] 1379 01:27:51,458 --> 01:27:53,458 [mysterious music playing] 1380 01:29:10,500 --> 01:29:11,500 [music fades] 1381 01:29:16,291 --> 01:29:18,291 [gentle music playing] 1382 01:29:57,125 --> 01:29:58,333 [music fades]