1 00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:08,758 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:08,841 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,841 --> 00:00:19,091 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,341 --> 00:00:21,424 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:21,508 --> 00:00:23,049 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,133 --> 00:00:26,133 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:29,674 --> 00:00:32,674 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:33,758 --> 00:00:36,799 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:39,966 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:46,258 --> 00:00:48,466 [grunts] 11 00:00:48,799 --> 00:00:50,799 -[Captain Garbage struggles, grunts] -[barks] 12 00:00:50,883 --> 00:00:54,008 Move, you. I've got this! [screams] 13 00:00:54,133 --> 00:00:56,299 Back off the controls, Happy. [screams] 14 00:00:56,383 --> 00:00:58,216 Over my dead body, traitor! 15 00:00:58,299 --> 00:01:01,716 We'll both have dead bodies if we don't get this pod from-- 16 00:01:01,799 --> 00:01:04,216 [alarm blaring] 17 00:01:04,299 --> 00:01:06,549 [both screaming] 18 00:01:06,633 --> 00:01:08,341 [grunts] 19 00:01:08,424 --> 00:01:09,466 Ow! 20 00:01:09,549 --> 00:01:10,633 [fighting noises] 21 00:01:10,716 --> 00:01:12,133 -Ow! -Ah! 22 00:01:18,174 --> 00:01:19,549 -[panting] -[pod beeps] 23 00:01:19,633 --> 00:01:20,841 [both exhale] 24 00:01:36,633 --> 00:01:39,758 [both screaming] 25 00:01:39,841 --> 00:01:43,216 -[grunts] -[Captain Garbage] Ow! 26 00:01:44,883 --> 00:01:46,091 [barks] 27 00:01:47,716 --> 00:01:49,383 [struggling noises, grunts] 28 00:01:51,091 --> 00:01:52,549 Whoa. 29 00:01:52,633 --> 00:01:55,424 [thunder] 30 00:01:58,383 --> 00:02:01,091 Ugh. Great. Just great. 31 00:02:01,174 --> 00:02:04,799 I'm stuck with Captain Backstabber on a planet that's completely-- 32 00:02:04,883 --> 00:02:06,133 Whoa. [grunts] 33 00:02:06,216 --> 00:02:08,383 -Magnetic. [grunts] -[barks] 34 00:02:10,716 --> 00:02:15,049 Huh. The magnetic surface of this planet pulled the pod towards us. 35 00:02:15,133 --> 00:02:17,049 Captain Happy to M-Bark. Come in. 36 00:02:17,133 --> 00:02:18,591 [magnetic static] 37 00:02:18,674 --> 00:02:20,841 And the atmosphere's interfering with our comms. 38 00:02:20,924 --> 00:02:22,966 Oh, yeah. Duh. Of course it is. 39 00:02:23,049 --> 00:02:25,049 I know science, too! 40 00:02:25,133 --> 00:02:27,008 Huh, ow, ow! What? 41 00:02:28,341 --> 00:02:30,966 Oh. Hey there, little buddy. 42 00:02:31,049 --> 00:02:34,633 No. Get away! Get away! Get away! Oh! I hate bugs! 43 00:02:34,716 --> 00:02:37,966 -Hey, leave them alone. They're cute. -[barks] 44 00:02:44,091 --> 00:02:46,966 -[barks] -[clinking] 45 00:02:48,466 --> 00:02:50,008 There must be something I can-- 46 00:02:50,091 --> 00:02:53,133 Hey, Happy. Anything I can do to assist? 47 00:02:53,216 --> 00:02:54,799 [laughs] 48 00:02:54,883 --> 00:02:57,258 I think you've done enough, traitor. 49 00:02:57,841 --> 00:03:02,008 Well, I don't think I've done enough because I'm not a traitor! 50 00:03:02,091 --> 00:03:03,799 Oh. Sure. 51 00:03:03,883 --> 00:03:08,883 What about leaving humanity behind so you could be king of "Dog World?" 52 00:03:08,966 --> 00:03:11,091 You stole my flag! [screams] 53 00:03:11,174 --> 00:03:12,758 -[Happy yells] -[fighting noises] 54 00:03:12,841 --> 00:03:17,424 -I spent ages on that! [screams] -[Happy yells] 55 00:03:19,174 --> 00:03:20,924 [beeping] 56 00:03:21,008 --> 00:03:24,216 [Chonies] I know Captain Garbage wouldn't skip the Mech Wars finals. 57 00:03:24,299 --> 00:03:27,758 He's a dog of his word. Something's definitely wrong! 58 00:03:27,841 --> 00:03:30,966 Kira! Hi. Have you seen Garbage? 59 00:03:31,049 --> 00:03:33,091 He's about this tall, smells like corn chips. 60 00:03:33,174 --> 00:03:34,466 Kind of looks like corn chips. 61 00:03:34,549 --> 00:03:36,841 -Loaf! -Sorry! I'm worried and hungry. 62 00:03:37,049 --> 00:03:40,133 You guys have been hanging out a lot. Has he been acting strange? 63 00:03:40,216 --> 00:03:42,799 Ha. Hm-- Not any stranger than usu-- 64 00:03:42,883 --> 00:03:44,883 [gasps] One of the pods is missing! 65 00:03:44,966 --> 00:03:46,758 What? How? 66 00:03:46,841 --> 00:03:49,133 Kira, did you see the pod take off? There was no alert. 67 00:03:49,216 --> 00:03:50,633 Hey, what's under that tarp? 68 00:03:50,716 --> 00:03:51,716 [gasps] 69 00:03:52,508 --> 00:03:54,883 You look real tense, Kira. [chuckles] 70 00:03:54,966 --> 00:03:57,341 And not in the normal way you always look tense. 71 00:03:57,424 --> 00:04:00,966 Oh, Kira. Did Garbage's blaster fall off his holster into yours? 72 00:04:01,049 --> 00:04:02,466 What? Ha! 73 00:04:02,549 --> 00:04:04,008 How'd that get there? 74 00:04:04,216 --> 00:04:06,299 Wait! Don't touch the... surprise! 75 00:04:06,383 --> 00:04:08,633 For your... birthday? 76 00:04:08,716 --> 00:04:12,216 Kira, no one knows my birthday. Not even me. 77 00:04:12,299 --> 00:04:16,008 -Oh, oh... I... I just... -[gasps] 78 00:04:16,091 --> 00:04:18,758 That's restricted genetic tech from the lab! 79 00:04:19,049 --> 00:04:21,049 And it's been modified. 80 00:04:21,133 --> 00:04:24,299 Kira. You know where he is, don't you? 81 00:04:28,924 --> 00:04:30,383 I just took a... Uh... 82 00:04:31,424 --> 00:04:34,008 -[menacing footsteps] -[Kira] Oh... 83 00:04:40,758 --> 00:04:42,216 -[all yelling] -[Ed] Oh, no! 84 00:04:42,299 --> 00:04:44,049 Whoa! [grunts] 85 00:04:45,133 --> 00:04:47,341 We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die. 86 00:04:48,633 --> 00:04:49,758 [grunts] Ah! 87 00:04:50,633 --> 00:04:52,424 [pants] 88 00:04:52,508 --> 00:04:54,883 -We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die. -He's gone, Loaf. 89 00:04:54,966 --> 00:04:57,091 You can stop screaming that we're all gonna die now. 90 00:04:57,174 --> 00:04:59,549 But it's never not true! 91 00:05:01,299 --> 00:05:03,924 [grunting] 92 00:05:05,216 --> 00:05:07,216 Right. Where was I? 93 00:05:07,299 --> 00:05:09,591 Oh yeah, saving us from you. 94 00:05:11,383 --> 00:05:13,966 [grunts, pants] 95 00:05:14,049 --> 00:05:15,799 [laughs] 96 00:05:15,883 --> 00:05:19,008 [scoffs] We wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you. 97 00:05:19,091 --> 00:05:21,924 That's not true, Happy. I mean, I see why you'd-- 98 00:05:22,008 --> 00:05:24,674 The council's not here. You don't have to deny it. 99 00:05:24,758 --> 00:05:27,591 -It's just you and me, Captain. -Stop it! 100 00:05:27,674 --> 00:05:30,799 And I know the real Garbage. Ho, ho. 101 00:05:30,883 --> 00:05:34,091 The one who sneaks around, betrays his fellow dogs. 102 00:05:34,174 --> 00:05:36,924 You and Kira were ready to turn all of our brains to mush! 103 00:05:37,008 --> 00:05:39,883 No! No! You've got it all wrong! 104 00:05:39,966 --> 00:05:43,216 Kira made me think we were gonna save all dog-kind. 105 00:05:43,299 --> 00:05:45,924 And I believed her because she understood me, 106 00:05:46,008 --> 00:05:47,591 and she's my friend. 107 00:05:47,674 --> 00:05:49,799 Or, she was my-- [groans] 108 00:05:51,258 --> 00:05:54,258 -What are you doing? -I'm building a distress beacon. 109 00:05:54,341 --> 00:05:58,174 Oh ho, that's... useful, actually. Let me help! 110 00:05:58,883 --> 00:06:01,716 Okay. I'm asking you nicely. You want to help? 111 00:06:02,841 --> 00:06:04,341 Then please. 112 00:06:04,424 --> 00:06:07,008 [shouting] Leave... me... alone!! 113 00:06:07,091 --> 00:06:09,049 -[magnetic static] -[panting] 114 00:06:09,133 --> 00:06:11,924 -[screams] -Fine. 115 00:06:12,008 --> 00:06:14,758 [sighs] Come on, Jerry. 116 00:06:14,841 --> 00:06:17,508 [rumbling] 117 00:06:29,799 --> 00:06:30,924 -[gun fires] -[static] 118 00:06:31,924 --> 00:06:34,174 And what do you think her plan is? 119 00:06:34,258 --> 00:06:37,299 Chonies recognized the machine. It's genetic enhancement tech. 120 00:06:37,383 --> 00:06:40,966 Yes. It's a modified neuronic diffuser with a frequency shif-- 121 00:06:41,049 --> 00:06:42,633 Not now, Chonies! 122 00:06:43,216 --> 00:06:46,383 It's what Captain Garbage would say if he were here. 123 00:06:46,674 --> 00:06:48,883 I request a ship-wide dog hunt for Kira. 124 00:06:49,216 --> 00:06:51,091 Total lockdown. No ships in or out. 125 00:06:51,174 --> 00:06:52,508 We can't risk her escape. 126 00:06:52,591 --> 00:06:55,174 -But what about Captain Garbage? -Yeah! 127 00:06:55,258 --> 00:06:56,966 We'll find him. And Happy. 128 00:06:57,049 --> 00:06:59,674 We can't put the other dogs or the mission at risk. 129 00:06:59,758 --> 00:07:02,258 -[toy squeaking] -Track Kira first. Then we'll find them. 130 00:07:03,258 --> 00:07:04,549 -[squeak] -[thud] 131 00:07:04,633 --> 00:07:06,591 Stella, come with me. 132 00:07:06,674 --> 00:07:09,508 The sooner we locate Kira, the sooner we find our captains. 133 00:07:09,591 --> 00:07:13,133 Stella! The pod might have landed on a nearby planet. 134 00:07:13,216 --> 00:07:15,633 I know we don't have permission to leave, but-- 135 00:07:15,716 --> 00:07:18,633 It's what Garbage would do for us. I'll cover for you. Just go. 136 00:07:24,508 --> 00:07:26,091 Oh, I miss this! 137 00:07:26,174 --> 00:07:28,508 My nostrils are flaring, my heart is pounding, 138 00:07:28,591 --> 00:07:30,591 I feel alive. 139 00:07:30,674 --> 00:07:32,341 [sniffs] 140 00:07:38,424 --> 00:07:39,799 -[Stella] Mm? -Let me help! 141 00:07:39,883 --> 00:07:42,133 I know every hiding place on the ship. 142 00:07:42,216 --> 00:07:43,466 We've got this, Ed. 143 00:07:44,883 --> 00:07:46,549 -[gasps] -How 'bout now? 144 00:07:48,299 --> 00:07:52,008 Kira convinced me that, what she wanted was what I wanted. 145 00:07:52,091 --> 00:07:54,258 And it was! Kind of. 146 00:07:54,341 --> 00:07:56,758 In some ways... but then it wasn't! 147 00:07:56,966 --> 00:07:58,549 [growls, barks] 148 00:07:58,633 --> 00:07:59,966 Yup, exactly. 149 00:08:00,049 --> 00:08:04,049 The crew must think I'm either, a crazy traitor or a huge chump. 150 00:08:04,799 --> 00:08:08,716 I thought I was saving my crew, and Kira believes she's saving us, too! 151 00:08:09,341 --> 00:08:10,799 It's embarrassing. 152 00:08:11,549 --> 00:08:13,216 [exclaims] 153 00:08:14,008 --> 00:08:15,924 [bees murmuring] 154 00:08:16,008 --> 00:08:17,883 [barks] 155 00:08:18,799 --> 00:08:20,174 Be honest, Jerry. 156 00:08:20,258 --> 00:08:22,549 Will my crew be able to look me in the eye again? 157 00:08:22,633 --> 00:08:24,924 [panting, barks] 158 00:08:25,008 --> 00:08:28,549 -I'm so glad we had this talk. -[bees murmuring] 159 00:08:30,591 --> 00:08:32,591 -[buzzing] -[whimpers] 160 00:08:52,383 --> 00:08:54,216 Did you see that, Jerr-Bear? 161 00:08:54,299 --> 00:08:57,716 Happy's beacon thingy just made a transmission! 162 00:08:57,883 --> 00:09:00,841 Out of the fireflies? We've got to tell him! 163 00:09:00,924 --> 00:09:04,674 -Run like the wind, fluffy steed! -[barking] 164 00:09:06,883 --> 00:09:08,258 Happy! Hey, Happy! 165 00:09:08,341 --> 00:09:12,591 Listen, we were up on the cliff, your beacon shot out a weird flare and... 166 00:09:12,674 --> 00:09:14,174 I know. It didn't work. 167 00:09:14,258 --> 00:09:16,633 The lightning rod harnesses static to power the beacon, 168 00:09:16,716 --> 00:09:18,841 but the fireflies disrupt the signal. 169 00:09:18,924 --> 00:09:21,883 Ow! And zap me. Oh, I hate them. 170 00:09:21,966 --> 00:09:24,008 Okay, but your beacon made the fireflies-- 171 00:09:24,091 --> 00:09:26,674 Ah, hm. Here's the thing. Go away! 172 00:09:26,758 --> 00:09:28,258 [grunts] Oh! 173 00:09:29,966 --> 00:09:34,633 -[tuning] -Hey. Hey, hey. What's the dial for? 174 00:09:34,841 --> 00:09:37,341 Scanning. For a frequency that'll reach the M-Bark. 175 00:09:37,424 --> 00:09:38,716 The dial! 176 00:09:38,799 --> 00:09:42,216 Happy, when you turn the dial, it alters the static's frequency. 177 00:09:42,299 --> 00:09:45,799 The beacon's an antennae! The firefly butts are a TV! 178 00:09:45,883 --> 00:09:49,383 Did you drink puddle water? Stop touching the beacon. Stop, stop. 179 00:09:49,466 --> 00:09:53,258 -Get-- Ow! Come on! Let me tune it. -[Happy] Stop, stop, stop. 180 00:09:53,341 --> 00:09:54,716 -Come on. -Stop. 181 00:09:55,633 --> 00:09:56,758 [both grunt] 182 00:09:57,924 --> 00:10:00,674 Whoa. That's... coming from out there? 183 00:10:00,758 --> 00:10:02,549 Is the M-Bark trying to reach us? 184 00:10:02,633 --> 00:10:04,383 I do not know. 185 00:10:04,466 --> 00:10:06,591 Let me tune it. Maybe we'll get a clear image. 186 00:10:06,716 --> 00:10:08,924 -Get out! [grunts] -Jerry! Hug! 187 00:10:09,008 --> 00:10:10,841 -[panting] -[screams] 188 00:10:10,924 --> 00:10:14,049 [grunting] 189 00:10:14,133 --> 00:10:15,466 [tuning, whirring] 190 00:10:17,216 --> 00:10:18,716 Barclay. 191 00:10:18,799 --> 00:10:20,883 [gasps] Did you see that? Go back! 192 00:10:23,549 --> 00:10:27,133 Mrs. Pancakes, we're so proud of you. You get home safe! 193 00:10:28,299 --> 00:10:29,841 -[joyful laughing] -[barks] 194 00:10:29,924 --> 00:10:32,299 Messages! From Earth! 195 00:10:32,383 --> 00:10:34,966 Happy! Earth! Humans! 196 00:10:35,466 --> 00:10:38,258 Do you think... Are they talking to us? Can they see us? 197 00:10:38,341 --> 00:10:39,591 Oh! 198 00:10:39,674 --> 00:10:41,591 Hey Chico buddy. 199 00:10:41,674 --> 00:10:44,174 So excited for you on your space adventure. 200 00:10:44,258 --> 00:10:46,883 Three months is a little too long to not be able to snuggle you, 201 00:10:46,966 --> 00:10:49,758 but you'll be home soon. I'm sure. 202 00:10:50,174 --> 00:10:52,091 He's one of the dog's humans! 203 00:10:52,174 --> 00:10:54,341 And wait. Months? Not years? 204 00:10:54,424 --> 00:10:56,466 This message is old. 205 00:10:57,758 --> 00:10:59,258 How many of these are there? 206 00:10:59,341 --> 00:11:01,216 Hello, my treasure. 207 00:11:01,299 --> 00:11:03,299 Whoa! It's Olga! 208 00:11:03,383 --> 00:11:05,716 P.R.A.T.S. Olga. Science lady from Earth! 209 00:11:05,799 --> 00:11:07,508 I didn't know she had a dog. 210 00:11:07,591 --> 00:11:10,716 I always had her down as more of a guinea pig kind of lady. 211 00:11:10,799 --> 00:11:14,424 I hope that this message finds you, wherever you are. 212 00:11:14,508 --> 00:11:19,508 I've tried every frequency, every direction, every satellite relay. 213 00:11:19,591 --> 00:11:23,716 And I'll try them all again for as long as it takes for you to know, 214 00:11:23,799 --> 00:11:27,216 I'm looking for you. And I will find you. 215 00:11:27,299 --> 00:11:29,841 Be a good girl... Kira. 216 00:11:29,924 --> 00:11:31,508 [both] Kira! 217 00:11:33,466 --> 00:11:35,716 [clanking] 218 00:11:36,591 --> 00:11:40,216 Come on, Chonez. Hack the mainframe or... whatever it is you do. 219 00:11:40,299 --> 00:11:42,299 I'm trying! Stop pressuring me! 220 00:11:42,383 --> 00:11:44,049 -[clears throat] -Atlas. 221 00:11:44,966 --> 00:11:46,966 Ugh! What do you want? 222 00:11:47,633 --> 00:11:50,508 I want to report you to council for sneaking off ship during a lockdown, 223 00:11:50,591 --> 00:11:51,799 but there's no time. 224 00:11:51,883 --> 00:11:54,549 We're both missing our respective captains. Move over. 225 00:11:55,383 --> 00:11:56,383 [beeping] 226 00:11:58,049 --> 00:12:00,466 Do you two have a plan? They could be anywhere. 227 00:12:00,549 --> 00:12:04,716 Not true. The escape pod could only be within 98 million miles of the M-Bark. 228 00:12:04,799 --> 00:12:06,341 So, that narrows it down! 229 00:12:06,424 --> 00:12:09,341 Precisely my point. Space is big. 230 00:12:09,424 --> 00:12:12,883 But if you thought to download tracking data from the escape pod terminal... 231 00:12:12,966 --> 00:12:13,966 Ugh. 232 00:12:16,716 --> 00:12:19,883 Hm... She's 40 paces that way. 233 00:12:20,216 --> 00:12:22,216 You could track that from one hair? 234 00:12:22,299 --> 00:12:25,841 Nyet, dear Duchess. I just know she eats beets. 235 00:12:25,924 --> 00:12:28,883 And you can smell that from 40 paces away. Ugh... 236 00:12:31,133 --> 00:12:35,924 Well, I've narrowed it down to... this gigantic arena? 237 00:12:36,008 --> 00:12:37,424 That's helpful, right? 238 00:12:37,508 --> 00:12:39,341 Oh! Look! Bingo! 239 00:12:41,591 --> 00:12:43,008 [all gasp] 240 00:12:43,091 --> 00:12:45,424 [mechanical whirring] 241 00:12:47,341 --> 00:12:48,841 Give up or die! 242 00:12:48,924 --> 00:12:49,924 -[gasps] -[snarls] 243 00:12:50,008 --> 00:12:52,674 I have a third option. [grunt] 244 00:12:54,216 --> 00:12:56,174 -[coughs] -[grunts] 245 00:12:56,258 --> 00:12:57,383 Get away from that! 246 00:12:59,258 --> 00:13:01,924 -[yells] -[snarls] 247 00:13:03,008 --> 00:13:04,466 [grunts] 248 00:13:04,549 --> 00:13:06,341 [yells, grunts] 249 00:13:09,883 --> 00:13:11,466 -[growls] -[snarls] 250 00:13:12,883 --> 00:13:15,049 [grunts] 251 00:13:16,883 --> 00:13:19,008 [Duchess grunts] 252 00:13:22,841 --> 00:13:23,841 [gasps] 253 00:13:24,966 --> 00:13:25,966 [grunts] 254 00:13:29,341 --> 00:13:30,883 [grunts] 255 00:13:31,466 --> 00:13:33,466 [yells] 256 00:13:33,549 --> 00:13:35,299 Play time's over. 257 00:13:37,133 --> 00:13:38,216 [toy squeaking] 258 00:13:39,174 --> 00:13:41,424 [yells, grunts] 259 00:13:44,966 --> 00:13:49,008 [growls, snarls, yells] 260 00:13:51,383 --> 00:13:53,383 [yells, grunts] 261 00:13:53,466 --> 00:13:56,466 -[swords clashing] -[both grunting] 262 00:13:56,549 --> 00:13:58,174 Why won't you understand? 263 00:13:59,508 --> 00:14:02,049 -I'm trying to save all of you! -[grunts] 264 00:14:02,133 --> 00:14:04,591 -[gasps] -Here. You've got better aim than me! 265 00:14:05,883 --> 00:14:07,174 [shouting] Ya! 266 00:14:08,008 --> 00:14:09,383 [gasps] 267 00:14:10,924 --> 00:14:12,549 -[Stella yells] -[Ed grunts] 268 00:14:12,633 --> 00:14:13,924 [all scream] 269 00:14:15,216 --> 00:14:16,466 [all grunt] 270 00:14:16,549 --> 00:14:17,841 [all coughing] 271 00:14:18,966 --> 00:14:20,966 [growls, snarls] 272 00:14:21,508 --> 00:14:24,049 Happy, Kira was wrong about humans. 273 00:14:24,133 --> 00:14:27,174 Her human loves her. She loves her! 274 00:14:27,258 --> 00:14:28,716 We have to show her this. 275 00:14:29,049 --> 00:14:31,383 [scoffs] None of this matters if we can't get back. 276 00:14:31,466 --> 00:14:33,466 These are the only working components we have. 277 00:14:33,549 --> 00:14:36,966 I have to rebuild it into something that will let us radio the M-Bark. 278 00:14:37,049 --> 00:14:39,924 [yelps] Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't destroy it! 279 00:14:40,008 --> 00:14:41,591 Ugh! You're wrong. 280 00:14:41,674 --> 00:14:44,258 This is how I make sure we don't die here. 281 00:14:44,758 --> 00:14:46,758 By building a transmitter. 282 00:14:46,841 --> 00:14:49,508 Not a... lost message getter! 283 00:14:51,216 --> 00:14:52,508 No! [yells] 284 00:14:52,591 --> 00:14:54,299 -[screams] -[Happy grunts] 285 00:14:54,383 --> 00:14:56,258 [fighting noises] 286 00:14:58,799 --> 00:15:00,341 -[Happy] Stop it! -Not the face! 287 00:15:01,591 --> 00:15:02,799 Ow! 288 00:15:07,924 --> 00:15:09,174 [gasps] 289 00:15:10,091 --> 00:15:11,091 Captain! 290 00:15:11,174 --> 00:15:13,549 Nomi! Chonies! 291 00:15:13,633 --> 00:15:16,299 It's good to love you, Captain! I mean, I love to miss you, Captain. 292 00:15:16,383 --> 00:15:17,841 I mean, hello Captain! 293 00:15:17,924 --> 00:15:20,883 Oh, Chonez! I'm sorry I missed the Mech finals. 294 00:15:20,966 --> 00:15:24,049 I wish you'd seen it. You'd have been so proud of me! 295 00:15:24,133 --> 00:15:25,966 -Did you win? -No. 296 00:15:26,049 --> 00:15:27,799 -Oh. -[Chonies grunts] 297 00:15:28,549 --> 00:15:30,091 Well done, Atlas! 298 00:15:30,174 --> 00:15:33,591 Well done to you for enduring Garbage's company as long as you did, Captain. 299 00:15:33,674 --> 00:15:35,591 I know how challenging that must have been. 300 00:15:35,674 --> 00:15:38,091 Head's up, team! Before we get on the Pluto, 301 00:15:38,174 --> 00:15:41,341 we need to catch as many of those weird fireflies as we-- 302 00:15:41,424 --> 00:15:43,049 -[Nomi grunts] -[barks, pants] 303 00:15:43,133 --> 00:15:45,633 Yeah, basically do what they're already doing. 304 00:15:50,049 --> 00:15:53,049 Okay. Let's go save the M-Bark! 305 00:15:53,133 --> 00:15:55,466 -You got it, Captain! -[barks] 306 00:15:59,383 --> 00:16:01,758 [beeping] 307 00:16:01,841 --> 00:16:05,133 -[grunts] -Oh no. No, no, no! 308 00:16:09,341 --> 00:16:10,716 [groans] 309 00:16:10,799 --> 00:16:12,549 [both] Magnets. 310 00:16:16,841 --> 00:16:18,049 [grunts] 311 00:16:21,591 --> 00:16:24,674 Kira! Please? We're friends. 312 00:16:24,758 --> 00:16:27,841 Yes, we are. And as your friend, 313 00:16:28,049 --> 00:16:30,174 I urge you to believe me. 314 00:16:30,258 --> 00:16:32,674 [beeping] 315 00:16:32,758 --> 00:16:34,758 I'm doing this for you. 316 00:16:34,841 --> 00:16:36,841 For all of you. 317 00:16:38,341 --> 00:16:39,758 [whimpers] 318 00:16:43,383 --> 00:16:45,383 [outro theme music playing]