1 00:00:07,456 --> 00:00:08,455 [gasps] 2 00:00:08,456 --> 00:00:10,145 Are you alright? 3 00:00:10,146 --> 00:00:12,248 [man] You need to question everyone around you. 4 00:00:12,249 --> 00:00:13,593 [Ingrid] I'm so sorry 5 00:00:13,594 --> 00:00:15,352 for what happened to Flora. 6 00:00:15,353 --> 00:00:16,766 It was an accident. 7 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:19,283 Will you tell him to stop sending cards. 8 00:00:19,284 --> 00:00:20,869 [gasps] 9 00:00:20,870 --> 00:00:23,007 [woman] The incident involving Linda Grey, 10 00:00:23,008 --> 00:00:24,973 someone appears to have been tracking her movements. 11 00:00:24,974 --> 00:00:26,904 [man] And it doesn't look like Pepperstone. 12 00:00:26,905 --> 00:00:29,352 [woman] Potentially your work is the common factor. 13 00:00:29,353 --> 00:00:30,904 [man] When did Linda die? 14 00:00:30,905 --> 00:00:32,593 [woman] It was the 3rd of October. 15 00:00:32,594 --> 00:00:34,179 [man] same as Flora's birthday. 16 00:00:34,180 --> 00:00:36,800 [man] I did receive a postcard like that last week. 17 00:00:36,801 --> 00:00:38,525 [Ingid] Peter it's Ingrid. 18 00:00:39,146 --> 00:00:40,111 [gasps] 19 00:00:50,215 --> 00:00:53,077 [ethereal music plays] 20 00:01:35,077 --> 00:01:38,043 [sound of two photos being taken] 21 00:01:45,043 --> 00:01:46,180 [man] Ingrid. 22 00:01:49,043 --> 00:01:50,869 They're saying they need to talk to me. 23 00:01:50,870 --> 00:01:52,421 You need to ask for a lawyer. 24 00:01:52,422 --> 00:01:53,490 Why? What's going on? 25 00:01:53,491 --> 00:01:54,869 Ingrid? 26 00:01:54,870 --> 00:01:56,662 Why did you really follow me here? 27 00:01:56,663 --> 00:01:59,767 You don't think I have anything to do with this, do you? 28 00:02:02,525 --> 00:02:06,214 Mr Orpen, Ms Lewis. We really need to get you to the station. 29 00:02:06,215 --> 00:02:07,386 Dee? 30 00:02:07,387 --> 00:02:08,386 Ingrid? 31 00:02:08,387 --> 00:02:09,732 Okay. 32 00:02:12,284 --> 00:02:14,491 [tense music builds] 33 00:02:56,491 --> 00:02:58,043 Why did you go there, then? 34 00:03:01,146 --> 00:03:04,974 I thought Peter might know something about what's been going on. 35 00:03:05,939 --> 00:03:08,214 Because you both received the same postcard. 36 00:03:08,215 --> 00:03:09,594 Hmm. 37 00:03:10,629 --> 00:03:12,560 And Mark Orpen, your ex-fiancé. 38 00:03:13,008 --> 00:03:14,043 Why was he there? 39 00:03:15,663 --> 00:03:18,076 He says he was following me. 40 00:03:18,077 --> 00:03:19,387 Following you? 41 00:03:21,732 --> 00:03:23,559 He was concerned for my safety. 42 00:03:23,560 --> 00:03:25,939 Because of what happened to Belinda Grey? 43 00:03:27,905 --> 00:03:30,732 Because he knows John Webster is back in my life. 44 00:03:35,491 --> 00:03:37,869 Are you aware of any ill-will 45 00:03:37,870 --> 00:03:40,283 Mr Orpen may have had towards Belinda Grey 46 00:03:40,284 --> 00:03:41,421 or Judge Stewart? 47 00:03:41,422 --> 00:03:42,836 Mark. 48 00:03:45,318 --> 00:03:46,560 No. 49 00:03:49,043 --> 00:03:50,593 Are you treating him as a suspect? 50 00:03:50,594 --> 00:03:53,284 Do you have a reason to think we should? 51 00:03:54,008 --> 00:03:57,525 We obviously need to investigate why he was at the crime scene. 52 00:03:59,146 --> 00:04:02,076 If you'd listened to me about Belinda 53 00:04:02,077 --> 00:04:06,766 and when someone tried to kill me, then Peter might still be alive. 54 00:04:06,767 --> 00:04:09,455 I understand your frustration. 55 00:04:09,456 --> 00:04:10,801 You were very helpful... 56 00:04:11,732 --> 00:04:15,905 in providing a list of cases that you'd worked on with Belinda Grey. 57 00:04:16,698 --> 00:04:19,491 We're gonna need you to do the same for Peter Stuart 58 00:04:19,974 --> 00:04:23,215 And given that he was previously Head of Chambers... 59 00:04:24,353 --> 00:04:27,629 we must consider that your Chambers may be the target. 60 00:04:39,111 --> 00:04:41,422 [metal chains clanging] 61 00:04:53,008 --> 00:04:53,938 Fuck. 62 00:04:53,939 --> 00:04:55,905 [menacing music plays] 63 00:05:17,663 --> 00:05:19,905 [breathes heavily] 64 00:05:42,525 --> 00:05:43,732 [door shuts] 65 00:05:44,077 --> 00:05:46,179 [Suzanne] Ah! You were gone when I woke up. 66 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:49,490 Yeah, I went to the gym, I needed to get my head straight. 67 00:05:49,491 --> 00:05:51,697 Is that sensible with everything going on? 68 00:05:51,698 --> 00:05:53,697 [Suzanne] Have you heard from Mark? 69 00:05:53,698 --> 00:05:55,491 He's still in custody. 70 00:05:56,422 --> 00:05:58,698 The police think he might be involved? 71 00:06:06,974 --> 00:06:09,146 [Suzanne] Did you take these photos? 72 00:06:09,698 --> 00:06:11,146 [Suzanne] Is that legal? 73 00:06:11,560 --> 00:06:13,145 Taking photos of a crime scene. 74 00:06:13,146 --> 00:06:14,560 It's not illegal. 75 00:06:16,215 --> 00:06:18,248 They can confiscate them under Section 19 76 00:06:18,249 --> 00:06:21,386 but they'd have to know I've taken them, which they don't. 77 00:06:21,387 --> 00:06:23,387 [Suzanne] Did you get any sleep? 78 00:06:41,111 --> 00:06:43,456 [Ingrid] Talk to me about that ring. 79 00:06:45,077 --> 00:06:46,697 It was just one punch. 80 00:06:46,698 --> 00:06:49,043 I don't deserve to have my life ruined for that, right? 81 00:06:52,525 --> 00:06:54,525 We've seen the prosecution evidence. 82 00:06:54,939 --> 00:06:58,767 But today is about hearing the incident from your side, so... 83 00:06:59,525 --> 00:07:01,179 why don't you talk us through it? 84 00:07:01,180 --> 00:07:02,697 [Oliver] Okay. 85 00:07:02,698 --> 00:07:04,560 So, me and some friends went to the pub and... 86 00:07:05,249 --> 00:07:08,248 and this guy, He just wouldn't leave us alone 87 00:07:08,249 --> 00:07:09,386 wouldn't shut up. 88 00:07:09,387 --> 00:07:11,042 And that would be Craig Nevins? 89 00:07:11,043 --> 00:07:13,490 [Oliver] Yes. But I didn't know his name then. 90 00:07:13,491 --> 00:07:15,110 And had you met Mr Nevins before? 91 00:07:15,111 --> 00:07:16,283 [Oliver] No. 92 00:07:16,284 --> 00:07:17,732 I asked him to stop 93 00:07:18,249 --> 00:07:20,214 but he got aggressive. 94 00:07:20,215 --> 00:07:22,490 He started mouthing off in my face about how I pushed him at the bar 95 00:07:22,491 --> 00:07:24,043 and how I had no right. 96 00:07:25,491 --> 00:07:27,490 He got angry, started squaring up to me. 97 00:07:27,491 --> 00:07:29,043 So, I punched him. 98 00:07:30,284 --> 00:07:32,042 And why would you do that? 99 00:07:32,043 --> 00:07:33,353 To get him to back off. 100 00:07:34,043 --> 00:07:35,180 Once. 101 00:07:36,284 --> 00:07:39,353 The prosecution are going to paint a picture of you 102 00:07:40,284 --> 00:07:41,800 What we're going to do is 103 00:07:41,801 --> 00:07:44,076 make sure what the jury sees is not that one moment 104 00:07:44,077 --> 00:07:47,042 that's being prosecuted, but they get to see you. 105 00:07:47,043 --> 00:07:49,525 The real you, the whole you. 106 00:07:50,525 --> 00:07:51,939 [Ingrid] That's my job. 107 00:07:52,629 --> 00:07:54,008 [Ingrid] Okay? 108 00:07:55,870 --> 00:07:57,870 So talk to me about that ring. 109 00:08:05,387 --> 00:08:07,594 [incoming phone call] 110 00:08:14,594 --> 00:08:16,974 [tense music plays] 111 00:08:26,698 --> 00:08:28,456 [knocks on door] Hey. 112 00:08:29,801 --> 00:08:31,800 Tom's pulling together that list of cases 113 00:08:31,801 --> 00:08:34,283 for DI Winstanley, if you can wait five minutes? 114 00:08:34,284 --> 00:08:36,422 [Nash] Yeah, no problem. 115 00:08:40,767 --> 00:08:44,043 Thought you'd like to know that I've been assigned to this now full time. 116 00:08:45,491 --> 00:08:46,904 Has Mark been released? 117 00:08:46,905 --> 00:08:48,214 [Nash] Yes. 118 00:08:48,215 --> 00:08:50,593 But we've advised him not to leave London. 119 00:08:50,594 --> 00:08:52,870 Just until we've made some further inquiries. 120 00:08:53,215 --> 00:08:56,284 [Ingrid] You don't think he could be involved in this, do you? 121 00:08:57,146 --> 00:08:59,353 We are checking if he has another bag. 122 00:08:59,870 --> 00:09:03,318 For now I think it's best you don't tell him where you're staying. 123 00:09:03,663 --> 00:09:05,248 Could I talk to you outside? 124 00:09:05,249 --> 00:09:08,145 Yeah. 125 00:09:08,146 --> 00:09:11,145 Has the pathologist report come back yet on Peter Stuart? 126 00:09:11,146 --> 00:09:13,214 No. 127 00:09:13,215 --> 00:09:15,559 I think I found something to do with the injury on his hand. The ring. 128 00:09:15,560 --> 00:09:17,662 Listen, this is not a case for you. 129 00:09:17,663 --> 00:09:19,525 This is our investigation. 130 00:09:19,974 --> 00:09:23,145 The back of Peter's head, it looked like blunt force trauma 131 00:09:23,146 --> 00:09:25,422 But, what about his hand? 132 00:09:26,387 --> 00:09:27,800 His finger is broken. 133 00:09:27,801 --> 00:09:30,317 I really can't discuss the case with you. 134 00:09:30,318 --> 00:09:32,317 It looks like a defensive wound 135 00:09:32,318 --> 00:09:35,973 but why would he have a defensive wound if he was hit from behind. 136 00:09:35,974 --> 00:09:39,076 I bet the cause of death come back with traumatic brain injury 137 00:09:39,077 --> 00:09:42,076 and they broke his finger forcing a ring on post mortem. 138 00:09:42,077 --> 00:09:44,248 Why would anyone do that? 139 00:09:44,249 --> 00:09:46,938 To send a message to me. 140 00:09:46,939 --> 00:09:49,317 [Nash sighs] 141 00:09:49,318 --> 00:09:52,179 Look, I've seen this ring before. 142 00:09:52,180 --> 00:09:54,422 The crown versus Oliver Gough. 143 00:09:55,111 --> 00:09:56,800 Oliver Gough was my client. 144 00:09:56,801 --> 00:10:00,352 He punched Mr Craig Nevins in a pub. 145 00:10:00,353 --> 00:10:03,317 Nevins hit his head, subsequently died. 146 00:10:03,318 --> 00:10:06,593 Another classy client of yours. 147 00:10:06,594 --> 00:10:08,490 A lot of people wear signet rings. 148 00:10:08,491 --> 00:10:10,974 But this is the identical family crest. 149 00:10:11,594 --> 00:10:14,456 It was made for Gough personally. 150 00:10:15,008 --> 00:10:16,938 I asked him to take it off for court 151 00:10:16,939 --> 00:10:19,352 because juries don't tend to respond well to posh boys. 152 00:10:19,353 --> 00:10:21,352 But Belinda and I worked on this together 153 00:10:21,353 --> 00:10:23,422 and Judge Stuart heard the case. 154 00:10:24,077 --> 00:10:26,179 Where is Gough serving his sentence? 155 00:10:26,180 --> 00:10:28,007 He pleaded guilty to manslaughter. 156 00:10:28,008 --> 00:10:31,043 Suspended sentence, no prison time. 157 00:10:32,215 --> 00:10:33,455 Where is he now? 158 00:10:33,456 --> 00:10:35,386 From what I've been able to piece together 159 00:10:35,387 --> 00:10:38,110 he had a few dead end jobs and then he just drops off the radar. 160 00:10:38,111 --> 00:10:39,939 Completely. 161 00:10:40,732 --> 00:10:43,524 Okay. I'’ll pass this on to DI Winstanley. 162 00:10:43,525 --> 00:10:46,386 Pass it on? Look, we need to find him 163 00:10:46,387 --> 00:10:47,663 now. 164 00:10:48,077 --> 00:10:50,524 Two people are dead and one of them turns up. 165 00:10:50,525 --> 00:10:52,076 Wearing the ring on his finger. 166 00:10:52,077 --> 00:10:54,869 Oliver Gough is connected to this whole thing. 167 00:10:54,870 --> 00:10:56,766 Ingrid, after everything you've been through 168 00:10:56,767 --> 00:10:59,214 over the last few days, you just need to slow down. 169 00:10:59,215 --> 00:11:01,524 Slow down? Sorry, how many people need to die 170 00:11:01,525 --> 00:11:03,179 before you start taking me seriously? 171 00:11:03,180 --> 00:11:05,662 We are taking you and this case extremely seriously. 172 00:11:05,663 --> 00:11:08,455 That is why I am going to pass this on to DI Winstanley, 173 00:11:08,456 --> 00:11:10,110 who is in charge of the investigation. 174 00:11:10,111 --> 00:11:11,456 I am still a target 175 00:11:12,043 --> 00:11:14,974 Passing it along isn't going to stop that. 176 00:11:16,146 --> 00:11:17,559 [Ingrid scoffs] 177 00:11:17,560 --> 00:11:20,077 You need to let us do our job the right way 178 00:11:21,008 --> 00:11:23,974 or you're going to get yourself in a lot of trouble. 179 00:11:25,215 --> 00:11:27,422 [tense music playing] 180 00:11:47,525 --> 00:11:50,043 Gough. Oliver Gough. I'’m his barrister. 181 00:11:50,870 --> 00:11:52,179 Three weeks? 182 00:11:52,180 --> 00:11:55,007 No, I don'’t have time to put a request in writing. 183 00:11:55,008 --> 00:11:56,387 It's very important. 184 00:11:57,629 --> 00:11:59,594 Please don't put me on hold ag... 185 00:12:04,663 --> 00:12:08,870 Hi, yeah, I understand it's not protocol, but I'm just asking for your help. 186 00:12:11,387 --> 00:12:13,594 Yeah. Okay, no, I get it. 187 00:12:15,111 --> 00:12:16,352 Rules are rules. 188 00:12:16,353 --> 00:12:17,905 Yeah. Okay. 189 00:12:30,077 --> 00:12:31,110 Fuck! 190 00:12:31,111 --> 00:12:32,525 [glass smashes] 191 00:12:33,560 --> 00:12:35,043 What happened? 192 00:12:39,387 --> 00:12:40,904 Sorry. 193 00:12:40,905 --> 00:12:42,525 Sorry, I, erm... 194 00:12:44,249 --> 00:12:45,525 Er. 195 00:12:48,318 --> 00:12:50,077 I have to find Oliver Gough. 196 00:12:51,974 --> 00:12:54,559 And I'm just hitting my head against a brick wall. 197 00:12:54,560 --> 00:12:58,318 [Suzanne] You need to get some sleep before you do something you regret. 198 00:12:58,836 --> 00:13:02,077 You're not the police, you can't do this on your own. 199 00:13:04,146 --> 00:13:05,387 I know. 200 00:13:06,111 --> 00:13:07,111 I know. 201 00:13:08,629 --> 00:13:10,836 [tense music playing] 202 00:13:24,594 --> 00:13:25,939 Hi, you okay? 203 00:13:29,249 --> 00:13:30,836 Come on, Ing, what's up? 204 00:13:32,422 --> 00:13:33,905 I keep seeing him. 205 00:13:35,594 --> 00:13:36,905 Everywhere. 206 00:13:37,629 --> 00:13:40,524 That's to be expected after everything that happened. 207 00:13:40,525 --> 00:13:42,593 Webster's gone. 208 00:13:42,594 --> 00:13:44,662 He hasn't been in touch for months, right? 209 00:13:44,663 --> 00:13:46,870 Since just after the fire? 210 00:13:47,698 --> 00:13:49,905 Do you know what the weird thing is? 211 00:13:52,491 --> 00:13:54,766 Before I knew where he was all the time 212 00:13:54,767 --> 00:13:57,007 and then he just disappeared. 213 00:13:57,008 --> 00:13:59,456 And with him gone it's actually worse. 214 00:14:01,491 --> 00:14:02,973 I mean, it's... 215 00:14:02,974 --> 00:14:05,422 it's okay, I actually wanted to see him. 216 00:14:06,491 --> 00:14:08,491 How messed up is that? 217 00:14:17,353 --> 00:14:19,560 [intriguing music plays] 218 00:14:27,594 --> 00:14:29,111 I need your help. 219 00:14:41,491 --> 00:14:43,629 I need you to do something for me. 220 00:14:45,353 --> 00:14:48,870 I need you to find someone who doesn't want to be found. 221 00:15:01,629 --> 00:15:03,697 He's not listed on the electoral role. 222 00:15:03,698 --> 00:15:05,490 Nothing on the Land Registry. 223 00:15:05,491 --> 00:15:07,042 What about credit checks? 224 00:15:07,043 --> 00:15:09,007 I checked Experian but there's been no activity. 225 00:15:09,008 --> 00:15:12,353 You posed as Gough. I'm impressed. 226 00:15:14,008 --> 00:15:15,353 Okay, here it is. 227 00:15:15,974 --> 00:15:20,248 I, Oliver Gough, 22 Church Crescent, Richmond, TW9 5NK, 228 00:15:20,249 --> 00:15:22,386 British Nationality Act, 1981, 229 00:15:22,387 --> 00:15:25,076 abandoned the name of Oliver George Gough 230 00:15:25,077 --> 00:15:27,629 and assumed the name of Ollie Smith. 231 00:15:28,180 --> 00:15:29,800 [Webster] That's imaginative. 232 00:15:29,801 --> 00:15:32,042 Changed his name. 233 00:15:32,043 --> 00:15:33,629 What are you doing? 234 00:15:34,111 --> 00:15:36,524 John, what are you doing? Who are you calling? 235 00:15:36,525 --> 00:15:39,938 Hi, this is DS Nash, Papa1570168. 236 00:15:39,939 --> 00:15:42,318 Can you run a PNC check for me, please? 237 00:15:42,939 --> 00:15:45,800 Ollie Smith, likely an alias of Oliver Gough. 238 00:15:45,801 --> 00:15:48,353 Date of birth: 10th of the first, 2001. 239 00:15:50,043 --> 00:15:52,077 Do you have a last known address? 240 00:15:53,870 --> 00:15:55,974 Okay, thank you, that's it. Thank you. 241 00:15:59,180 --> 00:16:00,248 Did you get an address? 242 00:16:00,249 --> 00:16:01,248 Hmm-hmm. 243 00:16:01,249 --> 00:16:02,870 You didn't write it down. 244 00:16:03,284 --> 00:16:05,043 I've got a good memory. 245 00:16:07,387 --> 00:16:08,524 No. 246 00:16:08,525 --> 00:16:10,386 Oliver Gough may be the killer. 247 00:16:10,387 --> 00:16:11,662 Why? What's his motive? 248 00:16:11,663 --> 00:16:13,352 That's the point. You don't know. 249 00:16:13,353 --> 00:16:14,697 You don't know anything about his current state of mind. 250 00:16:14,698 --> 00:16:16,042 That's why you need me with you. 251 00:16:16,043 --> 00:16:18,179 Give me the address. Just give me the address. 252 00:16:18,180 --> 00:16:20,766 Ingrid, it's not weakness to have someone who wants you back. 253 00:16:20,767 --> 00:16:22,697 John, tell me where Gough is. 254 00:16:22,698 --> 00:16:24,974 Either we go together or not at all. 255 00:16:38,905 --> 00:16:40,767 [Ingrid] Why you doing this? 256 00:16:41,353 --> 00:16:42,974 I know you're wary of me. 257 00:16:43,905 --> 00:16:46,629 I can't believe anything you say. 258 00:16:47,732 --> 00:16:50,353 Because I think deep down you know you need my help. 259 00:16:53,456 --> 00:16:55,560 [tense music playing] 260 00:18:05,249 --> 00:18:06,248 Ingrid. 261 00:18:06,249 --> 00:18:08,490 It's alright. 262 00:18:08,491 --> 00:18:09,524 Where are we? 263 00:18:09,525 --> 00:18:10,731 We're here. 264 00:18:10,732 --> 00:18:11,938 Where? 265 00:18:11,939 --> 00:18:13,663 This is where Oliver Gough lives. 266 00:18:14,836 --> 00:18:16,525 Space number 12 back there. 267 00:18:24,215 --> 00:18:25,767 It'’s DS Nash. 268 00:18:27,491 --> 00:18:29,283 What the hell's he doing here? 269 00:18:29,284 --> 00:18:30,662 He followed up. 270 00:18:30,663 --> 00:18:33,524 Oh, yeah. Where's his back up? 271 00:18:33,525 --> 00:18:34,800 Just stay in the car. 272 00:18:34,801 --> 00:18:35,766 Why? 273 00:18:35,767 --> 00:18:37,248 Because if he sees you with me 274 00:18:37,249 --> 00:18:40,007 what little credibility I have left will be gone. 275 00:18:40,008 --> 00:18:41,456 Just get down. 276 00:18:45,111 --> 00:18:47,111 [tense music plays] 277 00:19:02,387 --> 00:19:04,007 [Nash] Hi. 278 00:19:04,008 --> 00:19:06,698 You understand that I have the grounds to arrest you now. 279 00:19:07,663 --> 00:19:09,593 This is obstruction of a police officer 280 00:19:09,594 --> 00:19:11,559 Oliver Gough is a former client of mine 281 00:19:11,560 --> 00:19:13,662 and it is perfectly legal for me to meet him. 282 00:19:13,663 --> 00:19:15,248 How'd you find him? 283 00:19:15,249 --> 00:19:17,146 His parents gave me the address. 284 00:19:17,905 --> 00:19:20,629 - Shall we go and see if he's home. - No, we won't 285 00:19:21,387 --> 00:19:23,179 He knows me. I can actually help. 286 00:19:23,180 --> 00:19:26,145 I don't know if you remember this, but he killed someone. 287 00:19:26,146 --> 00:19:29,007 Yeah, so maybe you shouldn't be here without back up then. 288 00:19:29,008 --> 00:19:31,076 And anyway, why would he want to hurt me? 289 00:19:31,077 --> 00:19:34,042 Belinda and I are the reason he's not in prison right now. 290 00:19:34,043 --> 00:19:36,905 Those kind of assumptions can be very dangerous. 291 00:19:42,974 --> 00:19:45,559 There's a pub about five miles back down the M4. 292 00:19:45,560 --> 00:19:47,007 It's called the Black Horse. 293 00:19:47,008 --> 00:19:49,214 If you go there I'll meet you after. 294 00:19:49,215 --> 00:19:50,594 Okay. 295 00:19:57,387 --> 00:19:59,594 [ominous music plays] 296 00:20:28,491 --> 00:20:30,767 [ominous music continues] 297 00:20:50,215 --> 00:20:53,870 [on phone] This is John Webster. Leave me a message. Thanks. 298 00:20:55,663 --> 00:20:57,179 [Ingrid] Oliver Gough. 299 00:20:57,180 --> 00:21:00,110 We shouldn't go to trial with the accident defence. 300 00:21:00,111 --> 00:21:01,283 We're not. 301 00:21:01,284 --> 00:21:02,904 And we're also not at work now. 302 00:21:02,905 --> 00:21:05,007 Learn to switch it off once in a while, Ing. 303 00:21:05,008 --> 00:21:08,352 Listen, Gough is the hero of the story. 304 00:21:08,353 --> 00:21:09,698 [laughs] 305 00:21:10,594 --> 00:21:11,835 That's quite a stretch. 306 00:21:11,836 --> 00:21:14,145 Okay, fine, then he's the victim. 307 00:21:14,146 --> 00:21:16,938 That would mean doing a real number of Craig Nevins. 308 00:21:16,939 --> 00:21:18,628 Yeah, but just because Nevins is dead 309 00:21:18,629 --> 00:21:20,491 it doesn't suddenly make him sane. 310 00:21:26,215 --> 00:21:28,559 Gough doesn't deserve to have his life ruined 311 00:21:28,560 --> 00:21:30,525 for one error of judgement. 312 00:21:31,905 --> 00:21:33,043 Don't you agree? 313 00:21:41,422 --> 00:21:43,629 [ominous music plays] 314 00:22:10,456 --> 00:22:11,698 [knocks on door] 315 00:22:13,077 --> 00:22:14,559 [approaching footsteps] 316 00:22:14,560 --> 00:22:16,179 [door opening] 317 00:22:16,180 --> 00:22:17,491 Hi. 318 00:22:22,387 --> 00:22:24,973 Not guilty. 319 00:22:24,974 --> 00:22:27,801 That was the worst thing that ever happened to me. 320 00:22:28,767 --> 00:22:31,248 I know you were working for me, but I didn't deserve it. 321 00:22:31,249 --> 00:22:32,835 Yes, you did. 322 00:22:32,836 --> 00:22:33,904 Everyone does. 323 00:22:33,905 --> 00:22:35,180 No. 324 00:22:36,732 --> 00:22:40,076 I didn't deserve to get off like that, like nothing even happened. 325 00:22:40,077 --> 00:22:43,146 You didn't get off. We took the manslaughter plea. 326 00:22:43,732 --> 00:22:45,455 And you carried out your sentence 327 00:22:45,456 --> 00:22:46,662 It was suspended. 328 00:22:46,663 --> 00:22:48,214 I didn't have to do anything. 329 00:22:48,215 --> 00:22:49,905 That's what a verdict is for. 330 00:22:50,318 --> 00:22:53,628 So you know what it takes for you to move on with your life. 331 00:22:53,629 --> 00:22:54,801 [laughs] 332 00:22:56,525 --> 00:22:58,422 It's worked out well, hasn't it? 333 00:23:04,491 --> 00:23:06,974 I deserve to go to prison for what I did. 334 00:23:08,456 --> 00:23:10,662 After the trial, I looked him up online. 335 00:23:10,663 --> 00:23:12,525 And do you know what, Ingrid? 336 00:23:14,836 --> 00:23:16,697 Craig Nevins was a good person. 337 00:23:16,698 --> 00:23:20,559 You can't talk to yourself like this, Oliver. 338 00:23:20,560 --> 00:23:22,836 He had his whole life ahead of him. 339 00:23:25,146 --> 00:23:29,111 Then he went to have some drinks with friends at the pub. 340 00:23:31,077 --> 00:23:32,594 And I killed him. 341 00:23:37,525 --> 00:23:40,767 You took away my one chance to make amends. 342 00:23:58,525 --> 00:24:00,111 Have you... 343 00:24:05,663 --> 00:24:08,974 Have you had any contact... 344 00:24:10,008 --> 00:24:13,043 with Judge Stuart since the trial? 345 00:24:21,525 --> 00:24:23,043 Your ring. 346 00:24:24,318 --> 00:24:27,387 The one I had you take off for court, do you remember? 347 00:24:28,249 --> 00:24:30,593 I can't believe I used to wear that thing. 348 00:24:30,594 --> 00:24:33,248 It's like it was a different person there that night. 349 00:24:33,249 --> 00:24:34,629 What happened to it? 350 00:24:36,008 --> 00:24:36,973 It was stolen. 351 00:24:36,974 --> 00:24:38,524 Stolen? 352 00:24:38,525 --> 00:24:40,732 My flat got broken into a couple of months ago. 353 00:24:41,146 --> 00:24:43,317 Was it just the ring that was taken? 354 00:24:43,318 --> 00:24:44,869 No. 355 00:24:44,870 --> 00:24:47,215 The ring was with the other stuff they took. 356 00:24:48,008 --> 00:24:50,214 It was a dodgy building in a shitty area. 357 00:24:50,215 --> 00:24:52,317 Did the police follow up... 358 00:24:52,318 --> 00:24:53,731 Did they catch anyone? 359 00:24:53,732 --> 00:24:55,456 No. 360 00:24:57,284 --> 00:24:58,870 I'm glad they took it though. 361 00:24:59,663 --> 00:25:02,111 I was wearing it. That night I... 362 00:25:08,180 --> 00:25:09,939 I just want it to be over. 363 00:25:11,560 --> 00:25:13,179 That's why I came here. 364 00:25:13,180 --> 00:25:14,456 To get away. 365 00:25:16,146 --> 00:25:17,525 To be safe. 366 00:25:18,560 --> 00:25:20,663 Safe from who? 367 00:25:25,456 --> 00:25:27,905 I didn't mean to... just now. 368 00:25:28,974 --> 00:25:31,387 I've been working on it, my anger. 369 00:25:32,043 --> 00:25:32,973 Books. 370 00:25:32,974 --> 00:25:34,076 And videos online. 371 00:25:34,077 --> 00:25:36,042 It's okay. 372 00:25:36,043 --> 00:25:37,974 Safe from who, Oliver? 373 00:25:39,111 --> 00:25:41,111 [tense music builds] 374 00:25:42,491 --> 00:25:44,422 I'll top you up. 375 00:25:57,387 --> 00:25:59,008 Thank you. 376 00:26:04,560 --> 00:26:06,869 There's something I didn't show the detective. 377 00:26:06,870 --> 00:26:08,008 What? 378 00:26:13,732 --> 00:26:16,938 I didn't want you to get in trouble, you were just doing your job. 379 00:26:16,939 --> 00:26:19,801 In trouble? What... what do you mean? What is it? 380 00:26:21,318 --> 00:26:23,456 I don't know how they got my email. 381 00:26:24,180 --> 00:26:26,835 Or who they are. 382 00:26:26,836 --> 00:26:28,905 They kept sending the same thing. 383 00:26:29,318 --> 00:26:32,077 I tried to contact them but it just bounced back. 384 00:26:42,111 --> 00:26:44,525 Do you think it might be relevant? 385 00:26:47,594 --> 00:26:49,801 [tense music plays] 386 00:27:31,008 --> 00:27:32,524 Whoever's behind this 387 00:27:32,525 --> 00:27:35,317 I am sure they one the ones that are harassing Gough, too. 388 00:27:35,318 --> 00:27:36,904 Look. 389 00:27:36,905 --> 00:27:38,731 This is an incidence report from student services 390 00:27:38,732 --> 00:27:41,283 from Oliver Gough's university 391 00:27:41,284 --> 00:27:44,145 about him attacking another student. 392 00:27:44,146 --> 00:27:47,766 He's been sent this from an anonymous email address. 393 00:27:47,767 --> 00:27:50,905 Someone else who has also managed to track him down. 394 00:27:51,801 --> 00:27:54,352 We haven't been able to pull any prints off the ring. 395 00:27:54,353 --> 00:27:56,629 So this could be something. 396 00:27:58,767 --> 00:28:01,110 I understand why Gough didn't want to see this. 397 00:28:01,111 --> 00:28:02,628 Oh, that's not the reason. 398 00:28:02,629 --> 00:28:05,008 He said he didn't want to get me into trouble. 399 00:28:06,732 --> 00:28:08,663 Why would he get you in trouble? 400 00:28:12,767 --> 00:28:14,938 Did you know about this before his trial? 401 00:28:14,939 --> 00:28:16,248 It came up. 402 00:28:16,249 --> 00:28:19,110 He's attacked someone in a student union. 403 00:28:19,111 --> 00:28:21,869 This proves that Oliver Gough had a history of assault. 404 00:28:21,870 --> 00:28:24,042 It shows that he's been in a fight before. 405 00:28:24,043 --> 00:28:25,146 A fight? 406 00:28:25,974 --> 00:28:28,835 What, seven stitches in the scalp and two broken ribs. 407 00:28:28,836 --> 00:28:30,455 He's beat the shit out of this kid. 408 00:28:30,456 --> 00:28:32,628 He won the fight. He didn'’t start it. 409 00:28:32,629 --> 00:28:34,559 So it looks to me like... 410 00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:36,283 He's assaulted another student 411 00:28:36,284 --> 00:28:38,973 and the university have covered it up because... 412 00:28:38,974 --> 00:28:40,973 what, because he's on the rugby team? 413 00:28:40,974 --> 00:28:42,317 Don't be ridiculous. 414 00:28:42,318 --> 00:28:43,835 They've dealt with it internally. 415 00:28:43,836 --> 00:28:46,421 This wasn't some grand conspiracy to protect him, okay? 416 00:28:46,422 --> 00:28:48,248 Listen, I've read up on this trial. 417 00:28:48,249 --> 00:28:52,179 The real victim, Craig Nevins, he was a decent young man. 418 00:28:52,180 --> 00:28:55,422 You made him out to be some violent reprobate. 419 00:28:55,801 --> 00:28:58,248 A scum of the earth terrorising the streets. 420 00:28:58,249 --> 00:29:02,421 Craig Nevins' character and behaviour on that night was relevant to the trial. 421 00:29:02,422 --> 00:29:05,490 While poor Oliver Gough was a good lad with a bright future 422 00:29:05,491 --> 00:29:07,767 who was just trying to defend himself. 423 00:29:08,422 --> 00:29:10,145 You made it a trial by character. 424 00:29:10,146 --> 00:29:11,490 That's very simplistic of you. 425 00:29:11,491 --> 00:29:13,490 Even though you knew it was a lie. 426 00:29:13,491 --> 00:29:15,628 I was under no obligation to disclose information 427 00:29:15,629 --> 00:29:17,421 hat didn't pertain to this case 428 00:29:17,422 --> 00:29:19,731 and it is not my responsibility to do the CPS's job for them. 429 00:29:19,732 --> 00:29:22,662 I've been in the police for, I think, 15 years. 430 00:29:22,663 --> 00:29:24,042 Wow. 431 00:29:24,043 --> 00:29:25,421 I know how the system works as well you do. 432 00:29:25,422 --> 00:29:27,317 It doesn't sound like that to me. 433 00:29:27,318 --> 00:29:31,456 At some point you have to choose between what is right and what is wrong. 434 00:29:34,491 --> 00:29:36,698 And do something about it. 435 00:29:48,043 --> 00:29:51,421 It looks like someone is trying to teach you a lesson. 436 00:29:51,422 --> 00:29:53,007 The ring. 437 00:29:53,008 --> 00:29:54,455 And the emails. 438 00:29:54,456 --> 00:29:56,214 Well, it must be one of the Nevins family 439 00:29:56,215 --> 00:30:00,077 because who else would want to hurt me, Belinda and Judge Stuart? 440 00:30:01,560 --> 00:30:03,836 Just another case for you, hey? 441 00:30:06,353 --> 00:30:08,698 [ominous music plays] 442 00:30:11,180 --> 00:30:12,801 I'll get us another one. 443 00:30:15,525 --> 00:30:16,593 That got heated. 444 00:30:16,594 --> 00:30:18,214 Where did you disappear to? 445 00:30:18,215 --> 00:30:19,628 I had to keep an eye on Gough. 446 00:30:19,629 --> 00:30:20,800 You can't be here. 447 00:30:20,801 --> 00:30:22,628 What did you find out from him? 448 00:30:22,629 --> 00:30:24,352 The police will deal with it, but you need to leave... 449 00:30:24,353 --> 00:30:26,076 You fully trust Nash now, do you? 450 00:30:26,077 --> 00:30:29,077 Because when he interviewed me at the station, he said... 451 00:30:29,491 --> 00:30:30,662 What are you doing here? 452 00:30:30,663 --> 00:30:33,248 Nash, Detective Sergeant Nash. 453 00:30:33,249 --> 00:30:35,490 - I'm arresting you for harassment. - It'’s not what you think. 454 00:30:35,491 --> 00:30:39,043 - Don'’t make such a show of this. She'’s not Emma. - Don't say anything. 455 00:30:43,353 --> 00:30:45,456 Stop! We drove here together. 456 00:30:46,422 --> 00:30:47,767 I asked him. 457 00:30:49,111 --> 00:30:51,491 I need his help finding Oliver Gough. 458 00:30:59,629 --> 00:31:01,317 I know what you're doing. 459 00:31:01,318 --> 00:31:03,678 - You're being unreasonable. - I can see through your games. 460 00:31:11,836 --> 00:31:14,043 You two deserve each other. 461 00:31:19,870 --> 00:31:21,697 You just don't know when to stop, do you? 462 00:31:21,698 --> 00:31:23,939 I don't know when to stop? 463 00:31:25,525 --> 00:31:26,524 Ingrid. 464 00:31:26,525 --> 00:31:28,353 Stay away from me. 465 00:31:34,491 --> 00:31:36,663 [ambient music plays] 466 00:32:47,111 --> 00:32:49,593 I thought you'd still take this route to Chambers. 467 00:32:49,594 --> 00:32:51,421 You've not been returning my calls. 468 00:32:51,422 --> 00:32:54,008 No, I haven't. 469 00:32:54,525 --> 00:32:56,524 The police picked up CCTV footage 470 00:32:56,525 --> 00:32:58,766 of me on the motorway driving back from Wales 471 00:32:58,767 --> 00:33:00,904 when Judge Stuart was killed, so... 472 00:33:00,905 --> 00:33:04,628 I'm no longer a person of interest in case you were wondering. 473 00:33:04,629 --> 00:33:06,524 I, erm, spent the night in a cell 474 00:33:06,525 --> 00:33:08,559 and all I could think of was 475 00:33:08,560 --> 00:33:12,180 how could you possibly believe that I had anything to do with this? 476 00:33:12,732 --> 00:33:15,662 And then, I realised... 477 00:33:15,663 --> 00:33:17,491 Why would you trust me? 478 00:33:21,318 --> 00:33:23,455 Why were you sending those cards 479 00:33:23,456 --> 00:33:25,043 to Flora's parents? 480 00:33:26,318 --> 00:33:28,317 I have a lot to be sorry for. 481 00:33:28,318 --> 00:33:30,111 I wanted them to know that. 482 00:33:31,284 --> 00:33:34,766 It breaks my heart that you think I had anything to do with this. 483 00:33:34,767 --> 00:33:36,698 Look, with everything happening, 484 00:33:37,215 --> 00:33:38,835 I don't know who to trust. 485 00:33:38,836 --> 00:33:41,560 If anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. 486 00:33:42,594 --> 00:33:44,559 I'm not the person you think I am, Mark. 487 00:33:44,560 --> 00:33:45,628 Yes, you are. 488 00:33:45,629 --> 00:33:47,731 No, I'm not. I wish I was. 489 00:33:47,732 --> 00:33:50,283 But I'm not. Do you remember when I went to Bristol? 490 00:33:50,284 --> 00:33:51,835 For that fraud case 491 00:33:51,836 --> 00:33:52,869 and I told you I had to stay over for the trial. 492 00:33:52,870 --> 00:33:54,560 I lied to you. 493 00:33:59,284 --> 00:34:00,525 I was with him. 494 00:34:01,284 --> 00:34:02,560 With who? 495 00:34:07,008 --> 00:34:08,387 Webster. 496 00:34:09,491 --> 00:34:10,870 Did you sleep with him? 497 00:34:16,905 --> 00:34:17,905 Yeah? 498 00:34:18,836 --> 00:34:20,455 Sorry, I wanted to tell you and... 499 00:34:20,456 --> 00:34:22,043 No, no, no. 500 00:34:25,215 --> 00:34:26,594 You're right. 501 00:34:30,284 --> 00:34:31,767 I don't know who you are. 502 00:34:34,318 --> 00:34:36,525 [sombre music plays] 503 00:34:54,456 --> 00:34:57,008 [music becomes more energetic and tense] 504 00:35:48,111 --> 00:35:50,353 Tom. 505 00:35:52,801 --> 00:35:55,180 The crown versus Oliver Gough. 506 00:35:55,870 --> 00:35:58,455 That's one of the cases you worked with Belinda on. 507 00:35:58,456 --> 00:36:00,698 Yeah. The victim was Craig Nevins. 508 00:36:01,525 --> 00:36:03,214 Police have the details. 509 00:36:03,215 --> 00:36:06,007 Yeah, I know but do you remember any of Craig Nevins' family members 510 00:36:06,008 --> 00:36:07,491 who attended court? 511 00:36:07,905 --> 00:36:11,317 Well, only went to court once myself. 512 00:36:11,318 --> 00:36:13,042 It's not like they sign in. 513 00:36:13,043 --> 00:36:15,214 Excuse us, Tom. Can I have a private word, Ingrid? 514 00:36:15,215 --> 00:36:16,767 Outside. 515 00:36:22,663 --> 00:36:23,974 [heavy door opens] 516 00:36:26,836 --> 00:36:29,042 I just received a call from DS Nash. 517 00:36:29,043 --> 00:36:31,386 Why? What's happened? Has someone else been killed? 518 00:36:31,387 --> 00:36:32,870 It's about you, Ingrid. 519 00:36:34,767 --> 00:36:36,938 Look, if this is about the Oliver Gough trial... 520 00:36:36,939 --> 00:36:39,835 No, this is nothing to do with any trial. That's the problem. 521 00:36:39,836 --> 00:36:43,387 This is about you obstructing a police investigation. 522 00:36:45,180 --> 00:36:46,490 So, it's true. 523 00:36:46,491 --> 00:36:48,076 No, he's blown this out of proportion. 524 00:36:48,077 --> 00:36:51,110 - I didn't tamper with evidence... - I have a vested interest 525 00:36:51,111 --> 00:36:52,835 in this investigation 526 00:36:52,836 --> 00:36:55,145 Sorry, Angus, why are you being so formal with me? 527 00:36:55,146 --> 00:36:57,042 - All I'm trying to do is get answers. - I'’d like the CPS to be able to 528 00:36:57,043 --> 00:36:59,767 prosecute the guilty party once the police apprehend them. 529 00:37:02,732 --> 00:37:04,593 DS Nash had no business calling you. 530 00:37:04,594 --> 00:37:06,663 Can't you see he's trying to help you? 531 00:37:07,318 --> 00:37:10,146 You committed an offence obstructing a police officer. 532 00:37:10,663 --> 00:37:14,560 He told me you'd been tracking down relevant parties yourself. 533 00:37:15,043 --> 00:37:16,455 If he'd arrested you 534 00:37:16,456 --> 00:37:18,042 this could have ended up with you being disbarred. 535 00:37:18,043 --> 00:37:20,731 - Someone is trying to kill me. - And I lost my wife 536 00:37:20,732 --> 00:37:22,835 and the mother of my children. 537 00:37:22,836 --> 00:37:25,110 But you don't see me running around playing vigilante. 538 00:37:25,111 --> 00:37:26,559 Illegally obtaining addresses. 539 00:37:26,560 --> 00:37:28,076 We're lawyers. 540 00:37:28,077 --> 00:37:30,008 There are standards. 541 00:37:32,525 --> 00:37:34,352 How do you know it was DS Nash? 542 00:37:34,353 --> 00:37:35,904 What? 543 00:37:35,905 --> 00:37:38,386 How do you know it was DS Nash who called you... 544 00:37:38,387 --> 00:37:39,490 Oh, for goodness sake. 545 00:37:39,491 --> 00:37:41,869 Look, I know it sounds crazy... 546 00:37:41,870 --> 00:37:43,800 You've admitted to engaging a crime while 547 00:37:43,801 --> 00:37:45,800 representing these chambers and I will not have it. 548 00:37:45,801 --> 00:37:49,629 Why do you keep trying to stop me? What do you have to hide? 549 00:37:56,043 --> 00:37:59,215 I think you should start looking for somewhere else to work from. 550 00:37:59,767 --> 00:38:03,800 I don't want to start formal proceedings against you, but I would... 551 00:38:03,801 --> 00:38:05,043 if I had to. 552 00:38:10,698 --> 00:38:12,905 [ominous music plays] 553 00:38:32,974 --> 00:38:35,077 I was actually starting to trust you. 554 00:38:35,560 --> 00:38:38,352 You told Angus about me going to see Oliver Gough 555 00:38:38,353 --> 00:38:39,800 obstructing a police officer. 556 00:38:39,801 --> 00:38:41,007 What? 557 00:38:41,008 --> 00:38:42,731 Do you think if you ruined my career 558 00:38:42,732 --> 00:38:45,662 you're all I'll have left? 559 00:38:45,663 --> 00:38:49,179 This is my life you are playing with. Do you understand? 560 00:38:49,180 --> 00:38:50,697 I don't want any of that at all. 561 00:38:50,698 --> 00:38:52,973 You losing your job is the last thing I want. 562 00:38:52,974 --> 00:38:55,180 Because I've seen you in court, you're... 563 00:38:55,629 --> 00:38:56,938 fierce, alive. 564 00:38:56,939 --> 00:38:58,800 That's when I fell in love with you. 565 00:38:58,801 --> 00:39:00,628 Okay, but when are you going to realise I'm on your side 566 00:39:00,629 --> 00:39:03,008 and everything I'm doing is to protect you? 567 00:39:04,629 --> 00:39:07,145 How can I trust you? I can't trust anyone 568 00:39:07,146 --> 00:39:08,801 You can trust me. 569 00:39:09,905 --> 00:39:11,008 You can. 570 00:39:12,870 --> 00:39:15,559 Because I'm not like anyone else in your life. 571 00:39:15,560 --> 00:39:17,248 I'm not like Mark. 572 00:39:17,249 --> 00:39:19,869 Weekends with the in-laws and bingeing boxsets on TV. 573 00:39:19,870 --> 00:39:21,248 I'm not like Nash. 574 00:39:21,249 --> 00:39:24,043 You saw how he reacted in the pub, you can't trust him. 575 00:39:26,146 --> 00:39:27,698 I don't want the fake Ingrid. 576 00:39:28,767 --> 00:39:30,491 I want the real thing. 577 00:39:39,284 --> 00:39:40,455 That... 578 00:39:40,456 --> 00:39:42,836 Message sent to Oliver Gough... 579 00:39:43,870 --> 00:39:46,214 About the previous attack at his university. 580 00:39:46,215 --> 00:39:47,766 It was sent from... 581 00:39:47,767 --> 00:39:50,904 Durbs454@mailmeforfree.com. 582 00:39:50,905 --> 00:39:53,353 A random name on an untraceable address. 583 00:39:55,008 --> 00:39:57,248 Okay, so how is that useful then? 584 00:39:57,249 --> 00:40:00,145 Because if someone's been logging on to that account 585 00:40:00,146 --> 00:40:01,869 from an address in Leytonstone 586 00:40:01,870 --> 00:40:04,663 on multiple occasions in the last few weeks. 587 00:40:06,905 --> 00:40:08,043 It's something. 588 00:40:08,836 --> 00:40:10,421 Whoever's been logging on to that account 589 00:40:10,422 --> 00:40:12,698 from there may have killed two people. 590 00:40:15,732 --> 00:40:17,939 We should take this to the police. 591 00:40:19,732 --> 00:40:21,524 Sorry, you just told me not to trust Nash. 592 00:40:21,525 --> 00:40:23,352 Not Nash. DI Winstanley. 593 00:40:23,353 --> 00:40:27,353 I meant what I said. Keeping you safe. That'’s all I care about. 594 00:40:32,284 --> 00:40:33,559 Tell me the truth. 595 00:40:33,560 --> 00:40:36,870 Did you break any laws getting this? 596 00:40:39,077 --> 00:40:42,110 Yes. 597 00:40:42,111 --> 00:40:46,663 If we take this to the police I will have to tell them how I got it. 598 00:40:47,801 --> 00:40:49,559 And it could end my career. 599 00:40:49,560 --> 00:40:51,214 Over a piece of evidence 600 00:40:51,215 --> 00:40:54,077 that will probably lead nowhere, so... 601 00:40:55,284 --> 00:40:57,421 I will check it out myself. 602 00:40:57,422 --> 00:41:00,524 And if it is anything, then I'll take it to DI Winstanley. 603 00:41:00,525 --> 00:41:02,422 It's not safe... 604 00:41:03,249 --> 00:41:04,663 to go alone. 605 00:41:11,249 --> 00:41:12,629 Let me come with you. 606 00:41:17,215 --> 00:41:18,594 I can't force you. 607 00:41:23,560 --> 00:41:25,629 [ominous music plays] 608 00:41:39,974 --> 00:41:41,043 Here. 609 00:41:42,318 --> 00:41:44,421 You sure this is the right place? 610 00:41:44,422 --> 00:41:45,835 Yeah. 611 00:41:45,836 --> 00:41:47,836 This is where the IP address traces to. 612 00:41:57,422 --> 00:41:59,629 [heavy door opens] 613 00:42:00,111 --> 00:42:02,111 [tense music builds] 614 00:42:41,801 --> 00:42:43,800 Craig Nevins, he had a big family 615 00:42:43,801 --> 00:42:47,456 a lot of brothers, cousins, friends. 616 00:42:48,456 --> 00:42:49,905 Yeah, so? 617 00:42:50,939 --> 00:42:53,525 You saw them in court. What did you think of them? 618 00:42:53,974 --> 00:42:57,008 Hmm, they didn'’t like the way I portrayed Craig. 619 00:42:58,284 --> 00:43:00,835 They were upset, 620 00:43:00,836 --> 00:43:03,801 volatile, but victims' families often are. 621 00:43:06,560 --> 00:43:09,248 Didn't get that feeling from them though. 622 00:43:09,249 --> 00:43:10,594 What feeling? 623 00:43:12,111 --> 00:43:13,767 That they were dangerous. 624 00:43:23,422 --> 00:43:25,629 [ominous music plays] 625 00:43:58,387 --> 00:44:00,422 This is my case. 626 00:44:12,801 --> 00:44:15,456 It's me. My name is everywhere. 627 00:44:18,801 --> 00:44:21,043 They have all my case files. 628 00:44:36,146 --> 00:44:38,456 Someone's been here recently. 629 00:44:53,491 --> 00:44:55,698 [thud as Webster groans] 630 00:44:58,939 --> 00:45:00,974 [Ingrid moans] 631 00:45:09,111 --> 00:45:10,559 [Webster gasps heavily] 632 00:45:10,560 --> 00:45:13,077 John! The laptop! 633 00:45:13,629 --> 00:45:15,836 [intense, rumbling music plays] 634 00:45:38,215 --> 00:45:40,422 [Ingrid groans] 635 00:46:27,525 --> 00:46:29,077 John! John! 636 00:46:30,456 --> 00:46:32,317 John. John! 637 00:46:32,318 --> 00:46:33,629 John! 638 00:46:39,146 --> 00:46:41,353 [music intensifies]