1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:06,759 This programme contains some violent scenes, some strong language, 2 00:00:06,760 --> 00:00:09,320 and scenes which some viewers may find upsetting. 3 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:46,799 Oh, is that where we're going? 4 00:00:46,800 --> 00:00:49,239 It looks amazing. 5 00:00:49,240 --> 00:00:50,839 It's weird, innit? 6 00:00:50,840 --> 00:00:53,359 When you look at these places, they don't seem real, 7 00:00:53,360 --> 00:00:56,760 and then when you get there, it's home that doesn't seem real. 8 00:00:59,040 --> 00:01:02,240 Do you want to go and see if Jason wants some of that coffee? 9 00:01:08,760 --> 00:01:10,439 Mum. Hmm? 10 00:01:10,440 --> 00:01:13,039 I'll have to bring some revision with me. 11 00:01:13,040 --> 00:01:16,399 Are you thinking half term or are you thinking Easter? 12 00:01:16,400 --> 00:01:18,359 Erm, Easter, probably. 13 00:01:18,360 --> 00:01:20,040 Mm-hm. 14 00:01:36,800 --> 00:01:41,880 IN SPANISH: 15 00:02:42,640 --> 00:02:45,999 Everything's so much more fragile than it seems. 16 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:48,039 We think we want a change. 17 00:02:48,040 --> 00:02:50,040 A break from normality. 18 00:02:52,880 --> 00:02:56,359 But we don't realise, in asking for more, 19 00:02:56,360 --> 00:02:59,280 we risk breaking what we already have. 20 00:03:02,040 --> 00:03:04,519 Kim really wants to go and see the sea. 21 00:03:04,520 --> 00:03:07,519 No, no, no, no. Wait for a bit and we'll all go down together. 22 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,039 Oh, go on. This is going to take ages. 23 00:03:10,040 --> 00:03:11,559 Don't get lost! 24 00:03:11,560 --> 00:03:14,719 I'm so excited to see the sea. Kim! 25 00:03:14,720 --> 00:03:18,200 I'm trying to run faster. You are faster than me. 26 00:03:25,760 --> 00:03:27,360 It's exciting. 27 00:03:29,520 --> 00:03:31,040 Gracias. 28 00:03:33,640 --> 00:03:36,919 How about this one? Yeah, I like that one. Thank you. 29 00:03:36,920 --> 00:03:39,040 I'm going to start digging. 30 00:03:57,520 --> 00:04:00,359 Hola. Como estas? 31 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,160 Hola. Muy bien, senoritas. 32 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:05,520 Espera. 33 00:04:10,760 --> 00:04:13,599 Gracias, senor. Gracias. 34 00:04:13,600 --> 00:04:15,280 De nada. 35 00:04:19,040 --> 00:04:20,440 DOOR SLAMS 36 00:04:31,160 --> 00:04:34,200 MUFFLED SPEECH 37 00:04:37,680 --> 00:04:39,280 GUNSHOT 38 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:44,040 THEME MUSIC PLAYS 39 00:05:14,680 --> 00:05:17,599 Drop your weapon! Drop your weapon! Raise your hands! 40 00:05:17,600 --> 00:05:19,520 GUNFIRE 41 00:05:21,720 --> 00:05:23,039 Mum! 42 00:05:23,040 --> 00:05:25,200 GUN CLICKS 43 00:05:29,280 --> 00:05:30,999 Hijo de puta. 44 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:32,440 GUNSHOT 45 00:05:33,440 --> 00:05:34,960 GUNSHOT 46 00:05:35,960 --> 00:05:37,759 Come on. Come on! 47 00:05:37,760 --> 00:05:39,039 GUNFIRE 48 00:05:39,040 --> 00:05:40,560 Mum! 49 00:05:41,560 --> 00:05:43,800 GUNSHOT No! Run! 50 00:05:44,800 --> 00:05:46,079 GUNSHOT 51 00:05:46,080 --> 00:05:47,559 Run! 52 00:05:47,560 --> 00:05:49,520 Run! Amara, run! 53 00:05:51,040 --> 00:05:52,560 GUNSHOT 54 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:14,840 HE GASPS 55 00:06:34,520 --> 00:06:36,039 What were you thinking, eh? 56 00:06:36,040 --> 00:06:38,839 I thought you knew what you were doing. Why did you shout?! 57 00:06:38,840 --> 00:06:41,039 My daughter was out there, OK? I-I-I panicked. 58 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:43,079 I was just trying to do the right thing. 59 00:06:43,080 --> 00:06:45,039 Do you think this is a time for warnings? 60 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:47,799 They are not giving any warnings. I have to find Amara. 61 00:06:47,800 --> 00:06:49,599 What the fuck are you doing, eh? 62 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:51,679 If you go around the hotel looking for her, 63 00:06:51,680 --> 00:06:54,519 you will get you and your daughter killed. I have to find her. 64 00:06:54,520 --> 00:06:56,200 She could be anywhere. I know. 65 00:06:57,760 --> 00:07:00,160 Look, I know. What do we do? 66 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:05,400 We have to kill them before they kill us. 67 00:07:07,280 --> 00:07:12,039 We can't just go around hunting them down with these stupid things. 68 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:14,359 We don't even know how many of them are out there. 69 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:16,119 There's nothing wrong with a gun. 70 00:07:16,120 --> 00:07:19,039 OK, all right, so while you're off killing one of them, 71 00:07:19,040 --> 00:07:21,919 what are the other ones doing? They're killing my daughter! 72 00:07:21,920 --> 00:07:23,640 How else do we stop them?! 73 00:07:24,640 --> 00:07:26,039 Eh?! 74 00:07:26,040 --> 00:07:27,759 I don't... 75 00:07:27,760 --> 00:07:29,400 SHE GASPS 76 00:07:38,520 --> 00:07:40,279 Look, you know the building. 77 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:43,199 You must know the safest ways to get out. 78 00:07:43,200 --> 00:07:45,639 We can just try and get as many people out as we can. 79 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:47,759 We'll clear each floor, room by room. 80 00:07:47,760 --> 00:07:49,520 That way we'll find Amara, too. OK. 81 00:07:51,280 --> 00:07:53,040 OK, come on. Come on. 82 00:08:08,040 --> 00:08:09,760 HE SIGHS 83 00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:31,040 HE BREATHES HEAVILY 84 00:08:50,760 --> 00:08:53,359 Shall we go back and see if Dad's OK? 85 00:08:53,360 --> 00:08:56,199 He told us to run. I want to go back. 86 00:08:56,200 --> 00:08:58,040 Come on, keep going. 87 00:09:04,040 --> 00:09:05,439 Excuse me. 88 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:08,279 Excuse me, I'm looking for two children. 89 00:09:08,280 --> 00:09:11,279 Erm, Kim, she's seven, and her friend Suni. 90 00:09:11,280 --> 00:09:13,719 A white girl, blonde hair, and an Asian boy. 91 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:15,519 They're both wearing shorts. No. 92 00:09:15,520 --> 00:09:17,560 The girl was wearing a stripy T-shirt. 93 00:09:18,560 --> 00:09:21,039 I have to find them. They're... They're only... 94 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:23,040 Kim... She's only seven. 95 00:09:24,520 --> 00:09:27,120 She was wearing a stripy T-shirt! I'm sorry. 96 00:09:28,120 --> 00:09:29,519 Some... 97 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:31,199 Excuse me! Hey! 98 00:09:31,200 --> 00:09:33,479 Erm, you have to help me. I'm looking... 99 00:09:33,480 --> 00:09:36,439 I can't help you right now. Two children. Move back. Move back! 100 00:09:36,440 --> 00:09:38,239 Somebody must have... Kim! 101 00:09:38,240 --> 00:09:39,760 Suni! 102 00:09:42,520 --> 00:09:45,039 Please, somebody, help. 103 00:09:45,040 --> 00:09:46,759 Kim! 104 00:09:46,760 --> 00:09:48,400 Suni! 105 00:09:53,280 --> 00:09:56,040 HE EXHALES OK... OK. 106 00:10:08,480 --> 00:10:10,760 HE BREATHES HEAVILY 107 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:42,760 This is stupid. 108 00:11:01,520 --> 00:11:03,600 HE BREATHES RAGGEDLY 109 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:20,039 So, I do this side, you do this. No. 110 00:11:20,040 --> 00:11:23,040 If they hear your voice, they won't come out. 111 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:26,280 Come with me and keep watch. OK. 112 00:11:35,760 --> 00:11:37,520 KNOCKING ON DOOR 113 00:11:39,760 --> 00:11:41,400 Hello. Is anybody in there? 114 00:11:42,760 --> 00:11:44,760 My name's Jo. We're getting people out. 115 00:11:47,200 --> 00:11:48,920 KNOCKING ON DOOR 116 00:11:50,280 --> 00:11:52,280 Hello. Is anybody in there? 117 00:11:54,520 --> 00:11:57,120 We're evacuating people. Is anybody in there? 118 00:12:00,280 --> 00:12:02,520 So, this side. 119 00:12:06,600 --> 00:12:08,799 Fuerte para tu nina cuando salgas. 120 00:12:08,800 --> 00:12:10,520 Claro, la nena. 121 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:17,759 Tienes que estar fuerte. 122 00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:20,679 Para cuando salgas de aqui para tu nina. 123 00:12:20,680 --> 00:12:22,760 ABHI BREATHES UNCONTROLLABLY 124 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:31,040 Are you OK? 125 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:35,760 I'm just... 126 00:12:36,760 --> 00:12:38,520 I'm just not a brave person. 127 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:41,280 I never have been. 128 00:12:42,280 --> 00:12:44,760 Chinar has always looked after me. 129 00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:50,519 You're the brave one. 130 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:52,280 The strong one. 131 00:12:53,920 --> 00:12:55,680 I don't think any of us are... 132 00:12:56,680 --> 00:12:59,040 ..brave or strong right now. 133 00:13:05,760 --> 00:13:07,519 Can you watch her? 134 00:13:07,520 --> 00:13:10,759 If her breathing gets either slower or faster, 135 00:13:10,760 --> 00:13:13,319 can you just call me over straight away, OK? 136 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:14,760 OK. 137 00:13:20,840 --> 00:13:22,679 You OK? You need any help? 138 00:13:22,680 --> 00:13:24,040 OK. 139 00:13:28,760 --> 00:13:31,559 You need to keep your arm elevated. 140 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:32,839 OK? 141 00:13:32,840 --> 00:13:34,759 And also this hand - this hand... 142 00:13:34,760 --> 00:13:36,159 Just here. 143 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:38,039 Aqui. 144 00:13:38,040 --> 00:13:41,759 Right, does anybody, anyone over here, need any help? 145 00:13:41,760 --> 00:13:44,439 Is anybody injured? Do you need anything? 146 00:13:44,440 --> 00:13:46,280 I'm OK, thanks. OK. 147 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:55,760 Hey. Hey... 148 00:13:57,520 --> 00:13:58,959 It's OK. 149 00:13:58,960 --> 00:14:01,039 It's OK to be scared. 150 00:14:01,040 --> 00:14:02,880 We're all really scared. 151 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:06,320 OK? 152 00:14:15,800 --> 00:14:17,840 Sorry, I don't speak Spanish. 153 00:14:32,520 --> 00:14:35,279 Look, I want you to breathe... 154 00:14:35,280 --> 00:14:37,279 ..with me, OK? 155 00:14:37,280 --> 00:14:38,719 Like this. 156 00:14:38,720 --> 00:14:41,520 Look, look, look, look. THEY INHALE 157 00:14:42,760 --> 00:14:45,200 THEY EXHALE Good. 158 00:15:20,320 --> 00:15:23,120 LIFT WHIRS 159 00:15:46,560 --> 00:15:48,039 No. No, Mateo, it's my son. 160 00:15:48,040 --> 00:15:49,679 Adam! Mum! 161 00:15:49,680 --> 00:15:50,919 Mum. Shh, shh. 162 00:15:50,920 --> 00:15:54,519 Mum. Hey, those men could be anywhere so we have to be quiet. 163 00:15:54,520 --> 00:15:56,679 OK, guys, you understand me? OK. 164 00:15:56,680 --> 00:15:59,719 We have to get them out. Dad is downstairs. 165 00:15:59,720 --> 00:16:02,039 Where downstairs? In the basement. 166 00:16:02,040 --> 00:16:04,879 One of the men came in. Dad told us to run. 167 00:16:04,880 --> 00:16:06,119 OK. 168 00:16:06,120 --> 00:16:09,959 We're going to get you out and then we're going to go and find your dad. 169 00:16:09,960 --> 00:16:12,680 OK, go. Go. Go, go, go, go. 170 00:16:16,480 --> 00:16:17,760 Stay close together. 171 00:16:21,040 --> 00:16:23,279 OK, so you're going to come to me, 172 00:16:23,280 --> 00:16:27,319 but only when this man here says, OK? You'll come, too, Mummy? 173 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:29,759 No, darling, because Amara's still here 174 00:16:29,760 --> 00:16:32,480 and I have to help some people, too. Do you understand? 175 00:16:34,760 --> 00:16:37,400 Are you ready for this? We have to be fast. 176 00:16:43,280 --> 00:16:45,159 Can you find my dad? 177 00:16:45,160 --> 00:16:46,480 I'm going to try. 178 00:16:47,800 --> 00:16:50,400 Now, when you get out there, try and find the others. 179 00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:53,160 OK? You can do it. 180 00:16:54,160 --> 00:16:55,800 All right. 181 00:17:02,680 --> 00:17:04,359 OK, go. 182 00:17:04,360 --> 00:17:06,720 Go, go, go. Go. Go. 183 00:17:16,280 --> 00:17:19,159 Straight ahead, through that door. Stay low. 184 00:17:19,160 --> 00:17:21,519 I can cover you, OK? 185 00:17:21,520 --> 00:17:24,799 Now, when you come to me, you don't look left or right, 186 00:17:24,800 --> 00:17:27,319 just look at me, OK? Keep your eyes on me. 187 00:17:27,320 --> 00:17:28,800 OK? 188 00:17:47,760 --> 00:17:49,240 Go. 189 00:17:51,520 --> 00:17:53,320 Get by the wall. 190 00:17:56,160 --> 00:17:58,439 Hey, look at me. 191 00:17:58,440 --> 00:18:00,119 Hey, hey, hey. Be brave. 192 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:02,280 You'll be fine, OK? 193 00:18:08,160 --> 00:18:09,440 Go. 194 00:18:11,520 --> 00:18:12,760 Down. 195 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:19,320 No. No, no, no. Come on. 196 00:18:21,640 --> 00:18:23,280 By the wall. 197 00:18:35,160 --> 00:18:37,280 OK, go. Go, go, go. 198 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:47,240 OK. Get back here. OK. 199 00:18:59,040 --> 00:19:00,560 OK, come on. 200 00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:06,600 GATE CLUNKS AND CREAKS 201 00:19:11,520 --> 00:19:13,319 Go, go, go, go, go. 202 00:19:13,320 --> 00:19:15,759 Go. Come with me, Mummy. Please. 203 00:19:15,760 --> 00:19:18,519 It's OK. You have to go. You have to get away from the hotel. 204 00:19:18,520 --> 00:19:20,519 OK? Go and find Daddy. 205 00:19:20,520 --> 00:19:23,039 You'll be safe, then. Stick together. 206 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:24,520 I love you. Go. 207 00:19:30,480 --> 00:19:32,040 GATE SLAMS 208 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:44,240 SHE GASPS 209 00:19:52,480 --> 00:19:54,040 LOUD BANG 210 00:19:55,240 --> 00:19:56,520 LOUD BANG 211 00:19:57,720 --> 00:19:59,680 LOUD BANGING 212 00:20:02,760 --> 00:20:05,519 SHE CRIES Come on! 213 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:07,040 BANGING 214 00:20:09,560 --> 00:20:11,239 Shit. 215 00:20:11,240 --> 00:20:13,800 SHE CRIES 216 00:20:19,320 --> 00:20:20,919 HEAVY BREATHING 217 00:20:20,920 --> 00:20:23,040 Ey. Ey, Pilar, ey. 218 00:20:25,040 --> 00:20:26,759 What's wrong with her? 219 00:20:26,760 --> 00:20:28,560 Tension pneumothorax. 220 00:20:30,600 --> 00:20:31,879 Collapsed lung. 221 00:20:31,880 --> 00:20:33,399 She needs a decompression. 222 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:34,599 Can you do something? 223 00:20:34,600 --> 00:20:37,519 I'm a GP. I'm not... I'm not critical care. 224 00:20:37,520 --> 00:20:39,200 But I'll try. I'll try. 225 00:20:40,800 --> 00:20:42,119 Jesus! 226 00:20:42,120 --> 00:20:44,759 Oh, does she need mouth to mouth? 227 00:20:44,760 --> 00:20:46,599 That's the last thing she needs. 228 00:20:46,600 --> 00:20:49,279 There's air trapped between her chest wall and lung. 229 00:20:49,280 --> 00:20:51,279 I need a thin tube. 230 00:20:51,280 --> 00:20:53,199 A tube. Like a syringe. 231 00:20:53,200 --> 00:20:54,560 I need it. 232 00:20:55,560 --> 00:20:57,440 Quickly. I need it now. 233 00:21:16,320 --> 00:21:17,520 Aqui tienes. 234 00:21:19,640 --> 00:21:21,479 Come on, come on. 235 00:21:21,480 --> 00:21:23,239 Quick, quick, quick. 236 00:21:23,240 --> 00:21:24,360 Is this OK? 237 00:21:25,360 --> 00:21:28,039 WHEEZING 238 00:21:28,040 --> 00:21:30,440 OK. Vamos. 239 00:21:31,840 --> 00:21:33,759 You need to keep very still, Pilar. Don't move. 240 00:21:33,760 --> 00:21:36,519 You're going to feel some pressure but it's going to be OK. 241 00:21:36,520 --> 00:21:38,040 Shh. All right? 242 00:21:41,720 --> 00:21:43,520 SHE GROANS 243 00:21:47,400 --> 00:21:50,519 SOFT FIZZING 244 00:21:50,520 --> 00:21:52,240 MOANING 245 00:21:58,880 --> 00:22:00,639 Oh. 246 00:22:00,640 --> 00:22:02,760 SIGH OF RELIEF 247 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:08,039 Will she be OK now? As long as this tube stays in place, 248 00:22:08,040 --> 00:22:09,759 but she needs to go to hospital. 249 00:22:09,760 --> 00:22:13,240 I need some gauze. Lots and lots of gauze. And some tape. 250 00:22:16,040 --> 00:22:17,760 Uncle Ben! 251 00:22:21,680 --> 00:22:23,799 Boys! 252 00:22:23,800 --> 00:22:25,079 Hey! 253 00:22:25,080 --> 00:22:26,479 Come... 254 00:22:26,480 --> 00:22:29,039 Ah, you're safe. You're safe! 255 00:22:29,040 --> 00:22:30,519 Oh, where's your dad? 256 00:22:30,520 --> 00:22:33,119 He told us to run, then we found Jo and she got us out. 257 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:36,519 W-Where is she? She went back to find Dad. 258 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:39,199 And what about Auntie Miriam? Did... Did you see her? 259 00:22:39,200 --> 00:22:40,599 I want Mummy. 260 00:22:40,600 --> 00:22:42,719 Hey. 261 00:22:42,720 --> 00:22:44,399 Where's Dad? 262 00:22:44,400 --> 00:22:46,120 Where's Kim and Suni? 263 00:22:48,040 --> 00:22:50,280 Come here. Come here. Come here. 264 00:22:53,480 --> 00:22:55,520 PHONE RINGS 265 00:23:02,280 --> 00:23:04,679 MESSAGE: You're through to Catherine Cross. 266 00:23:04,680 --> 00:23:06,759 Please leave a message after the tone. 267 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:09,039 LOCK BEEPS 268 00:23:09,040 --> 00:23:10,680 Mum, it's me. 269 00:23:13,520 --> 00:23:17,040 Look, I know you're in the office but I just wanted to say, erm... 270 00:23:19,280 --> 00:23:22,759 Wh... When you hear it on the news, because I think it probably 271 00:23:22,760 --> 00:23:25,280 will be on the news quite soon, we're OK. 272 00:23:27,040 --> 00:23:30,040 But it is us, Mum, at the hotel. It is us and... 273 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:35,480 We're OK. 274 00:23:37,280 --> 00:23:38,679 I'm hiding. 275 00:23:38,680 --> 00:23:40,520 HE SOBS 276 00:23:46,320 --> 00:23:48,279 We've just got to wait until they get here, Mum, 277 00:23:48,280 --> 00:23:50,040 and I think they will soon. 278 00:23:53,320 --> 00:23:54,680 I love you. 279 00:23:56,040 --> 00:23:57,920 I love you loads. 280 00:24:04,040 --> 00:24:05,919 Please, don't call back. 281 00:24:05,920 --> 00:24:07,080 I love you. 282 00:25:44,240 --> 00:25:46,120 MUFFLED CHATTER 283 00:26:09,600 --> 00:26:11,080 I've got an idea. 284 00:26:16,040 --> 00:26:19,519 Why don't we all go away together? 285 00:26:19,520 --> 00:26:21,359 Over Easter. 286 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:23,760 Somewhere hot and sunny. 287 00:26:24,760 --> 00:26:26,280 Hmm. 288 00:26:29,040 --> 00:26:31,760 Would I get to see you in a swimsuit? 289 00:26:33,920 --> 00:26:35,919 I think that could be arranged. OK. 290 00:26:35,920 --> 00:26:37,680 CHINAR LAUGHS 291 00:26:43,520 --> 00:26:45,160 Amara! 292 00:26:55,320 --> 00:26:57,040 JO LAUGHS 293 00:27:24,040 --> 00:27:25,759 JO SOBS 294 00:27:25,760 --> 00:27:27,280 I'm sorry. 295 00:27:28,520 --> 00:27:30,360 I'm sorry, we have to go. 296 00:27:31,760 --> 00:27:34,920 We have to leave. It's not safe to be here. Please. 297 00:27:44,080 --> 00:27:46,040 JO SOBS 298 00:27:47,760 --> 00:27:49,840 He was the father of those boys? 299 00:27:51,320 --> 00:27:54,760 He was... He was one of our oldest friends. 300 00:27:56,280 --> 00:27:58,680 He went to school with my husband. 301 00:28:01,520 --> 00:28:03,519 And his boys... 302 00:28:03,520 --> 00:28:05,759 Those little... Sorry. 303 00:28:05,760 --> 00:28:07,600 His boys... 304 00:28:09,040 --> 00:28:12,040 And... And he and I... 305 00:28:15,280 --> 00:28:16,920 It was... 306 00:28:20,040 --> 00:28:22,319 Com... Complicated. OK. 307 00:28:22,320 --> 00:28:24,359 We have a minute here, OK? 308 00:28:24,360 --> 00:28:25,919 OK? 309 00:28:25,920 --> 00:28:27,759 OK. I'm sorry. I just... 310 00:28:27,760 --> 00:28:29,919 I need a minute and I'll be OK. 311 00:28:29,920 --> 00:28:32,920 Listen, you can stay here with the gun. 312 00:28:34,200 --> 00:28:35,839 OK? No problem. I will go. 313 00:28:35,840 --> 00:28:38,079 No. I want to help. 314 00:28:38,080 --> 00:28:39,879 I'm... I'm... 315 00:28:39,880 --> 00:28:41,239 I'm a police officer. 316 00:28:41,240 --> 00:28:43,999 I-I used to be. 317 00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:45,360 Why did you stop? 318 00:28:48,040 --> 00:28:49,760 Because, I, erm... 319 00:28:51,040 --> 00:28:53,519 Because I didn't think I was good enough. 320 00:28:53,520 --> 00:28:57,279 At the... At the time, I didn't think I was good...good enough. 321 00:28:57,280 --> 00:28:58,679 OK. 322 00:28:58,680 --> 00:29:00,280 JO SIGHS 323 00:29:06,280 --> 00:29:07,840 Listen... 324 00:29:09,760 --> 00:29:11,600 When I was young... 325 00:29:12,960 --> 00:29:17,040 ..I wanted to go to Madrid to be in the national police. 326 00:29:18,560 --> 00:29:21,039 You know? Tough guy. 327 00:29:21,040 --> 00:29:24,039 But island families, we are tight, 328 00:29:24,040 --> 00:29:27,359 so I work in hospitality like everyone else. 329 00:29:27,360 --> 00:29:29,880 Like my brothers. My wife, too. 330 00:29:32,520 --> 00:29:34,160 I hope she's OK. 331 00:29:35,400 --> 00:29:38,039 Your... Your wife works here in the hotel? 332 00:29:38,040 --> 00:29:39,599 Yeah. Yeah. 333 00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:43,039 I... I-I checked the CCTV for the restaurant and kitchen 334 00:29:43,040 --> 00:29:44,840 but I couldn't see her. 335 00:29:46,040 --> 00:29:48,359 She would have run, I'm sure. She's smart. 336 00:29:48,360 --> 00:29:49,840 I'm sure, OK. 337 00:29:50,840 --> 00:29:52,519 I'm... I'm... 338 00:29:52,520 --> 00:29:54,279 I'm so sorry. I... 339 00:29:54,280 --> 00:29:57,039 I didn't... I didn't think you had family here. 340 00:29:57,040 --> 00:29:58,839 I... I... 341 00:29:58,840 --> 00:30:01,279 I feel so selfish now. 342 00:30:01,280 --> 00:30:03,680 I just talked about my own family. 343 00:30:04,680 --> 00:30:08,040 I'm sorry. It's normal. It's normal, OK? 344 00:30:09,640 --> 00:30:12,279 Listen, when you took your son out, 345 00:30:12,280 --> 00:30:14,360 you could have run with him. 346 00:30:15,760 --> 00:30:17,759 But you came back... 347 00:30:17,760 --> 00:30:19,519 ..to help others. 348 00:30:19,520 --> 00:30:21,520 To get other people out. 349 00:30:22,760 --> 00:30:25,920 That was the right thing to do. The brave thing. 350 00:30:27,280 --> 00:30:30,120 I can tell you were a good police officer. 351 00:30:37,280 --> 00:30:39,520 OK, let's do this. Let's do it. 352 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:21,040 SHE SOBS 353 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:41,360 DOOR CREAKS 354 00:32:24,000 --> 00:32:26,120 SCREAMING 355 00:32:27,120 --> 00:32:29,759 Aargh! Argh! Aargh! 356 00:32:29,760 --> 00:32:31,520 Aargh! 357 00:32:36,480 --> 00:32:38,040 GUNSHOT 358 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:20,040 SHE BREATHES UNCONTROLLABLY 359 00:33:22,000 --> 00:33:23,600 DOOR CLOSES 360 00:33:35,480 --> 00:33:37,280 LOUD THUD 361 00:33:42,040 --> 00:33:45,320 GROANING 362 00:34:02,080 --> 00:34:04,360 CHOKED GROANING 363 00:34:15,040 --> 00:34:16,840 Oh, God. I'm sorry. 364 00:34:22,040 --> 00:34:24,200 AMARA SOBS 365 00:34:25,520 --> 00:34:27,280 I'm sorry. 366 00:35:22,960 --> 00:35:24,280 I saw you. 367 00:35:25,520 --> 00:35:27,040 Didn't I? 368 00:35:28,760 --> 00:35:30,920 It's... It's you. I said hello. 369 00:35:32,720 --> 00:35:34,519 You don't have to do this. 370 00:35:34,520 --> 00:35:36,479 Whoever... 371 00:35:36,480 --> 00:35:39,839 I mean, I know what it feels like. 372 00:35:39,840 --> 00:35:43,280 I feel crazy sometimes with everything everyone wants, like... 373 00:35:46,760 --> 00:35:50,519 Mum's great, but, you know, she's always on at me... Shh! 374 00:35:50,520 --> 00:35:53,159 And it's really hard, you know, because 375 00:35:53,160 --> 00:35:56,519 half the time I feel like I'm the only adult in that house. 376 00:35:56,520 --> 00:36:00,039 I just, like... I know when Mum and Dad split, I was only five, 377 00:36:00,040 --> 00:36:03,599 so I don't really remember all that much about them living together. 378 00:36:03,600 --> 00:36:08,279 Mum, I don't know what's going on with her and Jason... Shh. Shh! 379 00:36:08,280 --> 00:36:11,439 I'm... I'm telling you, whatever you've done 380 00:36:11,440 --> 00:36:14,159 today, so far, I mean, 381 00:36:14,160 --> 00:36:16,439 you might feel like you've really fucked up, 382 00:36:16,440 --> 00:36:19,039 like you've gone so far that you just have to keep going, 383 00:36:19,040 --> 00:36:20,759 but you don't have to. 384 00:36:20,760 --> 00:36:22,919 You don't have to do this. 385 00:36:22,920 --> 00:36:25,679 It's me. You... You saw me. 386 00:36:25,680 --> 00:36:29,279 I'm not pretending like you're not in trouble because you are, 387 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:31,519 you're in real trouble, and your friends, too, 388 00:36:31,520 --> 00:36:34,639 but you must have a mum or a dad. Think of them. Shh! 389 00:36:34,640 --> 00:36:36,919 Think of what they would want you to do right now. Shh! 390 00:36:36,920 --> 00:36:38,839 What they would want you to do right now. 391 00:36:38,840 --> 00:36:42,039 Cos I know... Shh! I know that you have people who care about you. 392 00:36:42,040 --> 00:36:44,880 Just think about them. Think about them. Think about... 393 00:36:51,800 --> 00:36:54,120 AMARA SOBS 394 00:37:17,000 --> 00:37:19,040 AMARA SOBS 395 00:37:42,000 --> 00:37:43,759 KNOCKING ON DOOR 396 00:37:43,760 --> 00:37:45,520 Buenos dias. 397 00:37:47,520 --> 00:37:49,520 Room service. 398 00:37:53,520 --> 00:37:55,160 KNOCKING 399 00:37:58,080 --> 00:37:59,760 Hello. Is anybody in there? 400 00:38:00,760 --> 00:38:03,439 We're evacuating people. Is anybody in there? 401 00:38:03,440 --> 00:38:04,800 KNOCKING 402 00:38:13,520 --> 00:38:16,279 My name is Jo. We're getting people out. 403 00:38:16,280 --> 00:38:17,759 Come out. 404 00:38:17,760 --> 00:38:19,440 Go with this man. 405 00:38:20,440 --> 00:38:21,879 Go. 406 00:38:21,880 --> 00:38:24,280 Go. Stay close to the wall. 407 00:38:30,760 --> 00:38:32,040 Hey. 408 00:39:12,280 --> 00:39:13,760 Hey. 409 00:39:15,240 --> 00:39:16,559 What's your name? 410 00:39:16,560 --> 00:39:17,760 My name is Seth. XXX 411 00:39:19,120 --> 00:39:21,439 I'm Jo. 412 00:39:21,440 --> 00:39:23,000 You want to come with me? 413 00:39:24,760 --> 00:39:28,519 We're going to go. We have to be really quick and really quiet. 414 00:39:28,520 --> 00:39:29,759 OK? 415 00:39:29,760 --> 00:39:31,240 Good boy. 416 00:39:37,760 --> 00:39:39,759 Can you hold on to him, please? 417 00:39:39,760 --> 00:39:41,359 Come on. 418 00:39:41,360 --> 00:39:43,120 OK, go. Go, go, go. 419 00:39:48,280 --> 00:39:49,840 Wait here. 420 00:39:51,360 --> 00:39:52,720 KNOCKING ON DOOR 421 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:59,039 DISTANT KNOCKING 422 00:39:59,040 --> 00:40:00,760 Buenos dias. 423 00:40:01,960 --> 00:40:03,520 Hotel security. 424 00:40:11,480 --> 00:40:13,280 KNOCKING 425 00:40:37,480 --> 00:40:39,280 KNOCKING 426 00:41:05,040 --> 00:41:07,080 DOOR SLAMS Shit. 427 00:42:11,000 --> 00:42:13,040 BABY CRIES 428 00:42:14,520 --> 00:42:16,040 Argh! 429 00:42:19,040 --> 00:42:21,039 Please... Please. 430 00:42:21,040 --> 00:42:22,960 Please. SHE SOBS 431 00:42:25,680 --> 00:42:26,960 Go. 432 00:42:28,520 --> 00:42:29,839 Go. 433 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:31,399 Go! 434 00:42:31,400 --> 00:42:33,040 BABY CONTINUES CRYING 435 00:43:34,520 --> 00:43:36,359 Que no, que te digo que no, por Dios. 436 00:43:36,360 --> 00:43:38,079 Que no podemos seguir aqui. 437 00:43:38,080 --> 00:43:39,599 O que prefieres, quedarte aqui, 438 00:43:39,600 --> 00:43:42,679 pegando como un perro esperando que los sacrificen? 439 00:43:42,680 --> 00:43:45,759 Pero no podemos dejar esta gente. Que pasa con Pilar?! 440 00:43:45,760 --> 00:43:48,359 Claro que me preocupe por Pilar y por los demas. 441 00:43:48,360 --> 00:43:50,039 What are they saying? 442 00:43:50,040 --> 00:43:53,400 They are saying it's a mistake to stay here. They want to run. 443 00:43:54,600 --> 00:43:57,240 What do you think? She can't run. 444 00:43:58,800 --> 00:44:00,280 Come on. Come on! 445 00:44:02,640 --> 00:44:04,920 Follow him. Keep close to the wall. 446 00:44:28,760 --> 00:44:30,360 Sh, sh. 447 00:44:32,520 --> 00:44:34,959 Argh! Sh! Sh! 448 00:44:34,960 --> 00:44:36,679 Come on. Come on, don't worry. 449 00:44:36,680 --> 00:44:38,120 Come on. 450 00:44:39,520 --> 00:44:41,439 He's up there. He's up there. 451 00:44:41,440 --> 00:44:43,119 OK, come on. Come on. It's OK. 452 00:44:43,120 --> 00:44:45,039 We're going to get you out. Go. 453 00:44:45,040 --> 00:44:47,040 Go. Go, go, go. 454 00:44:49,880 --> 00:44:51,680 Quickly, quickly. 455 00:45:12,760 --> 00:45:13,959 This time, I go. 456 00:45:13,960 --> 00:45:16,359 No. No, you're better with a gun. 457 00:45:16,360 --> 00:45:18,040 You... You cover me. 458 00:45:33,520 --> 00:45:35,039 Go. 459 00:45:35,040 --> 00:45:37,319 Go, go, go. Go, go, go. 460 00:45:37,320 --> 00:45:39,039 Come on, come on. 461 00:45:39,040 --> 00:45:40,520 Come on. 462 00:45:42,240 --> 00:45:44,679 Straight ahead, through those doors. Keep going. 463 00:45:44,680 --> 00:45:46,400 Keep going. You'll see the gate. 464 00:45:54,280 --> 00:45:56,600 That's it, straight ahead. Through that gate. 465 00:46:11,760 --> 00:46:13,360 Lead the way. 466 00:46:18,280 --> 00:46:20,039 Psst! Hey. 467 00:46:20,040 --> 00:46:25,039 Everyone, we have decided some of us are going to go. 468 00:46:25,040 --> 00:46:27,399 If you want to come with us. 469 00:46:27,400 --> 00:46:28,640 OK. 470 00:46:31,040 --> 00:46:32,080 OK. 471 00:46:33,080 --> 00:46:35,359 No! Que haces? No! Que haces? 472 00:46:35,360 --> 00:46:36,999 Mueva. Quedate aqui! 473 00:46:37,000 --> 00:46:38,519 What do we do? 474 00:46:38,520 --> 00:46:41,560 If they want to go, we let them. Give others the choice. 475 00:46:49,760 --> 00:46:51,120 LOCK BEEPS 476 00:47:24,040 --> 00:47:26,759 We are going to go very quiet, OK? 477 00:47:26,760 --> 00:47:29,359 We go the back way. Very slow. 478 00:47:29,360 --> 00:47:30,759 WHISPERING 479 00:47:30,760 --> 00:47:32,519 I will go first. 480 00:47:32,520 --> 00:47:34,000 VIBRATING 481 00:47:38,640 --> 00:47:41,920 WHISPERING CONTINUES 482 00:48:15,480 --> 00:48:17,400 Sh. 483 00:48:36,760 --> 00:48:38,160 OK, go. 484 00:48:46,000 --> 00:48:48,000 DOORS SLIDE 485 00:48:49,760 --> 00:48:51,360 Let's go. 486 00:48:55,040 --> 00:48:58,679 Go. To the gate, to the gate. Straight ahead, there. There. 487 00:48:58,680 --> 00:49:01,040 GUNSHOT Aargh! 488 00:49:02,600 --> 00:49:04,040 Argh! 489 00:49:07,240 --> 00:49:09,040 MATEO GROANS 490 00:49:12,520 --> 00:49:14,040 Oh... 491 00:49:15,040 --> 00:49:16,759 Oh, no, no, no. 492 00:49:16,760 --> 00:49:18,519 Can you get up? 493 00:49:18,520 --> 00:49:21,039 Can... Can you stand? I think so. Argh! 494 00:49:21,040 --> 00:49:23,000 You have to help me. 495 00:49:26,520 --> 00:49:28,039 Argh! 496 00:49:28,040 --> 00:49:29,760 This way. 497 00:49:34,760 --> 00:49:36,520 Aargh! Ooh! 498 00:49:39,760 --> 00:49:42,120 OK. MATEO GROANS 499 00:49:47,040 --> 00:49:49,039 I know him. He used to work... 500 00:49:49,040 --> 00:49:50,959 He used to work here. 501 00:49:50,960 --> 00:49:52,640 Sh! Argh. OK. 502 00:49:54,760 --> 00:49:57,280 I know his brother well. He's crazy. 503 00:49:58,280 --> 00:50:00,359 Argh! Press. Press! 504 00:50:00,360 --> 00:50:02,520 They were sacked for stealing. 505 00:50:04,360 --> 00:50:07,039 MATEO GROANS 506 00:50:07,040 --> 00:50:08,479 It means they know... 507 00:50:08,480 --> 00:50:10,319 They know the building... Argh! 508 00:50:10,320 --> 00:50:13,559 They know every exit, hiding place. 509 00:50:13,560 --> 00:50:16,519 You have to get out while you can. 510 00:50:16,520 --> 00:50:19,880 I... I can't leave you like this. 511 00:50:21,520 --> 00:50:22,840 Por favor. 512 00:50:32,120 --> 00:50:33,480 OK. OK. 513 00:50:34,960 --> 00:50:37,039 Sh, sh, sh... OK? 514 00:50:37,040 --> 00:50:38,520 OK. 515 00:50:56,280 --> 00:50:58,279 No, no, no, no... 516 00:50:58,280 --> 00:51:00,840 GUNSHOT AND SCREAMING 517 00:51:04,280 --> 00:51:05,760 GUNSHOT 518 00:51:07,840 --> 00:51:09,519 Go! Dentro! HE YELLS 519 00:51:09,520 --> 00:51:11,279 Inside! Inside! Come on! 520 00:51:11,280 --> 00:51:13,039 Inside! Inside! 521 00:51:13,040 --> 00:51:15,519 Come on, move! Vamos! 522 00:51:15,520 --> 00:51:17,519 Con ellos! Move right now! 523 00:51:17,520 --> 00:51:20,240 Move back there! All of you! All of you! 524 00:51:21,640 --> 00:51:22,839 Vamanos! 525 00:51:22,840 --> 00:51:24,560 Right now. I said move! 526 00:51:26,280 --> 00:51:28,439 Que te mueve! 527 00:51:28,440 --> 00:51:31,479 Alli! Ya! Cono! 528 00:51:31,480 --> 00:51:34,480 Everybody quiet! Quietos! 529 00:51:35,880 --> 00:51:38,040 SHE GASPS UNCONTROLLABLY 530 00:51:41,280 --> 00:51:42,760 OK? 531 00:51:45,760 --> 00:51:47,040 No. 532 00:51:48,280 --> 00:51:50,519 No... Look, Amara is still out there. 533 00:51:50,520 --> 00:51:53,359 I'm going to find her and then come back here for you. 534 00:51:53,360 --> 00:51:56,279 You've done enough. You've got the gun. 535 00:51:56,280 --> 00:51:57,840 Now, you stay awake. 536 00:51:59,160 --> 00:52:01,080 HELICOPTER BLADES WHIR 537 00:52:02,520 --> 00:52:04,040 MATEO SIGHS 538 00:52:05,040 --> 00:52:07,280 Gracias, por favor. Gracias, Dios. 539 00:52:10,920 --> 00:52:12,600 We didn't get enough people out. 540 00:52:14,760 --> 00:52:17,000 They'll kill as many people as they can now. 541 00:52:27,720 --> 00:52:30,120 HELICOPTER BLADES WHIR 542 00:52:51,760 --> 00:52:54,760 Mum, where are you? 543 00:53:13,360 --> 00:53:16,520 HELICOPTER OVERHEAD 544 00:53:40,280 --> 00:53:42,040 Amara! 545 00:53:45,680 --> 00:53:46,919 Mum. 546 00:53:46,920 --> 00:53:49,080 Stay there. OK. 547 00:53:58,000 --> 00:53:59,759 AMARA SOBS 548 00:53:59,760 --> 00:54:02,760 It's OK. Sh, sh. Oh, Mum! 549 00:54:05,080 --> 00:54:07,520 SOBBING DROWNS SPEECH 550 00:54:11,040 --> 00:54:12,480 Go. Go! 551 00:54:15,760 --> 00:54:18,040 You think you're OK now? 552 00:54:19,520 --> 00:54:22,120 It's not going to be that fucking easy for you. 553 00:54:24,280 --> 00:54:26,280 GUNSHOTS 554 00:54:29,680 --> 00:54:31,760 Mum, where do we go?! 555 00:54:47,680 --> 00:54:49,520 SCREAMING