1 00:00:06,508 --> 00:00:09,466 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,549 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,841 --> 00:00:19,258 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,341 --> 00:00:21,424 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:21,508 --> 00:00:23,091 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,174 --> 00:00:26,133 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:30,174 --> 00:00:32,674 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:35,633 --> 00:00:36,799 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:39,091 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:48,716 --> 00:00:50,091 [ripping] 11 00:01:10,049 --> 00:01:11,049 [sighs] 12 00:01:12,674 --> 00:01:14,216 [surface squeaking] 13 00:01:29,841 --> 00:01:31,133 [sniffs] Ah. 14 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:33,216 Still has that Chelsea smell. 15 00:01:34,174 --> 00:01:36,716 Do you have a taser and hot sauce? I want to get Ed back. 16 00:01:37,049 --> 00:01:38,424 Wait. Is it your birthday? 17 00:01:38,508 --> 00:01:40,424 Nope. Adopt-a-versary. 18 00:01:40,508 --> 00:01:42,799 Chelsea gave me advanced gifts for while I'm in space 19 00:01:42,883 --> 00:01:44,049 to celebrate the day we met. 20 00:01:44,133 --> 00:01:45,424 Year one: 21 00:01:45,508 --> 00:01:47,174 World's Best Boy. 22 00:01:47,258 --> 00:01:48,258 [giggles, gasps] 23 00:01:48,341 --> 00:01:50,258 Year two: Customized kaleidoscope! 24 00:01:52,508 --> 00:01:54,383 These are... different. 25 00:01:54,466 --> 00:01:58,424 Go ahead, give me the schpiel on how gifts are just bribes to keep us obedient. 26 00:01:58,508 --> 00:02:00,591 I admit it. It's... cute. 27 00:02:00,674 --> 00:02:01,924 And based on the last two, 28 00:02:02,008 --> 00:02:04,008 I really want to see what this year's gift is. 29 00:02:04,091 --> 00:02:05,258 Come on, open it. 30 00:02:07,674 --> 00:02:08,799 Is something wrong? 31 00:02:08,883 --> 00:02:12,008 She didn't think the mission would take more than three years. 32 00:02:12,091 --> 00:02:13,424 This is my last gift. 33 00:02:13,508 --> 00:02:16,133 -[static over comm] -[Nomi] Nomi to Captain. 34 00:02:16,216 --> 00:02:17,883 -Plopping down. -[static over comm] 35 00:02:17,966 --> 00:02:19,216 Well, duty calls! 36 00:02:23,258 --> 00:02:24,883 00 M-BARK 37 00:02:26,633 --> 00:02:28,216 Garbage is plotting something. 38 00:02:28,883 --> 00:02:33,049 Am I having déjà vu or did we have this exact exchange last week? 39 00:02:33,299 --> 00:02:34,549 This time it's different! 40 00:02:34,633 --> 00:02:38,549 I overheard him and Kira talking about how they're doubting our mission! 41 00:02:38,633 --> 00:02:42,674 Happy, I know you and Garbage haven't exactly seen eye to eye. 42 00:02:42,758 --> 00:02:44,674 I... I mean, I'm taller than him. 43 00:02:44,758 --> 00:02:48,674 Even though Garbage can be reckless, he's always been loyal. 44 00:02:48,841 --> 00:02:50,174 Do you have any evidence? 45 00:02:50,258 --> 00:02:53,258 Evidence? I don't need evidence. I'm part of the counsel. 46 00:02:53,466 --> 00:02:54,549 I'm inherently trustworthy! 47 00:02:54,633 --> 00:02:58,424 I recommend you spend less time focusing on what Garbage is doing wrong 48 00:02:58,508 --> 00:03:01,049 and more time trying to fetch us a new planet. 49 00:03:01,133 --> 00:03:02,508 Here. Have a chew. 50 00:03:03,258 --> 00:03:04,883 This helps me de-stress. 51 00:03:12,466 --> 00:03:13,508 [whimpers] 52 00:03:14,258 --> 00:03:15,258 Huh? 53 00:03:17,174 --> 00:03:20,508 Garbage to Loaf, this planet seems a little... odd. 54 00:03:20,591 --> 00:03:22,383 Keep your ears and eyes on us. 55 00:03:22,466 --> 00:03:25,133 [whimpers] Copy that, all ears and eyes on the mission. 56 00:03:25,216 --> 00:03:26,258 Please don't die. 57 00:03:26,924 --> 00:03:28,008 [whimpers] 58 00:03:29,008 --> 00:03:31,008 [gasps] Ah! 59 00:03:31,091 --> 00:03:32,883 Where are my Cheese-it chunks? 60 00:03:34,883 --> 00:03:36,716 There they are for some reason. 61 00:03:37,466 --> 00:03:38,758 Come on, Loaf. 62 00:03:38,841 --> 00:03:44,091 Get your snacks so old Happy can listen in on the mission and get that "evidence." 63 00:03:44,174 --> 00:03:49,216 [grunts] But wait. Garbage said not to leave my desk. 64 00:03:54,216 --> 00:03:56,341 [whirring] 65 00:03:58,674 --> 00:04:00,008 Ah! 66 00:04:14,133 --> 00:04:15,924 Did Earth beat us here? 67 00:04:16,008 --> 00:04:18,383 Ooh, that would be the ultimate prank. 68 00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:20,591 Well played, humans. 69 00:04:20,674 --> 00:04:24,466 Maybe it's some sort of parallel universe. A wormhole or something. 70 00:04:24,924 --> 00:04:27,841 Uh, this planet seems a little 71 00:04:27,924 --> 00:04:31,049 those-dogs-should-have-turned-around when-they-had-the chance-ish. 72 00:04:34,258 --> 00:04:35,299 [gasps] 73 00:04:35,383 --> 00:04:38,383 I... uh, think we should leave. 74 00:04:38,466 --> 00:04:40,924 I don't know, Stella. This place could be perfect! 75 00:04:41,008 --> 00:04:42,549 That's right, Garbage. 76 00:04:43,966 --> 00:04:45,216 It could be. 77 00:04:45,633 --> 00:04:47,883 -[gasps] -Chelsea? 78 00:04:47,966 --> 00:04:50,258 Hey, boy! Welcome home. 79 00:04:53,133 --> 00:04:54,591 [automated voice] Time to get your steps in! 80 00:04:54,674 --> 00:04:57,133 Only 9,500 to go. 81 00:04:57,216 --> 00:04:59,674 Well, it's time for my daily walk around the M-Bark. 82 00:04:59,758 --> 00:05:02,383 [chuckling maliciously] That's right, Loaf. 83 00:05:02,466 --> 00:05:04,758 Take your little walk away from your desk. 84 00:05:07,049 --> 00:05:08,049 What? 85 00:05:11,466 --> 00:05:15,091 [automated voice] Great job! 9,495 steps to go. 86 00:05:15,716 --> 00:05:17,049 Oh. [growls] 87 00:05:19,633 --> 00:05:20,716 I don't understand. 88 00:05:20,799 --> 00:05:22,966 How are you... here? 89 00:05:24,216 --> 00:05:25,299 [gasps] 90 00:05:26,049 --> 00:05:27,258 Tom? 91 00:05:28,508 --> 00:05:29,549 [gasps] 92 00:05:30,299 --> 00:05:31,758 Ellie? 93 00:05:31,841 --> 00:05:35,508 [gasps] Andrew. Is that really you? 94 00:05:35,591 --> 00:05:38,133 [grunts] Look. Mr. Spaghetti! 95 00:05:38,216 --> 00:05:40,924 -[grunts, pants] -Don't hug strangers, Nomi. 96 00:05:44,049 --> 00:05:45,049 [gasps] 97 00:05:46,174 --> 00:05:47,258 [growling] 98 00:05:47,966 --> 00:05:49,758 Please, we mean no harm. 99 00:05:49,841 --> 00:05:53,716 We are a peaceful race of Shapeshifters known as the Shmoops. 100 00:05:53,799 --> 00:05:56,258 [giggling] "Shmoops." 101 00:05:56,591 --> 00:05:58,716 How do you know what our people look like? 102 00:05:58,799 --> 00:06:00,383 And what Earth looks like? 103 00:06:00,466 --> 00:06:03,216 We're Telepaths. We can read your feelings. 104 00:06:03,299 --> 00:06:05,633 Your happy memories are like food to us. 105 00:06:05,716 --> 00:06:09,591 Oh, that's neat. Got to find a way to monetize that. 106 00:06:09,674 --> 00:06:11,799 Your unconditional love for humans 107 00:06:11,883 --> 00:06:14,924 brought our dying species back from the brink of extinction. 108 00:06:15,008 --> 00:06:16,591 Except this one. 109 00:06:16,674 --> 00:06:19,466 She's pushed her happy memories way down. 110 00:06:19,549 --> 00:06:22,508 -[growls] -Wait. Extinction? You were dying? 111 00:06:22,591 --> 00:06:25,508 Yes, our tale is very similar to yours. 112 00:06:25,591 --> 00:06:28,716 We are half of a co-dependent pair of species: 113 00:06:28,799 --> 00:06:31,008 The Shmoops and the Crumpulons. 114 00:06:31,091 --> 00:06:35,049 Coming together as one symbiotic race: The Shmoopulons. 115 00:06:35,133 --> 00:06:37,424 [giggling] Shmoopulon! 116 00:06:38,549 --> 00:06:41,966 [Fake Andrew] We gave them happiness and then we then we fed off it. 117 00:06:42,049 --> 00:06:43,508 At least, until... 118 00:06:43,591 --> 00:06:46,174 One day, without telling us why, 119 00:06:46,258 --> 00:06:48,049 we woke up to find they were gone. 120 00:06:48,133 --> 00:06:49,258 Leaving us alone. 121 00:06:49,341 --> 00:06:51,133 So, where did they go? 122 00:06:51,216 --> 00:06:52,299 We don't know. 123 00:06:52,383 --> 00:06:54,633 And since they left, we've been wasting away. 124 00:06:54,716 --> 00:06:56,633 But your arrival revived us. 125 00:06:57,716 --> 00:07:00,674 What if we bring our humans here? 126 00:07:00,758 --> 00:07:03,258 More people means more happiness, right? 127 00:07:04,008 --> 00:07:07,591 According to your memories, real humans are very hard to please. 128 00:07:07,716 --> 00:07:10,216 As soon as they get what they want, they want the next thing. 129 00:07:10,299 --> 00:07:11,799 And then the next and then the next. 130 00:07:11,883 --> 00:07:16,674 But dogs! What you want is so specific, so unwavering. 131 00:07:16,758 --> 00:07:17,799 All you want is us. 132 00:07:18,716 --> 00:07:19,966 And we want you. 133 00:07:27,799 --> 00:07:30,508 Let me see that screen. 134 00:07:33,424 --> 00:07:34,549 Ladybug, ladybug! 135 00:07:34,633 --> 00:07:35,883 [screams] 136 00:07:35,966 --> 00:07:37,008 [groans] 137 00:07:38,008 --> 00:07:39,924 [squeaking] 138 00:07:40,008 --> 00:07:41,924 [panting] 139 00:07:42,008 --> 00:07:44,424 Fake Chelsea seems to be calling the shots. 140 00:07:44,508 --> 00:07:46,133 If she's anything like my Chelsea, 141 00:07:46,216 --> 00:07:48,633 I bet I can persuade her to let humans come here. 142 00:07:48,716 --> 00:07:50,549 Captain, they're symbiotic. 143 00:07:51,924 --> 00:07:55,549 A biological relationship with just two organisms. Not three! 144 00:07:55,633 --> 00:07:58,299 Well lots of great things work in threes, Chonies. 145 00:07:58,383 --> 00:08:01,383 Tricycles, trilogies, bean dips. 146 00:08:01,466 --> 00:08:04,258 You guys stay here. I got this. 147 00:08:04,341 --> 00:08:06,258 Garbage, this doesn't feel right. 148 00:08:06,341 --> 00:08:07,924 They're hiding something from us. 149 00:08:08,008 --> 00:08:10,383 Well, only one way to be sure. 150 00:08:10,466 --> 00:08:12,008 There's several ways to be sure. 151 00:08:17,091 --> 00:08:19,633 -Ooh, gems. [laughs] -Ed, no! 152 00:08:23,591 --> 00:08:24,799 Chonies, wait! 153 00:08:26,924 --> 00:08:28,133 -[giggles] -[gasps] 154 00:08:28,216 --> 00:08:29,258 [growls] 155 00:08:30,883 --> 00:08:31,966 Just for a few minutes. 156 00:08:32,674 --> 00:08:33,716 [yelps] 157 00:08:34,466 --> 00:08:37,383 I know what makes you happy. Same as everyone. 158 00:08:38,299 --> 00:08:39,716 A comfy blanket! 159 00:08:39,799 --> 00:08:42,091 I slept on a bundle of discarded reptilian skin 160 00:08:42,174 --> 00:08:43,299 for like 12 dog years. 161 00:08:43,383 --> 00:08:45,383 Blankets are too soft. 162 00:08:48,258 --> 00:08:49,591 My home! 163 00:08:50,883 --> 00:08:53,216 Except... Wasn't that tree on the left? 164 00:08:56,258 --> 00:08:59,216 And the front door was actually made of bacon! 165 00:09:00,799 --> 00:09:04,008 [giggles] Come on in, boy. And don't eat my door, okay? 166 00:09:04,799 --> 00:09:06,008 [groans] 167 00:09:07,674 --> 00:09:08,716 Mmm! 168 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:11,133 [laughs maliciously] 169 00:09:11,216 --> 00:09:15,133 Let's see how well you cope with ghost pepper powder, Loafy boy. 170 00:09:18,508 --> 00:09:19,633 [gulps] 171 00:09:19,716 --> 00:09:21,341 [gagging] 172 00:09:21,424 --> 00:09:23,383 [screaming] 173 00:09:23,466 --> 00:09:25,008 [whines] 174 00:09:26,091 --> 00:09:27,924 [panting] 175 00:09:28,008 --> 00:09:29,341 Huh? 176 00:09:30,091 --> 00:09:31,841 [gulping] 177 00:09:31,924 --> 00:09:33,008 [sighs] 178 00:09:33,091 --> 00:09:34,383 Huh? 179 00:09:40,258 --> 00:09:41,508 [groans] 180 00:09:41,591 --> 00:09:42,799 Ready? 181 00:09:46,883 --> 00:09:49,133 This is exactly how I remember it! 182 00:09:50,008 --> 00:09:52,508 -Do you remember this? -As well as you do. 183 00:09:52,591 --> 00:09:54,091 [gasps] 184 00:09:55,716 --> 00:09:58,049 Oh, I remember digging this up. 185 00:09:58,133 --> 00:10:00,424 [chuckles] All because you couldn't catch that pesky squirrel. 186 00:10:00,508 --> 00:10:02,924 Oh, I could definitely catch him now. 187 00:10:04,841 --> 00:10:06,133 Oh, yeah? 188 00:10:07,883 --> 00:10:09,174 [barks] 189 00:10:09,258 --> 00:10:11,466 [grunting] 190 00:10:12,133 --> 00:10:13,424 Ruff! 191 00:10:18,674 --> 00:10:19,716 [barks] 192 00:10:22,049 --> 00:10:23,049 [giggles] 193 00:10:28,008 --> 00:10:30,049 [both laughing] 194 00:10:30,674 --> 00:10:31,716 [FlungFlop] You're a dog. 195 00:10:31,799 --> 00:10:34,091 There must be a human you care about! 196 00:10:34,174 --> 00:10:35,174 Just give me a hint. 197 00:10:35,258 --> 00:10:38,049 Does the thing that brought you joy, uh, have facial hair? 198 00:10:38,133 --> 00:10:39,424 No, she's... 199 00:10:40,424 --> 00:10:45,924 Only got the one huge mustache that covers its entire face. 200 00:10:46,008 --> 00:10:47,133 [chuckles] 201 00:10:47,924 --> 00:10:49,091 And a unicorn horn. 202 00:10:51,049 --> 00:10:52,966 [giggles] Don't forget the dragon's tail! 203 00:10:54,466 --> 00:10:55,799 Oh, and a monocle. 204 00:10:57,091 --> 00:10:58,591 [giggling] 205 00:11:02,674 --> 00:11:03,674 Want to play? 206 00:11:03,758 --> 00:11:07,216 Oh, I'm not much of a frisbee player these days, but, uh... 207 00:11:07,299 --> 00:11:08,799 Oh, what the heck! [chuckles] 208 00:11:11,174 --> 00:11:13,466 [grunting] 209 00:11:18,508 --> 00:11:19,841 [panting] 210 00:11:23,883 --> 00:11:25,633 I'll-I'll fetch it. Wait here. 211 00:11:25,716 --> 00:11:26,883 Stella, come back! 212 00:11:27,841 --> 00:11:29,133 [laughs gleefully] 213 00:11:33,716 --> 00:11:34,799 [gasps] 214 00:11:38,841 --> 00:11:39,841 [gasps] 215 00:11:39,924 --> 00:11:42,716 -[panting] -You'll get him next time. 216 00:11:43,258 --> 00:11:45,049 I haven't chased a squirrel in ages! 217 00:11:45,133 --> 00:11:46,424 -That was great! -[groans softly] 218 00:11:46,508 --> 00:11:48,841 Well, if you stay, we could do this more often. 219 00:11:48,924 --> 00:11:49,924 Would you like that? 220 00:11:50,008 --> 00:11:51,841 You know I would, but... 221 00:11:51,924 --> 00:11:56,174 If you really want to make us happy, you'd let us get our owners and-- 222 00:11:56,258 --> 00:11:57,883 Garbage, I'm sorry. 223 00:11:57,966 --> 00:12:00,591 Humans just can't be pleased like dogs can. 224 00:12:00,674 --> 00:12:03,299 They'll always need more. They'll never be satisfied. 225 00:12:03,383 --> 00:12:06,674 Chelsea didn't need more. She just needed me. 226 00:12:06,758 --> 00:12:08,549 She was happy with me. 227 00:12:08,633 --> 00:12:11,633 If the human Chelsea was as happy as you seem to think she was, 228 00:12:11,716 --> 00:12:13,466 she wouldn't have sent you away. 229 00:12:14,341 --> 00:12:16,508 It's... not that simple. 230 00:12:17,216 --> 00:12:19,508 Hey, maybe this will cheer you up. 231 00:12:21,924 --> 00:12:23,466 Happy adopt-a-versary! 232 00:12:25,133 --> 00:12:28,008 We can relive all these whenever you like. 233 00:12:28,174 --> 00:12:29,591 Create new memories, too. 234 00:12:30,424 --> 00:12:31,508 Stay. 235 00:12:31,591 --> 00:12:33,799 Get everything you miss back. 236 00:12:42,091 --> 00:12:44,924 Hmm, I haven't heard from the Captain in a while. 237 00:12:45,008 --> 00:12:47,674 [softly] Probably because he's off betraying the mission. 238 00:12:47,758 --> 00:12:50,341 Just got to get that intel. 239 00:12:50,424 --> 00:12:53,091 Loaf to Captain Garbage, this is Loaf. Hello? 240 00:12:53,174 --> 00:12:54,591 Stella? Anyone? 241 00:12:54,674 --> 00:12:56,591 You're not dying, are you? 242 00:12:56,674 --> 00:13:00,049 Don't worry. This tranquilizer should calm you down. 243 00:13:01,424 --> 00:13:02,799 Hey! A cheesy poof! 244 00:13:04,258 --> 00:13:05,966 I must have missed you earlier. 245 00:13:06,049 --> 00:13:07,258 [chewing audibly] 246 00:13:07,341 --> 00:13:08,591 [groans] 247 00:13:08,674 --> 00:13:10,799 Are you a Crumpulon? 248 00:13:10,883 --> 00:13:12,383 They said you left the planet. 249 00:13:12,466 --> 00:13:14,508 [languidly] Why would we leave? 250 00:13:14,591 --> 00:13:16,591 We're happy. 251 00:13:16,883 --> 00:13:19,216 [languidly] They make us happy. 252 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:22,633 [languidly] We gave them all our happy 253 00:13:22,716 --> 00:13:25,633 until we had no happiness. 254 00:13:25,716 --> 00:13:26,841 [chanting] Happy. 255 00:13:26,924 --> 00:13:28,966 So you become nothing. 256 00:13:29,341 --> 00:13:31,424 -[gasp] We've got to get out of-- -[Fake Ellie] Stella! 257 00:13:32,674 --> 00:13:34,549 -[growls] -Come back! 258 00:13:34,633 --> 00:13:37,799 [clicks tongue] I'd say her arms were more pasta-ey. 259 00:13:41,091 --> 00:13:42,799 Everyone, get to the ship now! 260 00:13:43,216 --> 00:13:44,216 But-- 261 00:13:44,299 --> 00:13:46,799 If you ever want to see your real humans again, do as I say! 262 00:13:48,216 --> 00:13:50,716 -Okay, so later, fakey! -[gasps] 263 00:13:50,799 --> 00:13:53,633 I'm gonna miss you so much! 264 00:13:54,841 --> 00:13:56,674 -[Kira] Come on guys, there's no time. -Uh? 265 00:13:56,758 --> 00:13:58,216 -[Chonies] Thanks for the game! -[gasps] 266 00:13:58,299 --> 00:13:59,924 And for the record, I let you win! 267 00:14:00,008 --> 00:14:01,674 -[panting] -What's wrong? 268 00:14:01,758 --> 00:14:02,966 The Crumpulons never left. 269 00:14:03,091 --> 00:14:05,591 The Shmoops just sucked all the happiness out of them. 270 00:14:05,674 --> 00:14:07,008 I knew it! 271 00:14:07,258 --> 00:14:08,591 Make sure the others get back. 272 00:14:08,674 --> 00:14:09,966 I'll go find Garbage. 273 00:14:12,674 --> 00:14:15,841 See? Isn't this nice? Just like old times. 274 00:14:15,924 --> 00:14:17,299 I love you, Garbage! 275 00:14:17,924 --> 00:14:20,424 [sniffing] 276 00:14:21,549 --> 00:14:23,216 What's wrong? Something's wrong. 277 00:14:23,299 --> 00:14:24,799 Is it my smell? It's a smell, isn't it? 278 00:14:24,883 --> 00:14:27,049 We can't replicate smells, okay? We've got every other detail! 279 00:14:27,508 --> 00:14:29,466 Look, you've been great. 280 00:14:29,549 --> 00:14:32,341 The best Chelsea replica a good boy could ask for. 281 00:14:32,424 --> 00:14:34,799 But I'd always know it's not real. 282 00:14:34,883 --> 00:14:36,508 We'd just be using each other. 283 00:14:36,591 --> 00:14:38,341 Chelsea's using you, too. 284 00:14:39,383 --> 00:14:41,633 Maybe. But my friends aren't. 285 00:14:41,716 --> 00:14:43,258 No, Garbage please. Don't go. 286 00:14:43,341 --> 00:14:44,549 Garbage, please! 287 00:14:44,633 --> 00:14:47,341 -I said you can't go! -[gasps] 288 00:14:48,174 --> 00:14:49,799 You're not going anywhere. 289 00:14:51,258 --> 00:14:52,758 Garbage, where are you? 290 00:14:52,841 --> 00:14:54,841 I'm right here, home dog! 291 00:14:55,383 --> 00:14:56,383 Home dog? 292 00:14:56,466 --> 00:15:00,091 Uh, I meant, let's go home... dog. 293 00:15:01,383 --> 00:15:03,299 -[sniffs] -[Fake Garbage] Come on! 294 00:15:05,508 --> 00:15:07,591 Come with us! Let us help you. 295 00:15:07,674 --> 00:15:11,633 [languidly] Stay. Let them make you happy. 296 00:15:12,008 --> 00:15:14,508 What? No! I can get you out! 297 00:15:14,591 --> 00:15:17,049 [Crumpulons chanting] Stay. 298 00:15:18,716 --> 00:15:21,133 Stella, come back! 299 00:15:21,216 --> 00:15:22,924 [languidly] Happy here. 300 00:15:23,008 --> 00:15:24,216 Need nothing. 301 00:15:24,299 --> 00:15:26,133 -[Crumpulons chanting] Stay. -[clicks tongue] Ugh. 302 00:15:26,799 --> 00:15:28,133 [screams, grunts] 303 00:15:28,216 --> 00:15:29,424 [panting] 304 00:15:32,299 --> 00:15:33,716 [gasps] 305 00:15:33,799 --> 00:15:35,966 Would your crew make you happy? 306 00:15:38,883 --> 00:15:40,424 Then stay with us. 307 00:15:40,508 --> 00:15:42,508 [all chanting] Captain. 308 00:15:42,591 --> 00:15:44,049 -[grunts] -[Fake Stella laughing] 309 00:15:44,883 --> 00:15:46,216 [gasps] 310 00:15:46,841 --> 00:15:49,383 [Chonies] That looks like us! And Captain Garbage? 311 00:15:49,466 --> 00:15:50,466 [all] Huh? 312 00:15:51,883 --> 00:15:55,008 Hey! Whoa, who's that Rando posing as me? 313 00:15:55,091 --> 00:15:56,383 [laughs nervously] Weird, right? 314 00:15:58,258 --> 00:16:01,466 Team, [clears throat] I just got a distress call from Happy. 315 00:16:01,549 --> 00:16:02,591 He's in trouble. 316 00:16:03,633 --> 00:16:06,549 Uh, oh, no! Poor Happy! We better go help him, stat! 317 00:16:06,633 --> 00:16:07,966 I knew it! 318 00:16:09,133 --> 00:16:12,091 [whimpers] Come on home... home dogs. [giggles nervously] 319 00:16:12,174 --> 00:16:14,258 [screaming] 320 00:16:16,133 --> 00:16:17,549 -[all grunting] -[Fake Garbage screams] 321 00:16:17,633 --> 00:16:18,716 [impact grunts] 322 00:16:20,216 --> 00:16:21,549 [battle cry] 323 00:16:22,174 --> 00:16:23,966 [grunts, gasps] 324 00:16:24,049 --> 00:16:26,591 Ha! This one's for the Crumpulons! 325 00:16:26,674 --> 00:16:28,549 -[groaning] -This one's for Mr. Spaghetti! 326 00:16:28,633 --> 00:16:29,633 [yells aggressively] 327 00:16:29,716 --> 00:16:32,174 Get off me, me! [grunts] 328 00:16:32,924 --> 00:16:34,758 [barks] Take that, me. 329 00:16:34,841 --> 00:16:36,966 [panting, grunts] 330 00:16:39,258 --> 00:16:40,424 Ow. 331 00:16:53,758 --> 00:16:56,633 Garbage, be a good boy and stay! 332 00:16:57,841 --> 00:17:00,174 Sorry! But today... 333 00:17:00,258 --> 00:17:01,716 I'm a bad boy. 334 00:17:04,716 --> 00:17:06,591 [screaming] 335 00:17:10,799 --> 00:17:11,841 [sighs] 336 00:17:13,591 --> 00:17:16,508 [sniffs] Yup. You smell like Garbage. 337 00:17:19,008 --> 00:17:20,258 [grunting] 338 00:17:20,341 --> 00:17:22,508 [Captain Garbage] Garbage to Loaf. Mission over. 339 00:17:22,591 --> 00:17:23,758 -[gasps, sighs] -You are relieved. 340 00:17:24,091 --> 00:17:25,341 [yelps] 341 00:17:25,424 --> 00:17:27,966 -[whimpers] -[laughs] 342 00:17:30,341 --> 00:17:32,799 [gasps, groans] 343 00:17:34,091 --> 00:17:35,466 [snores] 344 00:17:42,758 --> 00:17:45,049 [inaudible] 345 00:17:50,966 --> 00:17:52,758 She manipulated me. 346 00:17:52,841 --> 00:17:56,924 She acted like she cared, but it didn't matter what happened to me, 347 00:17:57,008 --> 00:17:59,008 as long as I did what she wanted. 348 00:18:00,341 --> 00:18:01,341 I get it. 349 00:18:01,424 --> 00:18:04,091 I'm sorry, but you didn't let her. 350 00:18:04,174 --> 00:18:05,299 The fake Chelsea didn't. 351 00:18:05,383 --> 00:18:08,466 Not just the fake Chelsea. The real Chelsea, too. 352 00:18:09,216 --> 00:18:12,216 [sighs] It's time we look out for each other. 353 00:18:12,299 --> 00:18:14,008 We should find a planet... 354 00:18:15,924 --> 00:18:17,341 for dogs. 355 00:18:18,091 --> 00:18:20,258 [outro theme music playing]