1 00:00:06,549 --> 00:00:08,966 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,049 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,758 --> 00:00:19,299 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race ♪ 4 00:00:19,383 --> 00:00:21,424 ♪ Embark on a journey ♪ 5 00:00:21,508 --> 00:00:23,008 ♪ Into outer space ♪ 6 00:00:23,091 --> 00:00:26,133 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way ♪ 7 00:00:29,716 --> 00:00:31,591 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 8 00:00:33,674 --> 00:00:36,883 ♪ Woo! ♪ 9 00:00:36,966 --> 00:00:39,341 ♪ Dogs in Space! ♪ 10 00:00:44,299 --> 00:00:45,508 [whizzing] 11 00:00:53,508 --> 00:00:54,591 [sighs] 12 00:00:54,674 --> 00:00:56,883 Hmm, come on, Kira. 13 00:00:56,966 --> 00:00:59,591 You're the dog who survived years on a hostile planet, 14 00:00:59,674 --> 00:01:03,341 bites your enemies in two, and stared death in the face so many times 15 00:01:03,424 --> 00:01:06,216 that even death was like, "Stop staring at me!" 16 00:01:06,299 --> 00:01:07,341 [exhales] 17 00:01:07,424 --> 00:01:10,174 So you can definitely handle brunch. 18 00:01:15,133 --> 00:01:16,383 Kira! 19 00:01:17,133 --> 00:01:18,424 We were just talking about 20 00:01:18,508 --> 00:01:20,341 what we're going to do today with our new best friend. 21 00:01:20,424 --> 00:01:22,049 That's you. 22 00:01:25,216 --> 00:01:26,591 [chomps] 23 00:01:26,674 --> 00:01:28,424 That's the menu. 24 00:01:28,508 --> 00:01:29,633 I knew that. 25 00:01:29,716 --> 00:01:31,299 Since Captain Garbage is suspended, 26 00:01:31,383 --> 00:01:34,091 we're not allowed to go on any more missions. It's terrible. 27 00:01:34,174 --> 00:01:36,008 [laughs hysterically] 28 00:01:36,091 --> 00:01:38,883 Yeah, you seem really broken up about it. 29 00:01:38,966 --> 00:01:41,924 [laughs] I'm just not used to being calm. 30 00:01:42,008 --> 00:01:44,091 So, come on! What do you want to do first? 31 00:01:44,174 --> 00:01:46,133 Go get ice cream, play holographic ping-pong... [gasps] 32 00:01:46,216 --> 00:01:47,716 ...karaoke? 33 00:01:47,799 --> 00:01:50,258 There isn't a karaoke bar on the ship, Nomi. 34 00:01:50,341 --> 00:01:53,174 Anywhere can be a karaoke bar if you have no sense of... 35 00:01:53,258 --> 00:01:54,758 [singsong] Shame. 36 00:01:54,841 --> 00:01:57,174 Sure. I'm only here till my arm heals. 37 00:01:57,258 --> 00:01:59,633 I'm happy to just blend in. [lapping] 38 00:02:02,341 --> 00:02:03,966 Oh, wow! 39 00:02:04,049 --> 00:02:07,008 It's the wild dog they found on that planet. 40 00:02:07,091 --> 00:02:09,091 -[lapping continues] -[camera shutter sound] 41 00:02:09,758 --> 00:02:11,841 [growling] 42 00:02:11,924 --> 00:02:15,091 So, what do you want to eat? 43 00:02:15,383 --> 00:02:19,508 They have crab cakes, knishes, BLTs-- 44 00:02:19,591 --> 00:02:21,216 BLTs? [chuckles] 45 00:02:21,299 --> 00:02:22,716 We have those on my planet. 46 00:02:22,799 --> 00:02:25,049 Bloody left-over tails, right? 47 00:02:25,633 --> 00:02:28,549 Or there's nachos. 48 00:02:31,799 --> 00:02:32,799 -[thud] -[glass squeaks] 49 00:02:32,883 --> 00:02:36,883 Okay, I can't lip-read, but I'm almost positive they're saying 50 00:02:36,966 --> 00:02:39,424 I'm the greatest Captain they've ever had. 51 00:02:39,508 --> 00:02:42,008 -[electronic chirp] -[thud] 52 00:02:42,091 --> 00:02:45,133 Is this restriction collar really necessary, Penelope? 53 00:02:45,216 --> 00:02:48,883 Well, are you going to run off on another unauthorized mission? 54 00:02:48,966 --> 00:02:50,716 -[keys clacking] -Hard to say. 55 00:02:51,508 --> 00:02:53,424 Then yes, it's necessary. 56 00:02:53,508 --> 00:02:56,133 I don't need Captain retraining. 57 00:02:56,216 --> 00:02:59,966 I've got it all: charisma, my uniform, 58 00:03:00,049 --> 00:03:01,508 -good looks. -[thud] 59 00:03:02,216 --> 00:03:04,716 That's very far from "it all." 60 00:03:04,799 --> 00:03:08,883 In my training, we focus on three key core leadership qualities: 61 00:03:10,091 --> 00:03:13,258 strategy, insight, focus. 62 00:03:13,841 --> 00:03:16,549 Oh, I have plenty of fo-- What's that over there? 63 00:03:16,633 --> 00:03:18,549 [glorious music cues in] 64 00:03:18,633 --> 00:03:22,674 Oh! [chuckles] Those are the dog show trophies I won back on Earth. 65 00:03:22,758 --> 00:03:24,008 I entered a dog show once, 66 00:03:24,091 --> 00:03:27,508 by which I mean I ran into the middle of one and ate four ribbons. 67 00:03:27,591 --> 00:03:29,383 I got a dishonorable mention. 68 00:03:31,341 --> 00:03:34,633 I won those medals through these key qualities. 69 00:03:34,716 --> 00:03:37,383 That is what I mean to instill in you. 70 00:03:37,466 --> 00:03:39,466 -[garbled] Instill what? -[splat] 71 00:03:39,549 --> 00:03:40,966 [beeping] 72 00:03:44,591 --> 00:03:46,549 -[hologram whirs] -This first scenario 73 00:03:46,633 --> 00:03:48,758 will test your ability to strategize. 74 00:03:48,841 --> 00:03:52,258 -[ominous music plays] -[roars] 75 00:03:52,424 --> 00:03:56,049 The beast cannot be defeated by brute force. 76 00:03:56,133 --> 00:03:58,258 You must identify its weaknesses... 77 00:03:58,341 --> 00:03:59,674 -and concoct a-- -To the rescue! 78 00:04:01,216 --> 00:04:02,216 [thud] 79 00:04:03,341 --> 00:04:06,174 -[zapping] -[roars] 80 00:04:06,258 --> 00:04:07,883 -[all yelling] -[splash] 81 00:04:07,966 --> 00:04:09,549 -[splat] -Ugh! 82 00:04:09,633 --> 00:04:12,508 Oh, that was needlessly graphic. 83 00:04:12,591 --> 00:04:15,758 Okay, moving on to the next scenario. 84 00:04:15,841 --> 00:04:19,424 Testing your ability to learn and use insight. 85 00:04:19,508 --> 00:04:23,299 Your crew is being held hostage in a chemical laboratory. 86 00:04:23,383 --> 00:04:26,591 You must identify and avoid the volatile chemicals in-- 87 00:04:26,674 --> 00:04:27,924 -Hero time! -[glass shatters] 88 00:04:28,008 --> 00:04:29,299 [zapping] 89 00:04:29,383 --> 00:04:30,883 [boom] 90 00:04:31,341 --> 00:04:32,883 [thud] 91 00:04:32,966 --> 00:04:36,258 Let's move on to the focus section. 92 00:04:36,341 --> 00:04:38,216 You're on a TV baking show. 93 00:04:38,299 --> 00:04:39,758 -[boom] -[screams] 94 00:04:39,841 --> 00:04:40,841 [thud] 95 00:04:40,924 --> 00:04:43,633 How did that one end in an explosion? 96 00:04:43,716 --> 00:04:45,799 Flour is surprisingly flammable. 97 00:04:47,049 --> 00:04:48,758 Welcome to the arcade. 98 00:04:48,841 --> 00:04:51,091 It's the greatest place ever. [chuckles] 99 00:04:51,174 --> 00:04:53,258 -[zapping sounds] -Wow! 100 00:04:53,341 --> 00:04:57,383 The closest thing I had to entertainment on my planet was watching my wounds heal. 101 00:04:57,466 --> 00:04:59,841 Oh, that's, um, disturbing. 102 00:04:59,924 --> 00:05:02,383 Well, here we've got everything. 103 00:05:02,466 --> 00:05:03,966 Your robot fighting games... 104 00:05:04,049 --> 00:05:06,633 [biffing, powing] 105 00:05:06,716 --> 00:05:09,841 -[powering up] -[smash] 106 00:05:10,633 --> 00:05:12,549 ...dancing games... 107 00:05:12,633 --> 00:05:14,633 [dance music plays] 108 00:05:17,674 --> 00:05:20,049 But they all suck compared to this. 109 00:05:20,341 --> 00:05:22,716 Earth Defender 6,000: 110 00:05:22,799 --> 00:05:26,716 a terrifyingly realistic game where you shoot ray guns at aliens. 111 00:05:26,799 --> 00:05:28,008 EARTH DEFENDER 6000 THEY ALL SUCK COMPARED TO THIS 112 00:05:28,091 --> 00:05:30,883 Nomi, that's literally what we do every day. 113 00:05:30,966 --> 00:05:33,633 I know but this one has a cool theme song. 114 00:05:33,716 --> 00:05:34,841 Come on, Kira! 115 00:05:36,008 --> 00:05:37,299 -[boom] -[grunts] 116 00:05:38,299 --> 00:05:44,008 Wow, that's 27 consecutive scenarios ending in an explosion. 117 00:05:44,091 --> 00:05:47,341 I call them victory booms! 118 00:05:47,424 --> 00:05:50,841 [sighs] I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this, Garbage. 119 00:05:50,924 --> 00:05:54,091 Computer, run Scenario Zero. 120 00:05:54,174 --> 00:05:56,508 [melodious choir voices] 121 00:06:00,549 --> 00:06:04,216 Uh, I think you've installed the wrong scenario. 122 00:06:04,299 --> 00:06:05,924 This is a dog beauty pageant. 123 00:06:06,008 --> 00:06:09,174 A dog show, but not just any dog show. 124 00:06:09,258 --> 00:06:13,716 It's the Wisconsin State finals, Northwest region. 125 00:06:14,341 --> 00:06:17,258 [laughing] 126 00:06:17,341 --> 00:06:18,966 This will be a piece of cake, 127 00:06:19,049 --> 00:06:21,341 except unlike that last piece of cake, 128 00:06:21,424 --> 00:06:23,549 this one won't explode. 129 00:06:24,091 --> 00:06:25,383 -[whistle blows] -[thud] 130 00:06:30,174 --> 00:06:31,716 [banging] 131 00:06:38,341 --> 00:06:39,341 -Strategy! -[yelps] 132 00:06:39,424 --> 00:06:42,966 Have you identified which route will get you through the obstacle course quickest? 133 00:06:43,049 --> 00:06:46,258 Uh, I'm getting to that! Thank you, aggressive floating head! 134 00:06:46,341 --> 00:06:49,258 Insight: why am I making you do this? 135 00:06:49,341 --> 00:06:50,466 I don't know! 136 00:06:50,549 --> 00:06:53,174 Focus. Don't get distracted by the food. 137 00:06:53,758 --> 00:06:55,466 What food? [shouts] 138 00:06:55,549 --> 00:06:57,633 -[grunting] -[thud] 139 00:06:57,716 --> 00:06:59,716 [booing] 140 00:06:59,799 --> 00:07:02,133 Those boos are really hurtful. 141 00:07:02,924 --> 00:07:05,466 [grunting] 142 00:07:05,549 --> 00:07:10,049 Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew! Die, alien scum! Die! 143 00:07:10,133 --> 00:07:12,258 What do I do? Can I kick 'em? 144 00:07:12,341 --> 00:07:14,133 -[grunting] -[grunts] 145 00:07:14,216 --> 00:07:16,674 [laughing] Use the grenade! The grenade! 146 00:07:18,133 --> 00:07:20,299 -[grunts] -[clunk] 147 00:07:20,883 --> 00:07:23,383 -Did we win? -You have done it! 148 00:07:23,466 --> 00:07:25,883 You have saved the people of Earth! 149 00:07:25,966 --> 00:07:27,716 Good dog! 150 00:07:29,091 --> 00:07:31,174 -[dramatic music playing] -[game beeping] 151 00:07:31,258 --> 00:07:32,258 [Nomi chuckles] 152 00:07:32,341 --> 00:07:33,716 Let's go again! 153 00:07:33,799 --> 00:07:35,841 Nomi, maybe that's enough for now. 154 00:07:35,924 --> 00:07:37,924 I don't... I don't think Kira's used to VR. 155 00:07:38,008 --> 00:07:40,716 Best way to get used to it is to keep playing! [laughs] 156 00:07:41,966 --> 00:07:43,591 There she is again. 157 00:07:43,674 --> 00:07:46,716 -Don't point. -I'm a pointer. This is all I do. 158 00:07:49,633 --> 00:07:52,049 [overlapping] You have done it! You have done it! 159 00:07:52,716 --> 00:07:54,216 [groans] 160 00:07:54,299 --> 00:07:57,091 [overlapping] Good dog! Good dog! 161 00:07:58,049 --> 00:08:00,508 Whoa, whoa! I got you. Come on. 162 00:08:00,591 --> 00:08:02,383 I know somewhere a bit more relaxing. 163 00:08:02,466 --> 00:08:05,383 [pants] Whoa! [grunting, panting] 164 00:08:06,466 --> 00:08:08,674 [rods clanking] 165 00:08:08,758 --> 00:08:12,049 Being a captain requires intense focus. 166 00:08:12,133 --> 00:08:14,091 -What? -[plop] 167 00:08:14,174 --> 00:08:16,383 -Whoa! [grunts] -[thud] 168 00:08:16,466 --> 00:08:19,049 -[booing] -What do you want from me? 169 00:08:19,133 --> 00:08:22,924 I'm literally jumping through hoops for you people! 170 00:08:23,008 --> 00:08:27,924 Captain Garbage, with that performance, you wouldn't win the Wisconsin finals. 171 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:30,216 Heck, you wouldn't even make Reno! 172 00:08:30,299 --> 00:08:34,008 I don't know what that means, but it sounds harsh! 173 00:08:35,091 --> 00:08:36,966 Sorry about the arcade. 174 00:08:37,049 --> 00:08:39,466 Nomi can be a little intense at times. 175 00:08:39,549 --> 00:08:44,966 Loyalty to humanity is why your species was chosen for this crucial mission. 176 00:08:45,049 --> 00:08:47,466 -[growls] -[Stella] Hey, Kira, are you coming? 177 00:08:50,133 --> 00:08:51,674 [sighs] 178 00:08:51,758 --> 00:08:52,883 This is more like it. 179 00:08:52,966 --> 00:08:55,424 No anxiety-inducing missions, 180 00:08:55,508 --> 00:08:58,383 no extremely scary new dogs. 181 00:08:58,466 --> 00:09:00,799 [sighs] Here we are. The M-Bark Spa. 182 00:09:00,883 --> 00:09:04,466 [gasps] Loaf's been attacked by some kind of acanthoscurria geniculata! 183 00:09:04,549 --> 00:09:07,716 -We gotta help him! -Oh, no, no, no, no, no! 184 00:09:07,799 --> 00:09:08,799 [screams] 185 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:12,966 -[screams] -We've got a popper, puppies! 186 00:09:13,049 --> 00:09:14,674 This is not a drill! 187 00:09:14,758 --> 00:09:16,549 [all screaming] 188 00:09:16,633 --> 00:09:19,549 Now I'm never gonna be allowed back here, am I? 189 00:09:19,633 --> 00:09:20,841 Absolutely not! 190 00:09:23,424 --> 00:09:25,466 [howls, growls] 191 00:09:26,883 --> 00:09:28,008 Easy. 192 00:09:28,091 --> 00:09:30,633 Just trying out my new foliage disguise. 193 00:09:30,716 --> 00:09:32,758 Clearly, relaxing is not your thing. 194 00:09:33,383 --> 00:09:35,258 [chuckles] Yeah. 195 00:09:35,341 --> 00:09:37,716 Hard to relax around plants where I come from. 196 00:09:37,799 --> 00:09:40,216 Hmm. Fair enough. Follow me. 197 00:09:40,299 --> 00:09:44,341 I know somewhere that might be a bit more to your taste. 198 00:09:45,966 --> 00:09:47,591 [whip cracking sound] 199 00:09:47,674 --> 00:09:49,924 -[air hisses] -Apres vous. 200 00:09:50,549 --> 00:09:52,341 -Welcome to The Hydrant. -Whoa! 201 00:09:52,424 --> 00:09:55,008 You wanna get in touch with your animal side, you come here. 202 00:09:55,091 --> 00:09:56,133 [electronic music playing] 203 00:09:57,008 --> 00:09:58,591 -[sniffing] -[growling] 204 00:09:58,674 --> 00:10:00,091 [lapping] 205 00:10:00,174 --> 00:10:01,424 [toy squeaking] 206 00:10:01,508 --> 00:10:05,383 -Hey, Jerry! Save some for the rest of us! -[alarm beeping] 207 00:10:09,466 --> 00:10:10,466 [growling] 208 00:10:12,549 --> 00:10:14,258 Ripping socks. 209 00:10:14,341 --> 00:10:15,799 I remember this! 210 00:10:15,883 --> 00:10:18,299 -[both growling] -[yelps] 211 00:10:18,383 --> 00:10:19,883 -[thud] -[grunts] 212 00:10:19,966 --> 00:10:20,966 [growls] 213 00:10:21,049 --> 00:10:22,841 Hey! I clearly marked that! 214 00:10:22,924 --> 00:10:24,508 We've all marked it! 215 00:10:24,591 --> 00:10:26,591 -[growling] -[grunts] 216 00:10:26,674 --> 00:10:27,841 Dog fight! 217 00:10:27,924 --> 00:10:29,258 [thumps] 218 00:10:29,341 --> 00:10:31,258 [music intensifies] 219 00:10:32,674 --> 00:10:33,966 [thud] 220 00:10:36,924 --> 00:10:38,341 -[grunts] -[thud] 221 00:10:39,049 --> 00:10:41,299 [howling] 222 00:10:41,383 --> 00:10:43,424 Hey, let's get you to Sick Bay. 223 00:10:44,633 --> 00:10:47,341 We can get our story straight on the way. 224 00:10:47,424 --> 00:10:49,299 [keys clacking] 225 00:10:49,383 --> 00:10:50,549 [Captain Garbage] How did I do? 226 00:10:52,966 --> 00:10:56,424 Well, you were so objectively terrible 227 00:10:56,508 --> 00:11:00,049 that you made a simulated audience cry. 228 00:11:00,966 --> 00:11:03,216 So, B-minus? 229 00:11:03,299 --> 00:11:04,466 [sighs] 230 00:11:04,549 --> 00:11:08,258 With these scores, I cannot allow you to return as captain of the Pluto. 231 00:11:08,341 --> 00:11:11,424 You're confined to the M-Bark till further notice. 232 00:11:11,508 --> 00:11:12,799 What? 233 00:11:12,883 --> 00:11:15,591 But I'm Captain Garbage. 234 00:11:15,674 --> 00:11:17,966 Without the "Captain," I'm just... 235 00:11:18,674 --> 00:11:20,341 Garbage. 236 00:11:21,008 --> 00:11:23,383 [whirring] 237 00:11:23,466 --> 00:11:25,924 There you go. All done. 238 00:11:26,008 --> 00:11:27,383 [grunts] Thanks. 239 00:11:28,174 --> 00:11:29,174 But... 240 00:11:30,841 --> 00:11:31,883 while you're here, 241 00:11:31,966 --> 00:11:34,341 I wouldn't mind running a few tests on your genetic makeup. 242 00:11:34,424 --> 00:11:36,508 What's wrong with my genetic makeup? 243 00:11:36,591 --> 00:11:39,383 Humans greatly improved the genetic enhancement tech 244 00:11:39,466 --> 00:11:41,299 since you were sent into space. 245 00:11:41,383 --> 00:11:43,133 We use it to get dogs back to normal when... 246 00:11:43,216 --> 00:11:44,633 [alarm dings] 247 00:11:46,508 --> 00:11:47,508 [grunts] 248 00:11:47,591 --> 00:11:49,633 Things like that happen. 249 00:11:49,716 --> 00:11:52,591 Tactical Officer Luke requesting use of the pod, Doc. 250 00:11:52,674 --> 00:11:54,549 -[pod doors whoosh open] -[grunts] 251 00:11:56,716 --> 00:12:00,716 It looks like he's more of a ten-tactical officer. [chuckles] 252 00:12:01,299 --> 00:12:04,549 -I am in a huge amount of pain. -[buttons chirping] 253 00:12:05,633 --> 00:12:08,174 -[whirring] -[powering up] 254 00:12:09,299 --> 00:12:10,716 If you go in after him, Kira, 255 00:12:10,799 --> 00:12:13,758 we can get you up to speed with all the other dogs on the ship. 256 00:12:14,508 --> 00:12:18,299 Oh, so I can only fit in here if I change my DNA? Is that it? 257 00:12:18,383 --> 00:12:21,341 What? No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. 258 00:12:21,424 --> 00:12:25,674 It's just that we can upgrade your enhancement to be more like us? 259 00:12:25,758 --> 00:12:28,424 How much of my dog self do I have to give up 260 00:12:28,508 --> 00:12:31,008 -before I'm enough for all of you? -[smash] 261 00:12:31,091 --> 00:12:33,716 [alarm blaring] 262 00:12:35,133 --> 00:12:36,133 Oh, no! 263 00:12:36,216 --> 00:12:37,799 [machine malfunctioning] 264 00:12:37,883 --> 00:12:38,883 [whooshing] 265 00:12:38,966 --> 00:12:40,883 [dramatic music playing] 266 00:12:41,841 --> 00:12:43,174 [Luke screams] 267 00:12:43,758 --> 00:12:46,841 -[banging] -[doors hissing open] 268 00:12:51,174 --> 00:12:52,549 -[roars] -[both gasp] 269 00:12:53,133 --> 00:12:54,716 [snarling] 270 00:12:54,799 --> 00:12:55,883 [thud] 271 00:12:57,883 --> 00:12:59,758 [growling] 272 00:13:01,966 --> 00:13:03,299 [pounding] 273 00:13:04,258 --> 00:13:05,924 [roaring] 274 00:13:07,133 --> 00:13:10,549 Hey, Chonies, do you have some sort of collar remover in here or-- 275 00:13:11,424 --> 00:13:12,841 [roars] 276 00:13:12,924 --> 00:13:15,049 Is that Luke? 277 00:13:18,799 --> 00:13:20,049 [gasps] 278 00:13:20,133 --> 00:13:22,341 -[grunts] -[smash] 279 00:13:22,424 --> 00:13:23,466 [yelps] 280 00:13:26,049 --> 00:13:27,799 -[grunts] -[Penelope] Focus! 281 00:13:29,216 --> 00:13:31,758 Hey, do you think we can talk this over? 282 00:13:31,841 --> 00:13:33,174 [grunts] 283 00:13:35,383 --> 00:13:37,716 -Captain! -[grunts] Chonies! 284 00:13:38,508 --> 00:13:40,383 [grunts] Any tech we can use? 285 00:13:43,008 --> 00:13:44,424 Here, Captain! Catch! 286 00:13:44,508 --> 00:13:45,633 [clunk] 287 00:13:45,716 --> 00:13:47,133 [grunts] 288 00:13:48,299 --> 00:13:50,216 [roaring, snarling] 289 00:13:50,299 --> 00:13:51,299 [yelps] 290 00:13:54,466 --> 00:13:57,758 Argh! Come on, Kira! Let's take this mutant down! 291 00:13:57,841 --> 00:13:59,133 I can't help you. 292 00:13:59,216 --> 00:14:00,841 What do you mean? 293 00:14:00,924 --> 00:14:03,341 Everything I've done on this ship, I've screwed up. 294 00:14:03,924 --> 00:14:05,758 I don't want to make things worse. 295 00:14:05,841 --> 00:14:07,299 [Penelope] Insight! 296 00:14:07,383 --> 00:14:11,674 Kira! I know the M-Bark must be super weird after all the time alone! 297 00:14:11,758 --> 00:14:15,008 But taking down weird monsters? That's your thing! 298 00:14:15,508 --> 00:14:19,674 You literally eat guys like him for breakfast! 299 00:14:20,633 --> 00:14:22,633 -Help! -[monster roars] 300 00:14:23,966 --> 00:14:25,716 [squeaking against the glass] 301 00:14:25,799 --> 00:14:28,258 [growls, barks] 302 00:14:29,591 --> 00:14:31,174 -[grunts] -[zap] 303 00:14:32,924 --> 00:14:34,174 -[thud] -[growls] 304 00:14:34,883 --> 00:14:36,966 -[roars] -[crunches] 305 00:14:37,924 --> 00:14:39,674 [zapping] 306 00:14:42,424 --> 00:14:43,883 [Penelope] Strategy! 307 00:14:43,966 --> 00:14:46,549 We need to get him back into the machine. I'll distract him! 308 00:14:51,591 --> 00:14:52,883 [zapping] 309 00:14:54,424 --> 00:14:55,633 [roars] 310 00:14:55,716 --> 00:14:57,841 -[whirring] -[growling in pain] 311 00:15:02,216 --> 00:15:03,549 Yo! Luke! 312 00:15:10,174 --> 00:15:11,633 [snarling] 313 00:15:11,716 --> 00:15:12,799 -[thwack] -[groans] 314 00:15:12,883 --> 00:15:14,591 Kira, now! 315 00:15:15,924 --> 00:15:17,174 [thump] 316 00:15:17,258 --> 00:15:18,924 Chonies, start the machine! 317 00:15:19,799 --> 00:15:21,299 [buttons chirping] 318 00:15:22,424 --> 00:15:23,841 [whooshing, powering up] 319 00:15:24,591 --> 00:15:27,383 -[roaring] -[dramatic music playing] 320 00:15:30,008 --> 00:15:33,591 Well, that was traumatic. [grunts] 321 00:15:35,383 --> 00:15:37,758 Told you. You got skills. 322 00:15:37,841 --> 00:15:39,924 So Chonies, about that collar remover-- 323 00:15:40,008 --> 00:15:41,341 -Garbage! -[gasps] 324 00:15:41,424 --> 00:15:43,008 Have you been in there watching the whole time? 325 00:15:43,091 --> 00:15:45,174 What did you see? I can explain! 326 00:15:45,258 --> 00:15:47,674 I was! From the safety of my desk. 327 00:15:48,133 --> 00:15:52,549 And I saw you demonstrate the qualities of a good Captain. 328 00:15:52,633 --> 00:15:53,758 So, 329 00:15:53,841 --> 00:15:55,299 ta-da! 330 00:15:55,383 --> 00:15:57,383 -[electronic chirps] -[clunk] 331 00:15:57,466 --> 00:16:01,049 You and Kira clearly bring out the best in each other. 332 00:16:01,133 --> 00:16:02,424 I'm impressed. 333 00:16:02,508 --> 00:16:05,424 You may resume command of the Pluto. 334 00:16:05,508 --> 00:16:06,674 Yes! 335 00:16:07,383 --> 00:16:11,258 And I'm recommending to the Council that Kira joins your crew. 336 00:16:11,966 --> 00:16:15,758 I'm still not sure the M-Bark is right for me, Garbage. 337 00:16:17,216 --> 00:16:18,299 I'm sorry. 338 00:16:19,216 --> 00:16:22,258 Kira said she's only staying until her arm is healed. 339 00:16:22,341 --> 00:16:25,841 I don't think she's ready to call the M-Bark home. 340 00:16:25,924 --> 00:16:26,924 Wait, that's it! 341 00:16:27,508 --> 00:16:29,758 [Nomi] We've got one last thing we want to show you. 342 00:16:31,258 --> 00:16:34,216 It's the best place on the whole M-Bark! 343 00:16:34,299 --> 00:16:37,091 Nomi, I'm not really in the mood for karaoke. 344 00:16:37,966 --> 00:16:39,133 [singsong] Ta-da! 345 00:16:42,508 --> 00:16:43,508 [gasps] 346 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:51,008 It's my home. 347 00:16:52,383 --> 00:16:55,508 Yeah, we figured you needed somewhere that was a bit more you. 348 00:16:56,258 --> 00:16:57,591 I love it! 349 00:16:58,174 --> 00:17:00,174 Do you love it enough to stay? 350 00:17:02,841 --> 00:17:04,133 Yeah. 351 00:17:04,758 --> 00:17:06,008 At least for now. 352 00:17:06,883 --> 00:17:09,466 Woo-hoo! Bring it in, everyone! 353 00:17:13,174 --> 00:17:15,299 Uh, I gotta go. Maybe next time. 354 00:17:18,466 --> 00:17:20,299 She'll come around. 355 00:17:20,383 --> 00:17:21,674 [exhales] 356 00:17:31,216 --> 00:17:33,258 [outro theme music playing]