1 00:00:01,168 --> 00:00:03,868 (truck rumbles loudly, horn blasts) 2 00:00:05,840 --> 00:00:07,239 Adult mark: They say breakfast 3 00:00:07,374 --> 00:00:09,508 Is the most important meal of the day, 4 00:00:09,510 --> 00:00:12,444 But seeing how the median age in our house was 68, 5 00:00:12,579 --> 00:00:14,913 Our breakfast of champions was pills. 6 00:00:17,184 --> 00:00:19,951 Pop: Oh. (pills rattle) 7 00:00:19,987 --> 00:00:22,187 Blues before yellows. 8 00:00:22,189 --> 00:00:25,858 Yellows and reds before pinks, and then whites. 9 00:00:25,860 --> 00:00:28,393 - No. Yellow and red, then blue. 10 00:00:28,429 --> 00:00:30,262 Pink one after you eat. 11 00:00:30,264 --> 00:00:33,131 White ones are for mark. - (heavy exhale) jesus. 12 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:35,467 Adult mark: Pop didn't have much faith in pills. 13 00:00:35,536 --> 00:00:37,936 He preferred the home remedies he grew up with. 14 00:00:38,005 --> 00:00:39,471 - (burps and sighs) 15 00:00:39,507 --> 00:00:41,406 - (gasping) 16 00:00:41,408 --> 00:00:43,475 - Asthma's not real. 17 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:46,912 What you need is a bread poultice. Here. 18 00:00:46,914 --> 00:00:48,746 Adult mark: Ah, the bread poultice. 19 00:00:48,783 --> 00:00:50,215 Pop's answer to every ailment 20 00:00:50,251 --> 00:00:52,350 From hangnail to gunshot wound. 21 00:00:52,420 --> 00:00:54,553 Once hardened, it would supposedly 22 00:00:54,555 --> 00:00:56,187 Draw out the sickness. 23 00:00:56,223 --> 00:00:57,956 - (licks) ooh! 24 00:00:57,958 --> 00:01:00,024 Ooh, that would be lovely with a nice cup of tea. 25 00:01:00,061 --> 00:01:01,293 Hmm. 26 00:01:01,428 --> 00:01:03,228 Adult mark: Mostly it just ruined your shirt. 27 00:01:03,230 --> 00:01:05,464 (grossed out) eh. 28 00:01:05,466 --> 00:01:07,633 - They don't work by starin' at 'em. 29 00:01:07,635 --> 00:01:09,568 - Well, how do we know they work at all? 30 00:01:09,570 --> 00:01:11,570 - 'cause I'm still looking at your hoary mug. 31 00:01:11,572 --> 00:01:13,305 - Hmm. - Uh, mary? - Hmm? 32 00:01:13,440 --> 00:01:15,841 - Can I talk to you about the door for a minute? 33 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:17,576 (footsteps recede) 34 00:01:19,112 --> 00:01:20,812 Are you sure you don't want me to come with ya 35 00:01:20,881 --> 00:01:22,247 To the hospital-- - oh, shh-shh-shh! 36 00:01:22,283 --> 00:01:24,182 (hushed) I'll be fine. 37 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:26,318 Very routine operation, they said. 38 00:01:26,387 --> 00:01:28,220 Besides, the boys need you here. 39 00:01:28,355 --> 00:01:30,922 - Look, I'm not very good at this kinda thing, but... 40 00:01:30,958 --> 00:01:33,258 Come back to me in one piece. 41 00:01:34,395 --> 00:01:36,261 Well, you know, minus the piece 42 00:01:36,263 --> 00:01:38,497 They're gonna cut out o' ya or whatever. 43 00:01:38,499 --> 00:01:40,064 - I will do that. 44 00:01:40,101 --> 00:01:41,967 Adult mark: The old man was as smooth as sandpaper... 45 00:01:41,969 --> 00:01:43,669 - (small laugh) 46 00:01:43,671 --> 00:01:45,871 And half as comforting. 47 00:01:46,006 --> 00:01:47,272 Mary: Eat your breakfast now 48 00:01:47,341 --> 00:01:49,407 So you can take your pills that go with food. 49 00:01:49,477 --> 00:01:51,309 - What's going on? 50 00:01:51,311 --> 00:01:53,411 - Oh, it's nothin' to worry about, mark. 51 00:01:53,447 --> 00:01:55,380 I just have to go into the hospital is all. 52 00:01:55,516 --> 00:01:58,417 - Oh! Can I go with you! I love a good hospital visit. 53 00:01:58,419 --> 00:02:01,019 Who're we gonna see? Mm. Doesn't matter, 54 00:02:01,021 --> 00:02:02,721 I'll wear a suit either way. 55 00:02:02,790 --> 00:02:05,524 - No, mark, your mother's going in for a small surgery. 56 00:02:05,659 --> 00:02:07,359 (cupboard bangs shut) so, hey, you're lucky, 57 00:02:07,428 --> 00:02:09,895 You get to stay with me. Mary: (clears throat) 58 00:02:09,964 --> 00:02:11,930 - Mary, somebody's got to tell the boy. 59 00:02:13,701 --> 00:02:15,833 - Remember, the tall cans are for you crowd, 60 00:02:15,870 --> 00:02:18,370 The short ones are for the cat, hmm? 61 00:02:18,372 --> 00:02:21,506 - Are you dying? - Oh no, mark. No. 62 00:02:21,509 --> 00:02:23,642 Don't be foolish, hmm? 63 00:02:23,644 --> 00:02:25,444 Pop: Well, I'm dying, your father's dying, 64 00:02:25,446 --> 00:02:27,579 The cat's dying, the whole bloody house is dying, 65 00:02:27,615 --> 00:02:29,847 But your mother will outlive us all. 66 00:02:29,884 --> 00:02:32,384 (horn honks outside) taxi's here! 67 00:02:32,386 --> 00:02:34,319 - Wha-- uh, you're going right now?! 68 00:02:34,321 --> 00:02:36,054 You're not even dressed! 69 00:02:36,056 --> 00:02:38,022 - Ah, what do I need to be dressed for, hmm? 70 00:02:38,058 --> 00:02:40,158 Only gonna to be puttin' on a robe as soon as I get there. 71 00:02:41,862 --> 00:02:44,596 Oh, mark, you're a big boy now. 72 00:02:45,633 --> 00:02:47,599 Look, you're in charge, okay? 73 00:02:47,734 --> 00:02:49,601 Now you just keep an eye on everything here 74 00:02:49,670 --> 00:02:51,403 While I'm gone, 75 00:02:51,472 --> 00:02:54,072 And I'll come back fit as a fiddle. 76 00:02:54,208 --> 00:02:55,807 Give us a hug, huh? 77 00:02:55,943 --> 00:02:57,308 Yeah. 78 00:02:59,213 --> 00:03:00,645 You be a good boy. 79 00:03:01,815 --> 00:03:03,548 Adult mark: I was the man of the house now, 80 00:03:03,551 --> 00:03:05,617 But our house didn't need another man; 81 00:03:05,653 --> 00:03:07,352 It needed a mom. 82 00:03:07,421 --> 00:03:09,388 - Hey, we've got tinned spaghetti 83 00:03:09,523 --> 00:03:11,990 Or purr-fect feast. 84 00:03:12,059 --> 00:03:13,358 You know, with a name like that, 85 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:17,095 I am leaning purr-fect feast. 86 00:03:17,097 --> 00:03:20,531 ♪♪♪ 87 00:03:20,568 --> 00:03:24,102 ♪♪♪ 88 00:03:24,104 --> 00:03:25,270 - No. 89 00:03:25,405 --> 00:03:27,005 (indistinct chatter) 90 00:03:27,041 --> 00:03:28,473 Fox: Wanna know your fortune? 91 00:03:30,110 --> 00:03:32,844 - What's the point? We're all just gonna die anyway. 92 00:03:32,846 --> 00:03:35,447 - So... That's a no. 93 00:03:35,516 --> 00:03:37,949 What's your problem? 94 00:03:38,018 --> 00:03:40,586 - My mom's having surgery, but I don't know what kind. 95 00:03:40,721 --> 00:03:43,054 - You're so weird. How can you not know something like that? 96 00:03:43,090 --> 00:03:46,391 - They don't want me to worry, which makes me worried. 97 00:03:46,460 --> 00:03:49,127 Adult mark: I was used to hospitals and even wakes, 98 00:03:49,129 --> 00:03:51,930 But the thought of losing my mother terrified me. 99 00:03:52,065 --> 00:03:53,898 Not that my friends noticed. 100 00:03:53,968 --> 00:03:56,034 - Pick a colour. 101 00:03:56,103 --> 00:03:58,169 - Uh... Red. - R-e-d. 102 00:03:58,239 --> 00:04:00,371 Pick a number. 103 00:04:01,408 --> 00:04:04,409 - Four. - One, two, three, four. 104 00:04:04,411 --> 00:04:07,145 Now, read your fortune, dumbass. 105 00:04:07,147 --> 00:04:10,048 (paper rustles and crinkles) 106 00:04:10,117 --> 00:04:13,018 - "you're dead." ha! What does that mean? 107 00:04:14,088 --> 00:04:15,620 - If I catch you, 108 00:04:15,623 --> 00:04:17,522 Then you're gonna be the one in the hospital. 109 00:04:17,558 --> 00:04:19,424 Well? 110 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:21,225 - (nervous grunt) mark! 111 00:04:21,262 --> 00:04:22,894 Adult mark: I needed friends my own age. 112 00:04:23,030 --> 00:04:24,830 - (pensive exhale) - I needed pop. 113 00:04:24,832 --> 00:04:26,431 (pop hums along to a sea shanty on the radio) 114 00:04:26,433 --> 00:04:29,100 (sizzling) 115 00:04:29,169 --> 00:04:31,536 (door bangs shut) 116 00:04:32,906 --> 00:04:35,040 - Ugh! What stinks? - Mm-hmm! 117 00:04:35,175 --> 00:04:36,974 Supper. Ready. 118 00:04:37,011 --> 00:04:38,643 (chuckles to himself) 119 00:04:40,647 --> 00:04:42,614 Mark: Is that spaghetti in the cat bowl? 120 00:04:42,683 --> 00:04:45,083 - Mm-hmm. - Then what's in there? 121 00:04:45,218 --> 00:04:46,918 - Canmash. 122 00:04:46,987 --> 00:04:49,688 - What's that? - Well, go into the cupboard, 123 00:04:49,757 --> 00:04:51,523 Get all the cans I can, 124 00:04:51,592 --> 00:04:54,593 And mash 'em all together. Delicious! 125 00:04:54,728 --> 00:04:57,863 Ah, mike, here. Try that. 126 00:04:57,998 --> 00:04:59,997 - Ah, looks good, pop. - Yeah, yeah, good. 127 00:05:00,034 --> 00:05:02,200 Mm-hmm. - (eating sounds) 128 00:05:02,336 --> 00:05:04,202 - (horrified gasp) 129 00:05:04,204 --> 00:05:07,205 - How is it? Come on, one to ten. 130 00:05:07,207 --> 00:05:09,273 (eating noisily) - ten. 131 00:05:09,310 --> 00:05:11,076 Adult mark: The choices were clear: 132 00:05:11,211 --> 00:05:13,177 Starvation or food poisoning. 133 00:05:14,214 --> 00:05:15,947 (distant siren wail approaches) 134 00:05:17,851 --> 00:05:20,151 - Mm-hmm. All good, girl. 135 00:05:20,220 --> 00:05:21,820 - (relieved sigh) 136 00:05:21,889 --> 00:05:24,823 My goodness, connie, you have got a gentle touch. 137 00:05:24,825 --> 00:05:26,625 - (chuckles) - it's more like a spa 138 00:05:26,760 --> 00:05:28,894 Than a hospital 'round here. 139 00:05:28,896 --> 00:05:30,629 Sin to say, but... 140 00:05:30,764 --> 00:05:33,030 Sometimes it's nice to be away from the family. 141 00:05:33,167 --> 00:05:35,233 - Girl, I knows all too much about it. 142 00:05:35,369 --> 00:05:37,502 I got two boys, and that's enough. 143 00:05:37,637 --> 00:05:39,671 - Oh, I got the same. - Oh, really? 144 00:05:39,673 --> 00:05:41,573 - Mm. Truth be told though, 145 00:05:41,642 --> 00:05:43,709 The boys are not the hard part, it's the-- 146 00:05:43,844 --> 00:05:45,777 - The men? Hmm. - Yes. 147 00:05:45,813 --> 00:05:47,445 - I got one of them too. - Mm... 148 00:05:47,514 --> 00:05:49,381 Both: (chuckle) 149 00:05:49,383 --> 00:05:52,049 - Well, I suppose it'll all be okay. 150 00:05:52,086 --> 00:05:54,352 The worst part is they're just... 151 00:05:54,388 --> 00:05:56,121 Well, there isn't anyone I can really talk to 152 00:05:56,256 --> 00:05:57,688 About it at home, so... 153 00:05:59,960 --> 00:06:02,827 - It'll be okay, believe me. 154 00:06:04,198 --> 00:06:06,531 I knows all too much about it. 155 00:06:06,533 --> 00:06:08,866 - Yeah. Hmm. 156 00:06:08,902 --> 00:06:11,202 - Now you get to put your feet up for once! 157 00:06:11,271 --> 00:06:13,872 (cart rattles) - oh my... (gasps) 158 00:06:13,874 --> 00:06:16,340 Maclean's, chatelaine, owl - 159 00:06:16,377 --> 00:06:18,476 Mark loves that one. - Mm-hmm. 160 00:06:18,478 --> 00:06:20,478 - I think I'll go with chatelaine. 161 00:06:20,547 --> 00:06:23,682 - Proper damn thing! - Thank you. 162 00:06:23,684 --> 00:06:26,017 - Want a cup o' tea? - Oh yes, dear. 163 00:06:26,153 --> 00:06:28,085 Where's the kettle? - Oh, no. 164 00:06:28,122 --> 00:06:30,889 No, you lie down. Read your magazine. 165 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:32,424 - What? - I'll get it for ya. 166 00:06:32,559 --> 00:06:34,225 - Oh! 167 00:06:34,261 --> 00:06:35,894 Connie, I'm movin' in for good. 168 00:06:35,896 --> 00:06:37,496 - You're welcome to it. - (chuckles) 169 00:06:37,631 --> 00:06:39,564 Announcement: Dr. Patterson to the er, please. 170 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:41,299 That's dr. Patterson-- 171 00:06:41,435 --> 00:06:42,968 (rotary phone dial rattles) 172 00:06:43,103 --> 00:06:45,103 - Pop, ya gotta take your pills! 173 00:06:47,441 --> 00:06:49,174 (pill bottles rattle) 174 00:06:49,243 --> 00:06:51,742 - Hmph. Bloody drug pusher. 175 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:54,913 - Uh, mary critch's room, please? 176 00:06:54,915 --> 00:06:57,182 Pop: This is what I'm after. 177 00:06:57,317 --> 00:07:00,885 Mustard and bread. Can't beat it. 178 00:07:02,055 --> 00:07:03,655 Mike sr.: Hello, mary? Mary: (muffled) mark? 179 00:07:03,724 --> 00:07:05,390 - What? - Mark? 180 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:07,258 - Let me have that again. The line's very bad. 181 00:07:07,294 --> 00:07:08,893 - (muffled) what the frig? 182 00:07:08,929 --> 00:07:11,596 - You go under the knife at 9:00 a.M., you say? 183 00:07:11,598 --> 00:07:14,065 - My god! - Good god! 184 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:16,400 This line is terrible! 185 00:07:16,437 --> 00:07:17,936 I'm gonna have to call the phone company. 186 00:07:17,938 --> 00:07:19,738 I mean, what the hell am I paying for? 187 00:07:19,740 --> 00:07:22,007 - (indistinct comment) - what does dr. Fisher say? 188 00:07:22,142 --> 00:07:24,275 Adult mark: Kids overhear more than their parents think, 189 00:07:24,311 --> 00:07:26,744 Especially when everything they say is shouted. 190 00:07:26,780 --> 00:07:29,681 I listened to every word for a glimmer of truth. 191 00:07:29,816 --> 00:07:32,149 - A full hysterectomy? - I was a good bit surprised. 192 00:07:32,186 --> 00:07:33,952 (indistinct comment) - now don't worry about us. 193 00:07:33,954 --> 00:07:36,354 We have things well in hand. You just rest. 194 00:07:36,423 --> 00:07:38,289 (line goes quiet, plungers click) 195 00:07:38,358 --> 00:07:40,826 Hello?! Mary? Mary? Hello?! 196 00:07:42,896 --> 00:07:44,529 She's dead. - (gasps) 197 00:07:47,434 --> 00:07:49,634 - Uh, the line. The line's dead. 198 00:07:49,703 --> 00:07:51,903 Terrible line. (handset clunks loudly) 199 00:07:51,939 --> 00:07:54,906 That was your mother. She's having a wonderful time. 200 00:07:54,942 --> 00:07:57,275 (cat meows) 201 00:07:57,410 --> 00:07:59,444 Cat hasn't even touched her noodles. 202 00:07:59,513 --> 00:08:01,379 Puss! Puthy, puthy, puthy! 203 00:08:01,381 --> 00:08:03,982 Adult mark: Misty was our cat. She only appeared for feedings. 204 00:08:03,984 --> 00:08:06,450 Like everything in our house, she was old. 205 00:08:07,855 --> 00:08:10,388 Dad loved the cat almost as much as it hated him. 206 00:08:10,524 --> 00:08:12,357 (misty hisses) - agh! She's a bloody lynx! 207 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:14,226 Misty: (angry meow) 208 00:08:14,361 --> 00:08:15,826 Mike sr.: Goddamn cat. 209 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:20,598 - Pop? - Yes, sir. 210 00:08:21,802 --> 00:08:24,402 - Am I gonna have to have a hysternmectomy one day? 211 00:08:24,537 --> 00:08:26,270 - Mm. Maybe. 212 00:08:27,808 --> 00:08:30,275 Maybe not. 213 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:32,077 Probably not. 214 00:08:32,212 --> 00:08:33,978 - How do you know? 215 00:08:35,415 --> 00:08:40,285 - You know, sometimes a flower loses its petals... Mm. 216 00:08:41,488 --> 00:08:43,021 Mm... 217 00:08:43,090 --> 00:08:44,823 No pollen then. 218 00:08:44,958 --> 00:08:47,359 Bees come buzzin' around 219 00:08:47,361 --> 00:08:49,427 Lookin' for this, that and the other, 220 00:08:49,496 --> 00:08:52,430 But you're not gonna get stung by a bee, 221 00:08:52,432 --> 00:08:54,432 'cause if they sting you, 222 00:08:54,434 --> 00:08:57,268 Then they have to rip their own arse out. 223 00:08:57,337 --> 00:08:59,303 And if they rip their own arse out, 224 00:08:59,339 --> 00:09:01,172 Well, then... 225 00:09:01,174 --> 00:09:02,640 They just die. 226 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:05,977 That's what's wrong with your mother. 227 00:09:07,113 --> 00:09:08,980 More or less. Mm... 228 00:09:09,016 --> 00:09:11,315 Adult mark: I didn't know why pop needed all those pills, 229 00:09:11,351 --> 00:09:13,250 But it was becoming clear that he needed them 230 00:09:13,287 --> 00:09:15,320 More than the bread poultice. 231 00:09:15,455 --> 00:09:18,155 - Ah, they wouldn't let me in with flat feet. 232 00:09:19,726 --> 00:09:21,459 Oh... 233 00:09:21,528 --> 00:09:24,028 Those bouncing bombs... 234 00:09:25,299 --> 00:09:27,132 Amazing. 235 00:09:27,267 --> 00:09:30,135 Skip, skip, skip. 236 00:09:32,072 --> 00:09:33,871 Hit the dam, 237 00:09:33,907 --> 00:09:35,673 Sank, 238 00:09:35,742 --> 00:09:37,809 Boom. 239 00:09:37,944 --> 00:09:39,877 (chuckles) 240 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,946 Ah, the bastards. 241 00:09:41,949 --> 00:09:43,948 (grunts) 242 00:09:43,984 --> 00:09:45,583 - Pop? 243 00:09:45,586 --> 00:09:47,685 Did you take your pills? 244 00:09:47,754 --> 00:09:50,688 - Okay. 245 00:09:50,757 --> 00:09:53,491 Mm... - Night, pop. 246 00:09:54,895 --> 00:09:56,361 - Mm... 247 00:09:56,496 --> 00:09:57,928 Good cat. 248 00:10:00,033 --> 00:10:02,567 (dog barks in the distance, birds chirp) 249 00:10:02,569 --> 00:10:04,502 (kettle whistles) radio: And now mike critch 250 00:10:04,504 --> 00:10:06,771 With the vcom news! - Mike! You up? 251 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:09,841 Radio: Were called the scene... - Your bus'll be here soon. 252 00:10:10,911 --> 00:10:12,743 Radio: Two youths... - Mike?! 253 00:10:12,779 --> 00:10:14,612 - I'm gone. (front door shuts) 254 00:10:14,615 --> 00:10:16,915 - Oh, you give and you give, but they just don't care. 255 00:10:16,917 --> 00:10:19,050 Radio: They were disappointed with the fried chicken... 256 00:10:19,086 --> 00:10:20,919 (pill bottles rattle) - pop?! 257 00:10:22,356 --> 00:10:24,322 Pop?! 258 00:10:24,324 --> 00:10:26,390 Can no one answer me this morning?! 259 00:10:26,426 --> 00:10:28,392 Radio: The officers were able to follow... 260 00:10:28,428 --> 00:10:29,760 - Am I talking to thin air?! 261 00:10:31,198 --> 00:10:32,963 (pop grunts softly) pop? 262 00:10:35,001 --> 00:10:37,535 Pop! 263 00:10:37,537 --> 00:10:39,237 Pop! (pop grunts softly) 264 00:10:40,340 --> 00:10:42,940 Pop! - (grunts softly) 265 00:10:42,942 --> 00:10:44,809 - (grunts of effort) - (grunts softly) 266 00:10:44,845 --> 00:10:46,811 (running footsteps) 267 00:10:46,847 --> 00:10:49,214 (phone clatters, dial tone drones) 268 00:10:49,349 --> 00:10:50,748 (panting) 269 00:10:50,817 --> 00:10:53,350 (dial rattles) 270 00:10:53,387 --> 00:10:55,252 (line rings, pop grunts softly) 271 00:10:55,288 --> 00:10:57,588 (phone rings) 272 00:10:57,658 --> 00:11:00,692 - Drive safely. Arrive alive. Vocm news. Critch speaking. 273 00:11:00,694 --> 00:11:02,627 - It's pop! Come quick! It's pop. 274 00:11:02,629 --> 00:11:04,596 - Pop? My god, you sound more like mark. 275 00:11:04,731 --> 00:11:06,131 This is an awfully clear line. 276 00:11:06,133 --> 00:11:07,832 Gonna have to call the phone company, let 'em know. 277 00:11:07,834 --> 00:11:09,968 - I am mark! Pop's dead! Come home! 278 00:11:11,705 --> 00:11:13,104 (handset slams down, door bangs shut) 279 00:11:13,239 --> 00:11:14,906 Pop: Mm-hmm. (footsteps thud rapidly) 280 00:11:14,908 --> 00:11:17,041 - Oh god... 281 00:11:18,478 --> 00:11:20,244 - You think he's dead? 282 00:11:20,313 --> 00:11:22,580 - No, but... He's gone all yellow. 283 00:11:22,582 --> 00:11:24,115 - That's just the poultice. 284 00:11:24,250 --> 00:11:25,984 I think he stopped taking his pills. 285 00:11:25,986 --> 00:11:28,686 I'm too young to be in charge! First mom's gonna die, now pop. 286 00:11:29,990 --> 00:11:31,856 You shouldn't have left! 287 00:11:31,858 --> 00:11:33,824 And you shouldn't have let her go! 288 00:11:33,860 --> 00:11:35,793 - Mark! Enough. (breathing rapidly) 289 00:11:35,862 --> 00:11:37,662 Call 9-1-1. 290 00:11:37,731 --> 00:11:39,263 - You think we need an ambulance? 291 00:11:39,265 --> 00:11:40,999 - We need two. 292 00:11:41,001 --> 00:11:43,334 I'm having a heart attack. 293 00:11:43,336 --> 00:11:45,269 (running footsteps) 294 00:11:45,338 --> 00:11:47,072 - Don't worry, I'm getting help! 295 00:11:50,677 --> 00:11:52,010 (wheelchair creaks) 296 00:11:52,145 --> 00:11:54,179 - Thank you, connie, you're such a luv. 297 00:11:54,181 --> 00:11:56,614 (toilet flushes) - oh, hello, mary. 298 00:11:56,683 --> 00:11:58,750 - Jesus! (gasps) you nearly gave me a heart attack! 299 00:11:58,752 --> 00:12:00,451 (curtain rattles back) 300 00:12:00,454 --> 00:12:03,154 - Uh, well, mike already beat you to it. 301 00:12:03,156 --> 00:12:05,556 - Oh my god, are you okay? 302 00:12:05,625 --> 00:12:07,158 - Yes, I'm fine. 303 00:12:07,194 --> 00:12:09,060 I just had a touch of a heart attack. 304 00:12:09,129 --> 00:12:11,329 I got a bit startled when I found pop dead. 305 00:12:11,398 --> 00:12:13,497 - Uh, dea-- - I'm not dead! 306 00:12:13,533 --> 00:12:15,967 The doctor said I've got at least ten years left 307 00:12:15,969 --> 00:12:17,969 If I stop smoking. 308 00:12:17,971 --> 00:12:19,838 He put me down for five. 309 00:12:19,973 --> 00:12:21,940 - When's your surgery? - Oh. 310 00:12:21,942 --> 00:12:24,909 - She already had it, and she's doing well, but... 311 00:12:24,911 --> 00:12:26,911 You know, this isn't a legion bingo hall. 312 00:12:26,947 --> 00:12:28,846 Can everybody please just go back to their rooms? 313 00:12:28,915 --> 00:12:30,848 - It's fine, connie, I don't mind. 314 00:12:30,917 --> 00:12:32,383 Could you just give us a moment? 315 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,052 - Okay. 316 00:12:34,187 --> 00:12:37,188 (indistinct chatter, wheelchair creaks by) 317 00:12:37,224 --> 00:12:40,724 - I leave you arseholes alone for 36 hours 318 00:12:40,761 --> 00:12:43,127 And you wind up in the hospital?! 319 00:12:43,130 --> 00:12:44,896 Who is minding the boys? 320 00:12:44,965 --> 00:12:47,432 - You're the one put mark in charge. 321 00:12:47,434 --> 00:12:49,934 - Only good choice I made this weekend, apparently! 322 00:12:49,936 --> 00:12:53,004 Jesus this hurts! (pained grunt) 323 00:12:53,139 --> 00:12:55,673 (blows out her breath) - this is delicious. 324 00:12:55,675 --> 00:12:58,209 We should get this at home. 325 00:12:58,344 --> 00:13:00,344 (rock music plays, mike jr. And friends laugh) 326 00:13:00,413 --> 00:13:02,546 Mark: Everyone we hold dear is in hospital 327 00:13:02,548 --> 00:13:04,282 And you throw a party! 328 00:13:04,284 --> 00:13:05,950 Unbelievable. 329 00:13:05,986 --> 00:13:07,952 - There's two people. 330 00:13:07,954 --> 00:13:09,987 We-we're playing cards, get lost! 331 00:13:09,989 --> 00:13:13,057 - Hmph! Can't get lost in my own home now, can I? 332 00:13:13,059 --> 00:13:15,026 That's what this house is, by the way, 333 00:13:15,095 --> 00:13:16,961 A home. 334 00:13:16,963 --> 00:13:18,530 (sighs) 335 00:13:18,665 --> 00:13:20,564 Which we'll treat with respect, I imagine. 336 00:13:20,600 --> 00:13:22,233 (rock music plays) 337 00:13:22,368 --> 00:13:24,635 (sighs heavily, wrappers crinkle) 338 00:13:26,173 --> 00:13:28,439 Mike jr.: Hey! Put that down! It's a strobe light. 339 00:13:28,441 --> 00:13:31,242 We're gonna listen to some floyd when it gets dark 340 00:13:31,278 --> 00:13:33,244 And use it to trip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip. 341 00:13:33,280 --> 00:13:35,613 Friends: (laugh) 342 00:13:35,748 --> 00:13:37,916 Adult mark: My brother was practically turning our home 343 00:13:38,051 --> 00:13:39,984 Into an opium den. 344 00:13:41,054 --> 00:13:43,221 - Mark. Go. 345 00:13:46,860 --> 00:13:48,192 - Hmph! 346 00:13:48,228 --> 00:13:49,827 (rock music plays loudly) 347 00:13:51,464 --> 00:13:53,064 - (sighs) I've completely lost control. 348 00:13:53,199 --> 00:13:55,066 Mike's having a party. 349 00:13:55,135 --> 00:13:57,034 There's a musician here! 350 00:13:57,070 --> 00:13:59,003 - Cool! Can I come? 351 00:13:59,005 --> 00:14:01,272 - Ritchie, homework. 352 00:14:01,274 --> 00:14:03,007 - Ah! Mrs. Perez! 353 00:14:03,076 --> 00:14:04,876 How are you, ma'am? 354 00:14:04,878 --> 00:14:06,777 - I'm fine, mark. 355 00:14:06,847 --> 00:14:08,979 Ritchie needs to finish his homework. 356 00:14:09,015 --> 00:14:11,282 No phone. - 'kay. 357 00:14:11,351 --> 00:14:13,150 Mike jr.: (yells) come on! 358 00:14:13,186 --> 00:14:15,353 - There's the sober perspective I'm after. 359 00:14:15,422 --> 00:14:17,488 Good call, mrs. Perez. 360 00:14:17,624 --> 00:14:19,357 Without a firm hand at the wheel, 361 00:14:19,426 --> 00:14:21,158 It all comes crumbling down. 362 00:14:21,294 --> 00:14:22,993 - Thank you, mark. 363 00:14:23,029 --> 00:14:25,796 - No, (chuckles) thank you, mrs. Perez. 364 00:14:27,033 --> 00:14:29,033 (handset clicks) 365 00:14:29,102 --> 00:14:31,669 (handset clatters, mike and his friends laugh) 366 00:14:31,738 --> 00:14:33,537 (dial tone drones) - hello? 367 00:14:36,176 --> 00:14:38,709 (busy signal beeps) - (sighs) still busy. 368 00:14:38,778 --> 00:14:40,378 (handset clicks) my god, 369 00:14:40,447 --> 00:14:43,047 I can't even enjoy an operation to myself with you crowd. 370 00:14:43,049 --> 00:14:46,317 Pop: Uh, wait. Have you got many stitches? 371 00:14:46,319 --> 00:14:48,019 Because, you know, a bread poultice 372 00:14:48,154 --> 00:14:49,887 Will see you right. 373 00:14:49,890 --> 00:14:52,089 - You go away with your bay voodoo. 374 00:14:53,326 --> 00:14:56,261 Mike, you think that... Dick would look in on them? 375 00:14:56,396 --> 00:14:58,796 - Mike is 16 years old, 376 00:14:58,798 --> 00:15:00,731 And mark is older than I am. 377 00:15:00,800 --> 00:15:02,533 - You're just full of comfort, aren't ya? 378 00:15:02,602 --> 00:15:04,001 - (sucks teeth) 379 00:15:04,070 --> 00:15:05,637 - Jesus! 380 00:15:05,772 --> 00:15:09,807 - Fruit in syrup - gorgeous! 100 percent. 381 00:15:09,809 --> 00:15:11,409 (toast pops up, rock music plays) 382 00:15:11,411 --> 00:15:13,344 Adult mark: Like mrs. Perez, I came to realize 383 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:15,879 That someone had to put the "hold" in household. 384 00:15:15,916 --> 00:15:17,982 It was up to me to hold the fort. 385 00:15:18,117 --> 00:15:19,817 (mark hums to the music, mike's friends shout) 386 00:15:19,819 --> 00:15:21,486 When it came to cooking, 387 00:15:21,621 --> 00:15:23,988 I really put the boy in chef boyardee. 388 00:15:24,123 --> 00:15:26,090 (loud knock at the door) friend: What're ya doin'? 389 00:15:26,092 --> 00:15:28,359 - The door? Oh, good god! 390 00:15:28,395 --> 00:15:30,161 It's 6:30 at night! 391 00:15:30,230 --> 00:15:32,230 Mike jr.: Oh! I got it! 392 00:15:32,232 --> 00:15:34,765 Adult mark: In the '80s, certain cab companies 393 00:15:34,767 --> 00:15:36,768 Would deliver beer right to your door, 394 00:15:36,770 --> 00:15:38,302 No questions asked. 395 00:15:38,338 --> 00:15:40,238 - Yes! Thank you! Keep the change. 396 00:15:40,373 --> 00:15:42,006 (door bangs shut, beer bottles clink) 397 00:15:42,141 --> 00:15:44,308 - You bought beer? - Go back in the kitchen. 398 00:15:46,379 --> 00:15:47,845 - Good god! 399 00:15:48,949 --> 00:15:50,381 (kisses box, friend laughs) 400 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:52,583 - Let's see. - Let's go! 401 00:15:52,585 --> 00:15:54,452 - I don't believe you! 402 00:15:54,454 --> 00:15:56,721 You're going full belushi on me. 403 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:58,523 It's like... 404 00:15:58,525 --> 00:16:00,725 The chateau marmont in here. 405 00:16:00,860 --> 00:16:03,894 You don't even care about mom, or dad! Or pop-- 406 00:16:03,964 --> 00:16:06,197 - Hey, of course I'm worried about them, but... 407 00:16:06,199 --> 00:16:08,265 There's nothing I can do about it. 408 00:16:09,336 --> 00:16:11,502 And I'm not a bad guy, you know? 409 00:16:12,872 --> 00:16:15,139 This is why no one wants to hang out with you. 410 00:16:15,175 --> 00:16:17,308 (cap clatters) try being a kid for once. 411 00:16:18,478 --> 00:16:20,144 Adult mark: He was right. 412 00:16:20,146 --> 00:16:23,347 I was driving the only family I had left away from me. 413 00:16:24,484 --> 00:16:30,087 ♪♪♪ 414 00:16:30,156 --> 00:16:33,690 (strobe light clicks on and whirs) 415 00:16:33,727 --> 00:16:36,360 - Is that all it does? - Well, I think it's cool! 416 00:16:36,363 --> 00:16:38,262 Yeah! 417 00:16:38,331 --> 00:16:40,330 - I think it's kinda crap. 418 00:16:40,367 --> 00:16:42,066 - Trippy! 419 00:16:42,201 --> 00:16:44,168 Trip, trip. Come on! 420 00:16:44,170 --> 00:16:46,170 Come on! Trip! 421 00:16:46,172 --> 00:16:48,172 Adult mark: Mike wanted me to act my age, 422 00:16:48,241 --> 00:16:50,174 But I had never been my age before. 423 00:16:50,176 --> 00:16:52,476 - Trip, trip, trip, trip! 424 00:16:52,512 --> 00:16:54,812 (mark dances to the rock music playing) 425 00:16:54,814 --> 00:16:56,814 - Hey, that's too close. 426 00:16:56,850 --> 00:16:58,216 - Who's the party pooper now, huh? 427 00:16:58,218 --> 00:17:00,151 - Mark, that's too close! 428 00:17:00,286 --> 00:17:01,718 Adult mark: I don't suppose there's a good time 429 00:17:01,755 --> 00:17:03,720 To discover you're an epileptic... 430 00:17:03,757 --> 00:17:05,322 - (grunts) (heavy thud) 431 00:17:05,392 --> 00:17:07,991 - Mark! - (grunting) 432 00:17:09,596 --> 00:17:12,496 Adult mark: But this had to be one of the worst. 433 00:17:15,401 --> 00:17:17,068 P strums) 434 00:17:17,070 --> 00:17:19,604 - (echoey) mark, honey, are you okay? 435 00:17:20,973 --> 00:17:23,608 - Uh... Where am I? 436 00:17:23,610 --> 00:17:25,376 Who are you? 437 00:17:25,378 --> 00:17:27,278 - (echoey) god, he doesn't even know us. 438 00:17:27,347 --> 00:17:29,447 Mark, it's mom! 439 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:31,248 Adult mark: I woke up after my seizure 440 00:17:31,250 --> 00:17:33,150 Like dorothy after the tornado. 441 00:17:33,219 --> 00:17:35,286 My brain was fried. 442 00:17:35,288 --> 00:17:38,289 - Are ya on drugs? Huh? What is it? 443 00:17:38,424 --> 00:17:41,425 The reefer? Smack? Acid? 444 00:17:41,461 --> 00:17:43,561 (angelic harp strums) 445 00:17:43,630 --> 00:17:45,496 - The doctor said it's epilepsy. 446 00:17:45,532 --> 00:17:47,432 He had a seizure, that's all. 447 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:50,168 - Allergic to flashing lights? Foolishness! 448 00:17:50,303 --> 00:17:53,304 What you need is a bread poultice. 449 00:17:53,439 --> 00:17:56,240 (angelic harp strums) 450 00:17:56,309 --> 00:17:58,743 Mary: Excuse me, connie? 451 00:17:58,745 --> 00:18:00,678 I need to be discharged right away. 452 00:18:00,747 --> 00:18:04,248 - But, mary, you're supposed to stay for one more night. 453 00:18:04,250 --> 00:18:06,184 - I know, girl, but the only way 454 00:18:06,319 --> 00:18:08,252 I'm gonna get any peace tonight is if I go home. 455 00:18:08,254 --> 00:18:10,054 Pop: Yeah! Let's get outta this place. 456 00:18:10,123 --> 00:18:12,823 We were all fine until we came here! 457 00:18:12,826 --> 00:18:14,191 (machines beep) 458 00:18:14,260 --> 00:18:16,861 - Ohhh... I-I remember this. 459 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:19,062 You're all crazy, 460 00:18:19,099 --> 00:18:22,232 And, uh, I worry about losing you a lot 461 00:18:23,336 --> 00:18:25,670 'cause... (inhales) 462 00:18:25,805 --> 00:18:27,171 You're old. 463 00:18:27,306 --> 00:18:29,540 - What? Not that old. 464 00:18:29,609 --> 00:18:32,743 - I love you. - Aww... 465 00:18:32,779 --> 00:18:35,646 - Well, we're all very fond of you, too, son. 466 00:18:37,117 --> 00:18:39,617 - (sighs) is there any beer left? 467 00:18:39,619 --> 00:18:42,019 - Uh, yeah, there he goes... 468 00:18:42,155 --> 00:18:44,222 Not making any sense again. 469 00:18:44,357 --> 00:18:46,290 Silly, silly boy. 470 00:18:46,292 --> 00:18:49,026 Hey, uh... Why don't you all go get dressed. 471 00:18:49,028 --> 00:18:51,695 I'll keep an eye on mark. - No, I think I should stay. 472 00:18:51,697 --> 00:18:54,432 - Mom, it's okay, I got him. 473 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:58,769 Mark: (sighs woozily) mike sr.: All right. 474 00:18:58,771 --> 00:19:01,038 (footsteps tap lightly) 475 00:19:04,177 --> 00:19:06,110 - I remember you. 476 00:19:07,313 --> 00:19:10,113 You're my brother. 477 00:19:10,150 --> 00:19:12,849 - Welcome back, little brother. 478 00:19:12,886 --> 00:19:14,518 - Hmm... 479 00:19:14,554 --> 00:19:17,921 - Hey, you uh... You wanna play? 480 00:19:17,957 --> 00:19:19,390 - Yeah. 481 00:19:19,392 --> 00:19:21,258 (grunts) - all right. 482 00:19:21,327 --> 00:19:23,794 (sighs) war? 483 00:19:23,830 --> 00:19:25,796 - Yeah. - (chuckles softly) 484 00:19:25,798 --> 00:19:27,665 (cards thump) ♪ come with me... 485 00:19:27,734 --> 00:19:29,800 I got you a birthday present. (cards thwap) 486 00:19:29,936 --> 00:19:32,470 - Oh, what'd you get me? - A new strobe light. 487 00:19:32,472 --> 00:19:35,005 (door squeaks open) 488 00:19:35,041 --> 00:19:36,741 - Oh dear... 489 00:19:36,876 --> 00:19:38,742 Adult mark: Despite my worrying, the grim reaper 490 00:19:38,811 --> 00:19:40,611 Had finally come knocking, 491 00:19:40,746 --> 00:19:43,614 And misty was the only one home. 492 00:19:45,218 --> 00:19:47,852 Our cat had died, and the loss for us 493 00:19:47,854 --> 00:19:50,221 Was as indelible as her fur on the couch. 494 00:19:50,223 --> 00:19:53,156 ♪ you will always be... (dirt thuds, shovels scrape) 495 00:19:53,193 --> 00:19:54,425 ♪ home 496 00:19:54,427 --> 00:19:56,059 (shovels thud) 497 00:19:58,531 --> 00:20:00,063 ♪ there might be palaces... 498 00:20:00,099 --> 00:20:01,898 - I think somebody should say something. 499 00:20:01,935 --> 00:20:04,134 ♪ ...Where we go 500 00:20:05,371 --> 00:20:07,705 - Uh... 501 00:20:07,774 --> 00:20:11,108 16 years is a long life for a cat. 502 00:20:11,110 --> 00:20:14,312 She did everything she was supposed to do - 503 00:20:14,447 --> 00:20:17,481 Ate, crapped, licked herself. 504 00:20:19,052 --> 00:20:21,418 Can't ask for much more outta life than that. 505 00:20:22,722 --> 00:20:25,256 Good cat. 506 00:20:25,258 --> 00:20:26,757 ♪ always be home... 507 00:20:26,892 --> 00:20:29,660 - I never liked her, you know? (sobs) 508 00:20:29,729 --> 00:20:31,528 It's a sin to say it now, 509 00:20:31,564 --> 00:20:33,530 But she scratched something awful. 510 00:20:35,802 --> 00:20:38,269 She was family. 511 00:20:38,271 --> 00:20:39,503 Adult mark: That was the first 512 00:20:39,639 --> 00:20:43,173 And last time I ever saw my mother cry. 513 00:20:44,410 --> 00:20:47,678 - Oh, somebody say something. It's just a cat. 514 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:49,413 Adult mark: At the time, I thought that mom 515 00:20:49,415 --> 00:20:52,316 Was crying for misty, but looking back, 516 00:20:52,451 --> 00:20:55,086 I think her tears were for something else she lost. 517 00:20:55,088 --> 00:20:57,754 ♪ and you will see that we always be... ♪ 518 00:20:57,790 --> 00:20:59,624 - I still can't remember much, 519 00:20:59,759 --> 00:21:02,125 But did I do a good job when I was in charge? 520 00:21:04,264 --> 00:21:05,762 - Yeah. 521 00:21:05,798 --> 00:21:07,964 Yeah, you did. 522 00:21:08,001 --> 00:21:10,967 (sentimental music plays, light pat) 523 00:21:11,004 --> 00:21:13,704 Adult mark: Sometimes, all you need to carry on 524 00:21:13,839 --> 00:21:16,139 Is someone to help carry the load. 525 00:21:18,645 --> 00:21:20,911 ♪ home... (hard punch) 526 00:21:20,947 --> 00:21:22,746 - Oh, ho, ho... (laughing) - hey! 527 00:21:24,150 --> 00:21:31,055 ♪♪♪ 528 00:21:31,124 --> 00:21:38,062 ♪♪♪ 529 00:21:38,131 --> 00:21:45,136 ♪♪♪ 530 00:21:45,138 --> 00:21:52,043 ♪♪♪