1 00:00:45,073 --> 00:00:49,740 EVERY LOVE STORY, IT'S A GHOST STORY - DAVID FOSTER WALLACE 2 00:01:44,407 --> 00:01:46,323 ...a stroke of luck, that is. 3 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:56,323 welcome back to the world of the living. 4 00:02:02,532 --> 00:02:04,323 And? 5 00:02:06,698 --> 00:02:10,764 Good morning, Tessa. I am Dr. Sarkisian. 6 00:02:10,865 --> 00:02:13,490 You have had an accident very serious car. 7 00:02:13,657 --> 00:02:15,657 You have injured your heart due to trauma, 8 00:02:15,782 --> 00:02:19,032 the one we had to repair surgically. 9 00:02:20,532 --> 00:02:21,948 Tessa? 10 00:02:26,073 --> 00:02:29,323 182 DAYS BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 11 00:03:12,323 --> 00:03:14,073 Good morning. 12 00:03:14,615 --> 00:03:17,323 - Good morning. - I have prepared hot cakes. 13 00:03:17,907 --> 00:03:20,389 I'm sorry. I'm going to take photos. 14 00:03:20,490 --> 00:03:21,847 It's very cold outside. 15 00:03:21,948 --> 00:03:24,556 Yes, I don't want to get lost the morning light. 16 00:03:24,657 --> 00:03:26,698 Well, maybe when you come back, we could do... 17 00:03:26,823 --> 00:03:28,308 a little investigation about Universities. 18 00:03:28,573 --> 00:03:30,365 Very good. Goodbye. 19 00:03:35,990 --> 00:03:38,073 He hides behind that camera. 20 00:03:39,282 --> 00:03:41,222 He hasn't taken us out not a single photo of us. 21 00:03:41,323 --> 00:03:43,823 You are too pretty. You would break its lens. 22 00:03:44,115 --> 00:03:46,556 Hey, I told you. you have to Let her come to you. 23 00:03:46,657 --> 00:03:47,948 It's been a year already. 24 00:03:48,073 --> 00:03:50,157 Signing a paper does not becomes his parents. 25 00:03:50,282 --> 00:03:51,740 Actually, it does. 26 00:05:51,823 --> 00:05:53,157 Are you open, Sherman? 27 00:05:53,282 --> 00:05:55,365 I am for you, Tessa. 28 00:05:56,157 --> 00:05:58,264 I think I'll stay a little short 29 00:05:58,365 --> 00:06:02,323 That's not a crime. I'm only 1.70 tall. 30 00:06:03,240 --> 00:06:05,198 Enjoy the function. 31 00:06:55,365 --> 00:06:58,198 Sherman, where are the subtitles? 32 00:07:10,198 --> 00:07:12,365 You look. I will translate for you. 33 00:07:22,657 --> 00:07:25,365 It is the first time that we We found it in the light of day. 34 00:07:27,448 --> 00:07:28,806 But you arrive very early. 35 00:07:28,907 --> 00:07:31,657 I think I'll go and tell him to the owner of the cinema. 36 00:07:32,532 --> 00:07:35,907 You won't be able to do anything about it. Obviously they sent him the wrong copy. 37 00:07:36,032 --> 00:07:38,157 They will be able to refund my money. 38 00:07:39,157 --> 00:07:42,740 I have already seen this movie. I don't think you want to miss it. 39 00:07:42,865 --> 00:07:44,157 Does it have a happy ending? 40 00:07:44,323 --> 00:07:47,907 No. Definitely not. 41 00:07:49,490 --> 00:07:51,698 Good. Then I'll stay. 42 00:07:55,615 --> 00:07:57,657 You're going to eat everything That chili alone? 43 00:07:58,532 --> 00:08:01,073 In this heat, you're crazy. 44 00:08:03,198 --> 00:08:06,407 I eat chili, regardless no matter how hot it is, Betty. 45 00:08:07,157 --> 00:08:09,532 Those bastards. What? 46 00:08:12,573 --> 00:08:14,365 It doesn't matter. Kiss me. 47 00:08:18,865 --> 00:08:21,865 Those bastards. How could they do this to you? 48 00:09:41,282 --> 00:09:45,014 I'm sorry. How long was I doing that? 49 00:09:45,115 --> 00:09:47,556 I lost sensitivity an hour ago, 50 00:09:47,657 --> 00:09:49,740 - so I'm not sure. - Why haven't you told me anything? 51 00:09:50,240 --> 00:09:53,657 The movie is a little depressing, so... 52 00:09:53,782 --> 00:09:56,472 It's a love story. 53 00:09:56,573 --> 00:10:00,407 Not all stories of love are depressing. 54 00:10:00,615 --> 00:10:02,323 All the good ones are. 55 00:10:03,157 --> 00:10:06,198 Romeo and Juliet, Anna Karenina, 56 00:10:06,323 --> 00:10:08,115 The English Patient. 57 00:10:08,240 --> 00:10:11,181 I think it's the end of a relationship, 58 00:10:11,282 --> 00:10:14,365 That's why it makes a love story is so memorable. 59 00:10:14,740 --> 00:10:16,740 What about Pride and Prejudice? 60 00:10:16,865 --> 00:10:19,823 Jane Eyre? They both have a happy ending. 61 00:10:19,948 --> 00:10:21,490 That's only because who wrote, chose... 62 00:10:21,615 --> 00:10:23,782 finish your stories of love prematurely. 63 00:10:25,657 --> 00:10:28,306 It's a very interesting way... 64 00:10:28,407 --> 00:10:31,282 of not admitting that you are wrong. 65 00:10:33,657 --> 00:10:36,448 Let's go! Good. Imagine this. 66 00:10:36,573 --> 00:10:40,865 Imagine that Leonardo DiCaprio didn't die at the end of Titanic. 67 00:10:40,990 --> 00:10:43,657 - Do I have to do it? - You have to do it. 68 00:10:43,907 --> 00:10:47,639 Jack Dawson is a gambler without work and without money, 69 00:10:47,740 --> 00:10:51,472 that had, in the best of cases, a marginal artistic talent. 70 00:10:51,573 --> 00:10:53,990 - Saved Rose's life. - Sure, of course. 71 00:10:54,115 --> 00:10:59,056 But, he also bombed her for love and took her away from her fiancé. 72 00:10:59,157 --> 00:11:03,615 And poor Rose was so mesmerized for that steamy sex in the car, 73 00:11:04,282 --> 00:11:10,532 What did he really think he would give her? a life of passionate adventure? 74 00:11:10,865 --> 00:11:18,157 Please, let's go. It was a life of poverty abject and dehumanized infidelity. 75 00:11:20,365 --> 00:11:24,782 Titanic 2. If you thought the first part was a disaster... 76 00:11:26,282 --> 00:11:27,865 Oh, damn! 77 00:11:30,157 --> 00:11:32,490 My God! 78 00:11:37,865 --> 00:11:39,448 - I... - Time to go! 79 00:11:40,282 --> 00:11:44,365 Jesus, this guy will have a One star review, for sure. 80 00:11:45,073 --> 00:11:49,032 So how was it given to you? speaking French so well? 81 00:11:49,157 --> 00:11:52,323 My father is a Professor of foreign languages. 82 00:11:52,490 --> 00:11:57,407 So at 12 years old I already mastered French, Spanish and Italian. 83 00:11:58,073 --> 00:11:58,823 My God! 84 00:11:58,948 --> 00:12:03,306 If I could read "Dante's Inferno" in the Italian original, 85 00:12:03,407 --> 00:12:06,556 - my life would be complete, I think. - It happens to me a lot. 86 00:12:06,657 --> 00:12:10,365 - Really? - No. No, that had never happened to me. 87 00:12:15,448 --> 00:12:18,282 It is a fairly old equipment that you have there. Don't you take digital? 88 00:12:18,407 --> 00:12:22,115 No, I don't. I get a rank much larger dynamic, with film. 89 00:12:22,907 --> 00:12:27,157 Also, I'm a little addicted to the smell of development chemicals. 90 00:12:27,282 --> 00:12:29,907 The vapors make me get a little delirious 91 00:12:30,073 --> 00:12:32,782 Something like what your eyes They are provoking me right now. 92 00:12:34,865 --> 00:12:36,448 That... 93 00:12:38,115 --> 00:12:40,681 - That was really cheesy. - No no. 94 00:12:40,782 --> 00:12:42,639 It was... It was... 95 00:12:42,740 --> 00:12:44,782 A little cheesy, yes. 96 00:12:45,532 --> 00:12:48,639 It was perfect in my head. 97 00:12:48,740 --> 00:12:50,740 Good. So let me imagine it for a second, okay. 98 00:12:50,865 --> 00:12:52,115 Good. 99 00:12:53,782 --> 00:12:55,681 - Is he still bad? - In fact, it's worse. 100 00:12:55,782 --> 00:12:57,823 Somehow, I don't know. 101 00:13:04,948 --> 00:13:06,181 I should probably... 102 00:13:06,282 --> 00:13:08,073 Yes, me too. 103 00:13:12,073 --> 00:13:13,657 Thanks for letting me... 104 00:13:13,782 --> 00:13:17,823 whisper in your ear for three hours. 105 00:13:17,948 --> 00:13:19,532 You are welcome. 106 00:13:35,615 --> 00:13:36,782 -Skylar. - What? 107 00:13:36,907 --> 00:13:39,365 My name is... It's Skylar. 108 00:13:40,032 --> 00:13:41,490 I'm Tessa. 109 00:13:41,615 --> 00:13:44,323 Maybe we'll meet here again sometime. 110 00:13:44,865 --> 00:13:46,157 Yes, I would like that. 111 00:13:52,657 --> 00:13:54,490 My jacket. 112 00:14:53,157 --> 00:14:56,740 Sky. You are alive! 113 00:15:12,073 --> 00:15:14,198 Come on. I want to show you something. 114 00:15:33,032 --> 00:15:34,698 ?Sky! 115 00:15:35,157 --> 00:15:37,282 A bad dream. 116 00:15:40,073 --> 00:15:41,490 You said his name. 117 00:15:42,532 --> 00:15:45,597 It's called a visiting dream. We see many around here. 118 00:15:45,698 --> 00:15:48,240 Everything is part of the grieving process. 119 00:15:48,448 --> 00:15:50,907 I know. I felt that Skylar was really here. 120 00:15:51,032 --> 00:15:54,722 - Doris would love to hear that. -Who is Doris? 121 00:15:54,823 --> 00:15:56,972 A patient who wrote a book about life after death. 122 00:15:57,073 --> 00:15:58,157 Good. 123 00:15:58,573 --> 00:16:01,115 The other day, He offered to read my aura. 124 00:16:01,240 --> 00:16:03,032 And I politely refused. 125 00:16:06,157 --> 00:16:08,972 - What is that? - Your belongings from the accident. 126 00:16:09,073 --> 00:16:11,181 They have already closed the accident report? 127 00:16:11,282 --> 00:16:13,573 Well, neither driver had drugs or alcohol in his system. 128 00:16:13,698 --> 00:16:15,907 That's usually the end. 129 00:16:16,032 --> 00:16:18,323 They didn't even interview me. 130 00:16:19,907 --> 00:16:23,448 You said you didn't remember nothing about the accident? 131 00:16:25,198 --> 00:16:28,782 - I don't remember. - Maybe it's for the best. 132 00:16:48,073 --> 00:16:49,490 I'm very excited, Tessa. 133 00:16:49,615 --> 00:16:51,222 The scanner shows that your right ventricle 134 00:16:51,323 --> 00:16:53,306 It's working pretty well, despite the tear. 135 00:16:53,407 --> 00:16:54,931 Finally, some good news. 136 00:16:55,032 --> 00:16:57,115 It's more than good. 137 00:16:57,407 --> 00:17:00,556 Ninety-nine out of every hundred with This same injury, they die on my table. 138 00:17:00,657 --> 00:17:02,157 Yes I have died. 139 00:17:02,282 --> 00:17:04,448 Only for a short time. 140 00:17:04,907 --> 00:17:06,948 I could see Skylar. 141 00:17:07,657 --> 00:17:10,698 As if I were in this... In this crazy white light. 142 00:17:10,823 --> 00:17:13,282 What does that mean? Were you, you know, hallucinating? 143 00:17:13,948 --> 00:17:15,972 When the body suffers serious trauma... 144 00:17:16,073 --> 00:17:17,681 the hypothalamus can flood the brain... 145 00:17:17,782 --> 00:17:20,865 - with endorphins that relieve pain. - So when can we take her home? 146 00:17:21,157 --> 00:17:22,264 The weekend. 147 00:17:22,365 --> 00:17:25,264 Tessa needs to be extremely careful these next few months. 148 00:17:25,365 --> 00:17:26,639 With any chest pain or shortness of breath, 149 00:17:26,740 --> 00:17:30,407 You call 911 immediately. Understood? 150 00:18:23,448 --> 00:18:26,907 Jazz? Just give me a second. 151 00:18:29,448 --> 00:18:30,907 Jazz? 152 00:18:50,240 --> 00:18:51,907 UNKNOWN NUMBER 153 00:19:12,490 --> 00:19:15,365 You look. I will translate for you. 154 00:19:38,615 --> 00:19:41,865 Hello, excuse me. Is it Doris? 155 00:19:43,240 --> 00:19:47,222 I'm going to make a guess here. 156 00:19:47,323 --> 00:19:53,657 Room B424, the girl with the broken heart? 157 00:19:55,032 --> 00:19:56,865 Relax. 158 00:19:56,990 --> 00:19:58,240 I'm not psychic. 159 00:19:58,907 --> 00:20:01,948 Jasmine told me that you could come look for me. 160 00:20:03,573 --> 00:20:05,097 My condolences. 161 00:20:05,198 --> 00:20:06,472 Thank you. 162 00:20:06,573 --> 00:20:08,365 Have you injured your hands? 163 00:20:08,657 --> 00:20:09,823 Excuse me? 164 00:20:09,948 --> 00:20:12,948 Because of the accident. ?You have made yourself Any injuries to your hands? 165 00:20:13,407 --> 00:20:14,823 No, why? 166 00:20:16,823 --> 00:20:18,782 Come on. Come on. 167 00:20:21,032 --> 00:20:23,264 What is your book about? 168 00:20:23,365 --> 00:20:25,782 It's about the CDM. 169 00:20:25,907 --> 00:20:28,115 Communication after of death. 170 00:20:28,740 --> 00:20:32,472 Well, believe that the dead can you contact us? 171 00:20:32,573 --> 00:20:35,097 Along with thousands of millions of people... 172 00:20:35,198 --> 00:20:39,115 of all the faiths that They cover the whole world. 173 00:20:40,615 --> 00:20:43,889 Sometimes the deceased 174 00:20:43,990 --> 00:20:48,365 They call us with their voice. 175 00:20:48,990 --> 00:20:55,907 And other times, we can smell your cologne or perfume in the air. 176 00:20:56,448 --> 00:21:00,990 No matter how they communicate, the message is the same. 177 00:21:01,782 --> 00:21:03,823 "I'm still here." 178 00:21:03,948 --> 00:21:06,389 "And your pain, like a lighthouse, 179 00:21:06,490 --> 00:21:08,448 He calls me to your side." 180 00:21:10,032 --> 00:21:13,365 And when the separation It has been traumatic 181 00:21:13,532 --> 00:21:15,532 As in the case of your boyfriend and you, 182 00:21:15,657 --> 00:21:18,865 There are often unfinished business. 183 00:21:19,573 --> 00:21:21,198 Like regrets or something like that? 184 00:21:21,573 --> 00:21:26,115 Like things that haven't been done or have not been said. 185 00:21:26,573 --> 00:21:27,264 Tessa. 186 00:21:27,365 --> 00:21:29,740 We have signed your way out. It's time to go. 187 00:21:30,990 --> 00:21:32,472 He is in the middle. 188 00:21:32,573 --> 00:21:35,490 But it won't be there for long, a few weeks at most. 189 00:21:35,615 --> 00:21:37,532 And when you move on... 190 00:21:38,823 --> 00:21:40,597 will be gone forever. 191 00:21:40,698 --> 00:21:43,532 - I have to go. - Wait, wait. 192 00:21:43,907 --> 00:21:45,889 Here, take this. It's my first book. 193 00:21:45,990 --> 00:21:48,448 - It's a good place to start. - It's okay. 194 00:21:49,032 --> 00:21:51,198 It's getting closer to you. 195 00:21:52,948 --> 00:21:54,407 Extend your hand to him. 196 00:21:55,532 --> 00:21:57,490 It's too late for that. 197 00:22:00,323 --> 00:22:03,782 102 DAYS BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 198 00:22:10,615 --> 00:22:12,323 Tessa, it's your turn. 199 00:22:28,490 --> 00:22:30,847 This is a photo which I took in February. 200 00:22:30,948 --> 00:22:34,615 ?This is how you spend your free time, taking photos of trees? 201 00:22:35,490 --> 00:22:37,990 Well not really It's a tree, idiot. 202 00:22:38,157 --> 00:22:39,448 It is a tower of cell phone, 203 00:22:39,573 --> 00:22:41,240 disguised as a tree. 204 00:22:42,657 --> 00:22:47,073 It is an allegory of artificiality of modern life. 205 00:22:51,948 --> 00:22:53,282 It's a beautiful photo, Tessa. 206 00:22:53,407 --> 00:22:55,907 Your technical skills have taken a big leap this year. 207 00:22:56,282 --> 00:22:58,407 - Thank you. - I know you're still a junior, 208 00:22:58,532 --> 00:22:59,681 but I think you have one good opportunity to... 209 00:22:59,782 --> 00:23:01,407 enter the School of Design of Rhode Island. 210 00:23:01,907 --> 00:23:03,306 I would be happy to write to you a letter of recommendation. 211 00:23:03,407 --> 00:23:06,573 Thank you. It's just... My job He's not ready for that yet. 212 00:23:07,615 --> 00:23:09,972 What do you think you're missing? 213 00:23:10,073 --> 00:23:11,181 Just one point of view. 214 00:23:11,282 --> 00:23:13,490 You know, something to say that is mine. 215 00:23:13,657 --> 00:23:17,157 Well maybe it's time for your topic to evolve. 216 00:23:17,282 --> 00:23:20,115 After all, there is something missing noticeably in all your photos. 217 00:23:20,240 --> 00:23:21,931 Yes, I know. The color. 218 00:23:22,032 --> 00:23:24,865 No. People. 219 00:23:25,532 --> 00:23:27,490 You know, Tessa, before a artist can find his voice, 220 00:23:27,615 --> 00:23:30,073 I will have to find to a topic you like. 221 00:23:31,073 --> 00:23:33,323 Who or what do you love, Tessa? 222 00:23:45,865 --> 00:23:46,847 I should probably... 223 00:23:46,948 --> 00:23:48,782 Yes, me too. 224 00:24:53,073 --> 00:24:55,740 Hey, okay. What do you think? 225 00:24:56,448 --> 00:24:59,532 - Red? - Loud colors are in fashion. 226 00:25:00,115 --> 00:25:04,014 I don't know. I feel like you are taking advantage of your father's kindness. 227 00:25:04,115 --> 00:25:06,389 Of course yes. My father is putty, when I get 10 cigars. 228 00:25:06,490 --> 00:25:08,323 Hey, Tess! 229 00:25:09,532 --> 00:25:12,573 - Hello, Cortez. - Do you have plans for this weekend? 230 00:25:12,948 --> 00:25:16,764 Turns out I actually work as Tessa's full-time programmer, 231 00:25:16,865 --> 00:25:20,698 So I can tell you, with absolute authority, that she doesn't have any plan... 232 00:25:20,823 --> 00:25:22,823 - this weekend. - What are you saying? What are you doing? 233 00:25:22,948 --> 00:25:25,323 Well, the last crew meeting in the season, it will be this Saturday. 234 00:25:25,490 --> 00:25:28,556 I was wondering if you would come and you would take some photos of us. 235 00:25:28,657 --> 00:25:31,573 I'm sorry. Not really I do sports photography. 236 00:25:31,698 --> 00:25:35,157 But if you stick a selfie stick on the forehead, it could be the same. 237 00:25:35,448 --> 00:25:37,365 Will Judd be there? 238 00:25:37,948 --> 00:25:41,698 Well, wherever I go, my rowing partner is going, so... 239 00:25:41,823 --> 00:25:43,490 Then, we will be there. 240 00:25:43,948 --> 00:25:45,347 Will we be there? 241 00:25:45,448 --> 00:25:47,556 I will be there as your assistant photography, remember? 242 00:25:47,657 --> 00:25:48,764 I'm your photography assistant. 243 00:25:48,865 --> 00:25:51,157 Well, the first race starts at 6:30. 244 00:25:51,448 --> 00:25:54,264 In the morning? He didn't want say in the morning, right? 245 00:25:54,365 --> 00:25:55,823 Yes, he did. 246 00:26:09,615 --> 00:26:11,865 Do you think Judd can see me from here? 247 00:26:12,365 --> 00:26:15,282 - Hey! - You're fired. Give me this. 248 00:26:15,407 --> 00:26:18,014 Being the assistant is not my thing. My fault. 249 00:26:18,115 --> 00:26:19,764 You were the one who dragged me here. So behave yourself, please. 250 00:26:19,865 --> 00:26:22,073 Runners, starting positions. 251 00:26:22,532 --> 00:26:24,365 On their brands. 252 00:26:27,532 --> 00:26:29,115 ?Remen! 253 00:28:11,032 --> 00:28:12,198 Yes! 254 00:28:16,823 --> 00:28:18,865 Yes! 255 00:28:22,240 --> 00:28:24,323 You never said that was sexy. 256 00:28:24,615 --> 00:28:27,931 - Yes, I said it. - No, you said it was cute. 257 00:28:28,032 --> 00:28:33,490 Emojis are cute. That guy is like If it melted my sunglasses, Tess. 258 00:28:34,782 --> 00:28:37,115 - I think I'm going to go. - Are you crazy? 259 00:28:37,615 --> 00:28:41,282 You've been obsessed with this guy for months, and you're going to quit? 260 00:28:41,407 --> 00:28:44,490 - I don't know what to tell him. - "Hold me." 261 00:28:44,615 --> 00:28:46,948 He just won the race. Congratulate him. 262 00:28:47,948 --> 00:28:49,240 Good. 263 00:28:50,823 --> 00:28:52,448 Can I put this in my story? 264 00:28:52,740 --> 00:28:55,198 If you want to die. 265 00:29:08,448 --> 00:29:10,865 Tessa! Hey! 266 00:29:10,990 --> 00:29:13,347 My God! I'm sorry. 267 00:29:13,448 --> 00:29:17,347 My legs are always jelly, after the races. 268 00:29:17,448 --> 00:29:21,115 I can't believe you're a... 269 00:29:21,407 --> 00:29:22,615 An athlete? 270 00:29:22,740 --> 00:29:24,157 An athlete, yes! 271 00:29:24,282 --> 00:29:27,222 Athletes don't talk Spanish, French and Italian. 272 00:29:27,323 --> 00:29:29,514 - Hey, this one does. - Well, they definitely don't read... 273 00:29:29,615 --> 00:29:32,139 to Jane Austin and Emily Bront?. 274 00:29:32,240 --> 00:29:35,490 - I like happy endings. - Skylar! 275 00:29:35,615 --> 00:29:38,157 Shit. Here we go. 276 00:29:40,407 --> 00:29:42,740 This is what I call an ending. 277 00:29:42,865 --> 00:29:44,282 Thank you, mom. 278 00:29:45,823 --> 00:29:47,889 The movie girl. 279 00:29:47,990 --> 00:29:50,157 - Her name is Tessa. - How... 280 00:29:50,740 --> 00:29:54,389 Your blue eyes. Not Skylar. I stopped talking about them. 281 00:29:54,490 --> 00:29:57,448 "Mom"! ?Someone sees a deep hole and dark, to which I can drag myself? 282 00:29:57,573 --> 00:30:00,282 I spent weeks looking for you on the Internet. 283 00:30:00,448 --> 00:30:02,556 - Mom... - And he couldn't find anything about you. 284 00:30:02,657 --> 00:30:04,889 Well, that's by design. 285 00:30:04,990 --> 00:30:07,073 I told you. She is analogical. Like me. 286 00:30:08,365 --> 00:30:09,740 Your father is driving me crazy. 287 00:30:09,865 --> 00:30:12,514 Talk to him, mom. Tell him... Tell him I won. 288 00:30:12,615 --> 00:30:14,514 No. You can talk to him yourself, later. 289 00:30:14,615 --> 00:30:16,198 You're going back to Edison tonight? 290 00:30:16,323 --> 00:30:20,490 No, I'm going to stay in Grandpa Mike's house. 291 00:30:20,740 --> 00:30:26,014 But first, I was going to see if Tessa maybe wanted to go to... 292 00:30:26,115 --> 00:30:27,514 Relax and hang out? 293 00:30:27,615 --> 00:30:29,115 My God! 294 00:30:29,240 --> 00:30:31,056 The movie girl would love it... 295 00:30:31,157 --> 00:30:34,323 relaxing and hanging out. 296 00:30:34,490 --> 00:30:36,657 - Very good. Goodbye. - Thank you. 297 00:30:37,282 --> 00:30:38,472 Thank you, mom. 298 00:30:38,573 --> 00:30:41,448 That's my mother. She throws parties. 299 00:30:58,073 --> 00:30:59,948 I can put the hood on, if you want. 300 00:31:00,407 --> 00:31:03,948 No, it's okay. It feels very good. 301 00:31:08,782 --> 00:31:11,097 You look incredible. 302 00:31:11,198 --> 00:31:13,948 Give it to me in French. 303 00:31:18,240 --> 00:31:19,990 You too. 304 00:31:23,615 --> 00:31:25,889 You don't have a girlfriend, do you? 305 00:31:25,990 --> 00:31:28,865 No. Not since the Eighth Grade. Why? 306 00:31:29,282 --> 00:31:31,347 This one looks like you. 307 00:31:31,448 --> 00:31:32,865 No. That's... 308 00:31:32,990 --> 00:31:36,847 That's my mother and father when they were teenagers. 309 00:31:36,948 --> 00:31:39,615 Yes, this is actually the same Jeep as my grandfather... 310 00:31:39,740 --> 00:31:42,323 I bought it for my mother for his 18th birthday. 311 00:31:42,823 --> 00:31:44,847 You can actually see behind them, in the photo. 312 00:31:44,948 --> 00:31:48,198 Yes! They are so cute. They seem so in love. 313 00:31:48,323 --> 00:31:50,657 - Yes, they were. - Were they? 314 00:31:50,782 --> 00:31:52,532 They are. They are. 315 00:31:52,657 --> 00:31:55,865 My father is living and teaching in Oregon, right now. 316 00:31:56,240 --> 00:32:00,115 That's pretty far away. "They're, like, taking a break or something? 317 00:32:00,240 --> 00:32:01,865 No. 318 00:32:03,573 --> 00:32:08,073 They're going to be fine. They talk almost every day, so... 319 00:32:12,365 --> 00:32:13,806 Some music. 320 00:32:13,907 --> 00:32:16,115 If you want to take a look. 321 00:32:17,865 --> 00:32:19,448 What? 322 00:32:19,573 --> 00:32:22,972 Yes, it's the entire playlist from High School, from my mother. 323 00:32:23,073 --> 00:32:25,639 New Order. Cake. Bush. 324 00:32:25,740 --> 00:32:26,931 Echo and the Bunnymen. 325 00:32:27,032 --> 00:32:28,865 Your mother is like me new best friend 326 00:32:36,448 --> 00:32:37,806 Your father made him a mix tape? 327 00:32:37,907 --> 00:32:39,948 Yes, he did. 328 00:32:41,990 --> 00:32:43,532 Can I reproduce it? 329 00:32:49,657 --> 00:32:52,157 It goes the other way. 330 00:32:54,907 --> 00:32:56,347 No problem. I won't tell the police in the '80s. 331 00:32:56,448 --> 00:32:57,740 Shut up! 332 00:33:31,032 --> 00:33:34,222 I have spent all the summers of my life, here with my grandfather. 333 00:33:34,323 --> 00:33:35,889 How come I have never heard about this place? 334 00:33:35,990 --> 00:33:38,014 Well that's my part favorite to take photos. 335 00:33:38,115 --> 00:33:42,365 It's like you stumble and wander and you will find places like this. 336 00:33:42,532 --> 00:33:47,323 Yes, of course. "But what... What do you think?" attracted to this place specifically? 337 00:33:47,657 --> 00:33:49,157 The view. 338 00:33:50,532 --> 00:33:52,032 That view. 339 00:33:53,157 --> 00:33:55,157 It was called The Emp?reo. 340 00:33:55,740 --> 00:33:58,490 It was a tourist center for newlyweds, in the '60s. 341 00:33:58,615 --> 00:34:01,907 It's so surreal. It's incredible. 342 00:34:03,740 --> 00:34:05,282 Have you gone in there? 343 00:34:05,907 --> 00:34:07,198 Unarmed? 344 00:34:08,115 --> 00:34:10,157 I would do anything for a good photo. 345 00:34:12,157 --> 00:34:14,032 Employer? 346 00:34:14,573 --> 00:34:16,431 That's where Dante meet God, right? 347 00:34:16,532 --> 00:34:19,782 The highest of all Heavens. A place of pure love. 348 00:34:19,948 --> 00:34:24,948 Look at it. If that's not a metaphor of love, then I don't know what it is. 349 00:34:26,032 --> 00:34:27,948 Can I see your photos? 350 00:34:29,323 --> 00:34:32,323 They're not on my phone. I don't take out digital photos, remember? 351 00:34:32,740 --> 00:34:34,448 Well, How do people see your work? 352 00:34:34,573 --> 00:34:38,323 I don't teach it, unless I have to do it for class. 353 00:34:38,615 --> 00:34:40,115 Why? 354 00:34:40,240 --> 00:34:41,681 Because I'm still not good enough. 355 00:34:41,782 --> 00:34:44,115 I find it very difficult to believe. 356 00:34:45,365 --> 00:34:49,490 OK, If you don't show me your photos, 357 00:34:50,698 --> 00:34:52,722 - Maybe you can give me a tour. - From El Empreo? 358 00:34:52,823 --> 00:34:55,115 Yes, show me. 359 00:34:57,323 --> 00:35:00,448 I want to see it, you know, through your eyes. 360 00:35:28,907 --> 00:35:31,865 THE LAND OF LOVE 361 00:36:07,907 --> 00:36:09,532 Do you know how to dance the waltz? 362 00:36:10,407 --> 00:36:13,157 - No. - Okay, back up this way. 363 00:36:13,282 --> 00:36:16,615 - OK. - And then your back foot forward. 364 00:36:17,865 --> 00:36:21,056 And then it's like one, two, three. And straighten your leg. 365 00:36:21,157 --> 00:36:24,806 One two three. 366 00:36:24,907 --> 00:36:26,615 OK. 367 00:36:29,698 --> 00:36:32,472 And then you have to put the Chin up and then lead. 368 00:36:32,573 --> 00:36:35,889 As if you don't want to lend attention to the other person. 369 00:36:35,990 --> 00:36:38,698 Don't slip. 370 00:37:05,115 --> 00:37:08,514 Do you want to see what it's like to be inside a chamber? 371 00:37:08,615 --> 00:37:10,948 - Yes. - OK. Close the door. 372 00:37:25,115 --> 00:37:27,139 It works like the lens of a camera. 373 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:28,948 I have done it myself. 374 00:37:32,615 --> 00:37:34,407 It's beautiful. 375 00:37:34,782 --> 00:37:36,573 Yes. 376 00:37:46,865 --> 00:37:48,990 I mean, It's pretty good, right? 377 00:37:50,157 --> 00:37:53,323 I mean, it's obviously not You've been playing so long. 378 00:37:53,448 --> 00:37:56,198 Only for three years. 379 00:37:56,782 --> 00:37:58,782 you should have me heard then. 380 00:38:07,865 --> 00:38:09,532 Can you hear them? 381 00:38:11,032 --> 00:38:12,490 Hear who? 382 00:38:13,282 --> 00:38:16,198 The ghosts of newlyweds from the past. 383 00:38:17,448 --> 00:38:19,573 No. What are they saying? 384 00:38:19,782 --> 00:38:23,282 Well, the boyfriend, he's saying... 385 00:38:25,698 --> 00:38:27,740 "Come on, honey. 386 00:38:28,907 --> 00:38:32,823 You've been in the bathroom for two hours. 387 00:38:32,948 --> 00:38:35,115 It's time to come to bed. You are my wife." 388 00:38:36,073 --> 00:38:38,990 And what does the bride say? 389 00:38:39,740 --> 00:38:43,907 Well, the girlfriend says... 390 00:38:44,990 --> 00:38:48,198 "But, you haven't kissed me yet." 391 00:39:31,073 --> 00:39:32,972 - OK. - Do you want me to accompany you to your door, 392 00:39:33,073 --> 00:39:37,282 so your parents don't think I'm a...Taxidermist? 393 00:39:37,532 --> 00:39:38,823 What? 394 00:39:39,115 --> 00:39:43,740 Or like a... A serial killer? 395 00:39:44,157 --> 00:39:48,056 It's okay. Actually, they are not my parents. 396 00:39:48,157 --> 00:39:53,448 I'm just a genetic stranger who lives under your roof. 397 00:39:53,907 --> 00:39:56,139 A strange genetic? 398 00:39:56,240 --> 00:39:59,615 Yes, it's... It's a long story. 399 00:40:01,032 --> 00:40:02,532 For another time. 400 00:40:05,615 --> 00:40:07,532 When can I see you again? 401 00:40:10,698 --> 00:40:12,865 When are you coming back to Avalan? 402 00:40:12,990 --> 00:40:14,222 At the end of the month. 403 00:40:14,323 --> 00:40:16,532 And how long are you going to be here? 404 00:40:17,532 --> 00:40:19,407 All summer. 405 00:40:20,032 --> 00:40:22,472 I will stay with my grandfather, until I go to Brown. 406 00:40:22,573 --> 00:40:25,240 Are you going to Brown? What? 407 00:40:25,948 --> 00:40:28,490 I just kissed a Ivy League brother? 408 00:40:29,448 --> 00:40:31,532 ?Your street credibility Is it already ruined? 409 00:40:31,657 --> 00:40:34,323 Only if you tell me that You are also a lifesaver. 410 00:40:34,698 --> 00:40:35,990 Yes. 411 00:40:36,573 --> 00:40:38,365 Are you serious? 412 00:40:38,615 --> 00:40:42,097 For about three summers in Washington Avenue beach. 413 00:40:42,198 --> 00:40:45,365 No! Why? 414 00:40:52,948 --> 00:40:54,782 - Good night. - Good night. 415 00:41:41,282 --> 00:41:43,472 I have to kick him in this guy's butt? 416 00:41:43,573 --> 00:41:44,847 No, she's just scared. 417 00:41:44,948 --> 00:41:46,198 Why? 418 00:41:46,782 --> 00:41:48,407 Because she likes him. 419 00:42:05,698 --> 00:42:07,740 ?Tessa? 420 00:42:12,907 --> 00:42:14,657 Shannon is waiting. 421 00:42:16,823 --> 00:42:18,282 Well, I'm coming. 422 00:42:26,032 --> 00:42:27,698 Hey, what is that? 423 00:42:28,448 --> 00:42:31,282 There are four 10s and one 9. 424 00:42:31,407 --> 00:42:33,032 I don't want to talk about the last one. 425 00:42:33,157 --> 00:42:36,139 I'm going to tint the windows, so that Nobody knows that it is me who is inside. 426 00:42:36,240 --> 00:42:39,282 Geez, stop complaining. It's a car. 427 00:42:39,407 --> 00:42:41,448 "You called the telephone company? 428 00:42:41,782 --> 00:42:44,115 - Yes. - And? 429 00:42:45,073 --> 00:42:46,490 You were right. They told me that Skylar... 430 00:42:46,615 --> 00:42:48,806 probably sent the photo before the accident 431 00:42:48,907 --> 00:42:52,865 and then she got stuck on your server or something. 432 00:42:53,907 --> 00:42:56,764 But that doesn't explain why my phone just turned on, 433 00:42:56,865 --> 00:42:59,240 after being completely destroyed. 434 00:42:59,657 --> 00:43:01,240 Can you explain that to me? 435 00:43:02,865 --> 00:43:04,240 Can't. No. 436 00:43:08,157 --> 00:43:09,407 Hey. 437 00:43:10,240 --> 00:43:12,139 It's totally normal See what you want in things. 438 00:43:12,240 --> 00:43:14,972 My mother did the same, later of his sister's death. 439 00:43:15,073 --> 00:43:18,431 Every rainbow was a sign. 440 00:43:18,532 --> 00:43:21,407 Each butterfly was a message from Heaven. 441 00:43:29,323 --> 00:43:32,740 know my computer on wheels. 442 00:43:37,032 --> 00:43:38,490 Shit. 443 00:43:39,407 --> 00:43:42,448 I'm sorry. You put it on my Spotify. 444 00:43:42,698 --> 00:43:44,032 No problem. 445 00:43:49,157 --> 00:43:50,615 Hey... 446 00:43:51,323 --> 00:43:53,490 Talk to me, Tess. 447 00:43:55,282 --> 00:43:57,990 I can't believe he's gone. 448 00:43:58,365 --> 00:44:00,740 It's like I close my eyes 449 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:03,907 and I see that we meet for the first time. 450 00:44:04,865 --> 00:44:07,532 and I remember every word he told me. 451 00:44:09,073 --> 00:44:12,573 I remember every expression on his face. 452 00:44:12,740 --> 00:44:15,365 And then I open my eyes and it's like... 453 00:44:15,615 --> 00:44:18,931 I just dreamed all our relationship? 454 00:44:19,032 --> 00:44:21,657 - Did I just dream it? - Hey. I was there. 455 00:44:21,990 --> 00:44:23,907 It wasn't a dream, okay? 456 00:44:24,032 --> 00:44:27,323 Your head is a little messed up. 457 00:44:27,615 --> 00:44:31,306 That happens when two tons of metal crash against you. 458 00:44:31,407 --> 00:44:33,865 I don't even remember the last thing I told him. 459 00:44:33,990 --> 00:44:35,948 - Let's go! - I'm serious. 460 00:44:37,115 --> 00:44:39,865 We were discussing that last week, remember? 461 00:44:41,073 --> 00:44:42,532 Hey. 462 00:44:42,907 --> 00:44:46,282 They have had a epic summer. 463 00:44:46,615 --> 00:44:50,056 - One you will never forget. - Yes. 464 00:44:50,157 --> 00:44:53,407 Damn, I won't forget, and I was just a jealous spectator. 465 00:44:56,740 --> 00:44:58,532 My God! 466 00:44:59,657 --> 00:45:03,657 It's my first day back, and I look like a complete mess. 467 00:45:03,782 --> 00:45:05,282 Yes. This is how you look. 468 00:45:06,448 --> 00:45:09,698 That's how you are, yes. 469 00:45:36,157 --> 00:45:39,073 FROM VICKIE: ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED SOMETHING? 470 00:45:44,532 --> 00:45:46,157 I found out what happened to you, Tessa. 471 00:45:46,282 --> 00:45:48,115 Very sorry. 472 00:45:50,073 --> 00:45:53,032 If you were my daughter, I would tell you to use it. 473 00:45:53,657 --> 00:45:54,764 What did I use it for? 474 00:45:54,865 --> 00:45:56,657 The pain, the emptiness. 475 00:45:57,032 --> 00:45:58,931 Channel it, through your camera. 476 00:45:59,032 --> 00:46:02,823 Some of the greatest works of art They were caused by intense pain. 477 00:46:02,948 --> 00:46:05,365 - Good. -Tessa. 478 00:46:05,490 --> 00:46:07,639 On your RISD portfolio day, It's just around the corner. 479 00:46:07,740 --> 00:46:09,198 Thank you. 480 00:47:31,573 --> 00:47:33,157 So that's all? 481 00:47:33,698 --> 00:47:35,948 Will you just leave the photography? 482 00:47:36,073 --> 00:47:37,407 It seems so. 483 00:47:37,532 --> 00:47:40,240 This is the same shit that your mother used to do. 484 00:47:40,365 --> 00:47:41,782 He became obsessed with things. 485 00:47:41,907 --> 00:47:44,323 The pastry, yoga, ceramics. 486 00:47:44,948 --> 00:47:48,198 One day, lose interest and move on to the next thing. 487 00:47:48,490 --> 00:47:51,907 That's why he never could achieve anything in life. 488 00:47:52,782 --> 00:47:54,532 Have you finished? 489 00:47:56,657 --> 00:47:59,032 Do you think Skylar would you have wanted this? 490 00:47:59,323 --> 00:48:00,907 I don't know. 491 00:48:02,032 --> 00:48:04,615 Why don't you go ask him? 492 00:48:39,448 --> 00:48:40,847 No problem. I won't tell the police in the '80s. 493 00:48:40,948 --> 00:48:42,198 Shut up! 494 00:49:21,240 --> 00:49:23,198 I'm still here, Tess. 495 00:49:32,615 --> 00:49:34,115 Sky? 496 00:49:44,823 --> 00:49:47,448 -Tess? - I'm sleeping. 497 00:49:49,657 --> 00:49:53,157 I just did a double shift. You were sleeping when I left. 498 00:49:53,907 --> 00:49:55,907 Have you eaten anything? 499 00:49:56,532 --> 00:49:58,198 I'm not hungry. 500 00:49:59,407 --> 00:50:01,573 "Can you let me sleep, please? 501 00:51:54,990 --> 00:51:59,198 No. No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no... 502 00:52:53,740 --> 00:52:56,431 No, no, no. No no... 503 00:52:56,532 --> 00:52:58,282 No. 504 00:53:21,907 --> 00:53:23,323 Hello. 505 00:53:54,615 --> 00:53:57,073 -Tessa? - I have to talk to Doris. 506 00:53:57,198 --> 00:54:00,407 Wait a second. Let me... Wait, Tessa. 507 00:54:01,532 --> 00:54:04,448 - What... - Her family took her home this morning. 508 00:54:04,782 --> 00:54:07,740 We couldn't do anything else. Are you okay, honey? 509 00:54:08,115 --> 00:54:10,639 I just haven't... I haven't eaten today. 510 00:54:10,740 --> 00:54:13,532 You know what, let me check you out. 511 00:54:13,657 --> 00:54:16,139 - Why do you need to talk to Doris so much? - The thing is... 512 00:54:16,240 --> 00:54:19,698 It's what you were telling me about before. It's about life after death. 513 00:54:21,323 --> 00:54:24,073 Maybe that old woman is not there so crazy, after all. 514 00:54:24,198 --> 00:54:24,681 What do you mean? 515 00:54:24,782 --> 00:54:27,073 Your heart rate is fast, but it looks healthy. 516 00:54:27,198 --> 00:54:30,532 Wait, what... What were you? saying? What do you mean? 517 00:54:30,907 --> 00:54:33,198 Doris told me that you would come look for her. 518 00:54:33,990 --> 00:54:36,115 I even left you something. 519 00:54:36,365 --> 00:54:38,073 Your book. 520 00:54:41,907 --> 00:54:46,073 Tessa, I've seen a lot of deaths and duels in my time here. 521 00:54:46,198 --> 00:54:48,157 Never look back has helped anyone. 522 00:54:48,282 --> 00:54:50,698 Either there is life or there is death. 523 00:54:51,698 --> 00:54:53,448 There is no middle place. 524 00:54:54,157 --> 00:54:56,073 I'm going to find it. 525 00:54:57,073 --> 00:55:02,073 What is the intermission like? 526 00:55:02,407 --> 00:55:06,514 Well, we, as living beings, We can never imagine it. 527 00:55:06,615 --> 00:55:08,823 We have no reference. 528 00:55:09,282 --> 00:55:15,448 It would be like trying to describe a sunset to a blind man. 529 00:55:16,740 --> 00:55:22,198 Technological advances have made ghost hunting in a legitimate field. 530 00:55:22,365 --> 00:55:27,931 My friend Darlene lent me her Full spectrum digital camera. 531 00:55:28,032 --> 00:55:32,972 This baby can capture the light, far beyond the human eye, 532 00:55:33,073 --> 00:55:35,448 with infrared night vision... 533 00:55:36,407 --> 00:55:39,698 65 DAYS BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 534 00:55:42,573 --> 00:55:45,198 Well, happy 4th of July. 535 00:55:45,740 --> 00:55:47,972 I don't know. The truth is that I like this weather. 536 00:55:48,073 --> 00:55:48,889 Don't call me. 537 00:55:48,990 --> 00:55:51,324 So, do you think this means that Will the fireworks be cancelled? 538 00:55:51,490 --> 00:55:54,157 - I think so, yes. - Yes. 539 00:55:54,990 --> 00:55:56,657 - Hello. - Hello. 540 00:55:57,823 --> 00:55:58,889 - Are you okay? - Yes. 541 00:55:58,990 --> 00:56:01,865 Skylar, Tess says you're going to Brown. 542 00:56:02,448 --> 00:56:04,222 - Congratulations! - Thank you. 543 00:56:04,323 --> 00:56:05,764 What are you going to study? 544 00:56:05,865 --> 00:56:08,948 - Probably brass. - That will be very useful to you. 545 00:56:09,157 --> 00:56:11,532 You never know when you're going to meet the Pope or something like that. 546 00:56:11,657 --> 00:56:13,573 Or do you have to do an exorcism 547 00:56:13,823 --> 00:56:15,139 How good. That's fine. 548 00:56:15,240 --> 00:56:18,556 I don't know. I just don't want to have no regrets, you know? 549 00:56:18,657 --> 00:56:20,532 I want to live a lot of different lives. 550 00:56:20,698 --> 00:56:22,139 What's the point of talking? all these languages, 551 00:56:22,240 --> 00:56:25,198 If not I'm going to travel the world and use them, you know? 552 00:56:26,657 --> 00:56:32,782 Let's go. Let's see the fires artificial on television. 553 00:56:33,448 --> 00:56:35,157 Are your parents at home? 554 00:56:37,365 --> 00:56:39,073 Do you want to talk about it? 555 00:56:40,532 --> 00:56:42,032 The truth is that no. 556 00:56:42,198 --> 00:56:43,657 OK. 557 00:56:46,865 --> 00:56:49,740 My mother has asked divorce today. 558 00:56:51,948 --> 00:56:53,823 Very sorry. 559 00:56:54,573 --> 00:56:59,198 You know, I know this doesn't help right now, but... 560 00:57:00,115 --> 00:57:01,181 just because they are separating, 561 00:57:01,282 --> 00:57:03,823 does not mean that it is not worry about each other. 562 00:57:04,115 --> 00:57:05,990 It means they have given up. 563 00:57:07,032 --> 00:57:10,573 - I don't think that's fair. - Fair for whom? For you or for them? 564 00:57:11,865 --> 00:57:16,157 When you're rowing in a race and you reach the last 20 meters, 565 00:57:18,198 --> 00:57:20,907 your whole body He says stop. 566 00:57:21,948 --> 00:57:26,073 Your muscles burn. Your lungs are screaming at you. 567 00:57:26,615 --> 00:57:30,740 Everything that is inside you wants to leave you, make the pain go away. 568 00:57:32,573 --> 00:57:34,073 But, if you want to win... 569 00:57:35,282 --> 00:57:38,972 That's exactly when it gets deeper. and row harder. 570 00:57:39,073 --> 00:57:40,865 You really don't like to leave get things done, right? 571 00:57:40,990 --> 00:57:43,657 Have you noticed? 572 00:57:58,073 --> 00:58:01,657 You're starting to make me believe in happy endings. 573 00:58:20,573 --> 00:58:22,514 No! The photo! No. 574 00:58:22,615 --> 00:58:23,222 What? 575 00:58:23,323 --> 00:58:25,514 It is totally ruined. It is totally ruined. 576 00:58:25,615 --> 00:58:27,514 Now you see why not I let no one in here. 577 00:58:27,615 --> 00:58:30,490 I'm quite surprised that you told me let into your inner Sanctuary. 578 00:58:30,615 --> 00:58:33,782 Yes, well, If you tell someone, 579 00:58:34,073 --> 00:58:35,407 It will poison you. 580 00:58:40,490 --> 00:58:42,532 You don't have to... 581 00:58:43,115 --> 00:58:44,889 You don't have to look through that. 582 00:58:44,990 --> 00:58:47,782 - No, no, no. OK. - Yes. 583 00:58:50,948 --> 00:58:52,573 Brilliant. 584 00:59:13,615 --> 00:59:15,323 I like this one. 585 00:59:23,282 --> 00:59:26,198 - That is... - That's a cell phone tower. 586 00:59:26,948 --> 00:59:29,573 - Yes. - It's an allegory... 587 00:59:29,865 --> 00:59:34,948 for something... Technology co-opting our natural environment. 588 00:59:47,948 --> 00:59:49,448 Really? 589 00:59:49,948 --> 00:59:51,490 Really. 590 00:59:53,782 --> 00:59:58,282 I know you hate compliments, But, this work is incredible. 591 00:59:58,407 --> 01:00:01,514 I'm serious. It's like you can see things, that no one else can. 592 01:00:01,615 --> 01:00:04,907 That shows how much What do you know about photography? 593 01:00:07,115 --> 01:00:09,032 I think you could sell this material. 594 01:00:09,282 --> 01:00:12,157 Maybe on Etsy. 595 01:00:12,282 --> 01:00:14,282 There is something missing... 596 01:00:14,407 --> 01:00:16,365 like all your photos. 597 01:00:16,490 --> 01:00:17,806 Yes, I know. It's the color. 598 01:00:17,907 --> 01:00:20,365 No. You. 599 01:00:23,282 --> 01:00:25,657 I really don't believe that world needs another selfie. 600 01:00:25,782 --> 01:00:28,823 Come on. What's wrong with wearing in front of the camera, from time to time? 601 01:00:28,948 --> 01:00:32,532 I think a photographer should point your lens outwards, 602 01:00:32,907 --> 01:00:34,823 - towards the world. -Yes? 603 01:00:34,948 --> 01:00:37,198 Yes, so that you can try to understand it. 604 01:00:37,323 --> 01:00:39,532 What about trying? understand yourself? 605 01:00:40,323 --> 01:00:43,115 If you had my past, You wouldn't ask that question. 606 01:00:43,865 --> 01:00:45,657 Are you ever going to tell me? 607 01:00:51,698 --> 01:00:53,573 Come on. I will accompany you to your house. 608 01:00:55,115 --> 01:01:00,681 I never knew my real father. He left before I was born. 609 01:01:00,782 --> 01:01:03,347 And, my mother... 610 01:01:03,448 --> 01:01:07,948 The kindest way to describe it, It would be slippery. 611 01:01:10,032 --> 01:01:11,722 Instead of counting sheep... 612 01:01:11,823 --> 01:01:13,306 to go to sleep, when I was a girl, 613 01:01:13,407 --> 01:01:15,948 She told me about her suitors. 614 01:01:17,407 --> 01:01:19,282 And Mel was one of them? 615 01:01:19,698 --> 01:01:21,639 Yes, it was the last one. 616 01:01:21,740 --> 01:01:27,323 His last victim, before that he would ignore us forever. 617 01:01:27,573 --> 01:01:29,556 And that was when he took you in? 618 01:01:29,657 --> 01:01:31,514 Well, I tried, but the Court, 619 01:01:31,615 --> 01:01:34,573 they did not look favorably on a middle-aged bachelor... 620 01:01:34,740 --> 01:01:36,865 wanting to adopt a little girl. 621 01:01:37,657 --> 01:01:40,097 So where did you go? 622 01:01:40,198 --> 01:01:42,240 To Family Services. 623 01:01:42,823 --> 01:01:44,198 Family foster care. 624 01:01:47,323 --> 01:01:49,181 You know you said that I realize things, 625 01:01:49,282 --> 01:01:51,115 that no one else sees? 626 01:01:52,740 --> 01:01:56,448 When you live with strangers that can hurt you, 627 01:01:56,573 --> 01:01:57,931 and I was much of a side to side, 628 01:01:58,032 --> 01:02:01,823 you have to watch it really everything. 629 01:02:02,073 --> 01:02:05,365 When you're a foster child, you learn the hard way to... 630 01:02:06,698 --> 01:02:08,615 Never let your guard down... 631 01:02:09,657 --> 01:02:11,264 Yes. 632 01:02:11,365 --> 01:02:13,681 Anyway, a year ago, Mel and Vickie got married 633 01:02:13,782 --> 01:02:16,389 and then the Court I allowed them to take me in. 634 01:02:16,490 --> 01:02:19,282 "So that's why you call yourself yourself, a strange genetic? 635 01:02:25,657 --> 01:02:28,698 - I did it. - OK. 636 01:02:36,740 --> 01:02:38,389 EXPLORE OUR PROGRAMS 637 01:02:38,490 --> 01:02:41,032 IMAGINE YOUR FUTURE AT RISD. - First year - Transfer - Graduation - Financial aid 638 01:02:54,657 --> 01:02:56,073 ?WELCOME TO THE DAY FROM THE PORTFOLIO! 639 01:02:59,782 --> 01:03:01,556 My God! 640 01:03:01,657 --> 01:03:04,615 -How early is it? - Super early. 641 01:03:05,240 --> 01:03:08,698 A little almond milk, right? 642 01:03:12,240 --> 01:03:13,782 Yes. 643 01:03:16,990 --> 01:03:18,365 I like your necklace. 644 01:03:18,490 --> 01:03:20,657 Yes? Shannon lent it to me. 645 01:03:21,698 --> 01:03:24,056 You know, if ever Do you want to borrow something from me? 646 01:03:24,157 --> 01:03:26,073 clothes or makeup, jewelry... 647 01:03:26,240 --> 01:03:28,032 Very good. 648 01:03:28,657 --> 01:03:30,907 See you later, Vick. 649 01:03:34,615 --> 01:03:36,115 See you. 650 01:04:01,157 --> 01:04:03,514 When a rower dies, This is what Heaven looks like. 651 01:04:03,615 --> 01:04:09,323 For me, Heaven is Paris in the rain. As with cobblestone streets. 652 01:04:09,448 --> 01:04:10,764 -Yes? - Yes. 653 01:04:10,865 --> 01:04:14,157 Is everything in black and white? 654 01:04:14,282 --> 01:04:16,532 Get out of my head. 655 01:04:17,407 --> 01:04:20,764 Have you ever been? In Paris? 656 01:04:20,865 --> 01:04:22,115 Someday. 657 01:04:22,365 --> 01:04:24,240 With me? 658 01:04:24,698 --> 01:04:27,698 I guess it would come to me well a translator. 659 01:04:32,365 --> 01:04:34,490 my parents had your honeymoon there. 660 01:04:35,115 --> 01:04:37,115 So I've been saving to send them... 661 01:04:37,240 --> 01:04:39,240 for their 25th anniversary. 662 01:04:40,115 --> 01:04:43,222 - What if they don't want to go? - I mean, who doesn't want to go to Paris? 663 01:04:43,323 --> 01:04:45,990 Yes, but what if not? Do you want to go together? 664 01:04:46,823 --> 01:04:50,181 It's not a crime to fall out of love, You know. 665 01:04:50,282 --> 01:04:51,782 Tessa... 666 01:04:51,907 --> 01:04:53,448 Love never dies. 667 01:04:56,032 --> 01:04:57,490 What? 668 01:04:59,282 --> 01:05:02,782 You sound like someone who never has been wounded by life. 669 01:05:04,198 --> 01:05:05,782 Are you warning me? 670 01:05:06,323 --> 01:05:08,323 No. 671 01:05:13,448 --> 01:05:14,389 What the hell is that? 672 01:05:14,490 --> 01:05:16,032 This... 673 01:05:18,282 --> 01:05:21,407 - It's a rowboat. - I guess you want me to get on him? 674 01:05:21,657 --> 01:05:24,347 - You're going to get into this with me. - No. 675 01:05:24,448 --> 01:05:27,698 We spent four hours in your dark room, doing what you like to do. 676 01:05:27,823 --> 01:05:29,823 Let me show you what I like to do it. 677 01:05:32,698 --> 01:05:35,097 - Hands under your... Thumbs there. - Thumbs here. 678 01:05:35,198 --> 01:05:38,681 And then it will be simple like this. You press it down. 679 01:05:38,782 --> 01:05:42,282 - OK. - And then you tilt it and then you pull it. 680 01:05:42,532 --> 01:05:44,907 And then you press down, 681 01:05:45,032 --> 01:05:47,240 You tilt it, and then you pull it. 682 01:05:47,365 --> 01:05:49,657 - Okay, I'm going to try to move forward again. - Well. 683 01:05:49,782 --> 01:05:51,073 - Don't help me. - It won't. 684 01:05:51,198 --> 01:05:53,782 It won't. You have it. You have it. 685 01:05:55,115 --> 01:05:56,597 My God! 686 01:05:56,698 --> 01:05:59,032 This is horrible. 687 01:05:59,198 --> 01:06:02,115 - I'm already tired. - You're flying! 688 01:06:29,698 --> 01:06:31,823 I love you, Tessa. 689 01:06:49,865 --> 01:06:52,657 We should probably come back, okay? 690 01:08:04,532 --> 01:08:05,948 Hello. 691 01:08:10,823 --> 01:08:12,365 The intermission? 692 01:08:12,490 --> 01:08:13,823 That's what Doris calls him, 693 01:08:13,948 --> 01:08:16,157 but each culture has his own version. 694 01:08:16,282 --> 01:08:19,347 So, It's where we go after we die. 695 01:08:19,448 --> 01:08:21,615 I don't. I'm going to Jamaica. 696 01:08:21,740 --> 01:08:23,347 I'm serious, Shannon. 697 01:08:23,448 --> 01:08:25,782 It's like a waiting room for our souls. 698 01:08:25,948 --> 01:08:27,222 OK, So you think Skylar 699 01:08:27,323 --> 01:08:30,240 is getting closer to you from this waiting room? 700 01:08:30,532 --> 01:08:33,681 They were color photos, Shannon. I don't... I don't drink in color. 701 01:08:33,782 --> 01:08:36,532 I don't even have the products chemicals to reveal them. 702 01:08:36,907 --> 01:08:39,657 - But can't you show me the photos? - No, I already told you. 703 01:08:39,782 --> 01:08:41,972 The fixer didn't work. I don't know why. 704 01:08:42,073 --> 01:08:44,115 But, maybe the spirits They can't be... 705 01:08:44,240 --> 01:08:46,657 captured on film or something. I don't know. 706 01:08:47,490 --> 01:08:48,948 Very good. 707 01:08:50,865 --> 01:08:52,948 Tess, I want to believe you, I swear, 708 01:08:53,073 --> 01:08:56,948 But, messages from the other side? 709 01:08:57,948 --> 01:09:00,323 I think he wants the same thing as me. 710 01:09:02,073 --> 01:09:07,198 See me for the last time to be able to say goodbye truly. 711 01:09:07,573 --> 01:09:10,032 You loved him and he knew it. 712 01:09:10,198 --> 01:09:11,847 What more is there to say? 713 01:09:11,948 --> 01:09:13,847 Two minute warning. 714 01:09:13,948 --> 01:09:15,014 Please take a seat 715 01:09:15,115 --> 01:09:16,972 and put your phones in silent mode. 716 01:09:17,073 --> 01:09:18,532 Friend, we have to concentrate, okay? 717 01:09:18,657 --> 01:09:20,014 You're not even listening to me. 718 01:09:20,115 --> 01:09:22,431 Yes, I'm doing it. I just don't think... 719 01:09:22,532 --> 01:09:25,764 whether they are color photos or waiting or intermission rooms. 720 01:09:25,865 --> 01:09:29,323 - So what is it about? - Of a girl who doesn't let go. 721 01:09:31,740 --> 01:09:34,865 Just, think about it. Okay? 722 01:10:11,115 --> 01:10:12,407 Sorry. 723 01:11:09,448 --> 01:11:12,240 Cell phone use is prohibited during the test. 724 01:11:26,365 --> 01:11:28,240 I don't know what's happening. 725 01:11:44,698 --> 01:11:47,740 11 DAYS BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 726 01:11:53,282 --> 01:11:55,865 "I didn't tell you that he Would the trip be worth it? 727 01:11:56,490 --> 01:11:59,032 This negative is made of glass. It is coated with collodion, 728 01:11:59,157 --> 01:12:03,139 and then immersed in nitrate silver, which is crazy. 729 01:12:03,240 --> 01:12:05,698 Because after that, you only have a few minutes to take the photo 730 01:12:05,823 --> 01:12:07,948 or chemicals They will dry you completely. 731 01:12:08,698 --> 01:12:11,347 That's exactly what I was going to say. 732 01:12:11,448 --> 01:12:13,323 It's only ten thousand dollars. 733 01:12:13,448 --> 01:12:15,282 It's a little out of my budget. 734 01:12:15,657 --> 01:12:18,222 But I can offer you a gluten-free cookie, 735 01:12:18,323 --> 01:12:21,972 - with rotten cheese. - You are so generous. It's crazy. 736 01:12:22,073 --> 01:12:23,490 I'm sorry. Am I interrupting? 737 01:12:23,615 --> 01:12:25,389 No. Julian, hi. 738 01:12:25,490 --> 01:12:27,907 We were talking about We really like the photo. 739 01:12:28,073 --> 01:12:28,823 Yes. 740 01:12:28,990 --> 01:12:30,032 It's wonderful, isn't it? 741 01:12:30,157 --> 01:12:32,073 I love how you prioritize... 742 01:12:32,198 --> 01:12:34,139 the mood and the atmosphere, above the topic. 743 01:12:34,240 --> 01:12:37,181 It is a very sophisticated vision, For a girl your age. 744 01:12:37,282 --> 01:12:40,448 Julien, meet my sophisticated girlfriend. 745 01:12:40,573 --> 01:12:42,407 Hi, I'm Tessa. Nice to meet you. 746 01:12:42,532 --> 01:12:45,514 - Congratulations on this. This is great. - Thank you. 747 01:12:45,615 --> 01:12:50,740 Okay, guys, follow me. I want to show you something. 748 01:12:58,907 --> 01:13:02,306 Doesn't it look amazing everything illuminated like that? 749 01:13:02,407 --> 01:13:06,615 - As if he were from here? - Yes, it must be here. 750 01:13:07,032 --> 01:13:10,365 Tessa, you have an extraordinary eye. 751 01:13:11,990 --> 01:13:13,865 I don't understand. 752 01:13:13,990 --> 01:13:17,847 It's for sale for $1,000 dollars. 753 01:13:17,948 --> 01:13:21,323 Yes, and we already have two serious queries. 754 01:13:23,657 --> 01:13:25,639 That photo... 755 01:13:25,740 --> 01:13:29,698 It is not for sale. It was my gift to Skylar. 756 01:13:29,823 --> 01:13:31,139 Can't you print another one? 757 01:13:31,240 --> 01:13:32,639 I really don't want let no one see her. 758 01:13:32,740 --> 01:13:34,240 Can we remove it please? 759 01:13:35,740 --> 01:13:37,448 Are you serious? 760 01:13:37,823 --> 01:13:39,782 - Take it away! - Hey, it's okay. I will remove it. 761 01:13:39,907 --> 01:13:41,282 I apreciate it. 762 01:13:49,032 --> 01:13:50,907 That's exactly why what I have brought you here, 763 01:13:51,032 --> 01:13:54,198 to prove that your photos are great, even Julian thinks so. 764 01:13:54,323 --> 01:13:56,365 I don't want this photo hanging on the wall... 765 01:13:56,490 --> 01:13:58,865 from a random stranger. 766 01:13:59,157 --> 01:14:00,407 This is my photo. 767 01:14:00,532 --> 01:14:02,222 That means I can decide who I share it with 768 01:14:02,323 --> 01:14:04,240 and I shared it with you. 769 01:14:06,198 --> 01:14:07,306 You are right. 770 01:14:07,407 --> 01:14:09,306 I'm sorry. I should have asked first. 771 01:14:09,407 --> 01:14:11,431 I just wanted you to see how incredible you are. 772 01:14:11,532 --> 01:14:14,990 AND, that you can get into RISD. 773 01:14:15,698 --> 01:14:17,573 Who said anything about RISD? 774 01:14:18,157 --> 01:14:22,431 Shannon said that your Art Teacher I thought you could get in. 775 01:14:22,532 --> 01:14:26,222 - I'm going to kill her. - It is the best Art University in the country. 776 01:14:26,323 --> 01:14:29,323 And it's in Providence, which is in the same city as Brown. 777 01:14:29,448 --> 01:14:31,556 Therefore, if you enter, we could be together. 778 01:14:31,657 --> 01:14:33,806 - I... - Really. Without the ticking of the clock. 779 01:14:33,907 --> 01:14:36,347 Even if I could enter RISD, 780 01:14:36,448 --> 01:14:38,365 which I totally doubt, 781 01:14:38,490 --> 01:14:41,657 - I can't afford it. - You are going to enter RISD. 782 01:14:41,782 --> 01:14:43,698 - No. -And you could get a scholarship. 783 01:14:43,823 --> 01:14:47,073 Skylar, Jesus, stop it! 784 01:14:47,198 --> 01:14:50,157 This is... You can't fix everything. 785 01:14:50,532 --> 01:14:51,181 What? 786 01:14:51,282 --> 01:14:53,907 The marriage of your parents and me. 787 01:14:54,573 --> 01:14:56,722 Some things can't be fixed. 788 01:14:56,823 --> 01:14:58,782 ?That's why I don't can you say you love me? 789 01:15:01,240 --> 01:15:04,907 Because you are... Irreparable. 790 01:15:10,365 --> 01:15:11,823 Good. 791 01:15:11,948 --> 01:15:13,407 That is... 792 01:15:37,282 --> 01:15:41,514 FROM TESSA: HELLO 793 01:15:41,615 --> 01:15:46,240 FROM TESSA: ARE YOU STILL ANGRY? 794 01:15:47,782 --> 01:15:50,073 FROM TESSA: ARE WE STILL GOING OUT TONIGHT? 795 01:15:50,198 --> 01:15:52,740 LIFEGUARDS RESTING SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK 796 01:15:57,782 --> 01:16:01,014 FROM SKYLAR: SORRY, I HAVE TO CANCEL YOU. 797 01:16:01,115 --> 01:16:02,198 FROM TESSA: AND WHY? 798 01:16:10,740 --> 01:16:17,948 FROM SKYLAR: MY DAD APPEARED IN EDISON WITHOUT WARNING. 799 01:16:18,073 --> 01:16:20,573 FROM TESSA: SORRY, THAT SUCKS. 800 01:16:20,907 --> 01:16:23,532 FROM SKYLAR: I WILL CALL YOU WHEN I COME BACK. 801 01:16:27,323 --> 01:16:31,115 FROM TESSA: I REALLY MISS YOU, SKY. 802 01:16:54,657 --> 01:16:58,097 Hello, it's 8:00. I'm here as you asked me. What's wrong? 803 01:16:58,198 --> 01:17:00,573 I would like to take a portrait of you. 804 01:17:03,448 --> 01:17:04,389 Can I change first? 805 01:17:04,490 --> 01:17:06,597 No, you don't have to. You can just wear that. 806 01:17:06,698 --> 01:17:08,157 What is this? 807 01:17:09,657 --> 01:17:11,823 It was my mother's. 808 01:17:18,573 --> 01:17:20,615 This makes me come back to the University. 809 01:17:21,323 --> 01:17:25,907 I had a boyfriend who studied art. He made me pose for him. 810 01:17:26,073 --> 01:17:32,157 So... Mel is not the first person you have fallen in love with. 811 01:17:33,615 --> 01:17:36,615 God, no. I have loved a few men. 812 01:17:36,990 --> 01:17:40,073 Maybe even a woman. 813 01:17:42,532 --> 01:17:47,181 Did you love any of them more? of what they loved you? 814 01:17:47,282 --> 01:17:48,764 Probably. 815 01:17:48,865 --> 01:17:50,407 Hasn't that scared you? 816 01:17:51,698 --> 01:17:55,823 ?Knowing that someone could hurt you more than you hurt him? 817 01:17:55,948 --> 01:17:58,073 Yes. Maybe at the beginning. 818 01:17:58,198 --> 01:18:01,222 But then I think I realized that if you protect yourself from the lows, 819 01:18:01,323 --> 01:18:05,240 you end up getting lost also all the heights. 820 01:18:08,532 --> 01:18:10,698 You love Skylar. Isn't that so? 821 01:18:15,657 --> 01:18:18,073 I think I'm screwing her up. 822 01:18:19,157 --> 01:18:23,865 Yes. If you're not opening old wounds, It's probably not true love. 823 01:18:25,532 --> 01:18:27,282 I don't know what to do here. 824 01:18:28,115 --> 01:18:31,532 How do I make it so Skylar understands that... 825 01:18:32,907 --> 01:18:34,865 I do love him. 826 01:18:36,990 --> 01:18:39,032 Start by saying it. 827 01:18:41,823 --> 01:18:44,264 You need to hear the words, Tessa. 828 01:18:44,365 --> 01:18:46,448 You mean he needs listen to the words. 829 01:18:46,782 --> 01:18:50,532 No. You need to hear yourself yourself to say them. 830 01:18:51,573 --> 01:18:53,157 Aloud. 831 01:18:54,282 --> 01:18:57,115 So that the world knows that your feelings count. 832 01:18:58,573 --> 01:18:59,948 What do you count? 833 01:19:06,073 --> 01:19:07,823 Vickie, I'm sorry. 834 01:19:09,490 --> 01:19:11,615 Because of how I have treated you. 835 01:19:24,448 --> 01:19:27,657 Hey Google, dim the lights. 836 01:19:28,198 --> 01:19:30,823 - Yes! - Is there no smoke machine? 837 01:19:32,407 --> 01:19:34,139 We begin this invocation, 838 01:19:34,240 --> 01:19:36,782 asking Archangel Michael... 839 01:19:36,907 --> 01:19:38,907 to protect us from any evil spirit... 840 01:19:39,032 --> 01:19:41,573 who may be looking for a door entrance to this terrestrial sphere. 841 01:19:41,698 --> 01:19:42,948 Did you write this? 842 01:19:43,948 --> 01:19:45,514 - You are interrupting my summoning. - I'm sorry. 843 01:19:45,615 --> 01:19:46,764 It's just... This is crazy. 844 01:19:46,865 --> 01:19:48,782 Have you read all of these books in two days? 845 01:19:49,157 --> 01:19:52,532 "Bitch, yes!" You already know that Speed reading is my superpower. 846 01:19:52,782 --> 01:19:55,264 Enjoy your Own Funeral. 847 01:19:55,365 --> 01:19:58,347 Yes. That turns out to be a classic... 848 01:19:58,448 --> 01:20:01,597 of the paranormal metaphysical genre. 849 01:20:01,698 --> 01:20:03,573 - Now, shut up. - Good. 850 01:20:05,990 --> 01:20:07,782 We seek to communicate... 851 01:20:07,907 --> 01:20:12,365 only with the disembodied spirit, formerly known as Skylar Adams. 852 01:20:13,407 --> 01:20:15,490 No other spirits, please. 853 01:20:16,990 --> 01:20:18,240 OK. 854 01:20:19,157 --> 01:20:23,365 - A Ouija board? - Please, Tess. This is a planchette. 855 01:20:23,823 --> 01:20:26,056 There is a pencil tip at the bottom. 856 01:20:26,157 --> 01:20:29,597 We ask questions and Skylar will communicate by moving our hands. 857 01:20:29,698 --> 01:20:31,347 Like he did in the gym. 858 01:20:31,448 --> 01:20:33,698 Here. The fingers right there. 859 01:20:34,448 --> 01:20:35,823 Good. 860 01:20:35,948 --> 01:20:37,782 Close your eyes. 861 01:20:40,823 --> 01:20:44,222 - Oh my God! It has moved. - Sorry, that was me. My fault. 862 01:20:44,323 --> 01:20:47,032 It's called Scrying. The deceased use the mirror... 863 01:20:47,157 --> 01:20:49,139 as an entrance door to the world of the living. 864 01:20:49,240 --> 01:20:54,657 All you have to do is look staring at the mirror, in a trance state. 865 01:20:55,198 --> 01:20:57,532 - That's all. - OK. 866 01:21:06,490 --> 01:21:08,806 Yes, I'm sorry. Can we cover Gambino and Drake? 867 01:21:08,907 --> 01:21:11,032 They are distracting me a lot. 868 01:21:11,157 --> 01:21:12,806 Instrumental transcommunication. 869 01:21:12,907 --> 01:21:16,615 The spirit uses the television monitor, as a bridge with our world. 870 01:21:16,740 --> 01:21:19,032 - What is this? Good. - Here you go. 871 01:21:19,157 --> 01:21:21,573 Blocks gamma rays. 872 01:21:26,657 --> 01:21:28,056 Do you see something? 873 01:21:28,157 --> 01:21:29,907 No. And you? 874 01:21:30,907 --> 01:21:32,157 No. 875 01:21:39,907 --> 01:21:42,282 Maybe there should be read more books. 876 01:21:42,448 --> 01:21:45,490 No... No, you have been incredible. 877 01:21:47,448 --> 01:21:48,323 FROM VICKIE: WHERE IS THE CAR? I HAVE A SHIFT TONIGHT. 878 01:21:48,448 --> 01:21:50,347 Friend. It's just Vickie. 879 01:21:50,448 --> 01:21:52,907 You need your car. You have a turn. 880 01:21:54,032 --> 01:21:56,907 OK. I'll accompany you to the exit. 881 01:21:58,032 --> 01:21:59,407 Very good. 882 01:22:25,323 --> 01:22:26,782 hello? 883 01:22:37,782 --> 01:22:40,681 Your route is being calculated. 884 01:22:40,782 --> 01:22:41,806 RE-CALCULATING... 885 01:22:41,907 --> 01:22:47,198 Continue for 6.5 km. until the entrance to Highway 85, South. 886 01:22:53,823 --> 01:22:55,823 It's a map. 887 01:23:04,032 --> 01:23:06,698 Tessa? Tessa! 888 01:23:06,865 --> 01:23:09,681 I'm sorry. I have to do this. 889 01:23:09,782 --> 01:23:11,157 Tessa! 890 01:23:13,948 --> 01:23:20,365 Head Southwest toward I-95 South, and continue for 170 km. 891 01:23:22,157 --> 01:23:24,990 Continue straight for 13 km. 892 01:23:39,907 --> 01:23:42,532 Take the next exit and in 30 meters... 893 01:23:42,657 --> 01:23:45,698 Your destination will be on your right. 894 01:23:51,323 --> 01:23:54,115 You have reached your destination. 895 01:24:02,490 --> 01:24:05,907 I told you he hadn't left yet. 896 01:24:07,198 --> 01:24:09,389 Doris! 897 01:24:09,490 --> 01:24:12,990 Come. Sit down. 898 01:24:14,990 --> 01:24:18,139 You know, I love it come here at night 899 01:24:18,240 --> 01:24:21,014 to see the shooting stars. 900 01:24:21,115 --> 01:24:24,532 My angels call me home. 901 01:24:26,657 --> 01:24:29,115 Skylar knows that her end is near. 902 01:24:31,448 --> 01:24:33,615 You don't have much time left. 903 01:24:33,782 --> 01:24:35,639 Has he contacted you? 904 01:24:35,740 --> 01:24:39,157 Well, I am much more close to his world, that you. 905 01:24:41,698 --> 01:24:43,323 What do you want? 906 01:24:43,740 --> 01:24:45,198 My help. 907 01:24:46,532 --> 01:24:48,990 To bring the two together. 908 01:24:49,573 --> 01:24:51,115 Can you do it? 909 01:24:55,990 --> 01:24:58,240 Please. 910 01:25:02,073 --> 01:25:07,056 In ancient folklore, the souls of the deceased 911 01:25:07,157 --> 01:25:13,490 They returned to the places where they had lived his greatest moments of love. 912 01:25:14,032 --> 01:25:20,431 There they could cross the barrier between life and death. 913 01:25:20,532 --> 01:25:23,931 Now, maybe if you and Skylar came back 914 01:25:24,032 --> 01:25:29,865 to the place where they felt more love, 915 01:25:31,115 --> 01:25:35,615 The window between worlds could open? 916 01:25:36,823 --> 01:25:38,073 OK. 917 01:25:39,198 --> 01:25:40,740 But, be careful. 918 01:25:42,032 --> 01:25:45,240 If you cross that barrier... 919 01:25:46,865 --> 01:25:48,990 there may be no turning back. 920 01:25:52,490 --> 01:25:55,865 5 DAYS BEFORE THE ACCIDENT 921 01:26:05,865 --> 01:26:07,407 Tess? 922 01:26:07,573 --> 01:26:08,948 What's wrong? 923 01:26:09,448 --> 01:26:11,681 This is not how I wanted That was my summer. 924 01:26:11,782 --> 01:26:14,407 No, what do you mean? What's happening? 925 01:26:14,698 --> 01:26:16,597 They are so cute together, which is stupid. 926 01:26:16,698 --> 01:26:18,198 Who is cute? 927 01:26:20,573 --> 01:26:22,240 - Is that Judd? - That's Judd. 928 01:26:22,365 --> 01:26:24,431 My vagina is crying. 929 01:26:24,532 --> 01:26:27,823 They're cute, but I'm so sorry. 930 01:26:28,198 --> 01:26:28,972 That's terrible. 931 01:26:29,073 --> 01:26:30,948 - Oh my God! - What? 932 01:26:31,240 --> 01:26:34,115 Did Billy Hodges come to my party? 933 01:26:34,990 --> 01:26:37,323 Ciao, Billy. 934 01:26:40,448 --> 01:26:42,365 - Hello. - Hello. 935 01:26:44,115 --> 01:26:46,407 It's only three words. 936 01:26:51,698 --> 01:26:53,407 Hello. 937 01:26:59,657 --> 01:27:04,556 "We can go somewhere to talk for a second, alone? 938 01:27:04,657 --> 01:27:06,681 Of course yes. 939 01:27:06,782 --> 01:27:09,056 - Hey, brother! - Hello. 940 01:27:09,157 --> 01:27:11,615 - I just heard the good news. - What news? 941 01:27:12,157 --> 01:27:13,948 Oregon State! 942 01:27:14,532 --> 01:27:17,032 -There is nothing official yet. - Lie, brother. 943 01:27:17,157 --> 01:27:21,972 No, I just talked to the new coach. He told me it's already done. 944 01:27:22,073 --> 01:27:23,657 Come on. 945 01:27:26,157 --> 01:27:27,198 Good. 946 01:27:27,323 --> 01:27:31,139 Tess? Tess? Tessa? 947 01:27:31,240 --> 01:27:34,823 - Tess, I was going to tell you, I swear. - When? 948 01:27:35,573 --> 01:27:37,347 When were you going to tell me? After I got into RISD? 949 01:27:37,448 --> 01:27:38,698 No, of course not. 950 01:27:38,823 --> 01:27:41,514 I didn't want to give you another reason to back out. 951 01:27:41,615 --> 01:27:43,240 What's with our plan? 952 01:27:44,115 --> 01:27:46,639 The same city? Is the clock ticking over? 953 01:27:46,740 --> 01:27:49,740 You weren't even going to submit a request. 954 01:27:50,365 --> 01:27:52,823 I already applied last week. 955 01:27:56,365 --> 01:28:01,115 Well, thanks for waiting until the last moment to tell me. 956 01:28:05,032 --> 01:28:08,222 The truth is, Tess, my father is not... 957 01:28:08,323 --> 01:28:10,365 He's not doing so well. 958 01:28:11,865 --> 01:28:16,139 It's very lonely in Oregon and I feel like I should stay with him for a while. 959 01:28:16,240 --> 01:28:20,282 Oregon, is at other side of the country. 960 01:28:20,407 --> 01:28:23,907 -How are we going to be able to see each other? - It will be difficult. 961 01:28:24,032 --> 01:28:28,573 I'm not going to change schools permanently. It won't. 962 01:28:28,698 --> 01:28:31,657 And if you get into RISD, and you will, 963 01:28:31,782 --> 01:28:33,681 I will be in Providence, before you. 964 01:28:33,782 --> 01:28:37,573 What happens if you start to like Oregon? What if your team starts winning? 965 01:28:37,698 --> 01:28:39,907 Tessa, My father needs me right now. 966 01:28:40,032 --> 01:28:42,032 It's my family. I don't... 967 01:28:43,823 --> 01:28:47,782 You don't understand what the family, because... 968 01:28:47,907 --> 01:28:49,990 Because I don't have one. 969 01:28:50,240 --> 01:28:52,823 That's not what I meant. 970 01:28:55,365 --> 01:28:57,573 I knew this was going to happen to me. 971 01:28:58,948 --> 01:29:01,990 I approach people and they leave me. 972 01:29:02,365 --> 01:29:03,740 This is what happens to me. 973 01:29:03,865 --> 01:29:05,073 -Tess. - No. 974 01:29:06,573 --> 01:29:07,865 No. 975 01:29:08,740 --> 01:29:11,532 "You're going to push me away, How do you do with everyone? 976 01:29:15,948 --> 01:29:18,115 Summer is over, Skylar. 977 01:29:19,948 --> 01:29:21,698 And so do we. 978 01:29:32,907 --> 01:29:33,918 Hello. 979 01:29:34,240 --> 01:29:37,573 Your assistant has arrived for ghost hunting. 980 01:29:37,698 --> 01:29:40,282 Here you go. Directly from daddy's closet. 981 01:29:40,448 --> 01:29:45,431 Yes, this is full spectrum, motion sensor, night vision. 982 01:29:45,532 --> 01:29:47,115 Perfect. Thank you. 983 01:29:48,115 --> 01:29:49,823 Who gave you all the loot? 984 01:29:50,032 --> 01:29:52,907 Vickie's credit card. 985 01:29:53,032 --> 01:29:55,847 Tessa is already a girl bad and very bad. 986 01:29:55,948 --> 01:29:56,532 Goodbye. 987 01:29:56,657 --> 01:29:58,764 Hey, if there are nudes my mother in that chamber, 988 01:29:58,865 --> 01:30:00,532 I don't want to know. 989 01:30:02,115 --> 01:30:03,948 I'm going to tell you. 990 01:30:45,157 --> 01:30:48,157 - CINEMA - BEACH - CLAM RESTAURANT - EMPLOYER. - LAKE 991 01:34:13,157 --> 01:34:14,823 Central, wait. 992 01:34:15,282 --> 01:34:17,240 Are you Tessa Benson? 993 01:34:24,157 --> 01:34:25,948 I can't believe they have tracked my phone. 994 01:34:26,073 --> 01:34:27,657 The day you stole the credit card to Vickie, 995 01:34:27,782 --> 01:34:29,556 It was the day you quit to your right to privacy. 996 01:34:29,657 --> 01:34:33,407 - What were you doing in that hotel so late? - I was taking photos! 997 01:34:33,573 --> 01:34:34,584 I told you. 998 01:34:34,698 --> 01:34:36,556 What? You try to go back to enter the hospital? 999 01:34:36,657 --> 01:34:39,681 I don't understand this. The things They were much better this summer. 1000 01:34:39,782 --> 01:34:42,306 - We started to feel like a family. - Don't you understand? 1001 01:34:42,407 --> 01:34:44,240 Wow, I wonder what happened to me passed at the end of summer, 1002 01:34:44,365 --> 01:34:45,740 how to change my state of mind 1003 01:34:46,032 --> 01:34:47,931 Do you know what I've been through? What has Vickie been through? 1004 01:34:48,032 --> 01:34:50,282 - Stop. - Love hurts. Learn to live with it. 1005 01:34:50,407 --> 01:34:51,264 Fuck you, Mel. 1006 01:34:51,365 --> 01:34:53,573 Hey, no! You can't talk to him like that. 1007 01:34:54,073 --> 01:34:57,032 - Not after everything he has done for you. - There is no... 1008 01:34:58,448 --> 01:34:59,740 Tessa! 1009 01:35:07,157 --> 01:35:08,764 Has broken the repair. 1010 01:35:08,865 --> 01:35:12,431 Isn't it surprising? The way in which She's been running like crazy. 1011 01:35:12,532 --> 01:35:13,681 You can see it right here. 1012 01:35:13,782 --> 01:35:16,472 There is a good amount of blood accumulated around his heart. 1013 01:35:16,573 --> 01:35:19,014 - Will he be okay? - No, until we drain the chamber 1014 01:35:19,115 --> 01:35:21,014 and let's reinforce the original suture. 1015 01:35:21,115 --> 01:35:23,573 Let's schedule the operating room first thing in the morning. 1016 01:35:23,698 --> 01:35:27,472 No, no, I... I don't... They have to let me go They have to let me go. 1017 01:35:27,573 --> 01:35:30,532 -Tessa! 50 milligrams now. -Jasmine, no! No, please! 1018 01:35:30,657 --> 01:35:33,514 Tessa, if I let you go home, You won't spend the night. 1019 01:35:33,615 --> 01:35:35,139 You don't understand. They don't understand it. 1020 01:35:35,240 --> 01:35:36,532 Get some rest, darling. 1021 01:35:36,657 --> 01:35:39,865 I could never tell him... Tell it to him. 1022 01:35:41,032 --> 01:35:42,282 Tell him what? 1023 01:35:42,532 --> 01:35:44,365 That... 1024 01:36:07,823 --> 01:36:10,948 They will never, never be able to separate us. 1025 01:36:39,115 --> 01:36:40,365 Tess? 1026 01:36:40,740 --> 01:36:42,573 Shan, is that you? 1027 01:36:42,698 --> 01:36:45,847 Are you okay? You... You sound high. 1028 01:36:45,948 --> 01:36:49,448 - I'm in the hospital. - What happened? 1029 01:36:50,282 --> 01:36:52,264 I've seen it, Shan. 1030 01:36:52,365 --> 01:36:55,407 - No way. - At the Hotel. 1031 01:36:55,782 --> 01:36:58,657 I couldn't touch it, but he was there. 1032 01:37:00,907 --> 01:37:04,323 I only have one place left where I have to go. 1033 01:37:04,782 --> 01:37:07,657 - The lake. - Where he told you he loved you. 1034 01:37:08,198 --> 01:37:10,431 I really don't there is a lot of time left. 1035 01:37:10,532 --> 01:37:12,698 Okay, don't move. I'm coming. 1036 01:37:25,240 --> 01:37:27,282 And now what? 1037 01:37:28,782 --> 01:37:32,157 - Room 22. - I'll go. 1038 01:37:34,198 --> 01:37:35,407 Two more. 1039 01:37:35,532 --> 01:37:37,139 The witching hour. I take the nones, 1040 01:37:37,240 --> 01:37:38,698 - you take the evens. - Yes. 1041 01:37:45,157 --> 01:37:46,990 Let's go! 1042 01:37:47,115 --> 01:37:48,907 I could get used to this. 1043 01:38:03,032 --> 01:38:04,681 Hey! What are they doing? 1044 01:38:04,782 --> 01:38:07,222 Come on, come on, come on. Come on. 1045 01:38:07,323 --> 01:38:08,698 God! 1046 01:38:20,032 --> 01:38:22,198 What the hell? 1047 01:38:33,948 --> 01:38:35,389 The lake is over there. You have to turn around. 1048 01:38:35,490 --> 01:38:36,097 I know. I know. 1049 01:38:36,198 --> 01:38:38,282 It's the wrong way! Please turn around. 1050 01:38:38,698 --> 01:38:40,407 I can't! 1051 01:38:42,282 --> 01:38:43,722 - Let it go. - What? 1052 01:38:43,823 --> 01:38:45,448 Let go! 1053 01:38:58,157 --> 01:39:00,014 I also want a dead boyfriend 1054 01:39:00,115 --> 01:39:03,698 THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENT 1055 01:39:13,073 --> 01:39:13,972 What are you doing here? 1056 01:39:14,073 --> 01:39:17,490 Skylar says she called you and He has left a lot of messages. 1057 01:39:18,365 --> 01:39:18,948 AND... 1058 01:39:19,073 --> 01:39:21,972 And? Are you ignoring to your soulmate? 1059 01:39:22,073 --> 01:39:24,639 Shannon, my past always will get in the way. 1060 01:39:24,740 --> 01:39:27,115 Do you remember last year, when did you see that condemned bridge 1061 01:39:27,240 --> 01:39:29,264 and did you have to take a photo of it? 1062 01:39:29,365 --> 01:39:32,032 You had to jump into the water, 1063 01:39:32,490 --> 01:39:34,931 even if it was frozen. 1064 01:39:35,032 --> 01:39:36,698 And you know what I I was thinking, 1065 01:39:37,157 --> 01:39:40,889 when I saw you down there swimming against the current, to take your photo... 1066 01:39:40,990 --> 01:39:44,139 Imagine that Tess could be like this all your life, 1067 01:39:44,240 --> 01:39:45,740 and not only for his art. 1068 01:39:48,240 --> 01:39:51,282 He will leave tonight, Tess. 1069 01:40:05,948 --> 01:40:07,573 Close for me here. 1070 01:40:57,657 --> 01:40:59,907 This is where the accident occurred. 1071 01:41:00,032 --> 01:41:02,282 Do you know why he brought you here? 1072 01:41:03,240 --> 01:41:04,698 No. 1073 01:41:05,198 --> 01:41:06,740 I don't know. 1074 01:41:07,490 --> 01:41:09,157 But I'm going to find out. 1075 01:41:10,407 --> 01:41:11,948 Tess? 1076 01:41:21,782 --> 01:41:23,032 Tess! 1077 01:41:25,490 --> 01:41:27,157 My God! 1078 01:41:29,782 --> 01:41:32,240 I need help! 1079 01:41:38,698 --> 01:41:40,490 911, what is your emergency? 1080 01:41:40,615 --> 01:41:42,806 My friend just fainted. He has a problem in his heart. 1081 01:41:42,907 --> 01:41:47,014 I'm on the corner of 6th and Channel, Please send someone! 1082 01:41:47,115 --> 01:41:48,698 Skylar! 1083 01:41:54,823 --> 01:41:55,514 Tess. 1084 01:41:55,615 --> 01:41:58,073 You have forgotten your cap. 1085 01:42:01,740 --> 01:42:03,657 I'm so sorry, Sky. 1086 01:42:04,198 --> 01:42:05,657 I'm sorry. I... 1087 01:42:07,073 --> 01:42:10,139 I should have talked to you, before making any decision. 1088 01:42:10,240 --> 01:42:14,490 No. You shouldn't have to give explanations about love for your family. 1089 01:42:15,365 --> 01:42:17,181 If it hadn't happened to me all my life apart... 1090 01:42:17,282 --> 01:42:19,306 to everyone, he would have understood. 1091 01:42:19,407 --> 01:42:22,073 - No, come on, Tess. - Yes I love you. 1092 01:42:24,323 --> 01:42:25,698 I have already said it. 1093 01:42:25,865 --> 01:42:28,407 Would you mind if would you say it again? 1094 01:42:34,240 --> 01:42:35,782 I love you... 1095 01:42:45,990 --> 01:42:47,365 No! 1096 01:43:07,823 --> 01:43:09,448 Hello. 1097 01:43:13,532 --> 01:43:16,240 - It's you. - It's me. 1098 01:43:18,240 --> 01:43:20,073 My God! 1099 01:43:37,657 --> 01:43:40,847 - I love you. - I know. 1100 01:43:40,948 --> 01:43:43,347 You've already told me. I love you too. 1101 01:43:43,448 --> 01:43:46,823 "So that's why have you brought me here? 1102 01:43:47,073 --> 01:43:49,407 So that he knew? 1103 01:43:49,698 --> 01:43:52,323 Yes. No regrets. 1104 01:43:59,448 --> 01:44:00,948 So, this is... 1105 01:44:02,365 --> 01:44:05,306 Is this all? We are still in Avalan. 1106 01:44:05,407 --> 01:44:06,889 Not quite. 1107 01:44:06,990 --> 01:44:10,472 It's like everything you see was a memory, 1108 01:44:10,573 --> 01:44:15,157 a dream we have, to project it into the world. 1109 01:44:15,865 --> 01:44:17,573 It's something great. 1110 01:44:18,198 --> 01:44:20,139 Come on. I'll show you. 1111 01:44:20,240 --> 01:44:22,032 Good. 1112 01:44:33,157 --> 01:44:35,573 My God! ?This is incredible! 1113 01:44:35,948 --> 01:44:37,139 ?Wait a minute! 1114 01:44:37,240 --> 01:44:39,365 I'm speaking English, but I know Hey like in French. 1115 01:44:39,490 --> 01:44:40,990 Your pronunciation is not that bad. 1116 01:44:41,573 --> 01:44:43,407 ?Can I modify it a little? 1117 01:44:43,907 --> 01:44:45,240 Treat yourself. 1118 01:44:49,240 --> 01:44:50,865 ?Aren't you forgetting something? 1119 01:44:51,115 --> 01:44:52,282 ?Really can I? 1120 01:44:52,782 --> 01:44:54,032 Try it. 1121 01:44:59,948 --> 01:45:03,032 ?I bet you wish have your camera? 1122 01:45:04,490 --> 01:45:06,365 Not for a second. 1123 01:45:28,032 --> 01:45:31,615 I came here, the first day I met you. 1124 01:45:33,698 --> 01:45:36,865 My parents had just Tell me about the separation. 1125 01:45:37,407 --> 01:45:39,990 I felt like it was him worst day of my life. 1126 01:45:43,740 --> 01:45:45,448 And then I met you. 1127 01:45:46,157 --> 01:45:48,573 And it was probably the best day of my life. 1128 01:45:49,407 --> 01:45:50,907 Mine too. 1129 01:46:43,240 --> 01:46:47,347 There is nothing else we can do. She has to make a decision. 1130 01:46:47,448 --> 01:46:49,698 You have to want to live. 1131 01:46:50,115 --> 01:46:53,573 Come back, Tess. Just come back to us, Tess... 1132 01:47:20,157 --> 01:47:21,657 Hey... 1133 01:47:24,448 --> 01:47:25,823 What's happening? 1134 01:47:32,532 --> 01:47:36,407 I have spent my entire life learning not to get hurt. 1135 01:47:37,157 --> 01:47:39,490 And that's no way to live. 1136 01:47:42,657 --> 01:47:47,823 But... But even with all the pain I feel right now... 1137 01:47:50,990 --> 01:47:52,740 I don't regret anything. 1138 01:47:54,865 --> 01:47:56,698 Because I love you... 1139 01:47:59,032 --> 01:48:01,639 And knowing that I am capable of feeling like this, 1140 01:48:01,740 --> 01:48:03,573 makes life worth living. 1141 01:48:06,948 --> 01:48:09,240 I don't want to say goodbye to you. 1142 01:48:09,657 --> 01:48:11,407 You don't have to do it. 1143 01:48:14,615 --> 01:48:17,032 Love never dies. 1144 01:48:27,198 --> 01:48:28,907 I'm going to miss you. 1145 01:48:30,407 --> 01:48:33,157 I'm going to miss you a lot... 1146 01:48:45,323 --> 01:48:47,948 Go give us that happy ending, okay? 1147 01:49:06,907 --> 01:49:08,490 Hey... 1148 01:49:11,448 --> 01:49:13,740 No more dying, okay? 1149 01:49:30,698 --> 01:49:32,431 My God! It smells so good. 1150 01:49:32,532 --> 01:49:35,115 - Sit down. I prepared plenty. - Can't. I have to go. 1151 01:49:35,615 --> 01:49:37,222 - Good luck, Tessa. - I love you. 1152 01:49:37,323 --> 01:49:39,657 - Go get them. - Very good, goodbye. 1153 01:49:39,823 --> 01:49:41,740 See you later. 1154 01:49:42,907 --> 01:49:44,556 Since I was a girl, 1155 01:49:44,657 --> 01:49:48,573 people have always told me I see things that no one else sees. 1156 01:49:48,698 --> 01:49:53,115 It wasn't just that my camera It was a way of expressing myself. 1157 01:49:53,490 --> 01:49:58,198 It was the means by which captured the invisible. 1158 01:49:58,740 --> 01:50:02,990 I recently discovered something to which she had been blind. 1159 01:50:05,365 --> 01:50:06,615 A ghost. 1160 01:50:08,990 --> 01:50:11,722 All of us, each and every one of us, 1161 01:50:11,823 --> 01:50:13,823 We are haunted by ghosts. 1162 01:50:14,615 --> 01:50:18,157 The ghosts of childhood traumas. 1163 01:50:19,865 --> 01:50:22,865 The ghosts of unfulfilled dreams. 1164 01:50:23,157 --> 01:50:25,740 The ghosts of lost love. 1165 01:50:28,073 --> 01:50:31,448 Like many people, I believed that, 1166 01:50:31,573 --> 01:50:34,139 if you just ignored to these ghosts, 1167 01:50:34,240 --> 01:50:36,740 they would end up disappearing. 1168 01:50:37,490 --> 01:50:39,865 This turned out to be a mistake. 1169 01:50:41,615 --> 01:50:44,073 As with all of our worst fears, 1170 01:50:44,240 --> 01:50:49,448 these invisible spirits They gain strength in the darkness. 1171 01:50:49,573 --> 01:50:53,514 If we flee from them, They run faster. 1172 01:50:53,615 --> 01:50:56,948 If we push them, they come back to push harder. 1173 01:50:57,073 --> 01:50:58,823 ?What should we do then? 1174 01:51:02,032 --> 01:51:03,907 It required me... 1175 01:51:04,823 --> 01:51:07,657 a great personal loss 1176 01:51:08,282 --> 01:51:10,823 for me to discover the answer to this question. 1177 01:51:13,573 --> 01:51:16,615 We must attend to our ghosts 1178 01:51:17,157 --> 01:51:21,157 We must welcome them in our lives... 1179 01:51:21,282 --> 01:51:25,657 as if they were part of us, because they are part of us. 1180 01:51:29,907 --> 01:51:34,823 Only when we recognize his presence, They will leave room for new possibilities. 1181 01:51:36,240 --> 01:51:40,365 In the end, I have learned that our Ghosts are part of who we are, 1182 01:51:40,490 --> 01:51:42,240 and part of what we hope to be. 1183 01:51:43,407 --> 01:51:46,222 These ghosts remain inside us, 1184 01:51:46,323 --> 01:51:49,407 tied to our hearts, forever. 1185 01:51:50,698 --> 01:51:52,323 In life. 1186 01:51:53,907 --> 01:51:55,407 In death. 1187 01:51:56,157 --> 01:52:00,073 AND... In all the places in between.