1 00:00:06,549 --> 00:00:09,091 [dogs screaming] 2 00:00:09,174 --> 00:00:10,966 [ship crashes] 3 00:00:15,966 --> 00:00:19,341 ♪ Dig this We're the last hope of the human race♪ 4 00:00:19,424 --> 00:00:21,424 ♪ Embark on a journey♪ 5 00:00:21,508 --> 00:00:23,049 ♪ Into outer space♪ 6 00:00:23,133 --> 00:00:26,133 ♪ Blast off, there's no going back We're on our way♪ 7 00:00:29,883 --> 00:00:32,258 ♪ Dogs in Space!♪ 8 00:00:33,758 --> 00:00:36,883 ♪ Woo!♪ 9 00:00:36,966 --> 00:00:39,758 ♪ Dogs in Space!♪ 10 00:00:43,133 --> 00:00:45,841 [dramatic music playing] 11 00:00:54,799 --> 00:00:57,758 [surging, pulsating] 12 00:00:59,133 --> 00:01:00,883 Are you real? 13 00:01:01,466 --> 00:01:03,258 [scoffs] No, of course you're not. 14 00:01:03,841 --> 00:01:06,841 No one's coming to rescue me. I'm just having that dream again. 15 00:01:06,924 --> 00:01:08,883 Well, I might as well shoot you. 16 00:01:08,966 --> 00:01:11,799 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait! You're not dreaming. 17 00:01:11,883 --> 00:01:13,633 Your name's Kira, right? 18 00:01:13,716 --> 00:01:15,258 I'm Garbage. 19 00:01:15,341 --> 00:01:17,424 And this is Stella, Chonies and Nomi. 20 00:01:17,508 --> 00:01:19,799 We're dogs from Earth, like you. 21 00:01:19,883 --> 00:01:21,508 Wave a peaceful hello, team. 22 00:01:21,591 --> 00:01:23,091 -Hi. -[mumbles] 23 00:01:24,674 --> 00:01:26,008 [sniffs] 24 00:01:26,091 --> 00:01:28,299 -Ow! -You're real? 25 00:01:29,549 --> 00:01:31,841 You're real. What took you so long? 26 00:01:31,924 --> 00:01:33,716 Oh, who cares? You're here! 27 00:01:33,799 --> 00:01:36,841 [panting, barking] 28 00:01:39,466 --> 00:01:42,091 You hear that, planet? You didn't break me. 29 00:01:42,174 --> 00:01:44,549 Uh, speaking of rescuing? 30 00:01:44,633 --> 00:01:46,133 Oh, yeah. 31 00:01:49,799 --> 00:01:51,924 -[Stella grunts] -[growls] 32 00:01:52,424 --> 00:01:54,466 Oh, for the love of... Move! 33 00:01:54,549 --> 00:01:56,966 She's probably an alien in disguise! 34 00:01:57,049 --> 00:01:59,049 Stella, you got tricked one time. 35 00:01:59,133 --> 00:02:01,674 Not all aliens want to steal your fur. 36 00:02:01,758 --> 00:02:05,008 Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'm bald. Again. 37 00:02:05,091 --> 00:02:07,424 [electronic whirring] 38 00:02:07,508 --> 00:02:10,424 Confirmed. Canis Astra familiaris. 39 00:02:11,633 --> 00:02:13,633 -She's a dog. -A-ha! 40 00:02:13,716 --> 00:02:14,966 Hmm. 41 00:02:15,049 --> 00:02:17,799 It looks like the long exposure to the planet's elements 42 00:02:17,883 --> 00:02:20,633 have permanently altered her fur follicles. 43 00:02:20,716 --> 00:02:22,383 -[growls] -No judgies! 44 00:02:22,466 --> 00:02:23,883 Captain, Stella, look out! 45 00:02:25,424 --> 00:02:26,883 [straining] 46 00:02:26,966 --> 00:02:28,883 [screams] 47 00:02:30,341 --> 00:02:31,341 [grunts] 48 00:02:32,591 --> 00:02:35,341 [snarling] 49 00:02:38,133 --> 00:02:39,508 Whoa. 50 00:02:40,466 --> 00:02:41,758 It's not safe out here. 51 00:02:41,841 --> 00:02:44,091 If you stand still for too long, the vines will pull you under 52 00:02:44,174 --> 00:02:46,716 -and the emulicks will consume you. -[sinister music plays] 53 00:02:46,799 --> 00:02:48,674 Follow me. [chuckles] 54 00:02:49,174 --> 00:02:51,216 She's fun, right? 55 00:02:52,091 --> 00:02:53,258 [gasps] 56 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:55,591 Oh! Sticky goo! 57 00:02:55,674 --> 00:02:57,174 Ooh, shiny! 58 00:02:57,258 --> 00:03:00,091 -[electricity crackling] -Exposed wiring! [chuckles] 59 00:03:00,383 --> 00:03:02,299 This place is awesome! 60 00:03:02,383 --> 00:03:04,633 Ooh, I love this rug. Where did you get it? 61 00:03:04,716 --> 00:03:07,633 Same place I got all my stuff, alien corpses. 62 00:03:10,008 --> 00:03:12,174 Should we be worried about this? 63 00:03:12,258 --> 00:03:16,049 She probably just got frustrated. Faces are hard to draw. 64 00:03:18,216 --> 00:03:20,716 Easy with that. Toxic pollen bomb. 65 00:03:20,799 --> 00:03:23,008 -Oh. What about that one? -Active lava. 66 00:03:23,091 --> 00:03:24,799 -What about this one? -Inactive lava. 67 00:03:24,883 --> 00:03:27,049 -So, just a rock? -Yeah. 68 00:03:27,133 --> 00:03:28,591 Nice! 69 00:03:28,674 --> 00:03:31,258 I can't believe they finally sent a rescue party. 70 00:03:31,341 --> 00:03:32,508 You know, it's funny. 71 00:03:32,591 --> 00:03:35,424 I started to think maybe the humans had just left me out here to... 72 00:03:38,049 --> 00:03:39,591 To what? To what? 73 00:03:40,174 --> 00:03:44,258 So... it's not that we aren't gonna rescue you. 74 00:03:44,341 --> 00:03:47,466 It's more that we kind of, maybe, 75 00:03:47,549 --> 00:03:50,591 -didn't know you existed. -But, then, why... 76 00:03:50,674 --> 00:03:52,174 I'm sorry, Kira. 77 00:03:52,258 --> 00:03:53,924 We had no idea you were here. 78 00:03:54,008 --> 00:03:55,383 We only came here to-- 79 00:03:55,466 --> 00:03:58,133 Find a new planet for the humans to live on. 80 00:03:58,216 --> 00:04:00,591 So they did forget about me. 81 00:04:00,674 --> 00:04:03,299 -Got it. -But, hey! Now you're coming back with us! 82 00:04:03,383 --> 00:04:06,008 And not to toot my own horn, 83 00:04:06,341 --> 00:04:10,258 but you're kind of being rescued by the coolest crew on the M-Bark. 84 00:04:10,716 --> 00:04:12,758 Yeah. Whoa! [grunts] 85 00:04:12,841 --> 00:04:15,424 -You know what, I'm good. Thanks. -[squeaks] 86 00:04:16,383 --> 00:04:18,591 Okay, that's cool, that's cool. 87 00:04:18,674 --> 00:04:21,049 Because if you've survived here, 88 00:04:21,133 --> 00:04:23,299 this planet must be habitable! 89 00:04:23,383 --> 00:04:25,924 Mission accomplished! High fives all around! 90 00:04:27,341 --> 00:04:29,841 Ha! Habitable? Sure. 91 00:04:29,924 --> 00:04:31,591 Bring the humans here, 92 00:04:31,674 --> 00:04:34,008 I'd love to see them deal with the emulicks. 93 00:04:34,091 --> 00:04:37,633 Uh, do we want to know what an emulick is? 94 00:04:37,716 --> 00:04:39,841 Shh. I think I hear lunch. 95 00:04:40,758 --> 00:04:43,758 -[battle cry] -[Nomi growls] 96 00:04:44,466 --> 00:04:47,216 She's like a living action figure. 97 00:04:47,299 --> 00:04:49,924 Maybe we should go, Captain. Besides, I'm worried 98 00:04:50,008 --> 00:04:52,466 that the holo-disguise I created for Ed might not 99 00:04:52,549 --> 00:04:55,883 disguise his, uh... personality. 100 00:04:55,966 --> 00:04:59,383 Don't worry, Chonies. Ed's a pro. 101 00:04:59,466 --> 00:05:01,216 He's not gonna get us caught. 102 00:05:01,299 --> 00:05:03,674 Ed's gonna get us caught! Loaf to Garbage. Come in. 103 00:05:03,758 --> 00:05:05,841 -Please come in. -What are you doing, Loaf? 104 00:05:05,924 --> 00:05:07,549 [whimpers] 105 00:05:07,633 --> 00:05:09,591 Why are you trying to reach Captain Garbage? 106 00:05:09,674 --> 00:05:11,633 He's not off-ship. 107 00:05:11,716 --> 00:05:15,091 Oh. No! No, no, no. Of course not... [chuckles] ...Captain Happy. He's, um, 108 00:05:15,174 --> 00:05:17,508 -uh-- -Sitting at that table over there? 109 00:05:18,841 --> 00:05:22,424 Charge it all to my Captain's tab. That's Captain Garbage. 110 00:05:22,883 --> 00:05:25,758 G-A-R, uh, Q? 111 00:05:26,424 --> 00:05:28,091 -Bage. -[chuckles] 112 00:05:28,174 --> 00:05:29,716 There he is. Silly me. 113 00:05:29,799 --> 00:05:31,966 Thanks for helping me find him. Okay, bye. 114 00:05:33,758 --> 00:05:35,091 -What are you doing? -[gasps] 115 00:05:36,549 --> 00:05:39,924 Captain, you're allergic to seafood. I just saved your life. 116 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:45,216 [softly] You can't eat. You have a hologram face, 117 00:05:45,299 --> 00:05:46,758 you'll get us caught. 118 00:05:47,799 --> 00:05:50,216 Did you know Captains get a 20% discount? 119 00:05:50,299 --> 00:05:54,091 And if I charge it to Garbage's tab, I get a 100% discount. 120 00:05:54,174 --> 00:05:56,091 That's 120% 121 00:05:56,174 --> 00:05:58,758 Okay, that's it. Until Captain Garbage gets back, 122 00:05:58,841 --> 00:06:00,591 I'm keeping you under my supervision. 123 00:06:01,924 --> 00:06:03,216 Ed? 124 00:06:04,383 --> 00:06:06,549 [panics, grunts] 125 00:06:06,633 --> 00:06:08,133 Nothing's wrong. 126 00:06:10,174 --> 00:06:12,174 Mm-hmm. [slurping] 127 00:06:13,424 --> 00:06:15,799 If Kira doesn't want to leave, we shouldn't. 128 00:06:15,883 --> 00:06:19,174 Stella, she's a dog, with a human back home. 129 00:06:19,258 --> 00:06:21,174 We can't just let her give up on Chelsea. 130 00:06:21,258 --> 00:06:24,549 I mean, her Chelsea. You know what I Chelsea. Argh! 131 00:06:24,633 --> 00:06:26,508 We don't all have Chelseas. 132 00:06:29,883 --> 00:06:31,049 [all yelp] 133 00:06:32,174 --> 00:06:34,508 Oh, you haven't gone home yet. 134 00:06:34,591 --> 00:06:37,258 Kira, is this how you want to live your life? 135 00:06:38,008 --> 00:06:40,633 I mean, you call this food? 136 00:06:40,716 --> 00:06:44,091 Looks like the stomach contents of a diseased... [chuckling] ...alien bear. 137 00:06:44,174 --> 00:06:45,633 That's because it is. 138 00:06:46,133 --> 00:06:48,883 Oh, that is so awesome. 139 00:06:49,466 --> 00:06:52,799 Hey, instead of eating bear guts, 140 00:06:52,883 --> 00:06:55,424 how about a bear claw? 141 00:06:55,508 --> 00:06:58,383 Artisanal pastries. 142 00:06:59,049 --> 00:07:01,466 -[flies buzzing] -Only on the M-Bark. 143 00:07:09,633 --> 00:07:10,966 Mm! 144 00:07:11,049 --> 00:07:14,341 Oh, they're super delicious and crumbly in your tumbly. 145 00:07:15,549 --> 00:07:17,841 -[squishes] -[groans] 146 00:07:18,508 --> 00:07:21,383 [sniffs, gasps] 147 00:07:21,466 --> 00:07:22,466 Come on. 148 00:07:22,549 --> 00:07:25,966 Wouldn't joining us be better than being trapped on this poop bag? 149 00:07:26,674 --> 00:07:29,549 The only reason I ended up trapped on this poop bag 150 00:07:29,633 --> 00:07:32,383 is because I tried to help humans, so... 151 00:07:32,466 --> 00:07:34,341 [gulps] 152 00:07:34,424 --> 00:07:35,674 No. 153 00:07:37,633 --> 00:07:39,508 At least let us give you supplies. 154 00:07:39,591 --> 00:07:42,299 -We've got... we've got soap, food... -Nomi, put that down! 155 00:07:42,383 --> 00:07:45,549 -[Nomi] Mine! -...soap, uh, med-kits, soap, 156 00:07:45,633 --> 00:07:47,174 weapons, soap. 157 00:07:47,258 --> 00:07:49,008 -You've said soap a lot. -Did I? 158 00:07:49,091 --> 00:07:51,841 -Fine. [grunt] -[gasps] 159 00:07:51,924 --> 00:07:54,008 -Let's go to your ship for supplies. -Yes! 160 00:07:54,091 --> 00:07:56,549 Seems to be the only way I'll get you out of my fur. 161 00:07:56,633 --> 00:07:58,091 [groans, thuds] 162 00:07:59,091 --> 00:08:01,591 ♪ Somebody else!♪ 163 00:08:01,674 --> 00:08:05,133 ♪ It feels good being somebody else♪ 164 00:08:05,216 --> 00:08:08,549 ♪ Don't get me wrong I love being myself♪ 165 00:08:09,133 --> 00:08:12,924 ♪ But pretty cool being somebody else♪ 166 00:08:30,174 --> 00:08:32,424 ♪ Somebody else!♪ 167 00:08:32,508 --> 00:08:36,383 ♪ It feels good being somebody else♪ 168 00:08:36,466 --> 00:08:40,133 ♪ Don't get me wrong I love being myself♪ 169 00:08:40,216 --> 00:08:43,924 ♪ But pretty cool being somebody else♪ 170 00:08:45,549 --> 00:08:48,674 -So the M-Bark's got reclining seats. -No. 171 00:08:51,133 --> 00:08:53,341 -Hot and cold running water. [grunt] -No. 172 00:08:53,924 --> 00:08:55,758 Assorted cheeses. [yelps] 173 00:08:55,841 --> 00:08:57,258 -No. -[thuds] 174 00:08:57,341 --> 00:09:00,716 Well, we're here. If this doesn't impress you, nothing will. 175 00:09:01,674 --> 00:09:04,174 Tada-- Oh. Where's the Pluto? 176 00:09:04,258 --> 00:09:06,466 Chonies, what did you do? 177 00:09:06,549 --> 00:09:08,633 [yells] What did you do? 178 00:09:08,716 --> 00:09:11,341 Nothing, Captain! This is where we landed. 179 00:09:11,424 --> 00:09:14,258 Landed? You didn't leave it hovering? Oh. 180 00:09:14,341 --> 00:09:16,758 [barks] How have you survived this long? 181 00:09:16,841 --> 00:09:19,008 [chuckling] We have no idea. 182 00:09:19,966 --> 00:09:22,008 -Wait here. -Where are you going? 183 00:09:22,091 --> 00:09:24,049 [chomps] You left your ship on the ground... 184 00:09:24,133 --> 00:09:26,091 [mumbling] ...which means the planet swallowed it. 185 00:09:26,174 --> 00:09:28,716 Which means the emulicks have it, which means to get my supplies 186 00:09:28,799 --> 00:09:31,383 and get you off my planet, I need to save your ship. 187 00:09:31,758 --> 00:09:34,383 Which means action mode! 188 00:09:35,758 --> 00:09:38,299 -[yelps] -Look, don't get me wrong. 189 00:09:38,383 --> 00:09:39,966 You seem like nice dogs, 190 00:09:40,049 --> 00:09:42,591 you just don't seem like competent dogs. [grunts] 191 00:09:42,674 --> 00:09:44,383 I work alone. 192 00:09:45,341 --> 00:09:48,424 Oh! Me too! Let's work alone together! 193 00:09:52,216 --> 00:09:53,924 -Piggyback ride! -[groans] 194 00:09:54,008 --> 00:09:55,924 [yelps, screams] 195 00:10:00,258 --> 00:10:01,799 Oh, there you are. 196 00:10:02,466 --> 00:10:04,174 [whirring] 197 00:10:04,258 --> 00:10:05,716 [Captain Garbage] Okay, time 198 00:10:05,799 --> 00:10:09,008 for operation I Shoot The Vines From Here And Show Off How Good My Aim Is, 199 00:10:09,091 --> 00:10:11,133 And Then We Rappel Down Into The Pluto And Escape. 200 00:10:11,216 --> 00:10:14,133 You know the point of naming an operation is so you don't have to 201 00:10:14,216 --> 00:10:17,424 -describe the whole plan, right? -Bad plan anyway. 202 00:10:17,508 --> 00:10:19,508 You fire your gun, you draw their attention. 203 00:10:19,591 --> 00:10:23,299 -Well, I don't see any emulicks. -[Kira] There could be dozens. 204 00:10:23,383 --> 00:10:26,216 They change their bodies to any substance with a flick of their tongue. 205 00:10:26,299 --> 00:10:28,799 Perfect camouflage. Perfect weapon. 206 00:10:28,883 --> 00:10:31,674 Just like me. The perfect weapon. 207 00:10:31,758 --> 00:10:32,841 [sighs] 208 00:10:34,883 --> 00:10:36,424 [sniffing] 209 00:10:41,133 --> 00:10:43,133 -[biting, chewing] -[growls] 210 00:10:43,924 --> 00:10:45,508 How do you bite so well? 211 00:10:45,591 --> 00:10:48,466 I sharpen my teeth before bed. Don't you? 212 00:10:48,549 --> 00:10:50,299 Ooh. Well, now I will. 213 00:10:50,883 --> 00:10:53,466 No sign of emulicks, Captain. 214 00:10:54,216 --> 00:10:57,508 I just don't get how she can hate humans that much, you know? 215 00:10:57,591 --> 00:11:00,133 [softly] Well, P.R.A.T.S. never sent anyone to find her. 216 00:11:00,216 --> 00:11:01,424 They didn't even tell us. 217 00:11:01,508 --> 00:11:05,133 They didn't know she was alive. Plus, Earth's dying, you know. 218 00:11:05,216 --> 00:11:08,299 I bet they didn't want to distract us. You know what we're like. 219 00:11:08,383 --> 00:11:10,716 Shh! [softly] Something moved. Nomi, be careful. 220 00:11:11,341 --> 00:11:14,383 -What's that? [grunts] -Nomi! [grunts] 221 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:16,383 [screeching] 222 00:11:17,758 --> 00:11:21,424 Captain! Emulick! [high-pitched voice] Emulick! 223 00:11:25,174 --> 00:11:27,216 [roaring] 224 00:11:27,299 --> 00:11:29,841 -[grunts, screams] -Kira! 225 00:11:29,924 --> 00:11:31,258 [battle cry] 226 00:11:34,424 --> 00:11:36,633 [grunts] You're hurt! 227 00:11:36,716 --> 00:11:39,008 Not as hurt as it's gonna be. 228 00:11:41,216 --> 00:11:43,383 [roaring] 229 00:11:44,549 --> 00:11:46,966 Sweet. Lava bomb, great idea. 230 00:11:47,049 --> 00:11:50,383 -Hey, emulick, catch! -No, no! Don't draw its attention! 231 00:11:56,424 --> 00:11:58,466 -[continues roaring] -[Nomi] Ooh. 232 00:11:59,299 --> 00:12:00,883 Good catch. 233 00:12:03,924 --> 00:12:04,924 [grunts] 234 00:12:05,466 --> 00:12:08,299 Oh! My baked goods! [panicking] No! 235 00:12:08,383 --> 00:12:10,299 Well, I'm glad you filled your pockets with pastries 236 00:12:10,383 --> 00:12:12,299 instead of, you know, weapons. 237 00:12:12,383 --> 00:12:14,799 Hey, pastries can solve anything. 238 00:12:14,883 --> 00:12:16,674 [gasps] That's it! 239 00:12:18,008 --> 00:12:19,758 [continues grunting] 240 00:12:32,966 --> 00:12:34,591 [laughs] 241 00:12:34,674 --> 00:12:36,924 You'll never get in here, lava face! 242 00:12:39,299 --> 00:12:42,216 Ah! I take it back! I take it back! 243 00:12:42,383 --> 00:12:44,716 Hey! Emulick! Over here! 244 00:12:44,799 --> 00:12:47,633 -Over-- Whoa! [whimpers] -[roars] 245 00:12:47,716 --> 00:12:49,133 [Captain Garbage] Hey, emulick! 246 00:12:53,341 --> 00:12:56,508 You know what they say, "You are what you eat!" 247 00:13:05,299 --> 00:13:06,341 [slurps] 248 00:13:06,424 --> 00:13:09,091 [all chewing, munching] 249 00:13:11,091 --> 00:13:12,758 -[slurping] -Ed? No. 250 00:13:13,383 --> 00:13:15,508 Ed? No. 251 00:13:15,591 --> 00:13:17,258 Oh, he could be anyone. Or no one. 252 00:13:17,341 --> 00:13:18,633 -I'll never find... -[shutter clicks] 253 00:13:23,174 --> 00:13:25,758 [gasps] What are you doing? 254 00:13:25,841 --> 00:13:28,258 Fake IDs. Now, if you'll excuse me. 255 00:13:28,341 --> 00:13:30,133 Enough! Take it off. 256 00:13:30,216 --> 00:13:32,799 How dare you lay your paws on a Council member! 257 00:13:32,883 --> 00:13:34,549 [growling, grunting] 258 00:13:35,091 --> 00:13:38,008 Loaf, I demand a... What the! Who am I? 259 00:13:38,091 --> 00:13:41,133 -I mean, who are you? -Um. I'm Happy, 260 00:13:41,216 --> 00:13:43,508 weird smelling Captain of the Venus. 261 00:13:43,591 --> 00:13:45,841 Guards, arrest this ugly impostor! 262 00:13:46,508 --> 00:13:48,258 [collar crackles] 263 00:13:48,341 --> 00:13:51,299 I got him. Garbage has snuck off the M-Bark, hasn't he? 264 00:13:51,383 --> 00:13:53,216 I hope you two enjoyed your crew suspension 265 00:13:53,299 --> 00:13:55,091 because it's about to become permanent. 266 00:13:55,174 --> 00:13:57,383 -Emergency Council meeting! -Oh, no, 267 00:13:57,466 --> 00:13:59,924 this is worse than my worst case scenario, 268 00:14:00,008 --> 00:14:02,341 and I'm really good at worst case scenarios! 269 00:14:02,424 --> 00:14:05,633 Well, all good things must come to an end, right, buddy? 270 00:14:07,716 --> 00:14:09,549 -I need to lie down. -[thud] 271 00:14:12,883 --> 00:14:14,716 My hut's just past that cliff. 272 00:14:14,799 --> 00:14:16,591 Kira, you're badly hurt. 273 00:14:16,674 --> 00:14:18,216 We need to take you back to the M-Bark. 274 00:14:18,299 --> 00:14:20,466 -[nervously] What? No. -[squishes] 275 00:14:20,549 --> 00:14:25,258 I'm fine. Just hover over my hut and I'll jump out on my three working limbs. 276 00:14:25,341 --> 00:14:26,633 Please don't go, Kira. 277 00:14:26,716 --> 00:14:29,466 We can fix your arm in a couple days on the M-Bark. 278 00:14:29,549 --> 00:14:32,924 -Here, it'll take months. -Let it take months. 279 00:14:33,008 --> 00:14:35,758 Kira, I get why you don't trust humans, 280 00:14:35,841 --> 00:14:37,758 but I'm not asking you to trust them. 281 00:14:37,841 --> 00:14:40,591 I'm asking you to trust dogs. 282 00:14:42,799 --> 00:14:45,424 I know you haven't had someone watch your tail for a long time, 283 00:14:45,508 --> 00:14:47,508 but dogs look out for each other. 284 00:14:48,508 --> 00:14:49,799 Please? 285 00:14:52,966 --> 00:14:57,591 Well, I suppose I could stock up on those pastries while I'm there. 286 00:14:57,674 --> 00:14:59,133 Yes! 287 00:15:12,174 --> 00:15:13,799 Kira, stay here and hide. 288 00:15:13,883 --> 00:15:15,966 We'll get medical supplies and come straight back... 289 00:15:16,049 --> 00:15:18,716 [gasps] Hey, Happy! 290 00:15:18,799 --> 00:15:22,258 And Duchess! Hi. 291 00:15:22,341 --> 00:15:23,549 Pastry? 292 00:15:24,716 --> 00:15:27,799 So to recap, you ignored the Council, 293 00:15:27,883 --> 00:15:31,633 went on an unauthorized mission to an unidentified planet 294 00:15:31,716 --> 00:15:34,341 and risked the lives of your entire team? 295 00:15:34,424 --> 00:15:36,133 Not my entire team. 296 00:15:36,216 --> 00:15:38,633 You're a liability to this mission, Garbage. 297 00:15:38,716 --> 00:15:40,674 [sigh] Captain, 298 00:15:40,758 --> 00:15:43,049 -we have no choice but to strip you of-- -[door opening] 299 00:15:43,133 --> 00:15:45,424 [Kira] Captain Garbage is a hero! 300 00:15:47,466 --> 00:15:50,216 -[gasps] How can this be? -What the heck! 301 00:15:50,299 --> 00:15:52,716 Who not on Earth are you? 302 00:15:52,799 --> 00:15:54,216 My name is Kira. 303 00:15:54,299 --> 00:15:56,549 [in despair] P.R.A.T.S. sent me from Earth, just like you. 304 00:15:56,633 --> 00:15:59,341 I was stranded on that planet for years. 305 00:15:59,424 --> 00:16:02,133 Helpless, struggling to survive. 306 00:16:02,216 --> 00:16:04,591 Struggling? Helpless? What are you talk... 307 00:16:05,799 --> 00:16:08,716 -P.R.A.T.S. sent you? -A dog in space? 308 00:16:08,799 --> 00:16:10,091 [chuckles] This is unbelievable. 309 00:16:10,174 --> 00:16:13,383 I'm finding nothing of your existence in the data bank. 310 00:16:13,466 --> 00:16:15,758 Forgotten, forsaken! 311 00:16:15,841 --> 00:16:19,341 If it weren't for the Pluto swooping in to rescue me from the 312 00:16:19,424 --> 00:16:21,508 hundreds of monsters that live there, 313 00:16:21,591 --> 00:16:24,049 I would have been eaten alive, 314 00:16:24,133 --> 00:16:27,091 but Garbage saved me. [groans] 315 00:16:28,466 --> 00:16:31,758 -Why are you doing this? -Dogs look out for each other, right? 316 00:16:33,049 --> 00:16:34,466 Don't fall for this nonsense. 317 00:16:34,549 --> 00:16:36,549 I-I bet this is just another holo-disguise. 318 00:16:37,174 --> 00:16:38,591 -[growls] -[yelps] 319 00:16:39,174 --> 00:16:43,258 The Council of Canines cannot overlook saving the life of a dog. 320 00:16:43,508 --> 00:16:45,966 Yes, you can. Overlook it. Overlook it! 321 00:16:46,049 --> 00:16:48,633 Captain Happy, stand down. 322 00:16:48,716 --> 00:16:51,216 -Ow! -This is truly remarkable. 323 00:16:51,299 --> 00:16:54,008 Kira, we welcome you to the M-Bark. 324 00:16:54,091 --> 00:16:57,674 Nevertheless, we have a serious situation to resolve. 325 00:16:57,758 --> 00:16:58,799 [sighs] 326 00:16:58,883 --> 00:17:01,133 Garbage, I hate to do this, 327 00:17:01,216 --> 00:17:02,883 but we're sending you to... 328 00:17:02,966 --> 00:17:04,841 [dramatically] Penelope. 329 00:17:07,008 --> 00:17:09,049 Who's Penelope? 330 00:17:14,091 --> 00:17:15,841 The dog trainer. 331 00:17:16,591 --> 00:17:18,841 ♪ Somebody else! ♪ 332 00:17:18,924 --> 00:17:22,758 ♪ It feels good being somebody else ♪ 333 00:17:22,841 --> 00:17:26,549 ♪ Don't get me wrong I love being myself ♪ 334 00:17:26,633 --> 00:17:30,383 ♪ But pretty cool being somebody else... ♪ 335 00:17:30,758 --> 00:17:32,758 [outro theme music continues playing]