1 00:00:29,405 --> 00:00:30,823 Wow. 2 00:00:34,243 --> 00:00:36,204 So, what do you think? 3 00:00:36,788 --> 00:00:38,289 Should we go in? 4 00:00:39,415 --> 00:00:43,211 Well, if I was going to step into a portal to Whereverland, 5 00:00:43,294 --> 00:00:46,380 I'm defs not doing it on the advice of a talking rat. 6 00:00:46,464 --> 00:00:49,675 Valid point. How does Fink even know about all this? 7 00:00:49,759 --> 00:00:54,263 And what else isn't he telling us? This could all be a trick. 8 00:00:54,347 --> 00:00:56,641 We've got to interrogate him. Now. 9 00:01:00,478 --> 00:01:02,146 -Blaine. 10 00:01:02,230 --> 00:01:03,731 -Don't answer it. -Don't go there! 11 00:01:03,815 --> 00:01:04,816 Blaine. 12 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:06,317 Don't answer it! 13 00:01:06,859 --> 00:01:09,237 Uh, hi, Blaine. What's up? 14 00:01:09,821 --> 00:01:11,697 So, I'm at the pumpkin patch, 15 00:01:11,781 --> 00:01:13,991 setting up for the festival tonight, 16 00:01:14,075 --> 00:01:17,829 and I don't see you guys anywhere. 17 00:01:17,912 --> 00:01:20,248 Oh, that's right! 18 00:01:20,331 --> 00:01:23,668 We offered to help with Principal McKay's Pumpkin Bowl Extravaganza. 19 00:01:23,751 --> 00:01:25,002 We can't go! 20 00:01:25,086 --> 00:01:26,212 Wah! 21 00:01:26,295 --> 00:01:29,882 You know how seriously Principal McKay takes bowling, right? 22 00:01:29,966 --> 00:01:33,594 The scarecrow pins are not gonna put themselves up. 23 00:01:34,178 --> 00:01:35,263 I don't want to go. 24 00:01:35,346 --> 00:01:39,058 Those pumpkin-headed scarecrows are so spooky. 25 00:01:39,809 --> 00:01:41,686 We have a talking rat to deal with. 26 00:01:41,769 --> 00:01:43,604 I know, but I can't tell her that! 27 00:01:43,688 --> 00:01:44,772 No, no, no! 28 00:01:44,856 --> 00:01:47,149 -Okay, Blaine, we're on our way. -No, no, no! 29 00:01:48,067 --> 00:01:49,652 Wrench in our plans. 30 00:01:49,735 --> 00:01:52,238 If only we could be in two places at once. 31 00:01:53,573 --> 00:01:56,868 -Who says we can't? 32 00:01:59,495 --> 00:02:01,831 Yes! Fake it till you make it! 33 00:02:01,914 --> 00:02:05,793 This spell makes doppelgangers, perfect look-alikes. 34 00:02:05,877 --> 00:02:08,546 And we'll find Fink while they go do our work. 35 00:02:09,130 --> 00:02:11,048 See, I like where this is going, 36 00:02:11,132 --> 00:02:15,469 but we didn't exactly nail the spells at school yesterday. 37 00:02:16,971 --> 00:02:18,890 We don't have time to look back. 38 00:02:18,973 --> 00:02:21,559 "Where there was one There now will be two" 39 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:23,978 "Come into this world Head to shoe!" 40 00:02:28,149 --> 00:02:31,152 -Whoa… 41 00:02:31,986 --> 00:02:33,196 -Uh… -Ah! 42 00:02:33,279 --> 00:02:35,656 -Wow. 43 00:02:35,740 --> 00:02:37,783 -Ha… 44 00:02:39,660 --> 00:02:44,248 -They seem kind of… off. 45 00:02:44,332 --> 00:02:47,084 I do not want to be seen in public like that. 46 00:02:47,752 --> 00:02:51,130 We really have to find Fink and get to the bottom of what this portal is. 47 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:55,301 They'll be us, we'll be cats, and no one will be the wiser. 48 00:02:57,345 --> 00:03:00,139 Are you girls ready to go to the Pumpkin Bowl? 49 00:03:00,222 --> 00:03:01,223 -Pumpkin! -Pumpkin! 50 00:03:01,307 --> 00:03:02,183 -Pumpkin! -Pumpkin! 51 00:03:02,266 --> 00:03:03,100 -Pumpkin! -Pumpkin! 52 00:03:03,184 --> 00:03:04,060 -Pumpkin! -Pumpkin! 53 00:03:04,143 --> 00:03:07,355 -Oh boy… 54 00:03:56,529 --> 00:03:59,073 I know I said we should go after Fink, 55 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:04,287 but this new plan seems to have trouble written all over it. 56 00:04:05,037 --> 00:04:08,207 Any problem that comes up, we can solve it with magic. 57 00:04:08,291 --> 00:04:10,084 I mean, look at what we just did! 58 00:04:12,628 --> 00:04:14,630 -Yeah… 59 00:04:15,423 --> 00:04:17,091 If you say so. 60 00:04:20,344 --> 00:04:21,304 Hello, Willa. 61 00:04:21,387 --> 00:04:23,639 I'm Willa. Nice to meet you, Willa. 62 00:04:23,723 --> 00:04:29,103 Willa you be wanting to hang out today, or willa you be doing your own thing? 63 00:04:30,563 --> 00:04:31,397 Yeah. 64 00:04:32,773 --> 00:04:34,483 What could possibly go wrong? 65 00:04:37,486 --> 00:04:39,697 Okay, girls. Listen up. 66 00:04:40,531 --> 00:04:42,825 You guys are going to go work at the Pumpkin Bowl 67 00:04:42,908 --> 00:04:44,994 while we take care of important cat business. 68 00:04:45,077 --> 00:04:46,078 Understand? 69 00:04:46,912 --> 00:04:49,498 Understand like a rubber band. 70 00:04:51,751 --> 00:04:56,255 -Okay, that snort is not cool. 71 00:04:56,339 --> 00:04:58,841 Listen, you guys just need to focus, okay? 72 00:04:58,924 --> 00:05:01,761 Be normal, like us. 73 00:05:01,844 --> 00:05:03,387 No prob! 74 00:05:03,471 --> 00:05:05,097 We're the woosters! 75 00:05:05,181 --> 00:05:07,641 The woosters! The woosters! The woosters! 76 00:05:07,725 --> 00:05:10,811 Wisters. We're the wisters. 77 00:05:10,895 --> 00:05:12,104 The washtubs! 78 00:05:12,188 --> 00:05:13,647 We love to wash tubs! 79 00:05:13,731 --> 00:05:16,233 -Washtubs! Washtubs! 80 00:05:16,317 --> 00:05:17,151 That way, girls. 81 00:05:17,943 --> 00:05:19,904 We are the washtubs! 82 00:05:21,072 --> 00:05:23,324 Washtubs! 83 00:05:26,410 --> 00:05:29,038 -Come on! 84 00:05:30,539 --> 00:05:33,501 Okay. Time to find Fink! 85 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:39,006 It's not perfect timing. I'd much prefer to be home right now 86 00:05:39,090 --> 00:05:41,467 picking at my toenails or something more fun, but I-- 87 00:05:41,550 --> 00:05:44,136 -Sh! Get down! Neil is inside! -What? What? What? 88 00:05:44,220 --> 00:05:47,973 Um, excuse me, why are you shushing me over Neil? 89 00:05:48,057 --> 00:05:51,769 Because up until now, his kid has outsmarted us all. 90 00:05:51,852 --> 00:05:56,190 She is harder to catch than spotted salamanders on a slippery log. 91 00:05:56,273 --> 00:05:58,984 Which is why we capture someone easier. 92 00:05:59,068 --> 00:06:02,738 Someone who will lure her right to us. 93 00:06:04,698 --> 00:06:08,536 Hot diggity doggies! Dog doggies. 94 00:06:08,619 --> 00:06:10,412 -Who? 95 00:06:11,413 --> 00:06:12,331 Neil. 96 00:06:12,414 --> 00:06:14,250 I got some hot dogs. 97 00:06:14,750 --> 00:06:17,461 Diggity dogs. Diggity-dog time! 98 00:06:17,545 --> 00:06:19,922 Are you sure this is a good idea? 99 00:06:20,005 --> 00:06:21,841 Anyone have a better one? 100 00:06:22,341 --> 00:06:25,386 Hi, Daddy! We're off to go help decorate the Pumpkin Bowl. 101 00:06:25,469 --> 00:06:29,515 Daddy? Aw, you haven't called me Daddy since you were three. 102 00:06:30,099 --> 00:06:31,892 -I was three?! -Whoa… 103 00:06:36,272 --> 00:06:39,024 Uh, see? What could go wrong? 104 00:06:40,860 --> 00:06:42,611 Hey, um, speaking of days gone by, 105 00:06:42,695 --> 00:06:46,240 uh, yesterday feels, you know, still a little blurry. 106 00:06:47,241 --> 00:06:50,911 Uh, you know, like, uh, I don't know, do you guys remember-- 107 00:06:50,995 --> 00:06:53,205 -May I please have a carrot? -A carrot? 108 00:06:53,289 --> 00:06:55,457 Uh, yeah. In the fridge. Help yourself. 109 00:06:56,041 --> 00:07:00,087 Anyway, as I was saying, uh, you know, I just feel a bit off? Or-- 110 00:07:02,131 --> 00:07:04,842 Um, you know, do you guys feel strange at all? 111 00:07:04,925 --> 00:07:07,136 Strange? No. Not us. 112 00:07:07,219 --> 00:07:08,053 Nope. 113 00:07:10,306 --> 00:07:13,142 Okay. Hey, I made hot dogs. You guys hungry? 114 00:07:13,225 --> 00:07:14,768 -Hot dogs? Woof! -Bark! 115 00:07:14,852 --> 00:07:15,769 Meow. 116 00:07:27,740 --> 00:07:28,908 Here we come, Fink. 117 00:07:29,783 --> 00:07:31,660 The wisters need answers! 118 00:07:36,790 --> 00:07:38,459 -Auf Wiedersehen! -Sayonara! 119 00:07:38,542 --> 00:07:39,543 Au revoir! 120 00:07:39,627 --> 00:07:41,921 Peace out. 121 00:07:42,004 --> 00:07:43,797 Uh, peace out. 122 00:07:43,881 --> 00:07:45,591 Hey, oh, I get it! 123 00:07:45,674 --> 00:07:48,761 Yeah, it's one of those joke days. Right, girls, I'll play along. 124 00:07:51,514 --> 00:07:52,473 Oh, okay. 125 00:07:53,933 --> 00:07:55,976 -Pumpkin patch! -Pumpkin patch! 126 00:07:56,060 --> 00:07:57,645 I like chicken fingers. 127 00:07:58,145 --> 00:08:00,773 -Bike! I'll drive! -I'll take front. 128 00:08:00,856 --> 00:08:03,692 -I'll take back. -Beep beep! Beep! 129 00:08:04,443 --> 00:08:06,195 Beep! Beep! 130 00:08:06,278 --> 00:08:08,155 -You guys want a lift? -Lift! 131 00:08:08,239 --> 00:08:11,992 -Lift! Lift! Lift! Lift! 132 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:21,961 Wyatt. Catch them. 133 00:08:22,044 --> 00:08:24,588 We'll get the dad, you get Willa and her friends, 134 00:08:24,672 --> 00:08:27,383 and you keep them in one spot. 135 00:08:27,967 --> 00:08:30,386 Don't fail us again. 136 00:08:36,892 --> 00:08:38,978 I don't know. I give him a 50-50 chance. 137 00:08:39,061 --> 00:08:40,771 -That's generous. -Mm-hm. 138 00:08:43,148 --> 00:08:45,109 Whoa. 139 00:08:45,192 --> 00:08:49,280 Did this place get even creepier than the last time we were here? 140 00:08:50,114 --> 00:08:51,657 Or is that just me? 141 00:08:52,157 --> 00:08:54,076 I don't think it's just you, 142 00:08:54,159 --> 00:08:56,579 but good thing we're brave, right? 143 00:08:56,662 --> 00:08:58,872 Let's get this over with. Come on. 144 00:09:06,505 --> 00:09:07,339 Mm. 145 00:09:07,923 --> 00:09:08,966 -Beep. -Mm. 146 00:09:09,466 --> 00:09:12,386 -Mm. Mep. -Beep. Beep. 147 00:09:13,012 --> 00:09:14,680 -Mep. -Beep. 148 00:09:16,265 --> 00:09:18,142 Are you seeing what I'm seeing? 149 00:09:18,225 --> 00:09:19,393 Mep. 150 00:09:19,977 --> 00:09:20,811 Okay. 151 00:09:21,562 --> 00:09:24,189 Girls, can I talk to you for a minute? A moment? A second? 152 00:09:25,816 --> 00:09:28,110 -Oof. 153 00:09:29,570 --> 00:09:31,113 -Oh… -That's a rake. 154 00:09:33,532 --> 00:09:39,622 Now, girls, there is a fine line between fun and chaos. 155 00:09:40,205 --> 00:09:43,584 Part of me worries that you're not taking this seriously. 156 00:09:45,044 --> 00:09:50,090 Can I count on you three to be as focused as I am? 157 00:09:52,426 --> 00:09:54,094 I'm gonna interpret that as a yes. 158 00:09:59,141 --> 00:10:00,684 Okay, good talk. 159 00:10:00,768 --> 00:10:02,144 Watch the rake. 160 00:10:02,227 --> 00:10:04,521 -Whoa… 161 00:10:07,691 --> 00:10:12,321 What in the name of moldy mildew? 162 00:10:12,404 --> 00:10:13,405 Candy! 163 00:10:13,489 --> 00:10:17,451 Of all the things he could sell in his store, he had to sell candy. 164 00:10:17,534 --> 00:10:18,702 Classic Neil. 165 00:10:18,786 --> 00:10:22,498 As long as the candy doesn't touch us, we'll be safe. 166 00:10:23,624 --> 00:10:27,252 Aha! And that, my friend, 167 00:10:27,336 --> 00:10:29,171 is just the ticket. 168 00:10:29,254 --> 00:10:31,340 -A furniture store. Yes! -Mm! 169 00:10:31,423 --> 00:10:33,801 -Why? -Okay, let's just go. 170 00:10:40,683 --> 00:10:41,892 We can do this. 171 00:10:42,476 --> 00:10:44,812 I'm totally not terrified right now. 172 00:10:45,312 --> 00:10:48,107 -Looking for something? 173 00:10:48,190 --> 00:10:49,400 -Oh no! 174 00:10:49,483 --> 00:10:52,236 Here to hand over the amulet? 175 00:10:53,028 --> 00:10:56,031 I knew you'd finally come to your senses. 176 00:10:56,615 --> 00:11:00,077 We don't want any trouble. We're here for the rat. 177 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:03,872 Oh, no time for milk and sardines? 178 00:11:04,456 --> 00:11:06,125 Don't get in our way! 179 00:11:06,792 --> 00:11:09,962 Do you really think you can take on three humans? 180 00:11:10,045 --> 00:11:12,923 Oh, yes. That. 181 00:11:14,758 --> 00:11:19,638 A little rhyme to charm with style Keep those feline forms a while 182 00:11:19,721 --> 00:11:21,598 Take away their magic hands 183 00:11:21,682 --> 00:11:24,643 Make them simple cats, so bland 184 00:11:28,564 --> 00:11:30,149 What did you do to us? 185 00:11:30,732 --> 00:11:33,444 Just leveled the playing field a bit. 186 00:11:33,527 --> 00:11:36,196 Return the forms that we came from! 187 00:11:38,657 --> 00:11:40,534 Why isn't it working? 188 00:11:40,617 --> 00:11:42,369 We should be turning back! 189 00:11:42,453 --> 00:11:45,622 Oh, you're gonna love this next one! 190 00:11:45,706 --> 00:11:50,919 A better form than bird or dog Make this cat a spiky hog 191 00:11:54,298 --> 00:11:55,799 Run! 192 00:11:58,427 --> 00:12:02,306 Oh, this is getting fun! 193 00:12:02,389 --> 00:12:05,267 Can't a rat take a nap? What's all the commotion? 194 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:06,768 Why are you a porcupine? 195 00:12:06,852 --> 00:12:12,941 Oh, just a little game with our intruders, and the amulet is the prize. 196 00:12:13,025 --> 00:12:15,152 -The amulet? 197 00:12:15,235 --> 00:12:16,069 Uh-oh. 198 00:12:26,455 --> 00:12:30,250 Strike! Oh! Oh! 199 00:12:30,334 --> 00:12:33,128 Stee-rike! Stee-rike! Stee-rike! 200 00:12:33,212 --> 00:12:34,338 -Strike! -Strike! 201 00:12:34,421 --> 00:12:35,631 -Strike! -Strike! 202 00:12:35,714 --> 00:12:37,341 Strike! Strike! 203 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:40,802 Okay, the annual Pumpkin Bowl begins now! 204 00:12:40,886 --> 00:12:42,513 -Yeah! 205 00:12:42,596 --> 00:12:45,849 -Now! -Yes, now! That's you, girls, so… 206 00:12:48,227 --> 00:12:51,647 Your job is to reset the targets between each round, 207 00:12:52,231 --> 00:12:55,067 you know, like making the pins come back to life. 208 00:12:56,735 --> 00:12:59,696 They're going to come flying fast and furious, so go! 209 00:12:59,780 --> 00:13:01,782 Go! 210 00:13:06,453 --> 00:13:08,830 -Make the pins come to life! 211 00:13:08,914 --> 00:13:11,166 Make the pins come to life! 212 00:13:13,126 --> 00:13:17,548 Willa, you are a witch. Make the pins come to life. 213 00:13:17,631 --> 00:13:18,507 Okay! 214 00:13:18,590 --> 00:13:22,678 Now it's time to come to life Dance and chase and give a fright 215 00:13:22,761 --> 00:13:25,764 -Abracadabra! 216 00:13:28,058 --> 00:13:29,226 Hey, um, Willa, 217 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:32,479 I've been trying to find a chance to talk to you all day. 218 00:13:32,563 --> 00:13:37,025 Uh, there's something really cool I need to show you inside the barn over there. 219 00:13:37,109 --> 00:13:38,110 Follow me. 220 00:13:38,193 --> 00:13:40,070 -Yah! 221 00:13:40,153 --> 00:13:42,406 Follow you! 222 00:13:42,990 --> 00:13:45,701 -What the-- 223 00:13:53,292 --> 00:13:54,501 -Good luck! -Bye! 224 00:13:59,548 --> 00:14:01,758 -Come on in. Welcome. -Oh, hello! 225 00:14:01,842 --> 00:14:02,676 Hi! 226 00:14:02,759 --> 00:14:06,138 You are in luck! We're giving away free samples today. 227 00:14:06,221 --> 00:14:08,390 -Ooh! -Interest you in a raspberry gobwhopper? 228 00:14:09,516 --> 00:14:10,642 Sorry! 229 00:14:11,226 --> 00:14:12,436 She's diabetic! 230 00:14:12,519 --> 00:14:15,480 Oh! Well, we've got plenty of sugar-free candy as well. 231 00:14:15,564 --> 00:14:17,858 Can I take your… coats? 232 00:14:17,941 --> 00:14:19,651 -No. No. -No. Nuh-uh. 233 00:14:21,153 --> 00:14:24,072 Uh-huh. Well, have a look around, there's lots of tasty treats, 234 00:14:24,156 --> 00:14:26,366 and just let me know if you need anything at all. 235 00:14:26,992 --> 00:14:29,077 -Let's get him! 236 00:14:29,161 --> 00:14:31,830 -Have we met before? 237 00:14:31,914 --> 00:14:34,958 You look so familiar… 238 00:14:35,042 --> 00:14:36,710 Ah! It's probably just déjà vu. 239 00:14:38,128 --> 00:14:40,839 My memory's been kind of foggy lately. 240 00:14:41,715 --> 00:14:42,716 -Oh. 241 00:14:44,176 --> 00:14:47,220 -Hey, come on in! How are you? -Can I have some candy? 242 00:14:47,304 --> 00:14:48,513 Isn't it your birthday? 243 00:14:48,597 --> 00:14:51,016 Right, well, I got something special for you… 244 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:52,225 Yeah, yeah. 245 00:14:52,309 --> 00:14:54,603 -I think this is gonna take a while. -Okay. 246 00:14:55,604 --> 00:14:57,773 You little brats! 247 00:14:57,856 --> 00:15:00,776 Come out, come out, wherever you are! 248 00:15:01,443 --> 00:15:03,654 This is not going like I planned! 249 00:15:03,737 --> 00:15:06,406 I knew we shouldn't have trusted that rodent! 250 00:15:06,490 --> 00:15:08,241 We can't hide forever! 251 00:15:08,909 --> 00:15:11,286 There's three of us and only one of her. 252 00:15:11,370 --> 00:15:14,289 Is it too late to go back and just jump in the portal? 253 00:15:14,373 --> 00:15:17,125 That feels like the better option at this point. 254 00:15:18,210 --> 00:15:22,631 I got it! If we can't use our magic, we'll use hers! 255 00:15:22,714 --> 00:15:23,966 -Huh? -What? 256 00:15:24,049 --> 00:15:25,425 Follow my lead. 257 00:15:29,304 --> 00:15:30,639 -Bowling pin! -Reset! 258 00:15:30,722 --> 00:15:32,307 -Bowling pin! -Reset! 259 00:15:32,391 --> 00:15:35,435 Girls, that scarecrow that just went by… 260 00:15:37,896 --> 00:15:39,189 Is everything okay? 261 00:15:39,272 --> 00:15:42,275 A-okay, Miss Junipay! 262 00:15:43,777 --> 00:15:44,778 Right. 263 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:49,157 Um, Willa, have you talked to your dad yet? 264 00:15:49,241 --> 00:15:53,453 Because before you start messing around with any more magic, you really need-- 265 00:15:55,372 --> 00:15:57,290 -Hi! -Hi! 266 00:15:58,542 --> 00:16:02,796 Oh no, no, no, that's not okay! That's not supposed to be happening! 267 00:16:03,338 --> 00:16:05,590 Girls, that scarecrow is alive! 268 00:16:07,676 --> 00:16:09,678 What did you do?! 269 00:16:09,761 --> 00:16:13,765 -What did you do? 270 00:16:17,227 --> 00:16:19,146 Okay, you guys know the plan. 271 00:16:19,229 --> 00:16:21,690 I sure hope this works. 272 00:16:21,773 --> 00:16:25,360 Sneak! Come find us! 273 00:16:25,861 --> 00:16:29,322 We're downstairs! We give up! 274 00:16:29,906 --> 00:16:32,617 Come and get us, you spiky weirdo! 275 00:16:34,995 --> 00:16:37,748 Giving up so soon? 276 00:16:37,831 --> 00:16:42,002 Oh no! Don't cast a spell on us! Please! 277 00:16:42,085 --> 00:16:45,088 The running is over You're locked at the knees 278 00:16:45,172 --> 00:16:49,259 One look in my eyes And now you will freeze! 279 00:16:49,342 --> 00:16:50,635 Lucy, now! 280 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:54,806 No! 281 00:16:59,227 --> 00:17:01,021 -It worked! -We did it! 282 00:17:02,898 --> 00:17:05,442 How do you like the taste of your own medicine? 283 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:08,278 What are you doing here? 284 00:17:08,862 --> 00:17:11,114 We have some questions for you, Fink. 285 00:17:11,198 --> 00:17:14,034 For starters, we want to know what's going on. 286 00:17:14,117 --> 00:17:16,328 What's with the portal? Where does it go? 287 00:17:16,912 --> 00:17:19,998 Ooh, boy. I really hope she can't hear us right now. 288 00:17:20,082 --> 00:17:21,625 Look, you need help, 289 00:17:21,708 --> 00:17:24,211 and the best person to help is through that portal, 290 00:17:24,294 --> 00:17:27,255 but it's the witches you should be worried about right now. 291 00:17:27,339 --> 00:17:28,423 They're after your dad! 292 00:17:28,507 --> 00:17:29,716 What? 293 00:17:30,300 --> 00:17:32,219 What do you mean, "after my dad"? 294 00:17:32,302 --> 00:17:36,014 If they could have taken the amulet, they would have by now, 295 00:17:36,098 --> 00:17:39,476 which means they need something they can trade for it! 296 00:17:39,559 --> 00:17:42,270 -Something like-- -Mr. Ward! 297 00:17:42,354 --> 00:17:43,271 Oh no! 298 00:17:43,355 --> 00:17:47,651 Okay, new plan: save my dad now and investigate the portal tomorrow. 299 00:17:47,734 --> 00:17:49,820 Do you know how we can reverse Sneak's spell? 300 00:17:49,903 --> 00:17:52,656 Potion room, third shelf, human brew. Hurry! 301 00:17:53,573 --> 00:17:56,159 But… why are you helping us? 302 00:17:56,243 --> 00:17:57,160 Just go! 303 00:17:57,244 --> 00:17:59,287 You still might be able to stop them! 304 00:18:01,331 --> 00:18:03,291 Hurry, hurry! Do you see it? 305 00:18:03,375 --> 00:18:07,003 Potions, potions, ropes to snakes… 306 00:18:07,587 --> 00:18:09,965 Where is it? Hm… 307 00:18:10,048 --> 00:18:11,716 Human brew! I got it! 308 00:18:12,300 --> 00:18:13,301 Yes! 309 00:18:13,385 --> 00:18:14,678 Here it comes! 310 00:18:24,813 --> 00:18:25,814 Quick! 311 00:18:27,274 --> 00:18:29,359 Bye, customers! 312 00:18:36,074 --> 00:18:38,660 Are you sure I can't help you ladies find something? 313 00:18:38,743 --> 00:18:41,955 -No thanks, Normal Neil. -No thanks. 314 00:18:42,038 --> 00:18:44,040 -Normal Neil? 315 00:18:47,794 --> 00:18:49,629 Normal Neil! 316 00:18:49,713 --> 00:18:53,842 Normal Neil! Normal Neil! 317 00:18:53,925 --> 00:18:56,011 You! Witches! 318 00:18:57,888 --> 00:18:59,806 Help! Somebody help! Witches! Witches! 319 00:18:59,890 --> 00:19:04,811 Licorice candy rope unwind Tie up Neil in a bind! 320 00:19:07,647 --> 00:19:12,110 Girls, psst, come on! Girls! I got rid of that creepy scarecrow thing. 321 00:19:12,903 --> 00:19:14,613 What is up with that, anyway? 322 00:19:15,447 --> 00:19:18,950 Well, remember that really cool thing I wanted to show you guys? 323 00:19:19,034 --> 00:19:20,243 It's in here! Come on. 324 00:19:22,913 --> 00:19:24,956 -Whoa! -Whoa! 325 00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:26,833 -Cool! 326 00:19:28,793 --> 00:19:31,504 -Aha! Sit tight, ladies! 327 00:19:31,588 --> 00:19:34,507 -Okay! That sounds mega-good! 328 00:19:38,136 --> 00:19:39,012 -Boo! 329 00:19:43,600 --> 00:19:45,060 -No, no, no! 330 00:19:45,644 --> 00:19:48,897 -We have to get to the candy shop! -Okay, doppels then candy shop. 331 00:19:48,980 --> 00:19:51,858 Willa Ward, you fix this right now! 332 00:19:51,942 --> 00:19:55,195 -You're ruining the Pumpkin Bowl! -Run! Help me! 333 00:19:55,278 --> 00:19:56,821 -Oh, no. 334 00:19:56,905 --> 00:19:59,658 You cannot bring scarecrows to life! 335 00:20:00,700 --> 00:20:03,787 If you do not tell your father right now that you are a witch, 336 00:20:03,870 --> 00:20:05,705 then I will tell him for you! 337 00:20:05,789 --> 00:20:09,251 Oh no! Doppel-Willa must have figured out she can do magic too. 338 00:20:09,334 --> 00:20:12,462 We have to find our doppelgangers, and fast. 339 00:20:12,545 --> 00:20:16,549 -Wait, listen. Is that… us? 340 00:20:26,226 --> 00:20:29,062 Doppelgangers be gone With a swish of my arm 341 00:20:29,145 --> 00:20:31,731 Begone from the streets Begone from this farm! 342 00:20:34,442 --> 00:20:35,318 Whew! 343 00:20:35,819 --> 00:20:37,862 -Come on! 344 00:20:39,864 --> 00:20:43,034 Wow, Normal Neil, you're even boring when you're held captive. 345 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:45,996 -Dad! -Oh, ho, ho, ho! 346 00:20:46,079 --> 00:20:49,874 Oh, did you mean this boring dad over here tied up to this chair? 347 00:20:49,958 --> 00:20:53,295 -Take that! -Oh, no! 348 00:20:53,378 --> 00:20:54,587 Yeah, sorry kids, 349 00:20:54,671 --> 00:20:58,383 that won't work anymore, because we have protective clothing. 350 00:21:02,595 --> 00:21:03,888 What he's trying to say is, 351 00:21:03,972 --> 00:21:06,975 give the big bad witches the amulet, Willa. 352 00:21:07,058 --> 00:21:09,269 -Willa, no! You can't! 353 00:21:09,352 --> 00:21:13,023 Aunt Wilma, I got the three of them trapped in a barn! 354 00:21:13,898 --> 00:21:14,733 Wyatt? 355 00:21:16,359 --> 00:21:18,278 Wh-- How did you three get out? 356 00:21:18,361 --> 00:21:21,614 You are the warlock that's been after us? 357 00:21:21,698 --> 00:21:23,742 -Surprise! 358 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:25,535 Willa. 359 00:21:25,618 --> 00:21:27,871 The amulet or your dad. 360 00:21:30,457 --> 00:21:31,291 Now! 361 00:21:35,337 --> 00:21:37,714 -No! Willa, you can't! 362 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:40,633 Oh, did you want your daddy here to just vanish into thin air? 363 00:21:42,761 --> 00:21:43,887 -No! 364 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:44,804 Mm. 365 00:21:45,388 --> 00:21:47,349 Then hand it over! 366 00:21:52,687 --> 00:21:53,897 There it is! 367 00:21:56,608 --> 00:22:01,363 And now we will, uh, take care of you three meddling kids and get-- 368 00:22:01,446 --> 00:22:02,989 -What? -I thought we had a deal! 369 00:22:03,573 --> 00:22:04,866 A deal with witches? 370 00:22:04,949 --> 00:22:07,369 What are you, 12? 371 00:22:07,452 --> 00:22:09,996 Actually, they are 12. I think that's about their age. 372 00:22:10,080 --> 00:22:13,458 You know what? This is getting boring. Uh, we'll take care of you later. 373 00:22:13,541 --> 00:22:15,543 -See you soon! 374 00:22:18,922 --> 00:22:20,632 I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. 375 00:22:20,715 --> 00:22:22,258 It's okay, sweetheart! 376 00:22:22,842 --> 00:22:25,804 -It's okay. It's okay. 377 00:22:26,763 --> 00:22:29,641 No, it's not okay. 378 00:22:30,475 --> 00:22:33,103 -The amulet's gone.