1 00:00:07,590 --> 00:00:13,221 It never begins. And thus, it never ends. 2 00:01:55,114 --> 00:01:56,074 What's wrong? 3 00:01:57,075 --> 00:02:00,161 - Is that not all of it? - Too much of it. 4 00:03:38,343 --> 00:03:39,302 Garmen? 5 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:40,386 - Garmen? - No, no. 6 00:03:40,386 --> 00:03:42,347 - Not now. I told you-- - Every minute we do nothing, 7 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:44,140 we look weak. We look confused, right? 8 00:03:45,266 --> 00:03:48,478 The people. Our people. The community, they're looking for answers. 9 00:03:48,478 --> 00:03:50,188 Cops, they're gonna let this shit go. 10 00:03:50,188 --> 00:03:53,066 - So, what do we do? - Aked, it's up to your auntie. 11 00:03:53,066 --> 00:03:56,027 - You know that, right? - She's not telling me nothing, though. 12 00:03:56,611 --> 00:03:58,071 Look, I love her, but this... 13 00:03:59,030 --> 00:04:01,074 - It's family. It's my family. - All right. 14 00:04:01,699 --> 00:04:04,827 Ms. Mahabir, my condolences. I'm sorry, ma'am. 15 00:04:05,411 --> 00:04:08,748 - I'm going back home for a few days. - Home to Georgetown? 16 00:04:10,041 --> 00:04:13,378 - Back to Guyana. Why? - To get some answers. 17 00:04:15,129 --> 00:04:18,091 Auntie, we have all the answers. 18 00:04:18,841 --> 00:04:23,763 - Edward Chung killed your brother-in-law. - Aked, this isn't about Edward Chung. 19 00:04:24,472 --> 00:04:27,517 This is about something that happened a long, long time ago. 20 00:04:27,517 --> 00:04:32,438 And I am going to get some guidance on exactly how to respond. 21 00:04:33,272 --> 00:04:35,441 And believe me, I will respond. 22 00:04:37,318 --> 00:04:41,614 And when I do, I promise you'll be a part. 23 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:45,994 - A big part. - A big part. I promise that. 24 00:04:54,669 --> 00:04:56,045 "A long time ago," how? 25 00:04:57,463 --> 00:04:58,673 Yeah, I don't know. 26 00:05:09,392 --> 00:05:11,602 You're right to believe the bad things 27 00:05:11,602 --> 00:05:14,272 happening to your family are happening for a reason. 28 00:05:15,106 --> 00:05:18,651 But I found the man responsible for your misfortune, 29 00:05:19,736 --> 00:05:23,489 and he's willing to allow you to reverse your family's fate. 30 00:05:24,407 --> 00:05:27,201 But you must be willing to take certain steps, 31 00:05:27,577 --> 00:05:30,079 exactly as he prescribes them. 32 00:05:31,080 --> 00:05:33,124 - Are you willing? - I am. 33 00:05:33,750 --> 00:05:38,046 You understand that to balance the weight of his pain, 34 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:42,300 to close the circle of his own suffering, 35 00:05:43,092 --> 00:05:45,678 suffering which began many years ago 36 00:05:45,678 --> 00:05:48,765 at the hand of your late husband, Ranwell, 37 00:05:49,307 --> 00:05:54,812 you will have to inflict a similar pain on his behalf. 38 00:05:57,440 --> 00:05:59,734 - I know. - Okay, then. 39 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:02,695 Here is where we begin. 40 00:06:49,450 --> 00:06:52,036 - Jared, honey, it's quarter of. - I know. 41 00:06:52,036 --> 00:06:54,122 Is there anything I can do to help? 'Cause... 42 00:06:54,122 --> 00:06:56,916 - No, I'm coming. - You didn't touch the avocado toast. 43 00:06:56,916 --> 00:06:58,751 I don't want you getting starved by second period 44 00:06:58,751 --> 00:07:00,044 and eating from the vending machine. 45 00:07:00,044 --> 00:07:03,297 Mom, I ate earlier. It was that Indian food from last night. 46 00:07:03,881 --> 00:07:05,007 Have you seen my cleats? 47 00:07:05,007 --> 00:07:08,010 They're in the new closet with the outside shoes. 48 00:07:14,350 --> 00:07:18,271 I have to say, I was kinda surprised to see that pitch meeting on the schedule. 49 00:07:18,271 --> 00:07:21,774 - We know we're gonna say no. - No, we don't know that. And anyway, 50 00:07:21,774 --> 00:07:24,235 sometimes knowing why we're saying no can be good too. 51 00:07:24,610 --> 00:07:26,946 Here's an idea, how about your dad actually takes 52 00:07:26,946 --> 00:07:28,614 one of these meetings himself? 53 00:07:29,157 --> 00:07:31,242 You mean do the work part of work? 54 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:33,828 He did not eat that Indian food. 55 00:07:35,580 --> 00:07:40,084 Okay, I'm putting your food and a water, drink it, in your backpack. 56 00:07:40,501 --> 00:07:42,753 And bring home the Tupperware, okay? 57 00:07:42,753 --> 00:07:44,714 I'm picking you up after school, bud. Don't run off. 58 00:07:44,714 --> 00:07:45,756 Dad, I know. 59 00:07:45,756 --> 00:07:47,466 All right, if you're gonna get the bus, we gotta move. 60 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:53,973 We pay a generous upfront fee to license his name and likeness, 61 00:07:53,973 --> 00:07:58,019 and all we'd ask is maybe once a year, he gives us an appearance or two. 62 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:03,024 Plus, Chef Jeff and his family 63 00:08:03,524 --> 00:08:05,318 will always have a free room. 64 00:08:06,444 --> 00:08:07,862 Whether it's Atlantic City, 65 00:08:09,113 --> 00:08:10,364 Las Vegas, 66 00:08:11,782 --> 00:08:15,203 or the big wow, Macau. 67 00:08:16,746 --> 00:08:18,122 - Be in touch. - Yeah. 68 00:08:23,586 --> 00:08:26,631 See? It's good to do sometimes, these meetings. 69 00:08:28,341 --> 00:08:31,010 - So, what-- - Jacket copy, blurbs, 70 00:08:31,010 --> 00:08:33,763 and the publisher still needs you guys to approve the cover image. 71 00:08:33,763 --> 00:08:36,098 - Okay. - And they wanna know, 72 00:08:36,098 --> 00:08:40,478 - is he keeping the ponytail? - I'm gonna let you handle that. 73 00:09:00,790 --> 00:09:02,708 Remember, all you need to do is-- 74 00:09:02,708 --> 00:09:06,045 I know. I just-- I need to play nice and don't interrupt. 75 00:09:06,045 --> 00:09:10,925 Exactly. Just state your case. 'Cause it's a good one. They need you. 76 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:12,635 They should have put you on this a year ago. 77 00:09:12,635 --> 00:09:14,512 Yeah, I would have turned somebody by now. 78 00:09:14,512 --> 00:09:16,597 Then my job wouldn't be on the chopping block. 79 00:09:17,265 --> 00:09:18,432 - So... - So, I know, 80 00:09:18,432 --> 00:09:21,477 I need to just stay present, not talk about the past. 81 00:09:21,978 --> 00:09:24,605 I will be the model of obedient servitude. 82 00:09:25,189 --> 00:09:27,942 And he will never know how much I think he's a backstabbing weasel 83 00:09:27,942 --> 00:09:31,779 - who would sell out his own mother to-- - Mel. Mel. Nice face. 84 00:09:33,406 --> 00:09:35,783 Right. Nice face. 85 00:09:43,124 --> 00:09:45,459 Why don't you admit why you really want on the case? 86 00:09:47,336 --> 00:09:49,880 Pete Fong has to trim the department budget, 87 00:09:50,923 --> 00:09:54,218 you think you're vulnerable 'cause you're low man on the pole, but... 88 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:58,723 we both know that's not the reason why you're vulnerable, is it? 89 00:09:59,223 --> 00:10:01,809 Maybe you actually really don't wanna put me on the case 90 00:10:01,809 --> 00:10:03,352 because it's stalling 91 00:10:03,352 --> 00:10:06,188 and you know that I would actually do something with it, 92 00:10:06,188 --> 00:10:07,440 which would make you look bad, 93 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:09,734 and then it would be impossible for you to fire me 94 00:10:09,734 --> 00:10:12,486 which is what you really wanna do if you're being honest, right? 95 00:10:12,486 --> 00:10:14,030 Well, if I'm being honest... 96 00:10:16,157 --> 00:10:18,784 you're kind of impossible to deal with, Mel. 97 00:10:19,702 --> 00:10:22,496 I mean, case in point, antagonizing your boss 98 00:10:22,496 --> 00:10:26,417 as you're asking for a favor... again. 99 00:10:27,710 --> 00:10:28,627 Again? 100 00:10:29,545 --> 00:10:35,217 Last year... when I risked my fucking job by not turning in your psych eval? 101 00:10:35,551 --> 00:10:36,719 - Remember that? - Manny. 102 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:40,056 Yeah. Yeah. You asked real nice. 103 00:10:40,639 --> 00:10:43,351 - Without fucking insults. - Okay. Okay. 104 00:10:44,185 --> 00:10:48,689 I'm sorry. And I get it. You're right. I appreciate it, okay? 105 00:10:49,398 --> 00:10:52,651 But I don't want to relitigate the past. I'm talking about my future. 106 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:57,114 Which is me working on the Guyana case, okay? 107 00:10:57,114 --> 00:10:58,908 - Not gonna happen, Mel. - Manny! 108 00:10:59,241 --> 00:11:02,286 - Go back to the Queen's College thing. - Oh, my God! 109 00:11:02,286 --> 00:11:04,455 You were supposed to turn it in two weeks ago. 110 00:11:04,455 --> 00:11:06,791 Right. Yes. You're right. 111 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:11,420 Because that massive criminal organization 112 00:11:11,420 --> 00:11:16,217 led by a dorm kid mailing fucking fake IDs to high schoolers 113 00:11:16,217 --> 00:11:17,885 is endangering more lives 114 00:11:17,885 --> 00:11:22,681 than actual gangsters murdering bums and vagrants for insurance premiums. 115 00:11:22,681 --> 00:11:26,352 Oh, I'm sorry. Is the assignment not sexy enough for you? 116 00:11:27,645 --> 00:11:28,854 Here's a fact. 117 00:11:29,814 --> 00:11:32,358 When you have a job, you get assignments from your boss. 118 00:11:32,775 --> 00:11:35,444 I'm your boss. You don't do the fucking assignment... 119 00:11:35,444 --> 00:11:37,279 - Manny. - ...you get fired. 120 00:11:39,323 --> 00:11:40,616 Don't get fired, Mel. 121 00:11:50,251 --> 00:11:51,335 Damn it. 122 00:12:01,303 --> 00:12:03,848 - Well? - So, I'm working the Guyana case. 123 00:12:04,181 --> 00:12:07,685 Oh, my God! Well done, you. So he agreed with you. 124 00:12:10,354 --> 00:12:11,230 No. 125 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:16,026 So he didn't actually put you on the case? 126 00:12:16,026 --> 00:12:20,322 - No. No. He didn't. No. - But you said you're gonna work it. 127 00:12:20,322 --> 00:12:22,324 Yeah. On my own time. 128 00:12:22,700 --> 00:12:26,287 - Oh, Mel. - Yeah. 129 00:12:27,705 --> 00:12:29,039 Next one. Ready? 130 00:12:30,833 --> 00:12:34,795 Here we go. Square up. That's... not bad. Two hands. 131 00:12:34,795 --> 00:12:36,464 Just watch it all the way to the glove. 132 00:12:37,631 --> 00:12:38,674 Here we go. 133 00:12:41,886 --> 00:12:44,138 Here we go. Get it. Get on your horse! 134 00:12:45,973 --> 00:12:48,100 That was my bad. Good hustle. 135 00:12:54,315 --> 00:12:56,901 What? Seriously? He lost his phone again? 136 00:12:56,901 --> 00:13:00,029 - You looked everywhere? Behind the dugout? - Yes, Dad. 137 00:13:00,029 --> 00:13:02,323 - Under the bench? - I said yes. 138 00:13:03,157 --> 00:13:04,366 It was in my shoes. 139 00:13:05,659 --> 00:13:07,745 Yup. He sure did. 140 00:13:09,663 --> 00:13:12,458 - Really? - You saw me take them off. 141 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:16,337 You saw me never go back in the dugout. I don't know how it happened. 142 00:13:17,755 --> 00:13:18,923 You heard correctly. 143 00:13:20,299 --> 00:13:22,468 Yeah, we'll give him the talk. Part Seven. 144 00:14:38,627 --> 00:14:40,212 - Hey. - Hey. 145 00:14:40,879 --> 00:14:43,299 How'd it go with the proofs? Pick a winner? 146 00:14:43,841 --> 00:14:45,634 Well, they're all winners. 147 00:14:46,594 --> 00:14:49,722 So where did we land with the whole losing stuff thing? 148 00:14:50,097 --> 00:14:52,391 I told him this time there's no new one. 149 00:14:52,391 --> 00:14:54,226 - You heard that, right, bud? - Yes. 150 00:14:54,226 --> 00:14:56,103 Did you do Find My iPhone? 151 00:14:56,103 --> 00:14:59,356 The phone has to be on to track it. I'm sure they wiped it anyways. 152 00:14:59,773 --> 00:15:02,693 Are you sure? 'Cause you were sure four months ago 153 00:15:02,693 --> 00:15:04,987 when you lost the watch that Grandpa Jeff gave you. 154 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:09,241 Grandpa's watch? You lost it? W-- How did I not know this? 155 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:13,996 And the sweatshirt. His favorite one. The one he waited in line for 156 00:15:13,996 --> 00:15:17,041 then had to spend four months allowance to replace. 157 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:19,668 - Where are you going? - Find My iPhone, again. 158 00:15:20,044 --> 00:15:21,378 Just tell me when dinner's ready. 159 00:15:21,378 --> 00:15:23,297 - I am not finished. - Derek, just let him-- 160 00:15:23,297 --> 00:15:25,716 Moving forward, Jared, buddy, help us out here. 161 00:15:25,716 --> 00:15:27,092 Huh? What is the plan? 162 00:15:27,468 --> 00:15:29,345 What kind of systems are we gonna put in place 163 00:15:29,345 --> 00:15:32,306 - so this all stops? - I don't know. 164 00:15:32,306 --> 00:15:34,767 How about one where I don't somehow lose everything? 165 00:15:50,157 --> 00:15:53,035 I need two boys. Preferably from GT. 166 00:15:54,244 --> 00:15:56,205 What kind of time frame are we talking, Ms. M? 167 00:15:56,205 --> 00:15:58,874 - As soon as possible. - Why Georgetown? 168 00:15:58,874 --> 00:16:01,126 We probably got people here who can do whatever you want. 169 00:16:01,835 --> 00:16:05,422 No, Garmen. I want people who will do what we say 170 00:16:05,422 --> 00:16:06,965 and won't ask questions. 171 00:16:07,883 --> 00:16:11,553 Natalia, the masseuse, she have a brother who got into trouble in GT. 172 00:16:12,262 --> 00:16:15,891 He want to come up with his best friend. Let's arrange it. 173 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:44,128 Yo! 174 00:16:45,129 --> 00:16:46,880 - Xavier. - Louis. 175 00:16:46,880 --> 00:16:50,342 - What's going on? Look, look. - Now? 176 00:16:50,676 --> 00:16:51,969 Bye, everybody. Bye. 177 00:16:54,972 --> 00:16:56,849 Oh, Louis! 178 00:16:58,892 --> 00:17:00,686 - So, this is really happen? - Yeah, man. 179 00:17:00,686 --> 00:17:01,979 You get the passport? 180 00:17:01,979 --> 00:17:03,605 So, when we at the forest across the river... 181 00:17:03,605 --> 00:17:05,482 - Raas. - ...they will give it to us 182 00:17:05,941 --> 00:17:07,151 then take us to the airport. 183 00:17:07,151 --> 00:17:10,195 Hey, Shakeela. It's me, Xavier. 184 00:17:10,529 --> 00:17:14,032 Me buddy come through. I know, I know. 185 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:17,119 I don't know. His sister arrange everything. 186 00:17:17,911 --> 00:17:20,748 Me and you, we go meet in person, finally. 187 00:17:22,040 --> 00:17:23,208 Ticketing. 188 00:17:23,208 --> 00:17:25,961 You know, I've gotta see this for a very, very, very long time. 189 00:17:25,961 --> 00:17:27,921 Long time. Long time. 190 00:17:34,094 --> 00:17:35,137 Let's go. 191 00:17:40,726 --> 00:17:46,023 - Kingston to Georgetown, brother. - Yeah, man. And now New York! 192 00:17:46,523 --> 00:17:48,650 Yeah, yeah, yeah! New York! 193 00:17:50,194 --> 00:17:52,488 - Yeah, man. - Crazy. 194 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:08,587 Hey, hey, Shakeela. It's me, Xavier. I can't wait to see you in person. 195 00:18:08,962 --> 00:18:10,380 We got a little meeting first, 196 00:18:10,380 --> 00:18:15,344 but let me know what time school finish and text me a place you want meet. 197 00:18:20,390 --> 00:18:21,850 Louis, your sister waiting for you. 198 00:18:21,850 --> 00:18:23,727 She'll take you both straight to your meeting with Aked. 199 00:18:30,275 --> 00:18:32,861 Little gift to get you started. 200 00:18:36,573 --> 00:18:37,658 Thank you, Mr. Len. 201 00:18:38,784 --> 00:18:42,287 - Thank you, sir. - Thank Mrs. Mahabir. It's from her. 202 00:18:43,288 --> 00:18:44,623 And I need your passports. 203 00:18:49,044 --> 00:18:50,212 Okay. 204 00:18:54,508 --> 00:18:56,051 Hey, Xav. 205 00:18:58,303 --> 00:18:59,805 Let me be straight with you. 206 00:19:01,682 --> 00:19:03,976 Us coming here wasn't my sister's idea. 207 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:06,937 You told me she arrange everything. 208 00:19:08,313 --> 00:19:11,275 No. Natalia boss arrange everything. 209 00:19:13,026 --> 00:19:15,487 My sister may not be too happy to see us. 210 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:17,948 Just warning you. 211 00:19:21,410 --> 00:19:23,203 And you're just telling me this now? 212 00:19:28,625 --> 00:19:29,543 Yeah. 213 00:19:38,010 --> 00:19:42,723 I hear you was running weed, Louis, which means you lied to me on the phone. 214 00:19:43,182 --> 00:19:44,474 We was just tricked, Nat. 215 00:19:44,892 --> 00:19:47,102 Point was I gonna be sending you money this time. 216 00:19:47,102 --> 00:19:51,940 Point is, I hope you happy 'cause now you into something different. 217 00:19:51,940 --> 00:19:53,817 Ain't even a hello? Hey! 218 00:19:55,569 --> 00:19:57,362 You'll get one when I'm done being mad. 219 00:20:00,741 --> 00:20:03,785 This Xavier. Friend I tell you about. 220 00:20:04,828 --> 00:20:08,457 He from upriver too. My sister. Natalia. 221 00:20:08,957 --> 00:20:12,002 - Me auntie friends with your mother. - I know you. 222 00:20:12,002 --> 00:20:14,254 In our primary school you stole my kickball. 223 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:17,633 Probably. I don't know. 224 00:20:18,884 --> 00:20:21,011 Well, Xavier, you got legs. You can follow too. 225 00:20:22,012 --> 00:20:26,183 Let's go. You coming or not? Now ain't the time to keep Aked waiting. 226 00:20:29,895 --> 00:20:34,232 The thing about Garmen Harry. Number one, loyalty. 227 00:20:35,442 --> 00:20:40,322 Number two, loyalty. And number three... 228 00:20:42,240 --> 00:20:44,368 What's number three? What was-- Loyalty. 229 00:20:45,827 --> 00:20:46,787 All right? 230 00:20:48,372 --> 00:20:49,706 Is Garmen the boss? 231 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:53,126 Garmen "Mr. Harry" to you. 232 00:20:54,878 --> 00:20:57,339 The boss is Mrs. Mahabir. 233 00:20:58,757 --> 00:21:01,927 Or if and only if she gives you permission, Ms. M. 234 00:21:02,511 --> 00:21:06,932 Full disclosure, Savitri Mahabir is my aunt. 235 00:21:08,809 --> 00:21:11,812 So, you wanna talk to her? Through me. 236 00:21:13,438 --> 00:21:14,523 Ask Nat. 237 00:21:15,607 --> 00:21:18,944 I don't do this for nobody. Nobody. 238 00:21:20,654 --> 00:21:23,865 But she vouches for you, baby brother. 239 00:21:25,242 --> 00:21:26,159 You... 240 00:21:28,161 --> 00:21:29,204 I don't know about. 241 00:21:30,080 --> 00:21:31,873 But what you say is true they gonna use you. 242 00:21:34,751 --> 00:21:35,877 How much they pay? 243 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:39,965 Place to stay, lawyers for a Green Card, 244 00:21:41,425 --> 00:21:43,176 and you must be forgetting they paid for your travel, 245 00:21:43,176 --> 00:21:44,553 but I'm gonna let that slide. 246 00:21:45,470 --> 00:21:46,388 You work it off. 247 00:21:47,472 --> 00:21:49,599 - Sky the limit. - How much I work off? 248 00:21:51,518 --> 00:21:54,521 - About 50K per, something like that. - U.S.? 249 00:21:57,065 --> 00:22:01,570 U.S.? I like this guy. You funny. Yeah, yeah. U.S. We're here now, baby. 250 00:22:05,741 --> 00:22:09,494 Sometime few weeks from now, a guy, Paul, is gonna assign you a trial. 251 00:22:10,829 --> 00:22:14,291 Savitri Mahabir, Garmen Harry, 252 00:22:15,333 --> 00:22:18,086 Paul Tranquada, me... 253 00:22:20,255 --> 00:22:21,131 you. 254 00:23:14,643 --> 00:23:15,685 You guys are good? 255 00:23:17,562 --> 00:23:19,147 Yeah? You know what you're doing? 256 00:23:21,108 --> 00:23:22,609 All right. You can't miss him. 257 00:23:23,235 --> 00:23:26,154 He's in a wheelchair. If he's awake, he's talking. 258 00:23:28,240 --> 00:23:31,076 I hope you boys appreciate the nature of this opportunity. 259 00:23:32,160 --> 00:23:33,829 - Yes, sir. - Yeah? 260 00:23:35,122 --> 00:23:36,790 - Thank you, sir. - Yeah. 261 00:23:36,790 --> 00:23:39,126 - Thank you, Mr. Paul, sir. - You're welcome. 262 00:23:40,252 --> 00:23:41,503 All right. You guys can go. 263 00:24:30,051 --> 00:24:33,555 No, no, no, no, man. The plastic is in the atmosphere 264 00:24:33,555 --> 00:24:35,974 'cause the damn astronauts keep throwing the shit out of window. 265 00:24:35,974 --> 00:24:39,644 I mean, we got plastic in our blood now. 'Cause of NASA. 266 00:24:39,644 --> 00:24:41,980 Yeah, yeah. It's in a book. I read all the books. 267 00:24:41,980 --> 00:24:45,233 I read 'em all. You see? The books are the truth. 268 00:24:45,233 --> 00:24:48,486 I know that the only way you can tell the truth 269 00:24:48,486 --> 00:24:49,863 is to put it in a book. 270 00:24:49,863 --> 00:24:52,073 And everybody else knows that. You see what I'm saying? 271 00:24:52,073 --> 00:24:54,576 How do you know that? Because ink cost money. 272 00:25:05,337 --> 00:25:08,465 Fucking wasting my time around stupid-ass shit. 273 00:25:08,465 --> 00:25:11,343 I'm a book reader. I read books. That's what I do. 274 00:25:12,886 --> 00:25:14,471 They mad at me because I know stuff. 275 00:25:19,976 --> 00:25:21,811 Hey, brother, we get something for you. 276 00:25:21,811 --> 00:25:25,065 Yo, what the fuck? Yo, who are you, man? 277 00:25:25,065 --> 00:25:26,274 Quiet down, man. 278 00:25:26,274 --> 00:25:28,109 Yo, what you doing? No, no. I'm good. I'm good. 279 00:25:28,109 --> 00:25:30,570 - Relax yourself. - You can stop here. I'm good. 280 00:25:30,570 --> 00:25:31,988 I just get a little present for you. 281 00:25:31,988 --> 00:25:33,365 Yo, who are you with, man? 282 00:25:33,365 --> 00:25:34,699 - Are you with Paul? - Just a friend. All right? 283 00:25:34,699 --> 00:25:36,576 - No, no, no. I'm asking. Wait. - Keep your voice down. 284 00:25:36,576 --> 00:25:38,036 - What are you doing, man? - Shut your mouth. 285 00:25:38,036 --> 00:25:39,704 What are you-- No, stop. How you-- No, no, no. 286 00:25:39,704 --> 00:25:41,581 No, no. No, no. I don't want nothing. I'm clean. 287 00:25:41,581 --> 00:25:43,500 - It's gonna be all right. - No, I swear. I'm good, man. 288 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:45,460 I'm good. No, I'm sorry. 289 00:25:46,169 --> 00:25:47,879 Come on, please. No. What are you doing? 290 00:25:47,879 --> 00:25:50,423 - Come on! Move! Help me, man. - No, no, please. Stop. 291 00:25:50,423 --> 00:25:53,051 - Help, man! - Hey, man. Help me, man. 292 00:25:53,551 --> 00:25:57,222 - Come on. - Quiet, man. Relax yourself. 293 00:25:57,555 --> 00:25:59,391 Quiet yourself. Sorry. 294 00:26:07,524 --> 00:26:10,068 Move! Move now, man. 295 00:26:13,655 --> 00:26:16,408 Natalia. Did you know they would do that? 296 00:26:17,450 --> 00:26:18,410 You did know? 297 00:26:19,119 --> 00:26:21,496 They might make it look like an accident. But it ain't no accident. 298 00:26:22,956 --> 00:26:25,208 He raas dead now, Nat. That scunt. 299 00:26:26,793 --> 00:26:28,753 I've been trying to get out, Louis. 300 00:26:28,753 --> 00:26:30,922 - Shit. - I been trying. 301 00:26:30,922 --> 00:26:32,173 Oh, shit. 302 00:26:33,091 --> 00:26:35,385 I'm at massage school two nights a week. 303 00:26:36,386 --> 00:26:39,931 I got janitorial at the massage school five nights a week. 304 00:26:41,016 --> 00:26:44,227 I got Ms. Mahabir during the day, so I can pay her off. 305 00:26:48,440 --> 00:26:49,607 Almost done too. 306 00:26:52,777 --> 00:26:56,990 Every time one of them dead, Natalia, you are part of it. 307 00:27:03,705 --> 00:27:06,499 The new boys were the ones that pull it off with Neilsen? 308 00:27:07,417 --> 00:27:09,961 The two of them. One better than the other, 309 00:27:09,961 --> 00:27:14,424 but with Neilsen's drug history, they could pass this one through fast. 310 00:27:14,424 --> 00:27:16,760 We anticipating a payout for the full policy. 311 00:27:16,760 --> 00:27:18,636 Three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. 312 00:27:19,637 --> 00:27:23,266 - That's good. Well done. - But that not come until next year. 313 00:27:23,266 --> 00:27:25,143 We got some bigger issues this year, 314 00:27:25,143 --> 00:27:30,273 especially when I trying to reconcile the financial mess Quincy left us in 315 00:27:30,273 --> 00:27:31,775 - after he died-- - Look, Garmen. Garmen. 316 00:27:32,192 --> 00:27:33,318 Let's focus forward. 317 00:27:35,278 --> 00:27:39,532 You mean, for this next thing you get? Whatever it is. 318 00:27:39,866 --> 00:27:41,868 - Coming down the pike. - That one. Yes. 319 00:27:43,411 --> 00:27:46,289 Well, how am I gonna know unless you tell me what that thing is. 320 00:27:46,956 --> 00:27:49,000 It's the most important thing we've ever done. 321 00:27:49,709 --> 00:27:51,002 It involves a boy. 322 00:27:51,711 --> 00:27:57,008 But I don't want to say no more because me nah wan blight de ting. 323 00:27:57,384 --> 00:27:59,386 So, you're scared me will jinx it and give you a bad eye, 324 00:27:59,386 --> 00:28:02,055 but I can't run it unless you tell me what it is. 325 00:28:02,055 --> 00:28:03,723 You're not gonna run it. Aked is. 326 00:28:05,100 --> 00:28:06,142 Ma'am. 327 00:28:07,060 --> 00:28:08,937 You say it's the most important thing. 328 00:28:09,437 --> 00:28:11,689 It's also the most dangerous. 329 00:28:11,689 --> 00:28:16,319 And this way you can supervise, stay safe and help Aked. 330 00:28:17,112 --> 00:28:18,363 Try not to kill himself. 331 00:28:19,239 --> 00:28:22,575 Natalia, I told you this was gonna be big. This is huge. So, what's your problem? 332 00:28:22,575 --> 00:28:26,329 Why is kidnapping some pickney gonna make up for what happened to Quincy? 333 00:28:26,871 --> 00:28:28,540 - Reasons. - Reasons? 334 00:28:28,540 --> 00:28:30,375 - Yes. Reasons. - Aked. 335 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:31,626 From the boss. 336 00:28:32,961 --> 00:28:35,296 Who's grieving right now. You know that. 337 00:28:36,923 --> 00:28:38,591 Look, my auntie left me in charge. 338 00:28:38,925 --> 00:28:41,511 All right? Me in charge of all this. You understand? 339 00:28:42,929 --> 00:28:44,431 Version six. 340 00:28:46,057 --> 00:28:47,183 I like this one. 341 00:28:48,601 --> 00:28:53,106 Leave notes. Okay? So, you know, like, 342 00:28:54,107 --> 00:28:57,360 Chef Jeff or whoever, the kid's father, whatever. 343 00:28:57,360 --> 00:29:00,488 They pull up to the library, boom, next place. 344 00:29:01,364 --> 00:29:03,575 Subway station. I don't know. I'm making it up. 345 00:29:04,284 --> 00:29:06,286 Boom. They get to the library, open up an envelope. 346 00:29:06,286 --> 00:29:08,746 "Congratulations, you made it to the library." 347 00:29:08,746 --> 00:29:13,126 "Now, you got to book it to the bridge." 348 00:29:15,587 --> 00:29:16,629 Gonna keep it clever. 349 00:29:31,561 --> 00:29:35,148 So yeah. Yeah, Shakeela. It's me, Xavier. 350 00:29:35,857 --> 00:29:38,610 So yeah, I was thinking maybe we could do that again. 351 00:29:40,361 --> 00:29:41,821 Maybe nighttime this time. 352 00:29:43,490 --> 00:29:45,200 Or, you know, maybe even tonight? 353 00:29:46,576 --> 00:29:50,538 I just going for a walk now, so if you done all your homework 354 00:29:51,206 --> 00:29:53,124 and you feel like catching a vibe just, 355 00:29:54,250 --> 00:29:55,502 yeah, just give me a call. 356 00:29:56,294 --> 00:29:57,295 But... 357 00:29:58,505 --> 00:29:59,714 Yeah, I'ma call you right back. 358 00:30:01,966 --> 00:30:03,426 You didn't happen to be in the alley 359 00:30:03,426 --> 00:30:05,428 behind Gemini's Lounge the other night, did you? 360 00:30:08,097 --> 00:30:13,561 Is... this familiar to you? You know, dead body, wheelchair. 361 00:30:14,312 --> 00:30:15,688 We brought the sheet. 362 00:30:16,147 --> 00:30:17,732 - No idea. - Oh, you know, I wonder 363 00:30:17,732 --> 00:30:21,277 if I described the alley to you, if it will jog your memory. 364 00:30:21,277 --> 00:30:26,199 So, we have Gemini's Lounge, next to the laundromat, 365 00:30:26,699 --> 00:30:30,203 next to the pawn shop, which, like all pawn shops, 366 00:30:30,203 --> 00:30:34,832 has a security camera, which as you know, have gotten very good these days. 367 00:30:36,709 --> 00:30:40,380 - Let me see that. - I-- Sorry. It's government property. 368 00:30:40,880 --> 00:30:43,967 However, my name is on this. 369 00:30:45,051 --> 00:30:48,179 And whenever you're ready to give me yours, give me a call? 370 00:30:59,232 --> 00:31:03,861 It will happen in Washington Square Park at 1:11 a.m., inside a circle. 371 00:31:04,237 --> 00:31:05,738 We will be in the park 372 00:31:05,738 --> 00:31:08,449 to make sure there is no deviation from the plan. 373 00:31:09,200 --> 00:31:13,246 He will feel the same pain I felt when I lost my grandson. 374 00:31:13,955 --> 00:31:16,082 A boy for a boy. 375 00:31:18,626 --> 00:31:22,380 And the balance will be restored and all will be good. 376 00:31:22,880 --> 00:31:23,881 It will. 377 00:31:24,924 --> 00:31:27,635 Well, I want to hear from Mr. Joseph directly. 378 00:31:28,678 --> 00:31:30,555 Everything will be good. 379 00:31:33,349 --> 00:31:35,268 Excellent, excellent. Thank you, gentleman. 380 00:31:35,268 --> 00:31:39,606 - Thank you. It was an honor, madam. - The honor was all mine. I assure you. 381 00:31:39,606 --> 00:31:41,816 We'll see you tomorrow night at the celebration. 382 00:31:41,816 --> 00:31:44,110 Yes. Tomorrow we shall celebrate. 383 00:31:44,110 --> 00:31:46,946 - I'll be right there, Natalia. - Yes, Ms. Mahabir. 384 00:31:46,946 --> 00:31:48,489 Natalia, is everything all right? 385 00:31:50,283 --> 00:31:51,868 Yes, Ms. Mahabir. 386 00:32:13,389 --> 00:32:15,058 - Good night, sir. - Good night. 387 00:32:18,311 --> 00:32:21,689 Xavier, I need you to go to Washington Square Park, 388 00:32:21,689 --> 00:32:27,278 Lower Manhattan. You can Google it. Ms. Mahabir asking for... 389 00:32:31,741 --> 00:32:36,996 Apparently, there are... circles in the park in different places. 390 00:32:36,996 --> 00:32:40,416 She want to know the various sizes, where, how many... 391 00:32:42,293 --> 00:32:45,380 Yeah. My advice to you, Xavier, watch your ass on this one. 392 00:32:46,964 --> 00:32:48,132 Good night, sir. 393 00:33:09,445 --> 00:33:10,446 Okay. 394 00:33:12,281 --> 00:33:17,704 I just don't feel like four people talking in a room for two hours is a movie. 395 00:33:18,454 --> 00:33:21,082 Okay. I just thought you'd be mad 396 00:33:21,082 --> 00:33:23,251 that I brought you to a movie where you had to read. 397 00:33:23,251 --> 00:33:24,836 Yeah, I mean, that didn't help. 398 00:33:27,255 --> 00:33:28,506 Oh, shit. Hold on. 399 00:33:30,800 --> 00:33:33,386 Inspector Harmony speaking. Who might this be? 400 00:33:34,554 --> 00:33:35,722 My name is Xavier. 401 00:33:36,389 --> 00:33:39,559 If I give you information, can you get me home? 402 00:33:39,976 --> 00:33:42,687 Home, home, home? Like Guyana? 403 00:33:43,354 --> 00:33:45,690 - Yes. - No. 404 00:33:46,065 --> 00:33:48,401 But I can try to make your life easier 405 00:33:48,401 --> 00:33:50,695 in direct proportion to the information given. 406 00:33:51,320 --> 00:33:54,031 Divided by, of course, how seriously you've already 407 00:33:54,031 --> 00:33:55,158 fucked your life. 408 00:33:55,533 --> 00:33:57,535 Something is going down tomorrow night. 409 00:33:57,869 --> 00:34:01,122 Well, that's a good first step. Second step, where is it happening? 410 00:34:01,706 --> 00:34:03,291 Washington Square Park. 411 00:34:04,625 --> 00:34:07,837 It's four in the morning. Why are you waking me up? 412 00:34:08,296 --> 00:34:09,672 They gonna kill that boy. 413 00:34:10,882 --> 00:34:13,718 The one they kidnapping. I heard Mrs. Mahabir say it. 414 00:34:14,343 --> 00:34:15,970 No matter what happen, she want to kill him. 415 00:34:17,472 --> 00:34:18,389 Why? 416 00:34:19,682 --> 00:34:23,144 She think it some kind of answer to all the bad that's been happening. 417 00:34:24,061 --> 00:34:27,356 - How that make sense? - She crazy, is how. 418 00:34:28,733 --> 00:34:31,611 All of sudden, nothing she do makes sense. 419 00:34:33,154 --> 00:34:35,907 She bring these people here from Guyana last week 420 00:34:35,907 --> 00:34:37,116 and got a whole plan. 421 00:34:38,242 --> 00:34:41,037 And he picked Xavier for the plan, but I just told him you'd be good too 422 00:34:41,037 --> 00:34:43,206 - because he may need one more person-- - You put me up for that? 423 00:34:43,206 --> 00:34:45,082 - Quiet! Quiet. - You all upset about it then you put me 424 00:34:45,082 --> 00:34:46,709 - up for it? This is exactly what... - Louis. I got a plan. 425 00:34:46,709 --> 00:34:48,085 - ...I don't want to do. - Louis! 426 00:34:48,878 --> 00:34:50,671 You ain't gonna kidnap the boy. 427 00:34:51,839 --> 00:34:53,007 You're gonna save him. 428 00:34:54,383 --> 00:34:55,384 We gonna. 429 00:34:56,511 --> 00:34:57,470 What? 430 00:34:58,721 --> 00:35:00,848 - Why? - Because you said it... 431 00:35:02,308 --> 00:35:04,727 If someone dead, I'm a part of it. 432 00:35:05,937 --> 00:35:07,772 I'm trying to do the right thing. 433 00:35:08,815 --> 00:35:12,068 - And you should be too. - Natalia. Natalia! 434 00:35:14,403 --> 00:35:15,696 The thing that's happening... 435 00:35:17,156 --> 00:35:18,199 when that gonna happen? 436 00:35:18,991 --> 00:35:21,661 Aked was worried if he put a crew together too soon, 437 00:35:21,661 --> 00:35:23,329 they'd talk so we just know telling Xavier-- 438 00:35:23,329 --> 00:35:24,914 Natalia. When this a happening? 439 00:35:28,751 --> 00:35:29,752 Tonight. 440 00:35:32,004 --> 00:35:33,089 Muddaskunt. 441 00:35:33,965 --> 00:35:36,509 Tonight? And you're just telling me this now? 442 00:35:36,843 --> 00:35:38,970 I had to wait 'till Aked fell asleep. 443 00:35:39,971 --> 00:35:41,973 I don't know how we gonna do all of it. 444 00:35:42,598 --> 00:35:44,433 I don't know how we gonna do most of it. 445 00:35:45,977 --> 00:35:48,437 But I know how we at least can start. 446 00:36:22,763 --> 00:36:24,807 I'm texting you where to go to get the bike. 447 00:36:25,349 --> 00:36:28,644 It's got to be the exact laundry bike that Aked is using. 448 00:36:28,644 --> 00:36:30,479 You see the photo here. Okay? 449 00:36:32,982 --> 00:36:36,861 And I need you to get this black bag. 450 00:36:37,278 --> 00:36:42,241 I'm texting it now to you. Okay? And get a wig. Any type of wig. 451 00:36:42,241 --> 00:36:47,288 Okay. Now, I'm sending you a address I need you to leave the bike. 452 00:36:47,288 --> 00:36:49,916 I go get it after work, I go put the dummy inside. 453 00:36:49,916 --> 00:36:54,837 All right? I need you to text me when you get close to the park. All right? 454 00:37:19,403 --> 00:37:21,155 So, which one of my plans we going with? 455 00:37:21,155 --> 00:37:23,115 The one where you wait for us to tell you what to do. 456 00:37:24,450 --> 00:37:25,993 - When is that? - When we tell you. 457 00:37:34,377 --> 00:37:38,047 They've gotten super controlling. They won't even let me lock my phone. 458 00:37:39,048 --> 00:37:41,634 They're trying to prove a point about me being responsible. 459 00:37:42,134 --> 00:37:44,470 Plus, I can't go out anyway. I've got tutor. 460 00:37:44,845 --> 00:37:46,639 What if I promise it'll be worth it? 461 00:37:47,139 --> 00:37:51,143 Like... I can tell you what happened to your stuff. 462 00:37:53,604 --> 00:37:55,189 It's a business transaction. 463 00:37:55,815 --> 00:37:59,443 I'll tell you more about it in the van. Okay? Come on. 464 00:37:59,443 --> 00:38:01,988 How is grabbing a little boy a business transaction? 465 00:38:03,948 --> 00:38:05,908 I said I'd tell you more about it in the van. 466 00:38:10,246 --> 00:38:11,288 You good, Louis? 467 00:38:12,707 --> 00:38:16,210 What's good with you? Your sister said you could handle this. 468 00:38:16,669 --> 00:38:17,920 I got to set her straight? 469 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:20,131 So come on. 470 00:38:24,135 --> 00:38:25,094 Keesen! 471 00:38:26,303 --> 00:38:28,222 Let's go. Come on. 472 00:38:32,935 --> 00:38:35,354 Me will come just now. Let me grab something. 473 00:38:50,369 --> 00:38:51,495 So, what do you got? 474 00:38:53,581 --> 00:38:55,624 Yeah, so Agent Lady, I was wrong. 475 00:38:56,250 --> 00:38:58,044 Ain't nothing happening tonight. I was wrong. 476 00:38:58,419 --> 00:39:00,087 What do you mean nothing's happening? 477 00:39:00,087 --> 00:39:02,590 I messed up and I'm sorry. And I can't do this. 478 00:39:02,590 --> 00:39:03,799 What? Xavier, no, you can't just 479 00:39:03,799 --> 00:39:05,509 - back out like this. - I'm sorry. Agent Harmony-- 480 00:39:05,509 --> 00:39:06,719 - Xavier, you cannot-- - Hey! 481 00:39:13,267 --> 00:39:14,226 You ready? 482 00:39:15,436 --> 00:39:16,437 Me good. 483 00:39:19,356 --> 00:39:20,483 Was that your guy? 484 00:39:21,776 --> 00:39:23,152 Yeah. It was Xavier. 485 00:39:25,279 --> 00:39:26,822 He said that Washington Square Park 486 00:39:26,822 --> 00:39:29,325 isn't happening tonight, but it obviously is. 487 00:39:32,369 --> 00:39:35,164 Just... give me a sec. 488 00:39:35,164 --> 00:39:36,165 Yeah. 489 00:39:41,587 --> 00:39:42,630 Hey, Manny... 490 00:39:44,173 --> 00:39:45,925 Listen, I know you're with your daughter tonight, 491 00:39:45,925 --> 00:39:47,968 so I hope you even get this. 492 00:39:49,011 --> 00:39:51,764 I also hope you actually think 493 00:39:51,764 --> 00:39:56,185 that this is good news, but I did go a little rogue. 494 00:39:56,727 --> 00:39:59,021 And it was on my own time, so don't worry, 495 00:39:59,021 --> 00:40:04,652 but I actually did manage to turn a cooperator... ish. 496 00:40:05,444 --> 00:40:08,531 And that he said that there was something happening 497 00:40:08,531 --> 00:40:12,701 in Washington Square Park tonight. But then he said there isn't. 498 00:40:13,494 --> 00:40:15,371 Which makes me think that there is. 499 00:40:15,371 --> 00:40:18,165 And that it's bigger than the whack-a-bum stuff 500 00:40:18,165 --> 00:40:20,376 because why would they be killing a vagrant 501 00:40:20,376 --> 00:40:21,585 in Washington Square Park. 502 00:40:21,585 --> 00:40:24,004 So, I feel like I should definitely be there, 503 00:40:24,004 --> 00:40:26,132 but I don't want to go until I hear back from you 504 00:40:26,132 --> 00:40:30,136 because I am trying to be professional 505 00:40:30,136 --> 00:40:35,099 and to respect protocol. So, yeah, 506 00:40:35,099 --> 00:40:40,396 when you get this, just hit me back and yeah, I'll be sitting tight. 507 00:40:40,396 --> 00:40:41,564 Okay. Bye. 508 00:40:43,482 --> 00:40:46,944 So, are you gonna wait for his approval 509 00:40:46,944 --> 00:40:50,156 - or... - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 510 00:40:50,698 --> 00:40:51,615 Right. 511 00:41:02,501 --> 00:41:03,669 Hey, Jared? 512 00:41:08,465 --> 00:41:10,843 - Jared? - Yeah. 513 00:41:11,343 --> 00:41:13,929 The microwave's jammed. The door won't open. 514 00:41:14,763 --> 00:41:19,977 The microwave. Yeah. Yeah. It's not jammed. It's a drawer now. 515 00:41:19,977 --> 00:41:24,481 - It's a drawer? - Yeah. You know, it's this whole thing. 516 00:41:25,900 --> 00:41:26,901 There's a button. 517 00:41:28,110 --> 00:41:29,195 Oh, my God. 518 00:41:30,029 --> 00:41:33,115 Since your parents remodeled, I can't figure out a damn thing 519 00:41:33,115 --> 00:41:34,658 in this place. Are you sure you're not hungry? 520 00:41:35,159 --> 00:41:38,454 No. I'm not feeling too good. I'm just gonna crash tonight. 521 00:41:39,371 --> 00:41:40,498 Well, don't you have tutor? 522 00:41:41,749 --> 00:41:43,584 I think I'm just gonna cancel. 523 00:41:43,584 --> 00:41:46,086 If I'm sick, I don't want to get Sarah sick. 524 00:41:46,086 --> 00:41:49,256 - So... yeah. - Did you call her? 525 00:41:51,175 --> 00:41:55,221 I actually lost my phone. Do you think you could call her for me? 526 00:41:55,638 --> 00:41:58,265 Mom left her number on the sheet next to the phone. 527 00:41:59,308 --> 00:42:02,228 You do look a little flushed. Okay, sweetie, I will. 528 00:42:02,937 --> 00:42:04,730 - Thanks, Nanna. - Can I get you some soup? 529 00:42:05,189 --> 00:42:07,066 No, I'm just gonna go to bed. 530 00:42:07,066 --> 00:42:08,651 - I'm not really hungry. - All right. 531 00:42:08,651 --> 00:42:10,694 - Well, hope you feel better. - Yeah. 532 00:42:10,694 --> 00:42:12,696 Oh, sweetheart. Love you. 533 00:42:13,030 --> 00:42:15,699 - Love you too. Good night, Nanna. - Good night. 534 00:42:56,240 --> 00:42:57,199 Do you see her right there? 535 00:42:58,867 --> 00:43:00,119 That's the tutor girl. 536 00:43:01,245 --> 00:43:03,330 She gonna come, she gonna post up on the building, 537 00:43:03,664 --> 00:43:04,581 check her phone. 538 00:43:05,791 --> 00:43:07,459 It's maybe Instagram or something. I don't know. 539 00:43:08,460 --> 00:43:10,754 But she waits, she might call him. Hold on. 540 00:43:12,172 --> 00:43:13,465 She ready, then they gonna go 541 00:43:13,465 --> 00:43:15,301 across the park right now and go to the Bean. 542 00:43:15,968 --> 00:43:17,303 Do some school shit. 543 00:43:18,095 --> 00:43:20,431 As soon she leaves with him, that's when we go, okay? 544 00:43:25,602 --> 00:43:26,645 What the fuck? 545 00:43:27,730 --> 00:43:28,939 What the fuck! 546 00:43:29,606 --> 00:43:32,443 Yo, I told Len to track him the last two fucking Saturdays. 547 00:43:33,277 --> 00:43:34,445 Wait, I got a backup. 548 00:43:35,321 --> 00:43:37,406 I got these FedEx joints, maybe we go, 549 00:43:37,406 --> 00:43:39,033 - we knock on the door-- - Hey, Aked. 550 00:43:39,033 --> 00:43:40,743 That him? Right there, that door? 551 00:43:44,204 --> 00:43:45,247 Yeah, that's him. 552 00:43:45,706 --> 00:43:48,667 That's him. Where is he going? Where is this motherfucker going? What? 553 00:43:49,251 --> 00:43:50,836 That's a one-way. He just went up a one-way. 554 00:43:50,836 --> 00:43:54,089 Fuck. Go up next block. Next block. Make a right. 555 00:44:04,433 --> 00:44:05,684 I don't see shit. 556 00:44:05,684 --> 00:44:08,228 Thought you said this man was already there, chief? 557 00:44:08,228 --> 00:44:09,480 No. I know. I know. 558 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:14,276 Okay, this right, right here. You take this right, right here. Right here. 559 00:44:29,458 --> 00:44:31,627 I just can't take anything he says seriously. 560 00:44:31,627 --> 00:44:36,215 All I can do is picture him sitting in that chair with tin foil on. 561 00:44:37,216 --> 00:44:39,760 That's not fair. Not everyone can rock 562 00:44:39,760 --> 00:44:41,887 - the silver fox like you. - Oh, God bless you, 563 00:44:41,887 --> 00:44:43,972 - but you know what I mean. - Hi, Mom. 564 00:44:45,891 --> 00:44:47,393 Hey, thanks for the heads up. 565 00:44:47,393 --> 00:44:49,770 Yeah. Well, I hope you don't mind the executive decision. 566 00:44:49,770 --> 00:44:53,816 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I mean, no sense doing tutor if he's sick. 567 00:44:55,275 --> 00:44:57,778 - Night. - Night, night. 568 00:44:59,446 --> 00:45:01,156 - Good night, Kris. - Good night, Derek. 569 00:45:19,091 --> 00:45:21,552 I think he just didn't wanna do tutor. 570 00:45:40,863 --> 00:45:42,823 All right. Fuck it. Take this left right here. 571 00:45:43,907 --> 00:45:44,992 Right here. Right here. 572 00:45:44,992 --> 00:45:46,285 - Right here? - Yeah. 573 00:45:52,166 --> 00:45:53,041 Nothing? 574 00:46:04,845 --> 00:46:06,597 Fuck it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 575 00:46:06,597 --> 00:46:09,475 Wait, wait, wait. There's he. There's he. Right there! 576 00:46:12,144 --> 00:46:17,149 Yeah. Yes! Yeah, Keesen! 577 00:46:17,149 --> 00:46:18,859 - Go, go, go, Xavier. Hurry, hurry, hurry! - Hurry! 578 00:47:25,926 --> 00:47:28,512 Hi. Thank you. You must have my son's phone. 579 00:47:28,512 --> 00:47:31,598 - He's always losing his stuff. - Actually, we have your son. 580 00:47:32,140 --> 00:47:33,809 - What? - I said we have your son. 581 00:47:33,809 --> 00:47:35,602 And we'll kill him if you don't do what we say. 582 00:47:35,602 --> 00:47:37,145 - Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. - All right? Yo, lady, 583 00:47:37,145 --> 00:47:38,438 - you're not in charge here. - No, I said hang on! 584 00:47:38,438 --> 00:47:39,398 You need to stop talkin 585 00:47:39,398 --> 00:47:40,482 - and start listening... - Sam? 586 00:47:40,482 --> 00:47:42,776 ...or this will be the worst night of your life. You hear me? 587 00:47:42,776 --> 00:47:43,860 What's going on? 588 00:47:43,860 --> 00:47:45,237 - They have Jared. - What? 589 00:47:45,237 --> 00:47:47,072 Damn right, we do. And here what's gonna happen-- 590 00:47:47,072 --> 00:47:50,158 Whoa, whoa, whoa. If this is a joke, it's not funny. Who's talking? 591 00:47:50,158 --> 00:47:53,203 Now, I'm gonna give you a figure, and I suggest you write it down. 592 00:47:53,203 --> 00:47:55,289 Do you have Jared? I want to talk to Jared. 593 00:47:55,289 --> 00:47:58,458 Who is this? Who is talking to me right now? 594 00:47:58,458 --> 00:48:01,503 Three hundred and fourteen thousand, one hundred and fifty-nine. 595 00:48:02,504 --> 00:48:04,965 - Wait, wait, wait. Just... wait. - Write that number down. It's important. 596 00:48:04,965 --> 00:48:06,466 - What are these numbers? - One, four, one... 597 00:48:06,466 --> 00:48:07,801 - This-- This is money? - Derek! 598 00:48:07,801 --> 00:48:11,930 No, you need to tell us something. Give us some information. 599 00:48:12,431 --> 00:48:15,183 White sneakers, there's writing on them. 600 00:48:16,810 --> 00:48:18,604 Yellow and green Trek mountain bike. 601 00:48:19,605 --> 00:48:21,189 You're gonna get a call shortly 602 00:48:21,189 --> 00:48:23,442 explaining where you pick up the money. All right? 603 00:48:25,068 --> 00:48:28,363 Yes, cash. Nothing bigger than twenties, you hear me? 604 00:48:30,490 --> 00:48:33,368 Man, I don't know. Why don't you ask your fucking father-in-law 605 00:48:33,368 --> 00:48:35,495 what his Atlantic City credit limit is. All right? 606 00:48:45,422 --> 00:48:47,007 Sure, about that move, Clarence? 607 00:48:48,175 --> 00:48:49,509 You might want to rethink that. 608 00:48:59,770 --> 00:49:01,647 Again. Sorry. Sorry. 609 00:49:02,439 --> 00:49:03,482 Of course. 610 00:49:03,815 --> 00:49:06,318 Sam, I am playing chess with my friend-- 611 00:49:06,902 --> 00:49:09,196 Just-- Sam. Slow down. 612 00:49:10,197 --> 00:49:11,823 Slow down. Slow down! 613 00:49:14,618 --> 00:49:15,535 What? 614 00:49:16,787 --> 00:49:17,746 What! 615 00:49:20,499 --> 00:49:22,292 I'm sorry. I... 616 00:49:23,335 --> 00:49:24,294 I've got to go. 617 00:49:25,545 --> 00:49:26,755 I'll... I'll... 618 00:49:32,719 --> 00:49:35,180 Just tell him it's an emergency. 619 00:49:35,847 --> 00:49:38,642 I need to borrow against my credit limit. 620 00:49:39,851 --> 00:49:41,478 Because I can't right now, Joey! 621 00:49:41,478 --> 00:49:44,898 - Did she tell you anything? - I know about as much as you do. 622 00:49:44,898 --> 00:49:48,944 Look, just call Sey. If he's not on the casino floor 623 00:49:48,944 --> 00:49:50,529 then he's gonna be awake somewhere. 624 00:49:50,529 --> 00:49:52,114 Chef Jeff, Ms. McCusker, you forgot to sign-- 625 00:49:52,114 --> 00:49:54,700 Not now, Bryce. Yes. Just do it. 626 00:49:56,201 --> 00:49:57,160 Call me back. 627 00:50:04,084 --> 00:50:06,044 - My God. Oh, my God. - Sam. Anybody called? 628 00:50:06,044 --> 00:50:07,087 Derek? 629 00:50:07,546 --> 00:50:09,339 Joey called my guy in Atlantic City. 630 00:50:09,339 --> 00:50:10,507 They haven't told us a thing. 631 00:50:10,507 --> 00:50:13,385 - You know, I'm sorry you're involved. - What are you apologizing for? 632 00:50:13,385 --> 00:50:16,096 Did you fucking do it? Don't apologize. 633 00:50:16,096 --> 00:50:18,432 - Wait, Joey? - Wait, Dad! He said no police. 634 00:50:18,432 --> 00:50:20,726 - Joey's not police. He's not anymore. - I checked and he was there. 635 00:50:20,726 --> 00:50:22,144 - Honest to God! - He's the best there is. 636 00:50:22,144 --> 00:50:23,437 - I checked and he was there. - Kris! 637 00:50:23,437 --> 00:50:24,563 - Yes? - This is not about you. 638 00:50:24,563 --> 00:50:26,314 - I know that, but I-- - Can we just take a beat? 639 00:50:26,314 --> 00:50:28,150 - I looked in his room and he was there... - We don't have a fucking beat. 640 00:50:28,150 --> 00:50:29,234 - This is a nightmare. - Kris? 641 00:50:29,234 --> 00:50:30,652 - Kris. - I would never... What? 642 00:50:30,652 --> 00:50:32,821 - Kristen, it's not you. - Yeah. I know. 643 00:50:32,821 --> 00:50:34,656 - We're not mad at you. - No, no, no, no, no, no. 644 00:50:34,656 --> 00:50:36,825 - Mom! Mom! - I'm fine. I'm fine. 645 00:50:37,284 --> 00:50:38,827 Hey. Hey, hey. 646 00:50:39,202 --> 00:50:40,579 Oh, my God. 647 00:50:40,912 --> 00:50:45,667 I... I... can't. Okay, wait. 648 00:50:45,667 --> 00:50:48,295 So, what? Police. Yes, or no? 649 00:50:48,295 --> 00:50:51,840 Joey says... not until Jared's safe at home. 650 00:50:53,550 --> 00:50:57,471 And who the fuck knows about my casino credit limit? 651 00:50:58,889 --> 00:51:00,098 Fuck. 652 00:51:06,104 --> 00:51:08,857 - Yes? - Okay, listen to me. 653 00:51:09,316 --> 00:51:11,485 There's a parking lot right next to the south entrance 654 00:51:11,485 --> 00:51:13,445 of the George Washington Bridge. All right? 655 00:51:13,862 --> 00:51:16,406 Tell your boys at the casino to drop your cash there. 656 00:51:16,740 --> 00:51:18,283 When you're on the bridge with the money, 657 00:51:18,283 --> 00:51:20,410 you'll receive your next instruction, all right? 658 00:51:21,286 --> 00:51:22,829 Look, if you're not there by midnight, 659 00:51:22,829 --> 00:51:25,540 if you're not alone or police have been called, 660 00:51:25,540 --> 00:51:26,917 your son will be killed. 661 00:51:27,417 --> 00:51:29,961 Okay, put our son on the phone, please. Put-- 662 00:51:33,006 --> 00:51:34,090 Fuck. 663 00:51:36,676 --> 00:51:39,012 - Jared! - What the fuck? 664 00:51:39,012 --> 00:51:42,557 Jared? Oh, my God. Where have you been? 665 00:51:42,557 --> 00:51:44,518 Jeez, Mom, I just went out for a walk. 666 00:51:44,518 --> 00:51:46,144 - Calm down. What-- - Sweetheart. 667 00:51:46,144 --> 00:51:48,855 - You lied to your grandmother. - Derek, he's here. 668 00:51:48,855 --> 00:51:50,816 - Derek, it's fine. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 669 00:51:50,816 --> 00:51:53,068 He was sneaking. He lied to your mom and us. 670 00:51:53,068 --> 00:51:54,277 I didn't realize how late it was. 671 00:51:54,277 --> 00:51:55,570 - I'm sorry. - I'm so glad. I just-- 672 00:51:55,570 --> 00:51:58,240 - Please. Please just be honest with us. - Stop. Fucking calm down. 673 00:51:58,240 --> 00:52:01,451 Okay? Were you meeting someone? A boy? A girl? It doesn't matter. 674 00:52:01,451 --> 00:52:03,578 - Just talk to us. Please. - This is not the time 675 00:52:03,578 --> 00:52:05,330 to be fucking around, son. 676 00:52:06,206 --> 00:52:08,333 This is not the time to be fucking around. 677 00:52:10,293 --> 00:52:12,087 - This is no time to fuck around. - No, Dad, no. 678 00:52:12,087 --> 00:52:13,713 Hold on. Just hold on. 679 00:52:16,424 --> 00:52:19,719 Hey, you need to talk to us, bud. What's going on? 680 00:52:19,719 --> 00:52:22,639 Okay, you're not in trouble, but this is important. 681 00:52:23,765 --> 00:52:24,766 Jared. 682 00:52:31,565 --> 00:52:33,358 There's this boy I've been talking to. 683 00:52:34,526 --> 00:52:36,194 He said he had all my stuff. 684 00:52:36,653 --> 00:52:38,697 And he'd show it to me if I went to go see him. 685 00:52:38,697 --> 00:52:41,783 So, I lied to Nanna and I snuck out. 686 00:52:44,619 --> 00:52:46,413 When I got there he was wearing my hoodie. 687 00:52:46,413 --> 00:52:50,667 My original one from before I replaced it. And he had my shoes too. 688 00:52:51,376 --> 00:52:54,880 He really liked my bike, so I let him ride it around a little bit. 689 00:52:57,340 --> 00:53:00,635 But then a van came, these guys jumped out and they threw him in. 690 00:53:00,635 --> 00:53:02,387 And I couldn't do anything about it. 691 00:53:05,140 --> 00:53:07,934 I just got my bike and I rode around 692 00:53:07,934 --> 00:53:10,353 until I could work up the nerve to come back home. 693 00:53:11,104 --> 00:53:12,147 Oh, baby. 694 00:53:13,231 --> 00:53:15,775 Oh, my God. That had to have been horrible. 695 00:53:17,444 --> 00:53:19,988 - I think they were after me. - Why would you think that? 696 00:53:20,530 --> 00:53:23,283 Well, if it had been two minutes earlier, they would have gotten me. 697 00:53:23,783 --> 00:53:24,826 Oh, baby. 698 00:53:26,661 --> 00:53:28,163 Why would somebody be after me? 699 00:53:29,122 --> 00:53:31,333 - We don't know. - We don't know anything, bud. 700 00:53:33,001 --> 00:53:35,378 What do you know about this boy? What's his name? 701 00:53:36,338 --> 00:53:39,966 His name is Nicky. Look, is he gonna be okay? 702 00:53:39,966 --> 00:53:43,762 Open it. Open it. Open it right now. Open it. 703 00:53:44,137 --> 00:53:47,015 Yeah. Come here. Come here. Come here. Look at me. 704 00:53:47,015 --> 00:53:48,767 Look at me. You know how to take pills? 705 00:53:48,767 --> 00:53:51,227 Did boss send you old man gummy bear sleeping pills? 706 00:53:51,227 --> 00:53:52,771 Shut the fuck up. I'm not talking to you. 707 00:53:52,771 --> 00:53:54,397 Jared, do you know how to take pills? 708 00:53:54,397 --> 00:53:57,359 Don't fuck with me. Look at these. You know how to take these? Huh? 709 00:53:58,652 --> 00:54:01,196 Okay. Okay. Okay, Ruby. Here we go. 710 00:54:02,197 --> 00:54:04,449 You're okay. You're good. Okay. 711 00:54:06,076 --> 00:54:08,411 - Hey, Joey. - Sam. Hello. 712 00:54:10,080 --> 00:54:13,208 Hey, so the casino asked why so much cash so quickly-- 713 00:54:13,208 --> 00:54:17,712 - So, you can cancel all that. - He's here. Jared. He's in his room. 714 00:54:18,838 --> 00:54:20,674 - Hey, Joey. - How you doing, Mr. Browne? 715 00:54:21,591 --> 00:54:24,594 He's... Jared's here? 716 00:54:26,346 --> 00:54:28,932 - Well, that's good. Right? - Oh, yeah. 717 00:54:34,145 --> 00:54:35,939 Well, the place looks good. Wow. 718 00:54:36,856 --> 00:54:38,024 Don't even recognize it. 719 00:54:40,068 --> 00:54:41,861 What? What? 720 00:54:46,199 --> 00:54:47,450 - Who is this? - Derek. 721 00:54:47,450 --> 00:54:49,369 Please. Who am I talking to? 722 00:54:50,036 --> 00:54:52,205 Daddy? Dad? 723 00:54:53,331 --> 00:54:56,334 - Who is this? - Is there a problem? 724 00:54:57,502 --> 00:55:00,797 No, sir. There's no problem. We just need to gather some information. 725 00:55:01,256 --> 00:55:04,259 Gather some information? What the fuck are you talking about? 726 00:55:04,259 --> 00:55:06,553 Gather some-- What the fuck are you talking-- 727 00:55:07,429 --> 00:55:08,430 Hello? 728 00:55:10,140 --> 00:55:11,224 They're muting me? 729 00:55:15,311 --> 00:55:16,312 Bolt cutters. 730 00:55:16,646 --> 00:55:18,148 - Huh? - Give me the bolt cutters. 731 00:55:18,481 --> 00:55:19,899 Give me the fucking bolt cutters. 732 00:55:19,899 --> 00:55:23,194 Come here. Xavier, pull over. Pull the fuck over. 733 00:55:23,570 --> 00:55:25,030 Aked, what are you doing, buddy? 734 00:55:25,030 --> 00:55:27,449 Record this right now. Hurry. Hurry. 735 00:55:29,034 --> 00:55:32,287 No. I do not negotiate with a terrorist. 736 00:55:32,287 --> 00:55:34,205 - Jeff, come on. They have someone's child. - Okay, okay. 737 00:55:34,205 --> 00:55:36,499 - So now, we call the police. Right? - I don't know. 738 00:55:36,499 --> 00:55:37,834 Do we call the police, Joey? 739 00:55:39,085 --> 00:55:42,964 - Wait, is that them? - Yeah. There's a video attached. 740 00:55:44,174 --> 00:55:45,216 Play it. 741 00:55:49,304 --> 00:55:51,473 - Oh, Holy Christ. - Oh, my God! 742 00:55:52,474 --> 00:55:54,851 Hold still. You're making it worse, Jared. 743 00:55:55,977 --> 00:55:57,854 Oh, Jesus Christ. 744 00:55:58,271 --> 00:55:59,481 Oh, my God! 745 00:56:00,940 --> 00:56:03,568 They think... they think they have Jared. 746 00:56:03,568 --> 00:56:05,695 - But they don't. - Yeah, but if they find out they don't, 747 00:56:05,695 --> 00:56:07,655 what's to keep them from coming after him? 748 00:56:07,655 --> 00:56:08,865 Well, what do we do? 749 00:56:09,365 --> 00:56:12,577 Do we just pretend that it's Jared or what? 750 00:56:18,083 --> 00:56:19,042 Hello? 751 00:56:21,252 --> 00:56:25,215 It hurts. Please do what they say. 752 00:56:27,842 --> 00:56:29,803 We just need a few more details. 753 00:56:31,221 --> 00:56:34,474 Jared, I want you to talk about yourself. 754 00:56:35,058 --> 00:56:37,435 Call... Charisse. 755 00:56:42,190 --> 00:56:45,944 We'll talk at midnight. If you're on a bridge and if you're alone. 756 00:56:47,153 --> 00:56:48,905 Wait. What-- what do you mean "alone?" 757 00:56:49,614 --> 00:56:52,283 One person. No cops. 758 00:56:54,119 --> 00:56:56,746 And if I don't have the money by 1:11 a.m. sharp, 759 00:56:56,746 --> 00:57:01,417 your boy, your grandson, Chef Jeff, is dead.