1 00:00:48,717 --> 00:00:52,304 You wait until you get a load of this lab,Wolfy. 2 00:00:52,387 --> 00:00:56,016 It's the most marvelous,splendiferous, stupendous lab. 3 00:00:56,099 --> 00:00:59,644 The most magnifi-super-frabjous lab.It's the most-- 4 00:00:59,728 --> 00:01:01,146 It's tree labs, bro. 5 00:01:01,229 --> 00:01:04,440 Oh, Xandra, you ruined the surprise. 6 00:01:10,739 --> 00:01:11,907 Wow. 7 00:01:12,741 --> 00:01:15,410 So, this is where you make trees? 8 00:01:15,493 --> 00:01:17,495 And so much more. 9 00:01:20,332 --> 00:01:22,626 [Floof purrs] 10 00:01:22,709 --> 00:01:23,877 Whoa. 11 00:01:23,960 --> 00:01:26,922 [purrs] 12 00:01:33,136 --> 00:01:36,306 Come on, Wolfboy,let's go make some trees. 13 00:01:36,890 --> 00:01:39,059 [Oneira blowing] 14 00:01:43,355 --> 00:01:48,151 Oh, well done, Sprout. Such a joyto have a Figwort in the class again. 15 00:01:49,402 --> 00:01:54,366 You know, I always thought that treescame from seeds and acorns and such. 16 00:01:54,449 --> 00:01:57,535 You've got a lot to learnabout how the world really works, human. 17 00:01:57,619 --> 00:02:00,997 Oh, don't worry about her.Here, let me show you. 18 00:02:02,999 --> 00:02:04,167 [Xandra groans] 19 00:02:04,251 --> 00:02:07,170 See, we sprytes make some trees, 20 00:02:07,254 --> 00:02:10,507 but the world needs lotsand lots of trees. 21 00:02:10,590 --> 00:02:13,593 The clever thingscan also make themselves. 22 00:02:15,345 --> 00:02:16,346 Ta-da! 23 00:02:22,269 --> 00:02:23,562 What happens now? 24 00:02:23,645 --> 00:02:26,064 Now we wait. 25 00:02:26,147 --> 00:02:27,482 Ooh. 26 00:02:29,609 --> 00:02:31,486 Uh, for how long? 27 00:02:31,570 --> 00:02:35,031 Ten years, give or take.Isn't it exciting? 28 00:02:36,575 --> 00:02:38,243 [professor] Oh, look who it is. 29 00:02:38,326 --> 00:02:41,746 Everyone, please welcome Flora Figwort. 30 00:02:41,830 --> 00:02:46,251 An excellent student in her day,and now a qualified forest spryte. 31 00:02:46,334 --> 00:02:49,379 Keep practicingand you could be like Flora one day. 32 00:02:49,462 --> 00:02:51,548 Hey, that's my sister. 33 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:56,344 Flora! Flora! Flora! Flora! Flora! 34 00:02:56,428 --> 00:03:01,141 Flora! Flora! Flora! Flora! Flora! 35 00:03:01,224 --> 00:03:03,393 Flora! Flora! 36 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:06,271 Hi. 37 00:03:08,815 --> 00:03:11,651 Professor. There's something strangegoing on in our wood. 38 00:03:11,735 --> 00:03:13,570 We could really use a hand. 39 00:03:13,653 --> 00:03:15,989 Could I getsome volunteer sprytelings to help? 40 00:03:16,072 --> 00:03:17,324 By all means. 41 00:03:17,407 --> 00:03:18,992 Would anyone like to volunteer? 42 00:03:19,075 --> 00:03:23,330 Oh! Oh! Me! Me, me, me.Right here! Me! Hello! 43 00:03:23,413 --> 00:03:26,499 -Um… anyone else?-[Sprout] Me! Right here! 44 00:03:26,583 --> 00:03:28,543 -Anyone at all. Xandra?-[Sprout] Me! Hello! 45 00:03:28,627 --> 00:03:30,795 Sure, Flora. But can I bring Sprout? 46 00:03:32,505 --> 00:03:34,007 Ugh, fine. 47 00:03:34,090 --> 00:03:37,677 Hooray! Can I bring Wolfboy? 48 00:03:37,761 --> 00:03:39,804 [sighs] Fine. 49 00:03:41,556 --> 00:03:43,642 Cool. Another portal. 50 00:03:49,522 --> 00:03:51,608 Here we are. Welcome to my wood. 51 00:03:52,234 --> 00:03:54,319 It's usually a much happier place. 52 00:03:54,819 --> 00:03:57,322 What's making the trees so sick? 53 00:03:57,405 --> 00:04:02,577 I don't know, Sprout. I've never seenanything like it before. Poor things. 54 00:04:03,245 --> 00:04:04,287 [gasps] 55 00:04:04,371 --> 00:04:07,374 [tree groaning] 56 00:04:13,255 --> 00:04:16,048 -[whines, purrs]-[groaning continues] 57 00:04:16,132 --> 00:04:19,134 There's something not rightabout this fog. 58 00:04:19,219 --> 00:04:20,512 What could be causing it? 59 00:04:21,137 --> 00:04:22,639 Maybe humans. 60 00:04:22,722 --> 00:04:24,683 [Flora]Humans do have a lot to answer for. 61 00:04:24,766 --> 00:04:28,311 I mean, they chop down our treesfaster than we can make them. 62 00:04:28,937 --> 00:04:30,272 But this is different. 63 00:04:32,065 --> 00:04:35,110 Pardon me, madam. How are you holding up? 64 00:04:35,694 --> 00:04:38,655 [groans] 65 00:04:40,448 --> 00:04:42,325 She's in pretty bad shape. 66 00:04:42,826 --> 00:04:44,995 I'm gonna see if I can help her. 67 00:04:45,078 --> 00:04:50,208 It's getting pretty hard to seein this fog. And it's getting dark too. 68 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:54,212 Why don't you sit tight for a second,and I'll be right back. 69 00:05:05,056 --> 00:05:07,017 -[Floof whines]-You don't think… [gasps] 70 00:05:07,100 --> 00:05:11,313 You don't think it's possiblethat there are disarrays in these woods, 71 00:05:11,396 --> 00:05:12,564 do you, Xandra? 72 00:05:12,647 --> 00:05:15,358 Disarrays? I shouldn't think so, Sprout. 73 00:05:15,442 --> 00:05:17,027 What are disaroos? 74 00:05:17,110 --> 00:05:18,820 It's "disarrays." 75 00:05:18,904 --> 00:05:23,533 Disarrays are the most horrible,terrible, dark, scary creatures 76 00:05:23,617 --> 00:05:26,244 in the whole entire universe. 77 00:05:26,328 --> 00:05:27,996 I don't like to talk about them. 78 00:05:28,079 --> 00:05:29,080 Oh, I'm so-- 79 00:05:29,164 --> 00:05:30,832 Around every corner, 80 00:05:30,916 --> 00:05:36,630 the disarrays lurk and seek to destroythe sprytes' noble work. 81 00:05:37,422 --> 00:05:41,092 Some slither, some swim,some float and some fly. 82 00:05:41,176 --> 00:05:44,930 But beware of any creaturewith the glowing eye. 83 00:05:45,430 --> 00:05:48,850 They creep and they crawl,bringing darkness and woe. 84 00:05:49,434 --> 00:05:53,271 We are the sprytes, and they are our foe. 85 00:05:55,315 --> 00:05:57,734 Disarrays are pure chaos. 86 00:05:57,817 --> 00:05:59,444 Agents of destruction. 87 00:05:59,527 --> 00:06:03,323 Every single thing we sprytes create,disarrays destroy. 88 00:06:03,406 --> 00:06:07,577 I wish there was one here right now.I'd show 'em who's boss. 89 00:06:08,870 --> 00:06:12,707 Hey, Xandra? If Sprout's over there,whose shadow is that? 90 00:06:14,459 --> 00:06:16,628 -[both scream]-[growls] 91 00:06:16,711 --> 00:06:19,464 [gasps] Sprout! Xandra! Look out! 92 00:06:20,215 --> 00:06:21,258 Disarrays! 93 00:06:28,098 --> 00:06:30,016 [shrieks] 94 00:06:30,100 --> 00:06:32,269 That's where the fog came from. 95 00:06:32,352 --> 00:06:34,688 Those creeps are fogging upthe whole wood. 96 00:06:34,771 --> 00:06:37,023 No wonder these trees are sick. 97 00:06:37,107 --> 00:06:38,275 What do we do? 98 00:06:38,358 --> 00:06:39,359 We fight. 99 00:06:39,442 --> 00:06:41,027 No, we run. 100 00:06:41,111 --> 00:06:43,321 Come on. Back to the portal. 101 00:06:51,830 --> 00:06:53,790 -This way.-[all panting] 102 00:06:53,873 --> 00:06:54,874 [all scream] 103 00:06:56,209 --> 00:06:58,128 [panting continues] 104 00:07:08,096 --> 00:07:09,306 Stop. Stop. 105 00:07:10,515 --> 00:07:12,392 We're just going in circles. 106 00:07:12,475 --> 00:07:14,269 Did we lose Flora? 107 00:07:14,769 --> 00:07:19,941 -Flora! Flora!-Sprout. It's going to be okay. 108 00:07:20,025 --> 00:07:22,444 But what if the disarrays come back? 109 00:07:22,527 --> 00:07:24,362 They could be right behind us. 110 00:07:24,446 --> 00:07:26,781 [screams] They could be anywhere. 111 00:07:26,865 --> 00:07:29,326 [yelping] 112 00:07:29,826 --> 00:07:35,665 Oh, why did I volunteer for this?Mother warned me about being brave. 113 00:07:36,166 --> 00:07:40,212 "Always listen to Mother."That's what Mother always says. 114 00:07:40,295 --> 00:07:44,841 Um, Sprout,you've got a little something-- 115 00:07:45,342 --> 00:07:46,343 Hmm? 116 00:07:48,136 --> 00:07:49,137 [screams] 117 00:07:49,221 --> 00:07:51,056 Get 'em off, get 'em off, get 'em off! 118 00:07:51,139 --> 00:07:52,766 -[whimpers]-Stay still, Sprout. 119 00:07:59,481 --> 00:08:03,777 It's not the fog that's hurting the trees.It's these slugs. 120 00:08:03,860 --> 00:08:06,571 That's why those creepsare fogging up the place. 121 00:08:06,655 --> 00:08:10,700 To hide what their gross little slug chumsare up to. 122 00:08:10,784 --> 00:08:12,786 So if we clear the fog… 123 00:08:12,869 --> 00:08:15,205 We can start kicking some slug butt. 124 00:08:15,288 --> 00:08:16,539 Yeah! 125 00:08:16,623 --> 00:08:18,792 But how do we get rid of the fog? 126 00:08:19,376 --> 00:08:22,712 Hmm. I think I know just the way. 127 00:08:24,506 --> 00:08:26,216 It's perfect. 128 00:08:26,299 --> 00:08:27,968 It's a hunk of junk. 129 00:08:28,051 --> 00:08:29,594 It's not junk. 130 00:08:29,678 --> 00:08:32,222 All we need is a bit of imagination. 131 00:08:33,056 --> 00:08:34,140 And some tape. 132 00:08:34,224 --> 00:08:35,350 What's tape? 133 00:08:35,433 --> 00:08:37,726 Here. Give me a hand. 134 00:08:52,617 --> 00:08:54,411 Well, it's still junk. 135 00:08:54,995 --> 00:08:57,289 But I guess you've made it your own. 136 00:08:58,999 --> 00:09:00,834 Ready? Go. 137 00:09:03,378 --> 00:09:06,047 [Xandra] It's actually working? 138 00:09:07,048 --> 00:09:08,925 It's actually working! 139 00:09:09,009 --> 00:09:11,845 All right, let's do this. 140 00:09:44,127 --> 00:09:46,338 [Flora] Sprout! Sprout! 141 00:09:46,421 --> 00:09:48,548 Flora? Flora! [laughs] 142 00:09:48,632 --> 00:09:54,054 Sprout! Oh, thank goodnessyou're okay. I was so worried. 143 00:09:54,638 --> 00:09:57,390 We were searching for you everywhere,but the fog-- 144 00:09:57,474 --> 00:10:00,185 Wait. What happened to the fog? 145 00:10:00,268 --> 00:10:02,103 I cleared it away. 146 00:10:02,187 --> 00:10:04,981 Wolfboy and Xandra, they helped. 147 00:10:05,065 --> 00:10:07,609 You cleared it away? Uh-- How? 148 00:10:08,193 --> 00:10:12,239 We, um,found this weird human contraption. 149 00:10:12,322 --> 00:10:14,950 Over there, in the woods. 150 00:10:15,033 --> 00:10:17,577 And once the fog was gone,the slugs were easy. 151 00:10:17,661 --> 00:10:19,996 -The slugs?-Rotter slugs. 152 00:10:20,080 --> 00:10:21,748 Pesky little disarrays. 153 00:10:22,249 --> 00:10:25,252 But pretty easy to deal withif you can see 'em. 154 00:10:26,086 --> 00:10:29,881 I've never seen different typesof disarray work together like that. 155 00:10:34,844 --> 00:10:37,889 [chuckles] Well, it looks likeyou three have saved our wood. 156 00:10:41,476 --> 00:10:43,645 -[wind whistling]-Oh, no. 157 00:10:44,396 --> 00:10:46,565 The poor old thing didn't make it. 158 00:10:53,905 --> 00:10:56,616 [chiming] 159 00:11:06,209 --> 00:11:08,336 Hey, Sprout, look. 160 00:11:10,505 --> 00:11:11,590 [gasps] 161 00:11:13,049 --> 00:11:15,051 [coos, giggles] 162 00:11:15,135 --> 00:11:16,970 Into the dirt with you. 163 00:11:21,516 --> 00:11:24,060 Maybe we can come back and visit? 164 00:11:24,144 --> 00:11:25,520 Sure thing, Sprout. 165 00:11:52,631 --> 00:11:56,218 Okay, Sprout. Ready? One. 166 00:11:56,301 --> 00:11:57,427 One. [chuckles] 167 00:11:58,220 --> 00:12:00,180 You're supposed to say "two." 168 00:12:00,263 --> 00:12:01,389 Three. 169 00:12:01,473 --> 00:12:04,059 -Two! [chuckles]-Sprout, you're playing wrong. 170 00:12:04,142 --> 00:12:05,936 But it's fun. [chuckles] 171 00:12:06,019 --> 00:12:07,103 Five. 172 00:12:07,187 --> 00:12:09,231 -Crumpet!-[chuckles] 173 00:12:12,901 --> 00:12:17,530 Oh, my twigs and leaves!They're playing Guardians and Disarrays. 174 00:12:18,198 --> 00:12:19,449 Disarrays? 175 00:12:19,532 --> 00:12:22,118 Not real ones. It's just a silly game. 176 00:12:22,202 --> 00:12:24,829 Oh, cool! Do you wanna go play? 177 00:12:24,913 --> 00:12:28,875 No way. I'm reading all aboutthe fifth battle of Dryades. 178 00:12:28,959 --> 00:12:30,418 And I'm getting to the good bit. 179 00:12:30,502 --> 00:12:32,462 Ooh. Who's Dryades? 180 00:12:32,546 --> 00:12:35,590 Uh, Dryades is the namefor the portal tree. 181 00:12:36,258 --> 00:12:40,929 You know, the one in the middleof the atrium. Kind of hard to miss. 182 00:12:41,012 --> 00:12:43,473 Its roots runthroughout the whole factory, 183 00:12:43,557 --> 00:12:46,268 and it connects all the labsto the surface. 184 00:12:46,351 --> 00:12:50,772 Oh, that's what that is. That's awesome. 185 00:12:50,855 --> 00:12:54,859 Now, if you don't mind,go play with Sprout or something. 186 00:12:54,943 --> 00:12:56,278 What's wrong, Sprout? 187 00:12:56,361 --> 00:12:59,573 Oh, they won't let me play. 188 00:12:59,656 --> 00:13:03,451 What? We'll see about that.Come on, Sprout. 189 00:13:03,535 --> 00:13:06,621 -[purrs]-Wait! Wolfboy! Wolfboy! 190 00:13:06,705 --> 00:13:10,584 [scoffs]I told you it's dorms against dorms. 191 00:13:10,667 --> 00:13:13,837 And your dorm isn't here. So bye-bye. 192 00:13:13,920 --> 00:13:16,840 I'm in Sprout's dorm.We'll play as a team. 193 00:13:16,923 --> 00:13:19,134 You need five to make a team. 194 00:13:19,718 --> 00:13:22,095 Well, then we'll all play. 195 00:13:22,178 --> 00:13:23,597 Hooray! 196 00:13:23,680 --> 00:13:24,890 What are you doing? 197 00:13:24,973 --> 00:13:26,182 We can't play. 198 00:13:26,266 --> 00:13:29,269 You don't even know what this game is.And Sprout… 199 00:13:34,941 --> 00:13:38,778 Well, I love Sprout,but we don't stand a chance. 200 00:13:38,862 --> 00:13:40,196 We'll lose. 201 00:13:40,280 --> 00:13:43,366 I don't know. I'm pretty good at games. 202 00:13:43,450 --> 00:13:46,870 I'm sure I'll pick it up.And besides, it'll be fun. 203 00:13:47,454 --> 00:13:48,622 Come on. 204 00:13:48,705 --> 00:13:51,416 Didn't you hear me? We'll lose. 205 00:13:53,501 --> 00:13:56,630 Aw, Xandra, come play. 206 00:13:56,713 --> 00:14:00,217 Sorry, Sprout.You need your whole dorm to play. 207 00:14:00,300 --> 00:14:04,846 It's a shame Xandra's sucha scaredy-spryte. [chuckles] 208 00:14:04,930 --> 00:14:07,098 Scaredy-spryte? [growls] 209 00:14:08,266 --> 00:14:11,269 Right. Let's do this now. 210 00:14:11,353 --> 00:14:12,646 Yeah! 211 00:14:17,400 --> 00:14:19,778 [chuckles] 212 00:14:19,861 --> 00:14:21,738 [Oneira] Om. 213 00:14:21,821 --> 00:14:23,698 Okay, the rules are simple. 214 00:14:23,782 --> 00:14:26,451 We're the disarrays.We gotta get to that rock. 215 00:14:26,534 --> 00:14:28,995 And they're the guardians,so they have to stop us. 216 00:14:29,079 --> 00:14:31,998 Then next round, we switch sides. Get it? 217 00:14:32,082 --> 00:14:33,291 -Got it.-Good. 218 00:14:33,792 --> 00:14:35,335 Guardians! 219 00:14:35,835 --> 00:14:37,337 Disarrays! 220 00:14:43,426 --> 00:14:44,761 Uh… 221 00:14:45,262 --> 00:14:46,596 Go! 222 00:14:48,932 --> 00:14:51,768 Oh, yeah.And if you get orbed, you're out. 223 00:14:51,851 --> 00:14:53,895 Orbed? What do you mean, "orbed"? 224 00:14:54,479 --> 00:14:55,564 Hi-yah! 225 00:15:07,075 --> 00:15:08,868 Sprout, keep up! 226 00:15:10,036 --> 00:15:11,705 [grunts] 227 00:15:11,788 --> 00:15:14,165 [laughs] 228 00:15:18,378 --> 00:15:20,130 ♪ La, la ♪Ooh. 229 00:15:20,213 --> 00:15:23,133 -♪ La, la, la-- ♪ [grunts]-Whoa, whoa, whoa-- [grunts] 230 00:15:23,216 --> 00:15:26,303 [laughing] 231 00:15:29,723 --> 00:15:31,057 Wolfboy, move! 232 00:15:32,434 --> 00:15:33,435 [grunts] 233 00:15:34,269 --> 00:15:37,022 Oh, come on. I can't believe you guys. 234 00:15:37,105 --> 00:15:38,440 [spectators laughing] 235 00:15:40,817 --> 00:15:44,154 I hate to admit it, Xandra,but you were right. 236 00:15:44,237 --> 00:15:46,364 Maybe you shouldn't have played. 237 00:15:47,073 --> 00:15:48,074 [groans] 238 00:15:48,158 --> 00:15:49,492 [groans] 239 00:15:52,746 --> 00:15:55,373 Come on. Now we're the guardians. 240 00:15:55,457 --> 00:15:58,376 Oh, you'll be great at this bit, Xandra. 241 00:15:58,460 --> 00:16:03,548 Hey, you better pull your socks up, human.Sprout needs us to win. 242 00:16:06,343 --> 00:16:09,846 ♪ Doo-pi-doo, pa-doo-pi-doo ♪ 243 00:16:09,930 --> 00:16:11,139 Whee! 244 00:16:16,853 --> 00:16:21,775 [chuckles] Guardians and Disarrays.I remember this game. 245 00:16:22,359 --> 00:16:23,526 [Sprout hums] 246 00:16:23,610 --> 00:16:24,611 Guardians. 247 00:16:25,237 --> 00:16:26,613 Disarrays. 248 00:16:27,197 --> 00:16:28,198 Go! 249 00:16:52,973 --> 00:16:56,518 Yes! In your shiny face! [cheers] 250 00:16:56,601 --> 00:16:57,602 [clears throat] 251 00:17:05,193 --> 00:17:06,319 [groans] 252 00:17:06,820 --> 00:17:09,531 -Whoo! [cheers]-[babbles] 253 00:17:09,613 --> 00:17:11,574 Okay, we're disarrays again. 254 00:17:11,658 --> 00:17:16,121 Blip, you go left. Oneira, take the right.I'll head straight for the rock and-- 255 00:17:16,204 --> 00:17:17,622 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 256 00:17:17,706 --> 00:17:20,708 Am I the squiggly wormor the shivering snake? 257 00:17:20,792 --> 00:17:22,127 That's not a snake. 258 00:17:22,209 --> 00:17:24,545 It's clearly a lightning bolt. 259 00:17:24,629 --> 00:17:27,424 I don't know. It looks like a snake to me. 260 00:17:27,507 --> 00:17:29,509 There's no snakes! Forget snakes! 261 00:17:29,593 --> 00:17:34,431 Hey, whoa, Xandra. Take it easy.It's just a bit of fun. 262 00:17:34,514 --> 00:17:36,349 You think losing is fun? 263 00:17:36,433 --> 00:17:39,019 We have to win. For Sprout's sake. 264 00:17:39,936 --> 00:17:42,522 [scoffs] Really? For Sprout's sake? 265 00:17:43,023 --> 00:17:44,190 Guardians. 266 00:17:45,025 --> 00:17:46,192 Disarrays. 267 00:17:46,276 --> 00:17:49,029 -Whoa!-Sprout! 268 00:17:49,112 --> 00:17:51,573 Remember, throw some orbs or something. 269 00:17:51,656 --> 00:17:52,908 [Tali] Go! 270 00:17:52,991 --> 00:17:55,410 Orbs coming right up. 271 00:17:55,493 --> 00:17:58,038 [blows] Ooh. 272 00:17:58,121 --> 00:17:59,122 [screaming] 273 00:18:00,332 --> 00:18:03,418 Oh, my… Never mind. Wolfboy, you-- 274 00:18:03,501 --> 00:18:07,005 Don't worry, Xandra.It's all in the wrist. 275 00:18:10,050 --> 00:18:11,051 [groans] 276 00:18:11,134 --> 00:18:12,552 Hey, you two. 277 00:18:12,636 --> 00:18:13,678 [groans] 278 00:18:13,762 --> 00:18:15,555 -[groans]-[chuckles] 279 00:18:15,639 --> 00:18:19,601 You have to admit it is pretty funnyhow bad you all are. 280 00:18:19,684 --> 00:18:20,685 [groans] 281 00:18:20,769 --> 00:18:22,229 Oh, also… 282 00:18:26,107 --> 00:18:28,193 [laughing] 283 00:18:29,736 --> 00:18:33,823 Oh, hey, laughlings.You think this is some sort of game? 284 00:18:35,784 --> 00:18:36,785 [Oneira] Yes. 285 00:18:41,081 --> 00:18:44,876 -[all cheer]-[spectator 1] Awesome! Amazing! Let's go! 286 00:18:44,960 --> 00:18:46,253 [laughs] 287 00:18:46,836 --> 00:18:48,213 Guardians. 288 00:18:48,296 --> 00:18:49,714 Disarrays. 289 00:18:49,798 --> 00:18:50,799 Go! 290 00:18:50,882 --> 00:18:52,300 Slide right, slide right! 291 00:18:52,384 --> 00:18:55,136 No, your-- your other right.No, the other way! [screams] 292 00:18:56,596 --> 00:18:57,597 [groans] 293 00:19:03,353 --> 00:19:05,981 No, no, no, no, no! 294 00:19:07,732 --> 00:19:14,698 Xandra, I think I might havefractured my, um, aura. 295 00:19:15,865 --> 00:19:17,659 Yeah, me too. 296 00:19:22,831 --> 00:19:25,959 And what about you? Are you injured too? 297 00:19:26,042 --> 00:19:28,670 I suppose I'm gonna haveto win this thing on my own. 298 00:19:28,753 --> 00:19:32,632 You know, I never had many friendsbefore I came here, 299 00:19:32,716 --> 00:19:35,176 so nobody knows this better than I do. 300 00:19:36,303 --> 00:19:39,806 Winning's not much funif you're on your own. 301 00:19:42,934 --> 00:19:46,897 Look, they're kissing.[imitates kissing sounds] 302 00:19:48,732 --> 00:19:52,777 Hey, Sprout. I didn't thinkyou'd be any good, but I was wrong. 303 00:19:52,861 --> 00:19:56,448 You're the best player… on our team.[chuckles] 304 00:19:56,531 --> 00:19:58,450 Why, thank you. 305 00:19:58,533 --> 00:20:00,160 [imitates kissing sounds] 306 00:20:02,787 --> 00:20:06,583 Hey, Xandra,you could always join our dorm. 307 00:20:06,666 --> 00:20:09,419 Then you might actuallystand a chance of winning. 308 00:20:13,256 --> 00:20:14,257 Hey, Tali, 309 00:20:14,341 --> 00:20:20,680 I'd rather lose a million gameswith Sprout than win one point with you. 310 00:20:20,764 --> 00:20:23,767 -Come on, Wolfboy.-But we're down to three players. 311 00:20:23,850 --> 00:20:24,851 Don't we forfeit? 312 00:20:24,935 --> 00:20:29,564 No way. We're doing this for Sprout. 313 00:20:29,648 --> 00:20:31,900 Yeah, for Sprout. 314 00:20:32,442 --> 00:20:34,527 [spectator] Go, go, go, go, go! 315 00:20:34,611 --> 00:20:36,905 Go, go, go, go, go! 316 00:20:36,988 --> 00:20:38,281 Whoo! 317 00:20:42,535 --> 00:20:44,120 Guardians. 318 00:20:44,204 --> 00:20:45,830 Disarrays. 319 00:20:48,625 --> 00:20:49,709 Go! 320 00:20:55,549 --> 00:20:56,716 Xandra! 321 00:20:56,800 --> 00:20:58,134 -Orbs on your left.-[whirs] 322 00:21:01,555 --> 00:21:03,139 Wow, good shot. 323 00:21:23,285 --> 00:21:24,953 Xandra! [grunts] 324 00:21:25,620 --> 00:21:26,621 Ha-ha! 325 00:21:26,705 --> 00:21:30,584 Once again, I win the game.Nobody can beat-- 326 00:21:31,626 --> 00:21:32,961 [Wolfboy] Tali's out. 327 00:21:33,044 --> 00:21:34,504 And Sprout's still in! 328 00:21:34,588 --> 00:21:36,214 Run, Sprout, run! 329 00:21:38,800 --> 00:21:39,801 Ugh. 330 00:21:39,885 --> 00:21:41,261 Run the other way! 331 00:21:41,845 --> 00:21:43,096 Whoopsie-doo. 332 00:21:57,777 --> 00:21:58,778 [gasps] 333 00:22:03,074 --> 00:22:04,784 [all gasp] 334 00:22:08,371 --> 00:22:09,539 Sprout. 335 00:22:12,584 --> 00:22:14,002 [dings] 336 00:22:14,711 --> 00:22:15,712 Yes! 337 00:22:16,213 --> 00:22:19,341 -[all cheering]-[spryte] Yeah! You did it! Yeah! 338 00:22:19,424 --> 00:22:21,551 -[chuckles]-Yeah! All right! Yeah! 339 00:22:21,635 --> 00:22:23,386 -[cheering continues]-You did it! 340 00:22:23,470 --> 00:22:26,264 Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! 341 00:22:26,348 --> 00:22:30,018 Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! 342 00:22:30,101 --> 00:22:31,811 Why is everyone cheering? 343 00:22:31,895 --> 00:22:36,149 We won. By a lot.You only scored one point. 344 00:22:37,317 --> 00:22:38,485 Huh. Fun though. 345 00:22:41,696 --> 00:22:44,491 [all] Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! 346 00:22:44,574 --> 00:22:48,328 Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! Sprout!