1 00:00:06,424 --> 00:00:09,258 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,341 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,841 --> 00:00:19,258 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,341 --> 00:00:21,424 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:21,508 --> 00:00:23,091 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,174 --> 00:00:26,133 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:30,174 --> 00:00:32,674 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:33,758 --> 00:00:36,799 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:38,966 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:45,133 --> 00:00:47,549 [announcer] It's the 14th Dog-Annual Mech Wars. 11 00:00:47,633 --> 00:00:52,716 Nine cold-blooded canine contenders facing off in a mega mech massacre! 12 00:00:52,799 --> 00:00:55,091 It's gonna be brutal! It's gonna be savage! 13 00:00:55,174 --> 00:00:58,133 It's gonna be... safer than last year! 14 00:00:58,466 --> 00:01:02,216 Will 13 time champion Atlas finally be dethroned? 15 00:01:02,299 --> 00:01:04,966 [laughing triumphantly] 16 00:01:05,049 --> 00:01:06,633 [screaming] 17 00:01:07,258 --> 00:01:09,299 [sighs] Unlikely. 18 00:01:09,383 --> 00:01:10,841 But come watch anyway. 19 00:01:10,924 --> 00:01:12,466 Tomorrow night at the M-Bark arena. 20 00:01:12,549 --> 00:01:14,716 But for now, let's see that clip again! 21 00:01:15,341 --> 00:01:18,174 [on TV] And again! And again! 22 00:01:18,258 --> 00:01:20,924 [groans] Why do they keep playing that? 23 00:01:21,008 --> 00:01:26,591 [laughs] I think it's because it's such a hilariously embarrassing defeat, oh. 24 00:01:26,674 --> 00:01:29,883 Ed, it's not hilariously embarrassing. 25 00:01:29,966 --> 00:01:31,299 Uh, I mean... 26 00:01:31,383 --> 00:01:32,633 Don't worry, Chonez. 27 00:01:32,716 --> 00:01:36,424 This year, it's going to be Atlas who smells like burnt fur for months. 28 00:01:36,508 --> 00:01:39,133 You're right, Captain! Just like always. 29 00:01:39,216 --> 00:01:41,549 [grunts] You know, after last year, 30 00:01:41,633 --> 00:01:44,549 I wasn't sure I'd have the confidence to fight again. 31 00:01:44,633 --> 00:01:48,049 -But with you by my side-- -He's gone, Chonies. 32 00:01:48,133 --> 00:01:50,008 And your foot's in the butter. 33 00:01:51,008 --> 00:01:52,966 Hey! So I've been thinking about what you said 34 00:01:53,049 --> 00:01:54,758 about finding a new planet just for dogs, 35 00:01:54,841 --> 00:01:56,383 and ta-da! 36 00:01:56,466 --> 00:01:59,591 Behold! The official flag for... 37 00:01:59,674 --> 00:02:02,591 [imitates fanfare] Doglandia! 38 00:02:02,674 --> 00:02:06,549 "A world for dogs by dogs, full of dogs! 39 00:02:06,633 --> 00:02:10,008 Because of dogs. Despite dogs. With dogs." 40 00:02:10,091 --> 00:02:11,966 The slogan's a work in progress. 41 00:02:12,049 --> 00:02:15,799 [laughs] You're actually in, aren't you? You're with me. 42 00:02:16,133 --> 00:02:18,591 Yeah! No more pining for someone who has forgotten me. 43 00:02:18,674 --> 00:02:21,341 Now, I'm all about taking care of dog business. 44 00:02:21,424 --> 00:02:23,924 I even bought a briefcase, which I've already lost! 45 00:02:24,799 --> 00:02:27,299 -[yelling aggressively] -[bugs cheering] 46 00:02:28,008 --> 00:02:31,883 So, all we need to do now is get the other dogs on board onboard! 47 00:02:31,966 --> 00:02:34,508 Just do what you did with me! Gradually chip away 48 00:02:34,591 --> 00:02:36,466 at their existing insecurities about humans, 49 00:02:36,549 --> 00:02:37,549 and in a few months time-- 50 00:02:37,633 --> 00:02:39,716 I have a quicker way. 51 00:02:39,799 --> 00:02:41,174 But not here. 52 00:02:41,258 --> 00:02:43,758 -[inhales sharply] -Hey! What are you guys talking about? 53 00:02:43,841 --> 00:02:47,091 Privacy? I agree! Over-rated. 54 00:02:47,174 --> 00:02:48,424 Uh, nope, nope. 55 00:02:48,508 --> 00:02:51,049 I was just telling Kira how amazing you're gonna be! 56 00:02:51,799 --> 00:02:54,174 I know precisely how amazing Chonies is going to be. 57 00:02:54,258 --> 00:02:55,258 Not very. 58 00:02:55,924 --> 00:02:58,591 Remember to build a booster seat into your mech this year, Chonies. 59 00:02:58,674 --> 00:03:02,508 Oh, I will so I can see the look on your face when I crush you! 60 00:03:02,591 --> 00:03:03,716 -[growls] -[scoffs] 61 00:03:03,799 --> 00:03:06,883 Come on, Captain, let's go put the finishing touches on the mech. 62 00:03:07,591 --> 00:03:10,216 -[clears throat] -You mind if we rain check? 63 00:03:10,799 --> 00:03:14,299 I promised I'd help Kira with, uh... 64 00:03:14,383 --> 00:03:15,549 learning to use a fork! 65 00:03:15,633 --> 00:03:17,299 Been putting that off. 66 00:03:17,383 --> 00:03:19,133 Oh, okay, sure. 67 00:03:19,216 --> 00:03:21,883 I'll just get started, you can join when you're free. 68 00:03:21,966 --> 00:03:23,466 It's fine, I'm fine. 69 00:03:23,549 --> 00:03:25,174 You got this, little buddy! 70 00:03:25,508 --> 00:03:28,049 And I'll be there by your side as soon as I can. 71 00:03:32,091 --> 00:03:34,799 Hey, team, we're not busy, right? 72 00:03:34,883 --> 00:03:37,466 Actually, I was... just about to say that! 73 00:03:37,549 --> 00:03:41,466 Yeah, come on, Chonies! Let's go build some arm cannons! 74 00:03:41,549 --> 00:03:45,133 That's really nice of you, but Captain Garbage is my lucky charm! 75 00:03:45,216 --> 00:03:47,133 He helps me out every year! 76 00:03:47,216 --> 00:03:49,674 But you've lost every year. 77 00:03:49,758 --> 00:03:53,424 Exactly, but think how much worse I'd do without him! 78 00:03:53,508 --> 00:03:55,466 We'll be just as helpful, buddy! 79 00:03:55,549 --> 00:03:58,258 With Stella's tactical genius, Nomi's bloodlust, 80 00:03:58,341 --> 00:03:59,716 me rigging the contest-- 81 00:03:59,799 --> 00:04:02,049 Wait no, Ed! No rigging! 82 00:04:02,799 --> 00:04:05,299 Sure, sure. I hear ya. 83 00:04:06,049 --> 00:04:07,549 Ed, I'm serious. 84 00:04:07,633 --> 00:04:10,049 Of course! Me too. 85 00:04:10,133 --> 00:04:11,466 Stop it! 86 00:04:14,299 --> 00:04:17,758 So, I see your drawing skills haven't improved. 87 00:04:17,841 --> 00:04:20,758 It's the genetic enhancement tech. A modified version. 88 00:04:20,841 --> 00:04:23,549 We're going to change the dogs' minds literally! 89 00:04:23,633 --> 00:04:25,341 Isn't that brain-washing? 90 00:04:25,424 --> 00:04:27,633 A.K.A. the second worst kind of washing? 91 00:04:27,716 --> 00:04:29,008 What's the first kind? 92 00:04:29,091 --> 00:04:30,549 Body washing. 93 00:04:30,633 --> 00:04:33,466 Garbage, humans brain-washed us. 94 00:04:33,549 --> 00:04:35,174 They took advantage of our loyalty. 95 00:04:35,258 --> 00:04:37,549 We're giving independence to dogs. 96 00:04:37,633 --> 00:04:38,674 I don't know. 97 00:04:38,758 --> 00:04:41,716 Messing with everyone's genetics seems a bit wrong. 98 00:04:41,799 --> 00:04:43,674 It took you months to realize 99 00:04:43,758 --> 00:04:46,216 how unhealthy your relationship was with humans. 100 00:04:46,299 --> 00:04:49,299 We'll just turn down their loyalty a smidge. 101 00:04:49,383 --> 00:04:50,674 They won't even notice! 102 00:04:50,758 --> 00:04:54,924 Well, if it's only a smidge, I'm in! 103 00:04:55,008 --> 00:04:57,049 What's the first step? Get matching tattoos? 104 00:04:57,841 --> 00:05:02,008 Use your captain's privileges to sign out these components from the tech lab? 105 00:05:02,091 --> 00:05:04,008 Oh, okay, sure. 106 00:05:04,841 --> 00:05:07,424 What the heck is a positron ray? 107 00:05:07,508 --> 00:05:10,174 -[both grunt] -Watch where you're going, Garbage! 108 00:05:10,258 --> 00:05:12,799 Shouldn't you be watching where you're going? 109 00:05:12,883 --> 00:05:15,424 That's it. Random security pat-down. 110 00:05:15,508 --> 00:05:18,883 [Captain Garbage grunting] 111 00:05:20,299 --> 00:05:22,841 Uh, I can explain. 112 00:05:22,924 --> 00:05:27,008 I don't need you to explain. I know what big scientological words mean! 113 00:05:30,383 --> 00:05:32,424 Checks out. You can go. 114 00:05:37,716 --> 00:05:40,133 [grunts, gasps] 115 00:05:40,216 --> 00:05:43,216 Okay, let me know if it's intimidating enough. 116 00:05:43,299 --> 00:05:45,966 Be honest. I really want to win! 117 00:05:47,383 --> 00:05:48,383 [all gasp] 118 00:05:49,758 --> 00:05:51,091 [Stella] It's great! 119 00:05:51,549 --> 00:05:53,591 Whoa! I'm impressed! 120 00:05:53,674 --> 00:05:54,674 [gasps] 121 00:05:54,758 --> 00:05:57,549 [gasps] I'm terrified, which I guess is what you're going for? 122 00:05:57,633 --> 00:06:00,049 I just have one suggestion. 123 00:06:00,133 --> 00:06:03,424 You're right! It's awful! 124 00:06:03,508 --> 00:06:04,966 [sobbing] 125 00:06:08,466 --> 00:06:11,341 I-I was just gonna suggest racing stripes. 126 00:06:15,091 --> 00:06:17,508 Captain! You came! 127 00:06:17,591 --> 00:06:20,008 From restricted tech storage? 128 00:06:20,091 --> 00:06:22,049 Yeah, I'm, uh... 129 00:06:22,133 --> 00:06:24,258 getting stuff we'll need for our next mission. 130 00:06:24,341 --> 00:06:26,216 And getting... 131 00:06:27,049 --> 00:06:29,049 whatever this is! For Chonies. 132 00:06:29,133 --> 00:06:30,799 A neuro-phonic diffuser? 133 00:06:31,216 --> 00:06:33,049 Aren't these for altering brainwaves? 134 00:06:33,133 --> 00:06:34,383 I don't need this! 135 00:06:34,466 --> 00:06:37,716 Uh, you're right! It's a symbolic gift. 136 00:06:37,799 --> 00:06:41,549 Cause not even a... neurotic doopy-dooper 137 00:06:41,633 --> 00:06:43,716 would make me stop believing in you. 138 00:06:43,799 --> 00:06:44,966 You got this. 139 00:06:45,049 --> 00:06:48,466 Thank you, Captain! I do got this! 140 00:06:48,549 --> 00:06:52,674 You said you don't need it and you got the symbolism so bye! 141 00:06:52,758 --> 00:06:54,508 -See you at the fight later! -[comm chirps] 142 00:06:54,591 --> 00:06:58,799 [announcer] Contenders, please suit up and make your way to the arena. 143 00:07:06,258 --> 00:07:07,258 Wait, wait, wait. 144 00:07:07,341 --> 00:07:09,799 You've been wearing clothes this whole time? 145 00:07:12,383 --> 00:07:14,383 Chonie's mech looks powerful. 146 00:07:14,466 --> 00:07:16,091 He's definitely going to win the fight! 147 00:07:16,341 --> 00:07:17,716 Great! So we can skip it. 148 00:07:17,799 --> 00:07:18,841 Wait, what? 149 00:07:18,924 --> 00:07:20,508 With all the dogs watching the fight, 150 00:07:20,591 --> 00:07:22,799 we can sneak into the genetic enhancement booth 151 00:07:22,883 --> 00:07:24,591 and download a copy of its program. 152 00:07:24,674 --> 00:07:25,799 It's a perfect opportunity! 153 00:07:25,883 --> 00:07:29,466 But I told Chonies I'd be there! My boy needs me. 154 00:07:29,924 --> 00:07:32,091 What we're doing right now is for Chonies. 155 00:07:32,174 --> 00:07:34,174 And all the dogs. 156 00:07:34,258 --> 00:07:37,091 You wanna be their hero, right? 157 00:07:37,174 --> 00:07:39,799 [sighs] Sorry, Chonies. 158 00:07:39,883 --> 00:07:41,966 [audience cheering] 159 00:07:53,133 --> 00:07:54,966 [announcer] Neptune's mech is down! 160 00:08:06,508 --> 00:08:08,758 -[bell dings] -And surprising no one, 161 00:08:08,841 --> 00:08:11,591 the Venus makes it to tomorrow's final. 162 00:08:12,466 --> 00:08:14,049 -Atlas. -Hmm. 163 00:08:16,383 --> 00:08:18,841 Is that 1.21 gigawatt plasma drive? 164 00:08:18,924 --> 00:08:24,216 Hmm, what an innovative way to overheat one's own mech. 165 00:08:24,383 --> 00:08:25,633 [both laughing] 166 00:08:25,716 --> 00:08:27,466 -[growls] -[bell dings] 167 00:08:27,549 --> 00:08:29,341 [announcer] For our next round: 168 00:08:29,424 --> 00:08:32,424 it's the Earth, versus the Pluto, 169 00:08:32,508 --> 00:08:34,716 versus Uranus. 170 00:08:34,799 --> 00:08:36,424 And please, everyone, be mature. 171 00:08:38,299 --> 00:08:40,424 -Yeah, Chonies! -Go kick butt, Chonies! 172 00:08:43,383 --> 00:08:44,758 [audience cheering] 173 00:08:51,841 --> 00:08:55,883 Ready, set, mech! 174 00:08:57,049 --> 00:08:58,424 [all cheering] 175 00:08:58,508 --> 00:08:59,883 [barking] 176 00:09:14,633 --> 00:09:15,883 [all continue cheering] 177 00:09:16,799 --> 00:09:20,008 [announcer] The Uranus is out! 178 00:09:22,341 --> 00:09:25,841 -Chonies! Chonies! He's our dog! -[laughing] Whoo! 179 00:09:31,008 --> 00:09:32,758 [continues laughing] 180 00:09:32,841 --> 00:09:34,758 He isn't here? But he prom-- 181 00:09:37,174 --> 00:09:39,341 Come on, Chonies. Get out of there! 182 00:09:40,258 --> 00:09:42,383 [grunts] Let's see how you like it! 183 00:09:48,341 --> 00:09:50,008 [grunts] Let go of me! 184 00:09:58,383 --> 00:09:59,716 [bell dings] 185 00:09:59,799 --> 00:10:02,174 The Pluto wins! 186 00:10:02,258 --> 00:10:05,049 [all cheering] 187 00:10:07,258 --> 00:10:09,133 -You did it! -Well done! 188 00:10:09,216 --> 00:10:10,383 [Captain Garbage] Chonies! 189 00:10:10,466 --> 00:10:13,466 I'm sorry I was late, Buddy. Parking was a nightmare. 190 00:10:13,549 --> 00:10:15,133 Parking? There's no parking. 191 00:10:15,383 --> 00:10:17,841 Exactly! But I watched the whole match. 192 00:10:17,924 --> 00:10:19,716 You kicked mech butt! 193 00:10:19,883 --> 00:10:22,966 And I can't wait for you to see you kick bigger butt at the finals. 194 00:10:24,924 --> 00:10:26,216 [audience gasps] 195 00:10:29,716 --> 00:10:30,883 [beeping rapidly] 196 00:10:32,008 --> 00:10:33,341 [all gasp] 197 00:10:33,424 --> 00:10:34,799 -Bernie! -My mech! 198 00:10:34,883 --> 00:10:36,924 No! 199 00:10:37,008 --> 00:10:43,008 Whoa! Very un-sportsdog-like conduct from Earth pilot, Bernie. 200 00:10:43,133 --> 00:10:45,049 [scoffs] Worth it. 201 00:10:47,133 --> 00:10:52,049 [on screen] Let's see that iconic, dramatic moment again in super slo-mo. 202 00:10:52,133 --> 00:10:55,591 [distorted] No! 203 00:10:55,674 --> 00:10:57,091 -[sobbing] -[Ed] Harsh. 204 00:10:57,174 --> 00:10:58,174 [screams] 205 00:10:58,258 --> 00:11:00,216 They're not even showing the mech getting destroyed, 206 00:11:00,299 --> 00:11:01,341 just your hopes. 207 00:11:01,424 --> 00:11:04,924 Ed, it's the middle of the night. What are you doing up? 208 00:11:05,008 --> 00:11:06,883 Nothing you can prove. You? 209 00:11:06,966 --> 00:11:09,258 Trying to fix this hunk of junk before tomorrow, 210 00:11:09,341 --> 00:11:11,133 but it's hopeless! 211 00:11:11,341 --> 00:11:14,174 I'll fail again and Garbage will see me lose 212 00:11:14,258 --> 00:11:17,049 and just hang out with his new best friend, Kira, 213 00:11:17,133 --> 00:11:18,924 for the rest of his life! 214 00:11:19,008 --> 00:11:20,674 Let's take a little walk. 215 00:11:22,841 --> 00:11:25,174 Uh, how do you know my door code? 216 00:11:25,258 --> 00:11:27,466 [laughs] Oh, Chonies. 217 00:11:31,508 --> 00:11:32,674 [Chonies] Is that alien tech? 218 00:11:32,758 --> 00:11:36,508 That's not allowed on the ship! Why are you hiding alien tech in my room? 219 00:11:36,924 --> 00:11:38,966 Well I can't hide it in my room, it's illegal! 220 00:11:39,049 --> 00:11:40,674 Now stand back. 221 00:11:44,008 --> 00:11:45,008 Whoa! 222 00:11:54,549 --> 00:11:55,716 [gasps] 223 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:59,049 Ah! [laughs] 224 00:11:59,133 --> 00:12:00,424 Almost died. 225 00:12:00,508 --> 00:12:02,383 [gasps, yelps] 226 00:12:02,466 --> 00:12:03,924 Here you go. 227 00:12:04,008 --> 00:12:06,008 Take one! On the house. 228 00:12:06,091 --> 00:12:07,258 No offense, Ed, 229 00:12:07,341 --> 00:12:10,133 but I don't think cute stickers are what I need to win tomorrow. 230 00:12:10,216 --> 00:12:13,799 These bad boys contain highly advanced AI. 231 00:12:13,883 --> 00:12:15,799 The kind they use in war to turn any machine 232 00:12:15,883 --> 00:12:18,466 into a deadly, sentient weapon. 233 00:12:18,549 --> 00:12:20,591 Slap one on your toaster and you're toast. 234 00:12:20,674 --> 00:12:22,091 Slap one on your mech... 235 00:12:22,174 --> 00:12:24,174 Ed, I already told you. 236 00:12:24,758 --> 00:12:26,174 Oh, come on, Chonies. 237 00:12:26,258 --> 00:12:28,174 I'm doing you a favor! Don't you want to win? 238 00:12:28,258 --> 00:12:30,799 And for Garbage to see it happen? 239 00:12:33,091 --> 00:12:34,216 [beeps] 240 00:12:36,883 --> 00:12:38,383 [yells, gasps] 241 00:12:43,591 --> 00:12:45,008 [whimpers] 242 00:12:47,633 --> 00:12:51,216 [sigh] Did I fall for another one of Ed's-- 243 00:13:02,674 --> 00:13:05,383 What are you? Who are you? 244 00:13:06,133 --> 00:13:09,633 Hmm, I shall call myself Cy-Bark. 245 00:13:09,716 --> 00:13:11,549 No, wait. Dog Droid. 246 00:13:11,633 --> 00:13:13,466 No, no. Cy-Bark. 247 00:13:13,549 --> 00:13:15,216 Oh, I can't choose. 248 00:13:15,299 --> 00:13:17,883 Hi, Cy-Bark. I like Cy-Bark. 249 00:13:18,591 --> 00:13:21,383 You created me. Why? 250 00:13:21,466 --> 00:13:22,966 I have a fight to win! 251 00:13:23,049 --> 00:13:26,299 Fighting? That's all I exist for? 252 00:13:26,383 --> 00:13:27,799 Oh, that's sad. 253 00:13:27,883 --> 00:13:31,508 Didn't think I'd get the first hopes I ever had crushed so quickly, 254 00:13:31,591 --> 00:13:32,591 but here we are. 255 00:13:32,674 --> 00:13:35,841 No, no, you don't understand. There's this guy, Garbage, 256 00:13:35,924 --> 00:13:38,091 and he's my captain and also my best friend, 257 00:13:38,174 --> 00:13:41,508 and if I don't win this fight, he might not be my best friend anymore. 258 00:13:41,591 --> 00:13:44,924 Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is to save a friendship? 259 00:13:45,008 --> 00:13:46,716 Next time lead with that. 260 00:13:46,799 --> 00:13:48,424 Come here. 261 00:13:48,508 --> 00:13:50,549 Let's win that fight! 262 00:13:50,633 --> 00:13:54,216 Yes, let's crush that stupid Atlas like a bug! 263 00:13:54,633 --> 00:13:56,883 [laughs maliciously] 264 00:13:56,966 --> 00:13:59,716 [laughs haltingly] 265 00:13:59,883 --> 00:14:01,466 You're fun. 266 00:14:03,508 --> 00:14:05,091 [all cheering] 267 00:14:06,133 --> 00:14:10,383 For this year's final, it's the Pluto versus the Venus 268 00:14:10,633 --> 00:14:12,299 versus the Jupiter. 269 00:14:12,383 --> 00:14:15,049 Are you ready to watch some mechs 270 00:14:15,133 --> 00:14:17,883 rip each other to shreds? 271 00:14:17,966 --> 00:14:20,591 -[growls] -Hmm. 272 00:14:20,883 --> 00:14:24,466 Oh, my gosh. I am so excited to battle you two. 273 00:14:24,549 --> 00:14:27,091 May the best dog win. Ya. 274 00:14:28,049 --> 00:14:30,383 [all cheering] 275 00:14:32,883 --> 00:14:34,591 Aw, Chonies. 276 00:14:34,674 --> 00:14:38,674 Clearly your captain doesn't have as much faith in you as my captain... 277 00:14:39,383 --> 00:14:40,674 Where's Happy? 278 00:14:44,299 --> 00:14:48,799 Ready your mechs and fight! 279 00:14:53,633 --> 00:14:55,091 That's right. 280 00:14:55,174 --> 00:14:58,049 Sophie came to play. Ya! 281 00:15:01,549 --> 00:15:03,716 We need to run some tests before we try it, 282 00:15:03,799 --> 00:15:06,091 -but I think it's finished. -[gasps] 283 00:15:06,508 --> 00:15:09,508 Can we run the tests later then? Chonies' match is about to start. 284 00:15:10,799 --> 00:15:13,633 Okay, I guess the tests can wait till tonight. 285 00:15:13,716 --> 00:15:14,758 Let's go. 286 00:15:14,841 --> 00:15:17,633 Oh, what do you got there, Garbage? Another science thing? 287 00:15:17,716 --> 00:15:19,466 Uh, yup. Pretty much. 288 00:15:19,549 --> 00:15:23,424 It's very science-tological. You wouldn't understand. 289 00:15:23,508 --> 00:15:26,924 Now look, I might not know science words, 290 00:15:27,008 --> 00:15:29,133 but I know guilty faces. 291 00:15:29,216 --> 00:15:31,133 [giggles nervously] Uh, well, the thing is-- 292 00:15:31,216 --> 00:15:32,966 Save it for the council. 293 00:15:33,049 --> 00:15:36,174 And I'm sure they'll be interested in this little doo-hickey, huh? 294 00:15:36,258 --> 00:15:37,591 Uh... 295 00:15:39,424 --> 00:15:42,841 Don't you want to know what this doo-hickey does first, Jerry? 296 00:15:47,341 --> 00:15:49,591 [barking] 297 00:15:49,674 --> 00:15:53,341 Oh, apparently it also does that. 298 00:15:55,716 --> 00:15:57,424 You ready, Cy-Bark! 299 00:15:57,508 --> 00:15:59,549 I was literally born ready. 300 00:16:01,341 --> 00:16:03,716 Boring. [yawns] 301 00:16:04,966 --> 00:16:06,049 [grunts] 302 00:16:09,216 --> 00:16:10,716 Is that all you have got? 303 00:16:10,799 --> 00:16:12,133 [growls] 304 00:16:12,216 --> 00:16:13,716 Hmm, predictable. 305 00:16:13,799 --> 00:16:15,258 [laughs] 306 00:16:15,674 --> 00:16:17,341 [grunting] 307 00:16:17,424 --> 00:16:19,549 -Yeah! -Get outta here, Chonies! 308 00:16:19,633 --> 00:16:20,799 -Yeah! -Whoo! 309 00:16:20,883 --> 00:16:22,383 Yeah! 310 00:16:22,466 --> 00:16:25,966 That's what you get for stepping into the Chone Zone. 311 00:16:26,049 --> 00:16:27,216 Nice one, Cy-Bark! 312 00:16:27,299 --> 00:16:28,883 You're welcome, friend. 313 00:16:29,633 --> 00:16:33,341 [Sophie laughing gleefully] 314 00:16:34,049 --> 00:16:38,049 [screams, whimpering] Ow! 315 00:16:38,133 --> 00:16:41,341 [sniffs, barks] 316 00:16:41,424 --> 00:16:43,633 Kira, what did you do? 317 00:16:43,716 --> 00:16:46,299 I was just mashing buttons. We hadn't tested it! 318 00:16:46,383 --> 00:16:48,591 But it's okay. We just need to hide him until I-- 319 00:16:48,674 --> 00:16:50,549 No! 320 00:16:50,633 --> 00:16:52,341 Turn him back right now. 321 00:16:52,424 --> 00:16:54,591 Not even Jerry deserves this! 322 00:16:54,674 --> 00:16:55,716 [panting] 323 00:16:55,799 --> 00:16:58,591 Even though he seems to be enjoying it? 324 00:16:58,674 --> 00:17:00,424 Ah! Don't lick that! 325 00:17:00,508 --> 00:17:04,424 If I turn him back, he'll tell the council and ruin our plan! 326 00:17:04,508 --> 00:17:05,716 -[Happy] I knew it! -[gasps] 327 00:17:07,049 --> 00:17:09,466 I knew you two were planning a mutiny! 328 00:17:09,549 --> 00:17:11,258 And this... Come here, boy. 329 00:17:11,341 --> 00:17:12,591 [panting] 330 00:17:13,466 --> 00:17:16,216 ...is all the evidence I need. 331 00:17:16,299 --> 00:17:19,549 Okay, Cy-Bark. Let's show no mercy. 332 00:17:19,633 --> 00:17:22,549 I want to bury Atlas like a bone in a backyard! 333 00:17:22,633 --> 00:17:24,549 [laughs malevolently] 334 00:17:24,633 --> 00:17:27,883 Chonies, I thought we were fighting for friendship, 335 00:17:27,966 --> 00:17:29,174 not enemy-ship. 336 00:17:29,258 --> 00:17:31,883 Um, yeah! We were. We are! 337 00:17:31,966 --> 00:17:34,758 I can't say I approve of all this violence. 338 00:17:34,841 --> 00:17:38,133 Forcing me to fight my own kind, feels wrong. 339 00:17:38,216 --> 00:17:42,049 I'm not forcing you, I'm just controlling you! 340 00:17:42,133 --> 00:17:44,299 I think I might be a pacifist. 341 00:17:44,383 --> 00:17:46,549 Oh, come on! 342 00:17:46,633 --> 00:17:50,549 Chonies, I've known you my whole life. This isn't you. 343 00:17:50,633 --> 00:17:52,883 Your whole life is like three hours! 344 00:17:53,299 --> 00:17:55,174 [Cy-Bark] What really matters, Chonies? 345 00:17:55,258 --> 00:17:58,508 Friendship, like you told me? Or winning? 346 00:17:58,591 --> 00:18:00,716 If it's winning, peel off a sticker. 347 00:18:00,799 --> 00:18:02,633 Remove my sentience. 348 00:18:05,383 --> 00:18:07,383 Happy, I can explain. 349 00:18:07,466 --> 00:18:09,049 You can explain to the Council. 350 00:18:09,133 --> 00:18:10,633 -[screams] -Now move. 351 00:18:10,716 --> 00:18:12,674 We're going... Hey. 352 00:18:12,758 --> 00:18:14,674 -[barks] -Stop that. 353 00:18:14,758 --> 00:18:16,883 [both grunting] 354 00:18:18,633 --> 00:18:21,716 Garbage, go to the machine, lock onto Happy and hit the red button. 355 00:18:21,799 --> 00:18:23,258 Kira, what are you doing? 356 00:18:23,341 --> 00:18:24,508 What we have to. 357 00:18:24,591 --> 00:18:27,549 Turning them into regular dogs was not the plan. 358 00:18:27,633 --> 00:18:29,174 You said a smidge. 359 00:18:29,258 --> 00:18:31,258 Why are you being loyal to him? 360 00:18:31,341 --> 00:18:33,216 He's on the side of humans! 361 00:18:33,299 --> 00:18:35,216 What about dogs? 362 00:18:36,008 --> 00:18:37,883 Please, Garbage. 363 00:18:42,924 --> 00:18:43,966 [all cheering] 364 00:18:50,216 --> 00:18:51,383 [sighs] 365 00:18:52,591 --> 00:18:54,799 [all gasping] 366 00:18:54,883 --> 00:18:57,883 If you had built me with lips, I would be smiling. 367 00:18:57,966 --> 00:18:59,049 Thank you, Chonies. 368 00:19:01,008 --> 00:19:02,674 I will not forget this. 369 00:19:02,758 --> 00:19:03,966 [gasps] 370 00:19:09,591 --> 00:19:11,966 Whoa, didn't know he could do that. 371 00:19:12,049 --> 00:19:15,091 Hmm, it would appear I remain undefeated-- 372 00:19:15,174 --> 00:19:16,299 Ow. 373 00:19:16,466 --> 00:19:21,633 [giggles] Sophie just rang your bell. Ya! 374 00:19:21,716 --> 00:19:23,008 [announcer] Oh, my dog! 375 00:19:23,508 --> 00:19:26,133 The Jupiter wins! 376 00:19:26,216 --> 00:19:28,133 -[victory siren blaring] -[audience cheering] 377 00:19:34,049 --> 00:19:35,716 [beeping rapidly] 378 00:19:36,841 --> 00:19:37,924 I'm so sorry. 379 00:19:39,841 --> 00:19:41,299 No! 380 00:19:44,383 --> 00:19:46,049 [screams] Kira. 381 00:19:46,133 --> 00:19:49,466 [growls] Shut up and move. 382 00:19:49,549 --> 00:19:51,966 Think about what you're doing. 383 00:19:52,049 --> 00:19:54,466 You made me think you understood, 384 00:19:54,633 --> 00:19:56,549 and now you've betrayed me. 385 00:19:56,633 --> 00:19:58,758 -Just like the humans! -[whimpering] 386 00:19:59,591 --> 00:20:02,216 All of you are too human. 387 00:20:02,716 --> 00:20:04,216 But I can fix that. 388 00:20:08,466 --> 00:20:09,883 [beeping rapidly] 389 00:20:10,591 --> 00:20:11,924 No! 390 00:20:14,091 --> 00:20:17,841 Time for you to learn how it feels when nobody comes to get you. 391 00:20:23,966 --> 00:20:25,966 [outro theme music playing]