1 00:00:00,768 --> 00:00:02,501 ♪♪♪ 2 00:00:02,570 --> 00:00:04,903 [clock ticks, alarm rings] 3 00:00:04,905 --> 00:00:06,505 Adult mark: It seemed like only yesterday 4 00:00:06,507 --> 00:00:09,241 I was dreading the first day of grade seven. 5 00:00:09,310 --> 00:00:12,578 Now, here I was, dreading the last day of grade seven. 6 00:00:13,647 --> 00:00:15,714 - Nobody likes change. 7 00:00:15,716 --> 00:00:17,649 Adult mark: Wow. Pop really got me. 8 00:00:17,785 --> 00:00:19,351 - A one dollar coin? 9 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:22,120 I mean, what's next? A twenty-five cent bill? 10 00:00:22,156 --> 00:00:25,490 We'll be the laughingstock of the united nations! 11 00:00:25,559 --> 00:00:27,359 [bed creaks, sighs heavily] 12 00:00:27,361 --> 00:00:28,627 [glasses thunk lightly] 13 00:00:28,696 --> 00:00:31,129 [sighs, water pours] - oh no. 14 00:00:31,165 --> 00:00:33,465 Adult mark: The more things change. 15 00:00:33,600 --> 00:00:36,167 - [grunts] - [running footsteps] 16 00:00:36,203 --> 00:00:38,203 [door bangs shut, music plays on the radio] 17 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:40,405 - Oh, last day of school, mark. 18 00:00:40,441 --> 00:00:43,542 You won't have to deal with that crowd all summer. 19 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:46,044 - Yeah. I guess. - Good god, mary. 20 00:00:46,047 --> 00:00:47,980 This crowd is eatin' us out o' house and home. 21 00:00:48,115 --> 00:00:49,415 - Legally you do have to feed me. 22 00:00:49,550 --> 00:00:51,182 Pop: Well, eat while you can. 23 00:00:51,218 --> 00:00:53,651 Because when word gets out about this funny money, 24 00:00:53,687 --> 00:00:56,154 We're headed for another great depression. 25 00:00:56,223 --> 00:00:58,022 Mark my words. 26 00:00:58,059 --> 00:00:59,458 Mike jr.: Hey. 27 00:01:01,295 --> 00:01:02,894 [cereal jingles] - take it easy, will ya? 28 00:01:02,963 --> 00:01:05,664 It's not bottomless! 29 00:01:05,799 --> 00:01:08,300 - I found some interesting reading material in your room. 30 00:01:08,369 --> 00:01:10,902 - [clears throat] did you?! Well, uh, it's, it's not mine, 31 00:01:10,971 --> 00:01:12,770 I can assure you o' that. I just uh... 32 00:01:12,807 --> 00:01:14,939 Oh. Uh... Yeah, yeah. 33 00:01:14,975 --> 00:01:16,608 - The university of new brunswick? 34 00:01:16,743 --> 00:01:18,776 But... It's so far away! 35 00:01:18,913 --> 00:01:20,578 - Maybe in September? 36 00:01:20,614 --> 00:01:22,948 - Who needs university? - Or not. 37 00:01:23,083 --> 00:01:24,516 I dunno, just give it back. 38 00:01:24,552 --> 00:01:27,285 - I dropped out of school to fish when I was mark's age. 39 00:01:27,287 --> 00:01:29,254 - Yes. Because your father drowned. 40 00:01:29,323 --> 00:01:31,590 - At least it put hairs on my chest. 41 00:01:31,659 --> 00:01:33,392 You could do with a little toughening up, 42 00:01:33,527 --> 00:01:36,094 Let me tell ya. - Yeah, you're probably right. 43 00:01:36,097 --> 00:01:37,329 I probably would've been better off 44 00:01:37,464 --> 00:01:39,531 If my father had drowned, too. 45 00:01:39,533 --> 00:01:41,833 Mark: [chuckles] you'd be the first person in the family 46 00:01:41,836 --> 00:01:43,434 To get off the island. 47 00:01:43,471 --> 00:01:45,737 - Yeah, but you'll get murdered out there. 48 00:01:45,739 --> 00:01:47,772 - Yeah, and you'll never get the body back. 49 00:01:47,774 --> 00:01:50,909 Tanya bursey died in florida visiting her sister. 50 00:01:51,044 --> 00:01:52,977 They had to bury her in buffalo. 51 00:01:53,013 --> 00:01:54,879 Mickey mouse ears and all. 52 00:01:54,881 --> 00:01:56,415 - I don't know. 53 00:01:56,417 --> 00:01:58,283 Room and board on top of tuition? 54 00:01:58,285 --> 00:02:00,418 I mean, where the hell's the money coming from? 55 00:02:00,420 --> 00:02:02,621 - This is exactly why I wanna get outta here! 56 00:02:02,623 --> 00:02:04,756 And stop snooping through my room! 57 00:02:07,027 --> 00:02:08,961 [footsteps recede, music plays quietly] 58 00:02:08,963 --> 00:02:10,696 - Can you, uh, drive me to the bank? 59 00:02:10,698 --> 00:02:13,498 I wanna get some bills before the rioting starts. 60 00:02:13,534 --> 00:02:15,099 [bedroom door bangs shut] 61 00:02:16,270 --> 00:02:18,770 - Overall, you did very well on your math tests. 62 00:02:18,772 --> 00:02:20,305 Especially you, ritchie. 63 00:02:20,307 --> 00:02:22,441 Hmm. 64 00:02:24,512 --> 00:02:26,811 Mark, could be worse. Barely. 65 00:02:26,881 --> 00:02:28,613 Report cards come out Friday, 66 00:02:28,682 --> 00:02:30,848 Followed by the school dance. 67 00:02:30,885 --> 00:02:34,118 Remember to leave room for the holy ghost while dancing. 68 00:02:34,155 --> 00:02:36,421 [student chuckles, bell rings] adult mark: The school dance! 69 00:02:36,423 --> 00:02:38,657 I had finally gotten up the nerve to ask fox, 70 00:02:38,726 --> 00:02:40,758 And the thought of it made my heart beat faster 71 00:02:40,794 --> 00:02:42,260 Than any gym class. 72 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:44,028 - Hey! Are you going to the dance? 73 00:02:44,064 --> 00:02:45,864 - I can't dance with girls. 74 00:02:45,999 --> 00:02:48,066 Or even be in the same room as girls dancin'. 75 00:02:48,068 --> 00:02:50,135 - [chuckles] well, it might be fun. 76 00:02:50,137 --> 00:02:52,303 Besides, you can go with me. 77 00:02:53,908 --> 00:02:55,740 Uh, fox? 78 00:02:55,809 --> 00:02:59,277 Uh, are you thinking of maybe pondering the idea of-- 79 00:02:59,346 --> 00:03:01,346 Sister margaret: Fox! 80 00:03:01,348 --> 00:03:03,881 May I speak with you for a moment? 81 00:03:03,918 --> 00:03:05,684 [indistinct chatter] 82 00:03:05,686 --> 00:03:07,151 - [sighs heavily] 83 00:03:09,857 --> 00:03:11,990 - And today's vocm question of the day: 84 00:03:12,026 --> 00:03:13,559 "do you believe predictions 85 00:03:13,694 --> 00:03:15,493 Of a possible collapse of the cod fishery?" 86 00:03:15,629 --> 00:03:17,328 Our lines are open. Your thoughts. 87 00:03:17,364 --> 00:03:18,964 Line one, you're on the air. 88 00:03:19,033 --> 00:03:20,499 Elderly lady: Mike? Hello? 89 00:03:20,634 --> 00:03:22,901 Is that you? [feedback squeals] - turn down your radio, caller. 90 00:03:22,903 --> 00:03:24,336 Elderly lady: Oh, I can't hear you, mike. 91 00:03:24,471 --> 00:03:26,171 I'm getting feedback from me radio. 92 00:03:26,240 --> 00:03:27,773 - Our question of the day: 93 00:03:27,908 --> 00:03:29,641 Do you believe predictions of an imminent collapse 94 00:03:29,677 --> 00:03:31,777 Of the cod fishery? Your thoughts. 95 00:03:31,779 --> 00:03:33,845 Elderly lady: I wanted to report me lost cat. 96 00:03:33,847 --> 00:03:35,313 - [whispers] turn it down. - [whispers] go! 97 00:03:35,382 --> 00:03:38,049 - She's a white tabby, with a big puffy-- 98 00:03:38,085 --> 00:03:39,918 [button clicks] will you get outta here? 99 00:03:40,053 --> 00:03:41,253 - Go to commercial. This is important. 100 00:03:41,388 --> 00:03:43,121 - More important than the vocm 101 00:03:43,190 --> 00:03:44,723 Question of the day, is it? 102 00:03:44,792 --> 00:03:46,858 Elderly lady: She answers to puss, but her name is jacinta. 103 00:03:46,994 --> 00:03:48,727 I put food out, but only got the hard 104 00:03:48,729 --> 00:03:50,829 And she likes the wet-- [button clicks] 105 00:03:50,964 --> 00:03:52,798 - We seem to have lost you, caller. 106 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:55,801 We'll be right back with your thoughts... After this. 107 00:03:55,803 --> 00:03:57,469 Commercial: At caul's funeral home, 108 00:03:57,538 --> 00:03:59,271 Your loved one is more than just a dead body-- 109 00:03:59,406 --> 00:04:01,306 [lowers volume] - this better be good! 110 00:04:01,308 --> 00:04:03,541 - Your career's gonna end in that funeral home, buddy. 111 00:04:03,543 --> 00:04:05,477 I just overheard the bosses in the bathroom. 112 00:04:05,479 --> 00:04:07,412 They never knew I was there. I was in the stall. 113 00:04:07,481 --> 00:04:09,147 Been having some trouble. 114 00:04:09,149 --> 00:04:10,715 Doctor says I need to lay off the dairy, 115 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:12,684 But you know how it is-- - will you get to the point?! 116 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:14,753 - They said, and I quote, "it's gonna be 117 00:04:14,755 --> 00:04:16,421 A whole new station. All music. No talk." 118 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:18,557 - No talk?! But I'm the "talk." 119 00:04:18,692 --> 00:04:20,225 Uh, somebody would've said something! 120 00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:21,760 - No, they're not gonna tell you! 121 00:04:21,762 --> 00:04:23,361 You're the first one they're gonna get rid of. 122 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:25,430 Not me. I know how to spin records. 123 00:04:25,432 --> 00:04:27,098 - Just because I don't spin records 124 00:04:27,167 --> 00:04:29,367 Doesn't mean my work here isn't valuable, dick. 125 00:04:29,436 --> 00:04:31,169 [button clicks] - and we're back! 126 00:04:31,171 --> 00:04:33,237 Line two, you're on the air! Our vocm question of the day: 127 00:04:33,274 --> 00:04:34,772 "will the cod fishery collapse?" 128 00:04:34,808 --> 00:04:36,508 Your thoughts? Caller: Mike! 129 00:04:36,577 --> 00:04:38,443 I think I found that lady's cat. 130 00:04:38,445 --> 00:04:40,312 I just said, "here, puss, puss" - [sighs] 131 00:04:40,314 --> 00:04:41,913 - And it came right up to me. 132 00:04:42,983 --> 00:04:44,683 ♪♪♪ 133 00:04:44,818 --> 00:04:46,051 - [gasps] 134 00:04:46,186 --> 00:04:47,652 - I need you to be my math tutor. 135 00:04:47,688 --> 00:04:49,253 - You want my help? 136 00:04:49,290 --> 00:04:50,756 - If I don't do the nun's stupid make-up test, 137 00:04:50,891 --> 00:04:52,791 Then I can't go to the dance. 138 00:04:52,860 --> 00:04:55,394 And if you tell anyone, I'm gonna kick your ass so hard 139 00:04:55,529 --> 00:04:57,995 You'll be tasting my sneakers all summer. 140 00:04:58,032 --> 00:05:00,865 - M'lady. - What'd you call me? 141 00:05:00,901 --> 00:05:03,068 - Nothing! Can we chat later? 142 00:05:03,137 --> 00:05:04,469 I could save you a seat on the bus. 143 00:05:04,538 --> 00:05:06,471 We could have a drink and a chin wag 144 00:05:06,473 --> 00:05:08,840 About the upcoming soiree? 145 00:05:08,842 --> 00:05:11,176 [juice sloshes] 146 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:12,944 - Leave me alone! 147 00:05:14,148 --> 00:05:16,081 [footsteps recede] 148 00:05:16,150 --> 00:05:19,051 - [sighs] hey, did she say if she was going to the dance? 149 00:05:20,520 --> 00:05:22,286 - [nervous gasps] 150 00:05:22,323 --> 00:05:23,521 [sucking up juice] 151 00:05:26,326 --> 00:05:28,025 I need to go to the toilet. 152 00:05:28,062 --> 00:05:29,528 Adult mark: I wasn't great at math, 153 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:31,763 But I knew when something wasn't adding up. 154 00:05:31,832 --> 00:05:33,598 [rock music plays loudly] 155 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:35,500 [door clicks open] 156 00:05:35,502 --> 00:05:37,235 - What're you listening to? 157 00:05:37,304 --> 00:05:39,170 - Okay, fine, I'll put headphones on. 158 00:05:39,206 --> 00:05:41,172 - What? No, no, no, no! I wanna hear that. 159 00:05:41,241 --> 00:05:44,910 Is this this, uh, duran fellow with the hungry wolf? 160 00:05:45,045 --> 00:05:46,745 - Here you go, mike. Nice and clean. 161 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:48,413 - Thanks. 162 00:05:48,548 --> 00:05:50,448 - Well, you know where you're not gonna get clean laundry 163 00:05:50,517 --> 00:05:52,250 Done for you, hmm? New brunswick. 164 00:05:52,319 --> 00:05:53,451 - Do you mind? We're talking music. 165 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:55,453 - Hey, can you guys get outta my room? 166 00:05:55,489 --> 00:05:57,255 I just wanna be alone. 167 00:05:57,257 --> 00:05:59,190 - Come and have a gander at your inheritance. 168 00:06:01,895 --> 00:06:04,262 - Ten dollars? - Ah, yes, now. 169 00:06:04,331 --> 00:06:06,998 But when they take these bills out of circulation, 170 00:06:07,067 --> 00:06:08,800 This could double in value! 171 00:06:09,936 --> 00:06:12,170 - So twenty dollars. 172 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:16,340 - Uh, can you lend me some change? 173 00:06:16,377 --> 00:06:17,809 I need to go down to the duke of duckworths. 174 00:06:17,878 --> 00:06:20,144 - You got $10 dollars! - I can't touch that! 175 00:06:20,180 --> 00:06:21,546 That's an investment! - Oh, sweet jesus, 176 00:06:21,548 --> 00:06:23,281 Will you stop fightin'! 177 00:06:23,417 --> 00:06:25,150 Any wonder he wants to move away, right, mike? 178 00:06:25,219 --> 00:06:26,918 Little bugger. 179 00:06:27,054 --> 00:06:29,020 Kids: [indistinct chatter and laughter] 180 00:06:29,056 --> 00:06:32,691 - So if 3x + 1 = 16, 181 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:34,525 How do we solve for x? 182 00:06:38,298 --> 00:06:40,965 [loud snap] - [frustrated sigh] 183 00:06:40,967 --> 00:06:42,700 That pencil was strawberry sniff! 184 00:06:42,836 --> 00:06:45,336 - Screw it. My brothers all repeated grades. 185 00:06:45,372 --> 00:06:47,706 Makes sense. I'm stupid too. 186 00:06:47,841 --> 00:06:50,041 - You're not failing because you're stupid. 187 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:52,243 You're failing because you're not trying! 188 00:06:52,279 --> 00:06:54,312 Trust me, you'll get it. 189 00:06:54,448 --> 00:06:56,481 Just don't give up, okay? 190 00:06:58,719 --> 00:07:00,418 - [sighs] 191 00:07:00,454 --> 00:07:02,320 [chair scrapes] 192 00:07:03,990 --> 00:07:05,924 ♪♪♪ 193 00:07:05,993 --> 00:07:08,125 Adult mark: Betrayed by the only person I knew 194 00:07:08,127 --> 00:07:10,128 Who was more of a geek than I was. 195 00:07:10,263 --> 00:07:11,663 She certainly had a type. 196 00:07:13,267 --> 00:07:14,666 - Well, isn't this romantic? [paper rustles] 197 00:07:14,735 --> 00:07:16,534 - Ew! Gross! 198 00:07:16,570 --> 00:07:18,402 - It's not what you think. The truth-- 199 00:07:18,439 --> 00:07:21,138 - Is none of his business. Leave us alone! 200 00:07:22,342 --> 00:07:23,741 - Fine. 201 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:25,610 But you can forget about going to the dance together, 202 00:07:25,612 --> 00:07:27,612 'cause I'm not going anymore. 203 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:29,247 [huffs] 204 00:07:29,316 --> 00:07:31,016 - You never asked me to the dance. 205 00:07:31,151 --> 00:07:33,284 - He was talking to me. 206 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:38,823 [record jacket squeaks] 207 00:07:38,892 --> 00:07:41,226 - Hey, dick, have you got a minute? 208 00:07:41,361 --> 00:07:44,296 Good god! You were right! 209 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,598 - Told ya. You're toast. - I can't lose this job. 210 00:07:46,600 --> 00:07:48,833 Young mike's talking about university. 211 00:07:48,836 --> 00:07:50,735 - Don't forget you live in a company house. 212 00:07:50,737 --> 00:07:52,970 You get fired, you're homeless, too. 213 00:07:53,006 --> 00:07:55,707 You wanna work? You're gonna have to learn to spin records. 214 00:07:55,842 --> 00:07:59,010 I was gonna dj the school dance. Why don't you do it? 215 00:07:59,145 --> 00:08:01,313 Better to make your mistake in front of nobody who matters. 216 00:08:01,448 --> 00:08:03,114 - That's my son's dance. - Yes, 217 00:08:03,150 --> 00:08:05,283 But your son already knows you're a... 218 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:08,152 Great guy. 219 00:08:10,957 --> 00:08:13,859 Remember, no elevator music! Just hits! 220 00:08:13,994 --> 00:08:16,294 [drawer scrapes shut] pop: Where did it go? 221 00:08:16,296 --> 00:08:19,397 I left my money on the dresser last night. 222 00:08:19,466 --> 00:08:20,932 Good god. 223 00:08:22,736 --> 00:08:24,703 I've lost one of my dollar bills. 224 00:08:24,705 --> 00:08:26,604 Have you seen it? - No. 225 00:08:26,673 --> 00:08:28,874 - Well, it didn't just fly away. 226 00:08:29,009 --> 00:08:31,609 If I was to look in there, would I find it? 227 00:08:31,645 --> 00:08:33,945 - Of course not! Wait, what? What're you doing? 228 00:08:34,080 --> 00:08:35,947 - [grunts] hmm... - Pop! 229 00:08:35,983 --> 00:08:37,615 - Well, it must be somewhere? - I-I... 230 00:08:37,684 --> 00:08:40,285 - Oh, well, I don't see it. What about your pocket? 231 00:08:40,287 --> 00:08:41,953 - No! No! - Let me look in your pocket! 232 00:08:41,989 --> 00:08:43,989 - Get off me! Get-- - ow! Come here! 233 00:08:43,991 --> 00:08:45,690 - I got it! [sprays] - what the hell is that?! 234 00:08:45,726 --> 00:08:47,559 - What is all this racket? 235 00:08:47,694 --> 00:08:49,627 - [coughs] oh, it's just-- - oh! 236 00:08:49,663 --> 00:08:52,630 - This house is too small! I need some privacy. 237 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:54,366 - When mike goes, I want his room! 238 00:08:54,368 --> 00:08:55,767 - Do you two know how lucky you are 239 00:08:55,902 --> 00:08:57,435 To have a roof over your head at all? 240 00:08:57,504 --> 00:08:58,970 - Mike! They're just skylarkin' is all. 241 00:08:58,972 --> 00:09:00,438 - Enough! - What's gotten into you? 242 00:09:00,507 --> 00:09:02,073 - Nothing is good enough for you crowd. 243 00:09:02,142 --> 00:09:04,242 You wanna go live with mike? Fine! [trunk clunks] 244 00:09:04,377 --> 00:09:06,545 You got it! Come on! - What're you doing? 245 00:09:06,680 --> 00:09:08,213 [bed drags] 246 00:09:08,348 --> 00:09:10,916 - If pop isn't mature enough to have a roommate, 247 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:12,784 Then you can go stay with your brother. Come on! 248 00:09:12,919 --> 00:09:14,819 - Uh... Wait! What? [bed drags] 249 00:09:16,690 --> 00:09:19,290 [crickets chirp, dog barks in the distance] 250 00:09:22,195 --> 00:09:24,129 Mike? You up? 251 00:09:27,334 --> 00:09:29,267 [light clicks on] 252 00:09:31,038 --> 00:09:33,204 Mike? You up? 253 00:09:33,206 --> 00:09:35,340 - [sighs] 254 00:09:35,475 --> 00:09:37,141 What do you want? 255 00:09:38,779 --> 00:09:40,978 - I think I like this girl... 256 00:09:42,282 --> 00:09:44,482 Who ritchie likes, 257 00:09:45,586 --> 00:09:47,151 And she likes ritchie. 258 00:09:47,187 --> 00:09:48,953 And it was just-- [pillow thuds] 259 00:09:48,956 --> 00:09:50,622 - Go to sleep! 260 00:09:51,858 --> 00:09:53,625 Adult mark: The thing about change is, 261 00:09:53,627 --> 00:09:56,093 You don't know what you got till it's gone. 262 00:09:58,732 --> 00:10:00,765 [bed creaks] 263 00:10:03,904 --> 00:10:05,637 - [sighs heavily] 264 00:10:05,706 --> 00:10:07,505 [crow caws] 265 00:10:07,574 --> 00:10:13,444 ♪♪♪ 266 00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:19,050 ♪♪♪ 267 00:10:19,086 --> 00:10:20,719 - Marcus. 268 00:10:20,854 --> 00:10:22,454 - Grandfather. 269 00:10:22,589 --> 00:10:23,688 [lid clicks] 270 00:10:23,823 --> 00:10:25,523 [juice pours] - [spits] 271 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:28,726 [juice pours] - whoa! 272 00:10:29,763 --> 00:10:32,397 Going a bit heavy on that juice there, son. 273 00:10:32,399 --> 00:10:34,332 Rough day ahead? 274 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:36,600 - Bit of nerves about the dance. 275 00:10:36,637 --> 00:10:38,402 Not that you care, I'm sure. 276 00:10:38,438 --> 00:10:40,038 - Mm. 277 00:10:40,107 --> 00:10:43,074 - [gulps] mmm... - [sighs heavily] 278 00:10:43,209 --> 00:10:45,209 [glass clunks] - ah... 279 00:10:45,245 --> 00:10:47,345 [bill rustles and snaps] 280 00:10:50,784 --> 00:10:52,483 - There. - Well, 281 00:10:52,519 --> 00:10:54,219 I can't take one of your special dollars. 282 00:10:54,354 --> 00:10:56,454 - I want you to have it. 283 00:10:56,523 --> 00:10:58,490 - So I can save it? - No! 284 00:10:58,625 --> 00:11:00,491 I want you to live in the moment! 285 00:11:00,527 --> 00:11:04,362 Buy your girl a soft drink at the dance. 286 00:11:06,299 --> 00:11:08,232 - I can't dance. - What?! 287 00:11:08,301 --> 00:11:10,768 The critch men were always the best dancers. 288 00:11:12,839 --> 00:11:15,907 Listen, you get onto the dance floor, right? 289 00:11:15,909 --> 00:11:19,110 Your shoulders back, your spine over your ass, 290 00:11:19,245 --> 00:11:21,346 And put your hands down by your sides, 291 00:11:21,481 --> 00:11:23,114 And then you kick your feet out 292 00:11:23,116 --> 00:11:24,849 Like you're busting for a whiz. 293 00:11:24,851 --> 00:11:27,618 [hums "I'se the b'y"] 294 00:11:29,222 --> 00:11:31,189 - ♪ I'se the b'y who builds the boat ♪ 295 00:11:31,191 --> 00:11:33,058 ♪ and I'se the b'y who sails her ♪ 296 00:11:33,193 --> 00:11:34,793 ♪ I'se the b'y who catches the fish ♪ 297 00:11:34,928 --> 00:11:37,161 - Head up! Head up! - ♪ ...Home to liza 298 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:39,431 Adult mark: Pop was right. I had to live in the moment. 299 00:11:39,566 --> 00:11:41,666 The one good thing about living with mike 300 00:11:41,668 --> 00:11:43,201 Was I could raid his closet 301 00:11:43,203 --> 00:11:45,503 For all the latest clothes from le chateau. 302 00:11:45,572 --> 00:11:47,305 If I was going to win fox back, 303 00:11:47,307 --> 00:11:49,474 I had to be the me I could be. 304 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:52,009 I had to be... My brother. 305 00:11:52,045 --> 00:11:55,947 [huey lewis and the news: "hip to be square"] 306 00:11:57,951 --> 00:11:59,483 [banging on door] 307 00:11:59,519 --> 00:12:01,085 - Hey, mark, come on! Let's hurry it up! 308 00:12:01,154 --> 00:12:02,486 [banging on door] 309 00:12:02,522 --> 00:12:06,091 Mark, come on, man, I'm dying out here. 310 00:12:06,226 --> 00:12:08,692 ♪ I used to be a renegade 311 00:12:10,029 --> 00:12:12,129 ♪ I used to fool around 312 00:12:13,333 --> 00:12:16,267 ♪ but I couldn't take the punishment ♪ 313 00:12:16,402 --> 00:12:19,236 ♪ and had to settle down 314 00:12:20,373 --> 00:12:23,074 ♪ now I'm playin' it real straight ♪ 315 00:12:23,209 --> 00:12:26,677 ♪ and yes, I cut my hair 316 00:12:26,747 --> 00:12:28,179 ♪ you might think I'm crazy ♪ 317 00:12:28,314 --> 00:12:29,914 ♪ but I don't even care [banging on door] 318 00:12:30,049 --> 00:12:32,249 ♪ because I can tell what's going on ♪ 319 00:12:32,285 --> 00:12:34,518 - Mark! Did you fall in again? [doorknob squeaks] 320 00:12:34,520 --> 00:12:37,121 Adult mark: Like a caterpillar emerging from his cocoon, 321 00:12:37,124 --> 00:12:39,991 The boy had become... A man! 322 00:12:40,060 --> 00:12:41,893 - That's my shirt, you little dick! 323 00:12:41,895 --> 00:12:43,861 And you got blood on it?! - Hey! 324 00:12:43,897 --> 00:12:46,497 - Good god! When they talk about "hitting puberty" 325 00:12:46,566 --> 00:12:48,366 They don't mean with a hammer. 326 00:12:48,368 --> 00:12:50,969 - I think you're the most handsome man I've ever saw. 327 00:12:51,104 --> 00:12:53,938 Right, mike? - Ah... Yes! 328 00:12:53,974 --> 00:12:56,307 You look very uh... 329 00:12:56,442 --> 00:12:57,809 Good god. 330 00:12:57,811 --> 00:12:59,544 The boy is melting. 331 00:13:01,815 --> 00:13:04,015 Uh, you look... It'll be fine. 332 00:13:04,084 --> 00:13:06,384 ♪ there is no denying that... 333 00:13:06,453 --> 00:13:07,885 ♪ it's hip to be square 334 00:13:07,921 --> 00:13:09,753 ♪♪♪ 335 00:13:13,260 --> 00:13:14,859 [indistinct chatter] - [taps mic] 336 00:13:14,994 --> 00:13:17,495 - [clears throat] welcome to the dance, children. 337 00:13:17,497 --> 00:13:19,030 [low hum of chatter] 338 00:13:19,032 --> 00:13:22,033 Have fun, but remember this is still a school, 339 00:13:22,102 --> 00:13:23,835 So be respectful. 340 00:13:23,970 --> 00:13:25,636 - Yes, sister, 341 00:13:25,672 --> 00:13:28,973 I know these children are filled with urges. 342 00:13:29,108 --> 00:13:30,842 I expect that you dance 343 00:13:30,977 --> 00:13:34,512 Like young ladies and gentlemen, 344 00:13:34,647 --> 00:13:36,981 And not like two sticks 345 00:13:36,983 --> 00:13:38,983 Rubbing up against each other 346 00:13:39,019 --> 00:13:41,151 In the hopes of starting a fire. 347 00:13:41,188 --> 00:13:44,255 For if you do, the fire you start 348 00:13:44,390 --> 00:13:46,658 Will surely burn your soul 349 00:13:46,793 --> 00:13:49,727 For eternity... In hell. 350 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:54,465 [amplified thud] 351 00:13:54,501 --> 00:13:56,601 - Well, isn't that lovely? 352 00:13:56,603 --> 00:13:58,670 [clears throat] mister critch. 353 00:13:58,805 --> 00:14:01,805 - Ah. Uh, thank you, sister. 354 00:14:01,842 --> 00:14:04,475 Uh, this tune is called, uh, "patio lanterns" 355 00:14:04,544 --> 00:14:05,877 By kim mitchell. 356 00:14:07,080 --> 00:14:09,480 Apparently, he - or she - 357 00:14:09,549 --> 00:14:11,348 Is climbing the charts 358 00:14:11,384 --> 00:14:14,219 With his - or her - uh, hit single. 359 00:14:14,354 --> 00:14:16,420 Mike critch, reporting. 360 00:14:16,489 --> 00:14:18,956 [kim mitchell: "patio lanterns"] 361 00:14:19,025 --> 00:14:22,693 ♪ our house had the biggest patio ♪ 362 00:14:22,729 --> 00:14:26,630 ♪ our house had all the summer shade ♪ 363 00:14:28,768 --> 00:14:31,468 ♪ we had patio lanterns 364 00:14:32,539 --> 00:14:34,705 - Hey! - Hey. 365 00:14:37,844 --> 00:14:39,510 - You still haven't opened it? 366 00:14:39,512 --> 00:14:41,178 - You look for me. Please. 367 00:14:42,549 --> 00:14:44,048 [report card rustles] - I thought you weren't coming. 368 00:14:44,183 --> 00:14:45,983 - Well, I wasn't going to, but my friends were like, 369 00:14:46,052 --> 00:14:48,719 "mark, you gotta come. It won't be fun without you." 370 00:14:49,756 --> 00:14:51,655 Look, I'd love to stay and chat, 371 00:14:51,691 --> 00:14:53,991 But I have to go cut a rug, as they say. 372 00:14:54,060 --> 00:14:55,793 ♪ who was gonna be 373 00:14:55,862 --> 00:14:57,428 ♪ who would be the first to kiss ♪ 374 00:14:57,430 --> 00:15:00,164 - Now, don't be disappointed. You got a d. 375 00:15:00,300 --> 00:15:02,466 - A "d"? 376 00:15:03,736 --> 00:15:05,202 I got a d! 377 00:15:06,506 --> 00:15:08,005 ♪♪♪ 378 00:15:08,041 --> 00:15:10,408 ♪ those patio lanterns 379 00:15:10,410 --> 00:15:13,544 ♪ they were the stars in the sky ♪ 380 00:15:14,948 --> 00:15:16,680 Mike sr.: [over mic] mark? Mark. 381 00:15:16,716 --> 00:15:19,817 ♪ those patio lanterns, lighting up our lives ♪ 382 00:15:19,886 --> 00:15:21,986 I don't know what's going on with your hair, 383 00:15:22,121 --> 00:15:24,155 Or your trousers. 384 00:15:24,224 --> 00:15:26,624 But here's what I do know: You can't go through life 385 00:15:26,693 --> 00:15:28,492 Pretending to be someone you're not, 386 00:15:28,528 --> 00:15:30,561 Just to impress a bunch of people. 387 00:15:30,563 --> 00:15:32,296 Hang on a sec. 388 00:15:32,365 --> 00:15:34,765 Okay, cats and kittens, 389 00:15:34,801 --> 00:15:38,303 Apparently "we're not gonna take it anymore." 390 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:41,639 So let's fight the power, with the twisted sister, 391 00:15:41,708 --> 00:15:43,507 - Oh my god... - Whom, I'm told, 392 00:15:43,543 --> 00:15:46,043 Are not nuns, but men. 393 00:15:46,079 --> 00:15:48,245 Adult mark: Being on the outs with fox and ritchie 394 00:15:48,315 --> 00:15:50,648 Made me realize just how alone I had been 395 00:15:50,650 --> 00:15:52,383 Before I'd met them. 396 00:15:52,518 --> 00:15:54,953 ♪ we're not gonna take it 397 00:15:55,088 --> 00:15:56,788 ♪ oh no, 398 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:58,322 - We got somethin' to tell ya. - I know! 399 00:15:58,391 --> 00:16:01,592 Look, I hate fighting, so if you guys are dating, 400 00:16:01,661 --> 00:16:04,395 Then I... I guess I'm happy for you 401 00:16:04,431 --> 00:16:06,164 And I just wanna be friends again, okay? 402 00:16:06,299 --> 00:16:08,866 - [snorts] no, we've been studying, doofus! 403 00:16:08,902 --> 00:16:10,735 Ritchie helped me pass algebra. 404 00:16:10,737 --> 00:16:13,337 See? I got a d! 405 00:16:13,406 --> 00:16:15,173 I gotta go rub this in my brother's face. 406 00:16:15,175 --> 00:16:17,008 He did grade seven like three times! 407 00:16:17,143 --> 00:16:19,610 ♪ this is our song 408 00:16:19,646 --> 00:16:22,480 - Sorry. I wanted to tell you, 409 00:16:22,615 --> 00:16:24,715 But she would have murdered me. 410 00:16:25,752 --> 00:16:27,618 - She still likes you more. 411 00:16:27,620 --> 00:16:29,687 That's why she asked for your help, instead of mine. 412 00:16:29,756 --> 00:16:33,224 - She asked me because she doesn't like me like that. 413 00:16:34,560 --> 00:16:37,628 She actually cares what you think of her. 414 00:16:37,697 --> 00:16:40,831 ♪ oh no, we ain't gonna take it ♪ 415 00:16:40,867 --> 00:16:43,367 ♪ we're not gonna take it anymore ♪ 416 00:16:43,436 --> 00:16:45,103 - Thanks. 417 00:16:45,105 --> 00:16:48,773 ♪♪♪ 418 00:16:48,842 --> 00:16:50,241 Adult mark: I had a request, 419 00:16:50,376 --> 00:16:53,277 And luckily, I had an in with the dj. 420 00:16:55,482 --> 00:16:56,781 [record scratches] 421 00:16:56,916 --> 00:16:58,182 - Attention, students. 422 00:16:58,317 --> 00:17:00,784 I've been told to play only hit music. 423 00:17:00,820 --> 00:17:04,221 Well, I may not be hip to today's jive, 424 00:17:04,223 --> 00:17:07,458 But I do know good music when I hear it. 425 00:17:07,494 --> 00:17:10,994 So, from the good morning vietnam soundtrack, 426 00:17:11,031 --> 00:17:13,864 Here's a hit that even I can dance to. 427 00:17:15,802 --> 00:17:18,636 [louis armstrong: "what a wonderful world"] 428 00:17:18,705 --> 00:17:21,405 ♪♪♪ 429 00:17:21,474 --> 00:17:24,274 ♪ I see trees so green 430 00:17:25,412 --> 00:17:28,879 ♪ red roses too 431 00:17:28,915 --> 00:17:31,148 - Dick told me everything. 432 00:17:31,284 --> 00:17:33,885 - Uh, mary, I'm sorry, but we'll find another house. 433 00:17:34,020 --> 00:17:36,054 - And I know that dick is an idiot, 434 00:17:36,189 --> 00:17:38,622 So I called your boss 435 00:17:39,893 --> 00:17:42,160 And he told me that they're not changing the station. 436 00:17:42,295 --> 00:17:44,962 They're adding an fm station. 437 00:17:45,098 --> 00:17:47,564 You're not being replaced. - [sigh of relief] 438 00:17:47,600 --> 00:17:50,101 I'm not? - No, mike. 439 00:17:50,170 --> 00:17:52,503 You're irreplaceable. 440 00:17:52,638 --> 00:17:55,506 ♪ and clouds so white 441 00:17:55,641 --> 00:17:58,843 ♪ the bright blessed day 442 00:17:58,845 --> 00:18:00,711 ♪ the dark sacred night 443 00:18:02,248 --> 00:18:05,149 ♪ and I think to myself 444 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:08,786 - Hey. - Hey. 445 00:18:08,855 --> 00:18:11,188 - Congratulations on the d. That's great. 446 00:18:11,224 --> 00:18:14,392 - It's okay. - It's more than okay. 447 00:18:14,394 --> 00:18:16,094 I mean, if you weren't in my class next year, I'd... 448 00:18:16,229 --> 00:18:18,463 ♪ the colours of the rainbow 449 00:18:18,598 --> 00:18:20,864 ♪ so pretty... - Congratulations. 450 00:18:20,900 --> 00:18:22,399 - Thanks. 451 00:18:22,435 --> 00:18:24,501 [chuckles] weirdo. 452 00:18:25,572 --> 00:18:27,505 ♪ are people going by 453 00:18:27,574 --> 00:18:29,640 - Uh... I was just wondering, 454 00:18:29,775 --> 00:18:31,675 Maybe if you wanted to-- - here. 455 00:18:31,711 --> 00:18:33,911 ♪ saying how do you do 456 00:18:35,248 --> 00:18:36,880 - I thought you liked it? 457 00:18:37,016 --> 00:18:39,483 - Trust me, you're gonna need it this summer, 458 00:18:39,552 --> 00:18:42,887 Out there all alone in your weird house. 459 00:18:42,956 --> 00:18:44,555 [chuckles] 460 00:18:44,557 --> 00:18:46,223 - Thanks. 461 00:18:46,359 --> 00:18:48,559 ♪ I watch them grow 462 00:18:50,496 --> 00:18:52,763 [feet scuff] 463 00:18:52,765 --> 00:18:54,765 ♪ then I'll ever know 464 00:18:54,834 --> 00:18:56,266 - Check out my moves! 465 00:18:56,302 --> 00:18:59,237 - [laughs] that's dead easy. Watch! 466 00:18:59,372 --> 00:19:02,039 Ugh! [giggles] here. You try. 467 00:19:02,108 --> 00:19:03,574 - Okay. 468 00:19:03,576 --> 00:19:06,043 ♪♪♪ 469 00:19:06,079 --> 00:19:07,578 - Okay, yeah. - There's also another move 470 00:19:07,713 --> 00:19:09,446 My pop taught me. [inhales sharply] 471 00:19:09,482 --> 00:19:11,849 Arms down. 472 00:19:11,851 --> 00:19:14,519 [feet tap lightly] 473 00:19:14,654 --> 00:19:16,854 ♪ what a wonderful world 474 00:19:16,989 --> 00:19:18,989 - What's this called? - I do not know, 475 00:19:19,025 --> 00:19:20,390 But you sometimes put your hands like that. 476 00:19:20,426 --> 00:19:22,793 Adult mark: No slow dance. No kiss. 477 00:19:22,862 --> 00:19:24,528 I may not have had a girlfriend, 478 00:19:24,597 --> 00:19:26,730 But I did have great friends. 479 00:19:26,799 --> 00:19:28,199 [indistinct chatter] 480 00:19:28,201 --> 00:19:29,934 [door clicks open] 481 00:19:30,069 --> 00:19:31,335 - Dad! Come on! - I know, I know, 482 00:19:31,470 --> 00:19:33,037 I'll just be a minute. 483 00:19:33,172 --> 00:19:35,005 Look, uh, money's been tight lately-- 484 00:19:35,041 --> 00:19:37,541 - I know. School was a... Dumb idea. 485 00:19:37,544 --> 00:19:39,343 - No, no. Listen. 486 00:19:39,478 --> 00:19:41,546 We were just talking and uh... 487 00:19:41,681 --> 00:19:43,814 I think we can make it work. 488 00:19:43,816 --> 00:19:45,249 - Really? 489 00:19:45,318 --> 00:19:47,351 - Yeah. 490 00:19:47,387 --> 00:19:49,353 - [laughs excitedly] 491 00:19:49,488 --> 00:19:51,889 - Oh! [light pats] 492 00:19:52,024 --> 00:19:55,292 - [sniffs] oh my... 493 00:19:56,562 --> 00:19:58,562 I'm gonna miss you somethin' shockin'. 494 00:19:58,565 --> 00:20:01,032 Hmm. [sniffling] 495 00:20:01,167 --> 00:20:03,200 Adult mark: Change can be a good thing. 496 00:20:03,203 --> 00:20:05,035 It can make you appreciate the little things 497 00:20:05,071 --> 00:20:06,803 You took for granted. 498 00:20:08,208 --> 00:20:10,774 Maybe my life hadn't changed much, 499 00:20:10,810 --> 00:20:12,376 But I had. 500 00:20:14,180 --> 00:20:16,280 ♪ what's down the road 501 00:20:17,984 --> 00:20:19,650 I used to hate the school bus 502 00:20:19,785 --> 00:20:22,185 Because it took me away from home. 503 00:20:22,222 --> 00:20:24,688 But now, it was my lifeline. 504 00:20:24,724 --> 00:20:27,258 I faced a long summer alone, 505 00:20:28,394 --> 00:20:30,127 And I couldn't help but worry 506 00:20:30,196 --> 00:20:31,862 That my friends would forget all about me. 507 00:20:31,864 --> 00:20:35,332 ♪ no matter where we roam 508 00:20:35,368 --> 00:20:39,003 ♪ you'll never be alone 509 00:20:41,007 --> 00:20:43,274 ♪ just come with me 510 00:20:43,409 --> 00:20:46,277 ♪ and you will see 511 00:20:46,412 --> 00:20:49,980 ♪ that we will always be... 512 00:20:51,884 --> 00:20:53,417 [tape rattles] 513 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:55,152 ♪ home 514 00:20:58,224 --> 00:20:59,757 [tape snaps into place] 515 00:21:03,229 --> 00:21:04,361 [play button clicks] 516 00:21:04,497 --> 00:21:07,898 ♪ 'cause I wonder where you are ♪ 517 00:21:07,967 --> 00:21:11,302 ♪ I wonder if you think about me ♪ 518 00:21:11,371 --> 00:21:14,171 ♪ once upon a time 519 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:16,707 ♪ in your wildest dreams 520 00:21:16,743 --> 00:21:21,445 ♪♪♪ 521 00:21:23,449 --> 00:21:30,321 ♪♪♪ 522 00:21:30,456 --> 00:21:37,394 ♪♪♪ 523 00:21:37,530 --> 00:21:44,401 ♪♪♪ 524 00:21:44,437 --> 00:21:51,342 ♪♪♪