1 00:00:06,966 --> 00:00:09,133 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,216 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,841 --> 00:00:19,091 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,341 --> 00:00:20,924 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:21,008 --> 00:00:23,008 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,091 --> 00:00:26,091 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:29,799 --> 00:00:31,966 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:33,424 --> 00:00:36,799 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:39,466 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:55,633 --> 00:00:58,049 We Shrubdub have a saying... 11 00:00:58,133 --> 00:01:00,383 [whooshes] 12 00:01:00,466 --> 00:01:02,466 It's difficult to translate, 13 00:01:02,549 --> 00:01:05,633 but your tragic story made me feel it. 14 00:01:07,341 --> 00:01:10,508 I believe that your planet is worthy of saving. 15 00:01:10,591 --> 00:01:13,966 We shall give you a seed that will restore your home 16 00:01:14,049 --> 00:01:16,799 to greenery once again. 17 00:01:16,883 --> 00:01:18,674 Take him to the seed vault! 18 00:01:19,883 --> 00:01:21,966 [chuckles] 19 00:01:22,466 --> 00:01:23,466 [tings] 20 00:01:23,549 --> 00:01:26,299 See, we'll just say whatever that guy said! 21 00:01:26,383 --> 00:01:28,299 Anyone write it down? 22 00:01:28,383 --> 00:01:30,341 [sighs] 23 00:01:30,841 --> 00:01:32,133 [tings] 24 00:01:33,383 --> 00:01:37,633 Well, this race of "Chelseas" sound like they're incredible. 25 00:01:37,841 --> 00:01:41,758 Oh, it's not a race, but if it was, Chelsea would definitely win. 26 00:01:41,841 --> 00:01:44,299 She's a human from planet Earth. 27 00:01:44,383 --> 00:01:49,008 Earth? I know Earth! I vacationed there about 600 seasons ago. 28 00:01:49,091 --> 00:01:52,258 There was one creature I just adored. What was it? 29 00:01:52,341 --> 00:01:56,008 Oh, the dodo! How is the dodo? 30 00:01:56,091 --> 00:01:59,216 -[gasps] -Humans hunted to extinction, 31 00:01:59,299 --> 00:02:00,966 and other species too. 32 00:02:01,049 --> 00:02:04,091 [gasps] They did what? 33 00:02:04,174 --> 00:02:07,716 But in humans defense, I heard they were delicious... 34 00:02:07,799 --> 00:02:12,508 Oh, what-- What he means is humans look out for each other, right, guys? 35 00:02:12,591 --> 00:02:15,424 Exactly! They're, um... peaceful. 36 00:02:15,674 --> 00:02:17,549 Oh, yeah! Humans are obsessed with peace. 37 00:02:17,633 --> 00:02:20,133 You should see all the wars they fight to preserve it! 38 00:02:20,216 --> 00:02:23,008 [fake coughs] Not helping. 39 00:02:23,091 --> 00:02:24,174 [tutting] 40 00:02:24,258 --> 00:02:27,091 And now they send you to save their planet for them. 41 00:02:27,174 --> 00:02:28,841 What happened to it? 42 00:02:28,924 --> 00:02:31,966 Meteor fallout? Extreme volcanic activity? 43 00:02:32,049 --> 00:02:34,341 Fungal infection? [groans] 44 00:02:35,841 --> 00:02:37,258 Don't tell me. 45 00:02:37,341 --> 00:02:40,008 The humans destroyed their own planet? 46 00:02:40,091 --> 00:02:42,883 -No! -Yes. Mostly by polluting the air 47 00:02:42,966 --> 00:02:45,216 and cutting down all the trees. 48 00:02:45,299 --> 00:02:48,633 Well, it's clear the Earth needs saving, 49 00:02:48,716 --> 00:02:50,841 from the human race! 50 00:02:50,924 --> 00:02:53,966 I think we can just tip the Earth a little so all the humans fall off. 51 00:02:54,049 --> 00:02:55,299 We can do that, right? 52 00:02:56,299 --> 00:02:59,299 -[screams] -Wait! You've got humans all wrong. 53 00:02:59,383 --> 00:03:02,674 Weeds must be pulled or the garden is overrun. 54 00:03:02,758 --> 00:03:04,091 You seem honest. 55 00:03:04,174 --> 00:03:07,133 Would humans learn from their mistakes, or repeat them? 56 00:03:07,216 --> 00:03:08,966 [whispers] Say yes. 57 00:03:09,049 --> 00:03:12,299 Wait, say no! Wait, say yes to the first part, 58 00:03:12,383 --> 00:03:13,674 and no to the second part. 59 00:03:13,758 --> 00:03:15,716 You don't need to wipe humans out. 60 00:03:15,799 --> 00:03:17,716 -[sighs] -They're wiping themselves out 61 00:03:17,799 --> 00:03:19,049 -all on their own. -[gasps] 62 00:03:19,133 --> 00:03:23,799 As long as the Earth suffers from the problem known as "humans," 63 00:03:24,174 --> 00:03:25,258 no seed. 64 00:03:25,341 --> 00:03:27,258 [gavel bangs] 65 00:03:28,258 --> 00:03:29,549 I was just being honest! 66 00:03:29,633 --> 00:03:32,716 You're just mad because you're convinced humans abandoned you, 67 00:03:32,799 --> 00:03:33,883 but Chelsea-- 68 00:03:33,966 --> 00:03:35,508 Chelsea abandoned you too, you know? 69 00:03:35,591 --> 00:03:37,924 -Oh, snap! -Nomi! 70 00:03:38,008 --> 00:03:39,508 One day, you'll realize that. 71 00:03:40,383 --> 00:03:44,591 [clears throat] Captain, I need your input in the mission report on our failure. 72 00:03:44,674 --> 00:03:48,258 -Failure is not an option. -But it is though, there's a tick box. 73 00:03:48,633 --> 00:03:51,466 Desperate times call for heroic measures. 74 00:03:52,549 --> 00:03:54,008 [gasps] 75 00:03:54,091 --> 00:03:55,799 If they won't give us a seed, 76 00:03:56,424 --> 00:03:58,091 we'll have to take one! 77 00:03:58,174 --> 00:04:00,299 Well, that doesn't sound very heroic. 78 00:04:00,383 --> 00:04:03,258 Well, does saving millions of lives sound heroic? 79 00:04:03,341 --> 00:04:05,716 Very! But those Shrubdubs scare me. 80 00:04:05,799 --> 00:04:08,383 They can wipe out humanity with the click of their... 81 00:04:08,466 --> 00:04:10,633 I wanna say, twigs? [munches] 82 00:04:10,716 --> 00:04:13,508 Well, to steal from them, we'd need an airtight plan. 83 00:04:13,591 --> 00:04:14,966 -I mean, who's gonna have-- -[Ed coughs] 84 00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:19,924 Of course, he has blueprints. 85 00:04:20,008 --> 00:04:22,633 [scoffs] I plan a couple of heists for every new place we visit. 86 00:04:22,716 --> 00:04:24,258 It's kind of my hobby. 87 00:04:24,341 --> 00:04:27,633 While you were distracted with the mission, I was casing the joint, 88 00:04:27,716 --> 00:04:29,049 but for my plan to work, 89 00:04:29,133 --> 00:04:30,924 we need six dogs. 90 00:04:33,216 --> 00:04:34,424 [gasps] 91 00:04:43,299 --> 00:04:46,383 Mm! Got to admit, having thumbs ain't so bad! 92 00:04:47,924 --> 00:04:51,841 Kira, we're planning a heist, and Ed says we can't do it without you. 93 00:04:52,258 --> 00:04:55,924 Just think, you'd be helping save an entire planet! 94 00:04:56,008 --> 00:04:58,841 An entire planet of furless, tailless jerks. 95 00:04:58,924 --> 00:05:00,799 You shouldn't risk your lives for them. 96 00:05:01,549 --> 00:05:04,841 Okay, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but... 97 00:05:05,341 --> 00:05:09,133 [whimpers] 98 00:05:09,508 --> 00:05:11,591 Puppy dog-eyes don't work on me. 99 00:05:11,674 --> 00:05:13,841 Okay, how about normal dog-eyes then? 100 00:05:15,299 --> 00:05:17,341 [sighs] 101 00:05:20,174 --> 00:05:22,299 It's okay, we try it with five dogs. 102 00:05:22,383 --> 00:05:26,174 Maybe four dogs by the end, but hey, Chonies, you had a good run. 103 00:05:26,258 --> 00:05:28,841 -What? -Nomi, heist music! 104 00:05:29,799 --> 00:05:32,633 Right, first up, the security. 105 00:05:32,716 --> 00:05:35,549 Proximity sensors will alert those eels if we approach. 106 00:05:35,674 --> 00:05:37,799 That happens, and zap, we're hot dogs! 107 00:05:37,883 --> 00:05:40,216 There are also security drones. 108 00:05:40,299 --> 00:05:41,549 Yes! [chuckles] 109 00:05:41,633 --> 00:05:43,674 I love taking down drones! 110 00:05:43,758 --> 00:05:47,383 It's all the fun of blasting something without the guilt of blasting something. 111 00:05:47,716 --> 00:05:49,674 [Ed] There are your cameras, your lasers, 112 00:05:49,758 --> 00:05:51,424 your trap doors to cosmic acid goo, 113 00:05:51,633 --> 00:05:52,924 all standard heist stuff. 114 00:05:53,008 --> 00:05:57,924 But the vault is guarded by a cog door and she's a beaut! 115 00:05:58,008 --> 00:06:00,633 You gotta stop the cogs on the right combination of symbols. 116 00:06:00,716 --> 00:06:04,799 Mess up, and it opens up portals full of nasty creatures. 117 00:06:04,883 --> 00:06:07,674 It sounds unnecessarily convoluted. 118 00:06:07,758 --> 00:06:09,466 I know! 119 00:06:09,549 --> 00:06:13,258 The vault is a big fridge kept ice cold so the seeds don't sprout. 120 00:06:13,341 --> 00:06:16,466 We'll need one of their vacuum sealed boxes to loot that loot. 121 00:06:16,549 --> 00:06:19,091 Finally, guards everywhere, 122 00:06:19,174 --> 00:06:21,424 and these Shrubdubs have thorns figuratively, 123 00:06:21,508 --> 00:06:22,549 also, literally. 124 00:06:22,633 --> 00:06:24,591 This seems really dangerous. 125 00:06:24,674 --> 00:06:26,633 What's everyone so worried about? 126 00:06:26,716 --> 00:06:30,549 It wouldn't be heroes-overcoming-crazy-impossible-odds 127 00:06:30,633 --> 00:06:33,216 if there weren't crazy impossible odds! 128 00:06:33,299 --> 00:06:35,341 Why don't we split the difference? 129 00:06:35,424 --> 00:06:37,674 Stay here and watch a heist movie! 130 00:06:37,758 --> 00:06:40,549 You're right. This would be foolhardy if not for... 131 00:06:40,633 --> 00:06:42,258 the nebula. 132 00:06:42,341 --> 00:06:44,091 [all] Ooh! 133 00:06:44,174 --> 00:06:47,216 [Ed] The station needs to pass through it daily to draw power, 134 00:06:47,299 --> 00:06:50,008 but the nebula has one very fun side effect. 135 00:06:50,091 --> 00:06:54,216 It renders all language itself incomprehensible. 136 00:06:54,383 --> 00:06:57,633 Wait, so we won't be able to talk! That's... 137 00:06:57,716 --> 00:06:58,966 Fine! 138 00:06:59,049 --> 00:07:01,174 And neither will the Shrubdub. 139 00:07:01,758 --> 00:07:05,674 They won't be able to speak to each other, or raise the alarm for ten minutes. 140 00:07:06,049 --> 00:07:08,133 It's the only weakness they have. 141 00:07:08,216 --> 00:07:10,091 That, and presumably, fire. 142 00:07:10,174 --> 00:07:12,174 Captain, there's no way we can do this. 143 00:07:12,258 --> 00:07:14,299 There's no way we can't not do this! 144 00:07:14,383 --> 00:07:16,383 We are going to save the Earth! 145 00:07:16,466 --> 00:07:19,424 Garbage, you can't even save your leftovers for tomorrow. 146 00:07:21,424 --> 00:07:24,466 [groans] You said the plan needs six dogs? 147 00:07:24,674 --> 00:07:28,008 -If Chonies is to survive, yes. -Please? 148 00:07:28,299 --> 00:07:30,008 [sighs] 149 00:07:31,633 --> 00:07:32,716 Thank you. 150 00:07:32,799 --> 00:07:34,799 I'm not doing this for humans, 151 00:07:34,883 --> 00:07:36,883 I'm doing this so you don't die. 152 00:07:36,966 --> 00:07:38,341 [whimpers] 153 00:07:38,424 --> 00:07:40,549 Here's the plan. Like all of my best work, 154 00:07:40,633 --> 00:07:44,133 it starts with an impenetrable disguise. 155 00:07:46,258 --> 00:07:47,716 This feels weird. 156 00:07:50,633 --> 00:07:52,674 Oh, here comes the nebula! 157 00:07:57,841 --> 00:08:00,341 Then the clouds turned black, 158 00:08:00,424 --> 00:08:03,216 our crops died, and the oceans dried up. 159 00:08:03,299 --> 00:08:05,466 Our planet is on the brink of extinction. 160 00:08:05,549 --> 00:08:07,549 One of my children turned to me, 161 00:08:07,633 --> 00:08:10,466 saying something that haunts me to this day. She said... 162 00:08:11,091 --> 00:08:13,841 [hoots like an owl] 163 00:08:14,674 --> 00:08:15,674 [hoots] 164 00:08:15,758 --> 00:08:17,924 [alarm blaring] 165 00:08:19,841 --> 00:08:21,924 [barks] 166 00:08:22,174 --> 00:08:23,799 [ticking] 167 00:08:24,133 --> 00:08:26,341 [barks, grunts] 168 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:29,424 [weak grunt] 169 00:08:32,549 --> 00:08:34,049 [Ed barks] 170 00:08:38,799 --> 00:08:39,883 [grunts] 171 00:08:43,841 --> 00:08:45,216 [whimpers] 172 00:08:46,466 --> 00:08:48,466 [beeping] 173 00:08:50,341 --> 00:08:51,883 -[barks] -[growls] 174 00:08:51,966 --> 00:08:53,591 [whimpers] 175 00:08:53,883 --> 00:08:55,424 [groans, grunts] 176 00:08:55,508 --> 00:08:59,133 -[barks] -[grunts] 177 00:09:01,049 --> 00:09:03,091 -[barks] -[barks] 178 00:09:07,424 --> 00:09:08,758 [screeches] 179 00:09:09,924 --> 00:09:10,924 [barks] 180 00:09:25,799 --> 00:09:26,841 [barks] 181 00:09:29,216 --> 00:09:32,674 They did it! Nomi, the disgusting tangle of eels is the signal. 182 00:09:32,758 --> 00:09:34,966 Go, go, go, go! 183 00:09:36,174 --> 00:09:37,508 Are we close enough yet? 184 00:09:37,591 --> 00:09:40,133 When is the nebula going to work on-- [barks] 185 00:09:40,216 --> 00:09:42,633 [barks, howls] 186 00:09:44,383 --> 00:09:46,549 [soft barks] Hm. 187 00:09:50,383 --> 00:09:51,508 [groans] 188 00:09:53,883 --> 00:09:55,508 -[barks] -[barks] 189 00:09:59,299 --> 00:10:00,633 [barks] 190 00:10:00,716 --> 00:10:02,383 [scanning, beeps] 191 00:10:03,091 --> 00:10:04,508 [whimpers] 192 00:10:04,841 --> 00:10:06,216 [barks] 193 00:10:12,758 --> 00:10:14,799 -[playing video game] -[gasps] 194 00:10:15,091 --> 00:10:16,424 [grunts] 195 00:10:22,174 --> 00:10:23,424 [grunts] 196 00:10:27,008 --> 00:10:28,466 [scanning, beeps] 197 00:10:31,383 --> 00:10:32,383 [barks] 198 00:10:34,508 --> 00:10:35,883 [barks] 199 00:10:37,299 --> 00:10:38,383 [gasps] 200 00:10:40,674 --> 00:10:41,758 [screams] 201 00:10:43,716 --> 00:10:45,341 [pants] 202 00:10:47,466 --> 00:10:48,716 [whimpers] 203 00:10:56,716 --> 00:10:57,841 [gasps] 204 00:10:59,633 --> 00:11:00,841 [both bark] 205 00:11:08,633 --> 00:11:10,008 [barks] 206 00:11:10,508 --> 00:11:11,508 [grunts] 207 00:11:16,424 --> 00:11:18,091 -[barks] -[barks] 208 00:11:26,966 --> 00:11:29,049 -[grunts] -[growls] 209 00:11:29,133 --> 00:11:30,133 [groans] 210 00:11:30,549 --> 00:11:31,591 [grunts] 211 00:11:32,174 --> 00:11:33,341 [barks] 212 00:11:37,591 --> 00:11:39,008 [beeps] 213 00:11:39,716 --> 00:11:40,758 [grunts] 214 00:11:41,008 --> 00:11:42,716 [barks] 215 00:11:43,008 --> 00:11:44,008 [barks] 216 00:11:46,591 --> 00:11:48,466 [growls] 217 00:11:55,799 --> 00:11:56,924 -[screams] -[thud] 218 00:11:58,924 --> 00:12:00,508 [barks] 219 00:12:00,924 --> 00:12:02,591 [barks] 220 00:12:04,508 --> 00:12:05,674 [whimpers] 221 00:12:07,591 --> 00:12:09,133 [barks] 222 00:12:10,424 --> 00:12:12,133 [gasps, barks] 223 00:12:23,174 --> 00:12:24,591 [barks] 224 00:12:26,549 --> 00:12:27,549 [grunts] 225 00:12:27,633 --> 00:12:29,299 [gasps] 226 00:12:29,924 --> 00:12:31,341 [barks] 227 00:12:34,674 --> 00:12:35,716 [whines] 228 00:12:42,299 --> 00:12:44,049 [gasps, barks] 229 00:12:45,424 --> 00:12:46,633 [barks] 230 00:12:46,716 --> 00:12:47,924 [barks] 231 00:12:53,299 --> 00:12:54,633 [barks] 232 00:12:57,633 --> 00:12:59,799 [barks] 233 00:12:59,883 --> 00:13:01,341 [gasps] 234 00:13:01,424 --> 00:13:03,716 -[barks] -[barks, grunts, whimpers, barks] 235 00:13:15,799 --> 00:13:17,049 [gasps] 236 00:13:20,049 --> 00:13:22,508 [barks] 237 00:13:24,758 --> 00:13:25,966 [gasps] 238 00:13:27,424 --> 00:13:29,341 [barks] 239 00:13:29,424 --> 00:13:31,799 [grunts, barks] 240 00:13:35,466 --> 00:13:37,508 [gasps, barks] 241 00:13:41,008 --> 00:13:42,008 [grunts] 242 00:13:52,758 --> 00:13:53,799 [whimpers] 243 00:13:57,924 --> 00:13:59,091 [groans] 244 00:14:06,591 --> 00:14:07,799 -[groans] -[whimpers] 245 00:14:09,091 --> 00:14:10,674 [whimpers] 246 00:14:10,758 --> 00:14:12,716 [barks] 247 00:14:13,633 --> 00:14:15,716 [whimpers] 248 00:14:17,758 --> 00:14:19,716 [barks] 249 00:14:20,383 --> 00:14:21,383 [weak bark] 250 00:14:21,466 --> 00:14:22,841 [virtual dog barks] 251 00:14:22,924 --> 00:14:25,591 -[grunts] -[alarm blaring] 252 00:14:28,508 --> 00:14:29,508 [barks] 253 00:14:34,091 --> 00:14:35,133 [barks] 254 00:14:35,216 --> 00:14:37,341 [grunts, barks] 255 00:14:52,091 --> 00:14:54,049 [shrieks] 256 00:15:14,633 --> 00:15:17,591 [grunts, barks] 257 00:15:20,883 --> 00:15:22,216 [barks, grunts] 258 00:15:22,299 --> 00:15:23,383 [roars] 259 00:15:38,966 --> 00:15:40,716 Whoa! 260 00:15:40,799 --> 00:15:41,966 [barks] 261 00:15:43,216 --> 00:15:44,716 [grunts] 262 00:15:49,841 --> 00:15:50,841 [Chonies barks] 263 00:15:54,883 --> 00:15:56,258 Huh? [grunts] 264 00:16:02,216 --> 00:16:03,424 [barks] 265 00:16:05,716 --> 00:16:07,133 [barks] 266 00:16:07,216 --> 00:16:09,633 We track that shield and go help the other-- 267 00:16:09,716 --> 00:16:11,383 [both] Wait, what are you talking about? 268 00:16:11,466 --> 00:16:13,049 -Congratulate me later. -[gasps] 269 00:16:13,133 --> 00:16:14,674 We need to figure out how to fly this home. 270 00:16:14,758 --> 00:16:17,716 -Are you crazy? We have to save the crew! -They're fine! 271 00:16:17,799 --> 00:16:20,258 Don't let me distract you, Captain. 272 00:16:20,341 --> 00:16:22,383 Just a bit tricky to breathe, 273 00:16:22,466 --> 00:16:24,883 but carry on! I... I-- 274 00:16:26,216 --> 00:16:28,258 What? You heard him! Totally fine! 275 00:16:28,466 --> 00:16:30,966 Garbage, you've put everyone in danger today. 276 00:16:31,049 --> 00:16:34,174 This mission is over! You need to drop the seed! 277 00:16:34,258 --> 00:16:37,133 No! I need to take the seed home to Chelsea. 278 00:16:37,216 --> 00:16:38,591 This will fix everything! 279 00:16:38,674 --> 00:16:43,216 Is Chelsea more important to you than your crew? Look at them! 280 00:16:43,299 --> 00:16:44,466 [grunts] 281 00:16:46,258 --> 00:16:48,383 [chokes, groans] 282 00:16:48,466 --> 00:16:52,424 Chonies, release the force field. 283 00:17:10,841 --> 00:17:12,841 00 M-BARK 284 00:17:15,966 --> 00:17:20,049 [sighs] My heist streak, broken! 285 00:17:20,133 --> 00:17:23,216 I gotta steal something. Like-- like-- Like that wrench! 286 00:17:23,299 --> 00:17:26,674 No! Let me heist the wrench! 287 00:17:27,466 --> 00:17:28,466 [gasps] 288 00:17:33,466 --> 00:17:34,966 Kira, where are you going? 289 00:17:35,049 --> 00:17:37,049 -I'm leaving. -What? 290 00:17:37,133 --> 00:17:38,966 Leaving? Why? 291 00:17:39,049 --> 00:17:41,424 You said all dogs look out for each other, 292 00:17:41,508 --> 00:17:44,091 and I was gullible enough to think you meant it. 293 00:17:44,174 --> 00:17:46,341 I know today didn't go as planned. 294 00:17:46,424 --> 00:17:48,508 You're risking your fur for humans, 295 00:17:48,591 --> 00:17:51,508 while they sit back at home and wait for you to be a good dog 296 00:17:51,591 --> 00:17:53,008 and obey their commands! 297 00:17:53,091 --> 00:17:55,674 They don't deserve your loyalty. 298 00:17:55,758 --> 00:17:57,383 I can't speak for all humans, 299 00:17:57,466 --> 00:17:59,716 but Chelsea is worth saving. 300 00:17:59,799 --> 00:18:01,633 If you had an owner like her, you'd under-- 301 00:18:01,716 --> 00:18:04,216 I did have an owner like her, Garbage! 302 00:18:04,299 --> 00:18:07,008 A P.R.A.T.S. scientist, just like your Chelsea! 303 00:18:07,091 --> 00:18:09,383 I sent out distress signals every day, 304 00:18:09,466 --> 00:18:11,549 and she never came looking! 305 00:18:11,633 --> 00:18:14,049 She never even told the M-Bark I was lost! 306 00:18:14,966 --> 00:18:17,716 My owner forgot about me! 307 00:18:18,424 --> 00:18:21,008 -Well, that doesn't mean-- -Chelsea's forgotten about you? 308 00:18:21,091 --> 00:18:23,716 You've sent her messages every day, and? 309 00:18:23,799 --> 00:18:25,133 Maybe she's just not getting-- 310 00:18:25,216 --> 00:18:28,133 Maybe she doesn't care, Garbage. 311 00:18:29,133 --> 00:18:31,633 Your loyalty is in the wrong place. 312 00:18:31,716 --> 00:18:35,049 If it came to a choice between saving the dogs and saving humans, 313 00:18:35,133 --> 00:18:37,133 you'd make the wrong call. 314 00:18:37,216 --> 00:18:39,258 That's why I'm leaving. 315 00:18:41,049 --> 00:18:43,133 Wait, I wouldn't. 316 00:18:43,216 --> 00:18:45,299 I won't sacrifice my crew 317 00:18:45,383 --> 00:18:47,716 or any dog on this ship for anything. 318 00:18:48,174 --> 00:18:50,924 I made the wrong call today, but I won't again. 319 00:18:52,591 --> 00:18:54,674 Dogs over humans, you mean it? 320 00:18:55,966 --> 00:18:57,341 I mean it. 321 00:18:57,424 --> 00:18:59,091 Okay. 322 00:18:59,174 --> 00:19:02,716 [gasps] You'd betray our mission, would you, Garbage? 323 00:19:02,799 --> 00:19:04,549 We'll see about that. 324 00:19:13,341 --> 00:19:15,258 Earth... 325 00:19:16,008 --> 00:19:18,008 [outro theme music playing]