1 00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:08,500 [somber instrumental music plays] 2 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:30,000 {\an8}[airplanes whir overhead] 3 00:01:08,041 --> 00:01:10,458 [girl] Papa? Uncle Etienne? 4 00:01:10,458 --> 00:01:13,541 If you can hear me, please come home. 5 00:01:13,541 --> 00:01:14,958 The bombs are falling now. 6 00:01:14,958 --> 00:01:18,125 I think the Americans have come to free us at last. 7 00:01:18,833 --> 00:01:22,666 Uncle Etienne, it's not just that I'm alone here, 8 00:01:22,666 --> 00:01:25,208 I'm also very worried about you. 9 00:01:26,208 --> 00:01:30,791 You said you would be gone for one hour, but it's been days. 10 00:01:31,750 --> 00:01:37,166 If you're hiding from the German soldiers, use the bombs to get back home. 11 00:01:37,833 --> 00:01:38,666 [radio crackles] 12 00:01:38,666 --> 00:01:39,958 And, Papa... 13 00:01:41,125 --> 00:01:44,083 you said you would be gone for six days... 14 00:01:45,833 --> 00:01:47,666 it's been more than a year. 15 00:01:48,833 --> 00:01:51,041 But wherever in the world you are... 16 00:01:52,791 --> 00:01:54,208 if you can hear me... 17 00:01:55,708 --> 00:01:56,791 I love you. 18 00:01:57,333 --> 00:01:58,958 [airplanes fly overhead] 19 00:01:58,958 --> 00:01:59,916 [bomb whistles] 20 00:01:59,916 --> 00:02:01,625 - [explosion] - [glass shatters] 21 00:02:07,666 --> 00:02:09,333 [pants] 22 00:02:10,291 --> 00:02:12,291 [ears ring] 23 00:02:14,708 --> 00:02:17,041 [coughs] 24 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:25,458 And now, for those of you who listen to my broadcast for pleasure, 25 00:02:25,458 --> 00:02:27,166 I will continue with my reading 26 00:02:27,166 --> 00:02:31,166 of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. 27 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:35,625 It was given to me by my father for my birthday 28 00:02:36,500 --> 00:02:40,125 when we were in Paris and at peace. 29 00:02:44,916 --> 00:02:48,208 "The great depths of the ocean are unknown to us." 30 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:50,833 "Soundings cannot reach them." 31 00:02:50,833 --> 00:02:54,166 "What passes in those remote depths, 32 00:02:54,166 --> 00:02:58,791 what beings live or can live 12 or 15 miles 33 00:02:58,791 --> 00:03:01,958 beneath the surface of the waters, we do not know." 34 00:03:02,708 --> 00:03:05,666 {\an8}[voice distorts during broadcast] 35 00:03:06,500 --> 00:03:12,541 {\an8}"Either, we do know all the varieties of beings which people our planet, 36 00:03:12,541 --> 00:03:14,083 or we do not." 37 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:16,208 "If we do not know them all, 38 00:03:16,208 --> 00:03:20,291 if nature has still secrets in the deeps for us, 39 00:03:21,208 --> 00:03:25,833 nothing is more comfortable to reason than to admit the existence of fishes, 40 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:28,333 or cetaceans of other kinds." 41 00:03:29,166 --> 00:03:33,583 "If, on the contrary, we do know all living kinds, 42 00:03:33,583 --> 00:03:36,875 we must necessarily seek for the animal in question 43 00:03:36,875 --> 00:03:39,875 amongst those marine beings already classed." 44 00:03:40,625 --> 00:03:45,750 "And if we do not know them all, if nature still has secrets, 45 00:03:45,750 --> 00:03:48,583 we should consider that any species of monster 46 00:03:48,583 --> 00:03:53,291 is possibly out there in the darkness and in the depths." 47 00:03:53,291 --> 00:03:54,541 Werner. 48 00:03:54,541 --> 00:03:58,291 - [bombs explode in distance] - [men shout indistinctly] 49 00:03:59,791 --> 00:04:01,416 Take a last drink before we die? 50 00:04:02,708 --> 00:04:03,625 It's brandy. 51 00:04:04,250 --> 00:04:05,625 Older than both of us. 52 00:04:07,375 --> 00:04:08,958 Older than we will ever be. 53 00:04:09,625 --> 00:04:12,166 Neither one of us will ever see Germany again. 54 00:04:12,166 --> 00:04:13,250 Drink up. 55 00:04:16,708 --> 00:04:18,166 We are about to die, Werner, 56 00:04:18,166 --> 00:04:20,708 and you are listening to the fucking radio. 57 00:04:20,708 --> 00:04:23,000 - What are you listening to anyway? - I'm... 58 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:26,291 listening to a girl reading a book. 59 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:32,875 And when a bomb falls outside, I hear it on the radio. 60 00:04:34,625 --> 00:04:37,250 Which means the girl I'm listening to is here. 61 00:04:42,250 --> 00:04:43,666 She is here in Saint-Malo. 62 00:04:44,208 --> 00:04:45,083 [sniffs] 63 00:04:46,083 --> 00:04:46,916 [sighs] 64 00:04:53,791 --> 00:04:55,333 Before they put me in this uniform, 65 00:04:55,333 --> 00:04:57,666 I used to listen to a French radio station. 66 00:05:00,208 --> 00:05:01,250 You did what? 67 00:05:01,875 --> 00:05:03,666 I broke the Führer's rules. 68 00:05:03,666 --> 00:05:07,958 There was this voice I listened to since I was a boy. 69 00:05:08,791 --> 00:05:10,000 He was a professor. 70 00:05:11,041 --> 00:05:12,083 I learned French. 71 00:05:12,083 --> 00:05:14,875 And I learned lots of true things about the world. 72 00:05:14,875 --> 00:05:17,375 Listening to foreign broadcasts is punishable by death. 73 00:05:17,375 --> 00:05:18,541 Yeah, so what? 74 00:05:20,625 --> 00:05:23,041 Ten seconds, a hundred, we're both dead anyway. 75 00:05:30,500 --> 00:05:34,333 The radio station that taught me French was on shortwave frequency 13.10. 76 00:05:35,291 --> 00:05:38,708 Ever since we left Ukraine, I've been tuning to that frequency. 77 00:05:38,708 --> 00:05:41,083 [distant explosion] 78 00:05:41,083 --> 00:05:42,375 And now... 79 00:05:44,166 --> 00:05:46,416 Now, when it's too late, the frequency comes alive 80 00:05:46,416 --> 00:05:48,041 and I hear a girl reading a book. 81 00:05:50,875 --> 00:05:52,708 And I will never know who she is. 82 00:05:58,250 --> 00:05:59,750 Goodbye, my friend. 83 00:06:03,541 --> 00:06:05,375 - Goodbye. - [bomb whistles] 84 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:29,416 [pilot] Confirmed strikes on German bomb site. 85 00:06:29,916 --> 00:06:31,166 Time to deliver the mail. 86 00:06:39,666 --> 00:06:41,833 [girl on radio] That's the end of tonight's broadcast. 87 00:06:42,416 --> 00:06:46,416 I know that broadcasting could get me killed, but I will not be silenced. 88 00:06:48,291 --> 00:06:50,333 Papa, Uncle Etienne, 89 00:06:50,958 --> 00:06:54,041 I pray that you are safe and that tomorrow morning 90 00:06:54,041 --> 00:06:56,958 we can break bread together as we once did. 91 00:06:58,625 --> 00:07:01,375 And to everyone else... 92 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:05,541 I hope you will tune in again tomorrow. 93 00:07:10,375 --> 00:07:11,583 [radio stops humming] 94 00:07:13,208 --> 00:07:14,708 If there is a tomorrow. 95 00:07:16,125 --> 00:07:17,541 [papers rustle] 96 00:07:23,458 --> 00:07:25,083 [glass crunches] 97 00:07:56,583 --> 00:07:57,541 [sniffs] 98 00:08:32,041 --> 00:08:34,041 [gentle instrumental music plays] 99 00:10:05,708 --> 00:10:07,708 [soft music plays] 100 00:10:12,916 --> 00:10:14,916 [French song plays on radio] 101 00:10:33,541 --> 00:10:34,458 Garçon... 102 00:10:38,875 --> 00:10:39,875 Come. 103 00:10:43,458 --> 00:10:45,875 Tell me what the Americans are saying. 104 00:10:59,000 --> 00:10:59,958 [waiter sighs] 105 00:11:12,041 --> 00:11:13,291 Read it to me. 106 00:11:17,875 --> 00:11:20,000 It says they will be back tomorrow at midnight. 107 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:22,083 Everyone in the town must leave. 108 00:11:23,041 --> 00:11:28,250 Bravo. Then this is it. The beginning of the end. 109 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:32,750 They are telling us to leave, but you have locked the gates of the city. 110 00:11:33,958 --> 00:11:36,375 You bastards have closed the gates so we cannot leave. 111 00:11:36,375 --> 00:11:37,541 Don't blame me. 112 00:11:38,416 --> 00:11:42,541 I'm not here to execute the war. I'm a jeweler. 113 00:11:42,541 --> 00:11:48,291 My job is to track down and identify all the finest jewels in Europe 114 00:11:48,291 --> 00:11:50,625 and deliver them to the Führer. 115 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:56,333 Since almost all of the other jewelers in Germany were Jewish 116 00:11:56,333 --> 00:12:01,375 and since the Reich, in its endless wisdom, has decided 117 00:12:02,208 --> 00:12:08,208 to gas, shoot, hang, and starve all the Jews of Europe to death... 118 00:12:09,083 --> 00:12:10,541 [slurps] 119 00:12:12,375 --> 00:12:15,708 ...I'm the only one of my profession still at large. 120 00:12:16,416 --> 00:12:17,250 [officer sniffs] 121 00:12:17,875 --> 00:12:19,708 And in pursuit of my mission, 122 00:12:20,791 --> 00:12:23,625 I am here in this ill-fated city... 123 00:12:26,625 --> 00:12:27,916 [officer exhales] 124 00:12:32,833 --> 00:12:36,708 to find someone who I believe... 125 00:12:38,375 --> 00:12:40,000 has something that I want. 126 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:42,333 A girl. 127 00:12:44,041 --> 00:12:49,166 A blind girl, who I know is in Saint-Malo. 128 00:12:50,500 --> 00:12:52,916 [softly] Who I know is in Saint-Malo. 129 00:12:56,083 --> 00:12:59,083 [normally] When I arrived here, I told you 130 00:12:59,958 --> 00:13:02,083 I would give you the time it takes for me 131 00:13:02,083 --> 00:13:05,666 to eat a dozen oysters and drink a bottle of wine. 132 00:13:06,375 --> 00:13:09,833 Now, the wine is gone, the oysters eaten. 133 00:13:14,250 --> 00:13:15,500 [slams] 134 00:13:16,666 --> 00:13:21,666 You have ten more seconds to give me the address of Marie-Laure LeBlanc. 135 00:13:22,916 --> 00:13:24,333 The blind girl 136 00:13:25,250 --> 00:13:27,208 that the whole town must know, 137 00:13:27,916 --> 00:13:31,083 but who no one can recall! 138 00:13:32,958 --> 00:13:33,958 I told you. 139 00:13:35,541 --> 00:13:39,000 I have no idea who you are talking about. 140 00:13:44,083 --> 00:13:44,916 [clicks tongue] 141 00:13:45,833 --> 00:13:47,875 [tense music plays] 142 00:13:47,875 --> 00:13:48,958 Ten. 143 00:13:51,291 --> 00:13:52,416 [grunts softly] 144 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:53,375 Nine. 145 00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:56,708 [softly] Eight. 146 00:14:00,291 --> 00:14:01,375 Seven. 147 00:14:03,625 --> 00:14:05,083 - Six. - Go to hell. 148 00:14:05,083 --> 00:14:06,333 [chuckles] 149 00:14:06,333 --> 00:14:09,041 My friend, don't be ridiculous. 150 00:14:09,041 --> 00:14:11,875 It is quite plain we are in hell already. 151 00:14:13,541 --> 00:14:14,541 Five. 152 00:14:16,791 --> 00:14:17,791 Four. 153 00:14:19,041 --> 00:14:19,875 [sighs] 154 00:14:19,875 --> 00:14:20,833 Three, two, one. 155 00:14:25,708 --> 00:14:27,833 I will find her without your help. 156 00:14:28,791 --> 00:14:30,791 [song continues playing] 157 00:14:37,708 --> 00:14:39,375 [distant shouting] 158 00:14:48,416 --> 00:14:50,041 [glass breaks] 159 00:14:50,041 --> 00:14:51,000 [grunts] 160 00:14:59,916 --> 00:15:02,208 [somber music plays] 161 00:15:08,750 --> 00:15:10,041 [coughs] 162 00:15:14,291 --> 00:15:15,125 [grunts] 163 00:15:18,708 --> 00:15:20,000 [coughs] 164 00:16:20,250 --> 00:16:23,166 Papa, where are you? 165 00:16:26,250 --> 00:16:27,666 I'm listening. 166 00:16:32,333 --> 00:16:34,416 [man] Okay. So, come down here. 167 00:16:34,416 --> 00:16:36,375 - Where I proposed to her. - Is that our house? 168 00:16:36,375 --> 00:16:38,833 [man] No, our house is to... Over here a little bit more. 169 00:16:39,416 --> 00:16:42,208 {\an8}Let's not get distracted by all the fancy places. 170 00:16:42,708 --> 00:16:45,083 {\an8}Let's concentrate on the task at hand. 171 00:16:45,083 --> 00:16:47,125 At hand, you see? I made a joke. 172 00:16:47,125 --> 00:16:50,750 Papa, in order to be called a joke it must be funny. 173 00:16:50,750 --> 00:16:52,458 [laughs] 174 00:16:53,041 --> 00:16:58,291 Ah, you see, you were so busy making fun of Papa you've fallen into the fountain. 175 00:16:58,291 --> 00:17:00,750 Now, come here, let's... Let's start all over. 176 00:17:01,916 --> 00:17:06,208 So, remember this is us. This is here, this is home. 177 00:17:06,208 --> 00:17:09,250 All right, now, go left, 178 00:17:09,250 --> 00:17:13,625 first right, yeah, stop, stop for the traffic. 179 00:17:13,625 --> 00:17:20,125 Then cross, and then on and on and on till you get to the park. 180 00:17:20,125 --> 00:17:21,625 Which park? 181 00:17:21,625 --> 00:17:23,500 The park where I proposed to Mama. 182 00:17:24,125 --> 00:17:25,125 Tell me. 183 00:17:26,666 --> 00:17:28,333 I've told you many times. 184 00:17:28,333 --> 00:17:29,875 Well, tell me again. 185 00:17:29,875 --> 00:17:34,500 You always stop after Mama says yes, then you go quiet. 186 00:17:35,916 --> 00:17:39,916 Marie, we're on a journey and we've already left the park behind. 187 00:17:40,750 --> 00:17:44,916 Now, let's see if you can do it on your own. 188 00:17:44,916 --> 00:17:49,583 You're all alone in Paris with a very important message for Papa. 189 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:52,208 Go find me. What do you do? 190 00:17:52,208 --> 00:17:55,375 First I go right, then on and on. 191 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:58,083 No, that's wrong. 192 00:17:58,083 --> 00:18:01,666 I turn left and then I go on and on. 193 00:18:01,666 --> 00:18:03,416 Stop for the crossing. 194 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:04,833 [softly] Stop for crossing. 195 00:18:04,833 --> 00:18:09,500 That's it. And then what do you do? You go on and on... 196 00:18:09,500 --> 00:18:13,208 And on and on and on and on and on... 197 00:18:13,750 --> 00:18:16,875 And on and on and on. 198 00:18:17,416 --> 00:18:18,708 Is on and on done yet? 199 00:18:18,708 --> 00:18:21,458 Yes, it is. So what do we do now? 200 00:18:21,458 --> 00:18:23,708 You buy me a crêpe for my birthday? 201 00:18:23,708 --> 00:18:24,708 [chuckles] 202 00:18:24,708 --> 00:18:26,916 Absolutely. Not just any crêpe, 203 00:18:26,916 --> 00:18:30,000 a chocolate crêpe with whipped cream on it and then we go to the... 204 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:31,041 [Marie] To the museum. 205 00:18:33,375 --> 00:18:38,791 And on and on and on and on until I reach the museum. 206 00:18:38,791 --> 00:18:40,000 [Papa] Bravo. 207 00:18:40,666 --> 00:18:44,750 Once we get there, for your birthday you get to explore 208 00:18:44,750 --> 00:18:47,625 all the wonders that are housed there. 209 00:18:48,125 --> 00:18:49,083 [Marie chuckles] 210 00:18:49,083 --> 00:18:51,208 - Does that sound good? - It does. 211 00:18:52,458 --> 00:18:53,375 [speaks French] 212 00:18:56,208 --> 00:18:59,916 [Marie] Wait, you changed things since we last came. 213 00:18:59,916 --> 00:19:01,583 How can you tell? 214 00:19:02,666 --> 00:19:07,083 Always the first room we come to smells of sand. Now it smells of... 215 00:19:07,083 --> 00:19:11,041 Feathers and beaks and claws. It's full of birds. 216 00:19:11,041 --> 00:19:12,541 Real birds? 217 00:19:12,541 --> 00:19:15,583 No. Stuffed. Dead for many years. 218 00:19:15,583 --> 00:19:18,125 But since I knew you were coming to visit, 219 00:19:18,125 --> 00:19:22,041 I decided to bring them to life... with this. 220 00:19:24,916 --> 00:19:26,916 [birds sing on recording] 221 00:19:30,041 --> 00:19:30,875 [chuckles softly] 222 00:19:32,208 --> 00:19:34,625 Papa, living things. 223 00:19:34,625 --> 00:19:37,125 Almost. Their songs are alive. 224 00:19:37,125 --> 00:19:39,916 Everything has a voice, you just have to listen. 225 00:19:39,916 --> 00:19:42,000 [birdsong continues] 226 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:49,916 Listen. 227 00:20:10,375 --> 00:20:13,208 And now, after a feast for your ears, 228 00:20:13,208 --> 00:20:15,125 a treat for your hands. 229 00:20:21,125 --> 00:20:24,500 You felt this one before just now, do you remember what it is? 230 00:20:24,500 --> 00:20:26,416 I thought this wasn't school. 231 00:20:26,416 --> 00:20:28,333 [chuckles] Everything's school. 232 00:20:29,291 --> 00:20:31,708 - Not for you. - Especially for me. 233 00:20:34,916 --> 00:20:36,333 Emerald? 234 00:20:36,333 --> 00:20:37,541 Bravo. 235 00:20:38,250 --> 00:20:40,250 You see, Marie, the world's still the world 236 00:20:40,250 --> 00:20:41,833 whether you can see or not. 237 00:20:41,833 --> 00:20:43,583 Your fingers are your eyes. 238 00:20:43,583 --> 00:20:47,791 You have ten fingers, and most people only have two eyes, 239 00:20:47,791 --> 00:20:51,083 so you're five times better off because five times two is... 240 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:52,083 Ten. 241 00:20:52,083 --> 00:20:54,166 - Yes! - Are there diamonds? 242 00:20:54,166 --> 00:20:55,416 There are. 243 00:21:04,375 --> 00:21:06,833 It feels beautiful. 244 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:08,541 You're beautiful. 245 00:21:09,500 --> 00:21:11,458 [softly] Happy birthday, Marie. 246 00:21:12,291 --> 00:21:16,625 Is this the most valuable thing in the whole museum? 247 00:21:16,625 --> 00:21:17,791 [whispers] No. 248 00:21:18,541 --> 00:21:22,958 There's one other stone that's more valuable than all the rest put together. 249 00:21:24,375 --> 00:21:26,375 It's called the Sea of Flames. 250 00:21:26,375 --> 00:21:27,875 Will you fetch it? 251 00:21:28,791 --> 00:21:30,416 It's not allowed. 252 00:21:30,416 --> 00:21:31,916 Why is it not allowed? 253 00:21:31,916 --> 00:21:32,958 Ah. 254 00:21:32,958 --> 00:21:36,541 Because it's in its own safe in another part of the vault. 255 00:21:37,291 --> 00:21:40,125 And anyway, it's already lunchtime, 256 00:21:40,125 --> 00:21:42,625 which means, you know what that means, don't you? 257 00:21:42,625 --> 00:21:44,125 Eat cake. 258 00:21:44,125 --> 00:21:45,583 Lots of cake. 259 00:21:47,250 --> 00:21:48,583 And you. 260 00:21:54,333 --> 00:21:57,541 Why am I not allowed to touch the Sea of Flames? 261 00:21:57,541 --> 00:21:59,250 Where do you want to eat, Marie? 262 00:21:59,250 --> 00:22:02,416 Papa, why? I won't eat until you tell me. 263 00:22:02,916 --> 00:22:05,791 [sighs] You're relentless, aren't you? All right. 264 00:22:07,500 --> 00:22:09,333 It's an absurd legend, Marie. 265 00:22:10,375 --> 00:22:15,041 The legend says that the stone they call the Sea of Flames is cursed. 266 00:22:15,041 --> 00:22:15,958 There. 267 00:22:16,916 --> 00:22:19,666 There's more. I hear it hiding in your voice. 268 00:22:19,666 --> 00:22:23,083 Tell me. Please. 269 00:22:23,083 --> 00:22:27,250 The legend's from a time when people believed many things that weren't true. 270 00:22:28,375 --> 00:22:32,750 It says that whoever touches the stone is also cursed. 271 00:22:33,958 --> 00:22:35,375 What is the curse? 272 00:22:36,041 --> 00:22:36,875 Ah. 273 00:22:36,875 --> 00:22:40,541 The curse is that if you touch the stone 274 00:22:40,541 --> 00:22:43,708 whoever you love will suffer a terrible misfortune. 275 00:22:44,375 --> 00:22:47,916 But if you possess the stone, you yourself will never die. 276 00:22:47,916 --> 00:22:51,291 So, as you can see, immediately, 277 00:22:51,291 --> 00:22:53,541 from those two physically impossible things, 278 00:22:53,541 --> 00:22:55,250 the legend is simply nonsense. 279 00:22:56,166 --> 00:22:58,583 Have you ever touched the Sea of Flames? 280 00:23:06,833 --> 00:23:08,666 Come, Marie, let's eat. 281 00:23:18,333 --> 00:23:19,666 [grunts] 282 00:23:32,083 --> 00:23:34,083 [pants] 283 00:23:49,041 --> 00:23:50,125 Bread. 284 00:24:38,541 --> 00:24:39,541 Wire. 285 00:24:49,208 --> 00:24:50,958 [grunts] 286 00:24:58,125 --> 00:24:59,541 [distant shouting] 287 00:25:06,875 --> 00:25:07,875 [woman] Hey. 288 00:25:09,250 --> 00:25:11,958 Why don't you open the gates so we can leave? 289 00:25:11,958 --> 00:25:13,458 There's no food. 290 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:17,375 You want us all to fry with you, you Nazi bastards! 291 00:25:18,166 --> 00:25:19,416 [dog barks] 292 00:25:39,458 --> 00:25:41,666 [grunts] 293 00:26:17,666 --> 00:26:18,666 Hello? 294 00:26:19,458 --> 00:26:21,250 [man] No bread here today. 295 00:26:21,250 --> 00:26:23,833 No bread anywhere today. Marie... 296 00:26:23,833 --> 00:26:26,041 I didn't know when I'd see you again. 297 00:26:26,041 --> 00:26:29,875 Monsieur Caron, I'm so hungry. Do you have any bread left? 298 00:26:30,500 --> 00:26:31,500 Keep your money. 299 00:26:32,416 --> 00:26:35,750 I only have a stale scrap, but take it. 300 00:26:35,750 --> 00:26:38,166 - Here. - Thank you. 301 00:26:38,166 --> 00:26:42,083 And I also have someone who heard your message on the radio last night. 302 00:26:45,583 --> 00:26:47,791 [knocks rhythmically] 303 00:26:55,291 --> 00:26:56,166 Marie. 304 00:26:56,166 --> 00:26:57,833 Uncle Etienne. 305 00:26:57,833 --> 00:26:59,000 You came. 306 00:27:00,958 --> 00:27:03,666 [Etienne] I heard you pray we would break bread together. 307 00:27:03,666 --> 00:27:05,166 There's little bread, but I'm here. 308 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:09,333 - Very clever telling me where to meet you. - Where have you been? 309 00:27:09,333 --> 00:27:10,291 [sighs] 310 00:27:10,291 --> 00:27:13,458 I've been working. I've been doing important work 311 00:27:13,458 --> 00:27:16,708 for the Americans and the British who are coming to free us. 312 00:27:16,708 --> 00:27:19,416 But I'm afraid I caught the attention of the Germans, 313 00:27:19,416 --> 00:27:22,583 and if I'd come home that would have put you in grave danger. 314 00:27:23,583 --> 00:27:24,708 [both chuckle softly] 315 00:27:26,125 --> 00:27:27,375 You still broadcasting? 316 00:27:27,375 --> 00:27:29,625 Of course, the copy of the book that Papa gave me. 317 00:27:29,625 --> 00:27:31,375 Good. The pages I told you to read? 318 00:27:31,375 --> 00:27:33,625 Yes, Chapter 16. 319 00:27:33,625 --> 00:27:37,333 I think you know by now that you're not just reading Jules Verne. 320 00:27:37,333 --> 00:27:41,750 You are sending messages in code that will help to win the war. 321 00:27:42,458 --> 00:27:45,625 Now, I want you to skip ahead to Chapter 20, 322 00:27:45,625 --> 00:27:49,000 read just page one, then Chapter 21, read only page two. 323 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:51,375 Twenty then twenty-one, first and second. 324 00:27:51,375 --> 00:27:53,333 You'd better get home quickly. 325 00:27:53,333 --> 00:27:55,875 He's right. It's not safe out here. 326 00:27:55,875 --> 00:27:58,291 There's a German officer in town offering food and money 327 00:27:58,291 --> 00:28:00,041 in return for information... 328 00:28:01,208 --> 00:28:02,625 about you, Marie. 329 00:28:02,625 --> 00:28:04,541 - Me? - Why does he want to know about her? 330 00:28:04,541 --> 00:28:06,416 I don't know. No one does. 331 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:09,083 But so far, no one has spoken. 332 00:28:09,833 --> 00:28:12,541 Right, when you get home, lock all the doors, all right? 333 00:28:12,541 --> 00:28:13,750 I will. 334 00:28:13,750 --> 00:28:16,083 [Etienne] There will be more bombing raids tonight. 335 00:28:32,166 --> 00:28:33,375 [grunts] 336 00:28:34,541 --> 00:28:35,375 [winces] 337 00:28:38,791 --> 00:28:40,416 What are you doing, soldier? 338 00:28:41,250 --> 00:28:42,666 Looters will be shot. 339 00:28:43,750 --> 00:28:45,416 Corporal Werner Pfennig, sir. 340 00:28:46,000 --> 00:28:48,833 I'm with the Wehrmacht radio surveillance unit. 341 00:28:49,916 --> 00:28:53,750 My unit was deployed to Saint-Malo to locate illegal radio broadcasts. 342 00:28:53,750 --> 00:28:58,250 Last night my transceiver was damaged. I need wire to continue my work, sir. 343 00:29:13,750 --> 00:29:14,958 You're very weak. 344 00:29:18,916 --> 00:29:20,125 Have you seen this? 345 00:29:22,500 --> 00:29:25,166 Last night the Americans dropped leaflets in French 346 00:29:25,166 --> 00:29:27,125 telling everyone to leave Saint-Malo. 347 00:29:28,791 --> 00:29:29,791 [Werner] I see. 348 00:29:31,916 --> 00:29:36,041 Tell your unit that no one is leaving or will be allowed to leave. 349 00:29:36,750 --> 00:29:38,750 We stay in Saint-Malo to the last man. 350 00:29:39,708 --> 00:29:41,541 My unit is all dead, sir. 351 00:29:43,250 --> 00:29:44,750 I am the last man. 352 00:29:50,125 --> 00:29:51,791 Where are you billeted? 353 00:29:51,791 --> 00:29:53,291 The Hotel of Bees. 354 00:29:54,291 --> 00:29:55,708 - Place de Concord. - Mm-hmm. 355 00:29:59,458 --> 00:30:00,791 Your work is important. 356 00:30:02,375 --> 00:30:04,000 I will do what I can to help. 357 00:30:25,041 --> 00:30:25,916 [grunts] 358 00:30:57,000 --> 00:30:58,916 [woman] Remember, boys and girls, 359 00:30:58,916 --> 00:31:01,041 Werner built this radio contraption himself 360 00:31:01,041 --> 00:31:03,125 out of things other people threw away. 361 00:31:04,000 --> 00:31:06,708 So often, people discard things of no use to them, 362 00:31:06,708 --> 00:31:08,791 {\an8}which are precious to others. 363 00:31:08,791 --> 00:31:12,041 {\an8}Just as Werner and all of you are precious to me. 364 00:31:13,208 --> 00:31:14,791 No one taught him what to do. 365 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:20,416 Werner is a mixture of genius and persistence and bits from books. 366 00:31:20,416 --> 00:31:22,916 If it works, it'll be a small miracle. 367 00:31:24,375 --> 00:31:25,708 Is it ready, Werner? 368 00:31:26,458 --> 00:31:27,875 I hope so, Frau Elena. 369 00:31:29,208 --> 00:31:30,291 Then turn it on. 370 00:31:34,166 --> 00:31:36,333 [static over radio] 371 00:31:38,333 --> 00:31:40,166 [crackles] 372 00:31:40,166 --> 00:31:42,250 [classical music plays over radio] 373 00:31:50,166 --> 00:31:52,416 [rousing music swells] 374 00:32:05,833 --> 00:32:07,541 [static over radio] 375 00:32:11,208 --> 00:32:15,416 [man on radio] In fact the lambent light emitted from burning a bit of coal... 376 00:32:15,416 --> 00:32:17,375 Girls are not allowed. 377 00:32:17,375 --> 00:32:21,541 Hush. I'm your sister. What have you found? 378 00:32:22,291 --> 00:32:24,708 I have found the whole world, Jutta. 379 00:32:24,708 --> 00:32:30,791 Vienna 65. Dresden 88. London 100. 380 00:32:30,791 --> 00:32:34,583 But late at night, I get this from France. 381 00:32:35,291 --> 00:32:37,666 Shortwave 13.10. 382 00:32:37,666 --> 00:32:40,083 The most amazing professor. 383 00:32:40,083 --> 00:32:42,333 He's saying the most amazing things. 384 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:49,000 [professor on radio] The human brain is locked in total darkness. 385 00:32:50,375 --> 00:32:51,583 It is forbidden. 386 00:32:51,583 --> 00:32:54,083 If you listen you will learn. 387 00:32:56,875 --> 00:33:02,250 Your brain floats in a clear liquid inside the skull, never in the light. 388 00:33:02,250 --> 00:33:06,833 And yet, in this darkness, the world the brain constructs is full of light. 389 00:33:06,833 --> 00:33:09,666 It brims with color and movement. 390 00:33:09,666 --> 00:33:13,666 What may be the most complex object in existence, 391 00:33:13,666 --> 00:33:18,750 one wet kilogram within which spins the universe. 392 00:33:18,750 --> 00:33:20,750 So how, children, does the brain, 393 00:33:20,750 --> 00:33:22,708 - which lives without a spark of light... - Psst. 394 00:33:22,708 --> 00:33:25,000 ...build for us a world full of light? 395 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:26,416 It's very late, Marie. 396 00:33:27,875 --> 00:33:30,500 He only broadcasts when it's late. 397 00:33:31,500 --> 00:33:32,500 Who does? 398 00:33:32,500 --> 00:33:36,625 The professor who explains darkness and light. 399 00:33:36,625 --> 00:33:41,708 That's fascinating, but it's late, and you have school tomorrow. 400 00:33:41,708 --> 00:33:45,208 - So, it's time to get a little rest. - Okay. 401 00:33:45,875 --> 00:33:47,791 - [chuckles] - Good night, sweetheart. 402 00:33:48,416 --> 00:33:52,958 He says the most important light is the light you cannot see. 403 00:33:52,958 --> 00:33:54,083 What does that mean? 404 00:33:54,083 --> 00:33:57,583 Well, if you hadn't interrupted me, I would have found out. 405 00:33:57,583 --> 00:34:00,291 [chuckles] 406 00:34:03,416 --> 00:34:05,166 If he does explain it to you, 407 00:34:05,166 --> 00:34:08,916 perhaps you can explain it to me in the morning. 408 00:34:10,208 --> 00:34:11,208 Ten more minutes. 409 00:34:13,541 --> 00:34:16,791 [professor] ...ten trillionth of all the light in the universe 410 00:34:16,791 --> 00:34:18,333 is visible to our eyes. 411 00:34:19,250 --> 00:34:24,208 And even in complete darkness there is still light inside your mind. 412 00:34:25,708 --> 00:34:28,916 [Marie] Professor, there is still light inside my mind. 413 00:34:34,541 --> 00:34:35,958 Ladies and gentlemen, 414 00:34:36,875 --> 00:34:41,708 before I begin my broadcast today, I have something to say. 415 00:34:42,916 --> 00:34:44,916 Something from my own heart. 416 00:34:49,125 --> 00:34:50,583 Many years ago, 417 00:34:50,583 --> 00:34:53,500 a great professor used to offer words of wisdom 418 00:34:53,500 --> 00:34:57,125 to children on this very frequency. 419 00:34:59,125 --> 00:35:01,958 He spoke to children all across Europe. 420 00:35:03,125 --> 00:35:09,333 And when he spoke, he always played a particular piece of music. 421 00:35:10,583 --> 00:35:11,416 It was this. 422 00:35:12,333 --> 00:35:14,333 [soft piano music plays] 423 00:35:17,750 --> 00:35:21,166 In this time of stupid darkness, 424 00:35:22,250 --> 00:35:27,208 in this time of ridiculous old men invading cities, 425 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:32,083 stealing whole towns like bullying children stealing toys, 426 00:35:33,083 --> 00:35:38,625 I thought I would try to remember some of the things the professor said, 427 00:35:39,583 --> 00:35:40,791 and share them. 428 00:35:42,666 --> 00:35:47,666 Because he spoke always about light. 429 00:35:49,041 --> 00:35:50,041 [chuckles] 430 00:35:52,125 --> 00:35:56,250 I don't speak as well as the professor once did, but I'll try. 431 00:35:56,875 --> 00:36:01,416 He said the light that comes when you burn coal 432 00:36:02,375 --> 00:36:05,458 or charcoal or peat... 433 00:36:05,458 --> 00:36:06,708 He said... 434 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:10,541 the light you get from a piece of coal... 435 00:36:13,416 --> 00:36:15,500 is actually sunlight. 436 00:36:15,500 --> 00:36:19,375 The point is... light lasts forever. 437 00:36:19,375 --> 00:36:22,666 For a billion years inside a piece of coal. 438 00:36:22,666 --> 00:36:26,166 But darkness, the professor said... 439 00:36:27,291 --> 00:36:32,333 [both] Darkness lasts not even for one second 440 00:36:32,333 --> 00:36:33,916 when you turn on the light. 441 00:36:36,333 --> 00:36:39,291 That's all I wanted to say. 442 00:36:45,208 --> 00:36:48,625 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. 443 00:36:49,541 --> 00:36:51,208 [officer] Corporal Pfennig! 444 00:36:55,000 --> 00:36:56,000 Get up here! 445 00:36:58,000 --> 00:36:59,000 Move! 446 00:37:01,250 --> 00:37:03,250 [radio broadcast fades out] 447 00:37:18,083 --> 00:37:19,791 Why are you hiding down there? 448 00:37:20,291 --> 00:37:22,875 It is as good a bomb shelter as any, sir. 449 00:37:23,875 --> 00:37:25,708 Hmm. [sighs] 450 00:37:25,708 --> 00:37:29,541 From now on you will work up here. In the light. 451 00:37:31,333 --> 00:37:32,500 Where we can see you. 452 00:37:33,166 --> 00:37:34,166 Yes, sir. 453 00:37:36,583 --> 00:37:41,583 It is now confirmed that last night's bombing of Saint-Malo... 454 00:37:45,500 --> 00:37:46,666 ...was not random. 455 00:37:50,375 --> 00:37:52,875 It was targeted. 456 00:37:53,958 --> 00:37:58,833 They are hitting our positions with great accuracy. 457 00:37:59,625 --> 00:38:01,625 Someone is giving them information. 458 00:38:03,250 --> 00:38:08,083 Have you detected any radio transmissions from inside the city wall? 459 00:38:08,791 --> 00:38:09,625 No, sir. 460 00:38:09,625 --> 00:38:15,041 Even seemingly harmless messages can contain coded information. 461 00:38:15,041 --> 00:38:18,041 Yes, sir. I am also trained in code breaking. 462 00:38:18,041 --> 00:38:19,208 I was top of my class 463 00:38:19,208 --> 00:38:22,708 at the National Political Institute of Education in Berlin. 464 00:38:22,708 --> 00:38:25,791 And the Institute in Berlin is the best in Germany. 465 00:38:25,791 --> 00:38:29,750 Yes. Sergeant Schmidt was also at the Institute in Berlin. 466 00:38:29,750 --> 00:38:33,250 Top of his class in 1942, right? 467 00:38:35,291 --> 00:38:38,583 Schmidt has just arrived from Paris. 468 00:38:39,833 --> 00:38:41,458 You said your unit is gone. 469 00:38:42,458 --> 00:38:47,875 Schmidt will, from now on, accompany you and help you in your work. 470 00:38:50,375 --> 00:38:53,166 Possession of any radio broadcast equipment 471 00:38:53,166 --> 00:38:56,541 inside the city walls of Saint-Malo is now punishable by death. 472 00:38:58,458 --> 00:38:59,666 Yes, sir. 473 00:39:00,833 --> 00:39:07,791 And from now, you won't be reliant on stray pieces of wire. 474 00:39:07,791 --> 00:39:09,208 Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. 475 00:39:14,125 --> 00:39:14,958 Heil Hitler. 476 00:39:16,166 --> 00:39:17,083 Heil Hitler. 477 00:39:31,250 --> 00:39:32,458 Do you want a drink? 478 00:39:34,125 --> 00:39:35,583 Do you want to win this war or not? 479 00:39:35,583 --> 00:39:37,250 You heard the captain. 480 00:39:37,250 --> 00:39:39,958 We must find the person broadcasting our coordinates. 481 00:39:43,625 --> 00:39:47,958 Hey, Pfennig, I am the ranking officer and you are not allowed to drink on duty. 482 00:39:48,666 --> 00:39:49,791 Do you hear me? 483 00:39:50,500 --> 00:39:52,625 Tell me about your time at the Institute. 484 00:39:55,708 --> 00:39:57,708 [tense music plays] 485 00:40:18,958 --> 00:40:20,958 [music plays on gramophone] 486 00:40:21,458 --> 00:40:23,458 "We can be friends." 487 00:40:24,375 --> 00:40:28,416 "I hope we can soon be..." 488 00:40:28,416 --> 00:40:29,333 [door opens] 489 00:40:41,250 --> 00:40:42,416 [officer] Hmm. 490 00:40:45,875 --> 00:40:48,125 Preparing for happier days to come, yes? 491 00:40:51,083 --> 00:40:54,500 My profession was once to cut and arrange flowers. 492 00:40:55,250 --> 00:40:57,250 I hope someday it will be again. 493 00:40:59,083 --> 00:41:04,375 For now, it is about welcoming all nationalities and, and cultures. 494 00:41:08,291 --> 00:41:09,375 It's ten francs. 495 00:41:10,125 --> 00:41:13,541 No, no, no. That is not the purpose of my visit. 496 00:41:15,166 --> 00:41:17,375 I'm no longer interested in sex. 497 00:41:18,333 --> 00:41:23,208 I'm taking some very serious medication for a very serious condition. 498 00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:27,000 In truth, losing my libido 499 00:41:27,875 --> 00:41:31,250 has been like being unchained from a lunatic. 500 00:41:32,166 --> 00:41:33,166 [laughs] 501 00:41:34,416 --> 00:41:35,416 Sit. 502 00:41:37,875 --> 00:41:40,083 Please, sit. 503 00:41:47,708 --> 00:41:52,083 You may have heard rumors around town about a particular German officer 504 00:41:52,083 --> 00:41:54,833 who is in Saint-Malo to find a particular girl. 505 00:41:56,083 --> 00:41:59,083 But now that the outcome of the war is in grave doubt, 506 00:41:59,083 --> 00:42:02,666 I'm having difficulties getting people to give me information. 507 00:42:03,583 --> 00:42:05,791 People really don't think the outcome is in doubt. 508 00:42:05,791 --> 00:42:09,291 The Americans will be dropping more bombs within the hour. 509 00:42:09,291 --> 00:42:10,291 [chuckles softly] 510 00:42:11,958 --> 00:42:13,958 From the way people protect this girl, 511 00:42:13,958 --> 00:42:18,416 I'm beginning to sense that her family was somehow involved in the resistance. 512 00:42:19,125 --> 00:42:21,500 Her father, an uncle called Etienne. 513 00:42:22,166 --> 00:42:23,916 A spy of some kind... 514 00:42:24,791 --> 00:42:27,916 I wake, I work, I sleep. 515 00:42:32,333 --> 00:42:35,833 People are now more afraid of the resistance than they are of me. 516 00:42:35,833 --> 00:42:37,666 So they tell me nothing. 517 00:42:38,833 --> 00:42:43,916 That is why I decided to make inquiries with someone 518 00:42:43,916 --> 00:42:49,416 for whom straightforward financial transactions 519 00:42:50,083 --> 00:42:53,250 are not cluttered up with moral considerations. 520 00:42:59,166 --> 00:43:02,333 This girl is called Marie-Laure LeBlanc. 521 00:43:02,333 --> 00:43:05,833 She's blind. I need her address. 522 00:43:05,833 --> 00:43:07,125 I'm... [laughs] 523 00:43:08,291 --> 00:43:10,708 I'm not in the best condition for this task. 524 00:43:11,958 --> 00:43:15,166 I do not recommend mixing Beaujolais with morphine. 525 00:43:16,416 --> 00:43:17,625 [laughs] 526 00:43:26,708 --> 00:43:28,125 But I am in a hurry. 527 00:43:51,791 --> 00:43:53,833 - [radio hums] - [sighs] 528 00:43:53,833 --> 00:43:58,541 I have one more thing to say to my father. 529 00:43:58,541 --> 00:44:02,875 Papa, I imagine you somewhere with only my voice for company. 530 00:44:03,750 --> 00:44:05,791 I cannot leave you alone. 531 00:44:05,791 --> 00:44:08,291 I promised I would speak to you always. 532 00:44:09,083 --> 00:44:10,625 And I will. 533 00:44:10,625 --> 00:44:14,708 I'll talk to you, give you a reason to hope. 534 00:44:14,708 --> 00:44:15,791 [vehicle passes] 535 00:44:27,708 --> 00:44:28,708 Anything? 536 00:44:30,041 --> 00:44:31,041 No. 537 00:44:32,500 --> 00:44:34,958 My turn. You get some sleep. 538 00:44:34,958 --> 00:44:38,416 I... I don't sleep much. I never have. I can take your shift if you want. 539 00:44:39,666 --> 00:44:40,791 I said it's my turn. 540 00:44:42,291 --> 00:44:44,500 I don't give a fuck if you sleep or not. 541 00:45:00,625 --> 00:45:04,791 Shit. No wonder you don't hear anything, the power wire went loose. Jesus. 542 00:45:07,208 --> 00:45:09,875 Yeah, well, you know what? I did that to check you out. 543 00:45:09,875 --> 00:45:13,041 To see if you knew anything at all about radio transceivers. 544 00:45:16,958 --> 00:45:18,458 What are you talking about? 545 00:45:20,166 --> 00:45:23,583 I'm talking about I don't remember you at the National Institute. 546 00:45:23,583 --> 00:45:26,083 You told the officer you were Class of '42. 547 00:45:26,083 --> 00:45:29,541 I remember who came top of the class in '42 and it wasn't fucking you. 548 00:45:31,500 --> 00:45:33,333 So I didn't come top of my class. 549 00:45:35,541 --> 00:45:39,625 I don't remember you at all. 550 00:45:41,583 --> 00:45:43,000 How long did you last? 551 00:45:47,875 --> 00:45:53,875 The National Institute is an elite school. 63% of the intake don't make it. 552 00:45:55,833 --> 00:45:58,083 I've got an idea about you, Schmidt. 553 00:45:58,083 --> 00:46:00,000 You are one of the 63. 554 00:46:04,000 --> 00:46:08,833 I mean, all this chaos, paperwork burned, 555 00:46:10,541 --> 00:46:13,875 a lot of rejects saying all kinds of things officers want to hear. 556 00:46:15,583 --> 00:46:17,250 Look at me, Mr. Sixty Three. 557 00:46:21,708 --> 00:46:23,458 It was lie or get sent East. 558 00:46:23,458 --> 00:46:25,375 I was frozen... 559 00:46:26,750 --> 00:46:29,583 beaten, run half to death in that fucking school. 560 00:46:31,666 --> 00:46:33,500 And I earned my commendation. 561 00:46:35,708 --> 00:46:37,708 I still correspond with the commandant. 562 00:46:39,291 --> 00:46:40,791 So one word from him... 563 00:46:42,541 --> 00:46:44,208 and to the East you will go. 564 00:46:51,500 --> 00:46:54,208 Now, you and me 565 00:46:54,916 --> 00:46:58,125 are going to have a glass of Schnapps to toast the Führer. 566 00:47:01,333 --> 00:47:03,541 And then we will sit down together as equals. 567 00:47:06,708 --> 00:47:08,583 I... I don't drink. 568 00:47:08,583 --> 00:47:11,500 Yes. Yes, you do. 569 00:47:14,000 --> 00:47:15,208 To the Führer. 570 00:47:16,166 --> 00:47:17,375 And the truth. 571 00:47:37,791 --> 00:47:39,416 Thank you for listening. 572 00:47:40,708 --> 00:47:43,333 That is the end of tonight's broadcast. 573 00:48:29,583 --> 00:48:30,750 [dog barks in distance] 574 00:48:38,125 --> 00:48:40,791 [Schmidt coughs and retches] 575 00:48:44,666 --> 00:48:47,916 People drink that stuff to celebrate? Jesus. 576 00:48:52,208 --> 00:48:55,041 [Werner] How long did you really last at the Institute? 577 00:49:00,125 --> 00:49:01,291 Two weeks. 578 00:49:04,458 --> 00:49:06,541 Two wild pig hunts. 579 00:49:10,333 --> 00:49:12,333 I was the wild pig both times. 580 00:49:16,833 --> 00:49:18,833 You said you know Commandant Bastian? 581 00:49:19,500 --> 00:49:21,125 I remember his rules. 582 00:49:21,125 --> 00:49:23,625 Whoever finishes the assault course last 583 00:49:24,458 --> 00:49:26,291 gets a ten-second head start. 584 00:49:34,583 --> 00:49:36,416 Ten seconds was not enough for me. 585 00:49:38,833 --> 00:49:40,458 I got caught both times. 586 00:49:42,000 --> 00:49:45,416 You either die like a lion or you go over like a glass of spilt milk. 587 00:49:45,958 --> 00:49:48,333 Isn't that what they taught us at the Institute? 588 00:49:49,041 --> 00:49:52,041 My father hasn't spoken to me since I was dismissed. 589 00:49:52,041 --> 00:49:54,125 [vehicle passes] 590 00:49:54,125 --> 00:49:55,708 [men shout outside] 591 00:50:04,791 --> 00:50:06,208 I'm a glass of spilt milk. 592 00:50:10,083 --> 00:50:11,333 But I'm not an idiot. 593 00:50:34,041 --> 00:50:35,250 I have a secret. 594 00:50:37,458 --> 00:50:38,958 You have a secret. 595 00:50:42,208 --> 00:50:44,625 When I turned on the radio, someone was broadcasting. 596 00:50:48,000 --> 00:50:49,000 Who? 597 00:51:24,666 --> 00:51:27,500 On the transceiver it said shortwave 13.10. 598 00:51:28,250 --> 00:51:29,625 What is that? 599 00:51:29,625 --> 00:51:34,000 It is a frequency that I have listened to since I was a child. 600 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:37,125 There was a professor. He told us facts. 601 00:51:38,416 --> 00:51:40,833 Facts when everyone else was giving us opinions. 602 00:51:45,666 --> 00:51:47,416 He used to say, "Open your eyes and see 603 00:51:47,416 --> 00:51:50,208 what you can with them before they close forever." 604 00:51:51,083 --> 00:51:52,500 And I have tried to do that. 605 00:51:54,500 --> 00:51:58,583 But most of what I've seen I would sooner forget. 606 00:52:01,125 --> 00:52:02,458 Since I became a radio operator, 607 00:52:02,458 --> 00:52:06,041 I've found hundreds of frequencies and located the transceivers. 608 00:52:06,875 --> 00:52:08,375 I've seen the SS shoot... 609 00:52:09,250 --> 00:52:12,875 Shoot the enemies of the Reich who were operating them. 610 00:52:15,500 --> 00:52:16,500 Yes. 611 00:52:18,416 --> 00:52:19,916 As I was trained to do. 612 00:52:23,666 --> 00:52:26,500 But... when I'm alone... 613 00:52:28,875 --> 00:52:30,083 wherever I've been... 614 00:52:31,000 --> 00:52:33,125 I listen to shortwave 13.10. 615 00:52:35,458 --> 00:52:39,875 There was always silence until I reached Saint-Malo. 616 00:52:41,208 --> 00:52:43,208 And I heard a girl reading a book. 617 00:52:44,250 --> 00:52:45,250 What girl? 618 00:52:46,750 --> 00:52:47,833 I don't know. 619 00:52:50,875 --> 00:52:52,708 Maybe the professor's daughter. 620 00:52:54,541 --> 00:52:59,375 Maybe someone else who used to listen to him, just like me. 621 00:53:02,000 --> 00:53:04,625 Someone from our generation who thought 622 00:53:05,666 --> 00:53:07,500 if you open up the frequency 623 00:53:08,875 --> 00:53:11,875 and talk reason and sense 624 00:53:13,583 --> 00:53:16,166 and literature to people the way the professor used to do, 625 00:53:16,166 --> 00:53:19,625 then maybe the insanity of this old man's war might come to an end. 626 00:53:21,375 --> 00:53:22,708 Whoever she is, she's... 627 00:53:23,666 --> 00:53:24,875 She's okay. 628 00:53:30,708 --> 00:53:32,958 13.10 is in good hands. 629 00:53:39,625 --> 00:53:40,541 So... 630 00:53:43,000 --> 00:53:44,791 I have your secret. 631 00:53:45,416 --> 00:53:47,291 But I can't trust you with mine. 632 00:53:48,333 --> 00:53:49,750 I can't go East. 633 00:53:53,750 --> 00:53:54,750 This is war. 634 00:53:56,750 --> 00:53:59,750 One more body added to 50 million. 635 00:54:01,291 --> 00:54:03,666 - I'm sorry, Werner... - Will you track down the girl? 636 00:54:05,666 --> 00:54:07,375 I will do my duty. 637 00:54:18,208 --> 00:54:19,666 [pants] 638 00:54:19,666 --> 00:54:20,750 Like they said... 639 00:54:21,541 --> 00:54:24,458 "You die like a lion or you fall like a glass of spilt milk." 640 00:54:25,125 --> 00:54:27,541 Please. Spare me. 641 00:54:29,166 --> 00:54:31,083 I will spare shortwave 13.10. 642 00:54:31,708 --> 00:54:32,541 Please... 643 00:54:32,541 --> 00:54:33,458 [body thuds] 644 00:55:34,791 --> 00:55:36,333 [officer] Hello, Marie. 645 00:55:37,166 --> 00:55:39,000 I couldn't get your address. 646 00:55:39,833 --> 00:55:44,958 Somebody told me that you and your papa used to come here. 647 00:55:46,708 --> 00:55:47,666 You look hungry. 648 00:55:48,458 --> 00:55:49,541 [gasps] 649 00:55:49,541 --> 00:55:53,916 But then again, I suppose everybody is hungry in Saint-Malo right now. 650 00:55:55,250 --> 00:55:58,541 I am... I'm very sorry, I need to go. My uncle's waiting... 651 00:55:58,541 --> 00:56:00,166 Please. Please! 652 00:56:04,375 --> 00:56:05,500 Who are you? 653 00:56:05,500 --> 00:56:07,916 Someone who means you no harm. 654 00:56:07,916 --> 00:56:09,750 If you give me what I want. 655 00:56:09,750 --> 00:56:11,041 What do you want? 656 00:56:11,041 --> 00:56:13,416 - [distant explosion] - [rumbling] 657 00:56:13,416 --> 00:56:17,541 This war, this madness, all these lives, 658 00:56:18,208 --> 00:56:19,541 they mean nothing to me. 659 00:56:20,208 --> 00:56:22,166 I just want to live. 660 00:56:22,791 --> 00:56:24,791 And I believe you can help me. 661 00:56:29,208 --> 00:56:30,125 How can I help you? 662 00:56:33,500 --> 00:56:37,375 Your father once worked in the museum in Paris, yeah? 663 00:56:38,000 --> 00:56:41,000 He had in his care many precious stones. 664 00:56:41,000 --> 00:56:43,916 There was one stone in particular. 665 00:56:47,833 --> 00:56:50,291 Vision is a wonderful thing. 666 00:56:50,291 --> 00:56:53,458 I see you know the particular stone I'm talking about. 667 00:56:54,125 --> 00:56:56,541 It is called the Sea of Flames. 668 00:56:57,625 --> 00:57:00,625 The legend says it can cure any illness. 669 00:57:02,041 --> 00:57:05,833 And whoever possesses it will live forever. 670 00:57:05,833 --> 00:57:09,000 My father, he told me the legend. 671 00:57:09,708 --> 00:57:13,000 But it's... it's a fable. It's only believed by fools. 672 00:57:13,000 --> 00:57:14,291 Well... 673 00:57:16,083 --> 00:57:22,083 this fool is taking a military-issue Walther PPK from its holster. 674 00:57:23,541 --> 00:57:26,041 I'm now pointing the gun at your head. 675 00:57:26,666 --> 00:57:29,791 You and your father fled Paris when the war broke out. 676 00:57:29,791 --> 00:57:34,250 He took with him many jewels to keep them out of the hands of the Nazis. 677 00:57:35,958 --> 00:57:39,375 I'm not interested in the diamonds and the sapphires. 678 00:57:39,375 --> 00:57:40,333 [gun cocks] 679 00:57:41,416 --> 00:57:44,791 I'm only interested in the Sea of Flames, 680 00:57:44,791 --> 00:57:47,291 which I believe he left in your possession. 681 00:57:48,041 --> 00:57:53,500 Marie-Laure... I want you to tell me where it is. 682 00:57:54,166 --> 00:57:55,666 You have ten seconds. 683 00:57:55,666 --> 00:57:57,250 - I don't... - Ten. 684 00:57:58,166 --> 00:57:59,750 Nine. 685 00:57:59,750 --> 00:58:00,833 Eight. 686 00:58:01,458 --> 00:58:02,541 Seven. 687 00:58:04,750 --> 00:58:06,125 Speak, Marie! 688 00:58:06,125 --> 00:58:07,916 My father just told me about the stone. 689 00:58:07,916 --> 00:58:10,708 - Six. - Did you think it was going to be here? 690 00:58:10,708 --> 00:58:13,958 - Five. - I don't know where it is. I don't know! 691 00:58:13,958 --> 00:58:14,875 Four. 692 00:58:14,875 --> 00:58:17,083 [professor] The most important light of all... 693 00:58:17,083 --> 00:58:19,125 - Three. - I don't know where it is! 694 00:58:19,125 --> 00:58:21,125 - Two. - I don't know! 695 00:58:21,125 --> 00:58:22,833 [professor] ...is the light we cannot see. 696 00:58:23,625 --> 00:58:24,958 [gunshot]